#we never really hear about the emperor of 1000 galaxies again and i hate it
cheese-rat29 · 2 months
a great but devastating thing about doctor who is that each episode is in itself its own world. infinite possibilities and stories to be told all because of one 45 minutes slot of television.
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magnet-rose · 6 years
The Division Bell - Reylo Fic
Wasn’t sure if I wanted to start posting this here, but figured why not?
PREFACE: I am not new to Star Wars, but I am new to the Reylo shipping. When TFA came out I didn’t really latch onto a pairing, and of course now the TLJ is out I have seen what I should have seen AGES ago. I think I honestly didn’t believe that Reylo would ever be a thing because the dynamics of characters like that is MY JAM and so rarely happens when I want it to! So, that being said, I have never written a Star Wars fic. At least not one that ever left my brain (re: obsessed at a child/teen but didn’t know the wonders of fanfic).  So if I make inconsistencies with the canon (Legacy or otherwise), I apologize, also if I rehash stuff that’s been done a billion times I’m sorry but as of today I’ve read like five reylo fics!  I’ve been trying to read up on the back info on the Star Wars Wikia so bear with me!
Updates might be sparse (busy working adult, working on original fic stuff) but I’ve got an ending already in mind, so I should be able to push through until the end. Not sure how long it’s going to end up being but I promise to do my best and bring a good story no matter what.
Chapter 1 A New Machine  
It starts with a death.
High above the Endor moon a battle of blades and wills rages. The Emperor laughs as his apprentice attempts to take down his only son.
Attendant Snoke stares out from an antechamber, he had visited the Emperor to view the new battle station. The Emperor had been trying to create a partnership with the Attendants and he was here to see if such a partnership would be fruitful. He and the guards that attended to the Emperor the had been sent away prior to the arrival of Vader and Skywalker but Snoke had stayed just out of sight. The Emperor always held his most important apprentice up on a pedestal and he wanted to see this dark force user.
Then he sees the betrayal of the Emperor. Vader was indeed powerful, but he was also weak. He had been built poorly. Snoke looks for an escape, he can sense the movements of the force and sees this battle station is on the verge of destruction. Snoke steals out the back and flies away in an emergency ship that only a select few of Palpatine’s servants knew about he also brings with him the few members of the Emperor’s small ruling council. Inside the ship is everything needed to build the Empire back from whatever vestiges the rebels leave behind.
Snoke manages to rally the support structure and secure a dozen of the credit accounts of the Empire before the New Republic freezes everything. In the darkness of of a quiet corner of the the galaxy he begins to rebuild what the Emperor squandered. The Emperor got his wish, the Attendants would create a partnership with the Empire, but it would be under Snoke’s command, and not a weak human like the Emperor.
If the Emperor had taken the time to see that he had built his Empire on weak foundations then maybe he wouldn’t have died, wouldn’t have made the mistake of letting Vader get the best of him. But now, Supreme Leader Snoke, began the search for his own apprentice, someone to help him secure his place in this faulty part of the galaxy and give the Attendants their rightful place of rule.
As the years pass he keeps an ear close to the ground and hears that the leader of the New Republic is not only an untrained force user, but the twin of Luke Skywalker and daughter of Vader. He thinks and plans at first to go after her, maybe he can turn her to his way, but when he reaches out across the chasm of space he finds a steel trap mind and one that would not be easily molded. It might bear fruit in the end but it would take too long.
He’s almost ready to give up on that option when he sees something even better. Leia Organa is with child. He knows then. He knows exactly what he needs to do.
Ben is born into a happy family. As a newborn he is all smiles and strong fingers. His parents feel complete. He was wanted. He was given everything he needed. His family loved him.
Ben is an infant. Some nights he wakes his parents up, they aren’t sure what is happening, but they are nightmares that scare him awake.
Ben is four years old. They are having dinner when he tells his parents about his new friend Snowman. They smile and chuckle thinking it’s a cute name for one of his friends. But how could they know the truth?
Ben is six years old. He is sitting in the office of the school administrator. Ben is stoic except for the hot tears streaming down his face. He had just set fire to the robes of a boy who had been bullying him about his ears. When they ask why he did it, he tells them his friend Snowman told him to do it.
The school administrator is as baffled as his parents. There is no such person or child at the school.
That’s when Han and Leia start to worry.
Ben is ten years old. He fitfully sleeps most nights, there are always bad dreams, and dark whispers on the other side of sleep. That night something else wakes him: the sound of a baby crying.
He gets up and not hearing it again steps out into the hallway. His parents are sitting in the kitchen talking in low voices, but he can tell it’s not a happy conversation. They have been arguing more frequently and even though they say it isn’t his fault, the voice at the back of his mind tells him otherwise. He’s not sure who to believe.
He doesn’t see a baby anywhere and almost turns to go back to bed when the voices of his parents rise slightly. He tucks himself behind a couch in the living room and listens to them.
“...going away...”
“...for a few weeks...”
“...you promised Ben...”
Ben frowns and he picks at the bits of Chewie’s hair from the back of the couch. It always seemed to be on everything. His dad was leaving again. His mom always got really stressed out before he left and sometimes after he left too.
It’s because he doesn’t love you. Snowman says. Ben ignores the voice at the back of his mind. He was already thinking it, but the reminder didn’t help.
His parents are getting louder and he tries to hunch into a ball to shut it and Snowman out but they are both getting louder.
It’s only a matter of time. They both really hate you. They’ll send you away. Snowman says sadly.
“No.” Ben mutters.
“What happened to the job here?!” Mom is saying.
“He backed out of the deal!” Dad replies.
“You mean you sabotaged it!”
“What? No!”
Louder and louder. They can’t be free because of you! Snowman shouts.
Ben’s face is covered in tears of fear and rage he stands up and screams. The furniture around him explodes away, pictures on the wall crack, the light in the hallway fractures and begins to hiss.
Finally all three of the voices are quiet. His parents are staring at him and all he sees in their faces is fear.
Rey is born into an unhappy family. Her mother was as kind as she could be, but she didn’t want to be saddled with a child. It was hard enough to get through a day without a child to care for. Her father would rather do his few trading jobs during the day and come home and drink after. Neither of them wanted a child. Everything was a trade, come and go, ebb and flow. And while they discussed the possibility of giving her up for adoption, they knew no one would pay a fair price for a newborn, not when it took more work to feed and care for her than it was worth.
The father tried to find some hopeless rich spinster to buy the child but not a lot of people were willing to deal with dirty junk traders like them.
Rey is two years old. She’s been inconsolable all day. Something is upsetting her and the father and mother can’t figure out what’s wrong. They have been stranded on dirty sweaty Jakku for three months. Everyone’s nerves are already frayed and the broken ship isn’t getting fixed.  
Ben is twelve. The day that Snowman--no, Snoke--had predicted was here. His parents were sending him away with Uncle Luke. He tries to hide his frustration and anger but Snoke is always at the back of his mind telling him to put that anger to use so he has a hard time keeping the resentment from showing on his face.
His father has never been very good about emotions. But Ben knows when he’s trying. Dad hands him a little wooden box. “Your mom says you’ve been getting into calligraphy, I got this for you from a merchant on Corsica.”
Ben takes the box and holds it like a baby. It will become one of his most cherished possessions. But it doesn’t take the sting away from being sent away.
Rey is five years old. She is having a bad day. Most of her days are good, she’s generally a happy child, full of light and life, she’s even become the joy of her mother’s life in some respects.
But today she is feeling like the world is ending. She keeps hitting things and acting out.
“I’ve had enough,” the father says. “Plutt has agreed to take her in exchange for a graphene chamber and 1000 credits.”
“Oh,” the mother says. She feels conflicted about it, but her nerves are shot and she really wants a drink.
They drop her off with Plutt and take the money. Rey doesn’t realize they are leaving her until she sees them head for the ship but the man named Unkar Plutt is holding her arm. They don’t look back. Rey cries for them to come back. She wonders what she did wrong. The day just never got better.
Ben is fifteen years old. He has woken up to his Uncle holding a lightsaber over him.
Do it. You knew this day would come. Snoke says to him.
He opens himself up to the rage, he finally lets his anger lead the way. His own uncle was thinking about killing him. Bad enough that his parents had sent him off to this godforsaken planet with a dozen people he didn’t know. He hated it, he hates his uncle. He destroys everything around, the little hut that each of the students got crumbles around him and buries Skywalker.
The other students come out to see what happened.
“Luke Skywalker just attempted to kill me! We are not safe here. Come with me.”
Some of them try to argue with him. Some try to figure out what happened. Some try to say that Ben is the one at fault. Those are the first to die. Blinded by rage he kills one by one the other students who didn’t want to come with, and with the handful of others he steals a ship and flies into the waiting grasp of Supreme Leader Snoke.
As he kneels at Snoke’s feet, the ancient creature of a man stands tall. “Kill Ben Solo. He means nothing and is nothing anymore, but now with me you can mean everything. That is a mask given to you to hide who you truly are. I give you the name… Kylo Ren. Become who you are supposed to be. I will make you strong Ren, follow me and we will hold this galaxy together.”
TBC... obvs
Next chapter
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