#we randomly meet eye contact sometimes tho and its hella awkward
angryborzois · 10 months
how do people keep confusing me for this one person
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haiyuta · 7 years
Closet Confessions || Taeil
Group: Nct
Member: Taeil
Genre: fluffy
Word Count: 1532
Anon Request: Hello!! Hope u are doing fine 💕 I really need to request for some NCT Taeil scenario since I love him and there aren't a lot of fanfics or imagines for him. Well maybe the reader has a huge crush on taeil who is her cute classmate, he noticed she gets so shy and serious with him so taeil thinks she doesn't like him but actually she gets nervous cuz he is so cute and perfect, she tries to avoid him but taeil is so sweet and kind that ask her if he did something to bother her (bad English sorry)
A/n: Hello thank you for this awesome request!! Its so detailed I love it thank you.  I hope I did it right. Taeil is so underrated hes so sweet and squishy and awkward. 
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You sighed resting your chin on your hand as you tried not to be too obvious as you sneak looks at your crush. Your eyes wandered around the classroom making it look like you were following what your friend was saying but your eyes would gravitate to Moon Taeil.
Your eyes would naturally find him sitting across the classroom, as he talked to his own friends. You let out a small inward sigh admiring his gentle smile, wide shoulder, and cute little nose scrunch. 
"Hey Y/n are you listening to me?" your friend asked snapping her finger to gain your attention. "Oh yeah sorry I was thinking," you said.
Your friend sighed "girl Taeil is going to think you're a weirdo with that dreamy look you've had at him for the past months" she commented. “It’s been months, hasn't it?" Months of you slowly admiring Taeil for his kind ways and singing. To slowly falling for his looks and personality. 
Who wouldn't have a crush on Moon Taeil was just perfect. He was an inspiring singer, sociable when needed, helpful and kind. You only got to talk to him a few times or so. From random projects to taking books to other classrooms he has really charmed his way into your heart. He seemed like he always wanted to talk to you more but you avoided him not wanting to act shy and weird. 
It was also very hard to approach and just confess to the Nct boys. Taeil and his group know to ignore/reject confessions. You guessed they were very particular. Most of the group got a confession on weekly. Especially popular ones like Jaehyun. So you tried to suppress your romantic feelings toward him. He was so perfect and sweet and were far from it. 
You frowned your brows "a dreamy look is it that obvious" you asked turning your attention away from her to eye Taeil who was staring right back at you. A blush rose fast snapping your head back to avoid his gaze. "I agree," you told her trying to hide from Taeil.
The bell rung suddenly as he said ”Don't forget the festival assignments are here guys please get in contact with your group” our teacher warned us. 
Oh yeah, the festival that was coming up. A full day of students bringing cultural booths, games, and food. You just randomly choose which station you would be at.
"So anyway as I was saying I heard Taeyong was going to sign up for the cleanup team after the festival so I signed up for that" your friend explained.
"Don't you hate cleaning?" you questioned her. She sighed "Yes I do but if I can get closer to Taeyong" she whispered his name. "That would make my life I swear," she said all giddy at her luck.
"So y/n what did you sign up for," she asked as everyone went to the sheet of paper in the front telling us our jobs. "I forgot something like a cafe or something," you said.
"Just not singing since I know Taeil would be there," you said getting closer to the sheet of paper. Taeil seemed relatively happy you spotted a large grin on Taeils face. You inwardly smiled happy that he was happy. 
After everyone cleared out you finally got to see your area. "Okay, I got barista bar with" your finger slide down the paper. Stopping at the bottom that read Moon Taeil.
How fate played you that day. You thought you were one step ahead of fate but they had other plans for you. You glanced across the table to see Taeil lightly playing with some paper to pass the time as we waited for our team leader to finish some details. 
After you found out you were on the cafe team you had a mini freak out then followed by a small mass texting all your close friends about it.
Right now you were in a meeting about the festival sitting across from the handsome moon Taeil. Awkward was an understatement your shoulders straight and you regretted not wearing makeup today.
You felt shy anything your gazes would connect your eyes shifted away from him. Your fingers tapping gently against the table gently.
"So Y/n are you excited for the cafe thing" Taeil spoke up. You looked up from your phone giving a weak smile “I guess" you replied with ease. You looked anywhere but at him.You were hella nervous being so close to him "Oh I mean have you ever made coffee or baked goods," he asked again trying to start a conversation.
In your heart, you wanted to just act normal and talk to him all casual like. Being nervous and awkward your emotions shut off a little.Actually a little cold and distant not wanting to alert him that you were eager to be in the same group as him. 
"Yeah I bake a lot," you said glancing at him, He was interested in your baking. As you dazed off of making him some chocolate for valentine day  
Taeil was so striking up close you could barely breathe sometimes from those brown locks to his small nose.  The girl next to you inserted herself into the conversation explaining how she won like 12 baking competitions. 
You noted Taeil hung on to her words and nodded in understanding. Your heart craved that attention but your mouth could barely form anything near him.
"Okay team good meeting we'll have a very successful cafe this year," the team leader said at the end of the table. A chorus of agreement filled the table as you all got up ready to leave.
"Hey Y/n maybe I can teach you how to make some expert coffee," Taeil said. You looked over at him giving him a quick "not likely" you said way to serious for your liking and walked away. In your mind, you wanted to tell him it was because you hated coffee. But the words never came out.
The day of the festival was lively as possible. A mix of various tents and classroms with haunted houses or food classes. You looked down to see your small maid uniform that was supposed to show off the cute aspect of the waitresses. If you knew it was a maid cafe you wouldn't have signed up.
Walking down the hallway you thought about Taeil. You felt lucky he was on your team but also somewhat conflicted about him. 
He was helpful and generally liked he seemed like he didn’t even see after everyone tried to get closer to him. But right now you were in a closet with brown boxes in your arms are you got the napkins out. This was your job it was okay.
"Hey Y/n are you done in here," Taeil asked suddenly, you were surprised at his voice it caused you to drop the napkins. "Damn it" you mumbled looking at the mess. A worried look started across his face "Sorry Y/n I'll help you" he said.
Behind him, the door slowly closed. You sighed picking up the napkins that fell "we probably will need new ones" you mumbled because they were so dirty. Taeil nodded in agreement "I'll tell team leader" he said getting up to the door
"You don't have to." You could feel Taeil eyes staring you down.  He was silent and as you glanced up you seen a small frown on your lips.
You heard a jerk sound from the door "Um" he hummed. You looked up in dread "Is it locked?" you semi yelled. You ran to the door jerking it but it wouldn't budge.
"It's not that bad I'll just text Taeyong his shift beans in like 15 minutes," Taeil said. You nodded trying to calm yourself down. Fate played you again today and locked you in the supply closet with Taeil.
It was silent for a second you decided to place yourself as far away from Taeil as possible. Being this close to him was making your whole body tingle and your heart race.
It felt smaller than it was a Taeil mildly played on his phone.
"Um Y/n can I confess something," Taeil said. You observed him for a second "sure I guess" you said. Taeil had a cheesy little smile on his face. "I really was excited to work with you today I mean" he stopped.
"I mean I really wanted to work with you but you seem not to like me," Taeil said. But you did like him, like him so much you would do almost anything to see him be happy.
"Yeah you don't like me very much I can tell," he said looking at you with those eyes.
"I like you" you confessed suddenly. Mentally hitting yourself about what you just said. "I mean" you paused feeling a heat rise yo your cheeks. As you stared at Taeil under the dim lights in the closet.
"You like me" he said his voice and face perked up That cute little excited face he put on. "Yeah, I've had a crush on you for a while" you admitted pushing your hands into your face in embarrassment. “But I’m just shy so I tend to give off an angry vibe,” you told him. 
“Can I admit another thing?” Taeil said. You nodded feeling really embarrassed  “I followed you to try to talk to you but my stupid self-closed the door,” he said. 
“Yeah that was kinda stupid,” you said feeling your stomach tingle at the situation. Even tho
It was silent for a moment. Your heart spun at your confession as you silently regretted this confession.
Until you felt Taeil come closer as he lightly grabbed your hand. He spoke up "sorry I'm so awkward."
Suddenly the door opened. "Taeil the cafe needs you so I ran here," Taeyong said. "Oh, crap we gotta go," Taeil said. Your friend popped her head in and gave you a look.
You grabbed the plastic bag of napkins suddenly Taeil grabbed your hand to head to the cafe area. It was like slow motion as dorky as it sounds. Taeil brown hair flowing across his forehead as his large hand holds yours.
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