#but maybe its the vibe??? we have very different aesthetics tho
angryborzois · 10 months
how do people keep confusing me for this one person
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Guys wake up the yourlocalabstraction-ified Heart and Mind designs just dropped
Text translations below!
added annotations that aren’t on the canvas will be italicized
Notes for Mind:
I have a LOT of ideas
Hair has floof but still is angular
Ball jointed
Cane to help w/ inefficient/rusty leg joints. I think it doubles as a cool looking septer too. This isnt fully scrapped, i plan to use this occasionally!! The cane will probably resemble an umbrella and have more sun motifs because yes
A metal petticoat thing would be really neat however idk if i can make it work .__. [spoiler alert, it didnt work]
Paint chipped from Juno incident [Juno aimed for his heart. Like that would do anything]
Sun on da back,,,
Mind-coded brush dump [reference the 753356 brush swatches]
This canvas has like 80 layers please send help
Voice modulator is normally covered when he’s around the others. Poor bby
Adding random notes to fill the canvas
Crown goes away towards the end of cacophony, somewhere btw. Light + TWWAY since bro no longer needs to assert dominance. [comes back every reset though ofc]
Can visualize ideas via hologram [inspired by NaraArts in the CJFS]
Him jumpscare
Notes for Heart:
Maybe has a life support thing? (Idk what they’re called). Perhaps bc he’s blind, the lil heart can give him info about his environment. Or it could help him express his emotions (i have no idea what i meant by this. Maybe its like an emotional support creature). Idfk man. Plus its a more unique take ig. Annnnd spoiler alert this whole idea was scrapped. Will it ever come back? We may never know.
Drastic height difference??? (Between him and the life support thing)
Longer, majestic blindfold tails
Thicker hips to contrast Mind’s proportions
No wings, around-back wings, lil but impractical wings, arm wings (i ended up going for arm wings)
W.o. Blindfold: Injury from middle prong (i have realized the correct word is tine. My b) (also when drawing his face in the future I’ll probably draw his injuries more prominent because its more realistic)
Going for more rounded lips
Probably is very self conscious of his face, especially after the trident incident. Poor bby <3
Idea: wing cloak?!? Heart-shaped knot over da heart (this was also scrapped)
Will be continued on another canvas! He needs a fit…
Ngl im struggling a bit. I want something wing-like but im not exactly sure how to portray it .__. All i know is we gotta have rounded shapes + moon symbols ig
I kinda want him to have a more traditional? Classy? Vibe (nvm i went for smth more cozy) to contrast Mind’s industrial aesthetic.
[arrow pointing to my sona] paranoid that seeing 2 billion HMS fan designs has ruined my ability to create a unique interpretation
Side of the leg view: feathery floof
Ourple veins!! (Maybe not this dark tho)
Socks !!
Idea: he stiches (I MISSPELLED THAT FUCK) on patches that represent Whole’s favorite and/or current and/or most prominent memories. Or maybe Mind sews on new ones every Concord once they become besties,,, THE PLATONIC BONDING POTENTIAL AAAA *STIM STIM STIMMMM*
If you read this far, here. (gives you a grilled cheese sandwich)
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heterophobicdyke · 3 months
Hey! I'm the anon from 2 days ago who was talking about the lesbian struggles with being desired.
Thank you for your replies, it's a comfort just to hear I'm not the only who's struggled with this.
I used to be very self-conscious in public, very much thinking about what strangers near me on the bus or wherever were thinking about what I looked like, and would like, adjust how I sit so my legs wouldn't look "as" big, that kind of thing. Somehow intensely aware of gender standards and feeling like I was always on trial for passing them or not. Did not know I was gay at the time.
Eventually, with delving into feminism and its theory, it helped me a LOT, to rebel against these thoughts and let my body be, to just think about what was comfortable for me. That was a tremendous change and felt way more free. I went from being hyper aware to not really caring, and feeling my body as the neutral thing it is.
But even with that, it's hard to get to a next step of seeing something beautiful or worthy of compliments in it. I got to a comfortable, freeing stage, of using my body and feeling confident using it, but /looking/ at it and accepting compliments is still very difficult. I'm grateful for it, see it as my vessel, but not much beyond that, and that, I believe is why it's hard to comprehend why my body could elicit desire in someone else.
Like yeah I'm not attracted to myself, I get it, but still weirds me out a bit that anyone can be? I think you said it was helpful to you to have women fall in love with your mind, and I completely agree, I think that was essential for me to have this foundation because I doubt I could pursue a romantic relationship if that wasn't the case.
Still, someone else wanting my body doesn't feel like wanting me, I guess, I feel separate from it even though I am comfortable in it. Being in it is great; looking at it creates the separation. So that's an odd one to figure out, cause I don't actively hate my body?? I do push away compliments because they feel silly and I know that's not good, I'm trying to be better at thag, but I genuinely don't know how to take them, except nodding politely and saying thanks. Like it doesn't turn me on to hear compliments, it does the opposite 'cause then the focus is on me. Which I feel like is a key difference when I read about people being self conscious? Seems like being complimented affirms them and makes them feel better.
Agh, this is already a long message so I'll leave it here for now. Hope it's not too much :') It is nice to share with other gay women 🩷
bestie we are on the same dang journey. "But even with that, it's hard to get to a next step of seeing something beautiful or worthy of compliments in it." YES! i also relate to "someone else wanting my body doesn't feel like wanting me."
like i can understand why someone would fall for my mind and personality, i don't think i lack in that department, but society taught me my body will be the let down. i'm specifically weird about my boobs (not as much as pre-25 tho, age does make it better) because they are just not "pretty." and i'm not into "pretty" aesthetics myself nor care for it as a concept, i'm into strong and androgynous and butch, but the women who are into me typically ARE into "pretty" bc i do have feminine idiosyncracies and vibes despite the assertiveness. and if u are into feminine vibes u usually prefer "pretty," too. which im fine w my face, i do think there's something attractive about it, but not so much my boobs. and yeah i guess im a unique kind of hot that's gonna only be for a unique kinda lesbian. it's always gonna be daunting getting naked in front of someone without worrying we're disgusting them or letting them down. but maybe we need more faith in the one we're fucking
so the hard part is trusting. trusting the woman who desires us actually does. and has more character than to be turned off bc we have "big legs" or a certain type of boobs. and that can be difficult to tell bc many lesbians are just looking for a partner for the sake of it or loneliness and, being women, tend to have sex they aren't enthusiastic about--even with other women--because they're deprived of their own subjective desire by heteropatriarchy so take on the passive role. or if they do have active desire, they don't know what to do with it bc we simply arent taught (unless u include the anti-feminist porn way we're taught to desire and be desired but that's not healthy). that's why i'm into andro/butch because there's a lack of regard for the male gaze in their presentation, which is hot, and they're typically less passive/male gazey about themselves when it comes to intimacy too. i'm into the smart type of woman who would rather go single than date someone they're not into and that's what set me on the healing process. i can trust someone genuinely desires me if i have enough faith in their character that i know they'd prefer being alone than wasting time on someone they're not
so maybe the key for you is to do your partner the service of trusting her. see it more as offensive towards her that you find her desire untrustworthy. unless ofc there is something u genuinely dont trust about ur partner and need to break up (which i dont think is the situation as you've consistently implied/said she's a great person who truly cares about you)
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leonscape · 1 year
critiquing + ranking the ikepri outfits this year
although no one asked, i just wanted to give my thoughts on them. i’m not a fashion student or anything so perhaps i shouldn’t be writing this but it’s an opinion piece so whatever. also my feelings about the character won’t affect my thoughts, this is just about the outfits. with that said, just know that i don’t really like camouflage; it’s very hard to pull off and too much of it looks a little meh. nobody in the fandom agrees on who looks the best but it’s okay. this is not meant to hate, i am just giving my opinion, feedback if you will. the artists and everyone working on this worked hard and i appreciate their work.
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anyways let’s get into it going left to right
first we have gilbert
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he’s not the worse offender, but it’s still hard for me to look at and say i like it. the camo is hidden under the layers which i think is nice because it’s more a little more subtle but still central. i don’t get the blue jewels tho is he trying to match with silvio? did he steal it from silvio? anyways i also cant hate the mesh jacket. i was thinking that it should be plain but now i think that his outfit as a whole would look too plain if it didn’t have the designs on them.
i’d honestly rate his outfit a 6/10
next we have clavis leopard guy
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idk man this ain’t it. i don’t get their obsession with animal print like i get that it’s their animal crest and whatnot but it’s just ugh😩 it’s a personal thing but i think they’re kinda ugly. bro looks like it’s 2015 and he got that leopard print shirt from forever 21. the purple and the camo together just ain’t it either, despite him having the least amount of camo. i do like that his accessories are cohesive and he’s keeping his multiple belt aesthetic. he said “emma’s showing tummy so im showing tummy too” but overall, the outfit just kinda looks awkward.
it’s gonna be a solid 3/10 for me sorry
chevaliers outfit deserves to be burned im sorry
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the worst offender. go to jail do not pass go and do not collect $200. y’all did not just layer animal print with camouflage. in my opinion the prints clash because camouflage is already a busy print with multiple colors. you add that to the tiger print and it just doesn’t make sense anymore. i think maybe it would’ve been more cool if the vest was camo and the lapel/cuff parts were black? or that gold color that’s already on it? i do like the jewels on his cropped jacket tho, it matches his accessories and adds a bit more flavor to that cream white.
-10/10 just no
i’m doing emma this time and i don’t like this outfit
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genuinely don’t know what’s going on here. i’m very confused. is the blue parts supposed to be denim? why are there two different animal prints attached to her hip? and why fur? nothing is working together it’s like they were all assigned a group project but everyone misunderstood what they agreed on and they started to work on completely different things and when it was time to present, they just mixed it all together and hoped that it would work. i do like the denim x camo thing tho i think that could work
4.5/10 i think…
next leon
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slayed. the camo isn’t in your face obnoxious and it doesn’t clash with the other elements of the outfit. this is definitely leon redemption arc from last year’s outfit. i like that the camo is able to stand on its own! his white sleeveless turtleneck provides a sort of canvas for the camo and i think it’s great. however i don’t really like chunky jewelry/accessories so the chains don’t really do it for me i think it would’ve been cool if they did dog tags or something because they went with a military kind of vibe with the camo.
you know what? 8/10 it was good it’s easy to look at and hard to hate also it’s a big step up from last time.
up next we got licht
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i’m not sure how i feel about his blue with the camo. emma’s blue denim thing she has going on looks more grunge and that kinda works with the camo imo. but licht just looks like he could be a university student? there’s a lot of layers and i wonder if he’s getting hot in there 😹 when i first saw it, i was talking to a friend and i said he looks so boxy, he looks like a transformer about to say “autobots roll out” and then transform into a radio or something 💀 also why is he wearing an attach-on fur tail?
there’s some color clashing layers going on and he’s like an onion with all those layers 5/10
finally we have silvio and im tired of this camo theme
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at this point i don’t even know what’s going on anymore. there’s so many shades of blue and im not sure i like it. y’all got dark blue, turquoise, and teal, and even his hair is like minty blue? i guess that’s just his aesthetic his color palette. his jacket is sparkly already but he had to add some sparkly jewels too lol. the square patch of camo just feels kind of slapped on there? i know they love their animal prints but maybe swap the Dalmatian print dog collar for a camo bandana? he can wear it around his neck like how dogs do 😹 it also switches it up a bit because literally almost everyone is wearing necklaces and you’re running out of ideas because leon is already doing the chunky layered chains.
4/10 that’s all
also i feel like if they wanted to have some color, they should try some colored camo
so in conclusion:
1. leon
2. gilbert
3. licht
4. emma
5. silvio
6. clavis
7. chevalier
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alwaysvivid · 1 month
i'm the anon about mayu kitazawa. its funny bc i picture them having different vibes but since baebi last biblical face i just thought they had similar features (with the foxy eyes but the soft face if it makes sense???)
also sorry if you thought i was going to be nasty with this ask! 😭😭😭 i swear i send it with good intentions (and maybe to have some more baebi/sora interactions in the future 🤫)
✮ ⋆ ˚。𖦹 𝐤𝐚𝐫𝐚™ 𓂃 ࣪˖ ִֶָ𐀔
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“ omg queen don’t worry about being nasty we’re just traumatized lmaooo. people used to be weird about myah and i so they’d be mean to me on anon even tho we’re best friends and literal soulmates irl 😭 javi was a trip and a half. anyway we just got flashbacks seeing her name on my page , you’re fine sweetheart. and with regards to baebi and sora i hear you they probably would look similar with completely different personalities and aesthetics. but tbh in my head baebi has like round bambi like eyes while sora has foxy eyes. baebi is sexy in a lighter way but sora is sexy in a darker way ??? idk if that’s how myah sees her but she’s very much nayeon coded while sora is soyeon coded. we love our brats twins tho <3. ”
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My most hypothetical yet probable guess for what changes could come in the future for 40k factions is that we will experience a rebranding of the Genestealer Cults within the next years.
As of right now they might just simply being a gimmic-y part of a Tyrranid army, because the Cults have zero impact on their own outside of "being a bug lure". It makes sense for them to be seperate armies because they are build on VASTLY different aesthetics. The 'Nids are running on the "tides of monstrous flesh and lots of teeth" sorta vibe, while the Genestealer Cults are firmly in the "industrial gear and mutants saboteurs" camp. The problem is however: there is no point of a faction existing when all it does is being the elongated arm of another with no agency of its own. For reference: the Imperial Guard is not "part" of the imperium, it essentially IS the Imperium. The Sisters of Battle, Space Marines, and Inquisitorial Agents are all smaller allied yet indepedent actors who occasionally borrow resources like their logistic network, but often work to their own goals.
Meanwhile the Genestealer Cults got nothing of it. They exist as the start of a 'Nid-Invasion and then get eaten afterwards. As of right now there is nothing they do that warrants them being their own faction in the universe of 40k. But the thing is, people LIKE them. They got an aesthetic unique to them that you can barely find anywhere else, and GW sure will not give up the customer base attracted to that aesthetic.
So here is what we will see: they will become the "Mutant Revolution Cults" in the future, mosty to showcase how horrible the Imperium is. Generally its weird that humanity lives in a facist hellscape in this future and there not being an armed resistance given the living conditions. Generally such resistance cells would be very local and irrelevant to the story whatsoever, but now imagine if several of these uprisings were spearheaded by a Genestealer/Mutant Cult going rogue on the Hivemind. So for such a Cult to become a galaxy-impacting subfaction they'd have to
1.) Survive fighting the Imperium
2.) Survive the Tyrranid Invasion that follows right after
You can bet that any faction that survives both of these can be called "absolutely badass", while at the same time there is enough room for sub-factions with different stories. For example:
The Cult takes over than turns the planet into an absoute fortress that repells the Tyrranids, most likely trying to eat the bugs before the bugs eat them. Planet and system are so foritified now that the Imperium can't just come back and take back control.
The Hivefeet comes, eats all the loyal imperials, but THEN gets beaten back by the Cult who gambled it all on that. System gets taken over with zero resistance whatsoever while deemed "lost" to the 'Nids
The Cult takes over but the Hive Fleet never comes. Maybe it got stuck on traffic, maybe it crashed into a tombworld by accident, who knows? Meanwhile the Cult has a lot of time to think and research and realizes themselves for what they are, essentially deciding to sever ties with their "old masters". However, they still are revoutionaries that fight the imperium, so now it's time for expansion to nearby systems!
The Cult manages to ally itself with another faction that can be convinced to doublecross th "regular" imperium for personal gain, such as the Adeptus Mechanicus. After taking over and repellling the Hive Feet the truce is shaky, but its still there.
The Cult initially realizes it stands no chance against the Hive Fleet, gives up on the planet and scatters into the Four Winds, while maintaining contact with each other. The goal becomes to take over spaceships and essentially become a "revolutionary fleet".
You see, there's plenty of opportunity for different stories, while at the same time we can finaly call them a faction in their own right.
Oh, and they are still bug-lures tho. The ultimate grimdark fate: imagine fighting a revolution against impossible odds for a good cause, and in the end you are STILL in trouble of getting eaten as a reward.
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risu5waffles · 2 years
Stabs of Ten
Here we are again. It's always such a pleasure. Remember when these levels tried to kill me dozens of times? Hrrmm... not sure if that fits the song's metre or whatever. Whatever.
i should have liked this one way more than i ended up doing. It has a very charming and chill vibe to it i usually get right behind, but it spends way too much time building an environment, and not nearly enough for plebeian things like signposting or making sure objects behave in a consistent manner. i spent half the time asking, "but, don't you want me to go over there? Everything in the scene says i should be able to go over there. Why can't i do that?" Weirdly, there is one bit of signposting way at the end of the level, and it's the most obvious, out of place, just put big actual arrows to the lever the players need to pull kind of thing imaginable. It's, like, pick a tone, creator? This level got Team Picked, and i might have some feelings about that.
We talked about Wheely last week, and it was amazing then, and it continues to be amazing now. Go play Wheely. Seriously.
This level is honestly more fun than it deserves to be considering how kludgy and clunky almost everything about it is. i actually kept going back in to see if i could get a better score, so, like, that's kind of high praise? i don't hardly have the time on hand to go do that.
This is... cute... i guess? Cute-adjacent? i never had the chance or self-loathing to sit down wiv I Want to Be the Guy, so Dr_Vab did their best to bring the experience to me. i honestly did have fun wiv it, but the gimmick was wearing pretty thin by the end.
This isn't a bad level really, and it does have a few charm points to it (i really did like the Thx For Playing reveal at the end, i do like when creators do a little something to acknowledge players as players like that), but it doesn't really do much to make itself stand out from a host of similarly themed levels in LBP2. Still, it's not a bad trip down memory lane by any means.
i ended up quite liking this one by the end. Sometimes it's nice to just have something straight-forward and gameplay focused, and it fits the bill. The intro by the creator was charming (tho', i'm not entirely sure what in the level was cranking the thermo so high like they said), the aesthetic is clean, and it manages to mostly keep up momentum throughout. Wasn't a big fan of the trap panels in the red section, tho'. There really wasn't anything to indicate to the player the third one was going to kill them, and the first two are really hard to notice. The only other fly in the ointment was the level link they provided seemed to be broken; i actually was kind of interested in what they were recommending.
One of the consistent problems i have in reviewing old levels, is it can be hard at times to tell if something is poorly designed, broken in its original form, or broken because of a change in physics between the older games and LBP3. Like, i don't want to slag off on a creator because of something that got changed well after they walked away from the game, and that they had no way to anticipate or control for. i feel like something is different about wall jumps now, because this is multiple times it's come up where they've made things way more difficult than it seemed like the creator would have intended (like, when you consider the average difficulty of the surrounding sections?). There was definitely something screwy going on, tho', wiv that bit where it seemed like all we could do was throw ourselves out of level for, like, five minutes.
This one and Wood-B-Good were what put it in my head to maybe try to put together that Ace flag level i talked about a week or two back; i really had a good time wiv the simpler, more focused play. This one is definitely the stronger of the two. A nice (if slightly over-bright) presentation, and just a bit more in the challenge department. Honestly, it plays a bit like Baby's First HARD Level, 'cause some of the obstacles use techniques i've seen in those levels, but in a much easier, and easier to engage wiv format. Having played one of Robot's actual Hard levels, i'm pretty sure this was purely for player benefit, and not lack in skill in designing that level of challenge.
We talked about this yesterday. Let us never speak of it again.
There are some interesting ideas here, and i really liked the presentation, but i feel like it never quite gelled right. The creator mentioned that it was an older level that they'd finally got around to finishing, and i wonder if they hadn't really updated any of the logic for LBP3 (for one thing, there was no real reason to put the player in a SackBot when you've got Broadcast Chips right there that will do the job far more smoothly). There's a bit halfway through (or round abouts?) where it seems like they forgot to electrify a bunch of the hazards, which was weird but helpful; and somehow, when i got myself killed on the last obstacle, it just spawned me at the checkpoint nearest the scoreboard? Which, i was fine wiv really. The level had long worn out its welcome by that point, and i was ready to be done wiv it.
So there's another 10 down, only 9+ million to go. Had a very nice stream last night, and @hirunda-maxpw dropped by to drop some great logic knowledge on us, and that was super cool. My deadfeesh are even better than before and you better believe it (at least they won't kill everyone when they're only supposed to kill one person from now on. Ope). We're only 20days off from my early deadline for my next level, and this is getting into put up or shut up territory. i would lay at least even odds that i do neither.
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frenchiefreyed · 4 days
TBHK Favorite Character Tier List
hello i did a TBHK favorite character tier list and I will explain the stuff i feel like explaining / might be interesting or relevant to know
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oh and each section is, left to right, the characters i like most to least, but these change and shift with pretty much every chapter we see them in so ashdasndn
tsuchigomori is my favorite character and i like him more than hanako and nene, but i like hanako and nene more than i like the other characters in the S tier which is why the formatting is u know
"s but" is basically i think the characters are s tier / i enjoy them enough for them to be s tier but they've done things that bother me and i feel a bit morally weird not acknowledging that when i say that i like them (in virtually any context) -- ig it's kinda funny to say this while tsukasa is fully in S tier and not "s but" but we dont need to acknowledge that
(i am opposed to a lot of what tsukasa has done but i kinda forgor about that so u can pretend he's in s but if u want)
i think most of the reason i like lemon is related to my fren really liking lemon bc i think otherwise id just be like thats a guy but aesthetically he's cool and stuff i hope he's not the secret biggest evil villain of the manga/show or smthn ashdsnadn
i hated teru passionately for most of the manga and its only in the last like maybe 15-20? chapters we've had that i've started to like him more and think he was silly. i wish that he would not hate supernaturals so much but he kinda grew up being forced to and stuff. i am sure with enough time he will learn that supernaturals can be nice... they wouldn't have him be so silly if he wasn't supposed to learn stuff right????
tsukasa is silly and the lore stuff is pretty cool, i think it is neat that he is a villain that u r kinda supposed to sorta? ? be sympathetic towards but also is very obviously not doing great things. tbh i think that's most characters in the whole manga and some of them are treated way less like villains so i dont think tsukasa is that morally bad by comparison adhasndsad
kou is kou he's based and stuff and he seems to respect ppls boundaries and things , but we've been seeing more of his flaws lately which is interesting and cool, uhhh yeah i dont have much to say about him tbh
black canyon is cute. sue me
i also hated natsuhiko for like most of the series but i've started to like him recently because he's silly and even tho he's a bit weird about sakura sometimes he actually like. respects her boundaries as far as i can tell. very different to akane who is just weird
mitsuba is good, i do kinda want to know more about his intentions/the extent of bad he could potentially do, but for now i think A is an ok spot for him
i think the tier list maker thought that the baby twin was tsukasa but it is actually amane so this ranking is amane. amane babby is in a tier, uhhh he seemed pretty based and cool, it is sad that he dieded
i am scared that sakura is like very very evil so i dont rlly want to put her higher than an A but vibe wise she's pretty cool . it's weird that she seems to have set a lot of this in motion.
the mokke are prooooooooooooobably overrated i think they are cute but i dont super super duper love them or anything
i like yokoo a bit more than satou but they are both cool together, i think i would like them both less when they are separated from one another because i think most of what i like is their dynamic
the guy obsessed with civets is funny
tiara is funny and i like her and want to see more about her but we havent seen enough of her for me to be like WOWOWOWOWOW u know???
the entire arc with shijima and the fake world and stuff was crazy and i think i have trauma from that so maybe if we see substantially more of shijima i'll be able to stop associating her with that thing i super hate but as a character she doesnt seem horrible or anything
i used to like aoi a lot more but im getting the feeling she's super evil and alt-universe aoi hitting teru and belittling him was crazy i cant look at her the same after that i think
skipping ahead to yako uhhhh her design and vibed r cool i guess but the teacher thing is rlllllllllllllly weird. its cool that she seems to be kinda friends with tsuchigomori tho but she better not start bein super weird to him or smthn (especially cause he's a teacher.) i think i would die
skipping to ewww i hate them section; this is in order of most hated to least hated. hakubo. i hate him and THE SCENE was gross. actually pretty much all scenes with him and sumire are gross if not all
if nothing regarding aoi existed as part of akane's character he would probably be B or even A tier but he's so weird about aoi and it makes me very uncomfortable. also the thing where he was weird to nene. the only thing that salvages him at all is his dynamic with teru which is why i support shipping them. i originally started shipping them bc teru and akane were my most hated / "these are the most gross/evil" characters and i was making silly jokes about them getting together so that aoi and all the supernaturals would be left alone ashsandsdna but then i actually started bein like hey wait a minute anyway, in any context other than terukane, i am a severe akane hater
the other ones i dont rlly care enough to like explain my thoughts on them ashdsandndsa they are not passionate emotions, at least compared to hakubo and akane
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thefloatingstone · 3 years
Do you have any recommendations for media, anime or otherwise, that’s like Angel’s Egg? Aesthetically, or similar in tone?
Oooooh. That's a really tough question just because of how unique Angel's Egg is. 🤔 Angels' Egg was a joint production with the 2 heads of it being Mamoru Oshii and Amon Amano.
Amano went on to design most of the Final Fantasy Games before 12 (except for 7 and 8 whose characters were designed by Nomura). Amano has not had a lot of films with his involvement and some of them are not very good or completely not in tone with anything like Angel's Egg at all.
There's Vampire Hunter D: Bloodlust which I would say is the closest but even that one's tone is completely different to Angel's Egg, with only a very few moments of the meditative feel of it.
Mamoru Oshii worked on quite a few anime films after Angel's Egg, but I think his big big break out film was the original Ghost in the Shell. That one can get pretty damn close to the same tone as Angel's Egg as Ghost in the Shell feels more like an essay adapted into a movie than it does a storyline. It is hard sci fi though and not dark fantasy like Angel's Egg.
I think looking at films Mamoru Oshii has done might help get a little bit of that feel since the meditative nature of Angel's Egg is very much Oshii's directing style.
For films neither of them have had anything to do with, these may not be perfect in terms of mood but they also have a dream-like atmosphere to them and strong visual direction, so maybe worth checking out?
Manie-Manie: Meikyuu Monogatari (aka Neo Tokyo)
An anthology series with widely different styles in animation and tone.
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Another full series you might also like, if you haven't checked it out already, is Serial Experiments Lain which has a vibe so unique and whose story is so strange and delivered in such a bizarre way, it might not make sense after watching it but you're never gonna be able to stop thinking about it, I promise.
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Another movie I could recommend is one of my favourites; Night on the Galactic Railroad. Much more emotional than the above 2 examples, Night on the Galactic Railroad is a bit slow to start (I think it takes about 10 minutes to get going if I remember correctly) but it has the exact same dream-like reality that Angel's Egg has, but without the nihilism and with a more sentimental feel to it, even tho the topics it deals with feel similar to that of Angel's Egg as well but not as ambiguous. Highly recommend this one, just be prepared for a bit of a slow start before it gets going.
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From the same director as Lain but a little more traditional in its story telling, I also recommend Haibane Renmei. Although the story and plot you follow is more linear and traditional than the others, it's another show where a lot of the larger picture feels purposefully obscured and not fully explained, leaving the audience to fill in the gaps themselves or draw their own conclusions about certain themes and repeated visuals.
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Robot Carnival is another full feature film. It's another anthology movie, this time with each short film being about the subject of "robots". Again the art styles and tones vary wildly, but you'll find it has a very similar feeling to Neo Tokyo does, and it's also more focused on imagery and sound than it is dialogue.
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Lastly I'll recommend a film I have not sat down and watched myself yet but I am extremely aware of its reputation. And that is Cat Soup. I have heard Cat Soup described as incredibly sad but in a very abstract way. But I think you're coming off Angel's Egg and that's the tone you're after, it should be a good match for what you're looking for.
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I hope that helps a little bit. It's difficult because Angel's Egg is such a unique film XD that it's not very possible to find many films like it. But we can at least try to match the VIBE.
Oh! And if you want something non-anime, look into the manga "The Girl from the Other Side" because that will probably also be right up your alley.
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mikkouille · 3 years
Time to give my perfect correct opinions on the entire teaser drop yes i am watching every single one I dONT care.
watchin em all in order they were on the channel when i popped in on laptop (which was different from the order on mobile this lunch break? sure whatever)
first is The Three Gentlebros which I would call ball so much as hollow, I like family dramas but this one seemed a bit shallow from trailer alone, in a way where I don’t know how’d they make the premice much engaging as a full content with what’s given there. Then, with the one and a half set and general poor production quality, I’m assuming this may be very early conception draft? Who knows. I don’t think I’d be interested in watching it, maybe if it was a short film, then it’d wear it’s plot well, cause as a show or even feature length I feel there’s too little. I think there is something powerful in it though in a way it has me completely disinterested despite having both Gun and Tay there like? Congrats on having absolutely nothing to you to the point of overdoing my loyalties.
Next UMG which def has some potential, the concept and vibes the trailer offer are fun, and I do like some spooky SF. They also have a good aesthetic package in a trailer, so that’s one I’ll look out for when they expand on it later. If it takes a good direction (I kinda want to see the “weird town” be more developed, see more of it and its people though that may be quite of a big request there, the teaser was very limited in cast but I think a great athmosphere would rely on the entire area being part of the vibe, rather than the strong isolation we see so far -then again, concept teaser, and if anything, the fact that I’m projecting things I’d like to see is proof I’m a bit invested in that one). I can also foresee it go terribly, because the genre isn’t something I’ve seen much from the company? And isn’t the easiest to pull off either (I mean the last sequence shows how, as soon as you want to show some supernatural, you better pack up some budget to make it credible. The feet......I shan’t say.) This one will depend on the extended teaser thus, if they develop it nicely it could be fun, but it could also be a shitshow. So who knows? Will keep my eyes open.
Now for Star and Sky or is it star in my mind? sky in your heart? what’s the title whats the subtitle. I think the most important is that I did not expect that bitch to talk like that, ok the mandatory comment has been said, moving on. There’s not much to say, it’s quite typical romance etc etc, formulatic uni students secret mutual pining etc etc... The kind that I kinda will forget immediatly, but depending on timing and mood and if the first few eps aren’t a snoozefest of terrible writing/pace/editing/etc, I could get into it to pass time. Or I could just completely forget it exists by the time it airs. Oh wait there’s mutliple stories in there ok. One’s dramatic one’s goofier it seems well I equally care about both I’d say. They both also strike an unexplainable sense of deja vu wonder what that is wonder what its about...(EDIT from me later on on the post I don’t think I”d watch it actually given I had forgotten the very simple name of it after just a few more teasers and had to go all the way back...and then i dont remember exactly what was up so do I care actually I think not)
Next Home School and damn yall rly don’t like schools huh. I don’t think they even want to avoid the comparison when tehy reprise so much of the cast but someone tell them they’ll never have another Gifted like. If they turn it into full horror that doesnt lose too much of its tension to repetitive teasing of a mystery and make it mostly tense and dangerous, I could be hello into it tho, but to trust they won’t drag a story at all, it’s a bit too much faith. I do have to say at least the trailer is well crafted, so maybe they should keep the same editor and it’ll be fine (i say that in knowledge that editing a show and a trailer is two different skills i kno. i kno. still tho.) cause next to Some Other Teasers, it didn’t feel so agonisingly long. Twas fine twas fine. Once again, I’m not closing my eyes, keeping it in mind, it doesnt feel fresh exactly but it also doesn’t reek of disaster for now. Could be fun if they don’t shy away from cheesy full horror moviesque show.
Cupid’s last wish is huh. Something. Got me invested in the cute lil farm life like yea yea send these two to the countryside again I don’t mind. And then it just??? What is happening??? It’s punches after punches, first turning it into big dramatic family kerfuffle and then the one of the jhhfhs bodyswap??? I think this concept is best represented in it’s nature of absolute rollercoaster by the jump from fighting and struggling against the docs to?? they are holding each other??? Ok???? what is going on?? most baffling teaser so far I am absolutely at loss for words it’s like they knew anything Earthmix would still pull in the view so they just threw in their passion project of completely bonkers plot made of every idea without any judgement of whether or not itd work. Would watch if the second teaser is even more messy because I do love a mess that really delves deep into being a dumpster fire. 
I get to watch stuff I wouldn’t even glance at for the sake of completion, so lets go with mh, Oops! Mr. Superstar Hit on Me, which I’d have a hard time judging fairly given I’d have skipped it in any other circumstances. ITs very wattpad romcom which I can get into but I wouldn’t trust gmmtv wwith my life to pull it off, though the vibe of the comedy bits we got here n there were fine, I just don’t really trust a genuine romance build idk, not like I care much anyway sdhdhds. so not like i have much thoughts to give
Once more, My Dear Donovan certainly will exist I suppose. And I will not exist in the same area I suppose. This one didn’t even have the hints of fun banter Mr Superstar did, instead this is just eh. Very typical boring ol romance with the usual tropes and unlikeable main man. At least the narration’s self awareness tells me they know they’re just making a show, doesn’t make it better but well. Love the shit green screen tho.
The Warp Effect has a lesbian in it. It also has the world’s stupidest plot. Fact is don’t side eye me but was that a movie with the same plot and characters I may watch it, in a post-good way. But as a show? I don’t have that sort of time to dedicate to it. Need to say though that “there will be a natural disaster everytime you have sex until you fix these people’s sex lives” is a sentence I’ve heard now, and I’m fine with it.
My reviews were getting shorter so thankfully The Eclipse comes in and I do have stuff to say, first of all ANOTHER EVIL SCHOOL? I don’t mind. Also this one I remember watching partly at lunch and wondering, huh, this is multiple shows. What is this about? And then The Mutuals said the same so glad the confusion is shared. Is this horror? Is this enemies to lovers rom com? Is this action? Is this mystery? Is this supernatural? Conspiracies, homoerotic fights, school gangs, time travel... I guess there’s everything in here. And that’s not something I mind I’d say, in a teaser, all at once, it sure is a lot, especially because they went with “lets compartiment it in genre subsections” basically, it could work though, if they balance it well, I am into genre fusion kind of movies, in shows that are given much longer air time? I can trust it in the abstract sense. Now to see how it evolves. Bit confused but not too afraid, I’m allowing the door to be open ajar. Though feeling it’ll either be fine, or a shitshow, but if its the later, I also feel itll be easy to tell from the get-go, if they manage to merge the genres and introduce the plot well, then it’s only at risk of the usual filler and overstretch, but if they don’t it’s usually evident quite quickly so, not afraid.
Good Old Days isn’t exactly my type of stuff, not so much getting bad vibes as just ‘not for me’ vibes. Seems cute etc etc...But would probably kind of bore me if the teaser’s anything to go by. Kind of another one that I feel is probs best suited for movie form but oh well.
Never Let Me Go 👁👁 could be fun could be fun...why did my text go up though....girl help how do I get down Ok ok this is a “please be good please be good”, cause I do loooooooooove LoveVSduty, big drama in the family, crime etc etc they did pull the Tropes, the correct ones, and the teaser was engaging!! interesting, a nice little flavour in here, good moments etc so I’m like, maintain that for a whole show and I’ll be the audience. I mean you know it’s good if I watch it a second time just becuase I lost 5 seconds of attention to my text deciding to fly up. How short I’m making this doesn’t convey my interest properly but know I’m mostly sparked by spite so it’s good that I have little to say except “I like what I see so far”. When the coeur hits, lil teaching to shoot gun, touch heart and falls asleep, dance on bridge togehter etc etc...n then the big drama orchestra of being in danger and struggles and mhmhmhmh ye they understand me. Don’t fuck this one up actually this isnt a “please be good” its a “if you dont maintain this i’ll bitch about it for a hot while”.
Once more, 10 years ticket is one I wonder about, in how it’d maintain its story as entertaining over what, 12 episodes? But maybe not to the extent of the others, as there is elements of mystery planted, so I’m a bit more curious about that one. I did loooove the lil confessionalish prison visitor faceoff sets, of the families one by one in front of the lil miss who “killed” someone, assuming there’s more there, and if they utilise the mechanic well it’d be great cuz I do am into heavy face to face dramatic dialog, there was a quantity of it there, keep that going. This is one that I could get into if they balance drama and mustery properly (tho I feel its def more intended to be more skewed towards tearjerking drama, I’m projecting what I want to see ok), and depending on how they build the characters, so this is kind of, needs to see it to know I guess. Hoping for a shorter span of eps on that one I feel it’d do it justice. I’m also saying that now but that’s the kind of content I need to be In The Moude for so idk man. Not necessarily on the watchout but it could work on me under special circumstances.
You Fight, and I Love. Hehe, boobies. Not to be a mysoginist but wish it didnt have a girl and was instead a sports anime. As a sort of romcom I kinda don’t care I want to see dudes throw hands as the main plot. Not uncute though, but def not to the extent I’d watch it bc I’d just spend the whole time like “this could have been about the highs and lows of boxing with the homies...”
Aight heading to the Midnight Series I do have to say, all of em share a great production as far as trailers show, like visually auditorily etc etc vibely if u wish, that’s fun n all. When it comes to story and specificities now,
That’s just because it had become my entire brain for a hot moment, but Midnight Motel, at a glance, when it threw it’s actual premise, only launched me into “HUH. Budget extracurricular without the mental illness??” so on those terms why would I watch, but it def has a more goofy feel, less of a social commentary one, and in fact, aside from the very basic premice of “youth do crime through specifically a sex work app”, there’s nothing of ressemblance, mainly, the mental illness comes from me and I’ve accepted the allegiance of my brain to a former show so now I’ll have to be the guy who goes “getting a lot of boss baby vibes from this” at any thing I see. Ngl I’d watch it though. If the production of the final product matches the one of the teaser, and its energy, I could be hella into it. So hey. There is some good news in there. But I don’t think I’m rallying to a crowd of enthusiast this is more of a “this ticks of some niche boxes of me”, I think the core premice can be a turn off? Idk it seems wacky in a good way to me. Nods Nods I’ll think about it.
Then uh. Moonlight Ch...Chicken...Has a certain title. Earthmix are EMPLOYED that’s certain. Good for them. Def not against it, they do work well together, and some vibes served there def Pique My Interests or something. I’m not exactly entirely in love either though, from teaser alone. I feel I need to see more to make an entire opinion Oh nvm I saw sign that’s the joker card to make me watch shit <3 but like it seems easy to enjoy, simply uncertain itd be a fave. And kinda fun and unexpected that I’d be more hyped about Motel than the gay romance/drama but HEY sometimes a bitch is full of surprises (it’s not so surprising actually, I know my taste. This was rigged by those character title cards in Motel. why am i talking about it on the Chicken review...oh no...I’ve got it bad...)
And at last Dirty Laundry, seems stupid in a way I could get into. Nanon in drag. Sure sure. Maybe out of the three the one I care about less because I’m hardly convinced at a glance by thai comedies, usually the movies and shows that aren’t comedy centric are funnier somehow, but I think that’s a bit of a constant about comedies in general ngl...In this case I saw potentials of jokes but not rly much of the ones they showed off landing. So well. But yea out of the three most likely to be forgotten by me by the time it airs sorryyyyy <3
How many body swaps did they put in this roster fdgdfsds...While I couldn’t care about in in Cupid’s last wish, Vice Versa seems to have a bit more of a potential, in how they defined the body swap. Another case of “well I can stay looking out for this one”, I think it seems pretty fun, and the trailer itself since to give enough to make a show out of (love stories, getting adjusted to the other body, the struggle of making connections that only exist there and not wanting to go back etc etc there’s potential there’s potential, there’s sustenance). So hey. Not bad. I can get behind that. Please be good you seem fun if you are.
Absolutely epic blood fx right at the start of PS I hate you, which, with the rest of the overall vibe, could sell something fun in the most trashy way. If they go 100% with it, making it as shamelessly over the top as they can, we can reach campy girlboss murder movie territory and that IS something I can get behind, but I want this to be a murder fest then. I want these girls to go apeshit. If they get just a bit shy with the concept and try to make it serious it’ll suck, but if they know to keep it light hearted then it’s a masterpiece to me. But then I’m talking from the perspective of a bad tv soap enjoyer.
Nothing against a fair and simple romcom, thus I have nothing against My School President. She doesn’t exactly spark up any love at first sight in me either though, in a way where I’ve seen her before, but she’s still a sustainable meal. The pasta of TV in a way. So once again, that’s one dependant on pace and vibe, and on timing of Me. Though in between this one and the one mentioned before with that final remark (star and sky?) had I to watch ONE I’d pick this one, she manages a better balance of light hearted and drama, and something fun>>>>>smth else when it comes to seeing reheated food. Maybe she could even pull out a VERY fun second final trailer which will make me go “actually I underestimated it i can get into it.”
Devil Sister ...exists IG. I’d rank it in “it exists and I’ll forget it does once the teaser is finished” which is sad win is still very pretty but alas u_u I’m running out of stamina there but also it’s very inoffensive n the premice is simple n cute, so I kinda wish I was into it but unfortunately they decided they couldnt just do typical they had to also make it boring, too bad too bad.
Get You’re my favourite going just to go “aaaah so THIS is the kristmike thing I’ve heard about mhmhmhm”. And more timetravel??? They had something for fantasy, but VERY specific fantasy this year. Travel in time or exchange bodies. Nothing More. Ok but also the concept here quite fun like dsjfdsds or at least I’d say teh Reveal, yea yea that’s fun. Having to look over my Krist bias but I SUPPOSE. I don’t have anything against this. Hurts to say nearly but i could be into it. I want to be a hater but they do do me dirty with some tropes and vibes so if you see me getting into it no you don’t. Like I can envision going “oh this moment of the plot prolly gonna hit oh this could be fun” so well. Time to be fair I suppose *through gritted teeth*
And the last one if I didn’t miss anyone, Astrophile, didn’t expect it to be a love triangle or smth. Funnily I’m not against hte vibes, if the whole thing’s lowkey and chill like that I could see myself watching not in a “following it” way but as a neat lil late evening unwinding while doing my duolingoes moment. Or maybe it’s just the soundtrack that grabbed with with that? I don’t know, I like a chill understated romance moment. Even when its a love tr*angle main story. Maybe they’ll be powerful and pull a trouple (no they wont but a bitch can imagine, I can always remake the story in my head if the plan’s to semi watch it just for relawing bg noise).
I’m too lazy to make a ranking cuz it’s late n I haven’t fetched my daily quest rewards on my mobile games so like. Still, as a recap:
So far things I’m lookin forward to would be The Eclipse, Never Let Me Go, Midnight Motel, 
and I’m still keeping an eye out for UMG, Home School, Motel Chicken and Vice Versa. 
May also, in secret, get into PS I hate you and You’re my favourite. But that’ll be a surprise. May or May Not. No One Shall Know. 
And may be, if the vibe is right, watch 10 years ticket, Dirty Laundry, My School President and Astrophile. But those are absolutely conditional the the weather and the alignment of planets.
In fact I know there are way too many names there for the quantity of enthusiasm I felt during watching, and for the stamina I know I can dedicate to TV nowadays, so that’s a lot of names, I’ll prolly end up watching what, 5 of those? If I’m really hyped? Who knows. I think a lot will be dependant on their final trailer and first ep, some of these ones really gave barely anything of an idea of what it’d serve. So whatever that’s my revieeeeew and I’ll be sleeping with possibly no thought at all about any of this because outside of being seen with Never Let Me Go and it’s bodyguard moment, they rly saw me not engage with the channel this year and said “k then we’re removing you from the target audience and making bland stuff bye” so sorry guys its all my fault u_u
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konaizumi · 4 years
A Tale of a Thousand Stars ep 2 thoughts/reaction
Tian’s father was part of the Ministry of Natural Resources and Environment, and I know this show is related to environmental conservation efforts so I wonder if his father’s position is ever going to come into play later on in the series, bc I have a feeling Tian’s wealth and him leaving with just a note is going to be some kind of plot point later, like they’re going to find him and try to bring him back
I said it last week but i fucking love the opening, the gentle music and the cute graphics, it’s nice and simple and I love soundtrack in general
I like that all the children had actual introductions, I hope they stay as actual characters bc usually children in BL are just there for a bit as plot devices or almost props (that may be a little harsh but I can’t think of a better way to phrase it), but here they have their own personalities
I need the scene where Tian learns how to braid hair so he can do the girls’ hair
1000 stars is doing this evil thing where they’re making me fall in love with a characters that’s already dead
okay but they really just sent tian out there to be a teacher without any kind of training or lesson plans, really just said ‘figure it out,’ huh?
oof, the UST, i love it
“I don’t have time for you all day” aww, phupha, acting like its not your choice to be with him
i see tian checking phupha out and he seems to be aware that’s what he’s doing, so i really hope that means tian is queer and we can skip the whole ‘am i gay?’/’i can’t be in love with him, i’m not gay’ plotline bc its very tired and more and more recent bls haven’t been using this plotline so i’m hopeful but also gmm, off the top of my head, always uses this plotline so we’ll see
phupha’s smug little grin when tian finds out about the actual bath
phupha’s evil little smirk when tian tries to food
I absolutely love tian and phupha’s dynamic bc it’s enemies to lovers but like, soft enemies--they don’t hate each other or anything, it’s really more of a playful dynamic, they like teasing each other, and there’s a bit of competition in that tian feels the need to prove himself
also, do you think some of phupha’s initial dislike of tian is just a result of his feelings of torfun’s death being misdirected towards the person who’s taking her spot?
anyways, tian directly going against serious doctor’s orders over something that might be life threatening just bc phupha provoked him a bit is great
it’s also all the little moments like these that are building up to the reveal of tian’s heart transplant that are going to make that reveal even more emotional, i’m betting they find out when he collapses at some point after pushing himself too hard
so the chief’s son, longtae, is khaotung’s character and i really hope he shows up next ep even tho he wasn’t in the next ep preview
tian teasing phupha about how he set up the net for him then phupha taking it down so tian has to do it, these two are such children
i would like some clear confirmation on whether phupha loved torfun romantically bc i would prefer if he didn’t
the aesthetic of phupha playing the flute and cutting off mid-note when he accidentally pictures tian and then smiling softly to himself
we love yod exposing phupha like that
who wants to bet what episode tian gets lost on ghost hill?
i’m in love with drake’s character already
how old are these children? bc i’m guessing around 9? but i’m also horrible at guessing children’s ages
okay so i would die for tian, but my son, my boy, where are you getting all this baseless confidence from? i cannot deal with all the second hand embarrassment from this episode. tian please just listen to people who know better than you
i don’t think it will happen but it would be cool if tian at some point was forced to reveal his heart condition to the forest ranger doctor (idk his name yet) and he promised to keep it a secret but they formed a friendship over if and the doctor looks out for tian and tries to help prevent people from trying to make tian do things he shouldn’t (also probably save this dumbass from himself bc he did eat food he shouldn’t have bc phupha called him a chicken) this could be used for both emotional and comedic purposes
when do we get the scene where the children call phupha green giant
y’all, i am vibing so hard with this flute music
i think that after this tian will maybe calm down a little and think things through a bit rather than trying so hard to prove something, he’ll start doing things bc he actually wants to make a difference and connect with people and not just out of pride
i’m not a huge fan of flashback montages, especially when they’re in the first few episodes, but this one was done pretty well
phupha totally gay panicked in the face of tian’s confidence at the end there
also more shows need to have these fluffy after credits scenes
god i love these two so much
so, another good episode, please keep it up, i’m excited for next week’s episode
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hy3ya · 3 years
8/10/21 PINUP
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pinup [week 2 of uni year 3]
this week we did a pinup with work we had been making/made recently [before classes started] and had feedback from other students via post-it notes. ill be documenting all the feedback and questions below! 
how does the layout help the ‘gestalt’ connotations between your picture? 
ngl i dont know what the word gestalt means. 
like use of close ups, maybe more?
probably! i want to take more photos of crosses if i can find them! and try focus less on the churches overall to match with my more creepy pray barn photos!
having it in a collage like format is interesting does it signify anything? sequence vs collage?
i think its mostly due to the fact i hardly do any straight cut formatted work and play with collages a lot that it came out like this unintentionally!! i might try a more uniformed look later however!
i like how spooky this one is [arrow to the close up of the cross ]
thanks!! this was the sole cross in the barn you see in my other photographs! it was a really interesting golden nugget in terms of finding that barn.
gives a sort of horror film vibe with harsh contrast in the photos why the continuous theme of roof of churches and top of buildings?
definitely has like cult horror vibes!! like midsommar/the wicker man! honestly been there me and my family kept making jokes about it been like a cult as it was a cabin in the woods on this like religious farm!! the buildings are mainly because i believe the most interesting architecture points are normally at the top!!
the narrative as a collection is great, as individual pieces the objects are the stronger parts of the collection
i think the shots of the buildings the more recent ones are definitely not at the same level as the other photos however im just trying to stick with a similar theme while searching out new places to take photos of as i am not very knowledgeable on these spaces at all!!
do you have a personal connection to these churches/scenes?
absolutely not!! The closests to religion i get is my small obsession with the devine comedy and the dante and virigil in hell art piece. 
amazing use of black and white
most of my work for the past 2 years ish has been mainly in black and white and i think ive really started to develop my own style that i use throughout different projects with b+w
these give me a vampire feel very well shot.
i absolutely adore vampires and would love to do some more shoots inspired by them!! i really want to at some point in this project go to whitby which has a vampire vibe and shoot there!
controversial, interesting image selection they group well.
maybe?? i dont really see any of it as controversial and i find the photos to look quite pretty overall instead of turning christianity into a horror film of some sorts but thats my aesthetic! 
some info of the churches historical context along side the image would be interesting
only two images are of a standing church which is wakefield cathedral!! which i am going to contact asking if i can take photos inside.
liking the heavy contrast but some images do with the black lifting a little. maybe consider pushing film
it was because they were printed from the library!! i promise theres details in them blacks normally!! will definitely try using film during this project.
big fan of the contrast in these something almost sinister.
i am struggling to keep that vibe but hopefully i can produce some more work that reflects the earlier work better!
quite regal and have a mystical quality very well captured.
i think the way the fog is behind in the barn photo really gives it that creepy mystical look with it been surrounded by nothing.
i think trying to line up the buildings so that they stand straight will really help the overall feel to the image.
maybe i kinda like my fucked up little buildings tho!
the extreme contrast + religious + macabre imagary comes together to create a dark atmosphere
i think most my work creates a dark atmosphere even when not meaning to [these were originally just holiday pictures ‘-’] id love to do more work centering around macabre 
love these! are you interested in gothic architecture?
yes! i read a few books on gothic architecture as i am really interested in Renaissance art which churches have alot of so churches have always intrested me!
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disaster-bay-leaf · 3 years
Ok so these were the cutest~ (ㆁωㆁ)
4, 6, 7, 9, 12, 19, 22, 23, 28, 33, 34, 46, 47, 52, 59, 60, 63, 66, 83, 87, 88, 93, 99
I kno I listed like....all of them lmao but feel free to answer whichever you want and ofc you can ask me in return Baybe ( ◜‿◝ )♡
uHUHUHUHU much content for me to answer, im happy bebe 💜💜💜✨
4 - how do you take your coffee/tea?
hm coffee either Very Black No Sugar (for the sleep deprived me) or iced latte three sugars and theres no in between
and as for tea its All Black Teas That Exist, cinnamon-flavoured especially (but basically all teas that come to mind when u think “autumn”), and rooibos!!! okay basically the only oke i dont like is any type of green tea (which is sad because they look cool but my tastebuds said ✨no✨)
6 - do you keep plants?
honestly id l o v e too because i love plants but,,, im kinda horrible at taking care of them though still way better than the majority of my family (research helps) so the only plant i own is kinda a small-palm-tree-looking thing in a bigass glass jar that i saved from my mother’s plant-destructing hands and its mostly doing well (the ends of its leaves are starting to be yellow tho and im worried:((( )
7 - do you name your plants?
yes!!! though the current one was named by my sister and its called “pickett” after fantastic beasts shsjjsj
9 - do you like singing/humming to yourself?
oh god oh dude you have n o idea
i have absolutely n o singing voice but its something i do constantly to give my brain the right amount of stimuli so basically i listen to music 24/7 and hum to myself 99% of that time
12 - whats your favourite planet?
oh i actually didnt think about this for so long but either pluto (hes a planet screw nasa) or saturn (RINGS!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!) or venus (girls,,,and libra,,,)
19 - do you keep a journal? what do you write/draw in it?
okay im gonna be completely honest with yall and say that my every single try at keeping a journal failed spectacularly and i lost motivation after like a few months so my only journals rn are my fancy fake-leather-bound calendar to note tests and assessments into, a kinda roughed up notebook that i uses for noting down poems or scribbling or passing notes in class, and a kinda fancy bullet journal notebook that i used as a book of shadows for a while but since my fountain pen died i didnt touch it
22 - are you a morning person?
n o
i am so not a morning person but i wish i could be because honestly dawns are beautiful
but as it is rn im either sleep deprived all the time and loathe every second of being in an awake state or (if i have a few days of schoolbreak) my biological clock moves forward a few hours and i sleep 2am-10am
23 - whats your favourite thing to do on lazy days with zero obligations?
except for the fact that i dont remember the last time it happened, i would probably spend it drawing outside, watching anime with my sister and riding a bike around the forest
28 - sunrise or sunset?
i love sunrises because its so peaceful and everyone is asleep but also i subconsciously immediately correlate them with waiting for a train to take me to school (because thats basically the only time i see them) so its a bittersweet love especially with my fucked up biological clock
but sunsets are really really pretty too and i see them more often so i cant choose
33 - whats your fave pastry?
and isnt that a millior-dollar question dhsjjsjsj
either cinnamon rolls (i absolutely adore them) or that one specific type of cupcake-shaped-thing made out of shortcrust/bread/whatever its called and filled with vanilla pudding
34 - tell us about a stuffed animal you kept as a kid. what is it called? what does it look like? do you still keep it?
awwww this is cute
okay so basically my two favourite stuffed animals (i still have them, they sit in my wardrobe) were two teddy bears (like maybe 20cm high each of them) and one was pure brown and the other was silver-brown and they had stereotypical polish male names “Waldek” (read. Valdek) and Stefan (i think tho im not sure if i remember correctly, my memory is a feeble thing sometimes
46 - tell us the worst pun you can think of
what dog would never bite you? a hot dog *badumtss*
47 - what food do you think should be banned from the universe?
huh a year ago id say pineapple pizza but i guess i dont hate pineapples that much anymore (tho putting them on pizza is still an abomination) but i think that if id ever want to get rid of anything it would be parsley, i hate that freakin herb (does it count as food tho)
52 - what are your favourite memes of the year so far?
the ever given for sure shsjshjsjsjsjjsj
but bullying tramp stamps is gold and pure tumblr energy too
as for fandom memes: im in love with all keeping-up-with-the-todorokis variations and the fact that the entire bsd fandom looked at fukuchi and said “biTCH” and thats one of the only things we’re unanimous about
59 - whats your favourite myth?
i always liked the kora/persephone myth (though demeter is an overbearing parent to the nth power), loki and thor crossdressing at a party to get mjolnir back, atalanta because shes a queen and id politely ask her to kick my ass, and cassandra because she deserved better, and theres a l o t more because alas i was a mythology nerd but this post is long enough for me not to make this section 20 times longer sjjsjsjsjsjks
but there are a lot of slavic myths that are very cool too, though we dont know that much about them as about the greeks for example
60 - do you like poetry? what are some of your faves?
o o o o h yeah i do like poetry because to create such a beautifully sounding thing with only words someone has to be a genius
some of my favs are: some works of nakahara chuuya (thank u bsd for introducing me to this man’s beautiful imagery in his works i swear to god the descriptions do it for me) (also his poem about having hangovers is a mood like i feel you buddy), the raven by ea poe (i know everyone likes it but hOLY DAMN THE INTER/INTRAVERSE RHYMES ARE LIKE,,, BREATHTAKING) (and aso im a slut for gothic horror), and many more but also That One Poem From Welcome To Nightvale about reaching the island in the west,,, only perfect vibes from it
63 - are you fussy about your books and music? do you keep them meticulously organised or kinda leave them be?
okay heres the thing. for anyone else both my playlist library and my bookshelf would be considered pure chaos of a mad man b u t they actually have a highly focused system which means that i sort them based on their vibes, lovability and (in case of books) their age and whether or not theyre a part of a series so i would say my bookshelf is rather organised (when a quarter of it isnt occupying my desk that is) and my music is more organised than not but sometimes it gets out of control and i have to sort it entirely again
66 - what would your ideal flower crown look like?
either entirely constructed of simple white daisies, entirely constructed of only white roses, or something that probably would win a “how many different coloured flowers can one fit in a flower crown” competition
or something purple (maybe not belladonna)
83 - whats some of your favourite album art?
god i dont know if it counts but hozier’s wasteland baby is probably one of my absolute favourites and no one shall beat that
“thrifted youth” (dalynn) and “standard deviation” (danny schmidt) have very aesthetic covers too
also the iconic p!atd too weird to live, too rare to die! album cover,,, its just iconic what can i say
and last but not least matt meason’s pink-and-black album covers (though bank on the funeral is really pretty too but like,,, “who killed matt meason” d o e s it for me and so does the 2017 tribulation single)
87 - what are some movies that you think everyone should watch at least once in their lives?
this is such a hard question because im not a really cinematography-oriented gal but i suppose that (at the risk of not going deep enough into the cinema world):
- the princess bride
- inception
- night at the museum
- forrest gump
- truman show
- E.T. (i cried okay)
- the lord of the rings (because damn me if this isnt one impressive adaptation)
- parasite
and one more personal recommendation: “ready or not” with samara weaving because goddamn i dont usually watch this genre but holy s h i t is it good
93 - whats the hairstyle you wear the most?
honestly just plain hair down (because having curly hair is a menace), split in the middle when i have longer hair and split on one side when its short
also low ponytails or half-up-half-down when im exercising, or double french braids when my hair doesnt cooperate enough to look presentable in any other form
99 - list some songs that resonate with your soul whenever you hear them
this is difficult because my music taste is a goddamn rollercoaster on a good day, but heres some:
- me and the sky from “come from away” musical (this is sort of a test song for my mental stability, if i cry i aint stable)
- dancing after death by matt meason (okay most songs by matt meason except for like,,, hallucinogenics maybe)
- tears and rain by james blunt
- i will follow you into the dark by death cab for cutie
- almost home by mxmtoon
- anything by hozier really but shrike especially
- payphone, the cover by alex g (i cried to this song so many times)
- burning pile by mother mother (can i roast all my problems please)
- long way from home and cleopatra by the lumineers
- autoclave by the mountain goats
oooh that was c o o o o o o o l as fuck thank you sm so much bebe (and sorry for the long post @everyone else)
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tacticalhimbo · 3 years
far cry 6 reveal thoughts below the cut because nobody asked for my little opinions
i typed this list up as i watched the trailers and such, so if things are crossed out they may have been explained afterward but i feel like sharing all my thoughts so—
pre-game thoughts
the setting is pretty and the music fucks. the general aesthetic(?) of the world and the elements in it are cool.
very weird for the stream to have started early as it did (i get prep work but an hour of nothing? felt kinda weird to do on IGN's part. they could have maybe trimmed the archive of it or... something.
still very confused on if this takes place before or after fc5 even if the conscription cards said 2021 because like... y'know... the nuclear ending for fc5 was canon (re: new dawn). does this mean that only the U.S. was affected?? if so that makes zero sense but 🤷 maybe i missed somethin' else along the way
i still stan the dog with two legs... i forgot his name but i love him. his name is chorizo. i love him.
i really cannot believe they just played two three(?) versions of the same thing for the story trailer that 16+ minute stretch like... there could have been ways to reveal the two sides interchangeably i feel. maybe it would have hit if they put something between them to show it was a different thing.
like i actually could hardly pick up on differences because i zoned out with it all being... the same thing but with different overlays.
but i'm still laughing at the dude bros mad you can (allegedly) pick between a male and female protagonist. grow up and quit your bitching, actually 😒
that being said a gender neutral or nonbinary protagonist would have been 👀, especially since they're both dani rojas.
if that's changed since early dev though i do like the idea of a female protagonist... we can always use more of those!
someone in the comments deadass said "another far cry game where you cant play as the government"... if you wanted a white savior story go play far cry 2 and pick the white protagonist option or play some other game. call of duty exists after all.
the story trailer tho...
the actual cinematic trailer tho... giancarlo esposito my beloved 😍
the cars 😍😍
female dani is so pretty what the fuck i want to draw her like... 3000 times.
GATOR COMPANION???? my florida man dreams are coming to life—
gameplay stuff
that teaser of antón raising the guy's head while saying "if a dog refuses to break"... i should not have felt things
liking that you can change your look as you evolve through the plot
juan cortez has my heart. the fact its him that owns the gator (fittingly named guapo, meaning handsome)... 😍 move aside heisenberg i'm abt to simp for juan cortez—
liking the checkpoint system and the different routes you can take
you can ride horses... and pet them 🥺
the weapon creativity... wowowow i love it. the fucking cd launcher playing macarena sent me and the BACKPACKS??? WOW
"the shit my pants rush of an ambush" did i mention i love juan cortez??
the tanks.... planes... wow. flashy but i like the vibes
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bisidneycarter · 4 years
gonna rate all of the synonyms google have given me for BEAUTIFUL, you want to wait until the end (at least skip to it) i promise.
2/10. blunt. uninventive. kind of formal. sort of based on societal norms but i guess all beauty is. well used so ig it gets some points for popularity. but basic imo
5/10. it’s... fine. like we use it all the time, right? it’s nice, a gentle sounding word. solid adjective. ppl like to be called pretty? not terribly imaginative though
5/10 ngl, forgot this word existed, was kinda the one i was looking for but. normalise using it in reference to women bc it used to be gender neutral or at least more feminine than today. bold but again, not hugely imaginative.
3/10. a mash up of handsome and attractive. too blunt sounding to be complimentary. boring.
2/10. like the word above but the adjective has been downgraded. booo
1/10. sounds self centred. means nothing to me
4/10. certainly different. would be weird to call someone this to their face. but fun for writing probably. i feel like it provides an air of mystery?? but it doesn’t really have a full meaning in my head so eh
2/10. this means nothing to me quite honestly. 
As pretty as a picture
2/10. idk how to explain this but in my head this phrase screams misogyny so no thank you
6/10. it’s gentle and sweet. but kinda boring idk
7/10. it’s more of a masculine descriptor but I love it used for women too. a nice word for anyone. but doesn’t quite scream beautful, has a different vibe
4/10. seems more like how you’d describe a good dessert or something rather than a person, but still somewhat valid?
2/10. idk man, just feels icky
1/10. in what way would you ever use this in place of beautiful?
4/10. points for originality. apparently means ‘innocently beautiful’ and that lowkey feels icky. 
0/10. no.
3/10. it’s fine. there’s something about it that idk tho. it always sounds patronising idk man
6/10. this one does give me mixed vibes but personally i find it to be a small step up from beautiful. Not to get deep but if heaven is like, where our true happiness may lie or whatever, then someone being heavenly is like them being all of a person’s happiness and future they will ever need
5/10. highly complimentary ig. i’d never use it though
7/10. this is so random??? but it’s like a ‘my whole world was put on hold and on arrest when i laid eyes on you’ i think. and that’s, pardon the pun, beautiful
5/10. probably great for some ppl but just no for me
5/10. could be either romantic or creepy. context important for the rating of this one.
8/10. has the word witch in it, what’s not to like. magical and i love it. 
5/10. it’s bewitching but with no witch. and a strange pronunciation. but i like the connotations i think
Graceful & Elegant
7/10. putting these two together bc they’re very similar to me. if the character in question is a dancer then what better words are there? highly romanticized i feel.
5/10. i find it kinda weird but it could be good depends on use i suppose.
4/10. look if we’re describing a mood board then sure, but saying a person specifically is aesthetic is a no. but if it’s like, a nice view of something, then absolutely, go ahead!
4/10. i get and also don’t get this one. art can be beautiful. but i dunno if beautiful = artistic ????
4/10. ok i definitely gotta remember these synonyms aren’t all about people because obviously a painting can be beautiful. still sounds pretty blunt though. plain. which is actually contradictory to the word lmao
3/10. a great word but not in the place of beautiful. just doesn’t fit
2/10. is it really sucky of me to just say ‘outdated’ and move on??
4/10. look i really hate this personally. maybe its a me-being-ace thing but it feels strange to me. but commonly used and i gotta get over that
0/10. what.
6/10. yes. good! back on track. ‘exquisite’ but better
2/10. literally who has used this in place of beautiful i- no! points for amusement 
Drop-dead gorgeous
3/10. i already don’t like gorgeous. this is worse to me
2/10. this one feels mean bc of the suggestion ppl can be ‘unfanciable’ lol idk it’s also boring and uninventive.
5/10. i wouldn’t use this. actually i hate this. (as i said, asexual here) but it really cracked me up so i simply have to give it points
Easy on the eye
3/10. this isn’t the compliment ppl think it is to be honest
2/10. another one i realllly don’t like. boring and more on par with like, ‘sexy’ than ‘beautiful’. which are separate things to me 
2/10. that doesn’t mean beautiful pleaseeee
5/10. it’s fine. common but fine
0/10. cringe and i hate it goodbye
2/10. i mean that’s just beautiful with a syllable missing. it’s the same thing as the og
4/10. this is slang i don’t understand but it sounds fun
2/10. i have only ever heard of this word in the context of ‘beauteous maximus’ and i thus hate it
3/10. so far away from ‘beautiful’. not even close. do better
0/10. isn’t this only used for like light skin and/or light hair? the idea that that equals beauty is a big no goodbye
1/10. omg it’s ‘easy on the eye’ but worse lol
?????/10. LIKE WHAT IS THAT? what a WORD. DAMN. it’s not even got objectifying connotations or anything it genuinely just means beautiful. WHY. HOW. HOW CAN I EVEN USE THIS IN ANY CONTEXT??? I LOVE AND HATE THIS
and there you have it. beautiful’s synonyms, rated. in conclusion, not many good ones. if you read all this then i’m sorry but at least you probably learnt a new word (pulchritudinous)
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ganjastrology · 4 years
Venus in Gemini 2020 - How Ganja Babes Do Retrogrades
venus entered gemini and will be chilling with her for a while*. the first month she’ll just be doing her regular thing, but then she’ll swing backwards or *~retrograde~* around mid may for about a month and a half and that’s gonna be “interesting” . after that she does this cute thing called a shadow period where she starts going forward again and getting back to her regular business. after about a week, the gemini chapter ends and she heads into cancer.
*(entered on 4/3/20, will retro 5/13/20, go direct 6/25/20, shadow period till 7/29/2020, leaves for cancer 8/7/2020)
heres whats happening with your sun moon and rising if you’re a hot girl who smokes weed (which I know is the majority of us 💚)
aries - she’s in your 3rd house. expect some dope convos with ur squad. smoke them out. catch up on some homework together. when she retrogrades, there’s a risk of miscommunications (even tho these aren’t always necessarily bad). watch ur deadlines. u can read old texts if u want but u know the risks going in. once she starts going direct, u can clear up any friction with people, & expect some super happy random memories to resurface.☎️
taurus - she’s in your 2nd house. good time to lean into some kitchen witch stuff, smoke and try some recipes, or a new cute fitness routine. you have online shopping energy, everything looks like it was made just 4 u. honestly it is a pleasant time to treat yourself. when she retrogrades, don’t freak out but you might low key be a lil broke. thats ok bc as long as you keep a weed stash u can stay cute and comfy. when she goes direct again, money stuff will sort itself out. focus on your physical health.🛍
gemini - she’s in your 1st house. ur gonna be feelin extra cute. everything will look good on u. it’s a good time to smoke and try some looks, have a lil 80s fashion montage and stare at ur self in the mirror for a little while. when she retrogrades, things might not feel quite as cute but rest assured it all definitely is. consider revisiting some clothes you haven’t experimented with in a while. upcycle some of them into rags or other things. when she goes direct again, you’ll be leaning into an updated, more refined aesthetic. a glow up, if you will.👩‍🎤
cancer - she’s in your 12th house. time 4 naps, baths, incense, meditation, and of course, water pieces such as your bong or bubbler. there’s general desire to enjoy ur alone time. maybe if you don’t usually get to spend time with just u and ur thoughts. an opportunity 2 do so presents itself. when she retrogrades, expect some extra happy sleepy hazey vibes. be careful that other people’s vibes aren’t influencing yours too much. as a matter of fact, *watch* the vibes of those around u. be selective abt who u share ur weed with. when she goes direct again, you will be a well rested baby. your boundaries and patience may have been stretched little but u come out the other side stronger and cuter.🎏
leo - she’s in your 11th house. your social media presence is cute af, and u can be assured that u are loved by a squad. ur future is looking bright, no matter what u choose to do with your time rn. hit your bong and let yourself dream about your long term goals. its vision board time bb. when she retrogrades, you might have some temporary setbacks to one of your longer term goals try not 2 get pessimistic abt the future. your goals might change after you get some new info. when she goes direct again, your life vision is updated, its ~cuter~, if you had any messy vibes during the retro period, you bounce back and build confidence in doing so. ur doing amazing, sweety. 🔮
virgo - she’s in your 10th house. your neighbors who see u occasionally thru the windows and at the grocery store think you are soo cute. and they are correct. your life aspirations are looking super promising, and you can build up whatever life u want for yourself. when she retrogrades, you do run the risk of feeling less cute than u actually are. someone might recognize or see you when ur not feeling quite ready to be seen, but pls rest assured that you are always probably cuter than u feel. don’t let anyone hate on your dream life building process. when she goes direct again, you might be a little more ok w being seen & letting your aspirations b known. pack yourself a nice reward bowl and take a selfie.🎀
libra - she’s in your 9th house. perfect time to become pen pals with someone imo, u know you’ve got cute handwriting. bless your school supplies w ganj smoke. stuffs starting to really “click;” whatever you’ve been studying is getting a new *~look~*. consider getting a cute new journal. when she retrogrades remember to check on your school work, and any adventure plans u may have had. u might experience some mental roadblocks which lead you to new way of seeing something. when she goes direct your perspective on your life will be different; good different. take a nice long stoned walk with a cute mask on.📬
scorpio - she’s in your 8th house. we both know it’s time for a closet purge. Get rid of whatever isn’t working anymore. clean ur sex toys. have some edibles and update your collection of nudes. when she retrogrades, u may find yourself missing ur old things but that’s ok, things change. u might start feeling hyper critical of ur nudes but remember that you are still that bitch. when she goes direct, you, friend, are on the verge of a total aesthetic rebuilding. a change from the inside begins to show itself on the outside. your confident sexy energy has returned.📀
sagittarius - she’s in your 7th house. ur collabin’ on projects with ur friends, ur doin the zoom coffee dates, ur smokin out the squad, u already know everyone loves u. when she retrogrades, an old life character returns, maybe someone who hasn’t crossed your mind in a long time. someone whose dms you slid into out of boredom might reach out to you. are these good things? idk bb follow ur heart! when she goes direct, u might b letting someone go, or sweetly reconnecting with someone, probs a little bit of both both. someone’s place in your life is getting a lil bit of a downgrade and making room for someone else’s upgrade. it’s a different vibe but u make it work.🤹‍♀️
capricorn - she’s in your 6th house. as we already know, you have been organized, meals have been prepped, groceries are shopped, you are rolling with things. if you haven’t already, now is a super cute time to start, or revisit a bullet journal for even more cute daily brain organization. sometimes i like to smoke and try out different layouts and i think u would too. when she retrogrades, any existing routines you’ve created for urself might get a little disrupted and have to change a little (this could apply to school, work, whoever you live with, anything day 2 day). rest assured that no matter what you will be able to keep things cute. when she goes direct again, you life’s order should b restoring itself, and any errands you’ve been behind on will be caught up so dont even worry. breathe&take a hit.🎸
aquarius - she’s in your 5th house. creative projects you’ve got going on are about to go swimmingly. ur lil brain is probably just bursting with dope ideas and i am proud of u. this is a very sexy time period, perfect for spending time experimenting with edibles. when she retrogrades, you might feel a little bit of insecurity regarding your creative endeavors, maybe just a lil loss of confidence for whatever reason. consider looking back thru your old stuff, old art pieces, old music you’ve made, anything you started or finished, and I bet its actually pretty dope and cool. when she goes direct again, you can expect to be finishing a project up and maybe even have a cooler one lined up who knows. some of that natural aquarian confidence will come back, much to ur loved one’s delight.🎈
pisces - she’s in your 4th house. try to reconnect with your family of choice. even just a casual text. ur inner child will feel pretty content and chill. being at home will feel extra cozy and nice. hit your bong whilst wrapped in a blanket and watch a cartoon. when she retrogrades there might be some fam drama, even if it doesn’t necessarily revolve around u. you might something find offsetting your comfort zone or challenging some of ur boundaries. remember not to let anyone mess with u bb. when she goes direct again, expect some healing within your fam unit. Some nice happy memories return will come to your mind’s forefront.🧸
hope ur high right now bb sweet dreams♊️💕🌿🌸🌺🍣♊️
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