#and i couldnt help but laugh because that was the exact same thing i experienced like okay wow how are we so fucking similar
angryborzois · 10 months
how do people keep confusing me for this one person
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A brief little oneshot inspired by this:
"Headcannon: Mike Stanford wasn't in Series 2&3 because he will only come back in Series 5 when John is in a relationship with Sherlock and talks to Mike and says 'I'm thinking about marriage' and Mike responds with 'You're the second person to say that to me today' and John will ask 'Who was the first?' AND CUT to Sherlock buying an engagement ring" - Original Prompter Unknown
* This is not my prompt! *
The Big Question
The sun shone through the windows of Oscar's, a bar several blocks down from Baker Street. It's frequent patrons usually varied from avid football fans to old, tired men with high stress levels. Dr. John Watson lied closer to the latter on the scale. He needed an escape. Not forever, just a few hours impersonating an everyman to clear his head. If there was anyone in John's life who could help him do that, it was Mike Stanford. He was nice enough as most gents go, though he had that all-too-common satisfaction with the dull and the pointless. John couldn't be a further contrast. He always needed something to race his heart to keep him sane. Even still, Mike's company was appreciated. Especially now. John turned to Mike and spoke what he had been dwelling on for... it must've been months now.
"I'm thinking of... I'm thinking I'm going to propose", John sighed in relief, releasing the words he had caged in his mind. He hadn't said this to anyone, he was afraid to, not until he was absolutely sure he was ready. He had done this all before once, only then he was in a relationship with an assassin.
She was the best thing that could've happened to him at the time. Sherlock was dead and he was more alone than he had ever been. More so than after the war. He had lost his life's purpose then, but now he had lost the love of his life. He couldnt find anything worth believing in. Not after believing in Sherlock. He hoped and wished with every breath in him for his friend to be alive. He wanted to move forward, and like a listening angel, Mary walked into his life. She was lovely, she was sweet. She had that very same spunk Sherlock did, adventure living in her with every beat of her heart. He loved her, he promised his life to her, but then... Sherlock rose from the dead.
It was a miracle! If John had prayed for a Corvet, he now believed he'd wake up one morning and there it'd be, sitting in his driveway glittering in the sun. Regardless, he had moved on and he was ready to start his new life with Mary. Sherlock was still, and would always be, his best friend. It hadn't taken long to forgive him. John didnt need to imagine what life without Sherlock was like, and the memories still wet his eyes. It had dawned on John too little too late that he had made a terrible mistake, sitting at a pale, lace-brimmed table between the love of his life and his bride. No matter the joy his wife brought him, his heart still pledged itself to Sherlock. Just when the two had come to peace with their own lives, together yet still so distant, Mary attended an appointment, you might say.
An appointment in samara.
Then he was alone. Without his partner, with a daughter to raise, and his best friend shut in his own disturbed mind. But, as per usual without fail, they saved each other- Sherlock's rescue being more emotional than literal. With time and a surrender of guilt, Sherlock Holmes and John Watson at long last shared their visceral longing for one another.
Oh... it had seemed a lifetime since then. John could hardly imagine where he'd be now had Sherlock not remained by his side through it all. Involving John in his adventures made all the difference in his livelihood. Not to mention his assisting in parenting Rosie.
John had been in love before, obviously, but the way he felt with Sherlock was unlike anything he had experienced before. He felt protected and loved in a way that he was unable to feel for himself. He could find himself in the stickiest of circumstances and he could know that his consulting detective wouldn't be far behind. Above all, he felt at peace. Nothing had to be hidden or repressed anymore. Soulmates was a fantastical term, but it was the closest John could come to describing Sherlock and him.
And now here he was. John was prepared to commit the rest of his finite time to the man he loved. He only had to figure out how to ask.
At John's admission, Mike paused. And then he chuckled.
"You know, you're the second person to say that to me today"
"...Who was the first?"
"Too bulky... too small... too flashy...too rusty- good lord! Do you have any wedding bands a shade other than brass?!"
"Ohhhh I read you loud and clear good sir, you are obviously a man of exquisite tastes!", the jeweler flushed nervously. This gentleman's abrasive, clear-cut manner did not make him an easy customer.
"One would think a shop primarily selling engagement rings would have a larger selection", the stranger replied curtly.
An uncomfortable laugh was his only response.
The mysterious man studied every gem and trinket with merciless judgement. No ring was suitable. Only as he began to turn to leave did his eye catch the perfect ring. The ordinary shopper would never have noticed it. This simple silver band was practically invisible amongst the glittering, bedazzled others surrounding it. It was classy and uncomplicated; the exact ring that his partner would appreciate.
"I'll take it."
The jeweler eyed the bland item suspiciously.
"That one?... Are you sure?"
Relieved he had found something to his liking, the jeweler scuttled to the cash register before the other man would change his mind. "Alright now, that will be... do I know you from somewhere?"
"You sure? Because you look awfully familiar-"
"- noone you know, I'm sure. Do you take credit cards?", the customer dismissed swiftly.
"Oh! How could I have forgotten!", the jeweler laughed, "I've seen you in the papers! Didn't expect to see you here, mister. Especially without the hat."
"And, there it is", the other sighed, annoyed.
"I've got to say I love your hat-"
"Notmyhat", he seethed.
"Oh, forgive me, I'm babbling. That will be £5,000- Sherlock Holmes"
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ravenaveira · 6 years
OK I just need to go off about KH3 again
Im sorry your probably gonna be seeing alot of these posts because I am friggin PISSED and no Im not saying this ONE THING ruined the game for me or that the game is bad thats not my intention I personally gave the game a 8.9 so clearly I enjoyed it I just didnt enjoy THIS shit
The romance between Sora and Kairi omg its just SO BAD it makes my danm blood boil because it didnt HAVE to be this bad but you wanna know why it was so bad this game and worse than any other game in the franchise?
Because Kairi was off the island
You heard me right, Kairi being off the island and put onto the battlefield destroyed this relationship for good and turned it into the biggest friggin joke its ever been when before there were actually some decent moments between them but this? this was downright laughable and so forced it felt like Sora was being held hostage and forced to say and do the BS that he was and it just felt uncomfortable to watch
Like him saying ‘Im strong with you Kairi’ which apparently in JPN he said ‘your strong Kairi’ which somehow makes it better to some people but bruh both are equally bad and equally laughable because neither of them are true
Kairi’s not strong and never has been, Kairi is just a love interest and has never been anything else from the moment she was introduced all she was is Sora’s love interest and that was literally all there was and all there still is to her character
Oh well without Kairi Sora wouldnt be alive she was the only thing keeping him tethered to the real world and lit his way back
So tf what? she deserves a friggin medal because she ‘believed’ ? dont make me laugh, wow Kairi’s one big moment of use was just ‘believeing’ in Sora which literally every single other character does but when Kairi does it suddenly its the biggest contribution anyone could give her because thats literally ALL she did so yea bravo Kairi, you believed
And then everybody proceeded to nearly get bodied all over again xD nice save Kairi, you literally almost made everyone die TWICE
Know who ACTUALLY did something to stop it a second time? Namine, Lingering will, The past keyblade masters, Yen Sid, those are the ones who actually DID something that made a difference and ACTUALLY kept them alive this time
Kairi literally barely kept him alive, brought him back to the light, just for him to nearly die all over again and her whole role ends up being a total failure that changed NOTHING
So yeah congratulations, her biggest moment amounted to nothing
Oh and dont get me started on that stupid hug Sora gave Kairi when she was about to get struck down by Terranort
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Bruh dont give me that ‘he was moving too fast’ or some crap like that so he only had time to do that, BULLSHIT did you SEE how fast Aqua came at Riku in the ROD? Sora managed to get between them and shield Riku with his keyblade in literal seconds, but with Kairi he just hugs her?
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You see now why I say this ship is laughable in this game and forced af? that made no danm sense, even if he would of pushed her out of the way it would of made more sense then just friggin hugging her as if thats really gonna stop anything
Bruh Sora and Riku had a more believable romantic moment in that entire ROD moment with Riku saying Sora’s name and then Sora appears to help him save the day and they summon a friggin rainbow keyblade, and then Aqua is about to friggin body Riku with literally only seconds to react Sora manages to protect him
Now I’ve seen people try to argue well everybody really was useless or needed saving in this game so its not just Kairi
BULLSHIT and lemme tell you why
Yea its true people like Riku and Mickey who are far more experienced still struggled and needed saving but guess what? they were DOING something, they held their own they didnt just friggin stand there they put up a danm fight and DID something that actually CONTRIBUTED
I mean bruh Riku and Mickey were literally fighting by themselves at the end of the game against THREE PEOPLE, again BY THEMSELVES holdin their own while everybody else had atleast 1 person helpin them, Aqua with Ventus and Kairi with Lea but Riku and Mickey? solo and doin the danm thing idc if they eventually get defeated or knocked out or struggle alot the point is their DOING something or atleast friggin TRIED to do something
Aqua gets roasted alot too but we’ve seen what she can do in BBS, she held her own and even fought and beat Vanitas, again even if she eventually was defeated or knocked out etc like her Vanitas fight in KH3 again she friggin TRIED and friggin DID something
Ventus got bodied but again we’ve seen what he could do in BBS and Ventus is no pushover, he unfroze himself with sheer will power and his glare was enough to give Xigbar [now Luxu] PTSD everytime he sees him or someone who reminds him of him, he too took on Vanitas and tied even though he didnt WIN he didnt lose either so his performance against Terranort in this game I agree was underwhelming but understandable given thats still his friend but he still did something in the end and wasnt totally useless
People raggin on Lea need to STOP because its thanks to him Kairi didnt get friggin smacked down early on because he took the danm hit for her and got sent flying instead of her defending her danm self
Keep in mind Kairi and Lea got the EXACT SAME TRAINING and even HE reacted with common sense but Kairi? even AFTER SEEING Lea get sent flying after defending her that STILL didnt make her defend herself and she just friggin STOOD THERE
Or how about when both Kairi and Sora got knocked back and Lea literally fought Saix and Xion and Xemnas BY HIMSELF to protect them
Gtf outta here man and put some respect on Leas name because he DANM sure deserves it for all the crap he took from Xemnas and the utter disrespect of having his keyblade I assume broken or damaged, being shot by multiple lasers AND having his hand stomped on by Xemnas this man was still TRYING even with all odds against him and being clearly outmatched he still TRIED
Meanwhile Kairi just gets her arm grabbed, I wanna make this very clear
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She is not lifted off the ground like Sora was with young Xehanort, she was not pinned to the ground, she was not backed into a wall, she did not have both arms forced behind her back NO
Her feet are planted firmly on the ground, she has one arm being pulled above her head but she has another free arm which may not be her dominant arm but is still better than having none and she does NOTHING
She doesnt try to get her other arm free from him
She doesnt struggle or pull away from him
She doesnt try to turn around to lessen the pain of her arm being pulled behind her
She doesnt stomp on his foot to try and get him to loosen his grip on her to give her a chance to break free
Know who was in a similar situation and handled it way better with no battle experience?
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So dont tell me it wasnt friggin possible for her to do anything in that situation because thats utter bullshit and you know it, Kairi didnt even STRUGGLE she didnt even TRY to get free
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She used her free arm to reach out for Sora to ‘save’ her though, but not to even attempt to free herself
Yet THIS is who people are hoping is the main playable character next game to go rescue Sora?
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Girl couldnt even save herself yet yall think she can rescue Sora? what a joke but unfortunately some people are actually serious about this and actually want a playable Kairi after this travesty of a performance
Before yall had good arguments, Kairi WAS inexperienced and she DIDNT have any battle training so she really COULDNT contribute or do much but that all changed in KH3, now she DOES have the SKILLS and the TRAINING and the means to be able to contribute and DO something and theres absolutely no more excuses why she shouldnt
Kairi says herself, this time I’ll fight too, this time its my turn to protect you
And when she fiiiiiiinally gets the chance to do all that, everything the fandom has wanted and waited years for her to finally be able to do, this is what she does
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THIS is Kairi off the island, THIS is battle ready Kairi, THIS is Kairi DOING something and by doing something I mean NOTHING but getting in the way like Sora said years ago when he left her back on the island which now makes total sense because this is what happens when Kairi goes with Sora to the battlefield
Now we know what Kairi is truly capable of if you give her a weapon and the training to use it, absolutely nothing
And people actually want playable Kairi next game xD
Honestly I somewhat blame the fandom for this because I wouldnt be surprised if Nomura tried giving her a more active role because the fandom desperately wanted this for years and I guess this was his attempt at throwin them a bone but to be perfectly honest? he should have just left her ass on the island atleast then she had an EXCUSE to be useless but because he tried to give the people what they wanted and actually gave Kairi combat skills he just made Kairi 100% justifiably hateable now and I am so glad to see more people finally turn on this chick because the excuses for her has finally run out and its about danm time she got the hate she deserves because Sora deserved better
I think thats the part that hurts the most, I can accept Sora dying but its HOW he died that I cant accept and do you even need to guess how it was? thats right, saving Kairi
Seriously FDB
Listen Nomura, you tried and failed miserably, its time to stop, seriously, its time to stop, Kairi had her chance and she blew it and now its time to let it go and bench her ass on the island like you been doing out of everybodys danm way and leave the rescuing of Sora to Riku and everyone else who is actually of some danm use and knows wtf they are doing
Kairi can just stay on the island and ‘believe’ since thats apparently all shes good at doing, let her just ‘believe’ that Sora will come back while Riku and everyone else actually do the work of getting him back and she just be there to greet him when hes back
Im hoping the secret ending is hinting at us playing as Riku trying to save Sora because Im all for that, but if they really try to shoe horn playable Kairi in after all the negative reaction from this game Im not saying I wont play it but it will definitely make the game unenjoyable if majority of it has you playing as someone you strongly dislike instead of Riku whos actually a pretty popular and beloved character amongst majority of the fandom while Kairi is descending to one of the most disliked
So Im hoping Nomura has learned from this and just doesnt even try with Kairi anymore, just stop it
This game would have been so much better if he’d just manned up and took the risk and just abandoned Kairi in this game by letting her actually STAY dead and Sora accepts this and moves on [of course over time not instantly] but with the help of Riku and everyone else by his side Sora’s able to move forward and live on keeping Kairi in his heart forever and at the end instead of what we got hes just sitting on the beach watching the sunset while everyone else is playing and he takes out and looks at Kairi’s charm remembering how he didnt get to give it back to her this time but then all of a sudden a paopu fruit washes up near his feet which is unusual but he picks it up and as he does notices something in the distance but is blinded by the sun but he can vaguely see Kairi before she fades away, similar to how Axel saw Xion here
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Lets say Kairi is holding the other paopu too, and once she disapears Sora cries for a moment but wipes them away and smiles knowing that Kairi’s still with him, he then proceeds to take a bite of the paopu fruit which would tie in perfectly with the title screen showing Sora with his back turned and a bite taken out of the paopu hes holding
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This way Kairi’s importance to Sora is still in tact but shes no longer here to get in the way or need saving AGAIN, her character ends on a high note and Sora grows from the experience realizing that he cant save everybody no matter how hard he tries some people simply cannot be saved and he just has to let them go even if he doesnt want to
But nope, instead Sora dies saving Kairi like in KH1 and its just not sweet, its not even bittersweet, its more of a slap in the face than anything and Sora has zero growth from this, it just changed from Kairi needing saving to Sora needing saving and honestly we JUST saved everybody else and already we have to save ANOTHER person? its just ugh man I cant
Theres plenty more things I didnt like besides this but this is the one thing that pissed me off the most because I never expected it to be THIS bad
Also I know I use Sora and Riku as a comparison alot but that isnt because Im some salty Soriku shipper whos just mad my ship aint canon because honestly I dont give af when it comes to Kingdom hearts pairings I could literally care less about any of them hell Roxas could marry a tree for all I care or form a three way with Ven and Aqua I DONT CARE the only pairing I ever had a problem with is Sokai and thats because of my strong dislike for Kairi more so than the pairing itself and I think Sora deserves better than Kairi so this isnt just some bitter Soriku shipper because like I said I DONT care but I do somewhat ship Soriku, just like I somewhat ship Roxion and RokuNami and some older ships more out there like Sonami or Namitas etc no one cares but you get my point
I dont care about Kingdom hearts for the ships theres far more important things going on than to be worried about some stupid pairing, but Sokai just leaves a bad taste in my mouth everytime its even mentioned
And now no matter what they do with Kairi or Sokai in the future it wouldnt change a thing because after KH3 its irredeemable, the damage is done and theres no undoing it unless you give it one long ass arc like Riku to slowly redeem it but I doubt Nomura cares about the romance and Kairi enough to actually dedicate such an arc for it so yeah the damage is DONE
My bet for next games playable characters, Riku, Aqua, Roxas, Ventus, Xion, those are the only ones who make sense to me since they all have the strongest connection to Sora and are capable fighters and I feel Aqua although not having a strong connection to him like the others she would wanna repay Sora for saving her so thats my bet
If anyone bothered to read this whole thing then lemme know who do you thinks gonna be playable in the next game?
Also if you like Kairi and Sokai thats perfectly fine this isnt to bash the shippers or demanding you dislike it cuz hey to each their own, Im just saying I DONT
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milkteanyc · 7 years
Dream 1
Theres a small building and its in tokyo Its night and theres two children who come out to leave me and theres a boy I look down my arms are covered in tattoos and im wearing a leather jacket its a cool summer night The boy is also wearing a leather jacket But his expression is light as he says goodbye to the children I go back in my memory Sort of in a daze thinking about what happened throughout the last few days I got there pretty late in the evening it was about 21:00 everyone was a bit startled to see me i had a backpack with the few clothes i would need for the next week I was supposed to volunteer i think was some sort of orphanage the ladies were very kind and welcoming even though i looked like this i was a dress at the time Tattoos fully exposed They were beautiful But i cant remember the exact designs there was red and green and black and gray and yellow and purple and every color i could imagine Two kids came up to me as it was dinner time and gave me a silver bowl to get food i accompanied them to their small wooden table as the other children chatted the night away They were very helpful and respectful the little boy was about 12 the little girl about 10 They werent related but it was as if they could have been He took great care of her They asked so many questions about my life they began to jumble all together in my head I was very drowzy they mustve given me warm tea and send me off to bed Soon everything went black The next thing I knew it was morning, a warm inviting morning unlike anything id ever experienced, i head the children laughing and playing outside I got ready and walked out It was like a decent sized alleyway behind and around the building only to be surrounded by many many other buildings I remember people looking out and smiling at the children It was like a market beautifully decorated and the kids played as the ladies sold the fruits and vegetables It radiated warmth throughout my body I played with the kids tried to answer their questions yet it all felt so surreal like i was constantly dazing off into space Like there was more to me being there than just to be there Like I had been running from something From someone And i could feel heartbreak as i thought about it but i didnt understand why I just know the boy with the cute frizzy brown hair With the dazzling smile bun i couldnt quite recall who it was or why he was looking for me It was dinner time by the time we finished bringing in everything that was left and making dinner I was wearing a sun dress my hair put up in a ponytail Long brown wavy hair My piercings showing through I felt radiant with the warmth in my heart and smiling and laughing along with them the lights were warm the air fresh as it began to rain I felt so alive in that moment Until the front door opened and I could hear his voice My face seemingly dropped and the little boy took my hand and asked what was wrong except i couldnt say anything And i could only offer a sad smile My heart began racing and i excused myself to the bathroom as one of the ladies went over to speak with him Im not sure what he asked i could only hear muffled sounds as i washed my face in the bathroom and tried to recollect why he was so familiar and why i didnt want him to find me I could hear the children offering him a place to sit next to them He did have a way with people, old and young A way to capture their hearts.. As he had captured my own. I took a deep breath, ready to face him and whatever it was he brought with him. I stepped out with a smile, hoping and praying it was enough to tuck away the sadness I knew very well reflected in my eyes because I couldn't run away from him forever and if I had learned anything by now after all these centuries, it was that no matter where we went, we'd always find each other. And in this life, he'd always find me. I felt my breath hitch as I saw his face stop in the middle of a bite, eyes widen and then fall into recognition, taking in the moment as he looked me up and down. I tried to avoid him but I realized that was no use as he sat at the table I shared with the little girl and boy I took my time heading back to the table and as I sat down, the little boy scooted over to me as he took my hand, the sight almost making me burst into tears. The boy cleared his throat as plead for me to look at him, the mistress of the house interrupting as she welcomed him and I silently thanked her. Why was I so damn afraid? What could he do to me? I felt no threat from him, just pain.. A lot of pain. Enough to keep me from looking at his eyes, the same ones that I knew held promises neither of us could keep. I gathered up all the strength I could as the mistress walked away and I looked up at him for the very first time. The bags under his eyes were prominent giving away the endless night he looked for me. He was wearing his favorite leather jacket, matching my own tucked away in my room. His eyes looked sad. Really sad actually. Like he'd almost given up hope for the hundredth time, crying endlessly and just composing himself enough to keep going. I felt the urge to touch him then. An urge that had become all too familiar. His eyes reflected my own. And though i couldnt quite remember how we ended up here in the first place, I know he had been with someone else. He had broken my heart but the boy in front of me looked so small and fragile as if my voice could break him into pieces we couldnt quite put back together again. He smiled. A tiny smile that I wouldve missed if I hadnt been so focused on his face. I turned to the children and began eating, trying to distract myself from everything. Where was the smiling girl that could feel the happiness resonating through the room just a half hour ago? How could I fix something I couldnt recall completely? I felt so heavy now. I began to clear the tables to the kitchen when he grabbed my wrist. "I have to clean." "Please. Talk to me." "I am and now I'm done. Ill go back to cleaning now." "Stop" "Dont tell me what to do" "Look at me. Please. PLEASE. Im begging you to listen, you dont have to speak but youve any idea of whats been going on?" "I dont care." I couldnt take it anymore, I pulled my wrist from him and began to walk away and thats when I was basically dragged to the front of the building, outside and I knew he was exasperated. "What are you even doing here? Everything was fine. I dont understand why you had to come back and act like you werent in the wrong." "Its because im in the wrong i came for you as i always do, you cant run away forever, we have to talk at some point" "Theres nothing to talk about. Im fucking done" "No youre not. What you think happened didnt even happen how can you be done when you havent heard the whole story yet?" "Because I dont care, im tired Im fucking exhausted i dont want to deal with this anymore. Have you stopped to ask yourself how much longer were bound to do this? How many more lives do we have to deal with all the bullshit, i cant do this forever and i may not have any control over what happens after this life but i have enough control over what happens now and i cant do this anymore." "Please. Baby." "Stop." "No. I love you. And ive loved you before and ill love you again and im in love with you and its not some fucking centuries old curse on our souls to be bound to each other for eternity we both know very well thats not how this works" "Please stop, i cant do this anymore" He began to look blurry and i knew it was too late to hold back the tears so i let them fall "Why are you always the one trying to let me go" "Why are you always the one not letting me. Why are you always the one looking for me. Why is it that I cant look at your face without the fire in my heart being ignited yet it hurts. It hurts so fucking much. I cant stand it anymore. Im being ripped apart in half trying to decide if I should let myself melt into you again or if I should push away. Everything is intensified with you and I fucking am in love with you and I dont get why because this cant be real." "But it is, you cant deny me forever. I dont know why youre so afraid, it hurts because you keep rejecting it. But I know better and I know this isnt about you. Please stop breaking your own heart trying to save my own." And then I was snapped out it by the boy handing me a flower. A daisy. How beautiful. My favorite. I smiled at him and kneeled down he could hug me as if he didnt want to let go. I promised to be back and it was a promise i had to keep. Boy took my hand in his and our bags in the other and I could see the building get smaller and smaller and then everything went black.
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