#maybe i shouldnt cut my hair because if i do that im gonna get called their twin or something
angryborzois · 10 months
how do people keep confusing me for this one person
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oretsev · 2 years
hi helloo, i'd just written a novel in ur askbox about s&b and then tumblr crashed and it was all lost :') maybe for the better because it was a total mess of thoughts lmao so let me try to summarise my feelings a bit (im sorry this turned out REALLY long)
i HATE that they speedran s&s and r&r in the most bullshit way possible. the entire amplifier hunt was basically removed, at least journey-wise - they just. find the sea whip in that one cave and then they go to morozova's workshop and thats it?? wheres the shu han quest. where the fuck is the ACTUAL spinning wheel. and why is alina not hounding everyone to find the firebird??? she's supposed to be obsessively seeking it now, why does she barely seem to care? also where's the actual ending to siege and storm. WHERE is my darkling & alina fight. wheres her being saved by mal... where's her white hair !!!! idk that scene was my favourite and once i knew we were getting a tv show i really wanted to see this on screen :((
all the characters and relationships they cut... harshaw, misha, ONCAT, tamar&nadia (because lbr they basically weren't there), honestly i even missed sergei and stigg (who i'd barely even remembered before), nadia and adrik as siblings even. they just cut all these people and their journeys with alina for what, a fetch quest for a magic sword?
also, where's the apparat and the soldat sol? we hear people call alina 'sankta', sure, but the entire religious part of ruin and rising is just. completely sidelined. which is really weird because it's so important!! tolya and tamar's faith is basically nonexistent and i don't like it at all
the whole firebird reveal was soooo boring. like i'm sorry but that scene in the book? absolutely perfect. but in the show... it's just a story! baghra just tells mal and thats it! honestly this entire season was so much telling and not showing too, soooo much exposition and it just really didnt work
now then. ive put this off long enough but. the fucking ending. dude... i don't even know where to begin. how do you fuck up the rewrite of your book so badly that the entire moral of your book is just. completely lost?? literally the entire trilogy is built on the "what is infinite? the universe and the greed of men" quote. you CANNOT disregard that in this way. the point of the entire story is that alina's greed is punished! she loses her powers and she loses mal (sort of). the fold is destroyed by her power but not by her, because she never should have had that much power! now... she loses nothing. she has her power, she has three amplifiers, she brought mal back with merzost (which is still. insane to me like i legit laughed out loud when that happened) and now she's general of the second army and also soon probably queen of ravka??? she doesnt lose ANYTHING to her greed.
and with the ending too... where the hell are they going to take this next? because theyre sure as hell not following the kos duology storyline, what with alina now being nikolai's general instead of zoya (which im also. really pissed off about because zoya's story is SO important and theyve just. shoved her to the side)
i also have some thoughts about the crows and how theyve been handled of course i just don't feel as passionately about them (also because they shouldnt have been in this show in the first place but thats just my opinion <3) but i do wonder how theyre gonna start the soc spinoff when theyve basically done so much of the crooked kingdom plot already? and inej is literally already sailing and finding slavers like... i have no idea how theyre going to dothis spinoff and make everyone happy
very small last points but im so mad that they did the "an ordinary life full of ordinary things" line and then decided to. include nikolai? what the actual fuck? and then they didnt even GIVE malina their ordinary life... sorry im so so angry about this ending
i'm sure ive got more to say but this is already wayy too long and i don't wanna bother u anymore but ive just been mad for 3 days straight and really needed to get this off my chest <3 im really disappointed that theyve managed to screw up my favourite book series of all time so i'm just going to reread r&r and forget this season exists :D hope u have a nice day and thank u for reading this dump slfksdj
RIP but ty for venting!!! i totally get everything you’re saying. all of this comes down to the writers smashing basically all of the books into one season for NO reason. all of the things that make the trilogy & duology interesting & compelling & complex are gone bc there’s no time to show them. it’s constantly going GO GO GO with the plot, & for what?? nothing got added to these characters this season, i didn’t feel any impact during any of the big reveals, i didn’t get any emotional payoff from these characters’ journeys.
& why change the ending the way they do? eric’s already said that a season 3 would go back & touch on s&s things they didn’t address. so this ending is meant to draw out alina & mal’s stories, but why do it this way? why backtrack like that? you could certainly draw out the trilogy without speed-running the original ending like this, but that doesn’t fit whatever weird narrative he has for the crows ig.
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reidsnose · 4 years
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overview: reader accidentally falls out of a window while having a late night talk with spencer (loosely based on the song: home by edward shapre and the magnetic zeros)
genre: angst? FLUFF
warning: blood, head injury, hospital visit, overdramatic reader thinks shes dying
a/n: i really really dont know if yall will like this but i do and i think its cute so please lmk what u think ab it :)
Spencer knew it wasn't the safest thing in the world. you did too. but something about sitting on the outside window ledge together, talking and laughing, was far too tempting of an offer to pass up. and besides, it was just over 6 feet off of the ground! whats the worst that could happen?
and so you sat, shoulders smushed together so you could both fit. a blanket wrapped around you both, keeping the cool night air locked out. however, you were so close together (and so flushed) that even without the blanket you'd both still be warm.
you adored nights like this with him, thinking to yourself how you got lucky enough to call him your best friend. to anyone else, it was obvious you two were deeply yet obliviously, painfully in love. you watched as he retold a memory he had of the two of you, eyes widening and hands peeking through the blanket to gesture wildly with each sentence. though you were listening to the story, growing more and more fond of the memory now that it was being told from his perspective, you couldn't help but be distracted by him. his essence. his being. he was...intoxicating.
and then he cut to the punch line and looked to you for a reaction, watching beauty radiate from you as you threw your head back and laughed. he didn't even realize how funny it was until he saw how hard you were laughing. and then you snorted, which of course caused you to laugh more. with tears nearly coming out of your eyes, you wrapped your hands around your aching stomach, trying to control your laughter and completely forgetting that you needed your hands to keep you balanced on the window.
he took you in, a tranquility like no other filling his heart.
and then it happen.
in slow motion he watched you lose your balance, unable to catch his grasp as you fell towards the ground outside. fear coursed through his veins as he tried to calculate every possible out come. and then suddenly time was back to normal, and you were on the floor, a fresh cut on your head.
without missing a beat he jumped out after you, landing far more gracefully than you had.
you felt him lift your head into his lap, barely hearing his muffled words. you nodded when he asked if you could hear him for the fourth time. and then you felt some blood trickle down your face. and you did not do well with seeing your own blood.
that was it. you were gonna die. you never told him how you felt and you were going to die. you could even feel death pulling on your eyelids.
in reality, you had landed on your hip and your head hit a pointy rock. it felt like hell but medically you would be just fine. it looked a lot worse than it actually was, head injuries produce far more blood than other body parts.
spencer knew this as he peeled the cardigan off of his shoulders, bunching it up and applying pressure to your wound.
he picked you up bridal style, trying hard to cradle your head at the same time. he was beyond relieved at how relatively minor this was going to be. you would heal, and you would be ok. he got to his car and gently placed you in the passenger seat before running to the drivers side and taking off as fast as he possible could.
"Spencer," you rasped.
"don't talk very much right now. don't worry i'm going to get you to the hospital just stay awake for me you've probably got a concussion." he explained, looking over worriedly.
"im going to die." you told him, your brain feeling foggy from seeing your own blood.
"no you wont. i promise you wont die."
you went on telling him again and again how you would die and how the team shouldn't cry for you. and he patiently explained every time that you would be ok. and as he carried you into the ER you took one look at the cardigan that had rested against your forehead and convinced yourself 110% that you were on your death bed.
so it was now or never.
"Spencer before i die i want you to know that i love you. i always have. i just had to get it off my chest before i left this world with you still in it." you blurted as the doctors began to take you away.
he stood there, mouth agape at your confession.
"she is not going to die." one of the doctors reassured Spencer before turning on his heels and jogging to catch up with the rest of them.
it had to have been the loss of blood. or maybe a concussion fogged your thinking. or maybe he's in shock and he's hearing things. because there is no possible way that that just happened.
and so he sat in the waiting room for nearly an hour while they stitched up your head, nervously tapping his foot to match the pace of his racing thoughts.
he was thinking through every single moment the two of you had ever shared, wondering if-hoping that there was some truth to your confession, when they called out your name. he shot up faster than he ever had before, even getting a little light headed at the sudden quick stance.
he walked in to see you sitting up, drinking some apple juice that the nurses had brought you. and even then, in a hospital bed with half a dozen stitches in your forehead, you looked more beautiful than ever. he was astonished. absolutely astonished at just how radiant you were. your eyes twinkles as you smiled at him.
"so false alarm.. i didnt die." you joked, trying to hide your embarrassment, handing him a hospital issued jello.
"im so glad youre ok. you know i told you from the start we shouldnt have sat on the window," he chuckled, eyes feeling teary for a reason unknown to him.
"i know i know, you're always right." you giggled a little before wincing in pain from it.
his hand came up and lightly brushed your hair back, soothing you so much your eyes immediately fluttered closed. he had to bring it up, he had to know.
"did you mean it?" he asked.
you tried to control your heart rate while you played it dumb, "well yeah i really did think i was going to die."
"thats not what i meant."
"i know." you admitted. "yes. i meant it. i still mean it and if thats weird for you and you want to leave i completely understand-"
he cut you off by pressing his lips to your own, soft but passionate, tasting of jello.
it was a better profession of love than any speech he could try to make. because regardless of how many big words he used, it wouldn't be enough. not to mention that being around you makes his brain turn into mush, rendering it completely useless.
your heart rate monitor started going absolutely wild, beeping quickly and erratically. you both started laughing into the kiss, reluctantly pulling away. euphoria coursed through your veins, two lovesick bozos in the hospital.
you two talked for a little, buzzed from the kiss., smiling like a couple of idiots. but you were happy. sitting in the hospital with a cracked open head and you were still happy. because Spencer was there. and he makes you happy.
after talking to the doctor and a phone call with hotch, you were told to take two weeks off of work. spencer insisted that he go home early every day so he can come over and take care of you. and that was fiinnneee by you.
ultra mega super cool taglist:
@mac99martin @imhreid @spencersmagic @hollydaisy23 @raelady1184 @a-broken-pact @padfootswife @hey-there-angels @star-stuff-in-the-cosmos @sonnydoesrandomshit @averyhotchner @laurakirsten0502 @reidyoulikeabook @rem-ariiana @spencerreid9 @vampire-overlord @takeyourleap-of-faith @s1utformgg @violetspoetic
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antiloreolympus · 3 years
10 Anti LO Asks
1. you know whats also bad about the red eyes? not only do they look awful on persephone's pink color, they're not even a unique feature? like we've seen hades' eyes go red, we've seen eros' eyes go red, and ares' eyes are ALWAYS red, so even this idea its her "unique queenly trait" doesnt even hold up?? because we've seen it on other characters before?like at least the blue glowing eyes looked unique and even gave her a possessed, otherworldly look, something with the red eyes just dont have.
2. The faces in the latest ep (not fastpass).... Ew
3. I saw someone praise lore olympus art, specifically the ones where Apollo is playing his lyre and Daphne is covering her ears while her hair is split in two (yuck! Bad decision looks awful) so we can see Apollo, the one where she transforms into her hibernation state (weird perspective, chin and neck, I think, also what the hell was that supposed to be?) and the last one before cutting to Thanatos (which, I admit looks a little better that the other but I still got distracted Apollo's arm among other things).
Now, Rachel is a professional artist like 15-25 years older than me (I dunno her age) drawing one of the most liked webtoons.
I feel like I'm nitpicking or being too harsh or crazy because I think it is a little terrible and this person thinks it's amazing and I know art is subjective and all but like the difference of opinion is jarring. I am by no means a professional and my art leaves a lot to be desired and I guess I don't have incredibly high standards (or do I? I'm second guessing). Is it really that good?
Because I know that Smythe commits more than a few anatomy atrocities. I wanted to redraw a few panels two years ago and I noticed a few things that Don't Work Like That.
4. ok but that other anon is right. we shouldnt have to go off old tumblr asks or random tweets to understand what's going on and who the characters are. rachel doesnt realize you have to actually write whats going on, not putting the readers on a scavenger hunt trying to figure out what they're even reading.
5. im honestly surprised LO hasnt ruined more mother figures at this point. maybe maia will be next and depicted as neglectful and hermes is only the way he is because hes acting out to be noticed by her, maybe dione will slut shame aphrodite, who knows, the possibilities are endless when its about ruining every mother figure to prop persephone and hera up and to avoid giving the characters actual personalities that isnt dependent on mommy/daddy issues.
6. I hate the clothing choice for Daphne in run for your life. It felt like she was drawn in a sexualized manner when she shouldn’t have been because she was running away from a r*pist. Like she almost had a nip slip, we almost got her ass, it was like Rachel was trying to fit her butt and chest in a lot of the frames like some video game with the token woman character. Like if a different dress was choosen or how she made Daphne tie the dress, I just feel like Rachel can’t draw outside of pinup sexy that well. Like sexy is fine for sexy scenes but running away from a r*pist is not sexy. (I probably sounded really lame, but the way Rachel presents the story in a feminist way but can only draw one way in not even the same style is annoying)
7. Things I think would have been better for the story instead of focusing so much on HXP
-Expanding on Minthe’s and Hades beginning of their relationship (he couldn’t of fallen for her since she didn’t laugh at him and when she yelled at him said it’s not your fault but you have the hat I think that would have added to his character more to see him more than a 40 year old who hits on barely legal)
-Leto’s kidnapping of Demeter. Both we/are close with Hera, and probably know or each other or may have been friends. Like I wanna know how Leto kidnapped her but also how are they interacting since they probably know each other and Demeter probably had Hera’s back when Hera ended their friendship.
-Ares return to Aphrodite. We don’t get to see much of her character but we know this is something she’s wanted, but they way it was handled was so flat, We assume Aphrodite told Ares that his gf slept with his father to save their son but we don’t actual read any words between the couple. And then they’re living together. I wanna see how they actually interact and stay together like their better moments. Like how well did he settle in, did they talk about how long he left for or is he mad like come on that’s something interesting but I feel like RS can’t write outside of HXP
-the deal with Echo. Why do people think Echo could possibly be Hera’s gf if she’s her assistant. Yeah they do dirty work together BUT I didn’t get a wiff or sexual tension or anything. Was it that she was there with the doctor? It just seems like Hera is that CEO trope who has the assistant always by her now.
-a little more of Pysche and Aphrodite friendship. Like Pysche says Aphrodite is lonely (and we can assume a part of that is Ares) but also because she “doesn’t have many friends” so why not a solo scene of just the two of them being actual friends. Like what did Aphrodite say when she brought back a purple nymph that was gonna help them with their work.
-Hermes not talking about Persephone. I feel like that 99% of what his character is and then just a little bit of himbo. 
-Maybe Thantos and Minthe started flirting/hooking up. We’re they friends first or flirts first? Was it after Hades and Minthe got into a fight or something else? What did Thantos like about Minthe and what does she like about him? Why did she stay with Hades with Thantos was there (it’s not like she wanted to be queen of the underworld) How did Thantoas and Thetis meet and become friends? Idk if I was seeing two guys and one of them actually liked my friend I might consider leaving Hades for him. But again hades did have the power to control everything in Minthe’s life (job, home, everything) I do like Daphne and Thantos But I feel like the transition could have been better if we knew more, but again RS can only focus on one thing and that’s HXP.
------FP Spoiler/Mention------
8. FP SPOILERS— I’m done. I’m really done. We called it. We FKN called it. They got married behind the readers back, Demeter didn’t respond to the question as she actively avoided it and time was up, Apollo is somehow involved in the trial- THIS WHOLE THING IS A MESS AND IM TIRED OF HOPING THAT IT GETS BETTER. Four FKN years of this??? I’m done with this Webtoon even though I’m FKN stuck in it. I’m so FKN done.
9. Fast Pass spoiler (kinda) OH MY GOD, I JUST REALIZED THE POMEGRANATE PIN IS JUST PASTED ON EVERY FRAME, NOT EVEN RE DRAWN FOR PERSPECTIVE, NO, JUST COPIED AND PASTED, REGARDLESS THE OUTFIT ANGLE AND LIGHTING, IT'S HILARIOUS!!!I mean, I knew the art was decaying, but this just made me laugh out loud of how bad it looked.
10. persephone’s pomegranate pin just looks like a giant fly that landed on her and won’t leave LMAO
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staycult · 4 years
highschool!hyunjin as your boyfriend
pairing — gender neutral reader x hyunjin
genre — fluff / bullet scenario
word count — idk maybe 600-700
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ok so
u both met bcs of the same class
since u were a new student, he got assigned to tour you around the campus
bcs he's a goody two shoes
"hyunjin, by the way." he said as he gave u a light smile,
you being a shy bean u are, just gave him a nod
he took the hint and started to walk with you following him behind
he opened a big door for you and motioned u to go inside
the smell of old books and the sound of typing devoured your senses
"this is the library, quite old but still does it's job" he said while looking around
you love libraries a lot
"it's nice" you finally spoke, fiddling w/ ur fingers a bit
"[y/n], sorry i didnt answer you earlier"
he smiled at your sudden burst of bubble
"so that's basically it for the facilities" he said while stopping infront of you
the bell rang and a whole lot of students went out of their rooms
"hey you should go with us for lunch" he said half confidently
"if you want to, that's what i meant" he added.
since you dont have that much friends, you decided to go along
you entered the cafeteria and was greeted with hyunjin's friends
7 other boys greeted you with a smile as well as 5 other girls. you have grown close with them in a matter of minutes especially the girls. as it was to go home, hyunjin offered to walk you home. the awkward tension between you two disappeared. it became a routine for the both of you to walk home together since he lives a block away from you.
finals came in and you were cramming your eyes off in the library
as you were looking for the book you needed, you stumbled upon yeji and hyunjin
who were facing each other while studying
not gonna lie it was an eye sore to see
yeji is one of your closest friends so you shrugged it off because they had always been close
but this time, it felt different
like you were hurt?
you picked up your book and turned around to find your own seat
"pst! hey [y/n]!" a familiar voice called out
"come sit with us!" yeji whisper-shouted
so u did
it felt awkward for some reason and you rlly didnt know why
you guys had always been close, why now?
yeji had this smirk on her face
while hyunjin was side eyeing her
she let out a snort "hey i have a class in 5 see you both later at lunch!" she said waving off
he cleared his throat and turned his attention towards you
"so, i found this cool coffee shop where you can write in the walls, do you want to come after finals?" he asked
you felt a butterfly run wild in your stomach
what is this feeling?
"i would love to" you smiled
both of you ordered a large smoothie each in the coffee shop and bought markers before hand. hyunjin was scribbling all over the walls. the coffee shop was full of names and quotes written by customers. you brought out your marker and wrote, [y/n] was here <3 in different colors. "jinnie, why are you drawing circles?" you chuckled.
"i-uh im making a puzzle." he said while closing his marker cap. "really? let me see!" you exlaimed. he took in a deep breath and showed you the puzzles. "all you have to do is to make a sentence out of the circled words or symbols" he explained. "words that was written by other customers you mean?" you snorted. he rolled his eyes, "just do it!"
you have gathered the a "👍🏼", "👁" and a "you"
confusion took over you as you observed the circled words. "i like you?" you asked hyunjin. "i like you too." he replied. it took you a while to realize what it meant. "for real?"
"for real." he replied seriously. a blush crept up to your face, did he really just confess? "oh god im sorry" he panicked. "it's okay if you dont like me back i shouldnt have listened to yeji let's forget this happened-"
you cut him off by giving him a hug. he went stiff at your sudden skinship but eventually hugged you back. "you silly, of course i like you too." you said as you burried your head into is chest. "for REAL real." u chuckled.
"i thought you liked yeji" you said in a low voice as you pulled away. "what? she's like my sister from another mother." he said, grossed out. "she helped me out into confessing.." he added while ruffling his hair.
"well, it worked." you claimed as he pulled you in for another hug.
boyfriend hyunjin claims that he's not clingy
well that's a lie
he's not much into pda
but he loves holding your hand whenever he has the chance
like below the tables during class
or in the library while studying
you guys are lowkey, but not a secret
coffee shop dates!
any kind of date really
he loves taking pictures of you
and posting it on his insta
back hugs and sleeping on your lap kind of love
being successful together in terms of career and school is his number 1 goal
he's very supportive!!! will literally shout whenever it's your turn in debates
"PERIOD! that's my baby!" he would clap loudly even though by now youre embarrased as hell
will give you flowers everytime u meet u go on a date
love notes!!!!!
kisses are passionate and loves to rub your back while doing so
he would get very shy after
never forgets to reassure you whenever you doubt yourself
"im here baby, always."
"i love you, i'll always will."
needless to say, he is the best boyfriend out there.
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m4rkiza · 4 years
another headcanon
this feels like a fanfiction but anyway,
leon and raihan is a pretty healthy couple.when theyre in the middle of an argument,if one raise their voice just a bit,the other backs off and suggest to take a few hours,even days to cool down, and then talk about it when theyre calm and is able to think straight to avoid unwanted events.
and currently theyre in the middle of an argument,theres a rising problem in the league,and them being the top trainers with equally great intelligence,  theyre expected to solve it
theyve been arguing because when theyre discussing about how to solve it,theres a ...quite serious disagreement , which led into a debating session,so they decide to have time to think about it by themselves instead of discussing about it,just for a day or two.
but theres another problem rising,which came from a different source, a pokemon breeding centre,theres some issue with dragon type pokemon,leon expect raihan to be the only person whos expected to help,but because leon has 2 on his team,he was asked to help raihan. sadly he cant decline the request. 
theyre in the middle of their “argument” but that doesnt matter of course,since both got an email to help the breeder to solve the pokemon breeding issue,they push their personal problems aside and try to discuss about it,which sadly led into another debating session. both decide to stop and sit down
raihan lets out a sigh “3 days?”
“..sure i guess” leon answer hesitantly,both actually cool off easily and they certainly dont need 3 days to just cool down and think. 3 days without raihan is too long afterall,but leon assume that maybe,he had pushed the wrong buttons and just agree to avoid another conflict,which wont happen.he knows raihan, but he rather not
raihan tilts his head “you look hesitant, 2 days maybe? ive already set up papers to solve the other problem we had,so i guess 2 days is enough,how about you?”
leon looks up to raihan, “i already figure out yesterdays solution too, so... 2 days? then we discuss about the league issue,then suggesting it to the staff?”
raihan nodded “yes,then we discuss about this and gave the result to the pokemon breeding centre”
leon agrees, finally,an agreement.
the next day comes, leon suddenly has an appointment out of nowhere,oleana certainly didnt tell him about this,and now,leon is sorrounded by hellspawns.
hes in the local kindergarten,which is not bad, but this kindergarten hits different,leon has lost count of kids whos trying to stole his cap and pull his cape off. heck,even one kid almost peed on him. 
once hes free from hell,he really wants to reunite with raihan,but theyre on their...relationship break? he doesnt even know what its called because its really rare for them to argue.
but because leon is on the edge of bursting out,he decide to just,take a quick shower to make himself look presentable,and flew to hammerlocke
he arrives at the gym, walking through the hall,being guided by one of the gym trainer,to raihans office. his eyes is already glassy with tears.
he entered raihans office, raihan is there, sitting on the couch with paperworks,he move his head to meet leon,eyes wide when he see a familiar purple hair
“leon? do you want to discuss it now? ive cooled down and i al-”
leon lets out a mewl,a sad one. which surprises raihan. raihan stared at him,brows furrowing,he noticed leons golden eyes were glistening “wait-” he got up,walks his way to leon “dandelion,darling” oh how leon has been craving to be called that, “whats wrong? did i do something-”
“i had a surprise appointment today” leon croak out “i- oleana didnt told me about it-” did he just sob? “i wasnt prepared and we went to a fucking place filled with tiny demonic creatures” he leans in to raihans comforting touch “worst than giratina and darkrai, id prefer to hang out with them rather than those- those kids” leons sobs got more violent “they- they were trying to stole my champion hat and tried to pull of my cape,which almost choked me,dragon” 
raihan concerns starts to grow faster when leon called him dragon,since leon only use that particular nickname when he feels unsafe or when hes super stressed out. 
“i- i almost cried in place, i was tired for- figuring out the solutions and we had 2 debate in a span of one week, we, we rarely argue dragon,” leons grip on raihans arm got tighter,”those kids” raihan can see pure fear in leons eyes “hit the spot,one- one of them almost peed on me raihan,im glad one of the teacher grab them fast enough,i wouldnt know what id do if that actually happened”
raihan hold leon tight,then make him to sit down on the couch, leon didnt let go of raihan when raihan wanted to take a cup of water, he asked raihan to stay and hold him more, raihan cant blame him,that kindergarten IS basically hell and he doesnt understand how the teacher can withstand those tiny demons, this week has been hectic too,he cant blame leon really,he felt bad about initiating one of the debates but,i guess that doesnt matter anymore when theyve found the solutions.
leon is now on his lap,hugging raihan by the shoulder sobbing quietly. all raihan can do is hugging leon back,making sure he feels safe. 
after the sobbing had died down,raihan asks leon
“lee?baby?” raihan calls out, leon lets out a mumble, “let me handle the pokemon breeding issue yeah? its about dragon type afterall,i can do it myself,im just gonna take your typed out suggestions and take care of it by my own,about the league issue,lets just combine our solution and come with a neutral conclusion, is that okay darling? or do you want to discuss about it tomorrow? we can stay in my place if you want”
leon slowly repositioned his body to face raihan,he nodded “yeah, okay,ill let you take care of the breeding centre,but dont overwork yourself raihan, about the league,lets just combine our solutions,it does feels irresponsible though,they expect us-”
“leon,my dearest,lets think about YOU for awhile,the league aint shit,my love,how do you feel about it?” raihan cuts off
“...i..personally,i dont want too..” leon looks down, he wants to give the best for the league,but raihan is right,he needs to prioritize himself just for tonight,so he can give the best to the region tomorrow morning
“there you go,now- let me just-” raihan proceed to carry leon, as if hes a baby,leon just dont give a single fuck at this point,he just want to sleep like a rock for 8 hours,he leaned and put his head near raihans neck,looping his arm around raihans shoulder tighter,hes grateful raihan is big and strong enough to carry a 80kg bulky man like he is
“dragon,love” leon mumbled right next to raihans ear, “im..sorry i initiated the breeding center debate,i .. i shouldnt even argue with you,you knew so much more”, raihan kissed leons head, “no worries baby,i dont mind,you are a bit...selfish sometimes,but its okay,its not like im far from that either,since im the one who started to argue about the league issue,despite me not knowing much about it,im sorry about that too”
leon answered “so we good?”
raihan smiled, “always been”
leon hugged raihan tighter and closed his eyes,trusting his dragon that he will take care of him,when leon opened his eyes,hes already in a familiar place,raihans apartment,to be more specific,hes on the bed,wearing one of raihans t-shirt and...his own pajama pants? raihan is currently putting socks on his left feet,raihan noticed that his prince has woke up, “go back to sleep,ill keep you safe,i wont let rose or oleana to put their hands on you” leon looked at him “but how about you?im not gonna have a day off tomorrow if youre not sitting next to me,whats the point of a single day off if 1 of my favorite person isnt there next to me?”
raihans got surprised “wait how did you know i told them to give you a day off?” leon smiled “instinct”
raihan chuckled while crawling to the bed,setting himself next to leon, “i didnt enter hell today so i dont need one” he teased, leon hugs raihan by the waist,giving it a firm grip “raihan my precious dragon, love,sweetheart,im begging you to stay, please,im not fully sane yet,i need you to keep me on the ground,and dont commit a genocide,raihan pleaaase,do your work at home-” raihan cuts him off “no! you’d help me with it! you need to rest,prince!” raihan answered with a laugh, leon tighten his grip “but i need you! how can you leave me alone and insane like this! how dare you!” leon said,mimicking his voice to sound like a dramatic damsel in distrest
raihan obeys,of course he will,hes actually on the edge too,the breeders are plain out stupid and its no wonder that the dragon type mons had an issue,they shouldve put the baby on HIS breeding center instead,he knows well about it anyway,who the heck brought the baby dragons there?! not to mention how they act like they know more than raihan,the dragon tamer,the only certified dragon type specialist in the whole region. raihan was so fed up,the paperwork from the gym arent helping either,he got 3 helping hands and it overwhelms them all,he guess he should give the whole gym trainer just a single day break to sleep the whole day and get themselves charge. and so he did,he typed out a short email to all the gym trainers,that they will have a day off tomorrow,
leon smiled in satisfaction as raihan typed out the email on his phone,he knew raihan was close to murder someone too,,but knowing raihan,he wont take a day off if leon told him too. but raihan WILL do it,if leon beg raihan to stay with him,hes concerned about it and might talk about it, that he should prioritize himself and not his lover,but not definitely not now,nor later.someday probably.
after raihan sent the emails,he turned off the bedside lamp, and proceed he put his head on leons plump chest, “alright,nighty night prince,i love you”
leon put his hand on top of raihans head,petting it gently“night dragon,i love you too”
then they sleep. 
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im sending a submit since i write WAY too much!
This is for the matchups! You can do this, or the letter i sent, or both, or neither, i dont mind lmao
Looks: I’m around 5'4, 120lbs, hourglass figure (large chest, tiny waist, wide hips). I have long brown hair that’s often dyed MANY different colors, with side bangs that swoop to the right (if you were looking at me). I’m very petite, at one point i was able to wrap my whole hand around my ankle. I often wear makeup that pops out (lots of vibrant colors), unique earrings, platform shoes, hoodies, and torn jeans! I also have natural stretch marks bc of how im built, along with a lil stomach.
Personality: I’m not very social, so when you meet me im very quiet, very closed-off. Once you get to know me a bit, I’m very crazy, kind, and playful! But once you REALLY get to know me, I’m snarky, crazy, blunt, and often call people names like “idiot” or “bitch” AS A JOKE, so it can often come off as wrong if you don’t know me.
Issues I Have: I often get too scared to be open, and when i tear up/cry I’ll hide my face, since I was told i was “too emotional” and to “not shed a tear” when i was younger. I get anxious of what people will think if I’m honest, so I’ll do what I’m told, even if i dont want to just so people dont get mad at me. I have moments where I feel alone, like people forget about me, just like everybody else. I hate failing, and i handle my emotions on my own, even when i know i shouldnt.
Things I Like: Plushies, alternative music/clothes/etc., anime (duh), makeup, art, classic disney movies, animals.
Ty hun! Im sorry this has so much ^^
Alright I LOVE doing matchups with the ladies bc come on. The aot/snk ladies need some love! 
I hope you’re okay with me projecting my absolute ENDLESS love for this GORGEOUS human right here…
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GOSH OK, just HOW GORGEOUS?!?! her hair? her lil nose? omfg
just ENDLESS love. 
I feel like you and Nanaba would exude such power, just so much power. You with your gorgeous colourful makeup, and Nanaba with just a lil concealer, maybe some mascara? I DUNNO WHY I can see it, and I love it. 
Your kind of alternative look would also mesh well with nanaba. I feel like shes more the type whose aesthetic would switch depending on how she feels? So sometimes you two are both hard as hell, and sometimes, she’s the opposite of you, and either way, its so super cute.
She wouldn’t mind if you were snarky, and would probably snark you back (gosh is that even a word?) if you two were close. 
Nanaba also screams protective to me, so would defend you to no end. Someone will have to restrain her if someone hurt you, because oh ho she is gonna CUT someone. But, despite all that, when shes with you, she just…big ball of mush around you. She would get you all the plushies and listen to your regiment of rotating the plushies so everyone gets equal cuddle time, and the both of you take the rotations very seriously. art on your days off, or watching Disney movies and letting you snuggle against her with a tissue box at the ready? muah beautiful perfect. power couple! 
Valentines Day Event 
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huntsman-ash · 4 years
RWBY V8E4 LiveThoughts
And were back at it again, this week with turkey and Italian preserved sausage as a snack! Lets see what RT has for us this week.
Oh, 20 minutes. Are they normally this long?
Oh, wait, the openings almost 2 minutes long. Thats more like it.
And now to Robyn and Qrow. Seems Robyns actually liking Qrow a little bit now. 
Guess the cells aren’t secured if a fly got into Schnee’s. This a “Fly on Mike Pence’s face” reference?
Qrow sounds more growly again. Did he get smacked back two seasons by Clover dying?
If by “darkness” you mean “Tyrian” then, yes. Also dude, its Clover. He was shit anyway. All the Aces are shit. Dont feel too bad about him.
And he’s got a point too. If Clover had thought with his head instead of his dick (yes, Im sure they were gonna fuck, Fair Games totally a thing), he probably wouldnt be dead now, and Tyrian would be the one with the sword through his chest.
But of course this is RWBY and V7/8 so things cant go their ways.
Ouch. Deep thoughts of Qrow. And some interesting stuff from Robyn too. I still think I’d prefer hopeandharmonizing’s Briar, though.
Marrows glare gives me life. Hare’s just a moron right now though, but thats no real surprise. She’s immature emotionally.  Honestly, shes...kind of like a less bad version of our current President. Always has to be the best at everything, fastest, leader, whatever.
Thats probably why this is grating on her so much. Even though shes TECHNICALLY the Ace’s leader now (I think? Seemed like she was Clovers lieutenant, so by rate of succession she’s in command now)
A glance at the little floating control pad... “Clerance access only”. Okay, that...seems weird. Shouldnt it say something like authorized personell only? Maybe it means access by clerance only or something.
Then Robyn’s name, and then process ID 4591-27. No idea what thats useful for but its there.
Also Marrow seems to be the only competent member of the Aces rn. 
Ah now we get to see some of the hills around Atlas. For those of you who have seen my headcanons on the Hunter-Killers and their base of operations, Fortress Academy, its out in these hills somewhere.
The music sounds like a boss fight.
The screen on Ren’s hoverbike reads “HVB Rhino” and “HD5800″ I can only assume HVB stands for “hoverbike” and Rhino must be its name, like how the dropships are Mantas. No clue what the number is. 
Also apparently the cold in Solitas is so bad it corrupts machinery?
Ahh, good, some action. Lets see what we get now. Ohh, teamwork. And again, signs that aura allows you to move faster and farther than a normal human
Heh, it really is like a boss fight, like the chase scene at the end of the first Viking level in For Honor.
Oh, and it can call for reenforcements literally out of nowhere? Or is the whole tundra of Solitas just CRAWLING with Grimm?
Yes, yes it did just call for backup, Yang. Maybe these are all forward scouts and ambush units from the Grimmstorm. They did say its the biggest...
Another banger from Casey Lee Williams...
What the hell happened in Solitas to cause this geography? Seriously, its a line of bridges over a gap in two cliffs...that cant be natrual, not that equal in distance.
Man, those bikes didnt even last half an episode...I guess thats fair, they are facing obsurd odds. Or maybe they just want Yang to be the only one with a bike.
And there goes the dropwall. Woops.
Also you can just kinda see it but they bounce off the rock and thats why they slow down. Useful.
Also this part with them falling off the edge reminds me of the ending cutscene of Halo 4s Forerunner level, where Chief flies out of a portal and almost goes sailing off a cliff in a Ghost.  Except here, the bike stays on the land and THEY go off the cliff.
I paused at just the right time cause YANGS FACE XD
Holy shit what are Ren’s weapons cables MADE OF? The one atop him is holding him AND the weight of his two teammates. And the one below has both Jaune and Yang. No sign of slippage or breackage at all. 
Ahhh there’s the whaleship (Monstra? Fuck it Im gonna keep calling it the whaleship). So yeah my headcanon now is the mountain its right next too is Menachite, where Fortress is. 
Oh hey back to the Schnee manor of all things! Does...this mean military invasion of the Schnee grounds. Hey Whitley. Lesbians are here. 
Someone make a video cut of Weiss banging on the door to the “Knock knock open up the door its real!” part of that one song.
Hehehehhe. Nice Weiss.
Also convenient about the house staff. Good thing RT doesnt need to animate them or Willow now...
I hope the staff took some of the silverware and some paintings on the way out.
Why is MAY the one carrying Nora.
Ah so now they’re stuck out there with no cell service. Hehe.
Ah okay so the cold in Solitas DOES eat aura. Good, my headcanon still kind of stands. 
I wonder, does wearing proper cold weather clothing (like bundled up stuff) help? Or does it cut right through...
Why is JAUNE the one hauling the bike? Isnt Yang the strongest? Or maybe they take turns.
Ahhh inter-team talking. Also, outpost. Hmm. Atlas one? Overrun if I had to guess. Unless he saw Fortress. Which I doubt.
I do love the circling shot here, with the light on Yang’s hair and the shadows on Ren. Its...really artistic and emotional. GREAT WORK RT. 
Rens got points. And hes saying stuff I myself have been saying for ages, which is good. I wonder why this is how Ren is now...working with the Ace Ops? Being afraid of loosing Nora? No one tell him what happened last episode.
Also, Jaune’s hair seems to have gotten less crazy in recent episodes. It looks less like a banana and more like a close tactical cut.
Yangs got a point.
Ahhh and now we get to see the inside of the whale. 
...this is gonna be a really criingy torture section, isnt it.
Someones gonna take that “hound didnt break you” line in the WRONG direction 
It is amusing the only thing holding Oscar down is the Hound actually. 
Ah so they’re still searching the remains of Beacon.
Also I like how Salem calls them “her forces” as if its anything but a random bunch of expendable monsters. Like, bruh, you cant search anything with THAT.
Ignoring the boring chat between these two, notice how the Hound’s shoulder literally flexes and shifts when Salem touched it. I dont think this thing is solid at all aside from the head and the bone claws...the whole thing is just amorphous Grimm material that can adapt to whatever situation it requires. A specialist unit. A...Hunter hunter.
Yo what the fuck was that. Magic? Huh. Did we actually SEE magic for once in the show? Only took us 8 FUCKING SEASONS...
Doesnt seem to be anything but an energy blast/pain never firing though. I assume his auras still gone, cause its completely singed his shirt, but it didnt do much else.
...Im not impressed.
She really needs to stop touching his face, its creeping me out.
HAHA SHE CANT DO IT HERSELF SHE HAS TO RELY ON HAZEL BEATING THE SHIT OUT OF HIM. I think we know where she stands now, doesnt she...say what you will about her letting Hazel have his vengeance (which is very valid, even he admits hit), but me? I think she A) cant actually beat up on Ozma herself because she still cares and B) shes almost out of magic too. Its weakened as the Gods have been gone and shes been forced to rely on the Grimm and on pawns. Basically, once she and Oz are both gone? That’s it for magic. Remnant will belong to the Grimm...and to technology. 
At which point without Oz around to hold them back Atlas is going to go fucking BONKERS and basically ensure the Grimm get pushed back into a corner and then finally permenantly STAMPED OUT.
More Whale insides. Seems like most of its empty grandious spaces. Or possibly muscle? Hard to tell. Either way theres a lot of open air in there...with tight corridors. If you fired a thermobaric warehead into one of the chambers the resulting blastc could possibly blow the doors off and send a raging fireball through the entire thing...Hmm. Filing that away for later.
More note on the Hound; the “flesh” around its right shoulder spike actually sinks down when it stops moving. Its neck shifts and moves too, like the material isnt solid, but recirculating.
I also dont see any eyes. And it looks like it has some kind of...forehead mouth? Def looks like teeth down the ridge of its spine.
Oh boy yeah that...whole thing is basically melting in on itself.
I wont lie; hearing Cinder get berated by CORTANA (and yes, I still hear Cortana in Salem, espeically now that the two characters are kind of one and the same, both megalomaniacal leaders of giant armies, bar the fact that one of them is about a TRILLION times more dangerous than the other because one of them has access to Guardian Custodies and the other one is...well kind of lame and has to have beefy dudes beat up on small children etc) is pleasing to me. 
Get fucked, Cinder.
And THERE is Cortana again too.
Neo Marry Popins’s Ya’lling is fucking CUTE. And I love her little smirk.
Wait the whale’s that close?
..oh my...hold on.
...thats it. THATS ATLAS’S AIR FLEET!?!
No, thats...thats it. Thats Atlas’s airfleet. 12 tiny vessels. I swear it was bigger last season...
...HA! HAHA! HA! Oh, Ironwood, and Atlas as a whole...you deserve everything your about to get. I hope you die SCREAMING, and that when your bodies fall bleeding and shattered to Mantle, the people down there will realize that, no. You cant just assume Hunters will do all the work for you
Emerald stop simpin.
Also that is...the SHITTEST outpost...I have ever seen in my life. My overall thought process of Atlas is...sinking even LOWER than before. 
Though it seems more like a waystation. Bed, Dust, some dudes coat on it. Dead heater. Its probably a rest spot for Specialists out in the tundra.
Ren does the emo sit. Lol. Yang even says it. Brood himself to death.
Alright whats this now...something forcing itself out of the tundra?
And thats it for today! Cool ass concept art at the end there too. 
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polariswritings · 5 years
Holy heck male shinobu general hc?
yalls joyfriend is planning a male kanroji so wait for that as well🥴🥴
also im using male readers bc they really dont get enough love! >:(
Male Shinobu! Headcanons
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general headcanons;
(btw only shinobus gender is changed!)
he’d probably tease giyuu more roughly if shinobu was a male
cause they’re both men i’d imagine shinobu would go even harder on giyuu
especially if he has a crush on him WINK WONK
he took after his sister
even if he got made fun of because he looked so feminine with butterflies on him and
“man shouldnt be delicate like butterflies”
i think male shinobu would use his sweet voice to lure in demons, regardless of gender because lets be real we all have a crush on him
i can imagine him treating sanemis wounds(if minor) very harshly. because Sanemi is the Big Angry Guy Who Wont Listen And Stay Still
overall, i feel like he’d be the same as female shinobu, just more harsh and rough.
relationship headcanons |SFW|
he probably takes you on his back and jumps from trees to trees and calls it a date!
“Say that again and i’ll make sure you don’t even feel your own body next time, my dear!”
he said it in such a cheery voice that it became a threat for a punishment
which you just 😰 but also 🥴
he probably drinks teas with you, spills his emotions and gets to be himself around you!!
and since you’re a man as well i feel like he’d feel much more comfortable talking with you
i dont know why but i headcanon shinobu as a more teasing guy?
like, shinobu does tease but never teases in action
he’s probably fighting an upper moon and just—
cuddles cuddles cuddles
HAS to be the big spoon
loves feeling like he’s covering you with his wings
“Giyuu-san don’t be so upset that you don’t have anyone that loves you! Surely, someone with no standards will come your way!”
sabito: I AM RIGHT HERE—
first of all, loves to finger you.
like this man, this bastard, loves watching you come undone just by his fingers
“what’s it, angel? can’t take anymore?”
probably fucks your mouth a lot tbh
but when he’s angry, i hope you’re a masochist
‘cause this man will just eat your ass out like a three course meal
and without prepping you, he’ll thrust inside of you.
has a senpai kink and i said what i said.
call him senpai and get ready to be RAILED
if you want to get him in the mood,
just tug on his haori, and start adressing him as “senpai”
daddy kink is overrated and thats that on THAT🥴
probably has called you his butterfly at one point
nsfw scenarios because my inbox is full of them and i want to prepare for it—🥴
“S-Shin’, I can’t hold it in anymore please—!” You were gonna go crazy, this man has been edging you for an hour. Well to you, it felt like a whole day. But he didn’t stop, and this time he didn’t reply.
Did this mean you could cum? Or did this mean he didn’t want to keep telling you to hold it in? Either way, you weren’t able to hold back more to be honest.
he gripped your back as he thrusted from behind, a strong one. He had you compeletly on his mercy, usually, you’d have an attitude. Some snarky remarks or teasings, but today Shinobu was mad and you knew you shouldn’t talk back or he’ll go harder.
Which, going by how tears are falling out of your eyes and how your ass feels like its going to tear apart if he contuines to thrust so harshly, you wouldn’t want that.
He grabbed you by your stomach, making you lean on him while still on your knees. You were a pillar and a very flexible one at that so he could do anything he desires with you.
His mouth close to your ear, you felt a shiver down your spine. mostly, he isn’t very quiet during sex. Its only when he’s angry.
“So you really like Giyuu-san enough to spend a whole night with him, (L/N)-san?”
Before you could reply, you felt him slam you back on onto the bed. Applying pressure on your back, making your ass stick out.
“Its not like that, Shinobu—“
you moaned when he thrusted harshly.
“Did i say you could talk back to me?”
He pulled you by your hair, forcefully. Forcing your body to bend, and you to cry out once again from pain and pleasure mixing in.
He’s thrusting in you fast, the sound of skin slapping together was so loud that probably poor souls who lived near that night heard it. Your cries of his name ans his grunts were mixing together. He’s going so fast, so fast you feel like you’re about to break. and maybe he wants you to.
“I’ll remind you who’s pretty little dear you are, (L/N)-san! Let’s give it our very best tonight and until morning!”
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splendidshinobi · 4 years
back at it again with the white vans
episode 6: the alchemy exam
alrighty then
um mustang calling edward “ed” is EXTREMELY offputting
ohhhhhhh noooooo not shou tucker
im wholly unprepared
them all being in central instead of east is low key jarring like my brain isnt computing it
alexander’s intro is basically the same 
nina bbyyyyy girl u deserved so much better
ed is such a fucking nerd...chemistry club modern au confirmed
god the more tucker talks the more i wanna beat his face in
al pretending to eat by tossing a potato in his armor i-
aww theyre playing in the snow theyre so pure
wonder how long thatll last
“bigger brother” and “little big brother” and ed doesnt even get mad
ed’s birthday party????????
so 03 had ed’s bday instead of elicia’s...CAUSE THEY GOT ELICIA IN THE WOMB
“it’s here!” “the tea?” “the baby!” hughes is a fuck head
ok so now they’re having elicia replace rush valley baby arc
this was winry’s time to shine in fmab i miss her 
if winry isnt here who is gonna birth this baby
oh my god they just realized ed can use alchemy without a circle
no wonder he’s been using circles this whole time
“i dont think thats very funny” NO ALPHONSE IT IS NOT
damn bradley what up homie
im so thrown off by the way theyre doing the exam omg
seriously what the hell is fuhrer bradley’s purpose right now is he even the fuhrer in this i feel like they wouldve mentioned it
oh lord ed is about to impress everyone with his clappy hands
ok so next episode is nina FUCK
episode 7: night of the chimera’s cry
havoc babeeee
im gonna marry him my himbo king
“huhhhhhhhh nina” ew tucker that was weirdly gross
wonder why
cant do it cant do it
do we think jean kirstein was modeled after jean havoc slightly looks wise
was that purposeful 
ill have to google 
serial killer who only targets women?  it cant be scar...scar drinks respect women juice
barry or slicer bros maybe? um ok
why did we start with liore if they were just gonna hop right back into the past for a huge chunk of episodes idk
assessment day??? oh noodles
ed r u writing to winry??? that’s a bit out of character for u good sir
no tucker put that baby down
im gonna fucking SCREAM
aww he burned nina’s picture thats not sus at all
wait does the ironblood alchemist know what tucker did to his wife? thats kinda the vibe im getting
looking like a pirate too damn
his voice sounds different is that j michael tatum 
apparently not it was dameon clarke in 03 ya learn something new everyday 
ew elicia has a lot of hair for a FUCKING NEWBORN
ed really is such a cynic very suspicious of everyone as he should be really
basque grand knowS SOMETHING
oh jesus oh fuck oh god please do not TOUCH THAT BABY
ed and al snuck back in to the house well u know what its for the best
im gonna cry again please god no
she’s hurting? oh my god
my sweet angel
ew his eyes!!!!!!! 
tucker is such a fucking failure...like look at the chimera squad and greed’s theatre troupe being the way they are. ugh it really hits how fucking unfair it is 
ed was really about to split them? boy you know better
where is nina going...im hurting
ed really tried to save her in this one
thats different
oh snap 
that was fucked.
episode 8: the philosopher’s stone
can yall get ed and al away from nina’s fucking MURAL 
get out of the car mustang
finally jesus christ
roy mustang talking about healthy coping mechanisms dont make me laugh but alright baby boy go off i guess?
im curious about who this goddamn serial killer is though lets turn to that plot thread
r u kidding me
mustang is making ed and al take over tucker’s research?? thats actually wildly messed up
oh tucker was straight executed that’s a choice i guess
tucker and the philosopher’s stone sounds inaccurate but ok
ed please stop being mean to your brother
03 mustang has got me reaching for a fucking baseball bat on GOD
scar and edward having this conversation right now i literally cannot
WINRY yes bitch
alphonse shut your mouthhhhhhhhhhh
im so confused what is bradley up to
“alchemists are not cold blooded murderers?”
i mean
kimblee would beg to differ for one
whos this creepy lady 
her voice sounds familiar
barry’s food shop?
the killer is barry ok got it
ok so i VASTLY prefer suit of armor original manga canon barry
this is such an odd plot what in fuck
um OW the meat cleaver
im so confused this fucking plotline
oh hey alphonse nice of you to show up!
is barry still gonna become a suit of armor later on
it makes NO SENSE to introduce him otherwise 
everytime i see 03 mustang i wanna beat his ass HONESTLY
literally i will shove my foot up his ass
fullmetal here we go
ed thinks he’s so punk rock 
oh great scar’s seen the watch
episode 9: be thou for the people
ed you simp buying winry all this stuff my edwin heart is ascending
“mr. elric”?? you mean MAJOR ELRIC
to be fair though fuck the military
im gonna need to read a full chronology of this show
 alphonse continues to be a precious angel 
where’s my boy yoki!!!!!
edward you idiot don’t go flaunting your money
woof woof ed
al looks so offended by ed saying they just met
whereas in brotherhood didnt he totally throw ed under the bus??? 
a choice to be sure
ah there he is hello yoki
who’s the chick
shes a lesbian
yoki makes me miss my baby girl mei chang
mei where r u
hawkeye getting a promotion yes bby girl
jesus theyre transferring them to east now OKKKKKAY thats not how it happened it the book but ill take it....just doing it the opposite way i guess
who is lyra who is she
cute some military bribery 
umm lyra what the fuck did you do
lyra is a homunculus im callin it now
they definitely invented/changed up some homunculi in fact im certain they did and shes one of em. gotta be
i feel like 03 wrote ed as much more insensitive towards others than he really is...just a vibe im getting
i know he was faking for the townspeople’s sake but i still get this vibe from other instances 
i mean i cant say its not “canon” because its 03 canon
anyways what a show off
i cant believe theyre going to east...fuery and breda better be there
ok finally some answers on their ages....ed got his license at 12 like normal and nina and youswell were when he was 12...liore was 15, 
if they didnt flash the ages on the screen id be lost honestly
at least we’re back up to “present day”
episode 10: the phantom thief
ed saying he doesnt wanna see mustang
03 mustang is activating my fight or flight and im choosing fight
ed cheating at cards totally checks out
um who the fuck is this woman
what is she wearing
idk but this is fem!hisoka
“hey shouldnt we talk first” after getting handcuffed??? christ almighty these innuendos
siren??????? siren is probably also a “fake” homunculus
ok so the nurse is siren
ya aint slick girly
alphonse control your crush
why is al’s hair so brown in this flashback anywayssss
oh its spelled psiren ope
like she’s literally a batman villain...
oh my god...............the tiddy grab. my son would never
my son is respectful
is this her homunculus tat or just a random alchemy tat
the added plotlines and original content continue to confuse and astound me every single time....
ok but if psiren really was doing this for the hospital she wouldnt be so flashy about it. like thats how you get caught sweet cheeks
girly stop flirting with this child on god im gonna fucking kick you
now shes a nun????????????????
Shes a fucking troll i hate her
im going to kick alphonse into the sun 
oh great now shes a teacher
wow shes a savior. the savior of amestrian venice. greatttttt
ed looking exactly like this emoji on this gondola rn 🧍‍♀️
alphonse plzzzzzzzzzz she aint your girl
ok so probably not the last we see of this ding dong con artist
ok so its starting to get muddy. im scared the 03 stans are gonna come after me like i do like it and im having fun watching it but some of the plot and characterization choices are just....odd??? idk i gotta keep going though!! im sorry i just stan arakawa and her work in all her glory!!!
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hey-hamlet · 5 years
BNHA AU Ideas: Power Transfer
Also on AO3!
One for all is a power that has been passed down for generations. Turns out the most recent generation can afford to be a whole lot more liberal with his sharing. Also turns out sharing quirks runs in the family.
An AU where Izuku can share OFA full cowling with multiple people at once.
shared power ofa,
izuku giving aizawa 5% of one for all durring the usj or izuku giving toshinori 99% of OFA durring the last fight
cause consider the world never finding out about small might, all might retires but izuku knows
the rescue team all having the max amount of ofa they can use, which is around 2% each, cause a lil sparking team of heroes
izuku using kirishima to give bakugo some too n them using it to get away
izuku having two quirks is my favourite goddamn thing bc him being able to share his quirk but not having anything to share is great
he gives bits to allmight, like a constant 1% so he can teach classes and do press stuff
some rando wants to do an "all might" where is he now segment and it spans a good few months so izuku is continuously in the background just
conspiracy theory starts that izuku is a villain or allmights son
a villain and all might's son
izuku has no double toe joint but the doc cant find any evidence of a quirk? so he tells them izuku is either quirkless or has an invisible quirk. something subtle, or specific enough to have not activated by now
bakugo kinda,, is chill with izuku. he was waiting for izuku to develop a quirk till he judged him, but he never did so he kinda withheld judgement long enough for them to become decent friends
anyway, izuku likes to ramble about different things his quirk could technically be, bakugo likes to join in. they can go at this for h o u r s cackling about stupid hypotheticals
they workout together, they both do boxing and try out random moves they see on the internet on each other. they have a pile of gym mats in the woods like the weirdos they are
bakugo is like,, convinced izuku's quirk is actually an intellect up but he just shrugs
izuku has to grab something before he heads home so he takes the underpass and we get basically episode 1 from there. all might says no, the villain gets away, attacks Bakugo. izuku runs in, throws dust in the villain's eyes and pulls at bakugo's hands. all might jumps in, saves the day yada yada
some background for u about all might bc his past is a touch different here. during the battle with afo, afo was distracted. all might sustained the same injures but won more easily.
night eye never looks into his future because "my purpose is done, nighteye. let's live like everyone else, no fate of the world on our shoulders" he never looks into all mights future again at his request
they stay together
so instead of the big argument they go get ramen and get drunk because they don't have to be superhuman anymore, they can relax now
back to the main timeline-
so izuku is already fit, cleans the beach in 8 months, nighteye supervises
all might gives izuku the quirk 2 months before the entrance exam, nighteye is there to "oversee" (he wants to see izuku choke on a hair and laugh at this kid hes become pretty fond of)
also mirio! is izuku's bro because i love he
izuku eats the hair and gets the quirk like, instantly which?? is confusing nighteye and all might. nighteye has like,,, hidden behind a car because hes the only person with self-preservation
allmight touches izuku and the lightning climbs up his arm and he just pOofs out into swolmight. hes ShooK, so is izuku
anyway, he manages to turn it off and izuku is just standing there like "oh my god what the fuck"
"izuku,, what,, happened there"
",,,, one for all??? leaked out??? into allmight????"
"nighteye come over here."
"izukU nO"
nighteye is forcibly given a little of ofa and regrets a lot of stuff
anyway, izuku breaks an arm trying to use ofa and hes muttering trying to work out how to use it, nighteye basically says "well, think back to how ofa came about" and izuku is like ",,, what"
and nighteye screams because TOSHI YOU DIDNT TELL HIM?????? and allmight ",,, o o p s"
so izuku gets to hear the story of all for one while hes being driven to UA for recovery girl hes,,, really quiet for a second
"when did you fight him?"
"six years ago, april?"
",,, this has to be a coincidence"
hisashi went out on a "business trip" 6 years ago and they haven't seen him since. he calls, but hes never visited and izuku has this terrible feeling
because izuku cant calm down and because nighteye thinks this kid might be on to something they call tsukauchi and he agrees to meet them at UA
izuku gets treated, naomasa is in v quickly afterwards before he calls his dad he turns to nighteye, allmight and Naomasa
"i've never been able to lie to my dad. i thought he was just really good at reading me but,,"
"if hes afo he might have a quirk"
"yeah. so i'll just twist the truth. im good at that, but thats all i'll be able to do"
anyway, he calls up his dad and slaps this big grin on his face. the phone is on speaker
"hey dad!!!!" "izuku! is something wrong?"
"oi, cant i call my dad for no reason?"
"you, willingly calling someone? dont make me laugh"
izuku giggles despite himself
"anyway, you'll never guess!!"
"did youuuu,,,, hmmmm, meet all might?"
they freeze but izuku just laughs
"yeah,, but thats not the most exciting thing!!! my quirk came in finally"
"yeah! imagine the worlds most basic power enhancer, but i can share the energy! you have any idea where that could have come from?"
"no! i can't think of anyone in our family with a quirk like that! sounds crazy!"
naomasa looks grin, and mouths "liar"
izuku pales but keeps his smile
"do you think you could visit, id love to show you!! oh, maybe we could test it together! you always had the best ideas for my quirk notes"
"id love to izuku, but im stuck in america for the near future, you know it is. i'll see what i can do tho, ok champ?"
naomasa shakes his head again "lying" izuku looks like hes going to be sick. nighteye is pale, all might looks stunned. izuku grits his teeth but his voice is still light and happy
"i'm gonna make it into UA so you can watch me kick butt from america! you better cheer me on!"
"im looking forward to it. say hi to your mother from me."
naomasa nods. hes telling the truth. that makes nighteye feel the sickest
"love you izuku"
",,, love you too dad"
izuku hangs up the phone and retches into the bin. nighteye is shaking. all might storms out. naomasa punches the wall
izuku looks up with tears in his eyes
",,, does my mum know?"
nighteye wants to cry
"i dont know kid"
izuku tells katuski that his quirk finally came in! but,,, in the worlds biggest mess of a way
basically hes lying in bed, trying to work out why he can't use it without breaking bones but the people he shares it with can, he bolts upright
he runs out his door all the way to bakugos house and climbs in through his window, grabbing a sleeping bakugo by the shoulders
"IZuKU whAt tHE fuCK"
"my quirk!!! i was breaking bones because i wasnt modulating it!!!"
",,,,q QUiRK/???/?"
",,,, oh yeah oops"
mitsuki runs in with a frying pan ready to murder a villain but its just izuku
"carry on"
izuku doesnt tell him its ofa but he explains his quirk has finally showed up, bakugo asks him if hes registered it yet
"wait what? you, breaking the law? mister "i cant kill an ant because all might himself will call me a villain""
izuku, w the most shit-eating grin, explains that you only legaly have to register your quirk when it shows up, or after you are tested when you are five, whichever happens first so, legally, he doesnt need to register because it would be seen as voluntary updating
cut to the enterance exam
aizawa is holding the papers for the kids hes observing right then
"quirkless? that kid doesn't look quirkless"
and yagi sighs
"of course he didnt,,,"
"all might? do you know him?"
",,,, r i g h t"
“aizawa listen i have never seen young midoriya in my life ever”
basically, izuku is hiding the "transfer" part of his power from most people bc hes stubborn and thinks it could be useful
also,,, in this au shinso makes it in on hero points thanks
bakugo is about to rush the 0 pointer but shinso can see its going to fall on him shinsou yells
shinsou and bakugou are the type of friends that flat out have no love for each other but would punch anyone who says anything bad abt the other. like shinsou walks into school and bakugou s just
“dammit i thought u fucking died smh”
“i wish i did then i wouldn’t have to look at ur ugly ass”
in this au shinso and izuku bond when they are standing outside they door bc izuku looks like hes gonna fucking cry hes so scared and shinsou is like "wow big mood"
shinso is not shinson in this au! bc izuku is gonna do a soft
basically, quirk test? shinsou is s w e a t i n g bakugo looks a little worried for his new friend but no one would notice if they weren’t izuku
shinsou turns to him like "my quirk is mental im going to fa I L"
izuku grabs his hand and he feels this rush of energy, you can almost see it dancing along his skin. izuku grins
"i think you'll find you do just fine"
(izuku gave him like,, less than a full 1% but hes like doubled in strength and speed and hes??? shook?? bc whats happening)
aizawa is lost bc shinso has a mental quirk he shouldnt be doing this well, so he tries to cancel it
nothing happens and aizawa is so lost??? bc shinsou is kinda reedy and not super fit but hes placing solidly in the middle
and he noticing that shinso’s eyes seem to be glowing and so are they eyes of the kid coming in second and gives a big "hm,mmmm"
anyway, ball pitch, he cancels izukus quirk and turns to look at shinso, his eyes are dim. izuku looks sheepish but also like hes ready to throw down and its an interesting look
aizawa just sighs "you know what? just throw the ball."
izuku g r i n s and yeets it into next year using more of his quirk than he like,, really should have? to prove a point (his finger is bruised, not broken. he used 25%)
anyway aizawa shows the results, shinso is in the middle, izuku second, hagakure is last and sadly shes not getting expelled bc plot reasons – im sorry I have a thing against her shes perfectly valid probably im just still convinced shes the traitor even tho its totally a teacher
he calls izuku out on it but does admit he didnt say you couldnt help eachother, so its kind on him. shinso looks like hes going to pass out with relief
Hagekure is the traitor in this au though, 100%
during the camp she is at the pick up zone, hiding. izuku pulls bakugo out of the way, they all seem safe
she pushes izuku in through the portal as it closes
fyi afo takes her quirk and leaves her braindead in the nomu factory bc shes not useful anymore. also because now he needs to have a really awkward conversation with his son he was hoping to avoid
also usj? is really melodramatic
he gives aizawa 4% which is the max nighteye could hold without it hurting
aizawa takes a hit from the nomu and he reaches out his hand
izuku cries as he gives him an extra 4% and aizawa gets free but he can see bruises forming with every step his teacher takes
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quitetommy · 5 years
sickness and health- even before the big day
so like the ending is trash because i didnt know how to end it and i didnt wanna make it into a series but hope you enjoy!!!! this is doctor!tom!!! so im warning yall that this is all about injury and its loosly based off greys anatomy so if you cant watch that then you probably shouldnt read this but anyways- enjoy
Tumblr media
Tom’s days were long, they went from early mornings until late into the night, when the sun was no longer apart of the equation. Usually, the young doctor’s life was hectic and he could be found running around like a chicken with its head cut off, but today was different. 
Today, Tom found himself sitting back and chilling (for the lack of a better word) with his mates. He knew the unspoken rule of never saying that it was quiet because then all hell would break loose, and to be completely candid, he was perfectly fine with how his day was going, especially for the fact that in 10 short minutes he would be walking outside to join his fiancee. The two hadn’t had a date night in awhile, due to Tom’s crazy schedule, and they were more than happy to take his free night and spend some time together. 
Breaking him from his thoughts, Tom’s buddy, Harrison spoke up, “Hey mate, what’s Y/N got planned for you tonight?”
Tom felt his thin lips stretch into a wide smile, showing off his teeth. “Not sure. She did say something about going to buy groceries for my favorite. We’ll probably just have a night in, which we both are-”
The curly headed boy was cut off when a shout was heard through the small ER. Both Tom’s and Haz’s heads snapped to the man running in. He was covered in blood and he looked beyond scared, he was carrying an almost unconscious girl. And from where Tom and his mate were standing, they couldn’t tell that it was his beloved Y/N. 
“Please, someone help!” His shouts of panic put the two boys into action, Tom sprinting to the man and woman and Harrison running to grab a gurney. Tom had snatched a pair of blue gloves off the counter as he ran over and was now snapping them onto his hands. “Okay sir, everything is going to be alright. Can you tell me what happened?” 
Harrison was now back with the gurney and Tom was taking the injured woman from the man’s arms, still looking at the stranger, he asked again, happy that he answered. 
“I-I don’t know. Some guy-! Think it was a robbery! She wouldn’t give ‘im anything, so he just started beatin’ her and then took off with her wallet.” Tom nodded along to his story, ready to ask the man if he was hurt himself but then his friend called his name, fearfully. 
Turning around, the handsome doctor lost his breath. He felt like he had been punched in the chest. Now that her hair was moved from her face and she wasn’t hunched over in a stranger’s arms, he was able to see who the young girl was- his girl. 
She was staring up at Harrison with wide eyes, she hadn’t seemed to recognize where she was or who she was looking around for someone, probably Tom, and was crying out. It looked like she was having trouble opening her mouth and Tom felt his heart break into two. And with a heavy heart, he yelled out, “We need some help over here, now!!”
Getting Y/N onto the backboard was easy, so was getting the neck brace on her. The hard part was keeping her still- that and keeping Tom at arms length. All of the doctors, even though they were friends, were continuously yelling at him to stay back. He refused, that was his girl, he wasn’t going to just not help her. She would move mountains if she could help him the same way that he was helping her. 
Everyone was talking at once and Tom felt like his brain and throat were being squeezed in a vice. He heard someone say, “Send blood for a crossmatch.” Haz, maybe?
He heard another person say, “Belly is soft!”
And another, “Bruising on the left chest.” Tom was breathing heavily as he watched his girl frantically look around the room. She was still crying, her mouth still clenched shut. “Pulse is down to 88, I’ve got a line going in now.” 
Tom heard the doctor curse loudly, “Her vein is collapsed. I can’t get it in.”
Another doctor answered, “Try a central line.” The doctors working on his pretty girl were talking nonstop and listing off her injuries and with every word, Tom felt his heart break a little more. Leaning over his girl, but staying out of the way of the working doctors, he said, “You’re gonna be just fine. You’re gonna be fine, alright?” 
More doctors rushed in, each working on their part of the body, and he blocked out all the things they were saying. Tom was grateful that he worked at such a good hospital, that his girl had the best team. The vice around his throat clamped shut when they decided to move Y/N. Her screams were loud and full of obvious pain as they worked on her- moving the poor girl to her side, putting in tubes, cleaning up her wounds, setting bones. With every single thing they did, Tom felt like his heart was going through a meat blender. He couldn’t stand it. 
One of the doctors- a neurosurgeon- asked, “Y/N, honey, I’m gonna need you to move your fingers for me. Can you do that?” When nothing happened, the room seemed to stop, and she asked again, “or- or your toes.” Nothing. It was like she hadn’t even heard the critical request. Tom felt his heart stop when the thought crossed his mind- she couldn’t hear. 
She couldn’t hear anything. 
The brain know-it-all stated this time- no question in her voice. She was demanding. “Come on. Just come on. Wiggle something.” Tom shook his head as he lifted up a heavy hand and snapped next to her ear, and then reached across and did the same to the other. And when nothing happened, when she didn’t respond and just kept on groaning in pain, he said, “Guys.”
When none of the doctors stopped to listen, he said, louder this time, “Guys, I don’t think she can hear us!”
“What? Are you sure?” All of the doctors paused their work for a fraction of a second. The heavy hearted boy grabbed a light and started to look in her ears, calling out her name. He was hoping he was wrong, but unfortunately, he was right. There was obvious damage to her eardrums. “She can’t hear anything we’re saying.”
Then everything took a turn for the worst and Tom felt like he was going to throw up. Hsi heart was in his stomach and he was on the verge of a panic attack. The machines that were hooked up to his pretty lady started beeping in wild succession. A doctor concluded, “We are gonna have to intubate.”
Another well trusted man said, “her jaw is locked. There’s no way!”
The head of plastics said, “If I can reduce the swelling, you can get one in.” he paused and looked at Tom, then back to the injured friend, “I’m gonna have to pop her jaw.”
Tom was in hysterics. “No way!”
“I have to! It’s gonna hurt like hell, but I’m sorry, I have to.” And before he knew what was happening, he was being held back as he watched in pure agony. He watched as the doctor placed his thumbs in her mouth as best he could and as Tom fought against his friend that held him to the wall he shut his eyes, not wanting to see her in any more pain. Perhaps that was worse, though, because he could still hear the loud yell of pain that his pretty girl let out and Tom felt nothing but anger. Anger because his girl was hurt and anger because he couldn’t do anything to help her. He was just beyond angry. 
It was only hours later when Tom let himself be in the same room as her. When he finally stepped foot in her private suite he forgot how to breathe again. She looked horrible. She had bruising around her eye, it turning shades of purple and yellow. Her jaw was wired shut and she had a feeding tube going up her nose as well as a bandage wrapped around her whole head. Tom felt his heart drop to his stomach, he spoke, eyes down, “Hey, love.”
With no answer, he looked up to find Y/N looking at him with curious eyes. “Can you hear me?” She stared still, so he sighed and pointed to his ear and she shook her head. The lovesick boy felt his heart drop even further, if that was even possible. Realistically, he knew her hearing would come back and that the bruising would fade and that she would get better, but he was still feeling like he would always remember the feeling of seeing her so hurt. So broken. So defeat. 
He couldn’t bear it. He wouldn’t. So for now he pulled over a chair and held her hand, comforting her without words, comforting her with all his love. Because that was his job as her future husband.
Taglist; @spider-bitten @bi-writer-in-the-dark @marvelouspottering @quacksin @friendscallme-emily @smexylemony @tom-hollands-eyelash @tomblrholland @spidey-pal @lovelyh0lland @spideymood @positiveparker @positiveparker @procrastinatingparker @your-daily-dose-of-fangirl @Bodakcello @sleepybesson @spideyshcllands @its-the-unknownspidey @tomshufflepuff @aestheticgaybish
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conchstellations · 5 years
watching the 1990 LOTF movie!! my reactions:
hello all!!!! i was bored at midnight again so here it is: me watchin the 1990 movie, for the first time, hell yeah!!!!! here we go!!! its got the other movie to live up to, so im excited for a comedy lmao!! tl;dr at end if u want!!! its kinda long btw lmao
- castle rock entertainment??? piggy u better watch out bro
- fuck is that the pilot???
- k this isnt a big thing but why are they in water? the plane left a scar in the earth, they were on land.
- okay, again, me nitpicking. but idk, to me, they dont look 12?? maybe its just cause theyre all dressed up n that but they dont look like 12 yr olds to me like the last movie
- why tf does ralph (?) have a glowstick lmaooooo
- why are they all together. where is my conch. wher are my stupid ass choir outfits. maybe im not there yet and they have them, but i want my stupid cloaks!!! jack would not stand for this!!!
- why TF is the pilot alive???
- am i supposed to know whos who by now?? did i just miss that?? which ones ralph? which ones jack?? wheres simon???
- conch??? the conchs main job is to bring them together, and here theyre already together so???
- piggy already makin me love him gosh piggy is child
- okay so im guessing brown hair kid is ralph
- piggy protecting conch rights
- i do like piggys sass... very iconic
- okay whAT??? is that blonde kid supposed to be jack?? first off, jack has red hair. second off, there is no way in hELL THAT MY basTARD child jack merridew would let ralph win the election just like that??? wheres my choir??? wheres my c sharp???
- okay jack would for sure call piggy shitbrain nvm
- wheres simon????
- r they fuckin cookin lizards??? nvm look away simon pls dont be in this
- is thAT BITCH supposed to be Simon?? hes got a lot to look up to. also why the FUCK is the adult alive. taht ruins the whole purpose of the entire book
- was that a dream??? sorry im dumb af lmao
- alrght simon is kind of an adorable hild and he likes lizard maybe hes valid?
- idk.. for some reason this ralph isnt like, giving me ralph vibes?? hes just not bring like ralphish u know??
- now im getting a little bit more of our beloved lil bitch ralph..
- okay wtf is going on lmao
- “SHOVE THEIR DICK IN THE CONCH” had me laughing for a solid fucking 30 minutes. william golding who??? whoever wrote that line is the new icon
- ‘EAT SHIT AND DIE”  okay wtffff im so confused but also vv entertained
- for some reason jack’s character is like 100% off, but also somehow 100% on point “thats exactly what i meant” like holy shit. like idk hes not jack but just sometimes he radiates “jack if he was allowed to swear and was less of a lil bitch” energy
- ok simon and lizard?? valid
- i swear to FUCKING GOD i will kill that child!!!
- im gonna cry. wtf. why would you kill his lizard. even this movie’s jack seems like he thinks thats fucked up and hes a psychopath. also, lemme say, at this point, i think most of the book characters would beat the shit out of someone if they were mean to simon like that, bc the choir were his friends, and ralphs tribe respected him, sooooo
- why tf is it simons job to take care of the adult that shouldnt even be there? liek wtf hes grieving asshole
- no fucking duh hes scared of everyone but simon i would be too 
- honestly kinda glad they let ralph say fuck he deserved it
- “back off man im sick of ur shit and sos my gang” fuckin got em
- let me guess pilot dude is the new beast???
- honestly wtf is goin on lmao
- okay piggys actor actually made me sd when he was crying about his glasses so good job
- simon comin through with the glowstick. also, good job simon
- well at least the lord of the flies looks terrifying as always
- are samneric putting on warpaint this early?? bc i WILL NOT stand for that shit. i am a samneric STAN Ok??? they were two of the tHREE left when simon died who didnt become cowards and go savage. they wree LOYAL to ralph until they were LITERALLY tied up and FORCED to join jack, and even then they helped ralph!!!! so fuck u. samneric are better than that.
- oh simon :(
- im glad they actually kind of (?) shwed simon like with the pig head bc last movei it was just ike them flipping the camera from pig to si so idkk
- ok that was a pretty ralph move to bring up the fire 24/7 lmao
- piggytits?? tf
- simon with hus fuckin glowstick lmao
- awe, simon
- okay HOLY SHIT. the sounds of what i assume to be them fucking stabbing simon are horrific. and then that cut to simon’s fucking mutiliated corpse?? holy SHIT. like as much as im complaining, thats the gruesome shit i expect from this book. i was expecting them to shy away from it bc its so awful, but im SO glad they didnt, bc that gave me fuckin chills. finally, something i can praise them on. thats the lord of the flies i expect. 
- i feel bad for ralph.. good job
- ok good. samneric came back. good job again.
- ok. nvm. the disrespect to my loyal children. alright.
- okay that child screaming as hes being whipped?? wtf.
- ok that line of piggy being scared that the russians will take them nad make them go into the olympics? gold. 
- piggys laugh is so pure
- why the fuCK are they finding instruments lmao
- poor piggy
- did roger just wolf whistle at ralph what the fuck is going on
- holy SHIt this movie does not hold back on the blood. but, wheres my conch explosion?? if ur gonna show him getting hit u gotta show the conch exploding. although, the conch means like nothing in this movie lmao
- okay wow piggys dead body cool cool cool
- ralph fucking YEETED that kid to the ground lmao
- okay, ralph crying?? good acting
tl;dr/conclusion/my thoughts: hooooo boy so i see why everyone likes 1960 one better. 
first, lets start with the obvious: why this isnt lord of the flies. because its not. if this wasnt telling me that its lord of the flies, i would think of it as that, really. first off, the conch. the conch represents civility, it brings them together. its important. when piggy dies, it dies, representing how all civility is now gone. i maybe saw the conch three times this movie. didnt do anything.
second, the pilot, captain whatever. the point of the beast to me is that they made it up. sure, the corpse was real, but it didnt pose a threat, it was simply a corpse. they made it into what it was, therefore proving that they are the beast. sure, the pilot here was harmless, but he grbbed a boy’s foot and was therefore making himself a possible threat. maybe its not a big deal i guess.
third, the characters. the point of lord of the flies is that they are rich kids who havent gone through anything. theyre the perfect, spoiled kids who havent done anything wrong. half of them are in choir. chOIR. in this movie, lets take jack for example. they said he stole  a car and got sent to military school. no. the point of jack is that he was a perfect kid. leader of choir. he was manipulitive and got even ADULTS to trust him. its part of hs character, showing that this perfect choir leader kid went fucking insane to prove how literally everyone can be evil. also samneric???? the direspect!! they were loyal to ralph until they were tied up and FORCED to join jack, and even then, after roger like beat the shit out of them, they were STILL loyal. fuck you.
so those are the MAIN reasons why it wasnt lotf. 
now, what i liked i guess.
the swearing was NOT lotf, and it didnt fit with the story, but ill admit that i laughed, so i guess thats a plus.
second, i liked how they showed the gore, i guess? sounds weird, hear me out. lord of the flies is a gruesome, violent, awful book. theres descriptions of death in detail, and im so glad they showed it. when simon’s body was there, literally torn to shreds? the shock of it, the true savagery you see that these boys murdered him SO violently, is amazing, because thats the essence of lotf. simons death shows how theyve lost all their civility, and showing such a gruesome corpse really brings that through. so good job.
and now, of course, the obvious: thats not the characters i pictured when i read the story. simon doesnt look like that, ralph doesnt look like that, jack doesnt look like that.
 where did the choir go, too? forgot to mention that, and i think that also adds into the whole, theyre supposed to be perfect kids and then become savage thing. also, the choir was a group. they voted for jack and went with him for a reason. 
so yea, thats that. dont know why people would read this lmao but thats my thoughts!!!! i just need to keep myself busy when i watch movies and to make sure i focused, i figured id just write down my thoughts as i went. if u wanna watch for free, look up lord of the flies 1990 google drive. 
;)))) and yea im posting this at 230 am lmao why not
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bunny-banana · 5 years
For the director's cut thing, the story where Fabri asks Ermal out on a date but Ermal doesn't realize that? 👀
Its this fic btw if anyones curious.  
Chap 1
Even with closed eyes, he sensed the man lying next to him turn towards him but Fabrizio did not spoke immediately. No, he just stayed silent for a bit, Ermal wasn’t quite sure what he was observing but before Ermal could ask, Fabrizio broke the silence.
its u. he’s gazing at u, u idiot.
’You didn’t exactly give off the vibe that you’d say yes’
“What the fuck does that even mean? I don’t give off the vibe?!”
mr no-homo meta has NO right to be surprised at that. boy went into a panic attack every time someone as much as breathed the suggestion ofc fab was Anxious
A certain Roman showing up at his doorstep looking like he’d belong to the Milan Fashion Week.A tight grey shirt whose top three buttons almost begged to be opened (yet remained miraculously, in Fabris case, closed!) clung nicely to the body underneath it. A very fine silver chain hung around his neck that perfectly fit with the rings and the watch on his hand.Instead of ripped denim, now tight & shiny dark jeans were worn and to round this look up, an impeccably tailored black, suit jacket was thrown over him.
so not to be Hoe on main but we all just love Sexy Fab.  but more so, i really thought Fabrizio would have put a lot of effort into dressing nicely this time around. Probably called a few friends, crying to help him. He just wanted Ermal to like his look. Which he did.   A lot.  again, outstanding heterosexual of the year, ermal meta is completely mesmerised by that look.
“Well, well, Fab. Gotta say, this place is on a whole different level“ The curly haired man commented as he flipped through the menu.“You like it?”“How could I not?”
again, Fabrizio intentionally looking up a fancy place for their Date, something he actually felt a little bit uncomfortable about himself and wouldnt normally chose for himself. But then again, he was greatly relieved when Ermal actually did say he liked it.
*It felt.. nice. The whole evening was quite nice, Ermal had to admit, even with the unusual ambient.
Ermal is just honestly iconic in this fic. man enjoys fabrizios appearance, enjoys talking with him,  eating out with him, just spending time with him in general sooo much……and yet.
Fabrizio tilted his head and was it the candle light or something else, but a intriguing shine filled his eyes.“I’d know something sweeter than this.” In the next moment, everything turned upside down when Fabrizio suddenly took his hand and intertwined their fingers, his thumb gently brushing over the back of the younger man’s hand.
THE COURAGE THIS TOOK. THE NERVES WHICH WERE WRECKED.  Fab really just went “ok here we go balls to the wall now or never”
“So, Fabrizio….Fabrizio likes me. Apparently.” It felt interesting to say it out loud. Ermal got a tingly feeling at the thought. So ..it was him who made Fabrizio blush earlier? Who made him nervous? And smiley?  Christ, he actually really wanted Ermal to like his outfit, didn’t he? A small smirk found its way on Ermal’s face. Who would have thought that he’d have Fabrizio Moro of all people wrapped around his finger.
erm: so im het
also erm: wow i really really like the fact that fabrizio is into me. its actually super exciting. kinda makes me happy in a way.
“Wait, what?! I should ask him out?!”“Yeah? Isn’t that something you want?”Is that something he- But that would imply that he’d want to pursue Fabrizio, his very male, masculine, manly friend Fabrizio who was definitely not by any chance a woman. To have a relationship with guy that was …..romantic… and oh sweet Mother of God, sexual?!“I- I- I don’t know.”
so yeah, to get to the bottom of this, when you’re in the process of realising your own …..non-heterosexuality, its just A Lot to take in.  I thought, realistically, that would just be a bit too much for Ermal to take in at that moment. He had to process the mere thought of “yes, you could have a romantic relationship with this guy, since he’s into you. Its absolutely a possibility”. When you’re conditioned to think “i can only ever date people of the opposite sex” all your life, it takes a bit of time to get accustomed to new possibilities.
And then theres the sexual aspect which is like, on Jupiter, for Ermal’s current state of mind.
The video he currently was immersed in showed a slow-mo fight between a mongoose and a cobra that in all its intensity outdid any action movie in a heartbeat.
i remember watching that vid before writing that chapter and being mesmerised by it. u fucking go lil mongoose!
[Bizio]: sorry i cant this weekend
First, i just love the thought of him being saved as Bizio on Ermals phone. Second, the reason why he replied so late was because he was wrecking his mind about it. Should he go? should he not? god, the thought of seeing ermal excited him and yet scared him. nonononno. he’s trying to get Over Ermal. He needs space. he is not ready yet.
[Ermal]:Fabri!! Heard you’re coming up North! 😁 I have this excellent bottle of wine that a fan gave me the other day (don’t ask) so how about we open it at my place? I know you love a good wine 😉🍷
He couldn’t even slide the phone back into his pocket before it started buzzing. Surprisingly, the reply came almost instantly this time.[Bizio]:sorry no the schedule is pretty tight for me at the moment i dont think ill have much time in milan
i just image him getting the weirdest fucking fan gifts. also lmao the lightning speed with which fab replied. homeboy saw that wine would be involved and imemdiately thought “nononononono. worst case, my drunk ass might kiss him, god forbid. we are absolutely not gonna do that”
[Ermal]:So I’m flipping through the channels at home and there comes a baking show and I wouldn’t normally stop to watch but you know what they’re baking? Those creamy pastry things we had in Lisbon!
Now the idea about the Pasteis de Nata stemms from a real life event! During ESC 2018 i slept at a friends house and since the contest was held in Portugal we decided to cook something portuguese. Thats what we did. They fucking slap. Also, one of the best weekends ive ever had
However, this is how things continued as to all of Ermal’s messages, he’d receive rather uncharacteristically short replies. When he sent him photos he’d often not reply at all and even when he called Fabri didn’t pick.
Okay we have to image in WHAT kinda mental state Fabrizio is in that time. Boy is EMBARASSED to death. Then obviously, he is trying his hardest to get rid of this crush.  So he just isnt talking to Ermal at all. Which in turn makes him lonely and sad.  So then Ermal shoots him a message, sends him a picture and Fabrizio is immediately head over heels again. Which he shouldnt be. Bad Fabri. And the circle repeats itself.
Fabrizio who smiled sweetly at the host, who hugged her tightly, who joked with her and oh, whose eyes didn’t stick to her face but wandered more and more south.
Dude honestly, Fab was not flirting with anyone. He was just being nice as he usually is. And we all know he a lil bit sleazy so yeah, he might have looked down once or twice. but he really was not flirting. It was just Ermals affection-deprived mind going berserk.
Also that was the first time Ermal witnessed Fabrizio being affectionate with someone else. And the contrast to that cold shoulder he received was just the last straw for him.
“Why is he all smiley and lovey-dovey with her while he treats me as if I’m a war criminal?!” Ermal shouted the second the other line got picked up.“Uhm, hello? Maybe a ‘Good morning’ first of all? A simple ‘how are you doing, Sabina?’ would have been appreciated too.”
Damn bitch can ya greet ur sister first before going off smh
And would it have been really that bad if Ermal had just held on to his hand? Let Fabrizio gently stroke him with his thumb, maybe even squeeze back while Ermal’s finger draws circles over letters that covered the older man’s knuckles.It would have been nice and Ermal would have liked it.
I think he just needed to see what he was missing out to realise what he really has always wanted. If things were to go back to normal, he would have never made any realisations.
“Am I- Do I like Fabrizio?”
No, we dont ask what he is. Because thats for another time, a calmer time. Or maybe not at all. He doesnt know the answer to that question and its not important right now. All he knows is that despite it all, he likes Fabrizio.
The fact he was a guy was new, but those feelings involved weren’t.
I feel like this is just a very bisexual experience. At least to me it was. Its very confusing when u are genuinely attracted to the opposite sex, so you make the conclusion: you are obviously straight. Its not possibly that you are not-straight.  
Then u start feeling attraction to someone of ur own gender and its like “hmmm. Obviously this must be fake since we have established that Im genuinely attracted to the opposite sex ”
But the thing is..it aint going away. And then u think how you’d perhaps be down for sex, and perhaps be down for something more, and perhaps do all those nice things you would be doing with someone of the opposite sex.  
So yeah, its ..its really confusing and complicated to figure it out. And if you actually do have a feelings for someone it only makes matters more complicated ig
“Jesus, I really do like him. Me. Liking a guy.”
Again, once u made That Realisation, its just the WILDEST thing in the beginning. a complete NEW concept being applied to yourself.
“LISTEN CUT THE BULLSHIT I KNOW EXACTLY THAT YOU’RE HOME! OPEN UP OR I WILL STAND HERE ALL NIGHT I’M NOT FUCKING AROUND!” In addition to the knocking he now also started ringing the doorbell. He sure as hell wouldn’t move here until that door wasn’t opened.“I DONT GIVE A FUCK, I WON’T EVEN SLEEP AND NEITHER WILL YOU. I CAN GO ON FOREVER YOU HEAR ME, FABRIZIO MOBRICI?!”
Ermal is just unhinged in all my fics.
[Ermal💛]: You ready?
Fabrizio added that heart right immediately after Ermal left his house a week prior.
Ermal looked….cuddly.
So yeah we all know Fab isnt the keenest on fashion and shit. And i just though Ermal would want him to be as comfortable as possible on their date, so he was like “ay come casual” . and also, its sort of cute that Ermal lets Fabri see him so casual too, its sort of more private in that sense.
And those were still the mild surprises, let’s not start with the downright shock he felt when his brain started providing words like kissable, attractive, sexy and hot during lonelier nights.
i have a fic for those kinda nights too
“It’s not that far and God knows men your age need the exercise anyway.”
ermal just cant show affection like a normal person, he has to roast u even when he’s madly in love with u
What followed behind the colourful door was a small chaos. Literally. People constantly coming and going, with buzzing voices chatting in every corner. They made their way half through the rather crowded establishment, got greeted by a waiter who rushed past them, before they finally spotted a couple leaving, liberating two chairs for them.
SO YEAH. the restaurant. it is loosely based on a place here in Vienna. Its pakistani food too, its a buffet, its kinda chaotic like described in the fic. also u can pay as much as u want.
i just thought, yknow, its home made cooking and its kinda relaxed and chill and casual and has a certain liberal flair to it. and i thought yeah that has fabri energy we gonna use that. also their mango rice puddings fucking slap
Languages were not his forte, those belonged to Ermal, but Fabrizio ran through his options. It surely wasn’t French or Spanish, that he would at least recognise. German looked different too; they had those dots over their U’s and those curly B’s which allegedly weren’t B’s at all. Swedish? Danish? No. He’s been to Ikea often enough to know that his wardrobe wouldn’t be called Qershor. And Russian had different letters but maybe it was something similar to Russian?
Okay, so I’m a known Slut for Languages.  Fabrizio is not. I can pretty much recognise most European languages in written form at some point in a text. Fabrizio can not. Therefore writing this from the perspective of someone who really isnt into languages was kind of interesting and a bit challenging. I was just thinking ‘how would he recognise them when he isnt into them?’  And i think, in the end, i did it realistically.
“Is it like..Serbian? Croatian? Or something?” He mumbled while putting a piece of eggplant in his mouth but quickly realised the answer when Ermal almost spit out his water from laughing.“No, definitely not. I can guarantee you, it’s very much not Serbian or Croatian ‘or something’.” Ermal chuckled with a bright smile, obviously enjoying their little guessing game. “But you’re close. In a way.”
This is SO embarrassing but this whole language guessing game was just a setup to an inside joke I have with myself.  So, for those who don’t know, I speak Serbo-Croatian. And I study Slavic studies. The first things they tell you in the first lesson of the Slavic Linguistics course is “Please, for the love of God, PLEASE, dont say Albanian/Hungarian/Romanian is a slavic language”. Apparently many europeans assume these languages are because theyre surrounded by slavic countries. BUT TO AN ACTUAL SLAVIC NATIVE SPEAKER, the difference is immediately obvious and so its quite comical when people assume theyre related languages.   So i thought the reverse would be kinda funny to Ermal too.
“I can be anything the teacher wants me to be. A good student, a naughty student, whatever floats his boat…” He asked sultrily before winking at the man across of him whose higher brain functions seemed to have ceased at once and just gaped at him like a fish.
boys whole brain got fried when the sexiest man in italy started flirting with him. issokay, he was just shocked. fabrizio has never been flirty with him before, he’ll get used to it.
“I was just trying to give you the best date that I could.“At those words, the Roman frowned however."Wait, this was a date?!”
im just an asshole honestly
They giggled as they finally closed the gap between them going for a slow and deep kiss.
i just love them being all SOFT and in LOVE
“Erm, I- I have an instore tomorrow, I better be well rested.”His counterpart just huffed and raised an eyebrow.“So were you planning on staying up all night, huh?”
Fabs horn dog brain definitively went HmmmmMmm this is nice:) ..could get even nicer:)  but no fuck, i have work to do tomorrow
“Love how you immediately forget about a good night’s sleep once you have a tongue in your mouth.”“Fuck off.”
He just got carried away as if u were complaining ermal smh
"I bet on everything I have that your password is 'liberoanita1’ so yes, I actually can.”
Parents culture is just using ur children’s names as all your passwords and we all know Fabri is that kinda parent.
All in All, i also wanna talk about how the epilogue mirrors the first chapter, but in a more successful light.
Fabrizio dresses for Ermal - Ermal dresses for Fabrizio
fancy place - more casual place
They take the car - they walk
Fabrizio takes Ermals hand on the open for everyone to see - Ermal takes Fabrizios hand under the table, in private
They eat their dessert seperately - they eat theri dessert together
they fall out - they become closer, kiss
they dont talk - they plan the next date
anyway thanks for reading and thank uuuuuu for this ask julchen
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ninzied · 6 years
another kind of goodbye
for @carry-the-sky. happy birthday, my friend! have a little post-cancellation kastle fic.
It’s three months, give or take, when Frank lets himself think about her again. Really think about her. Not in the passing kind of way, where he’s walking down some street and sees a bouquet of gardenias, like the kind he’d almost gotten her instead of the roses that day. Or when he’s sipping on coffee, and Karen’s face flashes like a mirage at him across the cheap Formica table – blonde hair almost white under the shit diner lighting, but those eyes still so blue as she told him he would never lie to her.
So – okay, so he thinks about her. He thinks about her.
(He wonders if she—)
Frank eventually makes his way back to the city again, after. Another day, another job. Madani thinks he’s meant for something greater than this – than picking off these scum-of-the-earth kinds of assholes that litter the streets of a place like New York.
He can’t believe that he was meant for greater, but. Sometimes, he does wonder. If a part of him – whatever part of him that’s not still buried deep down in the ground with his family – was meant to come back here. To walk these streets and feel the pull of her, always, even when that’s all he can afford to feel.
He tells himself that has to be enough.
He’s been laying low, since his return. Coughed up some cash for a three-hundred-square-footer in Brooklyn, but he crosses the bridge to the city most days, maybe even finds his way to Hell’s Kitchen from time to time too. It’s risky, he knows. If Murdock catches wind of him, they’d be lucky to walk away from each other in one piece. And Karen…
There’d be a different kind of hell to pay, if Karen ever found out.
His phone gives a single buzz in his pocket as he’s hunkering his way down 47th, and he stops in his tracks, nearly colliding with an elderly woman in the middle of the sidewalk.
“Excuse me!” she says in a shrill voice, bag clutched tight to her chest.
“Apologies, ma’am,” he nods as she makes a show of putting as much distance between them as possible, and then he fishes his phone out, hesitating for one absurd moment before glancing down at the screen.
Back in town yet, Castle?
He barks out a laugh. Chrissakes, Madani.
His phone buzzes again.
I have a job for you, if you’re still interested.
“Still,” mutters Frank, with a scoffing shake of his head. He thinks he admires her perseverance, but Madani’s gotta know she’s only wasting her breath.
He cuts south down 10th, toward Lincoln Tunnel. It’s a brisk day, and the wind on his face feels sharper than usual, considering he hasn’t bled much there in a while. He jams his hands deeper into his pockets, ignoring the insistent drone of Madani’s follow-up call.
He’s got a date with a park bench on the wrong side of town, and if he closes his eyes, he can pretend it’s the same bridge overlooking the water, and when he opens them again Karen’ll be there, waiting for him.
His closest call comes with, of all people, the lawyer. Not Red – the other one. Franklin Nelson.
Frank’s emerging with coffee two storefronts down just as another door opens, and he’s cursing himself for not seeing the signs when out tumbles Nelson with his back turned, adjusting his tie against the wind.
“Foggy bear, wait!” someone else is laughing, and a blonde lady steps out to chase after him, slinging a purse over her shoulder and reaching with her other hand to link around his elbow.
“I told him this was gonna make me late for work,” grumbles Nelson, but without any heat to the words. “Dad’s surprise party isn’t until tomorrow, don’t know why this couldn’t have waited – oh, crap, I forgot I told Karen I’d pick up some coffee—”
Nelson’s about-facing sharply, girlfriend following closely behind. He doesn’t appear to notice Frank crouched down in a corner by the 7-Eleven, hood obscuring half his face as he trains his eyes on the ground by their feet. The girl unearths some coins from her bag as they pass, clinking them onto the lid of Frank’s coffee cup without seeming to hear his low mutter of thanks.
He’s leapt up the moment he hears the door latch shut, brushing the coins into his palm as he goes.
He leaves them with a guy camped out by the train stop, a dog lifting her head from their blankets to blink sleepy eyes up at Frank, and he walks away harder, takes the steps two at a time and wishes – God he wishes—
Another text from Madani.
He shuts his phone off. Goes back to retrieve it ten seconds later from the trash can that he’d dumped it in, wiping it down and scowling as her message pops up on the screen.
Castle – offer still stands, FYI.
“You should call her back,” advises a man huddled down by the newsstands next to him. His face is like leather, worn down and weathered with age, with living. “Apologize for whatever it is that you did, so you don’t end up out here like me.”
“Already there,” Frank tells him, turning the phone over and over in his hand. Madani’s message lights up again each time, flashing and flashing until he sees it like a burn through his retinas even when the phone’s no longer facing him.
“Damn. That’s a damn shame.” The guy shifts, scratching at a spot on his back. “Maybe shouldn’t’ve stayed away from her for so long.”
Frank shakes his head, uttering a short, incredulous laugh. “Well, maybe I got my reasons, yeah? You think about that?”
“Doesn’t matter what I think,” shrugs the guy. “Does she think they’re any good? These reasons of yours?”
Frank turns away, jaw working furiously.
“Yeah.” The guy shouldn’t have any right to sound as smug as he does, and yet. “Yeah, I didn’t think so.”
He’s got no place in coming here. He knows it. He knows it, but he thinks it was always meant to be this way, him circling back around to her, even after everything that he’s done to push her away. Maybe a part of him had never left. And the rest is just – there, hovering right at the edge of some sharp realization, that he could try to be whole again if he simply took that first step. And a part of Karen must at least sense that. It’s why she’d never really given up on him, before.
It doesn’t change how I feel about you.
Frank wonders if she’d forgive him this time. If he’d even want her to.
It wouldn’t be anything close to what he deserves, that’s for goddamn sure.
He gazes up at her fire escape, counts the number of steps it would take just to be able to reach that bottom rung from his vantage point across the street. Her shades are drawn, the lines of them blurred out in the dim orange light. On one corner of the windowsill, wedged up against the glass, there’s a small stack of books. On the other, a vase. From this angle, the shadows folded into the fabric of her curtains look almost like flower stems.
Frank squints, and the stems disappear.
There’s about a week in between, where he feels himself inching closer to something, each time he drops by her block. He never goes farther than the patch of sidewalk across from her building, but it’s getting harder not to just careen over the ledge.
More than anything, he wishes he knew, in those moments obscured in half-darkness, whether he’s come to look for that after she’d spoke of, or if he’s come to say goodbye.
Then, one day he spots flowers in her window, for the first time since—
(They’re pale white against the cream of her curtains, their stems dark slivers of green, and he imagines them pricking the pad of his thumb, drawing up a spot of blood.)
Frank takes a deep breath.
She doesn’t look surprised to see him when she opens the door, swinging it back two-thirds of the way before stopping. Her lips are pressed tightly together, like there’s too much to say, or maybe there’s things that she can’t, either way he can’t read her and he thinks she’s never terrified him more.
Frank drops his gaze, mouth moving soundlessly until the words grind their way out. “How’d you know I was here, Karen?”
He’s not sure what kind of answer he’s expecting. That Nelson had grown a real pair of eyes, or that Red had managed to ferret him out of his lurking somehow. Or maybe Karen really just hadn’t known at all, and those flowers were never for him.
What Karen says instead is, “Dinah and I grab a beer together, sometimes.”
“That right?” he asks, trying to lay out an image of this in his mind. It sits strangely there, stumping him for a moment, and some of his bewilderment must show on his face because Karen’s mouth almost turns up in a smile before flattening again.
She leans away from the doorjamb, waving her hand in a worn-looking gesture before letting it drop to her side. “Besides, you…haven’t exactly been subtle, in your haunting of Hell’s Kitchen.”
He doesn’t know what to say to that, other than a gruff, “’S’what dead men do, Karen,” as she folds her arms and sighs at him.
“You sure you’re not just losing your touch, Frank?” She steps into the doorway, whether to move closer to him or to block him out of her apartment, he can’t tell. “Or was it because you wanted me to know but couldn’t tell me to my face?”
His eyes snap up to hers, twitching slightly under the sharp weight of her gaze. He shakes his head, wishing he could just ask her, What do you want from me, Karen? but they’re long past that now, and if he can’t find his own way to answer her, then.
God, he really doesn’t deserve this woman.
“I think I—” He shifts his body and tries again. “I think I needed to figure some things out. Karen. I was waiting 'til I felt like I was ready, and I don’t think I’ll ever be that.” But I’m here, he wants to say, but I’m here.
“Yeah.” Karen’s nodding, hair falling into her face, and she brushes it back, resting her chin in her palm for a moment. “I know that, Frank.” All of the fight in her seems to have ebbed slowly back, and he resists the urge to reach out and shake the storm back into motion, to make her understand she doesn’t get to let him off the hook so easy.
The look she gives him now is softer, but he knows. Fight’s not done. May never be done. And he knows this because he knows he’ll never stop fighting for her.
She’s stepped back into the door, letting it swing open further. She doesn’t invite him in, but she’s quirked an eyebrow up at him, biting her lip with another deep sigh and a shake of her head.
“You, uh.” Frank glances back and forth at their surroundings, doesn’t quite meet her eye. Tries to lighten his tone through the gruffness as he asks her, “So, you wanted to see me?”
Her voice is soft, forbearing, with a hint of gentle knowing behind it. “You didn’t?”
She’s holding back the clear start of a smile from him this time, and Frank. Christ. It’s taking everything in him not to step toward her, to—
Karen tilts her chin at him, the motion loosening another wave of blonde hair, and he can’t remember anymore why he was trying so hard to stand back from all this. He’s moving, swaying forward until she’s just an arm’s length away, and there’s something almost teasing about the way she relaxes her shoulder into the door as she watches him.
“You back to kill some people, Frank?”
He feels a corner of his mouth turn up. This girl. He licks his lips, lets out a quiet sort of laugh. “That was the plan, yeah.”
Karen gazes up at him, unblinking. “Have you?”
“I was—” Frank has to look away for a moment, finally turning back when he can. His eyes are steady, boring into hers, voice low and full with meaning. “I was. Working on it.”
Karen nods. Doesn’t speak for long seconds, and he measures them out in heartbeats, chest tightening hard enough it feels like it might break when she asks him, very carefully, “Still?”
Frank steps closer, close enough to feel the way her breath shakes with a small sigh, how her body moves away from the door to meet him.
His hand is inches from hers, but he doesn’t reach for her. Not yet.
She waits, gaze searching. He gives the barest shake of his head, and a single word, gravel-filled, a promise. “No.”
Something cracks open in her expression, and it means everything to him, her head ducking away as though she can’t have him looking too closely at the way she's biting back that smile of hers, and he thinks – he thinks he wants to make her do it again, and again, for as long as she will have him.
“Would you like to come in, Frank?”
He takes her hand in his this time, feeling the pull of her as he steps across the threshold, door shutting firmly behind them, and it feels like coming home.
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sailorshadzter · 6 years
yup so this is going to be me talking about all the jonsa moments.
because i can. 
so yeah 
enjoy! <3 under the cut because LONG. 
so i’m going to start with their reunion. i’m going to try to keep this in chronological order but if i mix things up, sorry! im really excited to talk about a few of all of these moments!! anyways... yes. the reunion scene. 
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i love this first shot so much. 
we get both of their faces as they see each other for the first time. jon is so surprised he lets go of the railing and takes a step back. look at his expression, its like he’s seen a ghost. he can’t believe that sansa is actually standing there in his own courtyard. hundreds of thoughts must be running through his mind at that point but im sure they all go back to just her name, over and over again. 
sansa is still taking in her surroundings but as her eyes fall on jon, you can see her face change (below gif) and you can see how relieved she is. im sure she didn’t dare believe to find him here, even though he was (at least, to her knowledge still) the lord commander. why wouldn’t he have been there? 
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what i love about this first shot of sansa is you can see her catch her breath. her shoulders come up as she inhales and you can hear her exhale a moment later. her eyes are on him as he sees her standing there. she’s so relieved to see him there. at this point, she isnt sure she has anyone else left to her. arya is probably dead and yeah, theon said bran and rickon were alive, but who knows now?  she’s been used and abused for SO FUCKING LONG at this point and all she wants is someone who’s going to take care of her and remind her that there’s still some good left in the world. at this point, i dont even think she’s thought about what comes next. there’s no thought of fighting ramsay or taking back winterfell. all she’s thinking about is the fact that he’s standing right there in front of her now. he’s the same jon she remembered from childhood.
and i wonder too how nervous is she, or not at all? she makes him accept her apology later on and i wonder if she’s afraid he doesnt even want to see her. or maybe such a thought doesnt cross her mind because this is jon and she already knows thats the last thing he’s going to be thinking about. 
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this is jon after he’s seen her for the first time. she’s slipped off her horse and it cuts to the first gif of her staring back at him. i cant even begin to imagine what jon must be thinking right in this moment. he’s seeing her for the first time in how long? how many years has it been since they last saw each other? and wow, this isnt the sister he knew from childhood.
she’s pale and shivering, she looks so frightened. her clothes are messy and the sansa he knew never had a hair out of place, let alone dirty, messed up clothes. but he cant get past the fear in her eyes or the dirt (bruises?) on her face. she’s not the same girl he once knew. and at once he’s guilt ridden. what’s happened to her? im sure he’s asking himself this over and over again as he comes closer, im sure he’s afraid to allow himself to wonder. he might even be afraid to think its really her. how could it be? and why is she even here? 
and my god, he’s only just come back to life. he’s just been betrayed by those he called brother, comrade. he’s ready to run away from all of this. he says he’s going to go south and get warm because what was left for him here?  everyone he’s ever loved is dead or tried to kill him. 
or so he thought. 
and watching him walk towards her is just incredible.
he’s got such a look of disbelief on his face. i cant even handle it.  and you can hear sansa’s breathing as he stands in front of her, little inhales of breath as she tries not to cry. it’s literally too much for me. 
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what i love about that is how sansa just opens her arms and runs for him. and jon takes maybe, two or three steps forward to meet her. he takes hold of her so fast it takes my breath away every single time i see it.  sansa lets out this little breath, almost like a muffled sob, its so quiet but its heartbreaking. she’s throwing herself at him then, already knowing he’s opening his arms to her. 
AND LOOK AT BRIENNE IN THE BACKGROUND. she literally looks away. you can see it even clearer in the gif below, but she looks down like she knows this is a private moment and she shouldnt be watching. 
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what i love about this is look at sansa’s face. she’s almost distraught, but you can see the relief washing over her as jon takes her into his arms. his embrace literally sweeps her off her feet. her breathing catches there at the end and you can see her tighten her grip on him, as if he’s anchoring her to the world. his arms are around her waist, he’s LITERALLY picked her up off the ground and is holding her close. he can feel how cold she is and can feel her shaking. i know its not portrayed this way in the show, but i always imagine her having thinned out quite a bit with ramsay and i imagine him thinking why is she so small? why can i lift her this way? why is she so cold? 
at this point, jon knows nothing. he doesnt know what happened to her with ramsay. he doesnt know about king’s landing. he cant even begin to IMAGINE what she’s gone through. all he knows is he’s so happy she’s there. he’s so happy to be holding her in his arms. 
were they ever close as children?
but this scene alone solidifies their close knit relationship as adults. 
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i mean just look at him. 
he’s closed his eyes as she sinks into him. he exhales softly at the end too. jon has gone through a lot too and you know he misses his family dearly, even sansa. they had a rocky past but thats just it... it’s the past. he must be thinking about her right here and vowing to himself he’s going to protect her from whatever will come. he’s not been there to protect her from whatever she’s already been through, but he’s here now and he already knows he’s never gonna let anyone hurt her again. 
in the opening scene, he had nothing left to live for. his brother’s killed him, his family is gone, what else is there? but then... she shows up just hours after his rebirth and in the span of less than a minute, he’s got something new to live for. something new to protect. 
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yeah, so thats how everyone’s brother looks at them, right?
also, she’s wearing his furs. i didnt even know how much i needed that until i saw this scene for like the tenth time. 
i love how as soon as she realized he was looking at her she turned and he gave her the smallest smile ever. like literally, it was barely a twitch of his lips. but it was for her. and it got her smiling as well, got her talking. good soup, she says before asking him about something from their childhood. its very light hearted conversation at this point and it makes you wonder all that they’ve talked about so far. 
clearly some time has passed because sansa is clean and changed (and jon i know, she looks beautiful, id be staring too). but what have they talked about so far? has she told him about kings landing... about ramsay? has she opened up about their father’s execution and cried when she told him she still blames herself? does she talk about what ramsay did to her? to theon? we know jon has told her what happened to him already because he mentions it in a moment, but how much as she told him yet? a lot of what happened with ramsay is “private” or things that’s not at all easy to talk about, but i feel like with jon she would find herself talking and talking until all of a sudden she realizes she hasn’t stopped for hours. finally, someone is listening to her. 
do you forgive me?
there’s nothing to forgive.
forgive me! 
alright, i forgive you.
this little exchange is broken up with smiles and little laughs, but i can tell you that sansa needed it. and honestly, he probably did too. sansa spent all her time in captivity (because yes, thats what it was, both times) thinking about what she’d lost in her family. she’d been awful to jon back then and now he was all she had left. im sure there were many times where she told herself these bad things were happening to her because of how terrible she was to jon. and to arya too. 
once they were all gone from her and she was alone in king’s landing, im sure she cried thinking of how she and arya spent their last bits of time together. arguing and fighting over what, a stupid boy prince that ended up abusing the hell out of her? yeah, not her best moments. but, she was a kid, none of us know shit as kids. thats one of the reasons i hate when people cite season 1-2 stuff as reasons they dislike sansa. she was a child, she was scared, and she was only doing what she was told or taught to do. and then she learned that the only way she was going to survive was by giving in. how can you blame her for that?
anyways, thats a whole other post for another day haha 
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i love this because it shows how easy it is for jon to laugh with sansa. his smile is so pure, so easy going here. its REAL. when was the last time either of them smiled, let alone laughed? but here, together, even just for a moment they can laugh at each other over how much of an asshole sansa was to him or how the night’s watch still make shitty ale. 
and then we get one of my favorite sets of dialogue ever. 
where will you go? sansa looks scared when she asks this, as if all along she’s been preparing herself for jon to leave her. that maybe he’ll take her somewhere and then he’s gonna go off on his own. part of her doesnt blame him, she wants to run away too. 
where will we go? jon says looking almost surprised by her question. if i dont watch over you, father’s ghost will come back and murder me. sansa almost smiles then, as if she’s realizing it then, jon wasnt ever going to abandon her. she never had to worry that he would leave her side. 
where will we go, she says back, still with that half sort of smile. by now, the wheels are turning in her mind. jon says they cant stay there and thats when sansa says it. there’s only one place we can go, home. it’s jon’s turn to look at her with disbelief, like he’s surprised to hear her say such a thing. this is where we begin to see how their relationship is going to work. jon is going to be the doubter, the one who says “well....” but sansa is the fighter, the pusher. she’s the one who says they’ll take back winterfell. when jon says he cant make the wildlings fight, sansa doesnt care. she tells him if he wont help her, she’ll do it on her own. i want you to help me, but if you won’t... ill do it myself. 
and jon knows she’s telling the truth. she’s always been an awful liar. jon knows she’s telling the absolute truth when she says that. he knows she’ll find a way, one way or the other, to take back winterfell. but he cant (and wont) let her do that alone. of course he’s going to help her. she does that to him. he just said he was tired of fighting, that he’d lost... but as he’s staring into her eyes, he knows there’s no turning back. there’s no way he’d ever let her walk away from him to fight a battle or negotiate with anyone. he’s gonna stand by her side forever. 
id also like to mention how i didnt even think about them as a ship the first time i watched this scene. i wont lie, i probably rewatched it twice right then and i made a lot of hmmmMMMMmmsss 
like this was literally me the whole time
🤔 🤔 🤔 🤔 🤔 🤔 🤔 🤔 🤔 🤔 🤔
anyways LETS MOVE ON. 
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the next scene i want to talk about is when ramsay sends jon the letter. 
there’s a lot to unpack here, honestly.
(id also like to point out that brienne makes the best faces ever, her face as the men are all eating kills me every single time i see this scene.)
so jon gets a letter & of course we all know who its from. 
To the traitor and bastard Jon Snow,
You allowed thousands of wildlings past the Wall. You have betrayed your own kind and you have betrayed the North. Winterfell is mine, bastard, come and see.
Your brother Rickon is in my dungeon. His direwolf's skin is on my floor, come and see.
after the bit about rickon, jon stops reading and he looks at sansa. she’s horrified and you can see it on his face that he’s worried too. he couldnt even finish the word dungeon. 
i feel for sansa in this moment though because she alone knows what ramsay is capable of. she knows what he did to theon and what he did to her. she knows firsthand what kind of violence he’s capable of and to think her baby brother is in his hands? no. it’s unthinkable. at this moment, im sure she’s thinking to herself its over, rickon is dead. but she cant and wont give up that easily.
jon continues to read the letter out loud & it pans to sansa’s face. it’s like regret washing over her. she’s the cause of this mess, of all this violence that will happen if jon doesnt give in. but this is what she asked for, isnt it? to fight for their home and their family? sansa isnt a soldier, she doesnt know what war is like. sure, she’s suffered, but not on a battlefield. she doesnt know or understand what happens in war out there on the front lines. this is her first glimpse. and again, she KNOWS ramsay, so she knows he isnt lying about what he’ll do to the wildlings. jon’s reading is strong but he fumbles and stops entirely when ramsay mentions sansa. she tells him to keep going but when he doesnt, she snatches the letter and reads it out loud herself
she’s close to tears, you can hear it in her voice. she’s probably thinking about everything ramsay did to her previously and how it would be so much worse if he ever got his hands on her again. 
jon’s first words are lord of winterfell and warden of the north. sansa tells him that his father is dead & that ramsay was the one to kill him. it cuts back to her and thats when you can see her eyes are wet, she’s trying to hold it together here. she says that he has rickon and jon says they dont know that. but she knows he does. yes we do. thats when jon knows it too. he turns to tormund & they talk about the army numbers. jon looks back at sansa and you can see he’s torn. he wants to do this for her, he wants to do it for himself and for rickon. but he is a soldier and he knows there’s not enough men to fight ramsay’s army. not nearly enough.
he’s on the edge then, he knows it’ll never be enough. and what happens when he loses? what happens to sansa? he cant risk leaving her alone, without any form of protection. he doesnt want to disappoint her but he knows it can’t be done. all her pretty words about being the son of ned stark and northern loyalty cant change his mind. 
except... well sansa. 
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a monster has taken our home and our brother. we have to go back to winterfell and save them both.
she’s right and he knows it. jon snow is too good a man to walk away from his family when they need him most. and even know he knows the odds are against them... even if the northern houses pledge to him and their cause, the odds are against them. but he looks into her eyes and he cant look away. she’s silently pleading with him to help her take back whats rightfully theirs. she’s asking him to help her save their little brother, maybe the only other family they have left. 
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and man he was so close. he had one foot out the door and now she’s trapped him with those beautiful blue eyes. he cant look away and its like, looking into her eyes makes him see the truth. they can win and they will. he’s not going to let anyone take her away from him. and he’s not going to let her abuser sit in their family home. he’s not going to let him kill rickon. he’s not going to let him have winterfell. 
he’s going to take it back. 
so he nods. thats all it takes, just a nod.
OKAY MOVING ON TO WHAT HAS TO BE ONE OF THE BEST JONSA MOMENTS only because its so light hearted and so fucking obvious. like jon here kills me
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(gif credit @stark)
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what i love is jon is the one to ask about the new dress. like seriously, its the FIRST thing he says. there’s no “hello” no “good morning” no “are you ready to leave?” nope. its just OH HEY NEW DRESS I SEE. 
i mean, its what every brother asks a sister, right? its the first thing they notice, those highly attentative brothers! mine always noticed when i got new clothes. its normal, right? 
anyways she tells him she’s made it herself and asks if he likes it.. mind you, jon hasnt taken his eyes off of her ONCE at this point. and he never does.  id also like to point out that sansa literally POSES for him, like “no really tell me if you like it. are you looking? LOOK AT MY NEW DRESS JON.” and he stammers over his answer (which is adorable) his eyes arent on her face anymore but right at her chest (yes we see you jon) and her “wolf bits” which im sure he’s internally screaming at himself for saying.
she gives him the cloak then and its cute because you can tell she worked really hard to make it for him. its a copy of the one “their father” used to wear and i love that. she knows jon struggles with his identity and this is her way of reminding him who he is. and you can tell he’s touched by it. for the first time in this scene his mind changes from “wow my ~sister~ is hot” to “wow my wonderful sister that happens to be quite attractive just made me this thing like our father used to wear- right, our father. right.” 
but on a serious note about this moment
really, i love it because it IS sansa reminding jon who he is and where he comes from. sansa is always the one reminding him he’s a stark despite what he thinks or what people say. its always her reaffirming it for him. this was the first time we get a glimpse of it and its really touching. 
and when sansa walks away from him, jon smiles to himself and honestly its cute as fuck.
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like look at this man. this is the face of a man who knows he’s falling in love. we all know this feeling he has right here- that giddy moment where the person you love has given you something or done something cute or just you know... exists. this is a man who is without a doubt in love. and he knows it. he knows what’s happening here, he knows what these feelings are. 
now lets move on to some bad ass stuff. 
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you dont have to be here. yes i do. 
this is a defining moment for me- and not just because of the jonsa stuff. for me, this is proof of sansa’s strength. everything that happened to her with ramsay is still fresh- im sure she still has injuries that havent fully healed, but here she is ready to face him. she’s going to look her abuser in the eye and make sure he knows he isnt going to win this fight. 
and she knows what to expect. she knows he’ll say some nasty things, he’ll try to screw with her (and jon’s head) but she isnt going to let him get under her skin. he cant hurt her anymore, not only because jon wont let him but because SHE wont let him. she’s taken control back in her life and she’s going to rise above what he’s done to her. 
but i also love the way jon glances over to her- he’s worried about her being there. he doesnt want this to send her backwards in her healing process or just totally break down. i think this is the moment jon also realizes just how strong sansa has become. i dont think she’s ever told him EVERYTHING ramsay ever did to her, but im sure he can imagine it and he knows it must be awful. im sure he’s seen her bruises in the beginning, has caught sight of her cuts and burns and whatever else he did to her before she escaped. jon wants only to protect her but seeing her now, with her determined face he knows she needs this. she needs to face him one last time. and how proud he must be of her!!! 
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this shot is amazing here, they look like such an amazing power couple. i fucking love it. it screams King and Queen in the North, doesnt it? 
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ah yes okay
the tent scene
the sexual tension in this scene is fucking FIRE and any other couple would have 100% had sex after it. no doubt. they’re both panting, literally out of breath just from arguing (and ~staring~ at each other). they both got so heated in this moment, as they seem to do when they disagree. 
and yeah, this stuff is great, but its what comes after that i cant handle. 
sansa says before leaving that she wont go back to ramsay alive. do you understand me? she’s literally telling him that if he loses, that if ramsay wins, she will kill herself. jon’s kind of struck by her words and he again tells her that he wont ever let ramsay touch her again. and then sansa says some real sad shit that just.. hurts. you cant protect me. no one can protect anyone.
those are the words of a girl who’s been let down all her life. she knows deep down that rickon is gone at this point. she’s forced herself to believe it now so it hurts less when it comes true. those words are spoken from her heart. over and over again, sansa tells jon that he cant protect her and its a defense mechanism for herself. she cant be let down again, she wont be let down again. so she constantly thinks the worse so when it happens to her, she’s not surprised, she’s not hurt. this is a girl who has been used, abused, and thrown away like trash over and over again. this is a girl who truly believes there’s no safety in the world. even from jon. at this point, she hasn’t come to realize what jon will do for her (even though hello, honey he’s going to war for you) and she doesnt realize the depths of his feelings. 
and neither do we as the audience. not yet, at least. the next scene jon goes to see melisandre and he literally tells her that if he falls on the battlefield, he doesnt want her to bring him back. its because of sansa. he knows that a) he’s failed her and b) she wont remain alive long. he cant stand the thought of living in a world without her, nor can he stand the guilt of living if she were to take her own life. 
i remember on my first watch through of season 6, i wasn’t shipping them quite yet. i had a lot of thoughts and feelings about their relationship, but man this was the moment where i went “yup, he’s in love.” there’s nothing more dramatic than the “i cant live without you” trope and i live for it. jon cant live without sansa and he cant live with himself if the battle is lost. he’d never forgive himself for losing sansa to ramsay or to herself. he’d rather be dead than fight the fucking night king or anything else. nothing else matters if she’s not there at his side. 
this next moment isnt so much of a jonsa moment but i enjoyed it all the same. jon was so worried, he knew they couldnt & wouldnt last much longer. but then came sansa and the knights of the vale. he’s so SHOCKED and i think this is when he realized what she meant when she kept insisting he listen to her. that she wouldnt go back to ramsay alive.
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it wasn’t because she didn’t trust jon but it was self preservation. she wasn’t going back to ramsay without a fight and she isnt stupid. she knows they dont have the men for this fight- jon told her that himself- and jon wouldnt listen to her. so fuck it, she did it herself. 
we stan a badass queen. 
next up on the list is the infamous scene of jon beating the living shit out of ramsay bolton. 
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all of jon’s rage comes out full force here.
he takes on an onslaught of arrows, blocking all of them with a spare shield he picked up. he gets closer and closer to ramsay with fire in his eyes. every ounce of hatred that he has for this monster comes out the moment he knocks him onto the ground. 
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jon punches him and punches him and punches him some more.
this scene is so incredibly satisfying because as an audience, we fucking hate ramsay (or love to hate him? he’s an incredibly awful character, isnt he?). he deserves everything he’s going to get from jon. watching him get beat to a bloody pulp was one of the best scenes of the whole show, imo. 
i thought jon really was going to kill ramsay, too. his punches just never stopped. he had so much anger inside of him- for all he’d done to sansa, for taking winterfell, for killing rickon. i think jon WOULD have killed him too, had sansa not shown up.
she’s the only thing that could have stopped jon from beating ramsay to death. he almost didn’t look up either, but he did and then he stopped- he actually stopped midswing all because he couldn’t look away from her. and in that moment he knew it was not his kill to make. it was sansa’s. this was HER abuser, HER tormenter, she deserved to take his life if that’s what she wanted. if she told him to go ahead, he would have. but he knew she needed to face him on her own. and that i love. despite how caught up he was in the moment, he stopped full force as soon as he saw her. 
now, moving on to the forehead kiss. 
there’s a lot to unpack with this moment for me so i want to start with their conversation leading up to this moment. sansa joins him on the battlements and he tells her he’s had the lord’s chambers prepared for her, which is really touching. she tries to tell him they should be his but jon says no, they were only standing there because of her so they should be hers. that she was the lady of winterfell. 
and then he says it im not a stark. you are to me. 
that does a lot for me, honestly. all jon has ever wanted was to be a stark, to be anything but the bastard of winterfell. and all his life he’s been told how much he looks like ned & the stark’s, but he’s never told he is one. sansa is the one to tell him he is a stark, even if it’s just to her. and thats honestly all he needs right then. its the reaffirmation that she thinks he’s her family and part of them. 
jon then comes closer to her and there’s a lot of ~longing stares~ happening, especially on his part. he mentions that they have a lot of enemies and they have to trust each other. sansa looks SO sorry in this scene, like she knows she should have told him the truth about LF and the KotV. but jon understands, he doesnt blame her. 
first of all im a HUGE fan of this in general (anyone who reads my fanfics knows this, haha) jon reaches out and puts his hand against her face, with his fingers wrapped around to the back of her head. they’re staring back at one another, though jon’s gaze definitely is on her lips here
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he draws her in to kiss her forehead and its really sweet, a really honestly touching moment. but wow. his kiss lasts a LONG time. jon closes his eyes as he presses his lips to her skin and the moment feels very intimate. 
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when jon does pull back from her, there’s still some more stares. thats something i love about all of jon & sansa’s scenes together... they convey so much emotion with such little words. you can see how jon feels just by the way he looks at sansa. i know its kind of a running joke about how different it is when he looks at daenerys than her, but thats because its TRUE. all of these scenes are supercharged with emotions and it all starts with the way jon looks. his features get soft, especially his mouth and his eyes, when he’s looking at sansa. gone are his harsh lines, his brooding stare, replaced with a soft, tender gaze that i just fucking live for. 
i also want to talk about the meaning of forehead kisses. 
“A kiss on the forehead is a gentle expression of admiration. Usually it is a kiss of friendship or a starter kiss for something for romantic later.” 
“ Depending on how it is planted, it can also be used as a means of showing deep affection to a loved one. Most people use use it as a starter kiss when they meet someone new, to express that they like them.”
“ Brushing your lips gently against someone's forehead is a sign of trust and comfort. The forehead kiss is a nice way to show affection, whether in you're in a new relationship or celebrating your tenth anniversary.” 
while they can reflect friendship or a close bond or even protectiveness, typically speaking a forehead kiss is quite intimate. there’s a reason its one of the most common engagement photo poses. 
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lets really just take a moment to enjoy our King and Queen. note that sansa is  to his left, much how a queen would sit to the king (or vice versa). 
& that wraps up season 6 moments. i think? i hope. 
now lets talk about season 7. 
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the first moment is when sansa & jon are walking together, they arent quite arguing but rather having a bit of a heated discussion. jon is a little miffed about her calling him out in front of the lords (lol) and sansa reminds him that joffrey never let anyone question his authority either.
this really offends jon & thats a testament to his character. you think im like joffrey? he asks her, quite shocked. sansa’s features soften a moment after she looks away, knowing she said something she didn’t mean. you’re as far from joffrey as anyone ive ever met. of course he is. no one is like joffrey. 
they continue walking & talking and then the arm grab happens. 
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i honestly love this gif, lol
what i absolutely LOVE about this moment is jon looks down at her hand, clearly showing she doesnt let go of him. she grabs his arm to make him turn around and face her, to listen to her. jon has a bad habit of not listening to her and she’s fucking tired of it. she lost a lot of people she loved because of stupid mistakes they made, she cant lose jon too. she’s just trying to get him to understand that. 
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there they go again with those longing stares, eh?
we’re almost there guys, seriously if you’re still reading... thanks!
the next scene is when jon says he’s going to go to dragonstone.
i want to point out sansa’s face as she listens to jon speak
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she’s genuinely worrying about him in these 2 panels. 
her face changes as she listens to him talk- she’s thinking about what happened to their grandfather when he went south, she even says it to him. she’s thinking about how he cant go, he cant leave her there alone. its not about jon leaving the north, its about jon leaving her. 
she says to him youre abandoning your people, you’re abandoning the north- and you can hear those unspoken words, the ones she cant say in front of everyone there. you’re abandoning me. 
in jon she finds safety. as much as she’ll try to say no one can protect her, she knows jon does. being with jon has helped her to heal. he’s protected her from ramsay and reclaimed winterfell. he’s her armor, her shield. and he’s all she has left. how can he just leave her? how can he walk away into a dangerous situation and potentially never come back? 
of course she plays it off as saying he’s abandoning the north, but read between the lines and you know what really has her upset. 
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then, jon gives her winterfell to rule over while he’s away.
i think he knows the truth of her heart (and i 1000% believe there’s an offscreen conversation about it) & knows she’s more upset about him leaving her than she is him leaving the north. he knows that he’s all she has left and same for him, she’s all he’s got. but thats why he’s doing this. he’s doing this to protect her and the home they’ve only just got back. 
if he doesnt defeat the night king, there wont be any winterfell or life. he would do anything in his power to protect what he has now, even sailing into a potential life threatening trap. if its for sansa, it’s worth it.
next is one of my favorite jon moments. 
jon and littlefinger are down in the crypts 
they talk about ned and jon tells him he doesnt belong down there.
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when jon walks away, littlefinger continues to talk, causing jon to pause. you can literally watch his face turn from annoyance to pure hatred. look at him here. he turns his head slightly, scowling, his eyes narrowing just slightly. just hearing him say sansa’s name sets him off, its what makes his lip curl with that scowl. but as soon as he says he loved her like he loved her mother, jon whirls around and lunges for him.
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look at all that emotion in his face. 
there’s so much anger and disgust. talk to my sister and i’ll kill you myself. 
he cant stand the thought of lf making a move on her while he’s away. he cant stand the idea of this man looking at her wrong or saying one damn word to her. jon doesnt trust lf & he knows that sansa doesnt either... but that doesnt stop him from worrying. he’s not going to be around to protect her for a while so he has to make sure she’s safe somehow.
hence the ghost scene that got cut and im NEVER NOT GOING TO BE UPSET ABOUT THAT. 
next we get this little moment when jon’s leaving: 
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he raises his hand a moment before this and it cuts to sansa watching him go, looking forlorn. jon looks sad too. you know they’re going to miss each other a lot while he’s away. 
but what’s so telling is how jon looks back. he turns to go, but looks back at her and offers her a quick smile. as if to tell her everything was going to be okay. remember who he doesnt look back at when he’s rushing off to what could possibly kill him? yeah, you do. 
last but not least... jon seeing theon again. 
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what you did for her is the only reason im not killing you.
here’s another moment of jon resorting to physical threats because of sansa. much like little finger, the moment theon mentions sansa’s name, jon lunges at him. he yanks him close and you can see the anger on his face, you can see it in his eyes. he’s not lying either. theon caused a lot of problems for the stark family and his only redeeming quality is what he did for sansa. im sure sansa told jon about escaping winterfell and how it was thanks to theon. that’s enough to keep him alive in jon’s eyes. 
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(gif found via google on gfycat) 
im including this shot because right here you can tell Davos knows whats up. he knows this isnt a typical reaction of a protective brother. he knows jon pretty well at this point and i think he’s sort of known all along how he felt about sansa. this is the moment he’s positive, like zero doubts. i also think thats why he somewhat pushes the thing with dany later (i see you staring at her good heart” or whatever) because he knows jon can’t be in love with his half sister. he just cant be. there’s a perfectly good woman right in front of him (lol) and davos thinks pushing him towards her will make jon forget sansa. fat chance, my friend. 
i love seeing jon react to men mentioning sansa. he gives tyrion quite the glare earlier on, when he mentions their marriage. its clear how jon feels about her at this point. he loves her. there’s no going back, there’s no changing it. jon loves sansa and there’s nothing he can do but keep going. from here on out, everything he does is going to be for her. 
okay guys
well i think this is it! 
thanks for reading and i hope you’ve enjoyed my ranting and raving about these two lovebirds. <3 
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