#we were speculating what the ending meant and I ended up here
kimberleyjean · 3 days
What did Adam change? (Part 1)
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To follow up on my recent reblog about the baby swap, I'm going to take a closer look at Adam where we leave him at the end of S1. Because, by the end of S1, Adam had changed quite a few things... and I'm going to use both the TV show and the book to provide evidence.
To become the Young's real son, I don't think Adam really needed to change all that much. He just says the words to Satan, Satan disappears, and that should be it, right? But no, because Adam goes much further, and I think he does it because he can.
Because Adam has opinions, you see. Opinions on how the world should be and what he wants to happen. Except, unlike Agnes, who needs to write a prophecy and then wait 300 years for her descendant to enact it, Adam can just make it so.
The Other Two Babies
I originally thought about putting all the things Adam changes into a single post, but instead I'm going to make this a short series of posts, because he changes a fair bit. Let's start with where we left off with the baby swap, crack open a copy of the book and discuss the changes for Warlock and Greasy first.
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Here's some excerpts of Warlock flying home from Megiddo to America (my bolds for emphasis):
It was Sunday afternoon. High over England a 747 droned westwards. In the first-class cabin a boy called Warlock put down his comic and stared out of the window.
And now he was going back to the States. There had been some sort of problem with tickets or flights or airport destination-boards or something. It was weird; he was pretty sure his father had meant to go back to England. Warlock liked England. It was a nice country to be an American in.
And Warlock flew on to America. He deserved something (after all, you never forget the first friends you ever had, even if you were all a few hours old at the time) and the power that was controlling the fate of all mankind at that precise time was thinking: Well, he's going to America, isn't he? Don't see how you could have anythin' better than going to America. They've got thirty-nine flavors of ice cream there. Maybe even more.
So it's Adam who has sent Warlock back to America, despite Warlock wanting (even, expecting) to be on his way to England. And he's controlling the fate of all mankind.
Likewise, he has changes for Greasy Johnson too (the discarded baby who grows up to win prizes for his tropical fish).
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The plane was at that point passing right above the Lower Tadfield bedroom of Greasy Johnson, who was aimlessly leafing through a photography magazine that he'd bought merely because it had a rather good picture of a tropical fish on the cover. A few pages below Greasy's listless finger was a spread on American football, and how it was really catching on in Europe. Which was odd… because when the magazine had been printed, those pages had been about photography in desert conditions. It was about to change his life.
Adam is deciding here how to alter Warlock and Greasy's paths. Warlock wants to be back in the UK, but Adam thinks America is better, while Greasy's magazine is changed to American football, which I guess is implying he's going to become an American footballer.
Now, not everyone may be aware, but these parts weren't in the first release of the novel. It only came about later, in the American edition. Apparently the changes were in response to prompting from the American editor, but they got "carried away" making those changes (source).
Season 3 (warning: speculation)
So, do you think this could be relevant for S3? For me personally, the fact that these bits were added later makes me wonder if this was helping to set up for a potential sequel. It's certainly poetic - just like the baby swap that originally involved all three, we are now implying a potential adolescent swap of Greasy, who is interested in American football, and Warlock, who is interested to return to the U.K.
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If you've read at all about the hypothetical plot of the proposed written sequel, you'll know that it involved a trip to America, ostensibly to look for a lost Jesus. So, if the next book was originally meant to be about going and finding someone (Jesus?) in America, then Greasy or Warlock could make sense. It would be a switcheroo all over again if Warlock had left for the UK and Greasy for America.
Another alternative is that all three could end up converging in America, since Warlock already lives there and both Adam and Greasy have interests in going there. But if that's the intention, why mention that Warlock wants to be back "home" in the U.K.?
So, those are my possible takes on how this passage can be interpreted. I know there are some theories that either Greasy or Warlock may be the Second Coming. I've also seen a theory now that Adam himself could be a contender (both spawn of Satan and spawn of God - it'd certainly be interesting!). I'm not placing bets on any of these outcomes just yet.
In addition to this passage in the book, we also see some interesting changes made by Adam which are featured more prominently in the show - one's that have implications for the ineffable husbands.
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Part 2 coming soon!
Thanks as always to everyone at the @ineffable-detective-agency (including @noneorother, @embracing-the-ineffable, @lookingatacupoftea, @251-dmr, @somehow-a-human, @maufungi, @havemyheartaziraphale, @theastrophysicistnextdoor, @dunkthebiscuit, @komorezuki, & @ghstptats).
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themillipedeslaw · 5 months
I made this image after watching the Legend of the Red Dragon story with my boyfriend and I felt the need to post it on tumblr like 1-2 weeks later
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ferrstappen · 11 months
max the wag: caught in the middle l mv1
a/n: so... this isn't the best part of the series but I saw this post on instagram last week and just couldn't resist! hope you enjoy it <3 x
pairing: Max Verstappen x fem reader
genre: fluff
you can find the rest of max the wag here <3
summary: You find Max on a WAGs Instagram page, just not how you'd imagine.
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Mexico Grand Prix, 2023
The only time you left the energy station during race weekends was when Max was crowned the winner of the Grand Prix, making your usual route the back entrance, energy station, parc fermé and then, if people were lucky, would catch a glimpse of Max and you leaving hand in hand, big smiles on your faces even if you always tried to keep your head down.
Sure, this wasn’t always the easiest for you, wanting to be there with Max most time, but in the early stages of your relationship when you first attended a Grind Prix as his girlfriend, you told Max it wasn’t an interest of yours to be known or to have your face plastered on Instagram profiles. Of course, it was inevitable, but both you and Max tried your best to make it work, even if it meant Max would have to begrudgingly answer a question about the relationship to the fans so they wouldn’t start speculating.
Max even made an effort to stop F1TV from broadcasting you, and it cost him an app exclusive interview. 
This never worked to ease the break up rumors always emerging. You were able to put the latest one to rest during Qatar where you were waiting with your arms wide open when he was crowned champion, shortly kissing his lips and forehead during the commotion, everyone trying to get a hold of him. 
Of course, that was the highlight of the weekend even if Max didn’t win the race, but a close second was the appearance of a new WAG, a gossip both you and Max had closely followed since pretty much the beginning of the season, but you never crossed paths with her and were only aware of the confirmation when you were back in the hotel.
Now, you were mindlessly scrolling through Instagram posts, getting ready to watch the race in your apartment in Monaco with Jimmy and Sassy, the F1 app playing on the iPad screen, when a particular post caught your attention. 
It was Max, completely clueless of what was going on behind him: Rebecca and Carlos were easy to spot, absolutely not trying to hide, happy smiles and not trying to hide. 
You didn’t notice the F1 transmission was focusing on Max inside the garage, but the first thing you did was send the post to Max.
The camera kept following Max as he checked his phone for the last time, and this time you were thankful for it since you were able to check his every facial expression as he opened the message. 
What am I looking at, schatz? A terrible picture of me before the race??
Are you trying to help Lando win??
The transmission showed how GP approached Max to go over the strategy, forcing Max to hand over his phone before seeing your answers. 
Babe, she’s Carlos gf! Remember back in Barcelona when we weren’t sure if it was true? WELL IT IS
The gossip was soon forgotten was you watched Max win once again, texting your congratulations while pointing at Max in the TV for Jimmy and Sassy to see, even if you could sense their judgement.
Right after the podium ended the phone vibrated, your favorite part of race day when you weren’t able to be with Max, was the mandatory FaceTime call, showing you his trophy, completely soaked in champagne, giving you his best smile. 
“Congratulations honey! You were incredible, it was a great race, I’m sure you enjoyed it!” You animatedly said to him while wearing one of your own Red Bull jersey with his number on it. 
“Yes, yes… so, did he really cheat on his ex?” Max asked and you gave him a confused look.
“What are you talking about?”
Max stared at your face in the screen, giving you a look of disbelief. “Carlos! You sent me that post of that horrible picture with them in the back,”
Now that you were caught up, it was impossible not to appreciate your boyfriend right now, with his blue eyes wide open, still holding his trophy, but waiting to be updated on whatever was going on outside the track. “I have no idea if he cheated, you were the one who overheard the Ferrari mechanics!”
“But you are the WAG, schatz!” Max argued. 
You scoffed. “Yes, and I am the worst WAG ever and you know that!”
“Don’t say that about yourself, there’s nothing wrong about wanting to keep your privacy,” Max reassured you, like he always did. 
“Maybe I can put on a show next week and try to find out what people know…” You said to yourself. 
“I’m sure Charles’ ex knows… what was her name?” Max asked you while trying his best to remember. 
You chuckled before answering. “Charlotte, baby,” you replied and he nodded his head as if he was trying to tell you he always knew, it just slipped his mind. “and yeah, I’m sure she knows but I don’t want to talk to her just to interrogate her, you know? Maybe,” you were going to continue before Max interrupted.
“Schatz, I have to go but I swear I’ll figure out who may know more about this, okay? I love you, can’t wait to see you,”
You hurriedly said an “I love you” before the call ended, knowing Max was going to do his best to gather information he’d be waiting to share once you reunited in Brazil. And maybe, just maybe, you’d consider arrive to the track walking hand in hand, kissing his cheek for good luck, for everyone to see. 
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harrowing-of-hell · 9 months
i've been meaning to talk about the scene where cytherea's body shows up underneath harrow's bed, and the whole "is she actually there or not?" question, because many people seem convinced that ianthe was gaslighting harrow and i genuinely don't think she has any reason to do so. the scene itself is deliberately ambiguous for several reasons. the most obvious is that harrow hallucinates. she knows this. the audience knows this. this is precisely why she seeks out ianthe in the middle of the night, because harrow doesn't trust her own senses.
harrow also used bone to shackle cytherea's body to the floor— and yet her body somehow disappears from underneath the bed without breaking these shackles. initially, this would indicate cytherea's body is another hallucination.
however, we also know that there's something weird going on: for some unexplained reason, cytherea's body apparently doesn't trigger blood wards.
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after cytherea's body goes missing, it also can't be detected by john or found anywhere on the mithraeum.
one possibility is that cytherea's body is negating magic somehow. her body is being necromantically preserved by john and thus her body is imbued with john's magic. that may be why wake can move around in it completely undetected by john himself, and also may be why she is able to bypass blood wards and other types of necromancy.
but again, no concrete answers are given, and any ideas or claims are just pure speculation. all we know is that cytherea's body has been able to do weird things and avoid detection, so it's not exactly unreasonable that, if she was underneath the bed, she may have been able to escape the the shackles somehow.
additionally, though i'm not at all inclined to believe this, we also can't rule out the possibility that both of these appearances of wake-in-cytherea's-body were hallucinations and the only time harrow really saw her was in the incinerator room when she was trying to kill g1deon.
at the end of HtN, gideon claims that cytherea's body was obviously there, but she isn't reliable because she only has access to harrow's memories. she would recall that situation as harrow did, meaning she would remember any hallucinations harrow was experiencing. unlike harrow herself, gideon doesn't doubt harrow's experiences, but harrow feels the need to confirm whether she's hallucinating when it's not already obvious to her that this is the case.
and then there's ianthe, who's behavior during this scene is weird:
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ianthe says very little during this entire scene before leaving harrow's bedroom, and i think this is deliberate, only meant to make it more ambiguous as to whether the body under the bed is actually there or not.
but it's actually because of ianthe's behavior here that i believe that harrowhark seeing cytherea's body underneath the bed was an hallucination.
there are other times where ianthe comments on harrow's psychosis:
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in both of these situations, she's not nice about it! in fact, ianthe takes the opportunity to insult harrow or question whether harrow's actually seeing the things that she's seeing.
importantly, her behavior in these two instances is very different from what she does when harrow tells her to look at cytherea's body underneath the bed and touch it. ianthe doesn't insult harrow at all or call her "crazycakes" or "mad", just asks if harrow's been sleeping, says good night, and walks away.
i think that this is because ianthe gets really uncomfortable whenever she's confronted with harrowhark being in undeniably vulnerable positions.
when she sees harrow bloody and naked after being attacked by g1deon, she brushes it off by essentially going "yikes", but the fact that she makes no attempt to help harrow recover from the attack and hastily walks away from the sight of harrow's maimed body is very telling.
her walking away is so unexpected that i've seen several people say that they're not sure why ianthe didn't take that as an opportunity to manipulate harrow (even harrow expected it to happen, and welcomed it). and yeah, from what we see of her character in HtN up until this scene, it does seem ooc for her to just walk away with nothing but a quippy comment.
but to understand her behavior i think it's important to note that ianthe does see harrow as an equal! at any given opportunity she brings up the similarities between herself and harrowhark. ianthe also does this because she's down bad, but regardless, she would never equivocate herself to someone who she thinks is lesser than her.
i also don't think she would do this if she didn't care about harrow— and she does care about harrow! she was genuinely happy to see harrow was alive before realizing that it wasn't harrow but gideon-in-harrow's-body. at the beginning of HtN she kneels before harrowhark in "unmistakable supplication" and looks at her with "half-beseeching, half-contemptuous despair" as she offers to help defend harrow's body once they go into the river to fight the RB.
ianthe has no reason to gaslight harrowhark for fun the night before the RB is supposed to attack. she incessantly taunts harrowhark with her impending death all throughout HtN, but she doesn't actually want harrowhark to die. gaslighting and destabilizing harrow further when harrow is already likely to die directly goes against this desire.
imo ianthe does enjoy having someone rely on her and is willing to be manipulative to achieve that, but i think she relied on harrow just as much as harrow relied on her. in HtN, harrow is very much filling the coronabeth shaped hole in ianthe's life and i don't think ianthe would risk losing that.
that's all to say, i think it's precisely because ianthe sees harrow as an equal and cares about her in her own fucked up way that, when faced with harrow's vulnerability, her immediate reaction is to brush it off and help harrow save face by walking away from the situation.
ianthe views vulnerability as a weakness and thus thinks she is doing harrow a favor by walking away from harrow in her times of weakness and making no further comment about it. it's like how many people react when they see a stranger crying it public; they would feel similarly embarrassed to be seen crying in a public space, so their way of helping that person is to ignore the fact that they're crying and prevent them from experiencing further embarrassement. she would want harrow to ignore her moments of weakness, and so in turn, she ignores harrow's moments of weakness.
in a way this is kinda how they show solidarity to each other in HtN; despite how they threaten each other with death, harrow defends ianthe when she's struggling to use her rapier arm, keeps ianthe's secrets, never explicitly mentions that ianthe cries at night to anyone (actually i think there are several scenes where harrow suspects ianthe has been crying, and she doesn't mention it aloud). in turn, ianthe thinks it best to not acknowledge or make it known that harrow experiences hallucinations. they know they're both in shit positions and aren't trying to deliberately make it worse for each other.
this is ultimately why i think ianthe wasn't lying when she said she didn't see cytherea's body; she not only has zero reason to do so outside of "for fun", but destabilizing harrowhark further would go against the fact that she wants harrow to survive the RB fight. ianthe's behavior when harrow asks her to look underneath the bed is also directly in line with the other occasion in which she has to interact with harrowhark in an extremely vulnerable moment: she seems incredibly dismissive of the situation, and then walks away.
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gghostwriter · 2 months
Still Alive for My Lover
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Spencer Reid x Fem!Reader
Summary: The four times Spencer brushes with death and the fifth time he's reborn to find his way back to you
Warning: angst with happy ending || [Part 2A of Death of a Love Affair; Part 2B is the sad ending]
A/n: I did a poll the other day on if I should post both different part 2s for Death of a Love Affair and posting both won so here is one of the endings--the happy one! I actually scrapped my first happy ending idea for this (I dreamt about this plot just the other night) so like a maniac, I wrote and edited it in one sitting. Also he has been through a lot so I had to choose scenes that I think would affect his psyche. Hope you enjoy!
Part one || Main masterlist || Part 2B
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The first time Death came close was during an Anthrax attack
In Spencer’s quest in solving the time sensitive and nation threatening case, he made a series of misjudgments that had led him to being exposed to the chemically engineered Anthrax.
During his months of adjusting back into being single and alone, he poured all that he could to his job. No longer were the cases viewed with a clear objective mind, they all became personal. Case distance from Virginia, where you were, meant nothing. He viewed each killer a threat to your existence. In the most convoluted way, this was him protecting and keeping you safe when he no longer could beside you. 
“Hey, Reid.” Garcia softly said.
“Reid, wow, no, uh—no witty Garcia greeting for me?” Spencer joked to try and lighten the mood.
She shakily exhaled her breath. “I can’t be my sparkly self when you are where you are.” 
“Garcia, do you think you can do something for me?” His voice trailing off at the end.
“I, uh-I know I can’t call my mom without uh—“ he cleared his throat. “Without alerting everyone at her hospital and I can’t call Y/N since—since it’s protocol and we broke up.”
She paused, nodding her head. “What do you need?”
“I-I need you to record messages for them, in case anything happens to me.”
“Oh, nothing’s going to happen to you,” she tried to be optimistic. “You’re gonna—brilliantly find out who did this and we’re gonna treat this strain.”
He sighed with a slight smile on his face. “I hope you’re right, but if you’re not, I just—I really want to make sure that they hear my voice.” 
“Ok, just give me a second.” The taps from her keyboard echoing in the background.
“Are you ready?” Spencer asked.
“Hi, Mom. This is Spence. I just, um-I just really want you to know that I love you and—i need you to know that I spend every day of my life proud to be your son.” His tone fluctuating from holding back tears. “Y/N, I know we broke up months ago but—I need you to know that I love you and that I’m sorry—” A shiver passed through his body, a sign of his fever escalating. “Sorry for pushing you down in my list of priorities—should have done better. I don’t resent you for leaving me and if—if this is my last message, I want you to know you’re one of the last things on my mind, Angel.” 
The thought of you finding out through the news that an FBI agent had died or worse, not finding out at all, sent him into a tailspin. You were a worrier and Spencer didn’t want you to question your judgement of breaking it off with him and drown in the not knowing, what ifs of it all. He wondered where you were at that very moment as he crept closer and closer to Death’s door. Were you wallowing still? Maybe out for brunch with your friends or a date—his breathing stuttered at the thought. He tried and failed to imagine you smiling at a faceless man in front of you, preening under your attention. Who wouldn’t? He shook his head as an effect to bring him back to the present.
The pause made Garcia panic. “Reid?”
“I-I gotta go.” 
The second time was when Maeve died
Spencer thought he was finally going to get it right with Maeve but it was false hope, his speculation far from the truth because Maeve—his second chance in love was dead, killed right before his very eyes. He loved her, truly did even without knowing what she looked like—not in the encompassing way he loved you, no, but Maeve still carved a space in his heart that was one filled by you. She was comfort and a healing balm for the pain of losing you.
He associated navigating life with you as something like entering a luscious forest. With you leading the way though the beautiful greenery and kind animals—a fairytale kind of love. But when you let go of his hand, the forest turned dark and the animals turned into monsters that haunt his every move. Maeve was a cabin in those woods, lighted and warm with a fireplace—a respite for his lost and terrified being. He knew what was out there but housed in her presence, he felt safe and believed himself ready to defend his newfound solace. He was wrong, the security was temporary. His shelter torn down and taken away, leaving him back out in the woods with no light or guiding star to see him through. 
Curling into himself on the floor beside his bed with ‘The Narrative of John Smith’, the copy that Maeve gifted, tucked to his chest, uncaring of the the pathogens that it can carry, a folded piece of paper under the dresser caught his eye. He stretched his hand, feeling the settled dust on its surface scatter, and pulled it into the light. Gingerly, he opened the yellowing sheet and found himself staring at your handwriting—a note that he had never seen before.
He once asked about your penchant for leaving hand written notes for him to find. You shrugged then and nonchalantly called it a treasure hunt for him to partake in. During the times passed, he’d encounter lingering, forgotten notes from you all over his apartment. In his cupboard, pushed in the dark recesses, in his rarely worn patterned coat, and slotted in between the books on his bookshelf. He thought he had found them all but here was one left unread as if it knew when to make its presence known. As if it knew that he needed a sliver of light to guide him home.
I’m not sure if we met at the right time, but because we’re both here, let’s do our best and if there does come a time were we must part, know that I love you. I’ll love you enough until we meet again. 
His tears broke free from his battered walls and streamed down his face. He loved Maeve. He was thankful for the peace each phone call had given him and although his memory of each talk may fade into the back of his mind, the relief and emotion she had given him will linger in his chest. He slowly got up from his position and approached his beloved shelf. With one last look at his book, he slotted it within the nook and walked away.
His love for Maeve will always be there but he loved you too and he thinks he always will. And when sadness and grief comes to pull him back under in moments of weakness, he unfolds his talisman—the note—kept near his heart as a reminder. A reminder that he has loved, was loved, and is still loved. 
The third time was when he was shot in the neck
Fading in and out. 
In—liquid seeping into his shirt and tie.
You were the only thing he could think of. Not the case, not the team, only you.
Out—sirens blaring in a distant background.
In—Morgan’s voice calling his name.
For the first time in a long time, Spencer was terrified. He was so terrified that death had come to collect his borrowed life without having a chance to right his wrongs. Without any contact and without any way to say how much he has loved you still after all these years and months. He could probably recite how long it had been, if only he wasn’t loopy from the pain. 
Out—muffled voices all around him. 
In—a gentle sway in the ambulance as it rushed to the hospital.
He wanted to tell you how much he’d learned from recalling all his memories with you. How much you had taught him about love—a teaching he could never find in books. How love was selfless and tenacious—just like when you didn’t give up on him early on—when it needed to be. How love is fueled with respect—like how you respected his choices and demands of his career, and how love—true love, knew when it’s time to go. 
Out—streak of bright lights passing him by. 
In—professionals dressed in scrubs and white coats touching him. 
Your face was the only image settling behind his closed eyelids. He tried to remember the crinkle around your eyes when you smile, the scrunch of your nose when you laugh, or the he arch of your brows when you teased him but all were hazy, as if he was staring into a deep depth of water that rippled nonstop. All he could conjure up was your face with tears sliding down to your chin from the hurt he caused. He was deathly afraid that his last memory of you were in pain. 
Out—laying cold on the operating table.
All he could muster to repeat to himself as he faded under local anesthesia was your name. Like it was a mantra, a prayer, and his own personal saving grace. 
In—surrounded by beeping noises and fluffed pillows.
Mind still hazy when he came to, he sent a thank you to the stars. Grateful that Death was unsuccessful and to have been given an opportunity to correct his mistakes. Wishing that somehow, somewhere your paths and his would cross again and he could tell the story of all his adventures and yours, and how he has changed, hoping once again to be worthy of you.
The final time was during his stint in prison
He’s changed. In the dark forest you’ve left him behind, the once scared and hunted by monsters had become the hunter. The anger and agitation that simmered near the surface of his every waking moment was something he did not know how to accept. He was worried about the new him and how you’d perceive it. There were no signs of who he was before and during you. If he’d cross paths with you on the street, would you recognize him? He hoped so. Would you still accept him? He needed you to.
Along his long route back to you, he grew thorns and horns. He became decorated with wounds and scars. His talisman—your note—had aged, just like him, and had ripped along the folds. His once brilliant mind—now in a haze from trauma, memorized the words. It was your writing that grounded him while he was stuck in the cell of a mad woman’s making. The slants and loops studied and the grooves and indentations caressed with his calloused, bloody hands. 
He loved you still, very much so, but with his change, it had also mutated. What once was compared to a fairytale kind of love had now been smudged with darkness and desperation.
He felt lethal in his journey back to your embrace. Gone was the boy who felt remorse in shooting an unsub between the brows and replaced with the man who felt no qualms in killing should safety be threatened. He knew he had to talk to someone about the path his thinking had taken but instead, he entered his home with a single-minded purpose, walking straight to your side of the drawer and clutched another memento that will buoy him through the ravaging waters of emotion—your engagement ring. Looping it through a chain that he now wears on his neck and near his heart, a symbolism of his will to see things through, come hell or high water, he’ll crawl home to you.
And his second life started when he left the BAU
Spencer wanted to see you. Once inside the building elevator going down, he fought the urge to dial your number—regardless if it was still even yours. He needed to know. To know if you’ve moved on after all those many years apart or lived just like he did—tried but unsuccessful, always comparing and always coming up short. The eyes not as kind as yours, the smile not as radiant, and the heart not as beautiful. Was it awful of him to wish for the former? Yes, yes it was. He knew you deserved happiness and support after all the times he had let you down, knew you deserved a life after him, knew you deserved a happy ending but here he was, hopelessly wishing that your happy ending was still with him. 
He didn’t keep up with your life as much as he wanted to. The wounds of his failure and the battle scars he received along the way were still fresh. He didn’t have the right to know—a self imposed punishment. Although Garcia offered to look into you whenever he would reach rock bottom, and he’s been there a lot, he refused. By returning your ring, the engagement ring hidden underneath his shirt, you’ve taken back his privilege and he respected your decision.
You deserve better than to have him contact you without his life in order. If you’d still have him, you’d get the best of him. And so for the past six months, he focused on himself. He gained his footing in teaching young agents, he worked on his anger and made progress with his therapist, and he got to know who he was again beyond being an FBI agent. And it was as if the stars took notice of the changes and decided to reward him.
It was late into the night when he decided to make a quick grocery trip for some perishables missing in his pantry. This was out of his normal routine and he was forever grateful to the impulsiveness that took over him that night ever since. It was what led him to cross paths with the only person he had once considered home—you.
As he was entering the store, you had come out in all your beauty, struggling with one bag in each hand. Whenever he would recall this story, you’d scoff and tell him that you didn’t feel beautiful then—hair in a sloppy bun, t-shirt all crumpled, and face bare from any makeup. He’d object as no matter what the circumstance, you were always the most beautiful to him. 
He cleared his throat then. “Y/N.”
“Spencer,” you breathed out, surprise painting across your face.
“Do you need help with that?” He asked, voice cracking at the end. He thought he outgrew his shyness, time in prison does that for a person, but here you were reverting him back to how he felt when he first met you. “I’d like to walk you back to your car, if that’s alright,” he added on as he was afraid of your refusal. The parking lot was dimly lit and almost deserted. Years of solving cases has made him hyper vigilante and even if he was technically no longer a fed, his experience stayed the same. He still wanted to make sure you were safe, after all the time away.
You hesitated before nodding once in agreement. 
He smiled, letting go of his breath he didn’t know he was holding, and reached out to take your grocery purchases. “Let me get these for you, lead the way.”
The silence was uncomfortable. Years of being away from each other has made him a stranger to you and you to him.
You crossed yours arms, a sign of defense, before clearing your throat. “How’s the team?”
He pressed his lips into a straight line, not wanting to spill every little change that has happened while you were gone. “Good, good.”
“No case tonight?”
“Uh—I only consult now,” he explained. “I went into teaching.”
Your arms dropped, a sign of openness, and you peered at him. “That’s—different. I mean, are you happy about that?”
He laughed and almost felt like preening at the care that you still had for him. “Yeah, it’s nice to have a normal schedule for once.”
“Somehow normal and you being mixed together doesn’t compute in my head,” you teased, swinging your hands in a clear sign of nervousness. He felt good—glad that he still could read your tics. How the slight downturn of your eyebrow meant you’d table the information to ruminate on it later. How the little bounce on your walk, that wasn’t there earlier, meant you were accepting of this situation. And how you slightly shifted closer to him meant you find his presence a protector. 
As he was documenting each non-verbal cues into his memory, the back of your hand brushed with his, sending a jolt of electric charge. It was as if both your bodies needed a physical reminder that the other half is back and nearby. It was as if a defibrillator had charged his black and blue heart to life once again. 
You giggled. “Sorry about that.”
It was a cold night but each laughter wrapped around him like a comforting blanket, warming his weary bones that had been lost in the dark cold woods for so long. “It’s alright,” he stated as he watched you unlock the trunk of your car. 
Loading in your grocery in silence, he shuffled ever so slightly out of the way as you closed the trunk and rocked on your heels.
He stuffed his hands into his pockets. It was the only way he could prevent his hands from reaching out and caressing your pink cheeks. He didn’t have the permission to touch you yet—not matter how much he wanted to. So wanted to.
“You look—you look great, by the way,” you stammered out.
“Thanks, you too—look great, I mean,” he stated. He wanted to sing out more praises on how you’d gotten more beautiful, more radiant, and more lovely but he settled on something simple lest he scares you away with the intensity of his feelings. “Do you think could have your number? You know, just in case you’d need help with groceries again.” A feeble excuse.
You smiled. The type of smile that was once reserved for him and he wished for it to still be his. Please don’t say no, please, he realized that if you do, that will be it. That there will no longer be any saving the tragedy between him and you.
As he was starting to slide down the familiar slope of sadness, you nodded. “I never changed it.” You unlocked the driver seat before facing him once again. “Spence—”
He basked in hearing you say his name.
“—I’m different now. So you’ll have to get to know me again.”
“I’m different now, too,” and while you uttered yours as if it was an apology or a forewarning, he uttered his as a promise. A veiled promise that he was now the man that you wanted him to be after all those years.
He reached his hand out. “Hi, I’m Spencer Reid,” he hoped you’d play along.
You laughed, clearly intrigued at changes that had happened to him. Here he was, a germaphobe, reaching for a handshake to a stranger regardless of pathogens. You weren’t really a stranger, not really, but he wanted to write a new beginning. The last time was too tragic and ended with goodbyes. This time, this time, it’ll be perfect, he vowed to himself. A perfect fairytale with a happy ending that he could share with his kids with you one day. 
“Hi, Spencer,” you reached out your hand into his, engulfing yours in his tight grip. “I’m Y/N.”
He watched as you got into the car, fastening your seatbelt and roll down the window. “I’ll call you.”
“Please do, I’ll be waiting,” you whispered out before backing away from the parking lot.
And he did.
And after a few dates, he slid back the ring that once hung around his neck, sitting near his heart, back to where it belonged—back to your fourth finger where the Romans once believed a vein ran directly to the heart. Vena Amoris, the vein of love. Where it will stay forevermore, never allowing time and the outside to separate what once was meant to be. Never allowing ‘him and you’ as separate, there was just ‘them’.
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whateversawesome · 5 months
Spy x Family Chapter 98: An Explosion
Let's start with the most important thing and we'll go from there. Ready? This panel:
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Blink and you'll miss that insignificant comment from someone we don't even know their name. Nevertheless, given the implications of Project Apple, this panel is huge! Because, even if back then it was just a rumor, there's a chance it could also be true. Project Apple could have started during the first conflict. This leads me to the following theory:
Anya's biological parents were prisoners of war.
The story about Twilight as a soldier, Martha and Henry, as well as Millie, Franky, and even the Lady Patriots Society tell us about the dehumanization of the enemy. So yeah, it's very possible that it was acceptable for either side to do anything they wanted with captured enemies, that includes experimentation.
And by prisoners of war, I'm not only referring to soldiers and medical personnel, but also spies. Wouldn't it be funny if Anya's birth parents were also spies? It's too soon to tell, but it's so much fun to speculate 😆
At the beginning, it's stated that Anya was created by accident:
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Maybe she was "an accident" between two prisoners of war or between a prisoner of war being experimented on and a scientist 🤔
So here's another crazy idea: Everyone thinks that Anya learned Classical Language because it was used in the lab by scientists, but what if it was her biological parents the ones who taught her that language in order to be able to communicate with each other?
At some point, I thought that even if we learned about Anya's past there was a possibility we would never know about her parents, now I think we will.
About the Chapter
Clearly, SXF is an anti-war story that wants to show us how terrible war is for EVERYONE. That's why big and small characters, side or main, have been affected greatly by war.
I'm sure plenty of people will talk about Martha and Henry's love story. After this chapter, I think it's clear that they probably were separated by war and that Henry had to marry to save himself, leaving Martha up in the air. (I know I am a fool, but I keep hoping she's the one he married, but I don't think so 😭)
Anyways, leaving the cautionary semi-tragic love story aside (Ahem, watch out Twilight and Yor)...I see what the author is trying to do: The story shows us very clearly what happens to every person when pushed to their limits, when they and their families are in danger. It's a story about loss, loss, and more loss.
The story is trying to make the readers root for peace and be very adamant against war. This is a masterclass on "Show, don't tell." So even if a lot of these stories seem insignificant because it's about side characters, they are meant to influence the readers' point of view about war, so when it reaches the main characters, we all know what could happen to them. These stories are meant to raise the stakes for the main characters.
Now, I've said it before: It's very possible that close to the climax of the story, Ostania and Westalis will be at the verge of a third conflict. By then, we'll know much more about the main characters' background as well as many other stories of side characters affected by war (don't be surprised if The Garden was created as a consequence of it). So when we're close to the end, when war is about to happen, we'll know exactly what could happen to the Forgers, because it has already happened to so many people: loss.
Something to Keep in Mind
The more the story moves forward, the more curious I am about the Desmonds. Since all of the characters were affected by war, I'm wondering how were the Desmond affected? Melinda certainly has issues (did this happen during and because of the war?) and Donovan Desmond is still a BIG question mark. It easy to relate to what normal characters feel. If any of us were going through something similar, we would be terrified too. However, how is it for someone in charge? How did Desmond see and suffer war? I really want to know.
One Last Thing
If in two chapters focusing on two side characters Endo has managed to create such a beautiful love story, can you image what he plans to do with Twiyor, which is the main couple of the story??
I know I say this a lot, but after seeing this my expectations are high and I am convinced it'll be worth the wait.
Food for thought.
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galedekarios · 5 months
gale, waterdeep & coinage
just musings on gale's means as well as waterdeep lore bc i love waterdeep:
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Gale: Believe it or not, but I witnessed a similar standoff back at the Yawning Portal. Of course, an establishment like that invites all sorts of outlandish entertainments. Player: What's the Yawning Portal Gale: An inn in Waterdeep. Never a dull moment there. Adventurers come from all over Faerûn to try their luck down the well: Leads into the Undermountain, you see - full of death, danger, and vast amounts of treasure. Hard to resist. Player: What was the standoff about? Gale: Oh, a drow, a dragonborn, and a cleric of Cyric walk into a bar. Your standard fare. Maybe someone was cheating at cards, maybe it was some weird lovers' quarrel. In any case, out came the crossbow, and a hush fell over the entire room.devnote Player: What happened next? Gale: I stood up and yelled: 'Shadowdark ale for everyone!' The crowd cheered, the tension drained into five dozen tankards, and soon all was well again. Gale: In a place like the Yawning Portal, the most powerful magic is calling for a round of drinks. Gale: Mind you, all I did was call for ale, but you went and stood in front of that crossbow. I'd drink to that.
i will definitely take a look at the yawning portal itself at a later date (as well as other points of interest within the city) bc it's very interesting as a focal point in waterdhavian history and society.
while we can only speculate about what gale's background in terms of means, wealth and standing looked like since things like tutors and even maids were not uncommon in waterdhavian society, it is interesting to note that he - whatever his personal means at the time this event took place - felt the need to defuse the brewing fight with 'five dozen tankards'.
we do actually know how much one such tankard costs at the yawning portal:
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17cp x 60 = 1020cp
this was interesting to me in terms of this meant in actual terms of coinage and wealth and money spent.
here's an overview of waterdeep's various coins:
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source: volo's waterdeep enchiridion
gale spent over a 1000 nibs/copper pieces that evening (or more than one sun/platinum coin) to de-escalate a potentially lethal fight.
to put that into perspective, i'm adding this reference of prices here:
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source: volo's waterdeep enchiridion
gale also attended blackstaff academy, with elminster as his mentor. the academy had costs attached with it:
Acceptance to the Academy was predicated on either demonstrating extraordinary magical aptitude (those who could not cast arcane spells were very rarely admitted) or having a particularly compelling personal history. Joining the Academy was free, however monthly dues were required to continue attendance. These fees started at 10 gp per month and increased as a student gained seniority and required more advanced tutelage. In addition, it was a requirement that any new spell that was discovered or researched by an apprentice had to be added to Blackstaff Tower's library. [source]
ten gold pieces per month as fees, although with gale being elminster's mentee, he may have chosen to assist gale and morena partially or fully with any costs that blackstaff academy may have charged.
it does sound, however his childhood may have looked like with a presumably absent father and a mother with her hands full with a young genius, able to conjure rabbits as a babe, summoning a tressym, a magma mephit who set a room on fire, as well as casting a level 3 spell (fireball) at age 8 or younger, that gale at least during the height of his career as a wizard, lived comfortably.
ending this with more food for thought and a banter between gale and karlach:
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Gale: They say wealth offers a form of magic. Alas, it's one I've rarely dabbled in. Karlach: Nor I. Never had more than a few coppers in the city, and any soul coins in Avernus went straight to Zariel. Gale: Make no mistake. Souls are sold for coins up here as well. All too cheaply, in most cases.
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bird-inacage · 3 months
Love Sea: The Price of Love (Tongrak & Mut's Backstories)
"Love is just a figment of our imagination." We were given more clues to both Tongrak and Mut's backstories in Episode 2 and how this has impacted their attitudes to love. There are crossovers starting to take shape, so here I am trying to connect some of those dots.
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EP2: FLASHBACKS | History Repeating Itself
In Tongrak's flashbacks, we see two memories. One of him as a child where his parents Liw and Jak are fighting. His father demands that his mother pay him to stay. From the dialogue alone, I'm speculating if this is a man who married for wealth. If his father's driving force in the marriage had been monetary gain and greed - then 'love' for his family meant very little to him.
The next is of teenage Tongrak and his sister Kongkwan. It seems his sister was abandoned by her boyfriend, due to her unexpected pregnancy. In the case of both his mother and sister, love proved to be a fickle thing. So much so that a man could walk away from his unborn child, or abandon his family. Love was never enough.
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So what is the price you pay for a shot at love, and is it worth it? Love brings ruin. It brings disappointment and unhappiness. Love doesn't guarantee stability or loyalty. So as Tongrak watches on, the very idea of love feels like a sham. An elaborate lie we have all bought into. "Yes, it's something we make up," Tongrak says, because he hasn't seen evidence to prove any different.
"If you don't want to end up like me...don't fall in love with anyone" his mother warns. A cautionary tale. Don't fall in love. Because love leads to nothing good. Do not make the same mistake.
EP3: PREVIEW | Embrace the Fantasy
In Episode 3's preview, Mut is eager to show Tongrak that he is capable of experiencing love. (I believe Tongrak is already starting to, which is why his mother's advice is haunting him. He's afraid he's falling into the same trap). Mut is being considerate of Tongrak's mental aversion to the idea by making his proposal feel low entry.
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'If you think love is imaginary, then let's pretend. Why not indulge in that fantasy? We'll play make-believe whilst we're on the island.' (The implication being this isn't for real yet, so there's no need to panic). Mut is inviting Tongrak to focus only on the now and not the after. The island will be their bubble, suspended from the threat of reality for the timebeing. What Mut is hoping for is that Tongrak will come to change his mind on love through that process. That the feelings they experience whilst playing house can be transferred to real life. If it's easier to consider love within the confines of fantasy, then let's start there and see where it takes us.
We've seen Tongrak use his money to get what he wants. Money has the power to tether a man to his family, and equally it had the means to tear his family apart. "I'm not possessive of you but once I've paid you, you're mine." It's no surprise that Tongrak would see money as a means to exert control and as a bargaining chip.
In their NC scene, Tongrak repeatedly says "How much do I need to pay you to sleep with me?" By that point, Mut clearly didn't need money to be the deciding factor. He was plenty invested. But if it's easier for Tongrak to use money as a pretence for bargaining Mut's time, then Mut seems all too happy to oblige.
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If Tongrak's father did leech off his mother's wealth, that would provide an interesting antithesis to Mut. Mut, the teenage runaway from a small island who has paved his way through life with very little. And yet takes full responsibility for himself, and doesn't expect a hand out. He only accepts payment in exchange for his hard work, and he doesn't wallow in self-pity because of this hardship.
I do expect a confrontation between Mut and Rak's father at some point. Jak could claim that Mut is essentially doing the same thing and exploiting Rak for his wealth. That there's no love involved. Thus, playing on Tongrak's fear and insecurity of history repeating itself. Whilst Mut does all he can to assure Tongrak he's anything but.
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Tongrak's father also abandoned him (emotionally and/or physically). Now he has heard Mut share his own backstory about how his father kicked him out and left him to fend for himself, that's going to be a significant point of connection and compassion between them both. They may be on opposite sides of the coin with their upbringing, but they've gone through similar forms of heartache.
You can check out bird-inacage’s BL meta directory for all my other posts around Love Sea.
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whatifyoulivelikethat · 4 months
never not mine | jjk | "... the whispers..."
pairing(s): jungkook x reader
We broke all the pieces but still want to play the game. This confrontation is long overdue and is either going to end in handcuffs or tangled limbs.
part i | this is part ii | part iii
warnings: rated M (18+) for language; alcohol consumption; things are thrown during a public altercation; second chance romance?; angst and fluff and feels; Jungkook's POV
non-idol!AU; fashion model!Jungkook — ft fellow model/actor!Kim Taehyung and model/businessman!Kim Seokjin; a few cameos you can speculate on and one named cameo hehe; reader is not part of the entertainment industry
whether I'm gonna be your wife or gonna smash up your bike, I haven't decided yet but I'm gonna get you back – imgonnagetyouback by taylor swift
It was a night just like any other night, which meant Jeon Jungkook was somewhere doing something because he was someone. On this night he was visiting a new upscale nightclub owned by one of his close friends, which was why he was at a table surrounded by his bros, expensive bottles of alcohol, and beautiful women. Not his scene, really. He was an introvert at heart. Despite that, he had obligations to be here. Obligations to laugh, to jest, to be merry, to be somebody.
But he knew he was just a somebody surrounded by much better bodies.
So, really, he was only a ghost.
“Hey, isn’t that…?”
It was luck and good friends that got him in the position he was in now. Jungkook knew that. He couldn’t complain too much when they invited him out. After all, they were only doing it because they cared about him. Yeah.
“She's really staring at you, man.”
Someone nudged his arm. For a moment, he didn’t comprehend that it was him that was being spoken to. Maybe it was the heavy black leather jacket. Underneath, he wore a tight white tank, and completed his outfit with studded charcoal-wash jeans and black leather boots. Nice, sure, but there were other men that much more sharply dressed with bigger designer labels. Of course, he cleaned up well with his slicked-back black hair and clean-shaven jawline. So did any other male model out there. He was not so egotistical to think he was the most interesting man there.
“Hmph, who?” he snickered, swinging around in his chair with the ice in his glass clinking. He would figure out who everyone was talking about from the reactions of the public. He snapped his head around, stray tendrils of black falling free onto his forehead, obscuring his vision for a split second, and then he faced the crowd beneath the VIP tables.
Time slowed.
The club was loud. Very loud, due to the deafening combination of music, chatter and laughter. It was lit with the imperfect balance of light and dark, oscillating spotlights exposing corners and weaving through moving bodies clad in fitted dresses, high heels, tailored blazers, suit pants. The alcohol was high-grade. The crowd was cherry-picked and pre-screened at the door. It was what it was. Individuals who had money blowing money, ignoring the sins around them to commit their own. It was hard to pick out someone.
But Jungkook saw her right away.
The club became quiet from his point of view. Sound became a mishmash of muffled, incoherent noises fading to the background as the faces blurred. The music dulled. All lights dimmed except in one area. Everything was still moving, still thriving, still breathing yet he was only aware of one single person.
His ex-girlfriend stared right at him from below.
Even from this distance he could feel the blades in her gaze.
Black patent leather jacket. Very short, cut just under the breasts. Black lace corset, see-through except for the cups. Skintight lilac miniskirt. Legs for days. Pointed-toe black pumps with a thin ankle strap, the kind he had trouble with due to the small delicate buckle.
He tried to breathe but the air was like concrete in his lungs.
She tilted her head, narrowing her smoked-out eyes. Her lips were glossy crimson, cool-toned to match the palette of her outfit. Her hair had been pinned up, exposing her graceful neck and glimmering collarbones.
She began to walk through the crowd.
Jungkook spun around and suddenly all the sound roared back, intense and thunderingly hostile. He winced, clutching his drink and holding the side of his head, trying to make sense of it all.
“Tch, why is she here?”
“Right? She doesn’t belong here.”
“She can be wherever she wants to be,” replied a calm, deep voice.
He could hear voices around him talking but it wasn’t making any sense. How? Why? Was he seeing things? And why did it matter? It didn’t. It didn’t. He took another sip of his glass and found it bitter and tasteless. Maybe that was in his head too. It didn’t matter if she was here. Someone was tugging on his arm. He pulled himself free, snapping his hand down onto the table.
The world crashed back into place as his drink sloshed and spat out from his force.
A startled feminine gasp.
The calm, deep voice returned. “You okay, man?”
Jungkook jerked his head up and saw Kim Taehyung carefully surveying him. He was a man with strong, masculine features and a comforting baritone voice that reminded one of cozy winters and romantic nights. Out of all his friends, they were the closest in age. However, Taehyung was more than a year older and a much more seasoned veteran of the modeling industry. He had been scouted at a very young age, quickly learning the ins-and-outs without losing who he was. He was grounded, easygoing, and never had a crack in his composure. At least, that was how Jungkook thought of him.
Taehyung raised a dark eyebrow, repeating his question without saying a word.
“I’m fine,” Jungkook scowled, then controlled his face a bit better. “What?”
Those dark, moody eyes served him a dose of silent judgement as one of the girls at the table spoke up again.
“Oooh, she’s sitting down at a table.”
He told himself not to look. It didn’t matter if she was here. And yet his head moved on its own, pivoting to the left so fast he almost had whiplash. At high-end clubs like this, there were tables available depending on to how much a patron spent. The larger tables had to be paid for in advance to be secured a space. Such reservations were violently expensive, signaling VIP status. A lot of the smaller tables on the lower level were occupied. The more exclusive tables were higher up, needing stairs to access the higher tiers. A waiter was holding her hand, carefully guiding his ex-girlfriend up the stairs to an empty round table that typically seated ten.
There was no one else at the table.
She sat down at the seat closest to overlooking the club.
“She can afford that?”
A crackling laugh. “Doubt it.”
“Who are you to say what she can’t afford?” Taehyung cut in sharply in a disapproving tone.
“O-Oh, well… It’s just not that common, you know.”
The chittering was from the women they had invited to the table earlier. Shit, their presence seemed so frivolous and annoying now. Jungkook had half a mind to turn around and glare at them. Instead, he was transfixed by the woman in patent leather and tight lilac. She crossed her legs, smoothed her skirt, and leaned back in her chair, scanning the crowd. A waiter came back and brought a bucket of ice with a champagne bottle and accompanying flutes. A waitress came by with another bottle. Porcelain, with painted flue floral design, and placed two crystal glasses onto the table. His former lover smiled at them, nodding. They bowed and took their leave after serving her.
Instead of touching the drinks, the woman turned her body and locked her icy stare right on him.
Jungkook stiffened and turned away quickly, feeling his body running hot. The table was still talking, but it was behind hands and feigned disinterest. Taehyung sighed, shaking his head. Of course, there had been other friends at the table too. Only now did Jungkook notice that they were missing. Must have wandered off. At the very least, their host Kim Seokjin would definitely be gone for a while. He was an affluent actor, model, and owner of several establishments, including this luxury nightclub. Eventually the tall, broad-shouldered man would return to see them off, but there was no telling when.
“Did you know she was gonna be here?” Jungkook hissed through gritted teeth, ignoring the odd looks he was getting from the women. They still lingered for the free drinks which Taehyung kept supplied. No sense in wasting Seokjin’s endless tab after all.
Taehyung frowned. “I don’t police people’s actions. Does it matter what she does?”
Jungkook scoffed. “Oh, so this wasn’t your idea?”
Those normally warm brown eyes turned cold. “It wasn’t. Besides, she’s no longer your girlfriend.”
“Yeah, she’s definitely not.”
A growl collected in Jungkook’s throat and he was about to let it loose. He swiveled his head again only for the sound to die before it began. A man was standing by her table. He was sharply dressed in a suit and tie, with tied-back bleached-blond hair that laid over his shoulders. He had a pleasant decorum and a smile like a predatory feline. She gestured him to sit down and poured him a drink as invitation. He watched in horror as his ex-girlfriend chatted up a beautiful stranger.
He didn’t know whether he wanted to cry or run over there to flip the table.
A low voice cut through his thoughts.
“Wasn’t the breakup amicable?”
He froze.
Slowly, Jungkook faced Taehyung, his long-time friend. He never really could bring himself to fully lie to those piercing dark orbs, now reflecting the same reserved gaze that Taehyung had given him when Jungkook provided the same flimsy excuse he was once again repeating.
“I… It wasn’t meant to be,” Jungkook mumbled once more. “The traveling… it was too much for us.”
The older male was too good at reading between the lines, especially when it came to romance, his forte. “Hm.” He knew when he wasn’t getting the full story. “It’s probably too late to ask now, but was it what you wanted?”
Jungkook couldn’t help it.
“It was…”
He looked over his shoulder again.
“… What I deserved.”
She was thanking the blond-haired man. He bowed ninety degrees and leaned in, whispering something in her ear before leaving the table. His glass was empty. Someone else was approaching the table. A pretty woman with long black hair in a white minidress and short, pearl-white nails sat down, bowing lightly and introducing herself. His ex-girlfriend offered between the two drinks and the pretty woman chose the champagne. A waiter came over to uncork it for them, pouring a healthy amount into the two flutes.
They two chatted, immediately absorbed with each other.
“For a guy naturally talented at a lot of things, you’re such a stupid idiot.”
He was.
Jungkook scowled, turning back to a disapproving Taehyung cradling a small ceramic cup. It was hand-painted with the smallest of brushstrokes, depicting a flock of black birds disappearing into the white sky. He took a sip with a gruff sigh, making a tense face. He was a wine guy, but he couldn’t turn down traditional Korean alcohol. That would be uncouth.
“How long are you going to continue moping?” Taehyung scoffed.
“I’m not moping,” Jungkook countered, hunched over the table and gripping his whiskey glass a little too hard.
“You are convincing no one. Least of all me.”
His eyes flickered upward, glaring. Taehyung remained refined, unperturbed, nearly prince-like in his half-open floral-and-forest-green silk shirt and ruffled hair. A black-brown curl perfectly grazed one of his eyebrows, accenting his condescending look with a dash of softness.
“Did you ever realize how much she did for you?”
Jungkook pushed away his glass. He couldn’t reply. He stuck his tongue in his cheek, trying not to feel. It was only then that he noticed that the table was strangely silent despite the fervor of the environment – the women had made themselves scarce, understanding that this conversation was much too serious for their girlypop night.
Finally, he forced himself to speak. “For me? I take care of myself.”
Taehyung winced. Hard. “You cannot be serious right now.”
Another peek behind him. A different man at her table now. Silvery-blonde hair, tan skin, muscular like a godly titan. She caught him looking and stared directly back. Jungkook cursed under his breath. “What did she do then? Hm? Enlighten me.” His voice was becoming rougher, slipping out of his practiced Seoul dialect and into his Busan dialect. The broad-shouldered man at the table had no suit jacket. The sleeves of his white dress shirt were rolled up. He must have noticed her lack of attention, because he began to turn around as well.
Jungkook jerked away before they could lock eyes too.
“Look, I don’t know what happened between you two,” Taehyung exhaled, not quite annoyed but getting there. “But I know you were the one that was wrong.”
Yeah, right.
“Never once did she complain about you. Never once did she butt into your business and cause you trouble when she could have. Never once did she talk behind your back when we both know damn well that you’re no saint, Jeon Jungkook.”
His tattooed hand against the table balled up into a fist, the familiar ache in his chest splitting, threatening.
Unintimidated, Taehyung continued. “The travelling was rough? Of course, it is. And there are probably a thousand ways to make it up to someone you love, but instead now I’m looking at you sitting here and her sitting there, pretending to be strangers. Tells me a whole lot about how that worked out.” His natural Daegu satoori was becoming more evident during his tirade. Taehyung wasn’t trying to be polite, though.
“You don’t know anything,” Jungkook retorted.
“I don’t.” Those dark brown eyes burned hot, scrutinizing him and tearing him apart. “And I don’t need to. Your hostility is telling me everything.”
“It was you,” Jungkook snapped, slamming his fist onto the table. “You invited her here.”
Taehyung’s low voice became lower, more accusatory. “Go ahead. Keep deflecting. Run back home and hide. That’s what you want to do, right?” His gaze narrowed and Taehyung’s normally friendly warmth morphed into scalding heat. “You heard what they said. She doesn’t belong here. And yet, here she is. They all talked and gossiped and badmouthed her, right to your face even, and yet you said nothing. You still don’t have the fucking balls, man. You didn’t respect her for all she was. In spite of that, she stood beside you, head held high, until you tossed her away. You brought her into this world, you ripped her out of it, and guess what? She is here. She holds her own. You deluded yourself into thinking she needed you. But she doesn’t, and it’s the other way around.”
Jungkook shot up out of his seat, nearly knocking the chair over. He was breathing hard, his furious anger so violent that it clawed at his insides, and Taehyung tilted his head, mirroring the expression of an adult tiger observing a foolish cub.
“You’re wrong,” Jungkook gritted out between clenched teeth. “You’re fucking wrong.”
He… No. She did this. This was her fault. She was the one that always pushed him to go for what he wanted. She was the one who always helped him make it work. Last minute changes happened often early in his career and she always smiled at him and told him to go, to run, to chase those adventures. And she always waited for him to come home.
“I wasn’t like that.”
In the middle of dinners for two. In vacations cut short. In forgotten special dates. Go. She always waited for him to come home. He couldn’t be blamed for that. Those were all her own decisions. He just had to do what he had to do, didn’t he? He couldn’t be blamed for doing what he thought was best. He couldn’t be blamed for trying his best. This dull ache created from a thousand cuts was not made from his own hand.
“You’re hopeless.” Taehyung slumped back in his chair and sighed. “Do as you wish.”
He wasn’t the person Taehyung was saying he was.
If he was, then…
Jungkook whipped around and locked his eyes to the table, walking determinedly up to it.
There was a different man sitting there now. A very tall one with very short hair, violate energy, and a striking profile, deeply engaged in conversation with his ex-girlfriend. Currently laughing bashfully at something she must have said. The stranger was wearing a crisp black dress shirt with the first few buttons undone and well-tailored black slacks. Jungkook wanted to punch him in his very handsome face. He didn’t care that the man’s shoulders and arms were so built that they were nearly bursting the seams of his dress shirt, nor did he care that starting a fight right now would do absolutely nothing except get him thrown out in handcuffs.
Jungkook wanted to kill him.
Her eyes took a moment to shift from the very handsome stranger to him.
It hurt.
It really fucking hurt.
He glared back. Her gaze was not as heated, nor did it hold the same ice she had during their last conversation way back then. There was a completely different mix of emotions conveyed now. Almost disconnected, lonely, and loathing all at once, the last not directed at him but at herself.
As if she didn’t want to care but did and hated herself for it.
It wasn’t who she was at all, and Jungkook hated himself for doing this to her.
“Dude, I’m going to need you to get lost.”
Startled, the seated man turned his head to see Jungkook giving him a death stare. He hated seeing the puppy-like expression on such a masculine-looking man, not because he looked down on that but because it was a genuine, adorable reaction that couldn’t be faked.
She probably liked that.
She probably deserved that.
Jungkook was determined to ruin this too. Why the fuck not?
The man looked confused, and then irritated. “Uh… Look, I don’t know what your problem is, but I don’t think you belong here.” He had a commanding, stern tone. He shifted in his seat, halfway to rising. “This conversation doesn’t include you.”
“No, this conversation doesn’t include you,” Jungkook snapped, glancing at her. His ex-girlfriend did nothing but raise an eyebrow at him, her arms crossed under her breasts. “Fuck off.”
The man in the black dress shirt began to stand, brows furrowing. “Hey, I’m going to have to ask you to leave–”
“Excuse me.”
She stood up.
From this distance, Jungkook could fully take in how the smoke-grey eyeshadow accentuated the shape of her eyes, making them more prominent and intense. The lights caught the glow of her skin and the vividness of the scarlet of her lips, giving her an ethereal, untouchable demeanor. Loose layers of her hair framed her face despite the majority of it being pinned up, casting cold, dark shadows around the hot radiance of her gaze.
“I’m sorry to cut our conversation short, but I think it’s best if you give us a moment,” she said politely to the tall stranger while bowing. “I was enchanted to meet you tonight, Kim Mingyu.”
A pink flush dusted over the man’s cheeks. This motherfucker had the audacity to be flustered. Jungkook still wanted to punch him in the face. Maybe more now than before.
“O… Oh… Um. Alright.” He glanced between Jungkook and her. “Will you be okay?”
She smiled, maintaining confident eye contact with the stranger. “Let’s not assume the worst of people. And… Your words have given me courage. I thank you.”
It took everything in Jungkook not to trip the guy on his very expensive designer shoes as he hastily bowed and took his leave, offering an awkward half-wave before backing away. She raised a hand back, not looking away even when he turned around.
And then.
At least as quiet as a loud nightclub could be. But it all became background noise in the face of loaded silence. The safety off now. The bass faded into heartbeats as she raised her eyes and, once again, they faced each other across the table. Jungkook stood with his hands balled up into fists in the pockets of his leather jacket. His former lover stood with her hands in front of her. She was still the most beautiful, graceful, and collected woman that he had ever had the pleasure to know.
And he missed her so, so much.
“I’m sorry.”
So fucking much.
Her eyes flickered down in a pause, and then back up. “It really doesn’t matter anymore. The past is in the past.”
Her name on his lips felt foreign and familiar all at once. She didn’t react. It was as if he had said nothing at all. He said it again, almost with an edge of panic, and she closed her eyes, breathing in slowly. He wanted to run to the other side. He wanted to climb on top of the table and grab her hands and tell her it was going to be okay, that he was going to be better, that she was the love of his life and that he could be hers too, please, if only he had a chance. Instead, he stayed where he was, frozen in place, trying not to do the wrong thing even though everything about this scene and script was all wrong.
Her eyes opened in a resigned, resolute flutter.
“Do you think saying sorry takes back everything you’ve done?” she asked in a measured tone.
He pulled his hands out of his jacket, shaking his head. “No. No, of course not. I… You didn’t give me a chance to apologize, and I–”
“Apologize for what?” she coldly interrupted.
“W-Well… For… everything, really.”
Her eyes narrowed. “You don’t know.”
Jungkook blinked hard, trying to banish his tears. “Know?” he echoed.
“You don’t even know what you’re apologizing for.” Her words were sharpened steel, cutting right through him.
“I do,” he insisted. “For all the times I left during dinner, for all the times I’ve left during our scheduled time together, for forgetting your birthday, anniversary–”
“For the blatant disrespect,” she interrupted, her hands separating, those intense eyes narrowing. “For always believing I could fend for myself when you got swept up during work events. For contacting me not to talk about my day, but to interrogate me on what I was doing. For not believing me and asking me to send photos every time I was out somewhere.”
He sputtered, taken aback. “That wasn’t… Those things–”
“For always knowing I understood your position and taking it for granted.” Her glare was like daggers, cutting through all the lies he told himself. “And yet never understanding mine. Never believing in the love I had for you.”
“I did believe!”
“And so you accused me of lying?” she shot back, scathing him. “I have never done anything to make you believe I was disloyal to you, but I was five minutes late to a date and suddenly I need to be lying? Suddenly that was a sign of my nefarious plans? Suddenly I’m the bad guy that needs to be backed into a corner? Suddenly I must beg on my knees to soothe your feelings?”
“I didn’t ask for that,” he retorted. “I just asked why you didn’t text that you were late.”
“I don’t need to repeat what I said then,” she growled, bristling. She had been five minutes late because of an elderly taxi driver taking his time. “Because it didn’t matter what the reason was for you. I know that now. You were scared. You were insecure. You were nervous that I was beginning to fall out of love with you. You latched onto the first thing I did wrong and blew it out of proportion to force me to grovel to you. You could have asked me directly how I felt. Instead, you decided to play fucking games.”
Jungkook couldn’t move, couldn’t speak.
Her hands balled up into fists by her sides. “I was patient. I was understanding. I loved you.” She dug her nails into her palms, clenching her jaw. “But I was not going to let myself be manipulated by your insecurities. I was not about to lose myself to become an extension of you, Jeon Jungkook.”
Past tense.
“You… loved me?”
She might as well have stabbed him right through the heart.
A thundering pause.
Finally, she sighed. Her hands relaxed.
“When I came in here, I didn’t know if I wanted to run to you or slap you.”
She looked around, down at the crowd, up to the lights, to the bar, the tables, the people.
“Before you, all I had was a decent job. Not exciting, but good enough to enjoy the life I wanted. I had loose acquaintances and once-in-a-blue-moon friends. I had mediocre hobbies that I was okay at. Before you, that had been enough. This,” she breathed, indicating the people and the money being flaunted around like water during a rainstorm. “I didn’t know this. I didn’t know how lonely it was to be standing this high. I didn’t know… My acquaintances and few friends saw the life you gave me and faded away, no longer relating to the extravagance I was exposed to. My job became a forbidden topic for the mere crime that it was boring. My hobbies became childish to these refined eyes. Yet… I could live with all that. The life I wanted was the one I had with you. And… it turned out to be miserable.”
For the first time, Jungkook realized how much she lost loving him.
“I was miserable.”
She half-laughed, empty.
“But I loved you.”
Lowered her head.
“And I was so, so damn angry with you.”
She smacked the table with her palm, hard enough to make the people around them flash them a startled look. Her fingers tensed, cherry-red manicure flaring over the wood.
“Why didn’t you tell me?” This was the part Jungkook didn’t understand. His voice rose in both frustration and desperation. “Why didn’t you just blow up on me? Why didn’t you say something?”
“Say what?” she snarled, snapping her head up, each word a bullet tearing through him. “Huh? No, don’t go? How dare you leave me, again? Create the war wounds right before we part? What good does all that do? Make us both upset right before you run off? Because you would anyway. You know you would, because you are stubborn and selfish and always doing what you need to do, putting me at the bottom of the list since I am capable… right? I can handle myself, right?”
He was rounding the table, knocking chairs aside. “You could have been angry at me. You just didn’t want to be!”
“Who wants to be angry? Don’t be ridiculous!”
“What, you were worried that you would no longer be the perfect girlfriend if you weren’t understanding?” he accused.
She looked livid. “Don’t you dare flip my consideration onto me.”
He stopped right in front of her, tension all over his neck and jaw. “It’s your fault too. I can’t change if you act like everything is fine!”
Her eyes widened. “Are you serious? I have to be the one to teach you not to be a fucking selfish prick and think about someone else for a change?” she hissed.
“How am I supposed to know?”
“Of course, you know!”
They were beginning to draw whispers and stunned faces but neither of them was backing down or ashamed enough. Or, perhaps, they were simply completely unaware of the disruption they were causing.
“You knew – no, you still know,” she snarled, jabbing him in the chest with a impeccably manicured finger. “You have never felt like you fit in with these people. That was why you tried so hard. That was why you took every opportunity to be a lapdog. That was why you dated me, because I am not privileged and enabled, that’s why you dragged me into your world and got paranoid when I wasn’t showing the same apprehensions as you, putting me in impossible positions and playing games, when we could have been teamed up against the world, when we could have been yin and yang, but all we were was a pair of damn cowards!”
His eyes went wide.
Fury laced in her helpless expression.
“You could have protected me. All you did was make me throw myself to the wolves to protect you!”
Her hands slammed into his chest and she shoved him, hard. He stumbled back, throwing his right arm out, knocking over a champagne flute and shattering it. Glass exploded onto the floor, delicate shards shooting out and catching the light, scattering into dust beneath designer feet.
People gasped and someone screamed at the unexpected noise.
His left hand reached out and gripped the patent leather sleeve of her jacket. Their gazes locked in shock and comprehension. His lips parted. One of his knees was still bent to steady himself from falling. But before Jungkook could say anything, she squeezed her eyes shut, breaking their connection, and ripped her arm from his grasp.
Then she seized the porcelain bottle with painted blue flowers and threw it onto the floor, shattering that too.
One moment of awful, dazed silence.
The next moment, men in security uniforms swiftly and silently crossed the distance and surrounded them. He was being grabbed and pinned down to the table, metal handcuffs clicked onto his wrists behind his back despite his protests. His jaw dropped when one of the men touched her shoulder and she immediately turned around and slapped him. Instantly, she too was firmly pushed down and also restrained, both of them staring at each other over the surface of the wood, their previously well-styled hair in disarray all over their faces, their eyes wide with the realization of the severity of their public argument.
He couldn’t help but think she looked fucking hot.
Something flickered in her eyes. She recognized his exact thought from their shared look. And his ex-girlfriend burst out laughing at this absurd situation, even as security hoisted them up and dragged them down the stairs. So, fuck it. He couldn’t help it either.
Jungkook started laughing too.
“This is your fault, by the way.”
“Feel free to add it to the list of shit I’ve done wrong.”
They were still handcuffed. Both standing a respectful distance away  from each other in the middle of a storeroom crammed with boxes stacked like a cardboard maze. There were no windows. The door was closed and presumably locked. Neither of them had moved towards it. There would be no criminal undercover going on here. They were already in deep enough shit. Adding attempted escape would probably change their current storeroom location into separate jail cells for the night.
They did not look at each other.
Jungkook leaned against the boxes, his hands stuck behind his back. One of the sides of his leather jacket had slipped down, exposing his right shoulder. It was nice, actually, since the previous scuffle had left him rather hot-blooded. He snuck a glance beside him.
His ex-girlfriend’s body was facing the door. The backs of her hands rested on the prominent curve of her ass in that tight lilac skirt, her straight posture making her waist look even smaller. Must be nice to have a built-in shelf. His eye line travelled up to her hair, seeing it half-undone and falling down her neck. Half of the pins were still holding up by sheer luck. The patent leather of her jacket crackled as she adjusted, stretching out her ankle. She was still in her high heels.
“Uncomfortable?” he found himself quietly asking.
“Could be worse,” she answered back, still not turning around.
He waited for her to elaborate.
She didn’t.
The silence was palpable. Somehow not unbearable. He looked back down at his feet, wondering why they had been left here. He half-expected security to escort them off the premises and into a police car, but they had marched them behind the kitchen and told them to stay put and not cause trouble, similarly to how misbehaving kids were put in time-out. Then again, the owner of the club was his affluent friend Kim Seokjin. Perhaps this was a rich people thing. Or an under-the-table thing.
Her voice echoed in his head.
You have never felt like you fit in with these people.
“Hey, uh…” he started, trailing off.
A light sigh.
Then, she shook her head, somewhat vigorously. Some of the hairpins loosened up. “Ugh, my hair is more annoying than anything,” she muttered under her breath. “It’s all messed up.”
Hell yeah, it was, and it was a turn-on, reminding him of after-sex tousling. Jungkook kept his mouth shut. Not the right time for that. He chewed on his lower lip, wondering if he could do anything. Wondering if he should do anything. She still hadn’t turned around.
So, he did.
He turned around, bent down slightly, and tried to reach up. The angle was difficult. Not high enough either. His leather sleeves were also constricting his movement and making loud creaking sounds. He looked back, trying to reach up with a grunt, and she stiffened, swinging her head around. He froze in an awkward position. She stared at him.
“What the fuck are you doing?”
He blinked back. “Um… I… I was trying to help…?”
Her eyebrow raised. “By… doing yoga?”
He let out an impatient huff. “No, I’m trying to help you take the pins out of your hair,” Jungkook clarified, straightening with a frustrated shake of his body. “It’s bothering you, isn’t it? But I’m not flexible enough and you’re too tall in your heels.”
She paused. He looked away, feeling somewhat embarrassed for even trying. Who was he to think that he could do something like that? Hah. His hands tightened behind him. They weren’t close like that anymore. They weren’t even friends.
He felt a sting in his heart remembering that.
“Sorry… I should have asked if you wanted the help at all.”
He exhaled heavily.
Then he heard the crack of patent leather and raised his head to see her squat down, lowering one knee to the concrete floor, her back perfectly straight and her head at his waist height. She was facing the door again so he couldn’t see her expression.
“If… Well, it would be helpful if you could… If you could remove the hairpins,” she mumbled, keeping her head up. “Please.”
He gawked at her kneeled form, unmoving.
His heartbeat accelerated.
“Um… if you’re going to do it, faster would be better,” she added hesitantly with placed-in chuckle. “I don’t know how long I can keep my balance in these shoes.”
His cheeks burned. “Uh, yeah, s-sorry. I’m on it.”
The metal handcuffs clinked as he moved. He turned around and backed up a bit, reaching out to feel for her hair. Sucked in a quiet breath as his fingers grazed the soft strands, memories of stolen nights drifting back to him. He swallowed hard and bit his lip, using touch to search for the hairpins, and then loosening them as gently as he could. One by one. He tried to tuck them in his palm as he continued. Sometimes he would need to rest one hand on her head and use the other to pull them out slowly and carefully. She said nothing, tilting her head slightly as he made his way around. He felt his way along her scalp, running his fingers through her hair, remembering the familiar scent he could detect when he used to breathe it in, remembering his hands holding her head as he used to lean in and kiss her, remembering that he had lost all of that now.
Jungkook lowered his chin, letting out a soundless cry.
“You liked my hair down, I recall,” she commented behind him, her soothing voice mirroring the rolling tide late at night.
“Y… Yeah.”
He smiled despite himself. He pulled back his handcuffed hands.
“You have lovely hair. I don’t like seeing it all tucked away.”
For a moment, there was a quietness as those words sank in. She shifted, and he heard her stand up, the sharp click of her heels indicating as much, but he kept his back to her, unsure if this was the last time he would touch her hair. The last time he hadn’t known it would be the last, so he didn’t mourn the moment until way later, but this time…
“Thank you.”
He breathed in through his nose. Oddly stuffy in here.
“Y… You’re welcome.”
He wished he could take it all back, but he couldn’t. He wished he could prove he was a better man, but he didn’t know how or even if he could. She was right. He had gotten swept up in his ambitions and the superficial relationships. He had been afraid. He had let that fear control him because he had felt out of sorts with who he was, who he was becoming, and who he wanted to be.
“I really… I really am sorry.”
They were back-to-back. Not touching. Just close enough to feel each other’s presence without seeing them. Hands behind their backs, staring in opposite directions but finally seeing the path before them.
“I know.”
She let out a soft breath.
“I wished for the way I felt to change once I could accept your apologies, but,” she whispered. “Life isn’t that simple or clear cut.”
His chest ached. “Yeah.” It didn’t matter if his actions had unintentional consequences. The consequences still existed. “You’re right. About it all. About the person I became and how I treated you because of it. About how this was because of me feeling like I don’t fit in.”
She didn’t say anything, yet Jungkook could sense her acknowledgment. He couldn’t really explain why he knew. Maybe it had something to do with their current circumstances.
“I keep trying and I… I don’t know. Maybe I’m too simple-minded. Maybe I can’t understand the world these people live in. I mean, my friends seem like normal people but there are still moments where I catch myself thinking, I wouldn’t have thought to do or say that. I feel so… disconnected, sometimes. Meaningless. Maybe I’m not worth a damn to them.”
He was rambling, slipping between his refined dialect and his Busan satoori. He caught himself, about to correct his wording.
“You don’t have to be like the people around you to fit in,” she chided.
He stopped trying to form a sentence and listened.
“You don’t listen. That has always been your strength. Your charm is your natural character with the added spice of rebellion.” Her chuckle lightened, making his heart tighten and feel like exploding at the same time. “Your talent has always been bravely walking your own path, confusing as it may be. There is a pureness in that. You have friends because they want to protect that part of you. Haven’t you noticed? Your friends have never asked you to change or be like them. They just accept you for how you are and push away people who try to mold you into their vision.”
His friends? Well, true, they were the main reasons for him getting the jobs he got. He had always felt somewhat inadequate, realizing his success was from seniors in the industry helping him out. They all told him that this was how it worked. They all told him to do well so he could get more opportunities. It was part of the reason that he felt that he couldn’t let those connections down. He had always felt that he couldn’t refuse.
“Your friends have always been on your side. They don’t want you to be like them. They want you to stay as you are. You mean that much to those around you.”
But perhaps he had been wrong all along.
“Only you thought you needed to change.”
There was probably a lot of sound outside, but the distracting racket was inaudible from the distant storeroom. Her quiet voice amplified her words in this slice of stillness. There something stricken and bitter haunting the air between them as the revelation settled.
He clutched her hairpins in his fist.
“I didn’t… I didn’t date you just because you weren’t part of this vapid world I’m in.”
He wanted her to know.
“I wish…”
The tears stung the corners of his eyes. He refused to let them go. Jungkook looked up to the ceiling, taking in each breath as steadily as he could. He felt like he was drowning, except instead of water, it was all the things he never said.
“I wish I could have been strong enough for you to be angry at me sooner. Tonight, I realized… It was my own shortcomings that made you stay quiet.” He chuckled dryly in admiration. “You endured more than I ever could. More than anyone should.” He didn’t know if he was making any sense but he kept on going. “I don’t think I’ve ever seen you so mad. That was the most emotion I’ve ever seen from you. You must have spent a lot of nights… feeling so alone because of my selfishness.”
This was not a romantic setting at all. They were stuck in a storeroom with no windows, surrounded by boxes, handcuffed for being a public disruption, for being too dramatic and too emotional. Neither of them could look at the other. A disaster in every sense of the world.
Maybe this was the most honest moment they had ever shared.
Her laugh simmered behind him.
“I’m sorry for losing my shit.”
He half-smiled in rueful relief.
“It wasn’t so bad. Low-key kinda hot. I almost lost the plot at times.”
She laughed under her breath. “You don’t mean that.”
A single heartbeat of silence.
“I kinda do,” he admitted, feeling the upturned corners of his lips falter.
It became quiet once more. An embarrassed quiet, but maybe only on his side. Jungkook still couldn’t bring himself to turn around and find out. He shifted awkwardly, realizing he was still holding her hairpins in his hand. Uh. Well, he couldn’t exactly ask her to put them in her pocket. Did she even have any pockets with that outfit? He furrowed his brows, thinking about that tight skirt and lace corset. Doubtful there would be any pockets in such fitted clothing. Maybe in her jacket, but it was so short that he would basically have to reach for her tits to…
His face heated slightly realizing that he was heavily focusing on her body right now.
He didn’t really register the sound behind him at first. It sounded like something falling onto the concrete. There was another sharp tapping sound, but before he could shift and twist his body to see, he felt her fingertips brush against the knuckles of his fist.
“I’m sorry too.”
He was too shocked to even move or react. Just stood there wide-eyed, struck by the lightning of her touch, realizing they were that close and that it was her who initiated that.
“I should have brought up the little things that bothered me. I shouldn’t have let it snowball simply because I thought it would make your life easier. I should have tried to remind you not to be intimidated by those around you,” she sighed heavily. “And I should have believed in your apology more than I did.”
The pads of her fingertips stilled.
One by one, they lost contact.
Jungkook dropped all the hairpins on the floor in a cascade of metal raindrops.
He reached back and grabbed her hand, gripping her fingers tightly, gasping as he felt her cool skin against his warmth. He felt her initial rise of reluctance, however, she did not pull away. Their handcuffs clinked against each other, the chains colliding. He scrambled to reach a little higher. Grasping her hand in his. Her right in his right. He tried to say something. Something romantic, something reassuring, something self-derogatory even.
But nothing come out.
He tried to breathe and was choked by inner tears. Tried again, shaking, trying to be silent. Her fingers curled around the back of his hand and laid there. She gave him a light squeeze.
“Don’t worry.”
Her calming voice a dream on this night.
“I’m here.”
They held hands.
It must have been only for a short while. It felt like forever packed in minutes. He inhaled deeply, catching fleeting traces of her sweet and sultry perfume. Closed his eyes with an exhale. Another inhale, slower this time. Maybe this was futile. Maybe this was objectively wildly inappropriate. Maybe he was the fucking worst, wishing, hoping they could reset to something new. All of this could crash and burn.
Or, maybe.
He swallowed tightly. Leaned back just a little. Their shoulder blades touched. A moment of suspended anticipation. She leaned back against him. The backs of their heads didn’t yet touch. He felt her hair on his neck. It was only the tops of their backs that touched, but now there was only centimeters of trembling air between them.
“Are you cold?” he asked, his voice rough and nervous.
“Only a little.” Her thumb brushed against the side of his palm. “I’ll be alright.”
Yeah, he knew that. “You’re the most capable person I know.”
She sighed. “It’s not all sunshine and roses.”
He scrunched up his face in search for the words. “Well… You suit moonlight and thorns more.”
She nearly snorted. He felt her shoulders shake in silent laughter. He winced, thinking he said something wrong.
“Yeah, you’re probably right.”
“I like those better, anyway!” He blurted it out quickly. Maybe too quickly, curling a bit in on himself once he realized what he said, cringing, but she tugged on his hand ever so slightly. It was obvious she was shaking her head from her hair swishing over his neck.
“You always had a thirst for danger, Jungkook.”
Her tone was slight and playful. He felt his cheeks burn and his heart race so hard that he almost couldn’t breathe from the pressure. Nearly stuttered when he heard his name in her voice, clenching his jaw shut so he didn’t make a fool of himself. Again. His entire body tensed, on edge and vibrating from the rush of emotions.
“Are you trying to break my hand?”
He was gripping her hand way too tight. “S-Sorry!” He loosened his stiff fingers, twisting his wrist to keep his hand cupped around hers. “Sorry…”
“Heh, it’s not like you to apologize,” she teased.
Jungkook furrowed his brows. “Hey...”
Her head laid against his shoulder.
He stilled, heartbeat pounding. She looked up at the ceiling. At least, he presumed that from the angle. The back of her head touched his left shoulder, just barely. Her hair spilled against his collarbone and back, messy and free.
“I bet you have somebody. You’re too good-looking to have nobody lined up.”
Her murmur was soft and resigned. Guilty.
Her words hung in the air.
He tipped his head back, the nape of his neck against her shoulder. The patent leather of her jacket squeaked loudly under his presence. He wished. He hoped. He…
“I have someone,” he confessed.
He squeezed her hand. Their faces tilted upwards to the ceiling, and still Jungkook could recall every detail of her eyes – the way they glimmered when she smiled, the way they sparked when she was serious, the way they twinkled during all their special moments, the way they hollowed out when she turned away from him.
His fingers gently separated hers, interlocking.
The words were at the tip of his tongue.
His lips parted.
Suddenly there were loud footsteps on the other side of the heavy wood door. His ex-girlfriend jerked up in alarm. Jungkook stumbled. Both of them quickly sprang away from each other as the noisy jangle of keys was heard and then the heavy door swung open, revealing the two of them standing there, tense, now staring wide-eyed at a tall, broad-shouldered man flanked by two security guards. His black hair was perfectly parted, half brushing against his forehead and half combed back, giving a corporate feel in his tailored black suit. He was strikingly handsome by all accounts. Intense dark brown eyes, sculpted brows, full lips, stunning jawline.
Kim Seokjin wore an exasperated, annoyed expression.
He ticked his head to Jeon Jungkook’s ex-girlfriend.
“You. Come with me.”
She hesitated for a second and stepped forward, hanging her head a bit. “I sincerely apologize for the trouble I’ve caused.”
It would be expected for such a stern, posh-looking man to be harsh. Instead, Seokjin stuck his fists by his waist and sighed loudly, similarly to a disappointed grandmother scolding her favorite child.
“Haaah… come on. You’re not going to jail. I want to talk to you alone. Hey, uncuff her,” the owner of the nightclub tutted. One of the security guards went around her to unlock the handcuffs. “It took me a while to handle everything out there. At least the incident won’t be on the news or anything.” He reached out and held her elbow as she was released, steadying her balance and leading her out of the room. The guards followed, not taking a second glance back.
Jungkook frowned. “Hey, hyung–”
Seokjin whipped up and pointed a finger at him. “No. You stay here.”
Jungkook balked, offended. “What?! What about me?”
The older man glared at him like he was the naughty child. “I’ll have a conversation with you after. Stay.”
Anger boiled high. “I’m not a dog!”
Offensively, Seokjin barked back with, “You’re right. Dogs are loyal. And want to listen to people. You have the listening skills of a straw. In one end and out the other.”
The door slammed shut with finality.
Jungkook stood there, speechless, gawking at the sheer audacity.
Then he kicked the floor with a roar of impatience once Kim Seokjin’s insult finally registered. What the hell! Kim Seokjin was the one to invite him here in the first place! Seokjin was the oldest of Jungkook’s friends that took him under his wing, teaching him about various business aspects behind the scenes and making sure Jungkook knew the importance of having a good lawyer to look over his contracts. Now Seokjin had him locked up as if he was a five-year-old receiving a time out! Who did he think he was, his disciplinarian?
“What the fuck?!”
Then Jungkook ceased all movement, no longer stomping around in circles.
It was him.
Kim Seokjin had invited him here tonight.
It was him. Kim Seokjin had told him he better get his ass over here on this night in particular if he knew what was good for him. Not unusual, as his friends usually had to threaten him to go outside these days. It was you. You invited her here. It wasn’t Taehyung who invited her. He had been telling the truth all along.
“That bastard.”
Snarling, Jungkook whipped his head to the door and glared at it, fully intending to charge like a goddamn bull right into Kim Seokjin once it opened again.
I, I hear the whispers in your eyes I'll make you wanna think twice you'll find that you were never not mine you're mine
i hear... | ... the whispers... | ... in your eyes.
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flemingsfreckles · 5 months
Replacement pt. 1
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Jessie Fleming x Reader (enemies to lovers)
Synopsis: Jessie transfers to your team in Portland, while everyone else seems to be thrilled about her transfer, you see the girl as a threat to your position and playing time with the team.
Warnings: cursing
WC: 2.4K (this is just set up, the other parts will be longer)
A/N: this is a LONG overdue series I started writing when Jessie first transferred to Portland, I just have had some serious writers block with it. But I’ve finally been able to get some of it down. It is enemies to lovers, so it will be rough and angsty at the start but give it some time :)
Everyone had seen the rumors flying around. You heard the whispers of your teammates at training yesterday afternoon after they had all seen the supposed transfer news. Just like any other fan or team, you all loved the speculation. Your teammates loved it even more when it surrounded bringing a big name on to your team for once instead of Gotham like everyone else. Janine and Christine spent most of their practice trying to dodge questions about their fellow Canadian teammate, not giving away any details of what they did or didn’t know.
You couldn’t lie, you often fed into the spectacle of transfer rumors, chatting with your team about where people might be headed. Something about this transfer rubbed you the wrong way. Maybe it was because you felt threatened. You were a midfielder as well. If you’re being honest with yourself, your first season in the league, fresh out of college, had not gone to plan.
Being drafted second you were expected to perform well, and the transition into the NWSL from the NCAA had been anything but smooth. You had a few minor injuries, a strain here and there, with the addition of a minor concussion. You ended up with an overall disappointing season. It wasn’t due to your lack of effort, you pushed yourself as hard if not harder than most players, it just hadn’t yet paid off.
Jessies arrival meant you’d likely be finding yourself sitting on the bench more and more often. They were bringing in someone who could actually help the team. They were bringing in your replacement in the form of an incredibly skilled and experienced midfielder.
You tried to remember that they were just rumors, she wasn’t confirmed to being transferring. What small hope you had was quickly diminished when you got the team message from staff asking that you all arrive to practice 20 minutes early for a “quick meeting”.
So when you walked into the meeting room, slouching in your seat next to Sam and Janine with a huff, they both turned to look at you. They had both taken you under their wing when you joined the team, being your first friends in Portland. They would come over when you were injured, helping take you to and from training, and helping you get acquainted with the city.
“Someone woke up on the wrong side of their bed, damn.” Janine looked at you with wide eyes. It was uncharacteristic behavior being so cranky, even with how poorly your season was last year, you were typically upbeat, trying to make your teammates laugh, keeping practice lighthearted.
“Shut it Beckie.” You muttered in her direction. Sam looked at you, wide eyes before slowly turning to face forward not wanting to get on your bad side. Your coach walking in shortly after, not giving Janine the chance to respond. You’re not sure she would have even had something to say as she just stared at you, mouth open at the fact that you had just talked back to her.
“Alright, quiet down everyone,” your coach held his hands up. “I’m sure everyone has already seen the rumors floating around our club. We hadn’t planned to announce it until she was actually here to introduce herself but as of a couple hours ago, we have officially agreed to terms with and will be welcoming another Canadian,” he shoots a look at Janine and Sinc, “Jessie Fleming will be joining us.” A couple of whoops and hollers scattered across the room. “She’ll be starting with us at practice in two days. I expect, as you all have with our other transfers and signings, that you welcome her to Portland.”
While the rest of the team seemed to be thrilled at the idea of Fleming joining the team, you dodged every conversation you could about her.
Thankfully training was short, with the season just beginning you were completing fitness testing, getting both benchmarks for the season and learning how well everyone had kept up with their fitness during the off season. After warming up, everyone ran the well known and well dreaded “beep test”. It may be dreaded to most, but as a midfielder you had some of the best cardio fitness. It was days like this where your confidence rose, feeling comfortable through the test, nothing to worry about except running.
By the end of the test, you were one of the only players still running, your lungs were burning with each breath you took, the lactic acid building up in your thighs and calves. You finally dropped to your knees, unable to run any further. You found yourself kneeling next to Janine before rolling over to sit. Placing your head between your knees you breathed, listening to your teammates around you also panting, some coughing, some cursing the test for existing. You laid back fully putting up one leg straight in the air. A smile crept across your face, something about the burning of your lungs and your legs nearly cramping felt so good, a small reminder of your hard work.
“You mind helping me stretch?” Reaching out an arm you smack Janine next to you. Easily convinced, she stands up moving over to you placing herself to hold the foot in the air. She gently begins to press it toward your chest, your hamstring straining as she pushes your leg further.
“You’re fucking crazy for smiling after that test.” Janine rolling her eyes at you, a small cough coming out after as she can still feel her lungs burning. “I can’t believe I’m going to have to deal with two of you now.”
“What does that mean? Two of us?” You send her a pointed look before laying back letting your head fall back against the grass. Janine drops your leg, grabbing the other one before repeating the stretching motion.
“It means, I’ll now have to deal with you and Jessie running circles around me and the rest of this team. Literally circles.” She huffs.
“Right.” You felt the smile drop from your face, you had been able to forget about your replacement’s arrival. Janine noticed instantaneous change in your emotions at the mention of Jessie. She made a mental note to check in with you later, not while you were still on the sidelines of the pitch with the entire team.
Once everyone cooled down from the test, you stretched more, before heading into the locker room. You grab a protein bar and electrolytes from the shelf before hopping into the ice bath. Janine follows you, hopping in as well, making a comment about how cold it was as she shivers.
“Hey, I know we usually go for coffee after practice. We can still do that, it's just that I had offered to help Jessie unpack. She got in last night and didn’t really get settled. I’m supposed to meet her at her new place in about an hour, so I won't be able to stay for too long. It’ll have to be more of a grab and go kind of thing.” Janine looks at you, you both standing in the ice cold water, your shirts held up to avoid getting them wet.
Part of you is annoyed at her. You two always grabbed coffee, it was an unspoken activity, occasionally another teammate or two tagging along. You two would get coffee, you’d vent to each other, chat about the tv shows you were watching, Janine would talk about her wedding. It was something Janine started with you when you were new to the team, she was doing it to make you feel comfortable at the start and it quickly developed into a genuine friendship. Now Jessie was going to replace you at work and in Janine’s life too.
“Just go to hers, it's all good. We can skip this week.” You try not to sound upset, already feeling replaced by Jessie’s arrival in the form of losing your coffee “date”.
“Sorry, I would have said something sooner but with the transfer not public yet, I just didn’t want to get her in trouble or anything.” She pauses for a moment. “Actually, why don't you come with me to Jessie’s? I really think you two will get on well, plus it’ll be a good way to introduce you two.”
“Oh, no, I wouldn't want to just show up, I mean I don't know her and unpacking her stuff would be a little personal, it just probably isn't the best time for me to meet her.” Coming up with the best excuse you could come up with without flat out telling Janine that you don't want to meet one of her favorite people. You had heard plenty about Jessie before from Janine, only before it didn’t bother you. Before it was just hearing about one of Janine’s best friends, now it had a different sting when she was brought up. Now she was talking about the girl coming to take your spot.
“Alright, well I’m still grabbing coffee because I thought we’d be going and I promised Jessie I’d bring her one. Come with me at least then we can split?” You know Janine has zero negative intentions, she still was trying to have your usual coffee while also being an incredible friend and going to help Jessie move in.
“Fine, twist my arm.” You add sarcasm into your sentence, it wasn’t too hard to get you to go get a coffee, it was one of your favorite drinks, you spent way to much time and money on it, even having your own espresso machine at home with a bean grinder and all. Janine always joked that you could just run your own coffee shop out of your apartment for extra money.
You get to the coffee shop, when you walk in the barista gives you a wave, you and Janine were frequent visitors, the baristas all knew you and your orders.
“Are we getting the usual ladies?” The girl behind the counter asks, already starting to punch in the order on her screen.
“I am, but can we get them to-go, thank you.” You tell her. She puts in the order for your cold brew with caramel foam.
“I am, but I’m also going to add another drink, can I just get a latte with the lavender syrup please.”
On a normal day, if you weren’t in such an upset and negative mood you would’ve mocking the way Janine says syrup, but you don’t. You also mentally gag at the coffee she ordered for Jessie, lavender tasted like old lady soap. You mentally added it to the list of reasons to avoid the new transfer. It was childish what you were doing but you didn’t care.
You reach to get your card out, Janine beats you to it tapping her card on the register. “Janine, no.” It was your turn to pay, the two of you alternated.
“Please it’s the least I can do given I’m ditching you today.” She shoots you a sympathetic look.
“Alright.” You rolls your eyes at her as you hear your name called from the other end of the counter where your drink was placed.
You grab your drink and turn to walk out of the shop. The shop wasn’t too far from your apartment, a couple of blocks, and you figured you could walk so Janine didn’t have to drop you off at your house before heading to Jessie’s.
“Hey, where are you running off to, I’ll drive you.”
“Oh, no I’m good, I don’t want to make your trip longer.” You also had enough social interaction for today, a short walk alone wouldn’t be the worst thing.
“Well Jessie’s new place is just across the street from yours, so I’ll be going that way anyway.”
Of course Jessie moved in right across the street, out of all the apartment buildings in Portland of course she found herself the closest one, besides literally being in your building.
Janine grabs hers and Jessie’s drinks and you both walk back to her car. The two of you chat again, complaining about the weather and how it couldn’t make up its mind if it’s was winter or spring yet. You both coo over a dog walking down the street and for a second the conversation is light, it feels normal again. Until Janine brings up Jessie again.
“Hey, would you mind if I give Jess your number? I just figured I’d maybe be nice, you guys live across the street from each other, if she needed anything while she’s still moving in, store or food recommendations, you could help.”
You wanted to say no. But the girl was going to end up with your number anyway, you had to be teammates, you’d have to be cordial with her, you couldn’t let your own pride be a problem for the team.
“Yeah, that’s fine I guess.” Your mood deflated, the words coming out of your mouth with a heavy sigh at the end, making it obvious you weren’t thrilled about the suggestion for her to have your number.
“Are you alright? You’ve seemed weird all day. Is it because of Jessie?”
“Why would it be because of her?” You ask, knowing damn well that your behavior was exactly her fault.
“I don’t know, just when she gets brought up, you seem to get annoyed.”
“No I don’t.” Your answer is quick, you get defensive. Unfortunately your defensive behavior likely tells Janine that it is in fact Jessie who’s on your nerves.
“Oh, I know what it is!” She slaps her hand over to your thigh, giving you a small smack.
“You’re worried I’m going to start doing things with Jessie instead of you! You’re jealous!” Her tone is playful, she’s teasing you.
“I’m not jealous.” You cross your arms in the passenger seat, pouring like a toddler.
“Good, but if you were, you have no reason to be, yes she’s my friend, but so are you, our coffee dates will still go on, we’ll still hang out, you have nothing to worry about.”
“I wasn’t worried.” You say as Janine pulls up in front of your building. You climb out of the car, thanking her for the ride.
“You’re welcome, I'll always love you, she’ll never come between us!” She yells out the window making a slightly embarrassing scene, bypassers not knowing the joke she’s making. You turn back, shaking your head at her as you laugh.
“Love ya Janine, bye.” You wave at her and enter your building.
You get inside and go about the rest of your day, laundry, cleaning, a rather mundane but somewhat relaxing evening.
It’s when you’re crawling into bed that you receive two messages from an unknown number.
Unknown: Hi, this is Jessie, Janine gave me your number. She said you lived in the area.
Unknown: Sorry, Jessie Fleming, I should’ve clarified. Don’t feel obligated to text me, just Janine insisted I reach out.
You ignore the messages, you have a quick thought of blocking her number, but you know that’s not realistic. You’d have to see her in a few days and be her teammate you can’t block her phone. At least the girl gave you the permission to ignore her.
So that’s what you did. You closed your phone, putting it on silent and snuggled into bed, putting on whatever was showing on National Geographic at this hour and falling asleep shortly after.
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heavyhitterheaux · 6 days
“Maybe next time, check your surroundings”
You and Jack were currently trying not to look at one another because you knew that it would end up with the both of you laughing when Neelam was trying to be serious about the situation that occurred a few days ago.
However, that was short lived when you two made eye contact making Neelam’s face harden.
“This is NOT funny, you two.”
“Says who?” Jack asked her as he was trying to wipe away tears from his eyes. Seeing this sent you into a fit of giggles all over again.
“I swear the two of you wake up and ask yourselves what can we do to make Neelam’s job harder today and the two of you succeed every single time, I swear.” She responded as she rubbed her temples.
“Nee, come on. It’s not that big of a deal.” You told her as you laid across Jack’s lap and she instantly rolled her eyes.
“Not a big deal? A picture of your boobs are literally on the internet from your late night backseat shenanigans.”
“So are Rihanna’s.” Jack added and you quickly nodded.
“Oh, don’t even give me that. At least she was at an EVENT. The two of you were fucking in the backseat of Jack’s car.”
“Hmm, speculation! They don’t know that!” Jack yelled and you started laughing all over again.
“Do the two of you take anything seriously?”
“Define serious for us one time. And I thought it was a pretty good shot of my boobs anyway. Besides, we know you can make this whole thing go away.”
“Not the point Y/N!”
“Hey, at least I’m with my husband and not some random guy! Now that would send people over the edge. Besides, what's a little side boob action?”
“Oh, I hope they got a good angle of me, but it’s clear that they definitely did.”
“Hey, Nee, at least we didn’t break any beds this time.” Jack told her as he pulled you onto his lap and hugged you from behind.
“I will never forgive the two of you for waking me up in the middle of the night for that complete utter nonsense. Now I see why Urban says all of the time that the two of you make him sick.”
“I just love my wife, look how pretty she is. Stop hating.”
“We all know she’s pretty and no one is hating. You two are going to have 20 kids if you don’t get a damn grip.”
“He happens to always have a good grip on my thighs when he needs to.” You commented and Jack couldn’t help but to smirk.
“Okay, are we done here? I need to go and get my wife pregnant.” 
Neelam sighed and knew deep down that the two of you would probably do it again and knew that there was no stopping you.
“Maybe next time, check your surroundings.”
“Sure, so they can get a show.”
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lipringlrh · 1 year
him | CL16 & LN4
summary: you and charles have begun to form a relationship, but you can't help but call your ex whilst he sleeps.
pairings: charles leclerc x fem!reader, lando norris x fem!reader
an: my first f1 fic!!! please like + reblog it means the world to me :) requests are open!!
word count: 2.1k
warnings: kind of cheating but no one’s officially together, everyone is a little shitty but probably reader most (depending on your point of view)
feedback appreciated!!!
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“Why are you calling me again? Aren’t you with him?”
It was past midnight and you should’ve been asleep. But you weren’t, instead, you were on the phone with your ex-boyfriend whilst in bed with one of his friends.
Charles was asleep next to you, face down, with an arm thrown over your waist. He looked pretty: his face pressed against the pillow, overcome with a look of calm. Yet you still wished he was someone else.
“Hello?” His voice on the phone was rough, you knew he’d been asleep but you didn’t care. You knew he kept the sound turned on on his phone at night, waiting for your call.
“Lando,” It was the same conversation every night but you still never knew what to say.
“Miss me again? Where’s your new boyfriend?”
“He’s not my boyfriend, Lando, you know that.” It was complicated what you and Charles had; you weren't together but you acted like you were, engaging in couple-y activities. You weren't official; you weren't even exclusive. You both were allowed to see other people but you both said you preferred not to, or at least, that's what he thought.
“Doesn’t change anything though, you still wish he was me, don’t you?”
You didn’t answer him; you couldn’t. It felt like he knew your every thought so you didn't even need to reply.
“So is he still in your room?” Lando sighed. He hated these late night conversations and felt just as guilty as you did but he couldn't help but continue with them. He craved any communication with you, even if it was hurting himself and two people he loved in the process.
“He’s next to me," you whispered, ridden with guilt. You were disappointed in yourself more than anything, from both the situation and the fact that you were becoming more careless every night; Charles could wake up any second and realise you were whispering promises to one of his closest friends, but he never did.
“Next to you? You’re not even leaving the room to call me now?”
“What’s going to happen when you get yourself caught, hmm?” He was teasing you now. He didn't care if you got caught anymore - of course he would feel guilty for a while but it meant he could have you to himself again, and that's all he wanted.
“He’s your friend too.”
There was silence after that. You both were in it as much as the other but it was much easier for Lando to forget.
“Come see me tomorrow, yeah?"
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It was dangerous, seeing Lando in a public space where anyone could see, but his team had become good at hiding the usual occurrence. They knew to hide it from reporters and the public, any other teams and drivers, and especially Charles. And they didn't ask questions.
They saw you sneak off into his drivers room every race and whilst they speculated what went on, they made sure it never left the McLaren rumour circle.
And just like usual, you were with Lando pre-race in his drivers room. Everyone knew now, there was no questions on whether you should be let in because everyone just knew. You were with Lando, official or not, and he would not be happy with anyone if you weren't let in.
"So… you told me to come here, we're not just going to sit in silence, are we?"
"You would've come if I hadn't told you to. We end up here every race, todays no different."
"It feels like it is."
He was slightly taken aback, but he didn't let it show. "Maybe because you're careless?"
"At least leave the room when you call me. Not whilst your boyfriend is barely asleep next to you. I know you call me the second he's knocked out."
"He's not my boyfriend. How many-"
"So that makes this all better then, does it?"
"You're bothered about the situation now? Me and Charles aren't together, and we've said we can be with other people. What happened to your 'he got with my ex-girlfriend, it's no different' attitude."
"Because I feel bad."
Right before a race was not the time for this conversation, both you and Lando knew it, but it had been brewing for a while and there was no way of stopping it.
"I feel bad too Lando, this isn't my ideal situation either." You talked much softer now, it was a harsh topic that both of you tended to ignore when you were together.
"Then leave him."
"What?" You weren't shocked, you knew he would ask it one day but you always thought you'd be able to tell that he wasn't completely serious about it. But not one part of you was sure.
"Come back to me, please." He wanted to beg - he'd do whatever it takes.
"Lando, no."
"Lando, yes."
"Please, no Lando, I think there's a real chance I could love him and it work out."
He didn't know what to say - he didn't want to speak. He didn't want to compete with Charles in this instance, he wanted you and his vision of you both in the future as soon as you could. "So there's no chance of you loving me and it work out?"
"We didn't work out before for a reason, Lando, it'll happen again."
"We've made this work, we can make that work."
"This is built up of lies and deceit, what makes you think our relationship would be any different?"
"Because I love you and need you with me for the rest of my life. I will make it work one way or another," his voice broke, adding to the tears collecting in his eyes. They were red; swollen, and you so badly wanted to hold him until he let it all out but you couldn't. It hurt you physically to restrain yourself, but it was the right thing to do.
You were cut off by a knock at the door and you couldn't tell if you were grateful or not. You both stood in silence, hoping the other would answer but no one did. The next round of knocks came and you decided to suck it up, saving Lando from the person outside hearing his voice on the verge of crying. "Is everything okay?"
Neither of you had broken eye contact. His eyes were red, about to burst and you just looked at him with sorrow. "Sorry to bother you but Charles is looking for you, he wants you really badly it seems. Pre-race talk or something, it doesn't look good."
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Turns out, Charles did want you very badly. He'd been pacing back and forth for what felt like hours, stressing out about his upcoming race, and just needing a destresser. He had dragged you into a room, trying to calm down, varying talking from subject to subject. You didn't know how the subject had gotten to what it had, but you were frozen in shock, unsure of how to feel.
“I’m in love with you, chérie. I know we haven't put a label on anything yet, but I want to now. I just think that-" He rambled on, too passionate to notice the door opening and closing behind him, but you noticed it, "-and I think we could be perfect together, I just love you and I-"
You couldn't look at him, instead keeping your gaze focused on the man who had obviously been listening in to your conversation and wanted nothing more than to put an end to it. Charles couldn't help but notice your misfocus and finally noticed who was stood behind him the whole time.
"Lando- oh hey- you okay? Could you give us a minute?"
"I'm alright, I'll think I'll stay,"
"Lando.." you whispered. He hadn't taken his eyes off of you the entire time, even when replying to Charles; he wanted to take the time to read you and figure out what you were thinking. He didn't care about what Charles did and his feelings, only whether your felt them back.
"Yeah, sorry, I'll take a seat."
"You know?" Charles questioned, watching Lando pull up a seat at the opposite side of the room. He realised it was stupid question the second it slipped from his mouth; Lando kept up with everything you did, of course he knew.
"Of course I know. One of my most trusted friends trying to get with my ex-girlfriend whilst he knows I'm still in love with her. Yeah I know." He was disgusted with his friend and made it known. Yeah, he had done shitty stuff too but he would've been a lot more respectful if Charles didn't do it behind his back.
"Lando, maybe it's better-"
"No Charles, carry on professing your love to my girl."
"Lando, I'm not your-"
"No, can you please leave? You ruined your chance, it's my turn. It's not fair you get another chance." Charles couldn't believe Lando's attitude and Lando couldn't believe Charles' audacity. You, well, you just couldn't believe it was happening and happening like this.
"She was my girlfriend. You were my friend and went behind my back to get her to fall for you, it's only fair I can do the same. And don't get me started on you." He looked at you, with both stars and disappointment in his eyes.
"Leave her out of this."
"Do you want to tell him, sweetheart, or should I?" Lando was teasing you now; playing your game. He wanted the upper hand on Charles and was using the truth to prove he had it all along.
"I've still been talking to Lando, whilst we've been together and-"
"Calling me whilst you've been asleep mostly-"
"And occasionally meeting up with him."
Lando kept his eyes trained on you, not breaking eye contact even when Charles was looking between you both in a frenzy.
"No, I get it. We agreed we could see other people, I just didn't realise you were." He sounded broken; he was broken. He felt so stupid that he didn't realise. His eyes were welling up but he desperately tried to hide it. He'd thought about the fact there was a chance you were still hung up on your ex previously, but he pushed it to the back of his mind, telling himself he was just overthinking.
Your head was in your hands as you contemplated sliding down the wall and curling into your knees. The whole situation was a mistake - you didn't know what you wanted and it was all your fault. It was bound to come out sooner than later, you were planning to tell Charles what was happening, before it was all too late, but it came out in the worst way possible. Karma, you guessed.
"We weren't together, chérie, you were allowed to do that, it just hurts a little. We could be okay though, no?" He sounded so hollow - technically what you did didn't break any rules but it was morally bad and deceitful and you couldn't help but feel endlessly guilty.
"No but it's wrong- so wrong. And I've lied and hurt you- both of you."
"If anything, I'm as bad as you, I tried to get you back behind Charles' back," Lando spoke quietly, almost as though he didn't want to say it. He was moving closer each moment, until he eventually was stood by Charles in front of you.
"And I went behind Lando's back to get you in the first place." Charles mumbled in the same guilty tone. Charles knew they'd all wronged at least one other, some much worse than others, but he be damned if he let you feel all the blame.
"That was pretty shitty,"
"Not as shitty as you going-"
"Stop it please, We've all done really, really shitty things. I just need a minute," You still hadn't moved from being slumped against the wall, feeling as though it was the least confrontational position.
Both men were staring down at you, not moving either. You had two men, head over heels in love with you, a scene you thought would be from your dreams, but instead you were almost a crying mess.
"Then you can pick." Lando whispered before nodding at Charles, in both reassurance and competition. He wanted you okay but he also wanted you to himself and he wasn't a patient man, "You obviously love one of us. Which is it?"
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f1 masterlist | requests are open + feedback is appreciated
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lynn-tged-posting · 2 months
so i've been working through the tged webnovel (really, really slowly) (but im getting there!) (it's been REALLY fun i love their banter so so much i wish there was more of it in the webtoon)
and i keep thinking back to chapter 43, where lloyd is surveying the wetlands and arcos comes with him
i don't really have much new insight, i just think about their interaction in this chapter a lot, especially since it's one that doesn't show up in the webtoon adaptation
arcos going out of his way to spend time with his son, and making him a lunch that he knows his son loved, all as an unspoken apology
because "how could he", right? how could a father hate his son and only start to love him again when success has been found? that's so haunting to realize; that someone you loved so much, someone you raised and nurtured, someone you knew the favorite foods of and why, could become someone you hate. and then, the son you once raised, the son who became a stranger, went and grew up without you.
did i give up too soon? did i abandon my own son? ... what kind of father does that? ... right?
and so he does what he can to offer repentance. he takes time out of his day to engage with what his son is doing. he shows that he still remembers his son, the boy who would rather eat boiled eggs and tomatoes over any other dish. he offers it all in a basket, carrying the love he feels he should've given to lloyd a long, long time ago.
... and it's not even the original lloyd frontera who receives it.
we don't get to know what suho is thinking in this moment, but i think his silence speaks volumes.
... because "how could he", right? how could this fraud in another man's body accept this silent apology that isn't truly owed to him? this man, this baron, this father, is asking for forgiveness when he had every right to be angry with the original owner of this body. and he doesn't even realize, because how would he possibly know his original fate? only you do.
this wasn't meant for me ... right?
but suho doesn't reject him, either. he doesn't interrupt arcos, he doesn't leave. they sit together and eat boiled eggs with honeyed tomatoes in silence.
it makes me wonder what suho is thinking about, what he's feeling, what he's remembering...
because (and call me crazy, call me speculative) heaven knows the love language of an asian parent.
here's some cut fruit. here's your favorite snack. here's dinner. i've brought it here to you.
you're working so, so hard. i'll support you, i'll be here. don't worry about anything else, just keep growing.
i love you, i love you, i love you, attached to every plate.
"this was your favorite food when you were young. ... i should have given you as many boiled eggs and tomatoes as you wanted."
and again, it's a little bit of speculation from me, but i think that's why suho doesn't say no, why he lets arcos make this apology. it's a piece of what he misses most.
and so they both leave a little bit healed. "the basket was lighter on the way home. and albeit very slightly, their steps became lighter as well." it might not have been between the right souls, but it's a weight lifted nonetheless.
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... all this to say that i am absolutely MOURNING that this didn't make it into the adaptation!!!
i understand that with comic adaptations, there are going to be some cuts to ensure pacing and workload stays reasonable, but this would've been absolutely devastatingly emotional (/pos) to witness visually,
because what would lloyd's (suho's) face look like? what expression would he make, can we visually see how he feels? and arcos, what does he see when he looks at his son? fatherly love and solemn regret, painted all over his face, what does that look like to the adapter? to the artist? to us?
and in general too, we lost the characterization and relationship of arcos to suho; i really, really wish it made it in :(
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5cookiekitty · 8 months
*『4000 Years Of Longing』
Yandere alpha ahkmenrah × Omega F.Reader
Summary: or the one where you go to uncover a long lost pyramid only to discover there's something more sinister going on when people start to disappear at night , leaving a lingering scent that leaves both you and your omega in daze. Now it's a rase against the clock and the only means of escape is to figure out what's going on before the time runs out.
Tw: alpha/omega stuff , yandere , predator/prey type feel , Manhandling , death , reader dies but lives
Word count: 12.8k
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Like most things are , your nightmare was paved with good intentions.
It started off with a call from your uncle Larry telling you of a new pyramid that was found. “It's a week's travel away , on foot , from the Merenkahre , Shepseheret , and kahmunrah.” Finding a new pyramid is a miracle within itself; finding a new one that is close to others is a gold mine. “They’re sending in a report now but I wanted to ask if you would like to come on the expedition with me? We’ll have a plan to get there though.” and were you to say no.
And that's how you ended up on the plane flying your way to cairo egypt.
“Hey uncle larry?” the man hummed and you could see out of the corner of your eye as he tilted his head to look at you from across the table. “It says here that they are finding pictures of kahmunrah and his parents inside the tomb?” you questioned and he nodded his head. “Yeah.” at his blank response you gave him a look as you gestured your hands towards the paper. “Yeah , go on and tell me what that's about.”
Larry looked up at you through his lashes “,you know of shepseheret and merenkahre other son right.” you nodded your head. “Yeah , the one that they still haven't found-oh hell.” it dawned on you what he meant “,they don't think it's him , do they?” he shrugged his shoulders as she took a sip of water.
“I mean , it's just speculation at this point , nothing can be confirmed until we find the actual chamber where the body is buried.” he sat up straighter as he grabbed the files from you hand gently “,even if it's not the lost son , whoever is buried here is either very important or very dangerous.” he flipped through the files before finding the page he wanted to before handing you back the file.
You read over it and furrowed your eyebrows. “A giant statue of a sphinx was found in front of the pyramid and two anubis statues were found deep within the structure.” you read outloud before flipping to the next page. “It also says that there's a small village not too far from the site but they seem to be scared to say anything?” you questioned as Larry nodded.
“Yeah , from what Dr.McPhee said , the locals warned him not to go digging through there or bad things would start to happen. They seem to regard the site as a religious place.” you raised an eyebrow “,ye are scared of it?” you questioned. “Terrorfied is more like it , they refuse to even interact with them unless necessary and even then they seem to be sniped.”
“Do we know why they seem so scared?'' You've seen enough movies to know that when locals warn of something , it's for a good reason. “He mentioned they said something on a tablet before he was forced to get off the phone.” you groaned.
“Even so , does this whole thing seem , i don't know , a little weird , off , to you?” you questioned “,I mean , think about it. We find a random pyramid that should have been found ages ago , it's somehow tied to the people in other pyramids and the locals seem to be scared as death of it.” you rattled “,not only that , we don't know if this person was regarded as someone respected or feared.”
“It's a little weird , yes , but when is ancient history not.” he did have a point , but this whole thing was making no sense whatsoever. It wasn't until Larry was placing his hand on yours did you realize you were scratching at your wrist , the one with your soulmate's name imprinted on the inner wrist more specifically.
“Does it still bother you?” the question caused you to look down at the mark in question. Written in a language , ancient Egyptian from what you were told as a child , and that no one knew or could read - was your soulmate's name. You huffed at it before pulling the sleeves of your shirt down to cover iit. “No , not anymore , if at all it's more of an annoyance than something for me to stress over now and days.” your uncle just looked at you , sad pitying eyes that made you wince in your head.
The last time he had given you that look had been when he took you in after your parents died.
“Anyway , we got 16 hours to kill.” you said as you pulled out a book from your satchel, "we have all the time to worry about the most horrible ways we might die.”
“I'm joking!” you said as you dodged hands swatting your way from across the table. Laughing , you pulled your legs to your chest as you began to read.
It would be eight hours later that you found yourself dozing off.
The last thing you remembered was reading the word sand.
Heat wrapped around your body like a blanket as warmth seeped into your body. You were laying on something hot and rough as a breeze brushed over your skin. It didn't leave goosebumps , it was too hot for that , but it was enough for you to begin to groggily wake up and come to your senses.
Upon blinking your eyes fully open you notice the sand that was directly in front of your face. Confused and still dazed you began to sit up and drag a handful of sand onto your hands before watching the grains slip through your finger. On your knees you began to look around as confusion slowly started to set in.
How did you go from being on a plane to the middle of the desert?
Despite your situation , you noted , as you started to get up , that there was no panic in your body despite your wanting too. “Uncle?” you called despite yourself. You were not surprised when you didn't receive an answer. “What in the world happened?” you questioned out loud.
Looking over the place from where you were standing , you noticed sand dunes that seemed to be higher than the one you were standing on. If you get up there maybe you might have a better view point on where you were. So , you began to walk over.
But , you noticed , as you begin to get closer to the top of the sand dune , the more you begin to see a silhouette of a…Person? Squinting your eyes to try to see better , it was , in fact , a person standing at the top looking down at your form.
“Hey! Hey! Excuse me!” you shouted as you began to scramble to where the person was. They did not move , in fact they started to walk closer to where you were. Smiling at the thought of being…helped in this citation , you gave a sigh of relief. Only to cry out when you had reopened your eyes to nothing. The person was gone , vanished.
There was a hand wrapped around your throat before you realized what was going on. The scent of dark chocolate and burning firewood filled your senses as the other hand wrapped itself around your midsection. You were pulled back into a hard chest as the hand on your neck moved to grip your cheek.
“So close yet so far , omega.” A sweet as honey voice spoke “,Do they dare to deliver you on a silver platter , right into my loving grasp?” the voice hummed , darkness clear in his voice that had the omega in you shivering in anticipation. “I've waited 4000 years to have you , don't think I'll be letting you go so easily.” you tried to tell yourself that ‘kidnapping’ and ‘held against your will’ threats were not sweet nothings and loving words. Your omega seemed to think that these were perfectly normal and romantic things to say if the sweetening of your scent was anything to go by.
“There's a good omega.” a finger was dragged across your cheek before a hand was cradling your face as if it was the most precious thing to ever exist. “No words will ever be able to describe how much I waited for this moment.”
“I'll see you soon…”
You awoke with a gasp as you bolted your body up. There were hands gripping on your form the moment you sat up abruptly , grounding you as you calmed your rapidly beating heart rate. Once you were calm enough down and rational enough to even get a thought in , your eyes began to travel the length of the arm to the person.
It was your uncle , worried worn eyes staring down at you with furrowed brows. “Are you ok?” you nodded your head “,yeah , just a really weird dream.” you clasped a hand to the one on your shoulder and pressed a quick kiss to it. “I'll be fine.” he gave your shoulders two firm squeezes , the gesture making you smile in remembrance of the meaning before letting go.
“Ok weird dream , we’re here. We got to take a hotel tonight but they’ll be sending some people over to get us to the site tomorrow.” with that he was walking off and you were quick to start packing up and grab your luggage.
“Shit!” you cursed yourself as your luggage fell from your hands and onto the ground.on the way down though iit managed to bmp into your form causing something to kick up from your shirt. You furrowed your eyebrows as you kneeled down to look at what had come off of you.
Brushing your finger over the luggage your confusion multiplied tenfold when you realized what it was.
The next morning would come bright and early. Putting on some cargo pants , white tank top with a green button up shirt and the same color of green boots , you swung the brown satchel bag over your shoulder before grabbing at your luggage as you made your way downstairs to meet your uncle.
He was there , talking to someone in a suit who you maidenly recognized as dr.McPhee. “Ahh , doctor. Good to see you. I've seen you come to greet us on your own.” you said as the man turned around to look at you before giving out his hand. “Y/n , such a dear to see you considering I thought your uncle and cousin would have made you crazy by now.” laughing at Larry's grumble, you shook the doctor's hand as he gave you a slight pat on the back.
“I was just telling Larry that Chopper is ready for y'all. I won't be back at the site till Monday but I left it in great hands.” you nodded your head and with one last good by both you and your uncle were on the plane and being flown out.
It took a couple of hours but soon enough yall were landing not too far from a rural looking village.
“Is this the village?” you looked over at the people who were staring at yall from their houses. They didn't look run down like you thought - the people on the other hand looked as though they had seen better days with how old some of them were. “For people who are supposed to be scared of us they sure don't lack the ability to not stare.” you mumbled, causing Larry to smack you on the arm.
“Well , there goes our guide.” looking up at where your uncle had gestured , you smiled once you saw the familiar face. It was jedediah beaming at the both of you as he walked over in his cowboy gear. “Larry , good to see you my man.” he patted said man on the back before turning his attention to you. “Looking like a lovely flower as always y/n.” you both smiled before you rolled your eyes.
“Flattery will get you nowhere after I just found out what I did.” you said as the three of you began to walk away from the chopper and through the town. “When did you and octavius start dating?” you questioned causing the blind man to tilt down his head in an effort to hide his blush.
“Well-” But then you felt yourself being jerked back as your arm was grabbed. Before you could realize what was happening an old lady from the village was shoving your sleeve up to reveal your soulmate's name. “Hey!” Both Larry and jedediah were quick to snatch you from the lady, causing you to stumble away.
“And so she finally appears.” the lady said as she watched your uncle and jed drag you away , her unwavering eyes staring at your form even when you were far from her sight.
“Jed , what the hell man! I thought the dr said that they were too scared to even look at yall!” Larry exclaimed, causing Jed to side eye him. “Look man , i'm just as confused as you are.” he turned his attention to you. “You ain't hurt darling.” far used to jed nicknames , you nodded your head as you pulled your sleeve down.
“Yeah , just a little shake up but I'll be fine.” he nodded his head before facing back forward , arms sweeping in front of him as he gestured towards the horizon. “And he she is , ain't it a beauty.” it was.
The pyramid itself was huge and nearly triple the size of Merenkahre and Shepseheret one. Not only was that impressive , the huge sphynx that sat not too far from it was just as imposing and regal as you thought it would be. The site was not too far either and was filled to the brim with tents.
“How has this not been discovered till now , I mean , you would think something this big would have been found ages ago.” you breathly said as you began to make yall way to the camp. “Who knows. All that i do know is that were the ones who found it so were the ones who get to explore it.'' Jed said. It would take five more minutes before yall reached the camp site as jed grabbed a clipboard.
“Luckily for you darling , you seem to be the only girl here so you get a whole tent to yourself.” you raised an eyebrow at that , the question clear in the air. “We've had other chicks but they all seem to run off days later after they get here, something about nightmares.” he said “,unlike your niece here Larry , you get to share a tent with me and oct.” Larry squinched up his nose.
“How did that happen?”
“No one else wanted to sleep near the gays.” you snorted at your uncle's expression. Since yall had been walking around the camp the entire time y'all were talking it didt take long for you to reach your tent. “Here you go little missy. I'll come get you tomorrow but for today the days are all yours. If you need anything your uncle and I are just across from you.” he gestured towards their tent and you nodded your head , gave your uncle a kiss on the cheek , before you walked into the tent.
The next couple of hours you would spend putting your clothes up before going on to read a book right before you fell asleep and before you knew It the morning sun was waking you back up.
Tonight you didn't not dream of an alpha with a strangely addictive scent.
Just as promised , jed did come to get you that morning. You were putting on your clothes - tan cargo pants with a blue button long sleeve with a black crop top underneath it and black boots - when he made his presence known. “Hey little missy , fine if i come in.” you jumped a little before telling him he could , putting on a sun hat and sunglasses as he stepped in.
“We’re going to be heading into a new room they found right before yall got here.” you both started to exit the tent at which point you joined your uncle who was standing outside it. “It seems to be some kind of…game room.” he seemed really hesitant to say that last part. You dont blame him.
“Game room” you questioned as yall began to walk. “That's the best way to describe it. Ancient games , art supplies , hunting material. They're even some people buried there and from what we can tell , they might be entertainers and scholars.” he said as your eyebrows creased .
“So they wanted to keep the pharaoh entertained even after death.” your uncle said but jed just shook his head. “If that was the point all that stuff would have been buried in the chamber with them. The way they've buried it you would think that the damn person was still alive and kicking.” all this was weird. From the appearance of the pyramid to the game chamber-something was amiss.
You just didn't know what yet.
It took a good few minutes but soon enough all three of yall were standing in front of the giant pyramid. “It’s in such good condition.” you mumbled as your hand traced over the smooth rocks of the structure. “The sphinx too , I never exempted such a well reserved color of red.” you looked sad. With its body painted in a faded red and the stripes the color of yellow and blue , you could truly believe that this was made to protect a well loved pharaoh.
“Not just that either…” jed gestured for y'all to walk into the pyramid. You did so with a little pep only to stop dead in your tracks at the sight. The walls paint and pictures looked as though they just came out brand new. “Everything is well reserved in this place. '' You turned around at the sound of jeds voice , face bright and happy as excitement took over your body.
“I want to see the anubis guards.” jed smiled “we’ll pass them on our way to the room” a squeal escaped your lips as larry slightly shook his head and soon enough , yall were being led through the structure of the pyramid. “This is amazing , everything looks so well,” your uncle got a concerned look on his face as he spoke,early on. Jed are you sure there's no one living here?”
“Not one alive no.” he said as you entered a room that had a large ceiling. And 30 feet tall anubis statues. “Holy they’re huge.'' Larry breathed out and you nodded your head next to him. ‘What’s with this room anyway?’ he questioned. “It's the room directly in the middle of the pyramid. We believe that it leads to the pharaoh chambers , we just don't know where.”
Jeds hand suddenly clasped together as he smiled “ready to see the room?”
You spent hours in said room and by the time you had finally returned to your tent with the sun , you were ready to lay down and rest. Right before you were able to enter though , Jed caught your attention “,just so that you know we won't be able to go into the pyramid tomorrow. They’ll be trying to find the pharaoh's chambers and we don't know what will happen as they’re trying.” you huff at that a little “,don't start whining little lady , we'll be able to go over the artifacts that have been collected while they’re doing all that.”
Your eyes lit up and before long you were bidding your uncle and jed goodnight as you slipped fully into your tent. It wasn't very much a challenge to change if you took out the fact that you were trying to keep sand off your feet as you did so.
You just layed there , today's events going through your head as your eyebrows furrowed. ‘Still , nothing of this is adding up.’ you shook your head before those thoughts could continue. The last thing you needed was for you to be having a nightmare. You slowly allowed for your thoughts to cease as your eyelids grew heavier and heavier.
The next thing you know , nothing.
There was that warmth again as a familiar scent of dark chocolate and burning firewood filled your nose. You were slowly coming to , leaning into the unmoving and calming touch that just made you feel safe. You felt yourself getting tugged closer-
Hold on…
The realization caused your eyes to snap open. You found your back pressed against an upward leg as your legs draped over the other with an arm hung lazily around your midsection. Their movement out of your peripheral vision before another arm was wrapping around your shoulders to allow their finger to push your head to meet the owner of said finger.
The first thing that came to mind was how pretty chalky blue eyes looked on this man-was that hazel in there too?
The next thing that came to your mind was who this man was as the situation finally began to set in.
You tried to get up , really , you did , but no matter how much you willed your mind to do so it wouldn't listen. “W-who…?” was the one thing you were able to whisper out to this strangely attractive man that held you. He smiled , curly hair and dimples more noticeable now , as he drummed his fingers on your waist.
“You’ll find out soon enough.” you did not like the sound of that. “Did you enjoy the entertainment room? My people made sure it was stocked with the finest to entertain me.” The implications in that sentence were not lost to you. You could only stare up with wide blown eyes as silence engulfed the..room. You were in some kind of Egyptian room.
A kiss being pressed to your head brought your attention back to the problem at hand. He pulled you closer , arms wrapping tighter around your form as he laid his chin on top of your head. “I hope you've been enjoying your stay here , i know how difficult it can be to foreigners to combat the heat.'' Even if you wanted to answer , you couldt. Your mouth felt as though it was being shut by the force of God's hand.
There was silence , nothing but the sound of rustling curtains and sand blowing in the wind interacted with your ears. That was , until , You felt him move up , just enough to feel the hesitancy in his chin , before he spoke “,I'm sorry for what's going to happen,” he started to pet your hair as the room slowly filled with something dark “,In order for me to live some people are going to have to die.”
You don't know why that sentence felt foreboding when you knew this was a dream.
“I won't hurt those who you care about.” he spoke gently , as if he was only talking about the weather and not people's lives “,But i require a little something for me to keep this promise,” a ghost of lips against your ear “,can you do this one thing for me , my dearest.” a kiss to the underside of your ear made a shiver run through your body.
“So sensitive.” he mumbled before raising his head. He took your chin once more between his fingers as the both of you locked eyes. “When the time comes , you can't fight me.” a hand brushed away a silver fox hair that fell on your face before gently taking a cheek in the cusp of his hand. “Your mine , through actions and laws more ancient than the stars themselves , you , in all sense and logic , belong to me.”
His words , so possessive in their meaning , burned red hot as a memory , for a moment , surfaced. Your wrist tingled. He brought that same wrist up , moonlight giving way to the name written on it in all its glory. Be brought your wrist to his mouth , not kissing but merely allowing his lips to ghost the skin as he spoke. “To keep those you love alive , all that I ask for is your love.”
“You can't-'' but you were cut off as a hand slithered its way on your neck. A warning to keep your mouth shut if you know what's good for you. “You cant -i wont allow you to-”
“Allow me to? Dearest , do you even know who you're talking too.” amusement was clear in his voice. “You know nothing of what truly goes down here at night but that's only because I allow you to. Do not make me take away that bliss because you can't keep your mouth shut.'' He was still amused by this whole thing.
You , on the other hand , wanted this nightmare to be over with.
Then suddenly , you could feel movement return to your limbs. You were quick to jump out the man's arm and throw yourself across the room and away from him. “You wound me dearest.” his levity of the citation would have made your blood boil if you cared enough to take note of it. Right now , though , all you cared about was the way his eyes sharpened on your form pressed against the wall.
“You’ll soon enough will be throwing yourself into my arms.” he seemed all too delighted at the thought “,i cant wait till the day we meet face to face.” as he spoke , the world slowly started to become in a whirl of sand , engulfing your vision in gold and
“It's only a matter of time they find the chamber and release me , after all.”
When your eyes snapped open and you awoke to a gasp , the first thing you were able to pick upon was the sound of raucous outside your tent. You let the confusion overlap your fear that still lingered from the dream as you slipped your feet into some shoes and began to walk towards the flap.
Just when you were about to exit your uncle took a peak in making you chirp in shock. “Sorry , didn't mean to scare you.” he stepped in and took one look at your questioning gaze as his face fell , somber and looking 10 years older than what he truly was.
“What's going on?”
He hissed through his teeth and flinched back as if the question had punched him straight in his chest. “They found some skeletons. They believe them to be of some old grave robbers but they’ve already called the police just to be sure.”
What great news to wake up.
The police did show up and days later it did come to light that the skeletons were , in fact , some old grave robbers from 4000 years ago. From what they were able to examine it seemed they died of something giant impaling them through their chest…lovely.
Right now , you and your uncle were cleaning up the last of your tools from a new room that was found yesterday. A bathroom that was fit for royalty. “Im once more stating that this place was built for someone living and not a dead person.” jed threw a brush in your direction that you dodged. “You know what I'm saying is true.”
“Doest mean i want to hear it as were in said pyramid that might have been made for an alive person 4000 years in the future!” you snickered but decided he was right. You wouldn't want to hear about your work place possibly being haunted. “But to be honest , I'm starting to think we won't ever find that damn chamber.” jed grumbled as all three of you got up with tools in yall boxes y'all brought over.
“Jed, how long were yall here before you called us?” your uncle questioned as the three of yall walked into the room with the giant anubis statues. You never could figure out why they were placed against a wall instead of the entrance of the pyramid.
“The sites have been here for about 4 months.” That's a long time to not find the one thing the pyramids are famous for. “Even so , we felt as though we looked everywhere for the damn thing and yet…” jed gestured his head and shrugged his shoulders.
Begging to feel a little tired you leaned on the wall between the two giant guards as your form slumped against the rock. You didn't notice the way your wrist seemed to glow for an instant before you felt the wall behind you shift.
You scrambled up feeling the sharp edges shift behind you as you backed up towards your uncle and his friend.
“Y/n , what the hell!” your uncle said in shock as you squabbled at him.
“I didn't do this , I just leaned on the damn thing and it started to…what is it doing?” you didn't notice before but the room begins to fill with dust as all three of yall waited for it to clear. Other people must have heard the commotion as about five other people filed into the room.
Then , behind the smoke screen something golden begins to glow ever so slightly.
It wasn't until the dust cleared that you realized exactly what you had found.
Right in front of a golden simmering tablet was sarcophagus surrounded by riches and colorful painted walls.
The pharaoh's chambers have finally been found.
“What the fuck…” while the rets of yall were staring at the sarcophagus that sat in the middle of the room or the gleaming tablet , your uncle had been staring square arch that was now revealed.
Your heart dropped to the pit of your stomach when you saw what had caught his attention. Even from afar you could recognize it.
One word , in a language no one could read , sat neatly along the top of the arch glaring down at you.
You recognize that word anywhere even if you didn't know what it meant.
It was the same one that had been on your wrist since you were little afterall.
You sat on your bed , staring blankly ahead as you robitally turned the page of the book you weren't even reading. After the second time of turning the page , only to have to go back cause your brain couldt process what was read , you threw the book on the nightstand before staring ahead once more.
You sat there , blank and feeling nothing , as silence engulfed the entirety of your tent. It was nearly night and If not for the sound of your uncle asking if he could come in you would have fallen asleep having nothing to think nor feel about. Sitting up you called for him to come in.
He stepped into the tent , a slight smile on his face as he greeted your “,hey kiddo. Brought you some soup to eat for dinner.” he held up a bowl to you which you gradually took as he sat on the edge of the bed right next to your legs. He watched you take a spoon fill and blow on it before he began to talk.
“So….how you’ve been?” you glared up at him from where you were sipping on your spoon. “Right , dumb question.” he gave a mournful laugh , one so depressing that it had you avoiding looking at him. “Do you need anything?” That was a difficult question.
You sat the bowl off to the side on the night dresser. “A hug.” your voice was quiet and raspy from all the crying and not-speaking you've been doing but he heard it all the same. He took you in his arms and suddenly , you were that scared little girl who he had just picked up after her parents had died. A tear slid down our face as you cuddled into your uncle's side , feeling warmth for the first time since you discovered that damn chamber 3 days ago.
“I'm for you ,if you need to vent or tell me anything I will listen without fail.” he swiped a finger across your cheek , a gentle gesture that had you smiling despite the situation. “I'm know i wasn't the best at taking care of you and nicky after your parents-”
“Don't say that,” you sat up and scooter so that your thigh was touching his “, you did the best you could at the moment. You didn't expect your brother to…” you took a deep breath “, die , no one does; and yet , despite the situation you were in , you still took me in and raised me as your own and that's something that I will forever be grateful for.” you reached over and took his hands in yours , tears streaming down your face at the two squeezes.
“Your parents would be proud.”
“Yeah , I know.” you reached up to wipe away at the wetness on your cheek. By doing so , though , you caught sight of that damn name and-
“y/n.” you looked up at the sound of your name being called. “,please , just-just stop looking at it. The wound is still fresh and while i know your going to have to deal with it at some point right now is not that.'' Still ,when you didn't say anything , he became concerned. “Is there something you need to tell me?”
He did not like the look in your eyes when you turned to him.
“I've been having these nightmares.” you began as Larry moved to have his whole body facing you as you leaned on the headboard of the bed frame. “Most of them are short with nothing going on , others not so much and yet in every instance a boy pops up. He's around my age and everytime i see him - my omega goes blank and suddenly it's a fight between my instincts and mind to get away from him.”
“That doest sound too bad.”
You sent a sad smile towards him “, it wouldt be if not for the death threats he keeps saying. One time he threatened to swallow the whole camp if I did not comply with his demand when he awoke.”
“When he awoke?” Larry noted the way you stiffened.
“I'm not sure , but the way he talks , it almost seems as though he was trapped somewhere that he wasn't able to leave. One time he mentioned a chamber opening.” your uncle's expression suddenly took on one of understanding.
“y/n , this boy , he didn't happen to have blue eyes , did he?” your eyes widen in horror.
“How do you know that?”
“What if i told you me and jed have been dreaming of the same person.”
That did not sound good.
You both sat in silence for a good second before springing out of bed at the same time. While you were not one to take after conspiracy theories and ghosts , the way things were starting to add up you were about to hop on the train. You went across to where your uncle and jed were stationed as Larry called out “,jed! We have a situation!”
“Like what?”
“y/n been dreaming of the same guy.” there was the sound of something falling followed by a curse before the tent flap flew open. Jed's face , normally so relaxed , seemed serious at the moment as he looked you over. He gestured his head for y'all to come in and soon enough you found yourself sitting on a bed with Jed leaning against a nightstand with Larry sitting on the bed.
“When did the dreams start?” jed questioned.
“When we were flying in from New york. I fell asleep and when I woke up I had sand covering my entire body.” you stated. “I wasn't able to see him the first time either but i do remember him smelling strongly of chocolate and firewood.'' The curse that left jeds mouth did not soothe your nerves.
“The first time i dreamt of him i got told thank you before , in nicer terms , told to fuck off and never come back.” Larry said.
“Lucky. I was threatened death if i didn't stop poking my nose where it didn't belong.'' Jed mumbled and you shot him a concerned look. “But after your arrival he seemed to have mellowed out and like Larry I got told to shove it…mostly.”
“Am I the only one not being threatened directly?” you said.
“Directly?” Larry raised an eyebrow at you.
“Yes , while he nevers threatens to harm me , he does threaten to harm others. Just the other da hee told me in lamest terms that I was his and therefore should love him and if I don't he’ll kill yall.” you said as jed groaned loudly.
“I did not sign up for this off brand mummy bullshit.'' Then , as if he remembered something , his head snapped up with wide eyes. “The mummy.” Jed turned to you with wide eyes. “y/n did he mention anything about the pharaoh chamber?”
You nodded your head “, yes he did. You don't think he's trying to raise that guy from the dead , do you?” you nervously asked.
“No.” jed shook his head and a sigh of relief left your mouth “i'm saying out dream guy is the pharaoh.” and there goes your breath once more. “I mean , it will all make sense. Why he wants us to leave , his obsessiveness with the chamber , his inability to do anything extremely harmful to you. Mr dream guy is that pharaoh.'' The silence that followed afterwards was tense.
“If he is our guy , the only thing that has been protecting us…” Larry trailed off.
“Has been gone for three days.” you finished for him. “What's stopping him from coming after everyone in camp imhotep 1999 style.” your words made both of them flinch.
“Nothing. And yet , nothing has happened.” Jed said.
“Mr.McPhee mentioned something about a tablet. Could the tablet the villagers were talking about be the one we found buried with him." Larry suggested.
“It could be. That still does not answer the question on why the fuck nothing has happened yet. We could all be crazy , but the chance we aren't…” jed eyes looked off to the side , distance yet concentrated at the same , and spoke “,We need to go look at that tablet.”
That's how you found yourself power walking into the artifact tent behind jed and larry.
“Put on some gloves , we don't want to damage anything more than possible.” Jed said as he handed each of you a pair, "we're going to do this quickly , the more we find out sooner the better.”
“Why didn't you leave after having the nightmares?'' Larry questioned as both of you stood off to the side while Jed gathered up the tablet.
“I thought I was just going crazy from the stress. Didn't know some dawn of the dead type shit might be going on until you showed up and started having the same thing happen.” he sat the tablet on the wooden table which yall crowded. “The little missy here confirmed my worst fear.”
“You really thought that the pyramid was haunted.” you questioned with a raised eyebrow.
“That wasn't my first assumption but when things start to happen the way they did you kinda start to believe in the superstitious stuff.” he opened the cloth that had been surrounding the tablet.
It still looked brand new as the day it was made - saved for the missing chunk at the bottom.
“Now then…what do we look for?” Larry questioned.
“I don't know , just look?'' Jed snapped and Larry , all to use his old friend's harsh way of speaking , did nothing but roll his eyes.
“Can y'all be adults for a second. Look!” you snapped , drawing both their attention to the symbol you were pointing to “, does that kinda look like a khonsu name.” you questioned as jed raised an eyebrow.
“The moon god , right?”
He furrowed his eyebrows “ok , so the tablet is connected to khonsu. But how does it tie back to why nothing has been going on?” you licked your lips , unsure as to why.
“This looks like the moon shining down on something.” Larry pointed to the next symbol.
“Moon light.” you said suddenly.
Your eyes head snapped up to look at the other two “Why in that room nothing but darkness was able to touch it , meaning moonlight wasn't able to get in there. What if the reason why nothing has been happening is because the tablet was not on the moon or something.” you said.
“So we cover this thing up and hope that the moon doest touch it?” larry questioned.
“While I think you're on the right track , it can't be that easy. I mean , I remember us taking the damn thing out at night and still nothing happened." Jed said. “We won't be able to know exactly what's going on but it's a start.” jed began to wrap the tablet back up and placed it in the crate. “Yall go back to your tent. I got to make sure this thing isn't out.”
Witn that your uncle began to walk you back to your tent. You nestled into his side , breathing in his scent that managed to calm you down. “Never thought i have a real life mummy situation threatening to happen and yet , here we are.'' Larry laughed , pulling you closer to his side as he ran his hands through your hair.
“Yes , well , I never thought I would have to worry about said mummy going after you.” he said, making you chuckle. Yall stopped in front of your tent , smiling at the two squeezes he left on your shoulders. “Be sure to tell me if you have another dream.”
You winced, "I can only imagine how pissed he's going to be.” you mumbled as Larry slid his hands from your shoulder. “Good night uncle.”
“Night y/n”
And with that , both of you were walking off to your respite tents. You managed to see Jed coming up right before you slipped in. you changed into some pajamas before slipping under the covers , thoughts of a certain pharoah plugging your mind as you slowly drifted under.
The smell that greeted you was , in the not best terms , enraged beyond a doubt. The moment you realized what was going on you hurriedly stood up , legs wobbling as your eyes landed on a familiar form staring you down from the corner of the room.
“y/n!” you have , never in your life , heard your name shouted with so much anger. A small whimper escaped your mouth despite yourself as you slinked back away from his form despite it being across the room.
He practically teleported across the room with how fast he moved made you squeal as you stumbled back away from him. It was useless though , he controlled the dream and was faster on regular terms , and soon enough he had grabbed your form as he tossed you on the bed.
You sat and tried to crawl back but he was relentless in his pursuit of you. He grabbed your ankles and pulled you forward before grabbing at your flailing wrist as the lock in his one hand grasped. He sat his legs on either side of your legs as his other hand came to steady himself on the side of your body leaving him to lean over your form.
“How could you! Were my promises of love and adoration not enough?! Did the thought of wealth and power belonging to you not entice you?! Or were my threats not harsh enough to keep you from going and betraying me like that?!” he was royally pissed.
His eyes , unnerving and haunting in the way they gave you their full attention , never once left your face. “You dare to take my devotion and spit it back into my face,” he sneered, "I think not! What part of mine do you not seem to get!”
“Oh i get it , alright! Doest mean I'll accept the bullshit coming out of your mouth,” you snapped back “,do you really think threats are a good way to ‘get the girl!’’ News flash asshole , it causes the exact opposite effect!” the pharaoh's eyes were blown wide in anger and despite the warning signs you kept talking “,This isn't 4000 years ago where you could throw a temper tantrum and get what you want! So how about you take your high and mighty ass somewhere else and shove it-”
The scent that escaped him had your breath knocking out of your throat as a vicious snarl left his mouth , and what a terrible sound it was. Like nails on a chalkboard that increased with every breath you took , you were , safe to say , screwed six ways to sunday. Damn you and your mouth.
You found yourself frozen in absolute terror as the predator above you leered down at you with narrowed eyes “,what i said were not threats,” then , without warning , the hand that was holding your wrist came to grasp around your mouth “they were promises.'' Despite his calmness , the harsh tone gave way to how truly pissed off he was.
“You're right , it has been 4000 years and times have changed. What else has changed?” no you did not “,My patience and benevolence. Despite all else , I was , and still am , a pharaoh and one that should not be angered , and yet , you have done exactly that in five minutes of running your mouth.”
He sat up slightly , now sitting on you with his hands on either side of your body “,I was far from kind my time alive. You would think that being locked away and forced to live in darkness for 4000 years would mollify my behavior from being born into royalty.” he tilted his head to the side “, it caused the exact opposite effect.” having your own words thrown back at you made you frown. “I suppose a punishment is in order.”
That-that did not sound good.
“Hopefully this will teach you not to run your mouth without thinking.” your cheeks were squished together “,You have no one but yourself to blame.” with a peck to your cheek , he was gone.
Soon enough , we were in.
You sat , heaving as your heart rate tried to calm itself down from the adrenaline that had been rushing through it as you slept. No matter how you felt in those dreams , upon waking up your body was able to show exactly how you felt for real.
“y/n!” the sound of your uncle's voice made you snap your head over to the flap.
“Uncle!” you exclaimed, causing him to shoot into the tent and , upon seeing your disheveled form , rushed to your side. He held your shoulders in his hands , grip tight and worry lasted.
“y/n , what happened?”
“He was pissed. He just-he just kept yelling at me and I couldn't take it so I went off on him.” you were shaking, he told me i deserve a punishment before disappearing?” you noticed your uncle's look. “What happened?” you questioned. His mouth twitched into a frown.
“The tablets are gone.” he hissed.
“When me and Jed went to go check on it early this morning , it was gone. The only thing left in its place was the wrapping and this.” he placed something on the table.
It was a wedding ring. A wedding one that only pharaohs could afford to give to their wives if how expensive it looked was anytale. It was beautiful despite the chill it sent down your spine. A golden band that had two hands interlocking and forming a heart around a diamond in the shape of a heart. The symbols on ra and khonsu were engraved on the band with the inside having writing that you could not understand. Where the wrist would be was rubies and emeralds.
“He’s out.” you shakinly said. “He's out and he's pissed. there's no telling what he's going to do now that he’s free.” you said as you looked away from the band sat tauntingly on your nightstand dresser. “Where's jed?”
“He's busy.” Larry said as he avoided your questioning gaze. “This morning , one of the art historians discovered the bodies of two linguistic researchers. He's outside talking to the police right now.” The silence that followed afterwards was deafening.
Until the sound of your son broke it , that was. Tears began streaming down your face as you buried yourself in your hands. phrases like “oh my god,” and “,it's all my fault,” were the only coherent thing that you could mutter. Your uncle was quick to take you in his arms as you buried your face into his neck where his scent proceeded to wash over you like a clam breeze.
“This is not your fault , It's that bastard. You can't control his actions, not his reaction.” that made you feel a little better , even if the guilt was still poking at your heart like a burning red knife. “Better.” you nodded.
“A little.”
“Good enough to start packing?” one look at your face had him continuing. “”I-im not allowing you to stay here any longer y/n. We need to fly back to Cairo for questioning and stay there a little before they let us go. But as soon as that's done we’re flying back home and away from here.” he said.
“Why do you sound nervous?” you questioned.
“Due to some technical issues , the plane flying us out won't be here for two days.” your eyes widen.
“Two days!?” your wide eyes were turned on him. “We may not even survive the night.” you whispered out the last part
A sad smile appeared on his face , looking none too happy “,I know.”
That afternoon and evening was spent being holed up in your uncles and jed’s tent. The closer it got to dark , the more everyone became rigid and tense , and while no one else knew what was going to happen ; the thickness of the air was enough to set everyone in camp off. The police officers - who stayed despite their helicopter having come over to pick them up - were still interviewing people by the time the evening came.
Right now both you and jed were fidgeting on opposite sides of the tent with your uncle having stepped out to take a call from ricky who was with his mom. “y/n,” you looked up at jed “your hands darling.” you looked down and noticed the crescent shaped indents in your palm. You must have been unknowingly clenching your hands-hard.
“You’re worried.” It was a statement because it was true. Even if jed acted as though he was an unruly strong man ; any facade in the face of death by the supernatural would crumble like dry dirt. “Look,” he sat his bandana down before getting up and walking over towards your form and grabbed your shoulders ``your worried , your uncles worried , i'm worried and while i cant promise that nothing dangerous is going to happen - i can promise you that me and larry will protect you to our dying breath.'' Then there were those two little squeezes.
Jed has been your brother and uncle's closest friend before you were even born. Your parents broke him and octavius as much as it did you and your uncle. While he wasn't blood he still was your family.
You shook , tears starting to well up in your eyes and cascade down your face like droplets of rain as you cried into his stomach. “Im s-scared. He killed those people without any remorse and then has the audacity to go and turn the blame on me. Someone that unstable - people like him who are used to power are dangerous. I'm worried for everyone and I'm worried for yall.” everything just kept spilling out like word vomit ; your worries , your feelings , your hatred for the pharaoh and the way your omega just kept wanting and wanting from him despite your own feelings.
By the time everything was said and done your uncle had walked back into the tent. Your tears were dried and you were leaning against jeds side as your hands gripped the golden tablet. “So,” je gestured towards the nightmare inducing device “,what do we do with it?” he asked.
“We keep it far away from him as possible.” jed said “,If this thing really is the cause of everything happening then we need to make sure that he doest get his hands on it.”
“Great…how do we do that exactly.'' Larry questioned.
“I dont know…”
“What! I'm making this up as I go! The most I can think of is us playing keep away with it but who knows what type of undead mummy powers he might have.” he grumbled and you smiled. Despite the tense situation he managed to find a way to joke. “Anyway , let's get ready,” he got up and pulled the flap of the tent open. “The night is about to be upon us.”
Three hours and a sunset later , that's exactly what happened.
The entire camp was slowly encased in darkness like a veil. Both you and your uncle had stepped outside the tent behind Jed to look at the scene. There was silence and for a while nothing happened. You held the tablet in your hands a little tighter as hope swelled in your heart. Maybe nothing will happen and all three of you will be able to-
And then that damn tablet began to glow.
Your eyes snapped down and in your haste you tried to do something to stop-to top whatever the fuck was happening right now. It was useless though and you could only watch as the tablet began to dim with scared eyes.
“What did it do?” larry breathsly asked “,what the fuck did it do?” he didnt have to wait long for a answer.
The rumbling of something ginormous was enough to draw the entire camp attention towards where it came from. The sphinx statue , the sphinx stone statue , the inanimate sphinx stone statue was now staring down at the entire camp with a flicking tail. It tilted its head to the side.
There was a deathly silence across the camp.
And then the damn statue started to make a move.
“Run.” jed voice broke the silence around you as chaos a]erupted in the camp. Screams of terror and fear were heard all around as the three of yall began to run.
That sphinx was up now and it made its murderous intent known by raising up its paw before smashing down on some people far away from yall. You nearly puked when you looked over to see a small blood splatter on the underside of its paw. Its eyes were looking around wildly as it continued its assault.
“We need to get to the pyramid.” you snapped your head over to look at your uncle as you dodged a person body tumbling past you.
“Are you crazy! That's like lamb to the slaughter with an extra piece of meat on the side.!” you gestured towards the tablet in your hand as Jed pushed a falling piece of tent out the way.
“I know it sounds crazy but it's either that or the giant murderous kitten.” soon right after he said that a decapitated head was thrown in your path making you screech as you kicked it out the way. “See!”
“Ok , ok! Pyramid it is. But what do we do after that!” Larry didn't have time to answer. Not when the sphinx had finally caught sight of yalls from running towards the giant pyramid. Especially when it notices the golden tablet held in your hands.
“You stupid human,” the sound of that thing's voice was enough to make your blood cold as it echoed throughout the desert “,that damn tablet does not belong to you! Return that to the master at once!” he snarled as he began to sprint over towards yall running form , ready to smash you to bits.
“y/n!” the shout of your name was enough to make the sphinx stop in its pursuit. The three of you did not stop once it did. If anything it caused yall legs to run faster.
“y/n you say.” the thing pulled out as it smushed another group of people. “Im sure you're well aware of how happy our pharoah will be to see you…in the flesh at least.'' The last thing you saw was the sphinx licking its blood soak paw clean. Even without an iris to even look at you , the weight of its stare as you disappeared into the doorway was enough to make you shudder.
As the three of yall stumbled in , you took note of those already there and looking just traumatized and confused you felt guilt pool into your stomach once more.
There was silence between the eight of you with nothing but the dwindling screams outside to fill the quiet space. You placed the tablet in your satchel as you leaned into your uncle's body in an attempt to seek comfort.
“This is crazy,” someone said “, this is some type of shit that happens in the mummy-not in the real world! What the fuck!” he shouted at the end.
“Shh! Do you want us to be found? If that damn thing is alive imagine what else is.'' Jed said in a whisper.
“We don't have to imagine.” someone raised a shaking finger towards the wall causing everyone's attention to be dragged towards it. The painting of those farming women and playing children were now giggling as they pointed at you all. Upon realizing they had everyone's attention , the children began to wave as the painted woman shook their heads foundly before going back to attend to their crops.
“Holy shit.” you mumbled as you raised your hand to poke at the little boy on the wall. He grumbled as he shot you an annoyed look before his eyes widened. He pointed at your wrist and it was only then that you noticed the way your sleeve had trudge down enough for that damn pharoah name to be visible. The children squealed and the woman gushed to themselves in that strange language of theirs.
“What the fuck,” some guy , lancelot your brain remember , said next to you “,what the actual hell is going on here?” he asked to no one in particular.
“Do you want the short version or long theory?'' Jed asked.
“...Give us the short version , you can give us a longer explanation if we make it out of..whatever this is alive.”
And so , Jed did just that. He spared nothing short - even the dreams were mentioned and by the end of it we had two more conformed people who were experiencing the same thing. One of them being lancelot.
“Great , so i wasn't crazy. Just being hunted by a vengeful angry pharoah.” he huffed out “,kinda wishing i was just crazy.”
“You're not kidding.” larry mumbled “,we should get going. We need to find a place to hide for the night if we even want a slim chance of survival.” he said.
“But there's only so many rooms.”
“That's why i said slim.” you kicked at his shin slightly which made him he stammer out “,but a slim chance is still better than nothing…right?” he got eyerolls as his answer.
“Come on , we can hole up in the bathroom until the morning comes.” and with that all eight of you were walking towards the bathroom. It didt take long for y'all to reach and soon enough you were squished between Larry and Jed as everyone sat in silence.
You frowned , feeling eyes burn into your skull made you look up and lock eyes with angry one staring back at you. You huddled closer to your uncle which only seem to engage the man more. It went on like that for five more minutes until the person finally spoke.
“Why is she here?” he asked through clenched teeth as the man gestured towards you “,i mean , its her fault that thing is out and it's not like shes got to worry about being killed>” he said making your uncle frown as he pulled you closer.
“She’s here cause she's just as much of a victim as the rest of us. Do you really think she wanted this to happen? She has enough guilt on her conscience at the moment , i don't need an asshole making things worse for her.'' Larry hissed out.
“Why you little bi-”
“Thats enough asshole. eave the little missy alone and shut up unless you want to be the reason we’re all killed.” jed snapped at the man causing him to instantlyinstantly shut up and shrink back at the angry alpha pheromones. Despite this , the man did in fact , not shut up.
“She doest deserve to be here. Why don't we just give her to that mummy in-”
“I agree with him. You should give her to me.” the way the temperature seemed to drop in the room made your breath stutter to an almost complete step. Then a figure slowly started to emerge from the darkness in the wall opposite of the energy way.
It was the pharaoh.
“And yourself. You should also give yourself to me.” there was silence as the very much alive 4000 year old pharaoh clasp his hands behind him with a playful tilt of his head. “I do believe this is the part where you start to run” he didn't need to growl out that last part to get his words across.
You and everybody else were already standing and ready to do exactly what he said , run!
You and everybody else were soon rushing out the door as the sound of laughter followed your fleeting form. It was Jed who held your hand this time as you and everybody sprinted like the literal devil was on your heels. He might as well be with the way that pharaoh was taking clear pleasure in the situation. “Look at yall , you're like scrambling little insects. Its would be cute if it wasn't so pathetic.” at that last word something smashed against the wall behind yall.
You were jerked into a room. The centerpiece and the one where you found that chamber that contained that monster. You looked wildly sound the room when- “Wait,” your eyes snapped up to meet your uncles ``where are the jackals.” the sound of rumbling footsteps behind you answered your question.
You don't know how you did see the 20 foot stone statues before at the entrance but right now that was the least of your concerns. Those things were backing y'all to the center of the room as the pharaoh casually strolled in like this was a normal tuesday for him.
It probably was to be honest..
“Five more than what i expected to make it out alive,” he smirked as he circled towards the entrance of his chamber “,good job. Most people can't even make it past the sphinx.” he turned on abruptly as his face twisted into something more devious. “Oh, I seem to have forgotten to introduce myself.”
The sudden change in his playful demenor was so fast it nearly gave you whiplash. From the way he stood taller and held his head higher right down to the way his eyes sparkled with confidence ,this man truly did look the part of a powerful pharaoh he was told to be.
“My name is ahkmenrah , fourth king of the fourth king. Ruler of the land of my fathers,” his eyes suddenly became sharp with a danger that had you creeping closer to jed out of fear “,And you my guest , have royally messed up.”
That was the understatement of the century.
Nobody said anything. What could anybody say with the threat of being speared if you existed to loudly looming over you. Literally. Ahkmenrah , what a handful of names to think- let alone say , turned to glance back at something before turning his attention back to your group.
“All right , enough games,” he held out his hand “,my tablet,” those eyes were suddenly staring intensely at you “,now.'' His statement left no room for argument. You slowly went to undo the clasp on the satchel before gently taking the tablet out. With both hands you had the tablet in your hands. The smirk on his face annoyed you to end.
You threw it on the ground for him to pick it up. The little gasp that escaped his mouth as his smile fell made your heart swell with happiness. You all watched as he grabbed at the tablet and checked for any damages before brushing off the sand. He turned to you , pout on his face and eyebrows pulled downward in a glare.
“Vindictiveness does not suit you my dearest.” he said as held the tablet in one arm. “Come here.” he wagged his finger at you like one would a dog. It made you flush in anger and embracement at the belittlement of it. You made no move towards him and instead held tighter onto jeds hands who squeezed your’s.
Ahkmenrah did not like that. His face twisted in irritation that only someone who was used to things being handed to them on a silver platter could pull off. “Now y/n.” he cocked his head to the side “,or do you need a live performance of my threat.”
“To keep those you love alive , all that I ask for is your love.”
Your own eyes were set ablaze with furry “,don't you dare-”
“I won't if you just come here.” he hissed out. You fingers twitched but at the ‘i dare you’ look he sent your way you were forced to slump over. There's nothing you could do - especially not with those guards who were ready to start spearing everyone like kabobs if you didt listen. You tugged your hand away from jets and upon realizing what you were going to do , your sweet uncle Larry tried to grab at you.
Only to be restrained courtesy some man grabbing at him to hold him down. Jed wasn't any better as he had the rest restraining him on the ground in his flailing attempt to get to you. “Y/N! Y/N , DONT! STAY AWAY FROM HER YOU MONSTER!” your uncle was screaming at you to come back and to get away from the smirking pharoah.
“Don't worry mr.daley,” when you were within arms reach ahkmenrah was quick to grab at your form to pull in to his. The side of your face was smashed in his chest “,i’ll take good care of her.” that got a scream out of jed. “As for you,” he tilted your head up so that your eyes were meeting his “,you have my word. Both your uncles will be safe.'' A sigh of relief escaped your mouth as he allowed food to drop to the ground. He tightened his arms around you.
“The same cannot be said for the others though.” that got everyone to shut up. He moved his arm fully out before spreading his palm upward “kill the rest.” the scream that toar from your throat was deafening as the guards suddenly descended on the other five people.
Ahkmenrah , smelling your distress and seeing your face , made it so that your face was squished against his chest once more with his hands blocking the view. He was humming a tune as his smooth hands pet your hair gently. You forced your head into his chest once the screams started , trying to block out the sound as the word sorry tumbled from your lips.
It didn't take long for the screaming to stop.
“How could you?” the sound of your uncle's bluntly furious voice caught your attention. Enough to make you peek at him from where ahkmenrah had you caged. He was covered in blood from bodies that were not there. The guards spears were dripping with blood and from their kneeling position you could see blood stains that were on their palms. “How many people have you killed? Do you take pride in people's terror?! Do you take pride in nearly putting my niece in a catatonic state?!”
You felt ahkmenrah shift and looking up you can see his face pull into a displease frown. He turned his chin up as he spoke “,Do you know what it's like to wake up and be encased in complete darkness for 4000 years? For centuries i wondered why i was subjugated to this torture wondering if this was my punishment for something i didn't know of.” he tightened his hold on you.
“4000 years is a lot of time to build up anger and reassessment , even if it is towards people who have nothing to do with my suffering. You all are not the first people to disturb my rest nor will you be the last. This little site of yalls will be nothing but a blimp in history.” he tutted.
“So then why hasn't there been any news of any missing camps then huh?!” jed hissed from somewhere beyond your vision.
“The tablet wont allow anything that may do me harm to happen. If people started to snoop around cause of a couple of missing people then there would be trouble,” he pointed his head sideways “,so the tablet reassess any memories of the people who have died to any outsider of the camp.” the implications of what he was implying did not go over any of yalls head.
“As of right now , those dead don't matter any more.”
“You bastard!” Larry snapped as he tried to lunge at the pharaoh. Only to be stopped coursey of a stick being slammed down in front of him. “Those people had families! Lives who-”
“Lives who i don't care about.” ahkmenrah was calm despite the attempt on his life. “,do you really think I care about anyone else other than those I deem important. I may look young but I'm 4000 years your junior kid.” he spat out at larry. Jed , who had been strangely silent , had made his way over towards your uncle with a glare thrown towards the pharaoh.
“You claim to blame everyone for your imprisonment and yet the moment you are set free you kill those who did so.”
Ahkmenrah frowned, "I needed their souls to make mine whole.” was all he said “, i'm keeping her. I've waited 4000 years and I'm not going to wait a second longer. You both will leave this place with little memory of what happened,” then his eyes darken. “But should you return with the intent to take my dearest away or to separate me from the living realm , mark my words , my courtesy will not be extended a second time”
Then as fast as we had arrived , both my uncle and his friend were gone in a swirl of sand , leaving me and the living undead pharaoh alone.
“y/n,” you ignored his attempt at getting your attention , staring blankly at the spot where your uncle had been moment prior “y/n , omega , it was for the best.” he turned you around to face forward as his hands steady themselves on the side of your forward. “Come along now dear , we got a lot of catching up to do.”
You sat on the steps of the pyramid , dressed blowing behind you with your body being protected from the sun by a large leaf being held over your head by one of the servants. It was night time , of course , and in the distance you can see the villagers setting out their offerings for the week. While ahk never asked for them , he was always puffed out in pride whenever he brought them back.
You don't know how long you’ve been here , not that it mattered. Ahk had wasted no time in murdering you so that you would be forever with him. Not even death could separate the two of you now. You could still feel the panic leaving your body in parallel to your blood staining the floors.
Then , a familiar scent of chocolate and firewood caught your attention.
“Dearest,” you felt his robe drape slightly on one side of your body “why don't you come inside , it's cold outside today.'' The cold did not bother any of you and he knew it. He just wanted an excuse to get you back inside so that he could pester you more.
Despite the obvious manipulation you yourself to turn sideways and place your hands in his already outstretched one. He pulled you to your feet as the servant stepped to the side to allow the both of you to walk in. as always and as he required , you walked behind him off to the side. Despite him being less inclined to snap on you , the habit had been made and you didn't want to find out what he would do if you broke it.
You both turned into a room , the very one that you had first explored when you got here. That memory felt so long ago that it was starting to slowly escape your mind like grains of sand. You wonder how your uncle is doing , how your cousin is doing , what Jed and Octavius are doing. You wonder if they still mourn your-
There was a hand on your cheek that managed to cut you off from your thoughts “,Are you thinking about them again.” it was a statement , but one you stilled answered by looking off to the side and nodding your head. He sighed “,You’re only hunting yourself my dearest.” he lets your face go as his hand tangled in yours and pulled you into the room.
You stood in the doorway and watched as he rumanged around in those vases he found , vases that you now knew were filled with deserts if and or fruit , dried or not. Ahk took a smaller vase and filled it with some sort of food before grabbing a bag and filled it with some sort of fruit. He turned around and you moved out the way to allow him room to walk in front of you.
With his collection in his hands and you trailing onnhis feet the both of you began to walk back to the chamber. “,The villagers are rumored to have put out some marshmallows for us,” he suddenly began “,Its been a while since ive anything that sweet." he was looking for companionship , something h rarely had to seek out from you now and days considering you would come to him on your own accord , but on days he was extra needy , like ttodday , it wasnt uncommon for him to try to pester and talk to you about the smallest things if only to get your attention for a split second.
You said nothing in response which made the young pharoah pout. It didnt take long for you both to reach where he wanted you at. Beind the chamber and his sarcophagus (you also had one now) that you had open long ago was a hidden passageway that led to a furnitured bedroom complete with everything a living person could need. He took your hand and practically dragged yoou to the bed at which point he sat on.
He arranged himseelf to his ideal perfection before grabbing at your arm and gently pulling you into a familiar position with your back dressed against one of his raised legs and your swung ontop and over the other. He then proceeded to grab the bag he had been filling earlier and took out it content out.
It was a vine of purple grapes. He smoothed one between his fingers before plucking it off thee tiny stick and holding it up close to your mouth. You open it and allowed for him to pluck the fruit on your tongue before you began to chew. He also ate some , switching between feedin you and himself until every little crunchy grape had been plucked and cleaned right off.
He looked at the vase he had grabbed before taking it and setting it off somewhere. He then tugged the both off you down onto the bed witha soft plop. He tugged you so that your back was laid againts his chest as he curled his body around yours. “Let us nap together my omega.” there was a kiss placed on your neck - right where he had left his mating mark for all to see. “I’ll be there when you wake up.”
He fellt as you fell asleep in his arms and smiled quietly to himself.
4000 years of longing have finally come to a end.
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Few things to clear up here if in case you didn't catch them:
1. Ahkmenrah is not stupid , meaning he's not wasting any time to attack. Yall seem to forget this man was a Pharoah when he was killed meaning he has to have had the skills and knowledge for that. In what world do you see competent rulers give their enemy time to prepare and figure out their weaknesses?
2. Ahk was buried so far away so that his brother wouldn't have the ability to come back to life. Unfortunately this meant he was able to have his parents with him after he was stabbed to death and resented his brother even more than in canon.
3.Ahks chamber wasn't able to be open unless his spulmate was near , this was the condition set forth by Khonsu in retaliation from the other gods.
4. Ahks tablet died the day before y/n and Larry showed up to Egypt. It's why ahks has been more forceful and demanding in the dreams.
5. Ahk holds more anger and resentment due to the loneliness and bitterness be was faced with early on. This only continued to get worse as the century's pass.
6. Larry and jeds dream were preety tame considering all they got were thank you through clench teeth before being told to fuck off. Everybody else were tortured and threatened.
7. The reason ahk wanted everyone but y/n to leave was because their presence was making it very difficult for him to mind control her to the chamber. It also made it harder for him to even get to her mind considering she wasn't being broken so easily due to all the support and safety she felt.
8. The sphinx and anubis guards weren't coming to life even before the tablet died was because their wasn't enough magic left by the time the site was set up. All that they could do was move their eyes as anything more would drain more magic. Everything else though was having the time of their lives acting inanimate whenever the other humans showed up.
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mara-xx · 2 months
I have a number of opinions about the Hungary gp (as someone who is a Lando and Oscar fan) so here I am to give an objective perspective on the race strat because it’s very clear that certain fans either didn’t watch the full race so don’t fully know what happened or they simply don’t understand f1 so here we go. This is a long one so strap in.
Oscar led the race from lap 1 (literally after turn 1) after passing Lando.
Lando tried to cut infront of Oscar off the line but Oscar reacted quick enough that Lando didn’t quite manage to cover him. Opinions may vary on this but imo Lando saw Oscar as the bigger threat to p1 than Verstappen. Some people have speculated that McLaren had discussed with the drivers that whoever lead after t1 would get the win and that’s why Lando tried to cut off Oscar but that has not been confirmed as fact!
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What has been confirmed multiple times is that the McLaren drivers are allowed to race against eachother- this will be expanded on later. (This can be heard predominantly in post race interviews where Lando was straight up asked if they are allowed to race and he’s says yes)
It’s been confirmed that Landos car experienced a glitch where it struggled to get into 2nd gear which may have cost him reaction time off the line- aka he didn’t bottle the start.
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Oscar really worked on managing his tyres as can be heard by his full team radio that is posted on YouTube (his engineer spends a lot of it telling him that he’s managing well and where he needs to manage better- bearing in mind that the engineers are directly looking at data during the race so this is an objective opinion that he was managing his tyres well- something he has been quite weak at in the past but is clearly working on) - this is also important for a later note.
Oscar should have been given the optimal strategy given that he was leading the race from the beginning and for the majority of the race- around 70% of it (usually the leading car gets the best strategy for obvious reasons- it’s the fairest way to do it), however, McLaren decided to box Lando first despite this, claiming that they needed to cover Hamilton despite Lando being around 6 seconds ahead- (imo this was not needed and I believe McLaren were being overly cautious in maintaining their 1-2 especially given the absolute bottle job they did in silverstone). However this decision to box Lando first is what caused the entire situation.
Lando being boxed first allowed for Lando to undercut Oscar which meant that when Oscar pitted, he came out behind Lando (thus losing the p1 position) despite Lando never passing him on track in the first place. This means that the p1 position was not earned via an on track overtake but by a strategical mistake on McLarens end. Lando did nothing to gain p1 just as Oscar did nothing to lose it.
In the case where an undercut happens between drivers of opposing teams, this would not be an issue as the team who managed the undercut would have earned the position by optimising their strategy. However, this undercut was between teammates and only happened because of the (wrong) decision to box Lando first. If not for their reasoning (to try cover Hamilton- for some fucking reason) then this decision would be downright dirty towards Oscar who was the lead McLaren at that point and would have raised questions of favouritism towards Lando. Therefore, the position was not Landos to keep which is why McLaren made the decision to instate team orders.
Essentially, they were trying to rectify their earlier mistake of boxing Lando first to cover Hamilton (which as mentioned was probably not needed), causing a very painful situation.
Oscar was assured that if he agreed to let Lando box first to cover Lewis, then they would revert the positions if Lando undercut him (which he did) so Oscar agreed under the condition that Lando gave him back his position.
Lando, however, in the heat of the moment when the time came, refused to yield his position unless Oscar caught up. By this stage, Lando was jumping between around 3 and 6 seconds ahead as he was pushing his tyres.
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Oscar struggled to close the gap as not only was he lacking pace in the final stint (compared to the first stint and the first half of the second) but he was still trying to manage his tyres, unlike Lando who was purposely pushing to “prove a point” (as quoted from the team radio). It can also be heard in Oscar’s team radio (on YouTube) that he was told to continue to manage his tyres and “not worry about Lando”.
Oscar also went off the track at one point which also lost him some time.
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Had Lando actually let Oscar past when initially asked he would have had the opportunity to fight Oscar for p1 (unlike what people are suggesting as they claim that the two aren’t allowed to fight on track despite BOTH drivers stating that they absolutely can fight for positions- there are interviews before and after both quali and the race that state this).
However, Lando has stated since that he planned to give the position no matter what (but he felt the need to question the order as he rightly noted that McLaren should have boxed Oscar first) on the last lap but was reminded that if there was a safety car, then he would be unable to let Oscar through and thus take the control from their hands.
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Lando also acknowledged that if he let Oscar through when told, he would have been able to actually fight for p1 as he also acknowledged that the position he was in was never his in the first place.
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Landos reaction was obviously very in the moment (the man is now in the position to fight for race wins after putting up with shit cars from McLaren for years- you can’t blame him for seeing a second win in sight- albeit a cheap one given that he never should have had the position in the first place- and wanting to go for it)
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At the end of the day, this was Oscar’s win no matter how you twist it.
But should McLaren have optimised max points for the wdc? Imo no, Max is leading by a lot and while it is still possible for Lando to catch him, it would be even more controversial and downright cruel for them to expect Oscar to hand over his (rightly deserved) first ever f1 gp win based on a hypothetical of whether Max does bad enough for Lando to be able to pass him in the wdc.
Carlos Sainz made a brilliant point against all those people who are saying shit like “but if Lando loses the wdc by 7 points or less…” as he stated that those few points could be found in so many other places, not just this particular race.
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Tbh this was a very public thing that really should not have been discussed via the radio but McLaren put themselves in the position where it was inevitable. Lando was absolutely in the awkward position where giving the position back was the right thing to do (and in his words he had planned to do it anyway) but the discussions via the radio were a little nuanced and borderline uncomfortable and Lando should not have been put in that position in the first place.
All in all, the team handled the whole thing terribly and put both Lando and Oscar in an incredibly awkward position that they didn’t even need to be in in the first place.
Im sure there’s more things I forgot to mention and I may add to this later but this is all I got for now!
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notafragilething · 4 months
Late Night Buck & Tommy Ramble: I'm Feeling Good About Thursday
I know I haven't posted one of these in several days, I had a super busy weekend with lots of fun events. But I'm back now and super excited about the stills that dropped today. With only about 46 hours left until the finale, I'm feeling really excited as a BuckTommy fan.
Now, I know there are a lot of people out there saying that BuckTommy is bones or saying Buddie is happening but I'm fairly confident that is not happening. In fact, I think a lot of people have the timeline wrong. Please keep in mind that everything I say here is speculation and I may be wrong. But I spent a lot of time today looking really closely at these pictures in an attempt to put a timeline together.
So let's get into it:
Let's start with my timeline of events, that is pretty different than what most people are going with. I've seen really heavy speculation that the date is the opening scene but based on the end of episode 9, all the stills we have, behind the scenes photos and the promo? I think that's wrong. It simply does not work with the timeline.
I think the episode starts with Athena waking up in the hospital, talking to an unconscious Bobby in his hospital room and then taking off to find Amir and try to solve who started the fire. Note that we don't see her with any of the other characters in the hospital. She's likely gone before they show up.
I think after that, we're going to jump to Eddie's house that morning. He's clearly wearing a different outfit than what he got caught with Kim in. I think those stills of him and Buck talking in the living room are him explaining to Buck what happened. After that I think his parents will show up and we find out that Christopher called them the night before and they flew in. That will lead to Eddie telling his parents about Kim and showing them a picture in the kitchen. Buck will interrupt because he will have gotten a phone call about Bobby (the still of him entering the kitchen from the living room with his phone) and the two will take off.
Next we'll get all the hospital scenes that we've seen. I actually think this is going to be shorter than we expect (kinda similar to bachelor party and the medal ceremony). I think people who said it's Bobby waking up in the promo and trying to remove his breathing tube were correct. Everything we've seen from the hospital has those four in the same outfits. There is a no second day there. I think he wakes up sometime that afternoon. Pretty sure Bobby waking up super early is one of the many twists we're getting and is meant to throw us off about what is really happening this episode.
Which means I think the Buck and Tommy date? It happens after the hospital when Buck gets home. I was initially thrown by Buck looking so happy but if Bobby had just woken up? He'd be happy. Similar to how we see Hen, Chimney and Maddie looking really happy in other stills from this episode that clearly happen after the hospital. So I actually don't think we're going to see Buck leaving this date early.
In other good signs for Buck & Tommy moving into season 8:
The official instagram posted 4 stills from this episode not that long ago. Of the four, one of them was Buck and Tommy. It was also the first one so it shows up first for everyone. That most definitely was not accidental and is another shift showing they're using BuckTommy to promote the show.
The Reel of the BuckTommy hospital kiss is about to hit 1.5 million. It was at 1496k when I checked it. It's currently the 5th most viewed reel out of the 147 on the account.
This isn't BuckTommy related but I'm very intrigued that the Kim/Eddie boat BTS reel has hit 10 million. Which is a crazy outlier for this show when it comes to reels. I think it's because they invented a new technique to make it look like they were sailing on the water and it's cool to see the technical side of things so it likely got shared by a lot of people in the field. Very cool thing to see.
That's it for now. I'll definitely pop in tomorrow and let you know if there is anything new. Since we got the photos a day or so early, I'm really hoping that means they have something in store for us tomorrow as well.
If you have any questions or just want chat send me messages. I have so many thoughts and feelings that I'd love to talk about.
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