#we would cook corn on the cob and hot dogs over the fire
It's been too many years since I've sat in front of a fire for warmth
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animnerd · 3 years
Bonfire Memories
Sam and reader
Fluff and one cuss word.
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A/n all mistakes are my own. This is my first time I wrote a Sam so please go easy on me.
As the fall leaves were falling down outside your window. While you were In the house getting ready for your date tonight with your boyfriend.  You finished getting the house cleaned and the decorations up of his favorite colors of red, white, and blue. You cooked his favorite foods: Hot dogs, corn on the cob, beans, and green beans. 
Well you made everything except warm up the hotdogs.  That you and your boyfriend was going to cook over a Bonfire! You couldn't wait! You haven't seen him in over three months and missed him terribly.  You laid down the hotdogs,  and marshmallows when you heard the door bell ring. You squealed and ran for the door. You stopped and checked yourself in the mirror first and took a breath. You didn't want to seem to eager. You opened the door and there standing in the doorway was your boyfriend Sam. 
He grinned and opened his arms and you ran and hugged him tightly to you. You kissed his check then all over his face while pinching his face. "I missed you so much baby! Oh don't do that again! I was worried sick! Are you ok? How was the misson?" He pulls your hands away and laughs. "Calm down my dove. Let's go in and I'll set my food down then I'll accept more of your amazing cuddles." He winks at you. You gigled while your checks grew warm. "Oh you." You kiss his lips then guided him into your house. He looks around at his decorations in shock while you take the food to the kitchen. "Wow baby girl you did all this for little old me?" You gigled "Yep! I wanted it to be a party with the two of us for your return from a to long might I add mission." As you put your hands on your hips while giving him a stern look. Which he laughed at and walks over and envelop you in a hug and a kiss. 
"You are too cute like this my dove." You blushed and kissed him back. After you two separated from the kiss he pulls you into a hug "Thank you for the party my dove." "Your welcome my Falcon. I wanted to celebrate you coming home safely and see you again after so long. "you smiled up at him. 
He kissed your forehead. He smells around. "Wait is that corn on the cob? And green beans?" He looks down at you. You grinned and giggled "surprise we are having dinner outside, and cooking with a bonfire!" "He pulls you into a bone crushing hug. "Thank you baby girl! You know me so well! Let's get started!" 
You laughed you loved this side of him. You followed him outside to the fire pit. You set up the fire pit with logs and chairs but forgot the light but he stopped you and grabbed his own light and light the fire pit. You grinned and went back inside to  grab the hot dogs. Once back you went to grab the holders and layed your hot dogs on them.  You handed your love one and you got the other sat down on your chair. He sat down on the other and scooted closer to yours. you laughed and moved closer. 
Sam wasn't having it so he grabs your arm and pulled you closer to him and your sitting on his lap. You smirked and lean your back on his chest and leaned up and kissed his lips while giving him a wink. Which he smirked at. "What I wanted my dove to be as close to me as possible? I missed her terribly while on that long ass mission." You look up at him giving him a look. He only laughed and his your forehead.  "Sorry for cussing my dove but it's true!" You laughed you will admit it has been a long time since you last saw him. So you nodded your head which earned you a grin from him. 
He pulled you close and wrapped his arm around your waist while putting his stick out over the fire along with yours. You snuggled into him and laid your head on his shoulder.  He smiled. "How was the mission baby?" "It well after a few hiccups but I'm glad no one got hurt honestly. There was some close calls. I'm boring my dove. Let's forget it and focused on now!" You nodded your head. "So tell me what did you do while I was gone?" You thought "mostly worked to get my mind off of you because I missed you tons. I hang out with my friends sometimes with Nat and Wands they were dears to help me during our separation. But at night I longed for you. I was close so many times to pick up my phone and text or call you. But I knew you were on a mission and I didn't know if you would be able to pick up and or what time it was there. So I never did until you texted me. I was over the moon! I wanted to ask tons of questions. But I knew it's a limit to how much time you had on the phone so I asked the important ones. " He lifts your chin and kiss you.  "I'm sorry my dove you had to go through that. I will have to thank Natasha and Wanda for helping my girl." You giggled at that but liked it nonetheless.  "I wanted to text you everyday that you were gone. But I didn't want to blow my cover and I hated that I had a few minutes with you. I could tell you were saddened when I had to leave." You give him a curious look to know what you meant. "I love you enough to know my girls feelings." Your checks grew very warm from his declaration. Which he smirked. 
He flipped the sticks over and with his other hand entwined your hands. While he lifts them up and kisses them "hmm I missed you all of you. I kept your picture close to my heart while I was away." 
You rubbed his hand with your right thumb which he enjoyed. You and him locked eyes with each other. Wanting to soaked in each other so incase you both had to be away from each other so long again you could memerized him and him you. 
The hot dogs popped which surprised you both.  You laughed and he pulled the sticks in and put the hotdogs  on the bun and he handed you yours and you both happily ate. After a while after eating your hot dogs. You realized that the fire was about to go out. 
Sam pouted got up while holding you and sat you down in the chair. He stopped you from getting up and went to get more fireworks. Once he puts the new wood on the fire you are back on his lap. The sun was setting while you both were looking at the fire. Your hands was entwined. You kissed his hands. 
The sun was fully gone and the only warmth you had was the fire. You subconsciously shiver from the lack of warmth. You didn't notice you did that but oh boy did Sam. He gets up and sat you down on the chair. He grabs the blanket, comes back and wraps you in a human burrito and sits you on his lap. "Thank you baby." You kiss his lips he laughs. "Of course what kind of a boyfriend would I be if I let my baby freeze!" After snuggling into him again you both went to look back at the fire. 
After a while he looks down at you and whisper "baby?" Only to find that you were asleep he smirked and kissed your forehead. My dove is worn out to greet me home. " He wrapped you protectively around him and let you sleep while he watched the fire. The food was forgotten.
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lucastheunlucky · 4 years
High Steaks | Miles&Lucas
Timeline: Current; After this Chatzy Location: Luke’s apartment; downtown; @ofmyownpack Summary: Miles picks up that Lucas is having a bad night and immediately comes over to check on him with food in hand. He learns what’s going on involving this ghost, and offers help to find her missing body.
It didn’t entirely surprise Miles that there was something going on that Luke hadn’t told him about. He had been alone so long that the instinct was to take on everything by himself. Miles wished that Luke would just stay at his place, but he wasn’t going to insist on it. Luke needed his independence, he needed his normalcy. That, and he had Miles’ birthday gift BBQ grill and fire pit up on the roof. No better place to have a heart to heart than on a rooftop in the summer. “Hey. So I decided against the takeout plan, purely for this.” He held up a bag from the butcher’s with some premium steaks, hot dogs, and burgers. “And I brought beer.” He clapped Luke on the shoulder. “Come on, buddy. Let’s go talk.” 
Luke wanted to stay under his blankets and be a blob for another few hours. He had said he needed someone over, which had been a first for him to admit since he’s had a chance to ask anyone. Miles here was difficult though, it always was for Luke when he looked at his brother and saw, heard, and felt the threats settle into disturbing images. The smell from the bag drew an eye out, the weight of the bag enough to tell him how much red meat was in there. “Okay,” he staggered out of bed, and grabbed a random t-shirt, tossing it over his head as they headed up to the roof, in his hands his knife set, and a few supplies to prep the meat and season it. His shoulders were down while they walked, and he seemed very exhausted, where he usually would be joking and playfully talking Miles ear off, he wasn’t. Luke took his time setting things up, wanting to prep correctly, and get the grill at a good heat. 
“Just like training a dog,” he teased as Luke got out of bed and came over to follow him up to the roof. “Get the red meat out and lure ‘em.” He cracked open one of the beers, handing it to Luke before taking one for himself. Miles was trying to lighten the mood, but he could tell Lucas was carrying something heavy. He started to fire up the grill, unpacking the food and placing it on a tray, starting with the steaks. “You know we’re gonna get to it eventually, so we might as well dive right in. What’s up, buddy?” 
“Bleh,” was Lucas’ response, an old, childish one that came out when his older brother would ask a child sized Lucas to do a chore for him or a favor. He salted the food, and hit it with crushed pepper. It was difficult to word, the situation fresh, but also confusing since he didn’t entirely understand this side of the supernatural. “There’s a ghost of a wolf around, she's here now. Blanche said we can’t see her, that’s the young woman who saw her presence at the shop, she’s a medium or something-- I dunno,” he shook his head, “Blanche said she’s emotionally attached to me because,” he sighed, and could feel the lingering effects of this ghost feeding subtly off him. “Gotch is the one who killed her, buritally might I add. She can’t move on.”
“I’m guessing this isn’t a Mufasa’s spirit lighting up the stars kind of situation?” Miles asked with a sigh. He didn’t know this Blanche girl too well, but he’d met her once, when she’d been asking for help about someone who’d been attacked by a hunter. Jeez, why was it always hunters? “Blanche sounds like she knows her shit.” Miles took a sip of his beer. Luke had taken charge of the grill, and Miles let him do his thing. Miles was pretty good with a grill, but Luke was the chef in the family. “I don’t really know how ghosts work,” he admitted quietly. “Is she here right now?” 
“Should be. But I don’t either, apparently, cause she’s been around since I was put in that grave and never noticed,” Luke said with a bitter edge to it. “We went back there, where I was--” he glanced over at his brother, just to be sure it was him, and not a hallucination, and it really bothered him that he couldn’t actually tell right now. “It fucked with my head seeing that place again. Blanche said sometimes ghosts are on the verge of turning into something else? I can’t remember the word, but they can make you see things, and it feeds off people as their emotions change? Shit man, who knows. I’ll take a physical being any day over shit I can’t see, touch, or deal with a set of claws.” He plopped down close to Miles even though there was plenty of room on the roof, and put his head on his shoulder after the food was cooking. The touch told him he was here. “We have to find her body. Put her to rest. I can’t go back to that place. I really need you too.” 
"That poor girl," Miles sighed. He couldn't help but start casually glancing around to see if he might be able to catch a ghostly outline or something, but he was pretty sure it didn't work that way. "Like evil spirits?" He shook his head. "I can understand that. If I'd been killed violently and stuck around to watch the asshole keep hurting other people, I'd probably turn into a vengeful spirit too." He'd already downed one beer. Luckily, he'd foreseen this and bought a twelve-pack. "So what does that mean for you?" he asked, opened his second beer. 
“Once her body is found, we can give her a proper burial, and she will move on,” Lucas’ stomach growled at the smell, and leaned up to turn the meat over. “I’d do it, but she materialized and made me hallucinate Gotch, and you-- cause I was too close to our grave or something.” He reached for a beer, and turned to face Miles. “Even right now, looking at you without a touch component. I’m not sure you are you. I mean, I think so, but it’s hard seeing what she showed me. She will just get stronger. I think you can find her body the fastest-- even with all this. I’m sad for her.”  
“Oh, shoot. That’s some heavy shit.” What Miles wouldn’t give to just be gearing up to watch the NBA finals or the superbowl with his brother instead of talking about some poor girl who’d been murdered. The sooner Gotch was out of all their lives, the better. “Did she make you have a vision or something? Ghosts can do that?” He breathed a heavy sigh. The first steak was done, so he pulled it off the grill and onto his plate, along with some corn on the cob and some grilled mushrooms. “I’m me. I promise.” He squeezed Luke’s shoulder. “I can do that. Just tell me where to look.” 
“I just saw you, like, you were standing there so clearly. It was very real,” he plated up, and plopped back down on the chair. “I could hear and see Gotch too, bleh,” Lucas frowned, his stomach souring. “Strawford Park, you need to take Blanche though,” he looked over at Miles. “She needs protection, she’s sensitive to them, the ghosts. I was so worried about her, but she can perform what is necessary to get her moved on. Please keep her safe. She has the lot number and I can give you her cell.” 
Lucas was such a sensitive soul. Miles could feel the agony in him. All the kid wanted was for everyone to be safe and happy. It sucked that he had to get dragged into such hell. He didn't deserve it. He should've been out living his life, learning to be a professional chef, going to that awesome culinary college he'd wanted to go to, kissing girls, kissing boys, making those dumb adolescent mistake. Instead, his years had been dedicated to this. "I know her. Not well, but... vaguely. She knows Regan, I think. I'll talk to her." 
“Good, okay--” Lucas’ shoulder relaxed somewhat, but it would be challenging until this poor ghost could move on. That could have been so many wolves. The ones who were wrongfully murdered, and so brutally dealt with. “You know, this will be over someday and then a different climb happens.” He chuckled a little, taking an oversized bite of his burger. “I’ll just be happy to call mom and dad.” Luke honestly said in the simplest of ways, and of all the things he wanted to do when Gotch was killed, that was the most on his mind. “I really want this to end, okay. We have to win.”
Miles wrapped an arm around Luke, giving his shoulder a momentary squeeze. “We’re gonna get through this, okay? We’re gonna have Monday Night Football and chips, BBQs with mom and dad and Ava and Nathan, you’re gonna date, maybe go back to school, we’ll just… be normal, okay? We deserve that at least.” He pulled his arm back and elbowed Lucas in the arm. “Now eat your fuckin’ steak before it gets cold.”
That all seemed like a far away dream, but Miles always had a way to make someone feel like they could reach the stars. It was why he always put his older brother on a pedestal, never entirely believing he could reach where he saw. Why it was so easy to just walk away, fade to a place that muffled and stopped his soul from shining. Lucas could smile for the world easily, but he didn’t always believe. He won’t be able with Gotch until the end. “Bossy-- shut up,” he chuckled, and started eating anyway. At least with this, he could handle. 
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asecondyelping · 4 years
Black Angus Steakhouse
Ever wake up Sunday morning with the "steak starvies"? I'm sure you have. Abby and I woke up one Sunday morning in October and felt a particularly sharp craving for some of that true steak, the kind a real cattleman would fix over a desert wood fire, under a full coyote moon, sitting under a canopy of desert pricklies. Luckily for us, down the freeway from our church proudly stood a steakhouse made entirely out of wood (remember those?) like it could've been erected in the Old West by a herd of cattlemen. Don't forget- Hayward is an Old West Town in it's own right and tucked next to the H&R Block, a simple memorial to heavenly steaks and dusty cattlemen still stands. Abby and I got there early and eager, so we had to wait a few minutes. When the doors swung open at 11a.m., we swaggered in and were promptly seated.
We opened up our slippery menus (usually a good indicator of the juiciness of the steaks, trust me) and took a gander at the selections. I already knew what I was getting. I had to order a 16oz. cut of the Ribeye Steak. Medium Rare. Typically, I'd order up a Pittsburgh Rare cut of steak, but I've been having some health problems with my colon and my doc advised me to "Give up red meat or there would be hell to pay". I think Medium Rare instead of Pittsburgh Rare is a good enough step in the right direction. I only bring this up because I think it's proof that I would know what a good steak is having eaten enough to be officially prohibited lol. Along with the steak came a choice of two sides. I ordered the Traditional Baked Potato and Steak Soup. The missus ordered the Cobb Salad, which I wasn't expecting since we came in hungry for slabs of cow, but hey, we are all entitled to a change of heart I suppose. We handed the menus over to our delightful waitress who, after placing our order, walked back with a warm round loaf of native grain bread seeded with what looked and tasted like barley. This wasn't my first rodeo. I knew the deceptive friendliness of that loaf. I've made the mistake before of filling up on the delicious and complementary bread so much so I couldn't finish my steak. That wasn't going to happen this time, I vowed… as I mashed another buttered hunk into my mouth.
The soup came out first. A delightful little stew of barley, kidney beans, and cubes of beef. The aroma alone took me back to a campfire dinner I had with my family as a kid out on outskirts of Vista, California, putting cans of Campbell's Chunky directly on the coals to heat up. I had a few spoonfuls of the slurry before I had a thought: it tasted EXACTLY like Campbell's Chunky, just like my dad used to make on those camping trips back in the day! I believe that taste can be a powerful channel for nostalgia and Black Angus's Steak Soup was a slow flood of boyhood memories.
Though I knew I had a massive platter of steak on the way, I basically inhaled that stew in 2 minutes flat, which is remarkable now that I think of it considering it seemed like the recipe called for 8 ounces of everything in the kitchen roughly blended together with a stick of butter throw in. It was not light. At this point, I was seriously doubting that I could manage to finish a 16 oz'er along with potato. As I glanced around nervously for the waitress touting my impending meal, my eyes landed on a television screen hung above our booth; an infomercial for the Copper Chef was on! In fact, it was playing on all the TVs hung on walls of Black Angus! Imagine that… at a steakhouse, watching the Copper Chef fry up steaks, hot dogs, corn on the cobs, and potatoes au gratin in the same pan. Actually, a few minutes of watching Copper Chef was all I needed to regain my "zeal for the meal". Just as though my stomach had sent out a specific frequency only audible by experienced waitstaff, our server appeared around the corner with our plates followed by an older lady that seemed like the owner of the establishment.
Abby was looking dumbfounded at the size of her Cobb Salad. I love gazing across the table and seeing Abby's face light up like that. It happened at Romano's Macaroni Grille, and it happened at the Nordstrom Cafe. Just typing this part makes my heart swell :' >. This is why you should take your lady to decent restaurants, fellas. I looked down at my own plate with tantamount dumbfoundedness. The ribeye had a beautiful cross-hatch char on it and the potato was split in the middle and in it burbled butter and sour cream. The presentation was incredible. Turns out, the older lady that looked like she was the owner was one of the most special members of the staff: she came out from the back of the Black Angus whenever someone ordered the 16 oz rib to personally deliver it. She took a special silverware setting out from her back pocket and placed the knife in my right hand, the fork in my left hand, and unrolled the napkin onto my lap. "Sir, would you mind slicing into your steak to confirm the doneness for me?", she said. Just wow. This had never happened to me at a Black Angus before. I cut into my steak (with some difficulty admittedly, the knife was really not very sharp I think) and it indeed was cooked to a perfect Medium Rare. She nodded and a proud smile broke discreetly onto her face. "Enjoy you steak sir, and madame, I hope you enjoy your Cobb Salad."
Everything after that was a blur. Bite after bite went into my mouth and I chewed every piece as if I was gnawing through a rope that bound me to a sinking ship. I ordered extra butter upon extra butter and drowned my potato in it. Steakhouses probably have access to really good butter, now that I think of it. I couldn't recall now, but it seemed that Abby was grimacing at me through the haze. She says now that she was smiling, so maybe I am just projecting, but I was unashamedly just devouring my meal like a nasty scoundrel. To tell you the truth, I don't quite remember the taste of the steak. I knew it must have tasted good, since I was tearing it to bits, but I honestly was more spurred on by the act of chewing the meat. "Steak Starvies" really means "I am starving for steak". I just remember my vision had dimmed to a tunnel that framed everything with a lurid glow. I should wrap this review up here actually, I'm sorry it's so long! I'm getting hungry again ahaha!! Anyway, if you're ever looking for a traditional American Western restaurant for the domesticated cowboy within, hop on your horse (or get in your car) and mosey on over to the Hayward Black Angus where they'll treat you right and ask you if they're doing a good job. It's right off the freeway! Oh, and I finished the steak and potato :)
Abby’s take: you know it’s going to be a good Sunday when the day begins at Black Anus. Unfortunately, they do not yet have a country breakfast menu, but they do open at 11am ! Perhaps true steakmen don’t see a need for labels when it comes to steak, unlike us city people. To the true steakman, steak is steak no matter the hour or gender. It seemed we were not the only patrons who wanted to begin Sunday in the atmospheric American darkness of a high-end ranch house. A fine way to escape the fast paced city life, slow down and take some notes from the locals! It really is a different way of life over at the steakhouse... I myself have always dreamt of country living. Blame it on my freckles, or my collection of Kenny Chesney fan fiction, I have always wondered if I was meant for the farm.
I ordered the vegetable Cobb, curious to try a “Country” take on a “City” classic. It was delectable! The cuisine equivalent of the musical masterpiece “Old Town Road”. I’m hoping Kenny Chesney is able to hop on that horse as well, perhaps accompanied with the always masterful Marshall Mathers (M&M). Those two on a musical horse would be quite the sight and sound!
The hubby, perhaps in an attempt to impress the locals, ordered a steak, medium rare, with no cityman dizzle-dazzle-add ons or subtractions. I for one, was impressed with his restraint, and took the moment to reflect. How accustomed have we city people become, to custom orders - “no tomatoes, no gluton” even picking and choosing particular Kenny Chesney songs to purchase from the ITune store, instead of purchasing the whole album. While I so enjoyed the cob salad remainders we took home, this lesson may have been my most valuable “takeaway”.
Local tip: “No Shoes, No Shirt, No Problems” is a great starter album for the Kenny Chesney novice.
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ladystylestores · 4 years
The Ultimate Camping Meal Plan + Packing List • The Blonde Abroad
Did you see the Ultimate Campsite Packing Gear Guide? When it comes to camping and glamping, I like to plan out as much as possible to make the experience less stressful and allow myself to be more in the moment rather than scrambling…because I forgot to pack something.
That said, I also like to plan out meals so we don’t bring too much and we have adequate space for any perishable items!
Heads up, this list is for two people over the span of a 2-night weekend trip—so if you’ve got more folks joining you, you may want to double the necessary ingredients.
Here is my camping meal plan + packing list!
The Meal Plan
When it comes to camping, I want no-fuss meals that remind me of camping as a kid. So enter the cheeseburgers, pancakes, pizza, and s’mores galore!
For the most part, we typically eat pretty much plant-based. This works well for camping as some of the vegan goodies don’t spoil as quickly as non and can stay out a bit longer.
If you prefer non-vegan items, make sure your perishables will stay at the right temp to prevent them from going back!
Packing List and Meal Planning
After working up an appetite with fun and games, you’ll want a meal fit for an UNO queen. And there’s nothing better than making classic campfire comfort food then lingering over a long meal.
For me, it’s all about simple and healthy fixes. Here’s what I always bring with me along with a sample two-night menu.
These are the basics that I keep stored in my cub packs.
Organic Hot Cocoa Powder
Popcorn Kernels: Forget movie theatre popcorn! It’s all about the campfire popcorn.
Condiments: Salt, Pepper, Cayenne Pepper, Nutritional Yeast (for popcorn), Honey, Sugar, Maple Syrup, Chili Flakes, Hot Sauce
Olive Oil for Cooking (only if you’ll have temp control)
Vegetable Oil for Popcorn
Truffle Oil for Popcorn and Eggs
Ground Coffee (keep in an airtight container)
Tea Bags
5.3-gallon Drinking Water: We always re-use the containers and refill locally. Generally, this is enough for two people drinking and cooking. BUT if you don’t have a water source at your campsite, consider bringing more for washing dishes.
Rusks: These dry biscuits/twice-baked breads are a popular type of South African biscotti. People are crazy for rusks in South Africa and I’ve definitely taken to them. While they’re technically perishable, they last almost forever.
Beyond Meat Burger Patties, Cheese (cheddar for me is the ultimate burger topper!), Pickles, Lettuce, Onion, Tomato, Buns, Potato Chips
Sausage Rolls/Hot Dogs:
Beyond Sausage—love their original brats, Onion for Grilling, Hot Dog Buns, Corn on the Cob for Grilling
Vegan Pancake Mix, Blueberries, Fresh Fruit
We buy pre-made refrigerated pizzas from our local store but you can bring all the ingredients and even bake from fresh dough with the COBB pizza stone, Salad for a Side Dish
Egg Croissant Sandwich:
Croissants, Eggs—Love scrambled with a little almond milk and salt & pepper, Mushrooms, Goat’s Milk Gouda, Spinach
S’mores Stuff:
Graham crackers, Organic Dark Chocolate—take your s’mores to the next level, Marshmallows
Snacks + Drinks:
Trail Mix, Chips, Sweets (non-melting is best!); Soft drinks, Beer and Cider, Wine
Kitchen + Cooking Essentials
While you are probably used to always having a backstock of food, it’s essential to ensure you don’t bring too little or too much when you are camping.
We travel with a Jetboil Mini Mo and a Cobb grill, it’s nice to have the option of a quick single burner if we’re just heating up a little bit of water or something small. But we absolutely love the Cobb for full meals and use it for pretty much every single meal.
Our Stovetop (1-2 people):
Our stuff is geared toward cooking for one to two people. Here’s what we use:
Stovetop Option 2 (3+ people):
If you tend to travel in a larger group, go for something a bit bigger:
Coal Cooking (For Any Amount of People):
Cobb: We love this for a good old fashioned BBQ!
Cobb Coal: Opt for the eco-friendly option that fits into a cobb
Pizza Stone for Cobb: While Italian wood-fired pizza is good, this is my new fave.
Cobb Cutting Board: Bamboo keeps things hygienic and you can use it as a serving board too.
More Cooking Items:
Every true coffee lover knows that most of us have a coffee prep method very near and dear to our hearts. You’ll have a few good quality options while you’re camping. And, luckily, the Jetboil will boil water super quickly so you don’t need a big pot, even if you’re brewing for a few people.
Here are a few good options for brewing coffee:
And there you have it, folks, this is what I like to pack when going camping. Who doesn’t love pizza and popcorn?
What else would you make on a weekend camping trip? Let me know in the comments below!
And for the full camping setup—check out the Ultimate Campsite Packing Gear Guide here!
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from World Wide News https://ift.tt/36nxosh
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ricandhaiz · 5 years
Blindsided, Chapter 4
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Nic had just finished packing away his clothes, textbooks as well as a few other miscellaneous items when his friend, Matt, an outgoing and jovial-natured African-American man in his mid-twenties, arrived in a full-sized black pickup truck to help him move his stuff over to Allie’s apartment.
“I took my old bedroom furniture out of storage and put it in the back of the truck for you,” Matt informed Nic as he picked up a garment bag and suitcase by the front door. “It’s nothin’ special but it’s still in pretty good condition.”
“You didn’t have to do that,” Nic replied and followed Matt out the door while carrying his laptop and two Bankers boxes. “I could have just bought a futon and desk at Walmart.”
“Dat’s what friends are foh.” Matt placed Nic’s suitcases on the ground and lowered the truck’s tailgate. “Besides, why waste yo money when yo prolly not even gonna use it all that much.”
Nic arched his brow as he stood by and watched Matt load his suitcases onto the truck bed. “Are you implying that you think that I’ll be sleeping—”
Matt interrupted, “You told me yoself that you’d date her in a heartbeat. And now that you’re movin’ in together, I just assumed—”
“It’s not like that with us,” Nic cut in, shaking his head.
“At least not yet,” Matt replied with a wink. “Unless…there’s somethin’ else yo not tellin’ me.” Nic blinked and stared blankly at his friend. Matt lowered his voice as he leaned in and said, “The fire didn’t…umm…mess with your boom stick, did it?”
“My what?”
For a second or two, Matt looked like he was puzzling over what to say next. He then replied, “Your man parts. You know what I’m sayin’?”
Nic jaw dropped and his eyes widened like saucers. After a short and awkward silence, he stammered, “I’m fine…there. No worries.”
“You sure ‘bout dat?”
Nic was mortified. He replied, “Can we please talk about something else?”
“Whatever you say,” Matt said with a laugh. “You know me. We’re bros, right? Just tryin’ to look out for ya.” He paused, then said, “You know how that ol’ sayin’ goes, ‘You gotta use it or lose it.’ It’d be a damn shame to let the best piece of machinery that God gave you go to waste and get all rusted up.”
“Why don’t you just worry about your pipes and I’ll worry about mine, okay?”
Just then, Nic’s landlady, Mrs. Wilson, an elderly woman with slumped-shoulders and snow white hair, walked up to them and said, “Is there something wrong with the plumbing in your apartment? I know a great plumber you can call if you need one, and he’s cheap too.”
Matt turned his head to the side and pretended to cough into his hand while the unburned portions of Nic’s face quickly turned bright red.  Nic replied, “That’s okay Mrs. Wilson. We were just…umm...talking about that kind of stuff in general.”
To Nic’s great relief, Mrs. Wilson promptly changed the subject. “Well, it’s been a real pleasure having you as a boarder. Mr. Wilson and I were just talking about what a nice and polite young man you are.”
Nic smiled. “I can’t thank you enough for your kindness and hospitality.”
“Don’t be a stranger now. Be sure and pay us a visit from time to time.”
“I will,” Nic replied and shook her hand.
Matt asked, “Do you think we got everything in the truck?”
Nic said yes as he slid into the passenger side seat and buckled himself in.
Once Matt put the truck in gear, he said to Nic, “I’m gonna be meetin’ some friends at a sports bar to catch a Raiders game. Wanna come?”
“Thanks, but Allie’s aunt and uncle are having a backyard barbecue at their house this afternoon. She asked me to go with her.”
“Oh, did she?” Matt replied with a knowing look. “Have you met ‘em yet?” Nic shook his head. “You know that she prolly asked you just to give her peeps a chance to check you out.” Nic made a face and shifted uncomfortably in his seat. Matt wagged his finger and said, “You betta play it safe and be on yo best behavior ‘cause, believe you me, the last thing you wanna do is git on her family’s bad side.”
“I know,” Nic replied as he pulled the baseball cap on his head down further and slumped in his seat.
“And don’t wait too long to make yo move. The soona, the betta, unless you wanna be friendzoned for the rest a yo life.”
 Later that day, Nic and Allie stepped out of the back seat of Nicole’s Honda Civic with Charlie in tow.  They, along with Nicole and Brandon, headed to the Welch residence, which was located in a working-class neighborhood lined with cookie-cutter houses. The gray, one-story house had a white picket fence with a wooden gate and a well-kept short front yard. The path to the house’s front door was lined with geraniums, sage and other aromatic plants whose scent filled the cool September air.
They were greeted by Allie’s aunt, Lara Welch, a soft-spoken woman with slight features, who was wearing a lavender shirt and white capri pants and sandals. She escorted them all to the back of the house where her uncle, Mike Welch, a large bald-headed man with a goatee, was holding court in front of an outdoor grill.
The large, square-shaped backyard was enclosed by a wooden fence lined with shrubs and plants. Portable tables and chairs had been set out in rows on the grass for the guests. Large coolers packed with soda, beer and water were placed on the concrete patio underneath a table filled with chips, dip and other snacks while an adjacent table contained paper plates, plastic utensils napkins and condiments alongside freshly cooked hamburgers, hot dogs, potato salad and corn on the cob.
Allie’s uncle called out to her as he put the pair of tongs and spatula he was holding down and wiped his grease-stained hands on a towel. The handful of men standing around him dutifully stepped aside to make way for his niece and Charlie. She giggled and squealed as he scooped her up into his arms and twirled her around. He then hugged Nicole and gave Brandon a firm handshake before turning his full attention to Nic.
Nic did his best to hide his anxiety as he extended his hand to Uncle Mike and said, “Hello, my name is Nicolás Martínez. Most people just call me Nic. It’s a pleasure to meet you.”
Uncle Mike nodded and clasped Nic’s hand with an almost crushing grip. “Lara and I have been very anxious to meet you.”
Nic had to fight the urge to openly wince. He replied, “She’s a wonderful young woman. I am very fortunate to have met her.”
“On that, I think, we are in complete agreement,” Uncle Mike replied slowly. “But I’m sure you can imagine how surprised and concerned her aunt and I were when we heard that she’d asked you, a man she barely knows, to live with her.”
“Uncle Mike,” Allie chimed in.
Her uncle waved his hand with a stern look and said, “Nic’s a grown man. I’m sure he’s more than able to speak for himself without your help or interference.”
While this brief exchange between Allie and Uncle Mike was going on, Nic tried to think of what he could to say to allay her uncle’s concerns. The moment Uncle Mike’s attention was again focused on him, he said, “I would be happy to answer any questions you might have.”
“I appreciate that,” Uncle Mike replied. “And, believe me, I intend to hold you to it. But for now, why don’t you just go on and get something to eat with the others. There’s plenty of food for everyone. We can talk a little later once you’ve had the chance to fill your belly and settle in.”
“Yes, of course. Thank you,” Nic replied, grateful to have been given a momentary reprieve.
After making his way to the buffet with Allie and the others, he filled his plate and followed his friends to the first open table that they could find. Nic and Brandon volunteered to get everyone’s drinks while Allie, Charlie and Nicole remained seated and dug into their meals.
Nic picked up two plastic cups for Allie and himself and was about to pour some punch into one of them when he felt a tap on his shoulder. He turned around and saw a sour-faced Conner standing behind him with his arms folded. He braced himself as he put the ladle down and waited for Conner to speak.
“You’re the guy I met few weeks ago sitting across from Allie at Joe’s Diner,” Conner said as he lowered his arms to his sides and clenched his fists.
Just then, Brandon stepped between them. He slapped Conner on the back and said, “Hey buddy, what’s up?”
To Nic’s relief, he felt the tension in the air noticeably lessen as Conner turned to Brandon and said in reply, “Nothing much. How about you?”
“Nicole and I are heading out to L.A. right after the barbecue. We rented a U-Haul and packed up all our stuff in it this morning. Nicole’s going to be driving her car while I drive the truck.”
“What about your car?” Conner asked.
“It’s already in L.A. It’s parked in front of my brother’s place.”
Conner glanced at Nic, then said to Brandon, “No offense, but do you honestly think it’s a good idea for Allie to be moving in with him?”
Brandon smirked. “From what I know, he seems like a pretty good guy and Allie really likes him. That’s what’s important, isn’t it?”
“I guess,” Conner shrugged. “But—”
“But nothing,” Brandon cut in. “You have no say in the matter. It’s her call, capisce?”
Conner scowled and rounded on Nic. “You may have found a way to weasel your way into her life but don’t for a second think that I’m just going stand by and watch you ruin it. You make one wrong move and I’ll be on you like a ton of bricks.”
Brandon shook his head. “Seriously dude, you need to chill out. If you keep this up, don’t be surprised if Allie loses it and decides to whack you over the head with her walking stick.”
Conner pointed his finger at Nic as he said, “I’ve got my eye on you,” before turning on his heel and walking away.
Brandon nudged Nic in the arm and said, “I wouldn’t worry about him much if I were you. He’s all bluff and no action.”
“Does he honestly think he has a chance with her? Allie shudders every time his name comes up in conversation.”
“He’s wacked, plain and simple. Don’t pay him any mind. Not worth the effort.”
Nic responded with a wry smile. “I’ll try not to. But, to be honest, he’s not the one I’m really concerned about. Did you see the look Allie’s uncle gave me when I introduced myself to him?”
Brandon snorted. “Big Mike loves Allie like she was his own daughter. Think of it this way, if you were in his shoes, wouldn’t you be worried too?” As much as Nic loathed to admit it, Brandon had a point. He was no saint, not by a long shot. “Just treat Allie right and everything will turn out fine.”
Nic and Brandon then rejoined Allie and Nicole and set the drinks down on the table.
“What took you so long?” Allie asked. “I was beginning to think that you and Brandon had fallen into the punch bowl.”
“I probably would have, if Conner had had his way,” Nic replied. “He made it perfectly clear to me that he doesn’t approve of our living situation.”
Allie frowned. “Ugh, he can be so annoying sometimes. What else did he say?”
“Nothing worth repeating,” Nic replied and took a sip of his drink. “It’s fine really. Don’t worry about me. I can take care of myself.”
Allie reached out to him. He took her hand and gave it a squeeze. She said, “I’m sorry about all the fuss Conner and Uncle Mike are making about you living with me. Just so you know, I’ve already told my uncle point blank that there’s nothing he can say or do that will change my mind.”
“I bet he loved hearing that.” Nic puffed his cheeks and then blew the air out slowly. “I can only imagine what he’s going to say to me once we sit down and have that man-to-man talk.”
“It’ll be fine. He just wants to feel you out and say his peace. I know he can be blunt and intimidating at first, but don’t let that gruff exterior fool you. He’s a teddy bear at heart.”  Knowing there was little more to be said about it at that point, he let the matter rest.
As the afternoon wore on and the number of people present started to thin out, Nic found himself growing increasingly more nervous about the prospect of talking with Allie’s uncle. And although she’d never come out and said it, he knew that that man’s opinion mattered to her a lot. Because of that, he especially felt the need to make a favorable impression on him.
When the time finally came for Brandon and Nicole to go, Allie, Nic and Charlie saw them out.
“Call me as soon as you get to L.A. and let me know that you guys made it safe and sound,” Allie said in a tearful voice while giving Nicole a hug.
“Are you sure you don’t want us to give you guys a ride back to the apartment?” Nicole asked.
Allie shook her head. “My aunt told me that she’d take us home once all the guests leave and Uncle Mike’s had the chance to talk to Nic.”
“Good luck with that,” Brandon said to Nic and patted him on the shoulder. “Better you than me.”
“Thanks, I think.”
Allie twined her arms with his. “Like I said earlier, my uncle’s all bark and no bite. I think he’s going to like you a lot once he gets to know you. Just like me.”
“I hope you’re right,” Nic replied. “Or you might find yourself having to look for someone else to live with you.”
“Don’t say that. Don’t even think it.”
“I agree,” Nicole said and then bent down to pet Charlie. “I’m gonna miss you buddy. Just keep doing what you’re doing big guy.”
“He will,” Allie replied confidently. “He’s got a few years left in him yet.”
“It’s hard to imagine you without Charlie and vice versa. You guys have been together for as long as I’ve known you.”
“And we’ll be here to welcome you back the next time you and Brandon come and see us.”
Nicole hugged Allie one more time and then turned to Nic and said, “You’re going to have a blast living with these two. I couldn’t have asked for better roomies. Take care of them, okay?”
“I will,” Nic replied.
“We better get a move on,” Brandon said as he checked the time on his cell phone. “It’s getting late and the weather app is predicting rain.” He gave Allie a hug and shook Nic’s hand before he and Nicole headed toward their vehicles.
Nic placed his arm around Allie’s waist as they stood by the front porch and watched their friends drive off.
“I’m going to miss them,” Allie said with a sigh as she leaned her head on Nic’s shoulder.
“It’ll be okay.” Nic replied. “You’ve still got Charlie and me. That’s something, isn’t it?”
Allie tilted her head up toward his and smiled. He longed to kiss her but didn’t dare, especially now in front of her aunt and uncle’s house. And so instead, he simply rested his cheek against her head and held her close.
Once Brandon and Nicole’s vehicles disappeared from view, Allie said, “We better go back inside. Uncle Mike is probably chomping at the bit. We probably shouldn’t keep him waiting much longer.”
“If you insist,” Nic replied in a resigned tone.
As they turned toward the front door, it opened. Uncle Mike appeared at the entrance with the last few guests at the party. He shook their hands and bid them good night. When he motioned for Nic to follow him to the backyard, Nic dutifully complied.
“Take a seat son. This shouldn’t take long.” Uncle Mike pulled up a chair and sat down.
Nic sat down directly across from him and folded his hands on his lap.
“I hope you understand both my wife and I’s concern about you living with Allie. She’s a very special girl, in more ways than one. And even though I know that she’s a fully-grown woman with a good head on her shoulders, there’s a part of me that still sees her as that vulnerable and scared little girl with pigtails and glasses that my wife and I took in after her mother died.”
Nic nodded sympathetically, then said, “Were I in your position, I would likely have the very same concerns that you have about me. I’m a complete stranger to you, and a foreigner to boot.”
“From what Allie’s told my wife, she says that the two of you are just friends. Is that true?”
He hesitated a moment before answering. “Yes, but I think that I would be lying to you if I denied that there’s a possibility that that could change in the future.”
“I see,” Uncle Mike replied and rubbed his hands together. “I appreciate your honesty. Now I think it’s my turn to be perfectly frank with you.” Nic held his breath. Uncle Mike continued, “I don’t have a problem with your living situation per se, but I think that she deserves to know up front how far you think your relationship with her might go.”
“Please believe me when I say that I have nothing but the best of intentions as far as Allie is concerned. Meeting and getting to know her over these past few weeks has been the highlight of my time here so far. She’s a wonderful person and I like her very much. I’m more grateful than I can possibly express for her friendship and it is my sincere hope that our relationship will only continue to grow and develop in the months ahead.”
Uncle Mike looked thoughtful and paused for some time before speaking again. Finally, he said, “I guess that’s good enough for me for now.” He sat up. So did Nic. “Although I could say more, I think I’ll just leave you with this: Treat her right, that’s all I ask. You do that, and you won’t have a problem with me.”
“I will,” Nic replied, looking him directly in the eye. Uncle Mike appeared satisfied. He shook Nic’s hand and then walked back into the house. The meeting was over.
When Nic stepped into the kitchen, Allie was sitting on a bar stool with Charlie at her feet while her aunt was loading dishes into the dishwasher. He gently placed his hand on Allie’s shoulder and sat down next to her. She leaned toward him and quietly asked, “How did things go with Uncle Mike?”
“Nothing I didn’t expect,” Nic replied. “He cares for you very much, that’s plain to see, and he only wants what’s best for you.”
“Glad to hear that my uncle didn’t scare you off.”
Nic patted her knee and said, “I don’t scare off easy, especially where you’re concerned.”
“I’m counting on that,” Allie replied as she reached out and touched his face. “Are you ready to go?”
He said yes. He was more than ready to go home; their home. He liked the sound of that. It made him smile and gave him hope that maybe, just maybe, things would be different, better from here on out.  
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thecoroutfitters · 5 years
Written by Guest Contributor on The Prepper Journal.
Editor’s Note: A guest contribution from Scott Huntington to The Prepper Journal.
Before we had ovens, cooktops and microwaves, there was only one way to cook up some grub — over the fire. You have to admire fire’s staying power. How many other old-world methods remain relevant thousands of years after they were invented?
Cooking over an open flame isn’t just fun, it’s popular for a good reason. The flavor you get from a flame-cooked meal is difficult to match on even the finest bar-b-queue. Plus, sometimes it’s the only cooking method you have. From surviving and camping to just getting creative, here are 10 things to try next time you’re around the fire.
Blueberry Orange Muffins
Let them try and tell you that baking on a camping trip is a bad idea! This environmentally-conscious muffin recipe makes your pack lighter by re-using the peels of oranges that you can eat on the trail. When it’s time for dessert, mix water and muffin mix as directed and then spoon the result into the empty orange halves. Wrap the mini muffin trays in a double layer of tinfoil and set them in a warm — but not flaming — section of coals. Allow eight to ten minutes of cook time. Boom, a sweet treat that you wouldn’t expect around a campfire.
While they’re simpler to do over the backyard fire pit than on the trail, kebabs can be packed and made in the wilderness with little hassle. The beauty of these simple-but-tasty creations is they allow you to create a multitude of flavor combinations and can customize for meat-eaters, vegetarians or omnivores. As your skill in combining flavors improves, you can play around with mixing things that cook faster or slower, like meat and fruit, and using the thickness of each slice to help the entire skewer cook evenly.
Everyone loves pizza, right? But you might not think to cook it over a fire. With a simple pizza stone, you can make it on your backyard grill or beside a babbling brook. Fresh pizza dough can easily pack into camp for a first-night-out feast, and of course, it transports well from your fridge to the bar-b-queue. Similarly to Kebabs, you can enjoy a number of flavor combinations and you might be surprised how much you enjoy the nuance of a crispy-yet-chewy grilled pizza crust. It’s not unlike a gourmet wood-fired pie.
We’re not surprising anyone by including steak on a list of things you can cook over a fire. A steak traditionalist might even argue this is the only way meat should ever cook. Choose a flavorful piece such as New York Strip or Rib Eye to make over the open flame and the fat on the meat will nearly cook it for you. We recommend a good coating of butter or olive oil, complemented by some salt, pepper and rosemary, but you’re welcome to get more creative with your steak seasonings. Another great thing about this fire-cooked meal is there are several sides you can make over a fire as well.
Corn on the Cobb
Sure you could boil your corn, something we’ve probably all had. But flame-grilled corn-on-the-cob is without question the better way to have it. Plus, it’s so simple. Pick up some good fresh corn, shuck it and wrap in tinfoil, and place in hot embers for 20-30 minutes.
You can also do it with a campfire grill to reduce the mess. Throw a nice chunk of butter and some salt and pepper inside the tinfoil wrapper to add the perfect finishing touch to this sweet and healthy side.
Baked Potatoes
Similar to corn, baked potatoes can be made easily around a campfire by taking advantage of the wonders of tinfoil. However, as a heartier dish, baked potatoes can serve as a main dish when stuffed with the right ingredients. Do some meal prep before hitting the trail by splitting your spuds and packing them with bacon, chives, butter and seasoning. When you arrive at camp, everything will have melted together in the foil — you can finish it off by cooking it over the fire.
Egg and Sausage Taquitos
We tend to focus on dinner when the idea of making things over a fire comes up. But what about breakfast? For the most important meal of the day, breakfast can get neglected on camping trips, but these simple breakfast taquitos will give you a morning boost whether you make them for the kids at home or cook them up after a night on the trail. Meal prep is fairly simple — you make some sausage links and eggs, season them up and then wrap in a tortilla and add seasoning. Make sure you have a good means of keeping these cold if you plan to make them at camp.
Campfire Griddle Cakes
Your camp-mates will be thrilled to wake up to the smell of hot, fresh pancakes on the trail. If you’re used to cooking on a cast-iron skillet, these are about as straightforward as making pancakes at home. You can whip up a batch of batter in 15 minutes at home and jar it or bring with you on the trail using a Tupperware container. Make sure you bring along the necessary flatware. These aren’t as easy to eat with your hands as a kebab, hot dog or s’more. Extra points if you remember syrup and fresh berries.
Stuffed Bell Peppers
Similar to the baked potatoes we mentioned earlier, these stuffed veggies can easily serve as a main course. The recipe we chose uses a combination of rice, veggies and ground beef for a well-rounded and nutritious dinner that helps get all your food groups in while you’re out on the trail. The stuffed peppers are cooked in a Dutch oven and take about 30-45 minutes, which should be enough time to prepare additional sides if needed. They look pretty gourmet when done — proof you don’t have to be at home to enjoy something special.
What would a list of fire-cooked goodies be without s’mores? These old-timely favorites will bring a smile to anyone’s face, whether on the trail or in the backyard. Did you know, s’mores have gone upscale? Try them with fruit, peanut butter and other wild combinations.
Cooking over an open flame is a wonderful social experience and a way to make plain-old good food. It brings the family together and gives you an excuse to try some truly special recipes that you otherwise might not. So try out some ours, or let us know in the comments below what your favorite flame-cooked eats are!
Be Safe out there and be sure to check out The Prepper Journal Store and follow The Prepper Journal on Facebook!
The post Things You Can Cook Over a Fire appeared first on The Prepper Journal.
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