#we'll be mutuals
kibahorchata · 8 months
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is it hot in here or it's just me
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corallapis · 6 months
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the songs in the jukebox. btw.
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zukkaoru · 2 months
asagiri had to get rid of bram because of scheduling conflicts with dracula daily. it's okay guys bram will be back in november. trust 🙏
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3gremlins · 10 months
those "dragon age fans are mad that baldur's gate 3 fans have something/how come they get to be happy" posts are so funny to me b/c i legit thought the venn diagram of people who would be into these two games was a circle.
like real talk, instead of pining for da4/staring jealously at bg3 enjoyers, you too can pick up bg3 (available now if you have pc, in september if you're on console), you will probably enjoy the shit out of it and it will keep you warm through the long nights/weeks/months/years until da4 comes out (also check out divinity original sin 2 while you're about it! similar vibes, lots of hot npcs to romance, including a broody ancient skeleton man who is weirdly hot, fun combat to be had, plot to enjoy, corpses to eat ԅ(☉Д☉)╮)
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theology101 · 3 months
Fabian and Adaine have me absolutely bewitched and its going to be everyone's problem
Im writing a fic for the two of them were they sorta do the awkward 'are we dating or just Good Friends who spend time together without other Friends' to 'fake date to fix her money problems' and then 'actually we were in love the entire time.' I'm not 100% on my order of events yet but I have a bunch of vignettes stuck in my head and its easier for my brain to expell them at an audience
Moggy the Doggy and the Hangman both go to the Spectral Dog park, Fabian and Adaine want to get Hangman comfortable in his hellhound form (although they respect that he prefers to be a bike)
For some reason whenever Adaine needs new clothes, she goes with Fabian? Something about the good vibes from the Jean Jacket means she thinks he's a lucky charm for clothes
While out in public Adaine has a panic attack, and Fabian swaddled her in the Battle Sheet. She initially thinks its patronizing before realizing - is this shit thread count seven billion?
After the Swaddle Incident, Fig and Kristen start VIOLENTLY shipping them, and that inspires the 'lets get engaged for tax purposes'
Fabian has an additional fund for his betrothed/spouse/SO, and KVX starts giving Adaine three thousand gold pieces a month
Jawbone, Gorthulax and Sandra Lynn are all pretty hype about this development - Sandra Lynn has her fucking eyes on him though. Adaine immediately feels guilty about lying
Hallariel flies home fucking immediately and forces Adaine to spend an entire Weekend with her. I'm talking Spa Day, Dress Fitting, Sword Dueling and a bunch of traditional elven activities
(and Adaine def doesn't cry because she's having the type of elven family experience with Hallariel that she wishes she had with Arianwen Abernant)
Turns out KVX has a similar system as the 'nemesis' system for spouses/signifgant others. Adaine would not be getting her three thousand gold a month unless she and Fabian genuinely did love each other
The reaction from that makes her vomit
The Bad Kids have to deal with Princess Nara being a BITCH. She's Fabian's cousin, wants her fucking sword back, thank you very much, and thinks that the Elven Oracle slumming it at High School and on adventures instead of leading a fucking nation like she's supposed to
Fabian and Adaine are backing each other up with so much passion and authority they kiss about it when they're done
And idk how we get here, but she's proposing herself with rings from the Jacket of Useful Things
I have more that are still half baked but if anyone else has any hit me dog. This shit is going to be 5k words+ a chapter when I'm done with her and I'm debating on 1-5 chapters rn
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burglarhobbit · 2 years
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merlin & arthur (bbc merlin)
╰─▸ “You came back to look for me.” “All right, it's true. I came back because you’re the only friend I have and I couldn’t bear to lose you.”
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marclef · 6 months
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somebody's got a gift for yoooouuuuu!!!
(look at that i drew a normal pizza tower thing isn't that exciting!!)
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misc-obeyme · 29 days
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You best believe that as soon as this event starts I will be working my ass off to get this card. My reasonings;
1. I love this artist
2. Barbatos
3. He's playing either a guitar or bass #instrumentBarbatoslove
4. Barbatos
5. Barbatos is so pretty
6. Epic trio
7. Barbatos is in that trio
8. Barbatos
That is all.
I haven't read the story yet, but I've unlocked stuff just so I can be sure to grind away lol.
Because yeah Barb is looking really good in this card~
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starlene · 18 days
Be me, sit in Finland in your Finnish living room reading your Finnish news apps
Open an analysis about the upcoming US presidential election
"If Trump wins, his climate policy (or lack of thereof) will poison the entire atmosphere, make everything so much worse for the entire planet in the coming decades, kill millions. Expert says: It's gonna be so bad!"
Open a social media app instead
Immediately come across some asinine "there's no moral option in the election, the only moral option is not to vote at all!" discourse
Feel so incredibly, incredibly powerless
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the-music-maniac · 22 days
SherLiam fics aren't usually something I indulge in because I tend to get annoyed at how many times Sherlock gets the shovel talk in fics (which I know is somewhat canonical - for Louis at least - but that and the fact that I tend to enjoy vers/switch dynamics and there isn't much of that means I don't tend to read stuff for the ship)
- but one thing I do find hilarious about SherLiam is just how utterly besotted William usually is with Sherlock. Meanwhile Louis is two feet behind him staring at the man like he's a dirty sock. It's just so fucking funny.
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canadianlucifer · 4 months
While I was reading Blue Exorcist I didn't fully register just how dark the Illuminati arc was, but watching it animated... holy shit.
I could not imagine going through what Izumo has and is going through. And being in the place of any of the other students? Dealing with unkillable regenerating zombies speaking to me in broken up bits saying they want to go home? Having so much pressure to do things most adults wouldn't be able to do? AT 15 YEARS OLD??
I feel like this is the turning point for the series bc it goes from "heehoo funny with epic fights and some character bonding" to "everyone you love is going to die if you don't fight right now. This world is bleak and horrifying under the thin veil we have created and the fate of it rests on your shoulders, all of you."
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cacaocheri · 8 days
need to..... update my refs for art fight...... need to add more characters
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seventhdoctor · 9 months
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Thinking about them again
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dolotonglo · 2 months
while i think we all knew that this day was coming, i still chose, for seven years, not to give up hope. i put my faith in mappa and the yuri on ice team and while i'm not surprised by the cancellation, i'm still so dissapointed.
listen, i understand. there were a lot of factors that made production and release hard. it wasn't meant to be. i get it. but it still hurts. i still think we deserved clearer communication on this.
yuri on ice was a major part of my life for so long. that show opened my eyes to healthy queer relationships and made me realize that i was queer myself. watching the episodes as they came out and debriefing them with my friends was the highlight of my week. i have consumed fanworks from incredibly, astoundingly talented artists. i have created fanworks. i have talked to and connected with so many amazing people, all because of this show.
yuri on ice got me through the darkest points of my life. when shit hit the fan, i'd curl up in bed, wrapped in my blanket from hot topic, and loop the soundtrack to ground myself. yuri on ice has been there for every major turning point in my life, and comforted me through it.
although more recently i haven't been as involved in the fandom, it's still so, so dear to me. i'm sitting here, writing this, surrounded by yoi merch i've collected over the years. keychains, plushues, stickers. i'm blowing my nose with tissues from my makkachin tissue holder.
...it's just so surreal that the movie has finally been put to rest. but i'm happy to have known and loved this fandom, and i will carry these memories with me, always.
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repressedlesbian · 22 days
Could you share some of those blogs? Need more to follow lol
Oh yeah sure! Sorry I fell asleep lol
@mysticallesbi, @transbianyearning, @sappho-favourite-pupil, @princessfemmes, @untouchable-gay-version, @prettyypenguin, @cheerrymoon , @lewdtranslesbian, @theearthlygoblin, @buxomgirlie, @maraschinoangels, @olsincarnate, @brattiestbiter
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nochiquinn · 2 months
David and Emily both need insulin, and in total it comes to $237. If anybody wanted to give a belated birthday gift to David (or an early one to me) being able to muster that up would be a big help. He's already making noises about rationing, so I'd very much like to get the new rx before that point.
Paypal Cashapp ($ceraphena) Venmo
Thank you all 💙
archive cat tax:
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