#we'll shake it off and get back to aftermath very soon
happyfoxx-art · 10 months
Hiii I think this is weird BUT
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Leo's cast in color myb? Pretty please 🥺
yeah sure why not, have a boy on the mend
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ogdoadfates · 10 months
It was only a cough: CH# 10 Thunderwave
Here it is! The long awaited final chapter of 'It was only a cough'! Wow, this is....wow. My apocalypse au was the first au I ever really talked about and one that got a fair bit of attention too!! So this is kinda well amazing! Now 'It was only a cough' is finished but my apocalypse au is far from done~ At some point I do plan on doing a long fic for my Apocalypse au but for now we'll just be doing some prompts/drabbles. Thank you all so much for reading this fic of mine, it means so much to me! Ao3 link like usual!
Vax is soaked, he’s pretty sure he’s bleeding from somewhere and he’s not only going to have nightmares once he finally goes to sleep but be massively sore when they inevitably wake him up. It takes what feels like hours but most likely was only a few minutes to get to the van. Luckily it seems Percy had heard him cause the first thing he hears after launching him and his sister into the van is the strong thuming pur of the engine coming to life. 
As soon as the backdoors close Percy hits the gas, it jostles them all, yelps and a bark from Trinket fill the air for a second before everyone is suddenly in motion again, like a bird desperate to move for standing still means death. It’s blurs of hands on people's bodies and items being thrown about. Someone shouts that Grogs fine, no bites, which is a miracle considering how the big man was holding off a good-sized hoard. Pike has his sister’s shirt pulled up, the wound looks grotesque but as she uses a towel to clean it up it looks nowhere as bad as he’d feared. His mind swims, it rushes back and forth between the now and the past, even going further than the hospital. His head is loud but simulatiously quiet, he doesn’t return to the present till he feels shaking fingers touch his side.
All at once everything snaps back into place and god did everything hurt, his vision threatened to blur again but he still feels those shaking hands on him, now more firmly grasping him with a sweet yet panicked small voice trying to reach him. Vax forces his breathing to calm, slowly but surely all his senses coming back.
“Vax?” Keyleth’s voice is shaking and it makes his racing heart still like a rabbit caught mid-run in a snare. Finally, he turns to face her. She's scared, panicked, her face is ravished with worry and anxiety. He can feel his few wounds ache but they don’t compare to the hurt he feels for Keyleth and his own sister. One is in mental agony and one in physical pain but they are alive. All of them are, it’s this notion this fact that lets him give her a true reassuring smile, one that she can tell is not just to placate her. It doesn’t calm her completely, she keeps her hands on him, more firmly on him if anything, still a slight shake to her but he can tell at the very least her panic has lessened. It takes a moment for Vax to drag his attention away from Keyleth, his gaze goes straight to his twin. 
Pike stays close to Vex, poking and checking over the bandage they’d put on her side, it’s not bleeding too much which is a good sign. Vex has been hurt worse before and luckily this time they have more than enough medical supplies that none of them will have any lasting issues from their current wounds. Vax would much rather forget about the time they had no supplies and Grog had taken a massive hit to his back, the scar still haunts them all. To be fair just about any scar nowadays is just another horror story waiting for them to notice again so its haunting lullaby may find them again in their sleep but at least these new ones they’ll get will be small enough that they’ll most likely not notice them as often.
A loud boom of thunder drags Vax out of his thoughts and causes everyone in the van to fall in a sudden hush, only the torrent of rain against metal and the lumbering roll of its aftermath fills the space with noise. The white noise leaves them all to look at each other, taking stock of each other's conditions. Vax almost missed the wince from Pike before she carefully manoeuvered her way over to him, her gaze locked on some spot on his stomach. Looking down it suddenly makes sense why Keyleth was still shaking. Blood slowly trickles from the tares in his skin and around a few small specs of broken glass that must’ve dug their way into his skin from the ground when they’d made their grand escape from the grotesque-infested hospital.
It hurts and stings when Pike slowly and carefully extracts the small shards from his flesh, Keyleth moving her hands to take one of his, offering him the little comfort that she can provide in this moment.
It’s times like these that Percy wished he had contacts but just like every other time and every time to come he’ll have to make do. Even if he can barely see the road through the blinding rain and his fogging glasses. He desperately wants to turn around, to see if Vex and everyone else are alright but his attention must remain forward.
It’s so strange how just months ago he and Vex had been talking about going on a road trip to his hometown, just the two of them, and how after their return they’d finally tell the others about how they’re dating, have been dating for a while and now he’s driving his car in a hell storm away from flesh-eating demonspawns while his girlfriend is possibly injured in the back. Fuck, the only reason he knows she’s not gravely injured is because Vax isn’t freaking the fuck out.
Another rumble shakes the world around them. Percy’s very bones feel like tightly wound strings of copper full of static as if the storm outside has conducted all of its electricity into him. He’s going to explode, he’s going to scream, he’s-
A gentle, familiar, hand lays onto his shoulder before he can see the owner of said hand slowly and carefully manover herself into the front passenger seat. He keeps his main focus on the pavement that he can make out from his rain-painted windshield but he notices the bandages covering Vex’s side, some slight red bleeding through but not enough to be concerning. Not enough to be concerning? Gods what's happening to us? What's happened to us that any more blood than that released from a pin prick is not concerning? That the only time we are concerned is if they are bleeding out?
The gentle hand returns to his forearm this time, taking hold of it as she gently rubs her thumb across his skin. His body still buzzes with wild tension but the internal fog clears just enough, he lets out a long sigh, a barely noticeable shakiness finds its way into it but that's just for him and Vex to know.
“The roads are going to be icy after this.” Keyleth’s voice pierces the silence that had encompassed the van, filling the stagnant air with the seeping chill of dread taking its place. She isn’t wrong, they all know it but it also reveals a different issue.
“We’ll have to be careful with the van, it’s possible we might not be able to shut it off till it’s completely dry.” His voice is void of emotion but he just can’t bring himself to put anything into it and what would he? Despair would just hurt everyone, panic would scare everyone even more, so he just avoids it. He finds himself doing that a lot these days. Avoid the things that bring him pain, avoid till they slap him in the face or threaten to sneak behind him and rip his heart out through his back with a triumphant cry as if to mock him for his incompetence and inaction. He’s still reeling from how he didn’t notice Keyleth getting sick. If he’d just been paying just a smidge more attention he might’ve noticed, might’ve prevented his friends, his family, from splitting yet again, and half of them getting hurt in the process.
Logically he knows that no matter what they would’ve had to stop for supplies at some point before they hit the next middle-of-nowhere highway but he just can’t scratch this ever-present itch that he could’ve done something.
The rain continues to pelt down but luckily from what Percy can see the roads are completely cleared so he relaxes ever so slightly and as if they can feel the mood shift from him the rest of the group starts to idly chatter. Only three voices don’t join in, Vex, Keyleth, and his own. Chancing a glance in the rearview mirror reveals to him Vax softly talking to Keyleth, who has her head buried in the side of the long-haired man's neck.
Percy returns his full attention to the road, best not to intrude on a moment when they’re already forced to have it in the open. A lack of privacy has been one of the strongest most felt losses they’ve all been scrambling to get accustomed too. It’s to the point that whenever they reach Whitestone or Zephrah one of the first things he’ll do is just find a room to himself and scream. A slight slice of privacy just for him, is it wise? No. Is it selfish? Yes, but gods he feels everyone would want to do the same.
A cough brings a cold end to the little conversations everyone just started to have. Percy dares not take a glance through the mirror, avoiding yet again. His grip tightened on the wheel.“I’m fine, it’s just from, well you know.” He hears Keyleth say just barely audible enough for everyone to hear. She’s still recovering, it’d be irrational to think she wouldn’t cough here or there but after the rush and fear they all felt and the fact she hadn’t coughed for hours at this point, it sends cold shivers up all their spines. Percy keeps his eyes glued to the road, as Vex’s hand goes from giving comfort to holding onto his arm in a firm grip. It’d better just be a cough.
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kissorkill15 · 6 months
Telling The Parents: A Sky High Fanfic
Summary: The aftermath of the homecoming dance, Will and Layla are finally ready to announce their relationship to their parents. Hence the title, Telling the parents.
"Will, are you sure about this?"
Will and Layla were sitting on the couch in Will's house, waiting for Mr and Mrs Stronghold to come home.
"Layla, we planned this weeks ago. We agreed we'd tell our families about our relationship, and we're starting with my parents."
"But aren't you nervous?"
"Why else would you be shaking?"
Will looked at his hands, and they were definitely shaking and twitching like crazy, almost like a can of soda about to burst. It was true, Will was indeed nervous. He'd lied to his parents about his powers in the past, so there was a 95% chance they'd think he was lying about him and Layla dating.
He waved his hands a little bit, trying to shake off all of the negative energy.
"Okay, I'm a little bit nervous, but I have a right to be. I lied to them before, so they might think I'm lying now."
"But what if they think you're telling the truth?"
"Then we're all in the clear. ...Shit."
"We still have to tell your mom."
Layla didn't think about that. Sure, she came from a family of pacifists and hippies, but there was also a 99% chance her mother would throw all her manners out the window and freak out.
"Right. I'm nervous about that too."
"And you have a right to be."
"Look," Layla put her hand in Will's, "We'll tell my mom after we tell your parents. Okay?"
And just as they were about to share a passionate kiss, the Commander and Jetstream came through the door, looking disheveled and exhausted.
"Ugh, what a day."
"I know, right?"
The couple backed away from each other, startled at their sudden appearance.
"Hi, Mom! Hi, Dad!"
"Hey, Will. Look, if you need us, we'll be taking a bath together."
Just as they were about to get upstairs, Will spoke up.
"Actually, I have something to tell you both."
The two exhausted superheroes crashed down on the couch in front of them, and they were all ears. Will was sweating nervously, but only a little bit. He sucked in a deep breath, and said...
"Mom, Dad, Layla and I are dating."
The room fell silent, both the Commander and Jetstream were shocked to hear that. Layla was clenching her knuckles and teeth in nervousness.
Jetstream blinked twice, then told the two...
"Congratulations, to both of you. We're so happy for you two. Right, Steve?"
The Commander didn't say anything, just sat there, eyes wide and mouth agape.
"Right, Steve?"
That's when he finally spoke.
"Right, right. I'm just shocked. I knew you'd try to find a way to get over your breakup with Gwen, but I didn't think you'd hook up with your best friend. Homecoming only happened a week ago."
"Yeah, and we've been dating since then, Dad."
Will noticed something, how his father was being so weirdly calm about this. He decided not to question it, but he'd definitely ask him about it later when he got the chance.
"In other words, I'm very happy for you both, and I hope you guys have a wonderful, healthy relationship."
"Thanks, Dad. Thanks, Mom. For both of your support."
Now all they had to do was tell Layla's mom.
As soon as the couple got back from school, they went straight to Layla's house. It was full of vines and roots were everywhere, all ivy covered walls. It's kind of nice, thought Will.
"Mom, I'm home! And I brought company!", Layla called out.
Arose from a giant pre-bloomed plant came Layla's mother.
"Hello, my dear. I was just in my personal space, I needed a moment to think. Oh, and I see you brought Will over?"
"Yes, Mom. And there's something we need to tell you."
"Of course, dear. But first, would you children like some tea?"
They both nodded and sat down at the living room table as she got the tea ready. All the while, Layla was shaking with nervousness. She wanted to tell her, she wanted her mom to know that she was now dating her best friend, but something inside of her told her to keep her mouth shut.
Layla was pulled out of her thoughts when Will's hand came in contact with hers.
"Layla, it's going to be alright. Just breathe and shake all of the negative energy away."
Layla did exactly that.
As Layla's mom sat down the tea, she pulled up a chair and sat down, ready to hear what her daughter had to say.
"So, Layla, what would you like to talk to me about?"
Once again, Layla became nervous. Maybe we could reschedule for another day?, she thought.
No, she was telling her today. Nervous or not.
"Will and I aren't friends anymore."
"Oh, darling, that's terrible-"
"We're more than that now. Now, we're boyfriend and girlfriend."
Layla's mom was shocked to hear that. She thought she was dating that Warren Peace boy, she never knew Layla was only fake dating him to make Will jealous.
"Mom, are you alright?"
"Yes, dear. It's just...what happened between you and that Warren Peace boy?"
Layla's face heated up with blush. But before she could say anything, Will but in.
"You see, Ms. Williams. Layla and Warren were only together because they thought I'd get jealous, but it didn't work. Well, not much. So after homecoming, we officially started dating."
Layla's mom seemed to understand that.
"Well in that case, I'm very happy for you and Will. But could I talk to your boyfriend for a moment, honey?"
Layla nodded and stepped out of the room, leaving her mother and her boyfriend to talk.
"Now, Will. I'm only going to say this once, so listen carefully."
"Yes, Ms. Williams."
"See, my little flower is very delicate, and her feelings can get hurt very easily. Don't get me wrong, I'm not talking down on her, I was just very angry to come home and hear my daughters crying sounds."
Will shuddered at that, he had flashbacks to the night of that party he had at his house. He had no idea what Gwen said to her, but he knew she cried.
"I know, Ms. Williams. I tried to call her to check up on her-"
"Oh I know. When I asked her what was wrong, she told me she never wanted to see you again, so I had a suspicion that maybe you've done something to upset her or someone else had done something to upset her and you just stood there and did nothing."
The woman leaned in closer to Will.
"So hear me when I say that if you ever hurt her like that again, or if she ever gets hurt and you just stand there and do nothing, I'll summon the strongest vines in the ground and pull you so deep underground, you'll mistake the ozone layer for the firey depths of hell."
She whispered this as quiet as she could, and Will was trying to muster up whatever little bladder control he had left.
"Do you understand, young man?"
"Yes, ma'am!"
"Good. Then I grant you my blessing to date my daughter. Treat her well."
Layla's mom called her daughter back in the room, and told her that she granted him her blessing to date her, and as soon as she left the room, Layla and Will smothered each other in kisses.
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deans-mind-palace · 4 years
Sweet as marshmallows
Pairing: Dean x Male!Reader
Summary: Things get heated between you and the elder hunter after a dangerous Wendigo hunt. 
Word Count: 1,400+
Warnings: Smut, angst 
Author’s Note: The shot is based on this request. I would love a dean x male reader and if sam wanted to join in/some wincest occurred, I wouldn’t be mad. I’m thinking reader has been a longtime friend and fellow hunter. They’ve all just finished a hunt and either dean or reader had a close call which leads to an unplanned and heated kiss in the aftermath when adrenaline is still running high. Whether it leads to a declaration of feelings or they agree to be fuck buddies (although one of them is secretly pining) is fine with me. Enjoy and shower it with love.
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You ran further and further into the forest. Your footsteps echoed muffled on the soft ground. The adrenaline pumped through your veins and again and again you looked back frantically. But you could not see it. Your foot got stuck on a protruding root and you almost fell, but caught yourself in the last moment.
"Come on!" shouted Dean, who had already arrived at the safe circle. Sam reached him seconds later and your feet moved faster. "Hurry up!" yelled Dean, whose gaze was written in panic. Your lungs screamed for oxygen but you didn't allow yourself a break. One pause, one little mistake and you'd be sentenced to death. You heard a growl nearby, then a human laugh and your hand rushed to the knife that was jingling in your belt. The knife would not hurt it. It was useless. You saw Dean's eyes widen and he aimed his shotgun at something over your shoulder. Immediately, Sam ripped the gun out of his brother's hand. "You're just making it mad!" hissed Sam, who unloaded the gun. At that exact moment you slipped inside the safety circle. Dean grabbed you by the hand and pulled you back to your feet. Your chest slammed into his and he smiled.
"Hey there, mate." Dean winked at you. You laughed with relief. The deep laugh rumbled in your chest. Then you took a few steps away from the older hunter to put some distance between you. Sam drew new runes on the floor in the meantime. You felt the presence of the dark being lurking out there in the shadows. The Wendigo was just waiting for one of you to make the first mistake. It enjoyed playing with your psyche. The bushes rushed and something scurried around your camp so quickly that not even the flickering flames of the fire could catch it. Your heart was still beating in your throat.
"At least we found the bastard's hiding place now!" Dean growled grimly as he sat down by the fire and stared into the flames. The reddish glow of the flames illuminated his face in the dark. It cast long shadows over his features. You sat down next to him and looked up at the sky full of glimmering stars. It would have been almost romantic, had you not been in serious danger. "Tomorrow we'll get it!" you muttered, and Dean fixed you with his apple-green eyes that shimmered in the dark like two emeralds. Sam sat down across from you and nodded his head. "Damn right."
Your gaze wandered out into the depths of the dark woods in the middle of the Rocky Mountains. Somewhere out there, the wendigo lay in wait for its next victim. You couldn't see it in the dark, but you knew it was there. The wind rustled through the leaves and the trees rushed ominously above your heads. Sam yawned and smacked softly. "Do we have any marshmallows?" Dean asked and looked at his little brother hopefully. You rummaged in your pocket and threw him an unopened package and he beamed. "Never come unprepared, Dean." You winked at him slyly and he laughed while Sam rolled his eyes because of your dirty puns but at his lips tugged a grin as well.
"I'll call it a night, guys," Sam said, yawning like a confirmation. "Night, Sam," you said and he smiled warmly at you. Dean paid no attention to him but happily stuck as many marshmallows as possible on a stick he'd found in the brush. Sam moved the zipper of his tent and you heard the rustling of sheets followed by a soft snoring a few minutes later. You stared into the flames. Dean's sudden cursing ripped you from your thoughts. You had to laugh at the sight because Dean had stuffed as many marshmallows as possible in his mouth. His cheeks were full and he looked like a hamster. "Damn, that shit's hot." he cursed muffled by the marshmallows in his mouth. His lips glistened from the sugar and white spurts were covering them. Immediately you wondered how his lips would look stretched around your cock with your white spurts on his lips.
He saw your look and tapped with one hand on the free spot next to him. Immediately you slid closer and put your head on his shoulder. "Man, thought I'd loose you out there, pookie bear." You snorted at his nickname for you. "I'm not that easy to get rid off, De." You mumbled and started to cover his neck in feathery kisses. The fire crackled. "Damn right. You're mine." Goose bumps ran down your body and he turned his head towards you. His eyes locked on you intensely and the fire gleamed at him from the side. His eyes moved to your mouth and his tongue ran lazily across his lips. Your fingers stroked the rough stubble that shadowed his cheeks. He leaned into the touch.
Greedily, his lips found yours and your teeth clashed against each other. It was a wild mixture of tongues, lips and teeth. You both struggled for dominance for a moment, then Dean gave in. Even though he was always very dominant on the outside, he liked to give up control and responsibility. You knew that, and you liked to take advantage of it. Gently you bit his lower lip and he sighed as your tongue apologetically stroked his lips. Immediately you took the opportunity and your tongue entered his mouth while your fingers dug into his short blond strands. Dean still tasted sweet after the sugar of the marshmallows.
Gently he pushed you and you lay under him. He moved above you and you groaned as his hand made its way to the bulge in your jeans. Your hands skillfully opened the buttons of his plaid shirt. Then you stroked his belly and he shivered under your touch. Soon his fingers found the button of your pants and opened them. As he prepared you, his lips never left yours. Only after one groan from you and a second finger from him did his lips leave yours and wander across your face. Soon you could not wait any longer and pulled impatiently at his belt. He laughed at your impatience.
"Eager, are we?" he asked laughing and you cried out as his fingers left your body. You heard the sound of his belt hitting the forest floor and the sound of his zipper. The anticipation filled your whole body and you couldn't wait any longer. Dean jerked his cock and made you wait. Just when you thought you couldn't stand this torture anymore, you felt his velvety tip on your asshole. Then he penetrated you and stretched you pleasantly. You relished in the feeling of his hard and thick cock in your tight hole. He gave you some time to get used to him before he finally moved. You threw your head back and moaned deeply, your muscles tightened around Dean. He too growled deeply and his chest vibrated from the deep noise under your fingers.
"So tight." whined Dean. You gasped as he started to pound into your tight heat. The muscles in his jaw were set tight and he had to hold on to himself so he wouldn't come too early. The twitch of your muscles around his cock made it hard for him. You both gasped with effort and his hot breath stroked your lips before he shut your mouth again with his. More and more quickly his thrusts became. With each thrust he brought you closer to the edge of your orgasm. You moaned as his hand went between your sweaty bodies and embraced your hard cock that bounced up and down with every thrust. You gasped in surprise as he bit your lip and his thumb simultaneously spread the pre-cum from your slit over the swollen head of your cock. His next thrust pushed you over the edge and your orgasm hit you so hard that you saw stars. Trembling and shaking you came undone beneath his hot body. His hand jerked you through your orgasm and you cried out as your cum spurted over your bellies. Your muscles clenched deliciously around Dean and he threw his head back in the neck as he changed his pace one last time. His thrusts grew erratic and he lost his rhythm when he pounded into you mercilessly.
You felt his cock twitching inside you, then he moaned and collapsed as soon as his hot load coated your insides. He caught himself in the last moment. You were both trying to catch your breath as he pulled you close to his body. Your head lay on his heaving chest. While being in your post coital bliss you felt safe in his arms. No matter what, Dean would always protect you. You were sure of that.
Dean spread open-mouthed kisses on your damp skin and you shuddered. "That was amazing." He mumbled and his lips lazily grazed your ear. "Beyond amazing." You agreed, then you rolled over so you were spooning him. You pulled him close because you knew that Dean loved to be the little spoon sometimes. "Thank you, babe." You mumbled and spread kisses on his bare shoulder. He smiled at you lazily the he sighed and his fingers traced over your arm wrapped around his chest. "I wish it could always be like this. I wish it wasn't so damn dangerous out there. The world a little less dark. I'm tired of always losing," he said, looking up at the stars. The fire was almost gone and only the embers were left glowing. "So tonight you better stop and rebuild all your ruins, because peace and trust can win the day despite all your losing." You whispered into his ear while the cool wind of the forest gave your damp bodies goosebumps. You nudged closer as the wind rustled through the trees.
"Did you just quote Led Zeppelin?" he asked and looked at you in surprise. "Yeah." Your fingers traced the outlines of his muscles. A grin spread across Dean's face. "Oh, God, I love you!" Then he widened his eyes in horror. "I- I no - sorry - I meant that-" he stuttered. But your thumb ran across his swollen lips and he fell silent. You smiled as you bent down and kissed him.
"It's okay, Dean. I love you too." You breathed against his lips.
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Dean tags: @vicariouslythruspn @crazybutconfidentaf @zizzlekwum @ashthefirefox @outofnowhere82​ @rintheemolion​ @justas-confused-asthenextperson @wreak-havoc02
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