#we're going to get breakfast again today so I'm super excited ^^ (we've started going every Sunday and I'm just :D)
good morning!! <3
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youknowwhoiamperiod · 1 month
hi ariel!
just wondering, how do you and jason spend his birthday? do you have any traditions yet?
xoxo sunnie (@fic-over-cannon)
hiii sunnie!!! i have so much planned for the birthday boy today and in my head this would be the 4th time celebrating his bday with me so we do have a few traditions
we start off the day with me waking him up with soft kisses all over his face and neck because. he deserves them all!! it's super hot outside and we've already got a dinner reservation followed with a small get together at wayne manor later so we spend the entire morning and early afternoon lazying around our apartment enjoying each other's presence
once he's up and has had his first fill of kisses i bring in his breakfast, it's his favourite cheesecake from the local bakery with a bunge of other sweets and snacks he likes. while i'm settling everything he picks up the little envelope at his bedside table that contains yet another love letter i write to him every birthday and he makes sure to read in secrecy. it's a little tradition i guess we picked up at some point and has stuck ever since. just a little reminder and written proof of my love for him and all the things that go unsaid between us on the daily. we don't necessarily talk about it, but he makes sure to show that he has read it and has got him in his feelings.
afterwards we just lay in our bed or on the couch talking and joking around, it's his day so i let him get away with his teasing and mockery and i don't give him my usual bratty attitude lol. the entire time i'm all over him like i can't keep my hands to myself on the daily so on his bday??? he's getting the whole package (and he's loving it a bit too much). princess treatment only, taking good care of him and making sure that he's feeling great and satisfied.
by the time it's mid day we're already swimming in bliss and he's claiming this bday better than the ones before (like every year lawl), and it's time for me to give him his gifts which get him all excited and giddy even if he tries to keep his cool!!! i love pampering him and getting him stuff he wouldn't buy for himself on the daily and another tradition i have is making him something handmade!!! could be a necklace, bracelet, a clothing item or anything but i just need to make it myself!!! this year i think i made him a scarf for the winter because it'd look cute on him and i gotta keep him warm <33
once we're done with the gifts and the freakish mood it somehow triggered in him (again), it's time for us to get ready for our dinner at his fav restaurant and the small party with his fam!!! he lets me style him because he knows it makes me happy and therefore makes him happy so both of us are satisfied at the end and ready to go lol. once we're back home one last wrapped gift waits for him on the bed, it's a special edition of one of his fav books that i made sure he doesn't own (i headcanon him as the type to collect different copies), it's fully annotated by me and in between two pages there's the small annual bday birthday poem i write for him dsbsbbchbchh. writing is so important to me and is a major love language so i need to express my love for him in both prose and poetry. after we're done with our night routine we just lay in bed to watch a movie but really we just get all whispery and giggly until we end up falling asleep <33
this was so long and so fun to think of thank you so much for asking me about it, it made me so happy :(( hope you and jason are having as much an amazing day!!!!
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pbandjesse · 4 years
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Welp I dropped my phone and lost my entire post. That sucks. Lemme try again. 
Like every one of these trips, I am sad it's the last night. It's been such a nice time. And today was beautiful. But I am sad to go home. 
I slept alright last night. I had a lot of anxiety which made me stay awake listening to podcasts for a long time. But every noise put me on edge. And i think a deer walked past our tent at one point. Plus it was just a little busier last night and we don't have as much privacy so every light the gods past lights up our tent. I had to stop myself from opening the window at everything to see what was going on. I also didn't have enough service to mindlessly scroll in Pinterest or Instagram and i had to many layers on and was overly warm. Eventually i took off two of my sweatshirts and was able to sleep. 
I woke up when James did to use the bathroom. I put one of my sweatshirts back on for the trek. And when i got back slept soundly doe a few more hours. 
Our air mattress did a lot better last night too. Plus the extra insulation of the blanket under our sleep in bags helped kept me more comfortable. 
I woke up at 730 and my phone and battery pack had died. James was making a fire. And i told him i was going to go shower. And once i figure out how to make the shower hot it was excellent. The shower was pretty new and very clean. The hot water felt amazing and i was able to comfortably wash my hair. Which helped me feel a lot better. Less itchy. Because for whatever reason, every little change in climate makes my psoriasis go crazy. 
James made us pancakes for breakfast. We shared a bowl of cereal. And then we made a plan. 
We had talked about biking or hiking. And i looked at things on my phone and we realized we were only a half hour or so from Assateague. Which is my favorite so we elected to go there. 
We had some issues with the bike rack. But besides that it was a nice drive out. 
We didn't realize that the island is not just a state park, but a national one! So we paid the car fee and headed in. 
I was so excited when we saw a pony. When we had come to the other side of the island for my birthday we only saw them from very far away. But now they were right in front of me. It was so exciting. We saw 12 in the couple hours we were there and it was exciting every time. 
We did some biking. Some beach walking. Spme she'll collecting. 
The whole place was beautiful. The ocean was so nice. The sand is very soft. The water was very foamy and attacked James and got his shoe wet. But it was just super fun. 
We did hike a small trail. We got to see the camp grounds that I hope to stay at next year. The plants reminded me of California. Some being very strange and dry. It was just a lot of fun. 
We took a lob bike ride to a different part of the beach. And sat and ate sandwiches and apples and watched the water. I felt a lot of love. I felt really happy. 
On the bike back to the park i declared i wanted to see one more pony. And i did! And i got an excellent shot with my instant camera. And then when we got.. Back to the car there were 5 more in the parking lot. It was great. I honestly had a blast. 
But i was also tired. We had biked about 6 miles. So we got everything together and headed back to camp. 
Once we were settled back here James went and got a shower. I skate boarded around our loop of camp sites. And the ate chips. 
We eventually took a walk over to the river and saw the weirdest dogwood tree formations. And collected sticks for our last fire. It was fun. 
We got back here and James build a fire. We had some food mishaps. Burnt bread mostly. Bit we had dinner and played cards games and laughed and started packing things in for the possible rain coming tonight. 
The sun went down as we were eating. But it's still been nice and cozy. James made me hot chocolate. He put more air in the air mattress. I remade the bed. We've been a really good team. And it feels good to be able to say that. I feel very loved when we work well together. 
And now we're laying in our tent. We pulled it more under the canopy, along with everything else, just in case. But we're cozy. Enjoying the last embers of the fire. And soon we'll go to sleep early. 
Tomorrow we'll pack up. We might do one more hike and stop in one more town. But we'll be home before the sun goes down I'm sure. I'm excited to see sweetp. Lane has been sending us pictures and I miss his sweet face. 
I hope we all sleep easy tonight. Be safe. Take care of each other. I'll get this posted asap!!! 
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yuhyoongi · 5 years
1 - Morning
-hoseok pov-
i wake up to my phone ringing. i already knew who it was before i checked the caller ID. it's most likely my best friend. i pressed the answer button. "GOOD MORNING" a loud voice yells into the phone. "ow! Anjila i just woke up. hush" i say. i hear a squeak of a voice "i'm sorry" she apologizes. i sigh and shake my head. "it's alright. what do you need so early? it's 7:54 am Anji" i ask her. i hear her giggle "i was wondering if you wanted to.. uh.. go to the carnival with me today?" she invites me out with her. "i would love to, but i'm going with yoongi. it's our three year anniversary! remember? i'm going to propose to him today!!" i tell her quietly so yoongi doesn't hear me in the other room. "oh. okay. that's all i was wondering. have fun. bye" she quickly hangs up before i could apologize. i quickly send her a text:
“hey Anji, im sorry for not being able to go with you. i'll make it up to you somehow! i'll be pretty busy so i won't be easy to reach! have a good day todayyy”
i fall back asleep.
some time later, i feel a hand shaking me. "hey wake up! im about to start making breakfast!" i open my eyes. yoongi is smiling down at me. he plants a kiss on my forehead and walks out of the room. i rub my eyes, then proceed to get out of bed. i check the time: it's 8:59 am. i go in the bathroom to shower and wash my face. today is the big day. i'm going to propose to yoongi. i know he'll say yes, but what if he doesn't? that would be embarrassing. i love him, i cant lose him. we'll be able to have a future together, finally.. my mind wonders for a few more minutes until i hear a knock on the bathroom door. "hoseok-ah hurry up! breakfast is getting cold!!" yoongi yells through the door. i quickly begin to rinse the conditioner out of my hair. "okay, i'm coming!" i say and then turn the shower off. i grab my towel and dry myself before putting on my outfit for today. yoongi and i decided to match our outfits:
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(hoseok in purple, yoongi in black)
i brush my hair and teeth. i walk out of the bathroom and into the kitchen, where i find yoongi patiently waiting for me. "there you are!" he exclaims and rolls his eyes. i laugh and the notice he hasn't eaten. "why haven't you eaten anything?" i ask him. he looks at the two full plates of food. "i was waiting for you," he smiles at me. i shake my head and smile back. i walk over and sit next to him. he made pancakes, bacon, a sunny side up egg, hash browns, and orange juice. "thank you" i kiss him and begin to eat my food. it was very very good (obviously). he finishes a couple seconds before i do. i stop him from doing the dishes. "i'm doing them since you made breakfast," i tell him. he shakes his head, but i refuse to let him. he finally gives up and sits down. i quickly wash them, dry them, and put them away. i check the time. it's 10:13 am. "so what shall we do first?" i turn around and face yoongi. his eyes widen a little bit. "i haven't really thought about what we would do before the carnival honestly. it's still early. we can go shopping maybe? or see a movie? or we could sleep?" yoongi throws out ideas. i nod. "we can do all of those. we have time! firstly, we'll go shopping. then we can go see a movie. then we come back home, take a nap, wake up, fix ourselves up, and go to the carnival!" i smile at yoongi. he laughs and stands up. i watch him as he walks to grab his shoes. i follow and put mine on as well. i grab my phone and slip it into my pocket as we walk out of the door. "should i drive or should we uber?" i ask. yoongi tosses me the keys to the car. i laugh and shake my head.
2 - Out and About
-hoseok pov-
of course, i take him to his favorite stores. today i am determined to make yoongi the happiest he's been in years. i want today to be his day. to be our day. we get all sorts of new clothes. i take yoongi thrifting with me so i can find some new, cool prints. i secretly buy him a gift while we're at a store. i buy him a skateboard. i figured he'd like it. the design just spoke of him. i nearly pass out because i almost drop the ring box out of my pocket. i buy a new pair of shoes. they're sandals. i also get a new pair of sunglasses, as does yoongi. we put everything in the trunk of the car. then we drive to go see the movie. we haven't quite decided what we want to see yet until we get to the theater.
when we arrive, i park as close to the front as possible. we walk inside and look at the options. we decide on Avengers: Endgame. we walk into the theater, prepared to be devastated. the movie begins. i'm already crying at the very first scene. luckily, i brought tissues so i pat the tears away. i look at yoongi and he's holding the tears in for later. i decide to do the same. i cuddle up to him and continue to watch
*time skip through the movie*
the credits start rolling. i'm crying into yoongi's shoulder. he's crying too. we stand up and wipe the tears from our faces. as we begin to walk out of the building, we put on our sunglasses to hide our red eyes from the world. we return home and bring all of our bags from shopping inside and leave them in the living room. we walk into the room and plop onto the bed, exhausted from the crying. "i cant believe they did that" i being to tear up again. yoongi pulls me closer to him and comforts me. "it's okay. it's just a movie" he says to me and runs his fingers gently through my hair. i calm down and slowly drift off into sleep.
3 - Always and Forever
-hoseok pov-
i wake up to my phone aggressively vibrating and making a loud noise. it's my alarm. i go over to shut it off, but yoongi beat me to it. "we should get up and get ready to go" i say to him and sit up. he shakes his head and goes under the covers. i shake him. "come on!!" i exclaim. he groans, yawns, and turns the other way. i pull the covers off of him and pull him out of bed. "let's goooo!" i yell and push him into the bathroom, where i proceed to splash water onto his face. his eyes open immediately. i laugh at him, then start washing my face. he rolls his eyes and grabs his face wash. after washing our faces, we fix our hair, and grab a lint roller and fix up our outfits. i look at him in awe. i have never seen someone so beautiful in my life. he always amazes me everyday. not with just his looks. with his everything. his fun personality sways me. i fall for him harder every breath i take. i truly want to spend the rest of my life with him.. i smile. he looks at me. "are you staring at me?" he asks. my face gets hot. "uh- no" i say and look away. he laughs and shakes his head. "i'm gonna go grab.. something," he says and walks into the bedroom. THAT WAS SO EMBARRASSING i scream in my mind. i look in the bedroom. yoongi is adjusting the waist of his pants. he pulls his shirt a bit much over one area. i shrug it off and go grab my new shoes.
as i'm tying my shoes, i feel eyes on me. i look to my left and yoongi is sitting on the couch looking at me. but once he notices me looking at him, he looks away. how is it that we've been together for three years, yet we still get embarrassed when caught admiring the other person? i ask myself, not coming up with an answer. "i'm ready to go" i tell him. he nods his head and shakes the keys. "i'll drive us there" he says. i open the door for him, and we left.
when we get in the car, we turn on the directions to the carnival. it's near the more sketchy places in the area. yoongi is on edge about it, but i'm excited. i checked the time. it's 6:30 pm. i wait until we get a red light, then i scream loud. yoongi nearly jumps out of his skin. i laughed and he playfully punched my arm. "don't do that!" he yelled. i laughed more. he began to chuckle. i smiled and looked out the window. we're close to the carnival. i suddenly get extremely anxious thinking about proposing to him tonight. fireworks go off at midnight every year during the carnival. that's when i planned proposing.
we pulled into the parking lot. i look at all the lights for the rides and games. it was beautiful. i was super excited for it all. tonight was going to be the best night of my life. i was determined to make tonight amazing for yoongi. i was the first one to get out of the car. i jump up and down as yoongi gets out and close the door. he locks the car doors and we walk in. i look around at all the tall rides and the tons of games. i look over to see yoongi's face. it's lit up with amazement and excitement. i pull him over to the first ride. it's the ferris wheel. we get on and look at the view. he thought the view was pretty, but i thought he was prettier.
we get off, and get on more intense rides like roller coasters. then we decide to get food and play arcade games. yoongi rushes over to the basketball game. he wins the biggest prize. a life size gorilla plushie. while he does that, i decide to try the shooting game next his game. i end up winning a small prize. we both go over to the balloon popping game. i end up popping the most and get a medium prize. i exchange the small and medium for a large prize. i get a large sloth plush.
after hours and hours of playing games and going on rides, it's 11:57. yoongi and i go for a walk a little away from the carnival where we can be alone. we countdown to the fireworks. well, he counts down to the fireworks. i countdown to when i propose to him. it's 11:59.
ten seconds.
nine seconds.
eight seconds
seven seconds
six seconds.
i get on one knee
four seconds.
three seconds.
"min yoongi..."
one second
"would you make me the happiest man in the whole entire galaxy by marrying me?"
yoongi gasps. he begins to cry. "yes!" he yells. i stand up and hug him. "i love you so much hoseok. i'm so happy" he sobs into my chest. i hug him tighter. "i love you too" i whisper. i put the ring on his finger. i laugh and choke on my tears a bit. he looks at the ring. "it's perfect" he says and smiles at me. i smile back. his gaze suddenly darts to something behind me and his smile drops. he pulls me behind him. i look to see what he was looking at. there's someone pointing a gun at us. "stay there!" i hear the person yell. i go next to yoongi. "it's okay" i whisper to him. he nods his head. the person steps into the street lamp light. "Anjila? what are you doing?!" i yell. she starts sobbing. she looks me in my eyes. "why not me? i've been here for you your whole life! you haven't noticed me! i've been your best friend for all this time, i've wanted something more! hoseok i'm in love with you for god's sake! why can't you love me back!!" she screams at me. yoongi looks at the ground. "Anjila. i'm sorry. i just can't return those feelings. i'm sorry if i hurt you in any way" i apologized to her and my eyes started to tear. "you take my happiness, i take yours," she begins to move her finger on the trigger. she aims it at me, then at yoongi. "you don't deserve hoseok" she says, then pulls the trigger. it hits yoongi in the stomach. "NO ANJILA WHAT THE FUCK ARE YOU DOING? YOONGI NO. STAY WITH ME. PLEASE!" he falls to the ground. i rush to his side. i see metal poking out from his waistband. he brought his gun with him? i wonder and look. yeah, that's a gun. i think in my head. i grab it and put it in my sleeve. "Anjila, how could you?" i scream and sob onto yoongi's chest. "yoongi you're strong. you got this. everything will be okay. we will be okay" i say to him and force a laugh through my sobs. i stand up and turn to Anjila. "h-hoseok i-i'm sorry. but you have me now! we can finally be together! see!" she starts to walk towards me. i pull the gun on her and shoot. i hit her in her chest. she collapses. i run to her, crying. "i'm so sorry Anjila.." i mumble and walk to yoongi. "H-HOSEOK, N-NO" he yells while choking on blood. i hear a loud BANG and then there's a stinging sensation in my back. i fall to the ground. she shot me. i realize. i drag myself over to yoongi. i make it to him. the stinging sensation turned to burning. "y-yoongi i'm so sorry" i cry and look at him. he shakes his head and touched my face. "everything is okay" he says very calmly. he kisses me. "i love you so much yoongi" i say to him. he stares at my face. "i will love you forever. i'll see you in our next life. don't forget me, i love you Jung Hoseok. until we meet again.." yoongi says with a smile and rests his head on the ground. his chest stops moving. "n-no!" i yell, choking on my own blood. "I will love you for the rest of eternity Min Yoongi. always and forever. until next time..." i say and lay next to him, feeling my body go numb until everything goes dark.
so that’s the end of the story. i’m open to all feedback. it’s my first time really posting a story i’ve written. let me know if you enjoyed the story. if you didn’t, tell me why. xx
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