#web regis
tiny-buzz · 1 year
Regis Philbin Teaches Computers In His New Book.
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"So the first time I got on the computer, my niece was showing me how to set up an e-mail, back in the 90s, this must have been 1996, 1997. And I thought, great, saves me a stamp. But she said, Uncle Regis, it's so much more than just e-mail. You can look up stock quotes. You can order flowers. You can research the rainforest. So I thought, heck, that's not bad. And I can do all this, through my phone line? She said, just you wait. One day, you won’t even need a phone. She’s always been so sharp, my niece.”
"I remember when I discovered chat rooms. I went in one under my screen name, BIG_PHRANCIS_X, totally pseudonymous, and I thought, wow, this is true freedom. The World Wide Web, at my fingertips, and no expectations, no one knows its me. I can surf anywhere. I can say anything. I had a great discussion with some folks that first time, talking about video games, which was better, the Sega or the Nintendo. I didn’t have an opinion. No idea! Then a man sent me some sexual chats, talking about his power tools and so on, and so I skedaddled.”
“My first webpage I visited was a hoot. The way it worked was, you put in your name at the top, or any name, I suppose, and it generated a fake doctor’s excuse for you. Really outrageous stuff — “acute case of Sunday hangover,” or “Got bit by a llama,” that kind of nonsense. Who comes up with this stuff? I would go to that site, every day for about a month, first thing, right with my morning coffee.”
“Eventually, I went to a second webpage, website, whatever. It was a repository of stories that this man, a European I believe, had written. Long, really detailed fiction, lots of plots, but the general recurring theme was that a woman would end up sitting on him, or rather, the main character, who always seemed to be about the same type of European male, and the woman would use the main character as a chair, of sorts. Sometimes a stool, sometimes a bench. The women varied — tall, short, mean, kind, fat, thin, all sorts of women just using this guy as a chair. Sometimes they’d be drinking wine, sometimes reading a book. I didn’t realize it at the time but I think this guy really got his jollies from it. I guess that’s one of the purposes of fiction, to let us imagine the world as it could be, and this guy, I guess, he just wished he had been born as a chair.”
“Eventually I started racking up the pages. Dozens of web pages, hundreds even. I ordered more flowers, that first year, than Joy knew what to do with. “Reg,” she’d say, “more flowers?!” hollering back to the computer room whenever the delivery guy would show up. I also learned a whole lot about the rain forest, information I still rely on to this day.”
“But then, one night, I couldn’t sleep, and I was up, surfing the web. And I found a new web page I’d never seen before. It was written in riddles, long, recursive sentences, and when I’d go back to read the opening part, I swore it was changing.”
“The topic was vague, hard to understand. It touched on many things — pain, loss, love, triumph, fear, sex, death, the ego, the id — there was embedded music, a haunting leitmotiv played on an electric keyboard — it was a winding narrative, water down an escarpment, and the water came from a machine, an automatic author, a robot of sorts, it seemed mournful, a helper looking for someone it had lost, another script, another automaton, knowing only how to describe the world through its medium, maybe it was telling me the story as I read it.”
“I scrolled, and read, and scrolled, and read, and there, at the bottom of the page, I met God. I could recognize God, as a word, of sorts. God was a series of letter forms, glyphic, immutable, conveying nothing, conveying everything. God was a cursor. God was a scroll bar. God was script that helped track my visit. God was a broken image link. God was the embedded song that played on loop. God was the banner ad, loading at the bottom. God was offering a chance for me to click here for a free iPod, years before the advent of the iPod. God was not dissuading me, God was not encouraging me. I do not know if I have free will, I do not know if I am forsaken. I did not click to try to win that iPod.”
"Do you believe that? Do you believe God is at the bottom of a website? I believed it then, and I still do.”
Regis Weekend Has Been Extended Through Saturday, September 16.
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baeshijima · 1 year
is ur desktop theme still regis tho
and yes. yes it is.
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goodmode · 4 months
what are your top 10 bugs. or top 5 .or top 3. whichever number is less hassle?
there are pictures of bugs in this post! you have been notified!
this blog
5. goliath beetle
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this one is a Goliathus regis aka a royal goliath beetle, but i see no difference love is love etc. they're beautiful but my FAVOURITE thing about them is their babies.
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this is from this youtube video of a guy breeding them. he just plops one in a box and weighs it. look at the state of that. incredible
4. euglossine/orchid bees | (wikipedia page also)
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christ just look at them, sources are saying. my sona was at first mostly based on these but i branched out very quickly as i designed them and now they're a mashup of multiple bugs. still, they kept the gloss!
3. giant house spider
no pics for this one because i know people feel like there's a difference between bugs and spiders and that this difference is that one is scary to look at. so click through to see the spider i mean. but basically they're the big leggy buggers you might find around the house.
i don't find them scary at all, i grew up catching them in my hands to put them outside or wherever they couldn't get trodden on or attacked by cats. they get really big here, for uk crawlies at least. i've seen some almost the span of my hand, which i know because i had them sitting on my hand.
they hang out in dark corners in little web funnels and mind their damn business, and they keep the other insects down for you. these animals pay important rent to be in your house. please let them be if you can bear them!!!
i love big spoidur!!!
2. hoverflies
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i love hoverflies. they're like the only fly i'm comfortable with. they flit around visiting flowers, like bees, and they have incredibly dexterous aero-manoeuvrability, which is a fancy way of saying damn those hoverflies sure can hover.
i remember being very young and curiously staring at hoverflies in my grandma's garden while they hung completely still in the summer air observing me right back. i remember being told they can't sting, and so i let them land on my arms and watched them lick the sweat off me.
one time i was on a high ropes course and i was getting spooked (not good with heights) and a hoverfly came and sat on my hands, which were covered with sticky tree sap from clinging to the bark in fear in the hot weather, and it did its little thp thp thp thing and hung out on me while i waited for my turn to do something scary, and i remember watching and calming down, and it felt suddenly wonderful to be up in the air at this height with the hoverflies. i love them
1. the humble lasius niger/black garden ant
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they are so common and so unassuming and we're so used to them that people forget how absolutely incredible these guys are. go look at the Mutualisms part of their wikipedia page. then think about how widespread they are, how adapted, adaptable. how clever not as individuals but en masse. consider the ant colony as one superorganism. consider the beauty of a life of invisible pheromone trails and the intimacy of antennae tapping. consider knowing exactly what your role is and what you're to do for your whole life and that being enough and no more. consider their wars and losses and victories, all their dramas that happen underfoot completely unseen every day except by small children crouching in the sun mesmerised by lines of little black specks. consider their global success over millions of years. consider that the average person doesn't care about them. how could you not care about them. i think they're fascinating
oh to be a little ant, and come what may, to simply get on with it. i hope we can all simply get on with it.
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andordean · 4 months
Psst psst psst 🥔 Writer Asks 3,8, 15, 22. 19 only if you feel like it:3
(3) What’s your favorite fic that you’ve written?
Probably "Business Matter" because I loved writing Tankred SO MUCH.
(8) What project(s) are you currently working on?
Three embroidery ideas, a translation gig with a short deadline, a slow stitch project... Oh, you meant writing, didn't you. Err. Well. ;)
(15) How do you come up with titles for your fics/chapters?
Most of my fics have some theme song, and there's bound to be a fitting piece of lyrics in there. :D
(22) Do you know how your fic will end before you start writing?
Yes. I may not always know how exactly to get there, but the end point is always clear.
(19) Give us a small teaser from one of your WIPs.
Have the "Ghost of You" sequel that stalled at ch2. Thanks for the ask! <3
The workshop is dark and quiet—a perfect hideout. A small window by the door above the work table lets in the barest amount of light, which may be enough for Regis, but Cahir has to light all the candles to be able to see what he’s doing. The flames flicker in an invitation as the smoke curls in the air and mixes with the scent of herbs—sage, wormwood, mint, horehound, basil—that hang in bunches along the wall and wait their turn.
When he began helping Regis three years ago, he hated this place. The scents made his head dizzy and his eyes water; he would only last an hour at a time before a blinding headache would send him to seek fresh air, and a bed.
Now, the little wooden hut at the back of Regis' house in Dillingen is his safe haven; the scents wrap around him like a welcoming embrace as soon as he steps into the workshop. It’s quiet inside, save for an occasional gurgle and bubble of whatever it is that Regis is distilling at any given moment in one of the alembics that line up the far wall. It's a place that brings clarity of thought—which is something Cahir desperately needs right now. 
He hopes he can escape the vampire's scrutiny for another few hours while he gets his head in a working order. He couldn't avoid the morning round of checkups on their patients, but as soon as they were done, he excused himself under the guise of refilling their supply of tinctures, left Regis to reign in the shop, and hid in the workshop. There's no better treatment for his malady than repetitive manual tasks, so Cahir dons an apron hanging on the hook by the door and sets to work. 
Myrrh is first on his list. Grinding the resin is a tedious and slow process, and as his mind wanders, the frustration he didn’t let himself dwell on during the morning duties comes back in full force. 
He’s been working so hard to rebuild his life. It wasn’t easy: he spent two empty years aimlessly drifting from place to place, before an overheard conversation in some village decimated by the Catriona led him to Regis. This was a turning point; following the vampire back to Dillingen, and later becoming his apprentice gave Cahir a new purpose, different to everything he was taught all his life: to serve, to obey—to kill. 
Yet despite his best efforts his subconscious continues to mock him, conjuring up stark reminders of what would not be—of her. Cahir is no longer sure whether that's fate or simply a projection of his guilt. Most of the dreams are nothing but empty, distorted echoes of the past—and if the rare nightmares are cries for help, he has no way to answer them, for the pull of destiny is no more. The righteous fire that used to consume him led him nowhere and left but scarred ground and ash. 
You cannot hold a flame in your hands. 
The only thing driving him now is bitter regret. There has been nothing but silence since that fateful night when he failed so utterly and succumbed to his lowest instincts. Her forgiveness blinded him to the stark reality, to the complex web of violence and hurt that entwined them so tightly, tied their hands and their fates. Enthralled by the fragile, precious connection that bloomed so unexpectedly between them he yielded to her wishes; her trust, so raw and unjustified, made him hope there was a way forward for them, broken as they were. That they could help each other. That they could heal.
Until he woke up the next morning, alone, with no word of a farewell. 
He was left with no answers. The memory of that night has been gnawing at his conscience ever since—and the longer the silence lasted, the deeper his dread grew. Did she regret it so much she couldn't face him afterwards? Was it her trauma his selfish desires only made worse? Did he take advantage of her in a moment of vulnerability, hurting her—again? It was her who was pushing for it, but he should have known better—
"I did not realise the tincture calls for myrrh powder." 
Cahir nearly jumps at the vampire's voice, and looks down at the contents of the mortar. The resin he's been working on is indeed ground to a fine ash. So much for escaping Regis' scrutiny.
"Sorry." He grimaces. "Got lost in thought."
"This much is obvious." Regis studies him with a slight frown. "Anything of concern?"
Cahir can't decide whether it's a blessing or a curse to have someone as inquisitive as Regis privy to his deepest regrets. 
"Not really.”
"So Ciri doesn’t seem to be in mortal danger?”
"Not as far as I can tell," Cahir says. 
Regis studies him for a heartbeat, but Cahir doesn’t elaborate; there are limits to which he’s willing to embarrass himself, and his last dream definitely falls into that category. After what feels like an age, the vampire nods and moves past him to rummage through a box on the floor, fishing out a glass vial. He takes the mortar from Cahir, transfers the ground resin into a vial and carries it over to a little stove in the far corner; atop it, a bowl sits, surrounded by a metal frame. Regis attaches the vial to the frame, fills the bowl with water and lights the fire in the stove. 
Cahir watches him in silence, waiting. The resin needs an hour or so of steeping in boiling water; he has a distinct feeling Regis isn’t planning to go anywhere in the meantime.
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astaldis · 3 months
Not A Good Place To Stay The Night ...
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Witcher Monster of the Month June Prompt: Yikes
Characters: The Hansa | Geralt's Company Members (The Witcher)
Published: 2024-05-01; Completed: 2024-05-07; Words: 5,530; Chapters: 2/2
He never wanted to take this route. Not that he has been here before, but he has heard rumours, and they do not bode well. Neither does the almost darkness between the tall trees, nor the stuffy air smelling of rot and decay, or the absolute silence. It is never a good sign when there are no birds or squirrels around, not even mice. Of course, it is already autumn and he would not expect the animals to be as active as in spring when they are busy mating and finding food for their young. Yet, in a normal forest with acorns and beechnuts and pinecones and all kinds of other seeds, they would surely hop and flit about to eat as much as possible before the winter. Damn the marching Nilfgaardian troops for making it impossible for him and his companions to stay on the main road and out of this darkest of forests.
Uneasily, Geralt gazes around. The only signs of life besides the ancient, gnarly trees, the thorny underbrush and the dead stalks of grass and withered summer flowers are spiders' webs, and lots of them. Their silvery threads seem to be spread across every bush, spun between every yellowed blade of grass and draped around every bare branch of the trees, some of the webs tiny, no bigger in diameter than a ducat, others almost as big as a wagon wheel.
"Yikes, that stuff is sticky!" Jaskier exclaims, staring with disgust at his fingers. They are covered in the adhesive silk of a spider's net that got caught in his hair.
"Watch your head then," Geralt mutters. "And be thankful the spider wasn't at home."
"Ugh, Geralt, do you have to say things like this? Always so sensitive! What if the spider was at home and has crawled into my shirt? Fuck, I think it's already creeping all over my skin with it's six hairy legs." Jaskier shudders and shakes his shoulders, suddenly itching all over.
"Spiders have eight legs, bard, ants have six," Geralt corrects. "And you're fine. I haven't seen a single spider in any of those nets. Which is quite strange."
"It is indeed," Regis confirms. "There is something unnatural about this forest, something wicked. But I don't have the slightest idea what."
"Better we stay closely together then and try to—"
"—get through it as fast as we can, I couldn't agree more, Geralt. Preferably before night falls," Regis finishes the Witcher's sentence, as so often. This idiosyncrasy of his vampiric comrade is a bit irritating at times, however, Geralt has become accustomed to it by now.
So they ride on through the eerie silence of the forest, Jaskier on Pegasus keeping as close to Geralt's Roach as possible, Regis, Milva and Cahir following directly behind them.
Read the complete story on Ao3.
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gharashambles · 4 months
Hey gharashambles, I was wondering what happened to the fanfiction you wrote about Regis, detlaff, and your OC Maina? I've been scouring the web for it but I can't find it for the life of me! Was it removed/privated?
I’m pretty sure you’re thinking of To Bloom by the amazing Mackallackattack! If you log in you should be able to read it!
Maina is theirs, I was just obsessed with the fic! The babies! The batsex! The ART!! The incredible amount of angst!
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lamyaasfaraini · 7 months
Day 21 - Faceless - self portrait
30 days photography challenge
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Ini masuknya faceless ngga sih? Half faceless lah yak wkwk. Dan ngga self portrait weeyyy
Foto ke 1, yaampun knp ya ada foto itu iseng bgt kayanya itu filter di fitur line deh lupa, lg nunggu antrian di culture barbershop arcamanik soalnya yg di jl. Rumah sakit penuh, skalian plg dari rumah ortu. Mau lebaran inituh thn 2018 bapak pgn fresh pas lebaran potram dolooo, ibuk lg hamil ituu 7 bulan. Sambil nunggu antrian ojol2 wefie aja pake fitur alay haha pov nya dari bawah biar ngga ketauan lg wefie wkwkwk
Foto ke 2, faceless nya pada pake masker. Pandemi 2 tahun masker selalu nempel, maskeran bikin kita kadang ngga ngenalin dan melihat ekspresi org jadi diliatnya mata, nebak2 itu mata senyum atau datar ya kalo kita sapa haha. Itu tahun 2021 kalogasalah pengen ke ikea kbp karena baru buka dan pas pandemi pula, ketat bgt kita mesti booking dan regis lewat web dan booking h-1 minggu. Nyampe kesana kita dikasih stiker itu di lengan nandain kita udah bisa masuk, sebelumnya di pintu masuk dkt basement konfirm ulang regisnya. Ribet huhu.. Masker ya udah tentu harus dipake. Tp ternyata di dalem ttp aja penuh org2 msh excited karena baru buka, sampe2 ke restonya aja penuh kita ngga dpt tmpt jadinya makan diluar deehh
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creepyscritches · 2 years
That botw post still pulls in followers and I can't imagine that level of bait and switch when you show up and it's all deep novel cuts of witcher and my friends breaking down the witcher political web or just pointing at Regis and his gay little mandrake
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Kostenlos Asterix & Obelix im Reich der Mitte ganzer Film Deutsch
Mai 2023 Im Kino / 1 Std. 52 Min. / Abenteuer, Komödie Regie: Guillaume Canet Drehbuch: Guillaume Canet, Julien Hervé Besetzung: Guillaume Canet, Gilles Lellouche, Marion Cotillard Originaltitel: Astérix et Obélix : L'Empire du milieu
INHALTSANGABE >> Die chinesische Prinzessin Fu Yi (Julie Chen) verschlägt es nach einem Staatsstreich in das gallische Dorf von Asterix (Guillaume Canet) und Obelix (Gilles Lellouche). Da der Ruf des zähen und gutmütigen Dorfes bestens bekannt ist, bittet sie die Gallier um Hilfe. Diese zögern nicht und so begeben sich Asterix und Obelix nach China. Schnell spricht sich dies herum und so dauert es nicht lang, bis auch der römische Kaiser Julius Cäsar (Vincent Cassel) und die ägyptische Regentin Cleopatra (Marion Cotillard) davon erfahren. In China angekommen, werden den Galliern bei dem Versuch, die Kaiserin (Linh-Dan Pham) zu befreien, fortan jede Menge Hürden in den Weg gestellt. Unterdessen versucht Cäsar die Gunst der Stunde zu seinem Vorteil zu nutzen, währendem Cleopatra den Galliern zur Hilfe eilt.
Fünfte Realverfilmung der Asterix und Obelix-Abenteuer, die zum ersten Mal nicht auf einem Comic basiert.
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Das Ansehen kostenloser Filme im Internet erfordert nicht – und sollte – nicht das Herunterladen von Raubkopien. Zuschauer haben eine Reihe von Quellen, an die sie sich zum kostenlosen legalen Ansehen von Filmen wenden können. Ganz gleich, ob Sie zu Vertriebsmeetings unterwegs sind oder sich fern von Ihrem Home-Entertainment-System aufhalten, verschiedene Online-Ressourcen bieten Ihnen eine breite Palette von Unterhaltungsoptionen außerhalb des Standard-Kabelfernsehtarifs.
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thenachassist · 2 years
On midnights
It's always a joy whenever auntie Taylor Swift releases an album. It's fun to find which track will fit your life at the moment or which one will you dedicate to your new person before he becomes a memory you remember all too well. 🥴😂
So I have finished listening to all songs when I learned that she also released the 3 a.m. edition today. Damn, Auntie. You have so much time at hand. You know, I follow you primarily because of your wordplay. What an incredible lyricist you are. Saranghae, God bless you, and thank you for your life. 🥺
Anyway, here are my thoughts for the tracks included in this lovely masterpiece called midnights:
•Lavender Haze - Persona is high in love, pretty much intoxicated by the euphoria that love brings. Like, I don't care what they say, I'm in love with you. Feels like written for Joe Alwyn. Sana all.
• Maroon - Looks like the young woman from Red has fallen in love and sigh, has lost again. She's in her late 20s now, sipping wine, thinking of the recent break-up. Losing someone when in you're late 20s wasn't so red anymore, the shade had been darker like her make-up or her life in general; thus, maroon. Char.
•Anti-Hero - Self-loathing song. One you will listen to at midnight when the world is quiet and the voices inside your head are loud.
•Snow at the Beach - This track is me. Weird, but fuckin' beautiful. Hahahaha. I particularly like, /It's fine to fake it till you make it, till you do, till it's true/ Very inspirational sa aking candidacy for First Lady ng Pasig.
•Midnight Rain - For those you have never replied to Bumble, those whom you ghosted.
•You're On Your Own, Kid - Lyrics sounded like the ones from Speak Now.
• Question - I like how the questions were laid down. Parang I Bet You Think About Me ang arrangement. I especially liked, /Can I ask a question... Did you ever get back with your ex?/ Syempre wala yan sa lyrics kasi tanong ko talaga yan. Hahaha
•Vigilante Shit - THIS IS MY MOOD ANYTIME OF THE DAY. HAHAHAHA. /I don't dress for women. I don't dress for men. Lately, I've been dressin' for revenge./
•Bejeweled- Persona gets her shit together finally. Naalala niya na isa siyang gold at hindi recyclable. Hallelujah!!!
•Labyrinth - Liking how she's aware that she's falling into the trap of love again but so what? Happy now, Iyak later.
•Karma- Diss track for Scooter definitely. Hahaha. /Spiderboy, king of thieves. Weave your little webs of opacity. My pennies made your crown./
•Sweet Nothing - Yung alam mong sasaktan ka lang nya because everything is sweet nothing pero go lang. Hahaha. The music itself is like the title, sounding very sweet but when you look into the lyrics... Oh boy.
•Mastermind - Walang iba. Ito ang kanta na iniaalay para kay Ginoong Victor Ma. Regis Nubla Vico Sotto.🥴
•Hits Different- Imagine yourself 3 months after the break-up-- you're fine, you're well. Then you randomly wake up at 12 midnight and then you remember your ex. You think of the person but you were never ever getting back together, and somehow, that's okay.. That's how the song felt like.
When I finished taking notes for midnights, aba bigla nilapag ang 3 a.m. edition and so here are my two cents and bente pesos:
•The Great War - Imagine two kakampinks falling in love with each other after attending rallies last March to May. On the 7th of May, as they stood with the crowd in Ayala Avenue not knowing what would happen in the next few days, this song eventually plays. Oh my heart. /All throughout the great war, always remember, uh-uh we burn for better, I vowed I would always be yours cause we survived the great war/ 🥺
•Bigger Than the Whole Sky - Salamat sa saglit. Hahaha. Song for your fling na nawala din eventually. No hard feelings.
•Paris - Purely love song na walang red flag, I think? Or pwede rin naman may red flag, yung persona... /I wanna brainwash you into loving me forever/ Hahaha. Forda ferson na mabubudol natin into loving us forever. uWu.
•High Infidelity - This one gave me Death By A Thousand Cuts and The Very First Night Vibe kasi medyo upbeat pero dark yung lyrics. Hahaha. /There's many different ways that you can kill the one you love the slowest way is never loving them enough/ Edi meow. Also, may ice-celebrate na naman tayo every April 29th.
•Glitch - She sounds like the persona from Paper Rings na kalmado na. Hahaha. Yung pang 3 am na ang aura kasi tulog na lahat. /We were supposed to be friends/ This one is for Joe Alwyn too, I think? Sana all umabot ng two-thousand one-hundred and ninety days.
•Would've, Could've, Should've - Motivation 'to para sa lesson on auxiliary verbs and their contractions hahaha. Pero if you look closer, more than the regret, the song speaks of the awakening ni persona. Losing her innocence in the process of loving this person. This could be the matured version of the girl from All Too Well looking back at the experience. /Stained glass windows I regret you all the time/ /But you made me feel important you tried to erase us/
•Dear Reader - I think this one is purposely placed at the bottom of the list. It's the last one you should listen to, at 3:57 am when the dawn is breaking, and you are advised to /Find another, you should find another/
Overall, the songs are calm, euphoric, and mad at the same time, the typical moods you get at midnight when the world is slumbering peacefully and you're alone in your room. Faves for now are: Maroon, Snow at the Beach, Vigilante Shit, Mastermind, Paris, and Dear Reader.
Rating: Perfect over Perfect!!! Hahahahaha
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atitarucore · 2 years
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🎇 turnin’ back the time, back when you were mine.
happy birthday, altare! shout out to @/elysiumdelivery [twt] & everyone who worked hard to put together this project - it was a joy to participate 💙
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202101040caic2223 · 2 years
The Tales of Trump's Blunders: How His Stupidity Ruined His Career
Since the early 20th Century, the American population has been plagued by self-indulged douchebags, paving their careers with racism. Donald J Trump is one of those people.
Donald John Trump
Born June 14th 1946 to Fred Trump (a real estate developer and businessman) and Mary Anne MacLeod (a domestic worker).
45th President of the United States of America
Colossal a**hole
Donald Trumps racism spans back to the 1970s and possibly even earlier, a busy-body businessman who believed he had the whole world in his hands. Little did he know what the future would hold for him. From money pay outs to national hatred to presidency, Trump's racism didn't stop him and he continued due to lack of repercussions for such poor behaviour.
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Chapter 1: Violation of the Fair Housing Act
This story begins during the administration of Richard Nixon. Trump was working as a real-estate developer, much like his father. His name branded businesses from hotels to golf courses to residential housing. Trump's first indictment was the US department of Justice suing him for refusing to rent to Black tenants, violating the Fair Housing Act. Some would say this is bravery, majority would call it stupidity. Blunder #1.
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Chapter 2: The Central Park Five
Trump continued for the next decade to subtly wreak his racist havoc but no-one expected this racist fuelled event. A "modern-day" lynching of one Latino teenager and four Black teenagers, who were accused of raping a jogger in New York City. Trump jumped at the opportunity to take charge of the case, starting with running an ad demanding the death penalty should be reinstated.
After spending many years in prison, the teenagers' convictions were overturned due to false conviction and false evidence. In return for the trauma the teenagers had faced, the city paid a settlement of $41 million (approx. $100 million in 2023). Although, even 27 years later, despite DNA evidence to support it, Trump believes the five teenagers were guilty of their "convictions". HOW UTTERLY UNBELIEVEABLE! Blunder #2 (Arguably one of his biggest mistakes).
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Chapter 3: John O'Donnell, The Plaza Hotel and Casino, Lies and more lies
The year is 1991, two years since Trump's conviction of five innocent teenagers. John O'Donnell, the former president of Atlantic City's Trump Plaza and Casino, published a book quoting the "I'm not racist" Donald Trump, regarding his criticism of a Black accountant. He quotes “Black guys counting my money! I hate it. The only kind of people I want counting my money are short guys that wear yarmulkes every day. … I think that the guy is lazy. And it’s probably not his fault, because laziness is a trait in blacks. It really is, I believe that. It’s not anything they can control.” It's genuinely crazy to think that some awful-minded people can say absurd things like this and admire themselves for it. But clearly Trump can't control his tongue. What makes this blunder even worse is that he agreed with O'Donnell and seemed pleased about it. ABSOLUTELY REVOLTING! Blunder #3.
As a businessman, Trump's establishments continued to grow financially and in popularity. However, the Trump Plaza Hotel and Casino seemed to cause many a problem for Trump. This time, one of many, he had to pay a $200,000 fine because it moved Black and women employees from tables to accommodate the piggish prejudices of his big-time gamblers. There's no forgetting here how much money meant to D. J. Trump. Blunder #4.
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Trump's web of lies continued to grow throughout the late 20th Century, pouring into the 21st Century. In 2000, Trump felt threatened by his upcoming competition, a casino ran by the St. Regis Mohawk tribe. The Saint Regis Mohawk Tribal Council is "the duly elected and recognised government of the Mohawk people. Both New York State and the United States deal exclusively with the Tribal Council Chiefs in a government-to-government relationship." They work together to build a better tomorrow. To crush his competition, he ran secret ads which suggested that the tribe has "a record of criminal activity that is well documented." The tribe were of Indian heritage, proving yet again that his actions were fuelled by racism.
The lies and deception were amplified by the New York Institute for Law and Society, a new self-described grass-roots anti-gambling group that cruelly targeted the St. Regis Mohawks. Its campaign in 2000, supposedly supported by 12,000 “pro-family” donors, warned of the evils an Indian casino would bring: “increased crime, broken families, bankruptcies and, in the case of the Mohawks, violence.” Trump's racism had successfully trumped (no pun intended) his opponents, but spread his plague of racism to others. Blunder #5.
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Chapter 4: The Apprentice
Maybe the 2000s would be a fresh start for Trump?
Nope. His racism still continued controlling everything he did and said.
In 2004, whilst on the Apprentice, Trump fired Black contestant Kevin Allen for being too educated. (Is that even possible? Does that just mean more educated than him? Or was it another attack on the Black population?) Trump quoted "You're an unbelievably talented guy in terms of education, and you haven't even done anything. At some point you have to say 'That's enough.'" Yet again, threat of competition brought out the vile racist side of Trump. Surely he has a good side?
In a 2016 interview with a former Apprentice contestant, Kwame Jackson stated “Trump has created a toxic ecosystem in our political discourse." “Trump has appealed to the lowest common denominator of fear, racism and divisiveness in our populace. And this mix is never the path to American progress.” Blunder #6
The following year Trump publicly pitched the idea of "The Apprentice: White People vs. Black people." A fairly controversial idea where he would create a team of successful white people versus a team of successful African-American people. Now, Trump stated that "Whether people like the idea or not, it is somewhat reflective of our very vicious world." Ultimately, Trump is pitching the idea of segregation between the white population of America and the African-American population of America. IT'S THE 21ST CENTURY, WHY REVERT BACK TO SEGREGATION?! His absurd idea was immediately shut down by NBC executives. Blunder #7.
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Chapter 5: Muslims and the Obama controversy
Into the 2010s, we as a worldwide population would hope that Donald Trump would come to his senses, well don't expect too much.
Trump continued with his insensitive, racist comments, but let everyone in on his thought on national television. In 2010, a proposal arose to build a Muslim community centre, near the memorial of the 9/11 attacks. Trump stepped in and stated how insensitive and inconsiderate that would be. Aww lovely, he's cracked down on his racism. Absolutely not, he took to live television on "The Late Show with David Letterman" and stated how he believed it was the Muslim population that were targeting Americans, 'Well, somebody’s blowing us up. Somebody’s blowing up buildings, and somebody’s doing lots of bad stuff.' Does he even have a brain? Some people have no filter and clearly Donald John Trump is bloody well one of them! Blunder #8.
Barack Obama was the first Black president of the United States of America, and he was a threat to Donald Trump. No shock there! Trump played a huge role in creating rumours that Obama was not born in the US. He claimed to send investigators to Hawaii to look into Obama’s birth certificate. One of the many reasons for this clear confusion was due to Obama spending a small part of his childhood in Indonesia, due to his mother divorcing his American father and remarrying an Indonesian man. Obama later released his birth certificate, calling Trump a “carnival barker.”
Trump's attacks on Obama didn't stop there. He continued to degrade the President of the United States by suggesting that Obama wasn't educated enough to both Colombia and Harvard Law School. He pressured the President to release his university credentials and provide proof due to it not being possible. It is without a doubt a racist attack, stating that Black people couldn't possibly be smart enough to attend such high-end university. Trump continuously attacks Obama because of his "lack of credentials" yet Trump didn't attend either. Can't bring a man down who is already up high. Blunder #9
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From the 1970s through to the 2010s, people may believe that Trump acted insensitively with lack of care for other. Whilst not overtly racist, his attacks post-Obama truly show the evils which lie within.
Chapter 6: Crime, Drugs and Bans
Trump's attack on Mexicans during his Presidential campaign truly showed that he would stop at nothing, regardless of the ramifications. Even though there are plenty of occasions where Trump has resulted to racism to prove his power and influence, he still became the President of the United States of America. How? Understandably, no President is perfect, there will always be a back story, something that holds them back, but Trump's past attacks are not forgivable. It wasn't like he'd stop once he became President, unfortunately as his power grew, so did the awfulness of his racism.
At the launch of his campaign in 2015, he started by stating that Mexican immigrants were "rapists" who are "bringing" and "bringing drugs" to the US. Throughout his campaign, he highlighted his idea of building a wall between the border of Mexico and the United States to stop the "immigrants" coming into the States. As of October 2020, there were 669 miles of "primary barrier" reports the US Customs and Border Protection. Blunder #10
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In 2015, Trump's racism didn't stop there. Reverting back to his old ways, Trump attacked the Muslim population putting them under the "umbrella of terrorists." He called for a ban on Muslims entering the United States, much like with the Mexican population. During his administration he subtly implemented a weaker version of the policy. In 2017, his policy was implemented and was in effect indefinitely. However, it was only in effect for certain people from Chad, Iran, Libya, Somalia, Syria, and Yemen who did not have “bona fide relationships” with people or businesses in the United States. Blunder #11
Chapter 7: The Press Conference
Donald Trump didn't stop at press conferences, he seemed well-aware of what he was saying and the implications that went with it. At press conference, Trump showed to the nation that he views black people as a monolithic “other” — a group of people who work and behave in exactly similar ways. Not only does this seem to define an entire group of people down to a lowest common denominator, but it’s also simply dehumanizing to treat individuals as only part of a bigger group.
In his pitch to black voters during the campaign, Trump said, “You’re living in poverty, your schools are no good, you have no jobs, 58 percent of your youth is unemployed. What the hell do you have to lose?” What a horrible thing to say, especially to a large population who you relied on to become President? Blunder #12
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The image above shows the percentage of votes for each party by each race. The above statistics show that Trump relied heavily on white American voters, whilst Clinton obtained the majority of her votes from the Black community. It is without a doubt that the Black population would have thrown their votes to Clinton as Trump's racism focussed mainly on the Black community.
Chapter 8: Coronavirus
2020 was a difficult time for the globe, time seemed to freeze but be flying by all that the same time. Trump wasn't expecting such an issue to arise during his presidential term. Many tweets posted by President Trump contained direct attack at the Chinese nation. At the beginning of the coronavirus before the world went into lockdown, Trump tweeted that he was trying his hardest to work with China and stop the spread of coronavirus, but ultimately became an opportunity to use his racism to blame others for the rising cases of COVID-19. Alternative names were given to the spreading virus by the President, including the "Chinese virus" and the "Kung Flu".
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"Anti-Asian sentiment depicted in the tweets containing the term 'Chinese Virus' likely perpetuated racist attitudes and parallels the anti-Asian hate crimes that have occurred since," said Dr. Yulin Hswen, an assistant professor of epidemiology at UC, San Francisco and the study's lead author. After many experts have encouraged a different term for the coronavirus, including the World Health Organisation, Trump still continues to throw racism as the home nation of the coronavirus. Referring to it as the "Chinese virus" encourages further turmoil and hate for a nation that has already faced too much. Donald Trump needs to sit down and have a long hard think of what it would feel like if America had been in China's shoes. He sure wouldn't stand for it. Blunder #13
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Chapter 9: The ending
Trump's racism has made him into the person that he is. Not only was he a terrible President, he is a terrible person. Racism is defined as: prejudice, discrimination, or antagonism by an individual, community, or institution against a person or people on the basis of their membership of a particular racial or ethnic group, typically one that is a minority or marginalized. The ultimate question to ask is: why are people racist? What does one gain from it? Power? Pleasure?
Blunder after blunder, from violating laws to contributing to the USA-Mexico wall, why wasn't Trump punished for his actions? Even when Obama was President, why was nothing done to stop such a stupid man?
Why is Trump racist? Why weren't there any repercussion? Throughout school and throughout life, children are told that racism is a very bad thing and that it makes you a bad person to be racist. So why is one of the most negatively influential men of the 21st Century not punished for being racist? Why are there double standards?
These will always be questions that will be left unanswered and your opinion is your opinion.
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livemeofficial · 2 years
Halloween Mansion Party
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parasite-core · 2 years
I realized what it is I really like about this game. It gives me the wonder of exploration I haven’t felt since 3rd gen. Back in 2nd and 3rd gen I’d run around and discover stuff post game without the help of the internet, because this was before I *had* a convenient internet connection, I was still on dial up and didn’t always have access to the web to help me. So I did things like finding Lugia in the whirl islands in Gold, running into the Legendary Dogs, climbing Rayquaza’s tower, and figuring out the Regi puzzles (pain in the ass oh my god) by myself just by stumbling on them and playing the game for hours on end even after I’d completed the Elite Four. I haven’t had that experience since third gen, because every other generation I’ve used internet guides post game, and the games themselves have been much more hand-holdy about what to do post-game anyways. But this game had a big open world from the start, so I was exploring and discovering things and choosing where to go and what to do right from the get-go. I got to stumble on the locations of rare Pokémon or the black stakes or useful items entirely by chance. It’s been so refreshing for me, it feels so much like how I felt as a kid playing the post game in 2nd and 3rd gen where I had no direction and was just released into the wild to do as I pleased, and I love it.
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astaldis · 5 months
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@whumpay @witchermonstermayhem
Rating: Teen And Up Audiences
Archive Warning: No Archive Warnings Apply
Category: Gen
Characters: The Hansa | Geralt's Company Members (The Witcher), Geralt z Rivii | Geralt of Rivia, Emiel Regis Rohellec Terzieff-Godefroy, Jaskier | Dandelion, Cahir Mawr Dyffryn aep Ceallach, Maria Barring | Milva
Additional Tags: Witcher Monster MAYhem 2024, Spiders, Giant Spiders, creepy crawlies, Angst with a Happy Ending, caught in a net, Whumpay 2024, Hairy legs, spider web, Animal Attack, Paralyzed, The Hansa | Geralt's Company (The Witcher)
Words: 2,582; Chapters: 1/2
Forced off the main road south by advancing Nilfgaardian troops, Geralt and his weird company find themselves inside a dark, eerie forest, and night is falling soon. Inspired by the Whumpay prompts #9 "Animal Attack", #27 "Caught in a net" and the Witcher Monster MAYhem prompts "Paralysed", "Vampire", "Too Many Limbs", "Creepy Crawlies", "Hairy Legs", "Bat out of Hell", "Day gives way to night" (from the song prompt "Tiny Monsters" by Puscifer) and the Day 4 Picture prompt.
He never wanted to take this route. Not that he has been here before, but he has heard rumours, and they do not bode well. Neither does the almost darkness between the tall trees, nor the stuffy air smelling of rot and decay, or the absolute silence ...
Read on A3:
Not A Good Place To Stay The Night ...
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ssmarketinguk · 2 months
Web Designer Houghton Regis
Affordable Web Designer Houghton Regis – Low Cost Web Designs Houghton Regis, the client’s satisfaction is our most important motto. No matter what the requirements of the clients are, we discuss these in detail with them and then develop websites exactly as required.
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