#webinar excerpt
sreepadamangaraj · 1 year
In this webinar, join DSLRPros EVP Randall Warnas and DJI Enterprise Solutions Engineer Kyle Miller as they discus everything about the Mavic 3 Enterprise Series. Thank you for watching this video, webinar excerpt DJI Mavic 3 enterprise series your questions answered, Dronefly
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talonabraxas · 6 months
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Tree of Life Egypt The Tree of Life was a potent ancient Egyptian symbol and icon in the mythology and legends of Egypt. According to ancient Egyptian mythology the mythical Tree of Life the fruit of which provided eternal life and knowledge of the cycles of time. Anubis as Guardian of the Underworld (Yesod).
To the Ancient Egyptians, the Tree of Life represented the hierarchical chain of events that brought everything into existence. The spheres of the Tree of Life demonstrate the order, process, and method of creation. In Egyptian mythology, the first couple (earth and sky). They were said to have emerged from the acacia tree of Iusaaset, which the Egyptians considered the tree of life, referring to it as the “tree in which life and death are enclosed.” Some theorize this is actually a representation of Ayahuasca. The Tree Of Life in Egypt has the Circle Of Spirit about the Cross of Matter or Earth. This forms the sacred ANKH. The centre of this Map Of Concsiousness is the Sun or Tiphareth. Each planet or Sphere has a Number, so the Sun is called No. 6. --Excerpt from the Tree Of Life Webinar by Jain 108
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santoschristos · 6 months
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Tree of Life Egypt
The Tree of Life was a potent ancient Egyptian symbol and icon in the mythology and legends of Egypt. According to ancient Egyptian mythology the mythical Tree of Life the fruit of which provided eternal life and knowledge of the cycles of time.
Anubis as Guardian of the Underworld (Yesod).
To the Ancient Egyptians, the Tree of Life represented the hierarchical chain of events that brought everything into existence. The spheres of the Tree of Life demonstrate the order, process, and method of creation. In Egyptian mythology, the first couple (earth and sky). They were said to have emerged from the acacia tree of Iusaaset, which the Egyptians considered the tree of life, referring to it as the “tree in which life and death are enclosed.” Some theorize this is actually a representation of Ayahuasca.
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The Tree Of Life in Egypt has the Circle Of Spirit about the Cross of Matter or Earth. This forms the sacred ANKH. The centre of this Map Of Concsiousness is the Sun or Tiphareth. Each planet or Sphere has a Number, so the Sun is called No. 6. --Excerpt from the Tree Of Life Webinar by Jain 108
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rjzimmerman · 5 months
Excerpt from this story from Yale Climate Connections:
“Once upon a time, the only thing we could say about a particular weather event was that it was ‘consistent with climate change,’” Yale Climate Connections Meteorologist Bob Henson said to kick off a webinar on climate attribution science on May 3, 2024. 
In the last 20 years, the field of attribution science, which is dedicated to analyzing the effects of climate change on specific weather events, has gained steam. Nowadays, scientists can tell with much more certainty how much climate change influences the severity and intensity of heat waves, droughts, hurricanes, and more, by comparing weather data from the real world to a counterfactual, modeled world where climate change has not occurred. 
Such studies enable scientists to communicate with more confidence, for example, that a particular heat wave would have been “virtually impossible” without the influence of human-caused climate change. 
Pershing and Singh both said that some types of extreme weather are more complicated to attribute to climate change than others. Heat waves, for example, are relatively easy, while individual wildfires — with all kinds of complex factors like temperature, wind, and pyrotechnic gender-reveal parties — are more difficult to link directly to climate change. 
“Climate change is an important factor in many, if not most weather events,” Pershing said. “It’s really just a matter of how finely can we diagnose the cause and effect.”
Singh, who has analyzed droughts, floods, and more, said there can be gaps in the data available for attribution models. Solid historical data for temperature, precipitation, and other weather events in a region are important inputs in the scientists’ calculations, but they aren’t  always available. 
“When we don’t find an effect of climate change, one [reason] is that it could be that climate change has not contributed to making that event worse,” she said. “The other reason that we cannot attribute certain types of events, especially in parts of the world that we don’t have a good observational record, is that our data isn’t good.”
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How to start a writer-to-market hybrid published book?
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Starting a writer-to-market approach for a hybrid-published book involves blending traditional marketing tactics with a strong understanding of audience preferences. Here’s a step-by-step guide to effectively market your hybrid-published book:
1. Understand Your Target Audience
   - Research: Determine who your ideal readers are. Analyze demographics such as age, gender, interests, and reading habits.
   -Competitor Analysis: Study similar books in your genre and observe how they are marketed. Identify gaps that you can fill with your book.
   - Create Reader Personas: Develop detailed personas to understand what type of content and messaging will resonate with your audience.
2. Leverage Your Publisher’s Resources
   - Collaborate with the Publisher: Even though hybrid publishing offers more control to the author, you’ll still have access to some of the publisher’s marketing resources like distribution channels, PR contacts, and design teams.
   - Ask for Guidance: Your hybrid publisher might offer marketing packages, so check if they provide promotional strategies, media outreach, or social media marketing.
3. Develop a Strong Online Presence
   - Author Website: Create an author website that serves as a central hub for your book, with a blog, an email signup form, and links to buy your book.
   - Social Media Platforms: Choose platforms where your audience spends the most time (e.g., Instagram for young adult fiction, LinkedIn for business books).
     - Post consistent content, including book excerpts, behind-the-scenes details, and writing tips.
     - Engage with readers through Q&As, polls, or live events.
   - Email Marketing: Build an email list early and send regular newsletters offering value, such as book updates, exclusive content, and discounts.
4. Book Reviews and Influencer Outreach
   - Advance Reader Copies (ARCs): Send ARCs to bloggers, influencers, and early reviewers who can create buzz before your book’s release.
   - Goodreads Giveaways: Use Goodreads to host giveaways, enabling readers to add your book to their “To-Read” lists.
   - Request Reviews: Encourage readers to leave reviews on platforms like Amazon, Goodreads, and BookBub.
5. Collaborate with Book Bloggers and Bookstagrammers
   - Outreach: Reach out to book bloggers and Instagram influencers who cater to your genre. Many are open to reviewing books or participating in book tours.
   - Social Media Influencers: Send free copies or offer exclusive insights to influencers with strong followings in your book’s niche.
6. Maximize Paid Advertising
   - Amazon Ads: Target readers browsing similar books with Amazon’s pay-per-click ads.
   - Facebook and Instagram Ads: These platforms allow you to target specific demographics and interests, making them ideal for niche audiences.
   - BookBub Ads: These can help you reach avid readers, particularly for discounted or free book promotions.
7. Use Hybrid Publishing Benefits
   - Print and Digital Options: Ensure that your book is available in both print and digital formats to capture different segments of your audience.
   - Distribution Channels: Make use of the wide distribution network that hybrid publishers often provide, ensuring your book is available on all major platforms (Amazon, Barnes & Noble, etc.).
8. Host Virtual Events
   - Online Launch Events: Organize virtual book launches using platforms like Zoom or Instagram Live to reach a global audience.
   - Webinars or Workshops: If your book lends itself to educational topics, consider hosting a webinar to share insights or writing advice.
9. Engage in Content Marketing
   - Guest Blogging: Write guest posts on websites that cater to your audience. Topics could range from writing tips to specific themes within your book.
   - Podcast Appearances: Pitch yourself as a guest to podcasts that align with your genre or subject matter.
10. Offer Promotions and Discounts
   - Limited-Time Offers: Run sales and discounts to entice new readers.
   - Bundle Deals: Offer your book bundled with similar books or create an e-book collection if you have multiple titles.
11. Attend Virtual and In-Person Events
   - Book Fairs and Conventions: Attend book fairs (virtual or in-person) that cater to hybrid or indie authors.
   - Author Panels: Participate in author panels or literary festivals to network and share your work with a broader audience.
By utilizing a combination of publisher-provided resources and independent marketing efforts, you can effectively market your hybrid-published book. The key lies in blending your personal touch with the reach of professional resources to build an audience and drive sales.
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headspintech · 21 days
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kvibestudios · 27 days
Unlock the Power of Repurposing Your Video Content
Adapting video content for multiple uses is a crucial tactic in today's digital realm, offering numerous advantages that can remarkably enhance the reach and value of your video resources. By flexibly repurposing videos, organizations and educational centers can boost their content distribution, cut production expenses, and elevate audience interaction across different platforms. This tactic is especially useful in various fields, such as educational videos, training materials, and promotional content. Let's explore how repurposing video content can provide these benefits, focusing on best practices and valuable insights for New Jersey businesses.
Educational Videos
Effectively repurposed educational videos can greatly expand their reach and influence. In a constantly changing educational setting, maximizing the utility of these videos is more critical than ever.
Extended Reach: Transforming educational videos enables educators to aim at different audiences on various platforms. For instance, a detailed lecture video can be divided into shorter, more manageable clips for Instagram, an infographic for visual learners on Pinterest, or thorough blog articles for those who prefer reading.
Cost-Efficiency: By revamping existing material instead of creating new ones from scratch, repurposing saves time and resources, supplying educators with a steady content stream with minimal added effort.
Higher Engagement: Diverse learners absorb information in different ways. Some may prefer watching videos, whereas others may engage better with interactive infographics or comprehensive blog posts. Repurposing content allows you to address these varying learning styles.
New Jersey's educational institutions can convert lecture videos into shorter clips for social media to better capture students' attention, supplement these clips with key-point infographics, and produce detailed blog posts to delve further into the subject matter.
Training Videos
Reworking training videos is crucial for ensuring uniform messaging and brand identity across various platforms. This method can also notably boost visibility and engagement among employees and clients.
Uniformity Across Platforms: Repurposing training videos aids in maintaining a consistent message. This uniformity reinforces your brand’s identity and builds trust with your audience.
Enhanced SEO: Repurposing increases your online presence. For example, creating various pieces of content around each training topic can improve your search engine rankings, making your training materials more easily discoverable.
Audience Engagement: Different demographics have distinct content preferences. While some audiences may favor detailed, long-form videos, others might engage more with short, focused clips or visual infographics.
Companies offering training programs in New Jersey can repurpose comprehensive training webinars into a sequence of blog posts, social media updates, and brief video excerpts. This approach caters to different preferences while ensuring the messaging remains consistent yet versatile.
Promotional Videos
Running a successful promotional campaign hinges on continuous brand visibility and engagement. Repurposing promotional videos can efficiently achieve these goals.
Increased Brand Visibility: By repurposing promotional videos, businesses can extend their reach to various audiences across multiple platforms. Highlight reels, Instagram stories, and Facebook shorts can significantly elevate brand visibility.
Time Savings: Repurposing saves time and resources by allowing businesses to maintain a steady flow of promotional content without the constant need for new production.
Higher Engagement: Different content formats encourage greater engagement rates. For example, converting promotional videos into captivating social media clips or blog posts can significantly increase their reach and impact.
New Jersey businesses can transform their promotional videos into highlight reels for advertising events or campaigns. Short social media snippets and blog posts detailing key points from promotional videos further enhance brand visibility and engagement.
To effectively repurpose your video content, consider the following action points:
Track Performance Metrics: Monitor key performance indicators (KPIs) such as view count, watch time, completion rate, engagement rate, and conversion rate to measure the success of your repurposed content.
Use Appropriate Tools: Utilize tools like Canva for infographics, Lumen5 for turning blog posts into videos, and Hootsuite/Buffer for scheduling and managing repurposed content across social media platforms.
Ensure Consistency: Maintain a unified voice and style across all repurposed content to build a stronger brand identity.
Adapt to Audience Preferences: Repurpose content to cater to various audience preferences, such as converting videos into podcasts or blog posts.
Reworking video content is a crucial strategy to extend your content’s lifespan, broadening its reach while effectively engaging diverse audiences. By adapting educational, training, and promotional videos to various formats and platforms, companies and educational institutions in New Jersey and beyond can unlock the full potential of their video assets.
#VideoContent #ContentStrategy #DigitalMarketing #NewJerseyBusiness #RepurposingContent
Make the most of your video content by repurposing it for different platforms. Discover how at https://www.kvibe.com
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gunjanjoshi018 · 3 months
Content Creation Excellence: Insider Tips from ITnow Studios
Content creation is  the process of creating (or producing, or drumming up, or whipping together) content. You can create content to inspire, educate, persuade, convince, argue, support, express, and the list goes on. Content is pretty much any form of media that your audience can consume—written, spoken, video, audio, and the list goes on.
Let’s finish off with some insider tips from ITnow Studios on how to create effective content—and how to do so efficiently.
1. Identify the who and why
Every piece of content should be created for a specific audience with a specific purpose. If you’re going to do a webinar, for example, the topic you decide on, the presentation you create, the positioning of the promotional emails you send, and the ads and social posts you create for it will all depend on who you want to attend and what your goal is with the webinar.
2. Establish levels of awareness
On a similar note, make sure you know the level of awareness of your target audience for each piece of content. Across the buyer journey, there’s pain-point aware, problem aware, solution aware, and brand aware. Make sure you know what level of awareness your audience has for the particular piece of content you’re creating so you can use the language that will resonate best.
3. Rely on data
All too often, content marketing gets misperceived as purely right-brain. But the truth is, if you want a truly lead-generating content marketing strategy, there is a lot of math and data that goes into content creation. You’ll need to:
Pay attention to keyword volume and competition levels.
Establish content marketing KPIs so you can set measurable goals for your content. For example, traffic numbers, conversion rates, and overall ROI.
Track SEO metrics such as time on page, page speed, backlinks, domain authority, and more.
More often than you’d think, we come to find that we thought we knew what our audience would like best but the numbers show otherwise. Use data as your compass and let the creativity flow from there.
4. Create with repurposing in mind
The beauty of content is that there are so many forms of it that you can get a ton of mileage out of just one piece. Repurposing is a content creator’s best friend. Write a thorough, keyword-optimized blog post with images and you don’t just have a blog post. You can make it into any or all of these:
Linked social post.
Unlinked social post (such as just an image, excerpt, or stat for quick tidbits).
A PDF guide (these make great lead magnets).
A video or slideshow.
A webinar.
5. Stick to evergreen topics
On a similar note to the above, most of your content should be evergreen. Content creation, no matter how easy you make it for yourself, is still time and energy exerted.
The best way to make it worth every minute and dollar you spend is to focus on timeless topics that people will always be interested in, rather than trends and fads that will spike and then die out. It’s easier to go in and spruce up evergreen content from time to time than to constantly be chasing the hottest topics.
6. Keep a content library
On that last note, keep a library of all your content so that everyone on the team can have visibility into what exists. Not only will this ensure your content gets the most usage, but it will also prevent unnecessary recreation of content and proliferating content. This is a waste of time and your messaging will become inconsistent.
Also, a content library allows you to keep track of updating that evergreen content. Our content audit templates will come in handy here!
7. Have an editorial calendar
Be sure to create an editorial calendar. Content creation doesn’t happen in isolation. You’ll have multiple pieces in development at once. An editorial calendar will help you to keep track of everything in progress, prioritize as needed, hold others accountable, and plan ahead of time. This planning is especially beneficial as it can help you to come up with monthly themes and keep your content extra–cohesive.
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sreepadamangaraj · 1 year
In this webinar, join DSLRPros EVP Randall Warnas and DJI Enterprise Solutions Engineer Kyle Miller as they discuss everything about the Mavic 3 Enterprise Series. Thank you for watching this video, webinar excerpt DJI Mavic 3 enterprise series safety features and data security, Dronefly.
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afsanaakhter1999 · 3 months
How can I promote my books?
Promoting your books effectively requires a multi-faceted approach that leverages various marketing strategies and platforms. Here are some detailed steps to help you promote your books:
1. Build an Author Platform
Create a Website: Develop a professional website that includes a blog, information about your books, a bio, and a contact page.
Social Media Presence: Maintain active profiles on platforms like Facebook, Twitter, Instagram, and LinkedIn to engage with readers and share updates.
2. Utilize Social Media Marketing
Content Sharing: Share excerpts, book covers, and behind-the-scenes content related to your writing process.
Engage with Followers: Respond to comments, participate in discussions, and join relevant groups or communities.
3. Leverage Email Marketing
Build an Email List: Offer a free chapter or a short story in exchange for email subscriptions.
Regular Newsletters: Send regular newsletters with updates, book launch announcements, and exclusive content.
4. Book Reviews and Testimonials
Reach Out to Book Bloggers: Contact book bloggers and influencers for reviews and endorsements.
Amazon and Goodreads Reviews: Encourage your readers to leave reviews on platforms like Amazon and Goodreads.
5. Host Events and Book Signings
Local Bookstores: Arrange book signings and readings at local bookstores.
Virtual Events: Host virtual book launches, webinars, and Q&A sessions on platforms like Zoom or Facebook Live.
6. Content Marketing
Blogging: Write blog posts related to your book’s themes, character insights, and writing tips.
Guest Posts: Contribute guest posts to popular blogs and websites in your genre or industry.
7. Paid Advertising
Amazon Ads: Utilize Amazon’s advertising platform to target readers based on their purchasing behavior.
Social Media Ads: Run targeted ads on social media platforms to reach potential readers.
8. Collaborate with Other Authors
Cross-Promotions: Partner with other authors to promote each other’s books.
Anthologies and Collections: Contribute to anthologies or collaborative book projects.
9. Utilize Book Promotion Services
Book Promotion Sites: Use services like BookBub, BookGorilla, and Freebooksy to reach a larger audience.
Discounts and Giveaways: Run limited-time discounts and giveaways to attract new readers.
10. Engage with Your Audience
Reader Interaction: Engage with your readers through comments, messages, and discussion forums.
Reader Contests: Organize contests and giveaways to keep your audience engaged.
11. Optimize Your Book’s Metadata
SEO for Books: Ensure your book titles, descriptions, and keywords are optimized for search engines.
Compelling Descriptions: Write captivating book descriptions that highlight the main plot points and appeal to readers.
12. Network within Your Genre
Join Associations: Become a member of writing and publishing associations related to your genre.
Attend Conferences: Participate in writing and book industry conferences to network and learn from other authors and industry professionals.
By combining these strategies, you can effectively promote your books, reach a wider audience, and build a loyal reader base.
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didanawisgi · 4 months
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Role of Information Communication Technology in Legal Education
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Technology has pervaded all aspects of human life right from communication, education, commerce, healthcare etc. For this reason, the general body of belief and experiment notes that technology is altering the fabric of modern society. The grip of technology is visible from digital initiatives of the courts in enabling access to justice.  The question of the viability of technology in legal education has been a vexed topic for quite some time. To cope up with the cutting edge technology in the legal profession, the School of Law, The NorthCap University, Gurugram has integrated technology in teaching and learning process making it one of the best private universities in India. The blog analyzes some of the technology driven solutions to education adopted at the School of Law, The NorthCap University, Gurugram for richer learning experience. 
Legal Research 
Legal research can be optimized through use of legal research softwares such as SCCOnline, Manupatra and WestLaw. While the former two deliver vast coverage of national law and case law, the latter enables students to grasp the developments in international law developments. The voluminous case reports which contain swathes of knowledge and legal principles can be conveniently searched through the software. Additionally, EBSCO offers a search of current academic scholarship which enables students to develop a holistic perspective. Further, there are a plethora of e-books available in addition to the textbooks. Software not only improves knowledge but also improves the quality of legal writing.
Smart Classrooms
Dynamic learning environment is offered when not only the reading skills but auditory and visual senses of the students are appealed. The classrooms are equipped with digital projectors and audio systems to enhance the learning experience. Whether discussing a multiple stakeholder on a particular legislation or case studies, audio-visual tools increase student participation. Live proceedings of the ongoing legal controversies are streamed in the class which inculcates court craft amongst the students. Expert lectures from across the globe can now be arranged with the enabling of smart education infrastructure.
Learning Management Softwares
Learning Management Software (“LMS”) (Canvas at NCU) offers a centralized platform which contains a repository of course materials including lecture notes, case excerpts, multimedia resources and supplementary materials for better engagement with the course. Besides, the learning flexibility in terms of accessibility is afforded through the LMS. It becomes a constant source of engagement through group discussion forums where students author their views on the legal issues discussed in the class or assigned in the classroom.
The assignment submission and feedback thereon to the students can be provided through the LMS. The progress of the student can easily be tracked through it. The inbuilt anti-plagiarism software makes sure that academic ethics are maintained at all times by the learners. 
Virtual Legal Clinics
Legal Aid Clinics are a crucial aspect of any law school where the students are involved firsthand in tendering legal advice and processing mundane legal documents. The Legal Aid Society has left its imprint in face-to-face legal assistance but now venturing itself open to virtual initiatives such as organizing webinars on recent legal developments and knowledge dissemination webinars. 
Industry Ready Lawyers
Technology has become a way of life in the legal profession. Know-how of technology has witnessed a shift from desirable skill to an essential skill. When learners engage with legal research software, and multimedia resources, their mind is trained to absorb the soft skills necessary for induction and thriving in the legal profession of the 21st century. Particularly, law firms process most of its operations over sophisticated technology which demand technological familiarity with the professional. In-house counsels are required to formulate, review, vet, and edit legal documents over specific software which again can be swiftly grasped by a person having a fair command over technical know-how. 
Technology has influenced the overall structure of the legal profession.  It will have far reaching implications in determining the success of a lawyer. The systems of learning, storage, retrieval, research and curation of legal information has transformed with all the stakeholders involved in the legal profession batting for more intervention of technology. The deployment of technology cushions different aspects of legal work. For instance, technology can smoothen the case filing and monitoring process. It can also create data structures for making a case based repository.
In fact, School of Law, The NorthCap University, Gurugram is one of the private colleges in India that recognises and places emphasis on integration of technology for the students to make them complete legal professionals.
Himangshu Rathi
Asst. Prof. (Law)
The NorthCap University, Gurugram
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scientificpubonl · 9 months
The Ultimate Guide To Buy Zoology Books Online
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Embarking on a journey through the captivating world of zoology requires access to credible, comprehensive, and contemporary resources. As digital platforms like scientificpubonline.com continue to redefine the landscape, the opportunity to Buy Zoology Books Online has never been more accessible or exciting. Navigating this vast realm necessitates a strategic approach, ensuring enthusiasts, students, and professionals alike can access the most insightful and relevant resources. Delve into this ultimate guide to Buy Zoology Books Online, unlocking a treasure trove of knowledge, insights, and expertise. Explore a Diverse Collection: Scientificpubonline.com stands as a beacon for zoology enthusiasts, boasting a diverse collection of Zoology Books Online. Prioritize platforms offering a comprehensive range, spanning evolutionary biology, animal behavior, ecology, morphology, and beyond, catering to varied interests and academic pursuits. Harness User-Friendly Search & Navigation: Opt for platforms with intuitive search functionality, facilitating seamless exploration of Zoology Books Online. Enable users to filter results by authors, publication dates, topics, or specific research areas, ensuring optimal discoverability and navigation. Prioritize Authoritative & Contemporary Titles: Embrace platforms curating Zoology Books Online authored by renowned scholars, researchers, and academicians. Prioritize titles that align with current research trends, breakthroughs, and advancements, ensuring relevance, credibility, and academic rigor. Engage with Descriptive Previews: Facilitate informed decisions by offering descriptive previews or excerpts for Zoology Books Online. Provide insights into content structure, thematic coverage, methodologies, and key insights, empowering buyers to select resources aligned with their academic or research objectives. Leverage Customer Reviews & Recommendations: Harness the power of peer insights by integrating customer reviews, ratings, and recommendations for Zoology Books Online. Foster a collaborative ecosystem, enabling users to share feedback, insights, and endorsements, guiding fellow enthusiasts towards invaluable resources. Embrace Digital & Physical Formats: Cater to diverse preferences by offering both digital and physical formats for Zoology Books Online. Facilitate seamless transitions between formats, ensuring readers can access resources anytime, anywhere, and on their preferred devices. Promote Exclusive Offers & Discounts: Cultivate customer loyalty and engagement by rolling out exclusive offers, discounts, or bundle deals for Zoology Books Online. Celebrate academic milestones, events, or research breakthroughs, offering incentives to avid readers, students, and professionals alike. Foster Community Engagement & Collaboration: Transform scientificpubonline.com into a vibrant hub for zoology enthusiasts by fostering community engagement, discussions, and collaborations. Organize virtual events, webinars, or forums, enabling readers to interact with authors, researchers, and fellow enthusiasts, enriching their academic journey and insights. In conclusion, navigating the realm of Zoology Books Online demands a strategic, informed, and user-centric approach. By embracing the insights, strategies, and recommendations outlined in this ultimate guide, readers can harness the vast potential of platforms like scientificpubonline.com, accessing unparalleled resources, insights, and expertise. Embark on a transformative journey through the captivating world of zoology, harnessing the power, knowledge, and innovation encapsulated within these distinguished publications.
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onenettvchannel · 9 months
BALITANG NEGOSYO: ATRAM & GCash collaborate to offer invaluable investment opportunities and insights for 2024 [#K5NewsFMExclusive]
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MANDALUYONG, MANILA -- ATRAM Asset and Wealth Management, in collaboration with Philippine e-wallet company GCash, shared invaluable insights and strategies on where to invest online in 2024.
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The online webinar session aired exclusively on Facebook LIVE video last Tuesday afternoon on December 5th, 2023; featuring Mr. Phillip Frederick Hagedorn, President and Chief Executive Officer of ATRAM and Mark Jasson C. Ilao, whose Head of Market Education at GCash, shed light on responsible investment practices and the evolving landscape of financial technology.
ATRAM, whose renowned for its proficiency in asset management, has established itself as a pivotal figure in shaping investment strategies for the digital era. The company's President and CEO (Mr. Hagedorn), highlighted the importance of understanding market dynamics and conducting thorough research before making investment decisions. Hagedorn emphasized that responsible investing begins with a comprehensive understanding of the chosen markets. While GCash, with its user-friendly platform, has become a gateway for individuals seeking accessible and secure avenues for financial growth.
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(SCREENGRAB COURTESY: GCashOfficial via FB LIVE VIDEO / From left to right, Phillip Frederick Hagedorn interviews one-on-one with Mark Jasson C. Ilao.)
During this webinar session in the online one-on-one interview, Mr. Ilao, the said Head of Market Education at GCash, delved into the unique synergy between ATRAM and GCash, particularly in the realm of e-wallet investments. Ilao highlighted GCash's role as a leading fintech e-wallet company in the Philippines, providing users with seamless financial transactions and investment opportunities at their fingertips.
Ilao encouraged Facebook online viewers (whose owned by Meta Platforms Inc.) to explore the integration of ATRAM's asset management expertise within the GCash app, offering a convenient solution for responsible and informed investment decisions.
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(STOCK PHOTO via Google Images)
One key takeaway from the webinar was the emphasis on conducting thorough research before venturing into any investment. Hagedorn emphasized the significance of leveraging online resources, including ATRAM's official website and GCash's comprehensive guides, to equip oneself with the necessary knowledge.
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(STOCK PHOTO via Google Images)
Investors were advised to explore ATRAM's asset management offerings through the GCash platform, leveraging the seamless integration to access a diverse range of investment products. This collaboration aims to empower users with the tools they need to navigate the dynamic financial landscape in 2024.
In conclusion, the webinar provided a comprehensive guide for individuals looking to invest responsibly in 2024 next year. The aforesaid collaboration between ATRAM and GCash signifies a milestone in the convergence of traditional asset management and modern fintech solutions.
As Phillip Frederick Hagedorn and Mark Jasson C. Ilao shared their expertise, digital online viewers on Facebook gained valuable insights into crafting a well-informed investment strategy, reinforcing the importance of research and due diligence in the digital era.
This collaborative effort between the monetary industries of ATRAM and GCash sets a precedent for the future of financial services, offering a seamless and informed approach to online investments.
LOGO COURTESY: Google Images
SOURCE: *https://www.facebook.com/100064643983643/posts/777143137783812 [Referenced FB Captioned PHOTO via GCash] *https://www.facebook.com/100064643983643/videos/324159460396961 [Referenced FB LIVE VIDEO via GCash] *https://www.atram.com.ph/about-us/who-we-are/asset-management [Referenced Excerpt Biography via ATRAM] *https://help.gcash.com/hc/en-us/articles/5351243796377 [Referenced Guide Article #1 via GCash Help Centre] *https://help.gcash.com/hc/en-us/articles/5951847409049 [Referenced Guide Article #2f via GCash Help Centre] and *https://www.reportr.world/news/ginvest-guide-gcash-explained-a4373-20210813-lfrm/ [Referenced Editorial News Article via Reporter World]
-- OneNETnews Team
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distanceenergywork · 1 year
Exercise to Increase the Nourishing Qualities of Your Heart
Dorothy Rowe, Intuitive Consultant, presents an exercise to help us nourish the heart's wonderful qualtiies -- love, compassion, forgiveness and truth. This is an excerpt from an energy healing webinar held in August 2023. 
 ❤️Live Webinars with Dorothy Rowe:  https://www.distanceenergywork.com 
 #healing #energyhealing #distancehealing #remotehealing #dorothyrowe  #distance healing #energywork #distanceenergywork #dorothyrowehealer
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auziokb · 1 year
DSLRPros Webinar Excerpt | DJI Mavic 3M Multispectral - Use Case: Pix4D Smart Tool in Lodged Wheat
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