ornii · 3 months
She Knows
Enid and Wednesday sit in her apartment room, Wednesday Typing on her Typewriter and Enid choosing color palettes.
Enid: Where’s (Y/n)?
Wednesday: Drinking with Xavier and the others.
Enid: Oh, you.. aren’t worried he might.. you know?
Wednesday: Yes, I’m confident he won’t cheat.
Enid: ..You’re sure about that?
Wednesday thinks to a few weeks before, a Drunk (Y/n) stumbles into his apartment, Wednesday steps into the living room as he tries to stand straight.
Wednesday: Finally home? Get to bed, you can’t stand straight.
(Y/n), (Drunkedly): Uhhh… sorry lady I have a girlfriend and I love her.
Wednesday: I’m your girlfriend..
(Y/n): Really? That’s awesome!!!
Wednesday: .. You’re drunk, come to bed and—
(Y/n) slumps on the couch and snores away.
Wednesday comes back to reality and looks at Enid
Wednesday: Trust me… I know he won’t.
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Can you please do a Wednesday Addams & Enid Sinclair x Male Reader imagine? Where Reader is from a popular family of hybrids and tribrids, where Reader is a Vampire, a Witch and a Shapeshifter. And the three of them became roommates temporarily because there were no more available rooms for him in the boys' dormitory.
Tri-problem (Male)
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Art by TanyaF2022 on X/Twitter.
You sigh as you feel the bumps of the road as the family chauffeur, Jack drives you to Nevermore Academy. You pull out your phone and start swiping on Instagram to see all your "friends" stories and whatnot. Rolling your eyes you start to block them all one by one. "Are you okay young sir?" Jack asks as he looks at you in the rearview mirror. "I told you to call me Y/N," you said annoyed. "But if you must know I'm just annoyed. Why am I being punished for something that my parents agree was the right action?" "Well, I doubt the school board was happy to hear you almost ended the life of your classmate," Jack said causing you to roll your eyes. "Please. No one would've missed him. He deserved it. He assaulted Normies to feed his ego. There is no excuse for that." "Yes, but you decided to, hex him, suck out almost two liters of his blood, and shapeshifted into a silverback gorilla to break both his arms," Jack said flatly. "And?" You said as if it wasn't a big deal. Jack just sighed.
"Well Mister L/N your father had informed me of your... predicament," Larissa Weems, the principal of Nevermore said as you sat across from her. "We have had your uniform custom made as your family requested but... I- uh..." she stumbled over her words causing you to raise an eyebrow. "We have no space in the boy's dormitory... and well... since you have no family in Jericho... I'm afraid you'll have to stay in the girls dormitory..." "You gotta be kidding me..."
She was indeed not kidding... here you were... standing in front of a dorm in Ophelia Hall... "Fuck my life..." You sigh and knock. Not like you had a choice all your stuff was there... "Enid. The door," you heard a flat cold muffled voice on the other side of the door "Coming~" you heard a second, sweeter warmer muffled voice. Soon the door was opened. "Hello...~ oh- I don't think I know you... have I seen around?" The girl asked her wide smile which showed off her sharp canines never faltering. She was about 5'2, had fair skin, rosy cheeks, pale blue eyes, blond hair with pink and blue tips, a pink sweater with white and maroon diamonds, a maroon skirt, and white thigh-high socks. You see that inside the dorm another girl was sitting at a desk writing in a typewriter. She had pale skin, black hair that was tied into two even braids, anthracite eyes, and a blank yet focused expression. She wore a pair of black boots, black jeans that went over the boots, a black shirt with white stripes that were slightly above her belly button, a black shirt with Ghostface on it that was the same length as the undershirt, a black vest, and a pair of black fingerless gloves. Before you were able to answer the blond girl's question, the ravenette turned and looked at you, her cold piercing gaze locked with your gaze as she spoke. "Y/N L/N. Correct?" Her voice was cold and monotone. "...Y-Yeah..." You mumble as the blonde's expression lit up. "You're our new roomie!" She exclaimed grabbing your hand and pulling you inside. Now inside you, we're able to see the room clearer. It was split in half, the spider web window was only halfway filled with color on, what you assume is the blonde's side, the other side had no color and was just normal glass with no tint. The blonde's side of the room was very colorful. Her bed frame was white and her blanket was splattered with multiple colors, her bed was on top of a puzzle-like rug with each piece being colored differently, ribbons were hanging from the ceiling, and a desk littered with notebooks, markers, pens, etc. A bean bag chair, posters, and so much more. The ravenette's side was the complete opposite. There was a lamp, a black cello, a black sheet music stand, a desk with a black typewriter, a black bed, and a black leather chair. All your stuff was neatly set in a corner of the room. The blonde let go of her hand as she looked at you her grin somehow wider. "My name is Enid Sinclair! I'm a Fur, AKA a werewolf! Nice to meet you roomie!" Enid said excitingly as she went to the ravenette and grabbed her cheeks making her look at you. "This is Wednesday Addams! She may look gloomy but she's a softie!" Enid exclaimed before Wednesday leaned away scowling. "...Nice to meet two..." You mumbled. "So~," Enid said as she leaned closer to you so close you could feel her breath on your face. "What are you? Fur, Scales, Fangs, Psychic, or something else?" She asked curiously. "Personal space Enid," Wednesday reprimanded her from her chair causing Enid to lean back pouting muttering "I was just asking..." under her breath. "I'm a tribrid... I'm part Vampire, Witch, and Shapeshifter," You explained as Wednesday stood from her typewriter. "Your family is known for that are they not?" Wednesday asked rhetorical. "Your family is known for giving birth to Hybrids and Tribrids," She said monotone with her cold expression. "Yeah... they are," you said as Wednesday nodded. "Weems had informed us of your... incident. Try to behave yourself," Wednesday said as she headed for the door. "Unpack and try not to make a mess of things," she said before leaving. "She always like that?" You ask. "Pretty much," replies Enid.
As the next two weeks passed you got accustomed to living with the two. You found out that Enid would try and snoop when you were on your phone or laptop to find something to put on her blog. When you caught her she blushed and turned away but after that day she would randomly ask to things, favorite color, would you rathers, song taste, etc. You got used to "Addams schedule," as Enid calls it. Basically when she did her writing when she wanted to be left alone, when she would leave for coffee, etc.
As time went on Wednesday had admitted she got used to your presence and even let you watch her write. Yoko, a fellow vampire and friend of Enid said that most Vamipres have a calming presence around them. Ironic. So since Wednesday hadn't really spent a prolonged time near vampires she was getting a heavy dose of it.
Enid on the other hand would paint your nails, do your hair, take you on friend dates, etc. You would talk to her about werewolf stuff, since you had cousins who were part werewolf you could relate in some aspects. After five months of living with the roommates, Weems came to visit.
"Hello girls, and Mr. L/N." "Yo," you did a two-finger salute from Enid's bed, your head in her lap as she dyed the tips of your hair. "I have news, one of the boys has moved out of his dorm as his parents found a suitable house in Jericho, so that means that Mr. L/N here will finally be moving to the boys' dorm. Fun!" Weems said with a smile but Enid stood up causing your head to fall onto the mattress. "What!? B-but he can't- I mean-," Enid stammered but Wednesday spoke I'm her usual monotone and cold tone. "What Enid is trying to say is we don't wish for Y/N's leave. He's been here for six months now. We have grown attached. So much so," Wednesday said as she stood from her desk and walked over to you, who had sat up. She cupped your face, causing you to raise an eyebrow, she then leaned down and kissed you softly. Her hands were cold to the touch. Her lips were soft and plush and tasted like coffee. Wednesday soon pulled away and looked at Weems. "We've started a polygamous relationship," She said as she looked at Enid who was blushing. Enid quickly walked over to you and kissed you as well. She was nervous, unlike Wednesday. Her lips were warm and soft. They also tasted like milk tea. Weems blinked a few times at this action. "W-well... this certainly complicated things..." she said as she looked at you. "I will... talk to your mother... see what she says about this...," She spoke before leaving. You were flustered and confused. The room was silent for a few seconds before Wednesday spoke. "I have him Monday, Wednesday, and Friday. We share Sunday." "T-that works..." Enid mumbled. "The fuck just happened?" You ask as Wednesday rolls her eyes. "You just got two girlfriends."
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p4arll · 2 years
Y/N: Bro-
Xavier: No, no, hold up, rewind.
Xavier: My tongue was down in your throat just a second ago and now you're calling me bro??
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xavier drawing on you drabble
fluff, really short
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Xavier had been extra fidgety today. He couldn't focus in class at all, eyes trained on his page as he drowned out Ms. Thornhill’s teaching. She caught on soon, noticing how he wasn't present in the conversation at all and decided the way to fix that was by taking away his sketchbook.
“Your grades in this class are already dropping dangerously low, Mr. Thorpe. I suggest you pay attention,” she told him sternly, taking his book and placing it on her desk. She then added, “And I better not find any ink on that table after class!” 
Which leads to where you are now. Hand on his thigh in hopes of stopping its anxious bouncing while he twirls a pen in his hands, desperately trying to calm himself. It’s useless though, drawing is what he’s always done when his mind gets restless like this, but he can't exactly do it now, with nothing to draw on.
It's then that the idea pops into your head. Gently, you take the pen from his twitching hands and he looks at you curiously. You uncap the pen and write the words ‘draw on me :)’ onto your arm, passing it back to Xavier and smiling at him. 
He nods gratefully and takes the pen in his long fingers. He bites his lip as he gets to work inking your arm. You enjoy the light scratchy feeling on your skin as he decorates it in little drawings. Mostly of flowers he finds in the room and you, his greatest inspiration. 
By the end of class, you’ve got a sleeve of sketches and designs black ink. Thankfully, Xavier chose to work on your non-dominant side, so you were still able to take notes. Ones that you make a mental note to share with your boyfriend later.
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simpforboys · 2 years
Hi there! I have a request for Xavier Thorpe or Tyler Galpin if you are interested! Basically an Addams!reader in which she is the complete opposite of Wednesday, not because she's sunshine and rainbows, she's still an Addams after all, but she takes after their dad. Excitable about pain and murder and torture with a flair for the dramatics
just like your dad
xavier thorpe x fem!addams!reader
summary: xavier and you share a bond for art. while your styles are different, you share experiences.
warnings: fluff, swearing, you’re goth
works for blood related or adopted, no physical descriptions
i made the reader draw (idk why, when i was writing it just flowed to me) so sorry if this isn’t exactly what you wanted, i tried lol!!
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ever since you and your sister, wednesday, had arrived at nevermore, there has been very different experiences.
while wednesday tended to be emotionless, full of hatred, yet somehow caring deep under her dead stare. you were passionate, expressed yourself, and family oriented.
seeing the way your father cherished and treated your mother has had a huge impact on you ever since you were little.
he would always go out of his way for your mother. he would kill for her, he would die for her, and he would live for her.
and you wanted to experience that same kind of love.
you kept an open mind at nevermore. after all, they did have a ton of students and a fencing program that you immediately joined.
your father had taught you, wednesday, and pugsley the fine arts of torture and pain from a very young age.
it was something you all had taken a liking too, but for you it drove deeper then just pain. it was more what pain could do on a psychological level, how it can mentally mess someone up for good.
and despite wednesday and her stone-cold self that she inherited from your mother, you had also taken on your father’s dramatic personality.
that’s why you easily made friends at nevermore. people liked being around you, especially xavier thorpe.
it wasn’t a lie to anyone that he found you enticing. you were gorgeous, unafraid, and most of all… different.
different in a sense that while others tended to shy away, you would stick up despite the judgement you could face. different in a way that drove xavier insane, and he needed to be around you constantly or else he felt like a part of him was missing.
“what are you up to, y/n?” xavier raised his eyebrows in confusion as you sat on a nearby bench that overlooked the quad of nevermore.
you peered up at him, showing him your sketch. you had drawn everyone in the quad with an explosion in the middle.
“what’s that for?” xavier asked, sitting next to you.
“just a thought i had, staring off at the crowd. isn’t explosions fun?” you smiled at the boy.
“watch..” xavier took his hand and held it over your drawing.
you watched in anticipation as the drawing you had done began to come to life. the little explosion blew up, causing everyone to come flying backwards.
“oh my…” you trailed off. xavier smiled at your excitement.
“do you want to come see my little get away?”
there wasn’t a silent moment on the way to xavier’s art shed.
you were blurting out ideas you had, and xavier just listened. he loved hearing you talk about things you were passionate about.
“when i was little, my father taught us all the importance of family. he was devastated when my uncle fester disappeared, but my mom was there to help him through it.”
“seeing love in a beautifully sickening way, it made me crave it. i want to be pursued like that.”
xavier stared at you. he felt his stomach ache as the two of you made it to his art shed. 
“what’s this?” you accidentally interrupted him. 
xavier, now embarrassed, began to unlock his shed. 
“you’re not going to kill me, right?” you looked at the boy. 
“what? no-”
xavier stared at you in shock as you entered his little getaway. you looked around the small shed, artwork depicted everywhere.
“is this where you draw?”
“draw, paint, think. basically.”
xavier nervously watched as you inspected each painting carefully.
“what’s this?”
you pointed to a sketch that was you.
“that’s uh- nothing.” xavier quickly shut the sketch book. his tall frame was now extremely close to you.
“do you draw me, xavier?” you stared up at him through your lashes.
it was a new feeling inside of you, and you couldn’t tell what. but the way he had portrayed you in such a beautiful way, it made your heart… flutter?
you could see the embarrassment on his face. his cheeks tinted red and he avoided your gaze.
you suddenly were aware of the cologne he was wearing. the scent filled your nostrils as his big hand covered the sketch.
“you don’t need to be embarrassed. i’m quite a piece of art, huh?” you couldn’t help but tease him.
xavier smiled at you.
you opened your own notebook and showed him the sketches you’ve drawn. not as well as xavier’s, but the creativity behind each one was evident.
there was a reoccurring theme of pain and torture behind each one that should’ve frightened xavier, but it only made him more insightful.
“is your mom and dad into all this stuff?”
you peered up at xavier.
“my father showed us all from a young age the beauty of pain and torture. i tend to focus on the physiological level rather then physical, unlike my sister.”
“you really are just like your dad, huh?” xavier started to tease you now.
“you could say that. i definitely take after him more than my mother.”
“can i help you with your sketch work?”
you hesitantly nodded. xavier grabbed his stool and sat down, you standing very close to him.
his knee would bump into your leg every time he moved. the motion was enough to send shocks into both your bodies.
xavier flipped through your notebook.
“the overall creativity is amazing. it really allows me to see what goes on inside your head, which is what art is supposed to represent. but the line-work could use some help.”
you watched him carefully, not noticing the way your eyes stared at his veiny hands.
with the flip of another page, xavier landed on the drawing you had completely forgotten about.
it was you, at the weathervane, smiling wide as you sat across from a boy who looked identical to xavier. to make matters even worse, there were little hearts above the two of you.
now it was your turn to be embarrassed as xavier looked up at you, a giant smirk on his face.
“thing must have drawn that-“
“oh yeah? because the way the lines connect is just like the other drawings.”
“i don’t know what you’re talking about.”
“how about you let me take you out to the weathervane?”
“like a-“
“date. a date.”
you stared directly into xavier’s blue eyes. his gaze was intimidating and you would be lying if you said you weren’t a little scared.
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thatssocreepy · 2 years
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A Black cat and a golden retriver
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dylanobrienisbatman · 2 years
these boys are obsessed with Wednesday and she just takes advantage of them because they are suspects in her investigation or have a vehicle she needs use of. aro queen.
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poofbark · 10 months
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i like you (i like you alot)
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stars-and-birds · 2 years
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Netflix do you have something to share?
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rightyofelix · 4 months
"Say Cheese~!"
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Hunt AU Belongs to @dollietoon
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rainbow-illness · 7 months
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Belatedly jumping on this meme.
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ornii · 3 months
Hello, how are you doing?
I was wondering if you would write a story with Enid x Wednesday x M!reader where the reader is a vortex, like from the Sandman series/comic, and after his and Wednesday's first date he goes to sleep and has a smutty dream before accidentally travels into Wednesday dream. Wednesday's dream was the reader eating her out with her wearing a blindfold while Enid is in the corner rubbing herself.
Due to his confusion and hornyness, the reader accidently travels to Enid's dream. Enid was dreaming that she was being double penetrated by both Y/n and Wednesday with a strap on. Seeing this caused the reader to accidentally break the barrier between their dreams so they all saw what the other was dreaming. This caused them all to wake up and the reader to go over to their shared room to apologize. However, when he arrived and explained what happened, they reached an agreement to make the others dreams a reality. After a full night of sex, the reader and Wednesday are spooning Enid and agree to let her into the relationship.
Take your time and sorry if this is too much.
Night Terrors, Indeed. (18+)
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A Vortex, dreaming being beyond comprehension and understanding. Admittedly you attempted to sleep after your first date with Wednesday, turns out explaining to her the demons that the vortex attracts. Haunting a dream together was a first good date, which lead to an.. interesting night.
Lying in your bed your mind begins to fade into mist. Everything slowly solidifying into a bedroom, an old castle on the coast of England, you sat up and felt an unease about your body, as if you were.. sick. “H..hello?” You spoke into the dimly lit room, a few candles, a fireplace illuminated the front of the bed, candles along certain walls and frames. You could make out a door opening to your left and a figure calmly stepping out of it, Wednesday. She didn’t have a Nevermore uniform on her, it was a thin black lace nightgown, Carrying a single candle she approached.
“Mi querido..” her deep black eyes peered into yours, and she gently placed the candle on the bed rest and leaned into your face.
“You’ve had a long and strenuous battle… allow me to relive you.”
“Wednesday I…” her finger slowly pressed against your lips as she gently crawled into the bed and straddled you. Her cold pale plan gently pressed against your chest, this dream felt so.. real, you wanted it to be real, and her left hand slowly began to train down your abdomen, her fingers softly drag along your skin and the sensation felt so pure. But before you could feel he grasp it, your eyes awoke to the Hellway of Wednesday and Enids dorm. You were standing up, and a look of surprise was on your face. “Am I… no.. dreams must be interlocking.” You thought to yourself and walked along the hall. Nearing the door, you heard a gentle moan behind the door. Curiosity and arousal fill your mind and you twists the door knob and peer into the bedroom, and your eyes went to the right side to Wednesdays side and to the origin of the sounds.
Her hands were bound by handcuffs, though a rail of her bedframe, her eyes bound by a wrapping and her bottom lip was bitten, as she was breathing heavily, sweat dripping down her neck to her back, bare chest with supple breasts softly shaking as her shaky moans echo though the room, you couldn’t take your eyes off of her, this was definitely Wednesday’s dream. You watched a pair of very familiar hands move upward and grip her waist, it was yours. You saw yourself right between her legs, using your tongue to lap against her walls and the warmth of your breath brush against her flesh. Her legs instinctively wrap around your neck, inching closer to an orgasm, the soft whimpers of Enid catch your ear and you lean in a bit further, your eyes caught Enid, her legs gently rubbing together as one hand was in between and the other gently massaging her own breast, her eyes so crazily focused on watching Wednesday and the dream version of you being so… intimate. You closed the door swiftly and tried to press those thoughts out of your mind, and turned left, and blinked somehow you were back at the same door, as if the world itself moved to be fixated on your eyes. You reached and gripped the handle again and opened the door, this time the positions changed, you watched yourself lie on Enid’s Bed, her on top, palms gripping your shoulders as she rides the dream version of you, Wednesday was also behind her, her arm grasping her neck as she was also behind Enid, using a strap on she also decided to plunder the Werewolf’s body. Enid was in bliss, a mix of pleasure and wolf like mating she was enjoying herself a lot more than most. And admittedly you wanted to put yourself in the mix, you gripped the handle harder, biting your lip you felt the arousal build up and take over, you closed the door once more, but hard, and with that slam you woke up from your invasion of dreams. Sweating and with a very abrupt form of morning wood. You took a deep breath to compose yourself. Sitting up you exhaled and felt a deep feeling, and you had to alleviate it.
Gently knocking on Wednesday’s door, you waited, it was a bit of shuffling and you watched it open to Wednesday in a gown, and Enid looked a bit, awkward. “Can I.. come in?” You asked, and Wednesday stepped back to let you in. You saw Enid in her bed, curled up slightly, not able to make eye contact with you. Wednesday stood in the room, a bit uncomfortable herself. You had a very good idea of why they looked like that.
“So… I’m sorry about, all of that.” You spoke up first, and Wednesday took a breath. “You upset Enid.” Wednesday frowned, she wasn’t angry about her dream being taken advantage of, she was upset that Enid was upset.
“Enid… I’m sorry I didn’t mean to.” You bit your lip to try not to say something dumb. Enid finally looked up at you, cute puppy dog eyes, “It’s okay.. I know you didn’t mean to.. I just, didn’t want you to see what I was—“
“Fantasizing?” Wednesday finished, “Yours was no better, you like me watching?” Enid replies, Wednesday for the first time was actually embarrassed. “Well.. no, your infectious personality just corrupted my dream.” Wednesday lies, but gets an idea. She turns to you, and looks you up and down.
“I have a way of you to repay us… help us make our dreams a reality.” She said, which piqued the interest of Enid. She walked over to Wednesday, a bit conflicted but when she met Wednesdays gaze, she accepted and also turned to you.
“I mean.. it’s only fair.” She said hiding a sly grin, and you were obviously stuck between a rock and.. two very hard places. You sighed and gently gripped your shirt. “Well.. we can all at least enjoy it.
And Enjoy you did.
Dawn began to crack though the glass windows and hit your eyes, they flickered opened and you looked to the roof off the room, Wednesday was already awake, just not particularly motivated in moving. Snuggled up with your left arm she tilted her head near yours.
“I half expected you to die during it, Enid gets insatiable during the mating season.” Wednesdays palm gently pressed against the center of your chest, feeling your heartbeat. “I’m… actually glad you’re alive.”
“Well of course, would he too much work getting rid of my body.” You said jokingly, you couldn’t see it, but she smiled slightly. “That too… but I’d be upset we might not be able to continue this… Polyamorous relationship more.”
“It’s not because I’m really good at working my tongue, is it?” You moved your hand down her backside. Wednesday bit her lip to avoid admitting that her moans were louder than she’d like to admit. “Your performance was.. sufficient.” Wednesday said, “Well I’m sure Enid loved yours, although you were a pain in her ass.” You smirked, looking at the roof.
“Was that an attempt at a joke?” She said.
“Yeah, funny wasn’t it?” You asked, moments pass, silence, until Wednesday uttered;
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Could you make a oneshot with wenclair x male reader who smokes and skateboards you can add anything you want to it just if R can have messy black medium long hair with purple ends and matching colored eyes
I was hoping I would see this one again I really wanted to do this one before my old account was deleted. I don’t skate so sorry if I sound like a poser.
Sk8ter Love(Male)
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Art by @ellie5756_milky on X
The halls of Nevermore were bustling as per usual. Students talking to each other, cliques walking in groups as per usual, the "mean girls" judging a random passerby, etc. One of these groups suddenly split as you sped down the hall leaving a streak of dark purple. "Watch it!" You yelled out. You were low to the ground on your board a hand on each side gripping the board to help maneuver through the halls, you expertly weaved through the halls having many close calls but you had been doing this for years so it was nothing new. After a few minutes, you reached your destination, your dorm. You power stopped in front of your door unlocked it and walked in picking up your board in the process. Walking in the sound of your roommate playing GTA V filled your ears. "Yo," Your roommate Damien said not looking at you. "Sup, what you doing?" You asked as you sat on your bed taking off your boots and watching the screen to see him get blown up by an oppressor. "I dunno," he responded as he blew out smoke. You rolled your eyes and stood up opening the window. "I thought we talked about smoking with the window closed?" "Forgot," you sighed and grabbed the cigarette from him and took a drag of it before blowing the smoke out the window, "Methonal?" "Yeah, one of the Vamps got it for me," Damien said as you got a text. "You could've asked me to pick some up," you said as you checked the text. It was from Wednesday from the group chat with her and Enid, opening it you saw a picture of yourself blowing smoke out the window. With the text under it reading. "You're smoking already?" You could practically hear her annoyance in the text. You chuckled and responded, "Were you watching my window waiting for me?" "...Just get up here already." "She totally was," Enid texted. You smiled and walked over to your closet. "Imma be at-," "You're girlfriends dorm all day. Don't call or text unless I'm dead," Damien said finishing your sentence. You chuckled tied your hair up loosely and left the dorm with your board.
When you arrive at their dorm you open the door and Enid immediately hides behind you. "Baby, calm her down!" "Mi Amor, please tell the mutt that she can't take the hoodie I took from you for herself," Wednesday said eyes locked on Enid like she was prey, Enid was wearing one of your hoodies which was Wednesday's favorite one of your collection. You sighed and pat Enid's head. "Pup give it back to Wends," you said as Enid pouted. "Why does she get to have one for herself!?" "Cause the one toy usually steal is dirty after you spilled juice on it. Again," you said as Enid groaned and took the hoodie off giving it to Wednesday who was Smirking. Wednesday slipped into it and Enid flopped on her bed and started complaining to Yoko and Divina how unfair you were being. You sat down on Wednesday's bed sat on your lap and took out your hair tie letting your hair fall to your shoulders. She took a strand of your hair and rolled it in between her fingertips. You found out early in your relationship Wednesday loved your hair. Unlike most teens, you keep your hair clean, conditioned, and soft. You always did hair care, skin care, etc. But, Wednesday always loved your hair especially, the way it flowed, and how your hair faded seamlessly into the purple color she came to adore. She loved how it glowed whenever you used your abilities. As she was playing with your hair and staring into your eyes she began to lean in for a kiss but was interrupted when Enid appeared behind you and pulled you down and kissed you first. Enid looked at Wednesday and jumped off the bed grabbing the spare skateboard you kept in the room and began to skate out of the room in an attempt to outrun Wednesday who got off your lap and began to chase Enid with her mace, the medieval kind. Thing crawled out from under Wednesday's bed and tapped the floor a few times. "Yeah... I should probably go after them."
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p4arll · 2 years
Y/N: You were stabbed. Do you remember anything?
Xavier: Only the ambulance ride to the hospital.
Y/N: That wasn't an ambulance, I drove you.
Xavier: But I heard a siren.
Y/N: That was Ajax.
Ajax: Sorry, I got nervous.
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dollietoon · 6 months
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Stop these smooches.. ٩(๑`^´๑)۶
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lindsaythomasin-art · 2 years
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