#weed saves lives
happyheidi · 2 years
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tawnyisacolor · 3 months
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happy friday to mee
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baemaxbaebee · 9 months
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coldtortelloni · 5 months
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this is how it went fresh off the nautiloid with my tav in our multiplayer save
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july-19th-club · 11 months
the major appeal of the Corn Maze is tapping into the human experience of Being Surrounded By Maize During Harvest . i love you corn and i love walking in circles under an autumn sun while you rustle gently and smell exactly as you always have for the past many hundreds of years at this same time in this same spot. effervescent
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paleconstellationss · 2 years
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tell me im pretty as i hit your bong way too many times 😇😇
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unfriendlyamazon · 5 months
i was having the absolute worst day could not stop crying even getting out of bed was a fight and then i went to a 420 party and met really cool people and made new friends and talked about each other's pets and now i feel like okay
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talentforlying · 6 months
DC should be on their knees begging you to write for John 😌 but for realsies, I’ve enjoyed every moment of following you and your writing for so many years
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@wingdingsandbrokenstrings — 𝐇𝐎𝐖'𝐒 𝐌𝐘 𝐏𝐎𝐑𝐓𝐑𝐀𝐘𝐀𝐋?
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PLEASE that's such an honor???? i cannot BEGIN to tell you my joy at seeing you still here when i came back to this blog, i feel like you've been around since the very beginning and it always makes me so incredibly happy that you continue to enjoy and support my eternal obsession with this mangy man!! honest to god it's like an official seal of approval when you like my stuff SDJKDS thank you!!!!
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mittentroll · 2 years
HEY YA’LL, I’m still fucking alive and its something I’m celebrating today!! 🌈✨💕🌻
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tawnyisacolor · 1 month
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girl goes outside…. very interesting
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baemaxbaebee · 6 months
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bouncee ☺️
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listen. I don’t personally use drugs besides alcohol but that won’t stop me from fighting for the rights of people who do use (other) drugs to my last breath
the two aren’t mutually exclusive but people who don’t use drugs can NOT be babies about drugs or the people who do use them. please
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victorluvsalice · 7 months
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Hi folks -- we're back with the Chill Valicer Save this week, working our way through the trio's Spring Wednesday! And this one proved to be a bit busier than anticipated, so let's get straight in --
-->First things first – picked up with the gang just bumming around their house at about two in the morning, as they do. As Alice needed Fitness skill to help fulfill her Renaissance Sim aspiration (and thus her New Year's Eve resolution), I sent her off on a feral run, while Victor got to go back to bed for a little more sleep, and Smiler –
Got put on weeding duty. Because, despite cheating the glitched plants from the previous episode to be weedless, the minute I checked the greenhouse, I saw that the weeds had resprouted! I hoped that maybe now they were non-glitched weeds and would go away when vacuumed up, but nope, Smiler once again got stuck in a loop when they tried to weed them. *grumble* And when I tried resetting the weed growth state again later on, the weeds disappeared...and then just grew right back again! What the hell – what’s even the POINT of letting me get rid of the weeds if it won’t ACTUALLY let me get rid of them?? *shakehead*
-->Anyway – once I saw that Smiler was stuck in the loop, I canceled the action and instead had them go lecture Surprise about playing in a trash pile that was next to the garden sink (from when Alice repaired it last time). The cat didn’t exactly know what she was being lectured for, but at least she stopped making a bigger mess! Smiler scavenged the pile for parts, put it in their inventory, then went back to their robotics bench to make more mechanisms and computer chips for that Servo project I’d like them to start at some point (you know, to help around the house and the store). As they were doing that, Alice returned from her feral run, and I had her pick up the mail –
Which contained a giant plush bunny! Their reward for finding all those decorative eggs, I presume! :) I decided it could go next to the knitting basket and rocking chair in the séance room – only to discover the darn thing was not live draggable, unfortunately. So Alice had to go there manually and put it in the world herself. *shrug* I figured while she was up there, she could get some meditation in (helps keep the Fury at a manageable level, after all), and had her plonk her butt down on the stool for a little while (at least, until she started levitating). Not only did she end up getting Wellness level 6 during her little Zen session, she ALSO got a pop-up stating she’d thought of a hilarious joke while meditating and got Comedy level 5 out of it too! Two skills for the price of one, I love it! :D
-->While Alice was getting her chill on, Victor got up, used and Scruberooed the toilet, then popped down to the greenhouse to do some tending (and get stuck in a few weeding loops of his own on those glitched plants *sigh*) before grabbing some honey out of the bee box, picking all the grown over-sized crops (the big mushroom wasn’t QUITE ready), and super-selling everything else because, well, they don’t really need any more fruit, veggies, or flowers JUST at the moment. XD Smiler, meanwhile, got put on livestock duty – feeding the chickens, cleaning the coop, telling them some jokes, and telling Surprise that she was not to play in the chicken feed either, before moving on to clean and chat with Moory. Moory didn’t think much of their attempts to talk about the weather, but did like their joke, so Smiler was able to successfully milk her, yay. We appreciate when the cow cooperates with us!
-->We also appreciate when the Sims decide to be cute on their own – case in point, Victor, having finished in the greenhouse, promptly went over to Smiler after they’d finished milking Moory and made out with them right by the cow shed. XD I then had Victor offer his wrist to a thirsty Smiler (his plasma is their favorite, after all), while I had Alice return to normal after her meditation session and go get the eggs. Once Victor was done being drained, he went over and had a little slow dance with Alice in front of the chicken coop – seems like farm chores encourage him to be romantic. XD Shadow came over and started whining at them for a walk midway through, though, so I had Smiler go over and play with her a bit to keep her occupied. Cute family times are cute! :) Anyway, with the chores done and everyone having gotten their adorableness quotient for the day fulfilled, I tried to have Victor set up the trip to the store –
Only for him and Alice to get obsessed with playing with the clay blob, with Victor insisting on walking all the way to the living room even when I canceled the action in favor of them going traveling. *shakes head* Sims sometimes, I swear..
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dirt-goth · 1 year
Just realized I got top surgery 4 years ago that's fucking insane???
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nerice · 1 year
Quick question! Are they soulless constantly in pain and suffer 25/8 or are they just kinda „eh; guess I‘m rotting“ like zombies or are they infinitely searching for something that feels like it’s missing (due to the no soul thing)?
What is the whole soulless experience like?
:D! oh all of the above though only the first is hardbaked into their nonexistent dna!! stuck in a human body that's unable to process sensory input the right way & still tethered to the invisible moon via their blood. granted, it's not burning blood jail 900% of the time, sometimes it's just an uncanny itch, random muscle aches, spasms, tingling nerves that sputter and spark; sometimes it's like nothing is wrong at all (esp prevalent with gray who will only notice some minor ache in response to linnea's touch driving it out of him <3 ofc that only makes it more painful when she withholds her cure, esp esp when she's in the mood 2 make him worse on purpose ww) this ask is getting away from me help
camp Rotting For Sport is mostly sky content as she heads towards soulless existence via blood rot/nascent pain (shoutout to dream game :)🔪) sorry babygirl say goodbye to your hard-won strength control we are unlocking the birthright you never wanted </3
nd the 'searching for something thats missing' is mostly a consequence of the condition nd manifests differently for all of them!! faye is chronically homesick for the invisible moon she just wants to go back n quit existence, less so because of the pain (it isn't helping, sure) but she's the only one who finds a weird solace in it. the proof of her origin, her destination calling out to her!! and gray is the direct opposite, violently chasing any human feeling and desire, compounded by the fact that linn indulges in life so brilliantly she has so much fun!! but it's russian roulette whether or not he can partake in the same way; longing to eat but unable to hold food down. longing to sleep but never rested. etc etc the list is longer than i'm willing to engage him as a complex character rather than the guy in the 10 of swords card 💀
long story short, being soulless sucks as much as any chronic illness sucks but they're very good at making the worst of it too <3
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boyswanna-be-her · 2 years
Ahhh I’m going to see so much good music next year! 😍 And artists are still announcing new tours all the time.
Moon Hooch in January
Donny Bénet in February (in Atl!)
They Might Be Giants in March
and Belle & Sebastian in May!
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