#even if the spots he chose were a bit funny XD
victorluvsalice · 7 months
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Hi folks -- we're back with the Chill Valicer Save this week, working our way through the trio's Spring Wednesday! And this one proved to be a bit busier than anticipated, so let's get straight in --
-->First things first – picked up with the gang just bumming around their house at about two in the morning, as they do. As Alice needed Fitness skill to help fulfill her Renaissance Sim aspiration (and thus her New Year's Eve resolution), I sent her off on a feral run, while Victor got to go back to bed for a little more sleep, and Smiler –
Got put on weeding duty. Because, despite cheating the glitched plants from the previous episode to be weedless, the minute I checked the greenhouse, I saw that the weeds had resprouted! I hoped that maybe now they were non-glitched weeds and would go away when vacuumed up, but nope, Smiler once again got stuck in a loop when they tried to weed them. *grumble* And when I tried resetting the weed growth state again later on, the weeds disappeared...and then just grew right back again! What the hell – what’s even the POINT of letting me get rid of the weeds if it won’t ACTUALLY let me get rid of them?? *shakehead*
-->Anyway – once I saw that Smiler was stuck in the loop, I canceled the action and instead had them go lecture Surprise about playing in a trash pile that was next to the garden sink (from when Alice repaired it last time). The cat didn’t exactly know what she was being lectured for, but at least she stopped making a bigger mess! Smiler scavenged the pile for parts, put it in their inventory, then went back to their robotics bench to make more mechanisms and computer chips for that Servo project I’d like them to start at some point (you know, to help around the house and the store). As they were doing that, Alice returned from her feral run, and I had her pick up the mail –
Which contained a giant plush bunny! Their reward for finding all those decorative eggs, I presume! :) I decided it could go next to the knitting basket and rocking chair in the séance room – only to discover the darn thing was not live draggable, unfortunately. So Alice had to go there manually and put it in the world herself. *shrug* I figured while she was up there, she could get some meditation in (helps keep the Fury at a manageable level, after all), and had her plonk her butt down on the stool for a little while (at least, until she started levitating). Not only did she end up getting Wellness level 6 during her little Zen session, she ALSO got a pop-up stating she’d thought of a hilarious joke while meditating and got Comedy level 5 out of it too! Two skills for the price of one, I love it! :D
-->While Alice was getting her chill on, Victor got up, used and Scruberooed the toilet, then popped down to the greenhouse to do some tending (and get stuck in a few weeding loops of his own on those glitched plants *sigh*) before grabbing some honey out of the bee box, picking all the grown over-sized crops (the big mushroom wasn’t QUITE ready), and super-selling everything else because, well, they don’t really need any more fruit, veggies, or flowers JUST at the moment. XD Smiler, meanwhile, got put on livestock duty – feeding the chickens, cleaning the coop, telling them some jokes, and telling Surprise that she was not to play in the chicken feed either, before moving on to clean and chat with Moory. Moory didn’t think much of their attempts to talk about the weather, but did like their joke, so Smiler was able to successfully milk her, yay. We appreciate when the cow cooperates with us!
-->We also appreciate when the Sims decide to be cute on their own – case in point, Victor, having finished in the greenhouse, promptly went over to Smiler after they’d finished milking Moory and made out with them right by the cow shed. XD I then had Victor offer his wrist to a thirsty Smiler (his plasma is their favorite, after all), while I had Alice return to normal after her meditation session and go get the eggs. Once Victor was done being drained, he went over and had a little slow dance with Alice in front of the chicken coop – seems like farm chores encourage him to be romantic. XD Shadow came over and started whining at them for a walk midway through, though, so I had Smiler go over and play with her a bit to keep her occupied. Cute family times are cute! :) Anyway, with the chores done and everyone having gotten their adorableness quotient for the day fulfilled, I tried to have Victor set up the trip to the store –
Only for him and Alice to get obsessed with playing with the clay blob, with Victor insisting on walking all the way to the living room even when I canceled the action in favor of them going traveling. *shakes head* Sims sometimes, I swear..
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uzurakis · 4 months
apologies if u find this weird but it’s been on my mind for a while.. rotting my brain if u will.. jjk men being told by the others to keep it down while they AHEM fuck bc they could hear them😓
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featuring: fushiguro megumi. itadori yuuji. gojo satoru. geto suguru. (characters are all aged up)
NSFW MDNI. explicit themes under the cut!
n. nonnie sorry this took awhile. i rlly like your request but i was contemplating whether i should make it a full on filthy smut or not lmao (i chose the latter eventually). thanku for requesting thiis, was giggling the whole time and i do not find it weird at all bb, it’s quite funny actually XD
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damn, keep it down will you?
you guys are too fucking loud!
“was it really that loud?” in the hopes that someone outside the room might hear you, you shouted. “sorry about that! we were just really into it!” itadori added, a hint of playfulness in his tone.
your laughter bubbled up uncontrollably, blending with the lingering excitement in the air. "really babe? 'we were just really into it?'" you quoted him, unable to contain your amusement at his witty retort.
"we are, right?" itadori exclaimed, his eyes sparkling with passion as he continued to shove it slowly in your walls. “don’t say ya don’t enjoy when i make ya like this, baby.”
you nodded, unable to control your arousal as you let out faint whimpers. "ah, definitely, yuu.”
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your boyfriend's response was immediate, his tone tinged with irritation. "fuck off!" he retorted, frustration evident.
though you felt a twinge of embarrassment at getting caught, you couldn't help but laugh tensely at his boldness. "what?" he paused his pace and asked a question. you kept kissing him carelessly around his neck, saying, "no, don't stop," as he began to move slowly once again. "don’t be so mean, baby. focus on me."
his broad grin widened as he picked up the pace, having fun with those words. watching you act like a mess over him, megumi said, "mhmm, you don't need to say that."
"i'm totally focused on you."
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"guess we got carried away, darling,” gojo chuckled playfully. "seems like it," you agreed, feeling a rush of contentment wash over you. “i told you to keep it down, satoru.”
“hey, who’s the one moaning over my cock, baby?” he retorted, sometimes you felt like you wanted to slap that arrogant grin of his. “can’t put the blame on me like dat.”
“and who begged tremendously to let it in, huh?” you fire back a query, but he cuts you off as you feel it tearing your pussy even more deeply and forcefully.
you can't help but wail, "shit—ah, satoru," and feel his touch throughout your entire body, especially when he bit down the right spots. “keep it down? hell nah.”
“we’re just getting warmed up, darling.”
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"can't promise anything, but we'll try!" geto called back, a grin evident in his voice.
"will we though?" you inquired with a grin, as if it were impossible. geto returned your gaze, interlocking his hands once more as he bent down and kissed you on the lips. "that's why i said we can't promise anything, princess."
"but how else will the guys know we're having a good time?" he said, voice full of joyful mischief as he proceeded to work you through the sweet spot. dripping saliva as you sticked you tongue out and making a mess, unable to say anything since his cock has left your body speechless.
geto clearly understands your body, what it wants, and why it wants him.
"let me show ya how to make ya feel good, princess."
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@uzurakis — rqs are open ^u^
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lycanlovingvampyre · 2 years
MAG 103 Relisten
Activity on my first listen: putting up a new fence
I heard some people were surprised by the pig facts? I guess I'm being a redneck again? XD That's just stuff you learn when you grow up in the countryside.
"and their manure is great for composting." And omg, the smell of pigs is really quite something... I generally avoid going into the pig's barn at my grandparents in law's farm. Can't get that smell out of your clothes, your hair... A few years back someone in the area where I live fertilized their field with pig manure and it was dreadful... Luckily only happened once. Even the farmers around here were complaining.
"at around three or four hundred kilos" My fucking horse weighs 450 kilos. So that really, reaaaally big for a pig.
"Part of me did consider immediately trying to send it for slaughter" I wonder what would happen, if people were to eat meat from Monster Pig...?
"But as I got closer, I saw that they were scars. Shot scars, most of them, with some that looked like they might have been from spikes or axes." Nago/Okkoto?
"The first year they did it there was a lot of trash left behind we had had to clean up, but apparently someone bashed the right heads about it, since last year there was barely a cigarette stub left." Shit like this is actually a problem, there doesn't even have to be an event. Some people will just litter their trash, other people are just careless. And that trash then lands in the food for our animals.
"But instead, I felt it settle next to me, the meat of it sinking into the spaces left by my position. It was pressing up against me, and let out the most contented sound I have ever heard from a pig. The message could not have been clearer: ‘Friend’." Awww! But yeah, that farmer always fed Monster Pig. He never treated it badly. Of course Monster Pig thinks he's a friend. Until now he didn’t even do anything against it, so one could argue he’s complicit with the Fear?
"When you explained the situation, I hoped you’d have some special trick for dealing with it, but I suppose welding scrap metal around the pen and filling it with cement just about works" Our first problem being solved with concrete!
"Those pigs didn’t deserve what that thing did to them. Tearing them apart and eating them." Go vegan? Or, vegetarian would actually be enough for that. It’s something you should always be aware of when you eat meat. (Disclaimer: I'm a flexitarian. So I do still eat meat. Hell, my grandpa in law turned his pigs into delicious smoked meat...)
"Oh, and if you’re hungry, I’ve got some bacon in the freezer I’m going to cook up. ... What?" Lol. It sounded earlier like this was a transcribed statement. So Dylan Anderson did not write it down himself (because of that bit about "Oh, uh, when you’re writing this up, make it’s clear that we’re near the Marlborough Forest"). Still funny, that the transcriber would include the “What?”.
JON: "I currently have nothing to indicate where Gertrude might have travelled next, but I… I have a hunch Kurt Anderson might be able to help." He stops himself there. Was he going to say "I Know"? Still in denial about that?
KURT: “Yeah, but he didn’t say how. Told me some weird guy turned up afterwards, and she went off with him in a real hurry. So Gerry suddenly turned up with some horrible news. Can’t remember if we hear what it was exactly?
Interesting how Kurt Anderson doesn't notice he's been compelled until he gets the juicy stuff pulled out of him...
KURT: [Afraid] "What are you?!" I'm sure this hurt Jon. Now even others refer to him as... not human. He did absolutely chose to use compulsion here though. Why play investigations on hard mode if you can just cheat your way through it? And Jon later says he likes it. To be completely honest, I would use the hell out of that myself. Would probably save me a lot of nerves and time.
Jon finally puzzled together that the tunnels are a blind spot!
DAISY: "Right. So, if he’s not paying attention, and I kill you down here…" Oh man, I HATED Daisy back then.
Jon meeting up with murder cop, upon his wish alone and not because Elias told Daisy to escort Jon, heavily suspecting Elias can't watch (and therefore protect) him just so he can organize a bit of safety for the others <3
JON: "No. No. I was, I was… I was thinking. This… Section 31 unit that, that you’re a part of –" DAISY: [Insistent] "Not a unit! Just paperwork." JON: "Right but, but… what do they think about Elias?" DAISY: "Best avoided. Pretty harmless. Um, crimes involving the Institute get people sectioned, but he’s not an active threat." JON: "If we had evidence that he was an active threat, that he was killing people, he, he was the one threatening to make all of your stuff public, do you think they’d move against him?" DAISY: "… Maybe." Martin's stunt in MAG 118 is a JonMartin collaboration!
DAISY: "You sure you want to talk with that thing running?" JON: "Oh. Um, I-I… I didn’t … didn’t realise I’d turned it on." Was there ever an instance, where Jon unknowingly turned on the tape recorder himself? I think it was always the tape recorders acting on their own. Maybe Jon doubts his own mind, questioning himself if he's the one doing this? (I mean, we know that as least most of the time it's not him, it has happened plenty of time where the recorder was out of reach or Jon wasn't even there at all.) Also, since the tape recorders do work in the tunnels, it is kind of implied that the tapes are not the Eye.
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secretlyblue12 · 3 years
Day 2: Truth or dare
Bench trio my beloved XD And so day two begins! This one is actually going to come back in a different day to be finished,,, but you’ll have to see which prompt it’s for. hehehe Again, the only warnings I can think of are teasing and this one in my mind is irl. 
“Truth or dare”
Tubbo debated the question for a moment. He was playing with Tommy and Ranboo, so no matter which he chose there was bound to be trouble, he was just doing damage control at this point. “Um,” He wondered out loud, the two boys beaming at him while they waited for his answer. 
He tried to think about it logically, Tommy had been the one to ask and so far he’d given out the worst dares, plus he was already looking for revenge from where Tubbo made him drink a little bit of every drink they had all put into one glass. It hadn’t been pretty, but he and Ranboo thought it was funny. So not dare then, “I’ll choose truth.”
Tommy deflated a little at that, though Ranboo still waited excitedly to see how things would turn out. “Alright,” the youngest of the trio whined, “I want you to tell me your biggest weakness then.”
“What, like a fatal flaw or some shit?” That wasn’t that bad, Tubbo thought. He could just say something along the lines of impulse buying or overthinking and be on with it. Would that count as ego, or be different. People always said they were vain, but what all did that mean?
Tommy shifted to sit up properly, hands flying while he talked. “No! Like, like your biggest weakness man. How can I take you down in a fight, because I can guarantee we are going to fight before this night is over Big Man. I want to know what strats to use.” 
Tubbo quirked an eyebrow at the declaration, and off to the side, Ranboo snorted into his hand. “I am pretty sure I could take you in a fight, Tommy.” He said though Tommy wasn’t looking at him anymore. Instead, he was squinting at Ranboo with a decidedly suspicious look. 
“What, have you got something you want to say then Boo Boy?”
Ranboo shook his head, smiling against himself. “No, I was just thinking about a, um, a tactic to take Tubbo down.”
That right there was when Tubbo should have known things weren’t going to go his way, but he didn’t make the connection to what exactly Ranboo was thinking of yet. Tommy rounded on him, holding him by the shoulders as he interrogated him. “How? You have to let me know, Ranboo. Have you seen him? He’s jacked, but I have to fight him, it’s the only way. Did you see the Buffbo pictures on Twitter, I don’t stand a chance. Please, please, please, tell me! I don’t want to have my ass beat Ranboo, I’m too pretty and funny for that.”
Ranboo laughed along with his ramblings, but in the end, agreed to lean down and share his secrets. If Tubbo didn’t think things were about to take a turn before then, seeing how Tommy’s smile lit up and his eyes went wide would have clued him in. 
“Oh ho ho, Tubso, is that true?” Tommy asked in his ‘All-knowing big man’ voice. 
Tubbo knew he was probably screwed, and started to inch away from the duo, but he didn’t know what exactly they were planning. “Is what true?”
“It’s okay, actually. I want to test it out myself.”
Tubbo tried to stand up, but Tommy collided with him before he could even make it off the couch. Immediately Tommy’s hand found his side and started squeezing. 
Tubbo kicked out and shoved at Tommy, but couldn’t manage to force him away. Ranboo was a traitor he decided! “No! Tohommy! I whihill kihill you.”
“Ohho! You were right Ranboo, this is perfect.” Tommy cooed, “Is Tubbo a little bit ticklish then? I am so going to take advantage of this information.”
Tubbo grabbed at Tommy’s wrist and shook his head. “Youhu’re twice as bahad.” he called out. He’d seen Wilbur absolutely destroy Tommy on more than one occasion, it was pretty funny if he said so himself. 
Tommy’s cheeks tinted pink and Ranboo laughed at him in the background. “Oi! Shut it, no I’m not. I just need to find your spots first.”
Tommy shifted around with a renewed interest, moving on to squeeze at Tubbo’s hip, and smiling evilly when the older teen kicked out. “Hey, don’t kick me Bitch! Does that mean this is a bad spot? Ranboo, Ran-boo, tell me what his worst spots are.”
Tubbo whipped his head around to glare at Ranboo, though it didn’t look quite as deadly as he wanted with his bubbly laughter. “Naha, he-he’s nehext,” he threatened. If Ranboo thought he could spill Tubbo’s secrets without getting it back at him then he was mistaken. It seemed to have landed because Ranboo visibly weighed his options.
“He’s probably going to get it next no matter what, now tell me, or else I won’t go easy when it’s your turn.”
Ranboo curled in on himself a little already, but it wasn’t much of a decision anymore. “That’s- okay. I won’t tell his worst-worst spot, but you should try going a little lighter at first, it makes him melt and relax more, then come in with harder ones later.”
“Trahatoir! TOhohmy No!”
And suddenly Tommy’s fingers were fluttering around his waist and Tubbo was lost in a sea of giggles. His eyes squinted with how much he was smiling, which only made it worse because he couldn’t see what was happening. “Tohohmmehey!” He squealed, still trying to kick at the boy and push him away. “Rahanboho why!”
“Oh that’s good,” Tommy says, looking over to Ranboo as if he didn’t have Tubbo starting to fall apart under his fingers. “I can already tell this works a lot better. Are you sure you don’t want to tell me what the best spot is? It might make things better for you when it’s your turn.”
Ranboo wrapped his arms around himself and shook his head, “I’m already going to get it bad from Tubbo, I don’t want to make it any worse.” he said with a tiny laugh.  
Tommy grunted, clearly not pleased with Ranboo’s self-preservation. “Okay then, your funeral. I’ll just have to find it on my own then unless you want to let me know Tubbo?”
Tubbo shook his head, like hell he was doing that. “I’m nohot going to hehelp yohou!” 
“Fine! How about here then?” Tommy huffed in half-hearted frustration, it was obvious he was still having fun with this. “What’s your Tub-belly like?” He slowly moved his hands closer and closer to Tubbo’s stomach, watching how he grew more and more giggly and squirmy the closer he got. 
Tubbo couldn’t form words even if he wanted to, they came out much more like babbles than anything else. His hands found Tommy’s wrists and clung loosely. “Awee, look at him Ranboo! Isn’t he so cute, this must be a good spot then. Tub’s got a ticklish tummy? You’re so giggly and shit, how did I not know about this before?”
His cheeks flushed bright pink at the comments, they really weren’t necessary, he thought. Tommy seemed content to just stay there though and piled on the taunts. If there was one thing he had learned from Wilbur, it was that sometimes words are more efficient than anything else.
By the time Tubbo had completely melted into the couch cushions Tommy was exploring again, though his attack seemed to be tapering off. He gave a quick flutter up at Tubbo’s neck, not bothering to try to hold his head in one place. He could just flutter his fingers under his chin or on one side of his neck to get him to move how he wanted him to. He didn’t fully stop until after he had hit a spot behind Tubbo’s ears that made him start shaking his head again trying to get away, a shift from the lazy head turns and scrunches.
“Okay, okay. That’s enough for now. Count yourself as lucky that we still have to get Ranboo tonight too so I can’t have you too tired. Hey Ran- Ranboo?”
Tubbo peeked through tired eyes and looked over to where the other boy had been perched on the couch the entire night only to find him missing. 
“Ranboo? Oh, that bitch! Come on Tubbo, get up, up, up! He’s escaped. Oh ho ho, he’s so in for it now. Oh Ran-boo, we’re coming for you!”
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soukokuwu · 4 years
what if chu's s/o escapes port mafia, leaving chuuya to think she left him like dazai did (but in reality, she was pregnant & didn't want the child to grow up in PM. though she has taken extra measures so her son will not be endangered, PM still managed to kidnap him and hold him hostage in exchange for her to come back to their ranks. it is when she comes to save their son that chu discovers that the child is his. you do your own take if you want, your writing, your choice! 💓💓
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HIGH RISK, HIGH REWARDS.      genre. hmmm,, i guess it’s fluffy      synopsis. you reveal a secret you’ve kept to yourself for so long, it’s time you finally come clean.      word count. 2,680      author notes. hi, thank you this was an interesting request, i tried not to make it too long. & i usually don’t put so much dialogue (if at all XD) so i hope you can still enjoy this <33
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“Boss, the VIPs are here to see you, they’re being held down at the lobby. Do you want to send them up here?”
The chair swirls around, revealing the man behind the table, a picture of perfect composure. A curt nod is all it takes for the goon to leave the room, ready to escort the guests up.
Once the doors are closed again, he puts the cigarette out on his ashtray, exhaling that last puff of smoke. Gloved fingers intertwine together as he ponders long and hard about how he should greet them later.
The man eyes the drawer under his table, the bottom leftmost one — the special drawer. He opens it languidly to unveil a stash of letters, too many to count at one glance. That’s not surprising though. After all, it’s twelve years’ worth of letters. He grabs the top one, beady eyes glossing over its contents. He folds it back along the same lines.
They all look the same. Made out to him, but with no return address.
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“They found someone at the house. We have him right now.”
The man on the other line seems to still have something to say, but the redhead doesn’t allow him. It’s a matter that can’t wait.
“Keep him there, make sure he doesn’t leave.”
Chuuya leaves the rest of the torturing to his colleagues as he exits the premises. He recalls what his subordinate reported earlier. ‘Him’? He scoffs. It’s been six years since you left the mafia and basically vanished into thin air. Which is a considerably long time, but Chuuya still can’t wrap the possibility around there being a new guy in your life.
Besides, the redhead didn’t do anything wrong. Why did you have to leave without a word? Why did you feel the need to leave at all, even? It couldn’t be stress. No way. You worked at the Port Mafia casino, yes. You were in charge of it all, and it did anything but stress you out. You loved working there. You loved the gamble. You absolutely revelled in the risk.
They put you in charge of the casino for more reasons than one. You were very calculative, very meticulous. You always had your moves planned out beforehand and you were always able to tell your opponents’ hand without even having to cheat. The gambling was definitely one of the reasons why you were so good at manipulating people. It was also one of the reasons why even Mori asked for your help in some cases.
But your best quality as a mafioso?
Your unpredictability. Or, as Mori dubbed it, your insanity. In both gambling and in general. You had helped the mafia win favours over more than just a few officials by winning against them — be it in poker or any other games. You weren’t even below playing russian roulette. Sure, Chuuya had been worried at first, but after a while it was pretty clear you’d always make it out of it safe — was it luck or was it pure calculation, or a mixture of both perhaps? Chuuya doesn’t really question it. And when it came to planning missions, your unconventional methods always helped, because no one would ever see it coming.
That blew up in his face though. You left him without any clues pertaining to your whereabouts or why you left in the first place. He thought you left along with his ex-partner, that maybe it had something to do with him. But it was apparent that wasn’t the case. Not when you didn’t surface at all even when Dazai did. He couldn’t help but keep thinking of potential things that happened to you. Did you leave because you met someone else? Doubtful. But given how long it’s been, it’s certainly not out of the question that you already did meet someone else by now.
You’re beautiful, smart, fun. You’re everything anyone could wish for. You’re so understanding that sometimes Chuuya questions where you get your patience from. You were just perfect, in every sense of the word.
Chuuya groans just thinking of everything. Even after being kicked to the curb, why is it that now he is still attracted to you? Lucky he was, though. Because that’s the only reason he agreed with Mori’s plan to put all efforts into seeking you out. You were incredibly elusive, and a pain in the ass because of that. And had it not been for a certain intense war against an enemy organisation, they would’ve let you go on with your life, wherever you ended up. You’ve been very quiet, not spreading anything about the mafia, or else Mori would’ve picked up on it. Very well-behaved, and a pardon would’ve been your reward.
But even the best needs help sometimes. And Mori specifically wants yours. He probably figured Chuuya was the biggest factor that would tilt things in their favour, and he agrees. Which is why he heads this mission in the first place. Not only is he the biggest shot at getting you back, but he wants to see you. Wants to know exactly why you left him the way you did.
Closure. He wants closure.
Life is funny though. Because he ends up with more questions than answers when he opens the door to his office.
Suddenly all the idle chatter he passes by in the hallway makes sense. The ones that just skip past his ears because he’s too deep in thought about you. He remembers the gist of them though. Things like “he’s so cute, like a model,” and “right? I think he looks handsome” (to which Chuuya was slightly annoyed by because he thought it was referring to your new beau).
But no, he wasn’t greeted with a man. He opened his doors to find a boy with eyes as blue as the ocean sitting on his desk, fiddling with his pens. Eyes that remind him of the exact shade he looks at in the mirror everyday. Chuuya hurriedly shuts the door, locks it, and steps hesitantly toward the boy.
This boy… looks roughly about six years old. And Chuuya feels his breath hitching in his throat. That’s around the time you went missing. He feels everything closing in around him, the fear of why you left him finally being made clear to him.
Weirdly enough, the boy isn’t the tiniest bit scared. His head is tilted, fingers still fiddling with Chuuya’s fountain pen, and waiting for Chuuya to reach him. He blinks his little eyes, before finally smiling up at him after a while. He opens his mouth, a simple word leaving his delicate lips.
Chuuya isn’t even allowed a further minute to process it before he hears knocking on the ceiling and someone falls through the vent onto the floor; one with an all-too-familiar figure. And who flashes an all-too-familiar grin.
Half an hour later Chuuya finds himself struggling to process all the information you’ve unloaded on him. He observes as his son draws on a random piece of paper he’s found lying around, in the other side of the room.
“You let them think they’ve captured our son, when in reality you were waiting for them to?”
You nod. Chuuya internally facepalms himself. How is it that you’re able to gamble with this, too? With your — and his — son’s life on the line? You basically left him there to be abducted, knowing that they won’t do anything without Chuuya’s permission (who’s to say he wouldn’t have allowed them to torture the kid? Well, he wouldn’t, but still…) and then sneak yourself past security and into his office, all in the hopes of letting him know he has a son?
Then again, you wouldn’t bet something like that if you didn’t believe that things would absolutely go your way. He’s been with you for so long before, he’s familiar with your moves and the way you think. Not completely, but good enough.
It was so brilliantly simple. (Also, you used to sneak into his office through the vents when your relationship was still under wraps, so it really wasn’t a surprise to him that you chose to sneak in through there now.)
“Why now, after all this time? Why tell me now?”
For a moment he catches a brief look of guilt wash over your face. You lie back on the couch on your spot next to him, and close your eyes, as though bracing for an outburst as his response.
“I didn’t want to tell you at all, at first…” you trail off, the guilt completely taking over you now. “I only came now because… I want you to get Mori off my back.”
Now Chuuya understands why.
So, you didn’t even intend to give him a chance to meet his son, let alone let him be involved in any part of your life. But you only appeared because you knew Mori would come after you, demand for your help. The only reason you showed yourself today… was to convince Chuuya to help you. Because if there’s anyone who could convince Mori to back off, Chuuya could. And you understood that all too well.
Chuuya can just laugh at himself right now. How foolish is he, to think that you came back because you still harboured feelings for him. How pathetic of him.
He can sense his expression growing grim. Not that he’ll make any attempts to conceal it. His cerulean eyes travel from his son to you. You seem a little less guilty now, though. You look… at peace, somehow.
“What makes you think I’ll do what you want?”
“Because you want to prove me wrong.”
Your answer catches him off guard, and his anger is replaced by utter confusion. You take his silence as your cue to explain.
“I didn’t want to tell you because I didn’t think you’d make a good father and do what’s right for our son. Prove me wrong. Keep our son away from this. Do what a good father would and give him a chance to grow up normal.”
Chuuya scoffs. So that’s why you didn’t tell him anything. Never told him you were pregnant. Never hinted at a goodbye. You’d rather be branded a traitor like Dazai instead of having to make Chuuya choose between you and the mafia. He knows; if you set your mind on something, it’s hard to change it. And in other situations it might’ve been negotiable, but not with your baby.
You know Chuuya would never betray the mafia. That’s why you think he’d never make a good father. Because he can’t put you or the baby first. And now… Now you come with good faith. You’re trying to believe that he can learn to be a good father.
Starting with this choice.
This impossible choice.
Except not really. He knows what he’ll end up choosing anyway. You were right. If he knew you were pregnant he’d have convinced you to stay with the mafia, convinced you that he’d make sure the baby is well-protected. But then he’d be missing the point of your whole argument. You grew up in the mafia, and technically, so did he. You knew how it didn’t allow a chance at normalcy, and you didn’t want to strip your baby of that choice. You wanted your child to at least have a taste of what being normal is like, before you ultimately let them choose what they want.
Now, even if he gives an unfavourable reply, he knows you’d do anything to keep his son away from the mafia. It’s only a question of whether or not you’d have to struggle against Chuuya for it.
Silently, he stretches a hand out to you as he gets up from the couch. He can see the subtle surprise on your face. You’re impressed, aren’t you? He has on the best poker face since you’ve met him. You can’t guess what he’s thinking, this being the first of such instance since you’ve met him. He doesn’t say a thing when you ask him what he’s up to, only continuing to offer his hand to you, keeping mum.
A gamble, a risk you’d have to take. You can either take his hand and see where he leads you, which could lead to you getting your way or it could just lead to total destruction. Or, you can refuse, and then you’d have to figure a way out on your own. Which Chuuya doesn’t doubt you’d already have ingrained in your head.
But he knows you’ll choose the former. Why? It’s the only one where an inherent risk is present. Because you’d be totally in his mercy.
And that’s why you find yourself flown out of the headquarters, onto some random building’s rooftop. A perfect view of the setting sun and an even more perfect view of your old lover, striking crimson locks imitating the beauty of the orange sunset.
Looks like it paid off.
“Will you let me know where you’re staying? A child needs his father,” Chuuya asks you, your fingers intertwined in his, and you forgot just how much you missed this; him.
“And the mafia needs you.”
A swift rejection, but he’s not going to give up so easily.
“I have a right to know. He’s my son too.”
You inch closer to him and he feels like his heart is going to leap out of his chest. It’s been six years since he’s been this close to you, and he can’t believe he has to let you go again. With your son in tow, too. Without so much as a clue as to where you’re going to move to. No way to find out. Given that they only managed to find you in the first place because you wanted to be found.
“Maybe if you’re the boss or something.”
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Now here he is, sitting in the office, new king of the Port Mafia. And his two very important guests are making their way up here. Chuuya hurriedly puts the letters back away. They were how you communicated with him, updated him on you and your son. Though you never put any return address, so Chuuya couldn’t send one back even if he wanted to. Also, you didn’t include any photos, so Chuuya is curious how his son has turned out.
Your timing is impeccable, to choose to visit him just as he’s taken over the office. He suspects maybe you have your ways, what with the vast amount of officials you have wrapped around your finger.
But as the doors open, every other thought he has is thrown out the window. You enter first, and his face lights up, seeing those familiar pair of eyes, so warm, so inviting now. And behind you, your son, now slightly taller than you (and probably Chuuya but he refuses to think of that), greeting him with a polite nod and a smirk on his face.
A wave of understanding washes across his child’s face when he spots something hanging on the wall behind his father.
“Hey! You kept the drawing I did when I first came here!”
He had drawn the three of you together, with himself in the middle, his parents on either side of him, holding his hands and walking in a park.
Chuuya chuckles. “Of course, it was the only thing your mom let me remember you by.” He shifts his gaze over to you as your son gets the hint, moving to admire another far corner of the room.
You let yourself fall into his arms, and Chuuya hugs you tight. Because it’s taken eighteen years. A long, torturous eighteen years apart, which honestly was a run in circles, though it was a necessary one. But now finally, he can be together with you, and his son. Chuuya looks down at you with the warmest gaze you’ve ever seen, wet eyes threatening to spill with tears any moment now.
“Welcome home, my love.”
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tags. @yokelish @gogolparadise @fyowyn-writes @animatedarchives
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Funny and fluffy scenario for Aomine, Midorima, Mukkun, Akashi & Kagami. They are having the first movie night with their gf, and they have been dating for only a month. While the guys seem pretty chill about it, the gf would like to initiate cuddlying but doesn't dare/struggles to because she is not quite sure how to do it (plus, these boys can look pretty intimidating!). So the poor girl ends up fidgeting and acting very clumsy in her attempts to get some cuddles xD poor her!
Hello everyone! The boys (and I) are BACK and they’re on NETFLIX and they’re DUBBED and it’s WEIRD cause I’m generally not into dubs, but I’ll take new KnB content when I can get it! Enjoy some fluff.
Akashi - Knowing Akashi as the observant boy he is, you figure he would be able to take the hint when you start fidgeting to get closer to him. Akashi, although he has a pretty good idea of what you’re doing, doesn’t react at first, mostly out of amusement. He keeps his eyes on the screen, just to see how far you’ll end up taking it. this sadist i swear
It was your first opportunity seeing Akashi with his guard down at home. He was dressed the most casual you’ve ever seen, wearing a loose fit gray hoodie and   black track pants. The issue was the pockets, which took your place in holding his hands. Unintentionally, you had been staring at Akashi for quite a while, paying no attention to the movie you picked out. Akashi’s catlike eyes dart to stare back at you, and you let out a startled little gasp as you whip your head to look back at the screen, praying he does the same. Akashi laughs softly, taking one of his hands out of his pockets and placing it on your knee. “Is everything ok, ____?” You can feel the heat rising to your cheeks as you nod. He slides his hand up your thigh to take the hand resting on your lap. “Good,” he says before moving in close to plant a kiss on your temple.
20 minutes into netflix and chill and he gives you this look
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Midorima - To your discontent, Midorima made sure to keep a respectful distance from you as you sat down to watch the movie. You’ve been dating for a month now, but Midorima’s bashfulness combined with your shyness hasn’t gotten the two of you any further than hand-holding. Now, you’re at Midorima’s place for the first time and it’s just the two of you… separated by an arm’s length of empty space on the couch. You’ve been longing for more of his touch since you started dating, and today, you were determined to get it. You shift closer to him, inch by inch, not even sure what you’ll do once you get there. A few scenarios pop into your mind, and you can imagine Midorima tensing up and feeling uncomfortable with the sudden affection. Discouraged by your own imagination, you let out a gentle, defeated sigh as you slide back to your original place.
A few minutes pass in unintimate silence, with Midorima restlessly tapping his foot. After some time, he stops, as if he has suddenly assured himself.
“You know ____, you can make yourself comfortable here,” Midorima says, avoiding your gaze to hide his blushing. “You should sit wherever you like”.
You nod silently, also blushing now. With a little hesitation, you inch closer and closer until your head finally meets his shoulder. You inspect his facial expression for any sign of discomfort, but you find none. Instead, Midorima welcomes you in by wrapping his arm around you, and you feel his muscles relax with a little sigh of relief.
Aomine - You’re sitting next to Aomine, knees tucked into your chest, half-covering your eyes. He chose a horror movie for your first movie night, likely in a ploy to see if you’re easily scared so he can tease you, and to get you into his arms. An hour into the movie, you’re definitely scared but still too shy to initiate any cuddling, so you settle with hugging yourself.
Why pick a horror movie with no intention of comforting me? you think of your apathetic boyfriend. A jump-scare flashes the screen, and your instinct jolts you to grab Aomine’s arm, to bury your face in the side of his neck. He doesn’t even flinch. Realizing how close you now were, your flushed face slowly looks up to meet his eye.
“Didn’t know you were a scaredy-cat, ___-chan,” he says, his face inches away from yours. He snakes an arm around your waist and pulls you in, “Better stay close”.
Murasakibara - After expending the very last of his little energy on basketball, there’s nothing Murasakibara loves more than to sit back with a movie on, surrounded by snacks. After a winning game, he invites you to come over to share in his post-game ritual. On the walk home, he asks about your favourite snacks. You tell him about your sour candy addiction as you approach the corner store that he ducks into and remerges with 3 bags, packed full to the top.
At Murasakibara’s place, you arrange the buffet of snacks on the table as you both settle in to the watch the movie. You feel the courage to sit up close to him, craving cuddles more than sweets, but you can’t seem to figure out how to position yourself against your giant boyfriend. You fidget for a bit, trying to make it comfortable for both of you. Murasakibara stretches, and with a yawn he tells you he’s tired.
“I’m going to lie down, ____-cchi,” he says as he starts stretching out on the couch. “There’s a spot for you too,” he says, opening his arms for you.
You’re astounded by easy-going he is, how casually he initiates such intimacy. Mostly, you’re grateful of how he can charge right past your awkwardness. You gingerly lay yourself down on top of him, his muscular body easily supporting all your weight, his broad chest a perfect pillow for your head to rest. Snuggled together with a bowl of sweets for you and a bag of chips for him, you start the movie.
Kagami - Kagami invites you to a movie night at the theatre, and you excitedly accept, hoping for a cute date with your new boyfriend. Kagami doesn’t tell you that he’s also invited the entire team, so when you show up in your date-night outfit, you feel a bit out of place and awkward. Dissapointed, you go along with it anyway, meeting up with Kuroko, Riko, Hyuga, and a few others of the Seirin team at the theatre. Taking your seat beside Kagami, you hope he’ll initiate some affection, as there’s no way you’ll have the courage to in front of all his friends.
You look up at him a few times, shifting in your seat and opening yourself up for cuddles, hoping he’ll read your mind and take your hand, but he’s oblivious. Throwing in the towel, you decide to just focus on the movie. On the other side of Kagami is Riko, and your peripheral vision spots her elbowing your boyfriend in the ribs, resulting in a pained groan. She whispers something in his ear, and he stiffens in his seat as his face goes red. After a few moments to compose himself, he clears his throat and subtly reaches for your hand.
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starshine583 · 4 years
Journal Entry 6
(This entry references New Girl on the Block ch. 8. Enjoy!)
Entry 1 / Entry 5
Sunday, January 27th
We had our first snow of the year today, which might have been pleasant had I not been outside when it happened. My fingers are still numb despite sitting by the fire for the last twenty minutes. I’d assumed that visiting the aquarium would mean that I would be inside most of the day, but that obviously wasn’t the case. However, the numbness in my limbs does not necessarily taint my experience today. I actually had a delightful time at the aquarium, and I owe that to Marinette. She didn’t do anything specific besides walking around with me and asking for little facts about the animals, but it truly made a difference for the trip. I’ve found that I rather enjoy being around her, though I’ve yet to find out why. Of course, I hold a few theories. One of those is that she doesn’t cling to me, yet she still shows a friendly interest. I admit that that’s a strange reason to enjoy being around someone, though. Perhaps her general atmosphere provides a focus point, something I can look towards when the others become too chaotic. But then I’d have to consider why she’s a focus point. Is it because she’s  always available and smiling for everyone? Or because I’ve been studying her lifestyle, and it’s become a small habit that keeps me distracted? Maybe I just need to enjoy the calm while it lasts.
Dear Diary,
Today was an amazing day! Allegra drove me to the aquarium as planned, and we met up with the boys to go inside. Then, after looking around for a bit, I got lost! I wasn’t worried, because I knew I’d find everyone eventually and the animals were great company, and I ended up running into Felix. He’d gotten lost too. I thought the coincidence was pretty funny. Anyway, he started telling me fun facts about the animals that were really neat! There was one fact about a flounder’s Latin name being this long word that I can’t remember (I think it started with a P?), and it meant “parallel fish that forgot its spots”. Isn’t that hilarious? We walked around the aquarium for a while, looking up facts and talking. He looked like he had a fun time, and even said he did too when we ran into Claude and the others later! I was glad to hear it, because he’s not usually pleased with a lot of things and I don’t like bothering him. The rest of the visit was fun too, especially when we reunited with the group. Felix didn’t get to tell me anymore facts since it got too loud, but I don’t mind. I kind of forgot some of the ones he already told me anyway XD. Oh! We also had our first snow of the year! You should have seen the way it draped across Paris. It was absolutely beautiful! I wish I could have gotten some pictures with my yo-yo during patrol, but that probably would have been suspicious. Plus, I’m not sure the yo-yo even has a camera function.. Oh, we also had ice cream together. Allegra thought it would be fun to go out to eat, and Claude chose Dairy Queen. So we went there, and after our meals, everyone got blizzards. Well, everyone except for Felix. He was already cold enough. Claude tried to take little bites of everyone else’s blizzards, then tried to eat his blizzard as fast as possible. As expected, he got a brain freeze immediately and continued to writhe around on his chair for a good five minutes! Allegra thought it was hysterical, and Felix wouldn’t stop smirking for the rest of the meal, which was nice. I really like seeing him smile.
Anyway, the group keeps texting me so I’m going to go for now. See you later, Dear Diary!
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How About, No!
Au: Collage Professors Au
Words: 2101
Pairings: Yamato/Umino Iruka, Hatake Kakashi/Maito Gai (Mentioned)
Summary: Doing paperwork has never been Kakashi's favourite part of the job. Doing Tsunade-sama's paperwork is somehow even worse, but apparently that's not bad enough. Kakashi's best friend has to go and make his life more ridiculous over a stupid crush.
For: @cryptic-summons @pinkcatharsis (i don't know you might enjoy XD)
At the beginning of every semester, Tsunade-sama would ask Kakashi to help her sort out all of the paperwork. Make sure that everyone was sorted into the correct classrooms, that all of the information was up to date, and that there wasn’t a repeat of the ‘2018 fiasco’ that no one was ever allowed to bring up in front of her again.
It wasn’t his favourite part of the job, but it was a good excuse to get away from his usual workload for a little while so he never said no.
Not that he thought he could say no. The one time he had tried to deny one of her requests, he had gotten a call from his father five minutes later talking about being nice to his friend and not making her life harder because he didn’t want to have to hear about it the next time they got together for drinks.
“You’re losing focus,” a file came down on top of his head, forcing him to look over at Shizune where she was now standing in front of him with a playful smile. “If you keep stalling we’re going to be here all night.”
Not a chance. He had dinner plans with Gai and he was not missing them for this.
“There’s only one more classroom to go through anyways,” opening the file he needed on the computer, he stared at the classroom details. “Teacher, Umino Iruka. See, this one will be easy.”
Iruka’s classes were always full because people loved hearing him talk, which would usually cause him more of a headache sifting through everyone’s files to make sure they actually signed up for the class and weren’t just placed in there by a wonky system. It wasn’t a headache because Iruka liked to look through his class layout before Tsunade-sama started the mad dash to organize everything before the new semester started, so he always had a file ready full of all of the student’s class requests.
It saved Kakashi from having to look through each of their files to make sure that they were in the correct class, and there was always a note if there was someone in it who shouldn’t be.
“Where is-” The file in question appeared in front of his face suddenly, a smile on Shizune’s face when he looked up at her.
“You’re not the only one with plans tonight, Kakashi,” the playful wink she gave him told him Rin was going to be wearing a smile all day tomorrow. Probably the type he wouldn’t want to ask about, just to save his sanity. “There is one sticky note on the inside, but I haven’t read it yet.”
It was probably just a request to remove a student. Likely because they hadn’t actually requested to be in the class, but also possibly because Iruka didn’t want to deal with them again. There had been a few repeat students that had proven to be little more than a nuisance to the poor man, and while Kakashi did gain a certain amount of enjoyment from seeing Iruka tearing his hair out of his skull because of shitty students, he could also understand why he would finally put his foot down and stop letting them in his class.
Flipping the file open, Kakashi directed his attention to the sticky note first. Rechecking everything that Iruka had already done would be easy. The most difficult (but still rather easy) part would be finding whoever it was that needed removing and going through the process of having them taken off of the class list.
What he found was not something he had been expecting at all.
Professors don’t usually take classes themselves? A mistake perhaps?
Professor? Now that had to be a mistake. Maybe the systems were acting up and just throwing anyone into classes now. Who knows, maybe Shizune had been forced to remove him from one of her classes, or Tenzo’s.
Who knows what those computers were getting up to. They were so old that Kakashi was certain they were functioning on nothing but cobwebs and spite. This semester the spite was getting the upper hand and making their lives a little more interesting.
“Should be simple enough,’ scanning his eyes over to the list of students, he searched for a familiar name. “Though I wonder why the system would-” As soon as he found the name he was looking for, he dropped the file.
“Is everything alright?” Shizune asked with a concerned tone in her voice.
“It’s fine,” pushing his chair back, he snapped the file shut and stood up. This was something that needed a bit more of a hands-on approach to rectify. “I’ll be back in ten, twenty tops, and I’ll pick up coffee on the way back.”
She was less likely to be upset with him for disappearing in the middle of their work if he returned with a treat, and he knew the perfect person to pay for that treat.
After all, it was his fault that Kakashi was leaving his work behind. He could make it up to him by paying for Coffee.
Finding Tenzo had been easy. As always he was tucked away in the university garden, which everyone considered his office because of how much time he spent there, tending to some of the flowers.
Today he was hovering over the tulips. Flowers that none other than Iruka had suggested were added, admitting that they were his favourite flower when Tsunade-sama asked him why he wanted them in the garden so badly.
Tenzo had wasted no time in finding the perfect spot to plant a variety of tulips. He had even chosen all sorts of different colours, determined to grow as many of them as he could just for Iruka.
The fact that there were still people in the university who had no idea about Tenzo’s crush on Iruka was astonishing to Kakashi. There was no way he could be more obvious about his feelings towards the modern history professor.
Well, there was one way but he had gotten upset with Kakashi over the cute sign he had tried taping to his back one day that read ‘I’m in love with Umino Iruka’. Kakashi still wasn’t sure why. It wasn’t like he had made it into the university before Shizune pointed out the sign’s existence.
It wasn’t even half as embarrassing as Kakashi had intended it to be.
“So,” resting an arm on Tenzo’s shoulder, he smiled when his friend glared at him. Already prepared for whatever Kakashi was about to throw his way. “Daydreaming about Iruka? I hope you’re doing this during your break. You know how important it is not to get distracted when you’re watering the plants.”
“Very funny,” shrugging Kakashi’s arm off of his shoulder, Tenzo turned his attention back to the Tulips. “Unlike you, flowers are rather resilient. If I don’t water them right away they’ll survive. If Gai doesn’t hug you as soon as he sees you, you’ll wither away.”
Unnecessarily true.
“Meh, at least I can own the fact that I need hugs from my boyfriend,” placing his hands behind his back, he peered at Tenzo with his good eye. “Meanwhile you’re just pretending that you don’t have the biggest, most obvious crush on Iruka ever. You were so desperate to get close to him without admitting you like him, that you signed up for one of his classes. Didn’t you?”
Tenzo’s shoulders stiffened. Caught in the act, he turned to face Kakashi.
“How did you know?”
“I help out with the paperwork every semester. Did you forget that, Tenzo?” The look of dread on his friend’s face told him that he had, indeed, forgotten. “I wouldn’t worry too much. Iruka seems to think it was a mistake that your name was placed on his classroom list. I don’t think the man has any clue what you were trying to do.”
Which, in his personal opinion, just confirmed how oblivious Iruka was.
“I do have one question though,” dropping his arms to his side, he took a step forward and reached out to touch the one purple tulip that was blooming. “Out of all of the things you could have done to try and spend some time with Iruka, you decided to enroll in his course. Why?”
His question was met with silence. Not the kind that told him Tenzo was desperately thinking of an appropriate answer. No, this was the kind of silence he was met with whenever Tenzo was too embarrassed to give him an answer.
When he knew that providing Kakashi with the answer would lead to his best friend giving him an even harder time than he already was, which left only one clear reason for why he had done it.
“You could just, oh I don’t know, ask him out,” Gripping the tulips stem, he plucked it out of the ground and stood up straight. The annoyed look he received from Tenzo was no doubt in response to both his words and the fact that he had just plucked a tulip of all flowers. “What could you possibly hope to gain from taking his class, that you couldn’t from just asking him out?”
“I was hoping that it would...you know, maybe let me spend some time around him,” Turning his head, Kakashi levelled Tenzo with an unimpressed look. “I know it’s stupid. Trust me, I’ve been scolding myself for it for days. I just-I needed something. Some way to get in close to him and actually start a conversation.”
It took a moment for Tenzo’s words to fully sink in, but once they had Kakashi straightened himself up and carefully placed the Tulip he had plucked behind his ear. Keeping it out of harm’s way as he removed the file from under his arm and used it to smack Tenzo upside the head.
“Ow!” Tenzo’s arms shot up to protect his head. “Senpai, what the hell!?”
Taking the file across Tenzo’s head once again, he watched as his friend tried to back away from him. “Professors cannot date students you absolute-” cutting himself off, he smacked Tenzo once more before watching him stumble back into the tulips. “Of all the stupid ways to try and get close to Iruka, you chose the one illegal way? Are you trying to get him fired!?”
“No, that’s not…” Glancing down at the tulips that he had crushed under his feet, he sighed. “I wasn’t trying to. I just…”
The look of defeat on Tenzo’s face is all too familiar. Kakashi could remember a time when he had felt the same way about Gai. Never knowing how to approach him, let alone how to ask him out.
It wasn’t Tenzo’s fault that the heart was a stupid organ that didn’t have any meaningful connections to the brain. The thing acted without concern for the results of its actions.
It just meant he was going to have to take matters into his own hands.
“I’ll take you off of the classroom list,” he informed Tenzo, holding up a finger to silence his friend when he opened his mouth to protest. “And you’ll be ready one Wednesday evening for a double date. Gai and I will be there to make sure that you don’t do anything else colossally stupid.”
“Wednesday?” Tenzo’s eyes widened. “You’re not going to”
“Well, clearly you can’t be trusted to take care of asking him out yourself,” honestly, he’d probably leave the actual asking to Gai. He was always good at convincing people to hang out, and he might even be able to make Tenzo look good while offering Iruka a date with him. Something Kakashi didn’t trust himself to do at the moment, given what a dumb move Tenzo had just pulled. “Wednesday night. If you’re late I’ll be forced to send Gai in to retrieve you.”
For a second it looked like Tenzo was about to argue some more. Perhaps protest against Kakashi’s idea, or try to point out that he could take care of his own love life. Instead, he simply shut his mouth and nodded his head.
“Yes, Senpai,” he responded in a defeated tone. “Just...try not to be too embarrassing.”
Here he was trying to help his best friend out with his love life without possibly costing Iruka his job, and the bastard dared to call him embarrassing? That was the final straw.
He was bringing videos from Tenzo’s twenty-fifth birthday party. Iruka could decide for himself if he wanted to date Konoha’s worst karaoke singer or not.
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nanigma · 4 years
Blue Lions Translation Chapter 4
Bringing you the next chapter in my project. Hope you guys enjoy!
As always, my financial situation isn’t the best, so if you feel like throwing some change my way for what I do here, here is the link to my ko-fi page. I really appreciate any amount you can give.
Also shoutout to the @teaveetamer​, who has been putting my translations in tables, for easier reading and comparison to the localization. I’ll do a better job of reblogging those from here on, but feel free to head to her blog to see what’s up. I am incredibly grateful for the help.
My comments in italics
Scene: The Enemy’s Aim
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Dimitri: In preparation for the assassination attempt, we have been assigned to the defence of the monastery. That appears to be our mission this month.
Dimitri: The knights will be busy defending Rhea, but that's not where the enemy's true aim lies...
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[Choose: What do you mean?]
Dedue: … Your Highness. Would you mind telling me as well?
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[Choose: I agree] +Support with Dimitri
Dedue: … May I still ask what this is about?
Dedue sounds a bit snarky in Japanese here. The line delivery is perfectly stoic like always, but basically he goes “Can I still ask what’s going on first, before we continue this conversation?”.
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Dimitri: Lord Lonato went out of his way to carry a secret message with an assassination plot written on it, never thinking to get rid of it.
Dimitri: Doesn't it make you think... That the assassination plot was meant to hold everyone's attention while they are truly after something else?
[If Annette, Felix and Sylvain are alive]
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Annette: If we are talking about valuables... That would be the treasure vault! Otherwise, there's the library or Professor Hanneman's room...
Felix: There are bound to be weapons stored at the monastery which might even rival the Heroes' Relics.
Sylvain: Well, no matter what they are after, we can't let any harm come to the girls at the monastery.
English adds a line to Sylvain’s dialogue about how he wouldn’t know what else to do in his free time, making him sound a bit more callous.
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Dedue: So what you mean to say is... We should investigate the monastery to find out what the enemy is truly after?
Dimitri: That's right. And to prepare us for when we face the enemy, we need to invest in our training as well.
[Shamir and Cyril enter the scene]
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Shamir: You conspiring together, Professor?
Literally she is saying “Are you sticking your faces together to conspire?”, which I find a funny way of phrasing it.
Shamir: Oh, I haven't given you my name yet. I am Shamir.
Dimitri: Shamir is a member of the knights of Seiros. And this boy here is...
Cyril: I am Cyril, an attendant of Lady Rhea and apprentice to Shamir.
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[Choose: Attendant?]
Cyril: I take care of Lady Rhea's daily necessities.
This is interesting, because unlike the English version, this specifies Cyril’s role in Rhea’s services. He isn’t just a normal servant, he is her personal attendant, which is a pretty important job and normally wouldn’t involve some of the things we see him doing in his supports (like chopping wood), so I assume those are tasks he himself took on.
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[Choose: Apprentice?]
Cyril: I am trained in stuff like swords and bows.
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Cyril: I wish to protect Lady Rhea as well... That's why I am Ms. Shamir's apprentice.
Shamir: Cyril adores Rhea, you see. Well, we each gotta do what we can.
In English, Shamir tells Byleth they can ask her anything.
[Quest: Learning the Enemy’s Aim]
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Dimitri: If the enemy truly has a different aim, then we need to find it out ahead of time.
Dimitri: It really seems there is no other option than to explore the monastery on our own, searching each place individually.
Dimitri: Afterwards we need to gather information from everyone living here. If we manage to come up with something, let’s speak again.
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[If talked to again with insufficient information]
Dimitri: There's still some places I'd like more information on. Is there no one else who seems likely to hear us out?
[If talked to again with enough information]
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Dimitri: … I see. To the church, there is something they put above all else.
Dimitri: On the day of the ceremony, it will be much easier to enter compared to normally, due to being opened for the public. That would be...
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[Choose: The enemy will target the Greenhouse?] and [Choose: The enemy will target the dining hall?]
Dimitri: … How could that be the case?
Fun fact: When I first read the line, I thought the そうなる was referring to Byleth and he said “Why are you like this?” xD
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Dimitri: Yes, I am afraid so.
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Dimitri: We still do not know their objective, but the chances of them targeting the Holy Mausoleum are high.
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Dedue: I thought to help the monks with their duties, but they refused.
Dedue: They said you can never know when someone from Duscur will betray you and that I might be involved with the plot.
English just had them more concisely say that “no one from Duscur can be trusted, especially now”
Dedue: ...Them being nervous about the current situation is to be expected.
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Felix: … An assassin targeting the archbishop, you say? I hope they are worth fighting.
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[Choose: I hope so too] +Support with Felix 
Felix: … Hah. It appears we are of the same mind.
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[Choose: I want to avoid a battle]
Felix: … That's just what you think.
“That’s just, like, your opinion, man.”
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Ashe: Ah, Professor... I am sorry. I was just thinking about Lord Lonato...
Ashe: … Sorry for being in such a state at a time like this. It seems I still haven't been able to sort out my feelings.
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[Choose: It can't be helped] and [Choose: Pull yourself together] +Support with Ashe for the latter
Ashe: … Thank you. I'll still be taking care of my duties of course.
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Ashe: By the way, my younger siblings, who were living at Castle Gaspard, are both well.
Ashe: They are still very young, but it seems they've been taken in by a nearby church...
Ashe: … Even with everything that’s happened, this gives me some peace of mind.
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Sylvain: Haah, there's no class on the day of the festivities, so I thought I'd be able to fool around all day..
Sylvain: Hey, Professor. Do you really think they specifically chose the day of the ceremony of rebirth for their assassination plan?
Sylvain: You'd think there’d be times where security would be less severe.
Sylvain: In that case, I wonder if there's a reason it simply had to be that one day?
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Mercedes: There are a lot of treasures at the monastery. The enemy is probably after them.
Mercedes: But really, it is such a dreadful thought. To even think someone would steal church property.
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Annette: Ehehe, I came here to buy ingredients for making sweets. Ah, I'm not just messing around or anything.
Annette: I thought it'd be nice to have something on the go for when I get into fights during my patrol.
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[Choose: That's a great idea] +Support with Annette
Annette: Ehehe, right? Once I get better at cooking, I'll let you know how to make them, Professor.
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[Choose: There's no reason to make sweets...]
Annette: I think eating sweets helps cheer you up... Ah, didn't you say you liked spicy food, Professor?
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Ingrid: Professor. Although the investigation is important, you also have to take care not to neglect your training.
Ingrid: In case a battle happens, it wouldn't do to have the tables turned on us.
Ingrid: As we have no idea about the identity of our enemy, we can't be too careful about this.
Scene: The Goddess’ Right of Rebirth
[If you have not completed the quest “Finding the Enemy's Aim”]
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Dimitri: At last the Goddess' Rite of Rebirth has begun. … And yet, we have been unable to narrow down what exactly our enemy is after.
Dimitri: The only thing we can do is immediately respond to whatever occurs as we patrol the monastery.
[If Felix and Annette are alive]
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Felix: Tch... Being one step behind is hardly gratifying.
Annette: Ah, I baked us some sweets in case we get hungry during our patrol.
Annette: Though I might have messed them up a bit...
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Dimitri: Annette... About that explosion in the kitchen last night...
[If you did complete the quest]
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Dimitri: At last the Goddess' Rite of Rebirth has begun. We shall move out exactly as we discussed.
Dedue: Yes. Leave it to us. … Professor, you are well prepared as well, right?
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[Choose: I am all set.]
Ingrid: Right, we also managed to figure out the enemy's goal after all. Let us do our duty!
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[Choose: I don't think so.]
Mercedes: Oh my, the Professor doesn't have faith in this. How disconcerting.
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[Choose: I am hungry.]
Annette: Eh? Ah, I'll sneak you some of my sweets after this.
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Dimitri: Professor. We are counting on you. Now then....
[Seteth+Flayn Dialogue. 100% identical between routes.]
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Dedue: So it's time.
[If you have not completed the quest]
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Dimitri: I managed to narrow down a few places that caught my attention.
Dimitri: Let's check on them one by one. The second floor, the white tower, and after that in the basement... the Holy Mausoleum.
[If you did complete the quest]
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Dimitri: Now, let's hide in the agreed spot. We'll stand watch over the entrance to the Holy Mausoleum.
Dimitri: If any suspicious people should enter, we will capture them one and all. All right?
Battle: Aussault at the Godess’ Right of Rebirth
[If you have not completed the quest]
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Dimitri: Tch... we were one step behind. It seems the enemy has already infiltrated this place.
[If you have completed the quest]
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Dimitri: It is just as we thought. The enemy did actually infiltrate this place.
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Mysterious Mage: Those guys from the Central Church already noticed us.... Buy me some time until I lift the seal!
Western Church Soldier: Hahaha!
Dimitri: The enemy is seeking something inside... Saint Seiros coffin. They can't possibly be after her remains, can they?
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Dimitri: Although we definitely want to defeat them before they can open Saint Seiros' casket...
Dimitri: Take a close look at the floor. It seems some kind of mechanism was set up here.
Dimitri: Attacking from the best possible position as we proceed, while keeping an eye on the enemies' weapons, seems to me for the best.
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Mysterious Mage: Death Knight! You are very strong, yes? Scatter them!
Death Knight: I do not take orders from the likes of you... And facing off against the weak is boring.
Dimitri: … He seems quite experienced. Challenging this knight recklessly would be a foolish idea.
Mercedes VS Death Knight
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Mercedes: My my, how scary. Go easy on me, okay?
Death Knight: You are... I see... this chance meeting... was once again fated.
Mercedes: Yeees...? Just what could you be talking about?~
[When the battle ends and the Death Knight retreats]
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Dimitri: … He got away. Right now, we'd best give up on any plans of chasing him.
Dimitri: That said... Professor. That sword, that glow... could it be...
Scene: Judgement
[Right after the scene with Rhea]
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Dimitri: ….And there you have it. It seems as if the assassination attempt and the attack on the Holy Mausoleum were all orchestrated by the Western Church.
Dimitri: The whereabouts of the masked knight who led the attack are as yet unknown.
Dedue: Still, why would the Western Church do this?
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Dimitri: It's because the Church of Seiros is not a unified entity, Dedue.
Dimitri: The church's management is in the hands of the leaders here are Garreg Mach. Even on the Church Council, the Western Church's voice is very weak.
Dimitri: The Western Church must have nursed dissatisfaction with the Central Church for some time.
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[Choose: The Western Church...] and [Choose: The Central Church?]
Dimitri: Ah, that's right. Sir Jeralt mentioned that you did not grow up within the church.
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Dimitri: The Holy Church of Seiros operates from multiple different branches across Fodlán.
Dimitri: The biggest is the Central Church, whose headquarters are here at Garreg Mach...
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Dimitri: The Western Church lies far to the west of Gaspard Castle, where Lord Lonato raised his troops.
Dimitri: Their headquarters are on the other side of the most durable fortress city in the Kingdom, Arianrhod.
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Dimitri: It seems the current incident was about the Western Church aiming to throw off the Central Church's authority and eliminate Lady Rhea.
Dimitri: Naturally in this case, the Knights of Seiros make an inquiry concerning their leaders... no, they will ride out to subjugate them.
Dedue: If they do... it will also be our duty to help them, right, Your Highness?
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Dimitri: Yeah. However, you really are strange, Professor. To think that someone could be born in Fodlán...
Dimitri: And live their life without any contact with the church, is quite an unbelievable thing.
Dedue: … I wonder why the archbishop would appoint them as Professor.
[If Ashe, Mercedes and Ingrid are alive] 
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Ashe: Um... Lady Rhea had all the people from the Western Church killed, right?
Mercedes: It couldn't be helped. Going against the teachings is something that just isn't done...
Ingrid: … Those who do not conform can only be killed. Still, Professor, I....
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Seteth: There you are, Professor. It seems the archbishop has something to tell you. Come with me.
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silver-maxwell · 5 years
Heya! Hope you dont have many requests, but I'd love some hurt/comfort/fluff with mcstarr? Like Paul is really sressed out, and Ringo helps out calming him and relaxing him? And maybe the other two can come back and join the comforting moment? I let you find a reason for his stress tho XD. Please ?? Unless you dont like this request you don't have to, no worry. It's not really special
"Cut!" The director yelled out.
Paul could only wince, pressing his lips together as he turned to look at the carpet of the train car.
He had messed his lines up.
In front of him John groans as he leaned back into his chair, George's shoulders slumped with a sigh and Ringo looks up at the director.
Filming had been fun for them. Though their days were long, the movie was about them. They just had to act like themselves, just playing up some parts of their personalities.
But for the past couple of days Paul had been off.
Messing up lines left and right and completely forgetting cues. He had even tripped over some audio chords and broken them, successful haulting production for a day-and-half just to get replacements.
And as the director rubbed his eyes tiredly behind the main camera Paul wanted to sink and disappear into the very chair he sat in.
"We've been going at it for a while now…" he began, a few crew members stared directly at Paul, some visibly annoyed.
For a moment he was  mad. Mad that they chose to single him out. 
Paul wondered if his bandmates had noticed their looks.
But it soon morphed into a heavy feeling in his gut. One of disappointment, aimed only at himself.
The director wasn't the only one tired. The other Beatles wore similar weary expressions and though the scene didn't require much physical action, the repetitiveness was getting to them.
"I think we all deserve a short break" the director continued, as crew members began shuffling down to either one of the spare cabins or the dining car.
Paul doesn't bother telling the others where he's going, he gets up, stretches his legs for a moment, ignoring the questioning glance Ringo gives him and quickly walks out of the room. His face feels hot.
The train is thankfully devoid of any actual passengers, so Paul doesn't bump into anyone as he makes his way to one of the last train cars, no one to ask about why he looked so hurt.
Paul finds himself in front of an empty train car room. Empty of people at least, as it was currently being used to store camera and audio equipment, as well as a few lamps and whatever props they were to use later.
So why would a Beatle bother being inside a room like this? When there were much nicer and empty rooms upfront?
 Paul opens the door and stepped inside.
He moved around some equipment, freeing himself a spot to sit in. The lights were off for whatever reason and the curtains to the window drawn down. The room was dark and Paul preferred it that way.
Paul tried getting as comfortable as possible, but the new suit was stiff and he didn't have much leg room. It was silent, save for the sound of the train moving.
Paul hadn't gotten much sleep the past few days. He hasn't eaten properly either, too busy rereading the lines on his script (his simple and uncomplicated lines).
Maybe that's why he's crying.
They prick at his eyes. They don't fall but he doesn't bother wiping them away.
He's just stressed, he thinks.
He's better at music than he is at acting.
He's better with music because when he plays people don't wait for him to finish, don't share looks of disbelief, don't go "Is this the best he can do?".
God, he was a horrible actor.
Paul's thrown from his thoughts by the sound of the door sliding open.
Paul panics for a moment, but when he sees that it's just Ringo, who's staying at him with the same worried expression from earlier he relaxes a little. It doesn't stop him from feeling embarrassed, though.
"Paul?" Ringo starts gently, stepping over a few things as he makes his way to him.
Paul doesn't say anything but does scoot over a bit, inviting the drummer closer.
When Ringo sits down Paul wastes no time leaning his head on the older's shoulder, seeking comfort as he buried himself into the others welcoming arms. Relaxing a considerable bit as he feels a hand run through his hair.
For a moment neither speaks, Paul simply wished to be back home, away from everything.
"I can't do it, Ritchie" Paul quietly admits.
Ringo doesn't say anything, his head moves so it rests on top of Paul's.
"Can't do what?" Ringo asks, 
"Act" Paul bitterly answers back. 
"I don't think I'm very good, either" Ringo confesses, "or the others". 
Paul frowns as he takes Ringo's hand into his, simply holding it as he toys with one of the rings. He lets himself be distracted for a moment, as he wonders if the jewel in it is real.
"You're better at this than all of us" Paul sighs. Above him Ringo purses his lips.
Before Ringo can speak again Paul continues on with his rant.
"I'm terrible at this, the others are tired of doing the same things over again, the crew is sick of me messing up…"  Paul can feel his frustrations growing.
 "... I try my best Ritchie, I honestly do, but it's… It's never enough for them…"
Paul doesn't register the tears until Ringo sits up and grabs his face, kissing each of them away as they roll down his cheeks before settling on his lips. Paul can taste the salt for a moment as his eyes flutter closed, the kiss is sweet and innocent, Paul grabs one of the hands that hold his face as they part and looks at a serious pair of blue eyes.
"Paul.." Ringo starts, pulling him in again for a brief kiss. "You're not as and as you think you are, we've never done… this before, all of us are trying to do our best," Ringo tries to reassure him. "We can help you if you want, make sure you have your lines and go over our scenes" Paul nods along. "You'll learn easily, and if not we'll just enjoy ourselves, maybe you'll even want to make more movies in the future.."
Ringo's smile is bright, and reassuring. Paul doesn't know what to say, words escaping him.
Instead he leans in, hoping the kiss will say it for him.
An hour passes by as they lay in the room, both almost falling asleep. When a knock is heard from the door.
"Are you two still dressed?" Joh teases as he opens the door, George right behind him.
Paul rolls his eyes as Ringo laughs.
"You alright, Paul? We saw you storm off and couldn't find you-" George immediately begins, the other two don't bother stepping into the room, already too crowded. "We would have found you sooner had Geo not stopped for lunch" John interrupts as George narrows his eyes at him.
"And John yelled at some of the crew for looking at you funny" George finished off. John simply shrugged his shoulders.
Paul chuckled at that, sitting up a bit more, wiping at his cheeks as to appear more presentable, the two newcomers choosing not to comment.
"Thanks, Johnny" Paul smiled, John pretended to tip his imaginary hat. 
True to Ringo's word, later that night while they were holed up in their hotel room, they took their time on the script.
((And if Paul got distracted by the proud smile Ringo wore or by the brief kisses they shared well, acting didn't mean everything to him.))
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btswishes · 5 years
BTS Reactions: Them falling in love with you again after waking up from surgery with temporary amnesia caused by the medicine.
A/N: That vid was super cute!!!
Requested by: Anonymous 
Request: “  hii, I watched a video of a men that was with amnesia and fell in love for his wife still in the hospital and it was sooooo cute af and I thought if you could make a reaction of the boys falling in love for their gf after an amnesia??? thank youu💖  “
 You kept holding his hand trying to clam him down, after his voice was getting louder and more hyper after each minute. Finally his face turned towards you. He said as loud as ever “Nice to meet you!But do you know who I am madam!?” he swung his arm in the most ungraceful was possible. You shook his hand and smiled. Before anything could leave your lips he yelled
   “MR WORLDWIDE HANDSOME AT YOUR SERVICE!” you giggled “I know, I have been dating you for 4 years now stupid.” Jin stopped talking and his eyebrows shot up to the sky “Me? You been dating me for like...” he tried to count to four on his wobbly fingers, showing you 5 of them. You gently reached out and tucked in his thumb “4 baby, not yet 5.” “Oh wow,wowwwww, you pretty, like wowww.Do they call you worldwide gorgeous? CUS THEY SHOULDDD!”he was becoming too loud so the nurses decided to give him some medicine.That didn’t stop him from swinging his arms around the place” Hey hey nurseeeeeee nurseeeee! Bring me some of your finesttttt water for my LOVELY GIRLFRIEND here!”
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Min Yoongi/Suga/Agust D:
 Yoongi was one special patient, he wasn’t loud, he didn’t yell, he just kept looking in one spot on the wall and sitting there like he was figuring out the meaning of life.
  You leaned towards him and your head popped in front of him. “You ok honey?” After his eyes were focused on you, you sat back down and waited for him to say something. Low key you wanted it to be funny, so when he snapped out of it you could tell Yoongi.So far nothing was happening. 
 All of a sudden he turned onto his side and leaned his head onto his body, flashing you a smirk. “So, you come here often?” you wanted to burst out laughing, but tried to act serious to see how far he was going to take this “I am here with my boyfriend.” “Oh really?Ditch that bitch and come hang out with a real man sweetie.” you placed your hands onto your lips whispering “Yoongi!”he shouldn’t be cussing at a hospital, yet you were kinda hiding your smile behind your palms too. “I will tell you a little secret,come closer.”so you did “I am one of the rappers in BTS. Min Yoongi.”you sat back down looking as amazed as you could act “Oh really? But I can’t ditch my boyfriend because that is you.Want me to ditch BTS’s rapper?” he pointed at himself and you nodded. A couple of minutes silence followed before he smirked “You know, I told you your boyfriend is the coolest dude sweetie.”
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Jung Hoseok/J-hope: 
 Hoseok was laughing so much when they brought him in the recovery room with you. The moment he saw you sitting there, he stopped laughing and waved shyly. You waved back and he started giggling and hiding under his covers. From time to time he would peek from under them and hide again. “Miss...?”he asked shyly “Yes?” “By chance are you single?” “No, I am not.” “Oh....” all of a sudden he let go of the blanket and looked down a bit sad. He wasn’t moving or reacting, so you thought it was from the medicine. A couple of minutes later you heard sniffing and low and behold he was crying.
  Worried you jumped off your chair and pulled out some tissues “Why are you crying? Are you feeling ok?” he sniffed “It hurts.” this made you very worried, but before you were about to call the nurse, he pointed towards his heart. “It hurts here.” “Why does it hurt there Hobbi?” “Cus, cus *snif snif* you are sooo pretty and and I wanted to take you out, but you have a boyfriend and you dont like me.” cupping his cheeks, you kissed his cute nose “Honey, angel you are my boyfriend. No one else is as important to me as you are. I don’t like you, I love you.” “Really?” you nodded. Lets just say he told everyone that walked in ,that you are his gf, one very proud baby over here.
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Kim Namjoon/RM: 
Jooni was one hilarious mess. He was saying so many random facts, that most of the people could swear he was some kind of professor or teacher. He was looking all over the place, telling anyone and everyone stuff they probably didn’t want to know about, but with the medicine he took before the surgery it was understandable. “Nams, honey don’t be so loud people can hear you outside.” he looked at you and pulled out his glasses, placing them gently onto his face.
  “You are quite correct my lady.” “Thank you.” you were surprised he listened to you so fast “Where are my manners. My name is Kim Namjoon, rapper of the well known group of musicians BTS.I am sure that you might have heard of us at some point with your, might I say, very lovely ears.” you were shocked by that sentence “Honey are you ok?” “Judging by the matching rings and the lovely names you are calling me, we are a couple. So tell me my love how does wine and a nice restaurant sound to you? Just the two of us ,enjoying your beauty?” he was trying to act like a detective and gentleman at the same time “Is there anything I can say that will stop you from doing that?” ”Not at all. I now shall proceed to explain the details of our meeting.” which he did.
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Park Jimin:
Jimin was one of a kind when things like this happened. You were waiting to film him, but he took longer than expected and sadly your battery died, so you had to pull out a power bank. The doors soon opened and the nurses brought in your boyfriend, as drugged out from the medicine as he can be. You tried to turn your phone on but it wasn’t working. “Hey nurse nurse!” he called out and the woman stepped back in again “I think I am in the wrong room. I don’t know this girl.” for a moment your heart felt heavy “Jimin! How could you say that!” “Miss, you are sooo pretty I am sure that if I knew you I would have already asked you to date me.” 
 Your eyes were the widest they have ever been. The shock, followed you laughing out so loud that you made the boy jump “It’s true, but you already asked me out 4 years ago and I said yes.” “So, if I asked you to marry me...would you still say yes?” “PARK JIMIN! I don’t want talk like that when you are still high from your surgery!” “I went to surgery ?” he started poking his leg “Oh wow I don’t feel anything.” the nurse told you to just let him poke his knee, better than having him talking about such stuff right now.
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Kim Taehyung/V: 
Taehyung was awfully flirty with you. He couldn’t speak much since the doctor was still  in the room. But this guy was winking at you, flashing smiles and random smirks. You found it extremely funny. Each time you giggled under your nose, it fueled him to continue with his childish teasing. 
 The doctor walked out and you decided to break the silence ”Anything you want to tell me? Or you going to continue winking.” “Oh sorry about that. You were too pretty to look away. I wasn’t winking actually, I was trying to take a mental picture of you to remember, but I don’t think it will do your beauty justice.” he looked towards you and closed both his eyes making a clicking sound “There now I have at least 20 pics of you. Under what folder do you want me to put them? I have 6 names in my head, you chose one you like.” “Let’s hear them.” “ Would, You, Go, Out, With, Me.” “I have a better name Already, Am.” he looked shocked at you, that face didn’t change till the medicine weared off. The boy couldn’t believe that he was dating someone so pretty.
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 When the nurse left Jungkook with you he was so shocked. His mouth was wide open and his finger slowly lifting off the bed pointing at you. You were a bit surprised but waiting to see what gold he has in store for you. 
 Youtube made you believe that everyone coming out of surgery says stupid things. 1 minute passed than 2, 3, 5 he wasn’t saying a word. “Um...everything ok with you?” “You are an angel?!” this would have made you spill your drink on the wall, floor anywhere if you had one .
 “What?!” “Yeah....you are so pretty.....such a pretty angel.” “Jungkook I am flattered, but I am not an angel honey.” “Oh..” he looked a bit disappointing ,yet calmed down. It wasn’t even a second before he swung his head back towards you “I know what you are doing.” he smirked “You are not supposed to tell any human that you are here. Don’t worry I will keep it a secret. So...how did you get in here?” you pointed at the door, answering him completely normally.  “Oh cool cool. So how does this all work? Does heaven send the most beautiful angels to Earth?” he was jumping a lot so you were worried about his IV 
 “Honey, don’t move so much you just had surgery.” “Surgery ?Oh I know! You must be my guardian angel. Waaaa so pretty.” “No, babe I am your girlfriend.” you tucked him in, since Jungkook was obviously slowly falling asleep “No wayyyyy. I am dating a pretty angel...such as.....yourself.....no,,,way....” he was out cold in a matter of seconds. Hands down you could bet that all the boys would kill to see a vid of Kookie like this. 
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sorry for this gif XD XD scroll down for the better one
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kumeko · 5 years
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Title: umeboshi
A/N: For @pinkthespianlesbian, for the Fruits Basket SS held by @lgbtfurubanet. I don’t think I managed to fit all of your prompts together (and Momiji realizes she’s trans in this fic a bit earlier than your headcanon because I missed that line about 3rd year. XD), but I hope you enjoy this anyways!
 “It’s a romantic story,” Momiji chirped, leaning back on the school steps. It was a cloudless, warm spring day and she was happy they were finally in their summer uniforms. Kicking her feet in front of her, Momiji leaned back and stared at the bright blue sky. “My parents met in Germany, when they were students.”
 “Oh.” Tohru clapped her hands excitedly. On another person, this would seem sarcastic, but every action she did was always painfully earnest. Her eyes were bright as she leaned eagerly toward Momiji, already knowing how the story will go and still wanting to hear about it. “Was it love at first sight?”
 “Da!” Tohru was infectious and Momiji’s smile grew even wider. She leaned closer to Tohru, until their shoulders bumped. There was something thrilling about being this close to Tohru, about this casual nearness that she could have that almost none of the other zodiacs could have. She felt a brief pang of pity for Kyo and Yuki.
“Oooohhh!” Tohru’s hand pressed against the steps as she steadied herself, her hand overlapping Momiji’s slightly.
 A jolt of electricity ran through Momiji and she swallowed. It was a very brief pang of pity for her rivals. As they said, all’s fair in love and war. Gathering herself, Momiji continued, using the story as an excuse to hold Tohru’s hand entirely. “The second their hands touched, writing appeared on their arms like vines! They were soulmates! They didn’t let go of each other once, not even when they ate.”
 Tohru stared at their clasped hands and squealed. “Awww, that’s so cute!”
 Momiji would practically see the hearts flying off her. She nodded sagely. “It gets better! They used the words as their wedding vows.”
 “Awwwwwww.” Tohru hummed, almost bouncing as she thought about it all. She didn’t let go, her hand radiating warmth that shot straight to Momiji’s core. “That’s such a cute story. Mom never found her soulmate but she and Dad were very happy anyways. Actually, right after they got married, Mom dragged Dad to the tattoo parlor and forced him to tattoo her name on his wrist.” She chuckled. “They got their own versions of the soulmate words.”
 “Really?” Momiji blinked. She liked that idea. Liked it a lot. The control it gave, the ability to chose, she liked everything about it. Breaking into laughter, she reached around with her other arm and hugged Tohru, careful not to let go of their clasped hands. “That sounds just like her.”
 “That’s what Uo-chan and Hana-chan said too,” Tohru said proudly, wrapping an arm around Momiji. “Though Mom told me the tattoos hurt more than expected and they both spent the week crying.”
 Momiji snorted. “Somehow, that also sounds like her.”
A less romantic story, one that Momiji was reluctant to tell Tohru, was how her mother rejected her at a hug. How her mother had gone mad until the only solution was erasing her memories and erasing Momiji’s place in them.
 It was funny, now, that her mother’s touch would no longer transform her. That it was her father instead who turned her into a rabbit. Would her mother have kept her memories if she’d known this would happen? Or would she have seen that as another failure, another mark against her monster of a child?
 Not that it mattered either way. Her mother would never know. Instead, Momiji would wear her dresses and pad her chest and grow out her hair, each change making her look more and more like her mother. It was hard to hide it now; her father wouldn’t let her hang out at the company anymore.
 All that she had left was her name, Momiji, the only link to a family that no longer existed. Maybe she should change. She wasn’t sure she wanted to.
The school was brimming with life, the school fair bringing students and visitors through each of the classrooms and hallways. It was a dangerous time for a Sohma and Kyo was already hiding on the roof, both scared and angry with the horde that invaded his home. Not that it helped much, considering the mob of cats that swarmed the roof, catching everyone’s eyes.
 At least that made things a little easier for the others. Yuki didn’t have to hide in the back of every classroom even and Haru didn’t have to destroy everyone he bumped shoulders with and Momiji…
 Well, Momiji got to enjoy a date with Tohru. A kinda one-sided date, for now, but a date nonetheless. She bounced forward as she and Tohru strolled through the halls, taking in the other class’s events. “What do you want to see first?”
 “I don’t know.” Tohru smiled happily, her eyes jumping from one door to the next. There was a haunted house, a café, an art gallery—the possibilities were endless. And overwhelming. “They all look so fun! What do you want to do?”
 “Me?” Momiji slowed down her pace till she was walking side by side with Tohru. Her arms hung at her side, her hands barely brushing Tohru’s as they walked. A jolt of electricity ran through her at each touch and she swallowed. “Maybe we could do the haunted house first?”
 “T-t-the h-h-haunted h-h-house?” Tohru stuttered, her expression freezing. Stiffly, she squared her shoulders and marched toward it. “S-s-sure.”
 It was cute. Too cute. Momiji tried not to laugh too much and offered, “If you’re too scared, we can do something else.”
 “N-n-no, I’m f-f-f-fine.” Tohru smiled once more but it came out more a grimace than anything else. She looked like a robot as she moved, her knees and elbows locked into position. “L-let’s g-go.”
 Well, if Tohru was going to be so brave, Momiji couldn’t slack off either. Nodding, she reached out and grabbed Tohru’s hand. No more of that brushing nonsense. Her skin felt like it was on fire and Momiji was certain her ears were turning several different shades of red, but she’d done it.
 She’d grabbed Tohru’s hand. And if Tohru didn’t pull away, was still smiling at her brightly, she could take that as a victory, right?
 Momiji washed her hands, letting the cool water soak into her skin. They still burned, even now, hours after Tohru let go, hours after they’d parted.
 Ok, it was about time she’d admitted it. To herself, at least, if to no one else.
 This wasn’t just a crush anymore. No, this was love. Momiji was in love with Tohru.
 She sighed softly, leaning forward to rest her forehead on the bathroom mirror. After all those months of teasing Yuki and Kyo for being dense, this all felt highly ironic. Momiji wasn’t even sure if she was going to confess to Tohru (sorry for calling you a coward, Kyo) and even worse, there was Akito to deal with.
 Maybe Akito wouldn’t care as much. He’d hated it when Momiji had started transitioning but then it’d became a new cage for him to keep her in, a new barrage of insults to hurt her with. Suddenly, she’d realized just how much harder it was for Kisa and Rin.
 How much harder it would be for her, going forward.
 The cool glass didn’t make it any easier to think and Momiji’s hands were still burning like they’d been seared. Like Tohru was imprinted on them. Maybe she was. Lifting her hands, she stared at them blankly, taking in the small ridges on her knuckles, and the growing thickness of her fingers. The lines on her palm that turned into words, wrapping around her wrist—
 Momiji blinked. There were words tattooed on her wrist. Her soulmate marks. She rolled back her sleeves frantically, trying to read the characters engraved on her skin. How had she missed this earlier? Had she bumped into someone at the fair? U-m-e-b-o-s-h-I, it said.
  There was only one person that could mean, only one person whose soulmate words could be that.
“Tohru,” she murmured to her skin, kissing the mark softly. Momiji’s heart leapt to her mouth and she felt a tear slide down her cheek. Her soulmate was Tohru.
 She could fight Akito, if it was for Tohru.
 She could fight anyone, if it was Tohru.
 They were soulmates and Momiji would one day tell their adopted kids, It was a romantic story, a story about two people who stayed together and never forgot anything, even the bad things.
Or it would have been a romantic tale, if not for Tohru’s extremely puzzled look as Momiji asked her if she’d gotten her soulmate writing. She’d waited as long as she could, waited for class to end, for her bodyguards to go home (Kyo was harder to force away than Yuki), waited for them to finally be alone and sitting at their usual spot on the school step, before asking.
 All in vain, it seemed.
 “My soulmate marks?” Tohru blinked, confused. She glanced around as though to make sure no one else was around. “Me?”
 She’d almost forgotten how dense Tohru was. “Yes.” Momiji nodded eagerly, taking Tohru’s hands into her own. Rubbing her thumb against Tohru’s wrists, she was slightly disappointed the marks hadn’t appeared in the same place, but that was fine. It was rare enough to find one’s soulmate, let alone to find one with an identical mark. Her parents had been lucky. Quieting her mind, Momiji peered up at Tohru’s eyes and asked again, “Have you found any words on you?”
 Tohru frowned, thinking heavily on it. She twisted her lips, her expression growing sterner and sterner with each moment that passed. The moment she turned into a hardboiled detective, she sighed and shook her head. “Not one.”
 “Really?” Momiji’s heart plummeted to her shoes and she almost dropped Tohru’s hands in surprise. Was it possible to have a one-sided soulmate?
 “Yes.” Tohru nodded solemnly. “It would be wonderful to have a soulmate but I’m not sure I have one.” She chuckled sadly. “It might be too wonderful for me to have.”
 And maybe Tohru didn’t have the mark and maybe the umeboshi meant some other kind do-gooder or some guy with an obsession with pickles, but that didn’t matter. Momiji was used to life not going her way. Was used to having to choose her own path.
 Kyoko had made her own soulmate.
 Momiji could do the same.
 “You have a soulmate, Tohru,” Momiji answered softly, leaning closer.
 “I do?” Tohru’s eyes widened in surprise. “Who?”
 She’d make sure to not tell their kids how awkward their first kiss was, how they’d bumped noses and laughed about it after.
“And that’s how your grandmas fell in love,” Mitsuru murmured, ruffling the hair of her son. “It’s a romantic story, isn’t it?”
 Aki bit his cheek, taking it all in. He swayed side to side as he came up with his question. Because there was always a question with him; at four, there was still too many things he didn’t know. Mitsuru knew that, knew that she’d done the same to Momiji and Torhu when she was little, but that didn’t make it any easier.
 After a few minutes, he finally asked, “Granny didn’t have a mark?”
 “Actually…” Mitsuru laughed awkwardly. Leaning closer, she stage-whispered to her son, “It turned out, Grandma Tohru did have a mark.”
 “She did?” His mouth fell open in surprise.
 “Her face looked just like yours when she found out.” Mitsuru nodded. Reaching around, she patted her son on the middle of his back. “Right there. Just where the umeboshi in a onigiri is, that was where her mark was. So of course she didn’t see it herself—Grandma Momiji was the one who spotted it and told her.”
 “Umeboshi?” Aki jumped up and down. “Just like in her stories!”
 Mitsuru nodded. “Yeah, just like in her stories.”
 There was something fitting about that, when all was said and done.
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momorabu · 5 years
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Code Realize Playthrough - Fran’s Route - Chapter 12: Calamity
Warning: Spoilers. Image heavy post.
This chapter has no new CG so we’ll just have to make do with a nice-smiling Fran as the cover chapter~ XD The story is getting more and more intense as we made our way towards the end, but there are still one or two sweet moments.
Next chapter will be the finale~! I’m looking forward to writing that out~ ^^
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Time counts down to 6 hours left.
Cardia and Fran were making their escape away from Twilight, but with Fran being weak to the point that Cardia had to help him to move along, it would be a matter of time before they were being caught up. Fran suggested that he would be a decoy to distract Twilight while Cardia escaped joining Lupin and the others, but Cardia stopped him instead and told him that she had thought of herself being a monster, and if that time comes... she would choose to take her own life. For her, it’s important to be with Fran as much as possible and thus she decided that she shall stay with him and not abandon him. And what goes on, is sort of like a confession from Cardia to Fran:
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(Awww~ >////<)
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Fran blushed and mumbled something about love, which Cardia thought hard about it and decided that she shall tell Fran right at the moment she loves him XD (I do envy Cardia for being so straight forward in her feelings at this moment O////O)
But Fran showed a glum face and replied that he doesn’t deserve to be loved. But.... apparently, Cardia gave quite a cute answer~
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(How can you reject her after she confessed to you like this? Fran blushing like this is really adorable too~ >////<)
Fran was about to reply to Cardia when... who was to appear to destroy the atmosphere other than Twilight? =w=“ Aleister appeared too, and remarked that the Twilight is here under the Queen’s order, passing on the message from her that if Fran obtained Zicterium for them, she will let both Cardia and him go. Twilight had already known of someone who was related to the project in creating Zicterium, but when they arrived at the man’s house, they realised that the information had already been removed and deduced that Lupin and the others had already obtained them - handwritten notes which contained the location where Zicterium were being hidden. 
To force Fran to obtain the Zicterium, Cardia was being held as a hostage by Twilight, giving Fran four hours to locate the Zicterium, and if he failed to do so, Cardia would be killed, as a “safety prevention” that she would get turned into a monster. Though Fran confronted Aleister that the Queen would definitely want to keep Cardia alive as a weapon, Aleister coolly revealed that he had not planned to obey the Queen’s instructions anyway. In the end, Fran had no choice but to obey Twilight and the Queen’s instructions, and a tracking device was put onto him to keep his whereabouts, warning Fran that he would also be under surveillance to prevent him from doing anything funny. 
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(I seriously don’t think to beg for help is going to be of much use at this moment so...)
Cardia tried to assure Fran to go find the Zicterium and not worry about her and instead wanted him to destroy the Zicterium once he had found them, even if Aleister warned her that she would eventually become a monster without it. Though Cardia appeared that she did not care about her life and will put an end to her life if the inevitable happens, Fran gave his word that he would find the Zicterium, warning Aleister not to harm her.
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(This is probably very important to take note of in the later part of the game. Trust may or may not make things turn out right in the end...)
Cardia had tried to take her own life, by throwing herself at the blade which the Twilight member was holding against her throat, but ultimately failed to do so. Fran promised that he would come back to her and begged her not to give up on her life so easily just yet. (Damn, I’m a bit sad to know that Cardia actually attempted to commit suicide when Fran was still there. It’s too early to give up! ><”)
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From here on, the story continued on in Fran’s point of view:
An hour after the confrontation with Twilight, Fran found himself running along the streets of London. With only three hours left to find Zicterium, it seems that there isn’t enough time to think up of a strategy to work against Twilight, but it’s still too soon to give up yet. Fran knew that there isn’t any guarantee that they would make it out alive even if he had brought the Zicterium to Twilight, but he had no choice but to do that now, in order to save Cardia.
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(It’s interesting to see from Fran’s point of view for this scene, where we actually get to see Cardia appear as a character.)
Knowing that Aleister had planned to use Zicterium as a weapon, Fran’s nightmare from two years ago was going to come true all over again, and he isn’t going to let that happen. His plan was ultimately to find Zicterium and destroys it, but memories of Cardia filled his head and he knew that he had to save her, while still destroying Zicterium, though the logical part of his brain told him that this was not possible.
Fran ran until he arrived at the meeting spot where he saw Van waiting for him. He remarked that Impey had gotten worried about the explosion and went looking for Fran and Cardia, and the rest had continued onto the location of Zicterium since it had been written down on the researcher’s notes even though the person himself was already dead by the time they went to his house. 
Noticing that Cardia was not with Fran, Van asked him why was he alone. Fran knew that he should not say anything suspicious since he knew that Twilight was watching him, and thus told a fake reason to Van while using his finger to drum out a morse code revealing the real reason at the same time. 
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(I have to say that this is my first time seeing Van looking so surprised XD)
From Van’s slight expression changes, Fran knew that he had already realised what was going on, and begged Van to tell him about the location where Zicterium was kept (since ultimately he needs it to save Cardia). Van told him the location and asked Fran to keep up with him as they ran towards there. 
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Time count down to 4 hours left. 
The story goes back to Cardia’s point of view, where she found herself being tied up on a chair and thus could not move. Even her hands were tied up to the point that she can’t remove her gloves to melt the rope using her poison. (Wow, the villains were actually detailed and careful to this degree OWO)
Aleister entered the room, being all polite and asking Cardia on her body condition, but after some chit-chat, he revealed that Fran had already figured out where the Zicterium was being kept, and that he had also sent some of his Twilight agents to the location, since he had not planned for Fran to bring Zicterium to him anyway, knowing that even if Fran wanted to, the rest of the group may not agree to it. He soon left the room, but not without some remarks of how “alive” Cardia was even though she was supposed to be just a “doll”, wondering whether she was pretending to be angry. (Who will do that at a point like this? =w=“) After Aleister left the room, Cardia could sense her condition gradually worsening, and know that she might not be able to move much any longer.
(At this point, a choice was given and... stupid me believing to wait for Fran to come back with the Zicterium, chose to wait. Cardia started feeling really dizzy and having a headache to the point she collapsed and knowing that her body is changing to a monster... and she lost her conscious. And I ended with a bad end. Welp, that was a fast ending D:)
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(Luckily, there’s always a second chance~!)
Knowing that her being kept captive will only prevent Fran’s progress and put the group into a disadvantage if they were being attacked by Twilight, Cardia decided to make a run herself. She decided to scratch her wrist with something sharp in this room and use her blood to melt the rope, but when she finally managed to do it, she realised something strange... her blood isn’t melting off the rope like it used to! She wondered whether the poison had weakened as part of the Horologium’s transformation, but managed to stay calm in the end as she tried to untie the rope herself using what Lupin had taught her. She finally managed to free herself, and seeing that she had just three hours left before she transformed, she quickly made her escape out of the house she was being kept captive in, shattering the window and jumping out of it.
Unfortunately, Cardia soon met a Twilight member outside of the house as she jumped out, but managed to knock him out with the techniques she had learned from Van, taking a dagger from him too in the meantime. (The reason why she took a dagger is to use it to kill herself if it’s needed. Cardia... TWT)
As Cardia tried to run away, she found herself surrounded by Twilight members. Luckily, Impey had arrived with the Ornithopter and grabbed Cardia away from them. (Yeah~~! Thanks, Impey~!)
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(It feels like it’s been so long since I’ve heard Impey said anything like this~ Probably because I’ve dragging out this route for so long ^^;)
Cardia filled Impey in quickly about the current situation, and they both made their way there just so that Cardia can assure the others that she’s safe now.
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The story changed to Fran’s point of view.
As Van and he arrived at the location where Zicterium was said to be hidden, he looked at his watch and realised that there are only three hours left till the Horologium transforms, and that would mean there’s only one hour left before Aleister would kill Cardia. They soon meet up with Lupin and Saint there, where Lupin sighed and commented that they’re currently stuck since they can’t move past the huge doors at the end. 
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While Fran was giving the fake explanation about Cardia to the others, Van passed on the real message using morse code once again. (Wow... did all of them learned morse code and could understand it already? OWO) But soon, Twilight had arrived at this place and started attacking them. Since it seems like Twilight wasn’t holding up their end to the bargain, Van suggested that they fought back, but Fran was worried about antagonizing them since he knew that Cardia was in their hands. He tried to think up of a plan where they can gain an upper hand and noticing the transmitter on his clothing where Aleister was using to keep tabs on him, a plan started to form in his head as he asked Van regarding the chain of command in Twilight. 
Knowing from Van that the Twilight soldiers were still able to relay information to Aleister even if he isn’t here, Fran decided to shout out to them that he wanted to negotiate with Aleister, declaring that they had a trump card and that Aleister won’t be able to access Zicterium without it. As expected, the soldiers ceased their attacks, while Fran continued on that he knew how to decipher the trick to access the room, and if Aleister killed them here, he would never be able to decipher it within two hours and get accessed to the Zicterium. Though Aleister threatened Fran again that he had Cardia in his hands, Fran was not scared and said that both he and she were already prepared to die anyway. Part of it was a lie actually since Fran had no idea how to decipher the trick to the hidden room yet, but all he can do now was to cease fighting to buy for more time before the Horologium finishes transforming. 
Aleister finally agreed to negotiate with Fran, and Fran wanted Twilight to bring Cardia here so that they can make sure she’s safe before they open the door. But Aleister refused, telling him that he would dispose Cardia and also kill all of them instead since he doesn’t want to take a risky bet. (My bet is Cardia wasn’t even there anymore so he can’t bring her to where Fran was if he wanted to =w=“). As the group resumed their battle with Twilight once again, Fran heard a familiar voice he felt that he hasn’t listened to for a long time...
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(Yeah~! Cardia is here, along with Impey~ I have to admit they look kind of good together here XD)
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Fran hurriedly ran to her asking her how she managed to make her escape. Now that the group was reunited, Impey joined Van and the others to battle against Twilight.
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(Though while they were battling, Fran was hugging Cardia and telling her how glad he was that she was safe. And here’s how Cardia looks like when she blushed in front of Fran. Awww~)
Fran declared to Aleister that the latter had lost. But Aleister simply smiled as he stepped away from his communication device in the mansion. Realising that Twilight had been surrounded by the military as Queen, Aleister decided that he shall end Twilight today, by killing his own men and even the Queen’s troops as he made his escape... 
(Hmm... I wonder if we would ever see Aleister made an appearance someday...)
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Time counts down to 1 hour left.
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The military had also arrived at the location where Fran and others were at, with Leonhardt leading them to destroy Twilight. While Twilight’s soldiers were good at combat, the military was too, and soon Twilight was put under control by them. 
Though the military had come to get rid of Twilight which was a good thing for Fran and others, it didn’t seem like they were here to help them. The soldiers quickly surrounded them, with Leonhardt warning them not to move as the soldiers would shoot them if they had shown any resistance. Van cautioned the group to be careful since, in Van’s eyes, Leonhardt was a very strong and powerful soldier.
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Suddenly, Queen Victoria made an appearance as well, thanking Fran and the others for keeping Twilight distracted, so that none of her soldiers was harmed. Van realised that they were being used as a bait all this while to cause trouble with Twilight, to which Victoria explained that she had been keeping an eye on Aleister and noticed that he was being rebellious, and knowing that danger that Cardia could cause if she were to fall into the “wrong” hands, she decided to take this matter into her own hands in the end.
Victoria explained that she had let Cardia and Fran escaped from the palace since she had wanted them to “roam free”, to help them locate this place where Zicterium was being kept. Cardia asked her whether she had intended to continue on with her plan involving terrorism, to which Victoria calmly replied that in order to let Britain continues to survive, she needed a war to break out right now, and claimed that for that to happen, she just need to a little bit of Zicterium and sacrifice. Obviously that “little bit” was actually alot of deaths and it greatly pissed Fran off when he saw how Victoria had belittled them.
Victoria once again explained on how Britain would be caught up in terms of technology in ten to twenty years, and how the other nations had hated them and would definitely trample on them when it comes to war by that time. Thus she wanted to get a head start on putting all the other nations under her control by declaring war now. Saint actually agreed with her, though it’s a half-agree, and told the Queen that she’s only looking at a part of nation when she thought up of her plan.
Victoria wasn’t glad to hear that her reasoning was very one-sided, determined that thinking from Britain’s standpoint was what she’s supposed to do. She then decided to reveal to Fran and the others that the facility they were at now was, in fact, a weapon itself, a device that could spread Zicterium across the entire country. In fact, this was what Victoria had been searching for a long time, and was determined that to start a world war right now, she had to activate the device and sacrifice the entire London, thus causing hatred among the people to fuel it.
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(I don’t know why but I find it scary yet sad that Victoria could smile when she knew that she’s being a villain and was willing to carry out her plans at all cost...)
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Cardia had found it scary that Victoria had spoken with so much confidence about her plan and was sure that it would succeed, even if she knew that she would die from this plan. For her, the plan would be even better if she was being sacrificed, and even calmly said that she had already made arrangements on the rest of her plans would proceed smoothly after her death. For Victoria, she doesn’t even plan to mourn on her own death and seems that she just wanted to bring an end to her duties as the Queen.
Fran didn’t care about what Victoria had said though, he didn’t believe in her logic, and didn’t want innocent people to be killed as part of the plan, to which Victoria expressed her envy to him that he was able to stand up for his own justice and wished she had the choice, slightly revealing her emotions that she didn’t want to take such a huge responsibility actually...
But, she soon changed the topic and told Fran that she knew what he had told Aleister was a bluff since she knew how to open the doors here, holding up the pendant that once belonged to Finis. (Finis had been gone for so long in this route that I almost forgot about his existence =w=“) Activating the pendant, she managed to open the doors, revealing a new and eerie path before them.
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Victoria also revealed that she knew that Cardia needed Zicterium to cure herself and that if Cardia was to transform into a monster, even Zicterium won’t be able to cause any damage to her. Thus, she wanted to cooperate with her to help prevent Cardia to be transformed into a monster, though once everything is over here, she would have to be under the government’s protection, and became one of the Queen’s weapon. 
Cardia knew that she might get dissected by researchers, and would be taken advantage by Victoria to be used as a weapon if she had gone with her. But if she doesn’t, there’s a high chance that her own poison will end up destroying the whole of London and killing all of her friends, wondering what she should do at this point of time. But the Queen ended up giving them just two choices, surrender Cardia to them so only she gets to survive, or all of them would have to die together. Cardia refused to obey her, saying that it would be worthless if she’s the only one who gets to survive alone and wanted to stay with them until the very end.
Since Cardia had made her choice, Victoria decided that they shall all be killed and summoned her soldiers to fight them, while Leonhardt and she made their way down the path to where the Zicterium device was being kept. However, Fran told Cardia to go off together to where the Queen had gone since ultimately, he wanted to cure Cardia of her poison. Cardia was mad that Fran had intended for her to be the only survivor, but Fran sadly explained to her that though all this while he had intended to destroy Zicterium to run away from his crimes, he realised that Zicterium was required to save her and if he destroys it, he would also be destroying a future he wanted to have with her. Fran knew that the Queen’s plans will only generate more hatred and war in the future, so he still wants to stop her, while still saving Cardia at the same time. He isn’t going to give anything up and would try to attain both of his goals, thus, wanting Cardia not to give up on her life too and come with him 
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(How can you say no to this face though >////<)
With Cardia agreeing to go with him, Lupin teased them for declaring their love for each other at such a moment and asked them to go ahead, since the rest of them had their back and will take care of things here.
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(I just love these guys’ friendship with each other~ <3)
And thus, Fran and Cardia ran off, holding hands with each other, and Cardia thought that while others may think of Fran as a timid guy usually, she found him really assuring at this moment. (Awww~)
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loneliness-in-pain · 5 years
⚠️ Warning! ⚠️
This post speaks about the heavy topic of Suicide with a fictional character in the game ‘The Arcana’. I’m not disrespecting anyone and I’m not giving any ideas to those that have suicidal thoughts! I too have very heavy depression and I have had these thoughts in the past but I’m a-okay now! So don’t think I’m being disrespectful. Because I’m not. This is how I cope with my depression! Fictional characters and their struggles! The first half is not the suicide topic. The first half is funny. Which you can stop reading after the first half if you’ll be pissed at me for talking about one of the characters that’s not Julian being suicidal.
So I was reading Julian’s route in the game called ‘The Arcana’. (This half is not the heavy suicide topic).
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Portia was telling the story about Julian and her with this other kid encountering bandits that were stealing from them.
They were children at this point and I don’t remember all the story... but all I remember from it was Julian threw himself at the bandits to try to stop them and Portia beat the shit out of them with a shovel. The bandits didn’t leave until one of the ‘grandmas’ she called them that was looking after them came running after them with a rolling pin. They were scared shitless when she came running after them, dropped what they tried to steal and BOOKED IT! Don’t fuck with Russian women. XD
Portia just needs a shovel, and whoever your opponent is... they’re fucked. XD
⚠️⚠️Now begins the suicide topic!⚠️⚠️
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Then there’s when you’re telling Nadia that Julian is innocent for the death of Lucio. I chose the first one that tells her magic was involved and she noticed that too. You also tell her that Julian can’t use magic worth shit and she’s surprised but she believes you. Not to mention, she’s already been thinking that Julian is actually innocent but she still thinks he did it more than he’s innocent. Then she says what’s in that picture, and it makes me think that Lucio might’ve... committed suicide. (This is not cannon. It is my thought from what I’ve understood).
If someone is murdering you with fire they’d most likely burn everything else in your room along with you.
I was watching this Murder show. Not ‘Homicide Hunter’ but another one and the victim was a woman that was burned alive and she was laying there as she burned, completely conscious. Feeling every piece of it but acting like it was nothing. Thing is, she had multiple personalities. The man in her head, controlling her is what made her do that, when she didn’t want to. The only spot burning was her and where she was lying. The point about this is Lucio’s room would be burned everywhere at least a little bit and Lucio was the only one burned. Everything else in the room was like nothing happened. But your character believes magic was involved and Nadia is considering that.
Back to the topic of Julian being the one thought to have killed the Count, Julian was busy trying to find a cure in the dungeon and only heard about the fire in Lucio’s room and ran towards it to try and save Lucio. This is what we heard from Muriel when we met him again. So basically, there was already a fire before Julian even went to the room. And why would he be trying to rescue him if he’s the one that did it? It makes no sense. Unless someone was controlling him to do so. But again, it makes no sense because Muriel saw Julian run towards Lucio’s room after the fire was spoken about. So... it makes me think either someone else did it and accused the most obvious one, Lucio’s doctor of the crime or Lucio just committed suicide.
Why would Lucio commit suicide? WELL let’s talk about that shall we? His mother. There’s your reason. It’s known that his mother was not a good mother, (look at the fan wiki about him) and if you look at his smile compared to everyone else, his is VERY fake looking (like someone with very bad depression usually has). Especially when he’s acting like he’s ALL THAT.
Basically, Lucio’s mother was the type of mother to be there like, ‘crying is weak so you’re weak’—“grow a set of balls and stop crying” and people who go through that upbringing sometimes act like they’re the best since sliced bread, act like they’re strong and powerful, treat people different or more stronger or smarter than them like sh!t (Muriel—He’s f!cking strong as sh!t, and Julian—he’s a freakin Doctor, Asra—he’s a f!cking Wizard~) because they’re jealous of they’re accomplishments... and sh!t like that. You get the picture, they become bullies basically. Which he is. Look close to his smile when he’s acting like he’s the best thing in the world:
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I may be wrong, but to me... compared to the others... that looks fake as sh!t...
Then there’s this:
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He f!cking KNOWS he’s done terrible things. He KNOWS.
But, so he does not seem weak, and seems like he’s great and powerful he acts like how he does in the dialogue.
In other words, he’s trying to make his mother proud of him for how much of a ‘powerful’ and ‘strong’ and an ‘I’m not sad’ Viking. Because, in history... Vikings were TERRIBLE to each other and others. Don’t believe me? Look it up yourself because it’s very... V E R Y gruesome. Also how women were the most strong and intimidating people of the Vikings. The dominant gender. And his mom was a viking. He’s a Viking. From Sweden.
Anyways, back to why Lucio would’ve probably committed suicide.
Depression. Depression because of his mother. He acts like he doesn’t have it, because that’s usually what people with depression do, especially when they were raised with the words of ‘sadness is weak’, ‘tears are week’, ‘grow a set of balls and stop crying’. While with Julian, one of the most OBVIOUSLY depressed characters of The Arcana, was actually comforted. Way more than Lucio ever was. And that usually causes people to commit suicide. Especially men. You guys know by now the statistics of men and women that commit suicide in a year. The statistics of men is usually higher than the statistics for women. That is a VERY known fact at this point. And it’s most likely because men usually don’t get comforted often. Men are supposed to be rocks basically with how they’re usually brought up.
Don’t think I’m stating ANY of the things about Lucio and depression that I said here as fact. I don’t want to argue, so please don’t argue. I know there’s so much against what I said here, I just want to say the things my brain came up with. This is basically all just late night thoughts rushing through my head as I was reading Julian’s route. I do head cannons a lot. 😅
But anyway, good night. Or should I say at this point good morning. It’s 5am where I am and I haven’t been able to sleep at all! XD
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lady-charinette · 5 years
I dare u to write yourself as the maincharacter (ex instead of marinette it's you) in ANY scene (love confession, fluff, angst, action etc..) using description of urself within ANY fandom. Good luck ;)
Oh my god. Alright, anon this is a war lmao XD my one sided annihilation begins now. I swear this will be the ultimate cringefest. I apologize in advance guys, I'm sorry if you have to use bleach on your eyes.
I was tempted to write that fluffy confession/romance stuff (even tho I'm not that good at writing fluff) but I chose the other route because...it's more me lol. Instead of ML, I tried out BNHA. Also, first POV was much too cringey for me.
Turbulent Emotions
She was still just a side-kick for the Big Three, Tamaki more so than Mirio or Nejire.
Even though the ethusiastic girl wanted to have her on the team ('It's about time another girl joins our group!') Mirio advised she was a better match with Tamaki, due to the similarity of their quirks.
Her quirk was something that manifested at a young age, just like with most children.
Her parents had noticed it the first time when she'd accidentally burned her food (and plate) when the wretched broccolli had found its way on it, something 4-year old her definitely did not like at the time.
The fire licking at the tips of her fingers had causes her to cry, even if the flames didn't burn her nor those she loved around her.
She'd learned her quirk was something tied to her emotions.
She'd use fire when angry, the wrath within her converting into heat. Indifference and passiveness converted into ice, happiness converted into beams of light or flowers.
Sadness turned into water or any other liquidized substances, mud was particularly gruesome (she'd like to throw it at someone but was too sad to and when she would try to get angry, the mud would turn to ash).
It was similar yet different to Tamaki's quirk Manifest, he'd transform his body into anything he ate, hers was transforming her emotions into something tangible.
She supposed she was a good support in a fight, the only real problem was to get her angry. She had a high tolerance for assholes and working with Tamaki, who was the epitome of the complete opposite, wasn't a big help in trying to make her mad.
He flat out refused trying to anger her, even if it was to their benefit and not meant in any serious way. That was a bit of a stitch in their teamwork dynamic.
Like now.
The quirk user quickly deflected another bout of swords aimed at him and his companion, his tentacles covered in resistant scale-like armor (that turtle soup had been a good idea) that caused the blades to harmlessly bounce off him, "N-No!"
She could feel frustration slowly taking over her being, "Tamaki, we don't have time for this! More villains are going to come!" she was virtually useless without high strung emotions, so she tried compensating by training as a close combat fighter.
Uraraka and Gunhead certainly helped there.
She executed a series of kicks and punches to the villain, whose jaw tried snapping at her limbs every chance it got, usually when she performed high jumps and was suspended in mid-air for a few seconds.
Until Tamaki's tentacles snatched her away to his side, his armor thankfully keeping up, "Why?!" her frustrated shout could be heard through the whole park.
She liked Tamaki, he was a sweetheart, but behaving like this was going to get them killed.
Tamaki was powerful in his own right, he'd already taken on several villains on his own but a whole group of them was coming this way and she was nothing but deadweight in a fight if he didn't get her angry this instant.
"Why?! I-I can't just insult you! I won't do it!" his stubborness was surprisingly high during fights, especially if he had the impression any of his friends or teammates were in danger.
The dangerous snapping turtle they were up against didn't help either, digging it's sword-like appendages at Tamaki's armor.
She stomped her foot, slamming it on his transformed claw one and he yelped in pain, "Ow! That-"
She grabbed a hold of his jacket and shouted at his face, her body starting to glow, "If you don't drop your sweetass persona we'll both get bludgeoned! So, I suggest you either talk shit to me or hit me because I'm useless without my goddamn quirk!"
It'd taken a split second for the villain to use a opening in Tamaki's armor, a bladed claw thrusting through and nearly stabbing her, until white hot flames suddenly melted the metal straight off.
The villain cried out, his metal limb still melting in the face of the burning heat radiating off of her body as she began approaching him, a murderous intent making her eyes stand out like those of a demon's.
Tamaki's scales were protecting him well enough, but even he took a step back when the rest of the villains entered the scene.
He had a plan.
Tamaki allowed a small smile to grace his lips and that certainly caught the woman's attention, "Oh, so you're smiling now?! Think you're funny, huh?" she grit her teeth, grabbing the head of the sobbing villain still gingerly holding onto his melting limbs, "You know what else is funny?! Me burning you to fried chicken Tamaki!"
An explosive blast similar to Bakugou's calibre burned a path through the ground, decimating a long line of villains in her way.
It was working.
Tamaki cleared his throat, adopting a innocent expression, "B-But you know I-I can't insult you! And hitting you is definitely out of the question! Y-You're my partner and-"
Her ire grew and she inadvertedly sent another villain flying to the skies when her burning fist swung out in frustration, "Partner my ass!"
Another villain got stomped to the ground brutally.
"I'm useless without my quirk!"
Another villain fell to his knees at the smoking smell and burning sensation of his lower half.
"If I say you have to anger me-"
A villain was about to attack her from her blind spot, but Tamaki's claw easily shoved him out of the way as his partner raged at him.
"-Then you have to at least try and anger me Tamaki!"
The male smiled, retracting his tentacles, "I think you did fine on your own." his impish smile, a smile she didn't often see on his nervous and shy face, made her pause.
She turned around, watching the massacre she'd caused.
The villains were still alive, she hoped, but in various states of agony. Some were craddling smoking body parts, others had been flung onto trees and some were laying in heaps of groaning burning flesh on the ground in agony.
She stiffened in embarrassment, "Uh-oopps." she covered her mouth with her hands, her nervousness getting the better of her, "T-T-Ta-Tama-"
The pro-hero walked to her side, patting her shoulder like he did to Kirishima, "You did good." for the first time since he'd started taking on apprentices (not counting Kirishima) he'd felt proud of his shy and mild mannered nature.
He was unable to anger her on purpose, but he could anger her on accident.
She groaned and covered her face, lightly hitting his shoulder, "This wasn't supposed to go like this... Fatgum will kill me."
Tamaki chuckled, "I don't think so, he'll probably scold me though..." he shivered at the memory of entering his agency and getting mocked by Fatgum whenever the hero sung him what he dubbed as 'praises'.
She snorted softly, giggling, "You're a good guy Tamaki, I'm happy you followed your heart and it still worked out in the end." redness spread over her cheeks and she shifted her weight, "Uh...I'm sorry for getting mad at you earlier, I didn't realize your plan..."
The quirk-user shook his head, his tentacles already gathering the fallen villains and tying them with rope for the other pro-heroes, "It's fine, I think Mirio was right."
She rose an eyebrow at his statement.
Tamaki offered a small, kind smile, "I guess we really are a good team."
She grinned in relief, helping him gathering the villains, most of them cowering in fear whenever she moved close to them.
It was a good day.
"Tamaki! Good job out there!" Fatgum roughly patted the youth's back and Tamaki leaned his head against the wall, a dark aura surrounding him.
"Why do you have to mock me all the time..."
Fatgum turned his bright grin towards his new apprentice, "I had no idea Tamaki was such a sly fox, but I admit it was a clever way to make use of your quirk! I'm proud of you." he patted her shoulder and she nodded, bowing.
"Thank you sir!"
Fatgum smiled widely, "No need calling me sir! Let's get some ice-cream as reward!"
Her mood immediately brightened, "Ice-cream?!"
Small petals and flowers immediately manifested and fell over her hair and arms, a petal falling on Tamaki's head and Fatgum and her both laughed at his sigh.
I'm so sorry for this cringe. (Hides)
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scarlettlawyer · 5 years
Some Tracking Ghosts Comments!
(Okay, okay, to be fair, this one is comparatively brief and only discusses like 3 things. It’s no attempt to be comprehensive in any way. XD). So here it is, me touching upon a couple of things related to Tracking Ghosts~
I wanna talk about Sam Specter! I wanna talk about how the information revealed about him in Tracking Ghosts changes things.
Prior to reading Tracking Ghosts, it had crossed my mind that the ending of Lifting Spirits could almost be seen as kind of... disregarding and disrespectful in-universe to the real Sam Specter. Lex is expected to continue to adopt his name, his face, but obviously no kind of consent for this was ever given by the real Sam (and obviously he kinda can’t give consent for it, being dead and all), and I highly doubt the real Sam would have appreciated it. I don’t think he would have appreciated the ending where his murderer got to wear his face again. Sam Specter was murdered and had his identity stolen. None of the characters ever confront or consider the moral implications of the Lifting Spirits ending where that murdered man’s identity continues to be made use of without his consent.
But honestly it’s something that, although it belatedly occurred to me it didn’t actually really bother me in the slightest - I’m still 100% satisfied by the Lifting Spirits ending and I’m more than willing to brush the whole awkward implications of “uh, Sam was still, like, a real person who died” under the rug. That being said, on some level perhaps it really didn’t do the real Sam justice.
See, Sam Specter was always a bit of an “empty character”, too. He’d always kind of existed in the story only as one of the identities the phantom had stolen, and had served no purpose beyond that. We never meet the real Sam and his actual identity and life hold no direct relevance to the plot prior to Tracking Ghosts.
This is perhaps part of why the moral implications of Lex continuing to use the identity never get raised and are not relevant to the story or its readers - because we are never invited to think about or care about the real Sam.
So part of what’s great about what Tracking Ghosts does with his character is that it gives Sam substance; we learn more about the kind of person he was - the REAL Sam. He gets afforded consideration as a character and the real Sam is the reasoning behind the main plot being set into motion.
So this is the first result: it fleshes Sam out as a character. He’s still dead for the entire duration of the series, we still never actually get to meet the real Sam... but we know more about him. There’s something else that hugely fleshes Sam out though, and that brings us to the second effect I want to talk about:
The real Sam Specter as a distinct and independent entity from the Phantom’s portrayal of him.
That’s one of the major kickers here: there were aspects of Sam and his life that the Phantom never had any clue about. He was then, by definition, portraying Sam inaccurately the entire time and in many respects had the wrong conception of Sam as a person. Even the parts that might have been “accurate” could have been accurate for the wrong mistaken/misguided reasons. Even if it’s outwardly identical, it still creates some difference internally.
This therefore distinguishes the real Sam from the fake Sam that the Phantom portrayed.
The impact of this is twofold in how it affects BOTH characters and their positioning in the story. The real Sam gains independence in the story as an individual, now finally divorced from the Phantom’s version. This goes a huge way in helping to flesh him out as a character now that we must apply new ideas and thoughts about him that cannot be applied to the “Sam” we saw in Haunted Specters. The story acknowledges him more directly as someone who lived, and then was killed (even touching upon that murder itself).
This goes both ways.
Prior to Tracking Ghosts, we are led to believe that the Phantom’s impersonation is pretty much spot-on to the Real Deal. Why wouldn't it be?
I’ve spoken in previous Analysis Posts about how in Haunted Specters there really seemed to be this ongoing question regarding “Sam Specter”’s personhood and how much/to what extent he should be treated and considered as an independent individual. Part of the driving factor behind this is that the impersonation is supposedly identical to that of a real man who lived, which is why there’s almost this inclination to treat the fake Sam as real - in some twisted way it’s kinda like you’re meeting the real person who used to have this name and face, etc etc. Note that the alleged ACCURACY of the portrayal is part of the conundrum behind this: “Should we treat “Sam” as, well, Sam? If it’s outwardly identical to the real person, then...?”
I then finally came to my own conclusion in a later analysis post: that “Sam” was a trap of sorts - that anything directed at him, to some extent, really was directed at the Phantom the entire time. “Sam” exists to ease Bobby, Simon and even the reader into letting their guard down, however slightly. It sets them up to be more susceptible when the illusion - the “trap” is pulled back and we - and the characters - really are suddenly expected to start being invested in the Phantom more directly as opposed to the go-between of the persona.
I realised that it was never about Sam - Sam was never relevant back then. The real Sam was totally irrelevant to the story prior to Tracking Ghosts. As I said in that analysis post I’m sure - “it had always been about the Phantom”.
We spend soooo much more time with “Sam Specter” as opposed to Sam Specter. But if the Phantom wasn’t even portraying him correctly in the first place... This further reinforces just how much it was never about Sam, and just how much it was all about the Phantom.
Because “Sam Specter” is a mere product of the Phantom’s misconceptions.
“Sam Specter” is a made-up portrayal by the Phantom of a person who technically never actually existed, since the person it’s based off of is somewhat different from “Sam”.
The Phantom obviously didn’t know this, and THOUGHT he was portraying with complete accuracy, but that doesn’t change any of this. It doesn’t change the fact that the discrepancies between the real one and the fake one mean that the fake Sam then becomes an invention born of how the Phantom chose to portray him. This inevitably makes the entire persona inherently connected back to the Phantom moreso than a persona he actually was portraying with more accuracy.
This is important because of just how invested the Phantom is shown as getting into the role. He’s getting invested into a persona that, to some extent, he made up.
Of course, it’s worth noting that besides the glaring oversight(s) and slight errors, “Sam” was probably otherwise a completely accurate portrayal. What I’ve written does seem to exaggerate any discrepancies, but however slight, I do find them very noteworthy for the reasons I’ve outlined. But the other dimension(s) to the real Sam’s character would have a flow-on effect to other aspects of how the real Sam behaved and his internal thoughts and motivations, which, even if it didn’t lead to outward errors in portrayal meant that the Phantom would have probably had this whole construction of Sam’s internal thoughts and motivations that were sometimes wrong too.
It banishes any remaining illusion we might have that Haunted Specters and “Sam” ever had anything to do with the real Sam, narratively speaking. No, even if we try and treat “Sam” as separate from the Phantom, he’s now way more closely connected to the Phantom than he ever was to the real Sam for the characters and audience.
“Sam” might not be quite Phantom... but he’s not 100% like the real Sam, either. He’s someone new, slightly different. You might ask: Just who did Simon and Bobby agree to share an apartment with? Who was “Sam”, really?
Moving along, a brief note about Calisto! :D
So, ahaha, on my second readthrough of the series this scene stood out to me as slightly... OOF:
She looked up at him with wide brown eyes. Only a teenager. He wasn’t blind, nor stupid. She held genuine affection for him, he could tell. Affection he couldn’t return, because he’d never felt that way about anyone or anything. She’d gotten mad at him for that, once. Then, ultimately, she’d decided to let it be. If she couldn’t have his affection, no one would. Indeed, no one would.
And it’s just. Well. You know, Benny.
So I’m like ahhh... oh man. This is awkward, huh.
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(“Entire life” MIGHT be a bit of an exaggeration, but... they meet as teens, Mirage SPECIFICALLY names herself in reference to him in her career, she still cares about him in the series and is not shown as being interested in anyone else prior to the Lang stuff in Tracking Ghosts. So... yeah. :P)
But then Tracking Ghosts comes around, and Calisto is Incredibly Chill. She is an absolute trouper. She KNOWS about Benny, and she does not seem to mind at all. If anything, it greatly amuses her. She is a true friend. As Lex’s friend, she looks after him, and wants to keep him safe. FRIENDSHIP
And that really is a great outcome, because I’ve already made it abundantly clear just how invested I got in Mirage - Calisto - and how I just want her to be happy. She does seem pretty content. If she showed any sign of being like... internally unhappy about the whole Benny thing, it would have been very upsetting for me. But nothing like that happens, and I’m so glad. Let the former spy girl be happy. :’)
Another thing I’d like to mention that I just found... really funny, is the sheer amount of times that Lex was referred to in the Tracking Ghosts narrative as “the former phantom”, “ex-phantom”, etc etc.
You see, he is never, not ONCE referred to as such in the series prior to Tracking Ghosts. In Lifting Spirits he’s pretty consistently just Lex, or Alexander. When I was using the “former phantom” terminology in my analysis post(s)... It was in this sense of “here’s how I’m laying it out, to specifically draw attention to the fact that this man connects directly back to the phantom he used to be, even though the story never actually phrases it this way.” Like, I’ve spoken before about the big distinction laid out by the Lifting Spirits narrative between Lex and the Phantom.
To an extent, the way it’s discussed in Tracking Ghosts ultimately becomes the synthesis of sorts, and resolves some of the tension.
The phantom is the thesis, Lifting Spirits’ Alexander Luster Jr is the antithesis, and then, of course Lex is still Lex, but the Tracking Ghosts narrative, through both its phrasing and content, creates more of an alignment.
The “negation” of “the phantom” in Lifting Spirits is done out of a necessity to help demonstrate that the man that’s present now deserves another chance. But come Tracking Ghosts, that goal has already been achieved, and so the narrative is now completely free to draw parallels, direct comparisons, a line of continuity and the like. Even when a comparison is supposed to demonstrate how DIFFERENT he is now (see: Lex being completely unable to leap across the water, showing just how much he’s no longer the Phantom who made that fearless Dual Destinies leap), it’s still a direct acknowledgement that he was that man through virtue of its existence.
Tracking Ghosts is, well, it has so much in it, so there’s so much more I could say! But I think these were the main things I wanted to chat about. :D
And I’ll just finish the post off with this:
Chapter 41:
“Aside from that, acting pleasant towards you would be a manipulative façade, which would not exactly count in my favor either. If you want me to be true to myself, I cannot give you anything better than a wiseass.”
Chapter 45:
“Not to mention, a father who’s a bit of a wiseass.” “Hey, now. Just because I’m always right doesn’t mean I’m a wiseass.” 
Like father, like son.
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