buerbies · 2 months
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needycatboy · 1 month
wishing everyone a wonderful evening of being asked to take a hit and another hit and another and also them shotgunning you with a kiss and being so high and soft and comfy while they kiss your neck and tell you they're going to take care of you now and to turn your brain off 💕
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bigcatbutch · 6 months
Once again thinking about taking a giant hit from my pipe and kissing it into my kittygirl's mouth, then kissing her forehead and laughing that she's gonna have a hard time thinking for a while, isn't she? She doesn't have to have any human thoughts or worries for me, and as I hand her the pipe and let her smoke the rest, I tell her what a good girl she's being for me~
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mkanuhea · 1 year
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pls tumblr don’t fug up the quality lmao
anyways i always feel like my meowscarada and lucario would pick on each other
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shinigamitears · 11 hours
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buerbies · 1 month
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"i check it, i wreck it, i turn it around" - lana del rey
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bigcatcock · 1 month
Born to fuck a pup's holes with their favorite toy as the hours slip by while I'm high, forced to work a day job
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waterlogged-detective · 5 months
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Boots with a blunt.png
Saw this post and knew what I had to do
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marrowminded · 5 months
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more new year's game tomfoolery. we're slowly but surely domesticating rahadin. and the needle blight who apparently lives in our house now has learned to bake
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aaron-dee · 5 months
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local kitty cat rolls worst blunt, gets kicked out of cardboard box
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demon-princess13 · 4 months
anyways long story short take care of your bodies. don’t do copious amounts of hard drugs as a teenager. then proceed to get diagnosed with 4x genetic conditions that you’ve made significantly worse by doing said copious amounts of hard drugs as a teenager.
happy to be sober now and as healthy as i am ❤️ here for a good time not a long time babbyyyyyyyy
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buerbies · 13 days
𓆝 ⋆。𖦹°‧
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" scared of revealing , the image is peeling " - pastel ghost
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scoliosisgoblin · 7 months
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teen Rick stuff
his design is based on @plumbus-central 's teen Rick design :)
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venuhs · 6 months
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now its just me and my cat against the world hehe
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I'm still pretty new to tumblr, and I'm trying to get my posts out there, but I know these things take time. I'm also really over any other form of social media, and I made this account a year or so ago, but I never did anything with it. So far, this has made me visit Facebook a lot less, and for that, I'm grateful. I really think this is a much better place to be overall. I hope I can go about finding more people to interact with, and hopefully, maybe attaching 1000 tags to this post will do the trick.
Anyhow, I'm 35, I work part-time because I made the decision to go back to school and finish my degree. I'm engaged, I have the 2 most stupid, perfect, and beautiful cats. I love music, I love books, I love way too many TV shows to even try to name, and I love going to shows, on adventures, museums, thrift shops, and pretty much anything as long as we head towards the mountains because thats where I want to be most of them time.
Anyhow, if anyone feels friendly and wants to help a newbie out by giving them someone to interact with that would be great!
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katsukikitten · 2 years
Imagine your bestie in college is Sero and he always has the best weed. He really only shares it with you and Denki.
Naturally the two are flirts and it only gets worse when the smoke but even before that Sero always prepares the smoke sesh for y'all. Making sure you get the first hit and can hold the blunt as long as you like cause "ladies first." Even has water on hand if you cough and always checks up on everyone as the hits grow in number.
He has a mini fridge for munchies in the dorm he shares with Denks. Filled with lemonade (any fruity kind is also welcomed) for Denki, your favorite drink, peach teas or an Arizona green tea (something mellow for sure) for himself and occasionally an orange soda for your "boyfriend not boyfriend" who supervises the smoke sesh but never joins.
He isn't judgy, isn't over bearing and surprisingly Bakugou is more likely to indulge in Denki's wild ass thoughts.
"Pizza rolls are raviolis." "Hot dogs are in the same shape as a taco, so are they tacos or a sandwich?" "Is cereal soup or kibble for people?" "if someone dies in a living room, is it still a living room?"
Before dropping some wild ass bomb that really riles the blonde up.
"How can actions speak louder than words if speaking is also an action?"
They'll argue about it for a few minutes, Denki will forget Bakugou doesn't smoke and try to hand him the blunt. To which he declines and either you or Sero accept it.
Except tonight where he grabs onto the rolled paper . You and Sero shocked while Denki nods approvingly, baked outta his fuckin MIND.
"What's it like?" Bakugou asks, the ember illuminating his fingers in the low lit room. The three of you are quick to answer, all talking over one another and before Bakugou can talk himself out of it he brings it to his lips and inhales.
Mimicking the way he'd seen the other three start the smoke session, not realizing the importance of them being veterans.
When he lets go of he breath he coughs almost violently. Sero passing him a water with an open mouth grimace worried he won't want to smoke again.
But once Bakugou is collected and a few minutes pass by, the tension in his body melts away first. Then the smoke gently fogs over his brain and he can only think about three things.
First, a perfect sandwich with homemade ingredients, including bread, sounds ideal.
Second, maybe Denki has some good points on his dumb ass questions and rebuttals.
Lastly, which comes as a surprise to him, all he can think about is you bouncing on his cock and uncaring if Sero and Denki watch you cum or not.
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