#weekly leo horoscope
Weekly Tarot Guidance: 26.11.23 – 02.12.23
Aries You have a lot of ideas on your mind and want to implement it faster. But still confused about how will it work? Even if it feels like time is running out, take one step at a time, and build a solid foundation that can withstand anything. And for trying new things you have to break the typical way of thinking and implementing things. Think out of the box and you will be surprised to see…
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seafoamreadings · 11 days
week of june 2nd, 2024
these are written predominantly for the *rising* signs but they are also intuitively "channeled" enough that they should work for any dominant energy you have! (try your sun if you don't know rising, or more advanced readers can try moon, anywhere you have a stellium, etc and see what works best for you!)
aries: the week starts with the moon from your sign into taurus, foretelling of what is to come later in the week. by the weekend mars also makes this same shift, but mars moves from his domicile in your sign. while he's less comfortable in taurus, he revs up your resources in a positive way and provides a lot of stamina and strength where it is needed.
taurus: mercury is leaving your sign this week but the moon visits for her monthly luxurious exaltation and at the end of the week, mars stops by as well. don't let anyone try to speed you along; your steadiness is your strength and mars just boosts it. where others may feel stumped and slowed down you know your pace is just right.
gemini: your ruling planet comes home to your sign this week. that will really feel like a breath of fresh air. and it helps to make the most of that if you get outside in the breeze, stay in verbal exchanges that are fun and enlightening to you, and transmit any information you've been needing to relay.
cancerians: 12th house vibe intensifies. gemini season is different for you than it is for the other signs. much more internal, quite, personal. less social. a new moon in gemini in particular can reflect secrets, quiet feelings, or a clandestine sort of affair - ongoing or on the horizon.
leo: your public life is in for a makeover, like it or not, so you may as well run with it and work with it. resistance will just jam things up. mars in taurus is a good time to take decisive actions regarding your public image, status, and legacy, and actively seek career advances like promotions or raises. go into battle and take a strategic position; don't just let it happen to you because it will probably not go in a way you desire then.
virgo: gemini season can be intense for you since gemini squares your sign but you also have a lot of affinities, sort of like competitive cousins or frenemies. this week, though, in spite of (or in addition to?) the large number of gemini passages, you have a great deal of highly supportive astrology, including mars into taurus making you if not exactly fast, certainly smart, efficient, and strong.
libra: this week manages to be almost paradoxically intensely yet subtly venusian. it suits you, it's not flashy or gaudy, but it is lovely and romantic.
scorpio: several factors contribute to making this week a likely steamy one for you. relationships progress, affairs develop, flirtations arise. be safe and have fun. avoid coercion, from any direction.
sagittarius: relationships and partnerships positively sizzle. probably this consists mainly of noncommittal but very pleasant dalliances. however, if a commitment strikes your fancy, it is a great time for taking that plunge. at least on a trial basis. maybe it'll stick!
capricorn: probably you'll appreciate the firm groundedness that the ingress of mars into taurus is bringing later this week. it is solid, strong, and authoritative. yet self care remains of critical importance. for capricorns ruled more by wild pan than by stuffy saturn, or even some of the saturnine among you, this week is also bringing in some romance novel style fun. feel free to abstain if that's not your thing.
aquarius: a war with a roommate? an argument within the family of origin? seek solace in creative pursuits ans sweet romantic flings. turn your home - or at least some corner of it - into a fortress, a sanctum, a combination of the two.
pisces: if you have a partner to move in with, it is a good time for that. if you want to mend a connection with a family member - also auspicious! if you just want to buy a nice piece of home decor, it is really blessed this week.
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geeta1726 · 17 days
Is Jupiter/Venus in the 8th house then meeting the spouse?
When Jupiter or Venus is in the 8th house, meeting the spouse can have distinct characteristics. Here are five key points:
1. Transformational Relationship
Deep Bond: Relationships are likely to be transformative, leading to significant personal growth and change for both partners.
2. Intense Connection
Passionate Partnership: The partnership may be intense and passionate, with a strong emotional and physical connection.
3. Financial Benefits
Spouse's Wealth: There could be financial gains or benefits from the spouse, as the 8th house is associated with shared resources and inheritances.
4. Mysterious Circumstances
Unusual Meeting: The circumstances of meeting the spouse might be unusual, secretive, or mysterious, possibly involving deep emotional experiences.
5. Spiritual Growth
Spiritual Influence: The relationship can have a strong spiritual or metaphysical aspect, contributing to the native's spiritual development and understanding of life's deeper meanings.
Note:- For more information you can take help of The Kundli website. Which can give you accurate information. And you can also connect with us 8595675042.
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cosmicpuzzle · 1 year
Random Astro Observations 🎁
♧Jupiter square ascendant could have difficulty controlling body weight (square implying the challenge).
♧Sun with Venus could indicate 2 marriages for the father (in traditional societies)
♧Mercury Uranus people could be good at coding, programming.
♧Sagittarius risings could opt for architecture because they like the idea of building upon materials. Even as a kid they could have played with building blocks. Sagittarius is also sign of growth etc.
♧Gemini rising could have a difficult relationship with elder siblings due to Saturn ruling 8th house but also 11th ruler Mars co ruling 6th house - Triple whammy.
♧Jupiter in 6th could work in bank safety locker departments.
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9800sblog · 1 year
weekly tarot reading for each zodiac sign
june 26 - july 1
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you should read about your:
• ascendant/rising sign - for the events happening in your life and your patterns of behavior this week. • moon sign - for your personal perspectives and introspection. • sun sign - for how you might react to all of it.
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so this is the start of cancer season, you're not very comfortable in this energy, you may feel defensive and offended oftenly, depressed, misunderstood and powerless. creativity is a great outlet!
picture to burn - taylor swift
key words: introspection, considering, eyes closed, microphone, offers, choices, unfair, sleep, cold.
you're very comfortable this week, this may be a time when being possessive over your material goods pays off well to enjoy a nice future. not emotionally fulfilling, maybe lonely.
barbie tingz - nicki minaj
key words: loose clothes, hair down, investing, planning, fruits of your labor, selfishness, stubborn, stars.
financially great time, maybe you'll get your salary this week, you're very fulfilled materially. however, you're in a minute of insecurity, you have everything, so pay attention only to the good!
talking body - tove lo
key words: imbalance, sunlight, late night conversations, rain, flowers, award, thin, exchange, family business.
your intuition is at an all time high and it is saying you may have neglected your mental and emotional well-being for material stability. with your intelligence, as long as you're attentive to those areas, you'll be ok! rest well, you're on the right track!
want u back - cher lloyd
key words: patience, self respect, inner confidence, perceived competition, tired, suspicious, attentive, support.
you refuse to conform, your friends, family, job, society, spiritual beliefs might be saying one thing to you but it's not your truth and you won't settle. you're powerful when standing your ground, everyone respects you.
primadonna - marina
key words: royalty, metal, inner thoughts, imagination, the unseen, waiting, boss, confidence.
your work hasn't been paying off and you're looking for different ways to increase wealth. teamwork is the key, rely on those you trust the most to help you grow! it'll work out, the cards say opportunities may fall from the sky!
misery business - paramore
key words: shiny things, mediocre, frustration, house, family, community, a helping hand, relaxing.
you're coming out of a dark patch, you're not used to something this good happening but balance is sure to follow you. it is not a new idea or someone else's thoughts, this is where your soul feels at home ^^ "we're halfway there!"
love on top - beyoncé
key words: inner peace, music, beauty, power, healing, stronger, hardworking, self centered, consequences.
a time of celebration and learning, you have a lot going for you physically and, internally, you're full of introspection and a thirst for knowledge - it may cause you some anxiety if you think your outer world doesn't match with you, find ways to be who you are when you're alone while with others, talk to your walls.
i write sins not tragedies - panic! at the disco
key words: house, money, options, rethinking, family talk, dark room, cats, holding hands, secret, hidden.
you may have great conversations this week, which will help get you out of a very difficult moment. you may have felt betrayed, but someone will make you think the world is not as bad as you think and you may seriously consider quitting an unfavorable job.
i kissed a girl - katy perry
key words: intoxicated, rose-colored glasses, support, healing, surprise, bored, typical, annoyed.
waiting for something that will make you really happy is making you sad, focus on the lovely people around you and try to start a new project for distraction, fulfillment is sure to follow soon.
heartbreak girl - 5 seconds of summer
key words: happy family, pets, money, self induced heartbreak, decision, savings, prepared, working out, closing doors.
good news may come this week and people will try to shut your excitement down, you'll feel betrayed but you know they are right, it is not the time to move yet, hold that thought and contemplate your next moves. it's a coming of age scene.
dilemma - nelly (ft. kelly rowland)
key words: rite of passage, hit the breaks, nap, newspaper, boat, pretty clothes, closing a faucet.
you're bringing a good idea you had a long time ago into reality, this is something you're passionate about and it's taking you out of pain. so much fulfillment, try not to be too egotistical or do too many things at once and this will be a great week!!!
rude - magic!
key words: potions, tea, headband, excitement, delicacy, forever, much water, working out, fire party, rainbow.
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𝗠𝗲𝗿𝗰𝘂𝗿𝘆 𝗦𝗾𝘂𝗮𝗿𝗲 𝗣𝗹𝘂𝘁𝗼 : 𝗪𝗲𝗲𝗸𝗹𝘆 𝗔𝘀���𝗿𝗼𝗹𝗼𝗴𝘆 𝗛𝗼𝗿𝗼𝘀𝗰𝗼𝗽𝗲 𝟭𝟬-𝟭𝟲 𝗝𝘂𝗻
𝗕𝗲𝗮𝘂𝘁𝘆 𝗼𝗳 𝘁𝗵𝗲 𝗕𝗲𝗮𝘀𝘁
The two rulers of Scorpio clash this week so I would have to come out of hibernation to talk about it considering they are my two rulers.
It’s needless to say this would be an intense week but intensity has a way of expression. Despite a lot of fear mongering on this poor transit which aims to get us off our relaxed Taurian behinds, I feel Saturn influence this week on Mercury can give us the sobering effect to make best use of it. Making this intensely productive week in my view but not the one of fun and luxury as love bombing of Venus and Jupiter might have made our mind slip into lala land. June is about to show us thousand shades of grey as it goes from all about Jupiter to all about Pluto & Saturn to Neptune to Saturn again as by end of month social planets are to slip into their retrograde journey - Saturn (29 Jun), then Neptune (2 July). One by one external influences affect us a lot this month but each leaves internal conflict of some form which we are left to resolve by ourselves as we would slip from communicative Gemini external talk season to being home with oneself Cancer season on 20th June. This internal conflict that external influences create within us is our driving force this week.
Before Neptune tries to make mush of my 29º Piscean Mercury I will try to get to point now. And despite my natural paranoid self, I would try to keep the remnant lesson of Neptune in Pisces transit - create from faith and not fear even though there is fear attached to this aspect in traditional thinking.
My Uranus ascendent won’t let you believe anything traditional. We wouldn’t make positive Taurean changes in external world where we value stability so much if our internal demons aren’t woken up by Pluto. Its the same place it all comes from - you packed it away due to social fear in the same damn place to hide from the light - your raw desires, “perceived” negative emotions, you need to control to the point of abuse, your need to gain power, your intensity, magnetism as well as sexual magnetism and your ability to make impossible happen - all categorised neatly labelled in one box of underworld demons - all repressed under social pressure never to ever see light of day.
Jupiter in Gemini was generous - said talk openly to me Pluto - I will elevate your darkness to a higher purpose. Your drive will serve a purpose, your anger and your need to control will also serve an elevated purpose. Demons let loose at large in the open light ready to seemingly take over the sacred Jupiter realm which expanded both the influence and somehow made us comfortable with being all we wanted. This created a verbal mind freak Frankenstein of a person which doesn’t fit the transitional Taurian mould does it. Demons roaming in light of day in Taurean light do not look pretty. Here comes the judgement and internal conflict. It’s always the first step of any real external change which would come when Mars Uranus will meet to swallow whole a part of our traditional set up on 15 July (week of). Uranus changes will never stick especially in Taurus (love, money, self worth, beauty) if Pluto our inner engineering is not disrupted. It somehow happens through a trauma but it does. Mars Uranus are suddenly earthquakey shifts which we would be gifted with every two years to change the surface of ground we stand so steady on in our financial world, in our love life, in our self concept, in our idea of what beautiful and what love is and what is worthy or not in our physical world. Pluto helps us dig something more meaningful than crypto gold by conflicting with the material or surface or vain value of this change. So called demons enrich us else we would all be bodies looking for something which would never satisfy the soul.
This need to feel something more than surface is what drives our demons out in the open creating the conflicts we would see this week. Need to have soul attached to a change, hunger for power attached to ambition, hunger control laced in love, edgey dark artist works enriched by emotions not socially accepted to be shown in light of day - they all make what we create now. It will conflict with some people’s values and idea of what “pretty” or “love” or “beauty” looks like and that people would be first you yourself. This is internal conflict, you are inflaming your own body by blocking a part of you - you have labelled as “demonic” due to what you were told cause Aquarian time had not come. Those demons would be normal in a progressive society but they are not today so what do we do this week - do we dress them up in socially acceptable clothing so we can take them out for dinner. If the Beast wears a three vested coat can he dance in a ball with Belle. When you love despite the fear is that deeper than Taurean physical relaxed love or just toxic intensity of forbidden fruit. When you create from a place of trauma and damage is that you being honest in art or just spewing your dysfunction to masses. When you put your foot down to control your ideas and assets instead of freely sharing with traditional institutions are your being a recluse or are you breaking the hierarchy of old institutional structures. When your almost teenage daughter starts looking at black mascara is she acting up or just trying to express her not so nice girl which later can come out in more damaging ways. Perfection in beauty is the most repressive thing in the world - any very symmetrical Libran family can vouch for that. The glossed over, airbrushed, filtered images have made us believe anything else is not pretty. Damage is concealed. Though may be we shouldn’t be looking for soul on tik tok.
That brings me to the point. Are you looking for depth in wrong places. My father once said and he has never been wrong, your profession and passion may never be the same and should not be. He never said to not pursue them both but the concept of it - wanting one thing to be everything. The beast had to turn into the prince for happy ending. Aquarian age solutions might be different - blessing is we have a choice in today’s day and age to possibly pursue both. That’s what Gemini season and Sun Saturn is for - making those new or multi prong approach to get what you want to come to solid life. So first step is to give yourself grace in anger this week when you feel this intensity within yourself of being dissatisfied that traditional ways aren’t giving you the satisfaction of the soul, they were not designed for it - their concept will change overtime as Uranus adds more liberal views and freedom of thought to them. Observe the source of dissatisfaction and see if there are other outlets for the passion which doesn’t make one thing everything. Mars Pluto has the power to move mountains - you could change people’s mind - crypto is everything money, wild passion should be daily part of marriage with a stable not violent human being, you can wear goth make up in your 60s and it would still be cute, billionaires can be quickly made without nefarious plans or having one programmed for power and comfortable with the dark, popular art needs to be as complicated as this article - it wont happen it doesn’t. So we do both we have pop astrology and we have real talk. One makes money and one hopefully feeds the soul, duality of Gemini Jupiter makes us open to more than one options to help our demons run free and give them life to feed us. Can you feed off it and create something meaningful and lucrative both. Accepting that part of what you do would be profession and part would be passion.
That’s the thing with demons - once they have been shown light of day, they get over themselves and transform over time. Whether you verbalise them with help of Jupiter and Mercury in Gemini - I need this, I would like this, I would put my foot down for this, I need ambition, I need more, I need more passion, I need a bit of drama, I need a bit of this which I know is not socially accepted but it is what it is. You will find a way to express it - thats what Gemini season is for and thats what this year of Jupiter in Gemini is for. We should be physically careful but repression of whats coming out of you is not the answer. There is a reason Jupiter held hands with Pluto taking it out in the light. Cause that place where you hid everything away also had your personal power. They call it kundalini release for a reason.
Writing this article has given me a migraine hopefully someone reads it and it can bring comfort to atleast one self condemning person. (Sorry for spelling mistakes, cant edit it I cant see anymore due to ocular migraine)
Love Charu ♥️
#astrology #horoscope #weeklyhoroscope
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symbolicliving · 5 months
New Goals - New Moon in Capricorn, Mercury in Capricorn - This Week's Astrology
January 8 to 14, 2024 - This week we have a New Moon in Capricorn on January 11th and Mercury enters Capricorn January 13th.
It's officially a New Moon in Capricorn January 11, 2024 at 6:57 am ET
It's time to set new goals to climb that mountain.
Last week, we started the New Year with Mercury Retrograde in Sagittarius going direct on January 1st to move us forward in a new direction. This week…
Mercury now direct is having another challenging interaction with Neptune in Pisces which can blur decisions, indicate a wavering of aims now.
We have the New Moon in Capricorn January 11, 2024 to put more focus on our goals,
Mercury enters Capricorn on January 13, 2024 to join Mars and the Sun already in Capricorn – Happy Birthday Capricorns.
Capricorn is a Cardinal sign which is great as a New Moon to start putting more energy toward new goals. What do you value? What do you want to achieve? What needs to be done for growth, productivity and prosperity? What is the goal of your efforts? What strengths and tools can you use to climb higher? What talents of yours do you want to manifest and improve? Working in cooperation with others also has the power to create potent change now, but there is also the potential of disagreements about the overall vision. Strong willpower and perseverance achieves.
Mars and Pluto are also in Capricorn now giving us extra willpower, determination and energy to achieve our goals, and transform abilities into tangible rewards.
Your New Weekly Astrology Horoscopes for All Signs are designed around the current trends in astrology with the Aspects and Transits of Planets through the Signs and corresponding Houses for January 8-14, 2024.
Thank you for being a friend.
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YOUR Mars in Taurus Horoscope
What: Mars in Taurus
When: June 9 - July 20, 2024
Who’s Impacted: EVERYONE, but especially earth and fixed signs.
Takeaway: An energetic shift that helps you slow your roll and build on ONE thing.
     Tired of zooming through your goals and chasing down everything? Well, on June 8/9, Mars leaves its fiery home sign of Aries and enters steady and placid earth sign Taurus, stabilizing and slowing down your energy levels, assertion, and determination. 
     If you’re unfamiliar, Mars is the planet of action and energy, as well as heat, self-assertion, goal-getting, conflict, and courage. Taurus is a fixed earth sign ruled by Mars’ “opposing” planet, Venus, the planet of love, beauty, and pleasure. Thanks to Venus’ influence, earthy Taurus prefers the finer, beautiful, and feel-good things of life and has a particular penchant for what is pleasing to the senses—and the bank account. Which is why low-risk, high-yield pursuits are often what fuel our fire with Mars in Taurus. So too are goals related to pleasure, art, creature comforts, money, and material assets. During this transit you’re more concerned with building your bank and achieving long-term success, than you are racing ahead towards an exciting unknown (at least until July 20). 
     During Mars in Aries, it was natural to want to pursue a bunch of different goals, take on more projects (than you can handle) at work, fight, race to the finish line, and try to conquer…well, anything. But Mars in Taurus is cautious, methodical. This transit doesn’t encourage action without plans. It urges you to measure the risks and ensure the ROI is hefty enough to justify your efforts. Then, Mars in Taurus wants you to take your time and do things right. 
     So, you want to try and be really choosy about what you pursue, who you butt heads with, and limit the scope of your goals (esp. on June 11 & July 15). Delegate. Build. Simplify your projects. Focus on ONE thing at a time, and don’t pressure yourself to conquer it all. Concentrate on efforts, goals, and pursuits that are of value to you. This could translate into literal fiscal pursuits, or into more creative, artistically-and-sensory satisfying pursuits like patiently baking your first batch of bon-bons like a contestant on the The Great British Bake-Off. Your choice!
Get YOUR Full 2024 Mars in Taurus Horoscope on The Cosmic Almanac, here:
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oneworldnewsindia · 1 year
Weekly Horoscope: What all this week holds for you?
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Kiran Rai Pandey is back with her predictions. Check out your weekly horoscope and plan your week accordingly. Here is what all this week holds for you.  
Aries: You will be very clear about your goal and intention. Moreover, your efforts to reach your goals will definitely be fruitful. Interest in religious activity and Occult sciences will be more. Your harmonious words will work as the best healer in any relation. Most of the people will take your personality as an arrogant individual. Take extra efforts to express your humble side as well before loved ones.
Taurus: This is the right time to continue your talk about marriage, if you had any in past. Your attitude to take lead in any major family decision may not be welcomed by a handful members of family. Your enemies will eventually start coming forward to compromise in some extent. Take care of your health so that it doesn't become a disturbing factor in this period. Expenses will increase, indeed.
Gemini: This planetary position may give you either extreme beneficial help or loss from boss especially from female boss. You might be going to miss your children due to their behavior or their physical absence. Guiding them and letting go attitude will help. Prepare yourself mentally so that internal disturbance at workplace cannot affect you in this period. Lack of happiness in terms of income can be seen in these days.
Cancer: You will be very aggressive and vocal regarding your problems with loved ones. You won’t mind raising your voice against anything anti-social or unethical, make sure it's done moderately.
Females are going to be more helpful in this period. Those who had been working or studying in foreign land will enjoy their period. At the same time, anxiety to some extent will remain a part of this period. The best part of this period is your righteous control over even distorted situations.
Leo: This week brings better professional condition. Your desire to get success will keep you going on your way. Religious activity will be going to be helpful for maintaining mental peace. Opinion difference with father is possible in this period, maintain peace and calm. Some of you will be required to put in efforts regarding the health problem of father.
Virgo: You will be praised for logical decisions or sensible suggestion to others. At the same time, keep check to not lose your temperament easily. Media persons of this sign will get support from different people. Your opponents will be waiting for your mistakes to attack on you. Marital happiness might elude you in these days. Monetary side is satisfactory. Professional life brings mixed bag of good and bad stuff.
Libra: Week begins with certain amount of pessimism but later part gives you sigh of relief in terms of money. Anxiety related to your image in public will be noticeable in your behavior. Try not to share your emotion or frustration in public so that it won't turn into a matter of embarrassment. Technical people of this sign would be well appreciated among their people.
Scorpio: You will behave wisely with friends and family. Your expectation from children will be more than what they provide, bring in patience. Your tone will be harsher than your usual tone. Researchers, Archeologists or anybody involved into occultism will really enjoy their success.  At the same time, work front might face delay or obstacles in getting goals.  
Sagittarius: This week has reasons to enjoy your marital life. If you had been into any relationship, this is the right time to get proposal. Your mind will be apprehensive about gains in terms of money, position or acknowledgement. Such attitude may keep you occupied with lot of expectations from the people around you.  Over thinking about children to be avoided to pass the week on a happy note.
Capricorn: You will be over involved in family affairs in these days. Take precautions so that you skip facing health issue either related to heart or stomach. Take even silly health problem in serious note. Professional instability can be experienced. Parental health will be concerning in these days. Opposite gender will come across in your life. It looks difficult for you to take right decision regarding love and romance.
Read More- 6 Capricorn Bollywood Divas proved ‘Commitment is Everything’
Aquarius: You may come across such situation that will provoke your actions. This action can be rash or wise, depending on your individual running period. Parental support will be the flavor of this week. Media persons should be more careful regarding their contents before making it public. Sportspersons should try to utilize this period to their best.
Pisces: This planetary condition brings sarcasm in your word. Be extra careful while communicating with others. Otherwise, even your pure intention would be taken in other way. Your mother’s health can be cause of concern in this period. Irrespective of situation around, you will find yourself in comfortable position. Financial area seems grey in this week. It won’t prolong ,indeed.
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billa-billa007 · 10 months
Lizzie Borden Astrology of Crime | Forensic Astrology | Joshua the Psychic
Astrology of crime is a concept that suggests a link between astrological factors, such as planetary positions, and criminal behavior. Some proponents of this idea believe that certain planetary alignments or positions at the time of a person's birth can influence their predisposition to engage in criminal activities or exhibit specific personality traits that might be associated with criminal behavior.
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nick--rose · 11 months
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Leo season!
image : collage by me
read on for horoscope for the week!
Today Mercury squares Uranus. Surprise news that could not be the most pleasant. Mentally stimulating and exciting but nervousness/scattered/high strung anxiety is the other side of the same coin. Racing thoughts, know it all ism, speak up when you probably shouldn’t have-ism.
Tomorrow Venus opposes Saturn. Poor self worth. Lonely, like everyones lovely and likable but you, off over there without you. Desire vs duty, equating self worth with productivity. Having to make accomodations for others that don’t benefit you, hiding real feelings because you feel like you have to, etc.
But Thursday Mercury conjoins Venus. Pleasant news if any. Socially and artistically stimulating, harmonious flow. Good for relationship talks if youre on that Venus retrograde stuff. good for dealing with money stuff.
Friday Mercury enters Virgos, their favorite place after Gemini. few good months to get organized, plan, study, or read books in your garden man.
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Weekly Tarot Guidance: 21.01.24 – 27.01.24
Aries Stop overthinking and over-criticizing yourself. It’s good to analyze the situation and yourself to check if there is any space for improvement. But if there is not then you should stop blaming yourself for the situation. You need to stop thinking about the output and instead focus on your intentions, self-development, and self-care. Always being practical does not help right now there is…
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seafoamreadings · 26 days
week of may 19th, 2024
these are written predominantly for the *rising* signs but they are also intuitively "channeled" enough that they should work for any dominant energy you have! (try your sun if you don't know rising, or more advanced readers can try moon, anywhere you have a stellium, etc and see what works best for you!)
aries: the increasing gemini vibes are a little more flirtatious and flippant than the preceding taurean vibes and this probably suits you well. just be careful that, with mars also in your sign, you're not getting too impulsive or wild.
taurus: that's about it for taurus season. the planets start to shuffle into neighboring gemini. but don't despair; the party is over but the material blessings continue to rain upon you, or they start if you haven't had them yet. it's like extra birthday gifts. jupiter there for the next long while blesses your finances too - assuming you're spending only responsibly. try not to overindulge.
gemini: the sun and the benefics light up your sign starting this week, in a parade of good vibes and good fortune. many wonderful things will come to you in the coming days and weeks, especially with jolly jupiter in the mix. just be advised that anything you've outgrown will leave forcefully if you don't part ways willingly.
cancerians: before a mass ingress into your 12th house there is a highly psychic, very dreamy jupiter-venus-neptune interaction at critical degrees. this can bless any travel you are planning, any long distance relationships, and your friendships overall. although neptune can be deceitful or at least illusive at times, the presence of the benefics make this a sort of magic that you can access easily and with mostly just good results. then prepare yourself to do some good shadow work once the 12th-house party starts!
leo: for everyone, the influx of gemini-ness is increased sociability and informational flow. for you especially, this is great for your networking and friendships. if you've been feeling a bit drab or lonely lately, this week brightens things up and puts you in places to be fawned over, if that's your thing, or at least appreciated if it's not so much.
virgo: a huge boost to your reputation can be intentionally kicked off from this week and then can coast on the momentum of jupiter in gemini for the next year or so. update your public image, get some nice photos done, shake the right people's hands... even if that makes your inner germophobe a bit squeamish. you can bring hand sanitizer.
libra: gemini season should be a blast for you and the social butterfly that you (at least sometimes) are. and jupiter in gemini for the next year-ish blesses any academic pursuits you wish to embark on, any long distance travel you've been dreaming of, and your spiritual life, if that's your cup of tea.
scorpio: a benevolent pileup in gemini is certainly one thing, possibly enhancing your intimate life or enriching any magical practice. but the overall tone of the week is underwritten by a pulsating, watery, psychic power. and you don't even have to really try to benefit from that. your natural charisma is just off the charts.
sagittarius: gemini season is always nice for you if you are the sort who can stand to be partnered up long-ish term. but starting from this week you have a good long jupiter transit of your 7th house as well. and this will bless such partnerships in really big ways. more temporary, venus there helps out too!
capricorn: if you're the type to do new year's resolutions it's a good time to take stock of how you've been doing regarding your routines, habits, and day-to-day life. honestly, even if you ignore the new year, this is a good time for it. and at any rate it's also a great time to rescue a pet !
aquarius: gemini season plus venus and jupiter in gemini is fun season for aquarians. jupiter in particular gives big fun, creative vibes to you for months to come. however, jupiter (and venus) in your 5th house can be *highly* fertile - you will be reaping what you sow, so it's a time to be a little bit careful what you wish for and also to have fun with some caution - otherwise it might go overboard in some way.
pisces: gemini season has most people feeling social and talky. for you it may be more of a homebody vibe. this is all well and good as long as you have made your home a sanctuary to rest and recharge in, and a place that you truly love.
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geeta1726 · 2 months
What are the remedies of the moon in astrology?
In astrology, the Moon represents emotions, mind, instincts, habits, and nurturing qualities. When the Moon is afflicted or challenged in a birth chart, it can lead to various emotional and psychological issues. Remedies are suggested to mitigate the negative effects and enhance the positive attributes associated with the Moon. Here are some common remedies for a afflicted Moon:
Worship and Offerings: Performing regular prayers, chants, or rituals dedicated to the Moon can help appease its energies. Offerings such as milk, white flowers, rice, and sandalwood are considered auspicious for the Moon.
Gemstone Therapy: Wearing a natural pearl (associated gemstone of the Moon) can strengthen the Moon's positive influence. The pearl should be of good quality and worn after consulting with an astrologer.
Charity and Donations: Making donations to charities or feeding the needy on Mondays (the day associated with the Moon) can help alleviate negative karma associated with the Moon. Donations of white or silver items are considered beneficial.
Fasting: Observing fasts on Mondays, particularly during the waxing phase of the Moon (Shukla Paksha), is believed to pacify the Moon and bring emotional stability. Fasting can involve consuming only milk, fruits, or vegetarian meals.
Yoga and Meditation: Practices such as yoga, pranayama (breathing exercises), and meditation can help calm the mind and enhance emotional balance. Moon-related yoga poses, such as the Ardha Chandrasana (Half Moon Pose) or Chandra Namaskar (Moon Salutation), can be particularly beneficial.
Mantra Recitation: Chanting the mantra associated with the Moon, such as the "Om Chandraya Namah" mantra, can be beneficial. Reciting this mantra regularly, especially during the lunar hours of Monday, can help strengthen the positive qualities of the Moon.
Vastu Remedies: Making adjustments to the home or workplace according to Vastu principles can harmonize the energies associated with the Moon. This may include using soothing colors like white or silver, incorporating lunar symbols, or placing objects associated with the Moon in the northeast direction.
Seeking Guidance: Consulting with a knowledgeable astrologer or spiritual advisor can provide personalized remedies and guidance based on the specific placement and condition of the Moon in the birth chart.
It is important to remember that treatments are not meant to dominate karma, but to facilitate personal growth, healing and spiritual development. Practicing healing with honesty, trust, and consistency can help individuals deal with the challenges posed by an afflicted Moon and live a more balanced and fulfilling life. For more information you can use Kundli Chakra 2022 Professional Software and contact us for accurate information. 8595675042
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cosmicpuzzle · 1 year
What you will Hoard 🛒 (2nd House)
The 2nd house is one's possessions but it is also a house of hoarding. Whatever sign you have here you will tend to build that up over a period of time.
Aries on 2nd : You are unlikely to hoard anything because you are very impatient to hold on to anything for long.
Taurus on 2nd: You tend to hoard money mostly but could also hoard food items and clothing.
Gemini on 2nd: You tend to hoard information and you may keep buying books or audio podcasts.
Cancer on 2nd: You tend to hoard emotions and memories. You have a great recall.
Leo on 2nd : You tend to hoard your creativity. So you may keep adding to your blog or YouTube channel etc. You build fame over time.
Virgo on 2nd: You will likely hoard self help or motivational books. You could also hoard repair tools.
Libra on 2nd : You will tend to hoard relationships. You may have lot of designs in your computer. Also bikes/cars.
Scorpio on 2nd : You tend to hoard lot of trauma. You can build a lot of resentments over time.
Sagittarius on 2nd : You tend to hoard knowledge and wisdom. You may listen to endless spiritual talks.
Capricorn on 2nd: You tend to hoard money and you take on a lot of responsibilities over time.
Aquarius on 2nd : You tend to hoard friends, connections and over time you build a large network circle. You can also hoard electronics and gadgets.
Pisces on 2nd : You tend to hoard sorrows and sad memories. Physically you can collect shoe wear and also hoard water ( like filling big bottles for a day)
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9800sblog · 1 year
horoscope tarot reading;
the energy of each zodiac sign this week.
july 2 - 8
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you should read about your:
• ascendant/rising sign - for the events happening in your life and your patterns of behavior this week. • moon sign - for your personal perspectives and introspection. • sun sign - for how you might react to all of it.
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this week you're recuperating, may get an upgrade on your material situation which will make you feel good and renewed, you may engage in worldly pleasures to get over your worries, but you'll stay have much anxiety at this time.
otherside - red hot chilli peppers
key words: artificial, cleaning, black page, art, stars, big eyes, glossy eyes, writing, fantasy, red, stop sign.
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the wheels are moving and the world is turning. you may be dealing with some karma you haven't resolved, therefore, you have intuitive knowledge you don't know how to use yet. this week may be a little hard for you, you may be forceful with your emotions and hurt others to feel better about yourself. you may give financial support to someone.
good 4 u - olivia rodrigo
key words: greens, insects, base and support, pink, allergy, under water, olivia rodrigo songs, fake smile.
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definitely a time for isolation and subconscious thinking. you may be fixing your problems more precisely this week and have fun doing so. I think you'll find some much anticipated relief, but be careful to not make yourself numb in the process, bask in the sunlight of greatness.
solo - jennie
key words: astros, sleep and dreams, forced isolation, breaking free, independence, celebrating alone, blush, relaxed.
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you still feel unsupported by an important female figure in your life on who you depend for your material stability, but, this week, another important female figure will help you feel nurtured and heard. you're trying to find real confidence that isn't based on what you have and own and you're making progress this week to lift the weights you put on your shoulders.
half the world away - oasis
key words: baby blue, moving your muscles, skin cleanse, hunger, distractions, looking for problems, feeling helpless, crispy.
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you feel like the world is against you, trying to break you down, but you won't settle down, even if they cut you, your roots are deep and you will grow again. you may feel lonely, tired and insecure, incapable, like you can't catch a break, but you're good! you'll realize this week, you have a gift, maybe you or another person is that present, either way it's precious and it will renew you.
cool people - chloe x halle
key words: select everything, moving water, seasonings and seeds, 16, hand on hand, body tension, chills, physical pain, dissociation, bones, very tired.
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you're working hard to get over some heartbreak, you may have a relapse and I will warn you about a guy (or an amab) that looks like good news, you know they're unreliable, do not trust them this week. think before making decisions, even if you think they're small, and start new habits.
hotline bling - drake
key words: details, focus, media from your teenage years, miniatures, dirt, discomfort, using your body, lasting consequences.
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you're very good at protecting yourself and others respect you a lot for that. this week has an exciting emotional opportunity, a new beginning of some kind, you may feel unprepared, but don't be fooled, you have a strong presence in your life to back you up. you won't get to the finish line immediately, but you'll see some results which may not satisfy your perfectionism a lot, just chill.
talk dirty to me - poison
key words: sighing, getting irritated by distractions, dissociating for focus, laughing at your mistakes, good work ethic, "a well deserved rest".
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you have contrasting energies this week, you may fall into old habits for temporary fulfillment, but it's not gonna make you feel good this time, it'll serve to remember why you don't do that anymore. this week you're taking real, practical actions to help yourself out of a bad cycle, rest assured, you're on the right track! spiritual, intuitive, subconscious knowledge is what will get you out of that place of scarcity. trust and fight for yourself, you'll be ok! I'm proud of you!!!! finding something you believe in is what you need to feel that fire of life again.
the man who sold the world - david bowie
key words: book, old knowledge, following a recipe, confusion, finally relaxing, comfortable silence, adjustments, a warm home life, fire, monsters, sleep paralysis, dreams.
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you're trying very hard and doing it in unusual ways that others may say it's wrong. a female energy is way too demanding on your spirit, they're not worried about what's underneath the surface, but you very much are. you're not trusting many people and you feel isolated, but you're like a fish in the water, dealing with these comes naturally to you. don't be afraid to feel all your emotions, even if you're alone when you do so. and trust this important male energy or man in your life, they're experienced and they will help you. this might be about love, finances, venus or mercury energy.
church girl - beyoncé
key words: organized mess, unique, distracting fun, natural, inner child, offspring, spirit, unusual, animals.
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you have your perfect match, for some reason you can't find them and you deal with it by being overly cautious and insatiable, you two mirror each other, this person is also acting like this. you might burn some bridges this week and that's honestly the best thing you could do, it'll open doors for you, you're guaranteed to see your life moving in the direction you want after this, lighting up means it's working.
breaking free - zac efron, vanessa hudgens
key words: assistant, happy cat, opening up, not thinking much, big smile, blushing, practical reasons, relief.
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this week is a lot, you may feel really out of luck, like you wish somebody would just tell you what's wrong and what's right, but you need to be your own guide! you have to analyze things and decide what they mean, what do you want from it? is it good for you? don't try to follow what you think is a moral book, it's not worth it, it'll lead you to a downfall, a breakdown. your luck will change soon because you'll believe in yourself, the fact you're still alive and not giving up, shows your strength ;)
contramão - o grilo
listen to my heart - ramones
key words: organized mess, apocalypse, unserious, your own map, weird fun, sandals, little white lies, journey of the hero, shameless, childish.
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you're lacking self control this week, you're embarrassed by it but you don't know how to stop, you may be running away from responsibilities. my adhd is attacking bad in this reading, that's probably relevant for someone, I'm very very bored and i wanna bang my head on a hard surface, I just can't focus on the cards and what they mean, everytime I try, my head and my jaw hurts and I start thinking of other things,  anything. I don't even know what the cards are saying, but this is the message, I'm sorry. here are the cards: page of wands reversed, king of wands, the empress reversed, wheel of fortune reversed, ace of pentacles reversed, 10 of wands.
the very thought of you - al bowlly
key words: balancing, randomness, old habits die hard, disappointment, shame, spotlight effect, subconscious knowledge.
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