#weekly market
eopederson · 1 year
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Tesoros turísticos: ocarinas, piedras talladas y otras cosas, mercado seminal, Tarabuco, Chuquisaca, 2006.
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Castle Combe; often named as the ‘Prettiest Village in England.'
Castle Combe, a medieval village and civil parish within Cotswolds area of outstanding natural beauty in Wiltshire, England.
The village has a rich history and the houses are made up of the honey coloured Cotswold stone, typical for a village of this area.
The village takes its name from a castle built on the hill to the north of the village in the 12th century AD, of which little now remains except earthworks.
No new homes have been built in the historic area since 1600s AD.
During the Middle Ages, the village, along with much of the Cotswolds, enjoyed prosperity due to the growth of a thriving wool industry.
Within Castle Combe, you’ll find a Market Cross and St Andrew’s Church, which dates from the 13th century AD.
The church houses a faceless clock, which is reputed to be one of oldest working clocks in the country.
Numerous weavers’ cottages were erected from local stone, and these ancient honey-hued buildings remain one of the village’s standout features today.
The village was known in particular for manufacturing a red and white cloth known as ‘Castlecombe,’ which was renowned in the markets of Bristol, Cirencester, as well as London and abroad.
In 1440 AD, King Henry VI granted Castle Combe the right to hold a weekly market, with unmistakable Market Cross monument still standing proudly today.
Castle Combe strictly banned all modern attachments such as TV dishes and external wires to the exterior of its houses, restrictions that have been instrumental in helping the historic village to maintain its authentic appearance.
As a result, the village has become a popular location for film crews, with productions including the 1967 filmed musical Doctor Dolittle, Stardust, and The Wolf Man were all shot within the village.
Castle Combe was a key filming location for Stephen Spielberg’s War Horse.
To recreate a 1914 setting, the village’s tarmac through-road was closed and covered with a temporary muddy surface.
Its modern street lamps, signage, and post boxes were either covered or removed altogether. Its white window frames were repainted with more muted colours.
📷 : Credit to the Owner
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scottydd · 7 months
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schreiberhans · 10 months
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Contrast | Berlin | o7.2o23
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kisanofindia · 1 year
इन महिला किसानों के बीच हिट हुआ साप्ताहिक बाज़ार, मिल रहा अच्छा दाम और समय-धन की हो रही बचत
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महिलाओं के लिए संजीवनी साबित हुई ‘संजीवनी योजना’
कर्नाटक की गरीब महिलाएं जो स्वयं सहायता समूह से जुड़ी हैं, उनके लिए कर्नाटक सरकार की संजीवनी योजना उम्मीद की एक किरण है। इस योजना का मकसद महिलाओं को प्रशिक्षण और मार्केटिंग की सुविधा प्रदान करके आर्थिक रूप से आत्मनिर्भर बनाना है। कैसे कर्नाटक की महिलाओं के लिए साप्ताहिक बाज़ार एक वरदान साबित हो रहे हैं, जानिए इस लेख में।
ग्रामीण इलाकों में गरीब महिलाओं को आगे बढ़ाने में स्वयं सहायता समूह की अहम भूमिका है। यह उन्हें आगे बढ़ने के लिए प्रेरित करने के साथ ही आर्थिक मदद भी प्रदान करता है। कर्नाटक सरकार संजीवनी योजना के तहत ऐसे ही स्वयं सहायता समूह की मदद करती है। गडग ज़िले के राड्डेरा नागनूर ग्राम संघ के अंतर्गत 32 स्वयं सहायता समूह आते हैं। इन स्वयं सहायता समूहों से जुड़ी महिलायें मिलकर गाँव में ही साप्ताहिक बाज़ार चलाती हैं।
गाँव में ही साप्ताहिक बाज़ार होने की वजह से आपण इन महिलाओं को अपनी उपज बेचने के लिए दूर मंडी या बाज़ार नहीं जाना पड़ता। इससे उनके परिवहन पर लगने वाले खर्च सहित अन्य खर्चों पर बचत होती है।
गांव में बनाया साप्ताहिक बाज़ार
पहले समूहों की महिलाओं को गाँव में ही अपने उत्पाद के लिए बाज़ार ढूंढने में समस्या आती थीं और उन्हें इसके लिए दूर जाना होता था। नतीजतन परिवहन खर्च बढता था और आमदनी कम होती थी। राड्डेरा नागनूर ग्राम संघ के सभी पदाधिकारियों ने संजीवनी योजना के प्रभारी अधिकारियों से आवश्यक मार्गदर्शन प्राप्त किया और फिर एक स्थानीय साप्ताहिक बाज़ार खोलने का फैसला लिया गया, जिससे खरीददारों और महिलाओं दोनों को लाभ हुआ। विक्रेताओं को जहां अपना सामान बेचने में आसानी हुई, वहीं खरीददारों को भी सामान पास में उपलब्ध होने लगा।
और पढ़ें......
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lady-raziel · 1 month
Not to talk about the watcher thing again as I’ve already kind of said my piece, but one of the most batshit insane parts of this whole unbelievable situation is that for some reason they decided that for some fucking reason the BEST time to announce this highly controversial decision was literally DAYS before they would be going on an international tour and having to face irate fans IN PERSON. Guys. What the hell. At least have the sensibility to announce a move that you HAD to have known would make people upset AFTER one of the few times you actually interact in person with your fanbase.
I hope you’re ready to investigate the Tower of London for ghosts, because I have a feeling the Londoners will be more than happy to acquaint you with the building later this week.
Insane move after insane move. Truly.
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saudistreetlife · 1 year
Day 103 AlHasa – Sunday Market
Hello all, welcome to my blog, if you don’t know what’s this project about please read this page first, thank you. مرحبا بكم جميعاً في مدونتي، إذا كنت لا تعرف عن هذا المشروع وهدفه إقرأ هنا في هذه الصفحة، شكراً لك. Hello all, new post for my Saudi Street project & it’s also from AlHasa, I went to the weekly Sunday market in AlQarah village once before and published it in Day 56 – AlHasa so I had…
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roseworth · 8 months
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everyone look at the tulips i got for free today
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strawberrystepmom · 8 months
househusband/stay at home dad kakashi thoughts are consuming me today ngl!!!!
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eopederson · 6 months
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Telas, mercado seminal, Otavalo, 2008.
These fabrics were from stalls in the part of the weekly market which focused on demand from local consumers. A later post will include photos of fabrics aimed at the tourist trade. The Otavalo weekly market is huge, claiming to the the largest in Latin America, and it is one of the primary tourist attractions in Ecuador.
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couriernewvegas · 4 days
realizing youve spent ~6 months doing literally nothing of substance . ….
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badassindistress · 5 months
This clasp is really pretty! Do you happen to have a link where one can buy them?
Isn't it pretty? Unfortunately I bought it at my local fabric market, so I don't even know the name of the shop. It's just the general type of thread and button store though, so hopefully a notions store near you would have something similar
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lilleputtu · 2 months
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Gwenya didn't just pay her debts from the money she got from Tarquin, she also invested in some new goods no one in the Glade makes yet. Marai is very grateful to get some soap to do the Foundling Home's laundry with!
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soft-cheek · 7 months
Fun fact those cool disney channel ass high schools where kids participate in tons of shit and dress however they like Do exist in real life somehow but only in big cities in rich communities
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chicago-geniza · 1 month
You know what time it is, baby
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