#wei wuxian november mayhem
rosethornewrites · 8 days
NR, E, & M reading since 8/25
Not Rated:
Consequences, by Remma3760 (32 chapters)
Madam Yu uses Zidian on child Wei Ying. There are consequences.
that is a door, by ShanaStoryteller
It's a terrible plan. Wen Qing doesn't have to agree to it.
She does anyway.
Thief's kiss, by danegen
"This time, I’ll run, and you can chase me.”
Lan Zhan’s eyelashes flutter in delicate, adorable confusion. “When I catch you . . .”
“If you catch me.” Wei Wuxian wags a finger at him. “If you catch me, you can do whatever you want.”
That makes . . . something happen on Lan Zhan’s face. Something that makes Wei Wuxian shiver.
Wei Wuxian accidentally tells Lan Wangji about their strange game of chase that night at the inn. His solution to this predicament? Obviously, they need to play again!
Copying Scriptures, by chiyukimei (6 chapters)
Wei Wuxian is never taken in by anyone, but he carves himself a place in a world that coexists with the cultivation sects. Everyone has a lot to say about Counselor Wei's past, yet he is the only one who knows what he has been through.
Written for Wei Wuxian's birthday event, for the genius WWX prompt!
Wei Wuxian November Mayhem
desiderium, by 1littlerabbit1
An ardent desire or longing.
Especially: a feeling of loss or grief for something lost.
Not that anything has been lost between Wei Wuxian and Lan Wangji... right? It's just that he can't help but be a little jealous that Mo Xuanyu could get a reaction when he'd never been able to. That's all.
A Matter of Devotion, by mrcformoso (3rd in a series)
Lan Zhan vowed, the moment the time travel array reunited him with Wei Ying, that no harm will come to his zhiji. That his zhiji will be afforded every opportunity to succeed, will be given safety and security, will always live within Lan Zhan’s line of sight. He was prepared to kill and manipulate the people around him. He was prepared to go against propriety to tie Wei Ying to himself. He was prepared to do whatever it takes to rebuild the world to one that Wei Ying deserves.
At the end of it all, he had succeeded.
But Wei Ying was different. He was everything Lan Zhan raised him to be, everything that Lan Zhan wanted, and he couldn’t help but wonder…if Wei Ying remembered his past life, would he hate Lan Zhan? Would he hate what he had become?
two phrases you'll say, by hauntedotamatone (4 chapters)
“Don’t pull that out!” Wen Qing yells, and she is right to do so. Wei Wuxian already has one hand on the shaft sticking out of his abdomen. His eyes are glazed over and his mouth is slack with shock, but he obeys anyway, lifting both of his hands and letting them drop to his sides. All he does is blink a few times.
“Ah…, I’ve been stuck before. It’s not even that deep.”
“Wei Wuxian!”
He takes one step and half of another before his legs simply stop working and fold beneath him.
An unexpected attack on the fringes of the Burial Mounds reminds Wen Qing how thin the thread holding their lives together truly is and just how easily it could be snipped.
Pushed to the very fringes of the world she once knew and made to rely on someone else, her healer's hands no longer feel so clean.
Something is wrong with A-Zhan!, by HeloSoph (🔒, 6 chapters)
Something is very wrong with Lan Xichen's younger brother.
First, he didn't wake up at his usual time.
Then, when he did wake up, he called him xiongzhang.
And as if that wasn't enough, he hugged him!
A-Zhan, the boy who hates physical contact since their mother's passing, hugged his brother on his own accord!
And as if the day couldn't get weirder-
“Yes, shufu.”
“What did shufu say before he let you and your dada go?”
“To get something we like.”
“And what did A-Zhan do?”
“A-Zhan likes Wei Ying.”
Lan Qiren’s eye twitched again.
OR: Lan Wangji time travels and decides to change everything.
Looked so alive, turns out i'm not real, by KatAnni (9 chapters)
"Nothing leaves the Burial Mounds alive."
Lan Wangji goes on a side mission night hunt with Wei Wuxian during the Sunshot Campaign, and finds out just how true that statement is. Inquiry rings through the room, and Wei Wuxian answers.
This of course, has consequences.
Not Rated:
If You Forget Me, by DivideTheSorrow
Wei Wuxian creates an array that allows him to travel back in time. He returns to his student days at the Cloud Recesses not only to fix the past, but to prevent a great catastrophe that takes place in his future.
But what could have happened to cause Wei Wuxian to lose his smile? What great betrayal occurred that he is reluctant to speak of?
Why does the future Wei Wuxian hate the Second Jade of Lan?
well-met by warlight, by wukuiyuxin
I met him in moonlight; first-met by starlight
He fled me and fought me; and chasing I fell.
I met him, I matched him; astonished I watched him
Unarmed, unhanded; and bested so well.
wangxian, but make it GERMANIC BATTLE POETRY (with a contemporary twist)
The Threads of Fate, by WaitForTheSnitch
“What would you do if you could have him back?” Nie Huaisang asked him, a bit too seriously as he leaned forward.
“There is no way for a dead cultivator to return,” Jiang Cheng scoffed, not even willing to entertain the thought.
“Perhaps, perhaps not,” Nie Huaisang shrugged, “Even if he came back, that wouldn’t do much to help, would it? Your sister is still gone. His reputation still damaged.”
“Stop speaking in riddles,” Jiang Wanyin growled, “What did you come here for, Nie Huaisang?”
“I asked you what you would do for your brother back,” Nie Huaisang started, “I would do anything to have mine back, Jiang Wanyin. And I’m here to offer you that same choice. Because our brothers’ deaths never should have happened. They happened because of schemes and plots. They happened because of lies and deception. Your brother was made to be a villain and was led to his death because he was too powerful. Mine was murdered because he stood in the way of Jin Guangshan.”
There's nothing Jiang Cheng wouldn't do to have his siblings back. And when Nie Huaisang comes to him with a proposal to save them by changing everything, he doesn't even hesitate to agree.
Only with Time, by adrian_kres (🔒)
Thirteen years ago, Wei Wuxian and Lan Wangji were arranged to be married as is tradition. Throughout their thirteen-year-long "courtship," things were not always as they seemed. Now, newly married, old secrets have ripped open wounds they thought were closed, and they must work together to rebuild a trust they never had and a love they always did but couldn't see.
Told from alternating points of view between LWJ and WWX with frequent flashbacks to memories of their "courtship".
The "Patriarch" Was Supposed to be Ironic (or, Wei Wuxian, Chief Cultivator), by groignequi
Wei Wuxian makes a wish he didn't intend; Lan Wangji creates a path forward.
The form flickers, letting curls of smoke form something like a smile, and responds, “What is it you want, patriarch?”
And Wei Wuxian, incautious at the wrong (the right) moment, says “A way to fix all of it.”
He hears the reply: “As you wish.”
He knows he’s made a mistake the second the form disperses, moving too fast and in too many directions to be called back and subdued.
Only a few hours later, in Koi Tower, a visiting handmaid finds her madam crying over rumors about her daughter’s marriage.
Army Dreamers, by Forever_Marie
Lan Wangji finds Wei Wuxian in the field with strangle marks and other horrible injuries after Lotus Pier falls.
He takes him back to Gusu.
(一日三秋) One day (seems like) three autumns, by SpicyRamen_10969
13 Years ago, Wei Ying disappeared.
13 years later, two teenage boys find a man collapsed and bleeding on the side of the road.
This is the story of how Wei Ying finds himself going from homeless to living with his childhood best friend, Lan Wangji, and finally getting the help and love he needs and deserves.
(Un)Hidden truth, by Sarah_R
After watching his husband; his son; nephew; brother and little radishes dying in front of him one by one because of a source of resentful energy; Wei WuXian dies too as he destroys it.
But instead of darkness; he finds himself back in the past when he had just gotten kicked out of the cloud recess and everything looks so peaceful he can’t stand it. No…no no no he really can’t go through this hell again. Not again. Not after everything was supposed to be over.
Not knowing that Lan WangJi has been thrown back in time as well; he tries; and fails at taking his own life by slitting his throat open in the middle of lotus pier and so; he decides to show everyone the future.
If he’s going to live this hell again; he’s going to change it and if these people are suddenly so determined to keep him alive; then he’s not going to let them die either.
It doesn’t matter if they end up hating him just as much as he hates himself.
(Or; another time travel fix-it which happens to be a watching the show fic as well! With our favorite baby boy and his husband; all their ducklings and their very much alive family and friends from the past.)
travelers through the empty gate, by stiltonbasket
Ten years after eliminating the Jiang and Nie clans, Emperor Wen Ruohan is dethroned by a young demonic cultivator from the outlands of Yiling, who surpasses him in both talent and cruelty. Where Wen Ruohan burned his enemies, Emperor Yiling raises his from the dead, and sends them through the imperial city to hunt down every last remnant of the Wen clan that tries to evade his clutches.
The last thing Lan Wangji wants to do with the Yiling huangdi is marry him.
Unfortunately, his family's fall from grace leaves him with no other choice.
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twilightarc-gm · 1 year
For the ask game, main fic, please?
For this Tag Game. Pallas~ Hiii~
So like, 'mainfic' more properly titled "This River Runs Beyond Heaven and Earth" in English...
Anyone on either the Chengxian or JC discord servers have heard something about 'mainfic'. Anyone who has read the author notes on my published stuff also know a little bit about it. It's the behemoth multi-part story I have been working on since November 2021 and is on its second draft currently.
All the world-building and plot hole filling I have ever done for Modao Zushi is in mainfic: A post-canon, canon-compliant, JC-centric, slice-of-life with some action, family drama, made into high fantasy, with fluff, some hurt/comfort and of course some angst. Features ymsj recon, OCs, established JC/ OMC, getting together chengxian, major(?) character death, mythical monsters and disastrous mayhem, along with some political drama supplemented with "the True master of Demonic Cultivation".
Also dogs and JC's menagerie of spirit animals. Because I can.
Every headcanon I have is in mainfic honestly and what can't be handled by the post-canon drama is then brought up in flashbacks, MXTX style.
1st draft was 200k at 1/3 done. 2nd Draft is probably going to hit 200k again for only a 1/4 done? Hard to tell. I keep accelerating the timeline for ymsj recon because I keep heaping on the trauma for Wei Wuxian until he breaks over and over again. 🤔 Meanwhile JC is just trying to 'let the past go' like he was challenged to do at the temple, but evil forces are very interested in his gifted golden core... Oops...
It's hard to find a good snippet for the entire story but here's something I like:
“What demon attack?” Jīn Líng snaps his attention up. “Nothing Yúnmèng Jiāng can’t handle. It might not be a real problem anymore now that I don’t have Chenqing.” Cultivators emulating the Yílíng Lǎozǔ trying to infiltrate or attack Liánhuā Wù have steeply dropped off since the Yílíng Lǎozǔ’s return. “Still, if I can train a pack to help secure the sect, it’d free up more of my people to make circuits within Hubei.” Jīn Líng flips through pages without real focus. “I still don’t understand why you have to do this. It’s like you want him to stay away.” He tosses the book back on the table and crosses his arms over his chest to emphasize what Jiāng Chéng is sure is his best angry face, but Jiāng Chéng can only see the puffy cheeks of youth and the beginnings of a tantrum. “I said he asked after you! He wants to know if you’re well! Doesn’t that mean anything? Why won’t you let me tell him anything?” There’s one book that features a mountainous breed that is kept by some Buddhist monks. It’s this one he makes notes on, weighing pros and cons of bringing such a fluffy, massive breed this far south in the humidity and near water. “Jiùjiu!” “So? He’s always been nosy. He can settle for gossip like anyone else.” No debts. They are strangers. It’s in the past. Jiāng Chéng forces himself to take a subtle, long inhale so the burning in his lungs will stop and the cord around his heart will loosen. Fairy whines as she shoves her face into his knee. “He was just…” Jīn Líng deflates; gives into a childish sulk. “He laughed it off, but for just a moment I thought maybe he didn’t like it when I said I couldn’t tell him.” Contrary to the awful subject, Jiāng Chéng does feel a deluge of gratitude that Jīn Líng is keeping his mouth shut like he was asked. Wèi Wúxiàn has already been hurt by Jiāng Chéng in both lives, so what’s the point of reminding him that they ever had a connection at all?
Okay, but ow I hurt myself in just this snippet 😭
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themagnusbane · 2 years
All of 'Dem Things
It finally hit me that I should probably create a pinned post so my crackpot of a blog is slightly more navigable. So here you go.
Name is Noria. Pronouns are she/her. I use queer as an umbrella term because it best captures my experience as a biromantic graysexual who's attracted to women, non-binary folx, pretty boys, and G-Dragon (who is technically a pretty boy. But my man is his own category. It is what it is).
Currently watching: Between Us, GAP the Series, My School President, Old Fashion Cupcake
Present obsession: Love in the Air, KinnPorsche
All-time obsession: Grandmaster of Demonic Cultivation (Modaozushi), One Piece, Sandman comic, Death (as a concept), RPGs, especially Mass Effect and Dragon Age (Yes. BioWare owns my ass. Corporate fucks!).
Show Reviews/Thoughts
Gap the series: Episode 1, Episode 2, Episode 3, Episode 4, Episode 5, Episode 6, Episode 7, Episode 8, Episode 9, Episode 10, Episode 11, Episode 12
Fanfic (in order of most recent):
Never Have I Ever (Love in the Air) one shot.
Prapai finally apologies for the twink he had draped over him in episode 12. All hail the gremlin king: Saifha!!
31 Days of Wei Wuxian (Mo dao zu shi) 1/31.
It's meant to be a collection of one shots and drabbles, based off the 2021 Mayhem November prompts. I will probably get back to this soon)
The Killing Machine (Shadowhunters) 3/12.
Two separate assassin groups, pair up to kill the fucker who's put a price on their heads and on the heads of those they love. Everybody's an assassin. Except for Luke. And everybody's fucking. My ass hasn't updated this in 4 years. I need to rewatch the show if I plan on continuing this. I probably should. I hate leaving this uncompleted).
Woven in my Soul (Shadowhunters) 1/10.
What if the devil employs the services of an angel, to locate his missing prince of hell? Alec's an angel (because of course he is). Magnus's the prince of hell (duh!). And their union is about to be cataclysmic. Or it would be. If I got my head out of my ass and actually continued writing this. Urgh. I really need to rewatch Shadowhunters this holiday, so I can finish up the two fics.
Spotter (Shadowhunters) one shot.
Jace drags Alec to the gym where he meets very buff, very foine Magnus Bane. Magnus is a babe and he knows it. Honestly this is one of my most closest to life fic experiences. Cuz I did become a gym nut for a short period of time, cuz of a crush and what can I say? No knowledge or experience is ever wasted!
31 Days of Magnus Bane (Shadowhunters) 31/31
A collection of ficlets and drabbles celebrating Magnus Bane in all his magnificent glory. And unlike my Wei Wuxian one, this one is actually complete. I really should finish Wei Wuxian's fic though. Urgh!
And So It Begins (Shadowhunters Universe - TDA) one shot
Domestic fluff that has Max Lightwood-Bane asking a ton of questions, nudging his parents into getting him a sibling. Honestly this is more Shadowhunters universe than the TV show, as neither Max nor Rafa made it to the show, but they are in the books.
It's Time to Lose Your Virginity Brother Dearest (Shadowhunters) 9/9
Magnus is a stripper. Alec's having a birthday. There's some plot in there somewhere. This was actually inspired by a prompt from a tumblr mutual who isn't on here anymore, and was a blast to write.
Happy Birthday, Beautiful (Shadowhunters World Inverted) one shot
Takes place in the world inverted shadowhunters universe. Magnus isn't interested in celebrating his birthday. Alec, his boyfriend, and party planner extraordinaire, disagrees. This was my first fic on AO3 after years of lurking. Still holds a special place in my heart, truth be told.
Ficlets and drabbles
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pocketfulofrecs · 3 years
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List of SFW Fics
Two lifetimes told in moments by A_Mirror_of_memories - [general | 2k]
the solution within the unknown by PrismaticAvocado - [general | 937 words | genius!WWX and appreciation]
this precious soul of mine, it’s so beautiful by Sienne - [not rated | 8k | wip]
Moon’s Love by RighteousInAdversity - [teen | 1.7k | moonlight]
on this night (with the bright moonlight) by PrismaticAVocado - [general | 571 words | moonlight, reincarnation and cuddles]
Once upon a time by Muggle_Diary - [general | 1.3k | moonlight]
31 Days of Wangxian by Itenoria - [general | 525 words | collection]
moonlight by Sienne - [not rated | 6.2k | moonlight]
spaces between words (hiding the truth skillfully) by PrismaticAvocado - [general | 651 words | truth serum]
And This Fire Will Guide You Home by Admiranda - [general | 1.1k]
in this world (it’s just you and me) - [mature | 946 words | pain tolerance, overprotective]
Beneath the Magnolia Blossoms by Admiranda - [general | 897 words]
By Fire and Starlight by Admiranda - [teen | 1.5k]
a waiting warmth by hauntedotamatone - [mature | 1.4k | appreciation and temperature]
and i’ll be there by justdoityoufucker - [general | 743 words | appreciation]
incessant dissonance by PrismaticAvocado - [general | 1k | appreciation and sword skills]
appreciation by Sienne - [not rated | 3.2k | appreciation]
Chicks by AshayaTReldai - [general | 844 words | parent]
paint the picture that you want by PrismaticAvocado - [teen | 3.1k | parent, artist and painting]
all you have to do is call by justdoityoufucker - [teen | 1.6k | lingering touches]
Lingering Seasons by RighteousInAdversity - [teen | 1.2k | lingering touches]
whatever it is you imagined (i’ll show you everything) by PrismaticAvocado - [general | 1.2k | lingering touches]
I Just Want To Be Part Of Your Symphony by AshayaTReldai - [mature | 3.2k | musical magic]
Breathless Aches by RighteousInAdversity - [teen | 1.2k | musical magic]
Forgotten Envies by Muggle_Diary - [general | 2.9k | reincarnation]
so i hold you close by PrismaticAvocado - [general | 2.1k | stabbed]
some love and care by justdoityoufucker - [general | 1.3k | cuddles]
you soothe me just to torture me again by PrismaticAvacado - [mature | 4.7k | op WWX, BAMF Yiling Laozu]
A Year and a Day by Admiranda - [teen | 5.4k | wip]
Heart’s Courage by RighteousInAdversity - [teen | 14k | genius WWX]
The Young, The Horny, the Jaded and the Jade: Partners in Time by Admiranda - [mature | 11k | wip]
a product of wicked suggestion by iruze - [not rated | 1.2k]
WWX’s Birthday Oneshots by origami79 - [teen | 22k | wip | collection]
Shades of Red by Muggle_Diary - [general | 430 words | ribbon, outsider pov]
After Truth Lies the Honest Path by Vrishchika - [mature | 10k | wip | truth serum]
The Price of a Golden Core by AshayaTReldai - [mature | 9.2k | marriage]
A WWX November Mayhem Drabble Collection by Preludian Staves - [not rated | 14k | collection]
The Prince and His Guard by Admiranda - [teen | 8.7k]
Wake the Wind and the Dead by Admiranda, AvaRune and Rynne - [mature | 18k | wip | reincarnation]
WWX November Mayhem Prompts by demonqt - [mature | 23k | wip | collection]
Remember to leave some love for these lovely authors!
Also check the List of NSFW fics!
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wwxadhd · 3 years
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Power | Nov. 9 prompt: musical magic
Wei Wuxian November Mayhem event by @pocketfulofrecs
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admirableadmiranda · 3 years
The Young, The Horny, The Jaded and the Jade:  Partners in Time
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The Young, The Horny, The Jaded and the Jade: Partners in Time by Admiranda
Rating: T (subject to change) Chapters:1/? Relationship: Wangxian, twice. Status: In Progress
“While leaving Lan Yi's cave, the Yin Iron makes a bid for freedom and drags a young Wei Wuxian and Lan Wangji across time. Landing in a world not their own, they are met by their older selves. After all, if they can cross time and space, what's to stop someone else who decides to do that? The only solution? The adults will deal with the problems and remove the malevolent metal from the equation before it has a chance to disturb their own well earned peace. The quest to destroy the Yin Iron has begun.“
For @pocketfulofrecs​ Wei Wuxian November Mayhem
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bow down to me | god! WWX
list of songs:
Flying Asparas LAY
Dream In A Dream TEN
Castle Halsey
Moonwalk WayV
Regular WayV
Young And Beautiful Lana Del Rey
The 7th Sense NCT U
Infinity SuperM
wei wuxian november mayhem event by @pocketfulofrecs
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kitsunace · 3 years
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Happy Birthday, WWX!
Wei Wuxian November Mayhem event prompts 1, 24, and 27
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demoniqt · 3 years
WWX November Mayhem Day 14!
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Title: The Patron God of Yiling
Rating: General
Status: One shot (Complete)
Relationship: Wangxian
Prompt: OP WWX
Summary: A year after Wei Wuxian's death, a whisper of a new deity was birthed amongst the people of Yiling.
A year after Wei Wuxian's death, a whisper of a new deity was birthed amongst the people of Yiling.
It started quite innocuously. Hacks claimed that the painting of the scourge of Yiling could ward of evil if it was pasted on the doors of their homes. It was ridiculous but somehow, the idea stuck and people started believing that the Yiling Laozu could really protect homes from evil.
Then, a toddler went missing for nearly a day after wandering off from an inattentive father, before finding his own way home late that night. Her mother, who had seen the little boy wandering towards the house, reported having seen a ghostly light leading her son home. When questioned, the formerly-missing boy said that he had gotten lost and a gege in black and red found him. The young man then led him home, somehow knowing where he lived without the boy telling him.
From there, the legend of the Yiling Laozu evolved.
Children who would regularly come home late would come home early or on time, telling their parents that a gege in black and red was telling them that the weather would turn bad soon and to go home or they would be caught in a storm. And sure enough, by night fall, a terrible thunderstorm would befall their little town.
And there was the time when a young man who just became a father fell from a cliff while coming home from the farm. He survived the fall but broke his leg in the process. He shouted for help but none came as it was late and there were little traffic in that area to begin with. The young man bemoaned his fate, thinking of his wife and child as he sobbed miserably at the bottom of the gorge. But as his luck would have it, two days into his ordeal, his wife and his neighbour found him.
It was later that he found out that his wife had seen a young man in black and red beckoning her from their gate two nights before. He'd pointed towards the direction of the farm but when she came out of the gate, he'd disappeared. She had been scared at the thought that she had seen a ghost and decided to barricade herself at home until her husband returned.
Except, he didn't. And the whole village went out to search for her missing husband the next day, but to no avail.
That is, until his wife once again saw the same young man in black and red beckoning her from the cliffside and pointing down at the ravine. When she had seen him this time, she knew instinctively then that the ghostly young man was not trying to harm her, but to lead her to her husband.
And sure enough, her husband was lying down at the bottom of the gorge with a broken leg, thirsty and starved but alive.
She didn't know who the young man in black and red was, though she had her suspicion. The whispers of a protective deity in Yiling had been growing stronger these days. So she sent a pray of thanks to him when they had rescued her husband and brought him home and even went as far as to put a bowl of fruits at the cliffside to thank him for his help.
Then, came a day when a two-year-old child died in the care of her mother. The little girl was running around after a butterfly and had slipped on a patch of mud. She fell and in front of her horrified mother, slammed her head onto a stone and died.
Her family mourned her greatly, especially her mother as the little girl had been her first and only child. It was clearly an accident but the young mother couldn't stop blaming herself for the death of her child. She was so guilt-ridden and mourned her little girl so greatly that she'd bundled up the cold body of her baby and climbed up to the entrance of the abandoned Burial Mounds.
There, she started praying to the Yiling Laozu to bring back her child. To give her another chance to be with her baby. She knew that the Yiling Laozu had been proclaimed dead for some time now but her desperation knew no bounds. Her mother's love would not give up the slightest hope, even though it had been over 3 days and her baby should have been buried sooner.
She spent hours crying, kowtowing and pleading for any gods to help her and her baby. But there was no answer and so, in her desperation, she had turned to someone she heard could bring back the dead.
She didn't know how long she knelt there praying with tears in her eyes and her dead baby in her arms but at some point, she passed out on the cold ground and woke up to warmth. Then she realised that there was a warm, thick blanket around her shoulders and she could hear a humming above her as a cold hand patted her matted hair before the touch disappeared.
She opened her eyes blearily and realised that her child was no longer in her arms. The young mother bolted up then and saw a young man holding her giggling child in his arms, looking alive and well.
"Baobao?" she whispered in disbelief, tears flooding her swollen eyes once more.
"Mama!" her baby called, little hands reaching out to her.
The young man handed her baby to the young woman who promptly burst into tears. She apologised to her baby for being negligent, for not being a better mother and for everything else she couldn't think of. She kissed her baby and told her that she loved her. Her baby accepted her kisses and cuddles happily, laughing gaily at her silly mother.
"Thank you, thank you, thank you for bringing her back," she said, bowing repeatedly to the young man, who smiled sadly at her.
"I didn't bring her back," he said. "She was never gone."
"She couldn't stand seeing her mother so sad. So she stayed," he explained. Then he thought for a moment. "Normally, children's souls would be sent into the reincarnation cycle immediately as to avoid having their innocent souls tainted. But I suppose I can make an exception for you, just this once."
Before she could understand what the young man was saying, he touched her baby's head and the little girl became a white glowing orb that he gently pushed into the young lady's abdomen.
"There. Now she is with you once again," the young (man?) said. "Don't waste this second chance, okay?"
The young lady nodded and then...
She woke up. On the cold ground at the entrance to Yiling's Burial Mound. In her arms was the mottled body of her baby.
The young lady got up, pulled the corpse close and gave the cold forehead one last kiss before returning home for the funeral.
It didn't surprise her at all when a month later, her physician inform her that she was with child.
After all, Wei Wuxian, the patron God of Yiling, told her that her baby was to be reborn to her again.
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mathi-cql · 3 years
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Wei Wuxian in Wedding Red! For Day 29 of @pocketfulofrecs Wei Wuxian November Mayhem sfw prompt, Marriage!
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rosethornewrites · 2 months
NR, E, & M reading since 5/12
Not Rated:
LQR is old quasi-immortal, WRH is young, by nirejseki
Prompt: AU of Spilled Pearl's where Lan Qiren is the older one by many generations and Wen Rouhan is a young upstart, Maybe even the youngest in his generation.
Jiang Cheng- Dumb Ways to Die, by such_stuff_as_dreams_are_made_on (17 chapters)
Jiang Cheng somehow manages to send his consciousness back in time. However, instead of saving everyone, he keeps on dying.
duo xie, by Inventorofchairs
Heart of the Beast, by WaitForTheSnitch (109 chapters)
“Wei Ying?” Nie Mingjue prompted him gently. “Where are your parents?”
“They went on a night hunt,” Wei Ying said, a bit evasively.
“Your parents are cultivators?” Da-ge asked in surprise. “Did they leave you here while they hunted? When did they go on their night hunt?”
“Four summers ago,” Wei Ying said a bit uncomfortable.
“Four summers ago,” Nie Mingjue repeated. “What are your parents’ names?”
“My mama is Cangse Sanren and my baba is Wei Changze,” Wei Ying told him, and recognition registered in Nie Mingjue’s eyes.
“Wei Ying,” Nie Mingjue said, sounding a bit regretful, “Your parents aren’t coming back.”
Or, Nie Mingjue and Nie Huaisang run into Wei Ying while in Yiling and decide to bring him home. And it changes everything.
The Price of a Golden Core, by AshayaTReldai (2nd in a series)
A story in which the consequences of his choices play out in full for Jiang Cheng. Demand a price for Wei Wuxian from the Gusu Lan? This is what happens.
A companion piece to Bride Price.
Written as part of the Wei Wuxian November Mayhem event @pocketfulofrecs, Day 29 SFW: Marriage.
A Brother's Choice, by Admiranda
Once upon a time, there was a genius and his friend, who thought more fondly of each other than friend could cover, although they had yet to admit it to each other. The genius, thinking wistfully on days when they were younger, had been struck by an idea then. After some experimentation he had created a talisman that essentially created a door to another time, where one longing to see a long lost face could go and see that person again, and return back at the end. After all, he was not interested in reliving those long, painful years even if he could change some things for the better. Once had been more than enough.
He offered it to his dear friend first, thinking of a young woman who had inspired and sheltered them both in times of turmoil “Wen Ning, you could see your sister again! You should get the chance first, then you can tell me if it's safe for me and Lan Zhan to use it as well.”
So he had taken the chance, to wander back many many years, to when they were children, and the world was simpler. But he didn't tell Wei Wuxian of all of his plans back in this time.
till death, by darjeelinh
Near death after destroying the Stygian Tiger Seal, Wei Wuxian has one last wish.
He wishes to see Lan Zhan one last time.
The universe grants him this final act of kindness.
In the dead of night, Lan Wangji wakes up with a surprise visitor.
Close call, by 10thNoNamePerson
Wei Wuxian gets hurt during the Sunshot Campaign , and Lan Zhan notices.
somewhere in her smile she knows, by pennydaniels
Yu Ziyuan never expected to be able to wrap up the Wei Wuxian issue so neatly, but of course things always turn out well for girls like that.
Not Rated:
Beiming: To Lament- 33 Reasons to Change the Past, by ravenhg (🔒)
It had been one week since Wei Wuxian’s life ended.
One week since his love, his life, his everything, had been ambushed by remnants of Jin Guangyao and Su She’s followers.
Wei Wuxian really should have known better.
“What will you do, gongzi?” Wen Ning asked quietly.
Wei Wuxian smiled, his eyes burning like coals.
After the death of the most important person in their lives, Wei Wuxian and Lan Qiren choose to return to the past to prevent everything. This changes things.
Disclosed Regrets, by HuaisangsIntellect
One typical, ordinary morning, the entirety of the cultivation world awaken in a strange room resembling that of the Burial Mounds. Wei Wuxian, as usual, is the prime suspect for their mysterious appearance. Although...
"A-Xian!" "Wei Ying!" "Wei Wuxian!"
What entity transported them into that strange room, and for what purpose? And someone PLEASE explain to Jiang Wanyin why Wen Ruohan is having the time of his life right now..!!
And most importantly, why are both Wei Wuxian's past AND thoughts being broadcasted to everyone? And why, for the last time, are all of the supposedly-dead people (including the bad guys) alive again?
(Or: The characters of Mo Dao Zu Shi watch Mo Dao Zu Shi)
Only with Time, by adrian_kres (🔒)
Thirteen years ago, Wei Wuxian and Lan Wangji were arranged to be married as is tradition. Throughout their thirteen-year-long "courtship," things were not always as they seemed. Now, newly married, old secrets have ripped open wounds they thought were closed, and they must work together to rebuild a trust they never had and a love they always did but couldn't see.
The "Patriarch" Was Supposed to be Ironic (or, Wei Wuxian, Chief Cultivator), by groignequi
Wei Wuxian makes a wish he didn't intend; Lan Wangji creates a path forward.
The form flickers, letting curls of smoke form something like a smile, and responds, “What is it you want, patriarch?”
And Wei Wuxian, incautious at the wrong (the right) moment, says “A way to fix all of it.”
He hears the reply: “As you wish.”
He knows he’s made a mistake the second the form disperses, moving too fast and in too many directions to be called back and subdued.
Only a few hours later, in Koi Tower, a visiting handmaid finds her madam crying over rumors about her daughter’s marriage.
Our Beautiful Homes, by Randomness_is_my_order
I, Jin Guangyao, a senior disciple of the Lanling Jin Clan write to you regarding a matter of grave importance. Kindly pardon the abrupt correspondence but I hope the situation will warrant such measures and the offence incurred will be minimal.
Wei Wuxian’s day had really become so interesting, hadn’t it? The Lianfang-zun writing to him–this lowly practitioner of the heretic path? My, my, his life was always filled with surprises, wasn’t it?
Sometimes, it takes a hundred sacrifices and a dozen heroes to change fate. Other times, it takes a rock and a sentient corpse tripping on it mid-fight to avoid a lifetime of tragedies and send destiny into a tailspin.
In which Wen Ning misses his attack, Jin Zixuan lives and Wei Wuxian builds a sect for all those who don’t have a home. It is only thirteen years later that the cultivation world bothers to acknowledge him and his people, and only when they’re desperate for a favour.
Never let it be said that Wei Wuxian would allow himself to be used.
marital customs, by shijieswife
Cangse, with the growing up on a mountain under the hand of an immortal cultivator who had not descended in several hundred years, often has not a clue, about a single one of the customs down the mountain.
She has very little idea of customs, or respect for them, despite her decades living down from the mountain. And this, unlike other things, is something Changze has no experience in either - the art of dealing with suitors for your first born child’s hand.
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sienne-k · 3 years
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bunji and bunxian | cuddles
Wei Wuxian November Mayhem event by @pocketfulofrecs
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themagnusbane · 2 years
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I posted 239 times in 2022
11 posts created (5%)
228 posts reblogged (95%)
Blogs I reblogged the most:
I tagged 229 of my posts in 2022
Only 4% of my posts had no tags
#you’ve got to be queueing me - 107 posts
#you’ve got to me queueing me - 39 posts
#love in the air - 31 posts
#kinnporsche - 18 posts
#mdzs - 16 posts
#payurain - 15 posts
#lita - 14 posts
#love in the air the series - 14 posts
#wei wuxian - 14 posts
#mass effect - 13 posts
Longest Tag: 137 characters
#i say let me enjoy my trashy gay smut. my artsy queer awakening cinema. my revolutionary punk rock burn down the establishment love story
My Top Posts in 2022:
Gap The Series Episode 02 Thoughts
1. Everyone calls her Mon. But you can call her future wife. Love of my life. Walking goddess. Baby girl. The choices are endless Sam!!
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2. Hfffgghhfhh. Or babe. Babe is a good pick too 😂😂.
3. Aaaaaand we have our first eye-fucking of the episode!!! This show’s like we know lesbians. Half of their foreplay is eye-fucking, and we aim to be as accurate as possible. To which I say, thank you for the blessing and consideration 🙌🏾🙌🏾
4. Oh Sam dearest. She’s not saying you’re old. She’s calling you Mommy!! 😏
5. Hear that “Your Line in my phone. Now” voice??? And you wonder why she calls you Mommy 😂😂
6. I feel you Sam! If my crush gave me their jacket, I’m never washing it, or taking it off!!!
See the full post
23 notes - Posted November 27, 2022
Never Have I Ever - A PrapaiSky Fic(let)
So the thing is, I haven't written in almost 4 years (and no. My WangXian short doesn't count because it was meant to be 31 chapters and I still have 30 chapters unwritten since Mayhem November last year).
But, @suga4mycoffee requested for a fic where Prapai is made to realize just how badly he fucked up, based on the tags I made to her post, so that got the dusty ass writing plot bunnies going and now you have a fic that I think is rusty af, but I hope you enjoy anyway Suga.
If looks could kill, Saifha was sure his twin would have had him drawn and quartered, buried in a shallow grave with no headstone to commemorate his passing. And if he were a nicer twin, he would probably have found remorse buried somewhere in the depths of his heart.
But alas, he is very much Payu’s twin, and bringing his brother a measure of discomfort and misery soothed his soul. The fact that it made Payu’s boyfriend just a little bit miffed, which in turn meant that Nong Rain turned those bright eyes of his on his boyfriend in a glare that would have withered a lesser man, was just icing on an already spectacular cake. 
Having Nong Sky and Prapai caught up in all this however, wasn’t something he had planned.
But… Did he find it entertaining anyway? Certainly. It was wonderful the number of secrets that a simple game of Never Have I Ever, which he is proud to admit was his suggestion, could unravel. Besides, when you looked at it from the right perspective, he really was doing them all a collective favour. Best to let them air our their fears and insecurities and hurt, so their relationships can be the more stronger for it. 
Really, he should be deified for all the service he’s been rendering. 
“Never have I ever had an ex draped all over me, even though I already have a boyfriend, and I didn’t push said ex off, the minute he pulled his shit.”
At the words, Saifha’s eyes snapped to Nong Sky, and then Prapai. At the same time, Nong Rain turned to look at his best friend, whilst Payu’s eyes were locked on Prapai. 
“That is… Oddly specific,” Saifha murmured, leaning back to watch the chaos unfold. 
Praipai meanwhile leaned forward, fingers flexing on his glass of scotch whiskey, already half empty, because Prapai apparently had very few Never Have I Evers, and although Nong Sky’s been smiling every time Prapai’s had to lift that glass to his mouth for a drink—oh to be young and sickeningly in love—there was no smile on his face now, as he waited for Prapai. As they all waited for Prapai. 
Praipai meanwhile had his eyes on Nong Sky, a softening in their brown depths that pulled a low sound from his boyfriend’s throat, had Nong Rain’s eyes widening, and Payu tilting his head the way he did when he was furiously trying to connect the dots. 
Saifha could feel his own eyes widening. Oh shit. He fucked up didn’t he?
“You saw?” The words came out in a whisper so low, the wind almost caught it and erased it. But they were all hanging on a thread, heightened by the hurt in Nong Sky’s voice, and the remorse in Praipai’s, that they all heard it. 
“Are you drinking or not P’Pai?” Nong Sky’s voice was cold. Gone was the teasing inflection that Saifha was used to hearing. And clearly he wasn’t the only one who noticed. Nong Rain’s mouth was open, and Prapai flinched. 
Saifha watched him take a deep breath, and down the rest of the whiskey in one gulp. 
He heard an explosion of sound as Nong Rain launched himself at Prapai, only to be pulled back by Payu. Saifha noted that the grip Payu had on his boyfriend was loose, barely restraining him as Nong Rain’s eyes spat way more rage than that little body should have access to. 
Saifha could tell. If Payu wasn’t holding Nong Rain back, Prapai would have had to deal with the nails and teeth of his boyfriend’s best friend who looked like he was minutes away from breaking free of Payu’s hold and dealing all the hurt he could at the man who’d dared to hurt his friend. 
And with the way Payu was holding him, Saifha could tell that he was really considering letting go, and giving Nong Rain the free rein to dole out all the damage he wanted. 
Nong Sky meanwhile seemed to let loose all the air that he’d held in, waiting for Prapai’s response. Saifha watched as he deflated, and curved into himself. His hands digging into the flesh of his upper arms as he rocked back and forth. 
“I’m sorry,” Prapai whispered, knees sinking to the floor right in front of Nong Sky, hands reaching out to touch him, and then pulling back, fingers flexing like he didn’t have the right to do that anymore. 
“How could you P’Pai? How could you?” Nong Rain’s voice kept rising, his feet trying hard to connect with Prapai’s shin. But Payu’s hold held strong and he couldn’t come close. 
“Why?” At Nong Sky’s whispered question, everyone quieted. Prapai slid a step closer, and Nong Sky’s eyes locked with his. 
Saifha could feel the moment when everything, and everyone else faded away for them. They were together, in their own cocoon of hurt and pain and regret. 
“Why are you sorry P’Pai?”
“Are you sorry that you said you would be out in 5mins and you didn’t keep that promise? That I ran into girls there who were talking about how they wanted to fuck you? Are you sorry that they mentioned that P’Payu had made it clear that he had a boyfriend, but they had no idea that we were together? Are you sorry that they thought they had a chance with you because they didn’t know otherwise, because you didn’t tell them otherwise?” 
Saifha watched Prapai’s shoulders slump with each question that Nong Sky tossed his way. The younger boy’s voice was low and level. No inflection of the rage that Saifha would have expected. It was like he had sunk deep into the depth of all that hurt and pain; like they were were questions he had asked himself over and over again, until he had numbed himself to it, and disassociated from it all.
See the full post
62 notes - Posted November 22, 2022
Everybody else: The special episode had Daddy Kink, Prapai eating Sky out on a conference desk leading to some conference desk fucking, Sky pulling out his claws on one of Prapai’s exes, Rain and Sky being dumbasses and Sig having his villain cackle moment…
Look at Monkey D. Sky go! He’s going to become the king of boyfriends! 🤣🤣🤣🤣
102 notes - Posted November 27, 2022
Things that will live in my head rent free, courtesy of the special episode
1. Daddyyyyyyyyy
2. Rain’s little hitch of his hips and eye rolling to the back of his head as Payu slides in
3. Conference tables are for gaming and fucking and gaming while fucking and fucking while pretending to be gaming
4. Payu in a pilot uniform
5. Prapai’s “huh” at Sky saying they should have a bath
6. Payu thumping Rain’s lower lip with that whispered “I’m trying to make it up to you now”
7. That little hitch to Prapai’s breath and his “absolutely” to Sky asking if he wants to kiss him
8. Payu and Rain’s final “I love yous” 😭😭😭
9. Prapai’s “I want to have the right to take care of you” proposal
10. Payu’s ass in those wet CLINGY white trousers. Jesus fucking Christ!!!
604 notes - Posted November 27, 2022
My #1 post of 2022
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See the full post
1,259 notes - Posted November 29, 2022
Get your Tumblr 2022 Year in Review →
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pocketfulofrecs · 3 years
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List of NSFW Fics
drunk on you by thelastdboy - [explicit | 603 words | emperor’s smile]
Drink from my lips, then by Vrishchika - [explicit | 527 words | emperor’s smile]
Going Up While Going Down by Admiranda - [explicit | 1.2k | elevator sex]
the chase by thelastdboy - [explicit | 1.5k | aftercare, moonlight]
lift me up by thelastdboy - [explicit | 655 words | strength kink]
my darling, possess me by justdoityoufucker - [explicit | 1.8k | possessive]
inhabiting bodies by thelastdboy - [explicit | 2k | sensory deprivation, pain tolerance, possessive, whip scars]
Never and always touching and being touched by AshayaTReldai - [explicit | 3.6k | lingering touches]
in my arms by justdoityoufucker - [explicit | 2k | praise kink]
This Lovely Weather Brought My Ruin by chiyukimei - [explicit | 30k]
Tie Me Up, Make Me Yours by ElvenQueens - [explicit | 1.3k]
This Side of Paradise by AshayaTReldai - [mature | 9.1k | sex pollen]
Nurtured, Cherished, Fulfilled by Rynne - [explicit | 2.9k | resentacles]
take all of me by thelastdboy - [explicit | 2.1k | fisting, hair brushing, tears]
Captive Audience by AshayaTReldai - [explicit | 1.6k | clothed smut]
A Learning Experience (Or How to Lose Your Virginity in the Library) by Admiranda - [explicit | 3.4k | clothed smut]
Seated on the Throne by AshayaTReldai - [explicit | 1.4k | fantasy]
impatient by thelastdboy - [explicit | 1.5k | deepthroat, tears, marking, nipples, denial, bondage]
Copying Scriptures by chiyukimei - [mature | 15k | wip | genius WWX]
Remember to leave some love for these lovely authors!
Also check the List of SFW fics!
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wwxadhd · 3 years
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Close | Nov. 8 prompt: lingering touches
Wei Wuxian November Mayhem event by @pocketfulofrecs
Screenshot redraw. I adore the hand choreography in this scene, and how intimate and tender they make one person holding another person's elbow.
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admirableadmiranda · 3 years
Going Up While Going Down
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Going Up While Going Down by Admiranda
Rating: Explicit. Chapters: 1/1. Relationship: Wangxian
“Wei Wuxian loved riding the elevator at Cloud Recesses Tower for a number of reasons. It was the smoothest ride he'd ever had in one, it had a carpeted floor and glass walls so he could watch the city disappear as he went up, and if he sat on the floor, he could feel the world falling away beneath you. Also if he was sneaking up to his boyfriend's apartment in the middle of the night, no one else would be in there so sometimes he'd ride it back down just to watch the city lights sprawl out below. Late enough when most of the building lights were off and he was sneaking in through the side door despite the fact that they would just let him in if he wanted because they didn't understand that part of the fun was sneaking up to surprise Lan Zhan in the middle of the night and usually get fucked to sleep and staying over to be spoiled rotten in the morning, Those were some of his favorite times, waking up in his arms. He would never dare question how he'd gotten lucky enough to have the most amazing person in the world absolutely besotted with him, only thank whoever might be listening that this was his life.“
“Lán Zhàn | Lán Wàngjī/Wèi Yīng | Wèi Wúxiàn Lán Zhàn | Lán Wàngjī Wèi Yīng | Wèi Wúxiàn Established Relationship Modern AU PWP no plot no explanation just sex Frottage Blowjobs light face fucking typical wangxian kinks it's about them having sex in an elevator what more do you want?Happy Birthday Wei Wuxian“
For the @pocketfulofrecs​ Wei Wuxian November Mayhem, here y’all have some more smut.
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