#weirder asks
brightgreendandelions · 8 months
do you love the smell after it rains (the petrichor – i had to ask this one because i know what it's called lol)
who doesn't? :)
i haven't had a good rain in a while tho... because i spent the last two summers in countries that it doesn't rain that hard on ;(
PS: i also know what petrichor is called. did you know it's petra+ichor? :3
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conkers-thecosy · 3 months
hii can i ask 4 & 11 for the weirder asks game if you're still doing it? 🧝‍♀️🌱
Well hi there! 💛 It took me a few minutes to realise who you were, haha! Thank you so much for sending this and playing along! I already answered 4, so I hope it's okay if I skip over it! 11. Would you slaughter the rich? Hmm. Slaughter is such a violent word, isn't it? I'd be more inclined towards a nice, organised cull 😉
Thanks again for sending this over! Hope you're having a good day!
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thighzp · 1 day
From the weirder asks ✨
12, 23, 37
good morning friend!!!
12. what kind of day is it? -> it's gonna be gym, cleaning the house, and writing!
23. how do you feel about chilly weather? -> VERY STRONGLY ahhhh I'm ready for fall give it to me (keeps getting hot again here)
37. someone in your life, other than a relative, you've known for 10+ years? -> been friends with my high school bestie for about 13 years!
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materassassino · 8 months
9, 16, 24, and 34 for that weird asks list? :)
Ah! Thank you!!!
9. which do you prefer, hot coffee or cold coffee?
No coffee, I hate coffee, lol. I only drink hot chocolate, milk or, very rarely, tea made to my precise, extremely demanding specifications.
16. can you drive?
No, I'm too gay. (In reality it's because it's too expensive to learn and I'd be awful at it, I have no sense of distance)
24. if we were together on a rooftop, what would we be doing?
I'd be pointing out birds to you, or passing judgement on people walking by below.
34. is there a song you know every word to by heart?
Many! I have a repertoire. Multiple songs from musicals and Disney movies, and You're So Vain by Carly Simon. Also if you play a song I know there's an extremely high chance I will sing along with it and know all the lyrics, in general.
Weirder asks
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wildemaven · 5 months
hellooooo hi
for the weirder asks
49, 2, 21
Hi hellooooo
49. can you skip rocks?
I can. It’s been awhile since I have though.
2. lighter or matches?
So I usually carry or have a lighter on hand. I actually got this really pretty gold cover/lighter sleeve. But I have an urge to start collecting matchbooks, from like places I visit or antique stores. So I guess both.
21. something you’ve kept since childhood?
I have a unitard from a dance recital I did when I was 4. I think my mom still has the recording of it too. The only line I remember from the song we sang is:
“I am a showbiz kid, and that’s a fact”
Thanks for the questions!!
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mar-nu-falmar · 3 months
5, 21, and 43 for the weirder asks please <3
Hello, dear friend, thank you so much for asking <3
5. what color are your eyes? A mixture of green, blue grey and some yellow sprinkles.
21. something you’ve kept since childhood? Gosh... many many things. I'm the worst person in the world when it comes to parting with things. Ok let my tell you, I still love to wear this one jumper a friend gave me in grammar school (I was 10 and am turning 30 this year). Yeah, I told you, worst person... (and it still fits of course except for the sleeves which are a bit short tho)
43. what’s your take on spicy foods? The spicier the better.
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lxndonorris · 3 months
hiya bab!! it’s been a hot minute, i hope you’re doing well :] for the asks, (12) what kind of day is it? and (31) what kind of music keeps you grounded? mwah x
Hey youuu🙂
I am doing fine, work is a little much haha hope youre doing well though!
Its that kind of day to just lie in bed tbh. Listen to music, read a book etc. Just soooo tired.
Hm music that keeps me grounded, oh definetly any song from daughter. Her voice is just.....so soothing to me.
Thank you🥰 hope you have a nice day!
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jtl-fics · 6 months
4 and 44 for ask game p&q
Weirder Asks
4. Which Cryptid do you believe in?
Myself No I like to believe in Mothman because he's adorable in the persona games.
44. You get a free pass to kill anyone who is it?
Man there are a few people that are just so free pass worthy. I guess I'll pick one that won't get me in real trouble and say that crazy lady who killed an internet cat Ponzu because i'm still mad about it like 3 years on.
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brightgreendandelions · 8 months
favorite holiday film?
no idea. i usually don't watch films more then once.
the only thing that comes to mind is The Nightmare Before Christmas
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conkers-thecosy · 3 months
something you’ve kept since childhood?
21. Something you've kept since childhood?
My teddy, Fatso. Now hold on, before anyone gets cross about his name, Fatso was my Grandma's teddy bear, so I'm not responsible for that, haha! She always kept him at her house since me and my siblings and cousins were little, letting one of us have him to cuddle if we were poorly or had a nightmare. She gave him to me when I was 14 and going through some difficult times that she couldn't be with me for, and he's been with me ever since!
Thanks so much for playing! 💛
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carlos-in-glasses · 1 year
Since you’re drunk rn : 48 when did you first try an alcohol beverage?
Oh my god!!! I was TWENTY! Literally twenty years old. What happened was I have severe, life-ruining emetophobia (which I'd actually be happy to discuss with anyone who suffers with it btw), and I associated alcohol purely with drunkenness and sickness for a really long time. I never got any help with it because as a kid you can't really be like "Excuse me mum and dad, please can I have therapy?!". Going to uni ended up being exposure therapy in the sense that I realised that people could be drunk and not get sick. ONE EVENING I was part of a performance poetry show and I was absolutely shitting my shorts lads I can't lie. So my friend Louise was like "Have some wine?!" and I was like "You know what?!!!! I wILL!!" It was disgusting obviously because we were twenty and went to like Offbins or whatever the fuck that place was called on the high street back in the day. Cheap white wine. Got smashed - didn't throw up! Decided to do my poem 'from memory' rather than read it. Louise was like "Are you sure?!" I was like "YES!" and it actually went pretty well.
If anybody wants to read more about drinking with Louise please experience no.2 of Five Drinks to Get to Know Me.
To be honest though it was a bit of a slippery slope and I have done *some things* I should not have done. Anyhoo.
Thank you for the question!!! I can't wait to read The Yankees vs The Astros.
If anyone happens to be reading this who hasn't read Shannon's fics because you've been living under a rock (affectionate) please go and check them out because they're so brilliant omg.
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thighzp · 1 day
for the random asks: 2, 24, 36, 41 ✨
good morning my sweet <3
2. lighter or matches -> answered but lighter!
24. if we were together on a rooftop, what would we be doing? -> probably something that could be classified as public indecency
36. how many times have you changed your url? -> only once! fullerthanskippy to thighzp
41. how do you take your coffee? -> at home I use a little soy milk and a spoonful of sugar :) if I order a coffee out I just make sure I can get some sort of milk/cream and sugar (don't care if it's cow milk, I just don't really drink it at home)
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nilesdaughter · 4 months
For the Weirder Asks game:
12, 21 and 33? :D
12. What kind of day is it? Today's been average/normal, haha; I went to work and then ordered Chinese takeout for dinner once I got home.
21. Something you've kept since childhood? A lot of my childhood things are in one of my mother's storage units, but what I currently have with me in my own home is a Doodle Bear (not this exact one) that served as the guest book from my first or second birthday.
Tumblr media
33. The last adventure you've been on? I usually think of vacations with my husband as adventures, so the last one was a road trip down to Roswell (New Mexico) a few weeks ago. It was to attend the funeral for my paternal grandfather, but since we were there for some extra days before and after the service--and because @lycaboros had never been there before--we still did some touristy things.
Weirder Asks
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eusuntgratie · 1 year
hi! my turn to send love and hugs and this request for intel!
let’s do #ssss — 1, 12, 21 & 44. 💙
who is/are your comfort character(s)? bucky barnes, eddie diaz, & alex claremont-diaz (i love diaz boys apparently) tk and dumo for hockey <3
12. what kind of day is it? it was a good day! my new job is going well, i got a decent amount done today, and i worked out. it stormed last night so i slept really well, which i think set me up to have a good day :)
21. something you’ve kept since childhood? oof lots of things but i still wear a remington shirt that my dad got me when i was maybe 6 and wore as a nightgown and is slightly too small on me now but i love it anyway
44. you get a free pass to kill anyone, who is it? i already killed trump for @bigassbowlingballhead so i think maybe its elon musk's time to go. is there a better answer than this? absolutely. but i am sleepy so we're working with limited brain function here.
weirder asks
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la-cocotte-de-paris · 4 months
24 29 42 46 47
24. if we were together on a rooftop, what would we be doing?
it depends who's asking ;P jk, depending on the time of day, either eating some food and watching the sunset while listening to music and chatting, or if at night, stargazing. if it was daytime, idk, maybe people watching and cloud watching and talking.
29. how do you like your shower water?
hot/very warm and on full power. i do miss having an overhead shower, though. that was my favourite.
42. an app you frequently use besides this godforsaken site?
oof, nothing is nearly as heavily used as this. spotify for sure!
46. favorite holiday film?
i don't have one, i don't think. i do very much enjoy the father ted christmas special which was an extended episode in the tv series.
47. what was the last message you sent?
as in text messages, letting my mom know i was almost at my train stop. on here, it was agreeing with a mutual about the nature of viewing media (e.g. easier to find more mainstream movies and use libraries over streaming services but if you wanna watch something from before the 1950s from a place that never spoke english, it can be harder to find). last voice note i left was telling a friend someone i met in acting lessons yesterday reminded me of them.
weirder asks
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brightgreendandelions · 8 months
13. when was the last time you ate? :3
39. do you use lip balm? :3
40. did you have any snacks today? :3
ideally like -5m, but in reality just 5h ago
i do use chapstick. so my lips don't get dry in the cold
yes. the food from 5h ago. three plums. they were nice. best fruit (almost)
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