#welcome to my version of rtc
sibunaranks · 8 months
PROOF TALIA IS CODENAME FOR NOEL (pls stop scrolling i did a lot of research :( )
Okay so first off hi i'm new here on the RTC side.
I wanna start by saying up until 20 mins ago (when i started falling down a rabbit hole) i was ADAMANT that natalia was real. But the evidence i found CANNOT be a coincidence??
So welcome to my dumb tedtalk.
So I was looking into the name natalia (idk why man, hyperfixtion brainrot is wild) and when you google Natalia origin it states that the name is given to girls who are born on or around a holiday that the name (and it's latin origins) mean. that holiday?? CHRISTMAS
Now, i think MOST people know Noel is also associated with christmas, but i did look into it more and YES it does indeed mean chirstmas.
NOW I KNOW WHAT YOU ARE THINKING, this CAN just be a conicidence. I know THAT part can. Lots of names can do with christmas, BUT IT GOES DEEPER.
BOTH names come from latin origins. and yes everybody BOTH NAMES STEM FROM THE SAME LATIN WORD: Natalis.
This means that Natalia, while sounding different from the name Noel, IS the female version of Noel and vice versa. (yes noelle exists, you can have more than one female version)
hell, if you look up natalia in the oxford name dictionary it literally says: (compare > Noel). If you can't trust me, trust oxford.
So like, THIS CAN'T BE A COINCODINCE?? and even if the chance is that it is I'M IGNORING IT?? THIS IS TOO CRAZY TO IGNORE??
So yeah, while talia being a codename for noel is not a new headcanon to some, Mischa and noel coming up with Natalia becuase A. Noelle is way too close B. Natalia is an actual name used in ukraine and noelle isn't. and C. It's the same name, but only they know.
Yeah so i spent a lot of time looking into this and i'm both shook and exhausted, please enjoy and please do NOT tell me it's nothing, it's not NOTHING to me!
so yeah Nischa is canon, i don't make the rules, latin does.
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"Hello, I am the amazing Karnak. This is not a boast, but rather what it says on my legal patent as a precognition machine."
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Intro Post
Hello and welcome to this Karnak blog, mainly made out of a sheer interest and fascination of the thing. But let's go through the basic shall we?
The mod behind this blog is Australian(Timezone ACST(UTC +9.5) for context) so if some asks do not get answered it may be due to this reason.
Any questions are allowed to be sent in. (But be aware, they may be deleted if they are extremely weird etc)
I really do welcome in any interactions from other RTC ask blogs and heavily encourage it!
If you are a frequent anon with a signature (eg, Bird anon or Turtle Anon) then you will get a tag (eg, #Bird Anon or #Turtle Anon) alongside added to a list to keep track of all such anons.
Tag system
The following tags will be used to not clog up the main RTC tags beyond this post.
#✧・゚― Asks > Karnak General ask tag.
#━━ ˟ ⊰ Other Ask blog interactions / [Character Name] Anything that relates to interacting with other ask blogs or so. Changed to match character names.
#「 ✷ 」 » Fortune-Telling Used for giving fortunes or futures for those who ask. Seperate to the general ask tag.
#OOC Anything that is OOC.
#Handmade Stuff Anything that is made by me for the blog etc.
Now you probably are asking what’s the deal with this Karnak, right? Well he’s from a sort of different-ish universe where he isn’t IN the warehouse and was more of a popular carnival machine. Alongside being slightly more omnipotent then the musical as he’s just enough to be aware of other universes. (May edit this post to reword better later.)
But basically imagine this blog as an in-universe thing, like your kind of walking up to use the machine! Which also means RTC Ocs are welcome to interact too :D!
Does this Karnak belong to any sort of continuity? Not yet! Want to make a blog and have a Karnak? You are welcome to do so and even message me about it!
And last thing, the looks of Karnak are based on the 2016 Off-Broadway (Karl Hamilton) version! Mainly as I enjoy the look of Karnak in that production.
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timeofjuly · 1 year
soft, as it began
Later, Quinn will look back on her life as two separate, distinct halves; the before you, and the after. The before ended and the after began in ninth grade, when the two of you were partnered together in English Literature.
Or, how Quinn and the reader became friends.
AN: I hope you all like this! I had heaps of fun writing it. If there are any more moments you'd like to see in Quinn and/or MC's life before RTC, send your ideas my way!
“You’re sitting over there, Quinn,” Mr Ward says, gesturing to the back of the classroom. “There’s a packet already waiting for you on the desk. I’ve paired you with one of the more talkative students – gotta draw you out of that shell somehow, huh?”
He laughs and Quinn fights the urge to shrink into her hoodie like the very reptile she’s being compared to. She’s perfectly happy in said shell, thank you very much, and being stuck for an entire semester next to some asshole – talkative is code for asshole, obviously – sounds like her own personal version of hell.
“Yes, sir,” she says, rather than protesting. She holds her bookbag a little tighter to her chest and weaves between the desks, heading to her assigned seat. Her partner, whoever they are, hasn’t deigned to arrive yet; there’s less than five minutes until class starts according to her old, cracked Casio watch. That’s running late by her standards.
She sits and watches with increasing trepidation as the seats around her begin to fill, though the one directly next to her stays empty. Each new face through the door sends a new thrill of anxiety surging in her chest. Will her partner be James McKinnon, the guy who egged the Principal’s car over the summer? He probably doesn’t even know who she is.
Maybe it’s Brittany S (not to be confused with Brittany C, who is actually quite a nice girl), who spends all of her time giggling in the back of the classroom and going to the bathroom every ten minutes. Quinn’s going to be forced to do all of the work if she’s stuck with her.
Or, worse, what if it’s Anna Haas? The thought makes nausea roil in her belly. Anna probably doesn’t remember but in fourth grade she’d called Quinn firecrotch and Quinn had cried about it for a day straight, even though she hadn’t really even known what it meant. And then she’d gone home and asked her mom to explain, and that had caused a whole new world of trouble.
But James, Brittany S, and Anna all end up sitting elsewhere to her relief and soon, the entire classroom is full, save for the seat next to her.
Disquiet prickles at the back of her neck. She knows it’s ridiculous and they’re all literally in their assigned seats, but it feels like everyone’s purposely giving her a wide berth, like she smells bad or something. And she definitely doesn’t; she’d woken up super early this morning to shower and get ready before her dad woke up. She smells like jasmine and vanilla, if the description on her bottle of Dollar Store shampoo is to be believed.
Her Casio shows nine on the dot and Mr Ward stands up, right on que. “Alright, ladies and gentlemen, welcome to English Literature. I have very low hopes that all of you have actually finished your assigned readings, but-.”
The room to the classroom flies open and someone stumbles through, their chest heaving as if they’d sprinted from the other side of Brookside High. Their left shoe is untied and their hair is in disarray, but they’re smiling, lips curling around the puffs of their panting breaths.
“Fashionably late as ever, I see,” Mr Ward says wryly, regarding the student with a raised brow. “I thought we were turning over a new leaf this semester?”
“Sorry, Mr W,” you say, wiping your hair from your forehead. “Consider my leaves turned, I swear, it won’t happen again.”
Quinn’s heart does a terrifying flip in her chest. It does another few loops as Mr Ward gestures towards her desk, like it’s on the world’s most terrifying rollercoaster.
“You’re lucky I’ve already got a headache and don’t feel like filling out the paperwork to give you a late slip. Go, sit, and keep your mouth shut until I say you can open it.” Mr Ward’s trying for stern, but there’s the hint of a smirk pulling at his moustached upper lip.
You mime zipping your lips and then half-walk, half-jog to the back of the classroom, waving at a few other students as you do. Quinn’s heart is beating staccato in her chest and when you pull out the chair next to her, she’s worried that it’s so loud that you’ll be able to hear it.
You offer her a little wave too, as if you’re friends, despite the fact that the two of you have never even spoken before. Quinn goes to wave back, an aborted flutter of the hand, and feels heat in her cheeks at the awkwardness of the motion.
Mr Ward continues to talk and normally she’d be listening, even taking notes, but the thud of books and rattle of pens as you get comfortable is extremely distracting. You’re still breathing a little heavy from your grand entrance, too, and Quinn is hyper aware of the rhythmic whistle of your exhales. You’re sitting next to her, a sizeable gap between your bodies, but for some reason, she feels like you’re in her freaking lap. Her skin feels itchy, something funny settling in her stomach. She shifts a little in her chair, hoping to dispel it.
She forces herself to pay attention to the teacher and, through a combination of tuning in to the end of his explanation and flicking through the packet on her desk, she gathers that they’re doing a project about the Great Gatsby, the book that they had read over the break. In their assigned pairs, they need to pick a topic from the list provided by Mr Ward and then write an essay about it. That sounds fine to her; she likes the book, had enjoyed reading it over the break, and scanning through the topics, there’s several that she finds compelling.
She hopes that you’ve read the book. It’s not long, so surely you have. Worst case, Quinn’s pretty sure that there’s a movie based on it, so she can always ask you to watch that just to get a sense of the story.
Mr Ward finishes speaking, and the entire class erupts into noise, students turning to their assigned partners. That means that she needs to talk to you now, too. Anxiety skitters up her spine, forcing her back ramrod straight.
She turns to you, a slow motion of the head, her fingers tapping a nervous beat against the desk. You’re already looking at her. Your cheeks are still flushed and there’s mascara smudged on your eyelids.
“Hey, Quinn, right?” you say, leaning back in your chair at such a degree that Quinn’s shocked you don’t teeter over. “Nice to meet you.”
You introduce yourself, as if she doesn’t know who you are. Of course she knows who you are; you’re not one of the popular girls, necessarily, but you go between different friendship groups like a party yacht in the Mediterranean Sea, welcome wherever you dock. Quinn hasn’t been to many parties, but you’ve always been at the ones she has, laughing, smiling, in the middle of the group. Your mother is a retired athlete of middling talent, a tennis player, the closest thing that Brookside has to a celebrity even though she’d last competed over a decade ago. Quinn’s dad says that she had quit to get married and have kids, like all career women inevitably end up doing, even though your mom’s career-ending shoulder injury is common knowledge in Brookside.
“Nice to meet you,” Quinn says. It suddenly occurs to her that she might be able to make a friend here. You seem to be friends with half of the freaking school, after all; befriending you must be easy if everyone else has managed it.
Sound reasoning, but shit, what do people say to make friends?
All prior knowledge and instinct on how to interact with others like a normal person flies from Quinn’s brain with the grace and disastrous potential of an airplane on fire. All of her friends, the few that she has, have been her friends since preschool and she doubts that pointing at the sandpit and asking you if you want to play dinosaurs will win her any favour.
Compliments! She can give you a compliment. “I like your -.” She scans your upper half frantically, looking for something to comment on. “Bracelet! I like your bracelet! It’s cute.”
Said bracelet is a pretty, delicate golden chain, dotted with tiny purple stones. It drapes over your wrist in a way that she’d normally find benign but for some reason, she’s drawn to the way it sits on your skin, how it slides down your forearm when you lift your hand.
You grin at her. You have a pretty smile, she thinks, even though you have a mouthful of braces. “Aw, thanks! My dad got it for me for my birthday. Hey, you’re good at this class, right? I remember reading a poem you wrote in the Brookside Verse last year; it was really good.”
A mixture of mortification and hot, sticky pride fills her belly. Mr Ward had insisted that she submit the poem to the school’s arts magazine: had she known that they’d actually pick hers to be published, she never would’ve agreed. The idea of anyone, but especially you, reading it, makes her want to throw up.
“I don’t know if I’d say I’m good,” she mumbles, praying for the blush that’s turned her face red to recede. You’re going to think she’s such a loser!
“Well, I would,” you say. “I really liked it. Will you have anything in the next one?”
“I’m not sure yet. I didn’t know you read the Brookside Verse?” she blurts out and damn, that sounds like she’s calling you an idiot, as if your interest in the art’s magazine is something wildly out of character, worthy of being questioned, and what is wrong with her?
“I had an in-school three-day suspension in the library,” you say, “and I wasn’t allowed to like, read any books or anything, and they obviously took my phone, but there were heaps of copies of the Verse around, so I read it then. I liked the bit that compared the girl’s lips to fruit.”
“Oh,” she says, a little lost for words. She likes that line too, the bit about lips like an overripe fruit, ready to split and spill. “Thank you. I’m happy you liked it.”
“So, wordsmith,” you say, and your words are teasing but in a fun way, not a cruel one, said like it’s a secret only the two of you share. If Quinn had been blushing before, she’s outright on fire now. “Do you have any preference on what topic we do? I like the sound of one or four, but I’m happy to do whatever.”
“Four sounds good.” The words come out more like a squeak.
The next ten minutes are spent working out the specifics of the assignment and she’s pleased by the way the two of you split up the work; you seem more than happy to do your fair share.
“We’ll probably need to talk outside of class to work on this,” you say, tapping your pen against your lips. You both have notebooks open in front of you and whilst Quinn’s been taking detailed notes, you’ve been aimlessly doodling in the margins. She does think she can see Gatsby’s green light scribbled in one corner, though, and a little jotted car that may be his Rolls Royce, so at least you’re on-task.
“Yeah, probably,” Quinn agrees. The assignment is extensive and you’re going to have to work pretty closely together.
“I’ll add you on Facebook so we can message each other,” you suggest. Quinn does her best to hide a wince.
“I don’t have it, sorry,” she replies apologetically. Social media is a big no-no in her house; her parents barely allow her to have her own cell phone and even then, she has to give the device up once a month for her mom to go through it.
“All good. Can I borrow your phone?” you ask.
Helplessly, hopelessly, Quinn pulls out her cell phone and passes it across to you. It’s an older model, a hand-me-down from her older brother, the screen cracked despite her best efforts. There’s no code on the phone; she isn’t allowed to have one.
She watches your fingers fly over the screen and then jumps a little when she hears a ding come from your pocket. You pass her phone back, looking pleased with yourself.
“I just texted myself, so you’ve got my number,” you clarify. “So we can organise a time to work together. We can meet at my house? Or yours, if you’d prefer. I’m easy.”
“Yours is good,” she replies, too quick, the words tripping over themselves on their way out of her mouth. Let hell she’ll ever let anyone over to hers.
You brighten. “Awesome! Any afternoon works for me. If we end up working late enough you can have dinner at mine too; mom and dad always make enough food to feed like, a million people.”
You laugh and Quinn laughs with you as if that’s an entirely relatable sentiment, when in reality, she’s almost certain that her own cupboards are bare and that she’ll be scraping the sides of the peanut butter jar tonight to hopefully scrounge together a single sandwich.
Does all of this laughing mean that you’re friends now? She has no idea. Do people invite not-friends over to their houses for schoolwork and dinner? You’re probably just this outwardly friendly to everyone; you’ve probably got a rotating roster of friends barrelling through your door each afternoon, eager to spend time with you after school.
“How does Wednesday sound?” you ask her.
“Wednesday works great.” Lord knows that she hasn’t got anything else on.
“Great,” you say. “It’s a date. I’ll text you my address now.”
Your head ducks down to your phone, no doubt to send her your address. You therefore aren’t privy to the flush that overtakes her at those words, burning red-hot from her ears all the way down to her chest.
It’s a date. She tells herself to calm down and stop being so weird, because obviously you don’t mean it like that, but the blush doesn’t get the memo.
Quinn’s phone buzzes and then you look back up at her, smiling with your mouthful of braces. She looks at you, her cheeks still red, probably staring like a lunatic and thinks as soon as I’m alone, I’m going to pull out my notebook and write about this. Write about the way your bracelet hangs from your wrist and the way your braces glint on your teeth. The way that your hand is stained with ink from your doodling. The way you’re smiling at her, right now. The way it makes her feel like the only person in the world.
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the-au-collector · 8 months
I’m The AU Collector, call me Collector. You can find me under the same name on AO3. Here you’ll find my own AUs, my original world, and lots of reblogs. I’m mainly in the Linked Universe and Kingdom Hearts fandoms, but you’ll also see me stray into others like Tales of the Abyss, Lockwood & Co, Batfam, etc. I call pretty much all of my works AUs, so even if it’s a fic, I’ll call it AU for simplicity’s sake.
I have a lot of AUs so I thought I would break them down below for people wondering what they are. Also feel free to ask me about any of them. I’d love to ramble about them!
Linked Universe
Relinked AU: 23 years after Linked Universe, the Links’ kids are kidnapped, forcing the Links on another time-traveling adventure to save them. Meanwhile, the kids go on their own adventure to get home.
Reconnect the Chain AU: AU of Relinked. Taking place 10 years after Linked Universe, the Chain reconnects themselves. It’s my happy, slice-of-lifey version of Relinked. Most drawings or writing I do with the Relinked kids as kids will be tagged as both RtC and Relinked if it’s pre-reunion.
Radio AU: Modern College AU. The Chain are all somehow affiliated with the college radio station at Kakariko University. Hyrule’s a new student who gets dragged into their chaos, and learns a little bit about himself in the process.
Cupcakes for Harmony: Inspired by Their Melody. I looked at Their Melody and said “what if I made it sadder?”
Adventures of Uncle Alfon: Legend’s Uncle has some things to say. A non-linear, slice-of-life fic focusing on Uncle Alfon and his relationship with Legend.
Epic AU: Ongoing brainstorming. Epic: The Musical has inspired a plot in my head but idk what’s happening with it yet. All I really know is it’s another LU Links Reunite fic, plus some.
Second Chain/Ultimate Chain AU: Alternate versions of the same AU. I add some more heroes into the mix! Features The Hero of the Kingdom (TOTK), The Hero of Ages (Age of Calamity), The First Hero (Skyward Sword Manga), The Shadow of the Hero (Four Swords Adventures), The (younger) Hero of Legend (A Link To The Past), and The Hero of the Minish (Minish Cap). Potentially, I may even add the Ancient Hero (Tears of the Kingdom).
Kingdom Hearts
Those Who Have Been Wronged Series: A multi-book series currently in the works. It’s canon-compliant up until the secret ending of KH3. Follows the Foretellers’ arc with Kairi as the main protagonist as she searches for Sora and works to defeat the Master of Masters alongside Ven, Namine, Vanitas, and Lauriam. It does include all the KH characters, and almost everyone gets their own time to shine, but Kairi and co. (The Reflection Crew) is the main group.
Together AU: KH3 onwards AU where everything is wrapped up during KH3. The Union Leaders are here. Eraqus is back. Everyone is (mostly) happy. A soft, slice-of-life series I write when the Wronged Series is getting to overwhelming.
Miscellaneous AUs: Occassionally a KH AU will pop into my head. These aren’t very serious works, just fun ideas.
Tales of the Abyss:
Fire Rises: Mostly vibes at this point, Fire Rises will focus on a cast of 6-7 Unscored (people born outside of the Score) trying to make their lives in a world that still holds onto their hatred for them. Takes place 5-ish years after Tales of the Abyss.
The OG-verse is my original world called Auran which shares a good portion of worldbuilding as the Wronged Series and Together AU. It’s where all my KH OCs have gone to live. I have a lot of worldbuilding for this but not a lot of story at the moment.
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star-burrry · 2 months
Updating my pinned post!
Hi, I’m Ari/star-burrry! Im an artist new(ish) to tumblr who reblogs a concerning amount of fandom content. There’ll be a fandom list and About Me thing under the cut!
For The Maze Runner posts #Ari speaks tmr
For Bones posts #Ari speaks bones
For House MD Posts #Ari speaks house
For misc posts #ari speaks
For art #my art
They’re very creative I know. I’ll add more tags to the list as I get to it, but these are all so far!
Ok uhm fandoms I’m active in (will be edited and updated as needed):
The Maze Runner (books preference)
House MD and Sherlock Holmes
My other interests include:
I Am Number Four (just started so avoiding spoilers)
CLUE (movie and game)
Lost (not finished so avoiding spoilers)
Into The Woods
Forensic Anthropology and just general Forensics
Ugly Betty (yes. I’m serious. I love it, I love 2000’s shows. Not done yet)
Aaand everything else I forgot to add
About me:
I’m 16. Music wise I love The Crane Wives, Pinegrove, Madilyn Mei, and Radical Face, but honestly my music taste is very broad so there’s a lot more. I love character design!!! I go by any pronouns really, mostly they/he/she though. Im only really comfortable with the name Ari, plus any shortened version of my @! Those names are welcomed. I’m starburrry on instagram and I post art more often (but still not often) there. That’s it I think HAH OK THANKS FOR STICKING AROUND!
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god-mouths · 2 years
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i loved ride the cyclone but you cant just make a character disabled and then magically remove the disability not even a full minute in. plus do you know how much more fucking awesome space age bachelor man would have been if they incorporated the crutches and got creative with it
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deadcactuswalking · 5 years
So, welcome to... a Tuesday? Yeah, it’s not exactly a usual time for me to post on this blog but it’s not just your everyday episode of REVIEWING THE CHARTS – That’s right, it’s the 40th ceremony in the annual BRIT Awards celebration, where we – or at least ITV – commemorate the greatest in British pop music. I’ll be celebrating in full force this year, but not by tweeting manically like I did last year – well, there will still be some tweeting; follow me @cactusinthebank – but instead by writing my live commentary right here. I did this a couple years back so I figured I’d bring it back again in traditional, over-analytical, unnecessarily nitpicky fashion. I’ve got an Excel document like I had last year to make not of who wins and compare it to who I think should win. I’m all prepared – it’s time for the 2020 BRIT Awards... unfortunately hosted by Jack Whitehall.
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Interestingly (This is 10 minutes before the show begins), the International Group Award, Best British Video, Outstanding Contribution to Music and Global Success Awards have been abolished, and British Breakthrough Act, Critics’ Choice Award and British Single of the Year have all been renamed. Also, the BRITs caught flack for less female artists being nominated although last year there was a record amount nominated so I feel like sexism claims can’t really ring all that true in my opinion. It does often seem like male artists have dominated that year of pop music, just as it feel female artists have the previous year, and the BRITs have noticed that, so it just feels a tad lop-sided towards the males this year. I’m playing Devil’s advocate, sure, and I wouldn’t say 2019 has been a bad year for British women in music, but I am able to somewhat defend this decision. I feel like I’d just say that as a little pre-amble. In fact, I’ll add this: this will be less formal and grammatically correct than a normal RTC episode, and perhaps a bit less wholesome or family-friendly. Also, if none of this makes any sense, that’s because it’s out of context completely, and this will make absolutely no sense unless you’re watching it with me or had watched it prior to reading this, but that’s the joy in this! Scorecard at the ready, 19:58, it’s the BRITs in two minutes, and I am prepared to make fun of every issue I pick out.
Jack Whitehall is so unfunny lol Like Haha She Is Cleaning Lizzo Flute But He Look Like Masturbate Ha Ha
I feel like they did not know what they should do for this year
The intro with him trying out iconic BRIT Awards outfits is kinda cool actually
I wonder how far into the future they plan for these. Like are these skits pre-recorded by three months or so
Mabel didn’t really hit that note huh
I won’t really be paying attention to this one because I’m filling out scorecard and all to update it for this year but Mabel is less energetic than she was on the Graham Norton Show months ago
Can’t tell if Don’t Call Me Up has soured on me a lot or this is just a bad performance. Probably the latter
Is this the vocal loop from Mad Love or something I don’t recognise it
Nevermind I’m so dumb it’s from Don’t Call Me Up
The telephone on the screen Because Ha Ha She Says Call Me Up is a bit on the nose
I don’t think they realise she also has a song called Ring Ring
“Please welcome your host Jack Whitehall” No go away
Audience did not like the Boris Johnson joke or even the Chris Martin one lol this gnarly dude is BOMBING
Rod Stewart has eight children what the f
“Horny scarecrow of rock and roll Ronnie Wood” I hope that is on his CV
“A bit of witty banter from Dave” Jack Whitehall Shouted Out The TV Channel Dave
Lewis Capaldi – Someone You Loved genuinely makes me want to eat a living frog this live version is better though he’s not straining that much
I saw a BBC News piece on a boy with cancer and this was used in the background and I understand it’s a sad, sappy piano ballad but it’s literally just about a break up like that’s a tad unfitting and kinda undermines the illness and tragedy surely
Niall Horan looks SO infused
The production value for these little transitions seems to have improved it actually looks cool and not dated garbage
Lewis Capaldi will win Best New Artist
Lewis Capaldi won Best New Artist
It’s his first BRIT Award but what’s the point in celebrating he’s gonna win like seven more
Dude is coming up to the stage with a bottle of beer in his hand bruh
I bet this dude is going to be the Adele and just get drunk and swear every time he gets an award
He hugged Niall Horan for a concerning amount of time
The audience chanted ‘DOWN IT DOWN IT’ he did not down it
He just shouted profanities into the mic after 40 seconds of delaying it, but the audio was muted so I have no idea why Jack Whitehall Loves This Man
Lewis Capaldi’s music and personality clash so hard like I saw an advert of this man making funny faces set to Someone You Loved and it was so odd
That advert played right after the BRITs by the way lol
Why is Lewis Capaldi on another advert singing Someone You Loved again like stop stop stop pelase i ccant getsv awytsuavforrnjeofityre
Why would Mastercard proudly sponsor this sh
How the hell is FKA twigs nominated for best female artist like cool and all her album was good but Huh
I guess they put one alternate win each time
Mabel will win Best Female Solo Artist
Mabel won Best Female Solo Artist
Oh yeah I forgot people actually make speeches
“There are so many amazing women in this category” Mabel Listens To FKA Twigs
Don’t thank your record label they are crooks
I forget that Mabel is Neneh Cherry’s daughter that’s wild. Neneh Cherry won a BRIT too, I think this same award. Cool. Neat.
Jack Whitehall’s sarcasm and dryer wit is not exactly the best fit for the BRITs. For once I miss Ant & Dec
Harry Styles Is Literally Wearing Pajamas
This is an ok song and with actually good vocal mixing it’s better but he does sound a bit off. He did get robbed before the awards happened though lol
I am sick of guys singing ballads with a e s t h e t i c backgrounds like can we get some volcano eruptions up in this
The Rising Star and British Producer Awards (new awards) were already given out I feel like cheating
Literally the only nomination for the British Producer of the Year was fred
He won
Another break bruh bruh bruh give me a break
Harry Styles’ Pajamas Are Wet Now He Was Standing In Water
Little simz is on an advert afterwards with an amazing song from her amazing album but she’s not nominated for any award
Im so tired like this shit is keeping me awake last year i fell asleep during a jess glynne performance
Liam payne performed a month before the ceremony and his album fell 31 places on the chart in response
Jack Whitehall called himself a lanky streak of piss this man might get an Ofcom Complaint
Lizzo’s really pushing that title track huh
Lizzo didn’t censor herself on the Grammys but her breathy ‘uh’s are making some lines unintelligible lol
This is a good song though
I guess she forgot Truth Hurts didn’t even peak in the top 20 here
Good as Hell is the one people here care about
She knows that they didn’t respond in Truth Hurts because she said ‘sing along if you know it’ lol
She kinda messed up but to be fair she is walking and singing with the audience
That White Guy With The Crap Hair Killed It
Drummer is going wild
I love the extra guitar flourishes in Juice this is pretty cool actually, her interpolating Cause I Love You at the same time is pretty epic this actually sounds pretty great I’d love for this whole medley to be on streaming
She yelled ‘biiitch’ but the mic did not catch that
Ronnie Wood Really Got The Positive Vibes
Lewis Capaldi will win Best Male Solo Artist
(Michael Kiwanuka got like no applause god damn at least give them pity applause)
ROIGHT and tha winna ***upside down*** is STRORMZY
Stormzy won Best Male Solo Artist
(Second time by the way)
Clean version of Vossi Bop kinda slap Ngl
Stormzy TOWERS over Ronnie Wood lol dude is tall
“Best Male is nothing without incredible females” Cool cool
Ronnie is about to tell Stormzy why he thinks he should go back to his own country and that He’s Not Actually Racist
(Those allegations are baseless. My lawyers advised me to say so.)
Jack Whitehall touched audience feet
We’re already nearly an hour in wow
Yes Yes
Hell yeah dave is awesome, he got his Top Boy co-star to work as a hype man before him
I think this is Black? If so that’s amazing I love that song
It’s Black he has it written on his white piano
The only white piano is slowly turning more black
I like the headlines and all the imagery on the piano it’s really cool
Dave is a tad off beat but he’s also playing a double-sided piano so understandable
A white dude is playing the other side of the piano I’m sure that’s symbolic
He is aggressive in this delivery damn he’s killing it
Some of this imagery is beautiful – especially the BRIT Award being covered by black snakes and the Arabic writing transitioning into an Africa with colonial borders
This was an amazing performance, especially with the violins. Incredible.
The least racist is still racist damn right
This works as an obituary as well damn.
I’d have to analyse this whole thing but this was an incredible performance oh my god
I want this on streaming
When did this man help a terrorist plot wh
Paloma Faith Sounds Like A Robot Who Is Vaguely Feminist
Burna Boy will win International Male Solo Artist
(I so want Tyler to go home with it though. Could go to Post as well)
It’s just whoever shows up gets it though so
Tyler, The Creator won International Male Solo Artist
This gnarly dude just said ‘errr yeah errr’
“Shout out to all the British funk from the 80s I try to copy”
Bts is not a british group, presenter
Coldplay will win Best British Group
Foals won Best British Group
I am actually so surprised lol at Tyler and Foals winning their first BRITs
More alternative dudes winning I guess. Neat. Means a lot
Stop thanking your corrupt labels
The name’s eyelash
I haven’t actually heard her Bond theme yet
Finneas do be lookin kinda handsome tho
I like it. The whispery tone of her voice, the eerie strings (cello?), and slick guitar really fit the Bond franchise. Thank you Billie Eilish, very cool!
No Don’t Talk To Lizzo Don’t Talk To Anyone Jack Whitehall
“There was so much energy they could have done the whole performance for me” well not exactly mrs. Lizzo
This is so awkward we can’t hear what Lizzo is laughing at Harry Styles looks pissed
‘floutists’ is the name for flute players huh
I’m so confused what is going on
Lizzo is threatening jack Whitehall with a flute and within the transition to the break i could hear a slight faint shout from jack in the background
Is everyone ok
More people that i wanted to win than who i expected to win are winning
Sam Fender is haha funnie but nobody in the audience thinks so lol
Celeste is performing she’s the new Rising Star award she has already had a bit of a crack but I’m pretty sure that’s part of the song
This song is ok
Bit boring tbh. Audience is getting tired too. This is lasting like 5 minutes and the song is pretty flavourless and repetitive. Yawn snore
We’re about half way through and I’ve kind of lost interest ngl
Honestly lewis capaldi did better than celeste on jah
Jack Whitehall is having a mental breakdown right now. Understandable
Billie Eilish will win International Female Solo Artist
Billie Eilish won International Female Solo Artist
Lizzo looks so disappointed for whatever reason lol like did we really think anyone else would get this award
Sporty Spice is in the background dancing to everything i wanted that is not a song you dance like that to it’s about suicide
This speech is going terribly
Why are so many of these gnarly dudes signed to polydor
Thank you Billie Eilish very cool
No Jack Whitehall Don’t Talk To Harry Styles
Harry Styles looks like he hates Jack Whitehall so much
The Lizzo-Harry-Jack Whitehall love triangle is Awkward And Awful
Lizzo is the only reason the brit awards are good
Ok the exchange about Harry Styles not being taken seriously was pretty funny
In fact this whole exchange was very funny And Partially About Incest
“Is one of these lucky ladies your date?” “That’s my sister”
Lizzo is chugging the tequila
Harry Styles Looks Like He Pissed Himself
The BRIT awards have suddenly become very confusing
Epic Stormzy Time
Genuinely have no idea what song he’ll perform. Probably Vossi Bop?
Stormzy Should Keep The Singing To His Backing Vocalist And Choir
Gospel beat sounds sweet
I think this is supposed to be Lessons but the studio version is so much duller than this version. This one is pretty cool. I think it’s the choir
I’d be surprised if he only does Lessons. Also the production value here was crazy. Full band, pyrotechnics and all.
Oh yeah it’s Vossi Bop time he’s got the red lighting
Nevermind it’s Wiley Flow lol but still
Reminds me of when Kanye did All Day (also the audio got muted for a long period of time just like when Kanye did that)
This one is more choreographed though lol
Why did he perform two of the least popular songs first though
Burna Boy is coming out for Own It alright, he sounds just as good as studio, probably because He’s Not Actually Singing
I don’t like this song but the choreography is great, stage presence is good and the visuals are incredible. Really shows that even with the worst material, you can make a song sound as lively as ever. The horns the live band added to Own It sound beautiful
Burna Boy’s little solo bit was great
He got away with saying “Sucking on their mums” nice
I hadn’t heard Rainfall before this I don’t think (it sounds familiar though), but the mashup with Praise You was great. I love the sight of Stormzy in front of family members, the young men in black outfits from Wiley Flow, the tropical clothes-bearing women from Own It, Burna Boy, the live band, and all. It’s really a nice diverse sight to see. Cool cool. This probably means absolutely nothing but I Am Knackered
Someone You Loved will win Song of the Year
I really hope it’s Ladbroke Grove though. It and Location feel very emblematic of 2019, in a way that I Don’t Care by Ed Sheeran and Justin Bieber DEFINITELY isn’t
Someone You Loved won Song of the Year
“Biggest winner of the night so far” there’s only one award left mate
Lewis Capaldi Is A Very Funny Man
“Thanks to my grandmother for dying”
Finneas do be lookin kinda handsome tho [2]
Heard a very british voice say “i luv yoo bilie” in the audience lmao
Lewis Capaldi will win Album of the Year
I’d prefer literally anyone else to win this award. Only one of these albums was a 7/10 or above but Lewis Capaldi’s album was unlistenable
Dave won Album of the Year
Epic I love that album. It could very well have been Capaldi but since Dave won the Mercury Prize I guess he would have been a better prediction
People are screaming man’s lost for words
“Jesus Christ!” dude’s so astonished lol
I loved Dave’s speech actually very inspiring
“Jack, I’m gonna do this one for your mum, Hilary” bruh  rod stewart really saying ‘ur mom’ jokes out here
I love Rod Stewart’s raspy voice man. Orchestra’s great. This is beautiful lol
Gnarly dude got the guitar solo
I cannot be bothered to write some massive conclusion but most of the performances were great and emotionally powerful, especially Stormzy, Dave, Billie and Rod Stewart, and even those who were a bit crap performing were very funny on stage, like Lewis Capaldi. The on stage banter was really cringe-worthy but Jack Whitehall, Harry Styles and Lizzo had this really funny triangle going on. The outro with Ronnie Wood and the rest of Rod Stewart’s band was great, Stormzy’s extended performance was sweet. This was actually a pretty great BRITs, to be honest, and all of the winners, except a select few, deserved it, and if they didn’t, it was pretty expected. There could have been some more winners – off the top of my head, Slowthai and Little Simz weren’t even nominated, but hey, Tyler won. That’s great. The scorecard will be on Twitter. In the words of the BRIT Award winners in 2020, “errr yeah errr”, and thanks for reading!
0 notes