goodnight to the most beautiful man who ever lived (dong sicheng) and everybody else
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vumming · 8 months
all of us are dead — han gyeong-su “collide"
contents : angst, pining, unrequited love
a/n: it's been a year since i watched aouad this is rusty lol also, i tweaked a few to match the vibes hope you don't mind.
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You've always seen him. Prancing around in that childish display like a toddler who has no knowledge of the world yet. How insufferable.
Gyeong-su, who would always have the wide wolfish grin on his face as he claps everyone along the way, sending "positivity" and laughter whenever he passes by.
Gyeong-su, who would always show his heart on his sleeves. A guy who cannot lie so easily due to his fiery temper and short fused personality.
He's a real pain in the fucking ass.
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"Out of my way." Your shoulders bump into Gyeong-su, the room is too small and sharing it with him makes it all the more annoying. Na-yeon obediently follows, clinging on your arm—she always does, like a helpless duckling always needing your constant affection.
You notice how her eyes pierce and narrow in disgust at the sight of the boy alone. She has always developed a sense of superiority complex over Gyeong-su, you could care less about it.
What's nagging the back of your mind is how even with the harsh and constant back and forth between you and him, that stupid 'adrenaline' that sends your blood pumping never goes away.
Na-yeon lifts her chin, nose high as she flips a lock of her hair behind, "I can't believe we are sharing a room with a welfie." She tugs on your uniform's sleeve, delicate hands holding your arm gently.
"This is beyond awful." She murmurs, eyeing the other boy whose face is put in a scowl as he eyes the two of you, the burn in his gaze is full of hate.
You let her talk, ever since you've dated Na-yeon, she's always been a rather opinionated girl who sticks deeply to her ideals and that much is admirable no matter how much hate she always seems to get.
"The hell is wrong with you two?" His friends held his arms back, teeth gritting as they tried to shut him up to not worsen the fight.
After all, you and him have created quite the reputation—both infamous for your constant rivalry towards each other.
Na-yeon cringes at his uncouth attitude, gesturing at the boy, "with how he's acting right now, it's no difference to those flesh eating creatures." She hissed, flinching when Gyeong-su turned to glare straight at her.
Apocalypse or not, things do not change.
You find your own thoughts wander in the carnage of chaos that surrounds you.
Which monster would prevail, do you wonder?
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"Tch. Always up on your high horse, are you looking down at me?" He's always quick to assume things, Gyeong-su has a tight grip on the lapels of your collar with his knuckles turning white by the passing seconds.
Students were intrigued as they watch it all happen on the school grounds.
You sneered at him, a rough look replacing your usual features. "Hah, were your wits taken when you weren't looking?" Gyeong-su pulls you towards him, the proximity is so close that your foreheads touch against each other.
It could've been something romantic if not for the tension between the two of you, glares and snares sent between each other. The fight that accumulates in between is loss in the chitter chatter of the pesky nosy students that's gathered.
"Why you—!"
He's always quick to anger indeed. Pulling his head back only to slam it against yours. The tension breaking only to worsen as a fight broke out causing the horde of students watching you to cheer and whip their devices out.
"Who are you calling an idiot, you arrogant bastard!" He swipes another punch, "I'm even surprised that you know I was calling out your IQ!"
You don't know what fueled this fight in the first place, now it's a hit or be hit situation that you find yourself in. You parry only to punch him, retaliating.
Your head hurts and you felt like your brain shook inside your skull at his headbutt. This crazy guy drives you mad.
Gyeong-su manages to push you down, the back of your head hitting the ground as you wince, your own hands pulling him down. If you will be taken down, you'll make sure he'll suffer the same too.
Fist fly and whacks echo the place as the two of you continue to fight.
And somehow, you find yourself in the same situation as the first, but now, your own hands are gripping his collar too. "Fucking hell.." Gyeong-su curses, panting heavily as he struggles to stand up due to your hold on his clothes.
His leg slipping in exhaustion as he slips on top of you—"Fuck-!" The both of you swore at the same time, eyes wide when you felt something soft brush against your own lips.
This guy drives you mad.
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"Oi! Y/n!" They attempt to stop you from entering the recording room—Na-yeon and Gyeong-su were supposed to break up the fight and for her to apologize.
The Na-yeon you know rarely yield over things like apology.
Too stubborn.
Maybe it's the realization that you have because of your observations, the way she was adamant on taking him out of the group was normal due to her dislike, but when she has swiped something off—the handkerchief that she'd always cherish and never use was whipped out.
A gift you had given her.
Your hands open the door in a flurry, harshly grabbing your girlfriend's wrist as you face her, eyes mad and in disbelief over the course of action she decided to take.
"What the fuck Na-yeon?!" Your voice rises as you snatched the handkerchief from her hands in a fury.
The girl flinches, arm outstretched as she stares at you in fear at the strength you emit over her delicate wrist. "Y/n.." Was all the left her lips. "What are you doing?!"
"Wiping that blood off of the mop— do you plan to kill him?!"
Everyone stares in wariness and disbelief, eyes wide like saucers. Gyeong-su stepped forward with a look of caution. "..What do you mean.?" He hesitantly asked.
And perhaps it was the heart in you that cannot betray your girlfriend no matter—even with how cruel one is, someone loved them until the bitter end. Atleast that's what you try to tell yourself as you gaze upon Na-yeon who looks at you with eyes that can break your own heart.
Gaze of a desperate.
And with a crushed look, she snatches her wrist from you. "You.. I thought you're on my side."
You couldn't hear anything, a buzzing and ear deafening noise films itself inside your mind that you couldn't even comprehend why you did just that, morality? Kindness? Pity? You didn't notice when she exits the room, her cries hidden amongst the ringing in your mind.
Did you do the right thing?
You did, right?
Even if she cries.
Even if your heart breaks hearing that.
Sure she's annoying but the girl was once whom you held dear in your heart.
Am I wavering..?
You snapped out of your thoughts, eyes focusing on his that holds you grounded. Gyeong-su holds you down to reality, his hands cupping your cheeks to hold your gaze.
It looks soft, concern for you and there's something more..
The rough pad of his fingertips brushes on your skin and his face, scarred and worried looks at you—like someone important enough to be worried about.
"Hey! You okay? Snap out of it, damn it!"
There's a slight sharp pain on your cheeks though...
"Did you just slap me?"
"How else would you wake up?!" His tone was somewhat offended, and by instinct, which is the rivalry between the two of you, you took a hold of his collar. Somehow it was a big harsh therefore pushing the two of you to the ground with a soft thud.
His limbs entangled with yours as the two of you stare wide eyed with each other.
Who's heartbeat is it that's beating wildly?
You pushed him down the floor, clicking your tongue as you drag a hand over your face. "Don't say a word about it!"
The door slammed shut, leaving him all alone in the recording room once again, this time, in a wild and uncomfortable tension inside him.
Gyeong-su looks at the door you exited, the image of you walking out in his mind and he could've swore he saw a faint trace of redness in your face—or maybe not, but that doesn't explain the synchrony of hearts beating with each other like a perfect melody.
".. or was that mine..?"
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cerastes · 10 months
Bro, I did it... I got elfy welfy on roll 90. I am so fucking happy.
Congrats! But…
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Do you have her Ranged Clone bestie?
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yathrib · 14 days
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loukiffet · 3 months
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Welfy, the support unit!
She's my Mega Man OC 🤭
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moss-wizard · 1 year
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@endreal tagged for a selfie welfie. Cheers!!
Gotta chuck a tag at @sensuallyhipped @fungiandslug @neck-tatz @corruisset @peach-drank @lucifersmaid @theashenone @stxphxnxaa @royalxanadu if youse want the excuse.
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yuritaliaa · 7 months
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Redraw of Alfie Welfie, I love him so much gonna be sick. He’s so yummsters.
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nox-writes · 1 year
Gyeong-su x GN!reader
Warnings: None i think? Except Nayeon because she's so annoying and if anyone says that she deserved better then i hope the both sides of your pillow are warm and i also hope that you step on a big puddle and your shoes get soaked (i don't need to put zombies and dying in the warnings cuz if you've watched the series then it's pretty obvious that this will mention zombies and death)
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so.. let's start with the fact that he is a super sweet guy
And he is so likeable
and sweet
and loveable
and likeable
and i love him😻😻
Anygays when you two first strated dating and he was new to the whole thing, you decided to take things slow in the beginning.
Even though he wanted to tell everyone that he had an awesome partner like you, he still kept his mouth shut.
After about 4 months of dating, you decided to tell your friends about the relationship
Some of them figured it out by themselves, but some had to be told a million times until they believed atleast 50% that it wasn't a joke or anything (Daesu and Woojin)
After you told your friends about your relationship, they couldn't stop teasing you about it
Especially Cheong-san
He LOVES teasing you two about how cute you two look when you are practically sitting on Gyeong-sus (sus) lap because you are sitting so close to each other
On-jo would think it's the cutest thing ever. There is something about you two that makes her so happy for you
First time when Gyeong-su said "I love you" was when you had been dating for 7 months
It took some time to say it since he's really bad at expressing his strong feelings such as love
But you said it back to him and he couldn't be happier
And when Nayeon tries to make fun of him for being poor, you would stand up to him
He would look at you with puppy eyes and thank you for being there for him and stopping him for hurting Nayeon
This man can't afford to get expelled from school, so he doesn't want to pick a fight with anyone
Now for the zombie apocalypse
So when the zombie apocalypse first starts, you two got separated and later found each other again
It was a cute reunion after being separated for so long and your frineds stared at you two in awe when you hugged and shared a kiss when you found each other
When you made your way to the recording room, you thought you would both survive
But that stupid ass bitchy bitch Nayeon went and put the zombie blood rag/cloth on his scratch..
You first didn't think anything of it, thinking that Nayeon just wanted to hel him
But that didn't sound like something Nayeon would do
Gyeong-su followed her outside of the room yelling something at her and you were thinking what Nayeon did to make him so upset
You got your answer
Gyeong su was yelling at Nayeon for calling him a welfie once again but then..
His nose started bleeding. (Again since last time he got hit by a broom lmao)
Your eyes widened in fear and you and Cheongsan were both terrified and denying the fact that he was turning
You tried to come up with an excuse
When he turned into a zombie you were too sad to even try anything to stop him from trying to bite you
After getting zombified Gyeong-su out of the room, you couldn't handle it anymore
It hurt to lose the one you loved and you were crying hard
Nam-ra then told you all about what Nayeon did to Gyeong-su
You were literally blinded by anger
You always knew that Nayeon was an asshole and didn't like Gyeong-su but you didn't think she'd go that far
You cursed and yelled at her for god knows how long after she was on the ground when Cheongsan pushed her
And even when she left the room you all were in you were still mad
You didn't speak to anyone for atleast an hour when suddenly Ji-min came by your side to try to comfort you
You heard her talk to you about knowing how it felt to lose someone you love, due to the fact that she lost her parents to the virus
You broke down and started crying again and she hugged you tightly
You two ended up cuddling on the floor against a wall
After Gyeong-su died, you wanted to stay strong for him so you decided to do everything it takes to stay alive.
Aaaaaahhh i loved writing this and this was not requested but i wrote this for fun. Speaking of which, you should consider requesting a fic you would want me to write. Remember that i write for male and gn reader only. If you want female stories go check my Wattpad; Call-_-Me-_-Nox
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seonkun · 2 months
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I seriously thought this is the welfie of Yoosung and V at the first glance.
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bus-stop-to-kpop · 2 years
Losing everything at once (Gyeongsu x Reader)
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This story follows the events of episode 1-3 very closely, so if you still haven’t watched the show and don’t want to be spoiled, don’t read this!!
Pairing: Han Gyeongsu x Reader
Requested?: No
Genre: ANGST!!, zombie!au
Trigger Warnings!!: blood, character death, zombie apocalypse, mentions of murder
Summary: You’re Nayeon’s best friend and you have a crush on Gyeongsu. When a zombie virus breaks out at school you get stuck together. Your confession is cut short when Nayeon claims he’s turning. And suddenly you lost everything.
Word Count: 2,194
A/N: A while ago I said I wanted to write for Kdramas, so here I go. This scene was heartbreaking to watch, so I just had to write my take on it. Oof, but I hope you like it. -Admin J
Gyeongsu was sitting on Nayeon's desk, which was right next to yours. He was talking to the other boys in your class about some video game  or whatever. You tried your best to focus on the material you were studying, but due to the close proximity of your crush, your heart was beating so loud it was impossible to concentrate.
"Ewww! Get off!" Nayeon's voice rang loudly through the classroom. She was looking at Gyeongsu with a disgusted look on her face and tried to shove him off her desk. Gyeongsu slid off and held up his hands defensively, "Ok, ok, geez, I'm sorry."
The insensitivity of his apology made Nayeon fire up even more, she was going off about how he got her desk all dirty, but to be honest you didn't see anything wrong with her desk. When Gyeongsu tried to wipe away whatever dirt she was seeing he was once again shoved away by her.
He rolled his eyes at Nayeon's behavior before walking away. You tried to send him an apologetic smile, but weren't sure if he caught it. Nayeon was always a little eccentric, especially towards Gyeongsu.
After sitting  down she eyes the table, disgust written clearly on her face, "I'm gonna kill that stupid welfie! Y/N, you should have done something!" She whined turning to you. "Sorry." You shrugged. You were aware that Nayeon had a strong disliking towards Gyeongsu, but you didn't think it would set her off like this. Just one more reason why you could never tell her about your crush on said boy.
Before she could continue to complain about him Mrs. Park came into the classroom to start her lesson. You weren't necessarily great at English, but you always tried your best to take notes. So when Mrs. Park looked for someone to answer her question you tried hiding by pretending to write something down. It worked as she picked Namra to answer the question, who got it correct as always.
You admired the class president. She was so smart, but well, she was always studying so of course she would be. You wondered if she had friends outside of school because she surely kept her distance to the rest of the class.
The lesson went on until Hyeonju came stumbling through the door. She looked horrendous, covered in blood and sweat, she was also extremely pale and smelled like a corpse. Your heart dropped upon her sight, what could have happened to her?
Mrs. Park and some other students brought her to the nurses office. While the teacher had told you to be quiet, as soon as the door closed people started to group u and talk about what you had just witnessed.
And this shouldn't be the only disturbing event for you today. Shortly after you and Nayeon had returned from having lunch together at the cafeteria, people in the hallways started attacking each other. They were biting others to the point of bleeding. There was blood everywhere and screams were echoing through the hallways.
Ans that's how you became trapped in your homeroom with a few of your classmates in the middle of a zombie apocalypse.
Nayeon was clutching your arm tightly, she was incredibly scared, you could tell by how she was shaking. While you were trying to keep up a strong facade you couldn't deny you were just as frightened.
Gyeongsu was also in the room, holding the door closed so the zombies couldn't get in. It somehow relieved you to know that the two people you cared about the most were both save and close to you.
A while later your group was joined by Cheongsan, Onjo, Namra and later Suhyeok too. You admired how they managed to get all the way to the classroom without getting bit.
Due to some unfortunate turn of events you were forced to leave the classroom and find another safe room to stay in. It was scary to be out in the middle of these flesh eating creatures but your group managed to protect yourselves with doors and windows and made your way to a different classroom.
Unfortunately on the way there Isak was bit and while she denied it at first it ultimately didn't stop her from turning. And that send Nayeon into full panic mode, it was the second time she had been in a room with a zombie and that was already two times too many.
You understood how she was feeling, but panicking and blaming others was not the way to go here in this situation. It took a while but you managed to calm her down for now, while also apologizing to the others on her behalf.
The zombies were suddenly drawn to the sound of the speakers as Mrs. Park shakily began a speech to the students that were still in school.
Thus begun your journey to the broadcasting room. Using the fire hose to make a ladder, one by one you climbed down, Nayeon somehow managed to argue her way to be one of the first to go down there. You went after her.
It was scary. The hose was swinging with every step you took and if you were to slip you would fall down quite a few stories. A fall you definitely wouldn't survive. You thank god that you weren't scared of heights at least.
When you arrived at the window of the broadcasting room Mrs. Park and Gyeongsu helped by pulling you in. You stood in the back carefully watching if they needed help as the others came down one by one.
As Cheongsan got into some trouble, with a zombie holding on to his foot, Nayeon was growing impatient again. Just as Cheongsan managed to climb inside she started screaming to close the window. A fight erupted between her and Gyeongsu as she couldn't control herself and called him a welfie again. "Stop it!" You screamed, all eyes in the room suddenly on you. The others were surprised, usually you were just known as Nayeon's quiet, obedient friend, hearing you speak up was shocking.
"I'm sorry, but fighting isn't going to help us in this situation." you apologized for your outburst, pulling Nayeon towards you to get some distance between her and Gyeongsu while looking at the boy with pleading eyes. The fight became forgotten once you were reminded of the situation that you found yourselves in. Joonyeong suggested looking up what was happening on the internet and as everyone was gathering around the PC, Gyungsu was sitting at the window, still bothered by the argument he had with Nayeon.
Slowly you made your way over to him, "I'm sorry for Nayeon." It seemed like all you ever did was apologize on your best friends behalf. "Yeah, yeah whatever. I'm used to it." Gyeongsu shrugged still gazing out of the window. Putting your hand on his to try and comfort him, made him look at you for the first time, even giving you a small smile. Honestly, a part of you had expected him to pull his hand away or something like that. You realized this might be the only chance you would get to confess, after all there was no way of knowing if you would survive this.
"Actually there is something I really want to tell you, but uhm..." Your sentence was interrupted by the fire hose smashing through the window. Gyeongsu jumped up, pushed you backwards away from the window, while shielding your body to make sure you weren't hit by any glass flying around. The closeness made you freeze in your spot as it felt like your heart was beating out of your chest.
The hose was still swinging breaking even more glass. As Cheongsan started to get closer to investigate a zombie fell down with its foot stuck in one of the loops of your makeshift ladder. Some of the boys tried pushing it out with a broom, but in the end Gyungsu had to sacrifice the PC to smash the zombie with it and make it fall.
As soon as he turned around though chaos once again ensued. Nayeon noticed Gyeongsu's bleeding nose and instantly figured he had been bitten. Gyeongsu however was denying that saying he had gotten hit with the broom.
It scared you. Gyeongsu wasn't one to lie, but you had just seen him in close proximity of the zombie, what if he had actually gotten infected? Your heart sank as Nayeon and Gyeongsu started fighting again.
When people eventually started to believe Gyeongsu over her, Nayeon got angry. But when you took Gyeongsu's side as well it was her last straw. She was refusing to apologize and kept making a fuss. As much as you loved your best friend she wasn't helping in this situation.
Eventually Gyeongsu agreed to spend some time in isolation to wait if he would turn or not. Mrs. Park was still trying to get Nayeon to apologize, you walked over as well in hopes of talking some sense into her. All you wanted was for Gyeongsu and her to be on better terms, hell, even if they just ignored each other it would be better than the constant fighting. "Please just apologize to him Nayeon. Or at least talk to him."
You watched carefully as Nayeon walked into the recording room where Gyeongsu was isolated. Oh how you wished to hear what they were saying. Not once before had you heard a sorry from Nayeon's mouth at least not a genuine. That's not the kind of person she was.
You were right, seeing how angry Gyeongsu came stormed out of the room, ready to fight Nayeon again, she surely did everything but apologize. Just as she was getting cornered again Gyeongsu's nose started bleeding again. Of course Nayeon used this to her advantage.
The way Gyeongsu was starting to panic himself it told you that this time it must be the real thing. But how? He had been in isolation for over half an hour if he had been infected before he would have turned already.
No! This couldn't be happening! You still had so much to say to him. But when he started writhing in pain and his bones started to crack, a whimper left your mouth and tears started pooling in your eyes as you unwillingly stepped back. There was nothing you could do, frozen in place as you watched your crush walk to the door on his own will. However before he could actually leave the room his consciousness left him and he started attacking Daesu, before Cheongsan distracted him.
You just watched the whole scene play out. Cheongsan luring him to the window and Gyeongsu jumping out in an attempt to get to him. Tears were streaming down your face and there was a ringing in your ears. The only thing you could hear was your heartbeat as you stared at the window Gyeongsu had just jumped out of.
The whole room was silent, shocked at what had just happened. Everyone had been sure that Gyungsu was fine, why would he turn suddenly? You just didn't understand or maybe you didn't want to understand because that would mean you'd have to accept the fact that he was gone.
Only when Namra accused Nayeon of infecting Gyeongsu through the blood of that infected on her handkerchief it suddenly started to make sense.But if Nayeon had put the zombie's blood on her handkerchief and then wiped it on Gyeongsu's wound, leading him to turn, that would mean she killed him! You couldn't believe it, she had often slipped a remark about how she wanted to kill him, but you'd never expected her to actually do it and if she was capable of killing a person only to make herself look like the victim, what else was she capable of?
“Should I just die too then? Is that what you want?" She started hysterically screaming, looking at you probably expecting to take her side, you were her best friend after all, right? But you just couldn't, she was a freaking murderer! So she got angry, realizing that you were choosing Gyeongsu over her, even if he was nothing but a dirty zombie now. She was crying in hopes that someone would at least pity her, but everyone was just blankly staring at her as she walked out. Mrs. Park followed her.
With that it was once again quiet in the room, no one was daring to speak about what had just happened. Slowly you made your way back to the broken window, looking out into the darkness. There was a little bit of hope left in you that Gyeongsu was actually okay out there, but you had watched him turn.
You wished you could have told him about your feelings. Right now all the words you wanted to say were flooding your mind, you wanted to scream them out, but what was he use? The person who was supposed to hear them wasn't here anymore. Killed by your best friend, who was also gone.
Was there anything left for you to live for?
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meu coração ……………
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faithdeans · 2 years
worm selfie (welfie)
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mariacallous · 2 years
A student’s readiness to learn is often dictated by factors outside of the classroom. The pandemic highlighted the critical roles of food and housing, social and health services, supportive relationships, and youth development opportunities to student well-being and academic progress.
As schools work to remedy the negative impacts the pandemic had on students and families, educators are especially attuned to schools’ need for high-quality “student support” services. Combined with an influx of funding from federal pandemic relief aid, these circumstances have stoked demand and attracted new players to the student support market.
School districts are now inundated with “student support” service providers but have little guidance on how to select or manage them. Direct service providers–like afterschool programs and eyeglass distributors–are increasingly joined by “integrated student support” providers who specialize in how to identify student strengths and needs and then coordinate the services and opportunities available in the school, and the surrounding community, to get the right resources to the right student at the right time.
When implemented well, integrated student support drives improvements in student learning outcomes, school climate, and teacher job satisfaction. This model also benefits taxpayers by more efficiently using school and community resources to produce positive short- and long-term outcomes. 
With the field’s increasing understanding of what effective student support strategies look like, policymakers should establish quality benchmarks to help districts ensure a minimum, evidence-based standard of care for students.  
Managing risks and benefits in a dynamic market
New players are increasingly engaging in assessing what students need and coordinating available resources in the school community. For example, an established organization like nonprofit City Year is training Americorps members to become “student success coaches;” for-profit Panorama is building on its social-emotional screening tools to enable a whole child approach to student support; and new entrants like Welfie pledge to support schools with “an innovative Full Service Community Schools Program.”
These organizations and others are expanding the options for schools interested in developing effective integrated student support systems. They can bring innovations and cutting-edge technology, tie interventions more closely to best practices based on research, and leverage more people in schools and communities with valuable ways of supporting students. At the same time, policymakers must balance the promise of innovations with risks.
Just as the Food and Drug Administration strives to ensure that the health benefits of a new treatment outweigh potential harms, policymakers in education can use evidence to minimize potential risks and maximize the benefits of student support interventions.
Contemporary student challenges can be exacerbated by approaches that fall short of best practices. For example: 
Mishandling information: Inadequate training of personnel can lead to mishandling student and family information, risking student safety and school liability; 
Dropping the ball: A student shares a traumatic experience on a school-administered questionnaire but there is no follow-up, exacerbating the student’s feelings of isolation and helplessness and raising the risk of adverse student outcomes; 
Missing the target: Ways to identify students with needs may not be reliable, allocating resources–including special education services–away from students who need them most.     
Growth in the market for student support services must be met with an increased focus on ensuring that providers follow evidence-based best practices.  
Creating Quality Benchmarks
The critical task of ensuring student support quality falls to a wide range of federal, state, and local policymakers. This should include Congress, the U.S. Department of Education, Health and Human Services, state departments of education, state health and human services, state legislatures, and local school boards and districts. All of these entities have a part to play–whether through legislation, guidance, grants, or implementation support–to ensure that students receive a baseline standard of quality care and support, and that resources, supported largely by public funds, are used effectively and efficiently.
These entities do not need to develop quality standards from scratch; rather, both research and practice can provide guidance to policymakers at every level, illuminating conditions and proven practices that can minimize risks and maximize benefits.
The first National Guidelines for Integrated Student Support provide a roadmap for how all schools can improve their approach to student support. Through a process convened by the Boston College Center for Thriving Children, where we work, consensus guidelines were developed by a national group of experts in research and practice of integrated student support.
The guidelines are consistent with professional standards, such as those of the American School Counseling Association, and give policymakers parameters to set quality benchmarks to shape the growing marketplace. For example, a quality approach to student support will: 
Personalize support for every student;
Be comprehensive in addressing a student’s strengths and needs in academics, social-emotional-behavioral well-being, physical health, and family dynamics;
Function within the day-to-day operations of a school, creating a systematic approach;
Leverage the personnel and resources available in the school and the surrounding community;
Emphasize student support personnel credentials, competencies, training, and support; and
Use data for continuous improvement of implementation and evaluation of outcomes while also honoring student and family privacy. 
Across the country, more than 330 schools are following best practices in student support. They are reviewing each student’s needs, creating individualized plans, following up on those plans with a combination of school and community resources, and using data to inform school-level decision making with the help of City Connects and Building Assets Reducing Risks (BARR) Center. Another 2,900 schools partnered with Communities In Schools and still others are moving towards these best practices. 
Federal policymakers are also making strides towards strengthening student support in schools. Recent actions include the National Partnership for Student Success, which released voluntary quality standards, and the Bipartisan Safer Communities Act, which invests in student support personnel and interventions. Yet these steps are moving slower than the marketplace is growing and the evidence of what works. The new National Guidelines can help policymakers align federal investments, including the Full Service Community Schools program, with evidence-based best practices so that more schools implement proven strategies.  
States Leading the Way
Some state policymakers are more aggressively taking hold of the research in response to needs in their schools and communities. These states are creating demand for programs that are more likely to work for students. They are identifying interventions with defined models, aligned professional development, capacity to monitor fidelity of implementation, and a willingness to evaluate outcomes.
In Texas and West Virginia, for example, state funds are supporting the expansion of Communities In Schools. The integrated student support program places coordinators in schools to bring in needed resources and work with high-need students on individualized student support plans.
Similarly, Indiana is expanding City Connects (Disclosure: the authors are employees of the Boston College Center for Thriving Children, where the program is incubated). City Connects is an evidence-based approach to leveraging school and community resources to ensure that each student gets a tailored set of supports and opportunities to address their unique needs, strengths, and interests.
California’s $3 billion commitment to Community Schools, which includes integrated student support, is spurring the state to more rigorously define the approach and develop aligned technical assistance. 
These states are taking important steps to help their schools and districts navigate a dynamic marketplace and encourage the uptake of approaches to student support more likely to yield benefits. We encourage more states to follow their lead. 
Federal and State Policymakers Have Important Roles to Play
As the field of student support becomes crowded with new entrants capitalizing on financial opportunities and responding to significant student needs, policymakers at every level should establish baseline standards of quality and care. They can start by identifying research-based parameters and incentivizing the adoption of effective and cost-efficient solutions capable of mitigating harms and delivering on the promise of student support. Although coordination in disparate policymaking arenas can be challenging, a shared roadmap informed by research and practice—the National Guidelines for Integrated Student Support—we hope will prove to be a critical touchstone.
The National Guidelines for Integrated Student Support were developed by a working group of researchers from AIR, Boston College, Child Trends, Harvard University, Learning Policy Institute, University of Pennsylvania, and UCLA and practitioners from Building Assets Reducing Risks (BARR) Center, City Connects, Communities In Schools, the New York City Department of Education’s Community Schools, the National Center for Community Schools, and others. Learn more about the guidelines here.  
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yathrib · 8 months
وِلفي ..
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vumming · 8 months
Could I request a gyeong su x male reader?
Basically a enemies to lovers, where m!reader stops Lee Na-yeon from infecting him?
So, like it's pretty well known gyeong-su and m!reader dislike each other, they argue almost every day, and maybe m!reader is dating Na-yeon(he secretly finds her a bit annoying), no he doesn't call him a welfie
So what if when she's about to infect him, he barges in their, and grabs her arm or sm.
For his personality I'm thinking he can be rude as fuck but nice to people he likes? He's also kinda a popular pretty boy
ngl this was vv specific so i struggled lol but that was a fun challenge, lemme know if I missed anything
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witchcatcreations · 2 years
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I participated a Secret Santa on a rad discord I'm a part of, and I did this for my end!
Welfi belongs to their owner
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