#well TECHNICALLy i've been out as trans for like 2 years before that but 5 years ago on this day i came out to my parents
obsmiechujek · 5 months
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Guess who's celebrating coming out as trans today!!!
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arwainian · 2 years
Reading This Week
I am back home and reading like my life depends on it! I'm going to start working through articles I have saved to my computer bookmarks and such
Pregnant Butch by A.K. Summers i tried! i've been meaning to try reading this for ages! but i got turned off by goodreads reviews saying theres a transphobic screed in the middle, and then just not clicking with the storytelling style.... oh well...
The Secret to Superhuman Strength by Alison Bechdel (colored by Holly Rae Taylor) I kinda stayed up later than I technically meant to finish reading this. Bechdel really is a fantastic memoirist
Started & Finished:
As Yet Unsent by Tamsyn Muir tbh, kinda wish i'd read this before Nona so that I would have a tad more context for like the connections between the other House characters. but this was pretty great as a quick read, and really enlightening for the inner life of a character that I never really cared about before
"I wrote a story for a friend" by Julian Gough this is the personal essay by the guy that wrote the Minecraft End Poem about the trouble surrounding its creation and copyright. I find it kinda funny when he's like "the capitalism game makes me sad bc it gets in the way of the art game and the friendship game.... but there's nothing inherently wrong with the capitalism game!" he's got the spirit but ain't quite there yet yknow? anywho. one day I will actually beat Minecraft and read the story in its proper context!
What Did You Eat Yesterday? Vol. 1-5 by Fumi Yoshinaga, translated by Maya Rosewood (1-3) and Yoshito Hinton (4-5) now I did not intend for reading this manga to be a christmas season read, but somewhere in the beginning of vol 2 or 3 it was just christmas season within the manga itself!! anyway this is a pretty chill slice of life manga, half cooking/recipes, half daily life for a middle aged gay couple in 2000s Tokyo, and it's been a fun easy read
Nectar edited by Tab Kimpton & Harry-Anne Bentley most thoughts remain in my private journal for this one, but I can say that kinda like the last one only like 2 or 3 of the stories within actually like. worked for me on an artistic style level. still delighted that this exists
Ouran High School Host Club, Vol. 2-3 by Bisco Hatori, translated by Kenichiro Yagi while i'm enjoying the nostalgia of reading the manga version of a childhood anime, i find the panels of this really difficult to read? also this is the last volume available through my library so i probably won't read more for a while
Decolonizing Queer Games and Play from First Person Scholar, edited by Khee Hoon Chan:
Editorial by Khee Hoon Chan A Boy is a Gun: Weaponizing Black Gender in Video Games by Oluwatayo Adewole Unmaking and Undoing: A Trans* Reading of Katamari Damacy by Julie Fukunaga Interviw with Caro Asercion by Olivia Popp
working my way through articles that i've saved to my bookmarks bar! i absolutely want to check out more stuff like this
Masters in this Hall by K.J. Charles now THIS is a deliberate Christmas read for me, as it's the surprise un-advertised Christmas novella from one of my favorite romance authors! it was fun and funnily enough, most of took place in the days following Christmas. it was fun to see Jerry again (this time as a side character), and kinda made me want to go reread Any Old Diamonds since it's been a couple years now
Secrets Typed in Blood by Stephen Spotswood YES YES YES i am only a few chapters in at time of writing, but i am so happy to be back with my delightful butch private detective duo. i've been waiting for this inpatiently ever since i finished the second book in the series and i'm so glad to be back to get my historical mystery fix
Hen Fever by Olivia Waite
this is another surprise christmas novella from a favorite histrom author and the cover is absolutely Delightful. i'm gonna try and savor it but i make no promises
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buckybeardreams · 3 years
Okay, giving out one fic is not something I'm capable of doing lol, but I can give you my top recs. Four are completed fics and two are WIPs that I'm currently reading, but are so good I get like so excited when they're updated.
So I'm gonna list them by number just cuz it's easier, but they're all so good that I recommend all of them and this list is organized by how recently I've read/started them, with the bottom one being the most recent one ive found.
1. Ain't No Rest for the Wicked by Kellyscams
Okay so I absolutely loved this fic sm, binge read it in like three days even tho it's like 300k words lol
It's a Stucky fic with sex worker Bucky, I'mlike really into sex worker Bucky fics rn, and I absolutely fell in love with it. One of the chapters has kitty play in it😍😍, and I like never see that in fics, and Bucky is freaking adorable in it.
2. This Side of the Blue by notlucy
So this is a mermaid, or technically, a siren fic, with Siren Bucky and it's so beautifully written and I just freaking love it. It also set off my desire to write mermaid fics and now I have three mermaid WIPs lol
3. I'm also reading Fair Game by NotEvenCloseToStraight rn and it's so fucking good, everyone should read it
It's a wolf shifter WinterHawk fic and while I've never read a WinterHawk fic before, I'm absolutely in love with this one.
4. This one is a short fic and well worth the read
It is also by NotEvenCloseToStraight cuz everything she writes is worth recommending
Jammie Horny
So I remember when she posted this last year and I didn't read it. Now I'm like wtf, can't believe I didn't read it, cuz it's so freaking cute😍🥺
It's not an age play fic but literally the whole concept is that Steve is horny for Tony's jammies, and like Tony is just wearing this onesie, like the full body sleeper kind, and I love it sm! It also has Steve ripping apart wood, cuz he needs to get rid of some stress related to being so fucking horny lol
5. Okay so I recently got obsessed with this writer roe87 and have been slowly but surely reading all of their omegaverse Bucky fics... They're all so freaking good. They're almost all intersex Bucky fics and that's not something I've ever been that into, but I read this fic by them Filthy Gorgeous and really fell in love with this writer
So it's not an intersex Bucky fic, it's a trans Bucky fic and he's an Alpha stripper and he falls for Steve who is also an Alpha stripper. It has a really hot lap dance scene that leads to a blowjob, also literally the first time Bucky meets Steve he gets a lap dance from him lol
It is set up in an a/b/o verse so Bucky was born an Omega and then transitioned into being an Alpha. It's really fucking good and I would highly recommend it!!
6. This last one is also by roe87 and I'm currently reading it and obsessed with it.
Omega Services: Rut Assistant
Yes, it's another sex worker Bucky fic, I clearly have a preference lol
It's an intersex Bucky fic and is also set up in an a/b/o verse, but brings up some of the very real and relatable struggles of living in a "binary" world and not quite fitting in anywhere. Bucky is a male Omega which is really rare and means that everything is set up for female Omegas which sometimes makes him feel really uncomfortable or out of place and he likes to let people assume he's an Alpha cuz it's just easier that way.
Yes, I do realize that most of these recs are sex worker fics and most of them are Stucky and none of them are Stuckony lol
While Stuckony is my main ship, I actually mostly read Stucky fics, idk I was part of a Stucky server for a while and I follow the stuckylibrary, so I get recs for Stucky fics all of the time. It's actually kinda interesting to see the things I read versus the things I tend to write, cuz they don't always line up
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hopeaterart · 3 years
Chronicles From Redwood is currently a work-in-progress, and I've just begun outlining the plot of each story. They are Horror/Comedy YA stories, and all of them contain the overarching theme of coming to terms with the past and moving on. This is what the summary of all nine of the stories concerning the girls and subject to change, so this is technically a WIP.
Thanks to getting in trouble on the first day of school, the year seems to be shaping up for the worst for Devyn Summers, Lyric Smith and Caitlin Flowers. As the three start to bond over how much they'd like to be anywhere other than here, mysterious and bloody incidents start happening on the beach near town...
The La Mode Noire boutique is organizing an amateur fashion context, with the winning team getting the occasion of meeting the brand's head designer! Noel Rodriguez, Abigail 'Glimmer' Hawkins and Shin-Hye Gwishin decide to team up, reasoning that they have a better chance of winning the contest if they team up than if they went against one another. They decide to take for inspiration the colorful characters around town, but realize that there is something off about their clashing...
While getting a drink at the local café, Frederique "Fred" Blair, Chloe Wright and Zoe Macbeth catch a rumor of some kind of weirdo hanging around the local temple. The three of them end up hiding overnight there for different reason, and end up finding that the "weirdo" is much more than that...
Afeda Abdi recently decided to start a gardening club at the Academy, and finds her first two members in classmates Alicia Torrance and Automne Delamontagne. They quickly agree to go in the woods near town to study some of the more unique flora there. An outing gone wrong later, and the three girls now have a blood red being hunting for them...
After being put together on a team for a school project in their history class, Yui Masayoshi, Jiao Wise and Nhu' Mai Tran Le decide to do a project on The Blizzard of 1953 and the effects it had on the town. But when they take things a bit too far and go to investigate a house that's been abandoned since, they find themselves in a very spooky situation...
While sudden electric outages are nothing new in Redwood, the mayor has decided to use them as a justification to try and integrate the town into a nearby city. This does not sit well with Maelyn Cioban, who enlists the help of Lilly Green-Brown and Rina Floyd to sabotage the mayor's plans. But in doing so, they might unearth something dark...
The Institute of the White Lady is putting on a theater play, and Phoebe Walker sees becoming it's stagehand as an opportunity to learn. Unfortunately, the piece is being written by perfectionist Ruby Blossoms, and the lead Ruth Hertz has severe stage fright. Taking the two out to try and talk some things out, they stay out a bit latter than anticipated...
Triplets Clara, Valkyrie and Dawn Van Spectran have always been close, even as life seems intent on pushing them apart. It's last attempt- puberty- was a mild success. But the sounds of their house have been growing louder recently. This might be their last chance to be an unbreakable trio before they grow too far apart...
Redwood is haunted. That is a fact Lindsey Graves has known her whole life, Lucia Locke has known since she got in that weird accident when she was eight, and Hel O'Lilitu probably contributes to. The three team up together to try and figure out why that is, and probably end up finding out more than they thought they would...
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kharmii · 3 years
Why The Kharmii Is Not Good Candidate For Workplace Shooter
In the next installment of the ongoing saga of dealing with the scum of the earth in the workplace, they are hurraderking that I might be a danger of becoming a workplace shooter, just because I lost my temper one day. This goes along with what I detailed in a past post about being forced to uphold an impossible standard of perfection due to having a minor disability. I'm not allowed to make minor mistakes, have bad days, etc. I'm supposed to be Saint Kharmii: Patron Saint of Long-Sufferedness. Anyway, here's my breakdown of reasons I wouldn't be capable of violence:
1.) I'm not on psychotropic drugs: The reason mass-shootings have increased in numbers since the 70s and 80s is because more and more people are taking antidepressants (it might also explain the increase in autistic kids, but that's controversial). It's like my mom always says...it's okay to be sad. I've lost family members close to me, but I went through the grieving process the usual way without medical aid.
2.) My PTSD is under control: I've been on-and-off harassed for twenty years, and the Stalker Guy has been a problem for seven. I have major stress in my life dealing with extended family drama....but I just deal with it. That's part of being an adult. Life isn't going to always be perfect. Stalker Guy has backed off enough that I made the decision I'll just wait him out until that couple of years goes by and he can retire. -So what if he leaves anonymous gifts in my mailbox for Christmas and my B-Day? It's not worth getting a guy fired a few years before retirement, plus if I did, I'd be the one harangued as the 'drama causing hoochie who got a guy fired for nothing', because it's not like he threatened to kill me. *sigh*
3.) I'm not in the demographic of people likely to commit violent acts: Remember Criminal Minds? The profiler would always say the unsub is likely to be 'a middle-aged male who has never been married'. That would actually be half the guys I work with. In fact, I'm positive that at least two of them are secret serial killers and probably have dead hookers buried in their crawl spaces. NO JOKE.
4.) One of the accusers is a leftist: Encountering a leftist is like coming upon a viper or poisonous black widow spider. Once you identify what it is and where it hides, it's best to give that rock it's oozing under a wide berth. That lying leftist liar can sneak around, sniveling and trembling in mock fear all she wants over the Big Bad Kharmii, but I have no intention of going anywhere near her or even looking in her direction.
5.) I'm in the demographic of people have violence perpetrated against them: Well, technically, trans fem people are the ones who are likely to both suffer violence and commit violent acts. Trans masc people are fairly quiet, but there's something in that I've been harassed by dirtbags for literally decades, plus openly stalked and had people treat the stalking like a joke. There's def that. Like I said before, this has been going on for so long that I've learned to live with it. I shouldn't have to, but it is what it is. I'm not likely to snap and go off the rails at this point. If it hasn't happened by now, it won't.
6.) I lead a fulfilling life: I have four kids and a huge extended family. The reason I got married and started a family is so I can work to live but not live to work. That makes the accusations even more dirtbaggy, that they'd believe I'd be capable of throwing all that away for the likes of the most worthless people on earth. Besides, I know I just have to wait them out, and they'll destroy themselves. It's like that Sun Tzu Quote: “If you wait by the river long enough, the bodies of your enemies will float by.” Remember that obnoxious whore everyone thought was cute? She quit over man drama. -That smarmy neckbeard who sneered at me? He quit to shack up with some casino boss broad who has no intention of marrying him, and who could throw him out any time.
Side note: Even the Stalker Guy has a fulfilling life compared to the other incels in the workplace. He has more friends than all of them put together, and he is always doing stuff with his Sierra Club type group....camping, hiking, playing bridge, partying on holidays, etc etc. He doesn't need me to be happy, any more than I need him. It's just that he got it in his head at one point that I was to be the person he married and brought home to his mom before she died of old age. The losers have also made jokes about his potential to be a workplace shooter, but I doubt he even thinks of any of them the moment he exits the building.
7.) I have outlets to vent: Posting Gallade and Gardevoir is my fulfilling intarweb life that keeps me out of trouble online. I no longer get into useless trolling matches with left wing SJWs and alt-right incels. That doesn't mean that I don't still have reason to let loose and complain. It's a stereotype that 'quiet ones' shoot up the place. I'm not quiet. I let the dirtbags around me know that I'm not fooled by them, and just because I'm stuck in close quarters with them, I'm not their friend. Sure, I'll be polite and make an effort to be civil, but I'm not a dog who gets kicked and still acts happy to see the abusers with tail wagging.
8.) It's OKAY to hold unpopular opinions!: We don't live under the tyranny of the majority. Just because most people in my workplace are okay with having a pervasive toxic dirtbag party culture permeating the office, doesn't mean I'm wrong to point it out. Just because it's mostly me and one other guy taking the brunt of harassment, out of, say, fifty employees, doesn't mean we're wrong for standing up for ourselves. It doesn't help that I'm not particularly valuable in the context of the bottom line. I'm on FMLA for my daughter's disability, so they can't force me to come in on my days off. The harassers with no families are more valuable in that 'work family' context. It would benefit them to be able to get rid of me by labeling me a threat, but I'm not actually guilty of anything besides challenging a toxic micro culture.
9.) BONUS: I'm throwing this in to be a goof. The 4Channers have a conspiracy theory that workplace shooters are MK Ultra experiments who have been hypnotized by FBI agents to distract from major political events going down....to redirect the attention and outrage. According to the usual bullshit, there should have been one after the Biden Infrastructure Bill passed. Uh Oh...even if I had FBI agents visiting my house and hypnotizing me, the window to act is over. Maybe next time.
10.) BONUS: Another goof. Ammo is precious and scarce, and we might be in for a super King Kong maya-maya recession because of Said infrastructure bill. If I'm wasting ammo to shoot something, then I'd better be eating it. If we go through the Zombie Apocalypse where I'm forced to shoot a human in self-defense, then I'm butchering them and filling my freezer. If it comes down to a choice between eating the bugs or eating the people, then people supposedly taste a lot like pork. Yum. ;-D
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