#well this was supposed to just be 6x12 but it got out of my control at some point there okasokaosk
lover-of-mine · 2 years
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To you, I can admit that I'm just too soft for all of it...
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thelikesofus · 1 year
"You didn't have to wait up"
steady steady
911 on Fox | Buddie | 970 Words | Canon Compliant, 6x12 Coda No this is not the five sentence it was supposed to be, it got a little out of control so ahh merry early christmas I guess xx
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"You didn't have to wait up." Buck says as he closes the front door behind him and toes off his shoes in the pale light of the hallway lamp.
"I know," Eddie says from the couch. He's got a mug of half cold camomile tea in his hands and a cushion in his lap as he leans back against the arm of the couch. He draws his knees up to his chest as Buck perches on the couch next to him. He looks tired but more relaxed than he did before he left earlier that afternoon. "But I wanted to make sure you got in alright."
"I have a key." Buck's mouth quirks at the corner and his eyes sparkle, and Eddie's traitorous heart skips a beat.
"Not what I meant." He says.
Buck reaches for the blanket in the basket next to the couch and offers Eddie on end of it as he draps it over his own knees. Eddie offers he his mug and Buck chuckles before accepting it and drinking what it left of Eddie's tea.
"I could have made my own."
"I know, but you just sat down."
Buck hums in response and relaxes back against the back of the couch, Eddie bravely tucks his toes under Buck's thigh and reveales in Buck touch as his hand clasps around Eddie's shin through the blanket, the now empty mug abandoned on the coffee table.
"How was Maddie?" Eddie asks quietly.
Buck's hand rubs up and down his shin and Eddie's not sure if he realizes he's doing it, the repeative motion most likely a subconscious, self soothing action. "Good. We talked, she meant well, with all the visitors and the-the meals. I guess I hadn't really thought about-. I don't know."
His hand stops and slides down onto the blanket.
"I'm sorry, by the way." Buck says and when Eddie raises a brow at him he shrugs. "For dying I guess."
Eddie is surprised by the laugh that bubbles out of him, both humorous and synical. "Wasn't your fault."
"I know but-."
""We've been here before, Buck." Eddie reaches for his hand and plays with Buck's fingers instead of meeting his gaze. "You can't control the weather. I'm just glad you're okay."
Buck relaxes and his fingers fold around Eddie's, just holding. "Me too."
They're quiet for a while, letting the soft yellow light of the hallway bulb drap over them and listening to the branches of the orange tree scratch against the window pane.
"I haven't been sleeping much." Buck whispers and Eddie squeezes his hand, prompting him to continue when he's ready. "Every time I wake up I'm scared I'm back in that place, in the dream."
Eddie runs his thumb along the bumps of Buck's knuckles.
"I wasn't scared like that today."
"What do you mean?"
"When I came here today I really wasn't planning on taking a nap on your couch but when I woke up-." Buck pulls his hand away and rubs both if his palms up his face and Eddie watching his chest expand and his shoulders rise as he takes in a deep breath. "I knew exactly where I was when I woke up, and I wasn't scared. I haven't felt like that since I got out of the hospital."
Eddie might have to go back to the cardiologist because something is definitely wrong with his heart, the way it stutters irregularly. Something in him blooms at the thought of his home being a safe place to Buck.
"You can stay here," Eddie says before he can stop himself. "For as long as you need."
Buck's smile is small and quiet. "Thanks, Eddie. I wouldn't want to hang about like a bad smell but I appreciate the offer."
"You smell just fine to me." Eddie jokes even as he feels his cheek turn pink. " I mean it Buck, you're always welcome here."
"I like being here." Buck admits quietly.
Eddie cups a hand around the ball of Buck's shoulder and squeezes until Buck looks up at him. "I like it when you're here, too."
It's Buck's turn to blush as he ducks his head bashfully and fists his hands in the blanket. Eddie can see him biting the inside of his cheek before he asks, "Can I stay here tonight?"
Eddie reaches for him with both hands. "Come here."
It takes a moment for Buck to understand what he means but eventually he leans to the side and then rotates until he is lent against Eddie's chest, curled into his side with his head on Eddie's shoulder, the both of them tucked closely together under their shared blanket.
At first, Buck is stiff and awkward with long limbs and sharp joints digging into all the softest parts of Eddie but as Eddie runs his hand up Buck's spin and slides down to lay almost flat on the couch, his head resting on the armrest, Buck relaxes into him and they slot into place like puzzle pieces.
"Get some rest, okay." Eddie says. "I'll be here when you wake up."
"Promise?" Buck whispers and his lips brush against Eddie's collarbone sending a shiver skittering across his skin, leaving goosebumps in it's wake.
Buck's hand clutches at the fabric of Eddie's t-shirt and Eddie turns his nose into his curls. In the morning they'll regret not moving to a real bed, each of them too long, too broad and on the wrong side of thirty to be sleeping together on a couch through the night. But there's a promise to having Buck held tightly in the circle of his arms, his heartbeat tapping out a rhythm against Eddie's side. Steady, sure, and alive.
The blanket is warm and the slow puffs of Buck's breath against his skin lull Eddie to sleep.
Send me the first sentence of a fic and I will write the next five-ish (or a whole fic probably)
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takaraphoenix · 4 years
Buffy the Vampire Slayer: Season 6
1. Favorite character of this season?
I absolutely love how they dedicated this season to Buffy's issues. She died. And was ripped out of heaven. She lost her mom and was suddenly forced into being the adult in the house. It's so much and she gets to break about it. Yes, she hurts the people around her, but honestly... it kind of figures? How is one supposed to adjust to what she is trying to adjust to? But over the season, the wake-up calls she gets – the asylum episode, Dawn's stealing, Willow's addiction and then the grand finale that makes her realize she wants to be in this world – it's so great, because it goes... slowly.
My biggest issue with most modern TV is that it's basically torture porn. The main character is put through impossibly traumatizing ordeals but is never even given the chance to cope, to try and deal with it. The issues are never addressed, only glossed over because actually dealing with them would require care and good writing and take time away from all the other drama going on! So characters are only traumatized for shock-value and then are immediately over it, even though it's unrealistic.
This season is a season of trauma. A season of bad coping mechanism, of pushing people away but still seeking someone where she can feel safe – Spike. She slowly has to relearn to open up and let them in, she has to learn to want to live again. And it's hard. And the show doesn't shy away from it, it doesn't shy away from her making the wrong choices, because... there is no one right choice that is obvious when dealing with the trauma she has faced.
2. Outstanding minor character (positive or negative)?
Negative. Jonathan. I just... I really truly hate that Jonathan is in the trio. Of all people, Jonathan. The one who gave Buffy her class-protector award with that heart-warming speech. Buffy was the one person who saved him, personally, when he wanted to commit suicide. Even after the Jonathan Superstar episode, Buffy was gentle and understanding with him. It just... for him, to turn supervillain like that was incredibly disappointing for me.
3. Favorite character dynamic?
I genuinely love the Tara-Dawn dynamic. Tara and Willow raised her for months while Buffy was dead. But the Giles-Anya dynamic is also so great – I'm very soft for the way Anya points out her hair is blonde in the finale like “Buffy is getting hugs for short hair. I too would like a hug”.
4. Favorite canon romantic ship?
Buffy and Spike... in the first half of the season. The way she found him to open up to, he was the only one she voluntarily told about having been in heaven. She finds a connection to him. The way he loves her – that he stayed, for months, even though she was dead, because he had promised her to take care of Dawn and he didn't just do that, he helped the Scoobies protect Sunnydale. He had no reason to and it still... it bothers me so much that everyone continuously belittles Spike's love for Buffy like it's not there. If he was only lusting after her, he would have ditched town after her death, he wouldn't have helped defend Sunnydale and take care of Dawn.
5. Least favorite canon romantic ship?
I'm having flashbacks here but it's a tie and it's because of shit decisions Xander and Willow made.
It's strange, I want to love Willow and – as a friend – she is a great character, but she's just... a shitty partner? She cheated on Oz for weeks or months with Xander and now she used magic to play with Tara's mind. That is so... violating and disturbing and that, after Tara found out and confronted her about it and pointed out how incredibly wrong that was, even more so with Tara's past, Willow just went and immediately did it again. And this isn't something you can blame the addiction for; this was just “I don't want my girlfriend mad at me so I'll erase her memories”. It's... just so bad.
The other being Xander and Anya, even though I love Xander and Anya together, but... the entire season was a steady build-up to “Xander REALLY doesn't wanna get married”, literally from the first episode on. He tried to hide the engagement as long as possible. Then he just... makes these disturbed faces every time someone brings up the married life. They had a whole sing and dance number about their doubts. It's just so very evidently clear that he doesn't want to get married, but he takes until the wedding itself to realize and just... leaves Anya at the altar and then thinks he can get her back? Genuinely thinks they could just go back to being in a relationship? But after leaving her at the altar acting like she owes him something – when he watches her and Spike have sex?
Sometimes, it feels like Xander and Willow really live to sabotage their own happiness.
6. Favorite episode?
Once More With Feeling – it's just one of the most outstanding episodes, really! The songs are so brilliant, the emotional arcs this episode for everyone – from the Spuffy to the per-marital issues between Anya and Xander to Tara and Giles' doubts. It's really brilliant. Many shows after have tried to make a musical episode happen and, with luck, they're fun or comic-relief, but... none have lived up to the standard set by this one.
7. Least favorite episode?
Oh, that's an easy one. 6x19 Seeing Red, where they made... Spike, at this point honestly, completely OoC by having him try to rape Buffy. That will never come off as anything but OoC, not after all that has happened between them. Yes, they are violent with each other – but that's a mutual thing, they hurt each other. This was... terrifying to watch as a teen and it hasn't stopped being upsetting and disturbing. And then they top the episode off with Tara being fridged.
I know fridging is technically the act of killing a female character for the sake of a male character's suffering, but... it's gay fridging? It's not even entirely a Bury Your Gay; Tara dies specifically for the pain and suffering of her lover. After everything Tara's been through in life and after everything Willow has put her through this season, they barely just rekindled... and she gets killed off.
8. Favorite Monster Of The Week?
Aesthetically and what he brought to the show? Sweet from Once More, With Feeling.
But I think that Stewart from Hell's Bells also really stood out. The fact that Anya's past came back to haunt her – because she was a demon for a century and she tortured people for a living. She doesn't even remember this guy whose life she ruined and he comes in to ruin her wedding. And in the end... he wasn't even the one to ruin it, the viewer gets one last moment of hope when it's revealed this was a fake-out, that he was not “Xander from the future” but a vengeful demon... but even without Stewart, the wedding didn't happen.
9. Least favorite Monster Of The Week?
Not too many monsters of the week going on, really. Probably Wig Lady from 6x12 Doublemeat Palace, because all the implications of cannibalism in that episode were really very disturbing.
10. Rate the overarching villain!
Brilliant. 10/10. Holds up so well.
Seriously, there is this... frustrating part where Xander's character just does not hold up at all because of the casual sexism and gross over-sexualization of his female friends. Which figures, because that's how a Nice Nerdy Guy was defined in the 90s (and, if you look at modern TV aimed at nerdy guys like The Big Bang Theory, still is). It's just a trope from TV and movies that for some reason really worked back then but nowadays when we look at sexism and the behavior of men toward women with different eyes, it is really appalling and upsetting.
In the case of the nerd trio, this worked out really well for the show, because it only makes them even more effective villains. They are ridiculous losers, total nerds who think they are owed womens' attention. Their schemes are literally straight out of comics but for the dumbest purposes – they make an invisibility ray so they can go into a women's only spa to spy on naked ladies. They create mind-control devices but for the purpose of enslaving women into their sex-puppets.
It is so gross, so ridiculous and inexplicably still somehow funny, because it's straight out of comics. Freeze-rays? Invisibility-rays? Self-destructing lairs? Jet-packs? It is not out of this world, this isn't how Buffy the Vampire Slayer operates, this is a show about monsters and demons and they're turning it into a whacky scifi show and it works.
Then there's the fact that they're just... three dumb losers? I mean, last season, Buffy literally slayed a god. Shows like to escalate. The Big Bads become bigger and badder each season, but... where do you go after you killed a god? Instead of trying to immediately one-up the villain factor, they did something incredibly brilliant. They took all the steps back.
The villains aren't the focus of this season. The focus of this season is what I answered in the first part of this post. Buffy's mental health and readjustment. You can't only focus on that though, you do need a villain and for that, an overarching villain of some loser nerd bois who fail the majority of time are perfect. They're nuisances that make Buffy's life marginally harder at times, but they're not an overall, serious, actual threat that may end the world.
And still they... got Tara killed. In such a... human manner. An angry man-child who hates women comes in with a gun and shoots her. And there's nothing the demon-slaying good guys can do about it. The bullet hits – not the target it was intended for – and takes an innocent life. Just like that, Warren manages what the hellish bad guys from previous seasons hadn't managed; he kills a Scoobie. Angelus killed Jenny, Drusilla killed Kendra, those were the only major deaths at the hands of villains that we had on this show so far and both were minor characters.
Bonus: Other thoughts?
Dawn was so draining this season; she got better in the last quarter of the season but the majority of it... The stealing, the behavior, the blaming Buffy for absolutely everything – Willow got addicted to magic, it's Buffy's fault, they have no money and Buffy has to go and work to earn money and it's Buffy's fault that she's not home, Buffy died to save Dawn and somehow it's Buffy's fault too because she left Dawn. Just... how can you possibly be this self-centered...? It's so exhausting, even more so in the season that has Buffy suffering the most and instead of being a supportive, helpful sister, Dawn acts like she's the victim of everything...
And I understand, Dawn has been through a lot too – losing her mother, losing Buffy, learning she isn't human but just a mass of energy – but there is a difference between suffering yourself and placing all the blame on other people and pretending that the world is against you, instead of tackling your own issues and problems yourself? And stealing from your friends, at that.
And no, being fifteen isn't an excuse for not seeing beyond yourself. Fifteen year olds are sure old enough to be self-aware... This “fifteen year olds only see themselves and only care about their own suffering and everybody else is to be blamed for how shit their life is” is just... another cringey Teen Girl Trope. Seriously, why did they just cram every single bad trope into this character...
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ohsamulet · 6 years
Sam and Dean and Hugs
As promised, here's the Sam-style-hugs analysis/expansion to this post! Hope you're all looking forward to some serious rambling. (thanks @jbt111886 for the inspiration!)
So, let’s jump right into it!
The first time Sam goes in for a hug is in 3x11, Mystery Spot, and if that isn't a tackle-hug then I don't know what is.
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Dean doesn't even know what hit him. Notice also how Sam throws both his arms around Dean's neck, when it's usually the other way around? Well, I say "usually", but let's go into more detail here because why the hell not. I've pointed out in a different post that Dean actually initiates most of the hugs we get to see (death/injury-hugs and heaven/memory-hugs excluded), and he also likes to go all big-brother on Sam, make himself as big and protective as possible, and have his arms over and around Sam's shoulders. And even when it's Sam who initiates the hug, as long as Dean knows that there's a hug about to happen, he'll have at least one arm on top. In Mystery Spot, he has no idea what's coming, and Sam is free to tackle-glomp-hug him, basically throw himself at Dean, and be the protective one for once. Which, I feel, is very understandable given what he's just been through. Another thing that amazes me about this hug is that Sam somehow manages to look like an impenetrable barrier between Dean and every possible imaginable danger, but at the same time so damn vulnerable, clinging to Dean like there's no fricking tomorrow.
I also want to point out that, even though Dean is confused as all hell and has no idea what's gotten into Sam, he just hugs Sam back and lets him do his thing, waiting for Sam to move away first because it's obvious that Sam needs that right now.
Okay let's move on.
The very next hug we get is 4x01, Lazarus Rising. Now, for some reason I always thought that this one was an instance where they both went in for the hug at the same time, but re-watching and giffing it I realized that it's actually another Sam-hug. Look here:
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Dean's just standing there, waiting for the penny to drop for Sam, and when it does, well. There goes Sam, throwing himself at Dean again. But this time Dean knows very well what's coming so they end up with both of them having one arm over and one under. And I think this is the most mutual clinging and rib-crushing hug we got so far? I mean look how they're already all tangled up in each other and then Dean clutches Sam's shoulder and pulls him even closer.
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And again, Dean just holds Sam until Sam pulls away.
Moving on, the next hug we get is in 5x16, Dark side of the Moon. It's another Sam-hug, and it's a memory that we see in Dean's (or actually Sam and Dean's) heaven, and I won't go into too much detail on this one but I want to point out that it's Sam who hugs Dean, and it's also Sam who let's go first.
Two hugs later and it's 6x12, Like a Virgin, and Sam just got his soul back. For a second while writing this I was tempted to call this one the most intense and desperate Sam-hug, but then I remembered 3x11 and 14x12 so.. scratch that. But Look At This:
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See how the moment Dean hugs him back, Sam almost breaks down then and there? Cause I see it and it makes me c r y. From Sam's POV, he only threw himself into the pit a few minutes ago, something he never expected to come back from. He doesn't remember anything that happened in the last year and a half, he has no idea how he got out of hell or what happened since. He's incredibly relieved but also unsure and probably scared. But Dean is there and he's fine, so whatever happend can't be too bad, right?! And even if it is, as long as they're together, they can fix it. So Sam clings – quite literally – to the one thing he can be sure of. Which happens to be Dean.
And, again, (surprise!) Sam's the first one to let go.
Can you believe season 7 left us completely hug-less? A CRIME. Anyway, all of season 8's hugs are Dean-hugs so I'll skip those for now (worry not, I'll come back to them later).
The next two Sam-hugs are 9x23, Do You Believe In Miracles and 10x14, Executioner's Song, and for one Dean is dead for most of it, and the other is really more Sam catching Dean before he collapses than it is a hug, imho, so I'll skip both.
Fast forward over season 11, 12, 13, most of 14, (and 4 Dean-hugs), and we finally get to 14x12. Prophet and Loss. Damn that was a good episode, and it blessed us with another Sam-hug. And also the second longest hug ever, after 2x21. And Sam was dead for most of that. Let me just put this hug into perspective a little bit.. the Prophet and Loss hug is 28 seconds long. The second longest one after that, for which both brothers are alive, is 4x01, Lazarus Rising, about which I talked earlier – and that's only 15 seconds! The Prophet and Loss hug is almost TWICE as long.
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We all know what happens a few seconds before the hug, and isn't it the most heartbreaking thing?! Sam has kept his emotions in check for the entire episode but he can't take it anymore and he just explodes at Dean, so overwhelmed by worry and fear and love and desperation that he doesn't know what to do. Because for once, it's not some monster, demon, angel, or other evil thing he has to fight to save Dean's life – but it's Dean himself, and his damn stubbornness and selflessness.
Okay so this post is supposed to be about how Sam's hugs are more desperate and bone-crushing than Dean's, and I mean if this isn't the perfect example, then what is? He literally punches Dean in the face and then pulls him into his arms where he somehow clings to him for dear life AND holds him firmly in place in a silent "don't you dare go anywhere" and "please, please don't leave me" at the same time. For 28 seconds, can I just say that again!!!! Because that's how long it takes for Dean to agree to toss this self-sacrificing plan of his out the window! And only then does Sam let him go. What if Dean hadn't agreed to try and find another way? Would Sam just have kept holding on to him? Honestly? Probably. Because as long as Dean has a Sam around his neck he can't get into the stupid box, and if that's what it takes then that's what it takes.
Okay let's move on from 14x12 maybe because I'm getting too emotional. Let's look at some Dean-hugs and compare them to the Sam-hugs, shall we? For fairness' sake, I'll skip death-hugs again. Okay, ready? Here we go.
I want to talk about Dean-hugs in general for a bit, first. Of course there are exceptions, but compared to Sam-hugs they're generally less aggressive and desperate, and more loving and gentle. Like in 8x20, Pac-Man-Fever, he walks up to Sam very calmly, grabs him by the shoulder, pulls him into his arms and holds him firmly but gently. And have you ever seen so much love and affection and contentment on a face as we see on Dean's right here? Yeah. No. And of course, since it's a Dean-hug, and one that Sam didn't expect at all, of course Dean gets to go full big-brother again, with both arms over Sam's.
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Speaking of soft and gentle Dean-hugs, let's look at the one from 12x22, Who We Are, in which Dean does one of my Favorite Things, which is his little "c'mere". Off the top of my head I can think of 4 times he says that to Sam in situations where it's pretty obvious that a hug is definitely in order but they're both kinda struggling to figure out who's supposed to go for the hug first and if the other one even wants a hug and "okay how chick-flicky are we going to make this". And Dean's "c'mere" is Dean-speak for 'it's okay' and 'i can see that you need this, and damn it, i do too'.
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Or what about this one from 13x22, Exodus:
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Just. Look at Sam for a second. He looks so damn lost and insecure, and 'I need a hug' is basically written all over his face, but 'no chick-flick-moments' and 'we're not gonna have to hug or anything, right?' is so ingrained in his brain that he can't move. But Dean needs this just as much, maybe even more than Sam, he just has more control over his face. So he goes for the big-brother hug again, wrapping both arms around Sam and just holding him, silently saying everything he can't put into words. "I was so scared", "I'm so glad you're okay", "I love you", "I'm here", "I'm so sorry" and it's so damn soft.
And you know what else is soft as all hell?? The freaking hug from 14x11!! Can you believe this one actually happened? I mean have you ever seen anything SO SOFT??
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Look at how Dean's hands hover in the air for a moment before he lays them down on Sam's shoulder so incredibly gently and pulls Sam into a hug. The entire purpose of this hug is to show Sam how much Dean loves him, how much he means to him, so Sam can remember that when Dean is gone, and it shows. Let me talk about this hug some more because !! listen, the first time I saw it, my initial reaction was: 'wow, awkward', and I wasn't the biggest fan of it, at first. It felt a bit forced, a bit strange, a bit uncomfortable. But once I thought about it for a bit, I realized: that's exactly how it's supposed to feel!! It IS forced, it IS strange, it IS uncomfortable, nothing about this situation is comfortable or ordinary or natural. Dean is forced to leave Sam, for good, and he can't even explain why, he can't even say goodbye, and on top of that Sam is probably a little bit hurt by what Dean just asked of him, and that is NOT what Dean wants Sam's last memory of him to be.. he just has to do something. And this hug is the weird and awkward and messy result of all that and it's beautiful. Also, and this has nothing to do with anything, I just want to point it out: look how Sam doesn't move away or even really flinch – instead he automatically leans into the hug, closer to Dean, even though he has no idea what's going on. How soft can you get??
Okay, moving on, because there's one more thing I want to talk about (only briefly, don't worry), and that's the tackle-style Dean hugs. Because funnily enough these always seem to happen when Sam's hurt in one way or another, and being pulled into a bone-crushing hug is definitely not the most comfortable thing for him right then, but Dean can't help himself and it's not like Sam minds all that much.
The thing that gets me though, is that even though it's very clear that Sam's in pain, he doesn't pull away but let's Dean hug him for as long as he wants. The two most notable examples of this are 2x22, All Hell Breaks Loose, and 8x19, Taxi Driver.
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This is starting to get pretty freaking long so here's the gist of it.
TL;DR – Sam usually tries to express his emotions with words, first. Remember "You're my brother and I still love you", "You were the one who was always there for me", "I could always count on you", "There's nothing I wouldn't do for you", "I looked up to you since I was four", "I followed you to hell and back". He doesn't initiate a lot of hugs, but when he does, HE REALLY DOES. When he's overwhelmed by emotion and words completely fail him, then it's full on tackle, wrapping himself around Dean, body and soul, desperate, bone-crushing, rib-bruising, holding on for dear life hugs.
Dean isn't as good with words – or, well, he is, he could be, but he's just a more tactile person. To him, touch says more than any amount of words he could string together, so he goes in for a hug way more often than Sam does. And since he doesn't have to be completely overwhelmed with emotions to go in for hugs, his are usually less explosive, less desperate, but gentle, calm, soft, warm, loving.
And they both live by a strict 'hug and let hug' policy, meaning that they always wait for the one who started the hug to end the hug. There's no refusing hugs, there's no cutting hugs short. If one of them needs a hug, he gets one. For as long as he wants or needs, no questions asked. It hurts? Tough it out. It takes forever? Deal with it. Got other shit to do? So what.
Say what you will about their unhealthy, messy, tangled up relationship with each other, but this is something they do right, and it makes me so damn happy.
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dayna-scully · 6 years
ncis/tiva s6 lb
season 3  |  season 4   |  season 5  | ��season 7   |  season 8  |  season 9  |  season 10  |  etc
je peux pas resister
heeey it’s the Australian again
love child is a really sweet show, but he’s a dick in it
oh I guess Palmer and lee broke up
they’re not your a-team though, gibbs
wow over 4 months
ziva, always getting hurt
math gibberish
oh so pine gap really exists?
stuck with Bad Dad
we miss you, ziver
even, uh, tony
(especially tony)
oh I forgot about rivkin cool cool cool cool cool cool
you are a geek, offbrand mcgee
I also always forget that ncis is a jag spin off
gibbs, retrieving his ducklings
I really need to come home, boss
you know I love you guys
miss you too dad
oh lee
ziva!!!!! ziva!!!!!!!!!!!
he says Abby’s his favourite but let’s be honest
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the origin of my otp tag for tiva
I wish michael weatherly wasn’t such a piece of shit irl
ziva staring at Tony’s empty desk
“all those who care about him” like you, ziva???
the favourite wants to talk to her boyfriend, dad
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taller? hotter?/older
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you could have called
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she would have answered, dinozzo
totally normal platonic professional work behaviour to have multiple pictures of your work partner in a bikini on your wall in your bunk yep
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what are those doing on your wall?
gibbs knows what they’re doing there
you get used to seeing someone everyday, talking to them, relying on them, and suddenly they’re not there
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(terrible screen shot since they were moving too much but personal space jeez)
doesn’t make it any easier for mcgee
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yes, sure, “mcgee”, you two are alone tony, you can say that you missed seeing her every day to her face
y’know, the face that you missed seeing every day
a dwinkaquink
you’re back in dc, which is what you wanted! Isn’t it?
that’s not what I asked
Michael Rivkin happened in Israel
you’re right, I don’t want to talk about it
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lotta things take mcgee seconds
Michael who?
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seems like old times
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she loooves him
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and still always has to be beside him
excuse me????????????????
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you are such a control geek
hmm ziva feels really violated by Tony’s nosiness
tony…does not seem to get it
McGee found it with his butt
isn’t that just Jenny’s house redecorated
the same back alley they use every time, too
and other mouth related activities
who’s this tony?
gibbs’ son and ziva’s boyfriend
oh gibbs
tony is upset that she’s going back to Israel and also that he didn’t know
I am normal people
she got the bothersome part right
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me whenever tony and ziva do what tony and ziva always do
what is it you really want to know, tony?
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thought you already mcdid that
or maybe his friends lied to him about a romantic attachment
?????? what tony
you would only care this much if you were jealous
nosy dinozzo
rivkin 😡
my ninja
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god damn tony
he’s promoting me to head monkey
why are you showing me mould porn?
tony has a cruuuush
tony is going to make so many jokes
you certainly have your moments
he has his moments
lets see who the boss likes better/ziva
I told you she was his favourite
no personal space
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wasn’t my type though/really? She was breathing
I have standards, ziva, otherwise I’d be dating you
suuuuuuure tony sure
ziva’s jealous of the recruit
your weird uncle jethro
a baby agent
oh come on seriously
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same z
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don’t say the word war game
well that did not go as planned
she’d kill all of them with her bare hands to get tony back
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we never have to pay for a drink again
she’d kill to protect him
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I’m tired of pretending/so am I
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oh ziva
oh. That’s much worse.
tony knows it’s a part of the plan
McGee evidently doesn’t
circling sharks
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tony knows about a very private tattoo 👀👀👀
they really like killing off women
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that dude is 23?
this is less “you’re a lech” and more “please love me”
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I always thought cougars like young guys
get dunked dinozzo
eat the rich
I like to have fun in more…adult ways
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wanna go on a movie date, ziva?
oof mcgoo
her name is Hannah, she’s asked me out to lunch twice
that face says that ziva did accept
that’s actually pretty cruel
but like…McGee…likes tony
haven’t I taught you anything?
that amount of zoom is literally not possible
you cannot make pixels where there are none
why not just ghost him?
I miss s4 mature tony
ngl ziva shooting is pretty hot
there is a smurf war
la Bonita
they always have to be within three feet of each other
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nice talking to ya Leon
too bad there aren’t little gibblets running around
😟are you going back to Mexico
we’ve just never heard you say that much at once
tfw you make your dad proud
don’t trust people who offer help in a case
oooh a hit man
it’s not likely he was shot by a bird
maybe you should be looking for something a little closer to home
yes, approximately 8 feet from your desk, z
but he’s fucking ancient
“pick the right woman” ye ye ye ye ye ye ye ye ye ye ye ye ye
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what are you up to mcsneaky
little sister can’t tell them what to do
poor trash panda
damn girl
fuckin cowboy move
you’re the real victim here, aren’t you wall
all she can think about is tony when he’s not around
ugh backdoor pilot
Tele-friend from tel Aviv?/you’re jealous
yes, he has a name
why does that bother me so much
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cover for me?
go? gone.
ahh, personal, not professional
the duck man is on the right track!!
I’m thinking she’s worried about something
oh tony
how did he not know about what happened?
Special Investigation, top Secret
a real lead? I mean, really, a lead?
angry, scared tony
ziva lied to someone she loved, but this time he found out
I always forgot that Michael is the one they’re after in 22
you did not think I would identify him
don’t ask that question
like how well you know him?
gibbo is worried about his daughter
I’m up a tree
oh tony oh dear
she’s so hurt
he would never date a coworker but he’s definitely thinking about it
I think “bad” is an understatement for how that went
this season is soooo looong
tony done fucked up
don’t lie to your dad ziva
you wanted to protect her
that music is so incongruous
a cruel way to get the truth for ziva, but effective
why do people always put the blame on ziva
it’s never actually her fault
for you
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you felt it was you job to protect me?
but I should have been
oh z
I suppose this is ziva being on Jeanne’s side of the situation
and of course when ziva realizes she’s loyal to gibbs, he leaves her behind
one short
she asked you to choose so you chose tony
Oh yes giving her time ends up being SUCH a fantastic choice gibbs
like why this assumption that ziva would just…live a normal life in Israel?
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Dreams, Rings & Other Things
Summary: Emma and Snow talk about the wish world and the secret Emma thinks Hook is hiding.
A/N: Written despite the fact that I should be working on my CSBB fic. Has some mild speculation for 6x12, and references to a certain ring saw in the 6b promo.
Read on Ao3!
Emma eyed the bottle of rum carefully before sitting it aside, deciding that the hot chocolate she was serving didn’t need to be spiked. She lifted both mugs and walked carefully back to the sofa, waiting as her mother finished putting her little brother in his crib. Her father had finally kissed her awake, and was sleeping peacefully – well, as peacefully as one can sleep while cursed – in bed.  Snow White had been none too happy to learn just how long she had been asleep, and Emma could feel the tension radiating off her as she padded around the loft. Not that Emma could blame her. She would be livid if Killian had kept her under during a crisis, as well.  Her mother’s anger was why Emma was still at the loft. Emma recognized that Snow needed a distraction of some sorts, and she was willing to provide it. Regina was acclimating Robin to Storybrooke, and Henry and Killian had gone off to do their own thing – “We’re bonding, Mom,” Henry had said with a mischievous twinkle in his eyes – leaving just Emma and Snow alone. Not that Emma minded. She enjoyed one-on-one time with her mother. With all the crises that occurred, it was all too rare.  Finally, Neal was settled and Snow practically collapsed onto the sofa, gratefully taking the hot chocolate Emma offered. “I needed this. Is there anything chocolate can’t cure?” Choosing not to answer her mother’s question, Emma instead asked, “So how are you doing?”
“Angry. Annoyed. Bitter. Thinking up the most effective way to kill your father.” Snow laughed, the sound somewhat hollow. “I don’t want to talk about me. How are you? Your father and I aren’t the only ones with a lot going on.” “I’ve decided that no one decides my fate but myself,” Emma answered with a shrug. The wish world had taught her a lot about herself, and her battle with Gideon only renewed that hope that things could be different. Emma knew she was going to die someday, but she didn’t want that to control her. Besides, with thing changing, so could her vision.  “But that wish world – is that what you called it? – had to be different,” Snow commented. Upon waking, Emma and Killian had given a short explanation for everything that had happened while she was asleep. Her mother hadn’t pried too much about the alternate reality upon first hearing Emma’s story. She had been far too concerned over the fight with Gideon. But, now it seemed to capture her attention.   Emma paused, choosing to take a long sip of her drink to mull over her reply. Her mother had always dreamed of what life would be like had Regina not enacted the Dark Curse, damning them all to decades of separation. How would she react to knowing that Emma had hated the person she could have been?  “It was…perverted,” Emma said finally. She hugged her mug closer to her, tapping her fingers against the porcelain as she weighed her words. “It was a wish, and you know how wishes can distort things, even good things.”
“So you’re saying it sucked,” Snow commented, her voice somewhat amused.
“I’m saying I sucked,” Emma corrected. Her mother cut in, arguing that she could never suck, but Emma shook her head. “No, I mean, I sang in field of flowers and cried at a moment’s notice. I had literally no fight in me. I was happy, but in a weird Stepford princess sort of way.” Emma watched as her mother considered her explanation. She hoped Snow did not press her for more information. Emma didn’t want to explain being forced to watch her parents die, and the wish version of herself doing nothing. She shuddered at the memory.  Thankfully, Snow didn’t press further. Surprisingly, her lips quirked into a conspiratorial smile, and she asked, “So…how bad was the singing?” Emma made a noise that was half-laugh and half-groan. That was another memory she would rather suppress for entirely different reasons. “Think full Disney princess before the movies got a feminist revamp. Sleeping Beauty on steroids.” Snow was clearly trying, and failing, to suppress a giggle. “Okay, then, you were singing Disney princess. What about your brother? Did he sing as well? Or was he still a baby?” Emma glanced over the bassinet where Neal was sleeping. She felt a pang of guilt when she thought of his role in her wish world, one similar to what she felt when she considered Killian’s and Belle’s fates. “He didn’t exist. I was an only child.”
“Oh.” “It’s not that I intentionally wished him away,” Emma said quickly, feeling as if she needed to explain. She might have felt resentment when he was first born, but she never would have wished him away. “I love him, you know I do. Especially now that he no longer wakes me up every night.”
“I know, sweetheart. Like you said, wish perversion.” Snow reached out with her free hand in a comforting manner, clasping Emma’s in her own. “Besides, don’t tell your brother, but I love him a lot more now that he’s beginning to sleep through the night.”
Emma laughed, her guilt slowly ebbing away. “Oh, so I move out and he sleeps through the night? I see how it is!”
“Maybe he’s grateful to no longer being woken up by you sneaking back in at odd hours after spending the night with Hook.” Her mother had the audacity to wink, and Emma felt a blush quickly spread across her face.  Teasing about staying overnight with a boyfriend was something that she would have done with Mary Margaret, roommate, but felt awkward with Snow White, the mother. But on some level it felt nice to have a mother to tease her about her romantic life. The Snow White of the wish realm would have certainly skirted around the issue, at the very least. Not that Emma’s own wish version would be sneaking out to cavort with pirates.  “How are things with Hook, by the way? I feel like we haven’t had the time to talk about what it’s like to have him actually living with you.” This time when Snow spoke, her question had the obvious undertones of a concerned mother wanting to ensure her daughter was happy. Emma appreciated the gesture. And, Emma was grateful Snow’s inquiry had none of the protectiveness that usually appeared whenever David questioned her relationship with Killian.   “What can I say? It’s True Love. It works really well. I’m happy,” Emma said, enjoying the flutter of happiness in her chest whenever she spoke of him. She wondered if her mother felt the same way when talking about her father. Probably not at the moment, Emma reasoned, remembering Snow’s earlier ire. She glanced down at the mug in her hands and flexed her fingers, debating if she should tell her mother of her inkling. Deciding her mother could use some excitement, Emma added, “Killian’s hiding something from me, though.”
“Oh, Emma,” her mother sighed. But then Snow’s eyes narrowed as she considered her daughter’s demeanor. “Wait a second. You don’t seem too upset about this.”
“Nope!” Emma tried her best to hide her giddy smile behind her mug. “He’s hiding a ring.”
To Emma’s surprise, her mother said nothing. Her eyes widened, her lips pursed, and she sat down her mug. “Are you sure?”
“Um, yeah. I found it. For a pirate, he is terrible at hiding things,” Emma said, her excitement beginning to deflate. Her mother was supposed to be happy. Emma had honestly expected her to be jumping up and down or doing something else completely motherly or embarrassing. “Mom, are you happy about this?”
“Oh, honey, how I feel shouldn’t matter,” Snow said quickly. “Are you happy about this?”
Emma looked down at her bare ring finger. She’d found the ring while putting away laundry. He’d thought that keeping it hidden in his sock drawer would be good enough. It was a pretty ring, a solitaire on a white gold (platinum?) band. Simple like she preferred. She’d nearly had a panic attack when she’d found it. Killian had bought a ring. He wanted a future with her – a forever, “for better or for worse” kind of future. Emma had always known that he wanted that on some level, but the ring made it all the more real. Just one more wonderful thing she could lose. And that was the thing – it was wonderful. Because as scared as she had been seeing that ring, she had been happy. Excited, even. Killian wanted to propose, and she wanted him to do it. She wanted to get married, to get married to him. And now that she was a master of her own fate, all that was left was waiting for him to ask. 
“Yeah, Mom, I’m really happy.” That was when Snow acted as expect, practically tackling Emma into a hug. It took special maneuvering to not spill her mug of hot chocolate, and she sat it down on the coffee table in order to avoid any potential spillage.
“You’re getting married!”
“Not yet. He has to ask me first.”
“I’m so incredibly happy for you, Emma,” Snow said, and Emma could see tears brimming in her mother’s eyes. She felt her own eyes begin to sting.
“You could have told me that earlier, you know.”
“I know, I just didn’t want to pressure you either way,” Snow answered, and then she pulled Emma into another hug. “But if you’re happy, I’m happy.”
“I’m definitely happy,” Emma said, hugging her mother tighter. It felt nice to share this with someone. In the aftermath of Robin’s death, Emma hadn’t felt comfortable sharing much information about her relationship with Regina, feeling it would be unfair. Killian was much closer to Belle, and there was no way Emma was going to be talking about it to Henry, except in the abstract.
When they pulled apart, and after Emma had wiped her tears with her sweater sleeve, she noticed her mother once again wearing a conspiratorial smirk. “Okay, what are you thinking?”
“I’m thinking I’m not going to tell your father that his little girl is going to soon to be an engaged woman,” Snow replied, her smile positively wicked. “If he won’t trade duties during crises, I’m not going to trade happy secrets.” 
Emma couldn’t help but laugh.
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