timmyrx2000 · 3 months
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Wendy being a certified Star player of a Baseball Player. Art by el_moribundo__
Part of my Gravity Falls Baseball AU continuity
Wendy isn't just the coach of Dipper, Mabel, and Pacifica's baseball team for no reason. A few years back, when she herself played little league baseball, she was the star player of her team. Baseball had been Gravity Falls' biggest sport and the entire town would come out to watch their local little league heroes in action on the field. However, when the town's Football team began making waves, everyone moved to that leaving baseball in the dust with even most of the kids moving on to that. Wendy's team was the last little league baseball team in town before football took over and they couldn't even get enough members before having to dissolve the team due to lack of players and interest. That never stopped the fire and passion for the game burning deep in her, though. And though her old team may be gone, she's never let go of her love and thrill of the game. It hasn't been too long and, though she thinks she's abit rusty, she's still every bit of a badass at the game. When she puts on her baseball gear, its like the star player in her never stopped.
Back in her playing days, she learned to play nearly all the positions, never missing a chance to become a total power house. However, Wendy was also quite of a wild card which, while making for an exciting game, would also put her team in pretty tight situations that didn't always go their way. But still, she always loved the game, whether it was on the mound, behind the plate, at bat, on the bases, or on the outfield, she excelled at her game and she made sure the other team knew it!
Now, however, as she dusts off her old baseball uniform, she also puts on a new role: as coach for Dipper, Mabel, and Pacifica. Now she's more than just a player; she's also a guardian, teacher, mentor, and big sis to the 3 dorks she's taken in as part of her crew. Its no longer just about playing but also about teaching these 3 how Baseball is more than just a game of pure skill but also smarts! She's not ready to hang up her cleats, however, and Wendy's just as much of a student as she is a coach. While she does coach the team, she also still plays along side them and learns from her 3 little goobers. Mabel, Wendy's assistant coach, has taught her that more than just cutting loose, playing the game means enjoying and savoring every single moment of it. Dipper, her first player, has taught her to be more grounded and analytical in her plays to stay one step ahead of her opponent. And Pacifica? Pacifica's taught Wendy that she's more than just a coach and a player, she's a big sister and a role model to her that she looks up to. Wendy is her rock and the person she can lean on when things get rough.
Wendy's days on the diamond are far from over and, while she may be coach to the kids, she's also learning and growing with them. Its a journey they're all on together and she could not ask for a better crew to be by her side!
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desmonddemesne · 3 days
Gravity Falls Tarot - Part 2 of 3
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Assignment of every Major Arcana to someone/something in the Gravity Falls Universe! Broken into parts for coherence.
In this section we cover the next seven cards from Strength to Temperance.
Part 1 | Part 3
8.) Strength - Wendy Corduroy
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Keywords: Resilience, grace, courage, calm, and stability
Strength is a maiden composed in the face of great danger. When the beast snaps its jaws she reacts poised and swift. Wendy is, quite literally, the coolest character in the show. Her association with the Ice Bag on the Cipher represents her capacity to remain cool under pressure.
As the child of a lumberjack she has skills in wilderness survival, quick reflexes, and surprising strength. As the daughter of the person we previously assigned The Emperor to we recognize how being "a flippin' Corduroy!" has primed Wendy to confront lifes challenges.
Wendy has also drawn the attention of many suitors, gaining a mature understanding of boundaries and the importance of love in all its forms; romantic, platonic, or familial.
9.) The Hermit - Stanford Pines
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Keywords: Withdrawal, solitude, introspection, wisdom, and recluse
The Hermit walks the darkness alone, guided by a lantern. Ford was bullied from a young age, ostracized by the majority of his peers for his physical deformity and poor social skills. However, guided by his intense curiosity and the solidarity of his brother he charted a way through the world.
After arriving in Gravity Falls Ford sequestered himself in a cabin in the woods, working on his research in solitude. In his own words he pitied many of the townsfolk for their simplicity - feeling superior but nevertheless lonely. After being tricked by Bill, Ford fell deeper into madness due to his isolation and inability to trust others.
By the conclusion of the story Ford has reconciled with his brother and begun the process of moving on from the trauma which kept him moving forward for thirty years. The Hermit searches to understand themselves and Ford has found what he needs to live happy.
10.) The Wheel of Fortune - Stanley Pines
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Keywords: Change, chance, fate, fortune, and cycles
The Wheel of Fortune turns in a constant state where the only guarantee is change, for better or worse. Stan's life can be broken into a roller coaster of intense joy and strife; childhood alongside his brother was amazing but waned into his teenage years, as a young adult his scams kept him afloat but slowly caught up to him, after pushing Ford into the Portal he spent thirty years working to get him home - only to not be thanked.
And yet, it was Stan's thinking that ultimately did in Bill Cipher, a demon who'd alluded the machinations of people far more noteworthy than him. He didn't back down, he took a gamble and won.
Stan's life has been rough since the age of 17, but he's survived well into his 60's by calculating risks and seeing through deceptions. He doesn't always win out, but the dedication he has towards his family is resolute and he rides out the wins he earns.
11.) Justice - Pacifica Northwest
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Keywords: Karma, consequence, law, honesty, and accountability
To many Justice is blind and impartial, but laws change and norms shift. Pacifica Northwest is the to be inheritor of not just her family's wealth, but their legacy as lying cheats. At the beginning of the show she is Mabel's antithesis; popular, trendy, and wealthy. However, we come to see that Pacifica was not born bad but reared to be 'another link in the worlds worst chain'.
When ghostly retribution threatens her family for their trangressions Pacifica states the following; 'our family name is broken, and I'm gonna fix it!' Pacifica cuts through her fathers manipulations, rights the wrongs of those who came before her, and opens the path for proper healing going forward.
One grand act does not forgiveness grant, but Pacifica's story shows that even under immense pressure we must strive to do right by ourselves and those around us.
12.) The Hanged Man - Thompson
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Keywords: Sacrifice, indecision, uncertainty, stillness, and inversion
The Hanged Man is a figure in seeming distress, yet equally in control. Thompson is his friend groups punching bag, a monkey made to dance. However, when his friends splinter Thompson admits that letting himself be picked on contributes to group cohesion and that he's allowed this for 'years'.
Thompson is potentially the oldest member of his friend group as he's their set of wheels. At work he's shown to be more than capable asserting himself as theatre manager. And yet, it is only through Thompsons willingness to be the groups jester that his friends' unity can be restored.
His social role is confusing, but plays great importance.
13.) Death - Bodacious T
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Keywords: Transformation, release, endings, transition, and relief
Death rides on a pale horse and comes for us all. However, Death is not the end but a metamorphosis; being one thing and becoming another. Bodacious T is an unfortunate character because their creepy tendencies are coupled with, in my opinion, an accidental GNC narrative.
Bodacious T spends most of their time in the show ridiculed, but when Weirdmaggedon arrives and indiscriminately alters reality Bodacious T doesn't just survive but comes out the other side a truer version of themself.
"It's called Death Ball" and maybe you'll be happier confronting whatevers on the horizon with a bat and fishnets.
14.) Temperance - Fiddleford McGucket
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Keywords: Moderation, serenity, tranquility, care, and balance
Temperance is an angel whose hands are inspired with divine regulation. Although Fiddleford has a gentle soul, at the beginning of the story we find him feral and nonsensical.
Fiddleford joined Stanford in his experiements on the Portal, leaving behind the quaint life of a husband and father. Although he returned home on special occasions the splitting of his focus caused strain to his marriage. When faced with the reality of his creation Fiddleford felt incapable of reckoning with what he'd done and chose to forget.
Months of forgetting have permanently changed Fiddleford. He steeped himself in ignorance and ran from his problems, afraid to face horrors be they supernatural or mundane. By the end of the story he confronts the memories he'd once willingly gave up, mending both his mind and his relationship to his son.
Temper thy hand, compromise, and don't allow the extremes to consume you.
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nautiscarader · 4 months
Swallow. All of it. wendip
"Swallow. All of it."
Out of the two, Dipper was more surprised by his own, bold demand. His eyes met with emerald ones of Wendy flippin' Corduroy, on her knees, worshipping his cock.
And as soon as that magical connection was made, he lost it, flooding her mouth with what felt like gallons of cum, gathered over the years of denying he was still in love with her.
But what happened next made Dipper truly speechless, because Wendy followed his command, swallowing every thick glob of seed, making sure to add some noises of satisfaction, as she sampled the unique mixture.
"Listen, Wendy I-", Dipper was about to apologise, but words got stuck in his throat, again, as Wendy leaned back, spread her legs, and then her pussy.
Dipper swallowed loudly - it was time to conquer the red-haired beast…
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Wendy Corduroy, Gravity Falls, S2, E18
i only hope to say something as epic as this sometime in my life
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gravity-falls-daily · 2 months
This isn't gonna work, Gideon.
Oh? And why's that? Cause after I break Ghost-Eyes' arm and steal that key from your neck, I'm gonna wear your butt on my foot like a rhinestone slipper!
Oho, and what makes you think you can do all that?
'Cause I'm a flippin' CORDUROY!
RAHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHH. wendy truly is the coolest character in gravity falls
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ypipie · 2 years
hello Wendy for ask game
favorite thing about them: how awesome she is!! i love how shes confident
least favorite thing about them: ermm i dunno, probably how she never got a chance to be properly developed, but that isnt on her so
favorite line: CUS IM A FLIPPIN CORDUROY!!!!!
brOTP: i like her and her friends, theyve got a good thing there
OTP: ?no
nOTP: everything weird, especially wendip.. *shudders* eugh..
random headcanon: she kicks ass at most sports. idk
unpopular opinion: n/a
song i associate with them: ARUGRH n/a..
favorite picture of them:
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Wendy Corduroy
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She's a flippin' Corduroy!
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ancientouroboros · 6 years
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happy paul bunyan day!
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presidentstalkeyes · 3 years
Open to black screen
V/O: This weren't s'posed to be my life. Just a summer thing.
Fade in on the familiar silhouette of a certain Shack as the sun rises over a snow-capped horizon
V/O: But... it's like, ya gotta do what ya gotta do, I guess. That's what dad says, anyway. Mom used to say it, too. God, I wish she was here.
Ennio Morricone-esque Western music (think The Ecstasy of Gold) begins playing on a quiet, suspenseful note
Cut to an interior shot of a blue pine tree hat on the side; a pale, animated hand grabs it from offscreen, placing it atop a head of red hair
V/O: I mean, usually when people say that, it's like, doing your homework or takin' out the trash. Not facing the apocalypse AGAIN.
The figure pulls on a bomber jacket over a green plaid shirt, a pair of muddy boots and fingerless gloves V/O: I hate this stupid town so much, an' I love it. How's that even make sense? How can you love an' hate somethin'? I mean, it's not like I wanted to face the apocalypse. I never asked to take down a ghost, or some shapeshifting monster, or a bald dude in a bathrobe.
The figure grabs an axe and hooks it to their belt, kicking open the door and trudging out into the snow
V/O: It's fate, is what it is. I guess. I dunno, I guess my family ticked off some witches or demon-fairies of the woods way back an' now we're cursed to forever be awesome in ways that are, like, super inconvenient.
The music reaches its climax as the figure steps out into a clearing - the stone statue of Bill Cipher stares at the viewer. The figure's green eyes stare back.
V/O: I wanted to be bored this winter, but I can't. 'Cuz my name is Wendy, an' I'm a flippin' Corduroy.
Wendy reaches for her axe
The music stops and time seems to stand still for a moment, like they're caught in a stand-off
Her hand passes over the axe and hovers instead over a spray bottle of cleaning solution
Cut to her kneeling down in the snow next to the statue, cleaning bits of grime off of it
The shadow of a large bird flies overhead, dropping a giant golden egg that shatters on top of the statue, splattering sparkling golden goop all over it
WENDY: [Sigh]
Cut to black
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Oddly-specific mental fixation I’ve been having lately: a sequel/spin-off series of Gravity Falls focusing on Wendy and her family. Probably not a full-length series, more like a miniseries. Why do I think this would be awesome? Several reasons:
Because Wendy is awesome so shut up.
Because, while she did have a few moments in the limelight, she was probably the most out-of-focus of the main cast, with no real ‘focus’ episodes. So her being the main character would obviously rectify that. :V
Because, as has been pointed out elsewhere, the people who grew up with the show are now older and mature enough to grasp the massive mental trauma that basically everyone involved in Weirdmageddon must be going through - and Wendy, with her ‘cool in the face of danger’ facade while secretly being super stressed-out, is the perfect vehicle for exploring this. In my mind. I can see potential for a character arc here.
Because the Corduroy family is connected to the town of Gravity Falls in a way that the Pines family weren’t, that creates extra room to explore the town’s history through her ancestors. In particular, after the apocalyptic ordeal of Weirdmageddon, I can see things being more low-stakes - no end of the world, just the mass ‘what do we do now?’ feeling of gloom and attempting to process what the hell just happened, with different people reacting in different ways. Someone like Preston Northwest would be an ideal bad guy, desperate to regain his wealth and prestige and harbouring a grudge against the town for selling his mansion to a ‘crazed hillbilly’.
Because Wendy is awesome so shut up. I said this before but it bears repeating. :V
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therealraeweber · 2 years
My Top 10 Favourite Cosplay Pics from This Year (So Far...)
Click to see my top cosplay pics from this year! Of course, it was impossible to pick and there were countless runners-up.
#10 - A very serious Loki Pose
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#9 - Loki steals Spiderman's signature pose
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#8 - Winning my first ever cosplay competition at my first ever comic con
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#7 - A cheesy little Gravity Falls edit to celebrate the 10 year anniversary
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#6 - The return of my Clary cosplay
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#5 - Klaus, my beloved
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#4 - Eddie "The Freak" Munson
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#3 - Wendy flippin' Corduroy
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#2 - An actually serious Loki pose
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#1 - Spiderman 🕷🕸❤️
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All these pictures and more can be found on my website!
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i-want-candy · 3 years
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ROMANTIC TROPE AESTHETICS: Princess Atta and Wendy Corduroy as the Princess and the Commoner/Kept Apart by Fate
@the-princess-atta, @flippin--corduroy
oh simple thing, where have you gone? / i'm getting old and i need something to rely on / so tell me when, you're gonna let me in / i'm getting tired and i need somewhere to begin
OKAY SO -- i fucking love these two i am so invested in them. I love Wendy and Atta separately just so much as characters, so them together is just *squee* for me. It is about the Drama, it is about the way you cannot be together because of outside forces! I love a ship that just clicks really well, you don’t have to try for them to just fit.
I was hooked on Wendy and Atta from their first interaction in the forest because I just KNEW!! Especially because Atta is so prissy and uptight (why Candace and her are friends, lol) and Wendy is the most chill, laidback person ever. I was like oh yeah. *buckles in.* 
And then I love that even though that is true and they would be so good together...existential circumstances are keeping them apart. We love a story about duty. It is about the frustration. The drama of “no we can’t” “but why can’t we I don’t understand.” There are so many fun factors at play here and I absolutely want to see Atta come into her own, put her foot down and say no! I will fall in love with who I want! And then either Clarion/Atta pulls a sultan in Aladdin and is like “well am I queen or am I queen? ABOLISH THE RULE!” and then Wendy and Atta get to live happily ever after together. :) 
Clementine’s Romantic Trope Aesthetics ~*~ 3
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aquata-the-champ · 3 years
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friendship (ish lmaoo) aesthetic: waterlogged ( @flippin--corduroy)
I'm at the gate Will you buzz me in? Buzz me right I keep on going to your place I keep on coming for you, babe I'm coming for you
I'm at the gate Will you buzz me in? Buzz me right We never had a lot to say But somehow we communicate and I'm coming for you [x]
Basically I wanted to shout this relationship out because I’ve always found it very fun and I think it’s cool that both Q and Wendy have very messy love lives (Wendy’s through no fault of her own or really anyone’s, Aquata very much through fault of her own lolol) but their relationship has always been pretty simple and straightforward! They like flirting with each other and hooking up but not really anything more than that, and it seems to actually work pretty well for them. I think it’s cool that they have one uncomplicated thing in their very complicated lives lol.
I also think this is great because it adds to the small-town-wlw-everyone-has-history-with-everyone vibe lol, you have Aquata who was situationshipping with Candace who is friends with Atta who Wendy kind of dated, and then it all comes around full circle. And I think we should keep adding to that web lol. So yes! Waterlogged. Also they have a cool name hehe.
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lifeofcynch · 3 years
Wendy flippin' Corduroy for the character thing!
my OTP for them: i don’t really have one
my BROTP for them: her and Dipper!
any other ships: nah
their best friend: Dipper
my favorite nickname for them: idk if she has any🤔
my favorite AU of them: Reverse Falls bc she’s a goth there!
my favorite outfit they wear: her regular outfit!
defining color: green!
would i date them: no
first impression: the cool popular girl!
current impression: chill and kindhearted!
Hogwarts house: Gryffindor
which Pokemon starter they’d be: Grookey!
ty for the ask! ^^
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thedipster · 3 years
Texas Hold’Em || Wendip
Mabel was gone.
That wasn’t all of it, of course. Mabel was gone and there were a million steps leading up to the fact Mabel was gone. There was a dream and there was Texas and there was Dipper being the boy who cried alien abductions and then the moment of clarity that had struck him as he handed out flyers and at the center of it all was Bill.
It always came back to Bill, didn’t it?
Dipper didn’t even know how the hell Bill came back. Or how long he’d been using Mabel. Or where he had gone.
He’d woken up from the dream in a cold sweat and tried to ask Mabel about what had happened, how Bill had vanished, but she was shaken and confused, and he just hugged her and told her it was going to be alright.
At least Bill hadn’t hurt her. At least, for the most part, this whole Texas thing had been relatively harmless.
After waving goodbye to Mabel at the train station, he and Wendy headed to Chippamunkas for some comfort food. He was feeling a little quiet, but thankfully if there was one person, he could be quiet with, it was Wendy. They ordered a big platter of spinach puffs and milkshakes and Dipper sighed.  
"Well. Guess she’s gone.” 
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the-princess-atta · 3 years
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My Happening: K-Attendy 
she’s back at it friends. this one’s for the ~lesbians~ 
okay but geniunely this playlist has beautiful songs on it. in the vein of helle, we went for soft acoustic pop and as you might NOTICE there is a slight theme of the seasons...from spring to summer to fall to winter, sort of symbolizing the journey of attendy as they part. This is a playlist for the YEARNING.  and because this playlist has some of my fave songs on it (as I was writing this i kept saying ‘oh look it’s my fave song by ___’, i think im going to talk about them more than others, so...let’s just get into it. 
My Happening: 
We’re too naive To fall in love with a single glance Next time we meet Just ignore and pass me by, Baby You just my happening
This song is best summed up actually with the following image: 
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So yes! We begin at the end! What I love about this song is The line “You’re just my happening” indicates a relationship that was fleeting and was never meant to last. Despite it being a ‘cooler’ song, it kind of sets the mood and the overall theme of love that never stays, but must change.
I want to walk without a road So that my footprints are first printed there I want to live without money I want to empty my hands to meet the times
the other akmu song!! naturally. this song is not a love song, but instead an “I want” song! and i think it works for both Wendy and Atta. Both want freedom, the chance to be who they are. It represents Wendy’s more “chill” philosophy and also what Atta can never have... though she tasted, when she was with her. I placed it in the middle, in my summer section, because I think the electric guitar and the build remind me of those afternoon thunderstorms that happen during humid summer days. 
hey this is one of my favorite svt songs ever and i just wanted to acknowledge that but also its so full of pining and ugh gorgeous imagery. Basically the speaker compares themselves to a lonely pinwheel blowing in the cold wind-- but they keep spinning, in hopes their lover will “come round and round” again. :(
Like the Flowing Wind 
Like the flowing wind I won't be able to catch you Through the gap of my five fingers You escaped Flowing away somewhere far far away
hey one of my favorite day6 songs. more WIND imagery, there’s a lot of WIND imagery. idk if i have more to say besides i love this song. the big choruses and sungjin’s aching vocals :( 
Your Eyes Tell + Crystal Snow
These songs are both Japanese releases and for some reason all bts japanese songs are so sad???? These songs for me are just Peak Yearn. Like. This is what it sounds like to love someone from afar, to carry melancholy inside you, to want the best for them but know you’re not the one who can give it to them, so you have to let go. (they have another japanese song called ‘let go’ that i almost put on here but i did not but. basically same.)  it’s that sadness and some othe imagery esp in crystal snow that make them also sound like winter. 
They also contain something essential: hope. 
Your Eyes Tell: 
Whatever lies in our way Look far into the distance The place you gave me is still Where my heart entrusts
Shadows of the past keep on chasing me But the more I try to escape and struggle, the more it follows But I still want to hold onto it, wherever you are I'll find you To a tomorrow of us
I”m also going to link crystal snow becuase its probably objectively my fave bts song and literally the one i have listened to the most (i listened to it on repeat for three hours while revising once) literally i oculd jus POST THE WHOLE SONG HERE i fucking love this song it makes me lie on my ground and cry. the soaring vocals??? the desperation? SOMEDAY? SOMEDAY???? ?? im losing it rn im listening to it rn and losing my shit
Crystal Snow 
The world moves faster than we thought How we gonna change it? We don’t know yet but for sure we will
(Eh) Love in our hearts, uh yeah (Eh) slowly started to grow
I want to hold you one more time before you disappear Ah, crystal snow flies high wherever it goes Hey, there’s nothing else I want, I just want to feel a little more Can I touch your heart? I want to touch it but it keeps slipping through my fingers, someday, someday
The two of us are already far apart Even though we are meant to be together Now we can't choose the paint that colors us Even the black breath Even your thick white fog I feel, I feel, I feel, I feel Oh yeah, oh, crystal snow, crystal snow Inside the white fog Even though you pass through me and turn to water, you are still in my heart (You are in my heart) I watch you shining and reflecting on every single sparkling thing I’ll wait for you no matter where I want to see you, even if you're pretending, please hold this hand
sorry for this rant. can u hear jin singing. can u hear that. sorry im moving on. if u listen to one song on this playlist.................... this one. 
and now we’re back...at the beginning. :) see what i did there. 
but yeah we begin with a cool wintery song but i wanted to end on spring again, with this recurring belief that things will renew, just like spring. This song i almost didn’t put on because I find some of the sounds in it like...too trendy. But the Bridge for me captures that hope-melancholy feeling and is REALLY pretty. Basically comparing your lover to wind again. Like feeling them coming back to you (the hope of the pinwheel has been fulfilled!)
To me now, oh Suddenly you are blowing here
Now you are blowing When the warm wind passes by me You are walking It blows to me again
ugh this whole playlist hurt so much fuck im OUTTIE 
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lou-bonfightme · 4 years
To Build a Town of Green || [Woud]
It was Toulouse’s favorite time of year and he had thrown himself into it, staying up late reading the applications for set crew. (Of course, he wasn’t allowed to turn anyone away because this was “volunteer” work, but he liked to know what he was getting into. Besides, it was important to know people’s backgrounds, strengths and weaknesses for optimal performance. Also, he needed to know who was allowed to operate the heavy machinery and who he would absolutely not allow to do so.) 
This year the list was mediocre. The loss of Peri stung. She was actually talented and, what was more, Toulouse trusted her not to mess things up and supervise the others. 
He also would not apologize, because Toulouse was not someone who apologized unless the need was dire. And it was not. They would get on just fine. Greg was good at following directions. Mr. Hatter was amenable, but a liability. Besides that, he actually didn’t know the rest. Which was probably a good thing. Meant he could start fresh, train them up the way he wanted.
There was one name that had caught his eye. Someone who actually had the potential to be useful. On one of the first days, when things were still slow, the set crew more or less idle until school was out--especially considering most of them were the secondary students--Lou approached Wendy Corduroy.
“Mademoiselle Corduroy? I’m Lou Bonfamille, head of set design. Do you have a moment?” He gave her a pleasant smile.
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