kittlyns · 4 months
Nothing kills my productivity more than accidentally reminding myself that something does not HAVE to be finished tonight
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marvel-m-lee · 2 years
Can you write where reader is tickling Steven Grant and he says Marc to take the body , and when he takes he tickle reader little brutally
Minecraft Revenge
Words: 2666
Fandom: Marvel (MoonKnight)
Summary: Y/n finds out Stevens ticklish, and Marc gets revenge...
Warnings: tickle fic, I tried to be as respectful for those who have D.I.D so if there's anything disrespectful please hmu and correct me.
A/N: DONEEEEEE fucking hell I love Steven so much 😭💀 OMG ITS FRIDAY YAY- SHIT I gotta get ready fir school Cya!
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And here you were, chasing Steven down the corridors of the compound. It was hilarious for everyone else to watch as you ran after him, he screaming and squealing while you were just inching up to him in speed.
You and Steven had been playing playing game on your PlayStation 5, Minecraft to be exact. The two of you had made a survival world and were making bases, he had gone out and found himself a pyramid to build his base while you decided to make one on the sea close by.
"Do you have any glass or sand I can use?" You asked him, looking 9ver to his screen. (You decided to play on your PC and let him play on PlayStation)
"Huh? Uh, no I don't think so-" Steven replied, looking into his inventory. You were a little confused though as there was literally a stack in his hotbar-
"What about in your hotbar?"
"Oh shit- yeah-" Steven, though being smart, was also sometimes an idiot. The two of you met between bases and exchanged some materials before running back home.
The two of you played for a while until you got up to go grab some snacks. You both logged out, you could be gone a few seconds but with this place you never know. Once you left your game for 5 minutes before Thor somehow ended up breaking your controller. You didnt even know he'd come back-
You both walked down the corridors to the kitchen talking about random things in minecraft. The two of you were making a plan about finding some diamonds and going mining together, living in the desert was cool but mining- not so much.
"Yeah, I've got some iron so I can make us some armour and weapons and shit" you offered, walking into the kitchen.
"Oh sweet! Okay, I'll go and find some trees for wood and beds. I'll also write down our bases coordinates"
The two of you entered and walked over to the cupboards, still chatting away.
You grabbed some water and coke while he grabbed some fruit from the fridge along with some other crap from the cupboards like chocolate and biscuits. The two of you continued to talk and joking around, when you got back to your bedroom Steven jumped on the bed and put the food on the bed, you put the drinks on the desk.
Everything was normal for about a minute, laughing and joking around. That's when you went to go grab a grape, but instead accidently poked Steven in the side causing him to yelp and jump off the bed.
For a moment the two of you looked at each other, blinking a little. You kept eye contact while this time actually grabbing a grape and popping it into your mouth.
"What? Yeah? No- nothing- We should play minecraft-" He laughed nervously, thiugh he was hugging his sides subconsciously, even with a little blush on his face.
You couldn't help but smirk at him, "I never knew that..."
"Knew what? There ain't nothing to know- wehe are- i- let's play minecraft"
You decided to play a new game with him though as he could no longer keep eye contact, shuffling around nervously.
"Steven I thought we were close!"
"What?- what no, yeah we are close! You're like not even a meter away from me!-" with that he decided to take a step backwards, probably to get out of arms reach.
"See, now we're a meter apart, this is a good distance"
"Really?" You smirked. Steven smiled nervously.
You took a step firward, watching as his blush grew and step backwards again.
"Steven why do you keep moving away! I just want a hug!" You whined, obviously lying and putting out your arms, giving out grabby hands to him, only making him hug himself a little tighter.
"N-noho- no I think- this is good. See, hugging ourselves!"
You stepped forward again, him stepping back.
"Steven~" you taunted. Everything in Steven's body to him to run, especially the mirror which had Marc, smirking at him teasing him with wiggling fingers telling him to run.
"Shut up Marc! Y/n-" He couldn't help the wobbly smile on his face as he tried to protest but in a split second you'd jumped onto his sides and began to tickle him, though the man squealed like a little girl and ran like you'd never seen him run before.
"noho! Y/n!"
"Steven!~ I'm right behind you!" You yelled out.
And that's where you were now, dashing down the corridors, chasing Steven once you found out he was ticklish.
Honestly, it was Steven. You were surprised you hadn't found out sooner actually. Plus you were in a mischievous mood which minecraft just couldn't fulfill... but this could.
The two of you ran down corridors, around corners, even pumping into a couple people on the way.
"Steven! Better watch out! They're on your tail!" Someone cheered from behind, assuming it was Steven as if it was Jake or Marc, you'd be the one running. Steven yelped, turning around to see how much further behind you were.
"PISS OFF Y/N!" Steven and you made eye contact, obvious joy behind his eyes and laughter in his voice, then suddenly he slammed into the couch and tumbled forward, quickly getting trapped as you jumped on top of him, seizing the opportunity.
You trapped him between your thighs as he pathetically tried to fight, obviously not trying at all. (The two of you had sparred before, you knew he was stronger than that). He giggled and tried to push your leg so you'd fall, yet failing miserably when he looked up to see you wiggling your fingers at him, getting closer and closer with a big grin on your face.
Steven tried to shrink into himself and the sofa but failed miserably, already bursting into a thousand childish giggles in milliseconds.
"Wow Stevie, never realised you were so ticklish?! I haven't even touched you yet!" You laughed, hovering above his belly and wiggling your fingers. He was trying to cover him mouth now, embarrassed as the muffled giggles continued to fall out of his mouth.
"Yhy/nhn! WahahiT" before he even finished you dug your hands into his stomach, wiggling away and seeing how his voice went up about ten stories and burst into uncontrollable laughter, trying to cover his mouth.
"Aw, Steven! Don't hide your laughter" you laughed along with him, moving to squeezing his sides as if he was dough. This let out more muffled laughter as he began to scrunch his face up, shaking his head.
"You're laughter is amazing let me hear it!" You begged, beginning beginning trail up his ribcage making his laughter go very VERY high pitch, now merely squealing and kicking out if anything.
"What's that? Oh okay, I've got a new mission Steven, did you hear it? Probably not- but it's to get you to laugh out loud, aren't we lucky?" You teased, now lightly tickling his ribcage making him giggle up a storm, hands over his mouth and staring at you in horror and excitement, shaking his head with a smile too big to hide behind his hands.
You began to tickle his ribs properly again, making him squeal and shake his head, then quickly swapping to squeezing his sides, catching him off guard a little as he yelled out a laugh, but that wasn't it for you.
You continued your assault, but then decided to take this to another level, "Steven~ is everything alright? You seem a little distracted?" You asked, poking his sides now, one poke here, one poke there, each one catching him off guard and leaving him giggling.
"This is boring, I'm gonna play some music" you exhaled, pretending like you gave up, seeing the disappointed face where his hands let go of his mouth a little. Luckily, this was all you needed.
Quickly you were squeezing his sides again, but this time his instincts kicked in, grabbing your hands which somehow felt even more ticklish, and burst out into Steven-y laughter.
"WaHAiIt! WAiAiT! Noho FAhahIR! Y/n!" He screamed, shaking his head and trying to fight you off. Something made this all feel so much worse somehow for him, now distracted by his own laughter, going into more giggles when you tickled his tummy lightly.
Then you had a brilliant idea, Steven was on the edge but seemed to be having the time of his life, his laughter was loud but you knew there was one last thing to do to make him break.
"Steven~" you continued to squeeze his side while lifting up his shirt a little, the man's eyes went wide and he began to beg for you to stop, still laughing and smiling though.
"NoHO- nOhO y/N I cAhAAnT tAkhahake tHaHaT! StAhaAp iT" He was still laughing and only gently pushing you so you knew it was actually okay, but when you smirked at him and blew down- all he'll broke loose.
Steven pushed at your head when the second one came, screaming in ticklish agony, then kicked out at the third, begging with laughter, then the forth, fith... Steven called out for help and them suddenly began to call out a familiar name.
"MAHARC! MAHARC TAKE THE BODY TAHEHEAKE IT TAKE IT!" He then squealed your name before drowning in his own loud boyish laughter.
After a moment though his grip loosened and his body jumped a but, and somehow in a matter of seconds you were thrown onto the other couch, you burst out laughing,looking over to see as you assumed Marc, laying back heaving, their body obviously exhausted.
He looked dover to see your smug face and glared at you, calming down. After a moment though, his glare turned into a smirk. He got up and grinned at you, who was laying back on the couch watching him upside down.
"My turn"
Your eyes went wide as laughter already bubbled up in your chest. As much as you loved tickles, Marc and Jake were brutal. Damn well bloody brutal.
You tried to jump up and run away but you were quickly thrown backwards and underneath Marc in the same way you were over Steven. You giggled nervously, somewhat covering yourself from him.
"Oh how the tables have turned" Marc said with a grin, taunting you.
"Ihim sorry- please- we can go play minecraft and make you a base-"
"No no no, you need to be taught a lesson. Steven and you exhausted us so I'm getting recenge thanks" Marc tried to look serious but ultimately failed, holding his own mischievous grin on his face as he gently tickled around your neck to get you going.
"Whahait! Waiait!" You scrunched up, and began to giggle a little and that was all he needed. He then moved down to your sides unexpectedly and began squeezing them rapidly, making you jump out of your skin and burst into surprised laughter.
You begged a little but ultimately you knew this would be your demise. You never thought about death from tickles but holy shit Marc always made you question it.
He then moved yo to your ribs, scratching and zapping between your ribs, now getting full on screams out of you why you tried to push on his chest, laughing. You shook your head as he tazered your sides and ribs, the man was a whole lot worse and somehow got EVEN WORSE by teasing you.
Marc had tickled you before, along with Jake, you were surprised you'd never thought of doing I back until today, but with this, they also knew you weren't able to say the t word, and so, pain was born.
"Tickle tickle tickle y/n~" He teased, pinching and poking at your belly, then turning it into a spidering motion "does that tickle?" You didn't reply, your face getting a little redder buy overly trying to ignore him.
"You are so ticklish, almost as bad as Steven" He teased, then pulled up your arms and locked them in one hand on the couch.
"MAhArc wAit WAIT"
"Oh can't you handle a couple tickles?"
"MaRc iM sohorry!"
"Yeah? Me too kid" Suddenly there was a hand in your pit, scratching away as you threw your head back in bubbly laughter. You tried to fight back but it was considerably hard- once he got you fully begging he decided to do the wonderful finishing move you had done on Steven.
He leaned down and pulled up your shirt a little, squeezing your sides gently, teasing you a little before the grand finally.
"MahArC! MaHAHrC I'm sorry! I'm sohorry, don't!"
"You shouldn't be apologising to me" He grinned, then blew down on your tummy, this time really succeeding in making you throw your head back and squeal in laughter, kicking out behind him. You knew you were going to get revenge, but them thoughts disappeared when he blew down for a second time, then a third, then a forth...
"YOHOHOURE GOING TOHOHO KILL MEHEHEHE- MAHAHARRRCCCC!" You squealed as he blew a fith. You had no thoughts in your mind and just squealed and laughed, realising what it must have been like for Steven, though you still didn't feel that bad.
"Stevens waiting for an apology" He shrugged grinning and looking into a window with his reflection.
He then blew down another time, you gave up counting pretty quickly.
"STEHEHEVEN IM SORRY SOOHOHORRYSOHOHORRYSOHORHRHRRY!!!" Your words slured in laughter and you shook your head, dying on the inside.
Marc seemed to be listening to something, most likely Steven as he looked into the window (but he didn't give you any mercy, still tickling your sides as you weakly fought him off).
"Okay, fine, one last one for revenge though" He laughed, blowing down on your belly for one last time, though obviously letting this be the strongest and worst while still tickling your sides.
The noise you made wasn't human, and as soon as he let up even a little bit you threw yourself and him off the couch and onto the floor, he burst our laughing, much unlike him, but quickly quit and checked up on you. You were wrapping yourself in a hug and giggling, trying to stop whatever ghostly tickles were left on your skin.
"You alright y/n?"
"Fuhuck yohou"
"Round two?" He grinned, smirking at you. You jumped up though, apologizing desperately.
Marc laughed and patted you on the shoulder, then put his hands in his pockets. "Steven's laughing his ass off by the way" Marc's grin grew a little, knowing Steven he'd probably just yelled at him to shut up. You looked over to the reflection, obviously not seeing him but even so flipping him off with a playful smirk.
Marc laughed behind you and then began talking about something. You turned back around and asked if he wanted to play minecraft with you as Steven had already played and Marc seemed to care little. Turns out he didn't know how to play minecraft or what it even was?!?!
"Steven!? You hearing this! Mate doesn't even know minecraft- Marc you're so old" you teased, pretending to be annoying- which you were. In a nice kinda way.
Marc rolled his eyes and the two of you walked back to your room where you set him an account on your PlayStation and taught him controls, you assumed Steven was also trying to explain by how confused Marc was and kept yelling at him to shut up while fighting a Zombie.
You laughed and soon enough he'd learnt the controls and it SOMEHOW didn't take long till Marc had a better base than either you or Steven?! And then were pretty cool TwT
Later on you and Steven played again and the both of you were whining about Marc almost beating the game before you. It was a sad day for you both.
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