#were instead of damon it was her in augustine at the time
kiss-my-freckle · 7 months
Damon saw how hard it was for Elena mentally after losing Jeremy in season 4 so him threatening to have Jeremy killed by Enzo if Bonnie wouldn't cooperate with him and Enzo was too much. Do you think Damon's guilt for leaving Enzo caused him to prioritize their agenda of revenge because of how long he was stuck in Augustine that he didn't care who got hurt in the process? After Elena got her body back the thing with Jeremy wasn't directly addressed and even though they didn't officially get back together that season things were too fast paced and focused on other situations that Damon harming Jeremy didn't get the focus it did in season 2.
Damon's guilt for leaving Enzo probably had a lot to do with it, but more his love. I feel that's the difference between Enzo and Rose.
I don't think it was too much for Damon to go after Jeremy. I felt it was just the right amount. Threats are threats and leverage is leverage. Jeremy is only useful if he's kept alive, and Damon knows how hard Elena would fight to save her brother. Like Anna taking Elena and threatening to kill her if she doesn't get what she wants. Had she killed Elena, she wouldn't have gotten what she wanted. I don't think Jeremy got the focus in season 5 as he got in season 2 because it's not exactly the same. I think it'd be too much to have them confront the same issue the same way, given the differences between them. I felt their extended breakup was enough.
In season 2, Damon and Elena were just friends. It's different just in the fact that they're both completely in love with each other. Unlike season 2, Damon blames himself instead of blaming Katherine. Blames himself for everything, starting with the fact that he should've known it wasn't Elena. He won't let her blame anyone but him. He's showing how much he's grown. To the extent that he won't let her blame the person that pissed him off. He places blame on himself, on the way he responded. He's admitting the reality that his pain doesn't give him the right to lash out. And his devastating admission that Elena has that much control over him, both knowing Katherine took over her body and used that control over him. This didn't just hurt Elena. It hurt Damon. It hurt them as a couple. It's not just the issue of Jeremy being Elena's brother, but being someone Damon cares about. His body language in their scene is insane. He's full of self-loathing, taking every word coming from Elena's mouth because he has to. Her pain is his pain. That's what happens when two people fall in love with each other. He has to hear it all and feel it all... and feel it with her because it happened to them. They need time and space, an extended breakup. But sex has to come first because they are completely in love with each other and they know the hell it's gonna feel like being apart.
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doyelikehaggis · 2 years
speaking about elena's dad being an augustine and whole "science for a good cause thing" just...damn I hate how much this storyline was ignored, bc Enzo's PTSD was just not mentioned completely, but like...the christmas parties? there was no reason to humiliate and dehumanize him like this, had it been only about "science", they loved to torture vampires, end of story.
Exactly. It was never just about "science" it was completely about the power they were able to abuse. And they could justify it to themselves in the name of science, but from the outside looking in, it was so obvious that it was just them exerting their power over these people that they didn't see as human, but merely as test subjects/animals.
I really wish that Elena had taken more of that side of it on board. Reading her dad's journal was obviously going to give her a bias because he is an unreliable narrator in this story. He wrote about doing good and trying to save a little girl with an incurable illness, and how he had to use any means necessary. She heard about the torture that Damon and Enzo went through at the hands of Augustine and Dr Whitmore. Not at the hands of her dad. Of course she was able to convince herself that it was entirely different, that her dad was never out here cutting into vampires because it gave him some sick satisfaction, or forcing them to act like animals in a zoo or circus acts for wealthy guests.
It absolutely should have been focused on more, especially the Christmas parties. Because as you said, that proved that it was never JUST about science. It was humiliation, dehumanization, and just plain sick. And even by the end of the show, it was really only Damon and Enzo who understood that. Which really sucks, especially for Enzo, who went through it for so long, but also for Damon in a way, as he then continued to be with Elena, who seemed to go on holding the belief that her father was some hero, not just DESPITE everything he did but also BECAUSE of everything he did. And I hate that.
The writers really messed up big time with this storyline and it kills me, because it was so much trauma that should have been front and centre for at least a season, but instead was merely a storyline for about two-three episodes at best, and then reduced to throwaway lines that give us another glimpse into how messed up it was, and even more proof that the writers just did not care about their own characters or plot.
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scorpio-karma · 3 years
What's your take on bonenzo?
So when I first saw the small snippets of them in the flashforward I wasn't opposed to them (and mind you, I'm one of the baited Bamon fans at the time). I thought it was random but was interested in seeing how they got there, the development and when we couldn't even get that in the flashback it became the most insulting Bonnie ship, and over Bamon, and I'm not just saying that because I liked them. The sad fact is, Plec put more effort into baiting Bamon fans and building a "relationship" there than the actual relationship she had planned for Bonnie and then had the audacity to insult our intelligence and complain about how there's never any satisfying Bonnie fans.
I was happy to take the crumbs of a new love interest for Bonnie because like any ship I love watching the development which was completely missing which is where she lost me. She couldn't even do me the favor of having Enzo put Bonnie first the way Jeremy did.
Now there's many things it's been called like dollar store Bamon, knock off spuffy but I think those nicknames do a disservice to actually how insulting the ship was because it wasn't that it was supposed to replace a ship, it was there literally as diversity points for plec to fanaggle her way out of being called racist. It clearly didn't work because she did it so half assed how was anyone one going to take that and the people that do are the people that tend to follow Plec's narrative of the show. Like they'll complain but only when they aren't fan serviced. Anything else they are completely 100% with her on.
Now as for the ship itself separating the writers from it, it comes off as Enzo carefully constructing a Stolkholm Syndrome scenario to get her loyalty. Before all of it happened he complained about how Damon gets loyalty from everyone, and not too long after that he's essentially kidnapped Bonnie telling her he's her best option for survival. And of course, Bonnie and her abandonment issues that are especially coming up at the moment because Damon has left her, she falls in love with him and to the dangerous degree in which she essentially became Elena.
I think this is how I realized I don't like characters like Elena, characters how put lurrrv over pragmatism, because for the first time in 7 years I hated Bonnie. I completely disliked Bonnie in season 8. Like, yes she was finally pursuing her own interests, but itvwas still at the expense of herself. I get it, you love him but that's helping no one including yourself, you're just going to get killed. In fact, the only time she was back to herself was when Enzo died which is sad because that was literally putting her through pain to be the magic negro again.
She was the most OOC she had ever been and incidentally, so was Enzo. So I've mentioned it on a few occasions, but the few traits Enzo had that were somewhat likable disappeared when he was with Bonnie and instead of being the "charming Englishman" he was just a statue that occasionally answered to Bonnie. Granted, he was always pieces of characters meant to replace the void Klaus (English accent and all) and Damon (yes, Damon, Elena wasn't the only one who lost her characterization to that ship) left as this looming threat that you'd occasionally have to work with, issue being, he has no real connections to the MFG. That's why he ends up so all over the place, they're just trying to put him somewhere to fill a void that was only getting bigger the more Plec doubled down on her bad writing decisions.
But here's the thing, he did have a personality, he did have some interesting backstory with Augustine and Maggie that gets bogged down by Damon man pain. And for the first time, with Bonnie, Enzo fit in somewhere and they started exploring his trauma more but they severely toned down his character so he didn't seem that in love with Bonnie.
I do blame Malarkey for how he was in those scenes, but I also have to acknowledge the directing and the editing. There were several takes we didn't get to see and lots of conversations we didn't hear about how he would play that romance and apparently it was to be as stiff as a board which got rid of his one redeeming trait, as @xxgothchatonxx put it, his dollar store Spike impression. Now here's the thing, I didn't mind that simply because it was the only thing that made him interesting in a scene. He occasionally said something witty, and now because he's with Bonnie he has to be the most straight man there ever was and that's saying a lot with Matt on the show. In fact, I almost think Plec had the conversation about Bonnie never being with murderous vampire like Kol with Malarkey and made him act so stiff so she could belive it because honestly, of all the cast Kat had chemistry with how was he the one guy she didn't when he could produce this with a random coat check girl?
Anyway, my overall take is they are a NOTP of epic proportions that get me so made I could cry with how insulting they were.
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The whole Augustine vampire storyline is in heavy competition with the Travelers storyline for most absurd plotline in TVD so far. Those two are leading the race, but let’s not forget the whole Silas thing in season 4 or the Silas, Qetsiyah and Amara thing in season 5 (although that at least provided an explanation for the Other Side and the doppelgangers). 
Back to the Augustine vampires, why was Damon one? I swear they just wanted to make him look bad. Turns out Damon was still killing off Whitmores in the present day, as he was dating Elena! How convenient! We already knew he was a terrible person, but why in the world would the dude pass up on a day with Elena just to kill some random person? In the name of revenge? Isn’t that a bit of a stretch? He was a prisoner decades ago, and ever since he met Elena and reunited with Stefan his M.O has been different. He mostly kills people that get in his way and rarely actually seeks them out. He also “respects” Elena enough to generally try not to kill people, which is why he kills people only when it serves a greater good (ie. to save Elena in some way) or when he’s under emotional duress. I don’t want to defend the guy, but the idea that he’d go on a road trip after getting together with Elena just to kill off a distant relative of the people who tortured him decades ago is something Damon would not do. That’s something he’d do out of boredom, maybe, but not when he had Elena. 
It’s like this season is once again doubling down on the idea that Damon is bad for Elena. But I don’t see the point? We’ve known that for ages. Back in season 3, when Damon and Elena grew close, he still killed Alaric to prove a point. Elena knows he’s impulsive, cruel, etc. and that love won’t change him. I think that’s the point here: love won’t change Damon and Elena needs to know that. But Elena does know that? Or she knew that... I don’t know why the show turned her into someone who deludes herself into thinking Damon will change. But I guess that’s why Damon is getting this storyline. After a “magical” summer with Elena, where he behaved, Elena is forced to face the fact that Damon never changed and never will. 
But, still, it begs the question: what is the point of driving a wedge between Damon and Elena? It only makes sense if the writers were thinking of getting Elena back together with Stefan. Otherwise, they’re just making Delena, their main ship, look bad, and, more importantly, make Elena, their hero, look bad. Elena is still supposed to be the heroine, but they keep painting her in a bad light because of Damon. I just don’t get it? Why would they turn their heroine into an enabler? What’s the end goal? Make her less likable? Give her a redemption story? Show how people get roped into doing bad things by those they love? I really don’t get it. Unless the whole point is to have Elena run back into Stefan’s arms - which does not happen - then it’s all pointless. They’re just ruining their main characters for no reason, Damon included. He used to be predictably unpredictable. When he killed people, it usually made sense. For example, he killed Lexi because he wanted to hurt his brother. However, in season 4, it was revealed that he killed Lexi because she reminded him of the time his humanity was off. What a load of bullshit. If they were trying to make him look better, they failed. They should’ve let bygones be bygones instead of coming up with an absurd excuse like that. In trying to make Damon a slightly better person for Elena, they kind of made him worse. He’s less sympathetic now, and even more selfish than he used to be. Like, he’s better in some ways, but his behavior is even more unhinged, because, one day, he’s being nice, the next it’s revealed he murdered a baby. They made him into an even bigger asshole in order to, I assume, redeem his character in some way. What was the plan? Make him look bad, then redeem him? Because that didn’t pan out. Was the plan to make Elena hate him? Make Elena the person who would love an incorregible monster? (She already was). I don’t get it. The writers truly lost the plot.
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AU- yes! Time travel - no?
Chapter 6 :
Damon hadn’t known what to expect when he arrived home from the old witches’ house, but total and complete silence had definitely not been it. So it took him a second or so before he dared enter his home, then another few seconds just to judge himself for hesitating at all. It was his house after all, when had his house become the place he worried about? When had he stopped being the thing others were worried about? He missed those days, it had been so much easier when he didn’t try, when he just was. Sure, he and Stefan weren’t on speaking terms, and sure he had moments when the guilt got loud, like in the 90s, or the loneliness suffocating, like in the 50s, or he simply didn’t remember who he was because he’d spent so long running from himself, but it had been so much easier. He could just up and leave and leave behind everything. But not now, not anymore. Now he and Stefan got along, sometimes, and there were people who depended on him and who, dare he say it, might even care about him. He had Ric now, his drinking buddy, his best friend. He had Elena, and while he wasn’t sure what he was her or she to him, he cared about her and knew she did too. He could even say he and Bonnie were alright nowadays, and Jeremy even looked up to him at times, and god was that ever so confusing. And Caroline … well she didn't like him at all, but it made sense with her, he’d messed up with her too much and too harshly. He’d been desperate and she’d paid the price and any other time he wouldn’t have cared, but she was a bit too close to who he used to be to do so now and he was a bit too close to her mom as well, might even be friends if Liz could ever handle knowing both him and her daughter were the very creatures she’d dedicated her life to killing. 
He was getting soft at his age. Even Katherine, who he should by all means hate for what she did to him and Stefan, how she played them both, he could say he at the very least understood. He understood why she did all that she did, especially now, especially after what Rose had said about Klaus and the older doppelganger. It rattled him, caring, it made him feel some sort of way that he wasn’t sure how to handle anymore. He used to be good at it in the past, when his mom was alive he used to be able to tell with barely a glange is she needed a hug or to be left to her thoughts, whether Stefan needed space or attention, whether dad needed a cigar or quiet. He knew everything about people then, or so he remembered whenever he thought of that time, as rare as that was. He knew when a girl in town had her eyes on him, when one of the boys was in a mood to wrestle. Now it was both easier and harder. Sure, he could still tell what people wanted, that kind of awareness wasn’t lost easily and vampirism only heightened that characteristic, but being able to feel all those feelings that those around him would feel hurt worse now, like how he felt a twinge in his chest when Liz denied Caroline as her daughter, why he spoke out against it. Why he offered Ric a drink after killing him once he understood what Isobel had done to her husband. Why Elena was such a focus for him. Why he never minced his words with Bonnie, because he knew she could handle it and that she needed to feel like she could handle herself. 
Damon walked forward, deep in thought and looked around the house. Still eerie silence. Well, alright. House was empty then, he could relax a bit. He poured himself a drink, half what he usually did, only for the familiarity of the taste, of the burn, of the quenching of his blood thirst. Then walked to the library to pick something to read. He’d bought most of those books. He wasn’t sure Stefan knew that, he figured if he did, he never thought much of it, probably figured it was for Damon’s own amusement, which fair point, that was the whole point of books really. But Damon had a feeling that Stefan never even thought of the possibility, likely his little brother just assumed their various family throughout the ages just amassed a fortune in books. And well, if Damon never tried to dissuade his brother from that idea, he wasn’t too bothered. Stefan could continue with his imagined singular bridge between them and their family and Damon could enjoy his peace in … well, peace. But he never got the time to read all of them, always something else going on, something else happening. But this was the longest stretch he’d spent in Mystic Falls in centuries so he had time now, in between the crises. Today had gone well, Bonnie was now fully powered up, more powerful than she’d ever been and Klaus seemed to be taking his sweet ass time. It was nice almost. Hell, not even his brother was bothering him much today, so he had time to read a bit. He picked something at random and settled himself on one of the couches. 
It was he was reading that he noticed the soft breaths coming from inside his house. He put his book down, a quick glance at the page number to make sure he remembered where he’d left at - barely 5 pages, not even a full chapter yet - and heading towards the sound. He wasn’t expecting any threat, whoever they were, they clearly weren’t alert so likely not going to be ready to attack. And he knew Katherine’s breath as she slept, he’d spent centuries trying to hold onto the sound of her asleep and safe and with him, none more acutely as the Augustine where he dreamt of that sound every week, so he knew it wasn’t her. He almost laughed when he did reach the room, because of course it was their young prophet that was sleeping down the hall from his room, curled up under the duvet, still fully dressed but her boots next to the bed, thrown there haphazardly. Her hair was sleep-ruffled, her face less harsh in the soft light coming through the blinds, her skin almost golden brown. She looked small, smaller than she was and that was saying something, but small as in young. It took him aback a bit. She was clearly older than Elena or Caroline or Bonnie, it showed clearly in her eyes and her mannerism and her way of speaking, but she was still very young still. It made him realize just how young they all were really, all these people he chose to care about, that have snuck under his skin and stuck there, buried. It surprised him and yet not. He knew they were young, he felt it enough. And he knew Stefan, for all that his still retained some of the baby around the cheeks and hands, wasn’t the 17 year old he’d died as, just as he wasn’t the 23 year old either, despite what the lines around his face, barely forming as he’d died, said or the few grey hairs he had, that he refused to ever acknowledge despite his pride back in the 1800s at seeing them the first time - maturity, his father had praised once. 
No, he and Stefan and Katherine weren’t young. Hadn’t been in ages, and yet sometimes it felt as though they were, sometimes he caught this feeling in his stomach, like he was falling in love for the first time all over again, like when he’d met Elena on the road a year or so prior - when he’d first arrived, just after he realized she wasn’t the love of his life - or anxiety at seeing Liz in her full uniform despite her treating his as an equal. The way he still saw Stefan taken aback every so often at the dirty look of one of the older people around when they were at the bar, like he really ought to not be drinking after all. It was confusing and likely why Stefan was able to have a relationship with Elena despite his age, because he never got to experience his age properly, not before he died. Why Damon himself craved the drama so much that he was even willing to sleep his way through half the town for the attention. Well, that and he genuinely enjoyed screwing his way through half the town, same as Stefan genuinely loved Elena. And he wasn’t blind, he knew his little brother was smithen and Damon might even admit on occasion he thought he might feel the same, but then he would see Katherine and Elena in the same room and it would still, after so much, be Katherine’s smirk and her sparkling gaze drawing him in, not Elena’s doe eyes and soft smile. And that only made him go after Elena harder, because he couldn’t still be hung up over that bitch. 
Rose shifted in her sleep and he jerked, too caught in his head to expect the movement. She mumbled something in her sleep, he wasn’t too sure what, but he thought it was her calling for her parents. He wondered who her parents were, what they were like. Because who’d allow their 19 year old to know so much about an immortal legendary being like Klaus, what they’d think of her hanging out with a bunch of strangers, risking her life to bring this being down with them. They had to be worried right? Were they looking for her? Had she run away to do this? Or had she told them she was off with a friend and they were just expecting to see her in a little while, all while she was risking death. He wondered if they’d blame them for Rose being in Mystic Falls instead of their daughter, because he could imagine it being much easier to blame a bunch of total strangers for coercing than blame their own flesh and blood. Then again, maybe not. The girl clearly had been trained to use her magic like that. Not only that, but been trained by someone who obviously knew their craft and knew it well. Someone powerful. He watched Rose sleep a few moments more, watched the annoying, hard headed girl he’d just met and has already thought of killing three times, sleep in a bed, in his house and felt … almost a wave of affection for her. She clearly hadn’t anticipated all of this, that was easy to tell if you paid it any mind. Sure she knew her shit, but she was so very hesitant in her steps that he almost wondered if she’d accidentally ended up here, but how could that be, with all that she knew. He walked out, leaving the door a smidge open and returned to his book. He had a few hours before the Scooby Gang would get together to discuss what they were going to do about Klaus so he planned to take advantage of that. 
`¬`¬`¬`¬`¬`¬ `¬`¬`¬`¬`¬`¬ `¬`¬`¬`¬`¬`¬ `¬`¬`¬`¬`¬`¬ `¬`¬`¬`¬`¬`¬ `¬`¬`¬`¬`¬`¬
Damon watched his wife giggle through the shawl around her shoulders and over her mouth, her attention captured by her best friend as she rolled out of the driveway with Stefan behind the wheel. They’d had a good night tonight, dancing and drinking and having fun. And his little girl was home, finally after so many weeks. He wondered if she’d try to set him on fire for tucking her in like he used to do when she’d first arrived here and got used to them - so much like her mom sometimes that one, though Bonnie hadn’t threatened him with fire in years. He wrapped his hands around Bonnie’s waist, drawing her to him, feeling her shiver due to the cold night air and burying his face in her neck, soft kisses up and down the length of it. She giggled again, but it turned into a soft groan as he chose that moment to suck at the sensitive patch of skin just behind her ear. He smiled and let her turn in his hands, her arms coming to rest around his neck, her hands finding their way into his hair, scritching at the scalp, making him shiver but not due to the cold. She drew back, looking up at him, her warm green eyes shining with the porch lights, twinkling in the night and he could barely contain the love he held for this woman. She smiled and his heart jumped to his throat, like falling in love for her for the first time all over again and he kissed her forehead and held her close to him, safe and warm and each others’. Maybe he should’ve stopped at the fourth bottle of wine like Stefan had, then he wouldn’t be this sappy? But he knew that was just a bluff, he was always this sappy, like Bonnie liked to remind him. 
Damon wouldn’t have guessed that he was the more romantic of the two, but it made sense after he leaned her, found out her quirks and likes and dislikes, what she liked and what she dreamt and how she was at 3 am going on no sleep and buried to her neck in work or at 3 in the afternoon and sleepy like a lazy cat. That was of course not to say that she wasn’t sappy in her own right, they tended to outmatch once another often, a fair game to both. Always on equal footing. It had come as a surprise to him when he and Bonnie first started getting along, trapped in 1994 and alone, how alike they were, how they matched. So much so he kept trying to annoy her, afraid of it, not knowing the feeling of being known like that, instinctively, wholly, without judgement or need to be changed to fit but simply to fit. And he knew now she had felt the same. He’d thought what would’ve happened if they’d acknowledged each other earlier, would they have grown quicker, would they be stronger, would they simply have avoided the heartaches and pain and such deep cutting loneliness? And yet he would never risk any of this on the chance of going back to change anything, because every step had led him here, wrapped around Bonnie Bennett, a silver band around his finger that he prises more than any daylight ring, utterly domestic and so very, very happy. Chosen, but beyond chosen, accepted. With a family, a family that he’d protect and cherish like his own had not done so, father to a child he couldn’t be prouder of and that he made sure to remind whenever he felt there was any fear of forgetting. And he knew Bonnie felt the same, she’d said as much enough times. They knew each other, they understood each other and they built each other up.
“We should see what Rose is up to, I haven’t seen her since Caroline took out the tequila bottle.” Bonnie murmured in his chest. She was right of course and he’d missed his littlest witch. The house much too silent without her. So he went up to check on her while Bonnie left to put away the dishes and clean up the deck. But Rose wasn’t in her room and the whole house was silent. He felt his heart speed and he listened for any kind of noise, any noise from his daughter, but nothing was there save for Bonnie bustling downstairs. The worry cloyed and he had to close his eyes before he called out for Bonnie to come. She must’ve heard the panic in his voice because he heard her just drop the stuff she was moving and run up the stairs to meet him.
“Damon? What is it? How’s Rose?”
“You mean where’s Rosie.” he mumbled and the panic grew with the words, as though saying it aloud made it more real, more of a threat.
“What?!” the worry had entered Bonnie’s voice now too so he watched his wife do a customary check of the house with a quick spell then turn on her heels toward her witches’ den. He followed right behind. A locator spell might have been a bit much, but Rose wasn’t really one to run away to meet her friends, if anything she was much more likely to invite them all here to have their own party in their teenager obnoxious way.  
Bonnie paused. Sudden. Something was wrong, so he looked around her to the open room, the room they kept closed except for when needed. Which certainly wouldn’t be a family night like tonight. She ran inside as soon as she recovered, letting the door swing and smack the wall, a small bit of plaster cracking and a stray thought of imma have to fix that passed by his mind but most of his thoughts were on his daughter so he followed suit. The grimoire was open as well was the first thing he realized. The second thing was that Bonnie looked scared. Really scared.
“Bon? What is it, babe? Bon?” 
“I… uh” she stopped, swallowed, shifted her weight. “I created this spell.” she began again, voice barely audible. “It’s a dimension spell, like…” a harsh sigh, a hand over her face and through her hair. “Like the prison world, only for a world that exists outside of ours. Like an alternate universe. But I never. I never tested it Damon. I never needed to. I’d made it when it seemed as though Katherine might attacked after we found out she was Queen of Hell. But never had to use it so I never tried it. If Rose…” she trailed off, her hands shaking and he put his hand over hers, gently stroking the back of her hand with his thumb. He knew what this could mean. Rose probably tried it, she’d done so before, when she’d been younger, the same spell, so Damon was sure she’d thought she would just try it quickly while he and Bonnie were distracted downstairs and be done before they were. But if Bon hadn’t ever tried this, then god only knew where his daughter ended up or if she even was - no, no nonono. She was just somewhere, this was a transportation spell and she’d done it and now she was in a different world, she was safe and probably not sure how to come back or having fun there and forgot the time. 
“Can we get her back?” he asked. More sure in his tone than he felt. He felt Bonnie shake her head confused so he asked again. “Can we get her back? Would it be the same place?” 
Bonnie shook her head again, but this time understanding was shining in her gaze so she flicked her wrist, set the candles all alight around them and nodded.
“Yes, I made the spell so that it would only ever have one road to travel so I’d never lose the way, then made a separate spell in case I wanted a different destination. She should be exactly in the same place we’d end up if I do the spell right now. If she hasn’t tried it again trying to get back, but we can just follow her then too. But baby, the return spell dictates we’re all stuck there for at least a few days until the hole this punches in time and space can mend itself to try again.” Damon breathed in relief, nodding, despite the warning. This was hope in his chest, spreading, like in 1994 Bonnie still held all of his hope in her words. This was familiar territory, this was something he could fall back on. So he just set down next to her, held her hand when she extended it and prepared for whatever was about to come. He didn’t expect the nausea as they landed, but it settled fast enough. He expected the Boarding House even less, but it was more familiar territory. And he could recognize every single car parked around, Caroline’s old Ford Fiesta down the side, perfect parallel parking as usual for the little perfectionist his sister in law had always been, Ric’s Chevie in its usual spot, even Bonnie’s ancient Prius. Where the hell were they now?
“Bon? Where are we?”
“Mystic Falls.” she answered, a small amused grin on her lips despite the worry still present in her tense body. God, they were still dressed like they’d been when they woke up earlier today, his sweatpants and T-shirt barely making this more surreal than Bonnie’s shawl draped over her tank top and panda shorts. This was what family night usually entailed though, PJ’s and comfort. This was going to be an entrance for sure. “I’m pretty sure we’re about to see our younger selves and possibly end up in the middle of one of our old conflicts. If this is remotely similar to our universe history.” Damon nodded and squeezed the hand he was still holding onto. But now he could focus better and so he focused on anything that could tell them where their daughter was. If she even was here anymore. A soft murmur of a noise caught his attention quickly, a hum in an upstairs bedroom, close to his room. That was her. He would recognize his daughter’s voice anywhere.
“Babe, can you do a quick scan. I think she’s upstairs, but I don’t know if that could just be this universe’s version of Rosie.” Bonnie didn’t even need him to finish his sentence, she was already channelling energy, he could taste it in the air. Her answering smile was enough. 
Now what to do about the clear audience they were going to be encountering inside. He was contemplating this when he noticed Bonnie had already walked to the door and was opening it. He ran to her side, asking her what she was planning in a hiss, but she simply shrugged and he decided fuck it, we’ll go with the flow. They’d barely got the to say a word to the very clearly younger versions of themselves, all in shock and confusion, when Rose, his Rosie-Posie walked down the stairs and opened her mouth to say something, determined like he remembered her to be when presenting a project in school, then close with a snap at the sight of them. He felt as though he should be mad, and the anger did come, she’d worried them both, but this spell could’ve just not worked at all, could’ve killed them or worse, and yet here she was, alive, determined, safe. He jumped at his wife’s voice, not really listening, just scanning Rose for any injuries. Once he found none, he walked over to her, saw her brace for a lecture, but the anger had faded the second he’d seen the fear in her eyes fade at the sight of them in the room so all he could do was hold her like his life depended on it. He moved when Bonnie’s hand touched him, knowing that for all that she was the more strict parent she was just as in need of holding Rose right then as he was. Now to figure out if they could just head home or if the others would try to prevent them. He could probably take them. He exchanged a look with his wife over their daughter’s shoulders’, they’d be fine it said, they’d figure it out like they’ve always done.
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nawcelest · 5 years
Bonnie Bennett and Finn Mikaelson
I see a lot of people talking about how amazing Bonnie and Klaus or Bonnie and Kol would have been but if the writers did put Bonnie with a Mikaelson writing wise the best choice would first be Finn and then Elijah. Especially without changing her character. If I were to have done a Finn and Bonnie relationship between the seasons I would have changed a few things around.
Season 4: While Bonnie dropped the Veil Finn take the opportunity to steal the cure from Elena and Co. He takes it so he can be a witch again. Silas posing as Stefan takes the cure from Finn. Get rid of Elena forcing the cure onto Katherine and instead she kills Katherine who ends up on the otherside were we get a glimpse of the Travelers greeting her. When Bonnie puts the viel back up Finn ends up on the otherside with the other witches instead of alone as he would have been if he was still a vampire. Also would have had Anna catch a ride on Jeremy’s resurrection, in which case this is used as a starting point for Bonnie and Jeremy break up in Season 5. 
Season 5: In Season 5 we see Bonnie as a Ghost on the otherside wondering around and observing her friends with a deceased Witch Spirit Finn. This is the starting point of a friendship between them. He needs Bonnie help in locating Rose on the otherside. As far as her and Jeremy I would have had Bonnie persuade him to move on because holding on to her while she is dead isn’t healthy for him and it is not healthy for her. Jeremy gives a relationship with Anna a go. Eventually Bonnie becomes the anchor and seems to lose her magic in which case Finn helps her out with dealing with it because he knows how it feels as it happened to him when he became a vampire. Their relationship grows. Also just because she didn’t have her magic I still would have had her heavily involved in Witchcraft. I would have had her studying Jonas Grimoires with Finns help. I also would have had her mentoring an actual newbie witch. Not Liv but an actual new witch to the craft. Liv and Luke still would have been in the season within pretty much the same role they had in the original just not the actual same role. I would not have made Liv pretend to be a newbie witch but instead just play her as the new witch on the campus that Elena and Damon need since Bonnie doesn’t have her witchcraft. The Augustine, Travelers and Tessa+Silas storylines would have remained the same for the most part. 
When the otherside goes away instead of Bonnie “Dying” since she was the anchor and had a foot hold in both the world of the living and the Dead I would have said once the otherside disappeared she maintained her foot hold with in the world of the living but lost her foot hold in the world of the dead(Otherside).Also instead of her and Damon being sent to the Prison world I would have made it Elena and Damon. Also would have done the whole Psychic Blast thing here rather than waiting until Season 8. I would have made Bonnie’s pain a combination of her losing her Grams, Losing Elena and Damon and also her “Losing” Finn. It isn’t just losing them but her believing once the otherside is gone their is no way to get them back. 
Season 6: Opens with Bonnie trying to cast a spell and failing while looking through Grimoires to see if there is a way to resurrect Elena and Co. I would have had a Psychic powers slowly develop throughout the season. The First sign of her Psychics powers manifesting I would have had been her being able to hear Finn but not see him which makes her feel crazy and like she is losing her mind. Eventually she begins to see Finn while she sleeps as her mind astral projects itself into her Psychic Dimension which I would have made these beautiful garden. She first believes it is a dream until she gets flashes of him while awake. She then talks to an occult professor at school who gives her a book on Psychic abilities. As she studies the book and practices her power to see the Finn and the dead become clearer. Finn then encourages her to practice so of the other Psychic techniques listed in the book. I would have had her discover the abilities of Clairvoyance, telepathy, Mediumship, Telekinesis and Psychic Dimensiokinesis. During this time they get closer and develop a more romantic relationship. Also would have had Bonnie discover that she didn’t lose her magic because she was the Anchor but instead the witches mind controlled her and had her put her magic in an object. Thus this leaves her with the decision to reabsorb her magic or not. 
As far as the Prison world Storyline everything would remain the same but instead of Bonnie and Damon it would be Damon and Elena stuck. Also instead of Bennett Blood it would be Doppleganger blood. Also instead of Kai linking Elena and Bonnie I would have had him link Damon and Elena. Assuming Nina was still leaving. 
Season 7: Starts with Bonnie thinking about the decision to reabsorb her magic or not. If she absorbs her magic then she might be able to resurrect Finn however in her mind it would also means Damon and Co would want to use her to take on the Heretics. While I would have had Damon and Co know her magic was stored in a teddy Bear I would not have had them know about her Psychic abilities just yet. No Huntress or Armory after her to undo a spell storyline. Instead I would have given her a pregnancy storyline for Season 7. Deals with Bonnie getting Pregnant by Finns while he was a ghost and what that means for the child. I would have had the Armory after her but only for her child. 
Season 8: Pretty much keeps the same. Arcadius and the Sirens as villains. However I would have made Arcadius wanting Elena to conceive  child with her that would be believed to be the Antichrist. Damon and Co are trying to protect her. 
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Name: Katherine Pierce Birthday: June 5th (17/543) Species: Vampire Lookalike: Nina Dobrev Availiablity: Open
Katherine Pierce is a manipulative, selfish, unpredictable vampire, who will only think for herself. She is dangerous and cunning, with always a plan up her sleeve. Katherine won’t hesitate to kill anyone that gets in her way. Her past built her into what she is today, a fierce, self-centered bitch. She is feared by many, and they know better to fear her because Katherine is capable of almost everything. Every rose has its thorns, and she is no exception. Katherine can easily seduce anyone and use them to her advantage, playing the innocent role whenever she can. Only a very few selected ones that do know her well, know how scared she really is, but she would never fully confess it—she doesn’t like to be seen as the weak one. No one can ever fool her twice, and if you even try to fool her once, that would probably be the last thing you attempt to do. Katherine hides a lot of things, specially feelings, though her humanity is finally rising to the surface. The doppelganger struggles with loneliness which is sometimes her fault. She can push people away if they get too close to where her humanity lies but she also hates being lonely. This is why she can be manipulative. She uses any means to gain some kind of company, even if it is just for a night. But Katherine is slippery. She can run and hide as much as she wants and she won’t let herself be found unless she wishes for herself to be seen by those she runs from. This behavior has caused her to have many enemies over the years and this is where her fear of being human derives from. If she becomes human, she can be hunted and killed by those she has double crossed over the years and the idea of being nothing and non-existent is a whole new kind of fear to Katherine.
Her birth name being, Katerina Petrova, was born into a wealthy Bulgarian family on 5 June 1473. In 1490, when she was a young teenager, Katerina became pregnant by an unknown man, and her family disowned her for the shameful birth of an illegitimate daughter. She carried the child to term, but seconds after her daughter’s birth, Katerina’s father took the child away, claiming it would be better for both of them to never see one another. She never got to hold her child and lost her the instant she was born by her harsh father. Katerina was devastated by this and was banished from her hometown in Bulgaria. The young Petrova found herself in England and in this country, she picked up the language with ease and learnt many things while she was here. It was here that she met Klaus and Elijah Mikaelson, and quickly developed a strong interest in both brothers. Katerina was mostly attracted to Klaus, until she found out what he was and exactly what his true intentions were for her. He was planning on using her as a sacrifice to break the Hybrid Curse placed on him which also involved her dying in this process. So Katerina did what she knew she could do; Run. While on the run, she met a woman named Rose, who gave her vampire blood to cure a wound. However in her time, she had learnt what a vampire was and how to become a vampire. She ended up taking her own life by hanging herself with vampire blood in her system, which led her to become a vampire.
After completing transition, Katerina escaped once again and lived her life hiding from Klaus. She had ruined his chance to become a hybrid and it was fair to say he was angry. Katerina fled back to her home town in Bulgaria to find that Klaus had slaughtered her entire family which devastated the young woman and perhaps, this was something that shaped Katherine in to who she is today. She changed her name to Katherine Pierce, and after many years, in 1864, she arrived to Mystic Falls and met two particular siblings, Damon and Stefan Salvatore. Katherine grew an attachment to both brothers, and even developed deep feelings for Stefan. However, Katherine discovered a round up on vampires in the town which she managed to escape. In this time, Stefan and Damon tried to rescue her and ended up being shot. Out of sympathy, Katherine turned them into vampires. She disappeared, leaving them to think she was dead, until she returned to Mystic Falls when Stefan met Elena. She swiftly grew hatred towards her doppelganger counterpart, and started to play her usual games, making their lives miserable. She tried to get Stefan back but it was useless. He had moved on and realized just how much she had compelled him in the past. Soon after, when Klaus arrived to Mystic Falls, Katherine fled as soon as she could, hiding from The Originals, fearing they would kill her.
Katherine was shell-shocked, to say the least, when she saw Caroline- the vampire she’d once turned- reveal vampirism to the world and die in the process. She returned to Mystic soon after to watch the chaos unfold, but stayed in the shadows as she knew Lucifer was walking free around the town. Catching wind of a plan to send him back to Hell, she simply watched and waited to see if it would be a success – and once she discovered it had been, she knew it was safe to make her way back into town publicly. Knowing she’ll find both Stefan and Damon in vulnerable states – she’s excited to get back to the olden days, where she had them both wrapped around her finger. The last thing that she’s expected to hear, though, is rumors of a hybrid baby from few old friends. While this was on the back of her mind, perhaps to use as leverage in some way to free herself from the eternity of running. However, after she got involved with a powerful demon named Dante, in hopes of gaining immortality from the new possible king of Hell, he disappeared from Mystic Falls and so did that hope. She tried to find him, but to no avail, and instead, ended up in exotic countries with pretty men and expensive drinks in hand.
The doppelgänger just can’t seem to stay away from the small town she swears bores her. After whispers at Whitmore College that a new branch of Augustine was being opened in town, she is cautious to explore what exactly they’re doing with vampires. She thinks that maybe, just maybe, there will be a way for her to participate, in order for her to become stronger than ever, less vulnerable to all of her enemies, so she can finally live her life without running.
Stefan and Damon Salvatore
Ex-boyfriends, love-hate relationship with them. She enjoys to play games with them. Still has feelings for Stefan, and loves to get on Damon’s nerves. Since the boys are both human now, she figures that’ll be so much easier for her.
Elena Gilbert
Hates her for not realizing what she had with Stefan when she left him for Damon. Loves toying with her and making her life a living hell. Thinks she’s weak for returning to a human.
The Originals
Fears them. Tries to stay out of their way. Hates Klaus more than any other, and thinks of Rebekah as a spoiled brat. She thinks Kol is a handsome lad, but wouldn’t dare to try anything with him. Elijah is the only one who she can stand. He’s the only one she feels somewhat safe with.
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gilbertgrief-a · 5 years
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Create your AU!Muse–
Name: Elena Gilbert Age: 18 ( eternally 39. )  Choice changed in the universe:  elena never met stefan or damon, and the accident with her family never happened and so her parents lived. this should mean that she avoided a lot of the trauma, which originally she did  ----  she also stayed in a loveless relationship with matt,  she played it safe, and while she did love him,  deep down it was never the epic love that she’d have experienced with damon.  they got married, moved in together and she was happy  ----  as happy as could be given the circumstances,  but things changed the day she found her dads lab.  curiosity got the better of her,  and it ended in a mess that she still hasn’t dealt with today. her father decided that he needed a human subject, and elena was used, against her will. it was the first time she’d learned about the supernatural, and it was completely new and frightening to her.  How the choice changed your muse’s life: grayson, being involved with augustine decided to test the properties of vampire blood on a human, and elena spent the majority of the time healing and re-healing until one day it went wrong and she died with vampire blood in her system. her father had, had a vampire compel matt into believing that she was simply out of town for months,  and her whole family believed it.  the vampire was someone she’d seen a lot of within the lab, whitmore was a place that became her prison. it was when she came around that she was hit with an indescribable hunger, it was unlike anything she’d ever felt and it took her by complete surprise. she was inexperienced, she didn’t have any control, and she was in a frenzy. she killed her dad, and then a long line of others,  consumed by a thirst so volatile and unending. in the bodies she dropped, her family were a few,  her mother, jeremy and matt included.  after it happened, with blood stained lips she found herself distraught with what she’d done and she flipped the switch, not entirely knowing what it was. but just like that, she lost her humanity, her compassion, and became someone she’d never wanted to be  -----  someone a different version of herself would have feared. she became a monster.   What’s your AU!muse up to nowadays:  despite it being years, elena still hasn’t flipped the switch back on, instead she moves around a lot, spends time feeding on people  -----  sometimes snatching and erasing, and other times draining them dry, she has never settled down, and she’s never gone home to mystic falls  ----  she can’t face it.  not knowing what she did, even if she doesn’t care. she heard about the mess she left behind, it was all over the papers, and she’s still reported as missing. so the towns she does go into, she tries to compel everyone to keep her self in the clear. to keep people from finding her, or from suspicions. her life went tragically down the drain, she may have avoided a car accident, but she still experienced trauma, and loss, only it’s at her own hand. 
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antemortem-rp-blog · 5 years
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DAMON SALVATORE twenty-six / one hundred and eighty ☾ vampire brett dalton
Any action, in the fullness of time, sinks to nothingness.
Damon was born a fighter. From day one, Damon fought his father’s ideals as well as the expectation’s put on him by others. He chased after the things he wanted and shoved against the things he didn’t. He was forced into the civil war, but he fought tooth and nail to get out rather than on the field. When he returned before the war ended, his father was undoubtedly disappointed in him. Damon was used to being a disappointment by then. But that never translated to his younger brother. Damon and Stefan were close growing up, always able to depend on each other. That friendship would become strained by the competition for Katherine Pierce’s affection and their later transition into vampires.
While he was a player for most of his life, Damon fell hard for Katherine. She was the woman he’d been waiting for. However, he wasn’t the man for her. He was manipulated by her and it took him over a century to learn the truth. He died trying to save Katherine from being set aflame in the town hall. But having consumed her blood earlier in the night, he awoke a vampire. The transition wasn’t easy for either brother. Damon felt his life was over without Katherine. He wasn’t planning on completing his transition, but Stefan forced him to drink. Furious, Damon promised his brother he’d live an eternity, but only to bring Stefan misery. He intended to leave Chance Falls that night but was stopped by Emily Bennett. She gave him a daylight ring Katherine had gotten her to make for him. Emily also confided that Katherine had survived the fire. It was a secret which fueled Damon to live even more.
It would be fifty years before the brothers saw each other again. Damon by then learned about how to enjoy the feed, the kill. He tried to teach it to Stefan, extend the olive branch, but it backfired. Stefan became a ripper and blamed Damon. The eldest Salvatore didn’t chase after his brother. Instead, he continued on his solo travels. He was waiting for the time to be able to set Katherine free. He was by no means taken without ms. PIerce, but he knew he was waiting for her in the end. Throughout the 50s, he had a small detour. When trying to return home to Chance Falls, a descendant of his family lured him to Constance College where he was kidnapped and detained. A secret organization called Augustine began experimenting on him.
A descendant’s of Jackson Whittemore was the main target of their torture. He and a friend he would come to make in the cells. Enzo. They spent all hours together. He cared about Enzo so much. They became brothers in there. On New Years there was a chance. Damon was able to escape, but he wasn’t able to save Enzo. He had to leave his humanity behind with Enzo in order to get out alive. He thought he’d hunted down all members of Augustine but some of them escaped his sites. Every couple of decades he hunts down all but one of the living members of the Whittemore family to keep his vengeance alive. Lifetimes of things continued to pass until finally, it was time to release the tomb and save Katherine. He came to Chance Falls, without his humanity and found his brother there as well.
He seemed selfish when he first arrived, but slowly Elena made him realize his humanity had come back. By the time Katherine arrived, Damon had already realized the truth about her. Damon was the first to learn about werewolves, through the torture and eventual death of Mason Lockwood. He ended up saving Scott’s life and killing Allison’s mother. She reminded him of someone who once worked in Augustine and he couldn’t stop himself. When all else failed though, Damon was there to save Elena. He threatened more than one circle member to follow John Blackwell’s instruction to change Katherine into a human to save Elena. He doesn’t care about Klaus except that it threatens Elena. Damon’s main goal is Jackson Whittemore. He was one of the few Damon has let survive, however, he has no intention of letting him live an eternal life. He had Jackson trapped briefly and he wants to get him back.
Stefan Salvatore → BROTHER
They have an incredibly complicated relationship. They’ve been at odds for over a hundred and fifty years. Damon has tried to repair the relationship between them at times but finds it always backfires. Since his return to Chance Falls, he’s been trying even harder to repair things, but it hasn’t been easy. With his recent allegiance with Klaus, Damon is beginning to feel like the tables have turned. He wants to bring his brother back and finally feel like they’re a team once again.
Elena Gilbert → PROTECTIVE
He would be lying if he didn’t say there were more than friendly feelings toward Elena. The main thing he needs is to keep her alive and happy. At the very least he can do the prior. He’s been trying to save her for a year now and it seems like he might never be able to stop. He knows she’s still hurting over the relationship with Stefan, but he wished that she would see something in him more than just the same man who arrived to cause havoc.
Faye Chamberlain → FRIEND
They became friends early into Damon’s arrival. They’ve fooled around a couple of times but it’s never been serious between the two of them. It’s been handy to have a witch on his side, but throughout they’ve drifted. They’re friends, but it isn’t really anything passed that. They tend to be pretty frequent drinking partners as well.
Derek Hale → GUILT TRIP
A few years before the boatyard fire, Damon visited Chance Falls. It was one of those off years, he wasn’t sure where Stefan was or what exactly he was doing. He stumbled back into town, his only goal being to crawl to the tomb and visit his beloved and trapped Katherine. That’s where he stumbled upon ten-year-old Laura Hale sleeping. He brought her back to her house safe and sound. He’d forgotten all about the incident, but ten years later, the recently rebellious girl had sought him out claiming she remembered the night. They kept in touch over the years up until her demise. Damon knows he probably could have prevented it by keeping Laura away from Chance Falls, but he didn’t. Now, whenever he sees Derek he can’t help but think of his sister that he didn’t save.
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Cellmates & Soulmates
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Requested by anonymous:
“Hi, please could I request an Enzo from TVD oneshot where the reader was in Augustine with him after Damon and he leaves without her then comes back to rescue her and it's fluffy at the end? Thanks!”
Warnings: Fluff, slight angst, mild violence
Notes: My details on how Enzo leaves might not be 100% accurate sorry not sorry (it’s been ages since I’ve watched TVD) :’)
 January 12th 1959 - Whitmore House Basement
“Where did you pick this one up?” 
“Martin and his team have been tracking her for the last two weeks ever since they suspected a vampire had moved in close by to the college. They found her feeding on a sorority girl last night and drugged her before she could escape.” 
*yn*’s eyes fluttered, the unfamiliar voices growing louder as she stirred. 
“It was about time we got some new subjects in, the others are practically numb to the experiments and I rather miss making them scream.” 
*yn* rubbed at her eyes as her vision began to clear before clutching at her head as a throbbing pain made itself aware to her. She raised her head slightly off the concrete and shifted it around as she looked around at her surroundings. She was in a musty, old and damp basement. She located the dripping sound in the shape of a leaking pipe in the corner. She swivelled her head to the left and saw that bars made up the entire front wall. 
She was in a cell. 
Bile rose up in her throat as the memories of last night came flooding back to her. She had been craving blood all day and had finally caved when she’d stumbled upon a girl from campus, she had planned to simply compel her to forget it when hands had grabbed her shoulders and she felt a stabbing pain in her neck. After that everything had gone black. 
“Well it is what they deserve. Don’t worry sir, I’ll make sure a close eye is kept on it so we don’t have a repeat of last years incident.” One of the voices spoke which snapped *yn* out of her thoughts.
“What have I told you about mentioning that event Robert.” The other voice answered in a clipped tone.
“Right, sorry Sir.” 
*yn* attempted to pull herself up to her feet but her legs quickly buckled underneath her. Whatever these people had drugged her with clearly hadn’t fully left her system yet. 
Wordlessly she shuffled over to the cell bars and began to pull at them in an attempt to break them apart. Her desperation grew when the bars didn’t move an inch. She was a vampire, she should be able to break these without breaking a sweat. She cursed under her breath before frantically shaking at the metal rods. She had to get out of here.
“It seems that the new subject is already awake.” One of the voice mused before the sound of footsteps approaching echoed in her ears. 
“Who the hell are you? What do you want from me?” *yn* spat, her movements stilling when two older men in suits appeared in front of her cell.
“I’m Doctor Whitmore and this is Mr Robert Gilbert. And as for what I want from you, I want to understand what makes you and your species tick.” One of the men spoke in a condescending tone. 
“Well I don’t want to help you understand my ‘species’, so let me go.” She hissed back as her eyes bore into his. To her surprise instead of complying he let out a loud, harsh chuckle. 
“Trying to compel me sweetheart? I’m afraid that won’t work on anyone you encounter during your stay here.” 
“And how long do you plan on making me stay here exactly?” She growled.
There was a pause as the doctor eyed her for a few moments before a sickly smirk spread across his lips. “Indefinitely.” 
*yn* lunged at the two men, sliding her arms through the bars in an attempt to reach them and her fangs bared. “Well Martin certainly does know how to pick the feisty ones.” Doctor Whitmore remarked as the two men moved out of her reach. 
“Come back here! Let me go!” *yn* screamed as the two men turned and disappeared out of sight without another word.
“Save your strength, they'll only make things worse for you if you don’t shut up.”
*yn* jerked her head to the right wall at the sound of a deep, british accent emitting from the other side of the crumbling bricks. Cautiously she slid her hands away from the bars and dragged her still useless legs across the damp floor towards the wall. 
She scanned the bricks and came to a stop when her eyes fell on a hole just above eye level that was big enough for her to put her whole face through. She pulled herself up onto her knees and raised her head up and peaked through the hole.
Sure enough in the identical cell to hers was a handsome man with dark hair and olive skin leaning against the cell bars.
Sensing her stare, his gaze flitted to the hole and locked eyes with her. The two stayed silent for a few moments as they eyed each other curiously. A small smirk twitched up onto the mysterious man’s lips as he tilted his head and looked her up and down.
“I must say, you’re much easier on the eyes than Damon.”
“Who’s Damon?” She asked him. At her question anger flashed across his features before he quickly masked it with another smirk. 
“The vampire that occupied that cell before you.” 
“What happened to him?” She queried. There was a pause as the man clenched his jaw as anger once again appeared on his face. “He escaped.”
“H-he escaped? So there is a way for us to get out?” *yn* asked him as a small amount of relief filled her.
“Not anymore.” The vampire replied which flattened any hope she had. She fell silent as tears involuntarily pooled in the corners of her eyes as it began to dawn on her how hopeless her situation was. Enzo felt a wave of sympathy roll over him as he eyed the girl, remembering how he had felt when he was first imprisoned here.
“I’m Enzo.” 
His words made her snap out of her thoughts as she once again looked up to lock eyes with the stranger. 
“Pretty name.” He smirked which caused *yn* to blush lightly in embarrassment.
“It’s not as cool as Enzo.” She answered. Enzo felt a jolt run through him when she flashed him a small smile, something he hadn’t experienced since Maggie.
“So, how old are you?” He asked her.
“Twenty one.” She replied which caused him to laugh. “No, how old are you?” He emphasised slowly. 
“Twenty one?” She repeated in confusion.
“Oh.” He answered as it dawned on him. “So you were only turned...?”
“Two months ago.” She finished for him. “How old are you?” 
“Sixty two.” 
“Oh.” She breathed out.
“I am technically eternally twenty seven if older men don’t do it for you.” He continued before wriggling his eyebrows suggestively. To both of their surprises a small giggle escaped past *yn*’s lips at his words. 
“Grab the new subject, I want to examine it and see what I’m going to be working with.” 
The smile vanished instantly from *yn*’s face as her features contorted into an expression of pure fear. Her head snapped to the hallway when the sound of approaching footsteps echoed through the cell.
“Don’t struggle, it’ll make it worse.” Enzo murmured to her already knowing what was going through her mind. She swallowed nervously before glancing back at Enzo, terror in her eyes.
“How much does it hurt?” She asked him as the footsteps got louder and louder. He stayed silent as he reverted his gaze to his lap and fiddled with his fingers to avoid her piercing stare.
“Enzo.” She hissed at him when he didn’t answer her. 
“Don’t struggle, it’ll make it worse.” He repeated, forcing himself to keep his eyes fixed on his lap when he heard the sound of her cell door being opened. 
However, he couldn’t help himself when he heard them passing his cell. When he lifted his chin up to look at her the pair locked eyes as two men dragged her off towards the doctors lab. She was even more beautiful up close. He stared back at her emotionlessly as she passed him but couldn’t help the wave of sympathy that rolled over him. 
Once she had disappeared out of sight Enzo sat in silence for a few minutes, the consistent dripping of the pipe being the only sound that filled his ears. 
That silence was shattered instantly by the piercing screams that could only belong to *yn*. Enzo gritted his teeth as he buried his head in his knees and screwed his eyes shut in an attempt to block out the horrible noise. But no matter what he did her heart wrenching screams weaselled their way into his ears and filled his head. 
The longer she screamed, the more his hate for Damon Salvatore grew. 
Present Day, Whitmore House Basement
“No need to shove.” *yn* snapped as a man pushed her towards her cell.
“Shut up you blood-sucking scum.” He spat back before shoving her back so hard that she fell in a heap on the hard floor. If she had had enough energy she would have bared her fangs at him but she was so weak from the torture that she had just incurred that she could barely raise her head. 
Somehow she managed to drag herself to the wall that divided her and Enzo’s cells and rested her back against the disintegrating bricks. 
“Here.” She hoarsely whispered back as she forced her arm above her head and blindly felt around until she reached the hole. Once she found it she rested her wrist on the small ledge and flipped her hand up so her palm was exposed. 
Her eyes fluttered shut when she felt the familiar warmth of Enzo’s fingertips lacing themselves through her own. Despite the fact that she had just been cut open and her insides had been poked and prodded for the past hour she still felt a brief moment of bliss when Enzo placed warm, loving kisses on her hand in an attempt to ease her pain.
The two had now spent over forty years alongside each other and had overtime fallen irrevocably in love with one another. At first Enzo tried as hard as he could to stay away from *yn* because after Damon and Maggie, he knew he couldn’t bare to lose someone else. But eventually his feelings grew so strong he couldn’t ignore them any longer. 
The pair were now inseparable, they were soulmates. Knowing that the other was waiting for them when they returned to their cell was the only thing keeping both of them from giving into the torture and turning their humanity off. 
“Did you want me to grab the next one Doctor Maxfield?”
Immediately Enzo’s hand stiffened against *yn*’s to which she responded by squeezing his hand tightly in an attempt to calm him. 
“No. I have other plans for Lorenzo.” 
In that moment *yn* felt as if all of the oxygen had been sucked out of her lungs and her heart had fell out of her chest. Her grip on Enzo’s hand was now so tight she would’ve been surprised if his hand wasn’t turning purple. 
The minutes ticked by and just as *yn* was beginning to be lulled into a false sense of relief, footsteps echoed down the hallway. *yn* pushed herself up onto her knees and peered through the hole to see two men approaching Enzo’s cell.
“Take him to the new lab.” Doctor Maxfield voice instructed as he came into view to watch over his colleagues. 
“What are you doing with him?” *yn* spoke up as her hold on Enzo’s hand tightened even more.
“I’d give you time to say your goodbyes but I’m a busy man.” The doctor drawled as the door to Enzo’s cell was opened.
“Enzo-” *yn* whispered shakily as he turned to look at her. “No.” She shook her head as the two desperately locked eyes with one another. 
“I love you.” He murmured as each man gripped one of his arms and began to drag him out of his cell.
“Please don’t take him, you can’t take him from me, you can’t leave me here alone.” *yn* began to beg as she scrambled to the bars of her own cell. 
“Enzo please don’t leave me.” She sobbed as tears streamed down her cheeks. Even though she knew it was hopeless she began to rattle the bars as Enzo began to be dragged past her cell.  
“I love you” and “it’s going to be ok” were just a few of the things that flowed out of Enzo’s mouth as he struggled to stay with her. Tears were now flowing freely down his own face at the realisation he might never see the love of his life again.
She stretched out her arm as far as she could and for a fleeting moment their fingers brushed before he was ripped away from her grasp. The two briefly locked teary eyes for a moment as the guards neared the end of the hall. “I’ll come back for you love, I promise.” Were the last words he uttered to her before he was dragged out of sight. 
“No! Enzo!” *yn* screamed in desperation and as Doctor Maxfield past her she bared her fangs at him out of pure loathing. “I’m going to enjoy every moment of torturing you before I rip your head from your body.” She snarled to the doctor. 
“It seems today’s examination didn’t wear you out as much as I previously thought. I’ll be sure to double my efforts tomorrow.” Max replied nonchalantly, not even bothering to look up from his clipboard as he too vanished from her sight leaving *yn* balling her eyes out and completely broken. 
1 Month Later
“Maybe I could rip the pencil off that doctor’s clipboard and stake myself with it.” *yn* mumbled as she leant against the wall of her cell and mindlessly fiddled with her fingers. 
“For the last time bloodsucker, keep your mouth shut!” One of the guards shouted from down the hallway.  
“But then I would never get the chance to rip his throat out.” She whispered even quieter under her breath. 
Since Enzo had been taken from her *yn* had come up with twenty five different ways she could end her suffering in this hell hole. But every time she saw an opportunity she could never bring herself to even try and enact the plan. Because despite everything she still held onto a small sliver of hope that he would uphold his promise and come save her. 
However, every day that dragged on that hope grew smaller and smaller and she knew that it would only be a matter of time until she caved in and switched her emotions off. And that scared her.
She drew in a sharp breath as she rested her head against the molding brick and a single tear slid down her right cheek. 
“Come back Enzo. Please.” She whispered to herself before closing her eyes in an attempt to fall into a restless sleep. 
She had nearly drifted off when muffled voices from above her caused her to peak her eyes open and strain her ears. 
“Where the hell are you going? We need to get out of here now Enzo.” 
*yn* jerked up with a start, fully awake now with her heart pounding violently in her chest. She had to be hearing things, this couldn’t be right.
“I can’t leave yet.” *yn* nearly burst into tears when the all too familiar deep British accent filled her ears, a voice that she hadn’t heard in over a month. 
“If you want to leave- leave. I don’t care what you do or where you go, Damon. I can’t leave yet.” Enzo snapped back before hurried footsteps echoed in her eardrums. 
Damon? Damon was here?
*yn* scrambled to the bars of her cell and pressed her face against the cold metal and strained her eyes, desperate to catch a glimpse of his face. A blurry figure suddenly flashed past her and a few moments a noise that sounded suspiciously like necks snapping rung in her ears. 
She closed her eyes to blink for a split second but this time when she opened her eyes there was someone standing on the other side of the bars.
“E-Enzo?” She breathed out in disbelief. 
“It’s me gorgeous.” He nodded and she felt her eyes filling up with tears for what felt like the hundredth time that day. 
She opened her mouth to say something but she found herself rendered speechless at the sight of the one person she never thought that she’d see again. She watched him as he hastily pulled a key out of his pocket and slid it into the keyhole. 
Due to the adrenalin and emotions running wildly through her body *yn* was able to get herself onto her feet just as Enzo pulled the door open. She froze for a brief moment as she stared wide eyed at him. This was the first time in sixty years that the two didn’t have the brick barricade barring them from one another. 
Her moment of initial shock faded almost instantly and not wanting to waste another second she sprinted into his arms without hesitation. The feeling of pure happiness that rushed through her was so intense that *yn* thought for a moment that her legs might give way underneath her.
“I-I can’t believe you came back, h-how-?”
“I promise I’ll explain everything love but for now we need to focus on getting out of here before Maxfield comes back.”
“But where are we going to go? What are we going to do?” *yn* asked him. 
“We do exactly what we’ve been planning to do from the first day I arrived here love. We’re going to get our revenge. We’re going to start with killing Doctor Maxfield and then move on to the Whitemores and then we’ll wipe out the families of every person that ever laid a finger on us. Damon is outside, we can use him to help us enact our revenge and once we’re done we’ll kill him for abandoning me alone all those years ago.” 
The longer Enzo spoke the more the smile that was plastered on *yn*’s face faded until it was non existent. Enzo’s grin dropped from his features when he noticed her sudden change in mood, instantly knowing that something was wrong.
“What’s wrong gorgeous?” He whispered to her worryingly as he laced his fingers through hers. She swallowed as she eyed him for a few moments, silently debating whether she should tell him or not. 
“I just- I just want to leave Enzo.” She admitted to him softly. “Leave? Leave to where?”
“I don’t know- anywhere! We’ve been locked up for over sixty years Enzo, don’t you want to travel and see the world? We can go wherever we want, whenever we want and do whatever we want.”
“But after all that they’ve put us through-”
“I know and trust me there’s this blood thirsty part of me that’s aching to kill every last one of them but I’ve spent too long fixating on these people. I just want to leave with you and start over. Please Enzo, let’s just go.” She begged him. 
There were a few moments of tense silence between the two as Enzo mulled over her words. But with one look down at her beautiful and desperate features he knew exactly what his answer was going to be. Without another word he leant down and captured her lips in a brief but heart stopping kiss before reluctantly pulling away.
“Ok gorgeous.” He nodded in agreement. 
“Let’s get the hell out of here.” 
As always positive feedback is appreciated!!! <3 you can give it back here x
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forevercaroline · 8 years
Tvd in New York part 4
For @caritobear who I left on a cliffhanger last chapter. Gossip girl here your one and only source into the scandalous lives of Manhattans elite: it's the end of an era C and K are no longer friends. It will be sad to no longer see Klaroline in my inbox. As one friendship falls another rises S and R have been getting pretty close. And with the Augustine grand opening in a couple days and everyone on the guest list including our new enemies it should be an exciting grand opening. You know you love me. Xxx Damon, Stefan and Caroline are having a Salvatore night just the three of them watching movies, talking, eating pizza and tiramisu with Champagne. They are watching a movie when the elevator opens and Katherine walks out. " I can't be there anymore. Can I stay here?" Caroline is on the couch and Damon and Stefan are sitting on the floor on each side of her all three Salvatore's look up at the frustrated Petrova. " Your always welcome Kitty Kat." Caroline pats the cushion next to her " Pizza, tiramisu, champagne?" " Tell us what's wrong?" " Elena I can't take her I hate everything Manhattan attitude anymore. I came home today and Elena was with her new friend from Brooklyn talking about how she hates us all and can't wait for her parents to find them a home. You know how Nadia has been the Petrova housekeeper since before I was born." All three Salvatore's nods Caroline has a slice of tiramisu in her hands while both male Salvatore's and Katherine are eating pizza. " Elena refuses to eat her food saying its to fancy for her. So instead she eats pizza. Elena isn't only making my life difficult but she's also making Nadia uncomfortable." The Salvatore's understand the problem Katherine is having Nadia is just as much part of the Petrova family as Dorata is a part of their family. Xxx The grand opening of Augustine is tonight. They're all getting ready at the Mikaelsons penthouse. The girls are in Rebekah's room with racks of party clothes all over her room. Katherine decides to go with a short cleavage baring silver sequin cocktail dress with silver heels. Katherine loves teasing guys and her favorite guy to tease is Elijah. She runs out of the room her dress not zipped up yet. Rebekah yells after her. " I have a problem can you help me?" Elijah looks up from grading papers at the desk in his room. " Katerina I know what your trying to do and it won't work." Katherine smiles and tries to look innocent " What do you mean?" "We can't do this nothing can happen between us. I'm your teacher it would be inappropriate." " You mean like sleeping together again. That's not why I'm here I just needed someone to zip up my dress the girls are busy getting ready and I can't reach so could you help a totally innocent girl with her dress." Elijah tells her to spin and comes up behind her and whispers in her ear. " We both know you are the farthest thing from innocent Katerina." Shivers went down her back as he spoke. It took all her will power not to turn around and kiss him. Xxx Caroline dress is a strapless sweetheart bodice of glittery gold with a dangling beaded skirt with gold heels. Davina goes with a black tank top and a gold skirt and black ankle boots. Rebekah's dress is black with gold designs on the bodice with gold heels. They all have body glitter on too. The guys are waiting downstairs for them in suits. " Whoa I need sun glasses to see you ladies." " Oh don't worry by the end of the night you will be as glittery as me." Kol laughs while he pulls Davina in for a kiss. " I don't doubt that." Klaus looks over at Caroline who is talking with Katherine they haven't talked in days and it's killing Klaus not talk to her. " Caroline you look beautiful." Caroline glance at him she's not mad at him anymore she's hurt by what he said to her. " I know." Damon feels the uncomfortable tension in the room between his sister and his best friend he adjusts his tie. " Let's get this party started." Xxx The limo arrives outside of Augustine the door opens and cameras are flashing there is a bouncer letting people in there is a line down the street. Enzo comes out of the club and greets his friends " Hey tonight be transported to another time let loose no judgement. Let everything escape meaning this feud between you to ends when you are in my club." Both klaus and Caroline look at each other quickly then at Enzo they both nod. As the bouncer is letting them in a guy in the line waiting to go in start yelling not fair I've been waiting almost an hour they didn't even get in line. Katherine and Caroline go over to the guy " Excuse me do you know how we are? I'm Katherine Petrova and she's Caroline Salvatore." The guy has heard those names before. Katherine continues " Think twice before you yell at us." She links arms with Caroline and flips her hair while turning to leave. When they get in the doorway Enzo holds out his arms. " Welcome to Augustine." There's a bar to the side, a dance floor in front of them, a couple steps down and there is a stage and couches so you could watch a show tonight there having a burlesque show. " Right this way." Enzo leads them to the vip area. " I will be back I need to make the rounds." Xxx Kol grabs Davina's hand and they go to the dance floor. Rebekah looks over at Stefan. " Come on let's dance." " Rebekah, you know I don't dance." Rebekah dragging him to dance floor " I know, I also know the only person you do dance with is also the one asking." Xxx The only ones left in the booth is Caroline and Klaus " Caroline can we talk?" Caroline takes a drink of her martini " Only if we can dance I love this song." Klaus nods and takes her hand and leads her to the dance floor " You look like a Greek goddess." " Thank you, you look handsome too. Now what is it you wanted to talk about?" Rebekah sees Klaus and Caroline she knows how hard this has been on both of them they like each other but don't want to hurt Damon or Stefan so they can't do anything. She goes to move when Stefan stops her. " Where are you going?" " To make sure they don't kill each other. We both know if they wanted to they could." Stefan looks over at his best friend and sister he doesn't know what happened on the yacht. " They made that silent truce outside plus they won't let whatever there fighting about ruin Enzo's big night." Klaus dancing with Caroline " I'm sorry for what I said at the white party I was frustrated and I took it out on you it wasn't right. I just want to be with you. " " I'm sorry too I'm frustrated as well I want to be with you but don't want to hurt my brothers." Klaus pulls her closer to him " I missed you." " I missed you too." Klaus smiles he loves that Caroline forgive him he hated her being mad at him. Xxx Klaus and Caroline end up in a limo together. They arrive at the Mikaelsons penthouse once the elevator door close there lips are back on each other they stumble out of the elevator and into his room making a pile of clothes from his doorway to the bed. Xxx An hour later everyone else stumbles into the penthouse except Damon and Stefan who decided to go to their penthouse. Kol and Davina go to Kol's room. Katherine and Rebekah go to Rebekah's room, Enzo goes to the guest room. " Where's Caroline?" " Last i saw her she was with Nik. Go ask him." Katherine walks down the hall to Klaus room and opens the door. It's pitch black she turns to leave when something catches her eye and someone on the bed moves she looks down and Caroline's dress is reflecting from the light from the hall. She gets closer to the bed and Caroline is snuggled next to Klaus both of them are naked there is only Klaus blankets over them. She is shocked after how they have been acting recently she takes a picture of them because nobody will believe her. She returns to Rebekah's room who on the phone with Stefan. Katherine waits till she done " Oh my god bekah you will not believe what I just saw." Rebekah looks intrigued but then disgusted " Was it Kol naked again we all tell him if he going to leave his room he has to have pants on." " No plus I've seen Kol naked all of us have." " So what is it?" Katherine shows Rebekah the picture. " Klaus and Caroline in bed together clothes all over his room." Rebekah takes the phone from her " Shut up seriously." Xxx Klaus Wakes up and smiles at the golden goddess in his bed " Good morning love." " Good morning." "We slept together again." klaus nods " We can't seem to stay away from each other." Caroline pulls one of his blanket up to her chest " Well then let's not stay away from each other lets be together in secret nobody outside those doors know except us." "As long as I get to be with you." Caroline kisses him. Xxx Everyone is at the breakfast table when Kol and Davina come into the kitchen. " Kol you have glitter on your chest." Kol looks down at his bare torso and smirks " I was warned that would happen." " Looks like I'm not the only one. Big night Nik?" Kol raises his eyebrows Klaus looks down and sure enough some of Caroline's body glitter ended up on him. " I was dancing with Caroline." Kol didn't believing when he saw the picture of them in bed on Davina's phone when they woke up. " If you were dancing how did it end up in your chest were you dancing shirtless if I recall Enzo's club it's a rule you have to wear clothes." klaus trying to get out of this " You know how glitter gets everywhere and what about you you have just as much as Davina." Kol is having fun " I slept Davina." Rebekah watching her brothers go back and forth. "Enough we know you too slept together." " How?" Rebekah eating a bagel from the breakfast display on the table. " Katherine went looking for you last night and found you in bed with Nik." " Damon and Stefan can't know we have to keep with between us." Everyone nods. Damon and Stefan come walking through the elevator " Morning." They all glare at Kol he has a tendency to tell secrets just to annoy people Klaus. Xxx They are all eating breakfast when the elevator doors open and the oldest Mikaelson sibling Freya walks out. " It feels good to be home." Rebekah runs up to her sister and hugs her. Freya lives in New Orleans she comes back to New York to visit her siblings a couple times a year. She comes over to the table and sits with everyone. " where's Elijah? I have an announcement that I want everyone to hear." " At the gym. He left early this morning." Xxx Elijah gets back from his Muay Thia workout he's all sweaty and just wants to take a shower. He goes to his room takes his shirt off and hears the water shutting off in his bathroom. He standing in the doorway when Katherine gets out running her fingers threw her hair " Hello Elijah." Elijah licks his lips. Unable to speak. "Wanna join me?" Elijah licks his lips again " Katerina." " It's Saturday remember your just my best friends sexy older brother." Elijah is walking closer to her he tries to stop but can't. " Why are you in my shower?" Katherine run her fingers up his sweaty chest "Everywhere else was full and you weren't using it. I didn't think you would mind." Elijah is trying not to look at her body, and look anywhere else. " Stop thinking Elijah and start doing." Elijah looks her in the eyes and does exactly what she says. He pulls her closer to him and kisses her. Katherine doesn't care if he's sweaty she wraps her hands around his neck while he lifts her legs up and she wraps them around his waist. Xxx Freya has gathered everyone in the living room. She wants to tell her siblings her news before their parents. Katherine and Elijah keep giving each other longing looks. Klaus is sitting next to Caroline his hand is on her back. Rebekah is sitting between the Salvatore brothers and Davina is sitting on Kol's lap. " I'm engaged. He's on a business trip in Asia at the moment so I came here to announce our engagement. He will be back in a couple months." Xxx "So sister I see that you and Nik made up." Caroline, Stefan and Damon are walking though the MET. Since their Salvatore night was interrupted by Katherine they decided to do something together just the three of them in the afternoon. Dorata always used to bring them to the MET as children now that they are older they still like going. Usually they just sit on the stairs outside but sometimes they go in." Yes we came to an agreement. Our fight is over." Damon and Stefan pull their sister In for a hug. " I'm glad you two made up. We hated seeing you upset, Nik wasn't any better either he kept asking how your doing. It was getting rather annoying." "Well everything is back to normal. Now let's stop talking about me. Stefan when are you going to ask Rebekah out? And Damon I see the way you are around Elena at school you are the only one on the upper east side who likes her. " Stefan and Damon look a little uncomfortable now they weren't uncomfortable talking about their sister and their best friend but now talking about their relationships. " I don't know. Would she even say yes if I asked her out?" " Of course she would say yes. I see the way you two act around each other. She gets you to loosen up even more. Let's be honest here Your broody and we love you but around Rebekah your less broody and more fun and you laugh." "Thanks sister." Damon laughs at his siblings.
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doyelikehaggis · 5 years
denzo + 21 for the cuddle prompts?
21 + in the water/in the bath
Nothing really surprises Enzo anymore. He's seen people have their heads ripped off, nearly had the same done to himself, died twice, and has had to adjust to the modern world after sixty or so years of Augustine.
There were a lot of things to wrap his head around, and a few that threw him off along the way.
But when he hears the door open and turns around on the couch to watch Damon walk in with his clothes covered in blood, he barely blinks. His insides do give a bit of an uncomfortable twist, and he instinctively scans him for any sight of injury.
It wouldn't be the first time that he's come home in need of a splinter removal or some bourbon to ease the sting of vervain.
It's his idiotic desire to pick a fight with the first person who's willing to take on a vampire. But he isn't fazed by it anymore. 
"Have fun?" he asks, arching an eyebrow at him, but he's sure a hint of concern slips through into his voice as he gets up off of the couch. 
Damon glances down at himself, grimaces, then looks back up at him as he holds his hands up. "It's not what you're thinking."
"Well, I think you've been caught red-handed," Enzo says, and gives a pointed look to Damon's hands as he approaches him, just as bloody as his clothes. "Care to explain or should I be expecting some vengeful being to show up in the middle of the night? Another vampire like that last one, I can handle, but if you've lured another dragon back here..."
He shakes his head at him as he tilts Damon's up with his fingers beneath his chin, inspecting a little more carefully. He may not be human, but that doesn't mean he's protected from being attacked by other vampires or creatures with similar abilities as have been roaming around lately. 
"The first one wasn't even my fault!" Damon protests as Enzo presses a hand to his chest, checking for a wound of some sort.
Supernatural beings he can handle, but hunters are becoming a real issue with Triad growing every day, and he doesn't feel like having to be on the lookout for another week. Thankfully, his skin is smooth and injury-free. 
"No, but you did threaten to go out and find another one because you missed all of the action," Enzo reminds him with an arched eyebrow. "The little Mikaelson was far more capable of defeating it than you were, and if you've succeeded in finding another one, she's going to end up having to deal with it as well, and I am not dealing with Alaric or any of her aunts and uncles because you wanted to see a bloody dragon."
Damon rolls his eyes and Enzo's sure he's going to make some joke, but he frowns as he brings his own hand back. He stares down at the blood now on his own fingers and the palm of his hand.
It's too bright. Something feels wrong about it. There isn't even a twitch in his jaw.
"It's fake," Damon confirms for him, the corners of his mouth now turning up almost smugly. 
"Fake blood?" Enzo repeats, lifting his eyes back to him in confusion. "Why the hell are you covered in fake blood?"
"I made the mistake of stopping by the school." Damon glances down at himself again with another grimace. "The twins wanted my help with the decorations for the Halloween party. As it turns out, teenage witches and fake blood? Not a good mix."
Enzo stares at him, and he can feel his mouth curving, twisting up, and he makes little effort to stop it. An image of Damon attempting to help put up decorations flashes to mind and he's reminded of last Christmas and Caroline being outraged and insisting that she help. 
He has no idea what the twins were thinking. Whatever their initial plan had been, the result is rather amusing. It always is whenever Damon helps them out with something.
"You should get cleaned up," he decides, going to drop his hands to let him head off and do exactly that.
But Damon catches them, holding them in between his own. Enzo raises another eyebrow at them, then at Damon, but he can already sense where this is going without him needing to say it.
Still, he's a rather patient man, and experience has taught him that he much prefers hearing Damon admit things instead of letting it go unspoken. 
"I should," Damon agrees in that tone of voice that Enzo has become happily familiar with. "I think you should, too."
Enzo smirks, and he gives a hum of consideration. He doesn't point out that he's not the one covered in fake blood. He just gives in, drawing out a sigh that's barely audible as Damon leans in, kissing him as if he needs convincing. They both know he doesn't. 
Keeping hold of one of Damon's hands, he starts to walk in the direction of the stairs, pulling him along with him.
Within a few minutes, Damon is free of the bloodstained clothes and joining Enzo in the bath that would probably be big enough to fit five people without issue. 
Enzo slides an arm over Damon's shoulder once he's settled in front of him, moving his hand slowly along his chest, the warmth of the water already heating his skin. He leans forward as Damon leans back, better adjusting, and bends his head as he grazes his lips along his shoulder. 
Damon strokes the arm around him with a pleased little chuckle that turns into a sigh.
"Remind me never to go near the school this close to Halloween again. I'm going to end up with a pumpkin spelled onto my head."
Enzo doesn't think he's wrong. Knowing the witches they have at the school, one of them would probably give it a try. He can just imagine Damon attempting to get a large pumpkin off of his head. 
"Oh, I don't know," Enzo says, smiling as he trails his lips up to his neck, winding his other arm around Damon's front. "I don't think it looked so bad. It's not as if it's the first time you've been covered in blood. They were probably just trying to dress you up for the occasion." His smile widens. "Turn you into a more realistic vampire."
Damon scoffs, but when Enzo tilts his head to glance at him, he's smiling as well.
As hard as he tries to pretend that helping out at the school, or simply with the twins, isn't high on the list of things he would like to be doing, there's always a fondness in his voice when he talks about it and Enzo is well aware that he would do anything for them, as well as for Caroline and Alaric.
"You won't be saying that when you hear what the plan is for the chaperones of the party," Damon says, and turns his head to give him that knowing, mischievous look again. 
Enzo pauses and lifts his head, staring at him. "Tell me you're joking. Alaric doesn't even like me."
"I may have volunteered us. Besides," Damon gives us a lazy shrug, "Caroline loves you. Which is why the chaperones have to dress up as well, make a little effort — before you kill me, remember that it's for the children."
Enzo rolls his eyes, but he isn't mad. In truth, he enjoys helping out with the school nearly as much as Damon does. He supposes that dressing up for a few hours isn't the worst thing he could be doing on Halloween. 
"Fine," he says. "But I'm not doing the whole vampire thing."
"Do you want to be a witch instead?" Damon asks, raising an eyebrow at him with that teasing smirk. "Because, truth be told, I sort of have a thing for witches." 
Enzo shakes his head at him, a smile slowly forming as Damon cranes his neck and kisses him. He gives a quiet, contented hum as Damon drags his fingers along his arm, all the way up to the crook of his elbow down to his knuckles. 
"Witch is definitely off the table then," Enzo says before he's even pulled back all the way. "Maybe I'll go with werewolf."
"Why not a siren?" Damon suggests, his tone telling that he's joking. Mostly. "You're certainly good at luring people in with your voice. Second you introduced yourself to me, I was gone."
Enzo laughs, but hearing Damon say it still gives him that strange feeling inside his chest, wedged between his ribs. He splashes him slightly, earning him a startled laugh.
"We're chaperones, remember?" he says pointedly. "We're there to make sure the kids have fun, not fulfil your weird fantasies about me as a siren. Which is disturbing on many levels considering our history."
Damon pretends to scowl at him, but his hair's starting to curl at the edges, damp from the surprise attack, and it's hard for it to have much of an effect when he's close enough for Enzo to kiss him and figure out the exact shade of blue that his eyes are. 
Enzo just smiles, pressing a light kiss to his jaw, and Damon melts without so much as an argument. He tilts his head back with a fake scoff, settling on Enzo's shoulder as he slips down the bath just enough, readjusting. 
"Take all of the fun out of it, why don't you?" he says, but when he glances back up at him, he's smiling again. "Fine. Pick anything you want, as long as it's enough for Caroline to not kill us for not making enough effort. And no fake blood."
Enzo takes Damon's free hand, lacing their fingers easily. He presses his lips to his knuckles in a kiss as Damon's other hand continues its venture up his arm, his movements slow and loving. 
"Promise," he says, and Damon hums, pleased. "But you might have to wear a cape."
Damon closes his eyes and groans. Enzo grins, only to be splashed a second later. 
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More Truths and a Bit of Revenge
Humanity Ch 5
Summary: 1940: Aria fell in love. 1941: He went off to war. 1945: He was home again. Not long after that, he left without a trace. She didn’t wait long for him to come back. Sixty years later, she realizes how much she really needs him and in truth, how much he needs her. They stake their faith in their own humanity in each other.
Starring: Damon Salvatore and Aria Monroe (my OC)
Warnings: Murder and Language
Ch 1 || Ch 2 || Ch 3 || Ch 4
He won't let me tell him in the car. It's a ten hour drive. There's so much tension between us that I'm pretty sure I luck out when Damon falls asleep. I try my best to stay calm when I catch sight of the city skyline in the distance. The sun is only beginning to rise when I reach the apartment complex. I turn off the car and face Damon. He looks so peaceful. I want to let him have this bit of solace before I tell him yet another dark truth from my past.
I reach into the glove box, finding a piece of scrap paper and a pen. I write down the apartment number. Then I open the little coin tray and take out the extra key. I put the note and the key in the cup holder with his cell phone. I get out of the car as quietly as I can. Once I'm in the elevator, I take the opportunity to catch my breath. The elevator door opens and when I step out, I see a familiar face.
"Aria, is that you?"
I nervously scratch my neck, "Yeah, it's me."
"What are you doing here? How have you been?"
"I've been good. I'm going on another road trip. I'm just stopping in for a while."
"Oh well, we should do something while you're here. I'd love to catch up."
"Yeah, look Michael, let's not pretend we're friends."
His smile fades and he steps closer to me, "I'm watching you, Aria. I nearly killed you once. Don't give me a reason to try again."
"I'm stronger now and I'm not alone. I could rip your heart out and no one would know you're gone."
"Give it your best shot."
I watch him get into the elevator before I open the door to my apartment. I shut and lock the door behind me.
"I'm going to kill him this time."
I throw my keys onto the table by the door and walk over to the couch. I drop onto the soft cushion and close my eyes. I listen to the world around me and in the silence of the room, I can hear the city waking up. I sigh and get up from the couch. I walk through the bedroom to the bathroom, removing my clothes as I do. I turn on the shower and step under the water once it's warm enough. Over the sound of the water, I hear the front door open.
He doesn't say anything. I can hear him moving through the apartment. Eventually, the bathroom door opens. He stands in front of the shower door so I turn my back to him. I can hear him sigh and he walks away. After a few minutes, the shower door opens and his hands touch my waist. He pulls me closer to him, kissing my shoulders and my neck. I turn to face him, wrapping my arms around him and putting my head against his chest.
"You're not mad?"
"I have nothing to be mad about. You just worry me. I want you to tell me everything but you're still hiding things from me. How can I trust you when everywhere we go, there's another secret?"
"Damon, my past is dark. There are things I forget until I'm forced to relive them. I'll tell you everything, including the secret I keep in regards to this place. For now, I need you to trust me. Damon, please, just trust me."
He moves one of his hands to my face, caressing my cheek with his thumb. He touches his forehead against mine and closes his eyes.
"I trust you."
Slowly, he moves to kiss me. Our lips touch again and again. With each kiss, it's like I can feel his anxieties. The water falls against us as my back touches the shower wall. He starts to kiss my neck again as he lifts me up. Something about this is different than ever before. We're both anxious. We're both upset. The way he touches me, the way he moves against, is gentler. It almost feels like he's trying to channel his love, his trust, into every movement. Even when the water begins to run cold, I don't want to let him go, but eventually we have to stop. I shut off the water as he steps out. He wraps a towel around his waist and gives me the robe hanging on the back of the bathroom door.
"Let's talk." He says, offering me his hand.
I nod and take his hand. We go into the bedroom. We lean against the pillows on the bed. He holds me close to his side and sighs, waiting for me to start talking.
"Years after I tracked that guy and killed him, when I came back to the states, I was approached by a woman who said she had been looking for someone like me. I would have been home much sooner but I didn't know what she wanted me for. She injected me with Vervain and I lost consciousness. It was like the Vervain was stronger, like a drug instead a simple herb. I woke up in a place I didn't recognize, bound to a table with a constant stream of Vervain running into my body. Five years ago, I broke free. I was weak. I was hungry and my humanity was long gone. That was when I killed that family."
"What did they do to you?"
"I was as close to a brand new vampire as they could get at the time. They wanted to test my ability to regenerate, to heal, to find out if it was different from that of an older vampire. They wanted to find out how long I could go without feeding. There were branches all over the country. When I was free and my humanity was back, I tracked down a few of them. The last one is beneath Whitmore House. When we were at the party, I saw their scientist. That's why I ran, why I wanted to leave. These people, this Augustine Society, they torture our kind for the hell of it but they claim they're just trying to learn more about us."
"Did you say Augustine?"
"In 1953, I was held captive by the group at Whitmore house. I was there for five years and I started hunting them too. If I had known, I could have helped you. I wanted to give up my humanity in that place but I kept holding onto you and Stefan. I hoped but in the end I had to shut it off. I killed everyone I could get my hands on the night they debuted their discovery. I left a friend to die."
"You were responsible for that fire."
"Yeah, the place burned and I lost my mind."
"You were lucky. I was locked in a cage for fifty-one years."
"That's almost the whole time we were separated."
"Yeah, I know. I left Mystic Falls in, what, 1948? I traveled until 1954, or somewhere around there. I was captured in late 1955. I broke free in 2006. It's 2011 now."
"How did you get free?"
"I was their only subject at the time. For a long time, I wondered how they could have forgotten to hook up my IV. I could feel the Vervain leaving my system every time I bled. The doctor went to pull one of my teeth out. I bit his finger off. The blood I took in gave me enough strength to break my restraints. I tore him to pieces. I tore them all to pieces. Eventually I learned, the original I had met in California had followed me. He was the reason I was able to break free. I don't know how he did it but he did."
"But how did you get to Louisiana from here?"
"I just kept walking. I was afraid to stop." He holds me a little tighter and I continue, "I was only in California for a few months. He told me that if I ever needed anything to find my way to New Orleans, that I could find others like me there. I wanted to find you but I wasn't strong enough."
"I wish I had known."
"I know. I was free after you were taken. If I had never left maybe neither one of us would have been caught in that mess."
"We're free now and we're together. That's all that matters."
"Well there's one more thing."
"It can't be worse than Augustine."
"No, it's just a little closer."
"What do you mean?"
"There's a hunter that lives down the hall. We hooked up a couple times a few years ago and he tried to kill me. We ran into each other after we got here and he threatened me. I have every intention of killing him."
"Is that all? I'll help you kill him."
"And that is why I love you."
"Wait. That's why you love me? Because I'll help you kill someone?"
"That's not the only reason."
"Then by all means, enlighten me."
I scoff, "No."
"But why?" he whines.
"You have a big enough ego without my help."
"It's not about my ego. I want to know why you love me."
I smile, lifting my hand to push his hair from his face, "It's really rather simple. I love you because you love me."
He smiles but it quickly fades, "I don't understand."
"You'll figure it out."
When I try to pull away from him, he grabs me and holds me even tighter, "Just tell me."
"That night in the bar, you kept watching me. I watched you turn down girls one after another. Even while I was dancing with Stefan, you kept watching me. Then I show up out of the blue one day and still you're waiting for me to choose you."
"It took you long enough."
"Oh shut up."
He laughs before kissing me, "So what do you want to do today?"
"Right now I kind of just want to sleep. It was a long drive."
"I offered to drive. You should have let me."
"I needed the time to think. I thought about waking you up, but you were so cute when you were sleeping. I just couldn't."
"Hey! I am not cute."
"Yeah whatever."
I roll over, facing away from him. I expect him to say something but he stays silent. After a few moments, his arm reaches around me and his hold tightens, pulling me closer. The warmth of his breath on my neck, I close my eyes and as I begin to drift off to sleep, I hear his whispered words.
"I love you, Aria, and I'm sorry I didn't save you. I'm sorry I let my brother drive us apart."
As he continues to speak, I open my eyes and listen.
"I made so many mistakes before and after the war. I could tell there was something different about you when I got back but I credited it to my paranoia. Maybe things could have been different had I just asked you then. Even though you probably wouldn't have told me, I still should have asked. I'm pretty sure I've said this already but you didn't have to go through that alone. I'm glad you're opening up to me now." He kisses the back of my neck, "This is different. Being without you for so long, I went to a place where there was no love. Now look at me. You're falling asleep and all I want is to be next to you. If it were up to me, I would never let you go again. We would stay just like this." He finds my hand, taking it in his, "I never want to love anyone else, and I never want you to love anyone else either."
"Damon, I love you too. Now just stop apologizing. How many times do I have to tell you none of this is your fault? These were my secrets to carry. It was easy to lock it all away because I was alone for so long. It's going to take some time for me to get back to who I used to be."
"Apparently, the only way to get through to you is to look you in the eye and understand. So look at me, Aria, so I can make you understand."
I roll over with a sigh and meet his eyes, "What?"
"I don't need you to be who you used to be. I want you to be who you are now and realize that I am here. Stop trying to be so strong. No one, least of all me, will fault you for letting your feelings out. However, just so we're clear, do you know the things that could have been avoided had all of this happened in the beginning?"
"What do you mean?"
"It should have just been you and me. We should have gone out on our own when I got home but we stayed in that town."
"The secret that made me run away was from before you were home."
"So you wouldn't have told me?"
"I suppose I would have eventually."
"Eventually is enough for me."
"Well now you know so can we drop it?"
"For now but this isn't over."
"Whatever. I'm going to sleep."
"Okay. I'll be in the living room."
He kisses my forehead and gets up from the bed. I watch him walk away. He stops in the doorway and turns around.
"Don't be surprised if you wake up to find out your hunter friend is dead."
"No! He doesn't die unless it's by my hand."
"Yes ma'am. I might go out for a while though."
I yawn and nod my head, "Don't forget the house key and leave my car."
"Got it. I will take the car."
"Yeah, yeah, I know. I love you too."
"Don't touch my car!"
I scramble to get out of the bed and run after him. Just as I'm about to jump onto his back, he turns around, catching me as my legs wrap around his body.
"What do you think you're doing?" I ask as he kisses my neck.
"Since you don't seem to be tired anymore, I thought I would take advantage of it."
"Damon Salvatore, you're trying to take advantage of me. It's like I don't even know you anymore."
"I promise it'll be nothing we haven't done a million times."
"Stop exaggerating."
I pull myself out of his arms. Even as I walk away from him, I can feel him watching me. Then he grabs me from behind, lifting me up.
"Put me down."
"Why should I?"
"Because I have an idea of how to kill the hunter."
"Yep. It'll be fun, but you have to put me down or I won't tell you."
He sighs and does as I ask.
"So what's the plan?"
I go into the bedroom and as I get dressed, I explain my plan, "He keeps a key to his apartment above the door. He'll be home from work in a half an hour or so. We're going to wait in his apartment, front door cracked, like something right out of a horror movie. You'll stay hidden for a while. I'll confront him. When you come out, we'll mess with him a little. He keeps a stake under the table by the door. We'll have taken it, along with the rest of them. Then when his back is against the wall, I'll rip his heart out."
"That's diabolical." He mutters, his eyes wide, then he smirks, going on to say, "I love it."
"Then let's go."
When I walk past him, he catches my wrist, "Wait."
He pulls me into his arms and kisses me, "That's why."
I smile and take my wrist out of his grasp, taking his hand in mine, "Let's go."
I lead him from the apartment, looking down the hall as we go.
"Keep watch while I get the key."
He nods as I reach up to find the key. When my fingers touch the cool metal, I smile.
"That predictable son of a bitch."
I unlock the door as quickly as I can, pulling Damn inside with me.
"Okay, hide somewhere. I'll get the stakes."
"I think I'll have a look around." He says, walking slowly around the apartment, "So how were we even able to come in here without him inviting us in?"
"Damon, do you remember when I told you that I compelled the owner of the building to let me keep the room rent free?"
"Yeah, I remember."
As I pull the first stake from its hiding place, I say, "Truth is, I own the building."
I make my way to the living room, removing another stake from behind the TV, a third from under the couch and the last from the kitchen. Any hidden in the bedroom would be out of the question thanks to Damon. I can hear footsteps coming down the hall.
"Damon, I think that's him."
"Go hide."
"Okay. Okay, just one kiss before I go."
"No time."
"I won't go without it."
I groan and grab him by the collar of his shirt, pulling him to me and kissing him one good time before sending him on his way.
"You should kiss me like that more often."
"Go and hide."
"I love it when you boss me around."
"Dammit Damon!"
He throws his hands up in surrender and goes into the bedroom to hide. I pick up one of the stakes from the coffee table where I dropped them. I sit on the couch facing the door and wait.
"Who's in there?"
"Look at you, trying to be cautious. Isn't that what nearly got you killed before I left here the last time?"
"Yet I'm still alive."
"Killing you wasn't part of my plan. Why don't you come in, take a seat?"
"How did you even get in here?"
"Oh, Michael, are forgetting who owns this building?"
"But how? This place was around long before you lived in the city?"
"No, you're wrong. In 1950, I came to this city. I ran into a group of men looking for investors for their building. Originally, I owned just a percentage. After a short time, the other investors began to die. The running consensus was a disease that infected everyone at the site when they first broke ground. No one questioned me because I didn't attend."
I watch him inch his way over to the table.
I smile, "Looking for this?" I hold up the stake and watch his eyes grow wide. "You might find that you're quite unarmed."
"Okay, I can't do this anymore."
"Dammit Damon! You ruined it!"
"It's not my fault. You're the one out here talking like a Soprano. Are we mobsters now?"
"Who the hell is this?"
"I'm going to need you to shut up. Aria, we had a plan."
"Then what are you waiting for?"
Michael moves to punch Damon, who catches his fist and breaks his wrist. Damon kicks the door shut and puts Michael in a headlock. I walk over to them. I meet Damon's gaze and he smiles.
"Just kill me already. Isn't that what you came here for?"
"Yes but there's something I need to know first."
"And what's that?"
"I saw an Augustine scientist yesterday. Are they coming back?"
"They never left. You can kill us all one by one, but there will always be another out there to replace us."
"That's all I needed to know." I plunge my hand into his chest, gripping his heart in my hand, "I told you I would kill you."
I pull my hand back out, his still beating heart in my hand. I let it fall to the floor before going to the kitchen to clean my hands.
"What about the body, boss?"
"It'll be easy to deal with. I just have to make a call, and don't call me boss."
I walk past him, leaving the apartment and heading back to my own. Of course he follows me and once we're behind closed doors he speaks.
"Seriously, are you a mobster?"
"Don't ask questions you don't want the answers to."
"Wait, what?"
I pour myself a drink and watch as he tries to understand what my last statement meant.
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Name: Juniper Alves Birthday: January 3rd (24) Species: Witch Lookalike: Katie Stevens Availability: Open
Juniper is a very spiteful person. Once she has been crossed, that bridge has been burnt, the fire put out and burnt again by her. She does not take kindly to people who betray her and she will certainly let them know about it. She is loud and out going but prefers the people in her company to be submissive to her for the most part but she does get a thrill from people who she can have a power battle with (as long as she ends up winning). She’s competitive and will do whatever it takes to get what she wants. She is very open and honest about who she is but is quick to keep a white lie or two under her sleeve if it benefits her situation. She is strong minded and always knows what she wants. She is very loyal to those she does deem as friends for the most part and is always happy to be a wing-woman to set up her friends with dates. Call her a love maker even though she won’t do it so much for herself. The idea of a relationship terrifies her so she tends to try and stick to meaningless flings but when those feelings do arise, she tries to bury them down. It is the one thing she won’t be honest about.
Juniper was raised in a small town in Portugal. One you cane barely see on the map. It is known to the locals as a magical place and it quite literally is. The only people to reside there are a coven. The coven call themselves “guardiões da natureza” meaning keepers of nature. They are a catholic coven and everything is done a certain way. Surrounding towns and passersby always notice the way the leaves and flowers are always in bloom. A beautiful place of wonder and to some; praised by the heavens. This is how Juniper grew up. She could recite many pages of the bible from memory but that never meant she believed a word of it. Come on, a talking snake? Who believed that! That’s how Juniper felt. Years and years of Catholic oppression on her young mind had the opposite effect to most. Most would loving believe it all but Juniper was pushed further away by it. During her time in Catholic school, she would be closed off with the other girls from any kind of relationships with boys but she didn’t need boys. Juniper had her eyes more on the girls which according to the nuns was a sin.
She managed to ‘corrupt’ one of the girls in her dorm and they began a secret tryst. She genuinely loved this girl. Her name was Aline. Aline was always unsure about what she wanted and the thought of being a lesbian did scare her but thrill her at the same time. It was when one of the nuns found the pair of them in bed together doing ‘sinful activity’ that they were paraded through the town by angry townsfolk. Her single mother was furious and joined the angry mob that wished to burn them alive. They were to be executed the next day but that night, they managed to use their magic to break free from their locks. While trying to make their escape, Aline’s family put a spell on her as a child that if she were to try and leave the town then she would face complications with her health. She was tethered to her roots and Juniper had to leave her behind with the promise that she would destroy their whole coven.
She knew her father was a warlock that had been banished for using dark magic. He fled to America and that is what Juniper intended to do. With what little money she had, she got herself a flight to America (Florida to be exact) and began her search for her father. On the way, she stumbled upon dead covens after dead covens until she found a man still there. He was caught in the act but not by someone who would stop him. Instead, she wanted to join him. She hated the coven culture and wanted to destroy all witches who represented a coven. It was fair to say she became a partner in crime. Doing this to covens had brought out a darker side to her. A darker side that resembled more of her father than her mother. She began to use expression and other forms of dark magic.
Finally, she made her way to Mystic Falls in Virginia where she knew her father was. Sadly, she discovered that he had died just a few months before. Not a huge loss to her given she barely knew him but it was enough for her to be angry about. However, the owners of the new house gave her a small jewellery box with his initials etched in to it. They had kept it in the hopes that a friend or family would one day come to collect it so she took it. Inside, there were meaningless rings and junk like that but one pendant caught her eye. She could feel the dark magic oozing from it but not enough for her to be able to open it. She wears this every day to feel stronger but her ultimate aim is to learn enough dark magic to break whatever dark lock her father put on the pendant before his death so she can return to her homeland and destroy those who wanted her to suffer. Avenge her first love for everything they must have done to her. She knows nothing for certain but she can only imagine the horror she was put through. However, during these thoughts of revenge, she met a young woman called Tegan. A vampire but a very smart vampire at that. Yes, they originally wished to use her as an experiment and throw her away when they were done with her but Juniper was a smooth talker. She managed to talk herself in to a position at Murchadha where she could get paid but also to help experiment on creatures. It was a way for her twisted mind to play out what she wishes to do for her revenge and maybe one day, Tegan will help her exact that revenge.
Tegan Murphy
Tegan is her boss and someone she would classify as a friend in the terms of work friends. She wouldn’t spend much time with her out of work but she feels she could rely on her for the most part.
Chester Lawrence
She knows the other is a witch and she is curious as to his knowledge of witchcraft but she won’t bring that up just yet.
Damon Salvatore
In Damon’s latest trip to Augustine, she was there to oversee some operations against him. Now that she is out, she doesn’t want to get too close as she will have easily made an enemy of him.
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Name: Heidi Rhodes Birthday: December 13th (23) Species: Vampire Lookalike: Ashley Benson Availability: Open
Heidi is a generous person and always there to help people out that she cares about as well as some she doesn’t know. She likes to hope she is a good person but often bites off more than she can chew with her good deeds. She likes to think she’s a fun person to be around and tries not to let any of the bad things drag her down. She wants to remain an optimist but the more she delves in to her family history, the harder it is becoming to see past the bad. Heidi is a genuine person and loves people with all of her heart. She cares deeply but it also means she can hate with everything she has too. It would take a lot to make her stop hating you once she starts. She is unforgiving and once you break her trust, you better be prepared for years of begging. It’s part of her gullible side when she first meets people. She wants to see the good in people but then she ends up hurt. Still, she bounces back with her optimism even if her head doesn’t help her.
Heidi was originally named ‘Heidi Whitmore’. She was Aaron’s little baby sister and the only reason she was not on that camping trip was because she was only a few weeks old at the time. When her Aunt and Uncle heard the news, they knew they were next. Someone had been killing off Whitmore relatives for years now and in a bid to try and save the newborn, they left her at an orphanage with just the name Heidi on her blanket. They didn’t want whoever it was killing their family to know about Heidi. Her parents didn’t register straight away because her grandparent’s had been killed while they were giving birth to her. This allowed them to have no paper trail if someone was to try and find her. Unfortunately Aaron already had paper work and everything linking him to the Whitmores. Instead, they could only think to pass him between family members and hope for the best. Instead Heidi was quickly adopted since she was just a baby. Babies were always more popular to be adopted and especially one who had no idea of anything. They could be passed off as their own so the Rhodes family adopted her.
She was raised like a normal kid. She had loving parents who always wanted her to do the best. They couldn’t have kids which is the reason they adopted. Heidi was the only one they actually adopted and called their own but over the years, they had fostered twelve kids to look after while they awaited adoption. Heidi, being the social butterfly she is, always welcomed them in and made them feel at home. She never minded sharing her toys or helping them with the change of place. Her parents weren’t rich but she always had two kind of siblings at any time. In high school, she was a good learner and loved to learn about history. This was when she found out she was adopted. When going in to her family records in the attic for a project at school, she wasn’t on anything until she found the adoption certificate. They sat down and had the talk with her about the adoption. They had no idea who her birth parents were as she was left with just the name Heidi on her blanket. She didn’t feel hurt but the curiosity was driving her mad.
When she started at Whitmore college, she was going in to the history of the college since that’s what she was interested in and slowly began to find clues that she wasn’t expecting. In an old office taught by Dr Maxwell, she found a blanket with the name Heidi on it. She assumed that Dr Maxwell must have known something about her but he had disappeared from campus a couple of years back. Then she began to look in to his family history to discover the links to Whitmore and their family. Slowly, things started to click with the many deaths of the Whitmores. This was made harder by the lack of a paper trail but she began to work it out.
Since coming to Mystic Falls, she has learnt the truth about her real family and their connections to Augustine and feels it is wrong. Once Damon Salvatore was taken by Augustine, she brought a group of previous Augustine experiments that still lived together to destroy Augustine. Although the plan to free Damon worked, it also allowed for her to be taken by the higher company involved in Augustine. There she was tortured and ultimately killed by Tegan Murphy. When she was turned, Heidi was then given dilute versions of the cure which have made her in to a much weaker vampire than any and all newbie vampires. She is still coping with the idea of being a vampire and she is yet to understand the full extremity of what the dilute cure is actually doing to her.
Elena Gilbert
Has become a friend of Elena’s through searching through her lineage.
Damon Salvatore
She was the person who orchestrated getting Damon free from Augustine and ended up losing her life because of it.  
Tegan Murphy
She is the reason that Heidi is a vampire. Heidi hates her but feels like she can’t win against her so she now just tries to avoid her all together but knows they will one day see each other again and it won’t be pretty.
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Name: Vincent Eze Birthday: February 3rd (24) Species: Human (Enhanced) Lookalike: John Boyega Availability: Open
Vincent is one of the most honest people you will meet. If you’re having a hard time, he will be there with the honest truth but he is good at saying it in a way that is reassuring and full of hope. He is a curious person who strives on being inquisitive about things he doesn’t know. He is eager to learn and loves doing so. He is also very creative and uses his creative side as a form of therapy. Sometimes though, he can get distracted. Not when it matters but sometimes his mind wanders in conversations to another place before slipping back in. Most say it is his overactive imagination but he often can’t switch off when he’s meant to. He struggles to sleep so he uses many techniques to clear his mind included meditation to help him stay focused. He is an affectionate loving person and a loyal friend. He would do anything for those he loves and truly cares for. He would never leave someone behind unless if it was justified. He is a hard worker and only ever wants to do good. He only wants to be a good person and make things right.
Vince was born in London but a working class family. They worked hard for everything they had. To his little sister, he promised one day he would make everything better for them. He would fix all of their problems and even make the world a better place. He was the sunshine of the family. In school, he enjoyed fitness and often worked part time doing paper rounds from the age of 12. He gave the money to his parents to help them and refused to keep any for himself. Once leaving school, the family didn’t have much money for him to go to university so instead he spent his time cleaning tables. it wasn’t until one night that he was putting the rubbish out in to the back bins in the alley that he saw two vampires feeding on an innocent human. He didn’t know what vampires were but he managed to fend them away from the poor man. The man was actually an agent and upon learning that Vince knew nothing about vampires and managed to get them away, he saw a lot of potential in him.
Over the next couple of years, he helped to train him up to try and get him qualified for the secret service in London. He eventually qualified and using the first paycheck he got, he took his family out for a meal. Not a McDonalds. A full on five star restaurant and started to make good of his promise. He spent most of his paychecks on his family and giving them a better life. When a job opportunity for a raise came up, Vince quickly snapped it up and moved to America when he was 23. This was when he met Mateo. They had been working together to help Augustine keep vampires in check and helping the unit to create the serum by getting vampires for them. This was how he knows about Damon Salvatore killing the Whitmore bloodline and has made it his mission to protect the Whitmore’s secret child. He was chosen to take a serum to be stronger and better than humans. He didn’t care about that but if it made him a better agent, he wouldn’t turn it down. He knew the risks and agreed to it. He didn’t seem to have as bad side effects as the other candidates. They were going through bouts of trauma in the early stages but Vince didn’t show signs of this. Maybe because he didn’t have it as rough as them in their lives. Perks of being humble.
He is aware of the vampire escape that threatens the enhanced humans existence and is keeping an eye out for the vampire which is hard when he never actually met the vampire used in their case. He still sends most of his wage that he doesn’t need to his family to keep them afloat in England but refuses to tell his family anything about his situation. Since coming to Mystic Falls, he has met Bonnie who he instantly clicked with. He isn’t sure what it is that makes them get on but he definitely sees her as his best friend in town. He is living in the house that Rachel has got them but doesn’t feel it is necessary for their safety. He does, however, respect her and believes she is doing it to make for a stronger unit - rather than her real reasons to continue testing them to further Tegan’s science.
Mateo Mendez
Under his staff before the enhancement. Always looked up to Mateo and would do anything for him.
Chester Lawrence
Chester was one of his friends from back home. He’s surprised to see him in Mystic Falls but that doesn’t mean he isn’t grateful to see him.
Bonnie Bennett
Since coming to town the two have just seemed to click. He feels protective of her wants her to be happy. She is his best friend, even though he knows he isn’t hers because she has so many of them.
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