sleekervae · 11 months
Under the Blooming Moon | Woosung x Reader
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A/N: Something a little different, but since listening to The Rose and Woosung's solo work, I've had this scenario kicking around in my head for a while. Had to get this one out of my system and omg I think this is the longest thing I've ever written on this platform 🥲
Summary: Every year the blood moon rises, potential mates gather with their wolf pack for The Union. A carnal game of cat-and-mouse parlays into the wolves finding and claiming their mate for life, and Woosung already has his heart and claws sunk onto his omega best friend...
Warnings: light violence, blood (biting, scratching), some allusions to sexual harassment, werewolf smut
⋆ WORD COUNT — 8.2k
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It was that time of year again. The air had picked up a particular sharp chill as it blew through the trees of Namhae Pyeonbaek forest, branches bustling and scattering loose raindrops across the thick thrush. The rains had fortunately lifted hours ago, setting the stage for what was sure to be a messy and chaotic night.
The moon hung high over the tree canopies, deep ruby in colour, with beams of sinister red light slicing through breaks in the leaves to provide only small semblances of light, all of which were drowned out by the roaring bonfire in the middle of the forest. What was just a typical spacial phenomenon to the lay eye represented a far more lecherous promise.
Far off from any trails or where humans dared to lurk, the wolf pack had gathered for their annual Union ritual. They were all relatively young, equal parts eager and anxious with a libidinous, insatiable appetite for tonight's activities. While the ritual sounded dastardly and vile at first, at the end of the day it was a massive cat-and-mouse game, a competition for beta wolves to find and capture their perfect life mate.
And Woosung had already his eye on his potential prize.
While the other beta wolves engaged in lively banter and indulged in drinks, he chose a more reserved and introverted approach, leaning against the weathered trunk of a thousand-year-old pine, sipping cautiously from his plastic cup. His intense gaze remained fixed on Iseul, undeterred by her unawareness as she conversed with her friends. Her soft bangs and long, dark locks swayed in harmony with the gentle breeze, occasionally brushing against her exposed skin, causing him to detect a subtle shiver running down her spine due to her lack of a coat. However, Woosung was well aware that Iseul had knowingly embarked on this evening's adventure, and if their plans unfolded as intended, a jacket would be the least of her concerns.
From his earliest memories, Woosung harbored a deep desire for Iseul. Their mothers had been best friends, and they had envisioned their pups sharing the same bond. Time proved them right. Raised side by side, they navigated the challenges of being hybrids in a world often unforgiving to their kind. In the face of adversity, Woosung and Iseul clung to each other, learning to rely on one another. This dependence evolved into a lifelong friendship. It was only when Woosung encountered his first heat cycle that he confronted a truth far more profound: his longing for Iseul extended beyond the boundaries of friendship. She was the one he wanted, fully and without consequence. However he was a little awkward back then, and the idea of confessing his feelings to Iseul was just as daunting as the notion of being scalped for a hat.
But he wasn't a teenager in his first awakening anymore. He had grown up, worked on his self confidence and -- of course -- his body. Obviously, there was nothing he could do about his height, he felt he was finally up to the challenge to pick and claim Iseul.
If she would have him, though. There was indeed the possibility that she would shut him down about as gently as a... well... a wolf.
Many betas pursued mates by resorting to quite vile and degrading methods, but Woosung and his friends weren't about that. They remained steadfast in their conviction, undeterred by the ridicule they sometimes faced from larger betas. For Woosung, the idea of a mate was intrinsically tied to mutual desire and respect. He wanted her to be as willing and eager to be with him as he was with her.
"Woosung? Earth to Woosung!" a pale hand waved in front of his face, breaking him out of his trance and his focus landed on one of his best friends, Dojoon. The happy-go-lucky beta chuckled at his shaggy-haired friend, "Where'd you go? I was talking to you,"
Woosung cocked a brow, "Where did I go? I've been here the whole time," he sassed back.
"You know what I mean," Dojoon rolled his eyes, "You're staring at Iseul again, aren't you?"
"I am not," Woosung replied sharply.
"Oh-ho-ho, yes he is," their other friends, Hajoon and Jaehyeong suddenly appeared at Woosung's other side, "He's been staring at her like Jaehyeong stares at ramyun,"
He glowered at the younger betas, "Aren't you guys supposed to be stalking potential mates instead of me?"
"Don't say it like that," Dojoon grimaced, "It makes us sound like animals,"
Jaehyeong cocked a brow, bumping Hajoon with his elbow, "Who wants to tell him?"
"You know what I mean, smart-ass," Dojoon scolded back, "Why are you even here? I thought you and Ji-Woon were already a thing?"
"We are, technically," the youngest beta shrugged back, "But she wanted to do this so we can make it 'official', or some shit,"
"Aw, adorable," Woosung smirked, "You better hope Muscle-Brain-McGee over there doesn't claim her, first," he nodded in the direction of the betas gathered closer to the fire, where a handful of them surrounded the pack's beloved figure, Yung. Yung was in the midst of shotgunning a beer can, encouraged by the echoing chants of his friends. With a mighty gesture, he tossed the empty can into the grass, then raised his fists triumphantly into the air, proudly displaying his array of bulging muscles through his snug t-shirt, captivating the attention of everyone around.
Hajoon rolled his eyes, "What a show dog," he muttered. Woosung couldn't agree more, the view of Iseul in the warm glow of the fire much more interesting to him, anyhow.
However, he was surprised when he shifted his gaze and discovered that she was already watching him, suppressing a mischievous smile. The shock nearly caused Woosung to fumble with his drink, but he managed to maintain his composure and playfully winked in her direction. Iseul chuckled softly and discreetly waved back in response.
Dojoon chuckled beside him, slinging an arm around his shoulders, "God, you are so obvious,"
"Oh, leave him alone, Dojoon," Jaehyeong scolded.
"And who are you to scold your alpha?"
"Well, for one: he's taller than you," Hajoon decided, "And he's the only one out of us who's actually got a mate,"
"Can't argue there," Woosung snickered.
On the other side of the bonfire, Iseul only swiveled her head when she caught wind of the boisterous revelry. She couldn't help but see Yung and his friends' juvenile behavior, and despite Yung's chiseled physique and k-drama good looks, she found his personality less than appealing. Naturally, she scanned the sea of radiant faces until her eyes locked onto Woosung, who met her gaze just moments later. Her heart skipped a beat when he winked at her, his charming, boyish grin quickly replaced with an expression of distaste as his friends took the piss out of him.
Woosung had been her most trusted confidant, privy to secrets about her that not even her closest girlfriends knew. She had observed his transformation from a slightly awkward, endearingly nerdy teenager into a sharp and agile young beta. He stood out in their pack as one of the few wolves who treasured her intellect, determination, and confidence over her physical attributes. Even during the times when she felt like the least among the female pups, as they underwent their awakenings and developed in ways she hadn't, he never failed to make her feel beautiful. Her fondness for him had gradually evolved into a subtle crush, particularly when she witnessed his prowess during pack hunts. It wasn't just about his physical appeal; she loved him regardless of his shaggy wolf's cut or sharp cheekbones. Not that she'd dare admit it, but he was the only one she ever thought of when she experienced her heat cycles.
If anyone was going to claim her tonight, she secretly hoped it would be Woosung.
"Iseul, stop staring," her friend, Duri, poked her shoulder, "You're being obvious,"
"What?" Iseul whipped around.
"Yeah," her other friend, Chae-Won, nodded, "Don't pay those mutts any mind,"
"I wasn't, believe me," she assured them.
"Good. Here's to hoping they won't pick up our scent," Chae-Won sighed, grimacing at the thought of Yung or one of his friends forcing her down, "I'll castrate one of them if I have to,"
"Ji-Woon's already covered," Duri smirked at their friend, "Jae had her scent pegged loooong ago,"
Ji-Woon gawked at her, scolding her with a whisper, "You didn't tell anybody, right?"
"That you two are already fucking? No, your secret's still safe with us," Iseul chuckled.
"Good," Ji-Woon huffed, "If the alphas were to find out --"
"They'd give you a stern talking to about breaking ritual and that would be it!" Duri assured her.
Chae-Won chuckled with amusement, "I bet I know someone who already has Iseul's scent pegged,"
Ji-Woon grimaced as she turned to Iseul, "Ugh! If that muscle-headed-meatball even comes within a hair of you, I'll tear out his gizzard and feed it to the strays," she growled, talking about Yung
Iseul rolled her eyes, "Chae's talking about Woosung, Teen Wolf,"
"Oh!" Ji-Woon nodded, sneakily stealing a glance at the group of boys behind them. She offered a fleeting smile when her gaze settled on the silhouette of her man engaged in conversation with Woosung. She then briefly assessed the older beta before returning her attention to Iseul, "No, I won't tear his gizz out,"
"How thoughtful of you," Iseul chuckled back.
A prolonged, resonant howl echoed through the air, capturing the attention of all the betas. They turned to face one of their alphas, Yoongi, who stood at the center of the encampment. Yoongi was a robust, unflappable, and sagacious leader, earning the unwavering respect of every beta under his and his brothers' protection. It was an exceedingly rare sight to witness alphas co-leading, given the often intense clashes of egos and struggles for dominance. However, all seven of them brought unique and distinctive qualities that made their pack one of the most formidable in South Korea.
"The Union is about to start! All participating betas are to meet at the edge of the clearing -- asap!" he called.
"At start of project!" his co-alpha, Jimin, called from behind him.
With that the mass of excited (and quite horny) betas migrated to the edge of their makeshift campsite. Duri sighed as she walked arm-in-arm with her friends, gazing longingly at Yoongi and Jimin, "If only alphas were allowed to participate in the Union,"
Iseul cocked a brow at her, "You forget they're the fucking alphas. They don't need to participate in this shit," she pointed out.
"Yeah! If Namjoon points at me and tells me to get on all fours, I'm there without question," Chae-Won nodded.
A familiar voice from behind the girls called out, "C'mon, girls. She's just saying that because she wants the privileges of alpha's mate," Dojoon said.
The girls turned around, smiling appreciably at their friends. Duri spoke up first, "And you don't fantasize about being alpha one day?" asked curiously.
"Of course he does, just not the boring parts," Woosung pointed out, "Diplomacy, security, pack treaties, mange breakouts..." he shuddered at the last one, "Nasty stuff,"
"Says the guy who spent a full two days lounging in a literal mud bath," Iseul teased back.
Woosung smirked back at her, "I didn't hear you complaining, Iseul," he pointed.
"I lost a bet; I wasn't supposed to complain," she replied, "You're lucky I didn't catch ticks,"
"Like I'd let that happen to you,"
Their friends meanwhile exchanged knowing glances between them, the boys tittering amongst themselves as they followed the male betas. Jaehyeong passed Ji-Woo and tossed a saucy wink her way, and the young beta couldn't help but blush and smile with giddy. Duri looped an arm around Ji-Woo's shoulders, tutting at her.
"God, you guys are gross," she commented with a smirk.
Ji-Woo rolled her eyes, peeling Duri's arm off of her as she followed the females, "Oh, go fantasize about Jungkook,"
"If Yung catches you, not even your wet dreams will save you," Chae-Won teased back. Duri flipped her off, she and Chae-Won chased after Ji-Woon meanwhile, knowing Iseul would catch up with them.
The young beta crossed her arms, nervously nibbling on her inner lip as she locked eyes with Woosung. His usually dark eyes were now speckled with gold, radiating beautifully against his illuminated complexion in the warm, flickering glow of the fire.
"So... are you ready?" he asked, praying his own anxiousness didn't show through his exterior.
They started walking together, "Am I ready to get shoved face-first into the dirt while a neanderthal tries to fuck me into his submission? Sure, why not?" she replied.
Woosung chuckled, "Sounds like you don't plan on getting caught tonight," he noted.
"If I can help it," she shrugged back, "You get the better end of the deal, anyhow: you get a say in who you want," her lips fell into a pout and Woosung saw he never saw anything cuter that night.
"Very true," he nodded, "But you never know, maybe you'll be tracked by somebody who would treat you right?"
"And maybe Duri's going to become an alpha's mate?" she chuckled back, "You have to agree though, Woo, this whole blood moon ritual is kind of ridiculous. For the twenty-first-century, anyway,"
"Maybe. But I like to think some of us adopted the twenty-first-century way of thinking," he replied.
"Besides you, I can't think of a single person," she said, "... Well, your friends are alright, too,"
"I'll let them know you said so," Woosung simpered.
They were coming to the starting line, with the girls grouped separately from the boys, all anticipating the howl to begin. Iseul glanced at Woosung, her stomach filled with excitement as the adrenaline surged, and her curiosity reached its peak, "So... out of curiosity... is there anybody here you're hoping to mate with?"
Woosung looked around, hoping he could throw her off his intentions as she shook his head, "I don't know. Obviously someone very obedient, submissive, knows how to cook and clean but fucks like a banshee, obviously," he smirked at her, living for that annoyed expression overtaking her face. She smacked his arm and he simply laughed.
"I know you're only joking, but if any part of you is serious I hope you die old and alone," she huffed.
Woosung's smirk never left as he started for his group, walking backwards to keep her in his line of sight, "In that case, you better hope I don't catch you, Iseul!" he teased.
Iseul tittered under her breath, her confidence flaring as she cocked her chin up, her own dark eyes illuminated with flecks of gold, "... I might not fight if you did," she admitted.
How it was that seven small words could get his heart racing so quickly he had no idea, but Woosung swore his mind blanked out as those seven words echoed in his head. There was a possibility that she was just teasing him, but then he knew when she was kidding around. Something in her tone told him she wasn't this time.
He couldn't help the pep in his step as he turned around, running to find his friends to tell them, "Dojoon!"
The group of female betas were chattering with giddy, some of them dressed skimpier than others, some had slipped notes into the pockets of potential suitors they wanted to tip off. And from the smell, so, so many of them were smack-dab in their heat cycles. Either way, the surrounding atmosphere was thick with lascivious anticipation, and of course there was a little bit of fear involved, too.
Iseul glanced behind her nervously, hoping to spot any trace of Woosung in the sea of faces. She caught him briefly, warming up with his friends for what she'd promised to be a long chase ahead of him. He caught her eye briefly, neither of them paying attention as Jimin reiterated the rules they'd heard time and time again. He winked at her again.
Iseul swore her heart stopped.
"Are you ready, girls?" he announced. The female betas let out a chorus of sharp howls, the sound echoing through the trees and across the horizon. Woosung could distinguish Iseul's pitched tone from miles away, her passionate howl igniting a fire in his core.
"Then... GO!" Jimin's call transformed into a prolonged howl, nearly overwhelmed by the sounds of excitement and squeals as the girls sprinted off into the shadowy depths of the woods. They usually had a minute's head start, but they all knew it wouldn't be long until the boys were upon them.
Iseul tried to keep close to her friends as best as she could, though when she looked over her shoulder again she was dismayed to find she was on her own. Nevertheless, her blood was pumping steadily, her legs burning with adrenaline and her feet thundered across the muddy landscape as she ran as fast and as far as she could. She leapt over bushes and careened around tree groves. Already she could hear howls and screams of the other females echoing through the trees, some twisted with salaciousness and eroticism. The boys were already prowling through the forest, and it wouldn't be long until they came upon her, too.
She slowed down at an old pine, stopping to catch her breath. It felt as though she had been running for hours, when Iseul knew that five or so minutes had only passed. This game wasn't supposed to end until dawn broke over the horizon, or until the males and females had found their mates. Either way, the night ahead of her was long and already the air was thick with the stench of sweat and sex.
Disembodied cries of lust continued to rattle her heightened hearing, intermingled with predatory howls. She could pick out Jaehyeong's pitch in the cacophony, and she had to wonder if he'd already pounced and claimed Ji-Woo, just like she'd always gone on and on about. Iseul shook her head at her friend's fantasies, never the less finding her enthusiasm endearing. Among the racket, Iseul could also pick out Yung's howl; a deep, ground-shuddering sound that reflected his own brutishness. She didn't like how close he sounded.
While she continued to run, Iseul came to the alarming realization that she hadn't heard Woosung's howl, not even once, not even when the boys initially set off. She couldn't help but wonder where he went, debating whether or not it was safe to call out to him, or if she'd gone too far for him to find her. But the latter was ridiculous, she knew he had her scent down to memory, if he wanted her he could find her easily.
That is... if he even wanted her in the first place. Who was to say he even took her previous pass at him so seriously.
The sharp snap of a twig pricked at her ears and Iseul turned hastily on her heel, her fingers curled God willing she needed to unleash her claws. But alas, there was nothing behind her.
Iseul, feeling a mixture of panic and indignation, turned around to find Yung's towering and imposing figure looming over her. His eyes bore a determined look, flecked with fiery gold and oranges, and his intent was clear - he was ready to claim her as his mate by any means necessary.
"Hi Iseul," he greeted, feigning politeness, taking a step forward. She took a step back, her worst nightmare coming true.
"Oh. Hey Yung," she said, doing her best to keep a brave front. The fact was she couldn't lie; she found Yung quite intimidating to be around on normal days. A frat-party-eque sex fest was even worse.
"I found you," he noted, his smile disgustingly lecherous.
"That you did," Iseul took another step back.
"So, you know what that means for us, right?" he asked, taking a step closer.
"That I didn't run far enough," she gaped back, not eager to a chase but she was willing if she needed to.
Yung chuckled darkly, "Oh, don't be that way, Iseul. You know the rules of the Union..." he reiterated, reaching out to stroke back her hair.
Iseul moved her head away, glaring sourly, "Yeah. The rules state you need to catch me, not just find me. That's just lazy," she pointed out.
"Somehow, I think you'll grant me the exception," he noted, "You and I would have beautiful pups together,"
She simpered back, "Not in this lifetime, show dog,"
Yung reached out, attempting to grab her, but with a swift movement, she extended her sharp claws and scratched him across his cheek. Yung yelped in pain and surprise as the sting of her claws met his flesh. It was a warning, a defense against his forceful advances.
Iseul wasted no time. She turned and bolted into the trees again, away from Yung, her heart pounding with a mix of fear and determination. Yung, nursing his bleeding face, roared in frustration as she disappeared, picking off her scent and taking off after her.
Sure, he was fast, he was practically the golden boy of the betas, but he wasn't as fast and agile as Iseul was. She knew he'd be hot on her tail and she had to find somewhere to hide, she'd even take the bog if she could find it. She didn't know where she was going, hell she couldn't even concentrate on looking straight ahead. Yung's vile scent was still in her nose and so long as that scent lingered, she knew she wasn't safe.
Rounding a grove of trees, Iseul was ready to hurl herself into the thrush when a pair of arms grabbed her. She screamed, fighting like a caged animal when she heard a familiar, soothing voice.
"Calm down! Calm down, Iseul! It's me! It's Woosung!" her friend held her tight against his chest as he fought to keep his grip on her. Iseul then relaxed, surrendering in his arms as her body suddenly felt incredibly heavy.
"Oh, thank God!" she panted, "I was this close to being mauled," she pinched the air with her pointer finger and thumb.
Woosung took a whiff of the air, "Don't thank the big guy, yet. Yung's still coming,"
As though on cue, the mighty werewolf emerged from behind the tree trunks, taking both of them off guard. He snarled viciously at Woosung, his own claws bearing from his fingertips.
"Let go of my mate," he growled.
Woosung shook his head, "Yung, c'mon -- we can talk about this. You know, like -- civilized men?"
Yung chuckled with pity, "We're not men, Woosung. We're barely human. And you have what belongs to me. I want it back,"
Iseul snarled back, "Oh, fuck you! Calling me an it!?" if she was stronger then Woosung she would've lunged for the beta, but Woosung held her fast against him. She could feel his heart thundering through her back.
It was then that Woosung had an idea, the only way he knew he could get Yung off of Iseul's back. Though, Iseul may not forgive him for it.
"She's not yours though, Yung," he pointed out, "I can smell her, you didn't claim her,"
Yung scoffed, "We were about to get there,"
"Not even in your dreams," Iseul spat back.
"But that means," Woosung continued, "That if you didn't claim her, then she's still fair game," he gave the bigger beta a cocky smirk. Yung's expression went from sheer anger to panic. He knew what Woosung was thinking.
"Don't do it," he warned him, "Don't you even think about it,"
Iseul caught on. If she wasn't so frightened, she may have been a little excited at what he was proposing. Woosung's breath cascaded down her ear, his vice-like grip on her loosening as he brushed his nose across the swoop of her neck. She smelled so fucking good. Iseul shuddered.
"I'm sorry," he whispered in her ear. Before Iseul had the chance to even ask, she felt his sharp teeth puncture the skin where her shoulder met her neck.
Her scream echoed across the forest.
As quickly as he latched on, Woosung released his bite. But the damage was done; her heat had overwhelmed her the moment he'd broken her skin. A sharp, pleasurable sensation coursed from the crown of her head to the tips of her toes. Her heat had never felt so visceral before, consuming her to the point she fought to catch her breath. She could feel her blood trickling down her chest, and even more vividly, she could smell her own blood within Woosung's mouth.
Yung's spirit deflated, his claws retracting, and the once-ferocious gleam faded from his eyes. He understood the futility of his situation; that fighting back now would lead the alphas to exile him from the pack, not that it would make a difference if he did.
Iseul belonged to Woosung, now.
With a scathing snarl, Yung spat at the dirt, backing away slowly, "Fine. She's all yours. You enjoy," he turned on his heel and disappeared in the dark.
Both Woosung and Iseul sighed with relief. Woosung wiped his chin with his hand, guilt shuddering through him at the sight of her blood staining his hand. Guilt... but also a twinge of desire.
"He's gone now," he let her out of his arms. Iseul took two steps before she collapsed against a tree trunk, her legs as wobbly as jello and her skin felt as though it was caging an inferno. Woosung dashed to grab her before she could hit the ground, "Woah! You okay?"
She nodded, she let him set her down gently on the ground. Her breathing settled, as did the adrenaline coursing in her blood. Iseul was dirty, exhausted, but when she looked up at Woosung, sleep was the last thing she had on her mind.
"I'm fine," she huffed, averting her gaze to the clumps of grass and weeds before her, "That was -- oh my God!"
"I'm so sorry, Iseul. I didn't know what else to do," he crouched before her, laying a comforting hand on her knee. She was hot to the touch, every inch of her felt as though it was burning. Though she wasn't in pain.
Iseul cracked a smile and she placed her hand over his, "It's okay. Really, I'm okay," she assured him, "My dry-cleaning might have some questions about this, though," she pointed to the blood seeping into her t-shirt. Woosung simpered quietly, jokes were certainly a good sign.
"Does it still hurt?" he asked, his concern still sprawled across his expression.
She shrugged listlessly, "Not so much, anymore. I'd rather it was you than... you know," she sighed, "... Um... does this mean that...?"
"I think so," Woosung admitted, "We're mates, now,"
He expected Iseul to unleash a barrage of curses, to scold him for his reckless behaviour, but her hand on his remained steady. Her head fell back against the tree trunk, her eyes shimmering with flecks of gold, more radiant than Woosung had ever witnessed. She was utterly captivating, and the scent of her blood only intensified his smoldering desire.
What a dichotomy, he thought.
If Iseul wasn't so exhausted in that moment, she may have let her baser instincts win. She may have begged Woosung to take her hard and fast against this tree, to make her scream for him again and again. But Woosung wasn't just any werewolf, he was her friend first and foremost. And he already seemed so spooked from before.
"Well... do you wanna sit with your new mate until she regains the ability to walk again?" she asked, suppressing a chuckle.
Woosung's smile was genuine now, his tense shoulders relaxed as he gladly obliged her. He took his place beside her, careful of the bite as he looped his arm around her shoulders, pulling her in close. She smelled so tantalizing, his desire for her continuing to bubble in his gut and he prayed she didn't notice how he adjusted himself.
Iseul cuddled up into him, his familiar musk so comforting and the skin of his arms a cool contrast to hers. She didn't bother to suppress her smile when he laid a kiss on her temple, she felt as safe as she possibly could out here, under the blooming moon.
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Indistinctive howls and moans continued to echo through the night, haunting Woosung and Iseul like harping banshees as they walked through the forest. While they couldn't see anybody, they knew better. There were couples thrusted into bushes, cloistered in the trees, copulating in the shadows and all around them.
The fire had definitely gone out by now, but the smell of burnt wood and kindling was as sharp as ever as it drew the pair back to their camp.
Any sting from Woosung's bite had subsided by now, but Iseul's state of desire remained the same. Nevertheless, she walked hand-in-hand with Woosung, silently processing what had just happened. Woosung really claimed her, after years and years of debating whether or not she should make the first move, praying that one day he'd come up to her and ask her himself, he'd really done it. Sure, it wasn't as romantic as she originally imagined, but the intent remained the same.
"So..." she sighed, "Are you gonna' rush and tell Dojoon and them what happened?" she asked, a mocking smile on her lips.
Woosung cocked a brow, glancing down at her curiously, "They might ask why I smell like your blood, so..." he chuckled, "But I'm not gonna -- I won't run and gossip with them, if that's what you mean,"
"That might be a tough one to play off," she simpered, "Did you follow me?"
"Did you follow me -- back there? Or, did you just happen upon me like some sort of white knight?" she asked.
Woosung grinned sheepishly and his gaze averted to the ground, "I may or may not have been following your scent. It's easy to pick you out by now," he said.
Iseul smiled back, "Lucky you had," she replied, "Although it did kind of hinder your chance,"
"How do you mean?" Woosung asked, picking off the glimmer of mischief in her eyes.
She shrugged bashfully, "Well -- you didn't really get a chance to catch your mate properly. You know... after a ten minute chase, it's supposed to be filled with anticipation and sexual tension until you finally take her under a tree or something,"
Woosung cocked a brow, a sly smirk curling at his lips as he stopped in his tracks. Iseul stopped a couple steps after him, her gaze profoundly captivating.
"Is that what you want, Iseul?" he asked, taking a step closer. She wasn't intimidated as she had been with Yung, though she couldn't help the apprehensive pinching swirling in her gut as he looked at her that way. Something within him suddenly changed, shifting from the familiar, carefree Woosung to a more primal and instinctual version of himself.
She liked it a lot.
"... Maybe I do," she replied truthfully, "What would you say if I told you that... I only ever wanted you to be my mate?" she took a step closer as well.
Woosung though he was dreaming, he must've been. But the prickling breeze and the howls wailing over his head assured him over otherwise.
His excitement began to grow again, he cursed at himself for wearing fitted jeans because he knew that Iseul would be able to pick out the tent in his pants if she looked.
"I would say that I've longed to hear you say that for nearly my entire life," he admitted, bringing his chilled hand up to her cheek. Her skin wasn't as hot as before but she still felt so warm, the blood on her neck still tacky as his fingers fluttered down to her collarbone.
"How about I give you a five minute head start?" he offered.
Iseul gulped at his words, suddenly feeling her blood rushing to her cheeks. She was elated when the flecks of yellow and gold reappeared in his irises. She bit at her inner lip, a newly renowned adrenaline bubbling in her gut.
"A whole five minutes?" she queried, "Are we feeling confident?" she brought her hand to his chest, fingers flexing against the indent of his pectorals.
"Very," he leaned in, approaching her lips with his own. Iseul's eyes fluttered closed for a moment, waiting imminently to be lured into his trap before he whispered into her ear, "Your time starts now,"
Like a shot, Iseul pivoted on her heel and swiftly disappeared into the woods once again, a surge of renewed vitality propelling her as she ran. Woosung never truly appreciated the expression "I hate to see you go, but I love to watch you leave," more than he had in that moment, her slim physique but a flashing memory before his eyes though nevertheless her smell was still thick in his nose.
Iseul wasn't sure where she was going, much like previously she was itching to get as far away as fast as she could. Only difference here was she found herself laughing as she ran, coursing with giddy. She knew Woosung was a formidable hunter, he'd be on her in no time. Nevertheless, the chase this time was a little more more tantalizing than the last. She leapt over thrushes and ducked around trees, running until her legs burned and her chest began to tighten. She was excited, but it didn't mean that she was going to make this easy for him.
She finally stopped when she came to a clearing, dimly lit from the reddened tinge of the moon. The cacophony in the air had diminished, with many of her fellow betas either having found their own partners or chosen to remain hidden. Meanwhile, she was certain that numerous males had surrendered and retreated back. It was probably somewhere after midnight now, maybe closer to one in the morning? So much had already happened in such little time and yet Iseul still had so much energy to burn, anticipation prickling at her spine as she cased the area. There was no sound, not even a smell.
Iseul became nervous after ten minutes of waiting, wandering around the trees or stopping to stare up at the moon. She waited for the first whiff, the first crack of a twig or squelch of mud, giving her ample time to take off should she need to. If she even wanted to.
Her head whipped around when she heard a snapping in the distance, her apprehension elevated as she began to back out of the moonlight.
And then she smelled him. He was here.
She froze suddenly when her back made contact with something unexpected — not a tree trunk, but a chest. Almost immediately his scent overwhelmed her, the tip of his cold nose brushing softly across the unscathed side of her neck, her warm breath eliciting goosebumps over her skin. All thoughts of running vanished in a snap, her baser instinct taking over as his arms wrapped around her slim figure.
"Does it count now?" he tittered into her ear, his tone low and laced with a darker promise.
"Yes. Now it counts," she muttered, her voice just brushing above a whisper, "You took your time,"
"I wanted you to feel like you were winning," he teased, turning her so they came nose-to-nose. His face was infinitely closer now, maybe because her fingers were pressed against his nape, subtly pulling him lower. It didn’t take amazing eyesight to notice the tent growing in his pants. At this point her juices were trickling into her pants.
“I think I did win,” she looked at his lips. She loved the deep dimples in his cheeks; she had wanted to kiss them since she first noted them.
“We both did,”
She nodded, her fingers sliding under the edge of his t-shirt.
He shivered as he laid his lips against hers, simply pressing them there, pushing them gently against her own before disclosing them slightly with a barely-there lick. He moved back an inch to look at her, make sure she was alright.
Iseul's eyes were closed, her cheeks soft and warm under his palms, her lips inviting and thicker now that blood was rushing to them. Just as Woosung realized he wanted to stare at her some more, her eyelids lifted gently. Looking at his lips, she stretched forward, laying a peck on his dimpled smile before breathing out and sucking his lower lip into her mouth.
His growl was inhuman once he felt the warmth of her mouth on his tender skin. His hand went to the back of her head, pulling her closer while his other palm landed against the small of her back, her legs open so he could slot his hips between them, his pelvis meeting hers eagerly.
“Dammit. You’re beautiful,” he moaned, his mouth tracing her jaw. His mind raced at the thought all the sinful things he could do to his little eager mate.
She nodded and stretched her neck for him, offering him her throat. He bit instantly -- without breaking the skin this time, not even giving her time to think about it, causing her to moan and press her crotch against anything that could dull the edge of pleasure.
His hands went from her waist to the backs of her thighs, squeezing firmly, "Jump,"
"Jump!" Iseul barely had her feet off the ground before his large hands held her fast against him, her legs wrapping around his torso. Then his knees were in the ground, using his core strength to lay her down under the tree canopy. He hissed when his muscles released.
“Did that hurt?” she asked, ready to fuss over him.
He shook his head curtly, “Listen, I don’t care about how far we go, okay? We can take this as slow as you want, we don't even --”
“Let’s play it by ear, mh?” she cooed, cupping his cheek as he kneeled over her.
He nuzzled his cheek against her palm, “Let’s do that," and he went in for another kiss.
She was teasing his lower lip with the tip of her tongue, making him frown as he tried to chase after her, “You've always been like a kid chasing for a treat, haven't you?”
“Just kiss me, you tease!” Woosung chuckled as he grabbed her face, pushing his open mouth against hers, his tongue making its way between her teeth, against her palate, caressing hers lewdly, slippery flesh against slippery flesh.
Iseul's hips grounded against his naturally, his palms lowering to grab her ass and lead you through the motion.
His own hips shyly pushing into hers caused her blood to boil, her skin flushed as her body temperature skyrocketed, “Keep moving on me,” he huffed out, his right hand leaving her hip to tease the hem of her shirt, “Can I?” he asked, waiting at the threshold of the naked skin below.
“I can take it off if you’d like,” she whispered, kissing the side of his neck.
“God, yes,”
The shirt was gone in a second, leaving her flushed chest clad only in her bra.
His focus went to her breasts immediately, “Oh.”
Iseul smirked and laid her hand on his, leading it to her left mound, making his fingers grab onto it, “You can squeeze it,”
He nodded and closed his eyes, relishing in the soft material. She was glad her bra was a thin cotton piece; she could feel him closer, harder, better.
Woosung watched her expression as he started massaging the flesh, gripping it energetically and pulling whimpers from her lips. He stopped immediately, “Too hard?”
She shook her head and giggled, “No, it's perfect. It’s perfect when it hurts just a little— Just like that, uh…” her eyes rolled back and her eyelids fluttered, “Just fine, Woosung. Damn perfect,”
He grinned, rutting his hips harder against her, “You like when it hurts?”
She hummed, too busy finding the perfect angle to meet his thrusts. “Kinda,”
Experimenting, he felt for her nipple pushing against the fabric before pinching it between thumb and forefinger, making her whimper even more. Her jaw fell slack before her back arched, her hand coming over her lips, a weak purr leaving her throat.
“Harder?” he asked, his free hand helping her grind against his thigh, gripping her asscheek, squeezing it, “Do you need it to hurt more? Better?”
She was far too gone to actually formulate sentences, no matter how small. The feel of his cock hardening, lengthening against her core was far too intense. She could feel it twitch and stretch, pressed against the zipper.
“Iseul,” he called for her attention.
She gave a small moan that meant both pleasure and acquiescence.
Deliberately, attentively, he pushed the cup of her bra down, studying the tender, thin skin of her breast while his lips pressed into her neck, leaving trails of kisses as he caressed her breasts, her hips, everywhere he could reach. He lolled his tongue out and managed to lick her nipple with the very tip of his tongue.
“Fuuuck, Woo, please, God… Just fuck me. I wanna cum. I— please. Make me feel good, Woo,”
He liked hearing her beg for him, he liked it way more than he ever thought he would. Somehow her pleas hit so much deeper within him. Maybe it was because she always looked so independent and self-sufficient, that feeling needed by her turned him on so wildly and inexplicably.
He nudged her left nipple with his lips, teasing it softly before sucking it into his mouth. The moan she emitted made his hips jut forward, a low grunt echoing in the air as he reckoned he needed to take his jeans off, still, having her warm torso against his was too much of a revelation for him to part from her hot skin.
Her hands buried into his hair as he swirled his tongue around her nipple before suckling on it lightly. Her body grew heavier at every movement trying to keep herself focused while his lips slid down her stomach to her aching core.
The wolf knew once he got this close to her beautiful heat there would be going back. Every day the taste of her would end up lingering on his tongue until he got to taste it again. This girl did things to him he could never explain to even her let alone anyone in the pack. Woosung was swift as he popped the buttons on her jeans, shoving her pants impatiently until he had her fully, vulnerable to him. His tongue moved up from her leaking hole to her throbbing clit. He couldn’t help but smile a little at how her whole body jerked at the new found pleasure.
Iseul felt how his tongue licked at one particular spot that jolted a surge up her pine, her body jerking. In seconds, she felt his lips wrap around the small nub, coaxing light moans to slip out of her while her fingers still tangled in his hair, “Woosung…”
His moan rattled vibrations against her core. With a slight pop, Woosung broke from his light snacking and bit into her thighs, a little treat just for him.
The smaller wolf giggled affectionately, caressing his head before he crawled over her. Propping herself up on her elbows, she watched Woosung strip himself of his clothes until they were both now bare. Her lust blown, golden eyes stared down at his twitching, hard member before licking her lips.
“Spread your legs,” he only had to tap her knee gently for her to move her legs apart more than enough for him to sneak in between. Wrapping his fingers around his cock, he rubbed the reddened tip against her clit making, elated as her head fell back, “You want it, baby?”
Iseul nodded frantically.
“I can’t hear you," his tip poked at her slit. The little game tortured him as much it did her, but he wanted to hear her beg again.
“Yes, I want it...” she jerked her hips against his movements, gasping when the tip of his cock entered her slightly, “I want it so bad,"
She always knew how to touch that extra nerve in his body every all the time. It was almost magical how Iseul had so much control over him by being so perfectly submissive. Woosung pushed his cock into her snug little hole with soaked ease, her cunt flowing, making it all the more harder not to just pound her into oblivion. His hips moved slow, letting the sounds of watery sloshing ring in his ears. Arms pressed down the sides of her body, caging over his mate as he relished in her warm walls.
Iseul held onto his forearm as she watched her pussy getting stretched by his cock. The amount of times she dreamed of this happening was a little embarrassing. Now that it was happening, she had him snug inside of her felt so invigorating, she could giggle in glee.
Their foreheads pressed together softly as Woosung whispered, “Is this good?”
She nodded, gasping and moaning. “Yeah…”
The one word was all that needed to be uttered for him to quicken his pace a little, skin slapping against skin ever so slightly. Woosung shifted down to his elbows now as he caressed her cheek, nosing at the base of her neck near her previous bite. His tongue drifted over the dried blood.
“Look at you,” he chuckled darkly, “I wanna' mark you again. Can I?”
“Please, Woo,” she begged, wrapping her arms around him,“Do it”
“Good girl,” He cooed.
When he opened his mouth and bit down — her voice echoed in a heavy cry, laced in pure lust and ecstasy. Woosung groaned, his knot sensitive as she clenched and pulsed around him. Her blood was sweet in his mouth as he broke the skin, pulling his canines out before licking over the wound to seal the punctures.
She now had matching marks, teeth punctures on either side of her neck.
And she fucking loved it.
“You're mine. You're all fucking mine,” he whispered breathlessly, still thrusting into her steadily.
“I'm yours,” she cupped his cheek, struggling to keep her gaze as the pleasure tickled her every nerve. “I always have been...”
Lips pressed against hers, tongue exploring everything he knew was willingly submitted to him tonight. Once the kiss broke the softness melted along with it as the beta pounded into her cunt. Arms back up, muscles popping out furiously before hooking one of her legs around his waist.
Her moaning became an uneven pattern melting into the sounds of their wet skin grinding and slapping against each other. As soon as Woosung leaned in closer, Iseul muffled a few of her whimpers into a heated kiss while her hand moved down to find that little nub, rubbing it to match with his thrusts. The tight ball in her lower belly exploded before she could even expect it, her legs trembling and a flurry of moans passing her lips.
Woosung felt her walls clench around him, already feeling the pressure around his cock push him closer to his orgasm. His thrusts grew a little more brutal, pawing at her hips and hammering into her while she gave him that beautiful, innocent smile to reassure him it was okay to keep going despite her sensitivity.
“Cum inside me…” she whimpered, her body literally shook with the force of his thrusts.
Her adorable whisper was all it took for the wolf to finally come undone, filling his mate up with his seed in sloppy and rough thrusts. Only until the last drop did he pull out slowly watching a little bit of his release dripping out of her.
“... That's it,” Iseul giggled, brushing his shaggy hair out from his eyes, "We're stuck together,"
Woosung's boyish grinned returned, his nose poking into the crook of her shoulder again as he collapsed on top of her. His scalding body was a surreal contrast to the cold, wet ground beneath her. All traces of the dominant wolf had vanished from his eyes, irises still flecked with gold as they adored her.
"You're mine," he cooed, laying a kiss over her pulse point, "You're so much more than just my mate, Iseul,"
"So are you," she awed, "I'm curious, though..."
"What about?" he asked.
She didn't want to ruin the mood they had, but she had to know, "... If we didn't mate tonight, would you have picked somebody else?"
Woosung gulped, not knowing how to tell her that he had eyes on her for the longest time, to the point that he rarely noticed the appearances of the other female betas. While he acknowledged their attractiveness, he also realized that many people were indeed "pretty." Nobody even came close to Iseul's beauty, “Probably not. None of them would taste as good as you,”
Iseul giggled, swatted at his bicep, “You didn't know what I tasted like until now.”
“No, but you smelled really fucking good,” he smiled, nudging her cheek with his nose, “I thought I lost you earlier… just for a second,”
Her head shook with dismay, "No one's gonna' mess with us, now. I’m yours now, remember?” she lay a small kiss on his chest.
Woosung caressed her cheek, not being able to help mimicking a little smile of his own, “You’re mine,"
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sweetestofchaos · 11 months
Blessed With A Curse | J.JK
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☾ Pairing: Werewolf!Jungkook x Hybrid!Reader
☾ Summary: When your company throws a mandatory Halloween party, you aren’t thrilled. You’re even less thrilled when a delusional coworker ruins the party and places a curse on everyone because her crush, the resident werewolf, Jeon Jungkook, rejected them.
When a coworker gets rejected at the company Halloween party, things get crazy.
☾ Genre/AU: Smut, Werewolf AU, Hybrid AU, Modern Magic AU
☾ Rating: NC-17
☾ Warnings: | alcohol | piss marking (not on a person) | spanking | scenting | shifting | use of magic | cursing | misunderstandings | unrequited love| mating bite | some blood | knotting | a/b/o vibes | licking | spit play | cum eating | fingering | crying | pack!BTS | rockstar!jungkook | semi-public sex | mirror sex | interspecies relationship | open ending
☾ Word Count: 12.7K
☾ 𝖯𝖺𝗋𝗍 𝗈𝖿 𝗍𝗁𝖾 𝖡𝖳𝖲 𝖥𝖺𝗇𝗍𝖺𝗌𝗒 𝖺𝗇𝖽 𝖥𝖺𝗇𝗀𝗌 𝖳𝗋𝗂𝖼𝗄 𝗈𝗋 𝖳𝗋𝖾𝖺𝗍𝗂𝗇𝗀 𝖼𝗈𝗅𝗅𝖺𝖻, 𝗁𝗈𝗌𝗍𝖾𝖽 𝖻𝗒 @sailoryooons 𝖺𝗇𝖽 @theharrowing
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a/n: for the wonderful @jessikahathaway! i hope you enjoy this bad boy 'cause it had me on my ass a few times. once i was able to get over myself, this wrote itself and i had fun with it. banner/diver made by the wonderful @itaeewon. betaed by the kickass @theharrowing
song credit: werewolf by montionless in white | wolf by woosung
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You are typing away on your keyboard, lost in your own little world. It feels like the day is dragging and you would like for it to be over. At least that is what you were thinking until you noticed that the workplace background noise started to fade away. Gazing up from your computer screen, you see your office manager standing near the main door. He clears his throat and claps his hands three times to get everyone’s attention. What could he possibly want at this hour? Two of the other managers step through the door and you squint trying to figure out why the three of them are here. You don’t recall any email about a meeting.
“Okay everyone! Listen up, please?” The office manager looks around to make sure all eyes are on him before he continues. “As you know our Halloween party is tonight. I expect to see you all there, dressed appropriately!” The office manager stands with his back facing the main door with the HR and Marketing managers on either side of him. The three of them together strongly remind you of Ed, Edd, and Eddy, but you keep that thought to yourself. 
“Everyone will receive a text message with the address, as well as an email. Please make sure to give the company name at the door and enjoy yourselves.”
“I am looking forward to seeing everyone’s costumes tonight. See you all later and until then enjoy your time off!”
The three managers all leave with smiles on their faces and you roll your eyes as you turn your attention back to your computer. Honestly, you forgot all about the Halloween party tonight. It’s not like you have much of a choice, it is mandatory fun. You still have a few more emails to finish up, as well as two more documents to review before you can even think of leaving for the day. A shadow looms over your desk and you sigh knowing that shape right away.
“Jungkook, I swear to God if you try a jump scare I will slam your face through this screen.”
A startled whine comes from behind followed by a deep sigh before Jungkook comes to stand in your line of sight by the side of your desk. His chocolate brown doe eyes are even wider than normal as he stares at you with a pout on his lips, making the clear spacers in his piercings more noticeable.
“You’re no fun. You know that, right?”
You suck your teeth and raise an eyebrow as Jungkook parks his ass on the edge of your desk. His black dress pants strain against his thighs and when you glance up, the white button down he is wearing, pulls at the muscles of his flexed biceps. As the resident werewolf in the office, Jungkook’s muscles are a common topic of conversation…and his impeccable sense of smell. Though Jungkook isn’t the only creature that works with you. There are vampires, goblins, fairies, wyrm, dragons and even mermaids in the office. It is a mixing pot of species which always offers some kind of entertainment for yourself.
“Can I help you, wolfie?” 
Jungkook’s eyes flash a bright red before they shift back to their brown color making you smirk.
“One of these days I’m going to bite you,” Jungkook threatens as he curls his upper lip to show off his elongated canines.
“So I can be stuck with you for the rest of my life?” You grimace and shake your head. “No, thanks.”  
“Like you don’t wanna be part of my pack.” Jungkook licks his lips and runs a hand through his dark hair, a few of the curls tangling around his fingers making his bicep flex once again from the sudden snag. His hair is styled out of his eyes, swooped upwards and back; not a single hair out of place…until now. One lone curl hangs from Jungkook’s head and kisses his temple. You resist the urge to tuck it behind his ear.
“Pretty sure it’s Taehyung’s pack and I would only join for Seokjin’s cooking and a good cuddle with Yoongi.”
Jungkook growls and you laugh knowing that you struck a nerve. You have met Jungkook’s pack mates many times and they are all a bunch of chill guys. They all work on different floors, in different departments. Yoongi is the pack alpha and from what you know, Seokjin, Namjoon and Taehyung are the only omegas in the pack. Taehyung, Yoongi, Namjoon and Jungkook are werewolves, Jimin and Hoseok are demons and sweet Seokjin is an oncilla hybrid. Which blew your mind when you found out because Seokjin is not a little guy by any means, the man is massive.
A voice calls his name, cutting through your laughter and you smile at your coworker, Tisha. She is a cute little thing. Doesn’t have much height on her, maybe five-one or five-two at best with long black hair and doll-like green eyes. 
“What’s up, Tisha?” Jungkook asks and you turn your attention back to your computer screen, happy for the distraction. You really would like to finish this before it’s time to leave. You would settle for a little overtime, but since tonight is the company wide Halloween party, overtime has been banned. 
“My computer is acting up again. Can you take a look at it?” 
“Have you emailed tech?”
You bite your lip to keep from laughing. Clearly Tisha hasn’t called tech or else she wouldn’t be asking for Jungkook’s help. 
“I thought it would be faster with your help. I know they get busy around this time.”
Jungkook sighs and pushes himself off your desk, “See you at the party tonight?”
You glance at Jungkook and frown, “You sound way too excited.”
Jungkook grins and shrugs his shoulders, “Who doesn’t love a Halloween party?” Jungkook’s smile is blinding as he leans towards you, wiggling his eyebrows. “You gonna be the Little Red to my Big Bad Wolf?”
“Isn’t that a little cliche?” Tisha asks and Jungkook waves off her comment.
“I mean, I am a werewolf, so…” 
Jungkook scrunches his nose and you roll your eyes as you mutter, “More like an overgrown lap dog-”
“I heard that,” Jungkook growls and you smile up at him, widening your eyes to seem more innocent. Jungkook glares at you with no real anger and huffs. “Such a fucking brat,” he grumbles and leaves your space with Tisha right behind him chatting his ear off.
You giggle to yourself and shake your head. Jungkook is something else, that’s for sure. He is your workplace bestie and the biggest pain in your ass all at the same time. Little does he know that your Halloween costume is already picked out. You think Jungkook will get a kick out of it and you might be a little excited to show him.
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Standing in your bathroom with a towel wrapped tightly around your body, you wipe the steam from the mirror and sigh. You fell asleep when you got home and slept past your alarm, so now you have forty minutes to get ready if you don’t want to be hella late to the party. Music plays from your bluetooth speaker, filling the air with Jackson Wang’s ‘Cheetah’ and it makes you smile. 
The first thing you get started on is your makeup, a nude smokey cat eye with grey accents is the first half of the look. Followed by painting the lower part of your nose a soft pink and upper lip black. Your lower lip is the same grey from your eyes to pull the whole look together. Removing the towel from around your head, you click your tongue. You quickly twist the hair into two braids that go straight back, secure the ends with bobby pins and pull a wig cap on. 
A set of stencils are on your countertop and you hold one of them up to your forehead. The shape looks weird and you don’t have faith that you will be able to make it look right. Using black eyeshadow and a little eyeliner, you fill in the stencil slowly. A handful of black spots are now on your forehead, they look out of place and you frown. 
Your phone goes off, cutting off the tunes and you glance over to see that Wooyoung, another work friend is calling. You answer the call and put him on speaker as you continue to get ready.
“Bitch! Where are you??”
“I’m getting ready. Where are you?”
“I just left the house, did you want me to pick you up?”
You think it over. You really would love to be able to drink and not have to worry about driving home.
“Can you drive slow?”
“The fuck kinda question-”
“I’m still getting ready, damn. Just text me when you’re out front.”
You hang up the phone and head into your bedroom. Walking over to your closet, you step inside and look at the grey wig you purchased just for this stupid party. Grabbing the wig and the styrofoam head that came with it, you carry everything to the bathroom and set it on the sink. Pulling out your styling products and a pair of hair scissors, you section the wig into parts while singing along to whatever song is playing. For your costume, you think a wolf cut would look cute and match the overall vibe…so, with the scissors in your hands, you get to work. The final product isn’t bad, a nice mix between a shag and mullet. It is roughly sexy and once you place it on your head, you can’t help but grin.
Grabbing a makeup brush, you spend some time on your eyebrows, making them look fluffy and slightly overgrown before you grab the unopened pack of fake canine teeth. Carefully, you glue them onto your own canines and smile at your reflection. It’s all coming together. The last thing you need are the hazel contacts that sit on the counter. You struggle with them, but after a solid five minutes, you have them both in. You look at yourself in the mirror and blow yourself a kiss, this was a wonderful idea!
Leaving the bathroom for the time being, you look at the outfit that is laid out on your bed. A grey bodysuit with black heels, a set of fluffy grey and beige triangle ears and a matching tail. Your phone chimes with a notification and you know that Wooyoung is outside waiting for you. Dropping your towel, you skip over to your dresser and pull open your underwear drawer. 
Looking at the different colors and material, you settle on a baby pink lingerie set that still has the tags on it. It’s a mesh thong with small and medium sized flowers on the sides with an open underwire bra that has the same flowers covering your nipples in a diagonal line. Looking at the set you smile to yourself because you are sure you have a pink choker from your wild days that matches. 
Putting the set on, you slip into the bodysuit and double check that the flower impressions of the lingerie aren’t visible before you search for the choker. Your phone chimes again and you roll your eyes.
“Yes, yes. I’m coming,” you grumble to yourself as you quickly fasten the pink leather choker around your neck. It even has a tiny silver hoop that hangs from which looks cute as opposed to badass. You clip the tail to your outfit, set the ears on top of your head and look at yourself in the mirror one last time.
“Damn, I look good!”
Grabbing your shoes, phone and purse, you head to the front door and text Wooyoung that you are coming outside now. You shove your feet into your black heels and hurry out of your apartment, more than a little excited to see Jungkook’s reaction to your costume. Taking the elevator, you hum to yourself and wait until you reach the first floor. You wonder what Wooyoung is dressed as. You know for a fact that the man is dressed up, he will never pass up a chance to show off his beauty.
Outside of your apartment complex you look around for Wooyoung’s car and spot it across the street. He spots you at the same time and climbs out of his car, whistling as he does so. Wooyoung is stunning in his white ruffled shirt. The loose sleeves cuff around his wrist, the collar is lined with lace, with a keyhole opening on his chest that he pairs with a black leather corset harness. His black dress pants hug him nicely and his freshly dyed black hair hangs just below his eyebrows. 
“Ooooooooh! Look at this sexy lil kitten. Hello, beautiful!” 
You roll your eyes and grin, stepping into Wooyoung’s arms as he hugs you tightly. Pulling away, you tuck a strand of your hair behind your ear and stare at Wooyoung’s hair.
“You look good. Black might just be your color.”
“Please,” Wooyoung pushes towards the other side of the car as he opens his door. “Any color is my color.” 
Once in the car, you buckle up and fiddle with your phone, “Can I DJ?” Wooyoung gives you permission and you giggle to yourself. You have yet to listen to Mark Tuan’s new EP ‘Fallen’, so what a perfect time to do it now. Syncing with the radio, you hit play and ‘Your World’ starts to play. 
“I don’t recognize the voice,” Wooyoung comments and you shake your head.
“Cause your taste in music is shit. This is Mark Tuan’s new EP.” 
“I’m going to pretend you didn’t say that. Would be a real shame if your door just magically opened, huh?”
You laugh and Wooyoung sucks his teeth, coming to a stop at a red light. Looking out the window, you notice that the clouds above are a pale grey color that carries the promise of a light shower later on.
“Who do you think is going to out their office romance this year?” Wooyoung’s voice pulls you from your thoughts and you shrug your shoulders. 
You remember from last year that your office manager and one of the newer interns wore matching Halloween costumes. They were the only workers dressed as Team Rocket from Pokemon. You haven’t really heard any dating rooms going around in your office but that doesn’t mean the rest of the office is innocent. 
“I heard Jungkook was going to be the Big Bad Wolf…not much creativity there.”
“Oh, you think?”
“If I was a fucking werewolf, I would pick something else-”
“Like what?”
“I don’t know…maybe a dog catcher?” 
You whip your head to the side to look at Wooyoung and he glances at you from the corner of his eye. 
“What? That’s pretty fucking clever!”
“I-I can’t believe you just said that.”
There is a small beat of silence before you and Wooyoung both start to laugh.
“Jungkook would rip you a new one if he heard that,” you wheeze, thankful that you used waterproof makeup since your eyes are tearing up.
“I mean, come on. That would be fucking iconic!”
You shake your head in disbelief and Wooyoung giggles. 
“So, I get that you’re a cat, but like, I have no idea what kind.”
“You really can’t tell what breed I am?” 
“I just said that.” Wooyoung shots you an unimpressed look and you sigh.
“Damn, I thought it was obvious. I’m a pallas cat!”
“A what?” 
“Oh come on, Woo! It’s my favorite animal of all time! It’s one of the tiny big cats.”
Wooyoung raises an eyebrow and shrugs his shoulders, “I’ll take your word for it, kitten.” 
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Based on the company-wide email, the club is called Dionysus and the music rattles the windows of Wooyoung’s car as he finds a parking space. Outside there is a slight chill in the air, the scent of fried foods and sweat riding the current that creeps from the open door that leads into the club. With Wooyoung by your side, you make your way to the front of the line. People glare at the two of you but Wooyoung grabs your hand and gives it a firm squeeze. 
“Don’t worry about them. We have people inside waiting.” 
At the front of the line, a woman with startling electric blue eyes raises an eyebrow as Wooyoung walks up to her. There are a pair of black rounded ears on top of her head and you know that she is some kind of hybrid, but you aren’t sure what breed. Maybe a rodent of some short, you think she could be an opossum. She is dressed all back, with the club’s name written in silver cursive across her chest.
“You don’t see the line?” Her voice is sharp and Wooyoung shakes his head.
“We’re not trying to be late, our boss is expecting us. Blue & Grey Enterprise.” 
The woman nods her head and looks down at the clipboard in her hands, “Names?”
Wooyoung rattles off your names and she asks for ID before the two of you can enter the club. The club looks more like an opera house. It’s a large glass and iron building with beautiful ash-white archways, spicy grey pepper LVP flooring and an endless supply of natural light. Simple tracking light fixtures are placed through the club, spaced together in groups of two with elegant grey and white pendant lights hanging at tasteful intervals. There are two floors to the club and the moment you step through the doors, you feel like you have been transported to another world. 
It feels like the scene of a high budget movie. All around you, people are dancing with drinks in their hands. The lighting is a mix of blue, purple and red with smoke snaking around on the floor. The walls seemingly reflect the lighting, creating a mirror like effect that shimmers and glows. The air is warm but you can feel that the air conditioning is on somewhere, most likely on the second floor since heat rises. Large floor to ceiling silk curtains hang from up high, sheer and light in soft shades of cream that drink in the colors of the lights. 
“Come on, let’s find our group.” 
Wooyoung moves to the far edge of the dance floor, closer to the wall as he pulls you along behind him. In the corner elevated above the crowd, a large DJ box is suspended with hanging black ivy, fairy lights and a floating staircase. The DJ wears an oversized head piece that resembles a Greek statue with a gold and emerald circlet on top. The place is impressive and you wonder why the company chose such an extravagant place. Many people are dressed in costumes as you walk past and from the amount of skin shown you know that none of the people on the lower level are from your company. 
A set of steps leading to the upper level catch your eye and as you get closer, you notice that there is a guard dressed much like the woman from out front. The security guard stands with his arms crossed over his chest and he looks completely unphased by the strangers around him. Upon seeing you and Wooyoung, he narrows his eyes and Wooyoung shows his work ID. Following his lead, you do the same and the man nods his head before he unlatches the green and gold ivy rope that blocks off the upper floor.
“Enjoy yourselves tonight.”
Wooyoung releases your hand and motions for you to walk up before him. He blocks anyone’s eyes from staring at your butt and you giggle to yourself. Wooyoung is such a gentleman, you love him dearly. 
If you thought the lower level was something out of a movie then the upper level is pulled straight from the dreams of an elite designer. Dark wooden furniture with plush white and black setting, vines of ivy clung to the walls, golden ring lights are pressed into the ceiling with more of the white pendant lights hung in small clusters. A single bar top that runs the entire length of the room, is pressed against the wall. The counter is too far away to see but you wouldn’t doubt if it was marble.
You spot a few familiar faces and point out the coworkers to Wooyoung. The two of you head over to say hello before you search for your friends. 
“Oh my God, you made it!!!” 
Arms wrapped around your waist tightly, squeezing the breath from your lungs and when you look down, a bright red hood is all you see.
“Your costume is so cute! Are you a hybrid?” 
The body pulls away and those striking green eyes spark up at you. You take in the woman’s sultry makeup, the soft curls in her hair and the spillage of boob from the white ruffled blouse that has a black corset pushing everything upwards. 
“Tisha! You look…wait, are you Little Red?” 
You stare down at your coworker and you can feel the pride spilling off her as she grins and nods her head. Her curls bounce around her shoulders and you can’t help but laugh. Of course she would want to match with Jungkook.
“It suits you.” You look around and you don’t see Jungkook at all.
“Right! I just know Jungkook will love it!” Tisha smooths her hands over the red skirt of her dress and cocks an eyebrow. “So, what kind of hybrid are you?”
“A cat.”
“That’s so cute! You and Jungkookie always but heads, so it works too!”
Tisha waves her hand around and shrugs her shoulders, “You know what I mean, right? Like the two of you are always bickering.” You hum in agreement and she pulls at your arm as another smile takes over her face. “Let’s get a drink!”
Together, you head over to the bar and sure enough, the bar top is white and black marble. To your left you notice a familiar face, “Taehyung?”
The man turns at the sound of his name and mismatched brown eyes find yours. A boxy smile pulls at a set of lips and you find yourself smiling as well. If Taehyung is here then you know Jungkook isn’t too far behind. Taehyung’s eyes drink you in from head to toe and he nods his head, “A cat hybrid? Cute.”
“You think so?” You twirl around for Taehyung and he chuckles at the sight of your tail.
“You really put some effort into it.”
“Do you like my costume?” Tisha jumps into your conversation with Taehyung and his eyes slide over to her.
He raises an eyebrow and clicks his tongue, “Little Red…how original.”
You bite the inside of your cheek to keep from laughing at Taehyung’s unimpressed tone but Tisha is clueless. 
“I know Jungkook said he needed a Little Red to his Big Bad, so yeah. I thought it would work out.” Tisha gushes and Taehyung’s head tilts in confusion.
“Big Bad…like-like the wolf?” 
“Yeah, duh! What else would he be?”
Taehyung looks down at his outfit and you take the time to figure out what he could be. His usual dark brown hair is dyed a soft honey brown and cut into a mullet. His warm brown eyes are underlined in thick black liner with a black smudged smokey look and there is a tinted balm on his lips. A double chained necklace hugs his throat a little looser than the choker that you wear and it’s paired with a white tank top that hangs loosely around his frame. A leather jacket with silver studded sleeves really pulls the whole look together with simple black leather pants and chunky black boots. 
“Are you in a band?” You question and Taehyung grins.
“I’m the lead singer, pretty.”
“That doesn’t make any sense,” Tisha pouts and Taehyung takes a sip of his drink before he looks at Tisha.
“Oh really? And why is that?”
“Jungkook is the Big Bad Wolf. Why would you be a singer of a band?”
“I wonder?” Taehyung muses with a knowing look and you roll your eyes. “Can I get you a drink?” Taehyung offers and you laugh.
“It’s a company party, Tae. The drinks are free.”
Taehyung puts his hands up with a laugh, “Worth a shot.” Taehyung raises his hand to get one of the bar tender’s attention and when the young guy comes over, you order a whiskey sour while Tisha orders a tequila sunrise. The three of you chat for a while and Tisha looks bored.
“Where is Jungkook?” She asks for the umpteenth time and Taehyung ignores the question.
“Why don’t you go look for him, hmm? I’m sure he’s around here somewhere,” you offer seeing the way Taehyung’s jaw ticks.
Tisha scans the room and nods her head with a sigh, “Better than being here all night.”
When Tisha is out of sight Taehyung downs the rest of his drink and slams the glass down on the bar top.
“Thank fuck, she’s gone. Holy shit! How can she not take a hint? Damn!” Taehyung curses as he runs a hand through his hair. “Does she really think Jungkook likes her? I’ll kick his ass outta the pack, I swear to Luna!”
You laugh and slap Taehyung’s shoulder, “Shut up, you will not!” You shake your head and sip at your drink. “Besides, I’m sure that Jungkook is reaching his limit…assuming that this band you speak of, is with the whole pack?”
Taehyung ducks his head, trying to hide his smirk but you know him better by now. 
“What’s everyone’s role?”
“I’m the singer, Hoseok is lead guitar, Namjoon is bass, Jungkook is drums, Yoongi is keyboard, Seokjin is rhythm guitar and Jimin is our manager.”
You giggle and try to imagine the pack as full fledged rock stars.
“Can Hoseok even play the guitar?” 
Taehyung laughs as he shakes his head, “Nope, but he looks good holding one.”
“Who looks good?” 
That all too familiar voice creeps up behind you and you feel an arm being thrown around your shoulders. 
“Get off me, wolf boy!” 
Warm musk, with a slightly fresh and clean scent engulfs you as you are pulled into a tight embrace. 
“Oh, cat ears? Cute!” 
You push at the chest that is in front of you and when you can see light again, you glare up at Jungkook as he smirks down at you. You notice right away that Jungkook has two silver hoops in his lower lip and you swallow thickly. Jungkook’s eyes seem to darken as he looks down at you and before you can say anything he boops your nose with his index finger.
“Are you a pallas cat?” He steps closer and you feel his hand slide down the length of your spine, stopping at the small of your back, where your tail is clipped. “You even have a cute little tail. Such a cute little kitten…”
“S-Shut up! What happened to the big bad wolf, huh?” You poke at his chest and Jungkook pretends to be wounded as he backs away and stands by Taehyung’s side. 
At this distance you can take in his full costume, and honestly he looks good. His hair has been dyed black and style messily with wisps and spikes while a fringe hangs in his eyes. You assume that he is wearing clip-in to give himself a little more length in the back for his shorter mullet. Jungkook’s ears are completely adored in many silver hoops that are mismatched in size and style, along with a chunky chain necklace. 
He’s wearing a white graphic t-shirt tucked into a pair of plaid pants that have different shades of blue and red; with fabric straps buckled around each of his thighs. A matching jacket is worn over top and large black boots with five thick buckles complete his outfit. Taehyung said that Jungkook was the supposed drummer and he definitely looks the part.
“What? I’m still pretty big-”
“Shut up!” You snap as heat attacks your face and Jungkook just smirks while Taehyung laughs.
“Have you seen Tisha yet?” Taehyung asks and Jungkook raises an eyebrow.
“No…should I have?”
“For fuck shakes….” You whine and Taehyung chuckles.
“You’ll find out sooner or later.”
Wooyoung emerges from the crowd and throws himself at the bar. Sweat is beading along his forehead and his hair is now sticking to his face as he pants to catch his breath. You look at your friend and pat his back soothingly while raising your hand to order him a glass of water.
“So many people…and it’s not even just our company. There is another one here too.”
“I thought I didn’t recognize a lot of people,” Jungkook sighs and Wooyoung licks his lips.
“I don’t know how many times I’ve been hit on but someone grabbed my ass and I was done.”
“That fucking sucks.”
Everyone stares at Jungkook and his face heats up as he holds up his hands and shakes his head. “Oh my God! N-No, that’s not like…shit! That’s not what I meant. I wasn’t trying to be funny.” Jungkook stammers seeing that Wooyoung is dressed like a vampire.
“You’re so fucking stupid,” You laugh and Jungkook pouts while Taehyung just sips his new drink.
A piano playing a well known beat catches your ears and you perk up.
“I love this song!” You rush off to the dance floor without looking back and Jungkook growls seeing the different set of eyes following after you.
“Down, boy,” Taehyung teases and Wooyoung chokes on his water. “You can go if you want but Jimin and Hoseok are out there. The three of them together will be safe.”
Wooyoung nods in agreement and clears his throat, “When are you gonna drop the invite into the pack?” 
“It’s open-”
“Never.” Jungkook’s voice is flat as he glares at Taehyung and Taehyung just huffs with an eye roll. “A human can’t be in the pack. It isn’t safe.”
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Weaving in and out of people, Tisha searches for Jungkook. She has not found a single man dressed as the Big Bad Wolf and she is starting to wonder if maybe Jungkook hasn’t arrived to the party yet. She met Taehyung at the bar and while walking around she sees Jimin and Hoseok on the dance floor. Seokjin, Namjoon and Yoongi are sitting at one of the booths with drinks in front of them, just chatting it up, but no Jungkook. 
Another thing that is bothering her is that the members of Jungkook’s pack are all dressed in a similar fashion. Eyeliner, smokey eyeshadows, leather and chains with black boots. She always thought that packs tended to do group costumes as part of their culture. It is in their blood to want to match or at least coordinate with each other.
Feeling thirsty, Tisha moves through the bodies around her and heads towards the bar. She spots Taehyung in the same spot that she left him but this time he is talking to another man. She cannot tell who it is from the back, but she knows that it isn’t Jungkook. Sighing, Tisha stands in front of the bar and ignores Taehyung and the other man as she orders a double shot of tequila with a long island iced tea as a chaser. 
“You okay, Tisha? You’re looking a little down.” 
Tisha’s eyes slide to the side and she sees Wooyoung looking at her with concern in his brown eyes. 
“I can’t find Jungkook anywhere!” Tisha whines and Taehyung sips his drink. This has nothing to do with him. “His whole pack is here but he is-”
Tisha spots movement in her peripheral coming towards Taehyung and then there is a brief pause. She turns her head and sure enough Jungkook is standing a few feet away looking at the phone in his hand. A smile starts to tug at Tisha’s lips as she takes a step towards Jungkook but she stops and looks at him. He isn’t dressed as the big bad wolf at all. If anything he’s dressed as some wannabe rockstar from the 80’s. 
“Hey…Jungkook?” Tisha calls out to him and Jungkook looks up from his phone. His eyes widen when he sees that Tisha is wearing a Little Red Riding Hood costume. “I-I thought you were gonna be a wolf?” 
“Oh, um…yeah. I was just joking around.”
Tisha bites her bottom lip and tilts her head to the side, “You look good. This is a different look. It’s very…different.”
“Thanks! I’m the drummer in the pack,” Jungkook winks and Tisha giggles.
“Yeah? Are you good at banging things?” 
Jungkook opens his mouth and quickly closes it before he rubs the back of his neck and Tisha’s eyes widen.
“Um, so-sorry, that came out wrong.”
Taehyung and Wooyoung share a look and before Taehyung can take pity on his pack mate, Jimin and Hoseok bust through the crowd of people with you right behind them. Jimin’s face is flushed and his eyes are ink black. Taehyung jumps to his feet and Jungkook is pulling you out of Hoseok’s grasp, pushing you behind himself.
“What happened?” Taehyung demands as he pulls Jimin into his arms. Jimin’s body melts, legs go weak and Taehyung helps him over to the bar. He sits Jimin in his chair and smooths the black hair from Jimin’s face. 
Hoseok runs a hand through his own shaggy brown hair that is also cut into a mullet as well. “Some asshole siren tried to corner her-” Hoseok points in your direction, “into leaving with him.”
“What?” Jungkook whips around to face you and grabs your arms, turning you every which way to make sure you are unharmed. “Are you okay? Did he touch you?”
“I’m fine, Jungkook.” You cup Jungkook’s face in between your hands, seeing that his eyes are now ruby red. “I promise. Jimin defended my honor.”
“I should have ripped that asshole’s head off!” Jimin hisses and Hoseok rubs his back as he nods his head in agreement.
“Why didn’t you?” Jungkook snaps and Hoseok clears his throat.
“We’re at a work event, Kook. Wouldn’t be a good look for our very human bosses to see us covered in blood.”
Jungkook grumbles under his breath and nuzzles into the palm of your hand. You smile and coo at him, scratching right behind his ear.
“Who’s a good boy?”
“Fuck off,” Jungkook laughs as he pushes you away from him and you notice Tisha standing at the bar for the first time.
“I need a drink,” Jimin mutters and Taehyung waves over the bartender.
“Anything you in the mood for?” Taehyung questions and Jimin shakes his head. “Shots for everyone?”
“Bring it!”
Taehyung orders two rounds of shots and you all gather around Jimin. Holding a glass in your hand you stand beside Jungkook and grin as you all clink your glasses together. Downing your shot you curse as it spills out of your mouth a little and dribbles down your chin.
“Did you fucking miss your mouth?” Jungkook laughs and wipes at the corner of your mouth with his thumb. “Such a messy kitten, huh?” 
“Shut up!” You pout and your whole body shivers as the liquid makes its way through your body and warms your chest.
Jungkook brings his thumb to his mouth and sucks the extra liquor from his finger making your eyes widen, and before you can comment, Tisha speaks up.
“Are you two dating?” She asks, looking between you and Jungkook with narrowed eyes.
“Excuse me?” 
You and Jungkook take a step away from each other while shaking your heads.
“Wolfie isn’t my type.” You lie through your teeth. Jungkook is every bit your type, but he doesn’t date humans.
“Yeah, not really feeling the whole easily killed bit,” Jungkook points out and Tisha’s whole face lights up.
“Jungkook?” Tisha calls his name and sets her glass on the bar top. “Can I talk to you for a moment please?”
Jungkook looks at Taehyung for help but he is ordering another round while Hoseok is making sure Jimin is okay. Wooyoung is watching it all unfold and you are ignoring Jungkook now since Tisha’s question. Jungkook sighs and steps to the side, making room for Tisha to walk past. 
“Lead the way,” Jungkook relents and follows Tisha in silence. 
“You think she’s gonna drop the bomb?” Wooyoung wonders as he knocks back a shot and your face scrunches up.
Tisha and Jungkook…yeah that won’t go over well with the pack. The pack is a family and it is hard to leave, so when a member starts to court someone, the pack has a huge say in the matter. None of Jungkook’s packmates like Tisha and Jungkook has voiced his grievances about Tisha to you many times. Overall you think Tisha is okay, but she is a bit spoiled and wants things her way. You glance up at the glass ceiling of the club and the clouds above are a little darker but you can still see some of the stars in the sky.
“I think Jungkook is fucking clueless about her feelings and might break her heart,” Taehyung voices and you suck your teeth. You hope he doesn’t make her cry, that would be embarrassing for everyone.
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Outside on a balcony tucked behind large white and gold curtains, Tisha stands with Jungkook hidden in the dark of the night. The air is cool enough for goosebumps to appear on Tisha’s arms and Jungkook frowns. 
“We should get back inside quickly. You could get sick out here.”
Tisha smiles at Jungkook’s thoughtfulness and grabs the end of her cape before she hugs an arm around her body, underneath her breasts; surrounding herself in a little bit of warmth. Her free hand plays with a strand of hair and she looks up at the sky. Inhaling deeply before she lets it out, Tisha thinks of how she can start the conversation.
“It’s beautiful out tonight, right?” Her eyes fall to Jungkook and she watches in silence as Jungkook glances up at the stars, nodding his head in agreement. “I’ve always loved the night time, it’s so much more peaceful.”
Jungkook bites the inside of his lip, nibbling on the back of his lip ring as he listens to Tisha talk. He really doesn’t understand what she is trying to say but he’ll let her ramble if it makes her feel better.
“Jungkook can I…” Tisha sighs and tucks the strand of hair in her hand behind her ear. “Can I ask you a personal question?”
Jungkook’s brows raise and he stares at Tisha unsure if he wants to hear the question.
“Um, yeah…I guess.”
“Your pack. A-Are you together?”
“Like romantically, are you together?” 
Jungkook’s mouth drops open and his eyes widen, “What? Nooooo! No, no, no-” He laughs and shakes his head, “Luna, no! They are more like my brothers than anything.”
“Really? You guys seem close.”
Jungkook tugs at his earlobe and fiddles with one of the earrings. “I mean that’s what a pack is. They know me better than anyone in the whole world. They look out for me and make sure I’m okay. And I do the same for them. It’s hard to explain to a human, but think of wolves as-” Jungkook hums as he thinks of the right term to use, “Soulmates. That’s pack. We all found each other in this crazy fucking world and we make each other better, as brothers.”
“And if you want to date outside of the pack?”
“Date? Yeah, that’s an option too. Just because we live together doesn’t mean that we can’t date or have a normal love life. Our partners become part of the pack and that’s really it.”
Tisha nods her head at the information and Jungkook rubs the back of his neck, not sure what else to say.
“That’s me!” Jungkook tries to joke and Tisha smiles.
“I um, I-I really like you and I want to…well-” Tisha sighs and shakes her head before she steadies her nerves. “Would you like to go out with me?”
Jungkook stares at Tisha unblinking. He looks down at his shoes, over to the plant in the corner and back to Tisha’s shoes before he looks up into her face. She is staring with wide eyes, her mouth pressed into a weary smile as she waits for an answer.
Jungkook’s mouth opens and closes a few times before he clears his throat and huffs out a dry laugh. “That’s um, well you see-”
“You can pick the time and place. I don’t care where it is as long as I’m with you.” Tisha quickly interrupts and Jungkook licks his lips, fighting to figure out how to break her heart nicely. 
“Yeah, that’s not the issue, Tisha.”
“Do you want me to pick the place?” Tisha’s eyes seem to sparkle in the low lighting of the stars and artificial candle flames that sit in old iron lanterns. 
“You’re not understanding me.” Jungkook sighs and licks his lips before he kicks at the ground with the toe of his boot. “I’m not going to date you…ever.”
“Wh-What? B-But, why? You’re single and I’m single.”
“Yeah, but I’m not attracted to you. I never was and I’m sorry if I ever gave you that impression but-”
“Is it someone at work? Do you like someone else?”
Jungkook’s eyes double in size and Tisha laughs something hollow and cold. In the green of her iris, small wisps of smoke start to swirl around in her eyes as the wind around them picks up.
“Who is it, Jungkook? Who can’t let you go? You belong with me!” Tisha shouts above the wind as it starts to moan and groan. Leaves and debris from the street are whisked into the air and thrown about. “Who?!” Tisha demands and Jungkook shakes his head.
“What are you doing, Tisha? Stop it! You’re going to hurt someone!” Jungkook takes a step forward and Tisha shoves her arm out. A strong gust of wind knocks Jungkook back onto his ass and his eyes glow red as he glares at the woman before him.
“If you won’t tell me who it is then everyone shall suffer!”
Jungkook watches in horror as the clouds above darken into a deep grey, almost black and circle over the club. A sudden bolt of lightning strikes the building and the whole place is plunged into darkness before the clouds start to thicken and drop down into a cyclone with the club being in the eye of the storm.
“I can’t date you, Tisha!” Jungkook yells as he forces himself to half shift, his nails elongating enough to dig into the concrete beneath him. “You’re human. Witch or not, it wouldn’t work!”
“That’s a lie!” Tisha shouts and another bolt of lightning strikes the building, this time a deep emerald green color. Green smoke falls from the cycling and there are sudden screams from inside. Jungkook’s eyes dart towards the doors and his heart pounds in his chest, he can feel his pack mate’s fear through their bond. Suddenly everything inside goes quiet. The screams, the music, everything is deathly still and Jungkook’s eyes shift to red.
“What did you do?” Jungkook demands. He can’t feel his packmates anymore. Tisha grins and it’s wrong. Twisted and crazed as she licks her lips.
“This is your punishment, Jeon Jungkook! Suffer with everyone else!” Tisha hisses and crackles something wicked before she disappears in a green poof of smoke. The clouds lighten and thin out and shortly after like the play button on a remote had been pressed the lights in the club come back on.
Namjoon and Seokjin’s voice call his name over the music, closer to the door. Jungkook glances at where Tisha stood, scared that she will harm his packmates even when he cannot smell her. 
Arms wrap around Jungkook, the scent of pack, his pack floods his senses and his body slowly untenses from the unease that grips his heart. He is stuck staring at the spot where Tisha was standing and Namjoon waves his hand in front of his face.
“Jungkook, what the fuck happened? We felt your fear from inside…are-are you okay?” Seokjin looks over Jungkook’s body while Namjoon searches the balcony for anything unnatural. 
There is a scent in the air, heartache, longing and such ire. Namjoon rubs his nose and sneezes, shaking his head as he walks back over to Seokjin who is helping Jungkook stand on his own two feet. 
“What happened?” Seokjin asks once more and Jungkook shakes his head. He doesn’t believe it himself.
“Hyung…Tisha is a witch. I-I think she put a curse on me?”
“What?!” Namjoon and Seokjin both shout and stare at Jungkook in disbelief; he is just as shocked. Witches aren’t rare but they tend to work and live within their coven. To have a lone witch…Tisha must be very powerful.
“We need to contact Hyunwoo and-”
Someone screams from inside the club and the sound of glass shattering fills the air before growls, hisses and more screams pour out into the night air.
The three of them share a look and rush inside, scared for the rest of their packmates. Inside the club, a million different scents assault their noses. Strong scents of fear, confusion and bloodlust are hard to ignore.
“What the fuck is happening?” Seokjin gasps as he sees creatures being held down out all over the place. 
The sharp scent of death catches Namjoon’s attention and he growls low in his chest, “Pack!” 
Seokjin and Jungkook rush after him as Namjoon barrels through the bodies, pushing everyone out of his way. At the bar, Jimin, Taehyung, and Yoongi are acting as a living barricade around Hoseok who is holding your unconscious body as Wooyoung hisses, his eyes are black with red spider veins pulling at his pale skin, and there are razor sharp fangs dripping venom in his mouth.
Jungkook blinks a few times and rubs at his eyes. No, there’s no way. Wooyoung isn’t a vampire, he’s human like you…Jungkook looks past his packmates and his breath catches in his throat. The grey ears on top of your head twitch and flicker in his direction before Hoseok’s red eyes find him.
“What the fuck?!” Jungkook growls under his breath and Hoseok is just as confused.
“We need to get out of here, now!” Yoongi growls as he shoves Wooyoung back, sending the fledgling into the nearest table.
Wooyoung picks himself up and snarls, his teeth dripping venom and before he can attack, another vampire, much older and more powerful (Jungkook thinks his name is San) grabs him and uses his own power to put him under.
“Thank you.” Yoongi gives the vampire a firm nod and they all turn to your unconscious form in Hoseok’s arms.
“We leave now.” Taehyung leaves no room for debate and they all form a barrier around you and Hoseok.
“Oh my God! It’s BTS!!” Someone’s voice shouts over all the chaos and all at once, all eyes in the place are focused on Jungkook and his pack.
“Huh?” Hoseok looks around confused, he isn’t sure what is going on. BTS? Yeah, that’s what they decided to call their little band for the night. It’s short for Bangtan Sonyeondan, something Namjoon and Yoongi came up with on the fly.
“Jungkook, marry me!”
“Yoongi, marry me!”
All over everyone is screaming their names, shouting for their attention and are forcefully restrained by security guards. One guard comes up to them and others clear a path for the group to be led down the steps and onto the first floor.
The pack looks at Taehyung and he nods his head, his face void of any emotion. Hoseok tightens his hold around you and together, BTS walk through the cleared path and down the steps. The DJ from before is completely marble and stands frozen in time. Jungkook’s eyes widen as he follows the group and notices that they are being led to a stage that he didn’t notice in the midst of everyone dancing before.
As Taehyung steps onto the stage, the others follow suit. Hoseok silently hands you over to Jimin and pats his shoulder. 
“Keep her safe…” 
Jimin shifts you in his arms while the rest of the pack go up on stage and his nose wrinkles as lime zest and cane sugar tickle his senses. A faint milky undertone sits at the base of the scent and Jimin growls low. Omega. 
On stage, Taehyung steps up to the mic and clears his throat.
“Uh…yeah. So, we’re BTS and I honestly have no fucking clue what is going on. But, whatever! We’re here and it would be a waste to pass up such a nice stage.”
Jimin snorts at Taehyung’s words. Something has happened and while he isn’t sure what, Jimin can smell the ever subtle trace of magic in the air. The pack all look at each other and take their positions, Jungkook sits behind a drum set, Hoseok and Seokjin grab guitars, Namjoon picks up a bass and Yoongi stands behind a keyboard. 
Taehyung howls into the mic and Jungkook comes behind him on the drums. Namjoon’s fingers pluck at the strings of his bass while Seokjin starts the rhythm and soon the whole band is playing as Taehyung sings.
I can feel you, I can hear you, howling in my bones
There’s an evil lurking in the dark (there’s an evil lurkin’ in the dark)
Ever shifting, skin is ripping, as you take control
I can’t tell where you end and where I start (there’s an evil lurkin’ in the dark)
Namjoon and Jungkook act as the backing vocals, giving the song an added layer of dark mystery.
A ferocious diagnosis, under moonlit hands, will
The man become the monster or the monster become man?
Seokjin sings in a higher register than Taehyung and the crowd is eating it up.
I could be up all night, but I’m paralyzed when the creature comes alive
'Cause it’s fight or fright, in the full moonlight
You can run but you can’t hide
I could be honest, I could be human
I could become the silver bullet in your head
But no one can break my heart like I can
As Yoongi howls and the band continues to play, you start to stir in Jimin’s arms. Your eyes open, squinted and blinking rapidly as you try to adjust to the lighting. Jimin coos down at you, nuzzling his nose against yours with a pensive smile on his face.
“Hey, welcome back.”
You groan in response and Jimin carefully lowers you to the floor, keeping an arm around your waist as strength comes back to your legs. Everything is loud, so, very loud. The lighting is making you feel sick as well and the top of your head feels like it’s on fire. You reach up to scratch at your scalp and Jimin quickly grabs your hand.
“Wait…j-just wait a minute.” 
“It itches! This headband needs to go.” You whine and Jimin nods his head in understanding.
“Right…the headband.” 
Jimin lets go of your hand and you eye him weary as you reach up to snatch the headband from your head. You touch something soft and your whole body shivers, your stomach twisting into knots.
Bleed the neon from the bite marks, ever bittersweet
Smile for the camera but don’t flash your teeth (everybody loves a mystery)
Let the bodies hit the dance floor to this heartbreak beat
I feel like somebody’s watchin’ me (feels like everybody’s watchin’ me)
Seductively destructive, we are true romance
Does the man become the monster or the monster become man?
Your head snaps to the side and your eyes widen at the sight of Jungkook and his pack performing on stage. You remember Taehyung telling you that Hoseok could not play the guitar, but you can’t tell from how he is shredding away. Your eyes jump from member to member and they are each playing the instrument that Taehyung has told you about. You never knew that Jungkook could even play the drums.
“What is even going on?” You whisper, feeling like this has to be some kind of dream. 
You look at Jimin to ask a question and gasp, flinching when you feel a sharp pain in your lower back. A hiss spills from your lips and Jimin eyes you critically. Your eyes start to water and you don’t understand why you are in pain. Jimin’s eyes soften in understanding and he moves you to stand in front of him.
“One moment, kitten.” 
Jimin forces his nails to grow and pinches the fabric of your bodysuit between his fingers. Carefully he rips the fabric at the base of your spin and you shiver as his fingers wrap around something that wasn’t there before. You feel Jimin pull something out of your bodysuit and the pain is gone.
“Feel better, kitten?” 
“Um…yeah. W-What did you do? What did you pull-” You jump at the feeling of Jimin’s hands on your…it’s not your butt but it’s pretty close. Turning your head to look over your shoulders, your hazel cat eyes double in size at the sight of a grey tail. “Is that-”
“You’ve got a tail to match your pretty ears…”
“I-I…what is happening to me?”
Jimin wraps his arms around your waist and holds you as you slowly start to fall apart. Your thoughts are running a mile a minute, you don’t understand what has happened. One minute you were joking with Wooyoung and the next everything was pitch black and you suddenly had the worst headache of your life. Wooyoung dropped to the floor unconscious and when you checked for a pulse there wasn’t one. 
Your head still hurts and when you go to rub it once more, you feel soft fur as it tickles your fingertips. Ears…you have real animal ears on top of your head where your headband should be.
Jimin nuzzles his nose into your neck and you purr, your body feeling lax as you lean against his chest. Jimin hums deep in his chest and inhales a lungful of your new scent.
“Mmmmm. You’re a hybrid from the smell of it, kitten…and you smell wonderful.”
“A-A hybrid? But, how? This has to be a dream.”
“That we’re all in and aware of?” Jimin muses and you gulp. He has a point there. Maybe this is more like a nightmare. “Let’s just roll with it for now and we can figure out what the fuck is going on after. Right now no one is trying to kill, attack or fuck anyone, so I’ll take that small victory.”
“What are the guys going to do?”
“What do you think? We’re BTS, the world famous rock band!”
The name rings a small bell deep in your subconscious and slowly, song after song plays in your mind. BTS, Bangtan Sonyeondan. Yes, you remember now. BTS is a band that you work with…no. No, that can’t be right. It doesn’t make sense. Why would BTS work at your company? Your mind is starting to feel hazy, molasses slow as the memories of the pack start to shift into fleeting meetings and longing stares shared through a screen. What are you even doing here by their manager’s side?
The song changes and Namjoon howls. It makes your ears twitch and your eyes focus on the drummer, Jungkook as he starts to move around.
보름달 아래서
허벅지를 꼬집고
참아야 하는 거야 no
옆에 누워있는
살짝 비춰지는
널 어떻게 해야 돼
Taehyung growls the word “wolf” low into the mic and your tail wraps around your waist as Jungkook howls. On the second “wolf” the whole band howls along with the other werewolves in the club. Beside you, Jimin smirks and throws his arm over your shoulder.
“Shall we get a drink? The others will come up when they are done.”
“S-Sure…” You struggle to find your footing as Jimin grabs your hand and pulls you through the mass of bodies with two members of security tagging along. As you walk up the steps to the second floor, you feel the haze of your mind lifting. You shake your head trying to clear the lingering effects of whatever was going on downstairs and Jimin helps you sit at the bar. He keeps a hand on your lower back, just above your tail and tells you to sit forward on the stool, so that your tail isn’t squished. You take his advice and Jimin nods, proud of himself as he sits beside you.
“Water?” Jimin offers and you hum in agreement. Water sounds like the safest choice since you still have no idea what is going on. 
“How long will this-” You motion to your ears and wiggle your tail behind you, “Last? I don’t know if I can take the amount of smells coming at me.”
Jimin coos with a frown and places a hand on your knee, “We’ll figure something out. As a demon, my nose is better attuned to curses and there is magic in the air. It’s faint but there.”
“A curse did this?!” You stare at Jimin in disbelief. “Who would even want to do this?”
“You’d be surprised.” Jimin laughs and runs a hand through his ink black hair. “It has been quite a while since I’ve seen a spell of this caliber. To affect everyone, both human and mystic alike…I hate to say it but I’m impressed.”
“Says the demon that just became the manager of a famous band,” You frown and Jimin chuckles. 
“What can I say? I’m blessed!” 
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Jungkook is panting by the time he walks off the stage with the rest of his pack. His hair is plastered to his forehead by sweat and the jacket he had on is now draped over one of his arms. He knows his graphic t-shirt is soaked, he can feel it stick to his chest, abs and back. It’s a gross feeling but the cheering from everyone in the club is worth it. As he heads up the steps that lead to the second floor, Jungkook feels his inner wolf pace around. The animal is uneasy and Jungkook cannot remember why.
Reaching the second floor, Jungkook easily spots Jimin and sees that he is talking to what looks to be a hybrid. Needing a bottle of water, Jungkook makes his way to the bar and the scent of freshly zested limes dusted in cane sugar smacks him in the face. The wolf inside purrs in content and presses at the forefront of his mind. Jungkook’s eyes shift to red and Jimin’s gaze meets his own. The demon grins, his teeth gleaming in the lighten as he licks his lips and says something to the hybrid before him.
The hybrid turns in their seat and piercing hazel cat eyes stare into Jungkook’s very soul. The ears on top of your head twitch and your tail quivers, your chest rumbles with a loud purr and Jungkook is standing in front of you in the blink of an eye. 
“Kitten…wow.” Jungkook’s eyes glance up at your ears and heat creeps up the back of your neck and runs fire hot under your cheeks. 
You duck your head to gather your thoughts, unable to think straight with Jungkook looking right at you but he isn’t having that. Lifting your chin with his index and middle finger, Jungkook growls in warning and narrows his eyes.
“Eyes on me-”
The faintest hint of sweetened milk invades Jungkook’s olfactory and he leans forward, grazing his nose along the pink leather of the choker around your throat. Your breath catches in your throat as Jungkook inhales deeply and you whine, your tail flicking around behind you. 
Jimin slides off his bar stool and disappears into the bodies that are on the second floor. He knows when he isn’t needed. 
A hot dampness, pressed against your neck, the choker in the way, guarding most of the skin as Jungkook samples your new scent gland. You shiver and Jungkook’s inner wolf howls.
Jungkook’s nose presses against the choker and he inhales again, your scent creating a warmth deep in his stomach that makes all the blood rush to the knot in his pants. 
The title is a high pitched whine, a mix between a purr and cry. Jungkook growls as your sent spikes, the cane sugar now much sweeter and it makes his mouth water.
“What do you want, Omega?” Jungkook flicks his tongue against your choker and nips at the leather with his teeth. You can feel the warmth of his breath as he breathes against the moist skin. Jungkook hums in question as you remain silent, your scent becoming sweeter and sweeter as the seconds pass. “Tell, Alpha, pretty kitten. Tell Alpha what you want.”
“K-Knot. Want A-Alpha’s knot!”
Jungkook’s wolf claws to the surface, determined to answer his sweet omega’s call as your body trembles in front of him. Jungkook grabs hold of your hand and tugs you towards the restrooms. Kicking the door open to the women, Jungkook shoves you inside and snarls at an older bird hybrid that is coming out of the men’s room. He slams the door shut and clicks the lock in place before unbuttoning and unzipping his pants. 
Your senses are in overdrive, your body feels too hot and you feel a gush of liquid spill from between your legs. You whine at the feeling, not used to the heady scent coming off of Jungkook or the wetness between your legs. 
“I know, ‘mega.” Jungkook huffs with a chuckle as he pulls his dick free from his black Calvin Klein boxer briefs. Keeping his back towards you, Jungkook bites his lip as his groin tingles and he starts to pee on the floor by the door, the liquid seeping under the crack of the door and spilling out into the hallway. Jungkook grumbles as his wolf yips in delight. Now, no one will try to come into the bathroom. He gave them a clear warning that this place is his and soon he will show everyone that the omega is his as well.
Jungkook tucks himself back into his pants and spins on the heel of his boots. There you are looking like sin. Your chest is heaving, sweat is beaded on your forehead and your hazel cat eyes are blown wide. What a pretty sight, his pretty little kitten. Jungkook walks over to you, his boots landing heavily against the floor before he is standing in front of you. Jungkook’s large hand wraps around your throat and you whimper, widen your legs as he steps closer. You can feel the heat of his body through your clothing, you can feel the stiffness of his dick and it makes your mouth water.
“Messy kitten,” Jungkook coos and licks at the corner of your mouth. You didn’t even realize that you were drooling. You part your lips and turn your head slightly, as best you can with his grip on your throat. You greet his tongue with yours and Jungkook groans at the taste of you. He licks into your mouth, exploring every crevasse as he devores your moans, swallowing them down like a sweet treat. Fingers dig into your hip and you gasp as he pulls you flush against him, his thigh pressing right into your clothed clit. 
Grinding his thigh against you, Jungkook relishes in the soft wet squishing sound your pussy makes as the fabric becomes soaked. The light grey fabric darkens in one spot and Jungkook groans as you nip at his pierced lip with your newly sharpened teeth. 
“Easy, kitten.”
“K-Knot me Alpha! Want your knot!” You beg, your hips starting to jerk against his thick and corded thigh. 
“Make it messy for me, kitten.” Jungkook mummers as he trails his lips up your jaw to the lobe of your ear. “Ruin these pants and I’ll knot your pretty pussy.” Jungkook takes your lobe between his teeth and tugs it lightly. “Can you do that?”
“Y-Yes! Yes, Alpha!” 
You grab at Jungkook’s t-shirt, fisting the material in your hands as you start to grind down on his thigh harder. Jungkook looks down his nose at you, watching you get yourself off with little to nothing but the promise of his knot. The wolf inside is happily wagging its tail and howls. Your scent is maddening, Jungkook wishes he would have told you to ride his face and not his thigh. You start to pant more, soft moans and fevered ‘ah, ah, ahs’ fill the air as you reach closer and closer to your release. 
Jungkook takes pity on you, he reaches between your bodies and presses his thumb right against your clit adding more pressure. Your back bows and you yowl in pleasure as your stomach tightens forcing more liquid to spill from you. Your walls tighten around nothing but that’s okay. The promise of Jungkook’s chock eases the ache and as you shiver from the afterglow of your release, Jungkook removes his thigh and rips your bodysuit right down the middle.
You yelp from sudden display of strength and Jungkook chuckles as your scent grows even sweeter. Grabbing your hips, Jungkook spins you around and pushes your outfit off your shoulders. It gathers at your hips and catches on your tail which makes Jungkook growl as he rips the suit once more. It falls to ribbons at your feet but you don’t care about that. What you care about are the set of red eyes drinking in the baby pink lingerie that does very little to hide your body in the bathroom mirror.
“Fuck…” Jungkook’s hand rakes up your sides and slides forward, cupping your breasts and squeezing them before he licks at the side of your neck. “Look at you, so fucking sexy. So fucking-” Jungkook tweaks your nipples between his fingers and chuckles as your tail swats at his side.
“Fucking perfect for me.” Jungkook pulls the bra down, letting your breasts spill out over the fabric before he slides a hand down the front of your body and teases the apex of your thighs.
“I can smell you from here kitten.” Jungkook slaps your thigh twice and you part your legs, giving him access to your dripping core. Cupping your sex, Jungkook pushes the thong to the side and teases two of his fingers between your lips. You shiver at the warmth and your eyes flutter closed. “Eyes on me!” Jungkook demands with a quick slap to your thigh. 
Opening your eyes, you watch as Jungkook drags his hand from between your legs and lifts it up to eye level. You can see your arousal coating his fingers in a clear fluid that is sticky as he separates his fingers creating a thin spider-like web between them. You watch, mouth dropping open as Jungkook licks his index finger with the flat of his tongue before he sucks his middle finger into his mouth. His eyes never leave yours as he releases his fingers and trails them down the length of your body. It disappears behind you and you can feel Jungkook shifting around before the warmth of his bare thighs grazes your ass and tail.
You lean forward, back arched with your ass poking out, chest nearly spilling into the cool white porcelain of the sink. Biting his lip, Jungkook purrs in approval and grabs your ass in his hands. He squeezes the globes of flesh tightly, his eyes falling to the smooth-looking skin. He glances at your reflection in the mirror to make sure that you are still looking at him. He smirks and delivers a quick slap to your right cheek. You whine at the slight pain, but it makes your walls clench, more of your arousal seeping from between your legs. Jungkook giggles, fucking giggles as he soothes the sore spot with his hand and nibbles on his lip piercing.
“Gonna make sure you’re fucking always full, kitten. Can’t wait to cream this pussy and plug you with my fat knot.”
Before you can even beg, the heat from Jungkook’s cock shuts you up as the tip slides between your folds and kisses your entrance. One single push and Jungkook bottoms out, your walls stretching with a dull pain that makes you whimper in delight.
“Shhhiiiit!” Jungkook groans, his head falling forward as he starts to thrust his hips shallowly. The warmth of your pussy is addicting, the smooth endless glide of your slick is everything and more that Jungkook has ever imagined. Looking at the way your pussy stretches around his cock, Jungkook tightens a hand on your hip; his fingers digging into the flesh as he picks up speed.
Skin on skin, wet and loud. Squashling, squeezing, dripping, and warm, so fucking warm. Jungkook’s eyes zone in on the tail at the small of your back and licks his lips. Running a hand down your spine, he grabs the base of your tail and gives it an experimental tug. Your walls wrap around him in a vice, daring him to move as a full body orgasm is ripped out of you. Your toes curl, your eyes slam shut and you scream, your hazel eyes now a vibrant blue as your canines grow double in size.
“F-fuck!” Jungkook smacks his lips as he continues to fuck into your pussy. “That’s in ‘mega. Make it creamy, baby.” Jungkook’s voice is deeper, more of a hiss as the thin white translucent slick from your pussy circles the base of his dick, covering his half-formed knot.
Jungkook’s eyes shift to red and his words slowly fade away, giving room for more growls and snarls as his wolf takes over. Another wave of pleasure washes over your body. Your back arches and your tail wraps around Jungkook’s wrist as you plead for his knot, begging him to plug your needy hole. 
Slamming into you, Jungkook feels the way your womb opens up to him, the way it craves his seed and that spurs him on. Gripping your hair, Jungkook pulls you upward and groans as your walls pulse around his dick. His teeth ache, feeling too big for his mouth, just the right size for the empty spot over your scent glade.
“Mine!” Jungkook growls as his knot starts to swell to the size of a softball. “Mine…mine!” The round base pushes against your entrance and your legs shake as your pussy is stretched even more to accommodate his size. Licking his lips, Jungkook howls as his knot pops into you with a loud squish and you scream as his teeth sink into the meat of your neck. Wetness sprays from around Jungkook’s knot, your walls squeeze, push and pull, trying to force him out and keep him in. It’s a painful mixture of pleasure that has you seeing stars, and when the hotness of Jungkook’s seed fills your womb, you shiver.
Your neck stings, burns something awful before a cooling numbness spreads and seeps deep into your veins.
Blue eyes meet red ones in the mirror and your inner cat curls into a little ball of soft, soft warmth. Tears blur your vision as Jungkook releases your neck. His tongue is rougher as it licks at the open wound and he shushes you, rubbing his hands up and down your back before he gathers you in his arms as best he can with his knot still locking the two of you together. 
“Shhh, kitten. It’s okay, I got ya. I’m here.” Jungkook tilts your head and licks your tears away, pressing his lips to your cheek and inhaling the scent of you and him. The wound on your neck has closed over, no longer bleeding but it isn’t fully healed. It’s an ugly shade that you know will take some time to go away but you will wear it with pride.
Tears spill over your eyes and Jungkook’s scent changes as he starts to panic. “I’m sorry, fuck! I’m sorry…I didn’t ask!”
You don’t care about that, not really. You have loved Jungkook for so long, and you pray that this isn’t some stick and twisted nightmare. Jungkook always says that he will never date a human because they are too fragile and he cannot always control his wolf. You understood that you had no place beside Jungkook other than as his friend… But now?
“W-What happens now?” You cry, gripping onto Jungkook’s forearm as he holds you up right. “I’m…I’m not a real hybrid-”
“Hey, hey! No, none of that kitten.” Jungkook presses a million kisses to your cheek and hugs you tightly.
“You won’t want me when I change back.”
“I will always want you…” Jungkook drops his forehead to your shoulder and kisses your new mating mark. “I love you.”
Hot tears stream down your naked back and Jungkook sniffles.
“I love you. I-I don’t care if this is temporary.” 
Your lower lip wobbles and you shake your head unable to understand. Jungkook loves you…but-
“Jimin and Hoseok will figure it out. They’re demons, this is their shit.”
“And if they can turn me back?” You ponder and Jungkook picks his head to look into your eyes through the mirror.
“It is your call, kitten. I will love you either way. The mating mark will not go away…we can figure it all out.”
Jungkook’s knot starts to deflate and he carefully pulls away from you before he spins you around and tugs you into his arms. His lips are soft as he kisses you breathless. Love, so much love is poured into the kiss and you melt into his body.
“I love you, Jungkook.” You whisper against his lips and Jungkook smiles, his nose scrunching up as he nuzzles against your mating mark.
A knock at the door makes both of you jump and Jungkook growls loudly.
“Are you done yet?” Yoongi’s voice comes from the other side of the door. “The Ward of Magic is here!” He informs you and your eyes widen. The Ward of Magic? They only come when a serious crime has been committed. 
“Do you have my jacket?” Jungkook calls out and Yoongi rolls his eyes.
“Right here, Kookie.”
Jungkook steps away and pulls his shirt off over his head. He eyes your body and looks down at his shirt…Ripping the shirt a few times and making a couple of knots, Jungkook holds out what is now a cute and edgy skirt. You quickly put it on, pull your tail through a rip and keep your back towards the door while Jungkook grabs his jacket from Yoongi.
“For fucksake, Kook! Put your dick away!” The pack alpha scolds and Jungkook slams the door in his face. You giggle upon turning around and seeing that Jungkook’s ears are tinted in embarrassment. 
Jungkook holds out his jacket and you slip your arms into it. Carefully, you remove your shoes and Jungkook snickers as you step out of your destroyed body suit. Shoving your feet back into your shoes, you head into the stall and quickly clean yourself up while Jungkook does the same. 
“Ready?” Jungkook questions, his large boba eyes filled with fierce determination.
Hand in hand, you and Jungkook exit the bathroom and Yoongi is waiting against the wall with a small smile on his lips.
“Welcome to the pack, kitten.” He giggles, seeing the mating mark on your neck, and Jungkook licks his lips. He knew that his whole pack would feel it the moment he bit you, but having the pack alpha’s approval makes a weight in his chest lift. Jungkook nudges you to head out first, so that he can speak with Yoongi alone. Yoongi raises an eyebrow and quickly scruffs Jungkook on the neck gently. “Guess you were blessed with a curse huh?”
475 notes · View notes
hyunpic · 6 months
75 notes · View notes
That Boy is a Monster
Genre: Smut
Word Count: 4.3k
Summary: You had sworn you would never feed on a human again, and for centuries you had kept your promise. But now, with your blood supply suddenly cut off, that primitive hunger you thought you’d conquered so long ago comes back with a vengeance and you find yourself on the hunt for human blood once again. Only it turns out that the hot boy you’d picked out wasn’t so human after all. Feat. baby Hajoon
Warnings: dubcon, super dom!woosung, rough sex, a ridiculous amount of cum, degradation, blood drinking, woosung using the OC like a fuckdoll, minor violence, unedited garbage 
A/N: I’m back on my werewolf/vampire shit and I blame sammy for it
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You haven’t had a taste of alcohol in decades, but, right now, the world was spinning around you like you had just downed a dozen shots of the hardest liquor back to back. Everything was hazy and all your senses were dulled except for the gnawing hunger in the pit of your stomach and the burning smell of spice in your nose as you nuzzled your face into the neck of the boy you were grinding on. You could barely hold yourself back from sinking your teeth into his flesh and getting at the burning blood underneath that was taunting you with the promise of satiating the kind of hunger you hadn’t felt in centuries.
You hadn’t even realized you were that thirsty until you smelled him. Something about him was so intoxicating and dangerous. You couldn’t quite put your finger on it, but his skin was golden and he smelled of something so earthy and familiar, it made your head swim and your skin prickle.
He easily agreed when you told him that you wanted to take him home, pearly whites gleaming in your hazy vision as he stared you up and down hungrily. Which was just all kinds of wrong, you were the predator here so why did he look like he could just eat you whole? And why the hell did that scare you? An ordinary human like him, no matter how intimidating he looks, is no match for you.
It’s only when you have him in your bed, ready to sink your teeth into him and far too drained to actually fuck him beforehand, that you realize your deadly mistake. He was no ordinary human at all.
“I don’t think so, kitten.” He laughs that laidback laugh of his and shrugs you off.
Even in your weakened state, you still reel from just how easily he’s able to pin you down and tear the clothes right off your body. He breaks no sweat in manhandling you, flipping you onto your stomach and pulling you up by your ass so he could plant a kiss on your now exposed slit.
“You know, I’ve always wanted to fuck a vampire.” His lips brush against your lower ones and you feel a chill running down your spine as you finally grasp the situation you were in.
That fucker is a werewolf.
“Don’t you dare.” You hiss, and claw at the sheets to try to escape his impossibly strong grip, but it was useless. With your full strength, you’d make a formidable foe, but right now you were as easy as a human to him.
Spreading your cheeks apart with his hands, he pushes his face between your legs and gives out an appreciative hum as his wet tongue swirls in circles around your opening. That’s when you realize, to your absolute horror and disgust, that you’re actually wet for him.  
You’ve never fucked a wolf before, never even considered it. They were inferior creatures, ruled by their desires and swayed by the moon. A sophisticated being like yourself had no business dirtying themselves with such savages. But here he was, not only forcing you into it but actually getting your body to react to him.
His oral skills were as unrefined as you would think, his tongue messily prodding into you and his lips slurping up your wetness, but the little moans and groans that keep spilling out of his mouth as he enthusiastically eats you out just make you wetter for him. You can’t fathom how this wolf could have such a visceral effect on you. It’s like he’s infecting you with his animalistic need and forcing you to give into base desires you didn’t think you possessed anymore.  
Far from the dullness from a while ago, now everything was just too much. You keep trying to slip from his grasp, to get away from his tongue that was relentlessly flicking across your opening, driving you crazy with the need to just push it inside and fill you up with something, anything.
He gets you so worked up that when finally slides his dick inside you, you can’t hold back the whiny moan he tears from you.
“Yeah, that feels good, doesn’t it, kitten?” He growls, hips moving fluidly as he fucks you, “I knew I could fuck one of you into submission if I tried.”
“I’ll tear you apa--hmph”
You don’t get so finish your threat. He pushes your face into the sheets, shutting you up.
“You’re all so fucking proud, but look at you now, propped up like any other bitch for me to use.”
He adds insult to injury by slapping your ass harshly. You yelp at the first hit, not having expected it, but when he keeps spanking you in order to elicit more screams from you, you resort to biting down on the sheets in order not to give him what he wants. It was bad enough that your pussy was practically sucking him in each time he went to pull back, you didn’t need to moan like a bitch in heat for him too.
But of course that fucker won’t just let you preserve your dignity.
“Oh no, you don’t get to hide from me.” He pulls your body up all the way, pressing your back against his chest with one hand on your lower belly and the other wrapped tightly around your neck. This way there is nothing to muffle your moans except biting down on your tongue hard enough to lose some of the already small amount of blood you had left in your body, and even then, he could hear every little sound you try to keep buried in your throat as he fucks you just like that with a strength only a monster like him could possess. “Come on, moan for me, kitten. I already know you like it. You smell more delicious than a bitch in heat. Moan for me and maybe I’ll let you cum on my dick.”
“Fuck you, you dirty mutt.” Blood sputters from your mouth as you spit the words out.
“Still too proud, huh? You won’t be when I’m done with you.” He slaps you again, this time over your pussy, the sting so unexpected it makes you clench around his dick hard, tearing a harsh growl from his own throat as he cums inside you.
You’ve never seen or felt a wolf cum before, but you’d heard they produced a lot. You’ve always found that fucking disgusting, but nothing could’ve prepared you for just how much he could actually cum. Spurt after the other, he spent his seed inside you in a seemingly never ending stream until it was overflowing and leaking from around his length that was still lodged inside of you.
“Disgusting.” You croak, feeling filthy with his sticky seed dripping from you like this.
Suddenly, you find yourself flipped around on your back as he unceremoniously pushed your legs apart with his knees to ogle at his own cum that was escaping from your pussy. He pushes his fingers inside you then brings them out, his fingers coated with his white seed.
“Fuck.” He groans as he starts fucking his fingers in and out of you. He was practically salivating at the sight, absolutely fascinated by how each time they came out with more of his cum.
“If you’re going to be drooling like a dog, why don’t you put your mouth on me already?” You mutter, impatient and feeling your belly buzzing from need.
The look he gives you as his eyes suddenly flick up towards your face makes you clench around his fingers that had stilled inside of you. He stares at you for a second before he smirks and bends down to flick his tongue across your clit.
You gasp, your back arching and your fingers flying to his hair to tangle themselves in it. He resumes pumping his fingers inside you, coupling it with a surprisingly focused attack on your clit with his tongue, making sure to touch and lick you just right, his superior senses helping him figure out what exactly you like. You guess he calmed down a bit after cumming and now he could focus on how to drive you insane.
You couldn’t look down at him because you knew that he was watching you, and if your eyes were to meet his while he was eating you out so good, you’re afraid he’d enslave your soul forever.
Just when you were starting to feel your pleasure building up from his ministrations, he pulls back and removes his fingers from you, making you let out an embarrassing whine which only pleases the cocky wolf even more. He puts his hands on your waist and pulls your hips down flush against his. He uses his knees to push your thighs apart and leans forward a bit so his hard dick is laying heavy over your needy pussy.
“Fuck, didn’t you cum already?”
“Oh, I’m not nearly done with you, kitten. I don’t know when I’ll have this chance again and I’m not leaving you until I’ve had my fill.”
You shudder at the way his teeth glint as he grins, and you can’t tell how you didn’t figure out he was a wolf earlier. Everything from his flashy outfit to the earthy notes in his scent to the way his fangs protrude just a little bit even in their resting state screams out that he’s a wolf. And now you were paying for your fatal oversight.
He bottoms out inside you once again, but instead of hammering into you like last time, he takes to swiveling his hips around in circles, sliding his dick in and out of you in a way that makes it brush against every last crevice inside of you and bringing his hips in touch with yours so his pubic bone grinds against your aching clit. This position brings him very close to you, specifically his neck to your sharp fangs as he leans his weight down on you. If he were to bend down just a little more, you’d be able to attack him.
Staring down at him with heavy-lidded eyes, you purr seductively, “Why don’t you come closer, baby?”  
He laughs, “Because you’ll bite my head off if I did?”
“Nuh-uh,” You whine, biting your lip. “Just wanna taste you.”
You wrap your arms and legs around his body and try to pull him down towards you but you can’t even make him budge. Frustrated, you dig your fingers into his skin and rake them down his back, your nails still sharp enough to gouge red trails in their wake.
But instead of deterring him, it only works him up more, and he throws his head back and starts thrusting with more zeal once again, chasing after his own high. With each firm move of his hips, you could practically see the blood flowing through his visible veins and it makes your mouth water.
He was driving you crazy--staying just out of reach so you wouldn’t be able to get at him, fucking you well enough to get you close to the edge but not over it.  
“Come on, kitten, don’t you wanna cum? What are you waiting for?” He taunts.
You growl at him, baring your fangs and continuing to claw at his back uselessly. You’ve never felt this helpless and frustrated before. You wish you could just pin him down and get what you needed from him--just fuck him until you cum and then drain him of his life’s blood.
He must love it, getting to use a powerful being like yourself for his own pleasure, having you struggle under him but be able to do nothing but hiss and growl like a cornered kitten, all while your body betrays you and you pussy keeps spasming around his dick.
“I’m close again, kitten. Are you gonna cum with me?” He trails a hand across your belly until it rests just above your pussy, and then he just keeps it there, once again just out of reach of where you needed him. “Come on, kitten, cum with me.”
He pulls out just before he releases so his cum can land on your body, the large amount of it landing on your stomach, chest, and even your hair. You were now entirely covered with the smell of him, inside and out. You don’t know how you could ever live this down. You’ve always looked down on creatures like him and he knows it. So to be marked by him in such a humiliating way made fury curl up in your stomach, tangling with the pleasure there to create a powerful sense of hatred for the young wolf above you.
He must sense it, and he fucking gets off on it.
“Aw, you didn’t cum again?” He smiles widely, “It’s okay, I’ll give you one more chance.”
Your stomach drops as he sits up and pulls you back with him. By now you barely have enough energy to even hold yourself up, let alone fight him so he easily sits you down on his cock, his hands propping you up as he fucks you from underneath, making you bounce you on his dick like a fucking ragdoll.
How the fuck is he still hard? He must be getting off on playing with you.
In contrast to him, your body was giving up, your vision getting blurry as the last shreds of energy start leaving your body, and you can’t even hold your head upright anymore.
“Woah, woah, stay with me, kitten.” He tangles a hand in your hair and pulls harshly on it, forcing your head up.
“Feed me.” You rasp, your scalp burning as you fight against his grip on your hair in order to bury your face in his neck, and to your surprise, he actually loosens his hold on you a bit, letting you lean your head down towards him.
But at the last second, he nudges your head down so your mouth meets his upper chest, making you miss his neck by just a small fraction. Unable to fight against his hold and too starved to wait any longer, you clamp down on his skin anyway, needing anything you can get from him at this point.
There were no major arteries near you, but the small amount of blood that comes out of the wound you made on his chest hits your tongue and floods your body with pleasure. Suddenly, your senses are awakened again and you find yourself absolutely littering his chest with little bites that draw a small amount of blood each, but every tiny bit heats you up little by little until you find yourself desperately grinding on his dick while you lick and bite him all over his chest.  
He fucking loves it too, bucking up into you wildly as his third orgasm builds up. He gets so into it that his attention slips for a second, his fingers loosening up in your hair as he throws his head back to pant and moan. You use what little amount of strength you’ve gained from his blood to push against his hold and bury your face in his neck, your teeth biting down on him with a vengeance.
“AH FUCK!” He cries out, his orgasm hitting him hard. Growling, he pushes you down on to the bed, tumbling down over you when you refuse to dislodge your teeth from his neck, the exquisite taste of his blood making you eyes roll to the back of your head.
Claws protrude out from his hands tear at your side as he tries to remove your mouth from him. Using his hips, he hammers his dick into you, forcing you into your own orgasm and in that moment when your orgasm overwhelms you--the pleasure in your belly finally overflowing and reaching every last part of your body with the newly acquired blood you just drank from him-- he claws at your scalp and rips your head away from him, your mouth coming off with a small chunk of his flesh.
“Fuck, shit, shit,” He curses, holding a hand to his neck where a gaping wound was now.
You try to get up and attack him again, but unfortunately the blood you drank from him wasn’t nearly enough to help you regain your strength and you promptly fall back down on the bed, exhausted once again as your orgasm burns up the last bit of energy you had acquired.
“Bad kitten.” He growls, crawling towards you, his hands leaving bloody prints on the sheets. Grabbing your face, he kisses you harshly, biting your lips before you can bite him and moaning at the taste as if he liked it--knowing him, he probably did.
Keeping your head pinned to the bed, he pulls back slightly to stare down at you, his eyes still filled to the brim with arousal. The trickle of blood from the wound on his neck grabs your attention and you stare at the bright, fragrant blood hungrily, your stomach twisting and growling.
“I should kill you for that stunt you just pulled.” He snarls lowly.
“Do it then.” You were sick of being his toy. If this is how it all ends for you then so be it, you won’t give him the satisfaction of humiliating you any longer.
“Oh no, kitten.” That cocky smile is back on his face, “I can’t let a creature as beautiful as you perish.”
You narrow your eyes at him. What was his play here? “So what are you gonna do? Keep me around to fuck me whenever you want to? I thought you were smarter than that.”
“You’re right. If I do that I’d be writing my own death sentence. But that doesn’t mean I can’t ever visit you again.”
“You’d be wise to avoid me at all costs because if I ever see your face again, that would be the end for you, make no mistake.” You threaten him, fully intending to follow through on your words.
“Don’t you underestimate me, kitten.” He warns you, and you shudder at the dark promise in his eyes. You didn’t know what he was capable of but the thought scared you. He was obviously crazy and brazen enough to attempt it.  
“Now enough chit-chat. How about a parting gift? A small token of my admiration?” He grins deviously.  
“What?” You don’t have time to question him before he’s gone and you’re left alone in your bed, feeling gross and starved.
You don’t realize you’d dozed off until you hear shuffling noises inside your apartment and a moment later, the wolf reemerges with another boy in hand.
“Here you go, love.” He proclaims proudly as he pulls the boy’s head back roughly to show you his neck, presenting him like a dog showing his kill to his owner. “Isn’t he pretty?”
He was. So pretty, and innocent and oh so scared. Too scared to even mutter a single word. The wolf must’ve really done a number on him.
The wolf pulls the boy to the bed and ties him to the headboard so he won’t be able to escape, then he pulls you on top of the boy, rearranging the both of you however he wants.
“Enjoy your meal, darling.” He whispers in your ear, holding you from behind.
Sensing that he’s about to leave, you grab onto his arms that were around you. “Don’t go. I want you.” You don’t care to hide the ferociousness in your voice, and yet it makes him shiver with need anyway. He wanted you to bite him.  “Maybe next time kitten. I’ll be ready for you then and we can have more fun.”  
He twists your head around to give you one last kiss before he takes off, leaving you with the poor human boy who he intends to become your meal.
When you look down at him, you find that he was staring up at you but once your eyes meet his, he squeezes his eyes shut and scrunches his face up in fear. When you cup his cheeks in your hands, he lets out a tiny whimper.
“What’s your name, love?” You ask him softly, and in that moment you realize that you don’t even know the wolf’s name.
“Ha-hajoon.” His voice is barely above a whisper but you hear it anyway.
“Do you know what I am, Hajoon?”
He nods, eyes still closed shut, and you actually feel sorry for him.
“Don’t worry, darling. This won’t hurt.”
He nods once again, tears falling down his face as he quietly sobs, resigning himself to his fate. When you lean down towards his neck and your fangs scrape against his skin,the gasp he lets out is broken wet and teary that it shatters your heart. It’s been so long since you’ve fed directly from a human and all those feelings of guilt and sorry come rushing back to you at once. With all that has happened today, you feel like you’ve regressed to your younger self once again, so uncertain and scared and alone.
You see those same emotions reflected on the boy’s face and you realize that you can’t bring yourself to hurt him.  Pulling back, you wait patiently for the boy to open his eyes and look at you, which he does eventually, gaze brimming with confusion.
“What’s wrong?” He asks shakily, his voice raw and raspy from fear.
“I don’t want to hurt you, and I don’t have to. Feeding doesn’t have to be traumatic. Sometimes it can even be pleasurable if you’re in the right mindset, and you can walk away from it safe and satisfied. But I need you to relax and give yourself to me. I need you to give me your full trust. You think you can do that, baby?”
It takes him a while to respond, and you fully expect him to say no. But when you hear his heartbeat slow down ever so slightly, you already know what he’ll say next.
You smile at him, your heart warming up to the strange boy.
You had planned to drink just enough blood from Hajoon to get back on your feet then seek out nutrition from other places until your strength is fully restored and you can go after the wolf that started this all.
But Hajoon would have none of it. He refused to leave your side until you were back to your full strength. And that he did. He stayed by your side until he had nursed you back to health, helping you find more food by basically getting his friends to donate their blood for you.
It was then that you couldn’t help but notice how jealous he got when you’d feed from other people, and after that, it was pretty easy to figure out that the human boy had developed feelings for you.
You found it adorable, really. It was so like humans to fall for the very thing that could end them. And yet, despite being a superiorly more intelligent being, you found yourself growing fond of the boy by the day, and by time, you came to reciprocate his feelings too, falling for the boy who had basically saved your life.
It was at his request that you abandoned your vengeance plans. He convinced you that you won’t gain anything from chasing after the wolf. You’d only be putting yourself in danger and he couldn’t handle losing you. He needed you to stay by his side just like he did before.
You honor your promise to him and stay away from the wolf, starting by changing apartments to somewhere far away from where you’d met him and taking whatever measures you could to prevent him from finding you again.
As the days pass, you become grateful that Hajoon had stopped you. You’ve come to find happiness and contentment in your budding relationship with him that you don’t even think about the monster who brought you together. Actually, you had almost forgotten him entirely when he decided to force himself back in your life.
One day, you step into your shared apartment with Hajoon, only to be greeted by the overwhelming stench of blood, one that elicited nauseousness in you rather than hunger as it could have only belonged to your seriously injured lover.
Sure enough, you find him at the foot of the couch, sprawled at the wolf’s feet and covered in his own blood with a gaping wound torn into the flesh of his shoulder.
“Why is he still alive, kitten? Don’t you know when you leave food around too long it goes bad? Now look what you’ve done.” He indicates towards your lover, as if it was your own fault he was dying.
You rush forward, scooping Hajoon in your arms and checking his injuries. You almost jump back in horror when you see that the wound on his shoulder was a bite… one that could transform your own lover into a beast just like the one sitting so cockily and at ease on your couch above your head.  
Anxiously, your hands flutter around Hajoon’s body, trying to figure out what to do, and for a second, you consider biting him to try and turn him into before the wolf’s venom sets in.
“I wouldn’t do that if I were you.” The wolf warns happily, “It’s too late already and your venom would only kill him now.”
“Why are you doing this?” You wail in despair as he once again turns your world upside down on your head.
“I told you I’d be back and I don’t appreciate being pushed aside for what should’ve been a one-ticket meal.”
“You’re not pushed aside because you have no place in my life to begin with.” You scream at him, cradling Hajoon to your chest as the venom takes its hold on his body and he starts suffering the effects of the transformation. “You’re fucking insane.”
The wolf laughs and looks down at you gleefully, “Oh, believe me, kitten, you haven’t even seen the half of it.”
A/N: I’m struggling so much with writing lately and I’ve only been putting out half-assed unedited fics and I hate it but it’s the only thing I can put out right now so I hope you like it anyway and don’t judge me too harshly lol
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king of bangtan | namjoon
summary: Namjoon. Boyfriend. Recently bitten werewolf. Alpha. Kissing. word count: 2.4k note: okay I wrote this a long time ago, before I even knew bts and now i read though it again, going, “oh wow, this is basically Namjoon…” Did you see his instagram post in Vienna or where was it, with the one fan on weverse commenting how Joon has buffed up? lmao i thought this would fit so well. anyway, thank you to @taeshuworld for pointing out how well Woosung's Face goes with this. i also recommend listening to Wolf. warnings: fluff, werewolf-theme, shirtless Namjoon
masterlist | moodboard masterlist
It’s the third time today that your boyfriend stands (shirtless) before the full-body mirror in your room. It seems he’s discovered something and now he can’t stop checking up on it. It’s probably pointless to tell him now that you’ve been noticing it for a while (to be precise, ever since he was bitten). When Namjoon turns around, nervously glancing at you, probably to gauge your reaction, you shrug. Why is he so afraid of becoming more muscular?
“Don’t look at me”, you chuckle, “I will never complain.”
He turns around, giving you the real thing to admire. And you do, those wide shoulders with the extra neck space to kiss, the chest that has become your second pillow recently, those strong arms that provide comfort, protection, and joy. And you do wanna let him know. He shouldn’t be insecure about how his body changes. No one could have guessed becoming an Alpha would affect him physically so much but now that it does, you are determined to give him all of your acceptance and admiration. You beam at him and softly place your hand on the warm skin above his heart. It’s a simple touch but you love to offer it to him. So he can remember it forever like he does with some of the other spots you have touched him. Somehow, it’s really important to him to keep them. Maybe it’s a werewolf thing but it’s probably just a Namjoon thing.
When his face turns soft, you reach up, caressing his jawline and gently tugging at the soft strands of hair in his neck. He purrs, what a glorious sound. He only stops to place a kiss on your lips.
“Maybe I should have become an Alpha straight away”, he says.
“Well, it would’ve saved me all those hours at the gym, for starters.”
Laughter is bubbling out of you and his face lights up. He beams at you. Suddenly, he’s glowing, this bright happiness is all over his skin like a wrap-around blanket. It’s as if his emotions are pouring out of every pore of his body. Are all Alphas like this? You watch his lips as his mouth opens to laugh with you. He has fangs. Oh God. He looks hot. You can’t stop the blush from making its way onto your cheeks. Immediately, your mind presents to you a hundred different images of Namjoon grinning, and those fangs show every. damn. time. You wish you could just hide somewhere. You’re so not ready to admit what those fangs make you feel. One look into his eyes and you know he noticed. God, he noticed. Your head spins.
“What is it, babe?” he asks and you shake your head.
“Tell me”, he coos, voice husky. You wonder whether he remembers the first time he said those words to you. That night he had crawled on top of you and left you trembling. That night he had made you feel so bold you wanted to trick him, where you had almost kissed him, where you had almost done it because you had wanted to so bad. On his sofa. Blood rushing in your ears. Heart exploding. A raging amber fire burns in his eyes and you know he does. God, he does. He’s turned that memory into his weapon against you. It’s an understatement to say he’s trying to get you all flustered, to turn you on. Another to say it’s working.
“Tell me, baby.”
“Your fangs,” you breathe. It’s impossible to withhold information from him, especially now.
“Mhm,” he hums, giving his lips a delicious lick as he pulls you against him. He grins. There they are. He knows exactly how to get you to your knees. “What about my fangs?”
“They - you”, you breathe and weakly, you blush, “Joon, have mercy.”
Suddenly, he presses you backward, against the wall. His lips crash into yours with all that newfound boldness of his, completely stealing your breath. As promised, you don’t complain. You embrace what he gives and you give what you have, moving against him, using your hands to invite him.
It’s a loud kiss, his purrs and growls vocal love letters from his body to your soul. He has his big hands on your waist, grabbing for your back and moving you to closer to him as he blazes for all the skin you give him access to. You are rewarded with the soft tingle of his hair beneath your jaw as he works on your first hickey ever. You can’t help sounding needy when his tongue is there, licking and planting sloppy fires on your tender throat. Oh God.
His hands are even worse, lifting you up, slowly, so you can wrap your legs around him and you wonder why he’s never done that before. It’s like he’s hungry, like he hasn’t eaten for a long time and now he’s gotta taste you no matter what the cost. Love usually is a sparkling delicacy with him but it turns into an inferno now that he seems to have found a rough vein in himself. Your hands feel the heat on his bare torso. Namjoon moves back, finding your eyes and then he’s against your mouth, wild like his breath. His fangs give you shivers, sharp and sensational when they graze the side of your tongue. Your lips get to feel them too, their exhilarating pressure, their smooth solidness, when he starts nibbling on your bottom lip. He works you with a fire he’s never given you before. Your hand grips his necklace, pulling on it softly. The first second your boyfriend draws away, his tongue swishing over his pink lips, with a grin a hundred times better than what your mind had made up for you, you pull him back, arching your body into his and he growls. That’s the first time you open your eyes and grin, admiring the pink blush on his cheeks, on his throat. His eyes are glowing. You secretly wish you had that same amber fire to give back to him, just to show him how beautiful it is to look at while he is kissing you. He just stares into your eyes.
“I wasn’t done,” you breathe, going straight for his neck. Your body goes into an adrenaline rush when his breath hitches, when he shudders, especially when his heart misses a few beats under your fingers. As if his efforts flipped a switch in you. Yeah honey, I can do hot heavy mess too. You love the soft feeling of cheek sliding against cheek, of cheek against neck; it’s all perfect and rhythmic and you get to smell him as a bonus. Today, there’s perfume mingling with his body’s own scent, it’s all a swirl of woody and sweet, lemon and cologne. Giving attention to his face, you take his lips captive between your teeth and he moans your name as you run your nose along his eyebrows all the while keeping his face in your hands. It’s too precious to let go. Does he know that? You sigh when your shirt slips up and his biceps touch your bare sides. It’s all messy now, wild blood, wild everything as he’s got you and you’ve got him. His hips are dancing against your middle. He’s panting and his eyes are still blazing.
“I wanna - I wanna-” and you can feel something is happening because for a few moments, there is a new tension in his body, a powerful streak of energy. Namjoon shakes his head, his hair as he breathes heavily, as if he’s trying to shake something off. Your chest is still heaving for air and your fingers are shaky but they find his neck. Maybe that touch is the spark that set the explosion off. He trembles. A deep growl fills the entire room. His torso presses you against the wall with him in between your legs and a golden determination fuels him when his mouth hits your neck. It’s all instincts now. “I gotta-“ He almost can’t speak, it’s all low and growly and it gives you shivers. “Joon, do it,” you don’t know what will happen. Love, maybe. It’s Namjoon. It will be good. He’ll take care of you.
His lips press against your skin, his tongue joins. He bites you. Your hands grip him tightly, holding on. There’s a force that takes your body captive, that has it slack against your boyfriend. Total surrender and your head rolls against his shoulder while he keeps nibbling. Whatever it is, pain, ecstasy, exhaustion, you can’t keep your eyes open. It’s the best thing you’ve ever done. Holy. There’s a clicking noise in his throat. When he looks back at you, he looks the proudest you’ve ever seen him. Must be some Alpha shit, you think as you give him a kiss. His pupils are dilated, as if he’d just drugged himself up on you. You would have had to swallow a giggle if all the excitement in your chest wouldn’t have you panting.
“You’re so good to me”, he hums, letting you down with a hazy grin. “You’re a queen.” His cheeks are red, as are his lips and his throat. Even on his chest, you can see traces of rough love. Was that - me? Holy. What is he doing to me?
“Then where’s my crown?” 
Breathing is difficult but you manage. His brown eyes widen, as if he’s just realized something important and he runs to the other side of the room. The barrier between you and the mirror is gone and your reflection stares at you. That’s even more insane; your hair is tousled as heck, where you’d imagined one hickey on your throat, there are constellations of them, and your shirt is totally messed up. Maybe becoming an Alpha had more to it than just physically growing and feeling more responsible. This was a whole new level of needy. Namjoon fumbles through the squeaky wooden drawers of his nightstand and returns with an ornamented paper envelope. Your name is calligraphed on it. Excitement is all over his sweet face when you open your hands for it but he hesitates. You feel a speech coming.
“Happy Birthday, love. I hope you like them.”
The first piece is a necklace. It’s the same necklace that he wears, the same one you’ve secretly admired so many times while he had been sleeping. The silver plate with the engraving looks so nice, you’ve always enjoyed feeling the smooth plate between your fingertips.
“How did you know I liked this?”
“You tug it every time we kiss. Now you can wear it and every time you feel down or lonely, you can touch it and think of me.”
“That’s the sweetest thing. Thank you. You’re the best, Namjoon, honestly.”
“You say that now.”
“Yeah, and I will put it in my phone’s calendar to remind me to repeat it any day you need to hear it. Any requests?” He chuckles. “No, I know I’m the best-“
You raise your eyebrows. “Getting cocky now, eh?”
“That’s not how I wanted that to come out. I meant, just you wait until you see the second gift.”
“Well, you better pray it’s great.”
He smiles at you and you pull it out. It’s a delicate silver ring with three white crystals worked into it on the top. They shimmer fierily in the sunlight that streams through the window. When you turn the ring over in your hand and the light hits the crystals at a certain angle, they light up in a hot amber, just the same amber as Namjoon’s eyes. You gasp, surprised. That’s a ring truly worthy of a queen’s finger.
“Where did you get it? Who on earth makes there?”
“Long story. I found it when we were on vacation in Italy. The day before, the boys and I did a tour of a castle that belonged to some duke back during the renaissance. The next day, we stroll through Florence and I saw this ring in the sun on a street vendor’s wooden table. It reminded me of the duchess’ jewelry and I bought it. I think the vendor gave me a discount but it’s real silver and if you’re wearing it, I would’ve paid every other penny I have to get it for you.”
“I will only accept this if you promise to be my king.”
“Well, technically, I’m your Alpha.”
“King of Bangtan.”
“Okay, I’ll take that. I promise.”
With those words, you feel your body starting to tingle strangely. Namjoon doesn’t notice, from the way his eyes rove over the room, where he’d held you against the wall, where the kiss had started. You’re sure he’ll burn every moment of your kiss into his mind until it’s irreversibly stuck, until he’s sure it will never go missing. But something is missing, you can feel it deep inside, like an ache, like a letter written and sent but not returned. This thought tugs on your mind.
When Namjoon stands up, eyes fixed on your wardrobe where his clothes have taken home long ago, a sudden panic rises in your mind and strikes your legs. It’s an indescribable feeling, like you know you have to do a certain thing, but you don’t know what it is. It feels like ants are crawling in your chest and over your neck. You jump up, right after him. Stepping right up to him, the panic calms down but you still feel it.
“Joon, I-“
“Yeah, baby?”
Do it, do it, do it. Now!
You dive in for another kiss, pushing him this time. He’s surprised, takes the hit against the wall with a deep “ooof”. It only adds to your determination. And as if suddenly, there’s only one thing left to see, next to those red lips, next to those glowing eyes, next to the fire in his chest.
“I need to do it back, I can’t- Namjoon,” you’re surprised yourself at how you’re panting, so worked up about something you can’t even understand logically.
His lips pull into a grin and those fangs just - ugh. One shove and you’re there, feeling driven and bold with the way he’s supporting your back, the way you’re standing in between his muscular thighs. And then, he bares his neck. And your body tells you to go for it. To claim him. Just like he claimed you.
“I promise too.”
masterlist | moodboard masterlist taglist: @taeshuworld, @xmagicxshopx, @justanemptydream
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popliar · 5 years
my 10 favourite boyband/male artist mvs of 2019
not ranked:
Oneus - Twilight. because i love a rookie werewolf boyband in an epic setting! it was a tough choice between this and Lit tbh.
TXT - 9 3/4 (Run Away). i could not love this mv more. quite possibly my fave of the year! the mundane and the magical side by side, it's just brilliantly put together.
Ateez - Say My Name. this mv! changed my life! or at least my year! i had to write a 6300 word fic just to express my feelings about it!!!
Epik High - Lovedrunk. they're in love, and it's tragic, and it's beautiful.
Golden Child - Wannabe. i quite liked gc's earlier stuff, but this is a big change in direction and they killed it.
JJANGYOU - 115. this song caught me by surprise, it's just fun and a bit unexpected.
1Team - Rolling Rolling. a perfectly light, sunny summer jam. they had 3 really solid releases this year, an underrated rookie group, go check out Vibe and Make This.
TXT - Nap of a Star. until TXT came back with Runaway, THIS was my fave mv of the year. the design! the silent movie melies vibes! ot5 feels! it's SO gorgeous and perfect.
Park Jihoon - L.O.V.E. until recently i did not realise i liked park jihoon this much, but apparently i do??? i really like this song and the mv is pretty
Huta - Ya. from btob's lee minhyuk, this was a really cool song from early in the year that got overlooked. u can remedy that now.
Honourable mentions:
Dawn - Money
Holland - Nar_C
Oneus - Lit
Roe Tae Hyun - I Wanna Know
Seven O'Clock - Get Away
VAV - Poison
ONF - We Must Love 
Woosung - Face
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yoonia · 4 years
This is why I love fanfic. I get to be a badass werewolf and have a really hot dad 👀 is Jimin my mate too? Awesome.
Hahaha I feel you! I’ve had a huge crush on Jung Woosung for a long time and since he’s too old for me, at least I can imagine him adopting me or something lol 
I think you may have to wait and see who Jimin is to our OC as the story is progressing (don’t worry, it’s happening soon). Don’t forget that y/n had a mate before she met Jimin. You’ll probably love knowing who he was 👀
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xhaotixaesthetica · 5 years
The Wonderland Star System
You have now entered: The Wonderland Star System.
This star system is very . . . unique. It and its inhabitants have their own rules of logic. Not even mathematics and physics work the same way there. Imagination is a force of energy that can be manipulated and tapped into just like gravity or weather. Things that make sense to us are nonsense in the Wonderland Star System and things that make sense in the Wonderland Star System are complete nonsense to us. The primary official languages of the Wonderland Star System are Gibberish, Pig Latin, and Gobbledygook, but I have took the liberty of translating all the tales from the Wonderland Star System into English for your enjoyment.
*Genetic mutations are content that isn’t canon-compliant to CS21 lore, such as an imagine/headcanon where Chan is a siren even though in established CS21 lore, he’s a werewolf.
Return to the Starlink Intergalactic Navigator. 
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Hongjoong, the Mad Hatter.
Minho (Stray Kids), the March Hare.
Youngjae (GOT7), the White Rabbit.
Lia (itzy), the Doormouse.
Irene, the Queen of Hearts.
Suho, the King of Hearts.
Taeyeon, the White Queen.
Jeongyeon, the White King.
San, the Jabberwock.
Taehyung (BTS), the Caterpillar
Woosung, the Cheshire Cat
None yet!
Red Velvet
None yet!
Stray Kids
None yet!
None yet!
Genetic Mutations
None yet!
Requests are currently open, but view guidelines and pending requests first.
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thinlinesrp · 6 years
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ryu yoon. psychopath. bae pack. omega.
➜ listen ! twenty-three years old, ryu yoon is known for her loyalty to the bae pack. although be wary! the [ psychopath ] is praised for their quick-witted and deceitful traits in the lands of aglaia. but perhaps you’ll run across her and see that for yourself. on the side of the rich, this one is a true omega ! // ( jung yoon, eun, 19, she/her ) 
baek yoon, the only daughter of two fairly wealthy yet deceased prosecutors, discovered her innate ruthless and remorseless nature when she found her parents dead, buried face first in respective piles of paperwork. the police had first suspected severe overworking, but evidence of murder by an overdose of barbiturates surfaced a week later. the officers had muttered something about having too many enemies, too many suspects, and too little time. the perpetrator was never put into cuffs, and yoon’s grief simmered into cold fury.
in due time, you’ll heal, they had told her; in due time, you’ll learn to forget, they had assured a teenager entering her years of turbulence.
but they were too incompetent to connect the faded traces of silver particles in her parents’ bloodstream to werewolves, and the case was closed as a cold one.
no wonder she has trust issues.
her family’s closest friends, the ryu family, took her in with little hesitation. after two months, she was officially adopted by the family of her closest friend, ryu woosung, and she became his half-sibling ryu yoon. while growing up with him, yoon was given much love and care — but not enough to repress the bitterness that ate up her insides, slowly creeping along the corners of her sanity. throughout her years of education and living as the new daughter of the ryus, all yoon could focus on was overhearing the police’s conversation regarding the silver at age twelve. all she could focus on was the thought that some rogue werewolf was going wild with his toxins, and she was on the outskirts; she no longer wanted answers. she only wanted to eliminate her own weaknesses and doubts and everything else that made her vulnerable.
as yoon turned into a fully fledged adult, her anger, suppressed under the layers of a sweet face, morphed into a burning thirst for vengeance against the odds, and she naturally gravitated to the warring land of aglaia. concealing herself under the persona of a charming nurse at a hospital for the privileged, yoon entered the jung pack with high hopes — only to be disappointed not only by the lack of suspects, but also by the lack of revolutionary movement and aggressive ambition within the ranks. very few followed her view of the world shedding blood, of taking action by the combination of brains and brutal force; they were too busy twiddling their thumbs while she tried to rally those who actually had aspirations for themselves. her incessant need to unleash the growing monster inside of her was left dissatisfied, and it blinded her morality by the minute. harboring very little apprehension, yoon promptly left the pack after the announcement of her exile to search for a better one.  
ryu yoon joined the bae pack.
the thin line between good and evil now blurred to a fault, she begins to thrive off of the chaos she ensues through crafted manipulation. pandemonium now gives her the greatest joy, especially when caused under the favoring eyes of the alpha. her ability to make people trust her is yoon’s greatest pride, and she flaunts it whenever she gets the chance, cleverly keeping the crazy in her hidden until the inner devil calls.
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chessireneko · 7 years
Mobile Masterlist
(A):Angst | (F):Fluff | (M):Mature 
all pictures used for the moodboards are taken from Pinterest, I own none of them
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➵ Yongguk: Pastel Blue, Phantom of the Opera (Halloween series), Wanderer,
➵ Himchan: Dracula (Halloween series),
➵ Daehyun: Dr Frankenstein (Halloween series),
➵ Youngjae: The Picture of Dorian Gray (Halloween series),
➵ Jongup: The Strange Case of Dr. Jekyll and Mr. Hyde (Halloween Series),
➵ Zelo: Werewolf of London (Halloween Series)
➵ Daehyun: Sudden Suggestions (F)
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➵ C.A.P: Tranquility, Night Calls, Moonlight Paintings,
➵ Niel: Pink Aesthetic (Bias Moodboard Tag), What’s Good MV, Autumn Coffee,
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➵ Mark: ‘You Are’, Frosty Aesthetic, Demonic, Empty,
➵ JB: Coffee Date, Grunge, Smokes and Drinks, Static,      
➵ Yugyeom: Amusement Park Date
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➵ Leo: Dark Side 
➵ Hongbin: Baking Date, Voodoo Doll
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➵ Wonho: All In Aesthetics, Restless, Demon’s Touch
➵ Hyungwon: Yellow Aesthetic,
➵ I.M: Christmas Decorations, White Coffee
➵ Wonho: Late Night Call (M)
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➵ Youngmin: Pink Dreams
➵ Kwangmin: Beige Realities
➵ Minwoo: Christmas Shopping 
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➵ Yoongi: Color Aesthetic, Outcast , (Un)broken, 
➵ Namjoon: Blue Aesthetics, High On Thrill, 
➵ Jimin: Halloween Date, Spring,
➵ Taehyung: Outcast,
➵ Jungkook: Silent Notes 
➵ Hoseok: Eggnog and Chill (M) 
➵ Taehyung: Keeping Promises (A)
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➵ Jae: Lights and Sounds, Pastel Scents
➵ Sungjin: Last First Christmas (F)
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➵  Bing Bang
⇢ G-Dragon: Fallen Angel
⇢ Xiumin: Early Mornings 
⇢ Chanyeol: Addicted, Mafia
⇢ Doyoung: Cherry Streets, On Clouds, 
➵ iKON
⇢ B.I: Troublemaker 
➵ N.Flying
⇢ Seunghyub: Ride or Die
➵ Pentagon
⇢ Yanan: Dorms and Libraries
⇢ Yeeun: Life Like Sugar
➵ the Rose
⇢ Woosung: tell me, 
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➵  Kpop x ATLA
➵  Colour Meanings
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sleekervae · 11 months
Spooktober 👻
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Happy Halloweekend, babies! I know I haven't been keeping up with my content as much as I would love to, but I wanna spotlight some of my recent supernatural/halloween fics that have been giving major 🥺🥵🤣👀. Give some of these creators some love and be safe out there this weekend!
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Cherry Bomb - @retrievablememories
pairing: jungkook x fem reader
summary: “get fucked or die” becomes the motto to live by when a serial killer begins targeting virgins on your campus.
genre: smut, horror/slasher, college!au
Untitled - @talkfastromance4
pairing: calum hood x fem reader
summary: reader meets werewolf!calum at a party
genre: smut, fantasy
I Want to Bite You - @talkfastromance4
pairing: luke hemmings x fem reader
summary: reader wants vampire!luke to bite her
genre: adult (no explicit smut)
Dragon - @the-world-is-spinning-round
pairing: remington leith x fem reader
summary: dragon!remington takes pity on a human sacrifice
genre: fantasy
Haunted - @the-world-is-spinning-round
*honestly everything that this author writes is amazing so definitely go check out some of her work!
pairing: remington leith x fem reader
summary: Bonnie discovers a ghost in a haunted house
genre: fantasty
kinktober day 10 - @floralcyanide
pairing: Austin butler x fem reader
summary: A little naughty fun ensues with you and your boyfriend, Austin.
genre: smut
Happy Halloween - @krreader
pairing: jackson wang x bambam x fem reader
summary: a maid outfit isn’t exactly the best idea when having two jealous boyfriends, you know?
genre: smut
Descend - @sombreboy
pairing: kim namjoon x fem reader
summary: ‘’I’d say you are wasting my time, but that was before I saw you..’’ he tugged her face closer to his crotch, the bulge underneath the fabrics visibly twitching from having her attention. ‘’You will make it worth my while.’’
genre: smut, supernatural
Summoned - @emoboijk
pairing: poly!bts x fem reader
summary: You repeat their names as a mantra, as a prayer, as a guiding light when you feel scared. How were you to know it would summon them? You accidentally summon the 7 demons that make up BTS and they tell you to fulfill your contract they have to fuck you.
genre: smut, demon au
That Boy is a Monster - @wildernessuntothemselves
pairing: werewolf!woosung x vampire!reader
summary: You had sworn you would never feed on a human again, and for centuries you had kept your promise. But now, with your blood supply suddenly cut off, that primitive hunger you thought you’d conquered so long ago comes back with a vengeance and you find yourself on the hunt for human blood once again. Only it turns out that the hot boy you’d picked out wasn’t so human after all. Feat. baby Hajoon
genre: smut, violence
If anybody has any other recs I should add to this list just give me a shout!!
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maneohq · 4 years
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reserved until: 4/6/20 11:59pm US Central
hwang yeji (itzy) - amaranthine medic team, banshee
reserved until: 4/7/20 11:59pm US Central
jung jaehyun (nct) - veritas head of security
lee yoobin/dami (dreamcatcher) - the aegis lead medic, wizard
kim woosung (the rose) - venor undecided **extended
wen junhui/jun (seventeen) - veritas bookkeeper **extended
reserved until: 4/10/20 11:59pm US Central
lee chaerin/cl (soloist) - veritas sex worker division leader, vampire
submitted apps: acceptance 4/6/20 8pm US Central
lee taemin (shinee) as oh “ace” minsu - mixed blood naiad/banshee, invictus medic team & assassin
lee jooheon (monsta-x) as yang “aries” kangwoo - half-blood ifrit djinn, venor csc
cho miyeon ((g)i-dle) as cha “angel” hana - fallen angel, amaranthine espionage
bang chan (stray kids) as kang “gin” junseo - werewolf, veritas weapon’s tech & enforcer
im jaebeom/jb (got7) as baek dongchul - marid djinn, the aegis assassin
choi san (ateez) as lee “cody” sangwon - skin walker, invictus enforcer & espionage
park seonghwa (ateez) as kim “zeus” taeyong - mermaid, venor espionage trainee
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redcrownkrp-blog · 6 years
species and fc suggestion for the liar, the tinkerbell, the parasite and the twofaced?
hi ‘nonnie! so i’ll get to the fc suggestions in one moment, but all of these skeletons already have species! the two-faced & the parasite are in the werewolf pack, and the tinkerbell and the liar are in the vampire clan!
the tinkerbell: nam joo hyuk, kim yugyeom, hirai momo, lalisa manoban, lee taemin, kim taeyeon
the liar: lee jong suk, park bogum, dong sicheng, park miyoung, lee jieun, lee soonkyu
the parasite: terada takuya, woo dohwan, kim woosung, im jinah, jang dahye, park kyungri
the two-faced: kim jongin, krystal jung, kim seokjin, choi minho, im nayeon, lee yoobin 
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maneohq · 4 years
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reserved until: 4/6/20 11:59pm US Central
hwang yeji (itzy) - amaranthine medic team, banshee
reserved until: 4/7/20 11:59pm US Central
jung jaehyun (nct) - veritas head of security
lee yoobin/dami (dreamcatcher) - the aegis lead medic, wizard
kim woosung (the rose) - venor undecided **extended
wen junhui/jun (seventeen) - veritas bookkeeper **extended
reserved until: 4/8/20 11:59pm US Central
choi san (ateez) - invictus espionage & enforcer, skinwalker **extended
submitted apps: acceptance 4/6/20 8pm US Central
lee taemin (shinee) as oh “ace” minsu - mixed blood naiad/banshee, invictus medic team & assassin
lee jooheon (monsta-x) as yang “aries” kangwoo - half-blood ifrit djinn, venor csc
cho miyeon ((g)i-dle) as cha “angel” hana - fallen angel, amaranthine espionage
bang chan (stray kids) as kang “gin” junseo - werewolf, veritas weapon’s tech & enforcer
im jaebeom/jb (got7) as baek dongchul - marid djinn, the aegis assassin
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