#westwind homes
westwindhomestx · 5 months
WestWind Homes
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At WestWind Homes, we understand that you want a new, customizable production home that perfectly fits your family. To do this, you need an expert builder whom you can trust. The problem is that many new homes aren’t built well. Builders often take shortcuts and leave you to deal with problems later down the road, which is frustrating. We believe you deserve the best in quality, service, and workmanship. At WestWind, we care. With over 30 years of experience building award-winning, energy-efficient homes in Laredo and across the Rio Grande Valley, our team is dedicated to giving you the high-quality home you’ve always dreamed of, all within your budget. We go above and beyond by providing a price lock guarantee so you can avoid the stress and feel confident that you're making the right choice.
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westwindhomes · 5 months
WestWind Homes
At WestWind, we care. With over 30 years of experience building award-winning, energy-efficient homes in Laredo and across the Rio Grande Valley, our team is dedicated to giving you the high-quality home you’ve always dreamed of, all within your budget. We go above and beyond by providing a price lock guarantee so you can avoid the stress and feel confident that you're making the right choice.
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hello! I'd love a scene where Penetinos shows how smart he is, if you feel inclined. Thank you!
Thanks for the prompt!
Here is Penetinos geeking out over some mysterious old vases.
Otilia stopped to wipe the sweat from her brow. The last gasps of summer were fading now, soon to be swallowed by chill autumn winds and, in time, the grasp of winter, but the sun would not accept its fated diminishment with grace and now blazed down upon the village of Nituru with fiery vengeance. The villagers were all in their homes, huddled in the shadows, their only respite from the harsh light of mid-day. Or at the very least, most of them were.
Penetinos sat, his legs crossed in the style of a scribe, upon a slab of red sandstone. Resting on his legs was a wooden writing board, and spread across it was a length of Apunian paper, gifted to him almost assuredly by one of the pirates. A primitive canopy of oak limbs and pine boughs sat above him, shading him and the two figures that lay beside him, Sihunu and Dati.
“I’ve got your medicine!” Otilia called as she approached. She lifted the small copper bowl that the plantbrew had given her. Inside of it sloshed a brownish-green concoction of garlic, juniper, mustard seeds, thyme, honey, wine, and sesame oil, among other herbs, fats, and other substances, including a small pinch of red soil.
Penetinos hardly looked up from his work, the nub of charcoal in his trembling hand unceasing. He was muttering under his breath, periodically shaking his head or clicking his tongue as if caught in some sort of fearsome disagreement with himself. As a fellow Korithian, Otilia could understand most of what he said, of course, but his archaic southern dialect was still strange to her. As she drew near, the old sage held out the hand that was not preoccupied with his work. 
“Haruhi says to drink it slowly this time.” She set the bowl in his open palm.
“Does she now?” Penetinos grumbled as he eyed the mixture distastefully.
As the old man choked down the sludge, Otilia addressed Dati.
“Good to see the old folk all enjoying each other's company.”
Sihunu opened one eye; her gaze could have frozen the sun, but Dati merely laughed.
“It is, isn't it? I couldn’t stand to be in the house. I'm still not used to it, I suppose.”
The forestfolk's tail swished lazily as he spoke; his eyes remained closed, his head resting against Sihunu's shoulder.
“And Ninma and Narul are still unloading the Westwind.” Sihunu sighed as she closed her eye once more.
Otilia glanced toward the docks and spotted Narul’s lumbering form as he walked across the deck of the ship, carrying the booty the pirates had seized during their last expedition. Ninma was seated high above on the yard of the mast, her feet kicking lazily as she gazed southward at the Sea of Apuna. She was growing up fast, having grown nearly a foot in the two years since they had arrived in Nituru. When Otilia had pointed this out to Narul, the giant had been on the verge of hysteria. "She'll be a teenager by next week! I don't know how to take care of a teenager, Otilia! I barely know how to take care of her now! I can barely take care of myself!" The memory of the demigod pacing back and forth, waving his hands about, and bombarding Otilia with question after question about what to do in just about every imaginable circumstance made Otilia smile. The hulking giant, whom the poets and bards of Kishite now sang of, was terrified of just thought of a teenage girl.
“Where’s Istek?” Otilia asked as she looked over the occupants of the canopy. There was no sign of the captain, who would, in most circumstances, never have given up the opportunity to curl up beside his two partners.
“He’s fetching me some specimens.” Penetinos sputtered, having just finished choking down the last of the unpleasant potion. He set the bowl down beside him, wiped the grit from his lips, and went back to his work, his eyebrows knitted in concentration. He pointed out at the sea, where just then Otilia noticed the old sailor emerging from the sea, something cradled in his arms—precisely what she could not make out.
Penetinos turned fully from his work now for the first time, and in his eyes there blazed an almost childlike excitement. 
“Are you aware of the vases?” Otilia tilted her head and chuckled. “I was the daughter of an oil merchant and the wife of a wine merchant; I’d say I’m familiar.”
"No, no, not vases, the vases. Here look.”
He moved his paper closer to her. Amongst the crooked lines of Korithian script was a drawing of what appeared to be a large pithos, its bottom swallowed up by the ground, and its shadowy mouth pointed skyward. From the opening, Penetinos had added what appeared to be stars or balls of fire. Otilia could not tell whether they were emerging from the massive vase or returning to it.
“What are they?”
“Have you had a chance to read the accounts of Taruku?” Penetinos asked.
“I doubt it; I didn’t do much reading for pleasure.”
“A shame… You should, if you get a chance. If I still had my copy, I would lend it to you, but that's besides the point. Of the Fifteen Wonders of Taruku, the Vases of the Stars, as he called them, are perhaps the most mysterious.”
Otilia smiled and sat. She knew from experience that this would be a long lecture.
“They were first found—or, should I say, rediscovered—by the heroine Seha during the first expeditions of Tamel in these lands. Right over that way.” He turned and pointed a skeletal finger westward, past the cliffs and hills that protected the village. “By the time they were found, they had already been half buried, long abandoned by people. Great stone pithoi, as big as a man. The black stone is unlike any that you could find in the plains. And stranger still, each pithoi is home to hundreds of tiny fire spirits, spirits that are visible even to non-sages like you.”
He lifted one hand and demonstrated, producing tiny glowing orbs of light that circled and bobbed around his hand before slowly blinking back into oblivion.
“ Really? Do they make themselves visible intentionally?”
“No one knows! There are so many things that we do not know about these vases!“ He gesticulated wildly with his hand, enraptured by his own sense of wonder. “Sages have attempted to communicate with the spirits, but they never respond. No one knows where those spirits come from or why they live in those vases. Scholars have made identical pithoi from other kinds of stones or clay to see if the spirits will live in them too, but they never do. They have moved the vases, and the spirits will merely move with them.”
Otilia turned her attention back to the illustration. Just barely visible on the side of the pithos was what she took to be writing of some sort.
“And what about that? The writing?”
“The only clue we have as to who made them. We don’t know what they say, only that the script seems closest to that of the Rechiru.”
“The Rechiru?”
“Yes! Desert dwellers from Jezaan, far away from here, almost in Apuna! None of the old tribes or forest folk have any memory of the Rechiru being here. There are no Rechiru ruins or other signs of them here. Just these vases. And no one knows why they made them. Personally, I believe they were for burials—a place to house the dead. You know our ancestors, the Arkodians, did much the same thing.”
Otilia sat in silence, trying to absorb all that the old sage had said. After hearing Penetinos' story, she could vaguely recall seeing some mention of strange Kishite vases in the back of some book of poems that she had read as a girl.
“But what does that have to do with specimens?”
“Ah yes! I told you that they could not find the stone that these were made from, yes?”
Otilia nodded.
“While I was wrong! They did find the stone here on the southern shores of Kishetal. They call it nightstone; it is black and smooth, almost like obsidian, but unable to hold a cutting edge, and it doesn’t reflect light. In our day, we have only ever found it in small pieces, no bigger than my fist, and they have found them nowhere else in all of Kobani. Some people think that it comes from deep in the depths and that those small pieces are merely what the tides are able to cough up. There are all sorts of stories as to what its origin could be. Some people suggest that they could be coughed up by some sort of underwater volcano; can you imagine that? Some people think that it might not truly be a stone at all but instead might be some sort of metal. I once read of a Baalkic sage who thought the stone came from the moon.” He chuckled. “Moon, volcano, strange metal; the real question is, how did the Rechiru get pieces big enough to make their vases, hmm?”
“I don’t know.” Otilia said with a bemused smile. “Exactly! No one does! We also don’t know why lesser spirits seem to love it so much. It is magic like a dragonclot or ri-stone, but unlike those stones, it doesn't release magic of any sort. Theoretically, you could make an entire home out of it. You see, it doesn’t produce mutations or affect nearby plants and animals like most kinds of magical stones or materials would. Some people have compared it to Arkodian Bronze in that sense, except that it is useless for tool making. Try and melt it down, and it melts away like ice in a furnace. Try to hammer it into shape, and it shatters like cheap pottery! The only way to shape it is with a chisel and a very steady hand. Entire tomes have been penned just trying to understand those vases and the stones that they are made from.
Now, I haven’t had the chance to see the vases yet. I've wanted to since I was a boy. But now I'm here, and perhaps I can convince Narul to carry me there since they are so close to us now, assuming my health permits it. But until then, I would love the opportunity to study the stone myself; perhaps in doing so, I can find something that my predecessors did not.” They were interrupted by the approach of Istek, still dripping, his arms filled with dozens of stones. He smiled first at Otilia and then at Penetinos.
“Are any of these what you’re looking for, old man?”
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critter-genfic-events · 7 months
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This week, we have eight amazing timeskip/future fics recced! Some skip ahead a handful of decades, while some skip ahead centuries, but all of them are wonderfully heart wrenching and hit just the right spot. Check them out under the cut, and as ever, comment or kudos if you like them!
The Matter of Lot 19 by pagerunner (10102,Teen) Warnings: None Pairings:
Keyleth returns to Whitestone after many, many years to see about a unique and precious clock that's up for auction. But she's not the only one intending to bid...and her competitors might not only be interested because of the clock's connection to a certain legendary de Rolo.
Reccer says: Beautiful and Bittersweet and has a lot of great older Kiki and Sun Tree moments.
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Library Magic by westwind (2739,General) Warnings: None Pairings:
After the Mighty Nein's adventuring days are over, Caleb travels with a library in an enchanted wagon. He comes across a stranger who's nevertheless familiar.
Reccer says: I liked it
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The More Things Change by FinnsKeeper (4922,Teen) Warnings: Major Character Death Pairings:
Beau is hurt. The best chance they have of saving her is asking for her to be consecuted
Reccer says: A heartbreatking but fascinating take on the nein being consecuted
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Unexpected and Predictable by alullabytoleaveby (2131,General) Warnings: Pairings: Verin Thelyss & Caleb Widogast
The last thing Caleb expects to hear on a rainy Tuesday evening is the sound of a knock at his door and Verin Thelyss, Ambassador of the Bright Queen to the Dwendalian Empire, on his doorstep. But he should have expected it. After all, Essek had already prepared for this eventuality.
Reccer says: I love this glimpse of Verin, and Caleb being able to explain his relationship to Essek's brother.
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What Makes a Home? by literalfuckinggarbage (3188,General) Warnings: Child abuse, abusive parenting Pairings: Beau & TJ
TJ turns up on Beau's doorstep after running away from Kamordah. Beau takes care of her little brother.
Reccer says: It's really lovely seeing an older Beau step up to being an older sister and the relationship between her and TJ is incredibly sweet. They have a rapport, they banter, and the love that's grown between them over the years is plain in each word between them. The ending is so wonderful too and it's a concept I really should rotate more.
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cycles by justsleepwalkin (500,General) Warnings: Major Character Death Pairings: Caduceus Clay & Essek Thelyss
Caduceus and Essek take a walk among the falling leaves and have a talk about endings and beginnings.
Reccer says: Beautiful and atmospheric - a perfect moment between the two of them.
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From the Mixed-Up Files of The J. Lavorre Catalogue Raisonné by renquise (2328,General) Warnings: None Pairings:
An art history report on the famous artist Jester Lavorre
Reccer says: I adore epistolary fics and this perfectly scratches that itch. Seeing what people might say about Jester and her friends centuries after they are gone is a treat!
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a little birdie told me by Ink_Beneath_Her_Fingernails (1647,Not Rated) Warnings: None Pairings:
Kiri absently wonders if the Gentleman somehow had the foresight to keep her name out of their ears, and how he'd managed it for all these years. (Or: The mob boss Kiri we all deserve.)
Reccer says: Mob Boss Kiri - what's not to love?
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This is one of our weekly communally-generated gen rec lists. Every week we announce a new theme and allow anyone to submit a fic recommendation. Please note that the summary and content notes are provided by the reccer, and may be different than what the author has provided. Please assume good intentions all around. <3
And hey, anyone includes you!
Next week, we'll be featuring prank fics!
Then, it'll be Ashton focused, Hair Care, and Pre-Campaign!
Any fics coming to mind?  Well, then use this form to submit!
If you're looking for some more, check out some fics written in the critter genfic bingo tag, or the older rec lists! Or you can request your own card and join in on the fun!
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scionshtola · 5 months
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21. Jobs! What job is your character and why is that the route they chose? Is your WoL a Jack-of-all-Trades, or just have one (or a few) specialties? Did they start with one job and change to another? Have you ‘homebrewed’ their job at all, adding any unique twists or details to it? (x)
Corisande has a few jobs they can do, though they tend to stick primarily to a few. Their first and main job is Summoner--they taught themself the basics when they were young, and left their home for the Arcanist's guild in Limsa so they could learn more. After the battle at Cape Westwind, where they struggled due to being unable to fight in close quarters, they picked up Red Mage and learned to combine magic use with melee fighting in their rapier.
After Haurchefant's death, Corisande picked up Machinist-primarily as a hobby, something new to learn and a way to distract themself from their grief. They took to it rather quickly and though they enjoyed it, they set it aside as a job after defeating Thordan, feeling as if it had served its purpose for the time being and resumed Summoner as their main job.
Prior to the start of Stormblood, Y'shtola began teaching Corisande how to heal (she did not want another incident where Corisande heals herself incorrectly). Corisande already knew some Scholar healing, and picked up some Conjurer skills from Y'shtola, but did not truly find the healing class for them until learning Sage. This is not a main job for them, but they are glad they have the skills when they need them.
She started training as Dancer for fun with Lyna after matters on the First were solved. It's primarily a hobby for them, but they use it in dungeons occasionally, especially when Y'shtola is in the party, so they can dance partner her and support her in wreaking havoc as she so wishes.
Corisande learned Gunbreaker in their time working with the Bozjan resistance. They were initially fascinated by the gunblade itself, as a Machinist, but took to the skills very quickly. They almost never tank but are once again glad they have the ability to shield and draw enemy attention from their companions when necessary.
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usafphantom2 · 2 months
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A-10 Warthogs Escort Ballistic Missile Submarine USS Wyoming
For the second time in the last few months, A-10C jets escorted an Ohio-class nuclear submarine and also took part in a life fire exercise.
Stefano D'Urso
A-10 submarine
An A-10C Thunderbolt II maneuvers over the ballistic missile submarine USS Wyoming. (Image credit: U.S. Navy)
A formation of A-10C Thunderbolt II close-air support aircraft were employed once again to escort an Ohio-class ballistic missile submarine, the USS Wyoming (SSBN 742). The images, shared on social media by Submarine Group Ten, depict Wyoming and its escorts navigating in an undisclosed location in the United States, with six A-10Cs flying overhead.
The aircraft, assigned to Moody Air Force Base, escorted the submarine and were also involved in a live fire exercise with their GAU-8 30 mm gun and 70 mm rockets. The U.S. Coast Guard Maritime Force Protection Unit Kings Bay, USNS Black Powder (T-AGSE-1), and USNS Westwind (T-AGSE-2) also participated in the escort of the submarine.
The rare sighting is not unprecedented, as earlier this year the USS Nebraska was also escorted by a quartet of A-10 Warthogs while navigating the Strait of San Juan de Fuca. In that occasion, however, the A-10s did not take part in any life fire activity and flew without carrying external ordnance.
“Joint operations, such as this one which involved the Air Force, Coast Guard, and Navy, ensure the U.S. military is ready to meet its security commitments at home and abroad,” mentioned the statements on both occasions. The services did not further elaborate on the extend of the joint operations.
The A-10C and the maritime domain
While no other details were released, it appears the Warthogs practiced overwatch of the extremely high-value strategic asset during one of the most vulnerable phases of its navigation. The live fire exercise might have also been used to simulate the defense of the USS Wyoming from surface threats.
A-10s have been used to target swarms of boats and to strike small naval vessels in previous training exercises, demonstrating the attention that these types of asymmetric threats attracted following recent real word events, such the attacks in the Red Sea or the Black Sea.
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Four A-10Cs fly over the USS Wyoming, while two other jets can be seen in the background. (Image credit: U.S. Navy)
The A-10, which was born as a pure Close Air Support and anti-tank platform, has never been employed to large extent in the maritime domain, seeing only limited use. One of the most notable episodes was in 2011 during Operation Unified Protector, when an A-10 and a P-3C Orion engaged together a patrol boat and several small attack craft in the port of Misrata, Libya.
Since the last two couple of years, the Warthog was part of multiple Maritime Surface Warfare exercises and conducted unit defense training. One of the exercises saw, in Sept. 2023, two A-10s engage simulated surface threats in the Gulf of Oman with the Arleigh Burke-class guided-missile destroyer USS Stethem.
The A-10’s maneuverability at low airspeeds and altitude, highly accurate weapons-delivery capabilities, and extended loiter time are all key attributes that make it highly effective at providing aerial support to American and coalition forces on land and at sea, mentioned the U.S. Air Force after one of these exercises last year.
Asymmetric threats to maritime assets
The events in the Black Sea and Red Sea highlighted once again how asymmetric threats cannot be underestimated. In the past, the U.S. Navy had experience countering small fast attack crafts, especially in the Persian Gulf where Iran regularly harassed U.S. ships in the area.
More recently, Ukraine and the Houthis demonstrated the effectiveness and the danger posed by Unmanned Surface Vehicles (USVs), used in kamikaze attacks against larger ships. The small, unmanned boats, filled with explosives, can exploit their limited dimensions and high maneuverability to avoid detection and interception, with devastating effects on their targets.
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An A-10C Thunderbolt II engages a simulated target with its GAU-8 30 mm gun. (Image credit: U.S. Navy)
Highly defended targets could be overwhelmed by coordinated swarms of USVs, challenging the traditional naval strategies. The presence of multiple, fast approaching and maneuvering targets against a limited number of weapon systems on a naval asset could confuse the defenses, which would be forced to prioritize targets as to maximize the hit probability and avoid wasting precious ammo.
And here is where overhead protection from and asset like the A-10C could come in handy, as it provides to naval commanders a number of options both for surveillance and kinetic effects.
About Stefano D'Urso
Stefano D'Urso is a freelance journalist and contributor to TheAviationist based in Lecce, Italy. A graduate in Industral Engineering he's also studying to achieve a Master Degree in Aerospace Engineering. Electronic Warfare, Loitering Munitions and OSINT techniques applied to the world of military operations and current conflicts are among his areas of expertise.
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rhela-xiv · 1 year
Does your OC have an enemy? What happened between them? Is it mutual or one-sided? Is it petty or serious? Is one party seeking revenge? Does one person want the other dead or are they content to hate them from afar? 
Rhela has plenty of antagonistic relationships, but we won’t talk about those here. There is only one person she truly hates, and that’s the Warrior of Light. 
(For all intents and purposes, Rhela’s WoL is Meteor, but I’ll write this with they/them pronouns.)
The Warrior of Light took everything from her: her friends, the closest thing she had to family or home, and the life she had known. They killed her commanding officer at Cape Westwind, and then blew up the Praetorium at Castrum Meridianum, killing not only her century but so many others. She doesn’t know how they did it, and she doesn’t care. War she can understand, but the Warrior of Light slaughtered everyone indiscriminately and she hates them for it.
It is, of course, one sided. Rhela doesn’t want them dead, she wants them to suffer. After all, it’s only fair that they know what it feels like to lose everything. She knows there is very little she could actually do, and that if she crossed their path there is only one possible outcome to that fight. It doesn’t stop her from wishing any time the Warrior of Light comes up.
((Thanks for the ask!))
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jennyjourneys · 2 years
Arc 2 - Chapter 1: The Captain
Jenny’s quest to travel to the Moon to find the soul of Ginger’s niece crashes abruptly. Into the sea. That being said, the other castaway’s pretty interesting…
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I lost my journal in the crash. This is the beginning of a new journal. So just to restate, my name is Jenny Everywhere and I'm an interdimensional adventuress. I got roped into an adventure with two witches that I don't know and haven't ever seen before. And on that adventure we crashed on a boat
Ginger decided to stay home after all. That was lucky for her, because we crashed the broomstick almost instantly. Now I'm journaling in the wreckage of the broomstick, still trying to extract Westwind from the debris. It seems that we have ended up in the Fall Sea. I can't tell if the crash was accidental or deliberate. I'm writing down my thoughts for now.
There's an empty, wrecked boat stuck on the same reef as us, and we crashed down on top of it. It looks like there are puddles all over the boat, as if it had rained very recently. The sky is murky, and it looks like it could rain at any moment. I don't know why, but my gut is telling me to get out of here. I don't know why, but it is. 
I'm still floating, so I figure I have two hours until my icky old floaties decide they've had enough and flip me over. So we'll see how this goes. The flight to the Moon seems to be a blur.
The ship's captain's a scary lady with sunglasses, a sleeveless sweater, and military boots. She reminds me of Mrs. Harper from elementary school, except the captain is a lot bigger. Her voice is raspy, like she smokes a lot, and she looks like she hasn't spoken to any human beings, or eaten anything but raw fish, in a very long time. She was the one who fished me out after I ran out of strength and had to swim back to the wrecked ship. She says her name is Agatha.
The captain is making me walk around the deck, helping me get over the numbness. It's a good thing I'm wearing clothes that can stand up to being soaked, because I’m really getting wet. 
I see the captain drop a scrap of paper overboard. I stare at the paper for a long time, then it hits me. I was on my way to the Moon. I have to go back! 
I stand up and walk to the edge of the ship. I think about my next steps. We are probably miles away from shore now, and I could try swimming, but if I don't do it now, I'll never get the strength to do it again. I could go forward into the sea, and maybe get to the moon, or I could look for a way to get back to shore. 
I don't know how I'm supposed to do any of this, but I have to try. 
Go to Arc 1 - Chapter 7 - Rocket Witchcraft
Go to Arc 2 - Chapter 2 - Space Children of the Cordial Sea
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rahulp678 · 10 days
Ceratec Westwinds Best Residential Project in Hinjewadi
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In Pune's rapidly growing real estate market, Hinjewadi stands out as a top location for homebuyers, thanks to its well-planned infrastructure and proximity to major IT hubs. Among the many projects in the area, Ceratec Westwinds is a standout, offering the perfect mix of luxury, convenience, and modern amenities. Developed by the Ceratec Group, this project has quickly gained recognition as one of the best residential offerings in Hinjewadi Phase 1. Whether you're a young professional, a growing family, or an investor looking for long-term value, Ceratec Westwinds should be on your radar.
Prime Location at Hinjewadi Phase 1
One of the key reasons Ceratec Westwinds is an attractive option is its prime location in Hinjewadi Phase 1. This area is home to Pune’s largest IT parks, including the Rajiv Gandhi Infotech Park, housing multinational corporations and tech companies. For those working in the tech industry, living close to work significantly cuts down on daily commute time, allowing more time for personal pursuits and family life. The location also offers easy access to major highways, including the Mumbai-Pune Expressway, making it convenient for frequent travelers and commuters.
Hinjewadi is not just about work; it offers a balanced lifestyle with shopping malls, entertainment hubs, schools, and hospitals all within easy reach. This connectivity makes Ceratec Westwinds an ideal residential choice for families who want to be at the center of it all.
Spacious Apartments Tailored to Your Needs
Ceratec Westwinds provides a range of apartment configurations, catering to diverse needs. Whether you are looking for a cozy 2 BHK apartment or a larger 5.5 BHK residence, the project has options that fit different lifestyle preferences. The spacious layouts are designed with modern living in mind, offering ample natural light and ventilation. With expansive living rooms, elegant kitchens, and thoughtfully planned bedrooms, the apartments in Ceratec Westwinds provide a luxurious living experience.
What makes these homes even more appealing is the attention to detail in every aspect of the design. Whether it's the high-quality finishes or the use of premium materials, Ceratec Westwinds ensures that residents enjoy a sense of luxury without compromise.
Luxury Amenities for Every Member of the Family
The amenities at Ceratec Westwinds go beyond the usual, providing a comprehensive lifestyle for residents. Some of the standout features include:
Modern Clubhouse: The clubhouse serves as a social hub where residents can relax, socialize, and host events.
Swimming Pool: Perfect for leisure or fitness, the pool is an inviting retreat for residents of all ages.
Well-Equipped Gym: For those committed to staying fit, the on-site fitness center is fully equipped with modern machines.
Children’s Play Area: A safe, designated space where children can engage in outdoor activities.
Landscaped Gardens: Green spaces designed for relaxation, providing a peaceful environment amidst the urban hustle.
With such thoughtfully designed amenities, Ceratec Westwinds elevates the concept of community living, ensuring that there is something for everyone in the family to enjoy.
Sustainability at Its Core
In line with global trends towards eco-friendly living, Ceratec Westwinds is committed to sustainability. The project incorporates several green features, including rainwater harvesting, energy-efficient systems, and large landscaped gardens. These features not only reduce the environmental footprint but also create a healthier, more serene environment for residents. Living at Ceratec Westwinds means being part of a community that values sustainability and a greener future.
Investment Potential in a Thriving Market
For investors, Ceratec Westwinds offers excellent potential for capital appreciation. Hinjewadi, being Pune’s tech hub, continues to experience strong demand for high-quality residential properties. The location, combined with Ceratec Westwinds’ modern amenities and superior construction quality, makes it a prime investment. Rental demand is consistently high, and with Hinjewadi’s continued growth, property values are expected to rise, making this project a sound investment for long-term returns.
The Ceratec Group’s reputation for delivering projects on time and maintaining high construction standards further adds to the credibility of Ceratec Westwinds, ensuring a risk-free investment.
Connectivity and Convenience
Residents of Ceratec Westwinds will benefit from excellent connectivity to key parts of Pune. Hinjewadi is strategically located near the Mumbai-Pune Expressway, making intercity travel easy and convenient. Additionally, the proposed Metro Line is set to further improve connectivity to various parts of Pune, enhancing the overall accessibility of the project.
Schools, hospitals, and retail outlets are also in close proximity, ensuring that daily essentials are never far away. Whether you need to run quick errands, go shopping, or access medical services, living at Ceratec Westwinds puts you at the center of convenience.
Why Choose Ceratec Westwinds?
If you’re in the market for a new home or a long-term investment, Ceratec Westwinds checks all the boxes. Here’s why:
Prime Location: Close to IT hubs and major highways, it’s perfect for professionals and families alike.
Spacious Homes: A wide range of apartment sizes ensures that you find a home tailored to your needs.
Luxury Amenities: The project offers state-of-the-art amenities, making it one of the most luxurious residential options in Hinjewadi.
Sustainable Living: Eco-friendly features align with the growing trend of sustainable living, ensuring a greener future.
Great Investment: Hinjewadi’s growth trajectory and high demand for residential properties make Ceratec Westwinds a smart investment.
In conclusion, Ceratec Westwinds is more than just a residential project; it’s a lifestyle destination in the heart of Pune’s tech corridor. With its spacious homes, world-class amenities, and strategic location in Hinjewadi Phase 1, this project is designed to meet the modern homebuyer’s needs for luxury, convenience, and sustainability. Whether you're looking for a new place to call home or an investment that promises good returns, Ceratec Westwinds is a top choice in the ever-evolving landscape of Pune’s real estate market.
Make your move today and experience the unmatched comfort and convenience that Ceratec Westwinds offers in Hinjewadi!
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kokuycku · 4 months
"How much blood is on my hands?"
He'd been fighting everything the Scions have deemed as "enemies", including the 14th Legion of the Empire. Cape Westwind had been the worst of it. Even he'd told those under Rhitahtyn to get out, because it didn't involve them...
He'd tried to be non-lethal towards them but...
Even Rhitahtyn had died, but not until he'd tried taking Dark with him. It'd hurt for a bit, but he wasn't ever out of commission for long. Not long after had been the raid on Castrum Meridianum and the Praetorium.
Where he'd witnessed Gaius van Baelsar fall, but he didn't know if the man was still alive. He'd hoped so.
But that was still more blood on his hands that he couldn't wash off, no matter how hard he scrubbed.
"You're going to tear your skin off at this rate." Y'shtola commented. Dark paused, looking over at the Miqo'te. "I'd suggest you stop scrubbing so hard. It's not going to wash off."
He looked back at his hands, red and aching from how hard he'd been scrubbing at them. "I didn't sign up to kill people. I never tried to kill anyone, and yet the ones I've tried to let live have died by my hand somehow."
"You can't save everyone. And the Garleans are our enemy, so why show them mercy?"
Because they're people, unlike me. He thought. "Because they've got someone to go home to," was what he actually said.
She hummed a little, but shook her head slightly and reached over, shutting off the water. "I'll have Minfilia take you off duty for the next few days. Use it as you want."
Watching her walk away, Dark returned his gaze to his hands.
How much more will I have to kill? This.. isn't like me at all.
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westwindhomestx · 5 months
Discovering Your Dream Home in Laredo: WestWind Homes Offers Exceptional Choices
For many, the American dream starts with finding the perfect home—a sanctuary that not only provides shelter but also serves as a backdrop for life’s most memorable moments. In Laredo, Texas, those looking to make this dream a reality will find an array of options with WestWind Homes. Renowned for quality craftsmanship and dedicated customer service, WestWind Homes stands out as a premier developer for those searching "homes for sale Laredo TX."
Why Laredo? Laredo’s vibrant culture, robust economy, and picturesque landscapes make it a prime location for homebuyers from all walks of life. Situated on the banks of the Rio Grande, the city boasts a unique blend of American and Mexican cultures, offering an enriching environment for families and individuals alike. With its growing economy, excellent schools, and community-focused lifestyle, Laredo is more than just a place to live—it's a place to thrive.
WestWind Homes: A Commitment to Excellence At WestWind Homes, we understand that purchasing a home is one of the most significant investments you will make. That's why we are committed to delivering not just houses, but homes that are built to last, designed to delight, and crafted with the highest standards of quality. For over two decades, WestWind Homes has been at the forefront of home construction in Laredo, offering a wide range of properties that cater to diverse tastes and needs.
Our Home Collections in Laredo Whether you are a first-time homebuyer or looking to upgrade, WestWind Homes offers something for everyone. Our properties in Laredo are designed with attention to detail and equipped with modern amenities that enhance everyday living. Here’s a glimpse of what you can expect:
The River Oaks Collection: Nestled in one of Laredo’s most sought-after neighborhoods, the River Oaks Collection features spacious homes with contemporary designs, energy-efficient appliances, and customizable floor plans. Ideal for growing families or those who cherish extra space.
The Heritage Estates: For those who value tradition and elegance, the Heritage Estates provide stately homes that combine classic design with modern luxury. Located near top-rated schools and essential amenities, this collection offers the perfect setting for a fulfilling family life.
Sunset Villas: Perfect for young professionals or smaller families, Sunset Villas offers stylish, affordable homes in a dynamic community setting. These homes are designed for efficiency and comfort, providing an excellent starting point for those stepping onto the property ladder.
Tailored to Your Needs Understanding that each buyer has unique preferences and requirements, WestWind Homes prides itself on offering personalized services. Our team of experienced professionals works closely with you to understand your needs and preferences, helping you find or customize a home that perfectly matches your vision. From selecting the ideal layout to choosing finishes and fixtures, we guide you through every step of the home buying process.
Sustainable Living At WestWind Homes, sustainability is a priority. We are dedicated to reducing our environmental impact and helping our homeowners do the same. Our homes in Laredo are built with energy-efficient materials and technologies that lower utility bills, enhance indoor air quality, and reduce overall environmental footprint.
Join the WestWind Family When you choose WestWind Homes, you're not just buying a house; you're becoming part of a community. We believe in building relationships that last well beyond the sale, providing ongoing support and advice to ensure that you continue to be satisfied with your home for years to come.
Why Choose WestWind Homes?
Quality Construction: Our homes are built to meet stringent standards, ensuring longevity and durability.
Customer-Centric Service: We put our customers at the heart of everything we do, from the initial consultation to post-sale support.
Community Focus: We build homes that contribute positively to their communities, enhancing the areas in which they are located.
Innovative Designs: Our homes are thoughtfully designed to maximize space, comfort, and aesthetics.
Last Word: For those searching for "homes for sale Laredo TX," WestWind Homes offers an unbeatable combination of quality, choice, and service. As you embark on the journey to find your dream home, consider how WestWind Homes can help you achieve your vision. Visit our local sales office or explore our website to discover more about our collections and start your journey to homeownership in the heart of Laredo today.
Join the countless satisfied homeowners who have trusted WestWind Homes to provide the backdrop for their life stories. With WestWind Homes, your dream home awaits.
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westwindhomes · 5 months
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Looking for new homes for sale in Laredo, TX? Founded in 1755, Laredo is one of the oldest cities in Texas and is steeped in a rich history, amazing architecture, and generations of great traditions. It is a fast-rising city on the banks of the Rio Grande. Laredo is one of the vibrant cities WestWind Homes builds new homes in. It features a four-year university, Texas A&M International University, an extension of the University of Texas Health Science, Laredo Community College, and some of the state’s best high schools. Laredo has world-class birding, high-energy entertainment, and professional sports teams in four different respective fields. Laredo has many of the Fortune 500 companies operating within its business community. With all Laredo has to offer, it’s no wonder why WestWind Homes builds new homes in Laredo. We’ve been building vibrant homes since 1993.
Why choose Laredo, Texas for your new home?
Thriving Economy: Laredo, Texas, has a strong and thriving economy, thanks to its strategic location as a major international trade hub. The trade between Laredo and Mexico creates a multitude of job opportunities for residents, particularly in the fields of logistics, transportation, and trade. Whether you're seeking new homes in Laredo, Texas, or relocating, you'll find a city that offers promising career prospects.
Safe and secure: Laredo ranked as one of the safest cities in the country, number 7 nationwide (SmartAsset study). With its secure neighborhoods, community watch programs, and low crime rates, the Laredo city government places a high priority on public safety. And this commitment reflects in the resident's quality of life.
Accessible and Excellent Education: Laredo is known for its above-average public schools that provide an excellent learning environment for students. Whether you're looking for new homes in Laredo, TX or planning to relocate, you'll have access to quality educational institutions. From esteemed public schools to renowned higher education options like Texas A&M International University, Laredo ensures that families can rest assured knowing their children will receive a qualitative education in a supportive learning environment.
Cultural Diversity: The city is highly diverse and it is renowned for its rich cultural heritage and vibrant blend of influences from Mexico and the United States. Residents can experience vibrant festivals, cuisine, art, music, and traditions that reflect the city's unique identity.
Strong Community Bonds: Laredo's vibrant community fosters a strong sense of belonging and support. The friendly locals, warm hospitality, and numerous community events create an inclusive environment where individuals and families can quickly establish roots and build lasting relationships. Most residents in Laredo own their homes, offering a sense of stability and investment.
Recreational Opportunities: Laredo provides an abundance of parks and outdoor activities. From exploring the scenic beauty of Lake Casa Blanca International State Park to enjoying outdoor sports, golfing, fishing, and world-class birding, there's no shortage of ways to stay active and embrace a healthy lifestyle.
With WestWind Homes, you will explore a range of new homes for sale in Laredo, TX, and find the perfect fit for you and your family. Discover the options and features available and take advantage of this opportunity to own a home in a thriving community. Begin your search for the ideal home with WestWind Homes in Laredo, Texas today!
ORIGINALLY FOUND ON- Source: WestWind Homes(https://www.westwindhomes.com/texas/laredo?incentive_homes=true)
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defranklin4113 · 6 months
Check out this listing I just added to my Poshmark closet: Westwind Romper.
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Happy STS! What does home smell like to your characters?
Happy STS! Thanks for the question!
This changes a lot at different parts of the story, so to keep this simple, I'll just go right at the beginning before the coup.
Narul: Narul lived primarily in the slave quarters of the palace of Labisa. The bedding was straw, they mostly slept on the ground, there's no air-conditioning, and they live in a semi-arid environment. As you can imagine it didn't smell all that great. Think sort of barnyard like but less fecal and more sweaty. Though occasionally the slaves would be given cheap perfume, so sometimes instead of just smelling like old straw, dust, and sweat, Narul's home would have also smelled like cheap roses mixed with all of those other things. Well unpleasant if you aren't used to it, it did have a certain level of comfort for Narul.
Ninma: As a child born in a palace, Ninma's home wouldn't have been all that bad. The smell of stone and mudbrick, the flowers and fruits (dates, figs, and cherries) from the courtyard, the sweet oils (rose, frankincense, and cinnamon)  smeared on the walls of the throne room, roasting meats from the great ovens, all in all, pretty good, if you ignore the occasional musty smell of old stone hallways and the smell of the city that would occasionally waft up from the bottom of the hill.
Zatar: Zatar (or Zatur at the time) lived on the streets of Labisa, practically sleeping in the gutter. Overflowing sewers, garbage, dead animals, old perfume and food, livestock. The stench of Zatar’s “home” would probably be too much for most modern people to handle.
Akard: The Apunians obsess over smell, covering their hair with expensive perfume and oil, they burn sweet smelling incense and dip their clothing in the oils of the hnkiti tree. It would probably be a bit overwhelming, picture living in a scented candle store.
Otilia: Compared to the Apunians and Kishites, the Korithians are considerably less interested in perfume. A manor house like where Otilia lived would have smelled like stone, dust, wine, olive oil, garlic, onions, sweat, a bit of livestock smell, and the reeds that the floors are made of. They would hang herbs like mint and oregano, but for food purposes and also to cover unpleasant smells.
Istek/Dati: They spent most of their time (75%) on their ship, the Westwind, the rest of their time would be at their home with Sihunu. On a ship you can expect to smell the sea of course, tar, the various oils used to seal the wood, wine, but also mold, piss, rotting fish, lots of body odor (people not bathing for months at a time). Of course occasionally they would transport things like fruit, wine, and perfume which would alter the stink a bit.
Sihunu: The house that Istek, Sihunu, and Dati shared at the docks of Chibal was tiny, a bit larger than your average hotel room. However it was also pretty open and had good airflow. Expect to smell straw, old fish, smoke, thyme, dust, salt, and whatever wafts in from the ships.
Penetinos: At the start of the story Penetinos is studying at the Palace of Chibal, and has been there for a couple years. The palace is probably the nicest smelling urban place you could hope to live in during this period. Think of a large stone church or cathedral, now add the smell of various flowers (the Bidani favor lotus and hasir) and almonds.While it is quite heavily perfumed, it's not as jumbled or random as the Apunian palace.
Bop: They are trapped in a hammer, they have no nose. But if they could smell, their hammer is literally buried in a pile of shit. All around them in the lair of the Deep Sun, the cannibalistic Kosheki cook their meals on massive bonfires. All in all…not a very good place to be. Its debatable whether Bop or Zatar would it have to worse when it comes to smell.
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paramountelpaso · 1 year
Choosing the Right General Contractor in El Paso: A Comprehensive Guide
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Are you looking for a construction project in El Paso, Texas? Whether you're planning a home renovation, home repairs, or any construction project. We'll walk you through the essential steps to help you make the best.
Why Hiring a Local Contractor in El Paso Matters
When it comes to construction projects, local knowledge and experience are invaluable. This local expertise can streamline your project and help you avoid common pitfalls.
Step 1: Research and List Potential Contractors
Begin your search by compiling a list of potential general contractors in El Paso. You can start by asking for recommendations from friends, family, and colleagues who have had positive experiences with contractors in the area. Additionally, use Google reviews to identify contractors whom your community trusts & specialize in the type of project you are looking for.
Step 2: Check Licensing and Credentials
Once you have a list of potential contractors, it's essential to verify their licensing and credentials. The Texas Department of Licensing and Regulation (TDLR) regulates contractors in the state. Ensure that the contractors you're considering are licensed and in good standing. This step is crucial for ensuring the legality and professionalism of your chosen contractor.
Step 3: Review Portfolio and Past Projects
Next, review each contractor's portfolio and past projects. A reputable general contractor should be proud to showcase their work. Look for examples of projects similar to yours to gauge their expertise and quality of craftsmanship. This step will give you an idea of the contractor's style and capabilities.
Step 4: Ask for References
Request references from the contractors on your shortlist. Contact previous clients to inquire about their experiences working with the contractor. Ask about communication, timeliness, budget adherence, and overall satisfaction. This step will provide valuable insights into how the contractor operates.
Step 5: Get A Professional Quote
Obtain detailed quotes from a general contractor in El Paso. Ensure the quote includes a breakdown of materials, labor, and a proposed timeline for your project. Comparing quotes will help you identify any discrepancies and make an informed decision.
Step 6: Assess Communication and Compatibility
Effective communication is key to a successful construction project. Evaluate how well you communicate with each contractor and assess their willingness to listen to your ideas and concerns. Choose a contractor with whom you feel comfortable and confident.
Step 7: Review Contracts Carefully
Before signing any contracts, carefully review all terms and conditions. Ensure that everything discussed, including timelines, payments, and warranties, is documented in writing. If you have any questions or concerns, don't hesitate to ask questions for clarification.
In conclusion, selecting the right general contractor in El Paso is a critical step in ensuring the success of your construction project. By following these steps and conducting thorough research, you can make an informed decision that aligns with your project's goals and budget. A local contractor with the right credentials and a solid reputation can help turn your vision into reality while providing peace of mind throughout construction. You can also contact us today for a consultation, and let us be your trusted partner in bringing your construction dreams to life.
Address: 6731 Westwind Dr, El Paso, TX 79912
Areas served: El Paso and nearby areas
Hours: Open 24 hours
Phone: (915) 302-9212
Website: elpasoscontractor.com
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recentlyheardcom · 2 years
New development site will bring hundreds of homes to Woodbury
New development site will bring hundreds of homes to Woodbury
A new development project would add hundreds of housing units to the area near Dale Road and Pioneer Drive in Woodbury. A satellite image of the planned location of the Westwind Residential Development in Woodbury. The site is located south of Dale Road and west of Pioneer Drive. (Courtesy of the city of Woodbury) If approved, the project known as Westwind Residential Development will consist of…
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