nebulathunderwave · 3 months
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Thank you MDZS Japan for the three course XiYao meal today 🙇🏻‍♀️🙇🏻‍♀️🙇🏻‍♀️
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touchlikethesun · 5 months
actually, it is not surprising at all that, for me, jiang cheng and wei ying’s relationship is the one that stands out, that pulls at my heartstrings, the most in mdzs. complicated, estranged siblings with severe communication issues and wounds that won’t heal, but who still despite everything despite not being able to say it, still care so much for one another? well if that’s not my m.o. exactly i don’t know what is
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leatherbookmark · 1 year
hello! i have seen a post and I must scream.
节哀顺变, or just 节哀, seen as "restrain your grief" in shitty subtitles, does not actually mean that.
i mean, if you take it super literally, it does. but the actual phrase, as it is used in real situations, is used to console the family of a deceased person. if you look up how to say your condolences in chinese, this is what you'll get.
it does NOT mean "omg, stop crying, who cares that your family member/loved one died, get a grip". it means "my condolences", "I'm sorry for your loss"!
i kind of wish people would like... stop for a second before making their judgement, especially when you're dealing with obviously wonky translations. sure, not everyone knows Chinese or can check the actual wording in the original text, but this is precisely why it's good not to trust the translation 100% and 1:1! and check more than one source...
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thatswhatsushesaid · 1 year
ooooo top of the list in the takes i would like to see disappear from the discourse forever: “why couldn’t jgy just be happy as lxc’s stay-at-home boyfriend/kept man/consort”
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piosplayhouse · 2 years
Not sure if this is up ur alley, butI have recs for some modern AUs where wangxian (+ baby ayuan) end up taking care of/fostering mxy. Feat either trans wwx, lwj, and/or mxy:
https://archiveofourown.org/works/41410518 (this author has a few that are v cute)
I JUST READ AT NO OTHER TIME LAST NIGHTTT AWAA luckymarrow fics my BELOVED .. AND wangxian adopt mxy aus .... my absolute kryptonite I LOVE THEM !! I just thinkgk. mxy deserves to be loved . cries THANK YOU FOR THE RECS!!
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forgottenfrenchfryunit · 10 months
Wangxian and vintage love songs belong together argue with the wall
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yunmeng-jiang · 9 months
sometimes I wish Jiang Cheng actually had done all the stuff that people accuse him of so I could defend my enjoyment of him the same way Xue Yang fans do ("sometimes your blorbo is simply a fucked up guy who tortures people for fun and likes stabbing his loved ones in the back ¯⁠\⁠_⁠(⁠ツ⁠)⁠_⁠/⁠¯ what can i say I love a villain"). Instead I have to put up with wgxn stans who think JC killed WWX, beats his nephew every day, and tried to murder wgxn for touching their pinky fingers together while in his house
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runespoor7 · 8 months
I mean obviously I’m am going to ask you about chengxian, for the ask meme
What made you ship it?
It was the most interesting relationship in the book. I'm a sucker for childhood friends with broken promises, for grief, for misunderstandings over loyalty and love, and for relationships whose resolution in canon is bittersweet.
It still took some time and effort before I started really shipping it. I was theoretically open to shipping it but I hadn't yet read fics that really sold me on it (this was in 2019, I think). Then as an experiment I put a WWX-inspired character in the setting I was GMing for the JC and JYL NPC stand-ins to have him to play off of. Turned out I did ship them.
What are your favorite things about the ship?
*wide, helpless, expansive gesture*
It's never simple with them. It's always fraught. They love one another but they also resent one another. Hunting demonic cultivators is about WWX still maybe being alive. Maybe JC can bring himself to kill WWX this time, or maybe he can find a way to bring WWX back home and forgive him. WWX promises to be with JC but he ends up promising that he won't stay ("like my father served your father") but he didn't mean it with an end. the mess that is the fraughtness of WWX's liminal space when it comes to his social rank.
love hurts, what hurts is love.
the fact that the one 'leading' is WWX, not JC, going against the accepted social order. (tbh, if that wasn't the case, I probably wouldn't be into the ship.) it paints such a picture of WWX being so charismatic, and JC being so taken with him, that JC falls into being WWX's sidekick. no wonder YZY was awful about it.
JC keeping Chenqing like a mad dog and keeping Lotus Pier WWX-safe. I. god. JC rating WWX's attention >>>>>>>>>>>>> JC's self-respect every time, in every way. Amazing.
it's incredible to me how WWX asks JYL about love in a scene framed in a manner to make it subtextually point in the direction of LWJ (it's mdzs; the canon pair in mdzs is wgxn; there are no - explicit - love triangles in mdzs; and yet even WWX's original crush on LWJ is, uh. informed by JC and how WWX is with JC and the fact that LWJ is New and Not The Son of WWX's Benefactor. this is normal.), where it's apparent that WWX is scared of being in love because it changes how you act, it's a limit, it's a cage, you're limiting yourself for someone else - and then WWX does something for JC that is everything he was scared of.
and it does ruin him! it's terrible! so his romance with LWJ is everything his feelings for JC weren't. He's not the one doing the protecting. LWJ doesn't question him. There are no expectations of anything, no discussions of the future, no thoughts of society. LWJ is just such a comfort, just a good thing WWX gets because he wants it. Also LWJ isn't emotionally taxing af (this is a big one). (WWX kinda ends up YZY-ing himself at the end of the book but I'm not thinking about that.)
WWX's utter toxicity toward JC. not a iota of respect for either JC or JC's boundaries to be found, except when convenient for WWX.
they both really, really believe that WWX is better than JC in every way. it's very cool
look. i'm a simple person. arrogant genius jerk/grumpy dutiful tsundere otp.
Is there an unpopular opinion you have on your ship?
I love the joke that chengxian isn't incest but both of them wish it were, but I think the only time one of them wished they were brothers was JC when he decided to sacrifice himself for WWX and he was lying in bed making morbid jokes. At least sacrificing yourself for your brother who is the better cultivator and can lead the sect would be simple. Forgivable. Good.
I also think they might grow to think of one another as brothers at some point post-canon, that's a sort of reconciliation that might happen, but to me it's key that during canon they don't know what they are to one another, they just know they're scarily, terrifyingly important, and there's no word for what they are to one another.
JC refused shixiong-shidi (in a shocking reversal of their normal dynamic, I think he forgot he did that and spent roughly two decades feeling insecure and weird that WWX doesn't call him shidi) and they can be nothing else, socially speaking. The love that dare not speak its name, if you would. And at that same time post-canon they could also decide that what they're to each other is that WWX used to be in love with JC, and maybe JC still is, and they're not brothers. Or maybe both! The point is, the definition of their relationship is uncharted waters and they never thought of each other as 'brothers' (much less called each other that).
2) WWX is incredibly bitter and resentful of giving his core to JC and that colors everything he thinks and says about JC afterwards, including after he's returned to life. Basically, he gave, and gave, and gave, and felt there was no gratitude, and he's unable to live the life he wanted, unable to reap the promises life made him, and JC isn't any more agreeable or tractable than before (less so, in fact!). It's not fair.
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Sometimes, someone will like a few of my Jiang Cheng posts and then follow me so I go "oh cool, mdzs blog I'll check it out" and then their pinned post is about how much they love wgxn and how much chengxian sucks...
I don't think this blog is for you darling 💜
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truly-morgan · 1 year
[Discreetly married RenCheng, chaos discovery]
RenCheng | Mo Dao Zu Shi Modern AU 31-05-2022
[married #rencheng, modern sett., chaos >:3]
Jiang Cheng and Lan Qiren are both rather discreet men. One because he grew up with everything he did compare to others, the other because this is simply how he grew up.
This is probably why it wasn't all that surprising for lqr and jc to marry in such a discreet way, without officially telling anyone. They want it to be small and intimate, they knew both their family would have blown it out of proportion.
(they were also very aware of the rather large age gap too, there was no need to add to it).
The only ones present were little a-ling and little a-yi. Jl had fallen into shared custody between him and jgy after the unfortunate demise of his sister and brother-in-law.
ljy had been adopted by lqr somewhere at the beginning of their relationship, jc more than happy to help raise the little boy.
Their wedding was small, but having these two young boys with them was enough.
Afterwards they never really made anything official aside from documents. They didn't hide it either, they were simply discreet men who kept the intimacy for when they were alone at home, away from prying eyes.
They would both tell people how much they loved their husbands when asked, sharing a little house where they took care of ljy and jl. They went to events together, and people never questioned it.
Then chaos happened one evening when the Jade's brother and wwx came over for dinner.
lwj was asked to go get something upstairs for lqr and wwx decided to follow along, being a little snoopy since lqr never allowed him to go about freely in his house ("unfair, a-cheng can do it though 😤").
And slowly wwx started to realise that many of the things he found around the house belonged to his chengcheng?
Was his a-cheng cheating on his husband with lqr😱?! Even lwj frown, looking unsure if his own uncle was really cheating on his husband with jc.
cue wgxn running back downstair, their mission forgotten as they joined people back in the living room.
"A-cheng!? You are cheating on your husband?!" suddenly accused wwx cue jc looking at him all "???" because last time he checked he never did anything with anyone else than lqr, at least not since he started being with him.
"I didn't think shushu would do such a thing," lwj said, sounding disappointed.
this led to the four people in the living room being even more confused. "What are you even talking about?" jc ends up asking wwx.
"I found your thing scattered around the house" ("You snooped around?😑") "a-cheng you cannot do that to your husband!?".
silence follows wwx statement, the brother and wwx looking tense and apprehensive of knowing what exactly is going on.
"My things are "scattered" all over the house because 𝘵𝘩𝘪𝘴 𝘪𝘴 my house" jc points out, lqr shaking his head with a sigh.
this only made the trio even more confused. Since when? this led to lxc and wwx asking questions to their respective family member, clearly confused.
"They are married, you dumbass" jl ended up pointing out ("language" jc scolded after).
This left the trio gaping at the news, looking at the little family as if they all had grown a few other heads.
"Since when!!!!" wwx quickly asked
"You never told me" lxc frowned
"I told you I was married" lqr said before drinking some tea
"I did too" simply shrugged jc, "Not my fault you never asked to who or didn't figure out in the past ten years"
"Ten years!!"
"yes ten years" ljy smirked, going to the corner table where stood a couple of frames. "Look at how small we were the day they got married" he added while bringing the frame with him.
"It's not our fault you never realised jiujiu was literally living with his husband, why did you me and jiujiu were always here when you came over?" jl asked, before a grin also spread over his lips, "Why we were always by yizhang side when going to a diner or other events"
"And when a-die couldn't pick me up when I was sick, it was Baba who came to pick me up" ljy commented "I even called jiang cheng baba in front of you more than once" the teen pointed out.
"Wei Ying, you were literally invited with lan wangji to our tenth-year anniversary last month" jc pointed out. they had gone for a nice dinner in a fancy restaurant and had invited the 3 men.
Silence came again as the Jade brother and wwx seemed to be slowly reviewing the past ten years, and from the look of it, they were also slowly finding more and more occurrences where everything made more sense knowing they were married.
the silence was broken when a melody started to play, jc looked down at his phone.
"Ah, food is ready," he said while standing up, "I'll need both your help," he said towards the two young men who followed after him.
jl and ljy both looked rather smug about all this. They had known for so long and had seen how happy the couple had been all these years without people bothering them. They were the ones who had been there ten years ago!
jl even stuck his tongue out to wwx, the man who claimed to know everything about his jiujiu but hadn't even figured out who his husband was all this time.
Later, the diner was served and a conversation started between the little family as if the event of earlier hadn't happened.
(that was pretty fun to write really, rencheng being a happily married couple for ten years and the people close to them none the wiser about it (maybe jgy had his own suspicious or had figured it out)
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nebulathunderwave · 9 months
Allow me to be mean and salty for a second. Sometimes it seems like there are clear correlations between certain types of fans of certain characters/ships and a certain way of interpreting (= completely exaggerating and twisting) canon scenes (= one quote).
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touchlikethesun · 2 months
the opener at the concert i went to last night was really good, i always love opening acts i rarely know them before and it’s so great to find new artists! on top of that one of his songs gave me such intense bingqiu visions i literally added it to my playlist as soon as he finished his set anyways i share with you now:
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leatherbookmark · 1 year
i'm wondering if mxtx hadn't planned for nhs's character to be a lil bit more expanded upon, because... it's word of god that he and nmj have different mothers. but they didn't have to! it's perfectly normal for one son to be Worthy of inheriting the sect/family business/whatever and the other to be a cringefail dandy without those differences being Justified by Different Mothers. and yet...?
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dragonji · 10 months
cleaned out part of my closet today and found a bunch of old picture frames I forgot I had stored so I took out a couple and put wgxn fanart in them and its making me stupidly happy rn♡
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izanyas · 1 year
Hi Ro! I'm a "long" time reader, not really in there grand scope of things, but I've been around since March 2020 and that feels like ages in social media time. And my question actually wants to address that if that's ok? Maybe it is not a struggle for you, but how do you manage keeping your artistic vision and taking time on your art? I'm sure there are people who started reading atc and by now are not even into danmei. I myself have a "long" fic (just over 100k words) that has taken me over two years and it's only around 70% done, and it sometimes gives me grief of how many people that would've been interested about it are not even now, or dropped it, or moved on with their lives. I write for me yeah, but I haven't found my "community" that likes what I write outside of ao3's comments. So sometimes it's discouraging. Sorry for the long ask and I may not be making sense. I love atc and know that whenever the story is concluded, I'll be there for it even if I'm not into wgxn anymore ❤️
hello, thank you so much for sticking with me for so long! ❤️
i think i understand what you mean. i'm not sure i have a good answer for this unfortunately... in truth, i'm not actively into mdzs fandom anymore and haven't been for several years, but it doesn't mean i can't write for it :) just like i haven't been following bsd in years but still enjoy writing fics for it. sometimes people go back to fandoms they've left behind (like me right now shoving fma fics into my mouth for weeks now lmao) and people who love your fics will not hesitate to come back and read them again, even long after leaving the fandoms they're for.
i don't know if there's any good trick to finding a community who likes your work specifically... but making this very blog that's dedicated to my fics has been such a nice experience! people will follow you for that if you give the link at ao3 because they want more of your writing :) and they can send you messages or otherwise communicate with you in ways they can't at ao3.
i think tumblr is better than twitter or discord if you wanna make a space for your readers to follow you and interact, since it allows for anonymous messages, and a lot of people are too shy to go out and say things openly. i can't guarantee that it'll be a huge success or anything but this blog is my favorite space online. make it strictly for fanfiction business (this one is a sideblog, my main blog @tahwan is where i do regular blogging) so you don't overwhelm your followers' dashboards with posts that aren't what they follow you for. allow anon asks. don't hesitate to post links to all your fics with proper tags and everything so more people on here can see them. or straight up post them on tumblr as well! there's no rule saying you can't post the same fic in 5 different places if you want to.
i hope this helps... i know it's very difficult to find a real regular readership for your work with fanfiction. i'm extremely grateful for all my followers here and how lovely you all are. but with time i'm certain that you'll find fans of your stories who want to read everything you write, even for fandoms they're not a part of haha, and who'll want to build a community with you.
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yunmeng-jiang · 1 year
someone is literally going through my blog and reblogging all my posts so they can rant about how wrong and stupid and delusional i am and how i'm illiterate and have no reading comprehension. like sorry you disagree with my opinions but please just block me and go back to posting about wgxn and how jc is evil and jgy never did a single good thing in his life 😂
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