#wh yukiya
gorvamp · 3 months
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someone needs to take my drawing privileges away right now. please. anyways s1 you will always be famous to me
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dark-wizardess · 1 year
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Hiro.... have some tact dude- you can't just say THAT 😅
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eye-cri · 2 years
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Mel is all let's be honest.
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ness-plays-wizards · 1 year
Lucious Route Chapter 1 (16-19)
Last time on the Lucious route, Liz and the others successfully enter the Labyrinth, but get no answers to any questions that popped up before Liz has to make her 8 am class.
On her way to the class, Liz meets with Elias and Yukiya and fills them in on the situation. Before she leaves, she finds a splotch of blood on the ground. There’s a trail of it leading to the woods. Liz, Elias, and Yukiya decide to follow it, because everyone knows that nothing bad will ever happen when you follow a mysterious trail of blood into the woods.
It turns out that Remy and Hugo are having a full on fight in the woods, in the middle of a school day, like you do. Remy knocks off Hugo’s mask and Hugo freaks out, at which point Liz, Elias, and Yukiya jump into the fight. Liz asks Hugo why he’s doing this when he helped them before, and Hugo gives this unhelpful half-monologue
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Okay goddammit who is messing with the space time continuum?
Then Hugo books it because at this point, why not?
And then the chapter just... ends
Queued for August 15
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No doubt that Wakamiya’s prowess of using his sword is undisputed. Look at how he flips it and hit the monster monkey right in the middle of its forehead. This is the second time he saved Yukiya on this episode.
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Yukiya: Wh-What if he really had eaten me?
Wakamiya: I saved you in time, didn't I? (Even cutting some of Yukiya’s fringe)
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Yukiya’s face registered that everything was over the moment the monkey’s arm wrapped around him. Moreover, he felt that the crown prince would let him perish as the latter took his time (he tried to talk to the monkey testing if he could comprehend him). He sold him once and pushed him to the cliff to get what he wanted, so what else could be his other intention? The reason for the boy’s outburst of emotion.
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memoria-99 · 3 months
First impressions on the names in WH
Elias: Looks like a Christian
Luca: Vocaloid Luka
Yukiya: Snow? Is he Japanese?
Klaus: Santa Claus
Randy: Somehow rhymes with candy
Azusa: Another Japanese style name
Vincent: Van Gogh
Leon: He doesn't look like lion
Cerim: Never heard of that name
Guy: Ofc he's not a girl
Leslie: Never seen a boy using this name
Sigurd: How should I pronounce sig part?
Mel: On
Zeus: Greek god crazy for women
Hiro: Hero
Alfonse: Daudet
Caesar: Where's Cleopatra
Lucious: Malfoy?
Hugo: The author of Les Miserables
Hisoka: Pedophilia clown
Rembrandt: Painter
Nox: Greek goddess of night
Rex: Dinosaur or rabbit
Gray: What a half-hearted naming
Ted: Teddy bear
Lars: Mars
Clive: Olive
Florin: Floor in
Albert: Camus
Light: Opposite of dark or heavy?
Felix: Pretty name
Vain: All went in vain
Viggo: Vigorously
Randolph: I'm more familiar with Rudolph
Schuyler: Sky Lurr
Merculova: Is he Russian?
Zett: Z
Eress: Pretty
Brunhild: Isn't that the woman from some myth
Taffy: Candy
Ronny: Weasley?
Chica: Brushing teeth
Mischa: Karamazov brothers
Fandamilla: "Fan"damilla
Scherazade: Arabian Nights
Lulu, Belle: Disney character Lulubelle
Kureha: Sounds strong
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ind1exo · 3 months
[ How I Pronounce WH Characters' Names ]
Elias Goldstein: (2017) El-li-yahs Gold-steen; (Now) El-li-yis Gold-steen
Yukiya Reizen: (2017) Yu-kai-yah Rey-zin; (Now) Yu-key-ya Rey-zin
Luca Orlem: Lu-ka Or-lem
Klaus Goldstein: Claus Gold-steen
Randy March: Ran-dee March
Azusa Kuze: Uh-zu-sa Ku-zay
Joel Crawford: (2017) Johl Crawford; (Now) Jo-el Crawford
Vincent Knight: Vincent Night
Leon: Leon
Cerim Leiado: Ser-im Lay-ah-do
Guy Brighton: Guy Brai-tin
Glenn Qing: Glenn King
Leslie Roseblade: Les-lee Rose-blade
Sigurd Curtis: Sih-gurd Kur-tis
Mel Glover: Mehl Glow-ver
Zeus Brundle: Zeus Brun-dul
Hiro Tachibana: He-ro Tah-chi-ba-na
Alfonse Goldstein: Al-fonse Gold-steen
Caesar Raphael: See-zar Ra-fai-el
Lucious Duller: (2018) Luh-cious Dul-ler; (Months ago) Lu-see-is Dul-ler; (Now) Lu-cious Dul-ler I've taken years of vacations off the game twice so that's why the timeline is drastic
Hugo Peers: Hue-go Peers
Hisoka Hagakure: He-so-ka Ha-ga-ku-rae
Willem V. Rembrandt: Will-em V. Rem-brant
Nox Noir: Nohx No-ar
Rex Blanc: Rehx Blahnk
Gray: Gray
Ted: Tehd
Lars Lagrene: Lars Lah-gren
Clive Lagrene: Clive Lah-gren
Florin Arden: Floor-in Ar-den
Albert Auburne: Ahl-bert Au-burn
Light Fildora: Light Fill-dora
Felix: Feel-lix
Viggo: Vih-go
Vain: Vain
Zett: Zeht
Augustus Cole: Au-gist-us Kole
Scarlett Quinn: Skar-let Quin
Randolph: Randolph
Conrad Schuyler: Cohn-rad Sk-huy-ler (It's hard to tell how his last name is actually pronounced...)
Loran Merkulova: Low-ran Mer-ku-lova
Thanatos: Than-na-tohs
Lacan: Lah-kan
Carbuncle: Car-bun-kle
Eress: Air-ess
Ronnie: Rah-nee
Chica: Chi-ka
Mischa: Mees-cha (Surprisingly, since my accent is supposed to make me say Mihs-cha like mischievous)
Chocolate Cake (Coco): I just call him Coco because saying the whole name is a pain. Luca reference
Nidhogg: Nihd-hog
Shu: Shoo
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maomao9jinshi · 1 month
Yukiya: Wh-What if he really had eaten me?
Wakamiya: I saved you in time,
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45654757899987 · 4 years
I want to give a thanks to everyone who is helping my promotional spread because getting just that specific post is really important to me but for now have season one wh x funko pop! @wizardessfleur​
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swordsmanofsweets · 4 years
Update + some new stuff I thought up!
Howdy ny'all! I know it's been forever since I've posted anything, it's been a rough year for me, and the past few weeks haven't been any easier and I lost motivation to do anything I enjoy really. But! I'm trying to pick myself back up again with a weekend off and being home alone to just do what I want! I've been playing Pokémon Yellow again recently, and that led me into a convo I had with my very good friend @youkaiangel, what would the WH characters be like as Pokémon trainers? So this was the only thing I could actually write, so here is the Wizardess Heart x Pokémon crossover that literally all of 2 people asked for! I plan on doing every season, along with some side/support characters and my OCs! But to make it easier on the eyes, I'll do one season at a time, in chronological order, so here are the Season 1 boys as Pokémon trainers!
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Whimsicott / Jellicent / Sylveon
Elias is about as studious as they come, knowing type advantages and weaknesses, what moves bring out the best in his Pokémon, how they all complement one another in battle. The more I think about it, the more I see Elias with a support team. All three of his Pokémon are great at setting up for each other, given all the moves they could possibly learn between them. Also, given the fact that his father is a gym leader, he and his brothers had access to many resources to get the best of everything they could possibly get their hands on. Eevee was Elias’ first ‘mon, so it’s no wonder it evolved into Sylveon so quickly. It has slept by Elias’ side from the day they met. Can you imagine an adorable little Eevee curled up next to a just as adorable little Elias? 🥺
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Lycanroc (Dusk form) / Azumarill / Leavanny
What else can be said about this soft, nature-loving boy? Just look at the Pokémon he’s raised! I don’t picture Yukiya to like battling his Pokémon (unless it’s for fun or absolutely necessary), I think of him supporting them if they want to do something like compete in Pokémon contests or something like that. His starter ‘mon was Azurill, who evolves into Marill when its friendship level with its trainer is maxed out. Can you imagine the look on little Yukiya’s face when he saw that tiny ball of fluff look up at him and squeak as it recognized him as its trainer? Are you crying as you’re picturing it too? No? Just me? Okay, moving on! 😅
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Umbreon / Raichu / Hydreigon
I tried to find the best Pokémon for Luca that suits what I know about him, and these three were the best that came to mind. Kinda overdid it on the dark types, huh? Lol, Umbreon is that powerful and dependable type, Hydreigon is that other powerful dark/dragon type (gee, I wonder what made me think of a dragon 🤔), and Raichu is there for added cuteness! As the Academy’s most knowledgeable man on campus on all the latest gossip, who else is gonna help him find the information? Only the world’s most adorable electric mouse ever! Pikachu was Luca’s first ‘mon, and can I just say does it love to tease the crap out of Elias’ Sylveon 🤭
Well, that's what I think of our season 1 boys as trainers. Yes, Walter is a gym leader, are you even surprised? This was actually a lot of fun to do, mixes two fandoms I have delved myself into for quite some time, and honestly just makes me really happy. I hope you all enjoyed and stay tuned for the next season of WH characters as Pokémon trainers! Let me know what you think in the comments and/or feel free to reblog with your thoughts! 😸
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whdreamland-blog · 6 years
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[Shall we date?: Wizardess Heart + #15] Elias “Thank you for coming everyone. Today I brought you the relationship chart of Wizardess Heart+ so that you can know more about us.” Luca “Oh, I got to say that the chart only shows our first impressions of the very beginning of the story. Once the romance makes a progress, the feelings would change as well, so keep an eye on Elias. Even serious-minded Elias will be melting in love by you, hehe!” Elias “W-W-W-Wh-Wha-What are you talking about?! F-First of all, she is way too sweet, and that’s why... *gasp*” Luca “Ohhhh? I couldn’t hear that! Try again. Go ahead. *fiendish smirk*” Elias “S-Shut up, Luca! Stop smirking at me! Yukiya, you were grinning too! ...Well, I guess you must be thinking of her, am I right?!” Yukiya “Don’t change your target to me. ...Luca was also grinning.” Luca “Hey, why not? I was just thinking of her being with me. She has enchanted a special love spell on me. I can’t resist her magic.�� Elias “Oh my... I must adore you saying such a cheesy phrase. Oh whatever. The topic is way off now, the chart is getting really pointless here. I don’t know how to round up the meeting anymore.” Luca “Then, why not end it here? Ah. Yukiya. Since you didn’t speak much today, you sum up for us.” Yukiya “...Okay. We’re looking forward to meeting with you, waiting here in the academy. See you soon.”
originally posted on Dec. 25, 2014
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The Master List
Ello lovelies Lizzy here as here’s a master list of the works thus far as I will be making sure to keep this up to date as much as I can so it’s easier for you all to find my content. uwu 
Dark Wizard Au pt2
Dark Wizard AU pt1
FE3H Meets WH (Houses & Classes)
WH/FGO Crossover
The Boys As Dragons
Elias Telling Luca His Feelings
Fluffy Buddies
The Surprise Calendar
Happy Birthday
Heroes That Light The Path
Never Touch The Glitter: Yandere Lizzy 
Prank Time W/ Lizzy Luna
Warmth of Spring
Welcome To The Family 
Yandere Elias
Prom Night Surprise
Prom Night Surprise
Lost To War
Miracle Ending
Prom Night Surprise
Changing History?
Only For Me
Love In The Club
A Brother’s Pride
Camping Trip
Good Enough?
The Heart Thief ch1 (discontinued)
Prom Night Surprise
Prom Night Surprise
Sweetly Haunted
Little Do You Know
Prom Night Surprise
Yandere Joel
Yandere Leon 
Not Related
My Boyfriend’s A Bunny
Glitter Heels
Yandere Sigurd
You’re The One I Love 
It’s Cliche 
Yandere Alfonse
This Little Piggy Needs Help (GoldenBacon)
Yandere Lucious
Surprise Encounter
Love War
The Great Phantom Thief Always Gets What He Wants
Her True Rage
Danced Your Way Into My Heart pt1
First Meetings
After All This Time
She’s Mine
My Dream Come True
My Sleeping Beauty
Stealing Her Away
Yandere Viggo
The Dragon’s Core
Allies To Lovers
What It Means To Love
Just Research
Not Your Time
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dark-wizardess · 1 year
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I.... what? 😀
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eye-cri · 4 years
Okay so while this hasn't popped up as a problem for the wh fandom (as far as I know) it has been on my mind lately.
I know some people don't have a liking towards Zeus/Glenn and that's fine! You have your reasons and I respect that. However I don't want their race brought up as a reason you don't like them. They may be fictional, but doesn't mean you can be racist towards them.
This also goes for Yukiya, Azusa, Hiro, Hisoka and Ted.
Racism isn't welcome in this fandom
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ness-plays-wizards · 2 years
Caesar Route Chapter 6 (6-10)
Last time on the Caesar Route, Liz and Caesar meet everyone’s least favorite nepo baby that no one’s ever heard of, then Shithead and also Vincent return to interrogate Zett, except instead of ant interrogating happening, it all just erupts into a series of dick measuring contests.
Metaphorically, of course. I think that if it was literal, I’d delete the app and shut this blog down for good.
So the dick measuring contests continue because Zeus won’t shut up. Vincent and Hiro try steer the conversation back to the interrogation but Zeus doesn’t, and Alfonse is unhelpful but hilarious
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Then Caesar goes up to the cell but instead of actually interrogating Zett, Zett turns the conversation around on him and goes “Don’t you want to go back to doing crimes.” I assume everyone is too busy trying to wrangle Zeus to notice that this is happening. Zett tells Caesar that he hasn’t changed from his past.
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This guy get mentioned, which makes Caesar completely up and leave the interrogation and Liz follows him, so I guess we’ll never know if any interrogating actually gets done or if everyone has to use all their energy to keep Zeus from ruining the entire thing.
Caesar asks Liz asks if she was worried about him, and when she confirms, he (for SOME REASON!) asks if that was as a friend. Liz doesn’t read the room and responds with “as a friend... and a comrade.” Caesar leaves to be alone.
The next day, everyone goes to a prefect meeting but Caesar isn’t there. Alfonse prepares to start and apparently Caesar actually sent in a notice that he wouldn’t be there.
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I’m so tired.
Hiro wonders what happened to make him skip the meeting, and Liz wonders the same thing. A conspiracy theory forms in my brain: This route is secretly Caesar/Hiro in addition to Liz/Caesar. You may think me mad, but they’ve kissed too, and an entire CG was dedicated to that bit where Hiro was on top of Caesar.
Anyway, Alfonse brings up the fact that they haven’t captured Hugo, which is good because I totally forgot about that guy. Alfonse wonders if Hugo and Zett are working together and figures he might break him out of the cell if they are. Though it seemed random and overly cautious, Alfonse freely admits that literally anything goes at this point. Yukiya and Elias take care of beefing up security. Zeus takes the opportunity to be an asshole, but everybody takes is at their peak “Epically Clapping Back At Zeus” form:
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Everyone leaves, and Liz tells Caesar she’s going to keep going after the Star Sapphire. Alfonse approves but lets her know that Caesar exercises his get out of school free card to go to town, but seemed weird about it.
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Well not with that attitude you can’t. 
Scheduled for: March 9
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lilac-lie · 3 years
I made a Wizardess Heart group chat :)
I don't have many friends that still enjoy wh but I hope to make more :)
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