#whaa WHAAAA
lion-buddy · 8 months
did what i promised myself id do and let them decorate cupcakes very long post. its continued under the cut <3
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alishaaxo · 6 months
Can we HOTD fans all get together, team green, team black and neutral, alike and appreciate this.
just look at HIMM
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Violent rays, Party Poison, and Toxic Sunshine walk into the diner wearing black cloaks, Tickled Pink lpoks up from the potato chips shes eating Tickled Pink: Umm…whaa? Why are you dresssed like that? ( ͡ಠ ʖ̯ ͡ಠ) Violent Rays: Because Axe Destructo is…..GONE Bomb Baby: What?? What do you mean hes gone??? ⊙﹏⊙∥ Party Poison: It's true. He's another casualty of…..TAYLOR SWIFT Tickled Pink: Whaaaaa? What does THAT mean? Is she a Drac??? Bomb Baby: NOOOOOO not my queen Taylor!!!! (;´༎ຶД༎ຶ) Violent Rays: Shut the fuck up bomb, Im sck of hearin you call that rat your 'queen,' no shes not a drac but she mght as well be, in gfact maybe she IS ans we just dont know it, oh my fuckin god im gtin pissed off *grabs a cigretee and starts smoking, pacing aroud the diner floor* No shes not a drac that we knw of, but.....im s o fuckin pisdfed off.... Toxic Sunshine: Take your time, baby! (;′⌒) Violent Rays: So Axe destructo was listneing to some shitty taylor swift mixtape, god that name makes me want to shit out a lung, and anywya……a drac heard him and thought he was ONE OF THEM, so he kidnapped Destruct and now hes gone foreve,r im so fuckin pissed wy am i alicve, fuck me fuck evergignhbhn Tickled Pink: Whaaaa? Axe Destructo is….GONE?? (ʘ ʖ̯ ʘ) Bomb Baby: NOOOOOOOOOOOO!!! NOT AXEY!!!!!!!!!!! ヽ(*。>Д<)o゜ Vioelnt rays: yeah bomb thats what hapepns when you listn to fuckin tyalor swift, dracs lisften to her all the time and they think your one of them, theu tink ur w/ bli, your a friend of korse, yor part of Bat Shitty,t hats what happens when ou let er sick music GODDAMN IM GON FUCKONI BUST A CINDERBLOCK WIH MY NUTS Toxic Sunshine: Nooo nooo baby dobn't do tht!! Remember what happend with the cactus??? Tickled Pink: Yeah Rays, your balls didn't heal for WEEKS! (#`O′) Vioelnt Rasys: yeah well let this be a lesson to yall, god im so fuckin pissed oim gon stick my dick in an anthill, i migt be late for dinenr tonigtt, dont wait up Toxic Sunshine: Ok well babey…..we'll save a plate for you!
Are you drunk? The typos, babes. 😂
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rnadett · 1 year
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youremy-celebrity · 2 years
And here comes the BakuTantrum. Whaaaa people want to hold me accountable for my past shitty actions whaaa so now I’m going to take that anger out on someone who only tried to see the good in me because I’m a little bitch like that whaa wha whaaaa 😭😭
When he gets his head out of his ass I really hope y/n isn’t so quick to forgive. Tell it how it is and let him know he can’t just be shitty and expect people to forgive him without an actual apology
bakugo's biggest challenge: apologising
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aeoki · 1 year
Autumn Forest - Chapter 6
Location: In Front of Yumenosaki Academy Auditorium Characters: Shinobu & Nazuna
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Shinobu: (W-What should I do… The tree made some rustling noises so I thought it was Marron but… now I can’t get down ~de gozaru!)
(And Marron isn’t even here!)
(I thought I had gotten used to high places because I’m been doing some rope stunts, but it’s completely different when you don’t have a safety rope!)
(I’m so high up! And I’m scared!)
S-Someone~! Save me~! Help me ~de gozaru!
It’s no use… there’s no one here…
(Why didn’t I put Marron back in the cage right away…? If I did that, then none of this would’ve happened…)
(I got to be closer to Marron and Nito-dono and Leader-dono praised me. I got ahead of myself thinking I could handle everything…)
(How should I apologise to Yuuta-kun and Hinata-kun…?)
(They’ll definitely get fed up with me. And we finally became friends…)
U-Uuu… *Sniffle* This isn’t the time to be crying ~de gozaru. Marron should be the one who wants to cry the most…
(It got separated from its owner and it was taken to a place it’s never been to before. It was surrounded by new people and on top of all that, it was chased by a ferocious cat…)
(I would die if I was subject to all those things.)
(I’ll be the one to save Marron! Yellow flames are a sign of hope! I’m Ryuusei Yellow – the hero of justice ~de gozaru!)
Anyway, I’ve got to find a way down.
I-It’ll be okay! I’ll be fine as long as I go down slowly…! I-It’s not scary at all!
[ Location: Hallway 1F ]
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Nazuna: Shinobun~! Where are you~? Anzu, how was your end?
No luck either, huh. I don’t think he’s gone inside, though~
But if Marron entered the school building in a panic, then Shinobun would also chase after it. Which means it’s going to be really hard to find them.
Shinobun must be feeling pretty down… It’s an important squirrel his friends left him to take care of…
Chiaki-chin is helping out too, but it would be nice if Marron came out easily by being drawn by his scent~
Anyway, we should find Shinobun first. Maybe we should try the garden terrace this time…
Hmm? What’s wrong, Anzu? You hear someone? Huh? It’s Shinobun’s voice?
Shinobu: S-Someone~! Save me~! Help me ~de gozaru!
Nazuna: …You’re right, it’s coming from that way. Let’s go, Anzu!
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Nazuna: Shinobun!? What’re you doing up in the tree!?
Shinobu: Oh, Nito-dono~ Anzu-dono~! I climbed up here searching for Marron but I couldn’t get down… No! I’ll come down right away!
Nazuna: (He couldn’t get down, huh…)
Umm, Shinobun, it’s fine for you to come down slowly, okay? That’s it, put your foot there. Don’t look down~
Shinobu: *Breathes in, breathes out…* (It’s okay. I’ve always succeeded in our performances. Alright!)
There we go…
Nazuna: Yup, slowly just like that~
Shinobu: Whaaaa!? My foot slipped~!
Nazuna: …Eeek!? S-Shinobyun! I cwan’t wratch!
*Phew* I thought I was going to lose a few years of my life! S-Shinobun, are you okay~?
Shinobu: I-I’m okay~ Down I go…
Nazuna: Slowly~ Just take your time~!
Shinobu: …And there! I’m on the ground! Phewww… T-That was so scary ~de gozaru!
Nazuna: There, there. Good job ♪ You did great, Shinobun.
Shinobu: Whaa!? I’m happy but having Nito-dono and Anzu-dono patting my head is too much~ My head’s wobbling~
Nazuna: Oh, sorry for making you feel all groggy. By the way, did you manage to find Marron?
Shinobu: Nope. I did see Marron and the cat run in this direction, but I lost sight of them…
The tree was making rustling noises, so I thought it might be Marron and climbed up. Then you guys know the rest…
Nazuna: I see~ Well, we’ve found Shinobun so let’s search for Marron next.
Anzu and I will help you out and Chiaki-chin’s looking for Marron too!
We might be able to find it in the strangest of places~ So cheer up, Shinobun!
Shinobu: Y-You’re right! Nothing’s going to come out of my being gloomy. I’ll do my best to look for Marron ~de gozaru!
Nazuna: But still, where should we go…? Anzu, do you have any good ideas?
Hmm. It should be hungry soon, so we should try to draw it out by using some food? Ohh, that sounds good ♪
Shinobu: Can it tell what the food smells like? What happens if Marron is too far away?
Nazuna: Animals have a really good sense of smell. When I’m feeding the rabbits, they can tell from far away and they come running towards me!
So Marron should be able to notice as well~
Shinobu: I-Is that true!? Then the food…
Ah! I left it with the cage back at the grower barn!
Nazuna: Then we’ll have to go back to the grower barn for now.
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daemion · 2 years
The people who live down the hall are like cartoon high school bullies I politely asked them to stop playing hockey in the hallway (yes with hockey sticks) and they like barely waited for me to turn around to talk about how I’m a bitch. “Whaaaa it’s not even 9 o’clock whaa” how old are you five. It’s finals week
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999moreyears · 4 years
oh POGGED CHAMP! tommy update time...
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chaniters · 4 years
First Kiss
Follow up to the last fic (Breakup)
A friendly guest visits Ash to talk about the latest news. 
This one ha a trigger warning right from the start, so I’m cutting it right after this. There are also spoilers for Rebirth and Retribution.
-Past abuse (non graphic) 
“Stupid doll! Why did you stop?!” he asks, furious. You’ve never seen him so mad. 
“I-I don’t know… I didn’t expect…that you..” you stutter confused, the tip of your fingers reaching for your lips, still trying to process what just happened.
The jolt is sudden, painful and frantic, and has you panting, holding onto the wall as it ends. No pain gate to hide behind when they do that. 
But you didn’t expect that he would do that.
“You only stop when I tell you to stop!”  he yells
“I’m sorry sir!, Please don’t do that...-” you add quickly but begging is useless now. 
He presses the button again. And again. And again.
You’re lying on the floor, trying to regain your breath when it finally stops, your body still trembling. 
“Get back up now, dog” he orders, “I mean it”
You struggle to get back on your feet, wobbly legs, and heavy breathing
“I’ll… I’ll do it again! It’ll be better this time!” you plead. 
“It damn well better be,” he says, glaring at you. “Let’s start from the beginning… and I want you to get her hair right this time.”
“It’ll be perfect. Just like you remember her, I promise” you say quickly
“Good. Begin!” he gives you your cue. 
You focus on his eyes, into his mind taking in his memories, giving it all to recreate her once more, bring her back to life for him. 
Every detail, every aspect of her mind he remembers, her personality… and then…
She smiles
The banging on your door breaks you from the nightmare. 
It takes a lot more than usual to come back to reality and scan to see who is it that’s knocking there.
“What?” you hate verbal telepathy but It’ll take some time to get dressed with all the necessary layers. 
“Was just passing by and stopped to say hi” There’s something inherently funny in the single line of their response. 
“Cut the bullshit, we’re literally on the opposite end of town from where you live” you think back, as the struggle with pants continues, very real. Legs still hurt like hell, and you had to do your own stitches last night, because who else would? 
Steels ambulance? Fat chance...
“Ok, maybe I got a taxi and two buses to get here tosay hi and check on you” 
You grab a can of beer from the small fridge in passing and head to the door, opening it, staring up at Themmie, smiling at you on the other side, some newspapers, and magazines under their arm. 
“Hi, there!” they wave. 
“Good. You said hi, you saw I’m still alive, so now you can go” you say, opening the can and taking a sip.
“Aww, you won’t even let me come in?”
“Ortega obviously sent you,” you say, crossing your arms
“Of course he did, but I would have come anyway”
You narrow your gaze. If it was anyone else, you would be having this conversation trough a locked door, but this is Themmie… They are a special case. 
“What do you want?” you ask, raising your chin.
“Just to chat”
“The current headlines? You made it to the front page! You’re a big boy now!”
“Wha…” you start, but they hand you a newspaper, with your picture on the front page as they said. Under it, in bold, underlined letters is your statement from last night. 
“Oh fuck me…” you groan.
“Oooh, so that offer really extends to all of us? I have to say it’s a bit too early in the morning for me. Mind If I come in?” 
“I can’t believe they actually published that,” you relent, moving away from the door, turning the page to skim at the article. 
“Wow… this is a DUMP” they ponder upon walking past the door. “But it’s better than the last dump I guess, so kudos on that” 
“Are there other articles?” you ask, annoyed, handing him another cold beer as you sit by the old table. 
“ I just brought a few, but there’s plenty more where this came from,” they say taking the only other chair and passing you the rest of the magazines and papers. 
Frontpage, same message, every single one of them. 
“Hey, you shouldn’t complain! There’s plenty of decade-old heroes that never get a front page!”
“I got really mad last night ok? I didn’t mean for… any of that” you say tossing the papers back his way.  
“Was it about the bait thing?”  they ask, taking one of the magazines from the pile. “There’s a whole interview with Captain Blaze dragging Ortega’s ass about using his sidekick as human shields and live bait”
“Let me see that, and I’m not his sidekick...” you say taking it from them
The whole article is a disgusting little hit-piece whit Blaze using you as ammunition to hit Ortega with and basically gloating about it. But with both Steel and you getting shot while Ortega came out unscathed, the evidence’s on his side. 
“If you want to join the Guardians man, I bet they’d take you right now” They grin. 
“I don’t want to join a team… and how did they even know about the bait thing?”
“You yelled it at Steel, remember? Then the sarge tried to explain how baiting the enemy is a valid strategy and that Charge did the right thing in coming up with it…”
“How did that go?” 
“Read it yourself” they add passing another article your way. The title says it all.
Loyal friend, or Devil’s Advocate? An opinion piece published by Deveraux, one of the mayor’s closest allies in the last years, trashing Charge’s ethics and field abilities. 
“The bait wasn’t even his idea” you sigh. “I’m the one that came up with it”
“Whaa… you being serious?”
“Why didn’t Charge just tell them?” 
“Charge made no comments, said nothing, just walked past. I don’t think they’d have believed that if he did anyway, but he didn’t even tell us what happened back at the HQ. He just wanted me to bring you a message, and then locked himself up in his office and hasn’t come out. I think he slept there.”
“Huh. And what message is that?” you ask, pretending disinterest.
“He just wanted me to tell you he’s really sorry about what happened up there. That he wasn’t thinking, and that he’s an idiot, and wants to apologize” “He is an idiot,” you say, not looking at them. 
“So you’re not mad about being used as Psychopathor-bait?” 
“Then what the hell’s going on? Why did you storm off like that” they ask. 
“I can’t tell you.”
“Why not?”
“Because it’s… it’s...” How can you explain what you don’t understand?
“Because... it’s what? Bad? Twisted? Secret?
“No… no it’s just…”
“Problematic? Embarrassing?”
“It’s personal dammit!” you raise your voice. 
“Well, lucky you, I’m your friend! You can talk personal stuff with me!”
“How do I know you won’t tell anyone else?”
“Seriously?” they ask, glaring, making you flinch with guilt.
“Sorry” you avoid the gaze. “I shouldn’t have said that...I know you won’t, Themmie” 
“It’s ok” 
“Alright, I’ll tell you. But promise me you won’t tell a living soul!”
“You already said you know I won’t!” 
“Fine, fine, I promise I won’t tell anyone. Now tell me!”
“Ok… when I tried to bait Psychopathor, I dodged a few blasts… but then he got me. Vaporized the wall I was using for cover, got covered in debris, couldn’t get up… then Charge came from behind, and zapped him.”
“Uhu. Uhu” he nods “Go on”
“So Charge… Ortega.. He got closer and helped take all the shit off my legs and lifted me up… and then… and then...”
“And then what?” they ask. 
You walked yourself up to the edge on your own, and now there’s no turning back it seems.
“And then he kissed me”
“HE DID WHAT?!?!!?”
“Don’t make me say it again” 
“And then what happened?!?!?!”
“I don’t know … I didn’t expect it!”
“So you didn’t want it?!” 
“I don’t know! It was too fast!” 
“I don’t!”
“What did you do?”
“I think I might have kissed him back” 
“Ok. Ok….” they take a few moments to cool down, the thoughts running wildly in his brain. “So let’s go over this again”
You sigh and nod. 
“He. Charge, Ortega, Marshal Sparkles,... He kissed you”
“Yes, without warning”
“After saving your life”
“He didn’t save my life it was all part of the plan!!” 
“So after saving your life, he kissed you without warning”
You grumble, but still, nod “More or less”  
“And you. Sidestep. Ash. My buddy… you KISSED HIM BACK?”
“I might”
“Alright,” They nod, taking a few deep breaths, too excited. “So… tell me how… how do we go from there… to this?” they point at the newspaper front page. 
“He.. uh…”
“Did he do anything else?” 
“After we kissed… His mods malfunctioned. Shocked the hell out of me” And brought back memories, but you don’t say that.
“He started apologizing, and that’s when I realized what just happened… I pushed him away… told him to get off me, told him to fuck off, and got the hell out of there”
“You… oh my god…you just left? Didn’t he follow?”
“Well, he tried, but I was faster” 
That’s when you realized what was really happening.
After all, you went through, after all the shit they put you through… After all that you had to go and make out with a human again? And not just ANY human but an actual walking taser?! 
What were you thinking, getting so close to him in the first place? Risking your cover for what?!
And then you kissed him back! Idiot! 
But wasn’t it nice for a brief moment…?
No? yes?
“He kissed you and it freaked you out”
“Yeah, I panicked! Didn’t know what to do,  then Steel was down there being an asshole, the media was all around and It felt like there was no one on my team…” There’s never anyone on your team. “Hey, I’m team Sidestep!” Except for Themmie of course 
“Thanks” you give him a weak smile. 
“Do you want me to talk to him?” 
“I don’t know...”
“Do you want to call him yourself and talk this out?”
“I don’t know what to say to him”
“Do you want me to kick his ass?”
“Well do you want to kiss him again?”
“...” you stare at him, narrowed gaze.
“Hey man, just naming all the options here!” __________ 
If you want to read more: My Fanfiction: https://chaniters.tumblr.com/post/181692759294/my-fanfiction-for-fallen-hero    DISCLAIMER: This is a work of fan fiction using characters and the setting of the Fallen Hero: Rebirth and upcoming Fallen Hero: Retribution games written by Malin Riden. I do not claim ownership of any characters from the Fallen Hero wold. These stories are a work of my imagination, and I do not ascribe them to the official story canon. These works are intended for entertainment outside the official storyline owned by the author. I am not profiting financially from the creation of these stories, and thank the author for her wonderful game/s, without which these works would not exist.
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klanced · 8 years
keith: (opens his mouth)
(in the background)
lance: (whistling) [whistle whistle whi]
hunk: wah waah waahhhh
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crazysorruins · 4 years
➻ "Twinkle, twinkle, little knife"
"We well end their fucking life"
"Up, above, full of stab"
"Yummy flesh with fresh blood"
"Fay, can we go out later with Rhealyn and Athena? I miss going out with you guyz"
I said with matching plastic smile on Fay.
"Ummh sure, why not i miss our bondings too" she reply, i was so very happy in that point.
"Yeyy, thank you very much so see you, bye"
Hahaha *demon laugh*, wait for me later night, this will be your happiest night ever in your life. Im gonna make a thing that will make you all happy later. It's better to you to say goodbye.
I brought my bagpack before i go because there's one object i wanna take and this object can make myself a criminal.
7:12, in that time, i leave at our house and go to the place that we're going to meet with my FRIENDS hahaha.
"Eyy Fay, where is Rhealyn and Athena?" i ask her .
"They can't leave, their parents didn't wan't them to go"
I felt so sinister, tsk.
"Uhm Fay, can we go first to comfort room?"
"Sure, i'll go with you..." she said then i smile.
"Whaaaa!!, what are you going to do with that knife Nicole? Why did you brought that?" Fay ask with panic.
"Just simple Fay, i can make my plan in just 30 seconds" i asnwered seriously.
"Whaa-t do you-----"
Before Fay can finish her sentence, i slap her two times and stab her stomach again and again. Her blood goes on my clothes and face but don't worry, i'll make sure that im clean later when i go out here.
"Why Nicole, i expected that you already forgiven us for what we did on you before but im wrong" that was Fay last long sad messege on me before she's gone.
"Im sorry but i can't Fay, i can't" i whispered on her ears hoping that she's still listening on me but she didn't. She died at a time of 8:43.
"Goodbye Fay, so sad because you're the only who deceased tonight. Athena and Rhealyn was so lucky, right?" ......
I can never forgive them for what they did on me when we're just elem., im a victim of bully, they ruin me, my life and i will never foget it.
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welcome-the-ghosts · 7 years
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whaa whaaaa whaaaaaa
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uuuuuugh, the su discourse is getting so fucking ridiculous...
Whaa J//asper is innocent because Amethyst and rose also have violent tendencies! Its just a Quartz trait!
Yeah its not like Jasper is celebrating her place in a fascist space oligarchy that aims to enslave, exploit, or exterminate all life in the universe to fit their needs. Whaaaa!
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politiciandirect · 7 years
NAFTA Negotiators Send Corporate Whiners Back To Swamp
NAFTA Negotiators Send Corporate Whiners Back To Swamp
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Giant corporations, loyal to coin and faithless to country, staged a public display of blubbering in the run up to this week’s fourth round of negotiations to revise the North American Free Trade Agreement (NAFTA). Whaa, whaaa, whaaaa, groups like the U.S. Chamber of Commerce sniveled into the swamp from which they crawled to conduct their press conferences. President Trump isn’t doing what…
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aeoki · 1 year
Autumn Forest - Chapter 2
Location: Yumenosaki Grower Barn Characters: Shinobu, Chiaki & Nazuna
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Nazuna: Hmm, I see~ So you’re supposed to take care of a squirrel, but you’re having a hard time doing that because it won’t warm up to you, huh.
And you remembered I have a pet rabbit, so you brought Shinobu to see me. Is that right, Anzu?
Shinobu: She started dragging me somewhere out of the blue, so I was really startled… So that’s why she did that ~de gozaru.
But, Anzu-dono, why did you know that Nito-dono would be here?
…Hmm. Oh, I see. You saw Nito-dono heading over to the grower barn.
Nazuna: I’ve met Anzu at the grower barn a couple of times and she knows I sometimes come to take care of the rabbits.
Shinobu: Thank you, Anzu-dono!
So, Nito-dono, do you know how I can get closer to the squirrel? Please give me some advice, de gozaru~
Nazuna: Hmm~... Advice, huh~...
Shinobu: Is there something that could work for all small animals…?
Nazuna: Rabbits and squirrels are completely different~ Or maybe I should just think of it as something similar to a rabbit?
If we’re talking about rabbits, the most important thing is making sure they’re not scared but, well, I guess that’s the same for squirrels too, huh. How about you get it to remember your scent?
Anyway, Shinobun, can I see the squirrel for a sec?
Shinobu: Of course! I’ll take off the roof… This is Marron the squirrel ~de gozaru.
Uuu, it still doesn’t like me~... It’s been like this for a while now and I can’t get it to lower its guard at all.
Nazuna: Oh~ It looks like it’s scared~ It should be trained and I think it should be used to being around humans as opposed to wild squirrels.
That’s why we should get it to learn that Shinobun is a human that it can feel safe around.
Shinobu: That was also written on the note I got from Yuuta-kun and Hinata-kun but, unfortunately, when I put my hand near it, it didn’t like that at all… What should I do?
Nazuna: Hmm~ …Ah, how about you give it a snack?
If you hold a snack in your hand and stay still, Marron should come to you on its own.
Then it can remember your scent and it might feel safe around you knowing that you’ll give it snacks.
Shinobu: I-I see! I’ve got both food and snacks! I’ll try right away then…
Come on out, Marron~ Here’s a snack~ It’s a really good one~
Nazuna: Ah, Marron showed its face. It’s moving its nose and smelling it.
Shinobu: …N-Nito-dono? Marron is coming closer but it looks really angry!?
I-I’m scared! It’s not going to eat the snack and also bite my entire finger off, is it!? Whaaaa! I’m scaredddd!
Nazuna: C-Calm down, Shinobun! If you move now, Marron will get scared and it won’t feel safe around you.
Shinobu: Eeeeek!? It snatched the snack out of my fingers~! On second thought, I’m destined to get along with frogs only!
Dogs bite, birds peck and squirrels snatch things from your hands~! Whaaaaa.
Nazuna: There, there. Good job not moving until the very end, Shinobun.
But what do we do about this~? Shinobun’s scared and the rift between them has only grown larger…
Chiaki: The heavens call, the earth calls and the people call! Let me know if there are crying children I must protect! I’m the hero of justice, Chiaki Morisawa!
Nazuna: Whaa!? Djon’t shtartle me likwe dwat!
Chiaki: Fuhahaha ☆ I didn’t get a word you just said! You’re still the same as always, huh, Nito – you stutter up a storm when you’re startled~!
…Yowch!? Why did you karate chop me, Anzu? You didn’t like my Kamen Rider Stronger-style way of making an appearance? Stronger’s pretty cool, you know.
Huh? That’s not it? Don’t scare Nito, you say?
Sorry, my bad! My sensors were going off because they found crying children, so I flew right over!
Nazuna: *Sigh~* You gave me a fright. So you finally gained that sort of ability, Chiaki-chin?
Chiaki: I’m kidding~ I was just walking by and saw you guys ☆ But it’s true that I ran over because I heard Yellow’s cries!
Anyway, what’s wrong, Yellow!? Tears don’t suit you at all ☆
Shinobu: L-Leader-dono~ I’m hopeless~! I can’t get Marron to be friends with me at all, de gozaru~
Chiaki: Hmm… I don’t know what’s going on at all. What happened? Who’s Marron? A friend from overseas?
Hm? What is it, Anzu? Oh, I see. Hmm.
…Okay, I’ve got it! Sengoku’s in a bind because the squirrel isn’t warming up to him, huh!
Alright, I don’t know if I can be helpful or not, but I’ll help you out! Heroes are always helping those in trouble!
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Nazuna: Chiaki-chin, shhh~! Don’t yell in such a loud voice near the cage. There are a lot of animals who don’t like loud noises.
Your voice is already naturally loud as it is, Chiaki-chin.
Chiaki: That so? Alright, I’ll be careful. There’s a squirrel in that little house inside the cage, right? Can I put my hand near it?
Nazuna: Be gentle about it, okay? It might bite or scratch you if you get near it too suddenly, so be careful.
Chiaki: Okay, got it. There, there, Marron. It’s not scary so come on out~ I’m Chiaki Morisawa, the burning heart ☆
Nazuna: Hm? Marron’s come out of its house!?
Chiaki: Oh, oh, ohh?
Shinobu: ……!? It swiftly climbed up from his hand to his shoulders!?
Chiaki: Fuhahaha ☆ This guy’s cute and friendly ♪
Shinobu: Whaaat!? W-What’s going on ~de gozaru!? Why does it like Leader-dono that much!?
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thesinnamonson-blog · 6 years
Whaa-wha---whaaaa-what your fafa-father told you about me
“Oooooh, he told me lots about you, nephew!” TJ giggled and looked up at DJ, reaching up to give his back a little pat. His daddy’s favorite activity was telling him stories of when they were younger. Embarrassing stories that were enough to bring a blush out of anyone.
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