#what are the differences between asthma and copd?
drnishthasingh · 2 years
Diwali is a reason to overeat fried and sweet foods. However, consuming a lot of refined carbohydrates, processed foods, and sweets might cause your body to become inflamed. If you see breathing difficulties, it is always advisable for an asthma and allergy specialist. So Book an Appointment with Dr. Nishtha Singh- A chest specialist in Rajasthan.
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What are some examples of different types of chronic illnesses and how they effect a person. I've tried looking it up but they are super confusing.
Officially, a chronic illness is any illness that lasts over 6 months.
Chronic illness is a spectrum. It could mean an illness that is so bad the person has to live in a hospital or long term care facility, but it could also mean an illness that maybe the person has to see a doctor about a few times a year but otherwise doesn't have to think about. A lot of people are somewhere in-between.
Some examples of common chronic illnesses include:
Diabetes (types 1 and 2)
Heart Disease
Kidney Disease
Crohn's Disease
It might also be the aftereffects of an illness like COVID-19, Polio, a stroke, or a heart attack.
I would recommend googling "Living with [insert chronic illness here]" which can get you a lot of first-hand accounts of people living with whichever disease you are interested in.
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devilscastle69 · 27 days
hey, thank you so much for engaging with sickromancer’s totally weird responses to the “drama”/“discourse” about… uh… vulnerable chronically ill people daring to discuss traumatic experiences during a pandemic! I really liked their writing, but a while back they posted this, so… not shocking that they don’t actually know the difference between Hot Fantasy Contagion and Hot IRL Indifference
listen im not into cancel culture or whatever. i think i'd like to clarify my thoughts one more time tho.
if i disagree with something strongly enough ill say it. i think taking care to keep others and yourself safe is important and ik how serious it is now. covid can disable healthy people and with each reinfection that risk increases. thats not me fear mongering, thats ive read this and have had it 3 times and each time has been worse. it's a real gamble bc you dont know how your body will react to it. theres one client i have who is immunocompromised and every time i enter the home i wear a mask and they wear a mask and there are air filters on and genuinely it's the only place ive felt consistently safe in the past year outside of my own home.
we're all shaped by our own experiences and i sympathize w her situation like my family friends grew up with a parent with extreme untreated ocd and theyd be hours late to everything if like the toilet paper touched the wall wrong and theyd have their own special gym equipment and all of the kids turned out different. one of them became like an anti vax incel alt right guy. i had issues w my parents growing up that im working thru and like i def am more prone to anger than the average person. taking your trauma out on other ppl isn’t okay either though
if youre sharing food or drink w friends, both of u have consented and great. partner to partner = consent. not being worried about germs is a privilege though and not being able to understand that is whats like confusing to me esp after 2020. it's not that disabled people have an irrational fear of germs it's like...survival, genuinely. and even if people do have a legit phobia why are we shaming them
also to clarify, i am not disabled unless u count asthma/probable copd (but literally i can do all my tasks so i do not) and have had so much carelessness at work including a horrible absence policy and have loved ones who are disabled. live your best lives, i think if you're sick you should try not to get random people sick on purpose and thats really my main piece idc about consensual situations or any type of fantasy.
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drparthiv · 8 months
What are the common causes of bronchitis?
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Bronchitis is typically caused by inflammation of the bronchial tubes, which can result from various factors. The common causes of bronchitis include:
Viral Infections: Acute bronchitis is often caused by viral infections, such as the common cold or the flu (influenza). Viruses are the most frequent culprits, leading to symptoms like cough, mucus production, and chest discomfort.
Bacterial Infections: While less common than viral bronchitis, bacterial infections can also cause acute bronchitis. Bacterial bronchitis may require antibiotic treatment.
Irritants and Allergens: Exposure to irritants and allergens can lead to chronic bronchitis. The most significant contributor to chronic bronchitis is cigarette smoke, but exposure to other lung irritants like air pollution, dust, or chemical fumes can also be a factor.
Environmental Factors: Inhaling polluted air, such as industrial emissions or indoor air pollutants, can irritate the bronchial tubes and lead to bronchitis, especially in areas with poor air quality.
Gastroesophageal Reflux Disease (GERD): Stomach acid that backs up into the throat and airways can irritate and inflame the bronchial tubes, contributing to chronic bronchitis in some cases.
Respiratory Infections: Other respiratory infections, such as respiratory syncytial virus (RSV), can lead to bronchitis, especially in young children and the elderly.
Weakened Immune System: People with compromised immune systems, such as those with HIV/AIDS, cancer, or those taking immunosuppressive medications, are more susceptible to bronchitis.
Asthma: Individuals with asthma may be at an increased risk of developing bronchitis, especially if their asthma is not well-controlled.
Occupational Exposure: Certain occupations that involve exposure to lung irritants and toxins, such as coal miners or textile workers, may be at higher risk of developing chronic bronchitis.
It's important to differentiate between acute and chronic bronchitis, as they have different causes and treatment approaches. Acute bronchitis is often caused by viral or bacterial infections and is usually short-lived. Chronic bronchitis, on the other hand, is typically a result of long-term exposure to irritants and is a component of chronic obstructive pulmonary disease (COPD). It requires ongoing management and lifestyle changes, such as smoking cessation, to improve the condition.
Consult Dr. Parthiv Shah is one of the Chest Physician in Borivali at Sparsh Super Speciality lung Clinic. They can assess your condition and determine whether a referral to a pulmonologist is necessary.
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clevelandclinic · 10 months
What is an inhaler?
An inhaler is a small, handheld device that delivers medication directly to your lungs. Inhalers can be dry powder, metered-dose or soft mist. The most common types use medicine that helps open your airways or reduce inflammation in your lungs. What’s the difference between an inhaler and a nebulizer? Inhalers and nebulizers both deliver medicines that treat lung conditions. But an inhaler is a handheld device that doesn’t need electricity. It usually delivers dry powder or a spray of medication, though some use a soft mist of liquid medication. device that doesn’t need electricity. It usually delivers dry powder or a spray of medication, though some use a soft mist of liquid medication. Nebulizers are larger and use a battery or you plug them in. You use them with a mask or mouthpiece. Nebulizers deliver the medicine over several minutes, rather than in one breath. Who needs to use an inhaler? People with chronic lung conditions that affect their breathing, like asthma or chronic obstructive pulmonary disorder (COPD), most commonly use inhalers. You use daily inhalers to prevent or manage your symptoms and fast-acting inhalers (rescue inhalers) during an asthma attack or COPD exacerbation (times when your breathing gets worse). Can someone without asthma use an inhaler? Yes, providers prescribe rescue inhalers and inhaled corticosteroids for respiratory conditions other than asthma. As with any medication, you should only use an inhaler that’s prescribed for you. What inhalers are used for asthma? Providers often prescribe inhaled corticosteroids (ICS) to prevent asthma symptoms, along with a rescue inhaler for quick relief of attacks. If ICS medications don’t help manage your asthma, your provider may add a long-acting bronchodilator, like a long-acting beta-agonist (LABA) or a long-acting muscarinic antagonist (LAMA). What medications are used in inhalers? Types of medications in inhalers for respiratory conditions include those that provide quick relief during an exacerbation or an attack, and those that you take regularly to manage symptoms or prevent attacks. These include short-acting bronchodilators, long-acting bronchodilators and inhaled corticosteroids. What are the risks of using inhalers? The risks of side effects of inhalers vary by medication and the condition you’re treating. Some risks include:  You shouldn’t use long-acting bronchodilators without also using an inhaled corticosteroid to treat asthma. Using long-acting bronchodilators alone can increase your risk of death from an asthma-related event.  Using ICS inhalers with COPD may increase your risk of pneumonia. Risks of inhaler devices themselves usually involve improper use.
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atrespiratorylectures · 11 months
Breath by Breath: Understanding Pulmonary Function Testing for Respiratory Health
The human respiratory system is a remarkable and complex network responsible for supplying our bodies with life-sustaining oxygen while eliminating carbon dioxide waste. Maintaining optimal respiratory health is crucial for overall well-being. When respiratory issues arise, early detection and accurate assessment become essential for effective diagnosis and treatment. This is where Pulmonary Function Testing (PFT) plays a vital role. In this blog, brought to you by A&T Respiratory Lectures, we will delve into the significance of PFT in understanding respiratory health and how it aids in identifying and managing various respiratory conditions.
What is Pulmonary Function Testing (PFT)?
Pulmonary Function Testing, often referred to as lung function testing, is a series of non-invasive tests used to evaluate how well the lungs are functioning. These tests measure different aspects of lung capacity, volume, and gas exchange efficiency, offering valuable insights into the health and efficiency of the respiratory system. PFT is typically performed by respiratory therapists, pulmonologists, or other healthcare professionals specialized in respiratory care.
The Importance of PFT for Respiratory Health
1. Early Detection of Respiratory Abnormalities: PFT can detect respiratory abnormalities in their early stages, even before noticeable symptoms manifest. This early detection enables healthcare providers to initiate timely interventions, preventing the progression of respiratory conditions and improving overall outcomes.
2. Diagnosing Respiratory Conditions: PFT plays a crucial role in diagnosing various respiratory conditions such as asthma, chronic obstructive pulmonary disease (COPD), interstitial lung disease, and more. By assessing lung function, PFT helps differentiate between restrictive and obstructive lung disorders, guiding healthcare professionals in determining appropriate treatment plans.
3. Monitoring Respiratory Progression: For individuals with known respiratory conditions, regular PFTs are essential to monitor the progression of the disease and evaluate the effectiveness of ongoing treatments. Adjustments to medications or therapeutic approaches can be made based on the results, optimizing patient care.
4. Preoperative Assessment: PFT is often performed before major surgeries to assess a patient’s lung function and identify any potential respiratory risks during anesthesia and surgery. This information helps the surgical team tailor anesthetic management and post-operative care to ensure the best possible outcomes.
Common Pulmonary Function Tests
1. Spirometry: Spirometry is a fundamental PFT that measures the volume and flow of air during breathing. It assesses lung function, identifies obstructive and restrictive patterns, and helps diagnose conditions like asthma and COPD.
2. Lung Volume Measurements: These tests evaluate the total lung capacity, residual volume, and functional residual capacity, providing insights into lung volume abnormalities.
3. Diffusing Capacity Test: This test assesses the efficiency of gas exchange in the lungs, crucial for identifying conditions affecting the alveoli, such as interstitial lung disease.
Pulmonary Function Testing is a cornerstone in the evaluation of respiratory health. It empowers healthcare professionals with valuable data needed for early detection, accurate diagnosis, and effective management of respiratory conditions. By understanding the significance of PFT, we can ensure better respiratory care and improved quality of life for individuals facing respiratory challenges. For more expert insights and educational resources on respiratory health, stay tuned to A&T Respiratory Lectures, your source of comprehensive knowledge in the field of respiratory care. Remember, breath by breath, we can breathe easier and lead healthier lives.
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vdcleaning · 1 year
Things to Remember when Choosing Commercial Cleaning Company
To ensure you get exactly what you need from a new office or school cleaning darley service, there are a few things you should do before hiring anyone. Whether you are a multi-national conglomerate or a fledgling startup, your service needs will be different. It is a good idea to spend some time in advance getting clear on what you do and do not require.
Learn the specifics of a typical factory cleaning services package. Does that consist of cleaning the bathrooms as well? Is it as easy as picking up dust and throwing away garbage?
You can choose between weekly, biweekly, or monthly medical centre cleaners service based on your needs once you learn what is included in a standard subscription. If you have unlimited funds, I would recommend the weekly service.
Where can I find a list of the fee-based extras? A basic plan could have everything you require, but sometimes you need a little something extra. Do they provide post-event cleaning after a business party or meeting? You will be able to schedule their services more efficiently if you know in advance when they will be available.
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Do the Gym & Fitness Cleaning providers have any background working with carpets? Are they compatible with hardwood floors? These are critical issues to consider because consistent access to these amenities is essential in a workplace with a large volume of daily visitors.
Is there a set schedule for when the restrooms are cleaned? When church cleaning services provider leave, are they well cleaned and sanitized? When you have customers who frequently visit your office, this is a crucial consideration.
Do they offer anything particularly helpful for those with respiratory difficulties? For the sake of their employees' health, several businesses are adopting eco-friendly practices. In fact, some businesses utilize chemicals that are so mild that even those with respiratory conditions like allergies, asthma, or COPD will not feel any negative effects from them.
Can I ask if domestic cleaners darley workers are insured? Inviting strangers into a workplace increases security risks for both the organization and its employees. Verify that the company conducts criminal background checks on all its personnel and that they are all bonded. Whatever may happen, at least you are protected financially.
Is it possible to schedule another curtain cleaning darley if you are dissatisfied with the first? This is something that should only come up at the start of the arrangement. The business will clean to your specifications once they have a thorough understanding of your requirements.
Can you obtain a free trial of commercial cleaning services darley before committing to anything? You or perhaps other office cleaning services may have a different standard for cleanliness than the establishment in question. Tell them you are willing to pay for their services but need to see a cleaning sample first.
When interviewing potential preschool cleaning services, you should feel comfortable asking all these questions. Collect proper information as possible when you are making a call.
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ftyfyufyfyfu · 2 years
What is Peak Flow Meter Vs Spirometer
The information provided on our website is not intended to replace professional medical or healthcare advice. It is our aim to help make certain health-related information more readily available and useful to you, however, our website cannot and does not guarantee health-related improvements or outcomes.
Any information provided to you by, or linked to from, our website, does not constitute medical advice, diagnosis, or treatment, nor you should rely on that output as medical advice, diagnosis, or treatment. You should always talk to a qualified medical or healthcare professional about any medical conditions.
Any decisions you take affecting your health should always be made in consultation with a qualified medical professional. You should not rely on the information set out on our website as your primary tool for making health-related decisions.
Enquire or Share Your Questions If Any Before the Purchasing This Device -  https://www.safeymedicaldevices.com/enquire-now/
If you suffer with asthma, you will be well versed in the different tests which can be carried out to assess your lung function and overall health.
A spirometer and peak flow meter can both be utilised to test just how well your lungs are functioning. But it’s important to note that whilst both are useful tools in the diagnosis and management of asthma, they are used in different ways, both offering different purposes.
Read this helpful guide to find out the definitions of each and the key difference between them, to help you take control of your condition.
What Does a Spirometer Do?
So, first things first, what exactly can a Spirometer achieve and what is it used for in the world of lung function?
As a simple, quick, and painless way to check your lungs and airways, the NHS state that a spirometer can be used to diagnose a lung condition, if you feel you are experiencing symptoms OR if your GP feels you may be at risk of developing a certain lung condition.
Despite its effectiveness when it comes to diagnose lung conditions such as asthma and COPD, a 2015 US study showed that just 47.6% of 134,208 asthma patients had spirometry performed within a year of their diagnosis.
How Does a Spirometer Work?
As a test for lung function, the Spirometer will take place at a scheduled appointment, usually at your GP with a practice nurse.
Before starting, you will be shown by the nurse how to blow into the spirometer.
You may also have to wear a clip on your nose – this is to make sure all the air goes into the mouthpiece and doesn’t escape anywhere.
When you are ready to be tested, you’ll sit comfortably and:
✅ Take a deep full breath in, so that your lungs are filled with air
✅ Close your lips tightly around the mouthpiece
✅ Exhale as quickly and forcefully as you can, making sure you empty your lungs fully
The spirometry test will usually need to be repeated at least 3 times.
This is to make sure a reliable result is achieved.
The nurse or other health care professional may then ask you to use your inhaler (salbutamol), wait for 15 minutes, and then repeat the test.
For some other medication, such as ipratropium bromide the wait may be 30-45 minutes between tests. This is called a reversibility test and is used to see if the medication makes an improvement to your breathing.
What does a Peak Flow Meter do?
On the other hand, a peak flow meter, is a hand-held device used to measure the rate of a person’s air flow (the rate at which air is blown out of the lungs).
Patients can use peak-flow meters as a helpful way to regularly measure their airflow and work out their maximum speed of expiration.
This is known as the peak expiratory flow (PEF).
Peak flow is a useful tool when it comes to diagnosing asthma.
If you find that you are experiencing symptoms relating to asthma, your doctor will use a peak flow meter to measure your air flow and to see how just open your airways are.
How Does a Peak Flow Meter Work?
It’s important to be able to use your peak flow meter correctly otherwise the readings will not be accurate.
In the first instance, your doctor or nurse will show you exactly how to take a peak flow reading and follow the steps below:
✅ Initially, you will need to put the marker to zero.
✅ Inhale deeply
✅ Then seal your lips tightly around the mouthpiece and blow as hard and as fast as you can into the device
✅ Take a note of what your reading is
✅ Do this again for another two blows, one straight after the other and note the readings. Remember to slide the red indicator back to its start position each time.
✅Record the highest reading, with the date and time.
When else might a Peak Flow Meter be helpful?
As a way in which to monitor your asthma, a Peak Flow Meter could also be used in the following instances:
➡ When your medication has changed (i.e., a new drug or different dose)
➡ Are relying on your blue reliever inhaler more than usual
➡ If you know that you have been exposed to one of your known triggers (for example, pollen)
➡ If you are feeling generally unwell
➡ If your asthma symptoms are keeping you up at night
Test Results
The first time a patient uses a peak flow meter to measure their lung function, a baseline or personal best is made clear.
From then on, the results of each test will be compared with this initial baseline and placed into one of three peak flow zones.
A spirometer produces two measurements: forced vital capacity – known as FVC, and forced expiratory volume-one second, called FEV1.
FVC is the maximum volume of air that can be exhaled from full inhalation, in which the patient exhales as forcefully as possible. The FEV1 measures how much air a person can exhale in one second, following on from a forced breath.
When it comes to the spirometry, the value of FEV-1 is divided by the FVC, producing a third number on the test results – the FEV1/FVC ratio. This number highlights the percentage of the lung size – FVC – that can be exhaled in one second. The percentage is then compared with normal values. Furthermore, a flow-volume graph is produced from the test to see how well the lungs are performing.
Whilst a peak flow meter is a small, portable, cylindrical device that fits snugly in the palm of your hand, a spirometer is a larger device that is usually square or rectangular in its shape.
There are various models of spirometer: from a Pneumotachometer, which measures the flow rate by detecting pressure differences across fine mesh, to a Fully Electronic Spirometer, which produces airflow rates without the need for fine meshes.
Depending on the model, there will be differences in the features, such as bulkier mouthpieces or touchscreen elements.
There are vast cost differences between a peak flow meter and spirometer. As the peak flow is a simpler piece of equipment, the costs tend to be quite low. Whereas spirometers can be much more expensive, coming in at around £2000 for one of good quality.
For more information -  https://blog.safeymedicaldevices.com/peak-flow-meter-vs-spirometer
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sumberitacom · 2 years
Cause chest tightness and shortness of breath: You need to be careful!
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Chest tightness and shortness of breath come together many people consider a dangerous sign in the body because it is a heart attack symptom. Many things can cause chest tightness and shortness of breath, which are not always life-threatening. So, how do you find out the cause and what steps need to be taken to treat it?
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What causes a tight chest and difficulty breathing?
A tight chest can make it difficult for you to inhale or exhale. If this is the case, try not to panic right away because it can make it even more difficult for you to breathe. Observe first the tightness you feel. There is a difference between shortness of breath due to a heart attack and shortness of breath due to respiratory problems or other conditions. For more details, see the explanation of the following medical conditions that can cause chest tightness. 1. Asthma Asthma is one of the most common causes of chest tightness and shortness of breath. If your shortness of breath is followed by wheezing (breathing sounds), shortness of breath at night, and coughing, this is most likely a sign of asthma.
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Asthma has been closely related to congenital diseases since childhood. However, adults with no history of asthma can also have an asthma attack for the first time in adulthood. Asthma causes the airways to swell and narrow, causing shortness of breath. 2. Angina Angina is the cause of chest tightness and shortness of breath because the heart muscle does not receive enough oxygenated blood. The most common symptom of angina is chest pain that feels like it is being squeezed or squeezed tightly. This condition can be triggered by strenuous exercise or stress. Chest pain will subside with rest. However, angina is not a disease. That is a symptom of an underlying heart problem, usually coronary heart disease. 3. Panic attack Chest tightness and shortness of breath that come on suddenly, but you're not doing strenuous physical activity, can be signs of a panic attack.
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Generally, panic attacks or anxiety will cause a person to hyperventilate. Hyperventilation is a condition when you inhale a lot of oxygen and exhale quickly and shortly at one time. That causes carbon dioxide levels to drop drastically, causing constriction of blood vessels. 4. Pulmonary embolism This disease causes blood flow to one or both sides of the lungs to be very limited, making the chest tight and short of breath so that the heart rate increases. Symptoms of chest tightness due to pulmonary embolism usually occur suddenly. Pulmonary embolism is most often caused by deep vein thrombosis, a blood clot in a vein. The blockage that causes a pulmonary embolism begins in the legs or pelvis. When the clot travels to the lungs, the veins become blocked, which can cause severe breathing problems. 5. Tuberculosis Signs and symptoms of tuberculosis usually develop slowly, can take months to years, and are often associated with other conditions. TB-causing bacteria that attack the lungs cause a chronic (continuous) cough that can produce white phlegm in the morning. Another common symptom of TB is chest tightness. These symptoms may result from a pleural effusion or fluid pooling between the lung lining and the chest wall's protective layer. 6. Chronic obstructive pulmonary disease (COPD)
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COPD can cause a chronic cough that produces phlegm, wheezing (breathing sounds), shortness of breath, and other symptoms. Chest tightness due to COPD is caused by narrowing or blockage of the airways. Chest tightness and shortness of breath make it difficult for the lungs to breathe or exhale. 7. Bronchiectasis The airway damage that causes bronchiectasis begins in childhood. However, symptoms may not appear for months to even years after you start having recurrent lung infections. The following are some of the symptoms of bronchiectasis that can appear. - Chronic cough with phlegm. - Coughing up blood or pus in the phlegm. - Shortness of breath and wheezing. - Chest pain. - A clubbing finger is a thickening of the fingernails and toenails. Bronchiectasis that is very severe and untreated can lead to heart failure. 8. Pneumonia Signs and symptoms of pneumonia can vary from mild to severe. It depends on the type of germ that causes the infection, your age, and your overall health. Pneumonia often comes on suddenly, causing symptoms similar to the flu and colds but lasting longer. This lung infection also causes pleuritic chest pain. It means that inflammation or irritation of the lining of the lungs can cause chest tightness when breathing, coughing, or sneezing. 9. Lung cancer Most lung cancers do not cause symptoms until the malignant tumour has spread. However, some people with early lung cancer may also show symptoms. According to the American Cancer Society website, the most common symptoms of lung cancer are: - chronic cough that does not go away or gets worse, - chest tightness that gets worse when you take a deep breath, cough, or laugh, - hoarseness, - drastic weight loss and no appetite, - hard to breathe, - weak, tired, and lethargic, - have infections such as bronchitis and pneumonia, and - wheezing sound. 10. Indigestion
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Chest tightness and shortness of breath can be caused by digestive disorders, such as acid reflux (GERD). When food is not digested correctly, the remaining food can go back into the oesophagus, causing chest heaviness and heat. Indigestion can occur due to poor diet, stress, smoking, and drinking alcohol. It can also be caused by excess caffeine and spicy or fatty foods.
Remedies for tight chest and shortness of breath
The conditions above can cause tightness that feels very heavy. You can overcome symptoms like this with some medication. How to deal with these symptoms depends on the cause. For lung conditions such as asthma and COPD, treatments include: - drugs such as bronchodilators and corticosteroids to reduce the inflammatory process and open the airways, - pulmonary rehabilitation, and - oxygen therapy. For respiratory infections, treatment includes: - antibiotics if caused by bacterial infection, - nasal decongestants or steroid sprays, and - antihistamines to reduce inflammation in the nasal passages. Chest tightness and shortness of breath are unbearable, requiring medical attention as soon as possible. Read the full article
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Air purifiers or Air ionisers? Choosing the perfect Air security device for you.
One of the most talked-about things after the pandemic has been Air security and Air safety and how we can minimize the harmful effects of outdoor as-well-as indoor air pollutants on our health.
According to the WHO guidelines, we should wear a mask to protect ourselves from outdoor pollution. But what about indoors? You cannot sit wearing a mask in your room.
The air inside is five times more harmful and hazardous than the air outside. Studies from the United States and Europe show that persons in industrialized nations spend more than 90 per cent of their time indoors. Infants, their mothers, the elderly and people suffering from chronic diseases make up the majority of this 90 per cent. And are exposed to harmful pollutants like VOCs, PM10 and PM 2.5.
To save our family and friends from the diseases caused by indoor air pollution such as lung cancer, Chronic Obstructive Pulmonary Disease(COPD), strokes and Chronic Respiratory disease, we need some kind of air security system in our homes to breathe cleaner air.
We have various kinds of air purifiers with different technologies available in the market. Among all the others, Ionisers and HEPA filters are the most booming air purifiers known today.
Let’s go through and compare both kinds of purifiers, one by one.
Air purifiers v/s Ionisers
Air purifiers and Ionisers both perform the same function. They cleanse the air, remove allergens and pollutants and are capable of eliminating pollutants as small as 0.3 to 0.1 microns. Then how are they different? Because of the technology they use.
Air purifiers
It consists of a fan and a filter or a series of filters. The fan sucks in the air and passes it through a combination of filters. These filters trap particles, letting clean air be pushed back into the room to circulate.
Usually, the air purifiers use the following two types of filters: -
●     Aluminium filters- These trap larger particles like dust, pet dander and hair.
●     HEPA filters- High-Efficiency Particulate Air (HEPA) filters are capable of capturing the smallest of the dust particles, moulds and spores.
The best working filters use a combination of both Aluminium and HEPA filters.
It uses the chemical properties of ions to remove the particles and microbes from the air. It creates negative ions using electricity and discharges them into the room then the negatively charged ions bind into the airborne particles like dust and smoke. As these particles become heavier, they eventually land on surfaces like floors and furniture and may even stick to the walls.
Air Purifiers
●     Air purifiers work for a wider range of particles. Aluminium filters trap large particles like dust and pollen. On the other hand, HEPA filters trap small particles like pet dander, bacteria and viruses.
●     HEPA filters are capable of removing small particles down to 0.3 microns.
●     Air purifiers do not have any harmful emissions.
●     Unlike Ionisers, all the contaminants and pollutants are sucked in through the fan. So, there is no need to clean the room again and again.
●     Some special kinds of filters are even capable of removing microbes.
●     It is best for people suffering from allergies and asthma.
●     Ionisers are perfectly capable of purifying small as well as large spaces. It works better than any air purifier in large areas.
●     It’s low maintenance and cost-effective.
●     No parts like filters need to be replaced.
●     It removes smaller particles such as tobacco smoke and smog, which measures between 0.01 to 0.1 microns.
●     Some studies show that negative ions can slow the growth of viruses and can kill bacteria, fungi and molds.
Air Purifiers
●     It requires regular maintenance. Pre-filters require cleaning every 30 days.
●     It is not pocket friendly as HEPA filters last up to a year after that it's recommended to change the filters.
●     It is noisy and may hinder your sleep.
●     Most air purifiers are incapable of removing smoke and odour.
●     It is not suitable for removing large particles like dust and pollen.
●     You may find your furniture a lot dirtier as the pollutants settle on surfaces.
●     Some of them emit Ozone which is extremely harmful to health.
●     Low effectiveness due to low airflow rates.
So having discussed both the Air purifiers and Air Ionisers, we have some points in our hand.
·       Both have their merits and demerits.
·       Both are not suitable for everyone.
·       Every house is different and so are its needs.
Let's be honest, People don’t care whether it's an Air purifier or an Ioniser, people need complete Air security and air safety.
So, after doing a lot of research and putting in a lot of hard work, we have brought you the best of both worlds.Tenshield
What is Tenshield?
Tenshield is an air security device (not to confuse it with an air purifier or Ioniser) brought to you by Freshcraft
What makes Tenshield different from an Air purifier or Air Ioniser?
How does it work?
It has a lot of similarities to that of an air ioniser. But it does not emit ozone which most ionizers do! Apart from releasing a large number of negative ions, which sticks to the tiniest of airborne particles, it ionises the incoming gasses and chF  G emically alters them making the air free from harmful gasses. It can kill or deactivate airborne microorganisms too.
●     It is good at removing pet dander, mold spores, bacteria and viruses from the air.
●     Unlike Air purifiers, it eliminates odour.
●     Unlike Ionisers, it is capable of removing bigger particles like dust and pollen.
●     Forget the noise, they offer ultra-silence.
●     It’s energy-efficient and low maintenance i.e. it is pocket friendly.
●     And my favourite one. Even after using the ionisation technology, it does not release Ozone.
●     It works while plugged in, No battery support.
●     No metallic objects can be placed near the device because of the electrostatic discharge.
But the merits clearly outweigh the demerits, and I haven’t mentioned all the advantages Tenshield has over any Air purifier or Ioniser.
 It is called an Absolute Air Security Device for a reason. It offers ultra Air safety to your home and family without releasing any harmful byproduct. It delivers what it promises.
If you are looking forward to investing in an Air security device, you should definitely go for Tenshield.
Guest Contributor: Arslan Hassan
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tightwadspoonies · 3 years
Emergency Department vs Urgent Care vs Primary Care vs DIY
Disclaimer: This post is meant to be informative and it’s wording often assumes that you have access to all of the above as choices. We do, however, understand that the US healthcare system sucks, rural areas exist, lack of insurance is a thing, unexpected things happen, and unfortunately sometimes we don’t get all that much of a choice in where we seek our healthcare. If you need healthcare, please seek the healthcare you can access, even if that means using the emergency department for things that are not emergencies.
Also, please get your healthcare advice someplace besides tumblr.
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If the above statement confused you, congratulations- you live in a place with reasonable healthcare. If you nodded right along with it, I’m very sorry to say you live in the United States of America, where pressures outside the severity of illness are often in play when deciding where and when to seek care for medical problems. Things like whether care will be available to you without insurance (or with any certain insurance plan) and, if you can actually get care with the coverage (or lack of coverage) you may have, whether the price for that care will be something you can afford.
Hopefully, not only will this post tell you a little about the options available to you and what problems they’re most designed to take care of, but also give you a few tips and tricks for getting the care you need in a way that works both for the system providing the care and does not literally bankrupt you.
When to go to the Emergency Department:
An emergency department is a part of the hospital. It is equipped and staffed to respond to the most emergent and life-threatening medical problems. It is designed to perform an initial evaluation of the patient, provide stabilizing care, and determine whether the patient should be admitted to the hospital for continuing care, or be referred to their primary care doctor for follow up. Patients are seen in order of severity, which can cause very long wait times for those who are otherwise stable.
Go to the Emergency Department for something that would either A, cause you to die without medical care, or B, requires a level of testing capabilities/care that is not possible outside of a hospital.
Things that could kill you or cause permanent disability without medical care:
Difficulty breathing
Chest pain
Uncontrollable bleeding
Seizures that last longer than 5 minutes, or stop and start without the patient going back to “baseline” in-between
Severe allergic reaction/anaphylaxis
Suicidal ideation with plan or inability to care for self due to mental health problem
Loss of consciousness
Spinal injury
Stroke symptoms
Severe trauma (car accident, gunshot wound, etc...)
Large burns
High fevers that don’t go down after taking over the counter medications
Things that require a higher level of testing capabilities and/or care than could be provided elsewhere:
First-time seizure or sudden onset of unexplained neurological symptoms like confusion
Abdominal pain
Broken bones (with obvious deformity or protruding from skin)
Coughing up blood
Head injury
Swallowing a foreign object
Severe dehydration
Active labor
Burns covering more than about a hand-size area
A US law called EMTALA (Emergency Medical Treatment and Active Labor Act) makes it illegal for an emergency department to refuse care to someone who is experiencing a medical emergency, regardless of their ability to pay. This does not cover continuing care, however, just the initial stabilizing care, and the patient will still get billed.
If you go to the ED and get billed, and you are under 400% of the federal poverty level, call the hospital and ask to speak with a financial counselor. They will often be able to write off part or all of you bill and set up a payment plan if needed so your account does not go into collections.
When to go to Urgent Care:
Urgent care is a lower level of care than an emergency department, but an urgent care often has things like x-ray machines, EKG machines, and an on-site lab. They can also do minor procedures like casting, inserting a catheter, removing a small/minor foreign body, and giving IV fluids. Urgent care clinics can be expensive without insurance and may or may not have the same ability as a hospital to write off unaffordable bills. I would always recommend calling ahead to make sure they take your insurance.
Go to an urgent care if you need primary care services outside of normal primary care hours or if your primary care office cannot see you soon enough for your needs. They often do not require you to call ahead or make an appointment. You can go to an urgent care for things that require a slightly higher level of care than a primary care office, but are not immediately life threatening.
Things like:
Broken bones (without obvious deformity), dislocations, and sprains
Sinus, ear, and eye infections
Minor allergic reactions
Cuts, burns, large splinters
Bronchitis, pneumonia, mild-moderate COPD and asthma exacerbations
Sports or occupational physicals (if you don’t have a primary care physician)
Doctor’s notes for work or school (if required same day as call-off)
When to see your Primary Care Physician:
If at all possible, you should have a primary care physician (PCP). If you don’t have insurance, find one that offers a sliding scale, meaning you only pay what you can afford based on your income and household size. PCPs are especially important if you have any ongoing medical or mental health needs, but most younger, otherwise healthy folks will still need their PCP for routine/sports/job-related physicals, screenings, medical documentation, referrals if necessary, and vaccinations. It will greatly help in the long run to keep up on these things. Swearsies.
PCP offices require an appointment, but many have some same- or next-day openings for acute medical conditions that need prompter evaluation. Many offices now offer virtual visits as well, either over the phone or through a videoconferencing platform.
Primary care offices offer care for:
Physicals (sports, annual, job etc...)
Chronic disease (diabetes, hypertension, heart failure, COPD, asthma, etc...) monitoring and ongoing care (meds and med changes, referrals to specialists, etc...)
Screenings and tests (blood pressure, diabetes, TB, strep, basic bloodwork, urinalysis etc...)
Prescription refills
Sinus, ear, and eye infections
Minor allergic reactions
Mental healthcare (some offer counseling services, many are comfortable prescribing medications for things like anxiety, depression, insomnia, and ADHD)
Impacted earwax
Birth control, including implants and IUDs
Cuts, burns, large splinters
Bronchitis, flu, pneumonia, etc...
When to DIY:
Sometimes you have a problem you’re pretty sure you can deal with on your own. This is a different level of comfort for everybody, and I would always recommend you reach out for help if you’re having a problem you’ve never had before or if you’re uncomfortable. Do not DIY purely for financial reasons.
Many larger hospital systems and insurance companies have a nurse triage phone number, where you can speak with a nurse who can direct you in self care or recommend you go to one of the above options. These are often 24/7 and free to use.
If you have a PCP, you can also often call their office or ask a question through an online portal like MyChart. This is also generally a free service.
Common DIY medical situations:
Minor sprains/strains
Splinters/small cuts/scrapes/bruises
Minor allergies
Infrequent, mild headaches
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Osteopathy: Medicine's Best Kept Secret
"To find health should be the target of the doctor. Anyone can buy disease". "Osteopathy-what's that? Is always that a bone disease? micron This is the question I am generally asked after stating i always am a physician specializing in osteopathy, a hands on medical treatment technique and branch of conventional developed medicine. Though most of my very own osteopathic physician (D. I. ) colleagues practice regular medicine identically to our Michael. D. colleagues, all Deborah. O. physicians receive essential training in osteopathic treatment while in medical school. Only a modest percentage of physicians (mostly D. O. but a number of MDs) specialize in osteopathy.
Osteopathy is a powerful, gentle, protected, and effective long term alternative for acute/chronic pain, traumas, and illness. Abnormal system patterns, chronic postural/functional ranges, disordered joint motion, painful forces, and compression/restrictions throughout body tissues are attended to. Treatment is appropriate for anyone connected with any age and condition, like infants and children, expectant women, those in a fragile ailment, and elite athletes.
Osteopathy (also known as Osteopathie pushy medicine (OMM), osteopathic sneaky treatment (OMT), or osteopathic manual medicine) is common good sense medicine based on the philosophy this. The physician must treat an entire system to bring about useful, long lasting change because the if your one unit. Body structure (anatomy) and body function (physiology) are interrelated. Body structure means all tissues in the body: muscular tissues, bones, fascia, fluids, couenne and more
Once the root cause in the problem is addressed, the symptoms will probably disappear. The emphasis with osteopathy is on dealing core issues that are the etiology of pain and sickness, not simply surface compensations or maybe symptoms. Treating surface difficulties is a "quick fix" solution and will just mean often the pattern/symptoms will return. For instance , if a patient has a criticism of knee pain, instead of6123 prescribing pills for their indicators (pain), an osteopath might feel the "living anatomy" on the knee and other body parts, to assess the true cause of this. The cause of the knee problems may actually be in the waist or foot or pelvis, leading to distorted motion/biomechanics with the knee and causing the leg pain. Physicians specializing in osteopathy believe this approach to health problems greatly minimizes the importance of medication and invasive techniques such as surgery because the precise cause of the problem is treated.
A different example is the relationship between your diaphragm (the domed fashioned muscle under the lungs) along with the ribs. These structures get their specific shape and location systems because of the functions they work. Due to their anatomic relationships along with physiologic functions, strains inside diaphragm muscle and disabled motion of the ribs causes it to be more difficult to breathe severely and easily. Deep, effective breathing in is a cornerstone of good wellbeing for everyone, but especially for people with any respiratory conditions including asthma or COPD (chronic obstructive pulmonary disease). Osteopathic treatment can help these affected individuals reduce their medication work with and breathe more easily everyday.
Osteopathy is sometimes confused with chiropractic, physical therapy, craniosacral therapy, as well as massage, but it is very dissimilar to these modalities in several major ways. The most significant differences are classified as the level of training of the doctor, scope of practice, in addition to treatment approach and approach. Osteopathy is part of the train of medicine and is based on composition, physiology, embryology, and identification and treatment by accoster. All of these components require a proper medical education, residency schooling, and continued post move on training in osteopathy.
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fightagainstcovid · 3 years
Fight Against Covid
Before we talk about Fight Against Flu it is important to understand communicable and non-communicable diseases (NCD - also referred to as chronic disease). Communicable diseases are those that are caused by germs and they spread from one person to another. Non-communicable diseases on the other hand do not spread from one person to another, they last longer and progress slowly. Most common NCD are Heart Disease, Diabetes, Respiratory disorders like Asthma and COPD, Cancer, Arthritis, GI disorders etc. Challenges of managing communicable vs. non communicable diseases are vastly different and they are managed through different strategies. The strategies used to fight communicable disease are – develop immunity against the pathogen using a vaccine, breaking the chain of infection, treat the infected person using approved therapies. 
It has been observed that the immune responses to the virus develop severe patches in the lungs. Hence, in order to manage these patches, the standard treatment followed at present is use of anticoagulants. If that does not work, then start with steroids on day 5 – 6 after the onset of Covid. 
Before I go further into the reasons for lung infection and its subsequent treatment, I would like to share my own story. I have suffered from GERD for a very long time. GERD is accompanied by comorbid conditions like Asthma, and/or COPD. My lungs became very weak with severe phlegm and cough all the time. Additionally, I used to get fever every three months. Whether this was some bacterial infection or viral/flu is difficult for me to say because I had all symptoms viral fever but my doctors always prescribed antibiotics and I got better with that. Meanwhile, I started experiments with Yoga and diet management to deal with my GERD and lungs related problems. During this time I realized that my symptoms, particularly coughing, would aggravate whenever I had intestinal spasms. Over the next few years I focused on this aspect which I am going to explain now. 
In my view intestinal spasms have an important role to play in most lungs related problems. And if we can manage intestinal spasms we can reduce the impact on lungs.
Let me introduce one more topic here – the Bristol Stool Scale. 
The Bristol stool scale is a diagnostic medical tool designed to classify the form of human faeces into seven categories. It was developed at the Bristol Royal Infirmary as a clinical assessment tool in 1997. The scale is defined as follows.
Type 1: Separate hard lumps, like nuts (difficult to pass and can be black)
Type 2: Sausage-shaped, but lumpy
Type 3: Sausage shaped with cracks (can be black)
Type 4: Sausage shaped, smooth and soft (average stool)
Type 5: Soft blobs with clear cut edges
Type 6: Fluffy pieces with ragged edges, a mushy stool (diarrhoea)
Type 7: Watery, no solid pieces, entirely liquid (diarrhoea)
Type 1 and 2     indicate constipation, 
Type 3 and 4     ideal stool condition 
Type 5         indicating lack of dietary fiber
Type 6 and 7     indicate diarrhoea
What I observed is that intestinal spasms have a strong correlation to the Bristol stool scale and that if we can maintain a patient, suffering from lung infection, at the type 3 and 4 on the BSS it would ease out their symptoms including fever. Following chart explains the relationship between BSS and fever.
In case of COVID 19 or any viral infection if a person is kept on a diet that would help a patient’s stool formation to be at Type 3 or 4 then time to recovery would be faster and require less hospital resources. 
I recommend a high fruit diet which will help in bringing the fever back to normal with 24 – 36 hours. Once fever is under control Covid infection will go away in 1 to 2 week time. 
Here are some key features of the high fruit diet:
Start the day with a fruit. No coffee/tea etc.
Give a gap between fruit and breakfast
Give atleast 4 hour gap between breakfast and lunch. During this time, have only fruits. No snacks/tea/coffee etc.
Follow each meal with a fruit within 20 – 30 min
Again give a 4 hour gap between lunch and dinner
Finish dinner before 6 PM
End the day with a fruit or salad after dinner
I am sharing my personal encounter with Covid 19. So far I have been able to help 8 patients recover from Covid – 6 in first wave and 2 in second wave. 
My In-laws
In August 2020, my in-laws tested positive for Covid 19. Both in their mid 70s, one of them being a cancer patient too, were quite scared of getting admitted to the hospital. Both had been running fever for past few days and were feeling weak. However, their condition was not serious. So, we opted for home isolation and I decided to stay with them. From the start of the pandemic I have felt that high fruit diet is a best solution to cure a Covid 19 infection. I put them on high fruit diet which brought their fever down within 24 hours. They did not develop fever after that and fully recovered in 5 days. I, having stayed in close contact with them, throughout this period, have not had any infection either. 
My Wife and Daughter
In November 7, 2020 my wife also got Covid infection. She tested with CT value of 16. A day later my daughter also complained of severe headache and high fever. Both got isolated at home in one room. Again, we treated them with high fruit diet treatment. Both recovered from fever and headache in 36 hours. We got second RTPCR test done after 14 days. My wife still tested positive even though she had fully recovered and had no symptoms. Best part of this plan is that it does not leave the person with weakness or any after-effects. 
My Neighbor
In Feb 2021 my neighbor knocked on my door. She said that her daughter in-law who lives in Dubai has tested positive for Covid. She was running fever of about 100 C for three days and on the fourth day her fever shot up to 102 C. My neighbor wanted to know how did we manage Covid when my wife had it. I asked her to share the contact of her daughter in-law and I will discuss with her. Again, I suggested her the same high fruit diet and within 24 hrs her fever had come to normal. She still had diarrhea for another day but she fully recovered in 3 days. 
My Friend post Covid 
A friend of mine suffered from Covid and got admitted to the hospital. I got to know of his condition after 7-8 days of his treatment at the hospital. He had mostly recovered by then but he was feeling very week. I suggested him the same high fruit diet. His doctors did not allow him fruits while his stay in the hospital. However, after his discharge he followed my diet plan. He said that he greatly benefited following the diet plan and returned to normal life very quickly. 
A friend observed Covid symptoms. He contacted me and started following the diet plan as I recommended. It took a week for him to fully recover. He did not get into any complications except fever for 4 days. This was in the second wave of the Covid
A neighbor tested positive for covid he recovered within one day by taking high fruit diet for his dinner. 
Munish Aggarwal
About the Author
I have been leading IT solutions for Healthcare for about 25 years. During this time I have managed multiple different type of projects including clinical trials for pharmaceutical drugs, Healthcare analytics to support population health and wellness. I have also done a certification in Population Health Nutrition from Indian Institute of Population Health. 
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stacyqcee967 · 3 years
20 Myths About microorganism: Busted
The Greatest Guide To How Dangerous Is The Coronavirus?
Hidden health conditions, such as heart or lung disease, can increase your threat of establishing unsafe symptoms if you become infected with coronavirus illness 2019 (COVID-19). Coronavirus illness 2019 (COVID-19) signs can vary extensively. Some individuals have no symptoms at all, while others end up being so sick that they eventually need mechanical help to breathe.
This resembles what is seen with other respiratory health problems, such as influenza. While each of follow this link these serious illness increases the danger of extreme COVID-19 signs, individuals who have several of these underlying illness are at even greater danger. Individuals of any age, even children, can catch COVID-19.
Everything about Doctors Chase Treatment For Kids Threatened
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The threat of developing unsafe symptoms increases with age, with those who are age 85 and older at the greatest risk of major symptoms. In the U.S., about 80% of deaths from the disease have been in people age 65 and older. Dangers are even greater for older people when they have underlying health conditions Take all your medications as prescribed.
Assisted living home locals are at high risk because they often have numerous underlying health issues, integrated with advanced age. And bacteria can spread out extremely easily between individuals who live in close proximity to each other. If you live in a nursing home, follow the standards to prevent infection. Inquire about defense steps for residents and visitor restrictions.
Rumored Buzz on Everyone Should Know About The Coronavirus
COVID-19 targets the lungs, so you're most likely to develop serious signs if you have preexisting lung problems. Your risk of major symptoms is greater if you have these conditions: Chronic obstructive lung disease (COPD) Lung cancer Some lung conditions might increase your threat of serious illness from COVID-19, consisting of: Cystic fibrosis Lung fibrosis Moderate to serious asthma While some medications for these conditions can damage your immune system, it is necessary to stay on your maintenance medications to keep signs as managed as possible.
It might likewise help to avoid the things that make your asthma even worse. These asthma triggers can differ from person to person. Examples include pollen, dust termites, tobacco smoke and cold air. Strong emotions and tension can activate asthma attacks in some individuals. Others are troubled by strong smells, so make certain the disinfectant you're utilizing isn't an asthma trigger for you.
The Coronavirus Disease Advice For The Public Diaries
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People with numerous chronic conditions are most likely to experience harmful signs if https://naturallygreenla.com/what-is-the-best-disinfectant-spray-for-covid-19/ contaminated with COVID-19. These include type 2 diabetes, serious obesity and major heart diseases. Hypertension and type 1 diabetes may increase your threat of severe COVID-19 symptoms. Obesity and diabetes both decrease the performance of a person's immune system.
The danger of infections, including COVID-19, can be lowered by keeping blood sugar level levels controlled and continuing your diabetes medications and insulin. Your danger of severe disease is greater if you have heart problem such as cardiomyopathy, pulmonary high blood pressure, congenital heart disease, cardiac arrest or coronary artery disease. Continue to take your medications precisely as prescribed.
How Covid-19 Frequently Asked Questions can Save You Time, Stress, and Money.
Keep your hypertension managed and take your medications as directed. People who currently have cancer are at greater danger of developing more extreme illness from COVID-19. This risk can vary, depending upon the type of cancer and the type of treatment you're receiving. Sickle cell anemia is another condition that increases the risk of extreme COVID-19 signs.
It also causes agonizing obstructions in little blood vessels. Another inherited blood condition, called thalassemia, may also make you more likely to have serious COVID-19 symptoms. In thalassemia, the body does not produce enough hemoglobin and this impacts how well the red cell can carry oxygen. A healthy immune system fights the bacteria that cause illness.
Excitement About Certain Medical Conditions And Risk For Covid-19
Conditions that affect your body immune system and increase your risk of severe disease from COVID-19 include: Organ transplants Cancer treatments Your danger of severe signs from COVID-19 might be increased if you have conditions such as: Bone marrow transplant HIV/AIDS Long-term usage of prednisone or comparable drugs that compromise your body immune system If you have a weakened immune system, you may require to take additional preventative measures to avoid the virus that causes COVID-19.
You may desire to have your medications sent by mail to you, so you don't need to go to the drug store. If you have persistent kidney illness, you're at greater danger of becoming seriously ill with COVID-19. You might have a higher risk of being ill with severe COVID-19 symptoms if you have chronic liver disease.
inactivate bacteria id="content-section-6">The Ultimate Guide To Common Questions About The Covid-19
Let your physician know if you feel ill. You may have a weakened immune system if you have chronic kidney disease and are having dialysis. If you have persistent liver disease, your threat of being seriously ill with COVID-19 may be greater since you may have a weakened body immune system.
The U.S. Food and Drug Administration (FDA) has given emergency situation use permission for 2 COVID-19 vaccines, the Pfizer/BioNTech COVID-19 vaccine and the Moderna COVID-19 vaccine. A vaccine might prevent you from getting COVID-19 or prevent you from ending up being seriously ill from COVID-19 if you get the COVID-19 virus. You can take additional steps to minimize your danger of infection.
The Ultimate Guide To Why Is Covid-19 Dangerous To Heart Patients?
Centers for Illness Control and Avoidance (CDC) suggest following these precautions for preventing COVID-19: Avoid large events and mass events. Prevent close contact (within 6 feet, or about 2 meters) with others. Prevent anybody who is ill. Stay at home when possible and keep range between yourself and others if COVID-19 is spreading out in your neighborhood, especially if you have a greater danger of serious health problem.
Cover your face with a fabric face mask in public spaces, such as the supermarket, where it's tough to prevent close contact with others, particularly if you're in an area with ongoing neighborhood spread. Cover your mouth and nose with your elbow or a tissue when you cough or sneeze.
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marvelingjules · 4 years
My dad wanted to get a video from a text sent to him sent to his email and facebook.
I was showing him how because he - well, he didn’t ask, he said “One of you’s going to have to help me.” From that alone, you might guess how this is going to go.
So I show him that first, he needs to save the video from the text onto his actual phone. He says he wants to send it to his desktop computer, so I said he can email it there but it depends on how big the file is (I was hoping it’d be short enough to email, because downloading is going to be Too Hard for him to bother to learn). I’m showing him and he walks away, talking about how he wants to send more than one video, blah blah, and I mutter to my mom about how am I supposed to show him when he doesn’t actually pay attention?
So she says “(Dad) you need to come here so she can show you.”
And he just SNAPS at us both about “Fuck, I was just taking care of a the - just one thing I was doing, jesus christ you two!”
So I put the phone down.
And he got even angrier, snatched it up, cursing at us as he did, and stomped into his room and shut the door loudly.
So I took a breath, bit back the first thing I wanted to say, and instead said very calmly, “Figure it out yourself Dad. But if you need help, come ask me when you’re ready to be polite.”
Because I’m very tired of how the past year he’s used the fact that he’s on a lot of meds and getting chemo as an excuse for losing his patience and snapping and snarling and treating all of us poorly. And my mom’s always got an excuse for him - and no. You know what. NO. He’s a grown-ass adult. He is 66 years old. He knows how to fucking ask politely and use manners and how to treat people. And before his diagnosis of lung cancer, you know what? He was actually doing better about apologizing after snapping at us, and trying to be calmer and more polite, and after he just stopped and has backslid so much. And I get it, it’s stressful and meds fuck with you so bad - hello, I’ve been on a few of his meds for his COPD for my asthma my whole fucking life. I have LEARNED how to cope and deal with the irritation and agitation and the way it makes you sometimes feel like it’s all Too Much. And when I mess up and lash out, I apologize. I say “I shouldn’t have done that, I’m sorry.”
So he can damn well learn to do it himself. Especially since all my life he’s always claimed that meds are no excuse for acting like that (he said that a lot when my little sis was on her depression meds).
So if my mom’s not going to step up and call him out on being a shitty person to us, then fuck it. I will. And you know what, he can get mad and yell at me all he wants. He can get petty and passive aggressive and ignore me for a week or more again because I called him out on something. He can try to act like nothing happened later when he’s cooled down, realized I’m not backing down, and that yeah, he messed up.
I’m still not going to stop. I’ve always tried to not call him out too much because I have to live here. I have to live with him, and my mental health takes a serious hit usually when I have to deal with him really being an asshole, cruel, and passive aggressive at me. (And yes, when he’s particularly upset with me, he lashes out with very cruel words. Usually unexpectedly. Twice it’s been something bad enough to send me into some form of anxiety/panic attack. No, he never apologized for the things he said.)
I love my dad. He’s often a pretty good person, and a very supportive dad. I know if I need him, he’s got my back.
But that doesn’t mean he’s infallible, and it doesn’t mean I have to tolerate him being a jerk to all of us.
So yeah. I’m going to call you out on being rude, Dad, and I’m going to walk away, and I’m not going to just silently let you talk to me or mom or little sis like that when you want us to do something for you.
Fuck being the “better person” or “more understanding”. There’s a difference between being patient with someone and being a doormat, and lately it’s veered too close to the latter in this house regarding him than the former.
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torriwilson · 4 years
Pulse Oximeters May Be Helpful For People With COVID-19—Here's What to Know Before You Buy One
The at-home gadget can be valuable for observing coronavirus manifestations, alongside other respiratory conditions
 You may not perceive the name, however you've likely observed a pulse oximeter previously (most likely in a specialist's office or emergency clinic setting). Much like a thermometer peruses your temperature, a pulse oximeter—a little rectangular gadget that cuts onto your finger—peruses your blood oxygen levels and pulse. Yet, in contrast to a thermometer, which numerous individuals as of now have in their homes, pulse oximeters aren't a backbone in many medication cupboards. COVID-19, notwithstanding, may change the entirety of that.
 "Everyone is attempting to abstain from going out—particularly to go to the specialist," Sharon Chekijian, MD MPH, a crisis medication specialist with Yale Medicine, discloses to Health, including that those with mellow side effects are regularly asked to remain at home and counsel their primary care physicians by means of telemedicine. Yet, some of the time it's difficult to recognize milder side effects from those that warrant crisis clinical consideration—that is the place a pulse oximeter can become possibly the most important factor. "Numerous specialists have been prompting patients, particularly those with troubling indications or incessant wellbeing conditions like heart or lung issues, to purchase a pulse oximeter for home to screen their oxygen levels without journeying to the specialist or [emergency department]," says Dr. Chekijian.
 Richard Levitan, MD, is one of those specialists. The crisis doctor composed an opinion piece for The New York Times enumerating his experience chipping in at New York City's Bellevue Hospital, where he saw a mind-boggling measure of basically sick patients who showed up at the medical clinic with hazardously low oxygen levels. It's in cases like these, he composed, when a pulse oximeter can help. "Across the board pulse oximetry screening for COVID pneumonia—regardless of whether individuals check themselves on home gadgets or go to facilities or specialists' workplaces—could give an early admonition framework to the sorts of breathing issues related with COVID pneumonia," he composed, including that all patients who test positive for COVID-19—and even patients who show indications however have not had testing—ought to have pulse oximetry observing for about fourteen days, since that is commonly when COVID-19 pneumonia can create.
 While pulse oximeters are in no way, shape or form a need for the normal sound individual—however a few specialists may propose them to those with prior breathing issues like asthma, COPD, or other lung illnesses—they might be useful during the COVID-19 pandemic. Likewise significant: All specialists aren't in concession to whether pulse oximeters are a smart thought for across the board home-observing, however this is what you have to know whether you're keen on putting resources into one.
 What is a pulse oximeter?
 A pulse oximeter (likewise called a "Pulse Ox") is a gadget that estimates oxygen levels (or oxygen immersion) in your blood, as per Johns Hopkins Medicine—explicitly the fringe oxygen immersion, since it's distinguished incidentally (remotely) on the finger, toe, or ear. That is significant, per the World Health Organization, in light of the fact that your blood (explicitly proteins in your red platelets) hefts oxygen around your body and conveys it to your tissues.
 Pulse oximeters additionally measure pulse rate, as far as pulses every moment—this can likewise show how well the body's tissues are "perfused" or provided with blood, and at last, oxygen.
 Regarding COVID-19, a pulse oximeter can help identify or screen breathing issues related with COVID-19 or COVID-19 pneumonia. The gadgets can be particularly useful for those encountering windedness with analyzed COVID-19—either to watch out for progress or to decide when it merits a trauma center visit.
 How would you utilize a pulse oximeter?
 In case you're utilizing an at-home pulse oximeter, the gadget will cut onto your finger, toe, or ear cartilage. "Most usually, it is a clasp to put on your finger and it communicates frequencies of light to a sensor which precisely ascertains your blood oxygen immersion," George Fallieras, MD, clinical overseer of BioCorRx and specialist at LA Surge Hospital. That frequency is focusing on hemoglobin, a protein in your blood that conveys oxygen—and the light consumed by the blood differs with the oxygen immersion of hemoglobin, per the WHO, which at that point sends a perusing
 The most ideal way direct the test is to do as such while plunking down, says Dr. Chekijian. "The best finger to utilize it on is the center finger," she includes. Make a point to remove any nail clean, abstain from utilizing on cool fingers, sit still. "In the event that your fingers are cold, you are wearing nail clean, or in the event that you are moving near, it may not get a right perusing," she clarifies. Likewise, on the off chance that you use another person's gadget make certain to purify altogether when use.
 Another significant thing to check for during a perusing is that there is a following on the gadget that resembles a sine or nonstop wave, Dr. Chekijian educates. "The wave fluctuates with your relaxing. This implies the gadget is truly getting the correct signs. This is particularly significant if the perusing looks low so you don't misjudge it." If the perusing is low, yet you see a squiggly line rather than a standard sine wave, you are most likely not getting an incredible perusing.
 What is an ordinary pulse oximeter perusing?
 As indicated by Dr. Chekijian, for a sound individual without lung issues, a perusing between 96-100% would connote a typical degree of oxygen in the blood. The WHO brings down that by 1%, saying that anything between 95-100% is typical, and anything under 94% ought to be assessed by a clinical expert. A pulse oximeter perusing of anything beneath 90% is viewed as a "clinical crisis," per the WHO and ought to be dealt with critically.
 "On the off chance that you do think you have COVID and you're utilizing the pulse oximeter to quantify your oxygen level, make certain to cause a log of the readings so you to can check whether there are any changes," Dr. Chekijian proposes. Likewise, the numbers aren't the main thing you should concentrate on. She recommends noticing how you were feeling at the hour of the perusing—like on the off chance that you felt fine or in the event that you were encountering windedness.
 It's imperative to monitor the subsequent number, your pulse, as well. "That is useful to note also so you can report it to your primary care physician," says Dr. Chekijian. As per the WHO, a typical pulse in those ages 10 and more seasoned reaches between 60 to 100 beats for every moment.
 Are there any drawbacks to utilizing an at-home pulse oximeter?
 Likewise with any at-home test, there is consistently space for flawed readings or off base use. The WHO recognizes this, and prompts clinical experts to depend on their own clinical judgment versus a perusing on the gadget. On the off chance that you get a bizarre perusing at home (and you're not feeling sick), you can check the gadget's exactness on another sound relative—however in case you're uncomfortable with a perusing and how you're feeling, it's ideal to look for clinical consideration.
 It's likewise significant not to let a decent pulse oximeter perusing to give you a misguided sensation that all is well and good in case you're feeling unwell. In case you're feeling inferior—windedness, hack, fever—and you haven't been determined to have COVID-19, it's ideal to check in with your medicinal services supplier. The uplifting news: Sometimes a decent pulse oximetry perusing can be a consolation in the event that you are feeling terrible with a COVID-19 finding, to show you aren't deteriorating.
 Where would you be able to get a pulse oximeter?
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 That is the million-dollar question at the present time. Since they're so sought after, pulse oximeters, which are typically purchased on the web, at sedate stores, or by means of clinical gadget providers, can be elusive at this moment. "In the event that you think you need one, call ahead [to your favored store] so you don't go on a totally pointless pursuit and open yourself to superfluous hazard all the while," Dr. Chekijian desires.
 Your present smartest option is to look at Amazon or different sites for accessible pulse oximeters. As indicated by Wirecutter, some portion of The New York Times, you can look at gadgets recorded on the Food and Drug Administration's 510(k) Premarket Notification Database via looking "oximeter."
 For the time being, it's additionally best to adhere to at-home finger pulse oximeter gadgets—while there are some applications for cell phones that guarantee to gauge oxygen levels, ongoing examination from the Oxford COVID-19 Evidence Service Team has discovered that that none of them are dependable enough to fill in for the genuine article.
 On the off chance that you can't discover a pulse oximeter because of the deficiency, and you're stressed over your levels, you can (and should) check in with your primary care physician to check whether you can get a perusing. "On the off chance that you have a feeling that you can't slow down or are short of breath with movement please visit brief center, earnest consideration, or call your primary care physician to check whether you can be seen," says Dr. Chekijian. "On the off chance that it's nightfall, call 911 or continue to the crisis division so we can check your levels for you."
 The data in this story is precise as of press time. Be that as it may, as the circumstance encompassing COVID-19 keeps on developing, it's conceivable that a few information have changed since distribution. While Health is attempting to stay up with the latest as could be expected under the circumstances, we additionally urge perusers to remain educated on news and suggestions for their own networks by utilizing the CDC, WHO, and their nearby general wellbeing office as assets.
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