#Asthma and COPD
The below content is derived from research done using sources available on the internet. Safey Medical Devices Inc and its subsidiaries do not take any responsibility for the accuracy of the content. No medical decision should be taken on the basis of below content without consulting with your Medical Practitioner.
COPD is not fatal in and of itself, but it can be deadly if you have other health issues. COPD can definitely lead to death if you do not take your medications or follow a strict diet and get enough rest. But many people who have untreated COPD die as a result of the disease.
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drnishthasingh · 2 years
Diwali is a reason to overeat fried and sweet foods. However, consuming a lot of refined carbohydrates, processed foods, and sweets might cause your body to become inflamed. If you see breathing difficulties, it is always advisable for an asthma and allergy specialist. So Book an Appointment with Dr. Nishtha Singh- A chest specialist in Rajasthan.
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incognitopolls · 1 month
We ask your questions so you don’t have to! Submit your questions to have them posted anonymously as polls.
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I cancelled my twice monthly therapy today. Why? Two reasons: I'm too peopled out from pulmonary therapy, a pap smear and lengthy doctor appointment, a DHHS review yesterday, and going to the grocery store. On top of that, smoke from wildfires has arrived and filled the valley. I live at the southern most end of it, and wildfire smoke collects down here, and turns into a thick cloud of suffering. I have severe asthma and the asthma specialist suspects I have COPD as well, but every medication that treats it contains milk proteins to hide the flavor of the medicine; said milk proteins make my eczema flare up like fireworks and makes me sound like RFK Jr. I'm easily winded as it is, but the smoke makes it so much worse. Conversations are short and my voice is weak because I cannot catch my breath.
Therapy would be less than productive today. Last time I tried pushing through a day like this, my therapist cut the appointment short because I was struggling so much. It's counterproductive in this case.
Don't worry, I'm taking it easy. Sewing won't wear me out like talking does.
I hope y'all are having an easier time breathing than I currently am. Please, take a deep breath on my behalf. Right now, it feels like someone is sitting on my chest.
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mental-mona · 2 months
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wheelingwithgrace · 1 year
Struggling to breathe / having dyspnea is so insanely scary and traumatic. So honestly, this is a shoutout post to those who know what it's like and those who deal with it on a regular basis and everyone in between those two spectrums. I actually become so exhausted and stay up incredibly late sometimes soley due to my breathing. I become terrified that if I fall asleep or even lay back down, something will happen. I often spend a wild amount of time distracting myself on my laptop .
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lightspren · 2 months
a nurse wore perfume at work yesterday and was in the same office as me all day
meaning it triggered an asthma flare and i’m still dealing with that this evening
and i feel like the Fun Police which is why I didn’t tell a supervisor about it but technically we’re not supposed to wear scents. bc we work at a doctors office. and I talked myself out of tattling because like, my reaction isn’t That Bad—
(queue my friends and my spouse beating me with pool cues because for some reason they think my hacking cough and chest pains during flares are Worrisome. weirdos.)
—but I keep thinking about if a patient with worse asthma or allergies than me gets stuck in an exam room with that nurse and. ugh. yes I need to talk myself into going to my office manager and being like “I hate to Make A Fuss but we have a lot of new faces, would it be possible to send out a reminder about the don’t wear scented things policy? because this happened friday and led to unpleasantness for me and I’d hate for it to cause a patient to have a medical emergency.”
and that way hopefully the new nurse won’t get in serious trouble for something she may not have been aware of, and the others that I know violate that policy can get the reminder too.
and if this chest pain doesn’t ease up by tomorrow i’m gonna have to break into mu on-hand-for-flares steroid pack. bah.
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spoonful116 · 1 year
Getting help when chronically ill is a full-time job with constant overtime, and instead of getting paid, they take your money.
Also, you're very ill and tired but have to do the work or you die 🙃
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dont-let-me-live · 9 months
My body:
"I'm going to give u the most emergency room ass symptoms except you're actually completely fine you just have to suffer ooo ouchie"
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beingatoaster · 2 years
sitting here wondering when I'll feel like it's safe to go to a public indoor venue like a movie theater again (having seriously contemplated going to see the new Black Panther in the theater and decided against it), and letting it sink in that at this point the answer may be "never"
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memyself024 · 10 months
WHO: smoking is the main cause of chronic obstructive pulmonary disease
A recent global report on Chronic Obstructive Pulmonary Disease (COPD) reveals that, despite advances in awareness about the risks of smoking, it remains one of the main causes of this deadly disease that affects more than 392 million people all over the world.
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COPD, a common lung disease that causes breathing problems, claims the lives of more than 3 million people each year, according to data collected by respiratory health experts.
Highlighting the magnitude of the problem, research indicates that smoking accounts for more than 70% of COPD cases in high-income countries, while in low- and middle-income nations, this figure ranges between 30% and 40%. %, with domestic air pollution as another significant risk factor.
The risks associated with tobacco are not only limited to COPD but also increase the likelihood of developing lung cancer, cardiovascular disease, and type 2 diabetes.
Prof. David MG Halpin, consultant physician and professor of respiratory medicine, warns of the growing smoking epidemic in low- and middle-income countries, driven by the aggressive marketing strategies of tobacco companies.
“About 80% of the world’s 1.3 billion tobacco users currently live in low- and middle-income countries. “This will undoubtedly lead to a huge increase in the global burden of COPD in the coming decades,” warns the professor. Read more
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thecolorsfucked · 1 year
i cant get an inhaler i cant get to a doctor i cant breathe without pain enough to sleep unless i take a lot of benadryl my stomach never got looked at cuz i cant afford to get to any doctors that take my insurance i got a new job and for what
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I love COPD or asthma commercials that show a classic blue inhaler with a piece of tape labeling it "rescue inhaler". Totally necessary. I personally can't find my inhaler if it's not labeled correct.
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smokeorbake · 1 year
People Love Smoking Herbs
❤️ If you have lung issues like asthma or COPD smoking the burning cannabis leaves maybe a problem for you especially if you inhale deeply and hold it. You’re filling your lungs with far more tar than if you just puff, puff, pass and not hold it in your lungs. 
Baking, however, has zero drawbacks as smoking and introduces zero harmful carcinogens into the lungs. 
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slumbering-shadows · 2 years
Hi why the fuck is the inhaler I need to take two times a day every single day 500 fucking dollars I hate this country
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newsepick · 1 day
World Lung Day 2024: Check Date, Theme, History And Significance Of The Day World Lung Day is observed annually on September 25 to raise awareness about lung health and respiratory diseases. Established in 2017 by the Forum of International Respiratory Societies, the day addresses the growing impact of conditions like asthma, COPD, and lung cancer. The 2024 theme is "Clean air and healthy lungs for all." The observance emphasizes the importance of prioritizing lung health globally, promoting awareness about preventable lung conditions, and advocating for early detection and treatment. Tips for improving lung health include quitting smoking, exercising regularly, and maintaining good indoor air quality.
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