#what can i say i am desperate for media šŸ˜”
dramarants Ā· 1 year
the way i am straight up not enjoying destined with you and finding the whole "i need you wait no gtfo i mean stay" thing, the premise of the show, irritating and yet i am hooked
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jojotichakorn Ā· 7 months
archer rewatches nlmg: episode 10
[episode 9]
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baby i am on my KNEES begging you to please see how amazing you are šŸ˜­
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jojo "most profound bathroom scenes in history of media" tichakorn
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he is so good at insulting kit while saying seemingly innocuous things lmao
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they were so happy, everything seemed so simple, they were just teenagers in love šŸ˜”
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i need someone to medically sedate me
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i feel for chopper, i really do. i love him and he is in a very complex position. but i get nueng, i would be pissed as well.
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local man unable to stop thinking about the love of his life. number of citizens surprised at this development: zero.
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i wanna go back there, can we please just go back
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as a fellow child of horrible people (and i don't mean them being abusive in this context, i mean them being bad human beings), i am so curious what influenced chopper to become the person he is today. because we are genuinely all products of our environments and you need that moment, that push to realise your parents are horrible, the ways in which they are horrible, and how to move away from becoming just like them and stop believing the things they taught you your whole life. i desperately want to know what that push was for chopper.
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the fact that he instantly starts crying, he truly can't even pretend anymore, he thinks letting palm go is the right thing to do but he just loves him so much
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he looks so good btw. like not to derail the conversation, but good gods. pond in black is everything.
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i'm back to chewing live wires
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all is right and good and beautiful in the world again
[episode 11]
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moonjxsung Ā· 10 months
hi star my little moonlit angel šŸ˜”šŸ’–šŸ’–
aa im having like the most stressful week and idk where to talk abt it so i hope you dont mind me dumping for a sec :((
exams are killing me rn and idk if its finals week or my final week cs holy shit i am dying šŸ˜­šŸ˜­
ive been pulling all nighters trying to get all my projects and group studies done and my exams are DEF not helping in my case and idk if ive even been eating properly there's probably a spoiled banana from last week in my bag somewhere atp šŸ¤øā€ā™€ļøšŸ¤øā€ā™€ļø (im going mentally insane)
i havent even properly been on tumblr in a while and my social media is blowing up w notifs and dms from friends and ive been too busy to check it either tbh
honestly im hoping itll all turn out well by next week cs is my winter break šŸ¤§
on another note i wanted to dump on my exes when all your anons were doing it but i was too scared to but now i genuinely need to tell u abt this because umm
my fwb is like a super nice guy and ive been friends w him for a while but i recently found out hes rlly good friends with one of my exes ā‰ļø
basically i asked (my ex) out once and he said yes and i thought we were chill but a few friends ended up asking him if we were dating like two days later without asking me for confirmation first and he said no.. (??)
i assumed he js didnt want like a too public relationship with everyone knowing so to clarify i asked him what was up and he said he ended up having second thoughts on me because his friends called me a red flag and he doesnt like the fact that i have guy friends and im close with them.... (šŸ’€šŸ’€)
so then i said oh okay..? šŸ˜­ and was over it but almost a month later he asked me out and atp he just gave me the icks so i made an excuse saying that i wanna focus on academics and not do anything relationship wise and he said he would wait šŸ˜­šŸ˜­ (he in fact did not pick up the hint!)
then a little over month later he asked me out AGAIN and i said no i dont think i like you anymore sorry and he said oh that's fine and i thought we were chill??
a week later my messages BLEW UP one day and my guy friends were all snitching on him telling me that he's gong around slutshaming me and talking shit abt me for no reason and he said i was desperate and asked him out 3 times when he said no and he was never interested in me in the first place.. and then proceeded to sexualize my body and say weird ass shit abt it to everyone and they believed that i was a desperate whore or smth šŸ˜­
this happened a year ago but i was walking down the halls around a month ago and i saw him with his friends so i just rushed past
and his friends were like "oh isnt that the bitch who liked you?" and i heard him say "oh yeah she liked me like a year ago" and then proceeded to sexualize me while i was right fucking there but i dont even want any more drama w him so i dont bother saying anything back or leaking messages or wtv i js hope karma gets back at him šŸ˜­
and now idk if i should tell my fwb abt this?? or maybe it doesnt really concern me but it bothers me that hes hanging out with a guy like that and im conflicted on what to do
its not like i have the right to tell him who to be friends with either so šŸ¤·ā€ā™€ļø
what should i dooo
-怊as always, your occasionally appearing but always stalking ā˜˜ annonie怋
(p.s. do you have any spotify song reccomendations šŸ„ŗšŸ„ŗ)
much lovee
Pooooookie you can always vent here ily ily :(
Iā€™m so sorry to hear youā€™re stressed from exams :(( Iā€™m rooting for you okay !! Please make sure to eat whenever you can (even if itā€™s something small!) and stay hydrated :( whatā€™s the use of doing good on finals if your body gives out on you :(
No I feel u on the social media thing I get SO stressed when I have DMs or texts or whatever I just flat out donā€™t check them. I think I have 200 unread texts rn (itā€™s been around 1000 at some point) and I know im such a shitty friend but I just cannot respond to them šŸ˜­šŸ˜­ I gotta put me first you guys
WINTER BREAK NEXT WEEK THOOO hang in there baby itā€™ll get better soon šŸ„ŗšŸ«¶šŸ«¶šŸ«¶šŸ«¶
OH MY GOD???? Pookie thatā€™s fucking disgusting Iā€™m so sorry youā€™re dealing with men like that rn???? I had a veryyyy similar situation with a guy who my friend tried to set me up with at a party who kinda liked for a little bit and then when I said I was comfortable being in a relationship he started slutshaming me to everyone under the fucking SUN and apparently he had a discord group where I was just CONSTANTLY the topic of conversation and when I heard about it I cried so hard ā˜¹ļø in my case I also had people who were friends with him and I voiced to them that it made me severely uncomfortable. Like the people in my life should know about the people who wronged me (especially if Iā€™m sleeping with them??) and it just made me feel safer. Itā€™s obviously up to you but I would probably tell him just so that he knows thatā€™s someone youā€™re weary about and you donā€™t feel safe around ā˜¹ļø your safety and your wellbeing is the most important thing pookie ā˜¹ļø keep me posted if you need anything at all okay I love you lots and Iā€™m sorry youā€™re going through this ā˜¹ļøšŸ«¶
Song recs song recs yes here are some Iā€™ve been listening to on repeat all week (thereā€™s only like one kpop song in there but itā€™s my fav kpop song of all time so TRUST it was gonna make it to the list) Iā€™ve been listening to Glass Animals, TV Girl and M83 on repeat for the entire year I think šŸ˜­šŸ˜­
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I love you endlessly okay keep you chin up better days are coming for us !! šŸ«¶šŸ«¶šŸ«¶šŸ«¶ soon itā€™ll be winter break and you can just sit back and drink hot chocolate and tell me all about it and say you lived through it. Hang in there my love
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intergalactic-deathray Ā· 27 days
okay anyway
I spent all period staring at my teacher too intensely bc bro is actually majestic to me and I DOTJ KNOW WHYā€”this is my year to be attracted to a teacher šŸ˜” damn. AT LEAST I CAN TALK WITH E ABT IT!!! BUT
I was working with someone whoā€™s friend with someone I have a running data table on (Iā€™m not explaining that term), and she brought up said Person, saying ā€œomg didnā€™t know u were friends with Personā€ and I was like holy shit uhhhh uhmmmm what
Side note: We are like acquaintances thru and thru. We follow each other on social media and have been on classes together every year and everything, but weā€™ve only talked to each other a few times about trivial things. (Even though we sat next to each other for months in Spanish)
So. Couple things.
1) Iā€™m so fucking stupid, yk what I said? I said ā€œAM I FRIENDS WITH PERSON?!ā€ Super loudly and with a string of incoherent fumbling phrases. Yeah. Dumb. (Itā€™s giving Cecilā€™s ā€œNEAT!ā€)
2) WHY WOULD SHE ASK ME THAT?? Thatā€™s the real question here, because of all of your friends why mention Person. And, on top of that, WHO TOLD U WEā€™RE FRIENDS bc weā€™re not ?? This is curious, very curiousā€¦why r u trying to get me to talk abt my relationship toward Personā€¦.I mean, I barely even know YOU šŸ˜­
*this is the first positive piece of data Iā€™ve added to that table in a whileā€”with the last few being Person getting me (no one else, not even Personā€™s friends) my paper, asking me my last name and saying Person will have to ā€œremember it,ā€ and saying Person had feelings for someone in the class we share but that it ā€œwouldnā€™t work outā€. So as you can tell, my data tables are mainly delusion and over analysisā€”BUT based on said over analysis this piece seems pretty concrete.
I hope you had fun reading abt my desperate over thinking (itā€™s not fun for me okay jeez)
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fallingsunflower Ā· 3 years
Sorry can you tell me what you donā€™t like heā€™s doing? The Olivia thing be or something else? And Iā€™m sorry the fandom isnā€™t a safe place for you anymore šŸ˜” I hope it does get better
Iā€™ve been getting weird vibes from Harry for a while now, since before holivia. It would be unfair to say that thatā€™s why Iā€™m unhappy with him because I canā€™t pinpoint and exact reason but that was part of it.
In general Iā€™ve been kind of fed up with his allusiveness. He doesnā€™t translate well on social media in comparison to how he does in real life. He also lacks communication which is frustrating, and that applies to multiple things (with his fans, in interviews etc). Itā€™s like he doesnā€™t have a personality, which is also unfair to say - I know that - but sometimes thatā€™s how I perceive him. Not all the time, which is why Iā€™m still a fan, but itā€™s been becoming the norm for him. I think his team is pushing the mysterious sex god rockstar/pop star image on him and Iā€™m not here for it. Heā€™s also incredibly overexposed right now which is beyond annoying imo.
Honestly I could probably look past all that though if Olivia wasnā€™t in the picture. I mean, given all the shit sheā€™s done and said, I just canā€™t BELIEVE Harry associates himself with that. It skeeves me out because what does that say about Harry? I could only hope he was blind sighted when he agreed to the stunt and now heā€™s contractually bound but obviously I have no way of knowing if thatā€™s true or not.
I think one of the worst things, though, is Harryā€™s fandom. And I donā€™t mean you guys but I mean the newer fans specifically who ship him and Olivia together. For some reason theyā€™re the worst of the worst. Iā€™m sure itā€™s not all of them but yā€™all have to see some of the stuff they say about me in my inbox. Iā€™ll probably get shit just for mentioning it here. Iā€™ve gotten made fun of for my weight and race when no one even knows what I look like. Iā€™ve been called all sorts of things like desperate and pathetic. Iā€™ve been told to k*ll myself. And the way they say it is so abusive. I wouldnā€™t say Harryā€™s enabling the behavior but I also wouldnā€™t say heā€™s helping it either. Either or itā€™s not a fandom I really want to be a part of.
And just to be clear, I still like Harry and am a fan of his. I know people question that but itā€™s true. Iā€™ve grown up with him. I like his music. I can kind of see past all the Hollywood bullshit and I like the person he is underneath it. I also see a little bit of myself in him so I resonate with that. I just want to see him make it out of this mess alive though, and then I might step back.
I hope this made sense. I tried to word it in such a way so you know I donā€™t hate Harry but I donā€™t really like how heā€™s changing. Hopefully it came out okay
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lovecolibri Ā· 2 years
SaL anon here friend, indulging in some very unscientific inductive reasoning. Remember when I told you once I could judge a 911 episode by the gif to text ratio on your blog? Turns out that's true for the RNM fandom in general. Granted it's evened out now as people let the rage pass, and the blessed gif makers have managed to gift us those 3 beautiful Malex moments mostly free of a certain someone (still nothing compared to the previous 2 episodes where the Malex scenes came out at the speed
of a mouse click, even with the blue filter from hell) but the walls of text were up in force last night, and with good reason it seems. Its not hard to believe, it's not even the first episode THIS season where they told us it would be a Malex episode but it was about everyone else and had M*ria shoved in between them, but what nice insult to the fans on the way out. So I haven't given my unnecessary spoiler free episode review since I haven't watched it yet, and I confess I might just, not do that. I'm having such a hard time working up the will knowing that this time, the disappointment will last, there's no chance the show will redeem itself (not that there ever really was). So I could take those 3 scenes and the knowledge Malex got married, danced, then got the fuck out of town or subject myself to the visual proof that my most despised character was shoved into every second of it. The gnawing incompleteness would bug me though. šŸ˜”šŸ˜”šŸ˜”
Okay but bestie I feel exactlyĀ the same way! I woke up this morning with the intent to watch after work but by the time I got off I knew I wasnā€™t going to bother today, I just do not have the mental ability to deal with that right now. I have also seriously considered just...not watching it at all since the only spoilers Iā€™m avoiding really are looking directly at the Malex gifs because I want to watch the episode first and I could just cave and look at them. But I did not suffer this entire goddamn time, and make it through watching THAT episode, just to give up now. But itā€™s soooo hard knowing that not only is it yet another episode of the m*ria d*luca show (WHOMST tells the groom theyā€™re happy the groomā€™s brother isnā€™t coming to the wedding because it would be awkward?! STFU itā€™s not about you!!), but also that Echo end the series, not going to the ocean together, not even going to the ALIEN ocean together, but separating. The writers shafted Echo this season HARD, and while a reconciliation wouldnā€™t have been earned by the writing, Jeanine and Nathan could have pulled it off I think. No wonder she didnā€™t give us aĀ ā€œMalex mirror of an Echo sceneā€ pic. Yeesh. I was rooting for them because I do not do bittersweet endings. Fuck that. The world is too cruel for me to want my media to be too.
All this to say, I will probably force myself into watching the episode later this week for the sense of completion and to get my final episode post out and then I will probably be shifting back into 911 mode for a while. I am thrilled Malex got TF out of town (and that Alex apparently isnā€™t dying anymore, not that we get to find that out or see anything about it because GOD FORBID anything be about Alex and not just how his existence affects others šŸ™„) and I choose to believe they never come back except to use the portal to go to Oasis at some point to have their alien babies Tyler and Vlamis so desperately want. Iā€™m thrilled with my many, many more dollars than I should have spent merch haul to remind me of the things that sparked joy. I loved seeing Lily talking to Vlamis (teary eyed), Trevino (flirty), and Amber (they said Rosabel rights!), and I adored the Vlambase photoshoot of domestic Malex bliss. Iā€™m gonna focus on those things to get me through this last dive into the tunnel the writers dung under the bar we had already put in the earth. And maybe then we can talk about a wedding song since we have been robbed of a handprint healing angsty song. But take your time! Iā€™ll sure as heck be taking mine. Cheers bestie!
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skippyv20 Ā· 5 years
Skippy- ruh roh...now Fergie is defending MM?!? Given her history, she should keep her head down and her lip zipped. Looks like sheā€™s marching in step with all the others summoned to rally around MM. šŸ™„
Express article today:
MEGHAN MARKLE is being treated the same way as Sarah Ferguson claims the Duchess of York herself in a revealing new interview.
By Brian McGleenon PUBLISHED: 00:01, Thu, Dec 12, 2019 UPDATED: 00:07, Thu, Dec 12, 2019
The Duchess of York said: ā€œIt must be hard for Meghan, and I can relate to her. In a sensationalist interview with Vogue Arabia magazine she said that Meghan is ā€œmodern and fabulousā€. But, claims that she has been in ā€œMeghanā€™s shoesā€ and empathises with the ā€œtwist of negativityā€ that ā€œgets so sad and tiringā€.
The Duchess proclaims that Meghan was ā€œfamous beforeā€ and that ā€œshe is greatā€.
But she is frustrated with the mediaā€™s portrayal of the Duchess of Sussex and said, ā€œwhy canā€™t Meghan be great?
ā€œWhy canā€™t she be celebrated?ā€
When asked if she had any advice for the Duchess of Sussex, Ms Ferguson said: ā€œI tend not to give advice because it is taken out of context.
ā€œBut I have been in Meghanā€™s shoes, and I still am.
ā€œItā€™s hard and mean. I abhor bullying. I feel desperately sorry for the pain they must be going through because Iā€™ve been through it.ā€
The Duchess of York says that she is still under serious media scrutiny.
She claims that the media are fixated on her looks and her relationship with her former husband, Prince Andrew, Duke of York.
This media coverage has escalated recently with the latterā€™s association with convicted sex offender Jeffrey Epstein, who died in his jail cell in August.
Ms Ferguson comes clean about life under the media spotlight saying that it is ā€œincredibly difficultā€.
Royal revelation: How Kate Middleton is channelling Princess Anne [INSIGHT]
The Duchess alleges that she perpetually falls victim to tabloid sensationalism.
She said: ā€œBeatrice always says that Iā€™m the most misunderstood person, and I agree.ā€
The royal, who recently turned 60, sees herself in some way as the predecessor to todayā€™s Meghan, Duchess of Sussex.
At the end of the interview she confides, ā€œI know what Meghan is going throughā€.
Ms Ferguson, otherwise known as Fergie, has had to have a tough skin ever since joining in the royal family when she married Prince Andrew in 1986.
She had to weather Princess Anneā€™s withering disdain.
In YouTube documentary ā€œDownfall of the Duchessā€, biographer David Leigh recounts an anecdote about Anne reducing Fergie to tears.
He says: ā€œAnne once called her an ā€˜outsiderā€™ at a family lunch.
ā€œFergie walked out in tears. Andrew demanded that Anne apologise, which she did. But after that, there was a very, very frosty relationship between Fergie and Anne.ā€
Ferries has just made everything worse for herself.....and the Yorks....šŸ˜”ā¤ļøā¤ļøā¤ļøā¤ļøā¤ļø
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