#what did he love about jesminda- SHE GAVE HIM SHIT BACK
separatist-apologist · 5 months
I once went to one of their inbox to tell them to please stop tagging elucien if their posts is just about bashing elriel and they basically told me to f*ck off and they can "do what they want" or whatever. I swear, these are the same little sh*ts that would complain about Elriels tagging elucien.
It's the fact that it's always the same 5 people that have literally no hobbies but complain about Elriels. They're lurking in the gwynriel tag too. They're covering the sweet content we're looking for with their bullshit posts.
I don't want to see the hurtful stuff they say about Lucien and Elucien, nor do I care about their theories and Interpretation. I blocked the elriel tag and some elriels so that I won't have to see their posts. Heck, I'm avoiding acotar content on Tik tok and Twitter just so I won't see anything elriel and anti elucien related. If I wanted to see anti elriel content, I'd go to the anti elriel tag. It's that simple.
The thing is, I also tried to be more open to the Elriel ship. I'm very confident in Elucien, but should Elriel be endgame then I want to be okay with it. However, these little shits that constantly shove statements from toxic elriels to my face make it very difficult for me. It brings me back to "Elriels are so toxic" thoughts.
Sry for the long rant. It just angers me.
Babe, I once told people to stop taking the bait and they told me to get off my high horse so I feel you on that. Is it getting on a high horse to say that not everything on the internet is made in good faith and by answering obvious trolls...you give them the fight they want? Wow you sure showed them.
But at its core, LB said it best. It's not a bipartisan system and you actually can't tell anything about a person based on the ship they like. If some folks had any self awareness they'd realize they are literally no better than the people they claim to hate and for every one person hyping them up, 8 others feel discouraged and burned out from all the negativity. A fandom can't sustain itself on pure spite- you need people who passionately love the series enough to draw art, write fic, create headcanons etc etc, and to that end you have to let go of the utter boring obsession with what is and is not canon.
I took screenshots of that post, and one person said "the author wrote it that way for a reason???" and to that I'd say, she wrote enough to make elriel a very popular ship, too. Are we picking and choosing? Are we saying you're not allowed to ship something if it isn't canon? No more Neris, no Rhysta, no Casslain, no Azris? And who gets to decide what is and is not canon? Someone on that post was discussing what "true" eluciens are, which excludes me along with a vast swath of other people.
I didn't elect any of these people to decide what I was allowed to write about or commission art for- Like the cherry picking so people can be faux outraged and then take screenshots of one of the most popular artists in the fandom, with a VERY distinct style to create a victim narrative that allows them to feel good about bullying is just overdone and boring at this point.
Anyway, I'll always advocate for blocking people and creating spaces that feel good. And I'll continue saying that if you hate something that much, you should stop engaging with it. No one is ever going to change my mind about elucien, I'm confident in my choices and even if SJM doesn't go that direction, I'll still be writing elucien like idgaf. The constant looking each other up to talk shit reeks of insecurity and boredom. Couldn't be me.
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shadowqueenjude · 8 months
Tamlin angst part 6
@achaotichuman TW: suicide, angst, abuse Calm the fuck down, Tamlin chided himself. But what the hell was he supposed to do? Lucien was dressed in a gold and red getup fit for royalty, a little braid in his free-flowing hair, a fox mask fitted on his face, and with that scar...handsome, mysterious...and utterly forbidden. Devastating, that's what he was. Tamlin had taken many lovers, male and female, but he knew none of them would ever compare to Lucien. Just like none would compare to Jesminda for Lucien. Tamlin shoved that pain deep down. Selfish. Don't be fucking selfish. His own mask was simple compared to Lucien's: a plain gold mask; he was a shapeshifter, after all. He was whatever animal he wished to be. Lucien donned a fox mask for his reputation for being cunning. Tamlin was just glad he had that cunning on his side. "I don't like this," Lucien grumbled. "That witch is planning something." Tamlin's heart twinged at the note of fear that had crept into his voice. Your fault. All your fault. Tamlin pulled Lucien into his arms, tucking his head into his chest. "I swear, Lucien, no matter what happens, I'll protect you. I failed you once, but never again. I swear it. Amarantha can never hurt you as long as I'm here, do you understand?" "Dude, you're smothering me," Lucien grumbled, his words muffled against his chest. "Also, why is your heart beating so fast? Is it because of Amarantha? It's not too late to ditch it and declare war on Hybern, you know." Oh, Lucien, my oblivious darling, Tamlin thought. I don't give a shit about Amarantha anymore. My heart is fluttering because you're so close to me. "I'm fine," Tamlin said gruffly, gently letting Lucien go before he confessed his love for him again. "Let's get this over with." "Aye aye, Captain." Lucien gave a mock bow and salute, and Tamlin laughed. He was so charming. "Look dude, I hate her as much as you, but you really don't need to glare at her so viciously," Lucien said. He snickered. "I mean, even I'm getting a little disturbed." Tamlin stared at him incredulously. “She ripped out your eye.” Lucien shrugged nonchalantly. “Beron gave me worse,” he said, but that tremor of fear was still in his voice. All Tamlin’s fault. All of it. “I don’t care if you’ve had worse,” Tamlin snarled. “If she tries to lay one hair on your pretty little head, I will tear her to shreds.” Lucien blushed and pouted, his full heart-shaped lips jutting out. “I’m not little. You’re just huge.” He gestured to Tamlin. “I’m more of a courtier, not a warrior.” “I don’t care if you’re little or not, Lucien,” Tamlin harrumphed, irritated. So clueless. He had absolutely no idea the effect he had on him. “Well I do,” Lucien said, crossing his strong tanned arms across his toned chest. Far from little; don’t worry Lucien, Tamlin could see that. “Take it back!” Tamlin rolled his eyes before he realized what Lucien was doing. He was trying to lighten the mood, calm Tamlin down. Sneaky bastard. He grinned; he loved him so much. “You’re a very big male, Lucien.” “THAAANK you,” he said, exaggeratedly bowing in thanks. “Now try not to brood too much while I’m gone, Tam?” Tamlin was relieved that Lucien didn’t see how much Tamlin blushed at the nickname he’d just given him. But his good mood didn’t last long, for soon Amarantha came to his side. ”I hope you’re here to fucking apologize, because I’m not going to be listening to anything else,” Tamlin snapped before he met her eyes. “And I won’t hesitate to rip you to shreds.” Amarantha twiddled her hands with her fingers. “Yes, I apologize Tamlin. For what I did to you in your early years, taking advantage of your hurt.” “And?” ”I’m sorry…for losing my temper with your courtier.” “His name is Lucien,” Tamlin snapped. “Yes. I apologize for what I did to Lucien.” Tamlin let his simmering High Lord rage bear down on her. “What do you want?”
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bastardsonofday · 5 years
what if I requested all of the friends to lovers tropes for rhycien? what would it do?
What it will do is kill me. You just want to send me to an early grave, huh gwyneth? That’s what you want to do? You want me to die? (jk i love you)
Btw friends on mobile for whom this readmore might not work? Sorry :/
But i’m not one to back down from a challenge! Okay here we go! 
Unbetaed, unedited, un-nothing. Just posting.
Prompt: holy shit i just realized i’ve liked you for the past 8274 years and i really wish i didn’t but i dO and everyone somehow knows about it except for you oh my god why is this happening to me (modern au)“Oh.” Rhys said as he watched Feyre and Lucien in their ‘morning fight’. The two of them circled around one another like hissing cats, though Rhys knew they loved one another. Eyes flashed and nostrils flared. 
Every morning for as long as Rhys could remember they’d done this. Biting remarks and getting so close to crossing the line of too far but never quite getting there. He knew they both enjoyed it–it was a game, you see. A fun one, for them.
For Rhys? Usually it gave him a certain amount of dread, but it wasn’t until today that Rhys finally figured out why. 
“Oh.” And ‘Oh’ it was.
He was afraid of them going too far and Lucien getting hurt by something Feyre said because he loved Lucien. Like, love loved Lucien.
“Oh.” And ‘Oh’ was all it was.
Then the second realization hit, and that dread once again curled in Rhys’ stomach as Lucien smirked something back. 
“Oh.” He didn’t want to be in love with Lucien. Because if he was… well then, that meant that Lucien would turn him down. Lucien–the man who could have anyone and never wanted; Lucien–his best friend who he so desperately wanted to keep that way; Lucien, whom he was utterly hopelessly in love with and had been so for probably, a very long time.
“Uh oh.” Mor hummed from next to him as she handed him his morning coffee. “Those were introspective 'oh’s. What’s up, cuz?”
Rhys took the drink from her hand and sipped it. His voice low against the backdrop of Lucien and Feyre’s 'morning fight’. “Don’t.. freak out.”
“Okay…? Should… should I be worried?”
“I think… I know I’m in love with Lucien.”
This time it was Mor’s turn. “Oh.” She took a nonchalant sip of her frappachino. Then she jumped and turned to Rhys’ surprised face, “wait-you’re just figuring this out now?”
“Oh?? That’s all you have to say?”
“Well, believe it or not Rhys, your love life isn’t that important relatively in my life, but also…” Mor gave him a sideways glance, “I, like, kinda assumed you’d already come to this conclusion. We all did, actually.”
“Wait, so… you all thought-All those times you joked that we were dating you all thought-”
“Well, yeah.” Mor took a sip of her coffee. “God, you are dumb aren’t you? You’re really just figuring this out now?”
“Shut up!” Rhys hissed, elbowing his cousin hard enough that her coffee spilled a bit. “He could hear you!”
Mor rolled her eyes. “Oh no. What a horror that would be.”
“Wait-if you thought we were dating then–you think Lucien-” Rhys swallowed his next sentence. He couldn’t even let himself hope for that. There was no way…
“Well, yeah. That’s what we thought. But if the two of you are really this stupid, then who knows. Maybe he’ll never realizd it either.”
“Please don’t call him stupid. Me, it’s a fair cop but not-”
“Not your crush, yeah I get it.” Mor took another sip of her coffee. “So. When are you going to tell him?”
“What? Tell him? I can’t tell him!”
“Why not?”
“Because–” How was Rhys supposed to explain that that could ruin absolutely everything if he was wrong. Not to mention between Elain and Jesminda, Lucien didn’t really have a good track record with love and partners and- Mother, things would have been so much simpler if he could just forget that he was in love. “I just can’t okay!”
Mor narrowed her eyes and surveryed her cousin. “Oh. Okay.” She turned back to Feyre and Lucien’s spectacle. 
“'Oh’? ‘Oh’? What was that supposed to mean?”
“You don’t tell me and I won’t tell you.” Mor sniffed. 
Rhys scowled. “I hate you.” He told her. Mor didn’t seem to care one way or another about that statement. Rhys turned back to Lucien, watching as Lucien threw a triumphant smirk at Feyre who fumed. Clearly, Lucien had won today’s fight. 
“Oh.” Rhys breathed as his stomached clenched and his heart made a weird little half-flutter in his chest. He had it bad. 
Lucien marched over to Rhys, high on his win against Feyre and took Rhys’ coffee from his hands. He sipped it. “So,” he said, “what are we talking about?”
“Rhys has a new crush.” Mor teased. At which Rhys turned a brillient red color and looked as if he was going to murder his cousin. 
“I’m not-! I don’t-!”
Lucien laughed at Rhys’ expression and watched as his face turned an even darker color. Rhys ducked his head, and snatched his coffee back. 
“That’s for laughing at me.” He snapped, though there was no bite to his remark. In fact, the corners of his cheeks were even turning up a bit. He was sort of smiling.
It felt as though someone had punched Lucien in the gut. “Oh.” Immidately his playful mood vanished. Rhys had a new crush? Emphasis on “new”? Then it couldn’t be- Lucien didn’t have a-
Lucien kept his smile plastered on his face. He’d be happy for his friend. As he always was. 
Though that flutter in his chest leading to his “Oh,” moment… that was certainly going to make this way more complicated. 
But Lucien wouldn’t let his newfound feelings get in the way of his best friend’s happiness.
“Oh?” Rhys asked, quoting Lucien. He looked… stunned. Just a little bit. And slightly… intrigued? Playful? Interested? 
Lucien ignored the flush he began to feel rise to his cheeks. “As in 'oh, who is it’?” He teased, desperately trying to retain their status quo. 
Then that blush was back on Rhys’ cheeks. “Yeah, right. Like I’d ever tell you.”
“Oh come on! I won’t tell! Promise! Cross my heart and hope to die.” Lucien said, taking back Rhys’ drink and sipping from it again. Was it just his imagination or where Rhys’ eyes following him as he- Nah. Couldn’t be. Though Lucien was sure, from where he stood that he could hear Mor mutter under her breath “Idiots,” and roll her eyes. 
Sequel to prompt for rhyciensmut: (the i’ve had a bad day so lets get in our pajamas prompt that i wrote like two weeks ago or whatever)Rhys had had a nightmare. In his nightmare he dreamed that Lucien had told him he loved him, and Rhys’ mouth had been sewn shut. Rhys had been unable to say it back. Rhys woke up first. He laid there, listening to Lucien’s breathing beneath him. Slowly he began to get up, as gently as he could so as not to wake his best friend. 
His best friend in the world. The one who had given up a night to study to make him feel better. Just 'cuz he’d had a shitty day. Lucien had absolutely no idea how much that meant to him. Granted, after the last plate of nachos, Rhys’ memory was a little hazy from the sugar coma. But he hadn’t remembered falling alseep on Lucien. He kinda felt bad, as he sat there watching Lucien sleep. Oh Lucien was going to wake up with such a crick in his neck. 
“Rhys?” The voice was groggy and a little bit crabby. As if it was Rhys’ fault that the world existed. 
Rhys loved hearing Lucien’s voice in the morning. He felt like this was the true Lucien. The one who said whatever he was thinking. Which was, in fact, because it was. Before his morning coffee, Lucien had little to no filter. Pure and undiluted Lucien. And Rhys could never get enough.
“What time is it?”
“Just about seven.”
Lucien made a horribly loud and painful sounding groan as he sat up. He let out a yelp and slowly began kneading the back of his neck. 
Rhys slapped his hands away. “Let me do that, you idiot.” 
“I’m the idiot? You’re the one who fell asleep on me.” Lucien grumbled. His shoulders tensed as Rhys’s fingers hit a tender spot and then he let out a groan.
“I hate you, but yes.” Lucien said. There was a silence. “Thanks.”
“You should have woken me up.”
“Yeah right.” Lucien said quickly, as if it wasn’t even a question. “You needed it.” He said softly. 
Rhys felt something tug in his belly at that statement. Lucien would have done that for anyone. Feyre too, he told himself. “Yeah, I did. Thanks again for last night. You’re the perfect friend.” Rhys mumbled. 
He felt Lucien’s shoulders go tense under his fingers. “Did I hit a sore spot?” Rhys asked worriedly. 
“Yeah.” Lucien’s voice was slightly strained. “You did. It’s okay, though. It doesn’t hurt that much.”
Rhys continued his neck massage, until Lucien finally brushed him off for good.
“Rhys?” Lucien asked as he packed up his stuff. “Can I ask you a question?”
“Yeah. What’s up?” 
“Last night… how conscious were you?”
“Well, there was this point last night-” Lucien suddenly flushed, “-it’s stupid.”
“Hey,” Rhys said softly, putting a hand on his shoulder affectionately, “what is it?”
“You said something to me… I think you were talking in your sleep?”
Rhys stilled. No… Rhys-Rhys didn’t-Rhys had never before talked in his sleep. It wasn’t- Lucien-there was no way he’d called out Lucien’s name or anything… Was there?
“I’m sorry, I have no idea what you’re talking about.” Rhys said, forcing himself to laugh it off. 
“Oh. Okay then.” 
“Why what did I say?”
Lucien grinned at him and flicked his earlobe. “That you loved me. Wanted to have my babies.”
Rhys rolled his eyes. “I didn’t know pre-coffee Lucien could lie.” Rhys snorted, a little concerned that Lucien’s comment may had hit a little too close to home. Had Rhys really said anything of the sort when he’d been asleep? Had he told Lucien-? Somethign twisted unpleasently in his gut at the idea of confessing to Lucien in his sleep–to not be able to see his reaction, or his rejection. He didn’t want to think about this anymore. 
Rhys stood and walked over to the coffee machine in the kitchenette to start a morning batch while Lucien cleaned the rest of his stuff up. 
Finally the coffee was done and Lucien was ready to go (not that Rhys even remotely wanted him too). Rhys walked Lucien to the door and gave him a hug and said “Thanks again. You really helped me last night.”
“Of course, Rhys.” Lucien said as he pulled back. “It’s no problem. You’re my best friend.” What Rhys didn’t catch was the way Lucien’s voice snagged on the word friend. He was too busy trying to stop the ache in his heart that word caused. Lucien really had no idea how much this night and Lucien’s love had meant to him.“Yeah.” Rhys agreed. “This is what best friends do.”
Prompt: we drunk-kissed but you forgot about it and i don’t know how to act around you anymore wtf (modern au)Feyre had wanted to get drunk. Not just drunk but really wasted. Absolutely lost in the sauce. So, there they all were, from Nesta to Amren, sitting in Rita’s getting shnockered. 
The case against Tamlin had finally gone through and he’d been sentenced. Restaining orders had been filed for. Finally, it seemed, things were back to normal. There was dancing, good food, lots of shots. It really was a party. 
So when Lucien, cheeks bright red from alcohol, had sat next to him (Rhys, tipsy himself had run a finger through the long strands of Lucien’s gorgeous red hair, despite the partying it had stayed mostly unknotted and was extremely soft), Rhys really hadn’t thought through the idea of kissing him much, he’d sort of just done it. 
The important part of that night being that Lucien had kissed back. And the important part of that morning being that he didn’t seem to remember it at all. Rhys, however, remembered in every sobering detail. Lucien must have been exceedingly drunk to crash at Rhys’ the night before instead of heading to his own apartment to puke in peace, he thought as Rhys made them breakfast. 
Lucien had woken up on Rhys’ couch, a blanket had been thrown haphasardly over him at some point and he’d twisted up in it, clearly, from the way he had to untangle himself after. A glass of water and asprin had also found their way onto the coffee table next to the couch. Lucien thanked drunk!Rhys or him, whoever had remembered to do that, and drank it down gladly. 
Then, Rhys had woken up. Rhys himself didn’t seem too hungover but he certainly was a little bit from the way he flinched when Lucien had put the glass back on the table (Lucien had flinched too, he hadn’t meant to do that).
Then, without a word of greeting to Lucien, Rhys had stalked over to his kitchen and began making breakfast. 
“Some night, huh?” Lucien asked.
“Yeah.” Rhys responded stiffly. Lucien heard him turn on the stove. 
“I’ll get my stuff-” Lucien began when Rhys said nothing more. Was Rhys mad at him?
“No.” Rhys said quickly. Then his voice abruptly cut off–as if he’d stopped himself from continuing. “I mean, I’m already making breakfast. Why don’t you have some?” His voice was strained, as if he was trying to get back into his suave self but was too hungover to do it properly. 
“Okay.” Lucien said. He carefully stood, dizzy for a moment, then made his way over to the granite island in the kitchen.
“Need any help?” Lucien asked.
Rhys smiled at him. “Sure. Mind getting the eggs from the fridge?”
Lucien did as he was asked. “How many?”
“Two for me.” Rhys responded. Lucien took out the carton, setting aside four for them, then put it back. He reached over Rhys to grab a glass from the cabinets above the stove and noticed as Rhys froze. No joke, no pushing him out of the way to see what he was doing, nothing.
Very un-Rhys behavior, if he did say so himself.
Lucien frowned. “You okay?” He asked, as he pulled back with the glass. He heard Rhys let out a gust of air. 
What was with him?
“Fine.” Rhys mumbled. “Just got a headache.”
Lucien cracked the eggs, checked them, then plopped them in the frying pan, stinging himself slightly when the oil splashed. 
Rhys watched him work silently. Lucien was starting to get a little uncomfortable.
It wasn’t as if the two of them hadn’t done this before. Lucien had stayed over on the couch. The two of them had made breakfast just like this. But then it was all full of playful banter and bickering, despite whatever hangovers they may or may not have had. 
So what the fuck was with him today? Lucien wondered. 
Rhys gave a small shake of his head, as if shaking himself have into his body, and returned his attention to the frying bacon. 
Once breakfast was made (mostly in silence, despite Lucien’s attempts otherwise) they sat, silently, and ate. They’d been so silent, jyst the scrape of utensils against plates and the glug of drinks, that Lucien jumped when Rhys finally spoke: “So…” he said. “About last night.”
“What about last night?” Lucien asked. 
Rhys toyed with the extra food on his plate. “You know…” He trailed off, as if expecting Lucien to finish the thought. But Lucien couldn’t no matter how much he wanted to.
“Actually.. I don’t. I can’t remember anything past Azriel doing the cha-cha slide.”
Something funny happened to Rhys’ face and he dropped his fork. 
Lucien hissed at the loud noise, rubbing at his temples. “What?” He snapped, too harshly. He counted from ten backwards in his head before speaking again, “Why? What happened?”
“Nothing.” Rhys mumbled. “’M not hungry anymore.” He stood to knock his remaining food into the garbage.
Lucien scowled at Rhys. “Stop being a dick. Clearly it means something to you because you’ve been a bitch all fucking morning.”
“Nothing! Okay? It was nothing. You were drunk and you don’t remember so it doesn’t even matter.”
“Stop saying that! Clearly it fucking does. If not, then I guess you’re just dick now!”
“Fine!” Rhys snarled. “I’m a dick. Whatever.”
Lucien huffed and closed his eyes. The screaming had hurt his head. They’d had fun last night, hadn’t they? So why had that turned into this… 
Rhys was silent for a minute. “I’m sorry. I shouldn’t be yelling at you. I’m just hungover and in a bad mood.”
“I shouldn’t be yelling at you, either. I’m sorry also.”
“Look,” Rhys sighed, “what happened last night..  it doesn’t matter, okay? But if you really want to know… you just told me you had a thing for Feyre, okay? That you were going to go for it, now that Tamlin was gone. Then… nothing. I just… I wanted to check in, you know?”
Lucien wanted to tell Rhys that there was no way in hell he’d wanted to sleep with Feyre. None at all, being that he was more specifically focused on Rhys himself in that respect. But now really didn’t seem like the time for that. “Wow.” Lucien mumbled, “I must have been really drunk if I told you that.”
“See? Like I said.”
“I’m sorry for yelling, Rhys. Maybe you aren’t the only bitch in the room this morning.” 
Rhys snorted. “Yeah, I guess.”
“Well, thanks for breakfast.”
“Sure thing.”
“I should probably go. Got work.”
Lucien gathered his things, and Rhys saw him out. Before he went to leave, he habitually swung out an arm as if to hug Rhys only to see him flinch. Lucien pulled back his arm. Clearly, there was something Rhys wasn’t telling him about last night. He hoped whatever it was–whatever he’d said or done–didn’t ruin their friendship. 
Then he said 'goodbye’ and left.Rhys wondered if he shouldn’t have lied. 
Prompt: neither of us have kissed anyone before and what the hell may as well just get it out of the way. except hahah ha ha h a now i can’t stop thinking of ur lips why did i think this was a good idea ha ha ahah (camp au)“Let’s kiss.” Rhys said one day as the two of them laid on the edge of Camp Prythian’s lake– feet in the water, staring up at the stars. 
It was late and Tamlin and Cassian were taking care of their campers. Rhys and Lucien had decided to go on a walk during their free-time. They’d have to switch out with Tam and Cass soon. 
“Excuse me?” Lucien was on the verge of laughing. Why on Earth-?
Rhys didn’t even seem even slightly abashed by his words. “Not like, weirdly or anything. I know you’ve never had your first kiss and neither have I so, why not?”
“Like… to get our first kiss out of the way?”
“Yeah.” Rhys brightened. “Exactly!”
Lucien snorted. “Seriously?”
“Yeah, seriously. You like me, and I like you. Why not? It’ll help for practice too.”
“Yeah. Why?” Rhys raised an eyebrow. “You afraid one taste and you’ll fall hopelessly in love with me?”
Lucien narrowed his eyes. Rhys had not- “No, just worried what I’ll infect myself with. How do I know where those lips have been?”
“Ah yes, but a little surprise gives life meaning, don’t you think?” Rhys responded, a sly smirk on his face.
Let it be known that Lucien only kissed him then because he didn’t have a good comeback handy–and for no other reason. Not the coy curl of his lips. Not the way Rhys’ eyes sparkled violet in the night. And definitely not because of the fact that when Rhys had asked Lucien to kiss him something inside Lucien immidately said yes. 
The kiss was a smashing of teeth and lips that slowly morphed into something slower and sweeter (although tongues stayed put the whole time). Rhys was the first to pull away. Lucien hated himself for not wanting to let go. Rhys gave him a shit-eating grin. “Now that wasn’t so bad, was it?”
No, Lucien thought, unable to tear his eyes away from Rhys and his lips (he tasted like cherry popsicle), not so bad at all. 
“You know what they say, from here there’s only up.” Lucien snapped back, trying to ignore the delightful warmth he’d felt with Rhys’ lips on his. Rhys let out a loud throaty laugh into the sky and Lucien laid back down against the bank of the lake, hoping Rhys wouldn’t look over and see the redness of his face. 
Prompt: we’re best friends and i’ve been in love with you for forever but i’m 3000% sure you just see me as a friend except why is this sexual tension happening rn (high school au cuz I an’t help myself) (also the return of Rhys {the Dog})
“So.” Rhys said, walking into Lucien’s room uninvited. “Feyre and I broke up.”
“That’s sucks.” Lucien said, only looking up from his work because Rhys didn’t seem particularly broken-up about it. “That… sucks… right?”
“Yeah, I mean-” Rhys shrugged, cutting off the rest of his sentence. He flopped onto Lucien’s bed, picking up a stuffed dog that Lucien had (in fact) gotten from Feyre. Rhys turned the stuffed animal over in his hands, smoothing the fur down and pressing a kiss to it’s head. He squeezed the dog to his chest, eyes closed, breathing him in. The act brought back the flutter in Lucien’s heart that he always had around Rhys. Not that it mattered, Rhys saw Lucien as a friend–as his best friend. He was also convinced that Lucien was not only straight but still pining over Jesminda, as far as Lucien could tell. Neither of which were true, and honestly hadn’t been true for a while. 
Even before Lucien had gotten together with Jes he’s still had a thing for Rhys, no matter how much he’d loved her. But Rhys still didn’t see it. After years, he still didn’t see Lucien’s feelings, though by this point Lucien had gotten good at hiding them, well most of the time. 
For example the stuffed animal that Rhys had cradled to his chest had been named Rhys, after Rhys himself. Partly, because Lucien had found the confusion exceedingly funny at the time, but also because… well, Rhys. 
Rhys continued speaking. “It’s just-” He huffed, fiddling with one of Rhys’ (the dog) paws. “We’re weren’t going anywhere. It’s a good thing we broke up.” He insisted. “A good thing.”
Lucien wasn’t sure who Rhys was trying to convince, but he was doing a shit job at it. 
Lucien hopped onto the bed next to time, abandoning his lab report. Tamlin would let him off if it wasn’t finished in time, since Lucien basically carried the two of them in that class normally. 
Lucien gently took Rhys (the dog) from Rhys’ (the human) hands. He ran a finger over the markings on the stuffed animal. 
“Want me to break out the ice cream?” Lucien asked, heart beating so hard in his chest he would have been surprised Rhys couldn’t hear it if his heart didn’t beat like that all the time around Rhys. 
Lucien turned his head to his friend when Rhys didn’t answer. Rhys was staring at him. Not, staring into space in the general direction of Lucien (which happened plenty), but actually, literally, staring at him. 
Lucien sucked in a breath. 
“Actually I was more in the mood for something tastier.” Rhys didn’t say so much as breathe and Lucien felt all blood rush from his head and all air from his lungs. “Uh.” For once, Lucien’s sharp tongue failed him. Rhys just saw him as a friend, Lucien chanted in his head. Just a friend, just a friend, just a friend.
But if that was so why wouldn’t Rhys break his gaze. 
Lucien couldn’t breathe. 
“What do you think?” Rhys asked, those intense eyes still locked on Lucien’s.
What did Lucien think? What did he think? He thought the most tasty thing he could possibly imagine were Rhys’ lips but he couldn’t say that. 
Rhys. Of course Rhys would say something like that. To his best friend no less. Rhys with those gorgeous violet eyes and that smirk that curled at his lips and- Rhys was smirking. Was he-?
No. That was ridiculous. 
Rhys flirted when he was anxious, Lucien reminded himself. It made him feel better. 
But why-? With Lucien-? But he-!
Rhys’ smirk fell. “Lucien, you okay?”
Air came rushing back into Lucien’s lungs. He put down Rhys (the dog), clenching his hands so that Rhys (the human) couldn’t see them shake. Get back in the game, Lucien. Lucien snarled at himself. 
He plastered on a smile. “Always.”
“Good, can’t have both of us falling apart now, can we?” Rhys smiled, bumping Lucien’s shoulder with his. 
Lucien snorted. “Of course.” Then his voice softened. “Falling apart?”
“I mean…” Rhys shrugged. “Not really I guess. I am upset but I don’t think I could ever really fall apart. Not as long as I have you.“Rhys was looking at him again. Like that. 
Lucien knew though, he knew Rhys didn’t mean it. And that made it hurt worse. Lucien cleared his throat and broke eye contact first. “So, what’re you thinking?” He asked, refering to his earlier question. 
Rhys, of course, knew what he was referring to immidately. Like always. “Hmm, I’m thinking nachos.”
Lucien smiled. “Me too.” And he went to get them. Rhys took it as a sign as Lucien left the room. He was leaving Rhys, i.e. he wasn’t interested. So Rhys wouldn’t push. The thought that Lucien didn’t want him hurt, but it was a hurt he’d have to deal with, it seemed like. 
Prompt: i will die protecting you. no question about it. i care for you more than anyone else in the universe and even though i act like you’re a pain in the ass i love you so much. you dweeb. (Okay so this one takes some explaining: Basically I’m kinda obsessed with the au where lucien feels really self destructive and therefore runs to the Night Court instead of Spring after Jes dies so he can ‘get what he deserves’ and ends up becoming part of the Inner Circle and i actually ahve it like… plotted, even back when I only wrote gen {cuz its a gen fic in my head except for a little feysand and feycien maybe?} but anywho that’s the context)
“You’re an asshole.” Lucien snapped as he sat back against the coach they resided in. While Rhys could certainly winnow, even with the faebane, Lucien couldn’t and Rhys couldn’t carry both of them.
Even riding through the south of Prythian set Lucien’s nerves on edge. 
“We wouldn’t even be in this position if you hadn’t be a dick to Her.” Rhys grumbled. 
“Oh, I’m sorry, was I just supposed to let her say those things. About you? About-”
“Yes! Yes, you were you brat!” Rhys snarled. Lucien glared back. 
Rhys would have bent under her will. He would have done the right thing. But Lucien’s temper was worse, and the Bitch had crossed the line when she’d gone after Rhys. 
Lucien’s hands itched to raise to the eyepatch he wore, a reminder of his stupidity. 
But stupidity be damned, no one spoke that way about Rhys and the people Lucien loved. 
Rhys sighed. “At least, just- you know. Be nice. Please.”
“Why? You hate him just as much as I do.”
“Yes, but I’m also a High Lord. You, my friend, are not.”
Lucien rolled his eye. So what? “Just because he’s got power doesn’t mean he knows how to use it.”
Rhys grinned at Lucien, waggling his eyebrows. “And I do?”
“You’re such a prick.”
“That’s what she-”
“Oh great Mother, shut up.” Lucien groaned. Unfortunately, Lucien’s luck wasn’t so good that Rhys listened (not that he ever did). So Lucien was forced to endure him until the reached the estate of the High Lord of Spring. 
Tamlin met the two of them at the gate, still pissed from letting either into his Court at all. 
Tamlin made no move to greet them. Behind him, his soliders held their line. Cassian would be impressed, Lucien thought as Rhys and he went up to Tamlin.
“What are you doing here?” Tamlin snarled at Rhys, eyes filled with pure hatred. “The deal was just him.” He pointed a long meaty finger at Lucien. 
“I came along for the ride. Can’t have my favorite living in some dump, now can I?” Rhys purred. 
“Please,” Lucien scoffed, “you say deal like you had any say in the arangement.”
“Shut up, spy.” Tamlin spat at him. His eyes lingered on Lucien’s eyepatch.
Lucien heard what words he’d rathered say: traitor, weakling, whore. 
One little scratch and and Lucien had gone running home to Mommy. That was what the stories said. 
Lucien tensed. 
“And you,” Tamlin turned that nasty finger on Rhys, “weren’t invited. Get out, before I have to show you how unwelcome you are myself.” Tamlin took a step towards the pair and Lucien immidately stepped in front of Rhys. 
Rhys had been right, Lucien would never win in a real fight. Not to mention that Tamlin had retained more of his magic power than even Rhys, not that Lucien was that powerful in magic when it came to the two of them anyway. But Lucien had trained in non-magical combat with Azriel and Cassian, and if he couldn’t hold his own against Tamlin then at least he could maim him a little. 
Tamlin’s eyebrows quirked. A mean sneer curled at his lips. “I will destroy you, exile. With nothing but my pinky finger.”
Lucien was about to say something about how Tamlin’s pinky was fat enough to count as four, but Rhys interuppted him. “I’d like to see you try.” He said, boredly. But he put a restraining hand on Lucien’s shoulder all the same. He was right, though, Lucien knew. They didn’t have time for this or leeway with Amarantha to save Rhys and Lucien from her wrath if they did fight.  Lucien bared his teeth at Tamlin anyway. 
“And I thought that all the rumors were just that. I guess I was wrong.” Tamlin said. Lucien and Rhys, used to these types of comments, ignored it. Tamlin then turned his gaze on Lucien. “And here I thought the Great Exiled Prince would be harder to control than whatever the High Lord of Night or the Queen Bitch-” the entire forest seemed to suck in a collective breath, Lucien had dared call her something like that and had lost his eye, but she was obsessed with Tamlin. The asshole would be safe. Just how he always was. “Come, Lucien.” He whistled. “Here, Lucien. Heel, Lucien.”
Lucien was begging to tear Tamlin a new one. But again, Rhys saved him from probable certain death when he said: “What can I say? I like to play with my toys.” He gave a non-chalant shrug. “But the important thing to remember Tammy,” Tamlin tensed at the nickname, “is that even the tiniest of dogs can still bite. Just be nice. Maybe you won’t see Lucien’s, and we can all survive this in peace.”
Right. Survive this. That was why they were all here today. To survive. Hope. That was what Amarantha had given them when she’d made that deal with Tamlin. Hope. 
Fifty years. It was only fifty years.
Fifty years away from the mountian, fifty years convincing poor little human girls to fall in love with Tamlin, then failing in the end since Tamlin was, of course, unloveable. Fifty years of spying on Tamlin and reporting to Amarantha that he wasn’t breaking his word, or even trying to. 
In fifty years maybe he would see Mor again. Maybe he would be able to scheme with Az and tick off Cass and gossip with Amren. 
Fifty years. He just had to survive fifty years. 
“Say your goodbyes.” Tamlin snapped. “Then we’re going, and you’re leaving.”
Rhys bowed his head, grinning. “Yes, High Lord.” 
Tamlin even turned his back to give them privacy. The first kind thing Lucien had seen him do since Lucien ran to the Night Court in the first place. 
“I’ll miss you.” Rhys told him softly. He began picking at Lucien’s collar (spring clothes… they itched), smoothing it out though it was already smooth.
“Me too.” Lucien whispered.
“You don’t have to-”
“For you? You never have to ask, much less force me on pain of death and slavery.” Lucien said with a snort. Trying to lighten the mood. Then his face softened when Rhys’ looked like he would cry. “It’s just fifty years. Less if he gets a really smart one.”
Rhys snorted, though he didn’t look like he wanted to. “A smart one would never fall for him in the first place.” Lucien laughed. 
Lucien pressed a gentle kiss to Rhys’ bent forehead, still looking at his collar to smooth it. 
“I’ll be alright. Promise.”
“I know you don’t care about it Lucien, but I don’t want you to die for me.”
“Come now, Rhys, I’ll never die. Not if you bully me out of it. You know how annoying I find you.”
Rhys laughed, but water was pearling at his eyes. Lucien pressed another gentle kiss to him, this time his lips. 
“Fifty years.” Rhys whispered, eyes squeezed closed to stop whatever tears threatened them. “You be back in fifty years and not one second more.”
“Yes, my Lord.” Lucien whispered. He couldn’t help but smile at the order.
“It’s time.” Tamlin finally said. When Lucien whipped around to bite his ear off he found he couldn’t–Tamlin looked too soft. Too sad. Too much like he used to, when Tamlin and Lucien were friends. Before Jesminda.
Lucien nodded. He went with Tamlin, and Rhys climbed back into the coach to leave for Under the Mountian. Lucien watched him go.
Prompt: we’re the old married couple™ but lmao no we would never date each other. right? right???????!!!? (modern au cuz clearly im a sucker for these)
“Well if you’d just taken your coat like I told you too, then we wouldn’t be late from buying you a new one.” Lucien snapped from the doorway. The winter raged outside, and Rhys quickly shut the door behind him. 
“Well it was a good idea anyway because then we got to pick up the host gift because you left ours at home.”
“It’s not my fault! By the time you had finished your hair I was so pissed at you I’d forgotten all about it! And I’ve been busy! Really, really busy!”
“He’s been busy, he says.” Rhys rolled his eyes. Rhys turned to Feyre who helped him take off his coat. 
“I have been! You know that! God, why am I still even arguing about this? I’m right, obviously.” Lucien told Amren, who came to take the host gift. She sniffed at the wine. 
“Bad quality, but expensive. I accept.”
“I’m glad Amren.” Lucien said sarcastically. 
“Ugh. Lucien! How the fuck did you tie this thing? It’s like a fucking lanard-” Rhys grumbled as he pulled at his scarf. 
Lucien batted his hand away. “Let me.” Lucien snapped. His deft fingers quickly undid the knot and Lucien stuffed the scarf into the pocket of Rhys’ coat. He put his own coat on the coat rack and gratefully followed Amren to a (nicer, she insisted) glass of red wine. “Thank you.” He almost groveled. He chugged, much to Amren’s distaste, then asked for more. She gave, though clearly disgusted by his heathenly drinking. Lucien couldn’t really give a fuck. 
Once properly sated with drink, Amren finally asked him what she’d been wondering, “why is Rhysand mad?”
Lucien shrugged, swirling the wine. “I’ve been really busy ever since I went freelance and he’s just mad ‘cuz he gets paid less attention by me than when he lived with his brothers. He has a girlfriend for this specific reason, but noo-” 
“He doesn’t.”
“He doesn’t have a girlfriend anymore.”
“What? Why? When?”
“A few weeks ago.”
Amren gave Lucien a sideways glance. “How did you not know this?”
“I’ve been busy,” Lucien whined, “like I said.”
“Still, pretty big thing to miss. Especially because you two chirp like old married birds.”
Lucien sputtered. “What? We do not!”
“Do too.”
“You’re mean and that’s why no one likes you.” Lucien said as he took a sip of his wine. 
“Maybe so, but I’m right.”
Lucien made a face at her and she rolled her eyes. “’It’s you’re fault you forgot the host gift’, ‘If you’d brought you coat like I asked,’” she quoted. 
Lucien was pretty sure he couldn’t blame the wine for why his cheeks were red. “We-We don’t sound like that. We’re-We’re just friends, Amren. We’d never-” A laugh caught Lucien’s ears and he turned to watch as Mor and Rhys giggled at something Cassian said. 
They would never… Would they?
Lucien was so busy mulling over the idea of… but they couldn’t- that he didn’t even notice Rhys himself come over to talk to Amren. Rhys swung an arm over Lucien’s shoulders and took the glass of wine from his hands. He sipped it casually and started some conversation or another with Amren about… whatever Amren did (Lucien still wasn’t completely sure, despite getting to know everyone better once he’d moved in with Rhys). 
But Rhys wouldn’t-Rhys would never-And they weren’t like that! They weren’t at all!
Lucien watched Rhys as he spoke to Amren. The glitter in his eyes and the easy grin on his lips just made him so much more than he had been moments before. Moments before the thought had ever even crossed Lucien’s mind. 
He loved Rhys, and he knew he did. Rhys loved him too, he hoped. But to date? To be together… like that? That was-
Lucien could barely process the idea, but that didn’t mean that he didn’t like it. 
He wasn’t quite sure what that meant. 
“Alright everyone!” Elain called, clapping her hands together. “Dinner is ready!” 
Rhys and Lucien were pulled over to the table with everyone else. On the way there Lucien pulled Rhys over and whispered softly. “You and Feyre broke up?”
“Yeah. Lucien can we go eat?”
“A few weeks ago.” Rhys was busy eyeballing the garlic bread on the table. 
“Is that why you’ve been such a bitch lately?”
“I’m sorry I didn’t ask what was wrong. I should have been more thoughtful.”
“It’s okay. Let’s go eat. I’m hungry.”
“Do you want to go on a date with me?”
“It would have to be after we eat.”
“It would be this Friday.”
“Awesome. Let’s do it.” Rhys said, and without a further comment went straight to the table to gobble down some food. He pulled Lucien along with him. 
Mor was calling again. Rhys grimaced and pushed his cell phone farther away from himself. Lucien raised an eyebrow, picking at his dinner. 
“So… why exactly as we mad at Mor?”
“We’re not mad, I’m mad.” Rhys explained. He wasn’t particularly hungry either. But he was getting worried about Lucien. Lucien had been eating less and less over the past few days. He hadn’t mentioned anything getting worse and form Rhys’ side of the wall he couldn’t hear any nightmares getting worse. In fact, most of Lucien’s whimpers were lessening, but Lucien himself had not been eating. 
“So something trivial then.” Lucien said. 
Rhys shrugged. “We’re having a family get-together soon.”
“I see,” Lucien nodded, putting his take out cup down. 
Rhys rolled his eyes and explained. “She thinks it’s sad that I’m not dating anyoen and she’s been trying to set me up and… look, I’m just not interested in any of the guys that she wants me to be interested in, you know?”
Lucien raised an eyebrow. 
Rhys continued. “So she’s trying to get my opinion ‘cuz she wants to set me up this weekend at the family thing. Everyone else is bringing their partners… I get it, she wants me to be happy but like… seriously, not necessary. But she’s not going to stop until I tell her I’m involved.”
“Okay, so tell her you’re involved.” Lucien said matter-of-factly. He picked up his food container and gave the chopsticks in his hand a glare before working them into the contents. Rhys watched as Lucien ate, slowly but surely. So maybe, he was getting better. 
“Wait, I’m sorry: what?”
“Well, you said that she wouldn’t stop ‘til she found out you were involved, right?” Lucien explained through a mouthful of chinese food, “so just tell her you’re involved.”
“You mean lie to her.”
“Why not? I lie to my family all the time. ‘Course I think lying to them is fun. It brightens my day. But that’s why I’m in therapy so…” Lucien shrugged. He went for a fortune cookie. 
Rhys’ eyes widened and he looked up at Lucien as an idea struck him. Lucien, unaware of this, opened up his fortune cookie and read the piece of paper out loud. “You will soon be given an interesting proposal. What a crock of shit. What’s that supposed to mean?” He grumbled before glanced up at Rhys. Lucien’s face fell. “Oh no.”
“It was your idea.”
“No, no, no, no, no. I am not pretending to be your boyfriend to get Mor off your back.”
“Aww, why not? Please? Please, please, please with a cherry on top? I’ll be your best friend!”
Lucien rolled his eyes. “I don’t want you to be my best friend. I want that to be someone who I actually like, you know, like Mor for example.”
“Aw, pleeease, Lucien? I’ll buy you take out every day for the next week.” Lucien didn’t yield. “Please? I’m begging you here.” Rhys got on his knees. A place he dreamed about being with Lucien, though, if he was being honest, not in this situation. “Please? A month! Free take out for a month!”
“You just want me to get fat, don’t you?” Lucien asked, arms crossed. Though he was grinning. 
Of course, Rhys did  want Lucien to put on weight but he could never tell lucien that. Lucien would lose weight just to be contrary. “Please please pl-eee-ease?”
Lucien still said nothing. “Two months.”
Lucien waved a hand as if raising the offer. “Two months and I tell Cassian to shut up on command.” Lucien kept waving that hand. “Two months, I tell Cassian to shut up on command, and I get Az to let you borrow that sexy black suit that you like so much.” Lucien pretended to yawn and look at a watch taht was not there. “Three months and I get Amren to work for you for free for two weeks and that is my final offer.”
“I’m not interested.”
“Or.. I could just annoy you until you pretend to be my boyfriend.”
Lucien narrowed his eyes. “Then I’ll just tell Mor what you’re trying to do.”
Rhys took a deep breath and let out a strangled and loud, “PUH-LEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEE-” he took another large breath, “-EEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEE-” and another one, “-EEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEE-”
“Okay! Fine! I’ll do it! Shut up!” Lucien snapped. 
Rhys grinned, and pumped the air. “You’re so going to regret this.” He warned Lucien. 
“I’m aware.”
“Thanks, boyfriend.”
“Oh my god-” While Rhys loved irritating Lucien, he did wish, if only a little bit, that when he said ‘boyfriend’, it wasn’t as fake as Lucien thought it was. Well, baby steps, he supposed.  
Bonus because I’m an idiot and mis-read one of the prompts originally: “you’ve had a rough day so let’s get in our PJs and watch a cute movie together and cuddle”? 
Usually, Rhys came home from work glowing. Or well, maybe not *glowing*, but he certainly seemed to be in a happy mood. Yeah, being mayor of Velaris was a tough job, but Rhys actually seemed to enjoy it most of the time, and so did most of Velaris’ residents. 
But today seemed to be one of the bad days. Lucien, who worked from home ever since he split from Tamlin’s company and started freelancing, had been worried when six o'clock had rolled around and Rhys still hadn’t texted that he was on his way home. So, Lucien called city hall and had been told politely but shortly by Nuala that Rhys was swamped today and wouldn’t be home 'til late. Late, as it turned out, was around eleven thirty. Rhys came home, ripped off his suit and walked right past Lucien to the bedroom.
Lucien called out hesitantly, “Rhys, babe? You okay?”
A muffled sound came from the room. Lucien stood from the couch and opened the door softly. 
“What’s wrong, honey?” 
Rhys looked up at Lucien as if he’d forgotten that he didn’t live alone. Then, Rhys barreled into his husband’s arms, crushing him in a hug.  
Rhys breathed him in. “You smell good.” He mumbled. 
“Hey! What’s up?” Lucien asked, confused and slightly concerned. 
“Just missed you.” Rhys mumbled into his shoulder. “Long day.”
“I can tell. Want to talk about it?”
“Not particularly. Just want to shower.”
Lucien waggled an eyebrow. “Want any company?” He asked, nudging Rhys. 
Rhys barked out a laugh, head still buried in Lucien’s shoulder and shook his head. “No thanks. I just want to get the smell of this day off me.”
“Okay, well I’ll be out here if you need anything.”
“Thanks, love.”
Rhys dragged himself away from his husband and went into the bathroom to shower. Lucien went back to work. Once Rhys was feeling more like a human again, he came out of the bedroom in his pajamas and sat next to Lucien who typed away on his laptop. Gilmore Girls playing in the background as ambient noise while he worked. Slowly, Lucien had been catching up on all the TV he’d missed while working himself to the bone for Tamlin. 
Rhys took a sip from Lucien’s mug on the coffee-table and scowled. 
“Decaf.” He grumbled, laying his head on Lucien’s shoulder. 
Lucien let out a breathy laugh. “Some of us actually like the *taste* of coffee, Rhys. Not just as a way to keep us up.”
“Coffee’s only worthwile functions are as a caffiene booster or as something to put butt-loads of sugar in.” Rhys chirped back as a pulled a blanket over his legs. 
Lucien saved his work and closed his laptop, placing it on the coffee-table in front of them. “I’ll never understand how you manage to keep your figure with the amount of sugar you put in your frappachinos.”
Rhys tossed his hair over his shoulder. “I’m just magical like that.”
Lucien laughed and pulled Rhys closer so he was resting on Lucien’s chest. He pressed a kiss into Rhys’ hair, still damp from the shower. “Yes, you are.”
They were just finishing season three when the clock hit one in the morning. Lucien stretched gently. Rhys had stopped making side-comments on the Gilmores’ lives an or two ago, opting for closeness and silence and warm cider (which Lucien had gotten up to make him, despite Rhys’ objections to losing his pillow for a few minutes). Lucien craned his neck over to see if Rhys had fallen asleep. 
He had. His eyes fluttered beneath his lids. Carefully, Lucien settled back into the couch. He spred out his legs a little into a more comfortable position, turned off the TV, and pressed one more kiss to Rhys’ hair before settling on the couch. 
“G'night Rhys. I hope tomorrow is better.” And in each others’ arms, they fell asleep.
31 notes · View notes
I Prefer The Drummer. (Josh Dun x Reader)
“For those of you who just tuned in, I’m Anna from Alternative Press and I have with me, riding high after their incredibly successful world tour, Slade, Leighton, (Y/N) and Jesy – The Midnight Bandits.”
The four of you gave a quick greeting to the camera before directing your attention back to the interviewer.
“So, guys, before the break, we spoke about the tour and you shared some information on the new album; now it’s time we get to the fun part…”
“Oh, that can only mean one thing. Fan questions right?” Leighton chuckled.
“It is actually!” Anna answered, surprised. “How did you know that?”
“Whenever interviewers have something ‘fun’ in store for us, it’s generally always fan questions,” Slade explained. “And it’s rarely ever fun. They ask the weirdest shit.”
“Yeah, like other bands play games and stuff, but we just get interrogated,” Jesy added.
“Not to say that we hate answering fan questions, we love engaging with fans,” you jumped in. “It’s just, yeah, they ask some pretty weird shit.” The four of you laughed, thinking back to all the awkward fan questions you'd answered in the past.
“Don’t take it personally, we love you guys,” Slade spoke to the fans through the camera. “Just lay off the crack for a little bit.”
“They’re just really passionate,” Anna giggled. “They want to know as much about you as they can.”
“Yeah, including whether or not Leighton has ever had Skype sex,” Slade snorted, the rest of you laughing in response.
“Hey, that question was directed to both of us, dude,” Leighton defended.
“Mainly to you, though. They added ‘or Slade?’ as an afterthought.”
“What was the answer?” Anna questioned cheekily.
“That… is irrelevant,” Leighton spoke, closing his eyes and raising his hands, causing the room to begin laughing again. “You gonna ask us those questions or not?”
“Alright, alright. Touchy,” Anna smirked as she shuffled through the cards she held in her hand. “Okay, the first one is from @heavydirtyslade and her question is: ‘Have any of you guys have ever been in handcuffs?’ Oooo.”
Leighton, Slade and yourself all shook your heads no as Jesy pulled her mouth to the side and timidly raised her hand, earning a collective gasp from the rest of you.
“Oh! We’ve got a bad girl over here!” Anna exclaimed through a chuckle.
“Wait, wait, wait, wait, wait,” Slade turned to face her. “You’ve been in handcuffs like you’ve been arrested, or like in the bedroom?”
Jesy’s face flushed as she sucked her teeth and whispered, “That wasn’t part of the question.”
“You kinky little shit!” Leighton gasped, nudging Jesy with his elbow.
“Moving on!” she declared.
“Alright, this one is from @summerof2001, and her question is: ‘@(Y/N)(Y/L/N) who is your celebrity crush?’ I wanna know the answer to this too, actually,” Anna leaned in closer.
The boys ‘oooohed’ as you shifted your gaze to the ceiling and ran your tongue over your teeth.
“Mm, who is it, (Y/N)?” Jesy pressed while advancing on you, clearly amused.
“Shut up, Jesminda!” you snapped at her, shifting in your seat.
“Come on, (Y/N/N), you already talk about him all the time. How is now any different?” Leighton chirped with a sly grin.
“(Y/N), now you have to tell us!” Anna said excitedly.
“I don't have to tell you anything,” you huffed, crossing your arms over your chest.
“(Y/N) has a crush on a certain drummer…” Jesy started; you gasped and jumped to clamp a hand over her mouth, trying your best to prevent your friend from spilling the identity of your crush. “WHO GOES BY THE NAME OF JOSHUA DUN!” she managed to yell out.
The room erupted in a mixture of laughter, whistling and cheering as you wished that the floor would open up and swallow you.
“Really? Josh Dun?” Anna asked, grinning from ear to ear.
“Yeah! She loves him!”
“Slaaadddeee,” you whined, closing your eyes and shaking your head.
“Literally all she ever talks about is how amazing he is,” Jesy said, shooting you an evil glare.
“And how much she really wants to go to a twenty one pilots concert. For obvious reasons,” Leighton wiggled his eyebrows suggestively as the other two band members laughed and you hid your face in your hands.
“Have you ever met him?” Anna asked.
“No, no I haven’t,” you sighed, face still in your hands.
“Well, someone needs to fix that.”
“Ha, and you didn't believe me when I told you that she had a crush on you,” Tyler commented from his lounging position on the hotel bed, folding his arms and smiling triumphantly.
Even though the interview had ended, Josh still sat staring at the phone screen in his hand; he felt like he was dreaming, and he half-expected to be awoken by his alarm any second, dissolving the lovely feeling he had inside of him after watching the interview by bringing to light the fact that he’d been dreaming.
But he wasn’t dreaming.
He was genuinely awake, he had actually watched the interview, and you truly did have a crush on him.
He smiled so hard that his face began to hurt.
“Dude, we need to do that ‘band interviews band’ thing.”
“What about this? Wait, no, this. Nah, that’s tacky. Maybe… ugh, I wore that last time we were on. Oooo, this could work. No, it doesn’t match. But this might. Wait! No-“
“Oh my fuck!” Leighton threw his hands up in frustration. “Just choose something! It's an interview, not a fashion show.”
“Leave her be. She wants to look her best for Jishwa,” Jesy winked as she strolled past you and to the mirror.
“Maybe I just shouldn't go,” you sighed. “Yeah, I like that idea.”
“Um, we organised this entire thing because of you. You can’t just not show up,” Slade scoffed.
“But I have nothing to wear,” you pouted, looking around at the piles of your clothing sadly.
“Wear a twenty one pilots shirt,” Leighton sniggered, stopping when one of your shirts landed over his face. “Rude,” came his muffled response.
“Come on, babe. I’ll help you look,” Jesy said, scrunching her face as she surveyed the clothes on the floor.
“Well, you’d better hurry,” your manager said as he entered the room. “If we’re not there in the next 45 minutes, they’ll be no one for you to impress.”
You sat scrolling through Instagram as Jesy approached you; you didn't notice her presence until she kicked your shin.
“Ow!” you frowned, looking up at her.
“Look who just walked in,” she said, motioning to the other side of the room.
“Oh my god,” you squeaked, standing up so quickly you almost lost your balance, but Jesy caught you.
“Easy, tiger,” she chuckled.
“Shit, they’re coming this way. What do I do?” she whispered urgently.
“Just calm down and be cool,” Jesy stated calmly.
“Calm and cool are two things that I’m definitely not. Just… just tell them I’m going to the bathroom.”
“What? (Y/N), no-“
But you had already scurried off. Jesy sighed and turned around to face Tyler and Josh, beaming. “Hey, guys. Great to finally meet you.”
“Likewise,” Tyler smiled before frowning a little and pointing in the direction you ran off in. “Where did (Y/N) go?”
“(Y/N)? Oh, she… went to the bathroom.”
Josh furrowed his eyebrows and jerked a thumb over his shoulder. “Pretty sure the ladies room is that way…”
“Guys, we’re on in two. Gotta take our seats,” Leighton called out. “Where’s (Y/N)?”
“She went to the bathroom,” Jesy said, walking towards him.
“She did?” Slade voiced. “The bathroom is that way, and I swear I saw her go-unf,” he stopped mid-sentence and groaned when Jesy punched him in the abdomen.
“Shut up,” she sneered through clenched teeth.
“Hi, we’re twenty one pilots.”
“And we’re The Midnight Bandits.”
“And you’re watching Alternative Press’s Artist On Artist.”
“First question,” Slade began, clearing his throat before continuing. “Alright, we’re gonna give you two options and you have to choose one, okay? Fall Out Boy or Panic! At The Disco?”
“Aw, no. I can’t-I can’t answer that,” Josh said, shaking his head and looking at Tyler.
“Fall Out Boy,” Tyler stated without missing a beat. “That one was easy.”
Josh chuckled along with your band as Slade added, “Why Fall Out Boy?”
“Obviously, they both make really good music, but Brendon’s a weirdo,” Tyler said, giving a smile and a small giggle to indicate that he was in fact joking.
“Okay, uh, what is your favourite song to perform live and why?” Josh read off of the card in his hand.
“Oooo, that’s a tricky one,” Jesy said, the rest of you nodding in agreement.
“Yeah, I don’t think there’s any song we don't enjoy playing live, to be honest. They all have their own significance, so it’s kinda hard to pick just one,” you remarked, trying to keep your voice steady while you looked at Josh, even though your hands were shaking.
“Although, whenever we play Degenerate live, it always has an insane vibe,” Leighton piped, snapping his fingers as the rest of you nodded and voiced your agreements. “The crowd’s always hyped for that one.”
“So, you did a cover of My Chemical Romance’s song Cancer not too long ago; out of all their hits, why did you choose this one?” Jesy asked.
“I think, we both really wanted to do a My Chemical Romance cover just because we both admire them so much and they’re so talented and really embodied the whole group thing…”
“It also incorporated our whole theme too,” Josh chimed.
“Yeah, yeah,” Tyler confirmed as he fiddled with the cards in his hands. “Let’s see… when on tour, obviously, everyone’s living in close quarters; do you guys ever fight and what was the pettiest argument you’ve ever had?”
“It was the shower,” Slade remarked.
“Definitely the shower,” Leighton added, toying with the rips in his jeans.
“Yeah, that was really petty,” Jesy concurred as she readjusted the choker around her neck as you started to explain.
“We were getting in the shower and it was supposed to be five minutes per member, but I took longer than five minutes and I went when I wasn’t supposed to,” you explained and gestured towards Slade, “It was his turn, I think, so,”
“And then we got on the bus and (Y/N) was like, ‘Are you still mad at me?’ and Slade just had the bitchiest face on like, ‘Yeah’,” Leighton laughed.
“Josh takes super long showers too,” Tyler mentioned and your band ‘oooohed’. “So you have something in common there, (Y/N).”
“Not just that,” Jesy smirked as she pointed between you and Josh as the blood rushed to your cheeks. “They’d be so cute together, like, they’re both drummers and they have the nose rings and pink hair…”
“Should we just leave?” Tyler said to Slade, Leighton and Jesy, the four of them laughing their asses off as you and Josh cowered in embarrassment.
“Next question,” you huffed, cheeks still rosy pink.
“I love how you guys just continually throw a girl under the bus like that,” you snapped at your bandmates as you stood in front of them with your hands on your hips.
“Oh, come on, we’re trying to hook you guys up,” Slade rolled his eyes, nudging you as he walked past.
“And you’re doing a marvellous job at that,” you retorted.
“Uh, actually, yeah, I think we are,” Leighton commented, eyes directing you to turn around, which you did, and sure enough, Josh was walking towards you.
“Shit, guys, what do I-“ you turned back around to address your friends, but they’d already scattered. “Assholes,” you muttered under your breath as you felt Josh’s hand on your shoulder, sending a jolt of electricity through you.
“Hey,” he smiled broadly at you.
“H-hey,” you stammered, eyes wide at the realisation that you were actually talking to him.
“So, it’s, ahem, great to finally meet you. I’ve been looking forward to this for a really long time,” he confessed, sincerity evident in his voice.
“Seriously?” you asked, bewildered as he nodded in response. “Well, I’m sorry that my friends made it so weird.”
“Oh, no, it's cool. I mean, Tyler didn't exactly make it any better,” he let out a nervous chuckle, rubbing the back of his neck. “So, is there, uh, any chance that you’d maybe wanna, um, hang out… sometime?”
You were so shocked that you couldn’t even answer him; you just stood there, staring like an imbecile.
“Right, of course you don’t. Sorry,” he started to walk away.
“No, no, no, no, no,” you pleaded, worriedly grabbing onto his bicep. “I mean, yes, I’d love to hang out with you.”
He flashed you that magnificent smile of his and handed you his phone. “Awesome! Put your number in?”
You did and handed him your phone so that he could do the same.
“Cool, so I’ll call or text you soon,” he said.
“Can’t wait.”
Thank you for reading x
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