#what if he can teleport further distances than 30 meters at a time?
flyolai-brainrot · 5 months
i'm on google doing math on how many teleportations nikolai would need to do from mersault to yokohama to get there
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ichigopanhpff · 5 years
BNHA Fic: Blink! Ch. 25
Read Ch. 24 | Masterlist
Hello, lovelies and happy new year! Hope you’ve all been well. Here’s a new chapter.
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With the investigation wrapped up, the guests were allowed back into the building to retrieve their belongings before leaving for the night. Ren exchanged goodbyes with her mom before sending her off in an embassy official car. She tightly bundled herself into her peacoat and shivered while Todoroki used his left hand to rub warming circles on her back. Seri, having a snowy owl quirk, was perfectly fine with the wintry night chill. From a distance, Aizawa could be seen talking with a detective and bowed before walking over to the three U.A. students.
“Sorry for the wait. Shall we get going?”
“Can we get some ramen?” Ren blurted out, starting to feel sleepy from the warmth and overuse of her quirk. “I’m starving.”
“Normally, I’d say no but given the circumstances, I can use some real food,” 1-A’s homeroom teacher agreed. “Know a place around here?”
“We’ll need the car,” Seri piped up.
Without another word, the four filed into their vehicle to get their actual dinner. After a short fifteen minute drive, they arrived at a random alleyway. Both Seri and Ren hurriedly got out and walked on ahead with purpose. Not wanting to get lost, Aizawa and Todoroki matched the two girls’ paces and caught up to them soon after.
“It should be after this turn here...” Ren muttered to herself and saw a small row of faintly lit red lanterns hanging outside. A small group of twilight guests hung around the alley smoking cigarettes and casually chatted among one another and laughing. Slowly walking past the crowd, they finally found their destination. Ren gently slid the door open and greeted the ramen master and scattered guests before settling into a seat of small 12-seater bar.
“Give me all the fixings with my pork belly ramen, please,” Ren ordered.
“Same,” Seri added.
“Me too,” Todoroki softly spoke.
“I’ll go with the popular consensus,” Aizawa agreed. “With a side of gyoza and beer please.”
“Ya got it,” the ramen master behind the counter acknowledged and got to it.
“So how did you girls even find a place like this?” the scruffy ebony haired man inquired.
“By chance,” Ren answered. “I was with my mom one night when she got out of work late. We decided to meet up. She said an embassy friend of hers took her here and was in love with the broth here.”
“It has a taste of nostalgia that soothes your soul,” Seri dreamily praised.
“I tried to take Seri and Tomoe here on another occasion, but this place only opens at night,” the pink-haired girl added.
“So it caters to more of the late working class then,” Todoroki summarized. “It’s not very good from a monetary standpoint.”
“If anything, this is more of a passion project for the master,” the snowy owl happily answered with admiration. “That’s rare nowadays.”
“Order up!” The master called and set down everyone’s order in front of them one by one. Seri and Ren inhaled the enticing aroma with the happiest of wide grins before picking up their chopsticks to dig in. Aizawa sipped his beer and watched the girls slurp the noodles and devour the condiments with reckless abandon.
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“Don’t ya think you’re dressed a bit too fancy to come to a dump like this?” the master asked the group and chuckled.
“We just came from a party and the food was… not so good,” the black-haired man politely answered.
“Understatement of the year there,” Ren spoke up and pushed the noodles she was chewing to the side of her mouth. “You can’t even call that food; it was just oven-heated frozen garbage.”
“I have to agree with that,” the bi-coloured haired boy spoke and grimaced, remembering the lingering traces of frostbite on his tongue before sipping the broth with his spoon to warm himself up. It was milky, fatty and full of warmth; like someone was hugging you from the inside. He was never one for warm noodles, but this was definitely an exception.
“Besides, master. Your ramen’s the best around this area,” Seri beamed. “We couldn’t waste a chance to show up and eat your cooking.”
“Oh, you’re a charmer,” he barked out laughing. “I like this one.”
“Master!” another patron called and walked off to take their order.
The four happily ate in comfortable silence, feeling the steaming hot bowl of food soothe their aching muscles and frozen bones.
“Master,” Ren called. “Kaedama*, please!”
“Oh you can really put it away!” the owner praised. “Comin’ right up!”
“You’re gonna gain weight,” Seri pointed out and sipped her broth.
“I’ll burn it all off with my quirk,” she disregarded her friend’s warning with a roll of her eyes.
“Speaking of quirk...” Todoroki chimed in. “You traveled a lot further than you usually do.”
“Oh, so you noticed?” The wavy haired girl flashed a grin. “My hard work’s finally paying off.”
“So how far can you go now?” Aizawa asked before taking a bite of his gyoza.
“A little over 6 meters now.”
You sure your body can handle it?” Seri asked with a worried look.
“Why did you think I got so tired after?” Ren stated. “The traveling part is fine now, but I have to find ways to conserve my stamina without heavily relying on support items.”
“So how did you manage to strengthen your quirk like that?” Todoroki asked with seriousness, hoping to find something he could use for himself.
“It was a gradual thing,” she revealed. “I had to focus on further points for me to move to.”
“I can’t use Flicker unless I know where I’m going,” Ren reminded. “So I had to broaden my visual scope in order to increase the distance I can teleport to.”
“So that’s why you had me flying around during the practical feeding you information,” Seri put together.
“Exactly. You have the strongest sight out of everyone in class. That helped me build extra awareness of the terrain around me. It’s like knowing where the emergency exits are in a building.”
“Using someone else’s quirk to help strengthen your own. Smart, Takahiro,” Aizawa acknowledged.
“Gotta make up for what I lack to be efficient.”
With their stomachs full of soup and starchy goodness, the party of four said their good nights and headed back to the car. Ren barely had any more energy and fell asleep. As the automobile entered the freeway entrance, it hit a light speed bump, lulling the pink hair girl’s head onto Todoroki’s left shoulder. His eyes opened and saw his upperclassman’s head nuzzled into the crook of his neck and let out a sigh. His heartbeat mildly elevated seeing her face so peaceful. The steadiness of the car gradually drifted him into a light slumber and rested his head on top of hers.
Seri, observing the two with wary eyes, huffed a breath through her nose.
She knows she can’t do much about whatever they are with each other; the only thing she can hope is her best friend was happy in the end.
Arriving back at the gates of U.A., the stillness of the car woke Todoroki up in his seat. He looked down to see Ren still asleep on his shoulder.
“Senpai,” he softly called and shook her arm. “We’re back at the dorms.”
Letting out a light moan from her lips, her eyes slowly fluttered open and squinted at the car light being on from the front car door being open. Ren took a big inhale to wake herself up and lazily blinked a few times before lifting her head off of his warm shoulder. The three filed out into the cold evening, with the bite of the wind fully waking them up.
“You guys can get back on your own, right?” Aizawa asked with the students tiredly nodded in confirmation. “Good work tonight. Get some rest.”
The slouching teacher casually strolled off in the opposite direction while the students headed back to Heights Alliance. Seri said her good nights to the two before splitting off to the second year dorms. The two slowly made their way back to their building, the sounds of their dress shoes hitting the concrete quietly.
“Senpai,” Todoroki broke the silence. “If you’re too tired, we don’t have to talk tonight.”
Ren shook her head. “I’m fine. The cold’s waking me up,” she reassured with a small smile. “We can meet in your room.”
“Why my room?”
“Less suspicious,” she explained. “Also, I can just teleport back to mine and no one would know.”
“Is your body even in any condition to?” he asked with a tone of concern.
“I’ve recovered enough.”
A rush of warmth greeted their faces the moment the door opened, seeing a few scattered students in the common room hanging out.
“Oh welcome back, guys!” Kaminari happily greeted. “How was the party?”
“Exhausting,” both groaned out and kicked off their shoes immediately. Ren drew out the long sigh of relief the moment the balls of her feet hit flat ground, cracking her toes.
“Whoever invented these torture devices need a swift kick in the ass,” she groaned out and glared at her damaged and scuffed heels from the fight.
Exchanging good nights with the stragglers, Ren and Todoroki entered the elevators and pressed their respective floors. The doors dinged on the 4th floor.
“Meet in 30 minutes good for you?” she asked before exiting the lift; the boy nodded to confirm. Ren gathered her belongings before teleporting down to the bathroom to shower. After setting the water temperature to her liking in the shower, she quickly disrobed and hopped right in, letting the warm beads of liquid soothe her cold, aching muscles. Lathering up her shampoo into her wet locks, she let her mind drift.
Not wanting to waste any more water, she quickly lathered up the soap all over her body and rinsed everything off before turning off the faucet. The cold hallway air greeted her damp skin the moment she opened the shower curtains, sending goosebumps up her arms and legs. Ren quickly toweled off and practically threw her body lotion all over her skin before hastily putting her pajamas on to retrieve some lost warmth.
Walking to the sink area, she flossed and brushed up, not knowing how long their talk would go on. Grabbing her personal effects, the refreshed pink-haired girl hastily blow dried her hair before zipping back up to her room to put everything back and grabbed a hoodie. Taking another breath, she zipped up a floor to the front of his door and gently rapped on it with her knuckles. Todoroki opened it quietly to let her in; he’d changed into a long sleeve white v-neck shirt with loose black sweats. He smelled of linen and lightly scented soap.
“I thought you’d pop right into my room,” he said.
“I would if I knew how your place looked like,” she replied and was amazed at the dimly lit Japanese styled room. She looked down to see him sit on the floor. Her foot gently tapped on it like she was testing the waters.
“Holy crap. Real tatami...” she blurted out in amazement.
“Why is everyone so surprised by it?”
“I just never pictured you to be so… traditional?”
“The house I grew up in is one of the traditional styled ones. I can’t relax otherwise.”
Ren sat down across from him and looked around, still astonished at all the little details on the interior.
“How’s your body feeling?”
“Relax and rested,” she replied with a small grin. “What did you want to talk about?”
Todoroki adjusted his sitting position and stretched his legs out, not knowing where to start.
“I guess… Since you told us about your past, it’s only fair for me to talk about mine with you.”
“I have been curious,” Ren admitted. “But I didn’t wanna overstep any boundaries,” she clarified and fidgeted with the hem of her hoodie sleeve. “You seem like the type to by annoyed by nosy people.”
Todoroki let out a soft chuckle. “You’re not wrong on that.”
He then looked up to meet her hazel-green eyes with a soft expression.
“But I trust you. And I want you to know about my past from my own words. Would you listen to what I have to say?”
“Of course.”
The bi-coloured haired boy took a light breath before telling his story to Ren. She listened intently like he did with her, starting with his parents’ arranged quirk marriage.
The story of fire and ice.
He then went on to the abusive training regimen his father did with him in his youth. The scar on his left eye stemmed from his mother’s ice quirk after pouring boiling hot water on him during her mental breakdown, leading to her long-term hospitalization. He briefly mentioned his three siblings, one there wasn’t much to talk about since he didn’t know much about. And because he grew up the way he did, friends wasn’t a thing he had in his life; his father thought they were a distraction to his training.
Even though his body was free to be in and out of his home, his mind and heart were shackled and caged in by an obsessive paternal devotion for his son to be his second chance life in where he failed in his own youth.
As he told his story, all she could see was the glimmer of dismal emptiness and emotional void in his eyes and voice.
Todoroki was like her from when she moved to Japan.
He then proceeded to see his views slowly change after being accepted to U.A., especially during the Sports Festival. It was his gradual interactions with his classmates and with Midoriya changed his outlook about his powers and what it meant to be a hero. For someone who’s hated his flames for the longest, found himself slowly gravitating toward it to make sense of something inside him; to find the equilibrium in harnessing these quirks to make it his own.
“I recently asked my old man to teach me more about Flashfire,” he revealed. Ren’s eyes immediately widened.
“Are you… okay with that?” she asked with a tone of concern.
“I’m still conflicted, honestly. But after seeing him fight against that Nomu, I...”
He trailed off and tightly balled his left hand into a fist, tugging at the fabric of his pants. His hetero-chromatic eyes trailed downward, reflecting frustration and anxiety.
“If he died...” He swallowed hard before continuing. “Everything he knows about his quirk goes with him. I’d be left with nothing to go off in honing these flames. If I want to be a proper hero, I have to move past this to grow stronger… Like you did, senpai.”
“You have a choice; Mine was pushed at me,” Ren half-jokingly pointed out with a soft chuckle. “But I guess you’re right.”
Todoroki gave her a soft smile and said, “Thank you… for listening all the way through.”
“You listened to mine as I blubbered on like a snot-faced baby,” she bashfully replied and rubbed the back of her neck.
“You went through an ordeal. And you’re only human.”
“So are you, yet you remained calm and collected,” she stated.
“Not all the time… My heart’s thumping like crazy right now.”
He reached over and grabbed Ren’s hand to put over his chest, feeling his heart violently hammering. Her eyes slowly scanned up to see Todoroki looking away, his cheeks tinted a light shade of pink, his hair hiding his gaze.
“I was afraid… you’d leave halfway,” he softly whispered.
His hand gave hers a light squeeze as his heart continued to pound against his breast bone and slowly looked back up. The usual glint of melancholy mirrored in his hetero-chromatic eyes, wanting an answer to an unasked question. Ren gave Todoroki a softened expression and moved her hand up to the scar on the left side of his face. The tips of her slender fingers traced the edge of the rough tissue below his eye socket. He instinctively flinched at her touch.
“S-Sorry… I just–”
“It’s not unsightly, Todo-kun.”
Ren gently pulled down the collar of her PJ shirt to show the one on her shoulder.
“Scars tell our story, about who we are,” she affirmed softly.
His large, calloused hands reached up and caressed the rough tissue on her left shoulder. Ren used every nerve in her body to not flinch at his touch, despite her own complexes.
“How long did it take for yours to stop hurting after it healed?” he asked with his eyes not leaving her mark. Todoroki unconsciously traced the edge of her scar like she did with his, seeing a small patch of skin form goosebumps from his feathery touch.
“Close to a year. My mom got me professional help to deal with the phantom pains. You?”
“About the same.”
Todoroki’s hands slid down her left arm and wrapped around her digits, bringing the back of her hand to nuzzle on his cheek. Scooting closer, Ren intertwined her right hand with his dual colored locks. Her left arm drew him into a tight hug; he looked like he needed one after telling his story. The scent of mint and green apples filled his space as he accepted her embrace fully with his arms wrapped around her frame.
Having gone through such neglect in his childhood after his mom’s removal from his life, how many nights did he spend alone, hugging himself to sleep through tear-stained, puffy eyes? How many years had he yearned for someone to comfort him in his isolation?
“Thank you...” she whispered in his ear. “For trusting me with your story.”
She released from the hug and plopped down on the tatami beside him, their shoulders touching.
“Can you… stay a while tonight?” Todoroki softly asked. “I’d like to talk with you a bit more.”
“We’ve got nothing but time,” she turned to him and smiled softly. “And we can talk about anything you want.”
Ren nodded. Seeming to hesitate for a moment, the boy sat up straight and adjusted himself before opening his mouth to speak.
“About what happened after the party…” he began. “The… kiss, that is.”
The pink-haired girl sucked in a quick inhale through her nose. Her shoulders stiffed up and swallowed hard.
“What… of it?” she slowly asked and avoided eye contact.
“I really don’t know how to say this without explaining...” He rubbed the back of his neck uncomfortably and softly groaned, feeling the sense of panic rising from the depths of his stomach.
Ren sighed and finally turned to him, placing a gentle hand on his shoulder for reassurance. It was then she realized he was just as nervous as her; one of them had to calm down or else the conversation won’t push along.
“I’m not going anywhere,” she reminded him with a small grin.
Todoroki finally relaxed his shoulders by slumping them back down to neutral and closed his eyes.
“I think… I’m starting to have feelings… for you,” he finally said and fidgeted with his fingers. “In a more than friends way.”
“Oh.” Her eyes enlarged slightly at his confession. “I… guess… now’s a good time to say me too.”
Their eyes finally met and all Ren could do was let out a small, innocent chuckle; he couldn’t help but crack a small smile himself.
“This is something Mina-chan and Kiri-kun would say is “normal high school stuff” right?”
A comfortable silence sat between them until Todoroki decided to speak up again.
“I want to give you a proper answer; I just need some time…”
“Something we’ll lack soon with the internships,” she pointed out and sighed. “But I hear you.”
He quietly thanked her with a matching smile.
“But...” She playfully drawled out and turned to face Todoroki with a devilish glint in her eye. “When you do figure it out...”
With a coy smile, Ren leaned in and pecked him on the cheek as a small form of revenge for making her flustered.
“Give me a proper kiss…” she whispered in his ear. “On the lips. Like you mean it.”
*Extra order of ramen noodles.
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rechief · 7 years
Four-Button Fighter: Tabletonpa/DRxZE-verse Edition
Over the past week or so I’ve had “what if my Tabletonpa/DRxZE OCs were Four-Button Fighter” characters thoughts in my head a lot. I decided to write those thoughts down.
Basic Four-Button Fighter primer: there are no “normal” attacks (i.e. punches and kicks), just special moves; furthermore, special moves are activated by pushing a face button by itself instead of doing a complicated input (i.e. just A instead of ↓→A).
Here we go!
Reed Palmer: The Ultimate Magician
“Now, watch as I make your hopes of winning this match -- disappear!”
No one seems to know very much about Reed Palmer, which only adds to his mystique. This 17-year-old magician exploded onto the scene several years ago by pulling off such fantastic magical feats as making Buckingham Palace disappear, shuffling a brand-new deck of cards in America and then pulling the Ace of Spades -- in Australia, and sawing 100 lovely assistants in half at the same time. There are rumors that Reed has a darker side to him, but those are probably just rumors, right? Ooh, look, he just pulled a rabbit out of his hat!
Reed is a stance character, capable of zoning his opponents out in his Magician stance, and then moving in for the kill while he’s in his rushdown-oriented Thief stance. While each stance by itself has less options than those of his classmates, Reed is a very versatile choice when they’re used together.
D: Costume Change. Reed throws down a smoke bomb and swaps between his Magician and Thief stances. This move cannot be used in midair or meter-burned.
Magician Stance
A: Is This Your Card?! Reed tosses a sharp-edged playing card forward. Using Is This Your Card?! in midair will cause Reed to toss the card diagonally downward; using it while crouching will cause him to throw it diagonally upward. Meter-burning Is This Your Card?! causes Reed to throw three cards out in a spread-shot pattern.
B: Pick a Card. Reed randomly draws one of four Aces from his deck: an Ace of Clubs, Hearts, Spades, or Diamonds.
Drawing the Ace of Clubs will cause Reed’s next Is This Your Card?! to knock his opponent back on impact.
Drawing the Ace of Hearts will cause Reed’s next Is This Your Card?! to drain some of his opponent’s meter, adding it to his own.
Drawing the Ace of Spades will cause Reed’s next Is This Your Card?! to deal additional damage.
Drawing the Ace of Diamonds will cause Reed’s next Is This Your Card?! to deal additional chip (i.e. on-block) damage.
Reed can use Pick a Card in midair. Meter-burning Pick a Card causes Reed to draw a Joker, which imbues Reed’s next Is This Your Card?! with the properties of all four Aces at once.
C: Now You See Me... Reed teleports roughly one jump’s distance backward in a puff of smoke. Activating Now You See Me... while tapping or holding forward will cause Reed to teleport directly behind his opponent; using it while tapping or holding downward will cause Reed to fake-teleport and stay where he is. Meter-burning Now You See Me... causes an explosion at the start and end points of Reed’s teleport, dealing damage and knocking his opponent up.
Thief Stance
A: Close Shave. Reed will lash out with his butterfly knives up to three times in a row, depending on how many times A is tapped. When used in midair, Close Shave causes Reed to quickly slash the air in front of him twice; when used while crouching, Reed sweeps his blades out in front of him once, hitting low. Meter-burning causes Reed to perform all hits one after the other with one tap; additionally, each slash’s damage is increased.
B: Misdirect. Reed tosses a firecracker into the air, which explodes just above and in front of his head. The firecracker’s explosion will damage and knock an airborne opponent higher into the air; an opponent on the ground will still be hit, but not knocked up and for less damage. A crouching opponent will not be hit at all. When used in midair, the firecracker explodes directly in front of Reed and causes ground-bounce against standing opponents. Meter-burning increases the explosion’s radius, causing it to hit crouching opponents and deal increased damage.
C: Escape! Reed dashes forward roughly one jump’s distance, passing through his opponent. Escape! is projectile-invulnerable. If used in midair, Reed will dash diagonally forward toward the ground. Meter-burning Escape! increases its range and causes Reed to deal damage to his opponent as he passes through them.
Super: Now I’ll Make You... Disappear! Reed erects a curtain in front of himself, trapping a melee-range opponent in an unblockable grab. When the curtain is drawn back, Reed’s opponent is nowhere to be seen -- until they fall from above the stage, colliding with the ground for massive damage. Reed bows as the audience applauds.
Aria Arpeggio, the Ultimate Concert Violinist
“Oh -- well, if you really want to fight, I suppose I can play the part of your opponent.”
Aria Arpeggio exploded onto the orchestra scene in her tweens, when she revealed to the world her ability to effortlessly play any piece of music she heard by ear, as though she were humming it instead of working the strings of a complex and difficult instrument. While the painfully-shy prodigy wouldn’t ordinarily hurt a fly, her opponents are sure to be so dazzled by her musicality that they won’t even see the hits coming.
Aria is a complex character who can rush her opponents down and zone in equal measure thanks to her Staff interface, which takes the place of her meter bar. Each of Aria’s abilities adds a Note to her Staff; by using her special Encore! ability, Aria can perform a devastating Measure with different effects depending on three most recent Notes she’s played.
Mechanic: Aria can chain together up to three attacks in a row.
A: Battaglia. Aria swishes the bow of her violin outward after playing a Blue Note, striking an opponent standing anywhere from melee to midrange. When used in midair, Aria plays a Blue Note as she strikes diagonally downward.
B: Arietta. Aria scrapes her bow across the bridge of her violin, shooting out a musical note that moves slowly through the air toward the opposite side of the screen; this adds a Red Note to Aria’s Staff. Can be used in midair.
C: Alla Marcia. Aria short-hops forward while playing a Yellow Note, striking her opponent with her knees. If used while moving away, Aria will instead short-hop backward while playing a Yellow Note. If used in midair, Aria will attempt to strike her opponent on the way down from her jump while playing a Yellow Note; however, this will not affect her momentum.
D: Encore! Aria plays the Notes on her Staff in order, causing a devastating effect. The effect changes depending on the order in which the notes were played.
The nature of the attack is determined by the first Note played:
If Encore! begins with a Blue Note, the attack will be a melee attack. Aria stabs forward several times with the bow of her violin so quickly that her hand is a blur.
If Encore! begins with a Red Note, the attack will be a projectile. Aria plays a harsh chord that sends forward a jumbled beam of squiggly musical notation -- clefs, notes, rests, sharps, flats, etc.
If Encore! begins with a Yellow Note, the attack will be a burst attack. Aria plays a resonant chord, causing a burst of sound to extend outward from her chest up to around twice her arm’s length away from her in all directions, knocking her opponent away.
The properties of the attack are determined by the second Note played:
A Blue middle Note causes Encore! to do more damage.
A Red middle Note causes Encore! to do more chip damage.
A Yellow middle Note causes Encore! to push Aria’s opponent back.
Finally, the third Note played causes Encore! to give Aria one of three non-stacking buffs:
A Blue end Note increases the damage of Aria’s attacks for 10 seconds.
A Red end Note increases the range of Aria’s attacks for 10 seconds, allowing her to strike an opponent from further away with Battaglia, causing Arietta’s projectile to move more quickly, and increasing the distance she short-hops when using Alla Marcia.
A Yellow end Note increases Aria’s mobility for 10 seconds, causing her to dash and jump further.
Super: Prestissimo. For 15 seconds, Aria is granted all three possible Encore! buffs simultaneously.
Piper Wrenchley, the Ultimate Plumber
“If you think you’re gonna hurt my pals, you’ve got another thing comin’!”
Taking over her deceased father’s plumbing business at the age of ten bestowed upon Piper Wrenchley three valuable traits: small business acumen, grit and perseverance well above normal levels, and an affinity for power tools. It is the third-most quality that will best serve Piper in the ring.
Piper is an unpredictable and quirky character who must adjust her playstyle depending on which of her tools she’s using. She can be a brutal bruiser, a frustrating zoner, or even a grappler -- but her tool-chest is so messy that what she is from moment to moment is totally random.
Mechanic: Piper has a one-segment Inspiration meter that replaces the meter bar. Once the Inspiration meter is full, Piper can use it to augment her Tool Time! ability.
D: Tool Time! Piper withdraws one of 4 tools from her tool-chest at random:
A power screwdriver that can be used 10 times before it breaks
A massive wrench that can be used 7 times before it breaks
A nail gun that can fire 30 nails before it breaks
A plumbing snake that can be used 5 times before it breaks
Spending Piper’s Inspiration bar while using Tool Time! opens a radial menu, allowing Piper to select a tool by pressing the appropriate face button (A, B, C, or D for each of the above options, respectively).
A: Pipe-Breaker. Piper attacks her opponent head-on.
Using Pipe-Breaker with the power screwdriver equipped causes Piper to thrust the screwdriver forward while the drill bit is spinning, dealing several hits of damage. This attack deals more chip damage than it does normal damage. If used in midair, Piper drills diagonally downward.
Using Pipe-Breaker with the wrench equipped causes Piper to swing the wrench like a baseball bat, knocking her opponent back. If used in midair, Piper will bring the wrench down like a hammer, hitting overhead.
Using Pipe-Breaker with the nail gun equipped causes Piper to shoot three nails out in front of her. Can be used in midair.
Using Pipe-Breaker with the plumbing snake equipped causes Piper to wrap a melee-range opponent up in the snake and then slam them onto the ground. Unblockable, but not usable in midair.
B: To the Surface. Piper defends herself from air attacks.
Using To the Surface with the power screwdriver equipped causes Piper to dash diagonally upward, drilling as she goes. This attack deals more chip damage than it does normal damage. If used in midair, Piper dashes forward through the air while drilling.
Using To the Surface with the wrench equipped causes Piper to swing her wrench like a golf club, knocking her opponent into the air. Cannot be used in midair.
Using To the Surface with the nail gun equipped causes Piper to shoot a spread of three nails -- one straight forward, one diagonally upward, and one at a slightly higher angle. If used in midair, Piper shoots the spread downward instead.
Using To the Surface with the plumbing snake equipped causes Piper to wrap up an airborne opponent and bring them crashing to the ground.
C: Don’t Need This Anymore! Piper throws the tool she’s currently equipped. The lower the tool’s durability, the more damage it does as a projectile -- except in the case of the nail gun.
Using Don’t Need This Anymore! with the power screwdriver equipped causes Piper to throw it straight forward.
Using Don’t Need This Anymore! with the wrench equipped causes Piper to fling the wrench forward like a tree during a caber toss; it tumbles end-over-end along the ground as it travels across the screen.
Using Don’t Need This Anymore! with the nail gun equipped causes Piper to fling it into the air; it shoots its remaining supply of nails, rapid-fire, diagonally downward before clattering harmlessly to the ground.
Using Don’t Need This Anymore with the plumbing snake equipped causes Piper to toss it a jump’s distance forward; if it hits her opponent, it wraps them up and immobilizes them.
Super: Wrong Pipe!! Piper drives her wrench into the ground and yanks up a massive pipe; the pipe spews water in a cone toward her opponent, knocking them back (if unblocked) or pushing them back (if blocked) to the corner of the screen.
The profiles for my DRxZE-verse characters will be going up at a later time!
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