#what is the puropose fanfiction if not to twist these little stories into better fuller version of what they were
its-alittleobsessed · 4 months
“Maybe you should seek queer stories in actual gay media” okay fuck you.
1. Any story can be gay if you’re brave enough.
2. Gay and political news deliverer Castiel is canonically a gay angel and
3. If Dean—There’s people. Feelings. That I want to experience differently, or maybe for the first time—Winchester is straight then maybe we should reevaluate heterosexuality as a whole.
AND ALSO you know what
Fucking 4rth of all. They’re fictional fucking characters, dude. If i wanna reflect my queerness on this screwed up mess of a man who literally hunts fairy dust monsters for a living. Then i fucking will. He’s fictional and so fucking complex as a character that if i wanted to make him real, then I could make him up to be whatever I wanted.
AND. AND 5th of all, babe. Text and subtext are two totally different things. Subtext is up for interpretation. It is silently laid out for the viewer to appreciate and scrutinize. To puzzle and question. And this subtext just so happens to be gay as shit and really really obvious.
So fuck me for filling in the dots. Christ. You have brain and suddenly you’re the antichrist around here
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