#what the heck 😂
thisbibliomaniac · 1 year
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I ain't did the typing
not is literally not even an option
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yueasuka · 5 months
Marinette is a bad leader
There I say it...
As a leader, Marinette sure has... some trait that make her not fitted for a leader position. Namely :
Avoidant Low empathy Control freak
I don't care whatever character in universe preach about her being a great leader, the show show otherwise to me. Here some opinion :
Being a leader means she MUST communicate about pretty much anything necessary for the battle, her intend and strategy and also make sure her teamate have high morale. There's no "Follow me and guess what my plan is" and there's no planning behind someone's back, especially if that someone is an active participant in the battle. Being a leader also means she MUST keep your teamate in check, means asked about their well being, listened to their problem and being attentive to their need. She can't just "If you have a problem then good luck with it because I too have a problem" which is an occuring behaviour from her (NY Special, Destruction). As a leader she must put her teamate need first and foremost before her own because THEY'RE HER RESPONSIBILITY. Her avoidant trait make her literally avoiding all of it because she doesn't like "emotional talk". She's the type who's like "let's sleep and hope for all the problem just magically disappear tomorrow". She do this with Queen Bee problem, her delaying telling Chloe that she couldn't have miraculous anymore make Chloe thinking that she's still Queen Bee (her entitlement doesn't help). She do this again in s4 to Chat Noir and continue to do so in s5. Avoidant is basically the worst trait she has as a leader.
Having low empathy is probably not a big problem for a leader except, it is for Marinette. Her having low empathy caused her to make a plan without discussing it beforehand to her teamate, consent and boundaries tend to be forgotten and it is a problem as it make her forget that her teamate isn't just a pion in a chess game, they're human who have feelings and emotions. Her having low empathy make her freely do anything without discussing it before hand or, thinking about people around her. The recent case is her make a rain of rubble to fell down to Emilie's coffin, other cases is her bringing down Eifell tower (the Mime), make akuma destroy Arc de Triomphe (Anansi), and basically any plan that require her to throw Chat Noir to the akuma (Stone Heart, Backwarder, etc).
Her being control freak doesn't really help her to manage her team, which is also part of her role as a leader. Her "Follow me and just play along" is her being bad at delegating the role and communicating her intend, but that also her controlling her teamate so they're forced to focus on her and have no time to improvise beyond what she need them to. Control freak leader doesn't trust their teamate, they seek to control instead of guiding and this is what demoralise her teamate as seen in s4. Marinette control freak nature not only demoralising Chat Noir but also stunted his growth and performance in battle which resulting in LadyNoir conflict, she doesn't listen but people must listen to her, Her being control freak also what lead her to her decision in Ephemeral and s5 final, it has little to nothing to do with her being thoughtful of Chat Noir/Adrien, it's her with her way of thinking that her way is the only one right without thinking about Adrien's feeling. To put it simply, it's her way to control the information. Upset teamate is uncontrollable teamate after all.
That being said, I'm not saying she won't be able to be a great leader. She could, but only if she grow out those trait I mentioned. Try to communicate better, delegating role instead of controlling everything and mosre importantly, remember that her teamate is a human (or person) instead of just a pion. But as for now, I'd say she's the worst leader in the Mahou Shojo genre I've ever watch.
And also... someone can care and love someone else while also hurt them simultaneously, it's not separated thing. Just because she doesn't do it maliciously doesn't mean her action doesn't hurt the other people involved.
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omppupiiras · 4 months
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Corn pea Käärijä has something he would like to ask you... 👉👈
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mrs-gauche · 1 year
Sooo... Looks like some new artwork for the vinyl set has been revealed! 👀👀👀
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“Deluxe package features brand new, all-original artwork by DRAGON AGE concept director Ramil Sunga and lead UX artist Danny Richardson, created exclusively for this release.��
*takes deep breath*
ALRIGHT, sooo.....
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The GOLDEN CITY turning BLACK???
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Look at the HORNS!!! Looks familiar!!
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AND noticed the BACKGROUND!!
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The SUN!! The same imagery we’ve been seeing since 2020!!
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Notice the TWO CIRCLES in front of the SUN??
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Then look at the back of the cover art again!!
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An ECLIPSE!! The MOON in front of the SUN!!
“And so the sun rose again in the sky, and shone his golden light upon the earth. Elgar'nan and Mythal, with the help of the earth and the sun, brought back to life all the wondrous things that the sun had destroyed, and they grew and thrived. And that night, when the sun had gone to sleep, Mythal gathered the glowing earth around his bed, and formed it into a sphere to be placed in the sky, a pale reflection of the sun's true glory.”
“On the first night after the sun was released Mythal created the moon.”
Notice the TREE BRANCHES!!
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Visions of Mythal’s conquering over the Titans in Trespasser:
“In this place we prepare to hunt the pillars of the earth. Their workers scurry, witless, soulless. This death will be a mercy. We will make the earth blossom with their passing.”
“For a moment, the scent of blood fills the air, and there is a vivid image of green vines growing and enveloping a sphere of fire.”
“For one moment, there is a vivid image of two overlapping spheres; unknown flowers bloom inside their centers. Then it fades.”
“Two shadowed spheres among stars”
“An Eclipse as Fen’Harel stirred”
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....BioWare, what are you doing, how is a flippin vinyl artwork depicting all of these (potential) HUGE lore revelations?? lmaoo
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thegoldenelite · 8 months
Matt being a sweet older brother and checking on Nick during the match (10.04.23)
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bluerosety-blog · 5 days
*BakuDeku getting romantic tropes*
Antis/dudebros: "OMG that's so sibling coded!"
...I can't take them seriously anymore lol! 🤣
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another-art-studentt · 11 months
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I reorganized my room and there are finally some corners that give some aesthetic vibes. My goal for the rest of the summer is to be well prepared for the next school year in terms of time management and academically (or rather, musically). Today I successfully got up early and had a good practice session, but I could have practiced more had I prepared food in advance.
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semperreformanda · 10 months
20 weeks 🩵 baby’s kicks aren’t strong enough yet to cause physical damage 😂 but they can be a bit startling. one night he was being really active so i playfully started poking my belly. then he stopped. then he kicked me really hard. 💀
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maomao9jinshi · 3 months
Maomao evaluates Lihaku for her sister Pairin and gets caught by Jinshi 😂
Maomao: "Please remove the last piece."
Jinshi enters: "What the heck are you doing?!"
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Heck yeah!! Baby’s first Detective Conan DVD and ofc its this!! 😳🥰🥹🙏💕💕💕 KAMI!!! the limited edition btw~ I don’t have blu-ray player so just normal dvd for safety lol 🤣
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Image limit… :( but omg this thing is GORGEOUS!! And I got it second hand, unopened = HALF PRICE!! 10/10 recommend Mandarake! Greatest store ever! Super reliable! 🥰
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vynnyal · 2 years
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A little something like this, right?
#From memory for the most part#I've drawn these characters more times than I expected 😂#I cheated and fixed a few things when I went to pick colors (and then didn't even use them)#Idk I felt nostalgic and decided to crank out a few bugs#Lesse... What stories do I got. It's been a while so I have quite the selection#Oh jdbdjvskhff my dog died from cancer of all things. Like seriously what the heck#While we were recovering I jokingly mentioned something about getting another rescue dog#Within the WEEK we had a pomeranian in our house. A pomeranian. 16 pounds. Pomeranian.#See the reason I mentioned it at all was to give our other dog- Tiger the 11(?) yr old maltipoo- company in his twilight years.#You know. Maybe another old pooch like Lucky that was chill and kind#And now we have Rudy aka SPITFIRE#He's fun though! I like him. He's always smiling and it warms my heart. I swear I can walk out of the house for an hour#and he'll greet my like I've been gone for years every single time#What else. Oh lol so I'm taking care of my neighbor's house for two weeks#A wwwk in and the cat decides to RUN OFF. In the middle of a THUNDERSTORM.#36 hrs later and I'm like aight this isn't great#After posting notices online etc I was sitting around and thought to myself something kinda dumb#See he likes listening to me play on their grand piano. They never use it but I do and the cat always lays at my feet while I jam#So I thought... what if I pied piper the cat home. So I threw open all the doors#And played for oh idk 20 min?#CAT WALKS IN. SITS ON THE FLOOR BESIDES ME#Cats. I stg#Eh that's all for now I'm sleeby#hollow knight#art tag#See ya!
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oniii-fans · 7 months
Favourite place for a guy to cum?
Anywhere he wants ⭐️ Happy spouse, happy house 😌
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obesericewrites · 4 months
Piggybacking of this ask:
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How would poly M, S and B react to MC taking off a necklace they have on removing the magic hiding their true appearance revealing themselves to be a Gnoll and eating the heart raw.
My honest reaction to reading this ask:
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If you're wondering about the answer, well, brace yourself for a barrage of incoherent screams and relentless demands for the MC to just spit it out! Picture a dog with a juicy bone, except the bone here is a boars heart 🤣
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statementlou · 11 months
Hi, how was your show!!!??
Thank you for asking! It was great, OBVIOUSLY. I saw Louis play a short set in late 2019, but was not able to go to Walls tour, so this was my first time at a proper tour show (in Berkeley last night) and it was brilliant! I have been trying to figure out what to say besides that though cause tbh there are two posts I want to make. So… both? First for my recap- it was so loud, like the music was just normal concert loud but I had to plug my ears against the screaming between songs cause it was way louder- I just figured it was the in person experience difference but no, Louis confirmed, “you guys have been so fucking loud in here tonight, it's actually been hard for me to hear” so GO US! The chokingly thick haze of weed smoke (“I already feel the energy, I already feel the love, I can already smell the weed,” he was not fucking kidding) to usher in HIC in California (and all the other songs lol) didn’t diminish the energy a bit! Truly, there is nothing like the energy of shared live music, and meeting eyes of other fans (through the trees) and sharing that excitement. And seeing actual physical unmediated Louis, just existing in space being a real live human, yeah. Something.
I was like I'm not gonna bother to take pictures or anything, I just want to dance and hear and look, everyone else's pics will be better anyway but then the TECH, you guys know how much I love the fucking aesthetic of this tour and the screens were SO PRETTY in real life!! So in fact I KEPT getting my phone out for that so like... good one tech crew, you got me. Look for many low quality aesthetic posts of the screens incoming, sorry not sorry. Common People was SO PRETTY, his voice was so clear and lovely and I'm so glad that's been added in. WDBHG went HARD live, holy shit, SO FUN (tho tbh me as Louis thinking I know all the words to that song but it turns out there are a lot? And I do not? At least I was in the best possible company fumbling and mumbling through parts.) Heartbroken I didn’t get Saturdays live (honestly the one song I think might have been my exception to the next thing I’m gonna say) but so thankful for BTM🖤
But part two of this post is to say that watching the livestreams with you all is also brilliant and special and also lets me experience the beauty of Louis’ voice and presence and connection and the feeling of experiencing something together. I wasn’t able to go last year, and I know some of you (many many thousands worldwide!) won’t be able to go this year either or maybe ever, and I know you are seeing the posts telling you there is nothing like being there and you can't really know or appreciate Louis/ Louis’ voice/ the experience unless you are there in person and it feels sad and I want to tell you that I have done the research now and I don’t think that is true. Most people who go to the show won’t have a Y/N moment and be Perceived by Louis or be at barricade, and I don’t think the experience we are having online together is less real or profound than the live experience. His voice sounded fucking gorgeous and soaring and I loved it, but even if you are there it is mediated by all kinds of tech; I imagine getting to be present for an acoustic performance really would be something that couldn’t be replicated but I think a really good live through a clear speaker or a nice quality show video is in fact just fine. Some of the songs did hit me harder in person and get my blood pumping in a different way, yes- but others I actually think I get a fuller experience of in a chiller more focused environment when everything isn’t flying by as quickly. Like I don’t think the megamix would impact the way it does (UGH I LOVE IT SO MUCH) if I just saw it live once and done, for example. Anyway I’m just saying if you can’t make your own (go to the show) store bought is fine (hang with us at stream time! or just whatever online content). While I never intend to watch every stream in fact I am usually right here and love to chat and squee with people, come hang out, or just watch some videos and enjoy the magic.
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rogers-the-musical · 1 month
DUDE that Leverage finale, though.
I’m like ten minutes in and I’m totally confused. And scared. And confused.😂
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The assassination of Julius Caesar in fiction
The October Horse by Colleen McCullough // The Ides of March by Thornton Wilder //Cleopatra (1963) dir. Joseph L. Mankiewicz // A Piller of Iron by Taylor Caldwell // The October Horse, McCullough // Caesar (1937) dir. Orson Welles // Cleopatra's Daughter by Michelle Moran // Julius Caesar, William Shakespeare // The October Horse, McCullough
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