#what they did to grand inquisitor is simply unforivable
lornaka · 2 years
I legit don’t understand what’s wrong with Rosario Dawson’s Ahsoka look…
In short: hr montrals and lekku are way too short for her age, and they aren’t even fitted to hide her ears, “growing” from behind her headband that is hiding the ears in a really lazy way.
Also her make up, it looks like obvious body paint, sharply drawn, nowhere near what natural skin pigmentation would look like irl, in shape or texture.
It’s all just very lazy and not as alien or visually ambitious as it should be. They push live action as this supposedly superior medium (it isn’t, it’s just different), but don’t even utilize its potential to bring fantastical into reality to the fullest, instead they just.. make everything duller and more mundane.
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