#bane from tbobf
lornaka · 2 years
I legit don’t understand what’s wrong with Rosario Dawson’s Ahsoka look…
In short: hr montrals and lekku are way too short for her age, and they aren’t even fitted to hide her ears, “growing” from behind her headband that is hiding the ears in a really lazy way.
Also her make up, it looks like obvious body paint, sharply drawn, nowhere near what natural skin pigmentation would look like irl, in shape or texture.
It’s all just very lazy and not as alien or visually ambitious as it should be. They push live action as this supposedly superior medium (it isn’t, it’s just different), but don’t even utilize its potential to bring fantastical into reality to the fullest, instead they just.. make everything duller and more mundane.
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baronessofmischief · 1 year
Bad news for Star Wars action figure enjoyers because I just got the 3.75” Cad Bane figure and while this is what he looks like from the front—
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… This is, unfortunately, what he looks like from the back.
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They overlooked how things would appear at different angles and gave the guy with the most distinct and intimidating cowboy silhouette the most unflattering sculpt of a duster caboose I’ve ever seen
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just-prime · 1 year
Ahsoka is so slow I could cry. She was trained by Anakin and presumably Obi-wan and several other Jedi, and Rosario can hardly do an actual lightsaber twirl, let alone make me believe she could survive Ventress, Maul, Grievous, or Vader, survive order 66, or run in a way that looks fast. Bo-Katan moves faster, Shin moves faster, Sabine moves faster, Ezra moves faster, even Ewan's lazy twirls while walking around and not actively engaged in battle in the prequels were roughly as fast as Rosario's in an actual duel.
It's also canon that in this era, in a less prequels flashy version of standard Jedi abilities, a Jedi can leap SEVERAL feet. Luke in ROTJ- even GROGU can jump higher, while Rosario's feet are consistently glued to the ground. Her choreography and speed are so inconsistent with this established era and people keep writing it off and praising it as her fighting like a samurai now, even though it makes NO sense for her to, given who trained her. She isn't A New Hope Obi-wan, nor sad cave dwelling Obi-wan who hasn't stretched or lifted a weapon in a decade, and a 44 year old Jedi is still supposed to be in their prime.
I truly wonder if part of it is that they can't keep her lekku on properly if she does a flip, and they are shorter because they were meant to be more practical, but I'm really not seeing a character agile enough to need stunt modified lekku.
If they couldn't bring this to life in live action convincingly, it should have remained animated and each passing week demonstrates this more and more.
I'm sorry to anon into your inbox like this, but your post about the last episode has been so refreshing, and I've felt like I've been watching a completely different show than other people and don't know how they considered any of the actors ready. (Rosario has said she was training during filming). Thank you for your brutally honest take, you're spot on on all counts.
Couple of things.
A) I agree with everything you just said. Always feel free to come and rant into my asks.
B) I HAVE BEEN ANTI TINY LEKKU SINCE MANDO S2. It's laughable that we've seen cosplayers with more Rebels accurate headpieces. And of course everyone defends it with the 'it wouldn't be fair to the stunt person to have them try and do flips in that' and it's like NEWSFLASH Ahsoka isn't doing flips anyway!!! And sure, they probably stuck Rosario in a 5 week sword training class, but she's clearly not had to do any serious combat training given how clunky her fights are. And again, this was also a problem back in Mando s2, only she was in the middle of a foggy woods, so it was easier to hide the fact that she is incompetent when it comes to fight choreography.
C) "If they couldn't bring this to life in live action convincingly, it should have remained animated" Exactly. This is why every passing day I am increasingly pissed that this show killed and ate the animated Rebels sequel series that was in fucking development. Everything about this show, from Ahsoka, to Hera (hell, even TBoBF cameos like Cad Banes) prove that Disney is not willing to shell out for a decent makeup and/or CG designer. No shade to the artists that are currently working on it, they are doing their jobs to the best of their abilities. What I mean is they didn't have anyone on set that was in a high enough positions to say 'Hey, have any of you heard of contouring?' Like, just looking at the alien makeup of the OT...which somehow holds up better than state of the art Disney budget makeup. It's just fucking embarrassing at this point. There is no reason everyone should look as flat as they do, but it's no surprise that they do when mary elizabeth winstead is celebrating that her makeup only took an hour. Sure, it's understandable that you don't want to be sitting in the makeup chair every morning of hours on end, but in the end you are an actor who signed up to play an alien...Suck it up buttercup.
D) I totally understand how hard it is to be not liking this show right now. The amount of people who've told me that "well, clearly it's just not made for you" after I point out a simple fact that a character is out of character is painful. Looking at twitter after each episode as everyone seems to think Filoni is creating the second coming is painful. Because it really does feel like we're watching a different show than them.
Okay, I think I covered everything. Thank you again for your kind words and your wonderful rant!!!
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dalekofchaos · 1 year
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I waited over 20 years for a Boba Fett show and I was disappointed in TBOBF. Seems like the man himself shares my disappointment. The way they've treated both TBOBF and him has been so disrespectful and I am still fuming at how they sidelined Boba in his OWN SHOW to shoehorn in a Mando plot they could have done in s3.
We Fett fans were 100% right. Disney Star Wars did Tem/Boba dirty, and it’s not right whatsoever! At this point it’s so clear that they only used Boba Fett as a catalyst to get Din and Grogu to where they wanted them for mando s3
Boba Fett is the VERY REASON why The Mandalorians exists in the first place and instead of taking his place with his people, he is constantly given the shaft and replaced by Din and Bo.
There was a time when Boba Fett was the most badass bounty hunter in the galaxy before continuing his father's legacy by becoming the new Manda'alor. Boba cleaning up the outer rim and rule through honor and respect had potential, but it's clear the people involved had no idea what to do with Boba Fett. All they had to do was literally everything here. Show Jango's past as Mandalorian, show Boba's change from cold Bounty Hunter to crime lord dispensing justice(and actually doing crime) feature his Bounty Hunter allies and rivalry with Cad Bane(hint hint use Daniel Logan in flashbacks for the cut Bounty Hunter arc) and tease the future with the Syndicate, potential confrontation with Mace and Boba potentially meeting Omega. How is it I know more about Boba Fett than Filoni?
He has a right to be pissed and not just about Boba's treatment(especially considering how much of himself and his own culture he put into the character), but Star Wars/Disney lightens the clones’ skin, that’s HIS appearance the clones are based on. Beyond disrespectful.
Boba Fett deserved better, the Clones deserves better and Temuera deserved better. Fuck Filoni and fuck Favreau.
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corellianhounds · 6 months
“Kill Your Darlings” to Streamline Your Story
Criticism of “The Gathering Storm” in The Book of Boba Fett
Word Count: 1,643
I mentioned here that “Kill your darlings” is editing advice that means to cut out something you as the writer really enjoy in a story in order to make the story stronger. If cutting something out makes your story better by clarifying something, narrowing the focus, reinforcing character or plot objectives, bettering the pacing, raising the stakes, or by clearing up valuable space wasted on something we don’t need to see, cut it out.
I think TBoBF suffered from a lot of weak writing choices, and in order to streamline the story a bit some of those characters, visual elements, scenes, or chunks of the script have to go. There’s too much “stuff” happening but not a lot of story, and the script itself isn’t all that interesting to listen to in the first place; a lot of lines just state the obvious or are clichéd and overdone jokes, and there is also a lot of exposition given in monologues vs the audience seeing the story play out for itself.
In a show with only seven episodes, they don’t have time to dwell on anything that doesn’t directly add to Boba’s main plot or character arc, the parts of the world he is operating in, and the other main characters relevant to that story. Though there are other examples, I think a concise example of one of the biggest wastes of space is episode 4, “The Gathering Storm.” Three-fourths of that episode is a loooong long flashback to Boba’s team-up with Fennec, which doesn’t tell us anything new about the characters or the world. The things the flashback tells us are:
Fennec Shand was brought back to life aided by cybernetics (Which was established in a few lines of dialogue in “The Tragedy” of season 2 of The Mandalorian)
Boba formed a partnership with Fennec Shand (Which was established in “The Tragedy” of season 2 of The Mandalorian)
Boba got his ship back (Which was established in “The Tragedy” of season 2 of The Mandalorian)
Boba was searching for his armor (Which was not only foreshadowed in a three second wordless scene in “The Marshal” in season 2 of The Mandalorian, but was established and resolved in “The Tragedy” of the same season)
Boba and Fennec took over Jabba’s Palace (Which was not only more effectively conveyed in a two minute credits scene of the previous season of The Mandalorian, but are also the establishing circumstances of the show we are currently watching)
You see what I’m getting at?
The audience already knows cybernetics exist in this world, and that they are relatively quick, effective, and easily accessible. There is also zero tension in seeing a character come back to life in a flashback when we are watching a show where that character is already alive, and whose presence was also established in a previous season. We don’t need to see Boba get his ship back because we as the audience know Boba Fett is a capable person, so him simply showing back up in a previous season with it doesn’t really have us scratching our heads as to how it was achieved. We don’t learn anything new about his and Fennec’s relationship since we can already tell Fennec doesn’t have a problem working for him and he already treats her as his equal and partner. We don’t need to see the layout of the palace, we don’t need to see them defeating a couple of nobody droids, we don’t really need to see Boba bonding with the bantha, we don’t need the cybernetic mod-parlor, and tbh we don’t really need to see him destroy the Sarlacc.
The only new information the flashback provides is that Boba used the ship to get revenge on the Nikto speederbike gang he thinks killed the Tuskens. In my opinion, the Niktos should have been cut out entirely and more importantly, the Tuskens should have still been alive up until the episode where Cad Bane reveals himself to Boba, and Bane then makes a comment to the effect of “It sure would be a shame if something happened to those closest to you,” which makes Boba realize his tribe could be in danger. That puts the action in the present and presents a physical and emotional obstacle for Boba to overcome.
Boba immediately flies out to either warn them or verify for himself if they are in danger, leaving the Palace defense weakened to the point the Pykes or whoever they hire can attack while Boba is away. They don’t even have to deceive him and cast blame elsewhere, having already murdered the tribe to get back at him and send a message. He already has beef with the Pykes, and they are using this attack against what he holds most dear as their means of weakening, if not destroying him. Get him out of the palace, divide and conquer his defenses while he’s gone, and cause a serious emotional blow to Boba right when they are on the precipice of war, making him emotionally unstable and more likely to be reckless or distracted as a result of the provocation, thus easier to defeat.
They can also be gambling on that anger being enough to push Boba over the edge and have him resort back to his more ruthless past self as a killer, gunning down anybody who would stand in his way on his warpath back to the Pykes, which breaks down the reputation he’s been trying to build being a leader based on having people’s respect, not fear. Then he would have nobody backing him up and he truly would be fighting alone.
Going back to Boba and Fennec, anything they wanted to explore concerning their character dynamics should have been done in the present timeline. Don’t tell the audience “These two are on good terms” and then have zero conflict OR growth between them— Show the audience how these characters interact within the conflicts presented and how their relationship develops in the present.
Something they could have done to strengthen Boba’s character, develop his relationship with Fennec, and consolidate extraneous characters and scenes into stronger ones is if Boba had been the one to save Fennec’s life directly. Cut out the cybernetic mod-parlor and have Boba recognize Shand and drag her back to his own base of operations he established after leaving the Tuskens. Show me Boba doing the work patching her up, Fennec gasping back to life and demanding to know what happened and where she is, and now you’ve given her character a reason to feel even more indebted to his service.
You can then go two ways with their relationship, either with a sense of friendship and camaraderie, both with similar pasts as hunters for hire and both barely escaping the brink of death, OR give them just a bit of conflict and tension, Fennec not liking the fact she feels indebted to Boba for saving her life, and now being forced into a sedentary life that puts her at risk of enemies being more readily able to find her.
Then we can move forward in the present with a number of different possibilities. Fennec should have been serving in the background undercover instead of the foreground anyway, keeping her role as a stealth expert going and adhering to her demand that Boba keep her presence a secret for her own safety and discretion. You could have Fennec resentful of the fact she has to rely on Boba to modify her cybernetics, making her feel further indebted to him while also giving her a weakness she has reason to keep hidden from others. Fennec is not someone who likes to rely on people, a character trait that is paralleled in Boba. All of that would have given her more depth and meat to her role, providing a solid objective for what that character wants within this story. (As the show stands right now, Fennec is static without her own character arc or change throughout the show. She’s more of a yes-man to Boba, a capable character who can accomplish what the plot needs to happen, but not really that interesting to follow on her own because Fennec is established to be content to go along with whatever. She does cool stuff, but it’s more like watching an action figure and less like seeing a character develop.)
Making Boba responsible for saving Fennec also means we could have had his relationship with Cobb Vanth come full circle at the end; instead of simply providing the bacta to heal Vanth, the end of the season should have been Boba personally being the one to fulfill the debt he feels toward the people of Mos Pelgo and the marshal by tending to the marshal himself.
Vanth was Mos Pelgo’s primary defense, he was shot by Boba’s primary emotional and physical antagonist, and he was mortally wounded because he no longer had his biggest defensive advantage: the very armor Boba now has back in his possession that the marshal gave up to Mando in season 2. Cad Bane went out to Mos Pelgo after the people there were contacted as backup for Boba’s conflict, and the people of Mos Pelgo showed up in the fight at the end because of their marshal, not because of Fett. Their presence meant Fett was able to succeed however, and Fett is also not someone who likes being indebted to people. Him doing the actual work the cyberneticist was there for at the end would have further reinforced Fett being somebody now who helps the people who could not or cannot defend themselves. It directs the story’s focus back to him and cuts out extraneous side characters and gives these characters’ relationships a lot more weight, actually threading these individuals together while simultaneously reinforcing Boba Fett as a capable, resourceful, interesting, and meaningful character.
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bleakbluejay · 1 year
what really blows me away about how tbobf was treated -- marketing, writing, the fact it got turned into the Mandalorian instead for two and a half episodes -- is that boba fett is The Guy. like he is notoriously the coolest star wars character. he's been the coolest star wars character since the late 70s/early 80s, even before he got to do anything cool. he's a money machine. and then you have tem morrison, who is oozing with charisma and strength and coolness, playing this money-machine badass awesome character. and then you give a great concept -- he takes over jabba/bib fortuna's palace and titles, he has close ties to the tuskens (who are clearly and purposefully coded Indigenous, like tem himself is, but also that are just cool as fuck), he teams up with fellow badass fennec, he has a pet rancor that loves him like a big dog, fucking CAD BANE shows up, blah blah blah. there's so many cool concepts going on here. and then like. for what? losing 2.5 episodes (from an already tiny season as it was) to someone else's show? and what feels like the writers taking a backseat for half of it? it's a spit in the face. they had this awesome opportunity to make this incredible and fun and badass show with a charismatic lead playing one of the coolest characters ever made, and they just spit on it.
it's like disney hates money, to be fucking honest. it's like disney likes the idea of money, but whenever they are faced with an opportunity to make money AND do something cool (like highlighting an Indigenous lead), there's a chip in their brains that electrocutes them, so they have to keep making the most braindead fucking decisions imaginable. that's what it feels like.
(and they continued to do that into mando season 3. some cool stuff happened. sure. but what the fuck.)
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incorrectpizza · 1 year
Rating animated characters' live action translations:
SPOILERS for all the animated and live action Star Wars series up to and including Mando S3E5.
Saw Gererra - 9/10. Overall, Saw in Rogue One feels like Saw in TCW (and Rebels). The differences in eye color and facial structure are pretty forgivable. Saw's jump to live action set an excellent precedence.
Chopper - 100/10. No live action counterpart will ever surpass the flawless translation of Chopper from Rebels to Rogue One.
Ahsoka - 6/10. I feel like this is the most controversial take on this list but I'm neither in love with nor supremely offended by Ahsoka's appearance in The Mandalorian. It's fine, although I am a bit salty about the shorter lekku. I don't hate Rosario Dawson in the role and have some hope that her portrayal will approve.
Bo-Katan Kryze - 10/10. The queen, the legend. Katee Sackhoff reprising her role in live action was an incredible choice; I wish they'd err on the side of keeping voice actors rather than automatically recasting. Bo's translation was definitely a solid 8/10 right out the gate. Now that Katee's gotten more practice physically inhabiting the role - and a new wig - Bo-Katan is better than ever.
Cad Bane - 8/10. One of the highlights of TBOBF, Cad Bane's appearance is just about as good as you can get for an alien character of a species who originated in animation.
The Grand Inquisitor - 2/10. I don't know why Kenobi did such a bad job of translating animated characters to live action compared to the other shows. Maybe they blew their entire budget on Ewan McGregor and Hayden Christensen? Either way, "Quizzy" was horrible.
The Fifth Brother - 3/10. Marginally better than "Quizzy".
Garazeb Orrelios - 7/10. Decent CGI, and honestly much better than I could've hoped. Still, it's CGI. Not my favorite, but it was fun to see a member of the Ghost crew for the first time.
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oh-three · 5 months
Fallout S1E2:
This episode opening with a puppy getting incinerated fucked me up a tiny bit.
Knew that fire would attract attention. Lucy got fucking lucky this time. Imagine the guy and his dog weren't there and she got eaten by a fucking cockroach.
Titus running away from a giant mutant bear in his mech is so fucking funny 😂
Damnnn, that's some serious voice modulation.
Maximus deciding to let Titus cough to death and deciding that he's gonna bring the doctor and the dog in himself >>>>>
"The guy was fucking my chickens." Well.
Huh, Lucy crossing both the scientist and the Ghoul in the same day (and Maximus being in the area). Small world.
You know the Ghoul's got a reputation when he stands up and everyone else scurries away from him.
Having a TBOBF Ep7 Bane moment with the lighting right there.
Okay, Walton Goggins was the perfect actor for this role. He's literally post-apocalypse Boyd Crowder right now, but like as a bounty hunter. One who can't fucking die.
Holy shit, now all of the MCs are together, awesome.
He's even using Titus's name. Oh, Maximus 🤣
Hah, Lucy gets to escort Wilzig whether she wants to or not.
One last scrap of humanity left in Ghoul- healing up Four and bringing her along, even if only so she can track Wilzig down.
Aw, damn, not cyanide. I mean, well. At least Lucy has the coordinates?
Oh, that's fucked. Voluntarily killing yourself so it's slightly less traumatizing for the person you've just asked to cut off your head.
"Okey dokey." 😭
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caff3inatedsh0rk · 2 years
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Ngl I was SO shook when I saw a repost of this art I did for TBOBF a while back! @.@
I really don't mind people reposting my art, but I figured I should probably put it on Tumblr myself! I really need to do a better job keeping up with the socials haha
Anyway, here's a little bit of angst from TBOBF! I always wanted Dave Filoni to add a little depth to these two. I was hoping we'd get more info about their past but shit I'll take it \(0.0)/
(A few thoughts)
Seeing Bane brought to live action was the coolest sh*t ever. The suspense? The voice? The gear? The sass??? I ate that sh*t up.
I will admit I was a little taken back by some of his design choices but I quickly came to love it. I saw some edits where people "fixed" him to make him look more like his clone wars counterpart but honestly?? His live action look was so much more sinister and crunchy. It was perfect!
I hope they didn't put in all that work just to never bring him back in live action again :(((
What did y'all think about Bane in live action? Yay or nay?
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clonehub · 1 year
so basically there is a book of bobba fett dlc for lego star wars the skywalker saga and the dlc is kind of bad. Both Bobba Fett and Fenec Shand are not in that dlc (kind of understandable because both of them are already in the game) but then there's no like no actual character that is from BOBF. The characters they choose to include was literally just Mando characters except Cad Bane and krrsantan. And idk it just feels really wierd to me. Like it kind of goes to show how badly BOBF was handled and Dave Felloni or Jon Faveru's wierdo insistence to fill BOBF with cameos and shit for mando that there was no other iconic characters they could have chosen for that dlc. The dlc was less Book of Boba fett and more just here's some mando characters that we didn't include in the Mando s1 and s2 dlcs that did show up in BOBF so we can pretend it's a BOBF dlc. The characters included were
Cad Bane Krrsantan The Armorer Cobb Vanth Peli Motto so like 3 of them were basically mando characters, Cad is basically a clone wars character though skywalker saga is not including lego star wars 3 clone wars, and Krrsantan was from Dr Alphra. it really felt like this dlc should h ave just been called Mando leftover characters DLC.
this doesn't surprise me. TBOBF is just one type of insult after another
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6, 13 (din), 16 pls & thx
6. Has fandom ever made you enjoy a pairing you previously hated?
I'm bullheaded af. if I hate a ship, you'll have to rearrange all the tectonic plates on Earth to convince me to reconsider it.
13. Unpopular opinion about (Din)?
(2AM is for debating whether or not my opinion is about the canon or fanon character and if I'm actually answering the ask, fucking rip) His seemingly reactionary character growth from the end of Season 2 to the end of TBOBF was deeply unimpressive and did absolutely nothing for me. Won't lie that I have some apprehensions about Season 3 but it's fine, I'm fine, we're fine, it's all fine!
16. If you could change anything in the show, what would you change?
I assume we're still on the Mandalorian/Disney Wars TV shows train, right? Right?
I have fucking BEEF with TBOBF. There isn't just anything to change, there is EVERYTHING to change. Get rid of the Luke, Ahsoka, and Grogu scenes. Cut them out entirely. When Din leaves Tatooine on his midlife crisis space bugatti, don't show where he goes. Just show him coming back. Make us fucking guess what he did. Or don't have him go looking for Grogu at all! Have him and Peli work on the space bugatti and then he gets roped into Boba's shenanigans! Don't reunite Din and Grogu in Boba Fett's fucking show. And for the love of fuck, introduce Cad Bane in Episode 1. FAVLONI & CO I AM IN YOUR HOUSE, I AM IN YOUR WALLS, I AM SCREAMING AT YOU DAY AND NIGHT FOR YOUR BAFFLING CREATIVE CHOICES WITH THIS GODDAMN SHOW.
Play ask games, win ask prizes!
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kurara123 · 2 years
OK fam I have a theory.....
So as I was watching new episode of TBB I noticed white mandalorian helmet (again!) weirdly modeled as OT trilogy Boba's helmet (white prototype Boba's helmet).....is this a simple easter egg or something more????
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clone wars had that weird elongated model
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We know what happened to it. We now know that beskar can survive being blowed up (beskar spear) maybe that helmet had beskar and durasteel alloy but i digress.....
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and my question is: was that really Jango's helmet or it was a random mandalorian helmet that boba painted to resemble Jango's and he have the OG helmet with the armor somewhere? this really, really, REALLY bothers me....
and back to the topic
What if Boba gonna get this helmet from Cid as a payment for a job??!?!?! (i doubt it that we will see Boba this season)
and I really want to see that unfinished CANON TCW arc with Boba and Bane (that they clearly referenced in TBOBF!!)
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Anyway...thank you for coming to my ted talk
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im-no-jedi · 1 year
list of SW tv show episodes that have had an extreme emotional impact on me and will stick with me for the rest of my life:
the first two episodes of TCW season 3
the Umbara arc of TCW
Escape From Kadavo episode of TCW (*points to username* 😏)
the Bad Batch arc of TCW
the Siege of Mandalore arc/series finale of TCW
all the episodes with Rex in Rebels (too many to name LOL)
Legacy, Twilight of the Apprentice 1&2, Jedi Night, and Dume episodes in Rebels
the season one finale of Resistance
the first episode of TBB
the season one finale of TBB
The Solitary Clone, The Crossing, and The Outpost episodes of TBB
the last three episodes of Mando season 2 (especially episode 6 because BOBA 😍)
the last two episodes of TBoBF (because CAD BANE 😍😍😍)
Reckoning and One Way Out episodes of Andor
episodes 3 and 6 of Kenobi
episodes 4 and 5 of Ahsoka
(note: I’m specifically omitting episodes that have had an extreme negative impact on me, like the Order 66 arc of TCW and the season 2 finale of TBB)
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loveoaths · 2 years
Tell us more about the Dinluke fic? Or something else you working on? *3*
i’m currently beating out the dinluke fic, but the premise is: luke shows up with grogu for tbobf battle and asks to travel with din and grogu, because he realizes that all of his future students will have some degree of attachment, because they will all be much older than they would have if they’d been taken to the jedi temple as infants; and if he can’t teach grogu how to let go of attachments, he won’t be able to teach anyone. (plus luke is insecure about his teaching ability, because he got the jedi speedrun while grogu, a literal baby, knows way more than he does.) so he and din agree to travel together to various old temples and do research on jedi/force traditions while luke teaches grogu, and in return luke teaches din how to wield the darksaber and looks into the history of its creator. oh, and the entire time they’re being hunted down by cad bane and the Mandalorian who mentored din as a child. it’s a fun time.
the other fic i’m working on is a time travel fic where, during the fight on mustafar, darth momin escapes into the world between worlds to escape vader and steals a young maul to mold into his protege so they can stop sidious’ empire from forming, not for noble reasons, but because darth momin is a snooty bitch who thinks the empire sucks ass and sidious took all the artistry out of being an evil dark sider, and he can’t stand that. plus vader was VERY rude to him on mustafar, and for that alone momin is willing to dismantle everything sidious and vader have worked for, because like all art-boys, momin is a petty bastard. unfortunately darth vader also fell back in time, so he’s fucking things up too. it’s a momin and maul-centric fic featuring a lot of padmé.
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Continuing on through season 6 of clone wars! I’ve finished the Clovis arc and the disappeared duology.
Clovis arc
-ooh, this is a good one to show how attachment =/= love. getting physical can be a reasonable response to seeing any woman being sexually harassed but anakin goes way beyond that.
-why did Clovis care if people found out dooku gave him the info on who was embezzling money? getting the banks stable again was a shared goal for the separatists and republic. padme stole files too, so why does dooku being involved matter? sure, the senate doesn’t entirely trust clovis, with good reason. but if he had been impartial about the interest rates, I doubt the senate would care that he had worked with the separatists in the same way he worked him them to try and prove corruption. I’m pretty lenient about plot holes in general, but this one is almost as bad as Barriss’ betrayal.
-padme and anakin’s relationship is so fascinating I want to put them under a microscope like bugs. why padme falls for anakin, and continues to be involved with him, makes her complex in an interesting way. she’s a champion for human sentient (?) rights, but lets the tusken massacre go and marries anakin anyways. i hope she’s explored more.
-i love stupidly convoluted sheev schemes. this one is a prime example. what more can I say? i’m a sucker for plotting
Disappeared duology
-season 6 has no español subtitles for some reason, so I decided to switch to Spanish audio with English captions to try to keep improving my Spanish. this is a jar jar binks arc. terrible, terrible mistake. I haven’t learned any new spanish, but I’ve definitely learned my lesson.
-jar jar fucks is canon?!
-I’m a fan of mace windu, he was a good character to to play off binks. I can’t believe there’s an actually decent dynamic between him and binks the not-virgin.
-i wish we learned more about the dagoyan order. what’s their philosophy? how do they use the force? it’d be nice to know for the sake of worldbuilding.
-like their history with the jedi. we know from the Mirialans and their tattoos and the togrutas with their akul teeth headdresses that becoming a jedi doesn’t mean abandoning ones culture of origin. and from the (holocron?) arc where cad bane tries to steal force sensitive babies, in the scene with the Rodian mother, we know the Jedi aren’t snatching babies. and from the grogu + cgi Luke episode of tbobf, younglings aren’t held against their will. The Jedi order seems fair to compare to a boarding school in this way. so what makes the dagoyans unfriendly to the Jedi? did they actually abduct force sensitive bardottans? Windu says the bardottans “believe” they did, implying that it wasn’t true. is it actually true and mace just wasn’t aware? and if it’s false, why would the bardottans believe it? plenty of questions, few answers, and I doubt there’s much to be found without digging through Legends stuff or more obscure sources.
-ah, nightsisters. my problematic faves. good to see mother talzin again. sure, she’s evil, but i hope that she wasn’t actually dead at the end there, just doing some Force thing.
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theribbajack · 3 years
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“He’s an outlaw loose and runnin’,” Came the whisper from each lip And he’s here to do some business With the big iron on his hip
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