frobby · 9 months
Nothing is stronger than the bond between a girl and a piece of media they brushed off 10 years ago that they now realized is the greatest thing ever made
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ciaossn · 3 months
Squalo: Don't touch my playlist of the top 2000's music. You're going to sit there, listen to Linkin Park and like it.
Bel: Who?
Fran: Why are they linking parks?
Squalo: Hands free driving starts now.
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what-the-fuck-khr · 4 months
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photo from someone on Twitter (futi_21_) but there’s this person on Mercari Japan selling the selfie cards from Amano’s exhibit and SAY FUCKING SIKE RIGHT FUCKING NOW DONT PISS ME OFF
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rebo-chan · 13 days
4 23 26 for reborn himsself if thats his name THE BABY. for 26 my question is please summarize the most emotional secene for his character and why you chose it but please only reffer to him as "The Baby" throughout. thanks.
YOU'RE NOT EVEN A KHR FAN. GET OUTTA HERE. SIGHH. Okay. Sure, anything for you, tumblr user noxiatoxia.
4. If you could put this character in any other media, be it a book, a movie, anything, what would you put them in?
.. I'd like to see The Baby in some sort of crime or mystery drama. He's a hitman, so I think he'd be an interesting character who would help solve the murders while also being a criminal himself. An anti-hero if you will.
23. Favorite picture of this character?
This one's hard. The Baby has a lot of good photos. He's exceptionally good at cosplay and so hes always well dressed with a SMILE. I do think The Baby looks great in his adult form, but I know for a fact that's not what you want. That being said, I think YOU'LL like this one.
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The Baby is gathering his Power..
26) So, it has to do with my favorite chapter in the entire series. "Failure as a home tutor" chapter 390 if you even care. So, you see, we find out in previous chapters that The Baby is a sacrifice in order to keep the world balance. That he was lied to and deceived with 6 other babies. You see, The Baby is cursed to have this form we see throughout the series. He is told by the person who put him like this that he can be released from this curse through what is essentially referred to as the Representative War. The one who cursed him is known as 'Checkerface' real name: Unknown. When the option of becoming uncursed comes up, The Baby asks for his student, Sawada Tsunayoshi, to be his representative as The Baby is not actually allowed to fight Bc He's Too Strong. There are other representatives, it's a whole thing. BUT, DUN DUN. A third party, the Vindice, show up to join the representative war. They tell our group that Checkerface is a liar, that he is not going to free The Baby from the curse, rather this whole thing is another one of his schemes in order to collect NEW babies as the current ones, The Baby included, are growing weaker. They reveal themselves to be FORMER BABIES, who checkerface abandoned once he had no longer had use for them, but rather then laying down and dying, their spite kept them alive. For years, they have been waiting for their opportunity to exact revenge on Checkerface for what he did to them. From their years of observation of Checkerface's actions, they say that the only opportunity to attack Checkerface is that moment where he appears to take their pacifiers (You will see pacifier described in the picture above, The Baby's pacifier is yellow, but others have different colors, seven exact.) and give them to the next generation of babies.
So, with all this information given to us, Vindice give The Baby the option to join them. They inform him and Tsuna though, that no matter what he does though, he will die. If he teams up with them, they will destroy the baby system and he will die. But, if he doesn't and they fail to stop Checkerface at this moment, when the curse is removed from The Baby, he will die. The choice was his what he wanted to go down doing. In a moment of bitterness, infront of Vindice and Tsuna, The Baby smiles, "Ever since I became like this, I never expected to die a decent death."
This upsets Tsuna, he attempts to argue that that a solution that results in everyone's death like this can't be the only thing to do about it. Tsuna is promptly attacked by the Vindice, and as a result, The Baby refuses to join their side. The leader of the Vindice, Bermuda, informs him that regardless of whether or not The Baby accepts his invitation, he's going to burn in hell. They are allowed to leave, to which Tsuna attempts to show The Baby that they're still in this fight and they can figure something out. The Baby says that he can't win, neither against Bermuda or Checkerface. Forlorn, The Baby tells him that Tsuna doesn't have to die for their sake. To give him back the proof that he is his representative, and that he won't be mad at him for backing out of this fight.
Tsuna doesn't accept this, and behind The Baby's back, starts to gather everyone to form a plan to resolve this without sacrificing The Baby and the other 6. He runs around tirelessly at night, asking everyone to join his side for the battle, to put aside the fact that they were all on different teams in this representative battle and to help him through this. He tells the other six babies that are involved to join him, and everything genuinely seems to setting in place. All that's left is to convince The Baby and fight the actual battle.
So, in comes chapter 390, failure as a home tutor. The Baby catches Tsuna out and asks him why he's skipping class and if he thinks as his tutor he'll accept that. To which Tsuna gets pissed, because The Baby continues to act casually in face of his death. He starts to shout at him, all of the emotions that he's held in for so long. That The Baby has irreversibly messed up his life, forced him to do all sorts of embarrassing things he wouldn't have done before, and has been the cause of all these battles that had come his way. But.. even then, all of those changes, they weren't all bad. He found himself thinking often that he was glad to have gotten The Baby as his tutor. And yet, when The Baby had done so much for Tsuna. Changed his life for the better, and helped him make all these friends that he could turn to, and have all these fun times that they're fighting to return to. The Baby was the one who taught him to never give up without trying, to never just accept something how it is and to fight for your life and the people in it. Despite that.. "Why did you say that you never expected to die a decent death?! Have you been thinking something like that by my side this whole time? You're a failure as a home tutor! This time, I'll teach you.." And in Tsuna's flurry of emotions, his voice catches in his throat, and he sits upon the stairs of Namimori shrine. The Baby silently takes the seat next to him, time passes, and Tsuna composes himself. "Reborn?.."
"I'm not going to let you die."
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in-asterism · 14 days
someone restore Mammon's good name. like every other Mist user in the series gets a bullshit Hell Ring and they're out there slaving away bullshit ringless getting their ass kicked by cheaters :((
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Part of that AU I mentioned in my...second? I think it was my second Sukugo post. A KHR adjacent/inspired AU.
Not gonna get very deep into this right now but I present you all with this- Sky Primary/Cloud Secondary!Satoru and Cloud Primary/Storm Secondary!Sukuna.
Sukuna is (sometimes) the first compatible 'Guardian'/Element that Satoru bonds with and, generally, the kind of person a Sky bonds to first tends to say not only a lot about them but also whoever else they bond to later on. There is an 'Only Sane Person' in the mix, unless it's a hat/vest they all take turns to put on- which is something that happens a lot with Satoru's OC mum in these AUs. (He gets his Sky traits from her while his 'dad(s)' are usually how he ends up with his Cloud Secondary.)
Suguru is also one of his 'Guardians'/Elements; his Mist to be exact because he seems to have some common traits with canon Mists- mainly being utterly cracked and obsessed with certain ideas/ideals/values. Suguru either gets some/enough help to stick around or he decides to leave in order to commit to his new path despite still caring a lot about Satoru- much like Daemon Spade.
Either way, this would be either only Sukugo or a poly-ship between Sukuna, Satoru and Suguru. Sukuna and Suguru begrudgingly tolerate each other for Satoru as both romantic partners and Elements. Because Satoru matters more than their attempted maimings.
You will drag out the confessions that they can admit how attractive the other is at the heat-death of the universe and only that. They won't ever fuck each other because they find the other's personality/morals abhorrent.
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harley-style · 9 months
This is completely my opinion but when fusing the khr and bnha worlds together you should keep the organized crime aspect, why the hell would you rework the vongola to be a vigilante organization when the canon vongola has had bosses stray FAR away from that concept. Like sure vongola has values but they also are very highly illegal
Lbr daemon spade being a ghost that haunts vongola to ensure its ruination is a lot more believable, than, say, three thousand year old non human earthlings guarding the artifacts that balance the world.
My point is id love to see fics where tsuna struggles to make his very villain group become vigilantes, and THEN into the hero business if youre going that route (personally i want them to remain criminals for some spice but ehhhh semantics ill read anything if its written well). Dont just retcon it to be a vigilante group holding out for 10 generations 💀💀
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dreamieparadise · 1 month
* failed flirting attempts * prompt. ( a drabble for gokudera x momina if possible)
Thank you for indulging me, Jojo...! Can't believe you're asking for drabbles knowing all I ever do is write way too long, tho....crazy but you asked for it!!! 😩
Pairing: Gokudera Hayato x Momina Luqman.
Warning: pathetic man behaviour, derogatory word usage: "pussy." Machismo. Gokudera and Momina are 19 here but what do I look like drawing art for this? So I put tyl Hayato as the picture [I'll draw something next time...]
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‧₊˚❀༉‧₊˚. Third Time's The Charm ‧₊˚❀༉‧₊˚.
Gokudera could hear his blood pounding in his ears as he recalled Shamal's words the other day.
"—Are you a pussy? Just go for it." The blunt words had been said without a shred of compassion towards the young man. In fact, with the way Shamal's face had been twisted, Gokudera was sure Shamal had lost even more respect for him.
The mere memory of that day filled him with rage and embarrassment. His ears once again threatening to turn red and angry against his pale skin.
Gokudera clenched his fists before he held the bathroom sink in a tight grip, leaning heavily against it. He hated the way his face reflected back at him, he really did look so pathetic and needy. A voice in the back of his mind went: "no wonder Shamal called you a pussy...."
Not only had years gone by since he and Momina met but they were now currently living together again while he went to the university nearby. Every day he saw her, and while it was utter bliss living together, he had tried and failed and tried and failed and tried and failed to confess to her or show her that he had any sort of romantic feelings for her.
Any time he tried his words would get stuck in his throat, his hands clammy and his breathing rapid. More than once Momina had asked if he was okay and if they needed to go to the hospital. It was utterly mortifying.
Still, he was a man and the man was the one who was supposed to take the lead in relationships! Even if up until this point it had been Momina.
Finding new found determination, Gokudera robotically confidently walked out of his bathroom and began searching for her.
When Gokudera found her she was making lahoh, just like she did every Sunday.
She grinned when she saw him, her eyes dancing with mirth. "Good morning, Hayato~! Did you sleep well...?"
Gokudera felt his heart skip a beat just from seeing her face and how quickly it brightened. His hands became clammy again, a person being so happy to see him still felt so undeserving, especially coming from the one he loved, but he soaked it in nonetheless. He eventually cleared his throat, looking away. "Ahem...y-yeah..."
Momina paused at his reaction. She was concerned but didn't want to pry so she grinned once more instead. "Okay, good! I hope you don't mind lahoh again...!" Her eyes widened suddenly as she added: "But you don't have to eat it if you don't want to! I can make you something else."
"I'd never mind it...!!" He spoke a little too fiercely, head whipping to her direction as his sea foam green eyes burned with intensity.
Momina, taken by surprise once more, eventually giggled. "I'm glad you like lahoh so much...!! That makes me really happy, Hayato!"
Gokudera felt his fingers tugging on the hem of his shirt. "Anything you make makes me happy..."
"Hmm?" Momina pushed her locks behind her ear. "What did you say...? Sorry, I didn't hear you...!"
"I said..." Gokudera felt his throat forming a lump again. "I said anything you make makes me happy..." He spoke a little louder this time but it was still just a mutter.
Momina paused before she turned the stove off and placed the last lahoh on the plate sitting on the counter. She then turned to Gokudera fully, her expression an apologetic one. "I'm sorry...! You don't have to repeat it again but I still didn't hear you..." Momina's hearing wasn't the best and she could feel herself sink. She hated burdening people like this.
Momina's downcast expression made Gokudera's heart race, the last thing he wanted to do was upset her. Without thinking he reached out and pulled her close to him, her long wavy hair bouncing as he leaned towards her in desperation. He wanted to make sure she could clearly see him.
"I said I love anything you make...! I love yoour cooking...!!" Gokudera was kicking himself by the end, too cowardly to express himself properly. His face and ears burned and he couldn't bare to look at her any longer.
Momina's stared up at him, taking his behaviour in again before her expression once more brightened. Her eyes sparkled as her cheeks rounded and she let out a giggle, swaying back and forth under his grip. "Hehe...! Yeah...? Yeah....? You think so? That makes me so happy!" Her happiness overflowed so much that she gave him a big hug and nestled her face into his chest, giggles escaping.
"I love making food for you!" She began as her gaze softened. She continued as she tilted her head upward. "Making sure you're eating well...that you're taken care of...it makes me so happy! I love you, Hayato...! I'm so glad we're living together again!!"
Gokudera felt himself short-circuit. Despite all his practice he found himself crumbling when up against Momina again.
Momina was still smiling when she felt him start to falter. Her eyes shot open in alarm, "Hayato!?"
"I-I'm fine...!" He spoke awkwardly, he was still struggling to keep himself upright, his grip on her loosened and his legs felt wobbly, even his head spun.
"Let's sit you down...!!!" Momina exclaimed, still holding him close but readjusting her grip on him as she led him to the nearest chair.
And with that another romantic failure was etched into the tapestry of Gokudera Hayato's life. But at least he got to be doted on by Momina...?
‧₊˚❀༉‧₊˚.| End |‧₊˚❀༉‧₊˚.
"Pathetic, Kora!!" Colonello put down his binoculars and shook his head. He had witnessed another one of Gokudera's pathetic attempts to woo his cadet. "A real man would have just gone for it...! He's a complete pussy, hey!"
Shamal sighed, one hand digging into his hair while the other lowered his own binoculars. In spite of Shamal's lack of perceived interest in Gokudera, this did hurt his heart. He felt himself wanting to defend his charge but what was there to say...? He was a complete pussy!
"He should just let Momina lead...!!" Colonnello continued, he may as well be talking to himself.
Shamal finally spoke up as he rolled his eyes. "Look...I'm a gentleman---"
"But there's no way that girl would confess! She'd have done it by now if she was even a little interested romantically! And anyway...what kind of man doesn't confess first...? This kid is the worst!"
Colonnello shook his head. "Don't look down on my student, Kora...! She's just stupid! She doesn't know how she feels so of course she isn't saying it!"
"...did you just call her stupid while saying not to look down on her...?" Shamal's face twisted incredulously. Talking to Colonnello was exhausting.
"It's not looking down on her if it's true! It's being realistic, Kora!" He crossed his arms. "The real problem is your kid! He's got no balls!"
"He's not my damn kid...!!!" Shamal's voice rose. He began going off on how he never slept with Lavina and how Gokudera wasn't one of his many biological children who he was still paying child support for. No one listened. No one cared.
Bianchi, who had been here the whole time, finally spoke up with a sigh. "My dear brother...truly...he doesn't have any balls." She shook her head. She would have to visit him once again and talk about this. Bianchi had been making such effort to push her brother to confess that she had gone as far as to talk to Momina about her dream wedding. And yet...
They all sighed, sitting in silence before they eventually got up and left their spots on the roof. They couldn't believe they've been watching this train wreck for years. Even so, they'd be reconvening once again, probably within a month's time.
‧₊˚❀༉‧₊˚. |Actual End| ‧₊˚❀༉‧₊˚.
"How was this an attempt at flirting!?" What...you don't think complimenting the love of your life's cooking is flirting...!? 🙄😒 it's not my fault Gokudera is a wimp and struggles to do this much. Anyway this was fun! Hope you enjoyed it. 🫶🏾💗💗💗
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avidaraku · 1 month
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fem gokudera with a smoking pipe! (hands are the devil i hate it here - but yay :'] *shaky thumbs up*)
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eternitas · 5 months
They never learn
A small one shot about Ava, once again, being challenged to a duel, with his opponent making a particularly bad move.
For the sake of convenience all languages have been reduced to be in english.
"What's going on?"
"Ava got challeged to a duel!"
"Ugh, again?"
The young rain division member looked at his Vincenso rather confused. Was this a common occurance? Noticing the young members look, the older man crossed his arms, seeing the crowd around the windows growing bigger as everyone tried to get a glimpse of the outside where the two opponents would hold their duel.
"Oh, there is constantly someone who comes here, new and with a lot of pride, believing that Ava got his position out of pure nepotism. Everyone who has been here for longer than a few months knows that that is absolute nonsense, but those kinds of people usually have more ego than common sense."
Sergey grinned when he heard the lightning division member explain the situation. These duels might've been a big annoyance to Ava, but to Sergey they became a source of entertainment. There was a certain pleasure he got from watching his collegue utterly obliterate his opponents, humbling them in the process. It was far more than simple Schadenfreude.
He looked up when he heard the familiar voice.
"Oh, hey Lorenzo, welcome back, how was the mission?"
"Boring, did someone-"
"Yup. Fernando, one of your storms."
The tall man that had just arrived clicked his tongue in annoyance and crossed his arms, leaning against the frame of the open window.
"Jackass. He probably took the opportunity of me not being around."
Sergey laughed at that.
"Wouldn't be surprised! You're usually the only one in the storm division with enough common sense to stop people like that."
"Well, guess we'll have to see who takes over his work this week. He won't survive this."
Almost on queue a familiar voice started to advertize this rounds betting pool. Sergey looked at Lorenzo.
"Wanna bet?" They never joined the official betting pool, but they liked to still make a bet. Never if Ava would win or lose and rather how long these duels would last.
"500 Euro?"
"Are you crazy? I'm short! 50!"
Sergey sighed.
"Okay, so? You have an advantage, the guy is in your division."
"I wasn't at the evaluation last time, so I don't know anything about him, aside of the fact that he is annoying as all hells." Sergey chuckled at that, eyes wandering back to the two opponents. Fernando was stretching, clearly showing off his muscles as he flexed and swung his big sword that was as 40cm wide and about an adult mans height. Ava was standing completely still and watching. Only ocassionally he moved to stretch and keep his body from going dormant.
"So?" Sergey asked and waited for Lorenzos estimation.
"Mh. Fiiiivv- no wait 7 minutes."
"You think he will pose such an issue?"
"No. Something else." Curious, Sergey looked back at his colleague.
"Like I'll give you pointers. So? What you bet against?" He pushed air out of his nose, but then looked back towards the two swordfighters. Ava seemed to keep himself nible for the fight and already studied his opponent while Fernando wanted to boast and attract an even larger crowd.
"Then I'll say 5 minutes!" The two men shook hands, just before Sergey felt a tap to his shoulder and turned his head around to Leonard, a tall blonde guy, who looked especially anxious and signed in italian [I have a bad feeling about this.]
Sergey pat his best friends side.
"Don't worry. These things always end the same." Even if he said it to calm his best friend down, he knew that Leo wasn't particularly worried about Ava.
Slowly Avas patience was running out. How much did this guy want to stall? His eyes wandered up towards the open windows where he spotted Sergey and locked eyes with him. He signed him [Time?] and got signed back [16:48].
This is ridiculous.
"Fernando, could we please get on with this duel, I would like to be done with this before 5 o'clock." Ava heared a few people give a soft "oooh!" as if he had just deeply insulted his opponent, when what he said was 100% genuine. Fernando frowned and almost demonstratingly cracked his bones, moving his head from side to side. How pretentious.
"Yeah, sure. Didn't think you were so gung ho about getting your ass beaten, but sure! Let's give the people a show!"
"I'd rather end this quickly. I have a meeting with Captain Squalo." he said, watching Fernando wrap his hand around his big sword. Ava remained unmoving.
"Don't worry, I'll send your remains to him on time!"
Fernando was definitely quick, despite how heavy the weapon must've been, but it was still a big blade that Ava could sidestep-
Just as Avas foot touched the grass again he strongly pushed down to jump further back. His eyes were focused on the intricate swirls carved into the metal. Even if he had dodged the initial swing, they must've created a strong enough current that would've sucked him back in if he hadn't widened the distance.
"Not bad! You're the first one to dodge it right away! But that doesn't mean you can escape!"
He moved in quickly again, closing their distance and swinging his sword, using quick changes in his grip position to change the swing trajectory. Not bad. But predictable. Ava managed to dodge them all with just enough distance to not be sucked into the created vortex, when suddenly he felt a strong pull, way stronger than before and relaized he wouldn't be able to dodge this one. Instantly he yanked at his swords scabbard, the loop to his belt ripping, before he slightly drew his blade out and blocked the big sword with the steel.
"Ya think I'm that weak?! That the moment someone got behind the trick, I've run out of options?!"
Can't he just shut up and fight?
Repeatedly Fernando pulled Ava back in, forcing him to block with his sword and be pushed around due to the difference in their strength.
Up on the first floor a commotion began as people started to make space and mumbled, some even hushing a name and title. Sergey looked up as the people behind him quickly made space. Before he even saw his Captain the face of a blackhaired young man came into his view, leaning over the edge of the window.
"Isn't that, Ava?!" Yamamoto asked in japanese as he watched his mentors younger brother get pushed around the field. Squalo stood behind him, observant and calm. The rain division was so used to this whole ordeal, that it at most got annoyance from it's members and excitement at best. Nobody explained anything for the first seconds, before Sergey took pity on the confused young man.
"Ava gets regularly challenged to duels, because people think he got his position due to being the captains younger brother."
"But Ava is a great swordsman, he's really strong!"
"Ding ding ding! Exactly! That's why the only people stupid enough to try and fight him are those that need to be severely humbled. It's almost an initiation ritual for the new batch of recruits. Watch one of your colleagues get absolutely destroyed in front of everybody by the tiny shark."
"What's wrong, Ava?! All ya do is just defend! Are you that scared?!" Fernando yelled with another swing at the other, forcing Ava to widen their distance again. However Fernando didn't follow him anymore to pressure him. He seemed to get agitated. Just as planned. His ego demanded more.
"Will you properly draw your sword already and fight back?! I'm gonna look like an asshole, if I beat you without you attacking me too!"
"Shut up and just fight Fernando! We don't have all day!" Someone from the sidelines yelled towards him. It was someone from the Rain Division too.
"Ya really don't have any comrades here, huh? Not surprised, considering you are Squalos baby brother."
This again. Ava took the opportunity to get up properly and check for the snapped loop. Luckily he still had one he could use, but it was unfortunate-
"Honestly, don't even know why everyone's idolizing the guy anyway, he lost to a fucking middleschooler and tried to off himself in absolute shame! Honestly you're both pathetic. I'll go for him next! Then you two can at least reunite in hell!"
Immideatly the entire area grew absolutely silent. It was as if someone had already died. Squalo was the first to break the silence with a deep inhale and exhale, followed by Sergey sighing disappointed.
"Well, there we go."
"So, this will be over in about a minute." added Lorenzo.
Confused Yamamoto looked between the two swordsman and Lorenzo, then back at the fighting field and back at Squalo.
"Wait, what's going on?"
"Fernando just insulted the captain. And Ava is known for that being one of the few things you should NOT say in a fight against him."
Fernando yelled again.
"Go on! I'll even give you one freebie, goldfish!"
"Ooooh- yep, he's dead now." Sergey said once more as Lorenzo pinched the bridge of his nose. He had specifially told the others not to use that on Ava.
Everyone seemed to hold their breath, waiting for Avas next move. Just as Fernando got impatient and wanted to yell again Ava moved, carefully reattaching his scabbard to his side.
"I see. Very well then."
Ava drew his sword, slowly and deliberately.
"No turning back now."
In an instant it was as if the air pressure had trippled, as if all of a sudden a cold gust of wind straight from the peaks of the alps swept over the entire area.
Murder intent.
That slight moment of perplexity was enough to make an opening for Ava. As if he appeared out of thin air Ava was in front of Fernando ready for his swing. He could barely move his big sword into a block, but as the Katana hit at slight an angle a weird vibration seemed to go through Fernandos body. His muscles were suddenly not responding anymore and he abandoned his weapon to jump back to distance. What the hell was that?!
"What's wrong? Running away?"
Up at the window Sergey gave a chuckled "Oooh!". Now it was getting interesting! The surrounding members, especially from the Rain Division had now relaxed and were eagerly watching the fight, cheering Ava on.
Out of a weapon it was now Fernando who was dodging, though to anyone familiar with swordfighting it was clear that Ava wasn't seriously chasing him and more shooing him around a bit, leading him back to his weapon that Fernando picked up with still some trouble. When the blades crossed, Ava striked before the big sword could gain any momentum and overpower him. He always swung at a slight angle that pushed every attack of his opponent back, but-
Sergey frowned.
"Why is he stalling?" he wondered loudly. With a hunch as to what the reason might be Lorenzo looked over to Squalo, who had been watching this entire time without saying a single word. It was as if he was completely turned to stone.
Fernando grew more frustrated with every blow that he tried to land and ultimately got interrupted in. This guy was not just half his weight and size, but also half his fucking age! There was no way that this child could already have such skill and strength! This BABY and the clown with his stupid needle were supposedly stronger than him?!
A grunt of anger left him as he swung again, this time he wasn't blocked, but merely redirected as Ava used his swords blade like a slide to guide the others weapon away. His opponent lost footing as the sword dug itself into the ground and next thing he knew he got a kick to his face that send him staggering back. Cursing under his breath he held his face, blood running out of his nose and a broken lip. This fucking brat! Ava actually moved away from the others sword.
"Pick it up. Or are you scared?"
"You-!" Fernando growled deeply and ran to pick up his sword. Both had clear rage inside of them and were ready for a final confrontation when the loudest voice of all cut through the air.
It got instantly quiet again, Sergey pressing his hands against his ears as Squalo pushed Yamamoto aside to be properly visible in the window. Then he stretched his arm out, thumb up, before in the next moment he turned the thumb down like a roman emperor at the colloseum. Once he was sure the order was registered he pulled back from the window and left without another word. Disgruntled Lorenzo sighed.
"Not like we're already short on members."
"Squalo!" Yamamoto called out, ready to follow the captain before his curiosity pulled him back to see what Ava would do now.
Fernando had frozen the moment he heared Squalos voice. A deep part inside of him had wished the Varia captain would've called his brother back, but now he knew he had made a mistake. When they had tried to stop him he should've had listened. And now he had to survive. At least survive! Then he could still get the hell out of this place that bred nothing but monsters!
He leaned against his blade that was still halfway stuck in the ground, trying to get his body to calm down while Ava slowly lowered his stance, every muscle tense and both hands on his blades handle. what followed next was hard to see with the naked eye, but those who realized what Ava was doing could follow his movement.
In an instant he had passed Fernando, stricken once through his blade and his torso. And yet there was not a single sign of anything having happened except for a stain of blood from Fernandos chest. Ava had pierced his heart. His opponent stood there absolutely unmoving.
With a swift swing of his sword Ava rid his blade of any stray blood and then reached for a handkerchief to wipe the metal clean before he sheathed his katana. Yamamoto blinked.
"Well that's done now- Fuck! 11 minutes?!"
"Pay up, bitch."
Sergey grumbled before Takeshi turned to him.
"Wait, what happened? Ava clearly cleanly struck him!" Sergey seemed surprised at that. He had expected Yamamoto to realize what had happened, but then with a serious tone he spoke.
"Then there is only one explanation, right? It was level." Sergey said simply and passed the young man, fishing for his wallet.
"You're impossible!"
"You were the one that wanted to bet. Pay up."
"Yeah yeah, whatever."
Yamamoto noticed movement next to him and only then realized that next to him stood a guy almost 2 meter tall. He looked pale, hand in front of his mouth as if he was about to throw up in horror and disgust, even shaking a tadbit. What was wrong?
"Leo! Let's go buddy. Ya don't have to see that." Sergey said and the tall guy just nodded and turned away from the window, to follow his friend. Yamamoto looked back out the window only for his breath to hitch in his throat.
So that's what Sergey meant when he said "it was level"
Ava had struck the other man completely level to the ground in one clean cut, that it had taken almost a whole minute for the body to fall into two pieces, as did the sword. They had been cleanly cut. Yamamoto swiftly looked away. If he had stared for longer the sight of the spilled organs and the blood- the sight of a corpse would've made him sick.
Yamamoto had known from their one spar that Ava was insanely strong. But this was the first time he had realized something that he prior to that had dismissed, because they were both swordsman and in his eyes sportly rivals.
Ava truly was the sharks brother.
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frobby · 7 months
thinking about how xanxus's mom named him xanxus cuz it has X for vongola 10th...... girl idk how to tell you this but XX is 20
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zoroara · 9 months
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December Belphegor Redraw 22 of 31!  
Buon Compleanno Belphegor~ As for his birthday I absolutely needed to get one of him as a kid. I had ruminated about doing the panel just before this with him and Rasiel, but well. He would've been made I made him share~ Maybe next year Rasiel, maybe next year. Speaking of this though I find the portrayals of how this went down, in Varia arc Vs Future arc very interesting. Because they're incredibly different in how they're described, in Varia arc Rasiel's murder is described as something Bel did Haphazardly, done without organization likely very sudden stabbing Rasiel to death. But then future arc clarifies from the both of them, that this could have been seen to be leading up from a mile away, and only if their parents genuinely were so neglectful to not pay any mind to this, or in fact encouraged this, that this would have ended up happening. I just find it very interesting how different it is and with the addition of how easily Bel clarifies it, I wonder how it lead to the conclusion that it was haphazard at all, or if it was even as simple as stabbing Rasiel to 'death'. Because it seems like Bel likely just has his idealized version that keeps getting broken down the more he was forced or corrected, you must wonder JUST how much of this is a lie how much MORE of it is to his favour? In the presence of his brother he had to be honest that they had always fought, and while Rasiel makes them move on quickly from this, he does state that Bel is "only saying things that benefit him" and "That he better not forget the face that didn't lose to him" to which Bel has no rebuttal against. What likely happened with the additional knowledge that Rasiel then says that day he was essentially poisoned with medicine, that Bel seeing an opportunity to finally end Rasiel then stabbed him violently very simple to figure. But even still there was likely much more of a struggle than Bel probably wants to admit if it was not considered a flat out loss for Rasiel now that he was proven to be alive to the point Bel didn't bother arguing that point. Bel may have been wounded himself and in his haste to solve that, may have been the small opening of chance for Rasiel to survive that Byakuran needed to manipulate so that Rasiel could survive in the future timeline. (just don't fucking ask me how that works because I don't see how he could affect something so far back. Maybe Byakuran just fucking lied to Rasiel and used other powers as "proof" to convince Rasiel that his survival was actually his doing.)
The Image I redrew is under the cut, just to keep the post small.
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Not related to the whole murder(funny sentence I know), but it is said that Bel hides his eyes to prevent like a fucking political incident, but like. HE WAS WEARING HIS HAIR LIKE THIS SINCE BEFORE THIS I THINK PEOPLE WOULD ACTUALLY REALIZE MORE SINCE HE KEPT IT THAT WAY.
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what-the-fuck-khr · 9 months
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meteorcrab · 4 months
wish I could be normal about Armand and yet!
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DCMK x KHR Crossover
Recently I had the idea for this crossover and had sadly discovered that there are practically no works for it. Which, I get it. The two universes are very dissimilar at first glance. DetCon is just so... lawful. But then I started thinking how this might work anyway and found that the two universes could work together. With DetCon as a sort of flip side or the POV Outsider for the KHR mafia shenanigans.
Point 1. Magic! Koizumi is a witch, and Kaito's looking for Pandora. The supernatural obviously exists in the DCMK world even if we never see it from Conan's POV. All we do get is a magic drug with an effect similar to the Cursed Pacifiers. But it is still something.
Point 2. The way most murderers in Conan frame their crimes as a suicide or accident. Also, how all of them make sure to leave pretty much no evidence behind. All of this is to make Shinichi-Conan look smarter, being able to figure out the murder from so few clues, but! The murderers still decided to go about it in that way and no other. They all seem to follow a certain template. One or two people being elaborate I could buy, but not all of them! This too has a simple explanation in the form of Gosho writing it like that, but in-universe, if we look at the characters as actual people it makes no sense.
Here's what I propose for this crossover. The world of organized crime is built on secrets. Unlike in our world, it is not just about not being caught by the authorities, they hide their Flames. Revealing which will break the Omerta, and no one sane wants Bermuda's attention. The Flames allow for more untraceable crimes, Storm Flames to Disintegrate all the evidence left behind, Sun Flames to make the target suddenly contract cancer, and Mist Flames to make them walk off a cliff or take a knife to their wrists by themselves. No authorities the wiser and no evidence to speak of.
Many criminal organizations to the outside observer are upstanding corporations, with their leaders in high places in society. And when you watch the TV talking about how this upstanding person died in a car crash or how that upstanding person committed suicide so often. Practically every other month. And you see completely random people reported dead by the news in a similar fashion even more often, every other day or so, you come to the conclusion that that's a common and even 'normal' or 'expected' way to die. "I just need to make it look like an accident. No other evidence and no one will question it," they think. After all, accidents are so common.
Point 3. The way police handle the crime scene. Why do they not move the dead body? Why are teenagers, little kids, and weird scientist grandpas allowed to stand over a corpse and theorize about their killer? Again could be lazy writing on Gosho's part or just a way to showcase Shinichi-Conan's genius. But what if it isn't? No one is capable of solving a murder case in a couple hours! And the people in the police are not stupid. They're actually very intelligent from what we see in the anime. Give these people a reasonable time frame and they will have the correct guy in handcuffs with bulletproof evidence of guilt.
But now consider the above. What if when they get involved in such a crime often when they are halfway through, they get /incentives/ to stop the investigation? Or suddenly, the person in charge loses interest in the case on their own or just forgets about it completely, seemingly out of the blue? And when you try to bring it to their attention, there's no record of the crime. It is not superstition if it happens as often as it does, is it? Pre-Conan Shinichi may have thought himself an unremovable deeply needed person for the First Division but it's not like that. They could very well manage without him and most of them would want him nowhere near a crime scene. Not out of jealousy, but because teenagers shouldn't see dead bodies. The world at large has no knowledge of Flames as per KHR canon, but that doesn't mean people don't witness their effects.
Imagine living in this world and working for the police. You go to work with this sense of foreboding every single day, that this might be the time one of your coworkers will come in a bit weird with a vacant look in their eyes whenever you breach certain topics, like where they'd been this weekend (they witnessed a Cloud and a Mist get into a fight in a bar, but they are convinced they spent the whole day home. The Mist user made sure of that) or forget an entire case with 10 people dead (the culprit was a Storm user and when they found the police getting closer to the truth than they liked the Storm DISINTEGRATED those memories for the officer) and when you will try to remind them no evidence of it exists.
And you just know there had to be outside influence for this to happen. This doesn't happen naturally. So, you keep your head down because you are well aware, that if you go looking or start following up on this case you will be the next one with the vacant look in your eyes or undetectable amnesia about a gruesome massacre. You learn to look the other way in self-preservation even if your morals are screaming at you that you let a murderer walk free tonight and maybe there will be more dead by his hand come morning.
And then there's this high schooler. He wants to be a detective and he's bulldozing right into this world you work in and you'd much rather he stay home or go play football. You don't want to see him like the way many of your coworkers are after a run-in with organized crime. And you know that is what it must have been to be so systematic. And then it turns out he is a genius. He can solve the crime in a couple hours instead of the weeks it would take you.
So you skirt protocol. It's better to do that than allow another murderer to walk free, you reason to yourself. Besides you are not actually doing anything serious, just a couple of allowances here or there. And it pays off. Your job is getting done and criminals get the consequences they deserve. All is good. But every night you pray and hope, that this bright teenager wouldn't feel like he could do anything and then turn up with that so many times cursed vacant look when you ask him about his weekend. (And then he disappears....)
Like, imagine that. And it is not only a Japan issue, no. The US allowed Sera to crime scenes too and so did Britain for Saguru, so it is obviously an international issue. I could bet some of the Flame-induced amnesia or subtle personality changes are the reason that no one reacts all that much to the various sleeping deduction kings and queens. I bet they find it eerie not because of the tranquilizer, or the lips not moving, or for the many other reasons it is deeply unsettling, but because they saw all of it on various colleagues just in a more subtle manner. I bet they are grateful for once to be on the benevolent side of that particular phenomenon. It might also be why no one would be surprised if suddenly, one day, Mouri lost his edge. They see everything, they acknowledge it, and they're waiting for the other shoe to drop.
Point 4. The Black Organization in canon is made out to operate in a similar fashion to how the mafia is portrayed in KHR. You can expect anyone to be from there, from a famous actress to the barista down the road. But, from the vibe I'm getting from the Black Org, they seem a rather new group in comparison to the Vongola or the Cavalone or the other 'old blood'. A newer organization would be easier to infiltrate and just look at how many spies are among the Men in Black? I'd bet most of the old mafia families' members are generational by now with rare new members. And that is not how the Black Org are portrayed.
Shinichi may think there's only one worldwide criminal Organization after becoming Conan, but the fact that he caught onto them in the first place makes them seem like new upstarts who want the power that the 'old blood' has. Even if Shinichi dismantles them and sleeps peacefully after their takedown, the mafia will still exist and continue on like always. Families like that die off often enough, the mafia at large will not be worried. And this is something Shinichi will not see. After all, he grew up with people being reported dead on the news with regularity and he uncovered enough murder cases with no ties to the underworld to believe most of them to be caused by the hands of a person who snapped.
TL;DR In a crossover setting between KHR and DCMK, I see the latter as a POV Outsider to the mafia as we are introduced to it in KHR, and the exploration of all the implications thereof on the civilian population.
What do you think?
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ohlooktrash · 2 years
ok after many years I'm finally gathering the courage to finish the future arc in khr (since I essentially skipped it and watched/read everything else) and I just got to the part where shoichi reveals his true plans after the melone base invasion and y'all I am losing my goddamn mind???? like I knew that was going to happen cuz spoilers but HOLY SHIT
anyway can't believe khr is the thing that finally makes me post an original post on tumblr after like 4 years but here we are
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