raunchily · 9 months
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2000s corsets
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ericlovessharks · 1 year
imstimming so much over thisnpullover im literally so happy its so cute and wverything
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dannyboy-writes · 1 year
Of thrones and dragons
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Daenerys x male Dragonrider reader who's from ulthos? I will probably make a part to of this who knows
Ser Jorah had told Daenerys tales of Ulthos’ weather. The thick jungle.
Trees taller than she had ever seen and the murmur of wild creatures bristling her skin. 
Countless thoughts running through her mind. But one most present. She should’ve brought Drogon with her.
A broken branch? A booby trap? Or something else?
“Nobody move,” she whispered, raising an eyebrow at Greyworm.
A bright orange ray shone above them. Almost like sunlight.
Definitely warmer.
“Maybe he wasn’t a myth,” Missandei spoke softly.
Suddenly the beast dropped in front of them, with the Unsullied unpacking their spears, and Daenerys tensing all her muscles. Bracing herself.
Dark green scales covered the entirety of your dragon. His face stoic and with gritted sharp teeth. 
He was breathing slowly, Daenerys noticed. Calm, deep breaths.
But his eyes were focused on her. 
And not only his’, she realised. 
You dismounted softly from your beast, ignoring completely the army in front of you. Their spears were sharp and in your direction. 
Every soldier was looking at you more menacingly than the last.
Your eyes however, were focused on her.
Long, pale hair, with braids as long as her waist. Falling completely over her back.
Her eyes were inviting, but there was a tint of worry. Of uncertainty.
You shifted your eyes towards your beast, caressing his side slowly until he calmed with you.
“Are you y/n?” She asked.
Quickly your eyebrow raised in your forehead. “Who are you?”
“I’m Daenerys, of house Targaryen. Blood of Old Valyria.”
“And what brings you to the wilds, your majesty,” you mocked.
“I’ve been searching for you for some time. I was starting to believe you were a myth.” She stopped. “Or a ghost.”
“Ah,” you smiled. “And what’s to say I’m not.
“Terrible dangers lie in this land. Untamed beasts and whatmore.” You grinned.
“And tamed ones?” 
“Oh, yes, those tend to be the worst. But don’t worry, Wildfire here won’t do you any harm,” you smiled, patting your beast. “Nor will I.” 
She smiled and called down her army. “I am in search of a dragon rider, some people called him the best and mightiest of them all. I’ve heard tales of the riders of Uthos.”
“Oh, did you? What did you hear if you may?”
“I heard the forests of Uthos had beasts so swift that their scales blended in with the greenery. And their riders had unmatched skills. Like nothing ever seen in the entire world.”
“Yes, that is true. And why would you need a dragon rider with unmatched skills.” You asked, “Blood of old Valyria you said, you’re supposed to have dragons as well. Although your kind faded with time, I assume the dragons remained.” 
“Sadly, no.”
“Whoever told you that is a liar, and you a fool for believing them. Dragons will outlive us all. Just as we outlive birds, and them ants. It’s the way of the world.”
Her face went stoic. “Will you help me in my quest to conquer Westeros, y/n?” She inquired.
You laughed, “Why would I, I don’t give a damn about Westeros. I don’t even know you, for all that.”
“You could have a throne,” she offered.
“I have a throne, or do you see me taking you to speak with someone about this? Why would I want another one? And one so distasteful.” You grabbed a stone from the ground throwing it lazily, “Why do you?” 
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bathylychnops · 1 year
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radars & jett stetsons (theyrethe same guy)
lovetghis guy he gets so nervous but hes also an asshole but hes never been to most common places before. hes afraid of dogs. hes been to a nuclear power plant, hes transgender he has a nokia phone whatmore canthis guy offer
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thirstnotes · 1 year
| Rivals to Lovers - Clark Kent - Part Eight - Impatient Clark |
Pairings - Clark Kent x AFABBlackPlusSizedClark
Warnings: Sprung Clark, Language, Typos, Rambling, Smut (Minors DNI), Morals?WhatMorals?Clark, Kiss Stealing Clark, mildly conflicted reader, oral
If you don’t like it, don’t read it
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"Haven't seen you by yourself in a while. Going well?" Lois winked, picking out vegetables, presumably for their stew.
"Pretty much," he said, unsure why he'd even followed her into the pantry in the first place. Well. He knew why. It was because you'd insisted, determined to help him get his match before it was all said and done.
He looked out at the kitchen, but you had disappeared and his eyes searched a bit before settling on Lois again, who had crossed his line of vision again.
"Pretty much? I'd say it's going very well considering you two can't seem to keep your hands off each other."
"No more than you and Luke," he laughed, though completely distracted. Luke was still at their station, texting and scrolling through his phone. A moron, yes, but at least he wasn't trying to slither into your space.
Where did you go?
His eyes found your car still parked in the parking lot and you were rummaging through it's trunk. For what was anyone's guess, but eventually you'd stopped and sat in the open space.
"Nothing like us, actually. It's not official or anything. It's just kinda fun," Lois went on, oblivious to his inattentive ears.
"Really?" he hummed, sounding amused. Were you upset at him for going? Maybe he should've stayed and just fuckin told you that this stopped being about Lois days ago.
"Yeah, I mean, it's totally casual. If you, say, asked me out tomorrow, I'd say yes. Well, when I say you, I mean anyone really, not you per se. I don't think that you would, since you seem pretty serious about Y/N," she babbled with a laugh. His eyes rolled from the lot to her.
"We're still feeling it out, but something like that."
"I can tell," she shrugged with a laugh, grabbing a couple of potatoes and a tomato to add to her basket, "If I could find a guy that looks at me like you look at her, I could finally settle down."
It was a generous opening she'd put out there for him, but he genuinely couldn't care less. His fixation on you had finally taken full hold. You owned his every thought. Once upon a time, he'd have jumped on the chance to raw her right there in that pantry, but he wanted nothing more than to wish her well and raw you in that parking lot.
His eyes found you again and he could see you strolling slowly back, biting your lip with a naughty smirk. Much like when you were texting him before your date with Bruce.
Jealousy flared in him again. There was no way Luke put that smile there. It had to be Bruce.
He took a deep breath and tapped her chin. "You will in no time."
With that, he held the door for her and guided her out before returning to your station to wait for you. He hadn't registered the mildly disappointed look on Lois's face as she left his side to rejoin Luke, nor the lingering stare she gave you when you'd returned casually from outside. He was trying to check the damage. You looked much happier and your heart was beating faster. He resisted the urge to scowl.
"Where'd you disappear off to?"
You washed your hands again before kneading the dough one last time and setting it into the oven. "Just getting some air. How'd it go?"
He couldn't stand it. He wanted so badly to tell you he could see you texting your Sugar Daddy. To watch your pretty eyes widen with a little guilt and revel in watching you squirm while you tried to spare his feelings and play down your relationship with the billionaire.
It was truly adorable to watch you pretend you didn't see your relationship with him as anything more than a ruse
He affected you
He just needed to get you to admit it
His eyes rolled from you to Lois, who was feeding Luke something. You looked from them to him with a frown.
"Not well?"
His eyes floated to the oven where the dough was slowly rising. This was it. He saw the perfect corner to back you into. "Very well, actually. She informed me that she and Luke aren't actually official...thennnn, in so many words, she asked me out."
Your eyes widened at the tea he was pouring. "Get out. What did you say?!" you hissed quietly, like a hopeless gossip. So fuckin cute.
"I...told her that I was deeply in love with my girlfriend," he lied with a heavy breath, his eyes meeting yours.
He could see a full range of emotions cross your face. You were trying to make sense of his self-sabotage, which was a given, considering all that he'd done to make this slam dunk happen. Which was valid. It was kind of a ballsy move to just tell you how he felt.
He wasn't nearly as direct as Bruce, who seemed to take a sadistic pride in his brutal honesty, but he liked to think he was pretty honest. Diana called him "downright devious" when a situation called for it, but he had to disagree. He simply liked it when things went his way and there wasn't anything wrong with that. Especially when end justified the means. What's a little manipulation if it meant he'd have you. You, who wanted him just as much as he wanted you.
He didn't know what you were thinking about his sudden U-turn, but he was ready for whatever you were going to do. Even if it was less than pleasant.
After all, he had used you
Now he was telling you it was you he wanted all along
So he'd not be surprised if you were pissed at him for taking you in circles
He deserved it
But at least now you knew
Which was fine
You'd calm down eventually
Even if you didn't and hated him
At the very least he knew you were attracted to him
He could work with that
So long as you were his
He heard a small snickering beside him and his brows furrowed.
Okay, maybe he wasn't ready for that reaction
"I never thought I'd see Golden Boy Clark Kent chicken out."
You looked at him curiously, smile fading. "Or. Are you planning on keeping her dangling on the hook for a while?"
Of fuckin course. You didn't believe him.
He breathed a frustrated laugh, using the leverage of the situation to pull you in front of him, weaving his fingers through yours. "Something like that."
You beamed triumphantly, responding perfectly, your body resting against his. "Mmh. See. I know you. That's pretty slick. Kind of messed up, but I respect the game."
What game?
He was beginning to question if he had any game at all
After all, the woman he wanted was in his hands physically, but she couldn't be further from his grasp
Anyway, your bread bowl baked well, but came out a bit lopsided
Which was fitting, consider that whole day was fucked to pieces by the time class had ended
You were both back in the car, the savory smell of your hard work wafting through the car.
He scrolled through his phone quietly, listening to you talk about how proud you were of your bread bowl with a small smile on his face
"Did you have fun?" you asked, looking towards him. His eyes rolled to you.
"Yeah, some."
He wanted to ask who you were texting so badly
You frowned. "Are you having second thoughts about the Lois Thing?"
Depends on your definition of said Lois Thing
The Lois Thing as in "his feelings for Lois altogether"
The Lois Thing as in his "ploy" to keep Lois guessing and wanting more
Because the latter isn't even a thing
But you probably meant that one
"Actually, I kind of enjoy the chase," he admitted, his eyes floating to the road.
"I noticed."
His eyes rolled back to you. "I take it you don't approve?"
"The opposite actually. I think everybody likes to be pursued sometimes."
"That include you?" he smirked, parroting your question from days ago.
You hummed a laugh. "Especially me."
He smirked.
Oh you had no idea how long he was willing to chase you
He was reaching his breaking point
Every second your delicious scent wafted past his nose, he felt his control slipping
An image of your towel slipping from your yummy curves flashed past his thoughts and he swallowed
He really needed to stop.
You both pulled to the front of his apartment and got out of the car to grab his half of the food from your backseat. He followed, eyes following your movements as you slowly rounded the car, typing on your phone.
"What are you doing?" he asked, looking between you and your screen.
"Putting the ball in Lois's court," you said, biting your lip with a sly smile.
He frowned, somehow not liking the direction this was going. You shrugged, your fingers working on a thoughtful explanation. "I'm gonna tell her we broke up. That way, she'll drop Luke like a hot brick, call you up, and you'll be in there."
"You're really okay with doing that for me."
It was more of a judgmental statement than a question. You raised a brow at him.
"Of course? I mean. You annoy the hell out of me, but I like to think we've grown to be friends to some degree.”
It was official
He'd absolutely kill for you
"Sure," he smirked with an exasperated laugh.
"What, we're not?" you laughed back.
"Oh, the very best," he surrendered, hands up in mock defense. You rolled your eyes with a laugh, shifting your weight to your other leg at his sass and sarcasm. So fuckin cute.
"Look here, Mr. Sassyass,” you chided, tapping his chest with your phone for emphasis. “I’m doing you a favor. You could at least show a little gratitude.”
Well. If you insist
He dipped in, his lips stealing yours again with another soul crushing kiss. Your phone slipped from your hand and it clattered to the ground, landing somewhere under the car. Or the sidewalk. Somewhere. Whatever. He didn't give a fuck where it went. Neither did you, evidently. You were more preoccupied with running your hands through his curls, tasting him as much as he was tasting you. It was incredibly satisfying. He pulled back slowly, running his thumb over your soft, warm lips.
"I should go..." you breathed, your body betraying your words as your hands snaked up his chest to loop around his neck.
"You should..." he agreed, giving you another greedy peck.
"For real..." you warned weakly, pulling him closer.
"Mmhm..." he hummed, kissing you deeper this time, greedier still, savoring the way your body reacted favorably to him. You were melting into his kisses as if it were as natural as breathing.
“But,” you tried to rationalize between his needy pecks, “Bruce-“
“Doesn’t have to know.”
Ooh, what a delicious reaction
Your heart skipped a beat
Your body was decidedly warmer
Despite your moral reservations
You were excited
His mouth trailed from the corner of your mouth to your neck, to the exposed skin of your collar bone, stealing the breath you were trying to catch. You practically purred when his teeth scraped the skin there. Your fingers found his chin and you guided him to look at you.
True. You were in public
Though the sidewalk was dark and practically dead, what few passersby flowing by, quietly minding their business
Not that he gave a fuck
You tasted so fuckin good. He wanted more.
He was drunk with satisfaction
...But perhaps you had a point.
Which is how you ended up in his bed, hovering over his face like a chandelier
It was truly a beautiful blur
Stripped clothes on the floor
Your lingerie mingling with his boxers
A heavenly mess
His hands hooked your beautiful thighs, pulling you down to meet his ready lips. Warm ready tongue swirling over the most sensitive part of you, drawing the most wanton sounds from your pretty, kiss-worn lips. Finally. You were his. Even if you went back to the stupid bat, for the moment, you belonged to him.
He didn’t see himself looking back.
You shuddered out something he didn’t comprehend until you were tugging his hair. His eyes flickered up to you and you looked down at him, holding on for dear life as your legs dangled over his shoulders. When had he sat up? His greedy, sloppy slurping slowed until it had ceased altogether, senses flooding back into him when he sensed your panic. He stood up and effortlessly set you onto your back, letting you process the truths that had just been exposed in the past 60 seconds. Once again, a full range of emotions crossed your eyes.
But truthfully, you didn’t look as terrified as he’d imagined
Your heart was only slightly elevated
Your body still warm
Possibly warmer
But you were shaking, no matter how subtle it was
He hadn’t pulled back far before you’d caught his forearm firmly. For once his heart was pounding out of his chest.
“I fuckin knew it,” was all you said before you pulled him in for a kiss for once. He felt relief wash over him as he let you take over.
For now anyway
(Part 9) (Part 7)
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emeraldtied · 4 months
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↳ @familylightfox asked: With Gibbous distracted for the moment with her friend and a book, Light took the opportunity to approach the couple. He scratched the back of his neck and hesitated before finally speaking.
“Sally’s agreed to the meeting…” He trailed off and shifted an apologetic look to Mina. “but they won’t do it over a video call. It has to be in person.”
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{➹} – LIGHT'S DEMEANOR was enough to catch the couple's attention easily, concerned looks and raised brows alike before the former soldier spoke. Of course Mina knew about the meeting, there was hardly a thing out there her husband didn't tell her and vice versa, and whatmore she knew her partner too well.
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"You're not going to say no to this, are you?" She had turned to the hedgehog with a knowing look. Maybe not the happiest of expressions, but understanding all the same.
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The hedgehog shook his head, but with a reassurance on his face. He knew it had its risks but, well...it was him they were talking about here. "I promised I'd give it a shot. Y'know I don't tend t' break those. An' if anything goes wrong though I'll just leave. 'S like I told Light, I can handle myself."
He knew full well the mongoose couldn't argue with that, but she still frowned which prompted the hero to reach out and take her hand to give a gentle squeeze. When no other argument came forth, he looked back to Light.
"Just let me know when they're ready."
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OHMYGOD 😭 Life in general has never been soooo busy and hectic. It's Pride Month so it means that there are a loooot of queer activities that somehow I got roped into attending. Numerous school activities were scheduled and I, by some way I didn't want to happen, was enlisted to organize and help, A LOT (ffs, I thought I left the student leader life behind in high school!!!!)!!! I genuinely stopped counting after seven events, and that was all before the 15th of June. I have a few more upcoming. It's my final month before my last year in my college so the classes (and exams and requirements) are harder and more hectic than ever.
I have 30 (!!!!!) papers due in four days, and three hellish final exams next weem before I'll be done with this semester. 🥲 I can't even remember the last time I opened AO3 or Twitter, whatmore Tumblr. 🥲
... But I'm here now cause I reallyyyy wanted to participate in @sisterdiviniumfollows 's Commenfic fest and I promised. No promises how my little-somethings will turn out but hopefully (fingers-crossed) you will all see me in the last 11 days of the challenge!!!!
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jrmilazzo · 5 months
"Today, we tend to see the Enlightenment as the birth of our world, but, as Whatmore concludes his book by arguing, this would have been quite an unusual claim to many of those philosophers who advanced the cause of Enlightenment in the first place. Despite the ubiquity of appeals to ‘the Enlightenment’ in our political discourse, what it was remains elusive. The End of Enlightenment  offers a partial answer to this long and storied question, first asked by Immanuel Kant in his 1784 essay ‘An Answer to the Question: What is Enlightenment?’. Partly drawing on the work of the late J.G.A. Pocock – to whom the book is dedicated – Whatmore reframes the Enlightenment as a project for political moderation opposed  to popular government, excessive appeal to abstract reason in politics, and to the dominion of ‘systems’ over human action."
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nevzatboyraz44 · 2 years
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whatmore? bedtime? more likely than you think.
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In this festive season, enjoy this review of the Hull Little Theatre’s 1927 Christmas play, featuring Colin Clive in several roles quite different from those he would become famous for playing. From the Hull Daily Mail, published December 27, 1927. Transcript follows; apologies for the long text post but the article is very difficult to read in the clipping.
Feast of Fun and Fancy
“A Christmas Party” at the Little Theatre
All that a child could dream about the festive season is incorporated into “A Christmas Party,” which was produced at the Little Theatre, Hull, on Christmas Eve for a fortnight’s run. It is a charming show, brilliantly produced, and the work attached to the preparation of its innumerable delights must have been enormous. From the kiddies’ point of view the whole conception of the piece gives unalloyed delight, while the adult spectators will derive interested pleasure in watching the versatile efforts of artists usually associated with dark tragedy or subtle comedy. Personally, I found the show a thoroughly delightful entertainment, and the revival of the old Harlequinade (played by Colin Clive as Joey and Frederick Piper as Pantaloon) was a particular cause for enjoyment. The two actors, who emerged from a giant Christmas cracker, clowned their way through the second half of the programme with rare style, and their patter song about the Little Theater personalities was remarkably clever.
Contrary to custom this Christman party is not a pre-arranged one. It is the sudden thought of two children--Christopher and Evangeline--who are confined to their room with an attack of measles. Unable to join in the round of festivities themselves, they invite Santa Claus and the inhabitants of the toy cupboard to an impromptu party, and the result is absolutely amazing. Father Christmas makes a dramatic entry, in traditional fashion, and then the fun begins, waxing “furioser and furioser,” until it is time for everyone to go home. Patricia Bradfield, the clever young actress who was such a “hit” last season, makes a welcome return to play the part of Evangeline, while Merle Tottenham, another capable artist, acts skilfuly as the little boy. They sing and dance with charm, and their work has the requisite ingenuousness. As the host and hostess, they have a lot to do, particularly at the brilliantly arranged supper table, when the dolls become somewhat peevish and the Golliwog finds the lemonade going to his head. Father Christmas, splendidly played by Richard Fisher, also has to help to keep matters smooth.
Many of the people appeared in several characters. Edith Sharpe was a good-humoured, but garrulous Irish nurse, and a bold Robin Hood, and her songs were warmly applauded. As Anthony Rowley, the frog who would a-wooing go, Colin Clive was most engaging, and his energy as a Jack-in-a-Box was a source of wonder. Frederick Piper made a fine King Cole, and also a splendid toy soldier. In the latter character, Mr. Piper, in conjunction with Peggy Smith, who made an attractive doll, gave us an amusing dance, which was heartily encored. When the Three Blind Mice came in it took Colin Clive all his time to hold back the Cat, which Peter Taylor Smith played most convincingly. This actor took also the part of Mr. Noah and had a good partner in Millicent Jones, who sang in a pleasing fashion. The importation of a conjurer from China caused great excitement, and James Hudson executed some clever illusions which were greatly appreciated. The following also had interesting and amusing parts: Eva Jeafferson, Hilda Whatmore, Gwen Sibley, Ursula Granville, and Barry Barnes, while the following pupils of the Hull School of Music had small parts, and presented some skilful dances: Jessie Selle, Nancy Shores, Marjorie Simpson, Enid Grantham, Audrey Appleton, and Arthur Burrell.
The musical accompaniments were played by Mr. Dennis Boocock with rare sympathy and skill. --C.E.R.
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And Im Not Normal? Looks atyou with sad tearful eyes
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mariacallous · 2 years
In 1798, members of the United Irishmen were massacred by the British amid the crumbling walls of a half-built town near Waterford in Ireland. Many of the Irish were republicans inspired by the French Revolution, and the site of their demise was known as Geneva Barracks. The Barracks were the remnants of an experimental community called New Geneva, a settlement of Calvinist republican rebels who fled the continent in 1782. The British believed that the rectitude and industriousness of these imported revolutionaries would have a positive effect on the Irish populace. The experiment was abandoned, however, after the Calvinists demanded greater independence and more state money for their project. Terrorists, Anarchists, and Republicans tells the story of a utopian city inspired by a spirit of liberty and republican values being turned into a place where republicans who had fought for liberty were extinguished by the might of empire.
Richard Whatmore brings to life a violent age in which powerful states like Britain and France intervened in the affairs of smaller, weaker countries, justifying their actions on the grounds that they were stopping anarchists and terrorists from destroying society, religion and government. The Genevans and the Irish rebels, in turn, saw themselves as advocates of republican virtue, willing to sacrifice themselves for liberty, rights and the public good. Terrorists, Anarchists, and Republicans shows how the massacre at Geneva Barracks marked an end to the old Europe of diverse political forms, and the ascendancy of powerful states seeking empire and markets—in many respects the end of enlightenment itself.
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chaosworthy · 2 years
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↳ @familylightfox​ asked: Light approached the couple with a smile on his face. An actual, full smile and not his usual subtle hidden one. Under one arm was his laptop. “I thought you might get a slight kick out of this…”
The laptop was set onto the coffee table and opened. On the screen was a video and Light clicked it to begin playing. It was a few different video feeds of Robotropolis and the Mobians that walked lacklusterly along the sidewalks. Until the nearby video screens with Robotnik’s insignia went dark and a song began to play. Slowly, as the music continued, heads began to lift and attention was drawn to the darkened screens. It flickered and on popped the Freedom Fighter insignia as the music built. 
The last part of the video showed the inner workings of Robotnik’s throne room, where the tyrant was red faced in rage until the music was cut.
“I think I made an impression…” He closed the laptop. “Now I can only hope that the Freedom Fighters of my world caught it too…”
   {➹} – THE COUPLE LOOKED LIKE they were relieved to have the distraction, having been busy the last few days trying to piece together a decent setlist for a small, upcoming show. Typically they would pass on the chance, far more focused on their family, but charity was their one exception at the moment. Besides, they had a few willing hands to help with their daughter those days. One night wouldn’t hurt, surely.
     Whatmore, the pair were intrigued by the look on the soldier’s face. A smile was rare, so this had to be something worthwhile. More than enough for them to abandon their task and to draw both pairs of green eyes to the screen that was placed down. It was the first time the mongoose had seen the Zone Light and Gibbous were from, and she couldn’t say she cared for it much. Even if it did answer a few lingering questions.
     Regardless, hearing the song play and seeing the spark it gave off had her and her partner smiling from ear to ear. And Robotnik’s reaction? It was the icing on the cake.
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     “Heck yeah, you did. Now that’s what music is supposed to do.” Needless to say, she was a fan. Excited at the opening doors.
     And Arrow was much the same, a certain shine of pride in his eyes as he looked at Light. “I’m sure they will. An’ if not, you do it again. Something will catch on, and before you know it change will be on the horizon. Things are going t’ get better.”
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diffxrentwxrlds · 2 years
It was like the hero had said, people would be surprised if they knew some of the things he had done. Some of the things he had been willing to do that luck had taken out of his hands. But that wasn't always the case, and there were things that he would rather leave in the past. He had things to hide too. He was no different than so many in that respect. Whether Infinite believed that or not was another matter.
Gradually that smile slipped off the hero's muzzle, replaced with confusion and perhaps an unspoken question. Why was this coming out now? Had the jackal not spent just as much time with the hero? Not engaged with the hedgehog in return? He was confused, and convinced that the other was about to leave the conversation hanging by a thread when they began to walk away. Only to find a hand around his throat a moment later.
It was light enough to be far from intimidating, but blue quills did raised ever so slightly at the contact. A subconscious reaction as emerald eyes fixed towards the jackal. Not scared, but...wondering. There was a reason for this. Now the question was what, one answered soon enough as the other spoke, words coated in something that had the hedgehog falling quiet. And once again, the jackal had spoken the truth; assumed it really. The hero could, and had, tolerated much in his life. But needless death? Carnage? He never had the stomach for it, could never fathom it let alone condone it. Yet here he was, with a murderer...and whatmore, there was a feeling of dread in the pit of his stomach. Not because of Infinite's words, but what they likely meant
"No." One word, but the hero couldn't deny that the things listed were things he hardly favored. Hated, even. Even now, he couldn't lie. But his eyes narrowed, in perhaps his first display of distress, voice low. Almost quiet. "If that's true...why are you still here? You've stuck around just as much I have...why bring this up now?"
{{ L }} Why? It was a great question.
One Infinite already had the answer to.
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"... Because I have to know are you serious about this... serious about being with me and this isn't some heroic 'I can fix him' bullshit. Because I assure you... you can't." His voice growing dry as his grip tightens just a bit. He had gotten close to the hedgehog, allowed himself to him and his gang before with no personal gain to be had. Infinite had... gone soft. But he knew what happened to people that gotten to a jackal like him. He feared it would happen again, and unlike a tribe of jackals no one but Infinite would miss, Arrow mattered to a lot of other people.
"I... may not be the mercenary or Eggman's pawn anymore... but death with always follow behind me, often by my hands."
"Can you accept that side of me, hero? After all, you always took great interest in my past so can you accept someone with a past with a bodycount?" While he spoke there was something else hidden in his words, they were meant to intimidate, to push the other away... but also held a deep sadness as well.
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babyawacs · 26 days
@france24 @bbc_whys .@bbcr4sundays @eucouncil .@eucouncil .@eu_commission @eu_commission @euparl_en .@euparl_dk @nato .@otan .@wef .@statedept @secblinken #borell #inward #eu #keypoint focus on who made the eu for what and didnot allow mo re letalone the basis of whatmore why : #reframed why the eu has no legs : towards #keypoint whatever theymadeitfor o r i g i n a l l y: what it grewto decayed to inwhich situation r e q u i r es necessities of: #outwards #eu ‎#keypoint trust building with friends and allies espec ially usuk global good actors and integration of #mildef into societies to benefit like each armybase is an economic factor wher e: where the expenditures stabilise which society aspects and regions ‎
@eucouncil .@eucouncil .@eu_commission @eu_commission @euparl_en .@euparl_dk @nato .@otan .@wef .@statedept @secblinken #borell #inward #eu #keypoint focus on who made the eu for what and didnot allow more letalone the basis of whatmore why : #reframed why the eu has no legs : towards #keypoint whatever theymadeitfor o r i g i n a l l y: what it grewto decayed to inwhich situation r e q u i r es…
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