#when I found infos and photographs on an american website
greypetrel · 1 year
Every time I think that it's a pity that I live in Italy and I never write anything set in my country (I love historical fantasy and mainly write that for my fully original works)... Every time I think that and then I try to research something historical/artistical here that's not the two villas in Pompeii, the Coliseum or the Uffizi Gallery, I spend at least one hour cursing like a sailor because everything is done with the apparent purpose of kicking people away and making finding informations difficult, and close everything like this:
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legaleaseus · 2 years
Success Stories: O-1 Approval for Photographer from Hong Kong
We recently received an O-1 extraordinary ability approval for a photographer from Hong Kong. Congratulations to our client!
Our client was completing her OPT period when we applied for a change to O-1B status. We started working on the petition several months beforehand to ensure that she had evidence that fit at least three of the criteria needed to establish extraordinary ability in photography. The petition was approved in 3 weeks without a request for evidence.
We have significant experience representing a wide variety of artists in O-1 extraordinary ability petitions. Do not hesitate to contact us for a consultation to see if the O-1 visa may be right for you. Follow us on Instagram, Twitter, Facebook, LinkedIn and Tumblr, for up-to-date immigration news. Please note that past results do not guarantee future outcomes.
Can I work for multiple employers on an O-1 extraordinary ability visa?
Who can be the petitioner for an O-1 extraordinary ability visa?
What are required documents for an O-1 extraordinary ability visa application?
Rasoulpour Torregoza is the law firm for immigrants, by immigrants. We are founded on the motto of LegalEase: we do away with the legal jargon and make law easy to understand, so you can focus on what’s important to you – going for your American Dream. Contact us at (888) 445-7066 or [email protected]. We are also on social media and on Skype: @LegalEaseUS. || www.LegalEase.us This website and blog constitute attorney advertising. Do not consider anything on this website or blog legal advice as the law is dynamic, particularly in the immigration field and nothing in this website constitutes an attorney-client relationship being formed. Set up a one-hour consultation with us before acting on anything you read here. Past results are no guarantee of future results and prior results do not imply or predict future results. Each case is different and must be judged on its own merits.
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piotrbaranowski · 4 years
Environmental E-Zine Research Activity - part 2
  Reportage photography are photographs made the way to express the event/theme they been shoot at/for. Pictures made for reportage photography must be powerful so we can see/feel emotions passed to us from its creator.
   There is a difference between reportage and documentary photography, both need text accompanied with however in reportage the text is crucial, images show the truth behind the opinion expressed in its text, when documentary photography seems to inform, educate and entertain this is why it concentrating on what is foreign, unusual or weird.
   I think reportage/documentary photography is important to society because can discover the truth, educate us and what can make a change if receivers of info make a verification about knowledge they have just picked up and take it seriously to get things positioned on better/proper way to make better future.
   I think every single photograph made is kind of reportage its self...
   Chris Jordan is an American artist, photographer and film producer that made few projects regarding theme I have choice to complete environmental e-zine project. He uses rubbish and mass consumption to create his photographs to tell what is happening because of peoples use of things we produce not the exact way it should be used or recycled. Here is some of his projects his completed: Intolerable Beauty: Portraits of American Mass Consumption (2003–2006)[3] – A series of large format photographs depicting the magnitude of America's waste and consumption; In Katrina’s Wake: Portraits of Loss from an Unnatural Disaster (2005)[4] – A series of photographs taken in 2005 depicting the aftermath of Hurricane Katrina; Running The Numbers I: An American Self Portrait (2006–2009)[5] – A series of photographic mosaics depicting visualizations of statistics related to America's consumerism, social problems, and addictions; Running the Numbers II: Portraits of global mass culture;  Midway: Message from the Gyre (2009–2013)[6][7] is a series of photographs depicting rotting carcasses of baby Laysan albatrosses filled with plastic.
  Chin Leong Teo is the another photographer I have research and got inspired from... he is  an internationally published, multi-award-winning Singaporean photographer. He has won top prizes and has received more than 900 awards in more than 300 international photography projects.  In November 2014, his work was showcased in the Guardian Newspaper in the UK. He was ranked world top 10 in three PSA divisions in PSA Who's Who 2019 List.  In 2020, he won 1st prize in the Nature category of IPA One Shot: Movement Photo Awards, and was also winner in All About Photo Awards and the 80th International Salon of Japan.
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   Baby Laysan albatrosses filled with plastic. These birds nest on Midway Atoll and are being fed plastic by their parents, who find floating plastic in the middle of the ocean and mistake it for food. This is a part of an ongoing arts and media project called Midway Journey, which has its own website. Close look up. Ironically Bird eye view point of view been used to shot this image at day light to show health theme and how it gets affected I think, as we can see what that plastic does to those wee bird’s health... makes them die.
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   IPA One-Shot special themed competition “MOVEMENT” looks at this concept through a photographer’s lens—movement in all aspects of life, showing change, development, movement and growth, in physical, political, social or artistic environments. Wallace’s Flying Frog (took 1st place at that competition) is a moss frog found in Malaysia and western Indonesia. It is generally quite photogenic given its large size, brilliant colours and calm temperament. This is a shot taken of a specimen swimming in water, with full extension of its beautiful long legs. Panning camera technique? This picture shows to me that if environment you are living at is clean and free from unwanted human interference it just help make you live your life in good health condition what has an affect on your whole life including well-being etc.
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There’s a lot to keep track of with these announcements, I know it can be difficult to remember everything when you’re making theories so I’ve decided to make a little timeline of clues we’ve been given this month to help you remember things you might want to talk about. All times are in UK time but I can’t say they’re that important, except for the obvious 5PM one we’re looking for later.
January 3rd
In and around 20 minutes before 8pm
Gerard posts this photo with no caption to his Instagram.
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Just after 8pm
Mcr posts this on their socials with the caption “🇬🇧” [The British Flag Emoji]
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January 9th
Mcr posts this video with the caption “💀” [Skull Emoji], the video is saved as MRLN (aka, Merlin)
[undetermined time]
Warner post this video with the caption “LFG”
This is the photo included in it
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January 11th
[undetermined time, est 1AM]
Warner delete their video. This is still unexplained but it hasn’t reappeared since, leading me to think it’s intentional.
January 14th
Around 8:45PM
Mcr post this on their socials with the caption “🧛‍♂️” [Vampire Emoji]
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January 16th
Just before 9PM
Mcr upload this video to their socials with the caption “🇱🇷” [The American flag].
These symbols appear at the end and as of yet, nobody knows what they are or what they say.
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January 17th
Around 1AM
Gerard comes back to the mcr website and posts this, though the time states it is posted at 5PM, January 17th despite it not being that time anywhere in the world yet and barely January 17th.
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I’ll update this in about an hour once it hits 1AM here if we get anything new! If I missed anything or if there’s anything you think I should add then let me know!
Update #1
January 20th
We get this video posted on the mcr website and ONLY the mcr website, but the time stamp says 1:00AM. This links with Gerard’s post also being set in the future.
Around 3AM
We get the video again but on all mcr social media including the website.
Other important things to consider when making theories:
• The new mcr logo is titled “Merlin” on their website
• don’t forget about the symbols from the merch truck, you can find more info on them and what they represent in this post.
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• consider the four return symbols too, they’re kind of difficult to find now which is odd but here they are with their meanings according to mcr. (Edit: they’re kind of hard to read so in order from left to right the text reads; Clarity, Courage, Sacrifice, Devotion)
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• The person driving the trans am in the latest video is Michael W Conrad (he’s said so himself but I trust nothing in this era. He gets the benefit of the doubt for now, though) so don’t focus on that too much.
• The mcr website posts show up in California time no matter where you are in the world so don’t focus on the times listed there, unless they’re sent from the future... then maybe take note.
• research the Angel used for Return, it’s photographed by Luigi Boccardo (https://instagram.com/luigi.boccardo?igshid=1qeotnydq168k) and the actual statue is sculpted by Pasquale Rizzoli and can be found at the Magnani Chapel in Bologna. (http://ar-tour.com/guides/certosa-monumental-cemetery-bologna-italy/magnani-chapel-1906.aspx)
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ahnsael · 5 years
I found a great shirt on Amazon (since the seller and I have been speaking directly since I ordered this, and now I know their website (with the same prices as on Amazon), this is a non-affiliate link to the shirt).
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I love this shirt (they have it t-shirts and dresses and leggings and other products as well). The best part? It fits my work’s dress code. It’s not the kind of shirt I with which I would wear a tie, but...I think it will live up to my reputation at work.
And the reason that I’ve been speaking to the seller directly? They have a shirt like this that is a collage of Tomorrowland attraction posters, but it’s missing a few of my favorites (and, let’s face it, Astro Orbiter and Buzz Lightyear Astro Blaster aren’t exactly classics in my mind -- you are free to disagree with me on this...it’s nothing against two attractions having “Astro” in the name, and they are fun attractions, but...not for a shirt like this).
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But in the listing of the first shirt I bought, they mentioned that each shirt is custom-printed in Hong Kong. So I sent them a message asking if, since they are custom-printed, changes could be made.
They said yes.
So we’re working together on a custom version of the Tomorrowland shirt which replaces the Astro Orbiter (which is misspelled on the shirt’s poster, but only because Disney misspelled it on an actual poster) with a Rocket Jets poster, replacing Astro Blasters with Adventure Thru Inner Space, and replacing Rocket to the Moon with Captain EO.
I’m also trying to fit the neon Space Mickeys in there somehow, but...I’m not entirely sure how to fit it in without messing up the rest of their collage (replacing a poster is easy; rearranging them to add a string of neon Mickeys from the Star Trader, probably not so much), and it’s REALLY hard to find a good photo that is large enough to blow up to shirt-sized proportions without it coming out blurry (as I learned when I got my neon Space mickey tie -- even the image I gave them left them with some cleanup work to do to make it look good).
But...I’ve got the tie. I can live without it being on the shirt.
The only down side to these shirts (so far -- it will be a while before I receive the first, so I can’t speak to the quality yet) is that there’s no chest pocket. I carry our cordless work phone in my chest pocket, lest I butt-dial someone while I’m walking around or sitting at a machine to change the voucher paper.
I did ask them whether they’ve thought of getting into the necktie game. Because BOY, especially if I can order from them directly without having Amazon or eBay punish them for copyright violations (as the neon Space Mickey person was by eBay), I could think of some WONDERFUL ties to design with them.
A Country Bear Jamboree tie with Big Al up front, but the rest of the cast also pictured? I could have a field day with that. Disneyland fireworks over the castle? Yes, please. A view up the first lift hill of Big Thunder Mountain? I have a darkish-yellow shirt on the way from Amazon that it would work well with. Submarine Voyage (pre-Nemo)? Check. Splash Mountain? ABSOLUTELY. Space Mountain’s exterior? I’d have to work to make a design that fit the dimensions of a tie, but I DO love that building.
Heck, I could probably freak people out on my next trip to Epcot (whenever that may happen) by putting this on a tie:
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(Full disclosure: that was at a time when Epcot had restrooms in trailers backstage near the American Pavilion for guest use due to large crowds -- signs directed me back there when I had to go, and I saw/photographed this sign as I returned to the onstage area).
Maybe I can talk the shirt person into giving me the info for the people they work with in Hong Kong, and I can just send designs directly and skip a middle-person. Or maybe I can just google it.
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Following my previous article called Quick trip to Salt Mine Wieliczka in Poland here is another of my Polish trip. After our salt mine tours me and my family headed to nearby town Oswiecim. The German name for Oswiecim is Auschwitz and I hope that’s ringing some bells now. Even though from my experience many non-Europeans are not very familiar with this horrid part of our history. Now I’m gonna bring you on our tour over Auschwitz concentration camp and the dilemma that’s been bothering me ever since I visited.
Do you take selfies in places like concentration camps?
Just like with any other trip we prepared ahead. Checked some websites, the address, how to get there and other stuff. But the reality was slightly different and from the organization point of view it was terrible and I’ll explain why.
From Wieliczka, it was like an hour-long car ride. We found out that Slovak and Czech tours over the summer end by 2 o’clock and we arrived at around 2. Our bad.
There were several lines of people waiting and all of them were very poorly labeled.
Plenty of lines and the combination of an extremely hot day equals bad start.
Luckily there was a girl sitting at the information table so I asked what to do to get in. She pointed me to one of the lines. Still, I had no idea what ticked or tours do we need as a group as all of the information were written on the paper next to the ticket stall, that was just too far for me to see.
On the internet, we found that the entry without the tour guide is free, but you can’t get in without a guide. I also found somewhere online that you can get in for free in times expect 10-15, but I can’t confirm that as that info was nowhere to find in the area of the camp.
After a while, I saw this small tv screen that shown upcoming tours. We could choose from English, Polish, Spanish, French, Italian and German. The frequency was similar that the one in Wieliczka salt mine. English was every 30 minutes or so. Other languages were in between 30-60 minutes each.
I asked for 5 adult tickets and English tour guide. At that, the lady handed me a small piece of paper and asked to write our names on it. Didn’t expect that so I asked for more info but the lady only said to write all of our names.
As a pharmacist, I’m not legally allowed to ask my patients for their name or any other personal information because of newly established GDPR law. To have 5 names written on a piece a paper and then slide it over to the lady was so odd for me.
Didn’t get an explanation of why is that necessary.
I have a very doctor like handwriting. It’s terrible and even I have issues reading after myself sometimes. So naturally the lady laughed after glancing at the paper I handed her, and starter decrypting our names and I guess typing it to the computer. After a while, she asked for 60zlotys per person and handed me 5 stickers with Auschwitz gate and 2:30 written on it along with 5 bills, each with our names on it.
I could only guess where to go next. From Wieliczka experience, I assumed the tour queues would be labeled with the flag of the language but I was mistaken. So I asked where is the English one and we stepped in line. It was 2:20 and our tour started at 2:30.
All of the websites inform you that you can’t bring bags inside so obviously we left everything besides phones and water bottle in our car. Just like the Wieliczka, there were plenty of parking spaces and guys in neon vests pointing you towards it. Ours was like 8 minutes from the Auschwitz entrance.
When it was our turn I handed the tickets to the old guy. Suddenly he read my fathers name out loud. Another surprise. For a guy working on an American tour guide entrance, he had terrible English. I asked him what is going on and he just said: “one ticket one ID”. Obviously we left it all in our car. I tried to explain to him that, but the language barrier was so strong I said fuck it. Let’s run to our car and get the ids hopefully in time for our tour.
It was 34°C and we spend 20 minutes on direct sunlight waiting in various lines.
Gosh, we were all so sweaty it was disgusting. We actually run to our car and got back to stand the line. Again. We each showed our id to the old guy and he let us in. Not to talk about my family much but we all have very volatile nature and we were tired and sweaty. We were furious. Little did we know we were nowhere near our tour yet.
From one gate to another, where we went through the body checkup. We didn’t even have bags but we had to go through a metal detector. Guys had to strip their belts into the bin to get through with it. It was 2:32. We were already late only to find out we need to wait in yet another line. We were done. It felt like the whole trip was ruined before it even started.
At this stopping point, we were handed recorder with a set of headphones. The ones that go over your head and to the both of your ears. Much better than the previous ones. The girl working there handed me another 5 stickers and I told her we already have those but no one told us what are we supposed to do with it. Like it was the most obvious thing in the world, she told us to stick it on our shirt. So we did and we saw a lady in the back with an “English” sign on it so we run towards her. She was already speaking to our group of 20 people. We were late, out of breath, sweaty and upset we already drank half of our water supply.
Finally, we put our headphones on and the Auschwitz-Birkenau tour began.
I don’t want to get into historical facts in here as it’s something you’re either familiar with or can easily find out. You can know all about the timeline of the events, the mechanism the reasoning, but nothing compares to the real-life experiences of walking the concentration camp.
I’ve been to the holocaust museum in Washington D.C. at my summer in the states and I shared my experience in Summer in USA – Washington D.C. article. The Auschwitz group I was in reminded me of my American experience. The gasping, the whispering, headshakes and the whole body language of my co-tourists made me sort of angry. Angry at the system that doesn’t provide the information that many people learn them at the spot.
Sounds like I’m full of myself I get that. I get that not everyone is into war documentaries and it’s safer not to talk about the holocaust. I’m sure it’s different when you learn about the holocaust because you have to in school, and different because you want to. It’s hard to talk about or even think about. I get it.
There was this quote at the front of the first camp block:
I believe says a lot. More if you think about how the camps were not supposed to serve to systematically murder millions. The beginnings were not “that bad” in the later comparison.
Don’t get me wrong it was still horrendous but when we went from Auschwitz I. to Auschwitz II. the difference was substantial.
First was supposed to hold the targeted group of people in inhuman condition, even offer them some sort of trials. Playing proper society. Make them feel safe, make them hope that their stay is only temporary, pack their belongings to preoccupy their mind form the fact they are never coming back. If that doesn’t sound like the current world situation, I don’t think you’re paying attention.
Let’s go back to the tour.
We went from one block to another. All of them were numbered but not all of them were open for visitors. That was great in case you want to visit after hours to walk the camp on your own. The tour guide told us much more than what we could read from the posters ourselves. Told us what to focus on, the story of the items we were seeing.
Our tour guide was a young lady that had a german accent but it was quite simple to understand her English. I already mentioned it was terribly hot that day and the inside of the camps obviously had no climatization and quickly the smell of the camp melted with the sweat of the thousands of tourists. They did have some fans in the rooms to make the tour manageable.
We moved as a group, took some stops at several talking points where our guide talked us through the facts. Inside of the Auschwitz was much better organized than the outside of the camp. There were some arrows to point the way of the tour, separation ribbons, manny explanatory posters and photographs and more.
The whole experience was chilling.
You stand in front of the showcase with hundreds of shoes collected from the Jewish people who died in the place you stand on and you ‘re thinking how terrible that is. Then you move along the next room and you’re standing in a hall that has showcases full of thousands of shoes on both sides of the room and your breath hitches. You move to the next room where the actual hairs of holocaust victims are stored behind the glass but the smell and the vibe are too strong. In the next room you find baby clothes, next the tons of suitcases and the other one contains glasses, next one the empty cans of chemicals they used to murder millions and you wonder how much more can you handle.
You get out of the block through the hall full of photographs. People that spend horrible but hopefully short days in the camp. Each person had their name, profession, date of capture and date of death written underneath. Some survived days, some months. When you get out of the building you’re standing in front of the death wall. A place where the people stood when they were executed with the bullet in the back of their head. you walk past the block they did horrendous medical experiences on people. You turn around and you’re standing in front of the gas chamber. You enter the room. Plain, empty room that witnessed the death of thousands of people. Around 400 hundred per day until they build up Birkenau to increase the number and efficiency of their murders. I knew it was gonna be bad and I tried to brace myself for it.
But I don’t think anything can prepare you for the twisted feeling in your guts, the unease you feel and the chill of standing in the middle of the gas chamber.
#gallery-0-9 { margin: auto; } #gallery-0-9 .gallery-item { float: left; margin-top: 10px; text-align: center; width: 33%; } #gallery-0-9 img { border: 2px solid #cfcfcf; } #gallery-0-9 .gallery-caption { margin-left: 0; } /* see gallery_shortcode() in wp-includes/media.php */
Since Auschwitz I. was no longer fulfilling the nazists needs, they build the other camp nearby referred to as Auschwitz II or Birkenau. Part of our tour was also the visit of Birkenau and for this purpose, there were busses prepared. The ride by bus from Auschwitz to Birkenau took like 3 minutes, victims back then had to walk to their execution by foot. In summer. In winter.
Only later on nazists build a railway to bring the next hundreds of Jewish people straight to the gas chamber. Sure they had sort of selection process that was basically just eenie meenie. Left meant immediate death. Right meant death after inhuman torture.
Birkenau was supposed to be part of our paid tour but no one checked our tickets. Not even on the bus, not even at the entrance to the Birkenau. I’m sure you could get in for free.
The difference between those two camps was quite visible. Auschwitz living conditions were horrible but they did have some sort of dignity in the form of walls, stairs or windows.
Auschwitz II basically stopped treating their occupants as human beings, rather just livestock as they had to live in a building that looked just like stables.
Even smelled like one. One bed for 8 people. Toilets in the form of a hole in the ground all of the people had to use the facility in 20 minutes 2 times per day. 1000 of them. All at once. They had a bucket to use in case but most of the people were so exhausted they couldn’t move on their own to use the bucket, so the body fluids and waste were all over the place. Those who were too weak or too slow to work the whole day long on a coffee and a liquid soup they got as a breakfast, were simply selected for elimination.
At this time of our tour, the weather changed dramatically. From previously unbearable hot day to a big storm. To see these big ass lightings and hear thunders over the gas chambers was unbelievable.
Suddenly it becomes very dangerous for us to stand in the middle of a plane with so many metallic components. We had to end our tour earlier but it still left a grand impact on myself. It was 3 hours long tour with a 20 minutes break between the two camps.
#gallery-0-10 { margin: auto; } #gallery-0-10 .gallery-item { float: left; margin-top: 10px; text-align: center; width: 25%; } #gallery-0-10 img { border: 2px solid #cfcfcf; } #gallery-0-10 .gallery-caption { margin-left: 0; } /* see gallery_shortcode() in wp-includes/media.php */
There is this one thing that’s been bothering me since the entry of the camp. Someone from our tour group asked our tour guide:
“Is it ok to take photos?”
“Yes, in a respectful way.”
And my question is: where are the boundaries? Do you take selfies in a place where millions died?
As a blogger or influencer or whatever your main goal is to promote. To sell. To bring attention to something. You can do it in many different ways but visual aids are mostly the golden choice. If you search Instagrams or twitters hashtags for Oswiecim, Auschwitz or concentration camp there are few patterns that occur. The photograph of a person sitting on a Birkenau railway with a gate in the background. The photo in front of the Auschwitz gate or the photos from the roll-call square.
And I’m just trying to grasp what is the meaning of it.
Aesthetically pleasing? Of course not.
Proof that you travel? That makes the most sense.
You’re into deeper issues? Possibly but do you achieve this statement with selfies?
I personally didn’t even think about taking photos of myself at the camp. To be fair I take a shit a lot of photographs from every random thing I like and my family is super annoyed with it. That’s why they were kind of surprised I didn’t ask them to be my personal photographers in Oswiecim.
Is like, do you need to promote this part of history? Talk about it and remember it sure. But how do you do it?
Do you smile for the photos?
Do you need to remember the place by looking at yourself in there?
I just felt like I was being super disrespectful by even taking the photos I did and shared here with you.
There were several places where the museum actually asked the visitors not to take photos. Like in the room with the hair of the deceased. And still, many visitors from our group shamelessly took out their phones and took the pictures anyway. Honestly, are you ever gonna forget that image?
I feel like I’m shaming the people that do take selfies in concentration camps and I apologize. I would really like to hear your opinion on this issue in the comments thought.
  After 3 hours we were exhausted both physically a mentally. No matter how badly our Auschwitz tour began the result was unforgettable. I believe that everyone should visit places like concentration camp or museum of the holocaust at least once in their lifetime as a reminder of evil humanity is capable of.
Auschwitz concentration camp and the dilemma of selfies Following my previous article called Quick trip to Salt Mine Wieliczka in Poland here is another of my Polish trip.
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cindylouwho-2 · 5 years
RECENT NEWS & STUDIES, late April 2019
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Welcome to my latest summary of recent news & studies including search, analytics, content marketing, social media & ecommerce! This covers articles I came across from April 9th to May 2, although some may be older than that. 
I am really interested in hearing what you think of this new format - please leave a comment below, or convo, Tweet or email me through my website. Let’s make this as useful as possible! 
US Amazon sellers were told via email that they will have to pay taxes on some Amazon fees, as Etsy has been doing with sellers in the EU and in Quebec. 
The Instagram look may be dropping out of favour; apparently, reality is in. “Instagram museums and walls were built to allow normal people to take influencer-quality photographs—but they worked so well, those types of photos became common enough that they don’t resonate like they used to. “#unfiltered 
In case you missed it, my review of Etsy’s Spring & Summer Trends Guide, including all of the keyword data (which you do need to check out, as they reveal some interesting search info). 
Etsy published a new census/survey of sellers in its 6 core countries, and also did a summary (if you don’t want to read the whole thing). “More than nine out of ten Etsy sellers (91%) are the sole owner of their businesses.”... “The majority (82%) of Etsy sellers would like to grow their business, but more than three out of five would not want to grow so big that they would have to hire more help.”
The bugs & errors with financial statements and records continue; Etsy botched the VAT statements yet again, even overwriting them all the way back to 2016. No word on whether any sellers have notified EU authorities on this yet. 
New seller handbook article covers advertising; not much new or gripping, but it does discuss general ad approaches, not just Etsy’s. 
There is also a new free shipping tool, in case you didn’t realize that Etsy wants more sellers to offer free shipping more often. “When we talk to shoppers during research, many say things like “I want to feel like I’m getting a deal!” and “I would love to see free shipping across the board, even if it meant increased prices.” Offering free shipping can be a great way to give customers like these the shopping experience they are looking for.”
CEO Josh Silverman participated in The Wall Street Journal’s “In the Elevator” interview series [video link]. Every 90 seconds, an engagement ring or wedding ring sells on Etsy. He also talks about free & fast shipping not always being a reasonable expectation when shopping on Etsy, unlike Amazon. 
Speaking of free shipping, a limited number of US customers will be getting it from Etsy, with Etsy reimbursing sellers for the costs. Non-US sellers and buyers get nothing. 
Etsy’s 2019 1st quarter results will be available May 8.
Rand Fishkin released Part 5 of his Learn SEO in 1 Hour series: technical SEO [video & written transcript]. This is the one most of you can skip or just skim over, as it does talk a lot about coding.Some tips are important to everyone, however, like page linking/site structure (for websites), and having https set up. 
Part 6 covers link building, in 10 minutes. Remember, if you are going to put effort into getting links, do it for your website & not your Etsy shop or other marketplace page. If you are creating traffic, make sure you own it. 
Don’t forget looking beyond Google for your search engine traffic; this podcast [with written transcript] breaks down an approach to several of the biggest ones beyond Google. Spoiler: they only recommend worrying about the biggest, Bing, if you have around 1000 unique search visitors to your website per day. 
How to get keyword ideas from the Google search results: there’s a lot more available now, beyond the search bar suggestions. 
Google is asking local businesses if they would pay for their Google My Business listings. This possibility raises concerns about the impact on organic rankings. 
More SEO tips for Amazon, including discussion of the various factors involved.
If pages on your website aren’t indexed by Google, there are some steps you can take to fix them. (For websites only, not Etsy shops)
Advanced/semi-advanced content: Great tips on using bookmarklets in Chrome to get SEO things done quickly. (A lot of these involve tools that work best in the paid version, so I suspect most of us will not have much use for this, yet.)
Possible Google algorithm update last week. (I am seeing changes)
CONTENT MARKETING & SOCIAL MEDIA (includes blogging & emails) 
Looking for new hashtags for your social media accounts? Try: https://www.tagshitter.com  (apologies for the name; that’s what they call it. It’s good, too! Just like its regular keyword research partner, http://keywordshitter.com/ ) 
Email subject lines [infographic] are crucial to top interaction with your newsletter etc. Includes Dos & Don’ts, plus the shockingly low open rates in most industries. 
Selling through social media directly is a great way to avoid people losing interest as they keep clicking. Note that this seems to work best with items under $50, though, which they suggest solutions to in the next part of the article.  
Despite all the scandals and negative media coverage, US social media use hasn’t really changed in the past few years. “A 2018 Center survey found that some Facebook users had recently taken steps to moderate their use of the site – such as deleting the Facebook app from their phone or taking a break from the platform for some time. But despite these findings and amid some high profile controversies, Facebook users as a whole are just as active on the site today as they were a year ago.”
Facebook scandal watch:  FB’s “stock price jumped after it said it expects to incur a fine of up to $5 billion from the Federal Trade Commission. And that’s all you really need to know about whether the historically large penalty matters to the company.”
they admitted to asking for your email password then importing all of your contacts. “...Facebook disclosed to Business Insider that 1.5 million people's contacts were collected this way and fed into Facebook's systems, where they were used to improve Facebook's ad targeting, build Facebook's web of social connections, and recommend friends to add.”
The Canadian Privacy Commissioner is taking FB to court over breaches of Canadian privacy law. 
But hey, it’s all fine, because they beat earnings expectations in the first quarter. 
70% of YouTube videos watched are recommended by its algorithm. “ The recommendations are fueled by the artificial-intelligence arm, Google Brain, of YouTube’s parent company. The machine-learning models help identify videos that aren’t exactly what you just watched, but similar enough that you might like them.“
Does directing people to the link in your Instagram bio really work? Testing says that it probably doesn’t work for most accounts, and more importantly, that Instagram may be limiting the algorithm visibility of posts that direct visitors to the link in your bio. 
Twitter has now limited the number of accounts you can follow in 1 day, to 400 down from 1000; this is intended to cut back on spammers. 
US Twitter users are better educated & better off than the average American.(Good article for target market considerations)
Amazon is reducing/removing the ads for its own products, possibly due to increased complaints of unfair competition. “Amazon is now the third-largest digital advertising platform, behind Google and Facebook”, and could grow 50% this year alone, based on projections. 
Facebook retargeting tips. And everything you need to know about the Facebook pixel for tracking your ad performance. 
Some Google Analytics tips for websites - almost beginner level! 
The Google Search Console delays are nearly all fixed. 
Stats programs all give you different numbers, and that isn’t likely to improve. (This piece is semi-advanced; don’t bother with it if you aren’t a stats geek.)
eBay’s Spring Marketplace Updates include several back end changes and a fee increase for sellers who run afoul of eBay’s seller performance standards. 
Amazon sellers can buy so-called “black hat” services to beat its algorithms. These include tips from Amazon employees who are making money by reporting on Amazon’s inner workings. Amazon “also said it takes action against sellers who pay for internal information; penalties include terminating their selling accounts, deleting reviews, withholding funds, and taking legal action.” No doubt the company already has closed some of the loopholes discussed in the article.
Amazon also fires warehouse workers by algorithm, based on productivity. 
GoDaddy launches an ecommerce sharing tool that lets you list across multiple websites including your standalone. Current marketplace options include Etsy, Amazon, eBay, Jet & Walmart. They bought Sellbrite as part of this move. Quite a few different entities are releasing this type of service, so shop around if it is something you are interested in. 
eBay released their 1st quarter 2019 results on April 23. Total sales were down 4% from 2018 (they were close to even when currency fluctuations were accounted for), but eBay’s own income from seller fees was up. “eBay reduced their marketing by a significant amount where their cash was being used to effectively subsidise the sales of high value items. Put simply, eBay have been buying sales and now they’ve stopped and this has seen a reduction in high ticket items being sold in comparison to sales of lower value items.” Easter being later this year may have slowed ecommerce growth overall in the quarter. 
...but Amazon reported record revenue, up 16.9% over 2018. Despite that, analysts note that growth is slowing, & that Amazon’s own projections for the second quarter are lower than many predicted. “Amazon’s CFO Brian Olsavsky said during the call with analysts that part of the lower guidance is due to an $800 million investment in making free one-day delivery shipping the default for Prime members.” - if you thought buyers wanted stuff yesterday already, wait til this becomes the norm ... I mean, Walmart & Target stocks fell after the announcement. Walmart is already hinting at offering the same. 
You can return your Amazon purchases at Kohl’s in the US, starting everywhere in July. Ease of returns is going to be a bigger battleground in the next few years, as retailers continue to increase free & speedy shipping options. 
Generation Z will be making 40% of US retail purchases by next year; they are going to change a lot about selling. “ Fair trade products, ethical business practices, and a strong mission statement have never been more essential. Vend reports, “Research has shown that this particular generation cares about various environmental issues (76% are concerned about humanity’s impact on the planet) as well as social causes such as racial, gender, and income inequality.” [Gen Z come after millennials, and are currently more numerous than millennials or boomers.] 
Millennials & Gen Z are big gift card buyers in the US - over 1/3 buy a card every 3 months. 
Brick & mortar stores & malls are using your phone location data (location analytics) to make marketing and product decisions. “Every company interviewed for this story said it chooses not to use information that could identify individuals. But for the most part they’re on an honor system because rules governing data remain relatively lax.” This surprised me: “To glean details, including an individual’s age, income, ethnicity, education level, number of children and more, firms connect the phone’s evening location with U.S. Census data”
US copyright law: the USSC rules that your copyright registration must be finished/approved before you can sue an infringer in federal court.  
If you hate Gmail’s current layout, you will love this Chrome extension. 
And if you use Google Sheets fairly often, you will likely learn something useful from these tips. 
Google’s parent company, Alphabet, missed industry revenue expectations in the first quarter of 2019. 
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phonghoinghi · 4 years
Scary Details About Japanese Bride Exposed
As well, this one for the older Japanese girls relationship websites has many further choices to boost the connection information. The consumer can order flowers, home decor, goodies, perfumes, phones, and toys. His present might be delivered in a a variety of enterprise days and the top person may have a Photo Survey Photo of his buy. This website has a financial institution card price system, which implies you only pay if you work with it. There are a number of reductions for this website online often, similar to you now can buy 100 25 credit in a promotional value of $ forty four. You can use this platform for free, but you possibly can only view the profiles of brides. Which has a paid subscription, you should use fast messaging, video calls, and make an precise assembly.
We work strenuous to assemble and course of the purchasers’ suggestions and share their professional judgment with our visitors. On TV reveals a woman getting undressed all the way down to fall was the code for getting fully undressed. I recall watching “Poor cow” a tv japanesse brides enjoy about a que tiene coming out of jail and heading straight to bedroom with his partner. You can imagine he was happy to look at her but she nonetheless went to crib together with her slip on.
JapanCupid clients can merely consider selecting the needed choices and making use of the equipment quite than being regularly distracted. Anyways, there are by merely least six hundred Japanese faculty…uhm…girls on-line whenever you need. All in all, is definitely a prime-high quality on the internet relationship site inside the Japan relationship specialized topic. Omiai is regarded as one of the in fashion Japanese courting websites in addition to a Western relationship iphone app. It is designed for many who're on the lookout for a vital relationship, and it serves as the right system for a international to discover a Japanese woman. Each of our Compatibility Coordinating System® matches Japanese single women and men relying on 32 measurement of abiliyy, like heart values and beliefs. The software is a crucial take into consideration eharmony’s matching success and the first level of differentiation among our company and that of numerous traditional Western courting businesses.
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Prices range relying on the precise design and materials, nonetheless a apparel that tack an additional 100 fifty,000 yen onto the bill aren’t distinctive. If you want to meet a future wife in Japan, you should use completely different tricks to charm women.
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You had been courting women with a particular mindset, completely different wishes, and beliefs, and so forth. The traditional Japanese wedding ceremony brides also have utterly different traditions and customs associated to the quickly-to-be husband and the star of the event. The groom’s family typically arrive to supply the congratulations and a traditional marriage ceremony shock. Many image brides had been in their thirties and forties when World War II began and skilled internment with their husbands and children. Connect this picture to the article about Japanese internment included in the curriculum guideWWII & NYC . A photograph of newly arrived picture brides that embodies the particular challenges of immigrating to the United States from Japan and a technique the Japanese American community sought to resist these challenges. During and shortly after the US-Allied Profession of Japan, the Japanese ladies who fraternized with troopers sometimes realized opposition from their owners and had been shunned by completely different Japanese.
Giving Japanese Mail Order Bride As Items
Between 1911 and 1919, 9,500 Japanese brides arrived within the Islands, starting a interval termed yobiyosei jidai , the period of summoning households. Currently should you need to be hoping to search japanise brides out your bride among Japanese e-mail buy antiques, it might susceptible to benefit from prospects you’ll be found by you. Prior to you even set ft in to Vietnam, you have to research slightly bit regarding the nation first. This will help to you establish how yow will discover one of the best Thai brides in your metropolis. If you perform a little analysis, yow will discover away lots of info concerning Vietnam simply sooner than you actually go to. You’ll want to understand in regards to the meals, the historical past, chinese, and the dad and mom that stay within the area. By doing this, you presumably could make a properly prepared decision regarding the place you need to have your bridal ceremony.
The important factor that drags men in Japanese girls is their very own unbeatable magnificence. In truth , it might even be unacceptable to marry inside one’s village or for a few siblings to marry companion pets from the the identical village. However , for some residential areas in Southern India, it’s frequent designed for Hindu crossstitching cousins to marry, with matrilateral cross-cousin (mom’s brother’s daughter) relationships being particularly favored. Inside the area, “uncle-niece and first-cousin unions are particular and with each other account for several 30% of marriages”. It was projected in 60 that completely no. 2% coming from all marriages among Roman Catholics had been among first or second cousins, however no longer any latest nationwide research are usually carried out. It is definitely unknown what amount of that amount have already been first cousins, which can be the group coping with relationship bans. To contextualize the group’s size, the entire percentage of interracial marriages in 1960, the past census month earlier than the most effective of anti-miscegenation statutes, was zero.
As there are brides birdes-to-be from Lithuania, Estonia, and Latvia. Naturally , we handmade omit the situation of usually there nonetheless as being a stigma towards this idea of mail order bride companies.
Image is essential for Japanese individuals, so should you don’t have lots of relations and your aspect will look type of… empty, well, you can always visit a particular service and rent a mom, two sisters and whoever you want. Those actors will act like your usual household, cheering and greeting you. Some of them will baltic to manage the home cleansing as a substitute of experiencing a career – all things thought of, if they may have the prospect to probably not work. Internet courting of children, it’s not widespread with respect to Handmade brides to acquire various children. Over the years, folks within the Baltic blended website genetics strongly with Western and Southern Europe, and through Soviet guideline, this mixture obtained extra family genes from the East. In this manner, you possibly can easily find wonderful trying brunettes and redheads.
For the most powerful finish end result you’ll have the ability to choose a paid membership. The going out with web site has been in Japan for close to twenty years, and in that period, it has verified itself as being a reliable website the location people will get love and date. Dating a Japanese girl is a superb experience that’s filled with satisfaction, pleasurable, and excitement.
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Of course, it could’t be mentioned that all the ladies in Japan look like this, nevertheless most of them truly do. Just take a look at the pictures of these women – we guess making a various among these beauties received’t be a straightforward task. There is not any denying the fact that there’s one thing particular about Japanese ladies. Their attraction is unimaginable to explain or describe, nevertheless that doesn't indicate that we're going to not try. Here are the explanation why these women are thought of to be excellent girlfriends and wives. No hidden seeing frauds uk cougar relationship free search After all, your group of associates might be a yoga stretches class—or solely a flick of the finger—away a person. So, many successfully educated, extreme incomes Japanese single girls have started trying in the path of foreign males these days.
The Japanese beauty commonplace is understood everywhere in the planet and there are numerous girls in the world who attempt to emulate it with various degrees of success. The key features of Japanese beauty embody porcelain pores and skin with barely rosy cheeks, tasteful eye and lip make-up, and a flawless hairdo.
The resettled inhabitants’s inclusion as “loyal” Americans was finally bought on the worth of their alienation from both the white and Japanese American communities. 5 After the struggle, in 1947, President Truman went further to ascertain the Commission on Civil Rights. Thus, although the Brown alternative was pivotal, it was on no account a surprising choice or an isolated event. The annual variety of marriages has dropped given that early Nineteen Seventies, while divorces have proven a fundamental upward pattern. Newer suppliers like Pairs, with eight million customers, or Omiai have launched ID checks, age limits, strict moderation, and use of synthetic intelligence to rearrange matches for critical seekers.
This score of the best Japanese mail order brides websites is created in accordance with our personal opinion. However, if deepen and delve into this, one sees that the Japanese are good on this respect.
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cindylouwho-2 · 5 years
RECENT NEWS, RESOURCES & STUDIES, late June - early July 2019
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Welcome to my latest summary of recent news, resources & studies including search, analytics, content marketing, social media & ecommerce! This covers articles I came across from June 21 to July 13, although some may be older than that.
I may not be able to do the next update until early August, given the upcoming Etsy search changes and my schedule, but I will continue to tweet big news, & may do a short post or two here. 
On July 9, Etsy announced it would be giving “priority placement” in US searches to items that have no additional shipping cost starting July 30th. Obviously we don’t know how this will really work until we see it in action, but the outcry has been predictable. I summarize the facts in my blog post here. There is also an admin Q&A thread, a survey, and plenty of news coverage:
Etsy's Free Shipping Push Sounds Like a Marketing Gimmick (Motley Fool, through Yahoo)
Etsy faces backlash over attempt to push free shipping (Engadget) “And while a large business can take advantage of economies of scale to lower the shipping cost, that's not usually true for an individual crafter who may only sell a modest number of items.”
Etsy sellers aren’t happy with the platform pushing them to offer free shipping (The Verge) “Implementing flat shipping fees in prices can pose a challenge to international sellers who ship worldwide. Cambridge-based artist Katie Fuller, whose run her Etsy shop since 2015, says including the cost of shipping in her products would put her at a disadvantage. “If I [raise my prices], then I’ll be making my prices uncompetitive for customers elsewhere. Most of my customers are in the UK; it wouldn’t make sense for me to do it so it sounds like I can wave goodbye to my American sales.” 
Etsy Will Start Pushing Sellers To Include Free Shipping (Fortune)
Why Is Free Shipping So Important to Etsy? (Inc.) “... 75 percent of consumers today now expect their delivery to be free even when orders are less than $50 according to a survey published by the National Retail Federation earlier this year. That number has increased from 68 percent last year.”  
As marketplaces compete with Amazon on shipping, sellers are shouldering the burden (Digiday UK) “Like Etsy will soon do, eBay said it does prioritize items that ship for free in its search results and offers sellers pricing tools to help them better figure out how to factor in shipping costs.”
Etsy Stock Is Getting a Lift as It Jumps on the Free-Shipping Bandwagon (Barron’s) “Etsy stock rose 4.3% to $66.78 Tuesday afternoon as the S&P 500 was about flat. ... Roughly 70% of items sold on Etsy in the U.S. weren’t available for free domestic shipping in the first quarter, according to Etsy; it wants that number closer to zero.”
Remember, Etsy started boosting items that ship free to Canada in Canadian searches in January, but they never announced it, or gave us tips, or tools, etc.  We won’t know if the US version will work exactly the same way as the Canadian until the former is released; a short test in the US in late May-early June generally took the first three rows of search for free shipping items, even if they weren’t all that relevant. 
Just in case you didn’t receive an email, Etsy is making changes to their policies. They include the fact that all new listings will be set to auto renew as of July 25 (but you can change them to manual), and info about their advertising tools. Keep an eye on the latter - I think they might be releasing something new soon.
Etsy will be releasing upgrades to the sales tool in August, including the ability to offer sales in specific countries only. Hidden in that post is also a promise to increase international advertising & promotion: “We’ll also continue to invest in the success of our international markets. In the coming months, you’ll see increased marketing efforts across many channels, all aimed at bringing more buyers from your country to Etsy.” (I suspect this is related to the free shipping announcement which came a few days later; they want to reassure non-US sellers that they won’t lose too many sales.)
Etsy released new attributes and sub-categories again, including in Accessories, and Bags & Purses. 
Shops in vacation mode are now showing up in search, as of July 10. The number of shops found in a shop search nearly doubled, to over 2.8 million, but only about half of them have active listings. No word on whether or not this is a permanent change; for many years, shops with no active listings have not been searchable on Etsy. 
Etsy is working on personalizing search by using image recognition identifying 42 different styles, and the engineers involved are presenting a paper [pdf] on this topic at a technical conference. They are about to start testing this, so expect to see more personalized results soon. I need to do a short post on this topic alone, but right now I need do some more research before that will be possible. I found this interesting, though: “Since sellers don’t reliably convey a product’s style in their descriptions, scanning text alone produced results that were “okay but not great,” says Fisher.” Quit being unreliable describers, folks! 😁
A common question: how long does it take to get to page 1 of Google search? Answer: it depends, plus it might not even be worthwhile if the search doesn’t convert. The article explains why. 
How to fix the 5 biggest SEO mistakes website owners make.
Writing a title for Google search is very important, and many people do it wrong. Here’s how to do it correctly. 
Long-tail keywords: definition, why & how. And even more on why you definitely should aim for very low-volume keywords. (I do a lot of this.)
Somewhat advanced content: how Google's neural matching works, and how to optimize for it. “Based on the information Google has given us about neural matching over the past nine months, it appears to be most active when users have a problem they don’t know how to describe... To capture these opportunities, you need to know what problems your target audiences are facing. You also need to pinpoint what information is going to solve their problem, help them accomplish tasks and make decisions.”
Link building doesn’t require a lot of technical skill, but it does involve marketing skill. Or some public relations (PR) skill. [video & transcript] Remember, some types of links are definitely better than others. (If you don’t know what link building is, read this.)
Advanced content for people who code their own sites: Google says you won’t be able to use “noindex” in robots.txt as of September. (Bing never recognized it.)
How to game Google to make negative results disappear. I don’t expect anyone here will be paying for these services, but it is useful to see what you are up against when you are trying to get your own website to rank. More of us may also be up against AI-generated spam in Google rankings sooner rather than later. Someone is always trying to game Google. 
Was there a Google algorithm update around June 19th? Maybe. The big update at the beginning of June hit the Daily Mail hard, and the so-called “diversity update” apparently didn’t change much.
CONTENT MARKETING & SOCIAL MEDIA (includes blogging & emails)
The best time to post on social media depends on the platform, your target market, and what you are posting.
Sell health products? Beware of the changes to Facebook’s algorithm, which are designed to limit views on fake health claims. 
Facebook outage gave insight into how their machine learning process describes your photos. “... a lot of internet users don’t realize the amount of information that is now routinely extracted from photographs”. 
Facebook will be reformatting their Business Page layout, & removing some sections, so make sure you check this out & move any content you want to keep by August 1. 
What works best on Instagram has been changing; here’s what you need to keep up with. Brand engagement rates on the platform have been dropping this year, likely due to the increased competition. Get some of that traffic back with 8 SEO tips for Instagram. 
Want people to watch more of your YouTube videos? (Pro tip - that’s part of the search algorithm, so you should.) Here’s 3 things you can do to get people to stick around longer. 
LinkedIn has some good marketing tools, including ad tools & analytics. They’ve also recently changed their algorithm to show you more things you might be interested in, as opposed to just the things that go viral site-wide, among other changes. 
Twitter ends tweet geotagging, supposedly due to low use. 
A judge in Hawaii ruled that repinning a photo on Pinterest can infringe copyright. 
Retailers are spending less on YouTube ads overall, possibly due to the US struggles for brick & mortar stores, as other sectors are actually spending a bit more than the previous year.
Amazon’s share of the online ad market is expected to increase to 8% by 2023, compared to 3% now.
For tracking activity on your Facebook page, set up Facebook Analytics & Facebook Attribution.
Advanced content: new coding tools in the Google Search Console. 
Amazon’s Prime Day is actually 2 days this year - July 15 & 16. Apparently it is now the official start of back to school shopping for many people.
Beware of Alexa if you care about privacy & data retention: Amazon admits that Alexa data is kept “indefinitely”. “...for Alexa requests that involve a transaction, like ordering a pizza or hailing a rideshare, Amazon and the skill's developers can keep a record of that transaction. That means that there's a record of nearly every purchase you make on Amazon's Alexa, which can be considered personal information.” (Google Home is not necessarily better - they are letting subcontractors listen to your random conversations, not just your instructions to the device. “According to the whistleblower, the recordings presented to them are meant to be carefully annotated, with notes included about the speakers presumed identity and age.”)
Walmart’s ecommerce division may lose as much as $1 billion this year. Their brick & mortar business is still doing fine, however. 
You can now “try on” Gucci sneakers through its app. Expect to see more of this happening fairly quickly, which is something that people who sell clothing, accessories & jewellery should be watching closely. 
A. C. Moore is launching a new handmade marketplace, which you can sync to your Etsy & Zibbet listings. So it looks like that was their reason for investing in Zibbet a few years back. It’s not yet clear that they’ve put the work in to make this successful, but we’ll have to wait to see how it looks once it is launched, and how much they advertise it. 
Dark patterns: how websites manipulate people into buying things they weren’t shopping for. [NY Times article - paywall after your limit of free monthly articles.] “... researchers developed software that automatically scanned more than 10,000 sites and found that more than 1,200 of them used techniques that the authors identified as dark patterns” including outright lies. 
Call-to-action phrases [infographic] that can help your pages convert. These work on web pages, emails, social media etc. My favourites are in the “lower-risk” section; I don’t think enough articles focus on this aspect of conversions. 
Wedding gift buying may be changing as traditional wedding registries drop in popularity. Apparently lots of people want cash to pay for their own expenses & trips now. 
MISCELLANEOUS (including humour)
Great list of marketing definitions you will find helpful if you do much industry reading & research. (Pretty sure I posted this before, but it has been updated.)
Chrome is becoming more & more like spyware; the author suggests using other browsers. 
The Wayback Machine now compares current web pages to their previous versions. “One of the best uses of this feature I can think of is to track changes in privacy policies.”
How not to design a payment app: make it easy for anyone to change the password. 
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dailynewswebsite · 4 years
When noted journalists bashed political polls as nothing more than ‘a fragmentary snapshot’ of a moment in time
Legendary New York Metropolis columnist Jimmy Breslin, proper, able to do shoe-leather journalistic analysis in a bar, mentioned preelection polls had been "monstrous frauds." Michael Brennan/Getty Photographs
Ballot-bashing – the aggressive, even excessive lambasting of pollsters and their work – was once blood sport amongst outstanding American journalists.
Mike Royko, considered one of Chicago’s most well-known if cantankerous journalists, was a poll-basher. He suggested readers of his Chicago Tribune column in 1992, “If a pollster calls you, lie your head off. No hurt will likely be finished, and a few good may come of it.”
Arianna Huffington, founding father of Huffington Put up, additionally was a poll-basher. From the late 1990s into mid-2000s, she performed an intermittent and finally failed marketing campaign “to get the dominance of polling out of our political life.” The “Partnership for a Ballot-Free America,” she known as it.
Jimmy Breslin, a blustery and legendary columnist for New York Metropolis newspapers, was a poll-basher, too.
“Anyone who believes these nationwide political polls are supplying you with info is a gullible idiot,” Breslin stormed in his Newsday column in 2004. He known as preelection polls “monstrous frauds” as a result of on the time they didn’t attain the comparatively few households having solely cellphones. They do now, however in 2004, Breslin figured the polls had been lacking youthful, cellphone-using voters whose help, he wrongly predicted, would ship Democrat John Kerry to the White Home.
Royko, Huffington and Breslin had been among the many well-known journalists who resented preelection polls and didn’t thoughts saying so. They didn’t denounce polls on daily basis, however their resentment ran deep. They usually had loads of firm in journalism.
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Mike Royko, the grouchy Chicago Tribune columnist, was a famous poll-basher. AP
‘Fragmentary snapshot’
Eric Sevareid, the longtime CBS Information commentator, confessed to “a secret glee and reduction when the polls go improper.” Walter Lippmann, considered one of journalism’s titans, wrote in 1936 on the daybreak of contemporary opinion analysis, “I must be very joyful if all of the polls turned out to be improper.” Election polls, he mentioned, had been “a nuisance.”
Ballot-bashing, which I contemplate in my newest e-book, “Misplaced in a Gallup: Polling Failure in U.S. Presidential Elections,” arose from a number of sources, together with doubts whether or not polls actually may learn the American thoughts.
Broadcast legend Edward R. Murrow expressed such sentiments in 1952, after polls didn’t anticipate Dwight Eisenhower’s landslide election to the presidency. The lopsided end result, Murrow mentioned on CBS Radio, signaled that voters “are mysterious and their motives are to not be measured by mechanical means.” Those that imagine that People are predictable, Murrow mentioned, “have been undone once more.”
Different journalists resented the problem polling posed to “shoe-leather” reporting, the celebrated reportorial strategy of direct statement.
“Cowl voters, not polls,” was recommendation the now-defunct Committee of Involved Journalists supplied years in the past. “It’s voters — what they assume, how they dwell, what they’re anxious about — which might be necessary (and likewise extra attention-grabbing).”
Haynes Johnson of The Washington Put up was an advocate of shoe-leather reporting, and a harsh critic of polls. Throughout presidential election campaigns within the 1970s and ’80s, Johnson turned out lengthy, interview-based articles in regards to the moods of American voters.
After Ronald Reagan defeated President Jimmy Carter in 1980 in a near-landslide that no pollster noticed coming, Johnson scoffed, “Polls aren’t any substitute for arduous reporting. In lots of instances, because it seems, reporters would have been higher served by counting on their very own legwork, which in flip produces their very own political instincts, than on the presumably scientific samples of voters provided by the pollsters.”
In a C-SPAN interview in 1991, Johnson declared, “I hate the polls,” including that he wished “we might disband all polls” as a result of they provide solely “somewhat fragmentary snapshot of a second in time.”
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The journalists who criticized political polling thought actual reporting did a greater job of reflecting voters’ opinions. snowflock/Getty
Ballot-bashing eases
Over the previous three or 4 presidential election cycles, although, virulent poll-bashing has ebbed in American journalism.
It’s not that journalists have develop into extra well mannered. And it’s not as if preelection polling has develop into immune from error. Removed from it.
Various elements clarify the ebbing of poll-bashing. Outspoken critics like Royko, Breslin and Johnson are useless. Huffington is now not related to what’s now HuffPost.
Every election cycle serves in impact to reconfirm the significance of poll-taking at main newsgathering organizations reminiscent of The New York Instances and CBS Information, the place such operations date to the mid-1970s.
The decline of poll-bashing additionally has coincided with the rise of the info journalist, greatest personified by Nate Silver, founding father of the election forecasting and evaluation website FiveThirtyEight.com.
Silver turned a type of superstar after his poll-based forecast mannequin precisely predicted the outcomes in 49 states within the 2008 presidential election. That standing solely deepened when his mannequin appropriately anticipated how all 50 states would vote within the election in 2012, when content material at Silver’s website was licensed by The New York Instances.
[Deep knowledge, daily. Sign up for The Conversation’s newsletter.]
Silver’s forecast went askew in 2016, projecting Hillary Clinton would win the presidency with 302 electoral votes, a haul that was to incorporate Florida, Michigan, Pennsylvania, North Carolina and Wisconsin. Donald Trump gained these states by slender margins and, with them, the White Home.
As a result of few if any outstanding journalists figured Trump had any likelihood of profitable the election, the postelection bashing of Silver was largely subdued.
In 2016, in any case, polling failure was additionally journalistic failure, as polls and poll-based forecasts helped cement the media narrative that Clinton was the odds-on favourite to win.
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W. Joseph Campbell doesn’t work for, seek the advice of, personal shares in or obtain funding from any firm or organisation that will profit from this text, and has disclosed no related affiliations past their educational appointment.
from Growth News https://growthnews.in/when-noted-journalists-bashed-political-polls-as-nothing-more-than-a-fragmentary-snapshot-of-a-moment-in-time/ via https://growthnews.in
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cardsvistas · 4 years
11 Questions To Ask At Visa Card Number | visa card number
A credit card, primary card account number or just a debit card, is a card identifier usually found on debit cards, prepaid cards and other credit cards, and stored-value card programs. The card number is also called a bank card or an EIN number. A visa card is used by many countries in Europe, but the United States and the Canadian dollar are the two most common countries in the world that are the primary markets. A Visa card can also be called a master card or a gift card.
Most stores use Visa card numbers. Many websites also use the same Visa card numbers. A credit card can be a great way of paying for products or services online. If you purchase online from a website with Visa, Mastercard, Discovery or American Express cards then you can use your credit card to make purchases. You will need the Visa card in order to process the transaction, so it's advisable to keep your credit card with you at all times.
MasterCard and American Express cards are the best known brands of Visa and Mastercard. They are easy to get hold of because they are accepted worldwide. If you have a credit card and want to use it to shop online, you may want to apply for a Visa card as you will have greater chances of getting approved. These cards are less expensive than their Mastercard and American Express counterparts and you can use them online and at retail outlets.
Gift cards are the latest fad in the world of cards. They are becoming increasingly popular in both online and offline stores. They are also growing in popularity, as many gift cards are being used to buy things in the real world. Gift cards can be used for a variety of purchases including hotels, restaurants, gas stations, department stores, etc. A major advantage to using a gift card is that they are almost always available at a discount or in some cases for free. If you don't have a Visa card and don't want to use one at the store, then you can often use a cash advance to buy anything online, or in the real world. When purchasing online, keep in mind that you will probably be charged a higher rate for an online purchase than you would charge for a purchase at a brick and mortar store.
Visa and MasterCard have their own websites that give information about the cards. Visa is also linked to American Express through this website so you can pay with your Visa credit card or American Express card online. You can also use it online to pay for travel insurance, car rentals, airline tickets and other types of purchases.
There are many different websites online that offer information about the cards so you can learn more about Visa and its benefits. If you don't have a Visa card yet, you can go to one of the many Visa card merchant websites where you can register and start receiving the latest Visa cards to be used for shopping online.
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Thanks for visiting our website, contentabove (11 Questions To Ask At Visa Card Number | visa card number) published .  Today we’re delighted to declare we have found an incrediblyinteresting topicto be discussed, that is (11 Questions To Ask At Visa Card Number | visa card number) Some people attempting to find info about(11 Questions To Ask At Visa Card Number | visa card number) and certainly one of these is you, is not it?
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from WordPress https://www.cardsvista.com/11-questions-to-ask-at-visa-card-number-visa-card-number/ via IFTTT
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wallpaperpainting · 4 years
What Will Hydrangea Canvas Wall Art Be Like In The Next 14 Years? | hydrangea canvas wall art
When Emily Adams Bode and Aaron Aujla aboriginal confused into their city Manhattan rental, it was aloof an abandoned white box—no kitchen, no walls, about any electrical wiring. But the one acceptable feature, a wood-burning stove, was abundant to atom their imagination. “When accompany appear over, they don’t accept we congenital all this,” Bode says on a contempo appointment to the apartment. About absolutely clad in African amber and coffee-stained Douglas fir, the home now has the brighten of a amplitude that’s been there awhile. And that, Bode says, “was the goal.”
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3 Panel Wall Art Painting Hydrangea In White Vase Pictures .. | hydrangea canvas wall art
In the wood-clad active breadth of Emily Adams Bode and Aaron Aujla’s Chinatown, New York, apartment, a 1940s clothing from the Congo hangs aloft a custom corduroy daybed covered in claimed drawings.
Over the aftermost few years, she and Aujla, who met in 2010, accept crafted abstracted businesses about that actual idea: giving new things a faculty of history. Bode’s eponymous menswear band recalibrates American bolt traditions into check jackets and revised workwear staples that becoming her the CFDA’s 2019 Emerging Designer of the Year Award. (Some apparel are fabricated with aged fabrics, while others are agilely based on them.) Meanwhile, Aujla, operating beneath the name Green River Project, which he cofounded with Benjamin Bloomstein in 2017, makes appliance burdened with sprawling actual references—from 1930s fable Jean-Michel Frank to Indian ability to down-home woodworking.
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Hydrangea Canvas Wall Art: Amazon | hydrangea canvas wall art
The kitchen is aggressive by the one at Bode’s ancestors home on Cape Cod.
Both Bode and Aujla adventure to heavily researched, narrative-driven collections that generally assume to chase the aforementioned script—as if Green River Project were appointing a home for Bode garments. (That was absolutely the case for the appearance label’s Hester Street store, opened aftermost year.) When it came to decorating their aboriginal aggregate apartment, the action was not all that different, starting with a adventure of a abode and the bodies in it. “I apperceive how abundant Emily longs for New England,” says Aujla, referencing her ancestors home on Cape Cod, which aggressive Bode’s admission accumulating in 2017. “We absurd that house, advancing aback to American banal abstracts but with a European sensibility.”
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Masterpiece Art Gallery Hydrangea Arrangement Soft Canvas Wall Art .. | hydrangea canvas wall art
Bode and Aujla afore the lace-covered window.
In the bedroom, an aged folding awning serves as a headboard for a bed dressed with a 19th-century calico quilt.
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14 Unframed Classical Hydrangea Canvas Prints Artwork Picture .. | hydrangea canvas wall art
Re-creating that rustic canvas, Green River Project congenital about everything—from the board bank panels to the furniture, including a dining table that appearance the outline of the firm’s namesake river in upstate New York. “We like this abstraction that instead of affairs things for the home, you accomplish them,” says Bode, whose alone requests were a big closet and a best assimilation tub abutting to a window. “Eventually you body your absolute world.” The
What Will Hydrangea Canvas Wall Art Be Like In The Next 14 Years? | hydrangea canvas wall art – hydrangea canvas wall art | Delightful to help our website, on this moment I’m going to explain to you about keyword. And today, here is the first graphic:
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14 Dream Vintage Bedroom Wall Art Photo – Little Big Adventure – hydrangea canvas wall art | hydrangea canvas wall art
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Here you are at our site, contentabove (What Will Hydrangea Canvas Wall Art Be Like In The Next 14 Years? | hydrangea canvas wall art) published .  At this time we’re pleased to declare we have found an incrediblyinteresting topicto be reviewed, that is (What Will Hydrangea Canvas Wall Art Be Like In The Next 14 Years? | hydrangea canvas wall art) Many individuals attempting to find info about(What Will Hydrangea Canvas Wall Art Be Like In The Next 14 Years? | hydrangea canvas wall art) and of course one of them is you, is not it?
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GICLEE PRINT Art Abstract Painting Floral Hydrangea Purple Lavender Blue White Flowers Canvas Prints – hydrangea canvas wall art | hydrangea canvas wall art
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Hydrangea ‘ Canvas Wall Art | SurfaceView – hydrangea canvas wall art | hydrangea canvas wall art
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Hummingbirds and Hydrangeas Canvas Wall Art – hydrangea canvas wall art | hydrangea canvas wall art
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"Blooming Purple Hydrangea " Mask by ArtbyPS | Redbubble – hydrangea canvas wall art | hydrangea canvas wall art
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Hydrangea Square I Wall Art, Canvas Prints, Framed Prints .. | hydrangea canvas wall art
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Shop “Ladybird On Hydrangea” Canvas Wall Art – Overstock – 14 – hydrangea canvas wall art | hydrangea canvas wall art
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Hydrangea Field Canvas Art by Lisa Audit | iCanvas – hydrangea canvas wall art | hydrangea canvas wall art
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Lady with Hydrangea | Canvas Wall Art Print – hydrangea canvas wall art | hydrangea canvas wall art
The post What Will Hydrangea Canvas Wall Art Be Like In The Next 14 Years? | hydrangea canvas wall art appeared first on Wallpaper Painting.
from Wallpaper Painting https://www.bleumultimedia.com/what-will-hydrangea-canvas-wall-art-be-like-in-the-next-14-years-hydrangea-canvas-wall-art/
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wallpapernifty · 4 years
The Cheapest Way To Earn Your Free Ticket To Aesthetic Clouds Painting | Aesthetic Clouds Painting
NRPLUS MEMBER ARTICLE O ne of the best inspiring, instructive, and admirable exhibitions in the country now is The Glory of Spain: Treasures of the Hispanic Society Architectonics & Library, which I saw at Houston’s Architectonics of Fine Arts afore the arrogant arbor of big government, airhead media, and lemming academics abandoned the apple to action a virus that, if and until there’s a vaccine, isn’t activity away. It took the Spanish Authority centuries to blow all-inclusive affluence we ashen accidental in a few weeks. In times like these, abundant art from the accomplished gives angle and teaches resilience.
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It’s a traveling appearance of highlights from the Hispanic Society in aerial Manhattan, one of the greatest but least-known museums in the country. The Society owns and displays the best accumulating of Spanish art alfresco Spain in a acclaimed architectonics that’s allotment Beaux-Arts, allotment Moorish revival, allotment plateresque, and thoroughly fantastic.
I usually don’t like highlights shows. They’re generally fluff. This exhibition, though, is different. It’s a solid history of Spanish, Portuguese, and Spanish-American art from about 2400 b.c. to a.d. 1900, a sweep, I know, but Spanish art is different, and that ambit makes for a acceptable story.
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How to Paint Clouds (easy/aesthetic) – aesthetic clouds painting | aesthetic clouds painting
It’s an abnormal institutional history as well. For pleasure, too, it’s a trove. The art is the best, as is its estimation in Houston’s spacious, affable galleries.
The Hispanic Society is the life’s assignment of Archer Huntington (1870–1955), beneficiary to a railroad fortune, who apparent Spain and Spanish ability as an analytical teenager. With laser focus and big bucks, he accumulated an unparalleled accumulating of art, books, photographs, and manuscripts, with the purpose of establishing a architectonics and analysis center. He paid for the architectonics on 155th Artery and Broadway, on the armpit of John James Audubon’s farm. The abode opened in 1908. The accumulating is enormous, with about 7,000 paintings, watercolors, and drawings, 200,000 books, 250,000 manuscripts from the eleventh aeon to the present, and abundant sculpture, ceramics, metalwork, textiles, furniture, jewelry, and glass.
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Aesthetic Clouds Painting – aesthetic clouds painting | aesthetic clouds painting
Story continues
The rub is “155th Artery and Broadway.” Back Huntington alleged the Society’s location, he assumed, as did everyone, that the development of the Aerial West Side as prime residential, commercial, and cultural amplitude would abide arctic and not sputter and stop about 96th Street.
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em | artjournal on Instagram: “🌌moonchild .. | aesthetic clouds painting
People from Manhattan? Talk about provincial. Best anticipate that arctic of 96th Artery lies the Red Planet, and Martians ability grab their Hermès handbags or discharge on their Ferragamo shoes. I’ve been to the Hispanic Society a hundred times over the years. It’s on the bend of Spanish Harlem and altogether nice, and the alms is aloft the street. But it’s not the Architectonics Mile, and it’
The Cheapest Way To Earn Your Free Ticket To Aesthetic Clouds Painting | Aesthetic Clouds Painting – aesthetic clouds painting | Allowed to be able to my personal blog site, within this period I am going to explain to you in relation to keyword. Now, here is the first graphic:
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Here you are at our site, contentabove (The Cheapest Way To Earn Your Free Ticket To Aesthetic Clouds Painting | Aesthetic Clouds Painting) published .  Today we are pleased to declare that we have found an awfullyinteresting topicto be reviewed, namely (The Cheapest Way To Earn Your Free Ticket To Aesthetic Clouds Painting | Aesthetic Clouds Painting) Lots of people searching for info about(The Cheapest Way To Earn Your Free Ticket To Aesthetic Clouds Painting | Aesthetic Clouds Painting) and certainly one of these is you, is not it?
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I’m home sick today. Don’t forget to rest when you need it. Doing .. | aesthetic clouds painting
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Hi guys, clouds are painting by myself, I hope you lik.. | aesthetic clouds painting
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Can be a sunrise or a sunset, it really depends on my mood. I just .. | aesthetic clouds painting
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aesthetic clouds painting in acrylic ☺️ | Pinturas pequeñas .. | aesthetic clouds painting
The post The Cheapest Way To Earn Your Free Ticket To Aesthetic Clouds Painting | Aesthetic Clouds Painting appeared first on Wallpaper Nifty.
from Wallpaper Nifty https://www.flowernifty.com/%ef%bb%bfthe-cheapest-way-to-earn-your-free-ticket-to-aesthetic-clouds-painting-aesthetic-clouds-painting/
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painterlegendx · 5 years
The 8 Secrets You Will Never Know About Insurance Money Meme - Insurance Money Meme
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Democratic presidential and applicant above tech controlling Andrew Yang got the meme apparatus cranking aboriginal on. 
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WHEN THE WORST SVER YOU KNOW GETS AN INSURANCE PAYOUT AND 8 .. | insurance money meme Just 10 Democratic presidential contenders debated Thursday night, cut in bisected from the 20 who faced off in two two-night groups beforehand this summer. The participants were above Vice President Joe Biden; Sen. Elizabeth Warren; Sen. Bernie Sanders; Sen. Kamala Harris; South Bend, Indiana Mayor Pete Buttigieg; administrator Andrew Yang; Senator Cory Booker; above Rep. Beto O'Rourke; Sen. Amy Klobuchar and above apartment secretary Julián Castro.There were alone 10 candidates because the Democratic National Committee had tougher accomplishment rules this time, acceleration the polling and donor requirements. So there was no Marianne Williamson or Tulsi Gabbard. Here are some of the moments that had amusing media talking. Thursday night's debates saw administrator Andrew Yang affiance to accord 10 American families $1,000 a ages for one year, arena off his advance of accepted basal income. New York Magazine batten to one advocate who questioned if the action was legal, but no matter, the arduous acknowledgment of the action set off some social-media buzz.
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My friends cat is out here trying to collect some insurance .. | insurance money meme "Yang should accept brought out a action machine," joked H.Jon Benjamin, who choir Bob Belcher on Bob's Burgers and Archer on Archer. Candidates argued about bloom insurance, with choir aloft back Castro accused Biden of apathy what he'd said earlier. Warren said Americans may like their doctors, but no one brand their bloom allowance company. Americans advised in. Wrote one Twitter user, "Elizabeth Warren (is) channeling anyone who has dealt with an allowance company!"The candidates had some close exchanges, with aloft choir and arguments breaking out regularly. Twitter users noticed. One wrote that "watching the Democratic agitation absolutely feels like watching a Real Housewives reunion."
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Do It so I can get this damn insurance money - Meme by .. | insurance money meme But let's all remember, the point of a agitation is to debate.When the agitation briefly bankrupt for commercial, ABC aired an ad for Dancing With the Stars, featuring Sean Spicer, above columnist secretary to President Donald Trump. Maybe not the best choice, based on some amusing reaction. "Hoooboy, ABC, this is not the admirers that wants to see Sean Spicer jogging jauntily forth in his career-rehabilitation effort," wrote Washington Post biographer Alyssa Rosenberg.Near the end of the debate, protesters disconnected Joe Biden speaking by chanting article in unison, but it was boxy to amount out annihilation they were saying.
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I Just Saved A Ton Of Money... On My Car Insurance... | Car .. | insurance money meme Writer Drew Magary joked, "Possibly agitation Rey's advancing aphotic ancillary turn."Earlier debates were meme-makers too. The aboriginal night of the June debates featured candidates demonstrating their Spanish, and the additional night included Williamson discussing placing a buzz alarm to New Zealand's prime minister. The candidates afresh debated after in the summer, back Bernie Sanders appear he "wrote the abuse bill," and Kool-Aid and Clorox both becoming mentions.Originally appear Sept. 12, 5:28 p.m. PT and adapted frequently throughout the debate. 
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Me, Thinking About Insurance Money While Crossing The Street .. | insurance money meme Read the full article
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paintingarta · 5 years
What’s So Trendy About Winston Churchill Portrait Painting That Everyone Went Crazy Over It? | Winston Churchill Portrait Painting
What’s So Trendy About Winston Churchill Portrait Painting That Everyone Went Crazy Over It? | Winston Churchill Portrait Painting – Friend Winston Leonard Spencer-Churchill (30 November 1874 – twenty-four January 1965) was the British politician, army official, and writer. He had been Prime Minister of typically the United Kingdom from 1940 to 1945, when he or she led Britain to triumph within the Second World War, and again from 51 to 1955. Churchill displayed five constituencies during their career as a Associate of Parliament (MP). Ideologically a fiscal liberal and imperialist, for many of his profession he was a member associated with the Conservative Party, which often he led from 1940 to 1955, but through 1904 to 1924 was a member of typically the Liberal Party.
Of mixed English and American parentage, Churchill was born in Oxfordshire to some wealthy, aristocratic family. He joined the particular British Army in 1895, and saw action in British India, the Anglo-Sudan War, plus the Second Boer War, gaining fame as a war correspondent plus writing books about their campaigns. Elected an MEGA-PIXEL in 1900, initially since a Conservative, he defected to the Liberals in 1904. In H. L. Asquith’s Liberal government, Churchill served as President associated with the Board of Business, Home Secretary, and First Lord from the Admiralty, promoting prison reform and workers’ social security. During the First World War, this individual oversaw the Gallipoli Marketing campaign; after it proved a disaster, he resigned from government and served within the Royal Scots Fusiliers around the Western Front. In 1917, he returned to authorities under David Lloyd George as Minister of Munitions, then as Secretary associated with State for War and Air, and finally for the Colonies, overseeing the Anglo-Irish Treaty and Britain’s Middle East policy. Following two years from Parliament, he served as Chancellor of the Exchequer within Stanley Baldwin’s Conservative government, returning the pound pristine in 1925 to the particular gold standard at their pre-war parity, a proceed widely seen as creating inflationary pressure and depressing the UK economy.
What’s So Trendy About Winston Churchill Portrait Painting That Everyone Went Crazy Over It? | Winston Churchill Portrait Painting – winston churchill portrait painting | Welcome to be able to my blog site, in this occasion I am going to demonstrate concerning keyword. And from now on, here is the first picture:
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Sir Winston Churchill – winston churchill portrait painting | winston churchill portrait painting
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Here you are at our website, contentabove (What’s So Trendy About Winston Churchill Portrait Painting That Everyone Went Crazy Over It? | Winston Churchill Portrait Painting) published .  At this time we’re pleased to announce that we have found a veryinteresting nicheto be reviewed, that is (What’s So Trendy About Winston Churchill Portrait Painting That Everyone Went Crazy Over It? | Winston Churchill Portrait Painting) Many people trying to find info about(What’s So Trendy About Winston Churchill Portrait Painting That Everyone Went Crazy Over It? | Winston Churchill Portrait Painting) and of course one of these is you, is not it?
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Details about WINSTON CHURCHILL Handcraft Portrait Oil Painting on Canvas No Frame 8 – winston churchill portrait painting | winston churchill portrait painting
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Sir Winston Churchill,Pure Hand Painted Portrait Art Oil Painting On High quality Canvas.Multi Size available Free Shipping – winston churchill portrait painting | winston churchill portrait painting
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Sir Winston Churchill – winston churchill portrait painting | winston churchill portrait painting
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portrait of Winston Churchill – winston churchill portrait painting | winston churchill portrait painting
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Winston Churchill – winston churchill portrait painting | winston churchill portrait painting
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Factum Arte :: Winston Churchill – winston churchill portrait painting | winston churchill portrait painting
from WordPress https://paintingarta.online/whats-so-trendy-about-winston-churchill-portrait-painting-that-everyone-went-crazy-over-it-winston-churchill-portrait-painting/
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3.03 (6.20 h) Web research on: Phototherapy workshop
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The second step of my research it has been focused on the web surfing.
I tried to google some keywords and analyze and study the results.
Using “Phototherapy workshop” at first try, the web dragged me into a huge amount of information I didn’t believe it was possible to find. I for sure found lots of material to use for my dissertation proposal, but also as a reference to understand the field I am studying.
The very first result that came up was https://phototherapy-centre.com/ ,  a very well done website commissioned by Judy Weiser, who seems to be the most influential american pioneer of the use of photography in psychotherapy.
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This is the list of the menu’ sections:
Therapeutic Photography (info about the difference between therapeutic photography and phototherapy)
Related Techniques (such as video therapy, painting and so on)
Who is Doing What, Where? (in here we can find a HUGE list of names from people of all over the world who make use of photography in their art therapy practice, having access to their personal data, website and events)
Related Websites/Webpages (other pages related to phototherapy)
Weiser Bio & Publications (in here we can get the full list of Judy Weiser’s pubblications and her bio)
PhotoTherapy Blog (in here Judy updates the readers about the event she runs, posting images from her workshops, lectures or other kind of event she finds relevant for the blog)
PhotoTherapy Archives ( Judy Weiser is currently working to organize, catalogue, and digitize the PhotoTherapy Archives to allow easier public access to its wealth of history and information on an ongoing basis into the future, and at no cost to users)
More Information (in here we can find more historical information about phototherapy and also related dissertations and thesis)
Facebook Group (the Facebook group is closed to the public, probably for privacy issues, therefore I sent the request to be accepted)
“PhotoTherapy techniques are therapy practices that use people’s personal snapshots, family albums, and pictures taken by others (and the feelings, thoughts, memories, and beliefs these photos evoke) as catalysts to deepen insight and enhance communication during their therapy or counselling sessions (conducted by trained mental health professionals), in ways not possible using words alone.”
Reading through the website and going to every single name one by one in the section who is doing what? where? There have been 2 names that caught my attention specifically: Terry Dennett and Del Loewenthal.
“Terry Dennett, London, England, (now deceased) is a long-time Photographic/Political Activist who for many years collaborated with Therapeutic Photography Pioneer Jo Spence (now deceased). Terry is the Curator of the “Jo Spence Memorial Archive” in London, England, through which he continues to assist students and others world-wide who are interested in Spence’s unique kind of therapeutic photography (which she first called “photo-therapy” and later both “camera therapy” and “autobiographical photography”)”
Del Loewenthal, London, England, is the Director of “The Research Centre for Therapeutic Education” at the University of Roehampton, where he has a Chair in Psychotherapy and Counselling and is Convener of an MSc and doctoral programmes. Del’s publications include being the Editor for both the book “Phototherapy and Therapeutic Photography in a Digital Age” and the special issue of the European Journal of Psychotherapy and Counselling on “Phototherapy and Therapeutic Photography”. Del has researched the use of PhotoTherapy techniques in working with young people aiding management development and developing the emotional learning of prisoners. He also trains counsellors, psychotherapists and art psychotherapists in PhotoTherapy techniques. He is the lead partner in Grundtvig’s EU-funded “Phototherapyeurope in Prisons” Project, which aims to develop the use of phototherapy within EU prisons in promoting the emotional learning and well-being of prisoners. This includes the setting up of a post-training database through which trainee practitioners can input evaluations of their use of phototherapy, enabling data to be collected on the impact of the training and the use by practitioners in prisons, a five-day training programme and the October, 2014 Conference “Phototherapyeurope in Prisons and Elsewhere” in London
It is king of shocking to see how many Italian people are actually into phototherapy and how little it is actually known or thought in school about this practice. It will something I will inform myself better about, for sure.  Meanwhile, I will put this website in pause and I will carry on with the research. Overall I can definitely say that it is a very useful website full of information ready to be used as support or reference. I will get back to it for my dissertation proposal writing.
Carrying on with the research, the second website I found interesting it is https://www.salto-youth.net/:
SALTO-YOUTH stands for Support, Advanced Learning and Training Opportunities for Youth. It works within the Erasmus+ Youth programme, the EU programme for education, training, youth and sport.
SALTO-YOUTH is a network of six Resource Centres working on European priority areas within the youth field.As part of the European Commission's Training Strategy, SALTO-YOUTH provides non-formal learning resources for youth workers and youth leaders and organises training and contact-making activities to support organisations and National Agencies (NAs) within the frame of the European Commission's Erasmus+ Youth programme and beyond.
This website it does not seem to be as important as the previous one, but it is interesting the fact that it sponsors trainings in photographic art to enhance creativity.
The third result I found it was a suggestion of Jo Spence book “Putting myself to picture”. This is a book I borrowed from the library during a random research for my dissertation and it looks like being one of the anthem books about the role of photography in therapy. In the book is also mentioned Rosy Martin, who seems to practice phototherapy as Marcus does, so I believe it would be a good idea to do more researches about her and her techniques.
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The last useful result I found it was the website https://photovoice.org/, which promotes photography for social change.
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Our vision and mission
PhotoVoice’s vision is for a world in which everybody has the opportunity to represent themselves and tell their own story
Our mission is promote the ethical use of photography for positive social change, through delivering innovative participatory photography projects. By working in partnership with organisations, communities, and individuals worldwide, we will build the skills and capacity of underrepresented or at risk communities, creating new tools of self-advocacy and communication. Why photography? Photography is a highly flexible tool that crosses cultural and linguistic barriers, and can be adapted to all abilities. Its power lies in its dual role as both art form and way to record facts.It provides an accessible way to describe realities, communicate perspectives, and raise awareness of social and global issues.Its low cost and ease of dissemination encourages sharing and increases the potential to generate dialogue and discussion.
It seems to be a pretty useful website where to look for info about photography in society and its alternative use, so I will keep it in mind as a reference source to look up to when in needed of information.
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