#when I see dark percy stuff that’s him following in luke’s footsteps
blueneptunium · 4 months
wanna make a distinction here: I love dark!percy, it’s my favorite trope, most of the pjo fics I’ve written center around it, I consume any and all I can get
but to me dark percy is always always been about percy rebelling against the gods, not demigods
that’s the key difference between percy and luke. percy would never presume that he could build something better than the gods, wouldn’t want to tear it all down and everyone who ever supported the gods and rule in their place.
for me, dark percy is about percy going after the gods directly, no more middle ground, no more being pushed around on quests that gets his friends killed that the gods don’t even remember. it’s about percy bringing the fight directly to them, and yeah also taking care of anyone that gets in his way. but aftermath? not something he thinks about. he doesn’t want to sit on the throne, he doesn’t want to create a new world, to me, dark percy is born out of revenge and vengeance and no end goal, just wild power that’s done being held back and controlled, just like the ocean
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thewidowsghost · 3 years
The Daughter of the Sea - Chapter 9
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(Y/n)'s POV
It doesn't take me long to pack. I decide to leave the Minotaur horn in the cabin, which leaves me only an extra change of clothes and a toothbrush to stuff in a backpack Grover had found for me.
The camp store loans me one hundred dollars in mortal money and twenty golden drachmas. The coins are as big as Girl Scout cookies and have images of various Greek Gods stamped on one side and the Empire State Building on the other. The ancient mortal drachmas had been silver, Chiron had told us, but Olympins never used less than pure gold. Chiron said the coins might come in for non-mortal transactions - whatever that might mean. He gives Annabeth, Percy, and me canteens of nectar and Ziploc bags full of ambrosia squares, to be used only in emergencies, if we were seriously hurt. It is god food, Chiron reminds us. It would cure us of almost any injury, but it is lethal to mortals. Too much of it would make a half-blood very, very feverish. An overdose would burn us up, literally, Fun.
Annabeth is bringing her magic Yankees cap, which she tells me had been a twelfth-birthday present from her mom. She is also bringing a book on famous classical architecture, written in Ancient Greek, to read when she gets bored, and a long bronze knife, hidden in her shirt sleeve. I'm sure the knife is going to get us busted the first time we go through a metal detector.
Grover is wearing his fake feet and his pants to pass as a human. He wears a green rasta-style cap, because when it rains his curly hair flattened and you can just see the tips of his horns. Grover's bright orange backpack is full of scrap metal and apples to snack on. In his pocket is a set of reed pipes his daddy goat had carved for him, even though he only knows two songs: Mozart's Piano Concerto Number 12 and Hilary Duff's 'So Yesterday,' both of which sound pretty bad on reed pipes.
We wave good-bye to the other campers, take one last look at eh strawberry fields, the ocean, and the Big House, then hike up the Half-Blood Hill to the tall pine tree that used to be Thalia, the Daughter of Zeus.
Chiron is waiting for us in his wheelchair. Next to him stands the surfer dude I'd seen when I was recovering in the sick room. According to Grover, the guy is the camp's head of security. He supposedly had eyes all over his body so he could never be surprised. Today, though, he's wearing a chauffeur's uniform, so I can only see the extra eyes on his hands, face, and neck.
"This is Argus," Chiron tells me. "He'll drive you into the city, and, er, well, keep an eye on things."
I hear footsteps behind us.
Luke comes running up the hill, carrying a pair of basketball shoes. "Hey!" he pants. "Glad I caught you."
Annabeth blushes, the way she always does when Luke is around.
"Just wanted to say good luck," Luke tells us. "And I thought . . . um, maybe you could use these."
He hands Percy a pair of sneakers, which look pretty normal.
Then, Luke says, "Maia!"
White bird's wings sprouted out of the heels. The shoes flap around on the ground until the wings fold up and disappear.
"Awesome!" Grover exclaims.
Luke smiles. "Those served me well when I was on my quest. Gift from Dad. Of course, I don't use them much these days...." His expression turns sad.
Annabeth stomps down the other side of the hill, after arguing with Percy, where a white SUV waits on the shoulder of the road. Argus follows, jingling his car kees.
Percy picks up the flying shoes and then looks up at Chiron. "I won't be able to use these, will I?"
Chiron shakes his head. "Luke meant well, Percy. But taking to the air...that would not be wise for you."
I nod, getting an idea, "Hey, Grover. You want a magic item?"
His eyes light up. "Me?"
Pretty soon, we'd laced the sneakers over his fake feet, and the world's first flying goat boy is ready for launch.
"Maia!" Grover shouts. He gets off the ground, okay, but then falls over sideways so his backpack drags through the grass. The winged shoes keep bucking up and down like tiny broncos.
"Practice," Chiron calls after him. "You just need practice."
"Aaaaa!" Grover goes flying sideways down the hill like a possessed lawnmower, heading towards the can.
But before I can follow, Chiron catches my arm. "I should have trained you two better, Percy, (Y/n)," he says. "If only I had more time. Hercules, Jason - they all got more training."
"That's okay. I just -" I stop myself.
"What am I thinking?" Chiron cries. "I can't let the two of you get away without these." He pulls two pens out of his coat pocket and hands one to me and one to Percy.
Looking down at it, I see a teal-colored gel pen. Maybe cost thirty cents.
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"Gee," Percy says. "Thanks."
"Percy, those are gifts from your father. I've been keeping them for years, not knowing you two were the ones I was waiting for. But the prophecy is clear to me now. You two are the ones."
Instinctively I take off the cap, and the pen grows longer and heavier in my hand. In half a second, I am holding a shimmering bronze sword with a double-edged blade, a teal and silver leather-wrapped grip. This is the first weapon that feels balanced in my hand.
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"That sword has a long and tragic history that we need not go into," Chiron tells Percy. "Its name is Anaklusmos."
"Riptide," Percy translates.
"I have never seen anyone use that sword that I'm aware of," Chiron says, turning to me. "Yours is named Τυφώνας."
"Hurricane," I translate, surprised that the Ancient Greek came so easily to me.
"Use them only for emergencies," Chiron says, "and only against monsters. No hero should harm mortals unless absolutely necessary, of course, but neither sword would hurt them in any case."
I look down at the wickedly sharp blade. "What do you mean it wouldn't harm mortals? How could it not?"
"Those swords are celestial bronze. Forged by the Cyclopes, tempered in the heart of Mount Etna, cooled in the River Lethe. It's deadly to monsters, to any creature from the Underworld, provided they don't kill you first. But the blades will pass through morals like an illusion. They simply are not important for the blade to kill. And I should warn you two: as demigods, you can be killed by either celestial or normal weapons. You are twice as vulnerable."
"Good to know," Percy says.
"Now recap the pens," Chiron says.
Percy and I touch the pen cap to the sword tips and instantly Riptide and Hurricane shrink to ballpoint pens again. I tuck it in my pocket, a little nervous because it's pretty easy to lose a pen.
"You can't," Chiron says.
"Can't what?" I ask, slightly confused.
"Lose the pens," he says. "They're enchanted. They'll always reappear in your pockets. Try it."
Warily, I throw the pen as far as I can down the hill and watch it disappear in the grass.
"It may take a few moments," Chiron tells us. "Now check your pocket."
Sure enough, the pen is there.
"Okay, that is extremely cool," I admit.
"But what if a mortal sees one of us pulling out a sword?" Percy asks.
Chiron smiles. "Mist is a powerful thing, Percy."
"Mist?" I ask.
"Yes. Read The Iliad. It's full of references to the stuff. Whatever divine or monstrous elements mix with the mortal world, they generate Mist, which obscures the vision of humans. You will see things just as they are, being a half-blood, but humans will interpret things quite differently. Remarkable, really, the lengths to which humans will go fit things into their version of reality.
I put Hurricane back into my pocket.
For the first time, the quest feels real. I'm leaving Half-Blood Hill. I'm heading west with no adult supervision, no backup plan, not even a cell phone - Chiron said cell phones were traceable by monsters; if we used one, it would be no worse than sending up a flare. I have no weapon stronger than a sword to fight off monsters and reach the Land of the Dead.
"Chiron . . ." Percy says. "When you say the gods are immortal . . . I mean, there was a time before them, right?"
"Four ages before them, actually. The Time of the Titans was the Fourth Age, sometimes called the Golden Age, which is definitely a misnomer. This, the time of Western civilization and the rule of Zeus, is the Fifth Age."
"So what was it like...before the gods?"
Chiron purses his lips. "Even I am not old enough to remember that, child, but I know it was a time of darkness and savagery for mortals. Kronos, the lord of the Titans, called his reign the Golden Age because men lived innocent and free of all knowledge. But that was mere propaganda. The Titan king cared nothing for your kind except as appetizers or a source of cheap entertainment. It was only in the early reign of Lord Zeus, when Prometheus the good Titan brought fire to mankind, that your species began to progress, and even then Prometheus was branded a radical thinker. Zeus punished him severely, as you may recall. Of course, eventually, the gods warmed to humans, and Western civilization was born."
"But the gods can't die now, right? I mean, as long as Western civilization is alive, they're alive. So...even if I failed, nothing could happen so bad it would mess up everything, right?" I ask, feeling rather uncertain.
Chiron gives me a melancholy smile. "No one knows how long the Age of the West will last, (Y/n). The gods are immortal, yes. But then, so were the Titans. They still exist, locked away in their various prisons, forced to endure endless pain and punishment, reduced in power, but still very much alive. May the Fates forbid that the gods should ever suffer such a doom, or that we should ever return to the darkness and chaos of the past. All we can do, child, is follow our destiny."
"Our destiny...assuming we know what that is," I say grimly.
"Relax," Chiron tells me. "Keep a clear head. And remember, the two of you may be about to prevent the biggest war in human history."
"Relax," I say. "I'm very relaxed."
When Percy and I get to the bottom of the hill, I look back. Under the pine tree that used to be Thalia, daughter of Zeus, Chiron is now standing in full horse-man form, holding his bow high in salute. Just your typical summer-camp send-off by your typical centaur."
Argus drives us out of the countryside and into western Long Island, It feels weird to be on a highway again, Annabeth and Grover sitting next to me, Percy on the other side of Grover, as if we were normal carpoolers. After two weeks at Half-Blood Hill, the real world seems like a fantasy. I find myself staring at every McDonald's, every kid in the back of his parent's car, every billboard and shopping mall.
"So far so good," Percy tells Annabeth. "Ten miles and not a single monster."
She gives Percy an irritated loo. "It's bad luck to talk that way."
"Remind me again - why do you hate us so much?" Percy asks.
"I don't hate you two."
"Could've fooled me."
Annabeth folds her cap of invisibility. "Look...we're just not supposed to get along, okay? Our parents are rivals."
"Why?" Percy asks.
Annabeth sighs. "How many reasons do you want? One time my mom caught Poseidon with his girlfriend in Athena's temple, which is hugely disrespectful. Another time, Athena and Poseidon competed to be the patron god for the city of Athens. Your dad created some stupid saltwater spring for his gift. My mom created the olive tree. The people saw that her gift was better, so they named the city after her."
"They must really like olives," Percy comments, and I stifle a snort of laughter.
"Oh, forget it," Annabeth grumbles.
"Now, if she invented pizza - that I could understand," I add, in a slightly teasing tone.
"I said, forget it!" Annabeth says, hitting me lightly on the arm.
In the front seat, Argus smiles. He doesn't say anything, but one blue eye on the back of his neck winks at me.
Traffic slows down in Queens. By the time we get into Manhattan, it is sunset and starting to rain.
Argus drops us at the greyhound Station on the Upper East Side, not far from my mom and Gabe's apartment. Taped to a mailbox is a soggy flyer with mine and Percy's picture on it: Have you seen these children?
Percy rips it down before Annabeth and Grover can notice.
Argus unloads our bags, makes sure we get our bus tickets, then drives away, the eye on the back of his hand opening to watch us as he pulls out of the parking lot.
I think about how close I am to the apartment. On a normal day, Mom would be home from the candy store by now. Smelly Gabe is probably up there right now, playing poker, not even missing her.
Grover shoulders his backpack. He gazes down the street in the direction I am looking. "You want to know why she married him, (Y/n)?"
I stare at him. "Were you reading my mind?" I ask, raising an eyebrow.
"Just your emotions," Grover shrugs. "You were thinking about your mom and your stepdad, right?"
I nod.
"Your mom married Gabe for you and Percy," Grover tells me. "You call him 'Smelly,' but you've got no idea. This guy has this aura . . . Yuck. I can smell him from here. I can smell traces of him o you, and you haven't been near him in a week."
"Thanks," Percy grimaces from Grover's other side. "Where's the nearest shower?"
"You should be grateful, Percy. Your stepfather smells so repulsively human he could mask the presence of any demigod. As soon as I took a whiff inside his Camaro, I knew: Gabe has been covering your scent for years. If you hadn't lived with him every summer, you probably would've been found by monsters a long time ago. Your mom stayed with him to protect you. She was a smart lady. She must've loved you a lot to put up with that guy—if that makes you feel any better."
I soften, looking down a the ground. I'll see her again, I think. She isn't gone.
You will be betrayed by one who calls you a friend, the Oracle whispers in my mind. You will fail to save what matters most in the end.
The rain keeps coming down.
We get restless waiting for the bus and decide to play some Hacky Sack with one of Groer's apples. Annabeth was unbelievable at it. She could bounce the apple off her knee, her elbow, her shoulder, whatever. Percy wasn't too bad either, but I found that I wasn't that great at it.
The game ends when I toss the apple towards Grover and it gets too close to his mouth. In one mega goat bite, our Hacky Sack disappears - core, stem, and all.
Grover blushes. He tries to apologize, but Annabeth, Percy, and I are too busy cracking up.
Finally, the bus comes.
I am relieved when we finally get on board and find seats together in the back of the bus, Me and Annabeth in one row, and Percy and Grover across from us. The four of us stow our backpacks.
I glance over at Annabeth beside me, who keeps slapping her Yankees cap nervously against her thigh.
As the last passengers get on, Annabeth claps her hand onto my knee. "Look!"
An old lady had just boarded the bus. She is wearing a crumpled velvet dress, lace gloves, and a shapeless orange-knit hat that shadows her face and she is carrying a big paisley purse. When she tilts her head up, her black eyes glitter.
I see Percy slump down in his seat.
Behind her comes two more old ladies: one in a green hat, one in a purple hat. Otherwise, they look exactly like Mrs. Dodds - same gnarled hands, paisley handbags, wrinkled velvet dress. Triple demon grandmothers.
They sit in the front row, right behind the driver. The two on the aisle cross their legs over the walkway, making an X. It is casual enough, but it sends a clear message: Nobody leaves.
The bus pulls out of the station, and we head through the slick streets of Manhattan.
"She didn't stay dead long," Percy says, his voice quavering a little. "I thought you said they could be dispelled for a lifetime."
"I said if you're lucky," Annabeth murmurs. "You're obviously not."
"All three of them," Grover whimpers. "Di immortales!"
"It's okay," Annabeth says, obviously thinking hard. "The Furies. The worst monsters from the Underworld. No problem. No problem. We'll just slip out the windows."
"They don't open," Grover moans.
"A back exit?" she suggests.
There isn't one. Even if there had been, it wouldn't have helped. By that time, we are on Ninth Avenue heading for the Lincoln Tunnel.
"They won't attack us with witnesses around," I say. "Will they?"
"Mortals don't have good eyes," Annabeth reminds me. "Their brains can only process what they see through the Mist."
"They'll see three old ladies killing us, won't they?" Percy asks.
She thinks about it. "Hard to say. But we can't count on mortals for help. Maybe an emergency exit in the roof . . . ?"
We hit the Lincoln Tunnel, and the bus goes dark except for the running lights down teh aisle. It is eerily quiet without the sound of the rain.
"I need to use the rest-room."
"So do I."
"So do I."
All three demons start coming down the aisle.
"I've got it," Annabeth says. "Percy, take my hat."
"What?" he says with disbelief.
"You're the one they want. You killed one of them. Turn invisible and go up the aisle. Let them pass you. Maybe you can get to the front and get away."
"But you guys -"
"There's an outside chance they might not notice us," Annabeth says as she glances over at me. "You're a son of the Big Three. Your smell might be overpowering."
"I can't just leave you," Percy says, looking desperately at me.
"Go," I say, frowning and Annabeth hands him the cap.
The old ladies are not old ladies anymore. Their faces are still the same - I guessed they couldn't get any uglier - but their bodies had shriveled into leathery brown hag bodies with bat's wings and hands and feet like gargoyle claws; their handbags had turned into fiery whips.
The Furies surround me, Grover, and Annabeth, lashing their whips, hissing: "Where is it? Where?"
The other people on the bus are screaming, cowering in their seats. They see something, all right.
"He's not here!" Annabeth yells. "He's gone!"
The Furies raise their whips.
Annabeth draws her bronze knife. Grover grabs a tin can from his snack bag and prepares to throw it.
Word Count: 3222 words
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kookie-doughs · 4 years
Percy Jackson X Reader -Y/N L/N met Percy Jackson and everything was now ruined.
CHAPTER 10: The Wheels On The Bus Goes Skrt Skrt Skrt
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It didn't take me long to pack. I didn't have anything at all, which left me only an extra change of clothes and a toothbrush to stuff in a backpack Grover had found for me and Percy. Both having nothing to carry we decided to share a bag. The camp store loaned us one hundred dollars in mortal money and twenty golden drachmas. These coins were as big as Girl Scout cookies and had images of various Greek gods stamped on one side and the Empire State Building on the other. The ancient mortal drachmas had been silver, Chiron told us, but Olympians never used less than pure gold. Chiron said the coins might come in handy for non-mortal transactions—whatever that meant. He gave Annabeth, Percy and I each a canteen of nectar and a Ziploc bag full of ambrosia squares, to be used only in emergencies, if we were seriously hurt. It was god food, Chiron reminded us. It would cure us of almost any injury, but it was lethal to mortals. Too much of it would make a half-blood very, very feverish. An overdose would burn us up, literally. Annabeth was bringing her magic Yankees cap, which she told us had been a twelfth-birthday present from her mom. She carried a book on famous classical architecture, written in Ancient Greek, to read when she got bored, and a long bronze knife, hidden in her shirt sleeve. I was sure the knife would get us busted the first time we went through a metal detector. Grover wore his fake feet and his pants to pass as human. He wore a green rasta-style cap, because when it rained his curly hair flattened and you could just see the tips of his horns. His bright orange backpack was full of scrap metal and apples to snack on. In his pocket was a set of reed pipes his daddy goat had carved for him, even though he only knew two songs: Mozart's Piano Concerto no. 12 and Hilary Duff's "So Yesterday," both of which sounded pretty bad on reed pipes. We waved good-bye to the other campees, took one last look at the strawberry fields, the ocean, and the Big House, then hiked up Half-Blood Hill to the tall pine tree that used to be Thalia, daughter of Zeus. Chiron was waiting for us in his wheelchair. Next to him stood a surfer looking dude. According to Grover, the guy was the camp's head of security. He supposedly had eyes all over his body so he could never be surprised. Today, though, he was wearing a chauffeur's uniform, so I could only see extra peepers on his hands, face and neck. "This is Argus," Chiron told us. "He will drive you into the city, and, er, well, keep an eye on things." I heard footsteps behind us. Luke came running up the hill, carrying a pair of basketball shoes. "Hey!" he panted. "Glad I caught you." Annabeth blushed, the way she always did when Luke was around. I looked at him with a frown. "Don't look at me like that. I had to find out from the others you're going on a quest." he glared. "So much for the option you won't die at." "I would've told you if you were at the cabin when I got back. Now what's with the shoes?" "Just wanted to say good luck," Luke told Percy. "And I thought... um, maybe you could use these." He handed him the sneakers, which looked pretty normal. They even smelled kind of normal. Luke said, "Maia!" White bird's wings sprouted out of the heels, startling me so much, Percy dropped them. The shoes flapped around on the ground until the wings folded up and disappeared. "Awesome!" Grover said. Luke smiled. "Those served me well when I was on my quest. Gift from Dad. Of course, I don't use them much these days...." His expression turned sad. I didn't know what to say. It was cool enough that Luke had come to say good-bye. But here he was giving Percy a magic gift.... It made me a bit jealous. "Hey, man," Percy said. "Thanks." "Listen, Percy..." Luke looked uncomfortable. "A lot of hopes are riding on you. So just... kill some monsters for me, okay?" They shook hands. Luke patted Grover's head between his horns, then gave a good-bye hug to Annabeth, who looked like she might pass out. The three went to Chiron about stuffs while Luke and I had a staring contest. "So Percy got a present and I only get an I don't know... a hug? Here I thought I was your favorite." "What made you think you are?" He laughed and ruffled my hair. "And no you don't get a hug." "Suddenly I'm not coming back." He smiled and from his back he pulled out a sheathed knife. "I meant to say you won't get only a hug. I noticed you're not a fan of swords. So, I made this my self. I am no Hephaestus child but hey..." He handed me the knife. The sheath was plain colored with a metal chap and locket, it had chains attached to the locket where I could probably put it on something to make sure I bring it with me. Pulling the knife out of the sheath, its knife was around 15 inches. On the blade, Ancient Greek was engraved on it. I think it's my name and the other side is his. "What is this?" I grinned. "I don't know. I ran out of good ideas! I swear I looked up some of Plato and Socrates for that." "And you settled for that?" I laughed. "I am going to take that back now." "Hey, that doesn't mean I don't like it. Thanks." "It's celestial bronze... Half of it at least." "Half?" "I'm sure Chiron won't appreciate it. It will harm both us and humans." "So... It'll hurt both side?" "Yup. And I'm not sure but according to a Hephaestus kid but it's supposed to glow when its near something." "Its not glowing now." "We never said no backsies. I'd like it back now." "I'll take good care of..." I stopped to think of a name and almost immediately remembered a perfect one, "Sting." "I would ask but I already know." Luke shook his head. "Be careful with Sting. It---" "He. Sting is a he, thank you very much." "HE, is lethal. He it can kill us, others close to our kind and normal humans." "Oops I accidentally stabbed myself." With a worried look he pulled me in a hug, "And whatever happens. Put your safety above all. No need to be the hero. If you die in this quest I will get the lord of the dead revive you or kill me." "Ew how sentimental." "Be careful... okay? All of you. Promise me that." "Fine, I promise. On the knife, I'll come back not dead, with everyone." After Luke was gone, I placed the knife on my waist. I went back to Percy. "Okay, that's extremely cool," I heard him say. "What's cool?" I grinned standing behind Percy overlooking his shoulder. "My new pen." He showed me his pen and uncapped it only to show a sword. "I can't loose it no matter what! Its called Riptide." "But what if a mortal sees you pulling out a sword?" Chiron smiled. "Mist is a powerful thing, Y/N." "Mist?" "I just keep hearing that over and over can someone finally explain?" "Yes. Read The Iliad. It's full of references to the stuff. Whenever divine or monstrous elements mix with the mortal world, they generate Mist, which obscures the vision of humans. You will see things just as they are, being a half-blood, but humans will interpret things quite differently. Remarkable, really, the lengths to which humans will go to fit things into their version of reality." Percy put Riptide back in his pocket. For the first time, the quest felt real. We was actually leaving Half-Blood Hill. We was heading west with no adult supervision, no backup plan, not even a cell phone. (Chiron said cell phones were traceable by monsters; if we used one, it would be worse than sending up a flare.) I had no weapon stronger than a knife to fight off monsters and reach the Land of the Dead. "Chiron..." I said. "When you say the gods are immortal... I mean, there was a time before them, right?" "Four ages before them, actually. The Time of the Titans was the Fourth Age, sometimes called the Golden Age, which is definitely a misnomer. This, the time of Western civilization and the rule of Zeus, is the Fifth Age." "So what was it like... before the gods?" Chiron pursed his lips. "Even I am not old enough to remember that, child, but I know it was a time of darkness and savagery for mortals. Kronos, the lord of the Titans, called his reign the Golden Age because men lived innocent and free of all knowledge. But that was mere propaganda. The Titan king cared nothing for your kind except as appetizers or a source of cheap entertainment. It was only in the early reign of Lord Zeus, when Prometheus the good Titan brought fire to mankind, that your species began to progress, and even then Prometheus was branded a radical thinker. Zeus punished him severely, as you may recall. Of course, eventually the gods warmed to humans, and Western civilization was born." "But the gods can't die now, right? I mean, as long as Western civilization is alive, they're alive. So... even if I failed, nothing could happen so bad it would mess up everything, right?" Chiron gave us a melancholy smile. "No one knows how long the Age of the West will last, Percy. The gods are immortal, yes. But then, so were the Titans. They still exist, locked away in their various prisons, forced to endure endless pain and punishment, reduced in power, but still very much alive. May the Fates forbid that the gods should ever suffer such a doom, or that we should ever return to the darkness and chaos of the past. All we can do, child, is follow our destiny." "Our destiny... assuming we know what that is." "Relax," Chiron told me. "Keep a clear head. And remember, you may be about to prevent the biggest war in human history." "Relax," Percy said. "I'm very relaxed." When we got to the bottom of the hill, I looked back. Under the pine tree that used to be Thalia, daughter of Zeus, Chiron was now standing in full horse-man form, holding his bow high in salute. Just your typical summer-camp send-off by your typical centaur. I took Percy's hand and we gave each other a reassuring nod. I wish us luck. Talking whilst at camp drained me. I apologize if I won't be much help. You have stamina? So you aren't a bigshot all powerful god? Without you and I as one. I am nothing. I have given you my everything.
Argus drove us out of the countryside and into western Long Island. It felt weird to be on a highway again, Annabeth and Percy was sitting next to me as if we were normal carpoolers. After two weeks at Half-Blood Hill, the real world seemed like a fantasy. I found myself staring at every McDonald's, every kid in the back of his parents' car, every billboard and shopping mall. "So far so good," Percy said. "Ten miles and not a single monster." She gave him an irritated look. "It's bad luck to talk that way, seaweed brain." "Remind me again—why do you hate me so much?" "I don't hate you." "Could've fooled me." She folded her cap of invisibility. "Look... we're just not supposed to get along, okay? Our parents are rivals." "Why?" She sighed. "How many reasons do you want? One time my mom caught Poseidon with his girlfriend in Athena's temple, which is hugely disrespectful. Another time, Athena and Poseidon competed to be the patron god for the city of Athens. Your dad created some stupid saltwater spring for his gift. My mom created the olive tree. The people saw that her gift was better, so they named the city after her." "They must really like olives." I interjected. "Not you too! You know what? Forget it." "Now, if she'd invented pizza—that I could understand." "I said, forget it!" In the front seat, Argus smiled. He didn't say anything, but one blue eye on the back of his neck winked at me. Traffic slowed us down in Queens. By the time we got into Manhattan it was sunset and starting to rain. Argus dropped us at the Greyhound Station on the Upper East Side, Percy and I didn't let go. Taped to a mailbox was a soggy flyer with Percy's picture on it: HAVE YOU SEEN THIS BOY? He ripped it down before Annabeth and Grover could notice. "They could've at least gotten a better picture." I smirked which caused him to roll his eyes. Argus unloaded our bags, made sure we got our bus tickets, then drove away, the eye on the back of his hand opening to watch us as he pulled out of the parking lot. Grover shouldered his backpack. He gazed down the street in the direction Percy was looking. "You want to know why she married him, Percy?" I stared at Percy then at Grover. "Were you reading my mind or something?" "Just your emotions." He shrugged. "Guess I forgot to tell you satyrs can do that. You were thinking about your mom and your stepdad, right?" Percy nodded. I missed my parents of course, but I had Luke and Grover to talk to which made me less lonely. Percy became an outcast when we got to camp and had no one to talk to. I squeezed his hand and gave him a smile. "Your mom married Gabe for you," Grover told him. "You call him 'Smelly,' but you've got no idea. The guy has this aura.... Yuck. I can smell him from here. I can smell traces of him on you, and you haven't been near him for a week." "Thanks," Percy said. "Where's the nearest shower?" "You should be grateful, Percy. Your stepfather smells so repulsively human he could mask the presence of any demigod. As soon as I took a whiff inside his Camaro, I knew: Gabe has been covering your scent for years. If you hadn't lived with him every summer, you probably would've been found by monsters a long time ago. Your mom stayed with him to protect you. She was a smart lady. She must've loved you a lot to put up with that guy—if that makes you feel any better." I knew what Percy was thinking. He was thinking of the fact we'll get his mom and my parents. How we'll save them all. We got restless waiting for the bus and decided to play some Hacky Sack with one of Grover's apples. Annabeth was unbelievable. She could bounce the apple off her knee, her elbow, her shoulder, whatever. I wasn't too bad myself. The game ended when I tossed the apple toward Grover and it got too close to his mouth. In one mega goat bite, our Hacky Sack disappeared—core, stem, and all. Grover blushed. He tried to apologize, but we were too busy cracking up. Percy pulled me to a corner, after excusing ourselves for a bathroom break. "You finally going to tell me about this quest?" "The truth is," He started. "I don't care about retrieving Zeus's lightning bolt, or saving the world, or even helping my father out of trouble." I gave him a look that reassured him to continue. "The more I thought about it, I resented my father for never visiting me, never helping my mom, never even sending a lousy child-support check. He'd only claimed me because he needed a job done. All I cared about was you and my mom. The underworld god had taken her unfairly, and he is going to give her back." "Percy, we don't even know what's going on. Yeah, he might have her. But what is there's another reason? We don't exactly know anything. I don't even think my parents are with him." "Well, no matter where they are. We will get them back. The least I could do is get them back." He rested his head on my shoulder. "Don't "You will be betrayed by one who calls you a friend," "What?" I froze. "Percy... I would never---" "You will fail to save what matters most in the end." "What are you talking about?" The rain kept coming down. "The rest of the prophecy. Y/N, I don't want you to betray me. Please... don't." I could hear his voice breaking. "Of course I won't. We'll get this quest done. We won't loose anyone and we'll get our parents. Don't worry." I hugged him. "I will stay with you. I won't leave and I won't betray you." "Hey Bonnie and Clyde, we need to go." Finally the bus came. As we stood in line to board, Grover started looking around, sniffing the air. "What is it?" I asked. "I don't know," he said tensely. "Maybe it's nothing." But I could tell it wasn't nothing. I took Percy's hand and started looking over my shoulder, too. I was relieved when we finally got on board and found seats together in the back of the bus. We stowed our backpacks. Annabeth kept slapping her Yankees cap nervously against her thigh. As the last passengers got on, I immediately clamped my hand onto Percy's knee. "Percy." It was Mrs. Dodds. Older, more withered, but definitely the same evil face. I scrunched down in my seat. Behind her came two more old ladies: one in a green hat, one in a purple hat. Otherwise they looked exactly like Mrs. Dodds—same gnarled hands, paisley handbags, wrinkled velvet dresses. Triplet demon grandmothers. And I was now sure, Mrs. Rudolph was one of them. They sat in the front row, right behind the driver. The two on the aisle crossed their legs over the walkway, making an X. It was casual enough, but it sent a clear message: nobody leaves. The bus pulled out of the station, and we headed through the slick streets of Manhattan. "She didn't stay dead long," Percy said, "I thought you said they could be dispelled for a lifetime." "I said if you're lucky," Annabeth said. "You're obviously not." "All three of them," Grover whimpered. "Di immortales!" "Who knows maybe they just want to play?" I said nervously. Annabeth gave me a look of irritation, "Not now," she said, obviously thinking hard. "The Furies. The three worst monsters from the Underworld. No problem. No problem. We'll just slip out the windows." "They don't open," Grover moaned. "A back exit?" she suggested. There wasn't one. Even if there had been, it wouldn't have helped. By that time, we were on Ninth Avenue, heading for the Lincoln Tunnel. "Maybe a nice chat would help?" "They won't attack us with witnesses around," Percy said. "Will they?" "Mortals don't have good eyes," Annabeth reminded him. "Their brains can only process what they see through the Mist." "They'll see three old ladies killing us, won't they?" She thought about it. "Hard to say. But we can't count on mortals for help. Maybe an emergency exit in the roof... ?" We hit the Lincoln Tunnel, and the bus went dark except for the running lights down the aisle. It was eerily quiet without the sound of the rain. Mrs. Dodds got up. In a flat voice, as if she'd rehearsed it, she announced to the whole bus: "I need to use the rest-room." "So do I," said the second sister. "So do I," said the third sister. They all started coming down the aisle. "I've got it," Annabeth said. "Percy, take my hat." "What?" "You're the one they want. Turn invisible and go up the aisle. Let them pass you. Maybe you can get to the front and get away." "But you guys—" "There's an outside chance they might not notice us," Annabeth said. "You're a son of one of the Big Three. Your smell might be overpowering." "I can't just leave Y-- you guys!" "Don't worry about us," I assured him. "Go!" His hands were trembling. But I took the Yankees cap and put it on. And he simply vanished. Mrs. Dodds stopped, sniffing, and looked straight at a spot. My heart was pounding. Apparently she didn't see anything. She and her sisters kept going. "Maybe if they approach us, I could try talking? I really was Mrs. Rudolph's favorite..." I stammered. "Yeah stage is yours." Annabeth answered. The old ladies were not old ladies anymore. Their faces were still the same—I guess those couldn't get any uglier— but their bodies had shriveled into leathery brown hag bodies with bat's wings and hands and feet like gargoyle claws. Their handbags had turned into fiery whips. The Furies surrounded us, lashing their whips, hissing: "Where is it? Where?" The other people on the bus were screaming, cowering in their seats. They saw something, all right. "He's not here!" Annabeth yelled. "He's gone!" The Furies raised their whips. "Don't!" I stepped in front of them shaking. "H-Hi Mrs. Rudolph. W-What could you need?" Annabeth drew her bronze knife. Grover grabbed a tin can from his snack bag and prepared to throw it. To our surprise the bus jerked to the right. Everybody howled as we were thrown to the right, and I heard what I hoped was the sound of three Furies smashing against the windows. "Hey!" the driver yelled. "Hey—whoa!" The bus slammed against the side of the tunnel, grinding metal, throwing sparks a mile behind us. We careened out of the Lincoln Tunnel and back into the rainstorm, people and monsters tossed around the bus, cars plowed aside like bowling pins. Somehow the driver found an exit. We shot off the highway, through half a dozen traffic lights, and ended up barreling down one of those New Jersey rural roads where you can't believe there's so much nothing right across the river from New York. There were woods to our left, the Hudson River to our right, and the driver seemed to be veering toward the river. The bus wailed, spun a full circle on the wet asphalt, and crashed into the trees. The emergency lights came on. The door flew open. The bus driver was the first one out, the passengers yelling as they stampeded after him. The Furies regained their balance. They lashed their whips at Annabeth while she waved her knife and yelled in Ancient Greek, telling them to back off. Grover threw tin cans. It was as if I didn't exist which was kinda offensive. "Hey! I'm also here!" I yelled pulling out my now glowing knife and helped Grover. "Hey!" A voice from the door way echoed. "Percy you idiot! Run!" I yelled. The Furies turned, baring their yellow fangs at him. Mrs. Dodds stalked up the aisle. Every time she flicked her whip, red flames danced along the barbed leather. Her two ugly sisters hopped on top of the seats on either side of her and crawled toward him like huge nasty lizards. I don't know how but I managed to parkour my way to avoid them and get to Percy in no trouble. I raised my knife and stood in between of them. "Perseus Jackson," Mrs. Dodds said, in an accent that was definitely from somewhere farther south than Georgia. "You have offended the gods. You shall die. I suggest you step away from him Y/N L/N." "I liked you better as a math teacher," he told her. She growled. Annabeth and Grover moved up behind the Furies cautiously, looking for an opening. Percy took the ballpoint pen out of his pocket and uncapped it. Riptide elongated into a shimmering double-edged sword. The Furies hesitated. Mrs. Dodds had felt Riptide's blade before. She obviously didn't like seeing it again. "Submit now," she hissed. "And you will not suffer eternal torment." "Nice try," I told her. "Percy, look out!" Annabeth cried. Mrs. Dodds lashed her whip around my sword hand while the Furies on the either side lunged at him. I managed to keep one of them and parried with her using my knife., which turned out to be Mrs. Rudolph. "I hate to admit it but you were my favorite teacher. Why go mean now?!" I struck with the hilt of my knife against her, sending her toppling backward into a seat. I turned to see Percy had sliced the Fury on his right. As soon as the blade connected with her neck, she screamed and exploded into dust. Annabeth got Mrs. Dodds in a wrestler's hold and yanked her backward while Grover ripped the whip out of her hands. "Ow!" he yelled. "Ow! Hot! Hot!" Mrs. Rudolph came at me again, talons ready, but I dove in and got in range to swing Sting at her and she broke open like a piñata. Mrs. Dodds was trying to get Annabeth off her back. She kicked, clawed, hissed and bit, but Annabeth held on while Grover got Mrs. Dodds's legs tied up in her own whip. Finally they both shoved her backward into the aisle. Mrs. Dodds tried to get up, but she didn't have room to flap her bat wings, so she kept falling down. "Zeus will destroy you!" she promised. "Hades will have your soul!" "Braccas meas vescimini!" Percy yelled. I wasn't sure where the Latin came from. I think it meant "Eat my pants!" Thunder shook the bus. The hair rose on the back of my neck. "Get out!" Annabeth yelled at us. "Now!" I didn't need any encouragement. Taking Percy's hand, we rushed outside and found the other passengers wandering around in a daze, arguing with the driver, or running around in circles yelling, "We're going to die!" A Hawaiian-shirted tourist with a camera snapped my photograph before I could recap my sword. "Our bags!" Grover realized. "We left our—" BOOOOOM! The windows of the bus exploded as the passengers ran for cover. Lightning shredded a huge crater in the roof, but an angry wail from inside told me Mrs. Dodds was not yet dead. "Run!" Annabeth said. "She's calling for reinforcements! We have to get out of here!" We plunged into the woods as the rain poured down, the bus in flames behind us, and nothing but darkness ahead.
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UwU Haha this is what the knife looks like since I'm not sure if I describe it that well... Omg I just realized my brother changed the chapter title lmao -kookie-doughs
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Just imagine it has your name on the blade.
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@gayer-than-the-gayest-gay @the-natureofme @booknerd-3000
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Hey, can you do 9. ‘We might die tomorrow’ kiss and 10. ‘You nearly died’ kiss for Luke/Tori please? (when you have time)
sorry this took so long fam. i actually had an idea a week ago, but i also had to go back to grad school. so i mean good news: i’ve been able to really think abt these prompts. bad news: it took a bit to get to them. but here they are! (i may post them later to ao3 and ff, so look out for this updated post with links!)
for those of you just tuning in :D tori is my oc, and i’ve written two stories abt her so far in the pjo-verse: it’s the perfect story & i need another story, just for some context
9 and 10 are both under the cut. it just looks like 9 rn bc of organizational stuff
ps: to the anon who sent in #20 for this meme with tori, i will get to that prompt next (but it may be another week before i post it, for that i apologize). also i got your other ask abt tori and the canon other universe and will also get to that soon
Kiss Meme Prompt #9: “We might die tomorrow” kiss
Luke and I kept each other’s gaze once Percy had given our cabins their assignment, only breaking away from each other once when Thalia and the Hunters of Artemis came and offered to hold the Lincoln Tunnel. Obviously, he’d want to greet his old friend. I wouldn’t say I was friends with Thalia, but we exchanged a brief glance, nod of the head, and a small smile. Which was fine by me.
Luke and I stayed quiet when Percy raised his sword and shouted, “FOR OLYMPUS!” which the kids around us echoed. Everyone started off in the direction on the place they’d been assigned to, but as I turned to follow my siblings, I felt a calloused hand grab my arm and pull me back.
“You’re not actually leaving without saying goodbye, are you?” Luke murmured in my ear. I rolled my eyes but smiled and turned to face him, Luke’s hand resting on my waist. Around us, the patter of footsteps leaving died down and I could feel eyes on my back. We were in the middle of the war, and they still found room for gossip. How human of us.
“Of course not,” I replied, resting the palms of my hands on his chest. Luke waited, when I didn’t move or say anything else he glared at me ruefully, a smile playing at his lips.
“Do I get a kiss? I could die you know,” he said.
“No, but I’ll do you one better,” I told him. Luke raised an eyebrow. “Don’t die. That’s not a request, it’s an order.”
“Is it now?” Luke asked, wrapping his arms around my waist and pulling me flush against him. His eyes glinted with mischief and a challenge.
“Yeah, and you’d better follow that order,” I responded, wrapping my arms around his neck, pressing myself even closer to him. “Soldier.” I closed the distance between us, not caring that basically the entire camp, minus the Ares cabin, were watching our public display of affection.
The kiss started gentle and playful, but the joking soon evaporated, replaced by a desperation and overwhelming anxiety. Luke’s fingertips dug into the small of my back, riding my shirt up slightly. My arms tightened around his neck like a vice and I stood up on the tips of my toes—I couldn’t press myself close enough to him even though I could feel his heartbeat against mine.
When we pulled away, I was so breathless I couldn’t speak for at least 30 seconds. Luke looked like he didn’t want to let go of me. Even so, I stepped away, my eyes burning with a flood of tears.
“That’s an order, remember,” I managed, despite my closing throat, my unshed tears. I pressed hand against his chest, as if to punctuate my point. Luke smiled tenderly and took my hand on his chest, bringing it up to his lips and kissing my palm before resting it against his cheek.
“I love you,” he said, meeting my eyes with such a gentle look, my heart did a summersault, reminding me why I fell in love with him in the first place.
“I love you, too,” I managed, more tears flooding my eyes.
A second passed before I began to pull my hand away, but Luke kept his hand in mine until both our arms were completely outstretched, until just our fingers were touching, then our fingertips, and then—
I spun around, taking a deep breath, trying to blink away my tears as I passed my waiting siblings. I could feel Luke’s eyes on my back, but I knew if I turned around, I wouldn’t want to go to the Williamsburg Bridge.
a happy au, in my writing?
the idea of luke being part of the percy’s regime is based off of a fanfic of my fanfic called djinn dreams by lucifersfavoritechild over on ao3.
summary without spoiler: it’s kinda an au where tori convinces luke to go back to camp, but someone else becomes kronos’s host so things play out p similarly as they did in the pjo books, just with luke and tori on percy’s side
Kiss Meme Prompt #10: “You nearly died” kiss
so this is almost a direct continuation from the last ask
Travis met me at the elevator to the top floors of the Plaza.
“Where is he?” I asked stepping out of the elevator, my voice hoarse from crying and terse from worry.
“This way.” Travis’ voice was quiet. He turned without another word and started making his way through the floor. I started to follow, but paused and looked back at the rest of my siblings (Will and Kayla gone—called ahead to the Plaza), all eyes rimmed with red from crying.
I opened my mouth to say something, but nothing came out.
Austin tried for a small smile. “We’ll be okay. We’ve got work to do.” His voice broke and he looked away.
“We’ll be fine,” Cressida reaffirmed.
I nodded, not believing it, but promising to check up on them as soon as I was able. I turned and followed Travis, who’d waited for me. We weaved through the other campers and Hunters grabbing something eat or drink, resting, or bandaging wounds.
I smelled it before I got there—the smell of blood and something…rancid. I tried not to gag, but my eyes watered and I couldn’t help the involuntary cough that welled up in my chest and forced its way out of my throat. The rest of the Hermes cabin was there, but parted when Travis and I came into view. My heart dropped and I felt all the air expel from my lungs. My feet froze.
Kayla was kneeling next to—what were they called?—a fainting couch, where Luke lay. Both of them looked sickly, but Luke looked worse. Kayla was pale from healing, her forehead sweaty. Luke looked…ashen grey. His eyes were closed, and from where I stood, I couldn’t tell if he was even breathing.
If he was even breathing…
“Is he—” I gasped, my body finally unfreezing and went forward to the edge of the couch. My nose had gone numb from the smell that was coming from a trash can filled with a mix of blood and some weird, dark green slimy substance. Tears filled my eyes and it wasn’t from the stench. “Kayla,” I whimpered, my knees buckling.
“He’s still alive,” she whispered. “He needs more healing, but I’ve stabilized him for right now.” She paused. “Though it may not look it.”
I was about to ask her what’d happened, but my sister’s eyes fluttered and I just barely managed to catch her. I looked up to the Hermes cabin. “Can someone help her to a bed?”
Travis came forward and I helped stand her up so Travis could sling one of her arms over his shoulders.
“Thank you,” I told him. Travis nodded and started off, his siblings parting to make a path for him. I turned back to Luke, kneeling next to the couch again, taking Kayla’s place. More tears flooded my eyes and I reached up with a shaking hand to gently brush the bangs from his forehead. Now that I was closer, I could see he was still breathing, but it was shallow and thready.
I took one of his hands in mine, holding it to my forehead as some tears slipped from my eyes.
You can’t leave me, I thought. You promised.
“He took a poisoned arrow for me.” Travis’ voice startled me from my thoughts and I pulled back. Travis was the only one here now, standing on my left. He’d pulled up a chair. I looked up at him through watery eyes. His eyes flickered to his brother. “I don’t know how, but it found a chink in his armor, I guess.” Travis shook his head, frowning. “I should’ve been paying more attention.”
I stood up, letting go of Luke’s hand and pulled Travis into a hug. It was a bit awkward because there was a chair between us, but I guess I was feeling particularly sentimental.
“This is not your fault,” I told him firmly. I pulled away and, of all things, smiled, resting a hand on his shoulder. “Besides, he’ll be fine. He’s on strict orders not to die, remember?”
Travis rolled his tear-filled eyes, but smiled. “Thanks.”
I squeezed his shoulder and pulled away. “You should get some rest.”
Travis nodded, his shoulders slumping. “Oh, and I brought this chair over for you, by the way. And, one more thing, he might need to throw-up more of that…stuff, so just grab the trashcan if he lurches or jerks awake. His body is still purging the poison.”
I nodded, every word like daggers flung into my body. I may have joked about it just now, but I was deathly afraid of losing him, worried he might not last the next few hours. Just the very thought of life without made my heart squeeze painfully in my chest.
Travis shuffled off and I moved to the chair as close as possible to the edge of the couch before sitting down and taking Luke’s hand back into mine. I was exhausted, and as soon as I sat down, it hit me like a freight train. But I didn’t want to go to sleep, or close my eyes. I wanted to keep them on Luke, make sure he was still breathing.
None of the color had returned to his skin, and his breathing was still shallow and irregular. To be fair, it’s only been like 20 minutes, but I thought if Kayla had stabilized him, it’d show. Even a little bit.
Just as I was about to doze off into sleep, Luke’s jerked and coughed. My heart shot into my throat and I had to let go of his hand to grab the trashcan and hold it up to him just in time for Luke to roll onto his side and retch more of the poison. The stench hit my nose again, fresh and strong, but I swallowed hard, forcing back my gag reflex. I was slightly relieved to see that he was no longer vomiting blood with the poison, however.
Once he was done retching, Luke fell back against the couch, his breathing labored. His eyes fluttered closed and he was out again, his breathing slowing to its shallow and ragged pace again.
More tears flooded my eyes. My hands were shaking again as I took one of his hands into both of mine and kissed his knuckles.
That’s an order, remember, I thought, closing my eyes.
I don’t know when or how it happened, but at some point, I ended falling asleep half on Luke, and half in the chair. My head rested on his chest, while from my waist down rested in the seat of the chair. (I would be told this by my siblings later.)
A soothing sensation, like something was massaging my scalp, roused me from sleep. At first, I was confused because I was having trouble orienting myself because of where I was laying. When I realized where I was and remembered what’d happened, I shot up with a gasp. But because of the position I was in, I ended up sliding out of the chair and taking a tumble to the floor with a squeak.
I pushed myself into a sitting position just in time to see Luke start to sit up, what color had returned to his face, draining from the effort.
I glared at him. “Don’t you dare.” Swallowing hard, Luke laid back down. I was close enough to tell even that little movement had caused him to start wheezing. Worry shot through me like an arrow.
I carefully picked myself up off the floor and pushed the chair away so I could sit on the edge of the couch, facing Luke. I moved my hair from my face and over one shoulder.
“You undid my braid,” I complained. Luke smiled—and, oh, was it so good to see those blue eyes twinkle again—and reached up to run his fingers through my hair.
“Your hair is soft,” he murmured. “I like running my fingers through it.”
I frowned. “How long have you been awake?”
Luke shrugged, pulling his hand away from my hair, but cupping my cheek. “Just a few minutes.” I leaned into his caress, and closed my eyes for a moment. I brought my hand up to cover his and opened my eyes again, smiling. My heart did a little gymnastics routine at his returning smile.
Slowly, I leaned forward, bracing my left lower forearm against the couch, next to Luke’s head. I hovered over him for a long moment, allowing myself to get lost in his eyes, allowing myself a moment to breathe, to feel cautious relief that he was going to survive.
Then Luke cupped my face and brought my lips down to his. I giggled and returned his affections.
Impatient as ever.
I don’t know what happened. One moment it was a sweet, but still swallow-you-whole kind of kiss, the next I felt hot tears streaming uncontrollably down my cheeks. I could taste the salt on my tongue when they hit my lips.
Luke pulled away. “Tori.” He started to shift, to sit up most likely, but I stayed where I was.
“Don’t.” I kept close, close enough our lips brushed. I could feel sobs building in my chest, and my breathing started to stutter as more tears flooded my eyes and reality settled in. I could sense Luke’s restlessness, but there was no amount of comfort he could offer me right now that would make me feel any better.
Finally, when I felt I’d gotten my breathing and tears a little under control, I pulled back so I could look at him. His blue eyes glittered with worry, and he instantly reached up to wipe away the tears from my cheeks with his thumbs.
“I almost lost you,” I sobbed quietly, looking down at him, still pretty pale. But not ashen anymore.
“I’m right here,” Luke assured, trailing his fingertips down my left arm before taking my hand into his. His other hand stayed, caressing my face. “I’m not going anywhere. I promise.” His lips pulled into a crooked smile. “I’m under strict orders, remember.”
I snorted weakly, a small smile pulling at my lips, regardless.
“I love you.” Luke’s expression morphed into something I couldn’t quite read, but it was almost like…he was afraid I wouldn’t say it back. I wasn’t sure what had brought that on, but I quickly remedied it.
“I love you, too,” I replied, reaching up with my free hand to cover his that was still caressing my cheek before lacing my fingers through his.
Luke smiled, his blue eyes lighting up. I had to bit my lip on a silly, school-girl grin that was currently threatening to stretch across my face. My heart thumped strangely in my chest, blood flooding my cheeks, making me feel like a teen who’d just fallen in love all over again.
if you’ve read the books (i mean by this point, i hope you have…) this is right after the first night, and michael dying so that’s why all the red-rimmed eyes and somber mood. and i mean, luke was wounded p badly too so. also they are kinda in the middle of a war, so i mean there’s that too
this was so fun to write! thanks for sending them in ^_^ i know the second one is p long, but i wanted these to be as emotionally charged as they could be (bc i mean the prompts are p charged) but also subtle
i hope i accomplished that!
send me kisses
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