#when I started it was all gifs of movies and shows and innocent posts
yoonia · 1 year
what you wanted (m) | b.i
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➬ Summary | You have no idea how you ended up here. It all started with an innocent date, which escalates into something more. Something that is not quite so innocent. But he gladly follows your lead, always ready to give you everything that he could offer, knowing that—deep down—this is exactly what you wanted all along.
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➬ Title | What You Wanted
➬ Pairing | Kim Hanbin (B.I.) x reader
➬ Genre | Smut, PWP(?), Virgin!reader, Boyfriend!Hanbin, First Time
➬ Word count | 10,060 words
➬ Ratings & Warning | 18+/Mature; a bit of a plot if you squint, explicit sexual scenes, including: soft dom Hanbin, shy reader, dirty talk, swearing, stripping, kissing (lots of them) and making out, dry humping, groping, grinding, manhandling (kind of lol), finger sucking, fingering (female recipient)/finger fucking, hand job, long foreplay, breast play, nipple play, biting, pinching, first time sex, praise/praise kink, protected sex, minor aftercare, post-coital cuddling
➬ Main Masterlist | Navigation Page | Mailbox
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The bed dips as he lies down beside you. 
His shirt is gone, leaving his chest bare. 
Getting a good sight of him from up close, your body flushes in response. The warmth running in your blood escalates further when you look down, noticing his unzipped pants with the waistband of his boxers peeking from beneath.
“Is this okay?” he gently asks you, his voice comes out in a whisper, but you can still feel his words caressing your skin.
Your body becomes tense at this point, filled with anticipation. Your nerves seem to take up the space in your mind, and they are beginning to spark like haywire when you feel Hanbin shifting closer. You can feel his warmth touching your skin even before he makes any move to touch you with his fingers. It makes you feel more hyperaware of his presence and, for the first time tonight, your self-consciousness takes the front seat.
Unable to look up at his face, you can only respond to his question with a short nod. This only draws a chuckle out of him, and he leans in, his fingers are gentle as he tips your chin up until your eyes can meet his glowing ones.
“Don’t be shy, baby. We can take this slow.” His words are reassuring, but the way he says it, with his face and smile soft yet his voice comes out almost growling with need, it drives your senses to start running wild. At the same time, it slowly strengthens your confidence to be able to ask for more when he asks again, “Tell me what you want. I’ll only do what you want me to. I don’t want to make you uncomfortable, so—”
“I…I want to have my first time…with you,” you whisper softly, your voice almost fading into the room, yet it also sounds a bit too loud for your own ears. Your heart starts pounding in your chest as you look up to see his reaction when you repeat yourself again, “I want to have sex with you. I want…”
Pressing a finger on your lips, Hanbin stops you from talking. “Are you sure?” he asks you. “You won’t regret it?”
It feels reassuring when he does something like this, when he shows you how much he truly cares about your feelings. You love how he keeps making sure that you know exactly what you are asking of him. But you know exactly what you want, though you can understand why he keeps worrying about it when this feels so sudden. Neither of you had expected that this would be the way you are ending the night with him. It isn’t like you had planned this all along when you first invited him into your apartment for a movie night and an extended stay-in date after coming back from your dinner date. It was an offer that you would always make after going out on a date with him, and one that he would gladly agree to whenever he could spend more time with you.
On those other nights, Hanbin would be the one to initiate it when things get heated up by the end of the night. He would be the one to make the move, to start things through his teasing words or hot kisses until he leaves your blood boiling hot with desire and need. On those intimate nights, he would always stop before things would escalate into something more, knowing that you weren’t ready for it.
But just like your invitation and your initial request, you had been the one to initiate everything this time, starting from the moment when you climbed onto his lap sometime in the middle of the movie and started grinding against his crotch until you were both high with desire. And it had been you who pulled his hands away from your breasts, snapping him out of the daze that he found himself in while he was groping at your soft flesh, admiring them while impatiently crumpling your top in the process. You never had any intention of stopping him when you grabbed his hands, however, when you suddenly had something else in mind.
“My bed. Now,” you almost begged him, and never once you had seen him moving so quickly in response. He said nothing as he lifted you up in his arms with your body wrapped around his and carried you all the way to your bed. As if your words had sent him into a trance-like state, and he stayed in it until the moment he laid you down on your bed.
Picturing what happened earlier have you smiling to yourself. “No, I know I won’t regret it. I know what I want,” you answer him with a smile. Despite never planning this to happen tonight, you have actually given this a lot of thinking, and it has been plaguing your thoughts since the day you decided you wanted to do this. With him.
“I know I asked to wait and take things slow, but…I’m ready. I want this.”
You swallow hard and muster the courage to reach up to him, to graze his bare chest with your fingers. His skin feels warm under your touch. Slightly warmer than he usually would. Moving your fingers up to his shoulders, tracing along the lines of ink marked on his skin, you feel his heartbeat pumping steadily in his chest. It grows even faster as you keep running your fingers on his chest, letting you know that he welcomes your touch just as much as you do his.
Hanbin keeps his eyes on your face as he takes your hand, bringing it up to his lips. Dragging a kiss on each of your knuckles, he draws a shudder running through your body. “I’ve been waiting for this moment—” he says between each kiss, his eyes growing darker with passion and lust with each passing second and with each kiss he gives you before adding, “—for a long time.”
As if his words aren’t enough to draw a reaction from you, he takes the tip of your finger between his lips, sucking it gently until he can hear the sound of your gasp. The corners of his lips curl up to a smile, and he slowly leans back, giving you some space. Though he doesn’t give you much time to relax when he whispers, “Take off your top for me. Let me see you.”
Sitting up on the bed, your hands are trembling as you slowly pull up the hem of your top. You can feel his eyes on you, watching closely as you carefully, tentatively, peel your top off your skin. Even with your bra still on, your skin grows hot and you feel naked and exposed already once the shirt is gone, tossed away to the side of the bed. Licking your lips, you turn to Hanbin again, catching his eyes flickering down your body. His deep gaze trails down from your chest, lingering briefly on your cleavage before going down to the exposed skin on your torso, then stops at your flimsy shorts.
Before he can say anything, you lift your hips and pull down the offensive item of clothing by the waistband, peeling it down your legs. A faint sound of moan is heard, coming from none other than your boyfriend, and it makes your skin grow tight and hot knowing that you are drawing this kind of reaction from him. You lie back down once you are done, feeling even more exposed under his gaze as he leans closer, hovering right above you.
“Beautiful,” he groans, making your chest expand under his praise. You are surprised to find how good it makes you feel to hear his compliments, and how it draws the heat from your chest down to your pulsing core. But you welcome the delightful feeling that suddenly comes rushing through you. It happens merely for a brief moment, yet you immediately crave to experience it again the moment it fades away.
Hanbin takes this moment to push himself off of the bed and start undoing his pants. His action mesmerises you, drawing you speechless until he returns to your side and snaps you out of it with a whisper, “Come here, let me take a good look at you.”
You look up at him, wondering what he meant by it. But then Hanbin gently wraps his arm around your waist and carefully brings you closer to him.
You react with a squeal, but easily melt into him when he puts his hands on you. He leans over you and starts kissing your cheek, slowly moving down to your neck after. His mouth feels so good on your skin, his warm breath fanning over your delicate neck as he continues trailing kisses around your pulse. He kisses his way down to your shoulder, before going back up to trace his lips on your chin. Your breathing starts growing quicker, and sparks of electricity begin running down your body.
While he is busy making you grow wild with his kisses, he starts rubbing his hands up and down your arms. He does it in a soothing manner to stop you from growing tense beneath him, but that only lasts until his hands make their way to your covered chest.
His hand moves slower once he reaches your thin bra. His fingers are tickling over your flesh, skirting around the curve of your breast. Your chest arches into his hand when his thumb comes up brushing across the lace cups of your bra, starting with an innocent touch that feels so delicate, before it shifts when he grows bolder with his touch and presses down on your covered nipple. Your body shudders, soft gasps escaping your lips when his kisses run lower, grazing across your heaving chest.
He stops just before reaching the top of your mounds and glances up at your face. You can see his eyes darkening right before he plants his lips right over your covered nipple, brushing a kiss from over the lace, the fabric barely does its job to shield you from his hot kisses when heat shoots right through you upon contact. Distracted by the work of his mouth and his alluring gaze, you don’t notice his hand making its way down, not until his fingers graze across the waistband of your panties and he begins toying with it. His touch moves lower, and he doesn’t stop until his fingers find the wet spot that has appeared right at the center.
“Oh, God—” you hiss out loud when he presses down it, consciously giving your folds enough pressure that you can feel his touch reaching deep within you. The sensation peaks when he does it together with the work of his mouth, as he nips and nibbles on your puckered nipple through the thin bra still covering your skin, drawing a few cries out of you.
It feels so good. The sensation fills your brain. But just when you are starting to give in to the pleasure he is giving you, Hanbin stops and pulls away, putting everything to a halt when he looks up at you.
“Can I take these off?” he whispers, but his words take a bit of time to register into your slow mind. The moment you realise what he is asking, you gently push him away and sit up.
“Let me do it,” you breathlessly say to him. Your body is still quivering, but you still manage to peel your undergarments off of your body before coming back down on the bed. But just then, as you are lying down with him almost hovering above you, his perusal gaze running down your naked skin, your self-consciousness returns. Your instinct kicks in, and you immediately cross your arms over your chest and press your legs together to cover yourself as much as you still can.
“I’m sorry…I don’t know why I’m feeling so nervous, and—”
“Sshh—Don’t be. It’s okay,” Hanbin says, smiling patiently. “I’m nervous about all of this too. It feels like a huge honour that you are asking me to do this with you.”
With his whisper, Hanbin leans in to capture your lips in his. He starts with a slow kiss, yet it feels passionate and delicate at the same time. You part your lips when you feel his tongue slipping out, allowing him to deepen the kiss, taking away your apprehension when the kiss grows heated and your mouths seem to melt with each other into one. His hand reaches down, tenderly grazing on your thigh before he pulls on it, guiding you to part your legs for him. Slipping his other arm around your waist to hold you up against him, the hand that has been gripping at your thigh moves upward, capturing your wrist, and he gently begins pulling your arm away from your chest.
“I can’t look at you if you keep covering yourself,” he whispers against your lips. Pulling back, he brings your hand to his face, his lips pressing down on your palm, then to your wrist, leaving you completely transfixed to his motions and the mix of sensations which he keeps bringing onto your body.
He slides his other arm away from your body and gently captures your other wrist, pulling it away from your body before he repeats his action, kissing your palm and wrist the same way he did the other. His action is so captivating that it takes a while for your slow mind to notice what he is doing. It isn’t until he gently pulls your arms further away from your chest, once your bare chest is exposed to the chill breeze flowing in your bedroom, when you finally realise what he has been doing to you.
“These arms—” he whispers hoarsely as he lowers your arms to your sides, “—stay here. You are free to grab the sheets or the pillows whenever you need to.” Rubbing your forearms, he sets down your hands to rest on the sheets. The gentle way he is tending to you soothes your nerves, only for him to spike them up again when he smirks at you and says, “Better yet, just grab onto me. I wouldn’t mind having your hands all over me.”
The way he says those words draws an audible gasp out of you, while your reaction brings a smug grin to his face. He leans away, pushing himself up to get a better look at you now that you are no longer covering yourself.
Under his gaze, you feel completely exposed—bare to his eyes not only for your naked skin, but also your bare soul. And the feeling intensifies when his dilated eyes are drawn to your naked breasts. As if mesmerised, Hanbin runs his gaze down your body, taking everything in with rapt attention. He waits until you are no longer tense before he finally releases your wrists.  
His gentle hands move down your body, finding your waist first, then proceed to trace his way down. Past your hips, he continues to go down, then carefully slips his palms to cup the underside of your thighs, bringing your legs apart. He does it ever so gently, not rushing while trying to make sure that you are still comfortable with the way he is handling your body. He stops just enough to give him space to shift on the bed and take his position between your legs. Once he is settled nicely over your body, he then runs his hands upward, tracing the inner side of your thighs with a delicate touch that still sends your skin prickling with need.
Your body tenses for a brief moment when his fingers reach up between your legs, and you hold your breath, anticipating his touch right at your tender core. Yet, he simply moves his hand away, reaching around it to return to your waist. You feel yourself relaxing from it, although there is still a hint of disappointment lingering in your chest for not feeling his touch. But that feeling quickly fades the moment you realise that he is still tracing his fingers up your torso, carrying on his journey to make his way up your body while feeling your soft curves with his palms.
He doesn’t stop until the tips of his fingers gently graze across the underside of your breasts. The touch draws an immediate gasp from you, and it surprises you when your body jolts to the touch of his fingers. Never once have you experienced this kind of sensation. It feels different compared to all those times you were touching your own breasts while trying to picture how it would feel to have someone embracing you there. Not even when he would innocently brush his fingers over them through your clothes while you were making out with him, teasing you about it without actually making it happen. And now he is making all of your fantasies come true, and the sensation is way beyond what you had ever imagined, as his hands and fingers set alight the delectable tingles which bring all your senses awake. Your back arches when he continues further, when he tenderly cups your soft flesh with his palms, feeling their weight on them.
Despite the confidence and reassurance that he has been showing you, you keep sensing all the subtle hints that he might just be as nervous as you are at this moment, allowing you to believe his words when you can feel them resonating from him. You could feel it from the first touch, when you felt him trembling, faint shudders coming out of his fingers which faded merely moments after he laid them on your skin. And now, you can feel it again, when he stalls just for a second before he begins kneading, giving tender massages on your soft mounds.
His palms and fingers move around your breasts, working on your body by giving you a gentle caress. Hanbin keeps his eyes on your face the entire time he is doing this. He keeps actively searching for a sign of discomfort, making sure to catch it in case you suddenly want things to stop.
You open your eyes and arch your back once more when his touch becomes bolder, and he takes this as a sign that you are doing okay. Still paying attention to your reactions, he moves one hand to graze the tip of your breast. A shuddering wave rocks through you when he brushes against your nipple. You can feel your nub hardening under his touch, your skin growing tighter, while your blood boils hotter when he continues, repeating the tender movements until you are used to it. He then takes your pebbled nub between his fingers, giving it a few slow strokes and pinching it in between.
Moans after moans keep slipping out of your lips, when each stroke he gives you lights up delightful sparks rushing through your body. Loving how responsive you are, he then moves to the other breast, giving it the same treatment as the previous one until the tip grows just as hard as the other. He keeps rolling his fingers around your hardened nipple, then leans down, capturing the other into his mouth.
“Oh—” you react with a gasp. Hearing this, Hanbin immediately stops and looks at your face.
“—okay, baby?” he asks you and stalls for a moment as he waits until you are giving him the green light to continue. His voice sounds breathless, but it is the way his words seem to fade in and fade out through your head which makes you feel unsure if you had indeed heard him whispering them to you.
You take this time to inhale a deep breath, and give yourself a moment to process this new sensation flowing through your body. It felt maddening when the moment his mouth grazed across your nipple and it felt like you were struck with something hot, rushing through your blood which was flowing down south. And the feeling still lingers even as he pulls away. Your nipple is still slightly wet, allowing you to feel the pulses that appear on the tip from your rushing blood, while his lips remain to hover right above it. So close, but not touching, though feeling his warm breath falling on your sensitive bud make it seem like he still has your nipple captured between his lips.
You try to focus to relax, to brush away your nerves until you are no longer fighting against the rush that is coming to life inside you. Once you are ready, you look at him and nod your head, whispering, “I’m okay,” so that he can continue.
You watch with bleary eyes as he once again takes the tip of your breast into his mouth. He starts with a light suck, kissing it briefly before wrapping his lips around it once again. Then his tongue comes licking, lapping, before he goes back to sucking again. He keeps alternating between each ministration while he maintains giving the other breast similar attention, using his fingers as he keeps rolling and pinching on your nipple, giving you a mix of sensations that keeps running wild through your whole body.
Slowly, the pleasure you are feeling from the work of his mouth, tongue, and hands begin to reach its peak. While your mind is muddled by the overload of emotions, your body seems to gain a mind of its own as it begins to move without you realising it.
Your hand comes up to him as he keeps devouring your breast, fingers sinking between the strands of his hair to keep him attached to you. Underneath his weight, your hips start moving, instinctively matching the rhythm of your pulse that comes in a constant wave from your core. The more you are lost in the pleasure, the harder you are grinding your center against his crotch. The stretchy fabric of his boxer briefs feels rough against your bare pussy, making your whole body tremble each time you rub against him.
Hanbin gives your nub a light bite, and your hips jolt upward, sending your folds brushing just a bit harder against his covered hard-on, drawing a cry out of you when you feel how hard he has become. Even while tending to your needs, Hanbin’s need begins to become more evident when he starts rolling his hips in response, grinding his covered cock against your wet core.
He releases you with a grunt just then, when all the rubbing and brushing are starting to affect his body. With a shy grin on his face, he slips his fingers through the waistband of his briefs and begins pushing them down his hips. His hard shaft springs out, pulling your attention to it. Your eyes seem to be drawn to it that you cannot look away, not paying much attention to him as he pushes the briefs all the way down his legs.
The moment he returns to you, Hanbin is completely bare. His cock twitches under your perusal gaze, while your body seems to throb. It starts from deep within your core, as the thought of him burying himself inside you comes flashing into your mind. Then it rushes upward, swirling inside your chest. It builds up your expectation, and in return, something warm is brewing inside. Something similar to a sense of hunger.
It doesn’t take long for you to recognise this feeling as desire, lust, and you choose not to fight it. The feeling isn’t something new or unfamiliar, yet you have never felt it affecting you so strongly before. Never once has it made you feel so wanton with need before the way it does now. Nothing that had felt so carnal you just feel like you are losing control of your own body just by the sight of him, or by the touch of his hands the moment they return to you.
His eyes glint an amused glow when he seems to notice this change in you, and he continues running his hands down your waist, slowly grazing your hips, and then he moves lower. Cupping his palms on the under curves of your bottom, he gently lifts your hips up, just slightly off the bed with your thighs parting further for him, giving him a clear view of your pulsing center and the wet mess that you have created.
“I wish you could take a look at yourself,” he hums as his penetrating gaze lingers on the area between your legs. The way he is staring at you feels so intense that you could almost feel it, like he is touching you without his hands or fingers, and your pussy pulses in response. “Can you feel it? You’ve grown wet down here. I bet you’d feel hot too if I touch you now. You even stained my briefs, and I’m usually the one staining them whenever you rubbed against me,” he murmurs absently while he starts tracing the tips of his fingers up and down your thighs. He stops when he gets too close to your center, yet keeps his fingers hovering just an inch away from the source of your wild throbbing.
“I—yes,” you gasp softly. Even without him touching you directly, the throbbing intensifies further, and you can feel something cold on your skin when you try to move your hips. “I didn’t realise I was making a mess on you,” you add, as you slowly process his words. Your face immediately burns hot as you recall all the time that you spent with him, all the nights making out either on his couch or on your bed, just like this.
Almost like this.
Before, you would still be able to keep your clothes on. The farthest you had ever come was when he pulled you onto his lap, the first time he introduced you to the pleasure of an orgasm with his sinful hands gripping the soft flesh of your bottoms while you were grinding wantonly against his covered cock. The memory from that night has been permanently engraved in your mind. You still remember the mind-blowing pleasure erupting from your body, something that had kept you awake on the long, lonely nights that you spent replaying that moment over and over again inside your head. Right now, as you are lying still beneath him, feeling the same desire brewing inside your body, you nearly fail to resist the urge to rock your hips to ease yourself from it.
Your body has silently been begging to feel his touch, to be relieved from this carnal need you are having. It makes you feel—worried. Not completely sure how to process this new feeling taking over you. Your instinct is telling you to fight it until it goes away, while your curiosity is slowly growing stronger, pushing you to give in and let things happen.
As if Hanbin could read through your mind and hear you questioning yourself, he gently caresses your hips, just when you are beginning to grow tense beneath him in your uncertainty. “It’s okay. Take your time. Take a deep breath,” he says, helping you to relax. So you take a moment to take in everything while trying not to panic when the rush comes back in small waves.
Every doubt quickly fades when Hanbin suddenly moves his fingers. A subtle graze comes across your folds, a brief touch that quickly arouses your senses before he takes it away. “Can I touch you here?” he asks as he once again brings his fingers closer to your center, with just the tip of his thumb teasing your folds. Your hips jolt upward. You are surprised to notice how quickly your body reacts to his touch and how sensitive you are feeling with one subtle brush of his finger.
This wouldn’t be the first time he would be touching you there. But it would be the first time for you to be able to feel his touch directly on your skin. Before tonight, you could only imagine how that would feel like. Because on those previous nights, he could only press down on your cunt from over your shorts or panties, creating a wet spot on your undergarments instead of capturing your wetness from its source.
With not a piece of clothing getting in the way this time, yet another part of your fantasy is coming to reality, and your heart beats faster as you anticipate his touch.
“Yes—” you whisper to him, ready to feel his hands on your heat the way you had always wanted. “Touch me, Hanbin.”
Hearing your plea, he no longer holds himself back. With one hand resting on your waist to keep you still, he moves the other closer to your center. He starts by rubbing his fingers on your folds, up and down, back and forth, slowly inching his way to your slit. Looking down, he drags his tongue across his lips slowly, deeply focusing on the task in hand as he gently spreads your folds, exposing your wet pussy and your swollen clit that suddenly throbs under his hungry gaze.
Hanbin gently presses the tip of his finger at your throbbing entrance, drawing a low, keen moan from you. The sound you are making seems foreign even to your own ears. It makes your skin hot, and your face flushes with embarrassment, though it slowly fades when you look at his face and notice how much he seems to enjoy watching and listening to the way you are responding to him.
He licks his lips and presses a bit harder. This time, your body doesn’t tense as much as it did, and you can start feeling the pleasure that his touch is giving you as you feel him dipping in, stopping right the moment he has the first knuckle of his finger in. Your body seems to welcome him, the unfamiliar feeling of your muscles straining to let him in gives you a slight discomfort for a brief moment, though it quickly fades as he continues. He moves his finger in and out of your pussy, and your body reacts with your muscles straining and loosening around his digit, taking time to adjust until you begin to feel a new sensation building up.
“Is this hurting you, baby?” he asks while keeping his eyes on your face, searching for any sign of pain or discomfort. Whatever he sees only makes him seem amused, however, yet he remains patient, waiting until you can find your voice and let him hear your thoughts.
“No, not really. It feels…weird,” you mutter, not completely sure how to explain what you are feeling to him or to describe it with words. You feel no pain nor discomfort, just the unfamiliar sensation building up into a hot, intense rush that keeps on growing the more he continues, going an inch deeper as he strokes his finger back into you.
While you are busy processing the waves rolling up and down your body, Hanbin shifts on the bed a little, and pulls out his finger from your pussy. Before you have the chance to protest, he slides back in, changing the angle just enough to let you feel the rush multiplying into waves of pleasure, growing from small spasms to a series of intense shudders that makes your entire body shake. “Oh, that feels good.”
Hanbin takes your reaction as a cue, and he continues to slide his finger in and out of you, keeping a slow and steady pace until you are finally adjusting to him. Once he senses the change, with your hips slightly lifting to welcome the thrust of his finger and soft moans slipping out of your lips, he pushes his way in, adding another inch to reach deeper. Curling the tip of his finger as he is doing so, he brushes against your sweet spot. The first touch draws a gasping moan out of you, so he knows that he is doing it right. He keeps repeating the motion, over and over, keeping his strokes gentle all the time until you become a quivering mess under the magic that his hand is making. You grow wetter under his touch, as you embrace the pleasure that is slowly rising by rocking your hips, matching his rhythm as you grind your pussy against his hand.
“Hanbin…Hanbin, baby,” you keep chanting his name with a series of gasps and moans slipping in between. You can feel him reaching as deep as he possibly could each time he pushes his way back in, and it is starting to take him a bit longer when he withdraws from you. With each stroke he gives you, the slick sound of his finger going in and out with the help of your arousal starts getting louder and louder, just as it gets easier for him to move.
“Open your eyes, baby. Look at me. Look at what I’m doing to you.”
His voice fades in and out, yet you feel it sinking into your head after a brief moment. Slowly, you open your eyes, finding his face lowered just enough to get closer to you. You didn’t even realise that you had your eyes closed shut, a reaction that you made subconsciously at the height of this new sensation that has yet to show any sign of waning down. Your gaze drifts down, and only then do you finally have a closer look at what is doing to you.
His hand pushing and pulling between your parted legs, his finger going in and out of your pussy, getting more and more wet and slick after disappearing for a brief second. But the one thing that you only start to notice now is the way you are steadily moving with him, your hips rocking into his hand, as if having a mind of its own as you move rhythmically to match the movement of his hand.
“Do you see what I’m doing to you?”
Nodding your head, you reach out to grab a hold on him. Your hands find leverage on his upper arm and shoulder as you continue to rock your body onto his hand, embracing the pleasure that he is giving you.
“Tell me with words. Tell me what’s happening.”
Biting your lips, you try to push down the heat rushing onto your face before you can find the right words. “You are—” you gasp when his finger pushes against a spot inside you that causes your body to tremble. “You are fucking me with your fingers.”
Almost instantly, your face flushes with heat. You rarely ever cursed or said these words, yet it feels so right given to this very moment. As if he wants to reward you for it, Hanbin smiles and leans in to press his lips on your temple. His gentle kiss distracts you from his other hand that reaches down, grabbing gently on your wrist to guide your hand down between your bodies.
“Touch me, baby,” he whispers with a hoarse voice, his chest trembles under your palm while he moves the other all the way down. The tips of your fingers brush against his rigid shaft, drawing a gasp out of your lips when you realise what he wants.
“Okay, baby?” he tentatively asks you, only for you to nod. It brings a smile to his face, and you drift your gaze lower, watching as he helps you wrap your dainty fingers around his girth. He feels warm and sturdy against your skin. A few subtle pulses appear from the length of his cock just as you touch him. You can even feel him twitch under your touch, and as if it is even possible, he seems to grow even harder and bigger between your palm.
“You’re so hard,” you whisper to him before you can stop yourself, causing him to chuckle a little.
“Because you’re touching me,” he whispers back with a groan. Placing his hand above yours, he gently starts guiding you to move your hand, sliding it back and forth on his length to give him a light stroke. “Do it gently. Like this,” he says, and you follow suit, doing just as he is showing you. You feel him twitching in your hand again as you go back and forth, up and down his length, until he quivers a little and a soft groan is drawn out of him. “That’s it. That feels good. Keep on going, baby.”
As you continue stroking him, keeping the pace steady, he gently withdraws his finger out of you. You look down to watch him pull out, and softly sigh as he adds another finger on his way back in. “Oh…oh, God,” you gasp at the feeling of being stretched out further, and at the way your body reacts to the delightful sensation that you are still quite unfamiliar with yet definitely welcome.
The sweet pleasure runs rapidly through you. Some parts of you begin to pulse, pacing at the same rhythm as his touches. Your inner walls are clenching around him each time he draws his fingers inside you, while the tips send your body rocking with a maddening wave of bliss as he curls them to rub against your walls.
Right at the same time you are savouring your pleasure, Hanbin starts giving in to his own. You look up at him as he rocks his hips, thrusting his cock into your hand while you continue stroking him. His eyes are partly closed, while his jaw has grown slack. The sound of his breathing is mixed with a few soft moans. You take in everything, refusing to close your eyes to see what you are doing to him. Knowing that you are the one drawing these reactions out of him helps make you grow more confident.
Strangely enough, your body also grows hotter seeing him like this.
“I want to put my lips—” he says between each stroke he is giving you, pressing hard into your pussy as he breathes out, “—right here.” You gasp as you imagine him crawling down, his lips pressing on your nether lips to give it a kiss, and his tongue—which makes an appearance as he slides it across his lips—would be tasting you, pressing into your slit and moving the same way he is rubbing his thumb across your clit. Your body shakes more intensely, and you instinctively begin to rock your hips harder, faster, hoping that his touch would help snap off the knot that keeps tightening in your core.
“I want to taste you. But I’ll save it up for next time,” he groans softly. “Right now, I want to look at your face when you cum around my fingers.”
And just like that, the tight knot that you have been feeling in your core snaps. With a single thrust of his fingers inside you, a firm press of his thumb on your clit, and you come into a shuddering climax. You cry out his name as it comes through you like a wave, your entire body keeps vibrating with intense pleasure as it strikes you again and again.
Everything feels like such a blur while you are lost in the sea of bliss, that it feels like an eternity lasts while your body is jerking and spasming as you are consumed by the pleasure. Though you can still Hanbin’s presence, as he helps you ride out your high with his fingers moving slower, much slower, before he eventually comes to a halt and gently pulls out of you. His kiss on the delicate skin of your neck draws you back in, helping you to gradually start coming back to the present.
Yet the fog only fades when his grip on your hand tightens. You open your eyes, realising that in the height of your pleasure, you haven’t lost your steady hold on his hard-on. Your hand, the one that wasn’t holding on tightly to his arm, is still wrapped around his cock. The fact that you hadn’t been so lost in your bliss to squeeze around him too hard is beyond you, but you managed, and you instinctively start loosening your hold around him, only for him to stop you from making it happen.
You are unable to because he still has one hand wrapped around yours. And that same hand is still guiding you to move, even if you have been stroking him at an unsteady pace. Gathering your bearing just enough to command your body, you try to control your pace, finding a steady rhythm that would help make him feel the same pleasure as the one he gave you.
And it doesn’t take long for you to get what you want.
You continue to stroke his cock, his breath and his moans growing louder and more rapid once you repeat the ministrations at a steady pace. Not too fast, and definitely not too slow. And you are no longer gripping him too tightly, just enough to make him feel the clamp of your touch keeping a possessive hold around his pulsing cock. You keep stroking until his moans turn to whimpers, until the movement of his hand starts losing its vigour and he starts letting you set up the pace.
Soon, there is a twitch pressing against your palm, a sign that he is close. His hips shudder as it happens, and Hanbin quickly captures your wrist, stopping you from going further. His hot blood continues to pulse under your palm when everything comes to a halt, and Hanbin opens his eyes, smiling at you when he says, “That felt so good I almost came.” He starts chuckling, sighing deeply when he admits, “I don’t want it to end so soon. If I have to cum, I want it to happen while I’m buried deep inside you.”
He pulls your hand away and entwines his fingers with yours as he lowers himself. You can smell his arousal in the air, mixing together with the sweet scent coming from your body. You can feel his rapid heartbeat when his chest comes pressing against yours. Even the trembles that you caused on him are still there when you press one palm over his shoulders, though you can also feel your own trembles when his thigh comes nudging against yours, parting your legs further for him.
He then takes your attention away from everything with one lingering kiss. He kisses you on your lips, your chin, your neck, moving unhurriedly before returning to your lips with more vigour, his kiss grows so intense he completely swallows the sound of your moans.
He kisses you for a moment longer, then pulls away to reach out to the box of condoms on his nightstand. Watching this, your heartbeat begins racing.
It’s happening, you silently wonder as you watch him move.
Hanbin’s hand trembles a little as he rips the box open. The same box that you had bought on an instinct, hours before things had even begun to escalate into this very moment. He returns to you with a piece of the condom between his fingers. His gaze finds yours as he rips it open, and your hand flies up to stop him from pulling it out.
He frowns, suddenly looking doubtful. But that look is gone when you whisper to him, “Let me put it on you. I already told you that I want to learn everything.”
With a sigh of relief, Hanbin allows you to take over. His hand comes down together with yours to guide you through it, and you watch amusedly how his body quivers as you roll it down his length. His words fade into a groan when he feels your fingers on him, as if your action only turns him on even more. Again, this gives you more confidence, enough to get you to run your fingers teasingly along the entirety of his length once you are done.
Once the condom is on, you lie back down, bracing yourself and opening your legs wide for him. Your eyes are wide open as you wait for him to continue. Hanbin leans in, kissing your temple gently while slowly sliding in to take his place right between your legs. The moment he crawls on top of you, a wave of fear washes over you as reality sinks in so suddenly.
He must have seen it, because a warm smile comes to his face and he takes your hand in his. He takes a moment to kiss your knuckles, before brushing a thumb across your cheek. “You have to tell me if this is truly what you want. We can stop now if you think we’re going too far,” he whispers, and you quickly nod your head.
“I do. I still want this,” you breathe out. “I want you. I want to try and do everything with you. I’m not going back down now.”
With a proud smile, Hanbin covers your body with his. His lips return to your skin, finding your lips briefly then down to your neck again, kissing and suckling softly as the throb of his hard shaft is teasing you so mercilessly as it is laid between you, pressing against your mounds. He makes a low, rumbling groan when you subtly rock your hips against him, brushing at his length.
He is almost breathless when he breaks the kiss and pulls away, but the desire in his eyes comes out so strongly that you easily get lost in it, and you nearly miss it when he settles down in his position against your center. He takes his rigid shaft in his hand and presses the tip to your petals. You look down, noticing your glistening folds spreading around his crown, but he makes no move to push forward. With a brush of his thumb across your cheek, Hanbin calls for your attention so he could ask you one last time,
“This is it. Are you ready?”
Overwhelmed with nerves, you can only nod your head to answer. But he isn’t having it and asks again, “Are you sure?”
“Yes, baby. Please, I can’t take it anymore,” you finally answer him with a soft whisper.
In return, Hanbin presses one hand on your hips, holding you down while he reaches down to wrap his cock with his other hand to guide himself to your center. The next thing you feel is a nudge as he aligns himself at the entrance of your pussy, the thick head of his cock pressing in, and your heart starts galloping in your chest. As if he can sense your body growing tense, he looks deep into your eyes and whispers, “I’ll make it so good for you, baby.”
You look up at him as you sigh, giving him a smile. “I know you will.”
He presses the head of his cock against your pussy lips again, giving it more pressure. This time, your body no longer tenses upon contact. He also makes it easier for you to adjust to him by rubbing his cock against your slit, going back and forth with a couple of slow strokes, gathering your arousal while making your body shudder with his steady rocking. Soon, your body relaxes, and the shudders you are experiencing begin to draw soft moans coming out of your lips. And he knows right then that you are ready.
"Here we go, baby,” he says with a soft groan, and pushes the head of his cock into your tight virgin pussy.
“Ah—” you scream out when a sting of pain shoots right through you, causing you to take a sharp inhale of breath.
You had expected that it would hurt. Yet, instead of feeling as if you are being ripped into two the way you had imagined it would, the sting only comes in for a brief moment before it slowly begins to fade along with the pulses from your rushing blood. The pain feels sharp and hot that you can feel it rushing all the way down to your toes, your legs become tense because of it. Your body becomes still, while your mind seems to take a while to take in all this new sensation overwhelming you—the subsiding pain, the spasms building up inside you that are pressing around him, his presence that makes you feel so full.
Hanbin doesn’t move, giving you time to adjust to him while he waits to make sure that you are no longer in pain. He leans down and starts kissing the column of your throat, the side of your neck, pressing his lips against your pulse to help you relax. You can feel the pulses between your legs shift from pain into pleasure, your muscles beginning to welcome him instead of fighting his presence, and you begin to slightly lift your hips, rocking in small increments as your silent plea for him to start moving.
This time, his body reacts first. He quivers on top of you and subtly gasps, but he is quick to gather himself and pulls away. You open your eyes, looking up to his face to see the look of love and adoration coming out of his eyes. It warms your heart so much that it adds to the sensation when he slowly begins to move. He pushes inside a little more, gently stretching you out until he feels your muscles growing too tight for him to continue and pulls back, just enough for him to leave the head of his cock inside you.  
While you dread the thought of him pulling out of you, the delightful feeling of his girth sliding and pressing against your pussy walls is distracting you enough to stop you from protesting, and so does the sight of his chest and arms flexing as he moves above you. Hanbin seems to be affected by the pulses enveloping him as well, when he moves with a low, deep groan coming out of his lips. He waits for another pulse to subside and pushes his way back in, pushing deeper this time before sliding back out. He repeats it a few more times, moving in small increments until your muscles are no longer clamping around him, allowing him to move much easier.
Soon, he begins thrusting and sliding his hard shaft in and out of you at a steady pace. With each stroke, each deep thrust he gives you, the pleasure comes in waves, rising rapidly just as he begins to push harder.
“Ohhh…fuck!” he curses under his breath, his mouth falling open. In your eyes, he appears like a whole new man overcome with lust as he rocks his hips, pumping his cock inside you faster once he gives in to his desire.
“Oh, Hanbin,” you moan loudly when he hits the right spot. You just cannot help it when your body rocks back to welcome him. The feeling of him filling you up so completely, how he keeps bottoming out at your utmost depth as he thrusts inside you is overwhelming, but you take it all, spreading your legs wider to allow him to move freely over you.
He keeps repeating the motion, delving in deep and spearing you beneath him. Low grunts keep escaping his lips with how much pleasure he is feeling from being buried inside you, while your own voice comes out almost breathless, the silent cries of pleasure you are making fading beneath the constant sounds of skin slapping against skin, the bed creaking beneath your weight, and the force of his lovemaking that keeps rocking you to a new height.
You force yourself to keep your eyes open, taking it all in, making sure not to miss a single moment of your first lovemaking. This moment feels magical, but nothing defeats the beautiful sight of your lover embracing this moment together with you. How his eyes are locked on yours the entire time he is pounding into you, how his soft cries keep escaping between his ragged breath, and how his body moves so fluently, mesmerising you while he is doing all the sinful things to your body.
You can feel him throbbing within you, just as intensely as the throbs that are formed within your pussy walls. There is so much desire written on his face while his cock seems to respond to your body. He gives one hard thrust, and you feel your muscles quivering, the familiar spasms of your impending climax coming to wake.
The tempo of your tryst continues to build up, and you almost believe that you can feel him bulging inside you and growing thicker, stretching your walls further around his width. It feels amazing, completely maddening, even, when the pleasure just keeps rising, and rising, until you feel like you have nowhere else to go from here.
“Hanbin, baby…I’m close—” you whimper to him just when your pussy walls clamp around him, your stomach coiling tightly with the need for release.
“I…so do I, baby. You feel so damn good,” he gasps, nearly growling as he speaks. He forces his head down to press his lips on yours again as he starts to cause your body to shake with his pumping hips and cock. His lips brush against yours in a sweet way while his body burns hot with lust. Then he growls to your ear, whispering in an almost commanding way which immediately sets you off, “Let go for me, baby. Cum around my cock. Come with me.”
He picks up his speed, fucking you harder and faster. A jolt of pleasure shoots straight through you, but it isn’t enough. While he continues to rock his hips, you reach down between your bodies to find the little bud that he was teasing earlier to make you come. The sensitive flesh is still vibrating with need, sparks start going through your entire body the moment you touch yourself.
But Hanbin isn’t having it, refusing to let you please yourself when he wants to be the one to give it to you. He reaches down and pulls your hand away, replacing it with his fingers instead. His thumb comes pressing on your clit, circling it better than you ever could. Your body arches as he touches you so expertly, his thumb gliding over your clit, pinching on it, making you cry out his name in your carnal pleasure.
The rush of your climax grows stronger, and you simply let go of your inhibitions. Immediately your mind goes blank, leaving no room for others but the intense pleasure ripping through your body as you fall into your blinding orgasm. Your climax sends him falling to his own, his face contorting as he embraces his release. He gives you his one final thrust, pushing into you so deep until you are screaming loudly once again when you feel like your whole world is shaken with its force. He holds you there as he makes you take his entire length as it throbs and pumps into you.
“Hanbin!” you cry out again when a smaller spasm of your climax washes through you. You welcome it by grinding against him wildly while being pinned beneath him, and he bucks into you, his cock pulsing against your walls as he spurts every drop of his release into the condom, though you can still feel the heat of it filling your insides.
Silence falls soon after, once everything comes to a halt. There is nothing left but the sounds of your ragged breathing and your pounding heartbeat. A thin layer of sweat appears between your bodies, while you feel like something is pooling underneath, something slipping out of your throbbing cunt.
It seems that the two of you have become a complete mess as you found your climaxes together. Completely sated and drained, neither of you makes any move to let go of the other, still embraced in each other’s arms while his shaft is still buried inside you.
The silence seems to last long, until he finally opens his eyes, his gentle gaze looking back at you when he smiles. Hanbin bends over you, exhaling a deep breath before giving you a slow kiss on your lips.
Keeping you distracted by it, he gently pulls out of you. The sting of pain that was left forgotten during your heated lovemaking makes its return as he slides against it, drawing a shocked gasp from you. But the sting doesn’t last, as the remnants of your climax pulses around him, your pussy still vibrating with the shadows of your pleasure to help you relax.
It takes a while for him to discard the soiled condom, and you make use of the moment of silence to gather your bearings. A touch of a warm cloth appears when he returns, and you open your eyes to see him gently tending to you, cleaning you up before wiping himself clean. You were so distracted with the waning pleasure and pain that you didn’t even notice what he was doing, but it feels so nice to be taken care of the way he is doing it to you, and you enjoy seeing him so focused on it he barely pays attention to you watching him.
Hanbin throws the cloth away once he is done with it and searches through your face upon returning to you, as if he is worried that the regret will begin to sink in. But you reach up to him, pulling him down to you so you can kiss his lips. Sighing into the kiss, Hanbin is overcome with relief, and immediately reciprocates by kissing you deeply, passionately, enough to steal your breath away yet again just when you had just managed to control it.
“Are you feeling okay? Are you hurt? Did I hurt you?” he begins asking you nonstop once the kiss stops, his concern is written all over his face, and you reach up to cup and stroke his cheek.
“I’m fine. I feel so good, actually. So good,” you answer him with a deep sigh, relishing on the final spasms fluttering in your core. “I’m glad I did it with you. You kept your promise on making it good for me. Thank you.”
Hearing this, Hanbin gives you a shy grin, the same grin that would always make you swoon. The wild lustful man that had taken complete control of your body is gone now, replaced by the shy and gentle young man that you have come to love so much.
“No regret, then?”
You shake your head. “None, whatsoever. And you were amazing too.”
His adorable grin widens at your compliment. “No, you were amazing,” he says, kissing the tip of your nose, while you are once again pleased with his praise. A spark of mirth appears in his gaze as he looks at you then, giving you a thrill even before he makes his promise, “And this is just the beginning.”
Your heart flutters. “Promise?”
Hanbin gives you a soft chuckle. “I always keep my word,” he whispers deeply, and you don’t really have to question him twice to know that he is definitely going to keep his word in the near future.
You part your lips to say something else. Yet instead of words, a long yawn is the only thing that you can give him.
“Tired?” he chuckles, while you can only nod to him, your mind and body grow weary as if you had just gotten all of your energy sucked out of you. “That’s fine. We’ll talk in the morning, okay?”
As he takes you in his arms, your eyes flutter shut, and you sigh heavily as you take it all in. Feeling sated, you fall deeper into the dreamlike state you have been in. You breathe in the scent of sex mingling in the air one last time, and allow yourself to be wrapped in his warmth with his hard naked body pressing against you.
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—  © 2023 Yoonia, all rights reserved. reposting/modifying of any kind is not allowed. translations are not allowed.
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herprincess · 1 month
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-V&V would write/sing Everyone Knows That (the lost one or whatever)
-Velvet would write/sing that Zepotha opening song idk the name but it sounds very her
-Velvet wears acrylics because she picks at her nails and skin around them out of anxiety/nervous tic
-Veneer fights with his family at Thanksgiving over politics. Ever. Year. 
-When Velvet was around the middle school age, she wanted to be a ER nurse 
-Veneer wanted to do it with her just so they could still be together
-Sometimes they will say the same thing at the same time + finish each others sentences 
-Velvet used to get mad at Veneer when they were younger because she would watch videos where twin sisters would pretend to be each other at school, and she couldn’t do that with him because their hair obviously and some facial differences
-The differences they have obviously besides gender is Velvet having a more upturned nose, farther set eyes, lighter eyes, (you can see in the GIF if you don’t believe me lol she rlly does have lighter eyes than him) and a bit thinner, while Veneer having a rounded top lip, closer set eyes, darker eyes, and a more boxy figure
-Velvet has undiagnosed borderline personality disorder because her parents were convinced she was just a growing girl so she just started masking it to try and seem pretty and proper like the girls she’d see on TV shows, but masking it eventually built up so much that it exploded and that didn’t end very well
-Velvet is the one who picks the pickles off everything and gives them to Veneer
-Velvets hair is very heat damaged 
-It used to be wavy✊
-She would try and revive them after regretting all her years of straightening it but the pattern is destroyed
-Veneer was a roblox ipad kid and he used to steal their moms card for robux
-Velvet likes watching crime shows
-Which always creeped Veneer out
-Velvet choked on a piece of steak once and now she won’t eat it
-V&V used to make up dances to perform to their parents to try and convince them to take them somewhere 
-Velvet is allergic to peanuts 
-Veneer is allergic to penicillin
-Velvet was a allstar cheerleader but left because the toxic environment of her gym
-V&V were preemies
-I promise you Veneer isn’t as shy uwu innocent as some people make him out to be like did we watch the same movie?
-Vels favorite snack is pink frosted animal crackers
-Vens is zebra cakes
-From what i’ve seen in pictures, V&V are the around the same exact height, Velvet being maybe a bit taller
-Velvet is a hypoglycemic, so she did use the troll gem thing for fruits a few times on off screen performances if her sugar was low (if they even had off screen performances)
-Velvet was more shy when her and Ven were toddlers but as she started preschool, her extrovertism started to show
-As I stated in a previous post, I think it would be funny if V&V could both sing but acted like they sucked to make the other feel better 
-I can just see them looking at each other like 
-Veneer is lefthanded 
-He still grips his spoon/fork like he did in the table flip scene
-Velvet had a tooth gap growing up 
-They would both get in trouble because they would sneak watching Jersey Shore
-Veneer has insomnia
-If the twins had socials they’d be cancelled within a week because of Vel
-They both ran track at some point
-They both spend HOURS in Sephora 
-When they would chase each other, Veneer was the one who jumped on the bed and kick his legs so Velvet can’t get him
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pappydaddy · 1 year
sorry about the shirt (f.w.)
a/n: now that i named this fic this, now i have an idea for another fic with this as a prompt.... ugh my mind, curse my cognition! also, i have deleted this and reformatted this like six times and the title is still not saving as a god-damn title anymore. ugh. tumblr (pls don't shadowban me again)
tv show/movie: harry potter | pairing: fred weasley x fem!hufflepuff!reader
requested by the lovely @readingfan  (hope you enjoy it💛!) | my little pea-sized, fred-lane brain made this a fred x reader without me realizing it until seconds before posting this
synopsis: fred and george getting a summer job in a coffee shop where a pretty girl frequents. said pretty girl seems to have fred in a trance. what could possibly go wrong? well, fred knows what could now that an innocent shirt has been ruined.
taglist: @frederickandgeorge-weasley | @lilypad-55449 | @popeheywardssecretgf | @eichenhouseproperty | @slytherinambitious | @onyourgoddamnleft *line through you user means i could not tag you lovelies!
warnings: reader is described to wear sundresses | mentioned of negative thoughts about oneself (reader has negative thoughts about herself) | fred and george being teens (aged to be 18, idc if it's not canonically plausible) working in retail).
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- not my gif -
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GIF by fgweasley
Summer was supposed to be a time of freedom, long nights, and recklessness and there was nobody else who knew this more than Fred and George. Unfortunately for them, it appears that their summer was going to be nothing but seeing the inside of that damn coffee shop. Fred and George rarely ever regretted a prank, but right now, they were starting to think that perhaps slipping Malfoy that candy that made his skin turn Gryffindor red and his hair a golden snitch gold wasn’t worth this. It also taught them that when Malfoy said his father would hear about this, he actually means it - sometimes.  
  However, no matter how funny the prank was and how much it was worth all the time they spent planning and agonizing to create the final product, it was not worth this. Not worth the wrinkled fingers that lost all feeling after wiping down every single table and counter in the cafe. Not worth the skin of the heat from the coffee machines. Not worth the horrible experience of dealing with customers. Not to mention uncomfortable uniforms. Forced to wear black jeans, black dress shirts, and a ratty old apron ten other people wore before them. 
  While George grumbled everyday, hoping and wishing for their return to Hogwarts (something nobody expected to hear), Fred’s summer was not a complete waste. He did not realize this when they applied for their job, but this coffee shop tucked into a hidden alleyway of Diagon Alley was often frequented by a rather pretty girl. In her flowing sundresses, her hair cascading down over her shoulders in soft waves. When he first saw her his knees nearly gave out. Then when she turned to leave (lemonade in hand - it was a hot day) and he caught a glimpse of the white ribbon tying her hair into a half-up, half-down style, George had to catch him because his knees did give out. She looked vaguely familiar to him, but he couldn’t exactly place her. 
  “She’s in our year, a Hufflepuff,” Hermione had told him one day when she and Ron had visited them. They were out gathering ideas for a present for Harry. “She’s quiet, likes to stick to her routine but doesn’t shy away from new opportunities. She’s in my book club and study club. She has such a beautiful voice but she thinks it's horrible - that’s why she is so quiet.” She revealed after Fred pressed her for more information. 
  Unfortunately for Fred, he has yet to hear that beautiful voice since he never seems to be on the cash when she comes in or someone beats him to it - usually George as a form of twisted amusement. “Hermione was right. She does have a beautiful voice.” George blinked after the first time he took her order. It was later discovered that the reason she hates her voice was because some Slytherins had poked fun at her in First Year, leaving her with an ugly taste in her mouth and horrible self-confidence. Fred could wring their necks, every last one of them. 
  Anytime Fred had any downtime, he found himself thinking of her. He knew nothing of her but, yet, she consumed every thought and every dream of his. Such as today. It was a horribly humid and dreadful day. Every door to the coffee shop was open, a cooling spell was placed on the shop but it was barely fighting against the stickiness, and the owner even found some muggle fans and set them up. It was slow, barely anyone wanted to leave their houses and if they did, they surely couldn’t even think about sipping on a coffee - even one of their iced ones since the ice would probably melt before they even took their first sip. 
  But here was Fred, elbows digging into the counter as he hogged one of the fans. His back was facing the entrance as he moved with the fan which was oscillating. George was in the back, doing work back there but Fred was sure he was just sitting in front of that fan. “Bloody hell.” He groaned, pinching his shirt and pulling it away from him. This was torture. 
  “Excuse me,” A soft, hesitant voice called to him over the rattling of the fan, startling him. Turning around, his eyes widened when she saw who stood at the counter. Hair pulled up into a high ponytail, bangs hanging around her face from where the shorter strands fell out of the ponytail. Even looking right at her, he saw the ribbon she usually wore in her hair. Today’s was a pretty yellow shade, matching the sundress she wore. It was a pale yellow, nothing that jumped right out at you. “Could I get a large lemonade?” She asked him, blinking sweetly as she rolled up to the balls of her white converse. That voice. He was blown away. He was never going to be the same after hearing that beautiful sound. How could he go on with his life knowing that that voice exists and he isn’t hearing it every second of everyday.  
  “Yes, of course,” He nodded, rushing to the counter, nearly tripping over himself. “George, can you make a large lemonade?” He yelled out back as he typed away on the till. Instantly, George emerged, a large lemonade in hand. 
  “Here ya go, Y/N. I knew you would be wanting one of these today. Made it once I heard your voice.” He winked at her and Fred contemplated murdering him right there. He actually considered it when she giggled at his twin, but the sound made him stop. Everybody said her voice was the most beautiful sound, which he could agree with all his heart on now that he heard it, but her giggle. Just thinking about making her laugh made him want to lay on his stomach on his bed and kick his feet like Ginny does whenever Harry says hi to her. 
  “Thank you, George,” She smiled thankfully, holding out her hand. Almost as if under a spell, Fred reached his hand out, palm facing up. With her sweet smile turning to Fred, she dropped a handful of sickles in his palm. Her fingers brushed against the palm of his hand, sending shivers and sparks running through his nerves. “That’s enough for the lemonade and ten sickles for you guys to split for a tip. Thank you, Fred.” 
  The shock sent to Fred’s system was immense when she said his name. She knew his name. She knew his name. He opened and closed his mouth as she turned on her heel, her skirt flaring up adorably, her ponytail and ribbon flaring up as well and off she went into the dreadful heat, making Fred’s day so much better. 
  It was a rush. Possibly the biggest rush Fred and George have ever experienced at the shop. The queue was running out of the door. Perhaps everyone just now realized that summer was coming to a close and just now decided to emerge from their lazy, hazy, summer daze to enjoy the days. This, of course, made Fred miserable. 
  Instead of enjoying their time, patrons were making their lives a living hell. And for what? Amusement? What was the reason he had to get yelled at by a man because his coffee was too hot to drink? He questioned if it was possible that these people got some sort of happiness from throwing adult hissyfits and yelling at underpaid, overworked employees. Did they have some sort of odd kink? Did it fill a missing void? Whatever it was, Fred quite frankly did not want to be part of it.  
  However, when he saw that shining face in the queue, her nose buried in her book as she read so intently. She wore her hair down aside from two locks of hair tied back into a braid, secured by a light blue ribbon today. When he saw her, he froze for a moment. He couldn’t take his eyes off her. The way the sun burned through the dirty windows (that seemed to have fingerprint smudged permanently tattooed on it) and hit her like a golden spotlight. The way her finger absentmindedly stroked the cover of her book as she read. 
  “Excuse me,” The customer in front of him barked. He jolted back to reality. Frankly, he already was in reality since Y/N was completely gorgeous. There was no fantasy about that. She was perfect. The fantasy was that she had feelings for him or at least thought he was cute. “Did you get my order?” The man, a short, plump man with an angry red nose despite the beautiful summer day they were having, grumbled. 
  “One medium coffee. Would you like that iced or with anything in it?” Fred asked the normal questions, bracing himself for the normal response he usually received from people with certain mannerisms. 
  The man’s nose seemed to get even more red. “Of course I don’t. If I wanted it another way, I would have ordered it another way. What do I look like? An idiot? Rowena, you kids these days, needing to have things iced and sweetened. Whatever happened to the good British taste? Black coffee. That is what I want-”
  “That will be 3 sickles, Sir.” Fred read the total off, noticing how Y/N glanced up, rolling onto her tiptoes to take note of what was taking so long. He wanted to get this nasty old man out of his line so that she could get on with her day. Her day shouldn’t be wasted in this shop waiting in line. 
  “Here, keep the change.” The man basically tossed the sickles at Fred. Four sickles. 
  “Some change,” Fred whispered under his breath, putting three sickles in the till and dropping one in the communal tip jar. That naked a total of five sickles in tips. “Have a nice day, sir,” Fred faked a smile as the man waddled off to the pick-up area, barking at George to hurry up. “I can help whoever is next.” “Two people until her.” Fred thought. 
  “Hi, could we get two lemonades? Mediums please,” The teen girl giggled, eyes staring up at Fred sweetly. Fred nodded, writing the order down and sliding it along the counter. Harrison, the manager, grabbed it to start making it. “So, we’ll be seeing you at Hogwarts in a couple of weeks, right, George?” She asked with a bat of her eyelashes, still getting his name wrong despite his name tag being basically eye level with her. He could see Y/N look up from her book, snickering slightly behind her book. 
  “I’m actually Fred. And yes. That will be seven sickles today.” Fred read off their total, holding his hand out for their money. 
  “Oh, sorry. You both are so handsome, it’s hard to tell you apart.” She flirted with a wink, dropping exactly seven sickles in his hand. 
  “Have a nice day,” He nodded to them as they wandered off with linked arms to bother George. “Next please!” He just needed to take care of this one customer and then she would be at his cash. Evidently, she noticed this as she was tucking her book into her bag and pulling out her coin wallet. He watched her intently, somehow managing to take the customer’s order and recite the amount of money he needed. 
  He watched as she counted the sickles she had pulled out before pulling out two more coins before doing some math in her head. He could tell since her eyes flicked around and she used her free hand to wiggle her fingers as if counting on them. “Have a nice day.” He wasn’t even sure what that customer ordered, but he must have done it right. 
  And up stepped the person he was waiting for. Y/N stepped up with a bounce, smiling brightly at him. He wanted to faint right there. There she was, standing there and it overwhelmed him so much that his nervous system was going haywire on him. “Hi, Freddie!” She seemed to have gotten much more comfortable. She was more bubbly and talkative with him and his brother. She even started to call them by nicknames. It warmed Fred’s heart to the point it might burst. 
  “Hi, Y/N, what can I get for you today?” He asked, trying to calm his racing heart and malfunctioning nervous system. He was in fight-or-flight with the secret third option: faint. 
  “Just a large iced coffee. I am trying to finish off the last book on my book club’s summer reading list and I decided I might as well change up the scenery.” She explained, her voice much more even and comfortable. Not the same reluctant, soft voice she had when she first talked to him. And if he thought that voice was beautiful, then this voice was perfect. Alluring. Charming. Cute. Marvelous. Dazzling. Delicate. Stunning. Splendid. Gorgeous. Lovely. Any synonym there was for beautiful because this voice was so much better. 
  Before he could even tell her the total, she handed him the sickles she had counted out prior to the interaction. She always did it. “Three sickles for the iced coffee and how many for the tip?” He asked, knowing exactly how she worked things. 
  “Fifteen. Five for everyone who worked today,” She smiled as she rolled up to the balls of her feet - something he found that she did often. The line was gone aside from her and part of Fred wished it would stay away so she could stand there talking to him, but unfortunately someone walked in. “I’ll leave you to it, Fred.” She smiled at him. It appeared sad and part of him hoped that she felt upset about having to part from him. 
  He watched her walk over to George who held her coffee out to her. Sharing pleasantries, she headed off to one of the many tables. Taking her normal table by the window. “Alright boys. I am heading out, I’ll be back in two hours to close it down.” Harrison told them. That was most likely the last rush of the day. People didn’t tend to frequent the coffee shop near close. They gave him nods as he left. 
  Thirty minutes and they hadn’t stopped. Anytime they saw a lull coming, once they served one customer, two more would come. Just as Fred turned his back, taking a deep breath as the attack stopped, he heard the approaching footsteps of someone. He wanted to roll his eyes and outwardly show the resentment he had felt, but he didn’t feel the same hostility he had felt with the last few customers. Part of him should have known why before he turned around, but sometimes he isn’t always on the ball. 
  As he turned around, he was pleasantly shocked to see Y/N standing there at the counter again, her head down as she inspected the wet patch on her blue sundress. After a few seconds of silence, she looked up, hand hovering over the patch on the center of her torso. “Hey, Fred, again,” She smiled, a bit awkwardly as she didn’t usually come up after she got her order unless it was to say bye to the boys (something rather new after she got comfortable with them). “Do you think I could get a napkin? That last customer who left kind of knocked into me a bit and I got the last bit of iced coffee on me-” She cut herself off as Fred reacted without thinking, grabbing the back of his brother’s black shirt and ripping it off of him.
  “Here you go, Y/N.” He handed it to her. Shocked, she took it from him. George just stood there, blinking at his brother as if he had gone completely mad. Fred considered this a sign that perhaps, working nearly every single day of the summer had made him cracked in the head. Slowly, looking at the face Y/N was making, he came back into his body. It was as if seeing Y/N in need made him go into autopilot, doing whatever he needed to to resolve the issue Y/N was facing. 
  “Fred, what in Godric's name?” George questioned, still a bit shocked that his brother completely ripped the back of his shirt off, leaving just his sleeves and the front. It was silent as the three of them all looked at each other, trying to make sense of the situation. Fred couldn’t even remember his brain telling him to do that, let alone any thought of ripping his brother’s shirt. 
  The silence was broken by the sweet giggles of Y/N. Fred nearly gave himself whiplash turning his head to look at her. There she stood, on the other side of the counter, one hand holding the tattered shreds of George’s shirt, the other one hovering over her mouth as her giggled turned into laughter, eyes crinkling closed. “Oh my Helga,” She pressed her lips together, her purely magnetic eyes opening and meeting Fred’s with a zing being sent through Fred’s body like electricity (which this summer, he discovered was pretty dangerous). “I needed that, Freddie. That guy who bumped my arm as a complete arse-” Fred blinked, that might have been the most foul he had ever heard her talk, though Hermione had told him she had said much worse about some of the guys in their year. “You know exactly what to do to make people laugh, it’s an amazing gift,” She nodded at him, a large smile hanging off her lips. “Thank you, see you at Hogwarts if I am not in next week.” She whispered as she rolled onto the balls of her feet. 
  Before Fred could react, she was pressing her lips against his cheek. Her sweet looking lips felt even sweeter against the now burning flesh of his freckled cheeks. He knew that now he felt her lips, he wasn’t going to be able to stop thinking about how they would feel against his own lips, but right now his brain was empty. He couldn’t function as she pulled away, heels crashing to the ground. A bashful smile stayed on her lips as she waved to the pair of them, Fred so far gone he barely even registered the fact that her lips were no longer touching him - probably due to the fact that the tingling he felt was still there.    When he finally came back into his body again, Y/N and her bashfulness had left with her book tucked under her arm for almost five minutes. Blinking around, Fred saw the basically empty shop, the only person lingering being someone who had been there for two hours now. Looking to his side, he felt George’s “what the hell” look before he saw it. Winching, nervous about his brother’s wrath. “Sorry about the shirt, George.”
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madamevirgo · 2 years
Hi! This might sound really… outlandish, but I have been thinking about Thena using her cosmic energy in bed ;) Could you write a jealousy/ angst smut fic with Thena x reader , please?
Pairing: Thena x (f!)reader
Words: 2443
Warnings: (bad) smut, top Thena, jealousy, public sex, bit of angst, so much cheesiness I might puke, don’t read if you’re a minor but I’m not your mom so do what you want.
A/N: Tis I! Madame Ghosts Virgo coming to you with my first post in months (?) life has gotten insane. College, work, whoever decided we had to actually do something for a living? Got sick, got sick again, and as I was laying in my sick bed (let me tell you, the flu decided to remind us that she was indeed THAT bitch) my mind came up with the most horrifying car sex scenario and I remembered this request and kinda ran with it? (@poeticgal5 I’m so sorry if this doesn’t live up to your expectations but thanks for the inspo). It is 2:42am so even though I reread myself like a million times, you might find some mistakes. Also, welcome to my first public smut. Okay horn-dogs, enjoy.
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The Eternals through the years had learned to fit in. They molded and changed as was asked of them by the times. Even Gilgamesh, in his own peculiar way, adapted to the years. They all did, with the exception of Thena. Blame it on Mahd Wy’ry or her stubbornness to let go of a time where human connection was valued above all; she simply refused to immerse herself in today's world more than necessary.
Then came you. Innocent in a way but with eyes full of pain and trauma. You were determined to have her experience all the joys that this world had to offer. Not that you had much experience with them yourself. A Black Widow since birth, born and raised in the Red Room, you knew nothing but darkness. You craved some light, maybe that’s why you latched onto Thena the moment you met her. She shone bright, literally and figuratively.
Since the moment you met her, you had only one goal: experience all the joys in the world with who turned out to be the love of your life.
It wasn’t an easy task. Thena was stubborn (and scary), but you were persistent and perhaps even more stubborn. A trait you’ve always paid heavily for in the Red Room.
So you didn’t let her disinterest affect you. You’ll admit that her initial harsh words gave you a pause and stung your heart a bit, but you didn’t let that stop you. Soon, she started to give in.
Thena would never admit it, but she enjoyed experiencing life with you. Although she always did so with an air of disgust and boredom, behind each sarcastic and sassy comment could be found appreciation.
Appreciation for you, and surprisingly: life.
With the holidays, came new experiences. Tons of endless new experiences. Every year, it was something. One year it was baking, another it was skiing, another it was carolling (which she learned had nothing to do with the movie with that blonde actress with the fur coat). This year, it was a New Year’s Eve party.
Of course, Kingo had been the one to come up with the idea.
Of course, you’d been more than happy to jump at the opportunity to experience something new. As always.
Of course, Thena had agreed to it in the end. As always.
Because you could show her everything there was to see in every universe, but nothing would top the joy she felt seeing a smile light up your face.
So she helped plan, she got dressed, and she made nice with the people. Even those who insisted on calling her ‘Athena’.
All in all, things were going as well as they could go given that you hadn’t been paying attention to her all evening since you’d been running around playing the perfect hostess. Things got significantly worse when some leggy blonde started following you everywhere and making you laugh.
She tried to keep her cool because if she didn’t, things would get bad and she didn’t want to ruin this night for you. But the way this girl kept touching you was testing her control. She must’ve zoned out for a second because she suddenly felt a hand on her arm. Of course, she’d recognize your touch no matter what state she was in.
“Come with me?” You asked once her eyes met yours. And she nodded. Being with you was one of the greatest joys of her life.
You dragged the blonde goddess out and into the garage, and soon enough, you were driving away from the loudness of the house. Thena had not yet been able to grasp the concept of driving. She said it confused her. You suspected that she liked being a passenger princess.
“Where are we going?” She asked as it seemed like you were getting further away from the house, and into a road she’d never taken before.
“You’ll see. We’re almost there.” You said with a smile in her direction.
Soon enough, you pulled up to a cliff that overlooked the city. The view was magnificent and the air pristine.
“If you’re planning on going sky diving, let me stop you right now. My healing abilities don’t extend to others and I don’t fancy burying my girlfriend.” She said as she gripped your wrist to stop you from getting out of the car.
“I’ve jumped out of a plane before - without a parachute, might I add.” You said with a frown.
“Yes, I know, you’re a big bad Black Widow. I don’t care. Once was already too much. I’m so glad you know how gravity works.” she insisted, making you roll your eyes.
“It was more than once.” You mumbled. Which only made her deadpan. “Would you just let us get out of the car? I’m trying to be romantic.” You finally snapped a bit. After a few seconds, she relented and you stepped out of the véhicule, breathing in the fresh air.
You glanced at Thena and saw her with her eyes closed. Taking it in. She always felt best when she was surrounded by nature. You leaned against the hood of the car and watched her for a few moments. She was majestic. A fact that you knew, but never ceased to leave you in awe.
“You wanna talk about what made you almost have an episode?” You finally asked.
“I’m surprised you even noticed.” And although she didn’t open her eyes, you could sense the storm behind them.
You leaned forward, grabbing her hand and pulling her into you. Both of you, leaning on the car for support.
“What could possibly stop me from noticing you, my love?” You wracked your brain trying to find what she was talking about, coming up blank.
“That leggy blonde, she was all over you.” Whispered your girlfriend, not meeting your eyes. It finally clicked.
“Thena, are you jealous?” That was a first.
Thena and you had experienced many emotions, jealousy had never been one of them. It had to be noted that you never really interacted outside of your small circle of comfort and they all were respectful of your relationship or too afraid of Thena to try anything. So this was definitely new. Your heart filled with warmth at another manifestation of Thena’s love for you. You grabbed her chin and gently made her face you.
“Nobody has my attention but you. Although my eyes may not always reside on you, my mind and heart always do. Worry not my love, for me, there’s no one else but you.” And you sealed that promise with a kiss.
“Cheesy,” said the goddess as you pulled away, but the bright smile on her face showed her true sentiment even as she rolled her eyes.
“Only for you.” And you added a cheeky wink.
“Is there a particular reason why you’ve brought us up here? Or did you just want to get me away so I wouldn’t lose control around the humans?” She asked once you both settled down.
“This is the best place to see fireworks in the whole city. Another joy for us to experience. You know, other than the ones caused by bombs or actual explosions.”
“You do know I’ve seen my fair share of fireworks, right? During our time in Babylon, Sprite would create some pretty phenomenal ones. Nothing has compared ever since.” At times, you would catch a glimpse of sadness in her eyes as she reminisced about the past.
In this instance, you couldn’t help but feel a bit dejected. She must have seen the look on your face because she amended quickly.
“But this one will be even more special and incomparable because I’ll be sharing it with you.” She caressed your cheek with her hand, and you reached up to grab it in your hands.
“I’m sure.” And you knew that the smile you gave her wasn’t convincing, perhaps to someone less versed in the subject that was you; but not to Thena.
With a sigh, you lay down and pulled her next to you, on the hood of the car. It occurred to you that you should have grabbed a blanket for comfort. You suddenly worried that her back would hurt. This whole experience was turning out to be the opposite of what you had hoped it would be.
“We should head back. The others will be wondering where we are.” Before you could fully get up, she grabbed your hand, making you look down at her.
“I’m sure they’ll manage. Besides, I thought you wanted to see the fireworks.”
“I just realized that we came a bit too early and I forgot to bring blankets. I don’t think the hood of the car will be comfortable for long.” You wanted to cry. Like everything you planned for Thena, you wanted tonight to be perfect. It was, however proving to be an utter failure.
“I’m very comfortable, but if you’re not, we can go. Although I was hoping to have you experience something new, and you’ve set the scene for it so beautifully.” She got up and before you knew it she was standing next to the passenger’s door. The glint in her eyes told you she was up to no good, and the shiver that ran up down your spine told you you’d love every second of it.
“I’m sure they can go without us for a little bit longer.” You whispered as she slowly approached you, like a hunter creeping on its prey.
“Uh huh.” She wrapped her arms around you and claimed your lips with hers.
If it wasn’t for the car, your legs would have given out. Every time she kissed you, you turned to mush; but there was something in her energy tonight that was different.
“I have so much energy pant up from not killing that leggy blonde. I think it could be better invested in you. Don’t you agree?” She pulled back from whispering in your ear to bite the lobe and your eyes rolled to the back of your head.
“Yes.” Was all you could manage to say as you wrapped your arms around her to steady yourself.
This seemed to be all the answer she needed before letting loose. She pushed you down on the hood of the car and the telltale gold of her powers that occurred when she was manipulating cosmic energy appeared at each one of your wrists, restraining you to the car.
“I don’t know who will enjoy this more. What I know for certain is that neither she nor anyone will ever be able to make you feel as good as I’m about to make you feel.” If that was her certainty, yours was that your pussy was currently the Nile river.
She rolled up your shirt over your head and locked your lips in a searing kiss that made your head spin from lack of oxygen; before slowly, tortuously kissing her way to your boobs. Neither of them was left without attention. She was sucking and biting on one while squeezing and palming the other with her hand, making your back arch in pleasure.
Thankfully, you could feel that she wasn’t in a teasing mood tonight. Right when you thought it couldn’t get any better, she started sending bursts of cosmic energy into your body with each bite and pinch.
You were suddenly grateful that you had driven you both up here so no one could hear the noises you let out.
“Thena, please. More.” The way you were doing your absolute best to trap her between your legs told her exactly where you needed her.
She removed her mouth from your boob and continued trailing kisses until she reached the gates of absolute pleasure. One kiss, two. It was like a silent prayer that she sent to the universe; thanking it for the feast she was about to taste.
Then she dived in and you could have come right then. You let out a loud moan and the hand that had been left on your other boob disappeared before two fingers were shoved in your mouth for you to suck on.
Again and again and again she cherished your clitoris, drinking you up like the last glass of water on earth. Her powers had always intrigued you. The beauty of it all. But the way she was using it to pleasure you right now? You would’ve given what you didn’t have to keep this feeling from ever ending.
And then she stopped. You were quick to open your eyes with a glare. How dare she deny you such pleasure? Of such a euphoric feeling? It was yours to take and hers to give.
“Relax, my love,” she pressed a kiss to your lips and then your cheek, making your gaze soften. “I’m not quite done with you yet.” And then she pushed into you.
Thena and you had used a strap more than once, but never one made from cosmic energy. It was almost alive; an extension of her, pulsating inside of you and that energy was spreading in your insides. It was pleasure like you’ve never experienced, and it felt almost sinful not to die immediately after.
“Fuck, right there Thena. Rig-” you couldn’t breathe, in the most fabulous way. It was like breathing, speaking, would take away from your experience of this feeling, this moment. You couldn’t have that.
Thena was a dancer, graceful yet impactful in her movements. They were precise and direct and carried everything that couldn’t be said. You saw it in her fighting style, and you felt it in the way she was fucking you.
“I love you”
“We are now one.”
“I love you.”
“You are an extension of me.”
It almost felt like she was speaking all these thoughts directly in your head. You honestly didn’t want to think about the probability of that. Mostly because you reached your peak and as you came undone and felt warmth unleash inside of you, you had to open your eyes to make sure you weren’t going crazy when you heard fireworks above you.
“Happy New Year,” said your blonde girlfriend, as she tried to catch her breath.
“The happiest.” You mumbled as you pulled her close and kissed her forehead.
You could have fallen asleep right there, consequences be damned. And you would’ve if it wasn’t for Thena speaking.
“I think we dented your car.” She mumbled.
“That’s okay. It’s one of Kingo’s.” You mumbled right back.
You would get up eventually. But for now, you wanted to enjoy this new bond that had been formed between you two.
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–pairing charlesleclerc x reader | wc 0,48k | warnings fluff | what's inside charles feels embarassed about the release of the iconic pictures showing him giving his everything while wearing a wig and sunglasses as well as ridiculous sunburns as he was promoting the las vegas grand prix.
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you and charles were trying to enjoy and make the most out of the last few days you had together before the new season started and everything became way more hectic. this is why you dedicated the whole day to the couch, taking time to watch movies and cuddle. you were taking a look at a new book you had just bought, when charles was mindlessly scrolling through his instagram as he stumbled upon something rather interesting. „oh my god,“ he groaned. you perked up, „whats up, baby?“ you scooted over to where he was sitting, taking a glimpse over his shoulder. the image in front of you exceeded everything you expected to see. you desperately tried not to laugh, but were failing miserably as you let out a chuckle while covering your mouth with your hands to hide your smile. the official f1 tiktok account posted videos of the drivers wearing sparkly jackets to promote the las vergas grand prix, which had only recently been added to the racing calendar for the first time ever. only charles out of all the drivers was dressed in a wig and big sunglasses as well as a hat and had ridiculous sideburns sticked to his cheeks while being equipped with playing cards, looking like a wannabe elvis presley on his way to a casino to play some black jack. „oh my god“ you mimiced your boyfriend as you let out a snort. charles, who now had a frown decorating his face, turned his head slightly to your side as he felt your body vibrating against his. „i look hideous,“ he exclaimed while throwing his hands up in distress. „calm down, big boy. this is actually quite funny. something you could wear to a halloween party this year. don‘t you think?“ you said as you brushed your fingers through his hair, trying to get a smile out of him, "charles lepresley doesn't sound too bad." "you're making fun of me, le coeur. this isn't funny", he gasped, shocked by your response. "what, why? you look amazing, honestly," you took his phone into your hands, taking a closer look of the photo, "i should definitely print this out and hang it up somewhere. maybe in the staircase. what do you think?", you asked innocently, clearly trying to get to him. but charles was visibly shocked by your proposition. "you have to be kidding, mon amour", he croaked, while shaking his head. you immediately felt sorry about your idea. "oh no, baby love", you pulled charles into your arms. "only you can pull something like that off. it looks amazing and the fans will love it", you cooed, trying to make him feel a little bit better about the situation. "still very much embarrassing", charles muffled into your chest. "it will get better," you replied while picturing the image of your dressed up boyfriend in your head.
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(gif via F1lasvegas)
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© thesecretsoftheuniverse 2023 | all rights reserved. do not repost, republish, steal, translate, modify or claim my work as your own.
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yutahoes · 1 year
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word count: 1k words
summary: Watching High and Low the Worst X.
warnings: High and Low movie spoilers, mild language, suggestive content
a/n: Wow, Tumblr changed a lot. I don't know how to post anymore.😅 Anyways, this is a small gift for all the readers who still kept on encouraging me to write and sent me messages during the time I wasn't here. 🥰 An attempt in writing has been made. I'm sorry if this isn't much or it isn't that good, I'm honestly taking baby steps in writing again. I hope you like this short fic. ❤
"Am I just a pawn? I thought we were friends." You stifled a sob at the statement. Ryo had always been there for Amagai yet he calls his friend a pawn. How despicable! It doesn't help that you hated Amagai and his bossy attitude. 
As the movie progressed, you felt tears running down your cheeks. This should be an action movie. Why are you even crying? 
"I'm home." You heard the door open, followed by your boyfriend's voice. Hastily, you dried your tears. He cannot see you in this state. But you just saw him stop in his tracks, staring at you in worry before you could bundle up your favorite fleece blanket. "What happened?" 
Instead of hiding it, you cried louder. The images on the TV screen showed three men fighting, your favorite character looking really beaten up. "Why is Ryo like that?" You whined. "Although they grew up together, Amagai clearly told Ryo that he's just his pawn. Why would he hurt himself for that annoying jerk?" Your boyfriend sighed, dropping his duffel bag on the floor, before sitting beside you on the couch. He stretched his arm out for you, brushing your hair to calm you down. “And why would they hurt Ryo like that? In the face? Really? He’s so handsome to be hit like that.” 
The guy beside you chuckled. "I knew getting that Blu-Ray would be bad for you." You watched how Fujio and Ryo fought. Every punch and kick makes your heart ache. When Amagai lunged a knife at Fujio and Ryo was seen on the screen, you gasped. Your hand covered your mouth while watching your favorite character be emotional, trying to hide the fact that you’re as emotional as the person on the screen. 
Your boyfriend held your shoulder, pulling you closer as you sobbed uncontrollably. “Are you really that emotional over this movie?” You mumbled a yes which made him chuckle. “You’ve watched it like five times already.” 
“Seventh.” You corrected. His laughter echoed through the room. “My favorite character is hurting, what do you expect? Why must Ryo get hurt like that?” You cried. 
His hand on your back comforted you, his warm breathing against your ear slowly calming you down. “I’m now starting to question if you like Ryo more than me.” 
It was your turn to chuckle lightly. “Probably.” 
“Yah!” Your boyfriend revolted, poking your side to tickle you. 
You held both his cheeks, staring intently at him. Although they look the same, how can the person on the screen be different from the guy you’re looking at right now? “Were you hurt…” You asked innocently, “...when they punched you?”   
Yuta smiled then shook his head, “It was a choreographed fight scene. I didn’t get hurt but just pretended that I did.” He reasoned out then grinned proudly. “Seeing how you empathized with my character, I think I did a great job.” 
You nodded. He did. 
You were just in awe at how amazing he is the first time you watched the movie. It was the reason why you kept on repeating watching the same movie even though you knew what would happen in the end. Yuta is an amazing actor, no doubt about that. “You should act some more.” He smiled, nodding at you. “But can you refrain from doing action movies? I don’t want to watch your pretty face getting hurt.” 
He chuckled, patting the top of your head. “Shall I do romance instead?” 
“Then I’ll definitely leave you for Ryo Suzaki.” 
It was a tiring day. You let out a heavy sigh when you sat on the couch and then noticed the apartment keys on the table. Is Yuta home? He doesn’t have any schedules today? Maybe he’s sleeping. “Yuta?” You asked, not lifting your body from the couch.  
The door to your bedroom opened and out came a man with black hair, a red jacket, and red pants. He grinned at your stunned face, raising an eyebrow when you suddenly stood up from the couch. “Suzaki Ryo!” 
“Wow,” Yuta exclaimed. “You’re really that excited seeing Ryo? It’s making me jealous.” He then chuckled at your unwavering stare. The man you’re just watching on TV, in front of you. Why is Yuta wearing that uniform? And did he suddenly change his hair?  
“The Senomon uniform looks good on you. It just feels weird seeing you smiling wearing that uniform.” Yuta giggled. “And without bruises or cuts on your face.” 
Yuta walked in front of you, cupping your face with his hands. “I know it’s a tiring day and I wanted you to have a memorable date with your favorite character.” A grin can be seen on your face. “You look so happy now that I want to erase the existence of Ryo Suzaki so badly.” You giggled. You love it when Yuta is jealous. It makes you feel loved. Not that he didn’t tell you how much he loves you, but there’s something about this gorgeous man getting jealous that someone else is taking you away from him. Like how a main character in a movie feels. “So what do you want to do, baby?” 
“I want to watch a movie.” He gave you a tired, annoyed look. “Let’s watch High and Low.” You quickly opened the television and the player. You can hear Yuta mumbling, while sitting on the couch, about Ryo being in front of you yet you’re opting to watch a movie. “It’s not just Ryo who I liked in the movie,” you teased. “I also want to see Yuken’s body.”
Yuta laughed. “That’s very likely of you.” He leaned closer, slowly undoing the buttons of his uniform that showed his black tank top underneath. “You know, Ryo has a better body than Yuken.” 
You covered him with your favorite blanket while giggling at his attempt. “Ryo.” You called that made your boyfriend roll his eyes in obvious annoyance. “Don’t tempt me.” Yuta rolled his head back, laughing at that statement, wrapping you in his arms. “Although I have a huge crush on you, I’m still Yuta’s.” 
“Yeah, you are.” He mumbled. “And Yuta will go all Ryo if someone takes you away from him.” 
You smiled. You definitely are the main character in this movie.  
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keitorinrose · 3 months
can you tell us about your trolls x su au or tell us the basics of the story?
Sure! There probably won't be a lot of details because there's a lot of things i still need to figure out.
The idea for the au came because i remembered the song drift away and thought "this is so floyd and branch" and then it spiralled from there. None of this is final btw. things can and probably will change because I don't make aus often. 💀 Also don't think too hard about the su part of this au. Im probably only gonna use the basic parts of it and will barely use anything from the show because I'm mostly focusing on the movie of su and not the serie and epilogue.
I currently only have the roles for the main characters so
Branch is Spinel
Floyd is Steven (but he's still the one who makes the promise with branch even though in su that was pink diamond and not steven.)
Clay is Amethyst
Spruce/Bruce is Pearl
And JD is Garnet
I want to add viva, poppy and brandy too but I don't know which characters they would be yet.
So brozone breaks up. JD, spruce and clay leave and before floyd goes he makes the promise with branch, he stays and one day he'll come back for him. Years pass by and floyd still hasn't returned. Branch's colors are becoming duller as the years go by, he starts doubting himself but never fully gives up hope.
Here's where i struggle a bit with the story because i don't have a reason yet why floyd never came back. At some point floyd reunites with the others but idk the reason yet why branch isn't part of that reunion.
Just like in the song drift away i want branch to get a message that shows floyd and the others so that he realises that he's been abandoned and that floyd broke the promise. That's when branch would go grey. (Idk if I'm adding rosiepuff in this au)
So this is when the su plot comes in. Branch comes with the injector. He fights brozone and in the process everyone gets reset except floyd. When they get reset they're back into their roles before brozone broke up. So clay is back to being the funboy, spruce the heartthrob and jd the leader. With branch i think he would act more childlike or innocent? Because im not gonna make an adult act like a baby 💀
So now floyd has to figure out how to turn his brothers back to normal. I think the order of who comes back is gonna be the same as the movie so clay->bruce->branch->JD.
Oh and the others didn't know about the promise. they didn't know that branch stayed in the garden all those years, Floyd never told them.
Have not thought yet how floyd brings them back.
After clay gains his memory back they go back to the injector and try to turn it off when they realise it's harming the land. They make it worse and now the injector is going faster(?) So they realise they NEED branch to get his memory back or else they can't turn it off.
when floyd manages to bring branch's memory back they talk and he's on their side. He removes the injector and everything seems to be going fine. It's then when branch fears he is going to be abandoned again and thinks floyd will reset him again after he removed the injector so they fight. Somewhere during that JD gets his memory back too. I think most of this part from the movie I won't change. So floyd and branch fight one to one. Floyd sings the song "change" maybe? Idk yet. Branch saying that he can't just make everything better just because he sang a song. He tries to continue fighting floyd but he tires himself out so then this scene happens
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I am changing the lines though. I think something like "i just want my brothers back." Idk
I think that's all i have at the moment. I'll add more to this post if i think of anything. Most of my ideas for this au was me looking at spinel clips and thinking "oh i can draw that with branch!"
I hope this is readable because I'm writing this during midnight and am NOT good at explaining stuff. 💀
If anyone has ideas i would love to hear it! because im not good at figuring stuff out
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thegreencanary · 2 years
Let’s play a game…
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Based on this request!
Okay so this request gave me ‘Scream’ vibes so hard so it’s basically gonna be that but Billy comes in to fuck up the bad guy. I’m not using Ghost Face specifically but you get the picture.
Summary: Someone is in your house, you don’t feel a safe so you call your safety net.
TW: Fighting, Stalking, Stabbing, Cursing, Crying, mentions of Smut but no actual smut. MINORS DNI SHOO. SHOOOOOOO
A/N: This is my work and I don’t give anyone the permission to post it anywhere claiming to be someone else’s. I worked hard on this, if you enjoy it please interact. Requests are open.
Slowly working through my requests! I have a few to get to still but I’m okay with taking on more! It’s just gonna be a few days until I finish them all.
“They’re hereeeee…”
Why you decided to stay home and watch a horror movie by yourself on a Saturday night instead of going to Tina’s party was beyond you. Billy really wanted you to go but you just had a bad feeling so you decided to stay home. That was the first dumb idea, Poltergeist was the second. The third was telling your parents to spend the weekend in Tahoe instead of coming home that night. So, count them; home alone, scared shitless and no one was coming back. The phone rang and you jumped slightly, mentally smacking yourself for being such a scaredy cat.
“Y/L/N residence.”
“Hey baby.”
“Billy! How’s the party?? Did you sneak off into someone’s room? It sounds quiet.”
He didn’t usually call you during parties if you weren’t there. You trusted him, despite what everyone tried to make you think. The stories of girls hanging on him while you were gone didn’t upset you. You knew Billy, really knew him. You knew the real reason he was in the hospital for so long after the mall burned down. You knew the fights he got in weren’t usually at school, but at home. You knew how deep his blue eyes went when he cried, so yeah; you trusted Billy Hargrove.
“Cops crashed the party. I’m home now, but maybe I should listen to your gut feelings a bit more.”
You smiled softly, he was home safe. That was always a worry if you two were apart and you knew he was going out drinking.
“Ehhh I don’t know. I still feel like something is wrong so maybe I’m just paranoid.”
“You and me both baby. Want me to come over and calm you down?”
You blushed. He wasn’t being innocent and you knew that.
“Billy I can barely walk from yesterday. Plus if you give me anymore hickies people will think I have a rare skin disease.”
You heard his deep snicker on the other line.
“What can I say, people need to know you’re mine. I love marking that perfect skin with my—“
You hung up before he could get descriptive. He had a way of talking you into phone sex which would turn into him driving the 10 minute drive to your house in 3 minutes; only to absolutely destroy you when he burst through the door.
His phone call did calm you down though, enough for torture yourself with the rest of the movie. Grabbing some chips and a water you sat and refocused on the movie. You were a lot further into it when the phone rang again, it was late enough that Billy was really the only one who should be calling.
“Not this time.”
“Oh! I’m so sorry. This is the Y/L/N residence. How can I help?”
“Just wondering why you weren’t at Tina’s tonight?”
That was odd. No one really noticed if people didn’t show up to parties. The voice sounded weird over the phone and something wasn’t sitting right in your mind.
“Just didn’t feel well…who is this?”
“A friend.”
“All of my friends do tend to have names sooooo….”
“Do all of them get to see you in those skimpy blue pajamas?”
Dread. Absolute dread, whoever was calling you could see you. Immediately you mentally checked if you’d locked all the doors, and you did…right?
“Come on, let’s play a fun game. If you can find me, I’ll give you a 10 second head start before I kill you.”
You immediately hung up the phone. This wasn’t funny if someone was pulling a prank. The Upside Down caused enough trauma… luckily Steve had become a close friend and he left his special baseball bat with nails in your house. You grabbed the phone and dialed one number before you went to go find it.
The phone rang…and rang…and rang…
“Y/N it better be you and you better have a good re-“
“Someone is in or around my house and they’re going to try and kill me.”
Billy was quiet for a few moments. That would definitely fall under a good reason. You two had promises to each other that you’d never joke about something like this. Any life or death situation was too familiar to be pranked about.
“Find a place to hide, I’ll be there as soon as I can.”
“Baby no. Just call the police. Please. Honestly I should have first but I’m so scared I just needed to hear your voice. I’ll call them after this. Please don’t do anything Stu—hello? Billy?”
The line went dead. You knew he was going to come now, he was probably freaking out in his room. You just prayed he called the cops first. You mentally hit yourself for not doing that first. Slowly you made your way to the garage, maybe you could just run out. The baseball bat was in there too, if you couldn’t. Gently opening the door you didn’t want to turn the light on so you slowly scuffled around the garage. The bat was close, you remember your dad being extremely confused why Steve left it with you and setting it by the door so it didn’t pop any of the cars tires on accident. You felt the hilt but that’s when someone else turned on the light.
“So you did want to play after all.”
You tried to grip the bat but you were squatted and the freak was standing, they kicked you back and grabbed the bat you were going for.
“Handy little tool for me, but a promise is a promise. You have 10 seconds.”
“Why are you doing this?”
“I told you, I think you’re just my type, bitch. Now you have 5 seconds.”
Fuck. You took off into the house. Running outside seemed dumb. You didn’t know what kind of weapons the killer had and you had to know your own house better than them.
You opened and shut a few doors trying to throw off the killer.
You tried to quietly sprint up the stairs
Under the bed was too obvious
So was the closet
Billy killed his engine a few houses down from yours. The last thing he wanted was for you to think it was safe and run to meet him, only for the sick bastard to kill you. He wore as much black as he could, trying to blend in with the night so he wouldn’t be spotted immediately. Stealth was his only option. He called the police but you both lived far enough away it would still take 15 - 30 minutes that you might not have had.
Billy tried to calm himself on the walk up, you were smart and resourceful, he’d seen you survive the craziest shit. You were gonna be okay when he got there. He approached your house, all the outside lights were off which helped him but also worried him. The sight he was greeted with washed over him with a wave of relief, with an ounce of worry coming back. The killer must have been inside or you were just fucking crazy.
You clung to the side of your house for dear life. Billy had alway bitched about how he couldn’t climb into your window because there was nowhere to hold onto. Having trouble finding a hiding spot from the psycho you jumped out your window and closed it before he could find you. But now you were putting your weight on a gutter that was probably going to fall at any moment. Dropping from a second story didn’t seem like a great option, but neither did dying.
You almost cried out in relief when you saw a dark figure approaching your house. Normally it would scare the shit out of you because it looked like a burglar but when he removed his black hood, the blonde mullet brought a tear to your eye. He quietly walked over to you and stood under you. He wanted to catch you.
“No! I’ll break us both. Did you call the cops??”
You were whisper shouting at him. He just nodded and motioned for you to come down. Billy was strong, really strong, and he was a lot smarter than he lead on; but you still didn’t want to drop a whole story into his arms.
“No! I’ll just—“
The killer pulled you inside and threw you against the wall. The scream died in your throat and You hit your head pretty hard, and it shut you up pretty quickly.
The psycho grabbed your arm and you screamed as he pulled you back inside. Billy ran to the front door, of course it was locked. He kicked the flower pot that had your spare key and grabbed it. Opening it up, the house was eerily quiet. He’d hoped to had heard you screaming for help but it was just…nothing.
Going to the kitchen he grabbed a knife in one hand and had brass knuckles on the other. Billy slowly and quietly stalked up the stairs, he heard muffled noises coming from your room, and he waited for the right moment.
“What the hell do you want?”
You groaned from the floor. Running your hand through your hair there was no blood which was good. You probably had a concussion because you felt nauseous but you kept it in.
The killer was wearing a hockey mask which was super original. Now that you had to sit and look you rolled your eyes. You survived demon bats, dogs and demigorgons just to die by a cliché dumbass.
“You need to be put in your place.”
He removed his mask and a different level of fear gripped your. Adam Murray. You’d visited him, and a few more convicted serial killers in Michigan City, Indiana. Your college psych class visited the mental institution and Adam took a special liking to you. You remember calling Billy about it and how uncomfortable it made you, but that was almost a year ago.
“…Mr. Murray… please.”
Adam smirked and swung the bat. You dodged it and thanked God for Steve putting so main nails in it. The bat stuck to the wall and it gave you enough time to move. Touching the door you thought you’d get out but a body tackled you to the floor. You felt a pinch in your arm but there was too much adrenaline for you to focus on it. Adam was on you but in the next second he wasn’t.
Billy threw open the door when he heard a thud. He saw some older guy on you and everything went black. You’d helped him with his anger blackouts a lot. He’d even gotten close with Max because he was just doing better as a person; but this brought out the old Billy. He could see what he was doing, but it was as if he was outside of his body. Kicking the man off you, Billy kept him on the floor by kicking his face again. Dropping to his knees, he discarded the knife and started punching with the brass knuckles. Blood was covering his hands and he laid into the man’s face. Your scream brought him back. You were a lot closer than he thought you would be.
Billy stopped his assault to feel you wrapping him in a tight embrace. He originally thought it was to stop him from killing the man, but when he shifted he saw that the guy had grabbed the knife Billy brought in. He was going to stab Billy but you took the blown. The knife was sticking out of your forearm. It had gone all the way through, and it almost got to Billy too. He gave one more strong ass punch which rendered the man unconscious. You fell down, trying not to move the knife. Past experiences made both you and him aware that you needed to leave the knife in until paramedics arrived.
Gently picking you up, Billy carried you outside to the steps. He sat down with you in his lap and he gently pet your hair.
“Thank you for calling me.”
You chuckled weakly.
“I think my shoulder is broken too, but you saved my fucking life.”
You tried to lean up to kiss him, but graciously he met you 1/2 way.
“I’ll always be here when you call.”
The lights and sirens of the police cars came in to view. The sound got louder as you clung tighter to your boyfriend.
“I….I love you Billy. I know we said we’d wait until all the stuff from the Upside Down was done and there was no drama in our lives. I know this is drama and you probably think I’m high in adrenaline but I-“
Billy cut you off with another kiss. This one was much deeper. His tongue explored your mouth like he had all the time in the world. He finally pulled away when he heard cars pull into your driveway.
“I love you too.”
He stood, with you in his arms, and carried you to the ambulance. Filling in the cops on what happened, a few went in to re-arrest the escaped mental patient. Billy stayed with you the whole way to the hospital, it was his turn to help you recover; and he was going to show you just how much he loved you while doing it.
A/N: The end! Thanks for reading! Again, this is my work and I don’t allow anyone to copy or use this as their own writing. Feel free to submit some requests! Please interact! ❤️🖤❤️
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barrowsteeth · 2 years
The Subtle Art of Attraction
[note: long post + gif heavy meta ahead!]
Much has been said about the innocence of the Heartstopper tv series since it premiered. In season one, there is no drinking, no smoking or drug use, no swearing (much to the irritation of those who just want Nick Nelson to say f*ck since he does so regularly in the graphic novels). There is also little sexual content, and nothing beyond hand holding and some pretty innocent kissing. But this doesn’t mean pleasure takes a back seat in the series, and sometimes finding ways to show physical attraction in subtle ways, leaving it up to the viewer to interpret, makes for an equally satisfying experience. I feel Heartstopper excels in this area, particularly where Nick and Charlie are concerned. There are dozens of these moments and I couldn't possibly mention them all, so I'll highlight my favorites. Feel free to add yours to the comments so we can all obsess discuss. Now, let’s dive right into episode two, where we see the first hints of how Nick’s feelings for Charlie are changing.
Nick seems fairly oblivious to start, but everything changes the day Charlie visits his house and he notices Charlie’s haircut. In the previous scene, Tori said Charlie’s hair looks the same, which leads us to believe that Nick is a little hyper-focused on Charlie's appearance, at least enough to notice a subtle change in his hair length. He doesn’t hesitate to reach out and play with Charlie’s curls, and when Charlie asks if it looks bad, Nick starts to blurt out that Charlie looks good, before he catches himself, looks Charlie up and down, then corrects to say the haircut looks great. Subtlety is not a skill Nick Nelson has mastered.
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We've all talked a lot about the scene in which Charlie tries to teach Nick how to play the drums, but it’s a turning point for Nick and I think it needs to be mentioned. My favorite part of the scene is when Charlie grabs Nick’s hands and starts tapping out the beat. They’re squished together on that little stool, Charlie’s hands tightly gripped around his own, and when Nick finally breaks his gaze away from their hands and looks at Charlie, the realization that something is different is clear on his face, even if he hasn’t quite put all the pieces together yet. I love the parallel between their hands touching in this scene and the next.
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In the next scene, we see that Nick and Charlie have been sitting on the couch watching movies. Nick seems a little tired when he looks over to see that Charlie has fallen asleep next to him. Perhaps his defenses are down because of the late hour? We see everything start to slowly click into place in Nick’s mind. He starts by smiling fondly at Charlie but quickly lowers his gaze to Charlie’s mouth. His own mouth opens a little and he looks back up at Charlie, considering. 
They are alone, the room is cozy and quiet except for the movie playing softly in the background, when we see Nick looking at Charlie’s upturned hand, practically asking to be held. Nick can’t resist hovering his hand over Charlie’s in this safe space. While the first experiment is short, Nick looks at Charlie’s mouth again after the first pass of his hand over Charlie’s, and he can’t resist going back for more. On the second pass, he holds his hand over Charlie’s for a much longer time, soaking up the imagined feeling of what it would be like to lower his hand just a little bit more and slot their fingers together. Is he remembering what it felt like when Charlie’s hands covered his own when they were sitting at the drum kit?
By the end of the scene Nick knows what he’s feeling, and what’s fascinating is that even after everything that’s happened so far, he doesn’t make excuses and run for the door, yet. Instead, he and Charlie have a lengthy goodbye and a spontaneous hug before Nick finally begins to panic and leaves.
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We see a similar sizzle and fizz in episode three when Nick and Charlie are alone in the ballroom and have their first kiss, which is just as tentative and soft and sweet as anyone could have wished for. But while I adore their first kiss, it’s the second kiss that truly shows the physical attraction between them. This second kiss is more passionate, less controlled, and a little messier than the first. They now know they like kissing each other, but it’s too new and exciting to worry about technique and how their mouths fit together. This kiss is full of want, and while it’s still pretty innocent by tv standards, we can see how different this is than their first nervous kiss. Charlie’s hand cups Nick’s face before they kiss, then Nick pulls Charlie in closer by his shoulder. Mid-kiss, Charlie fists his other hand in Nick’s shirt, and when this kiss ends, Charlie’s hand slides down so he’s gripping Nick’s shirt in both of his hands. They don’t separate right away after this second kiss and while we can see Nick is a little shocked and awestruck, the panic doesn’t settle in until he hears Harry’s voice.
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The morning after the party, there’s an entirely different tension between our boys when Nick shows up unexpectedly at Charlie’s house. Neither is sure how the other is feeling since Nick ran off after their kiss the night before. When they retreat to Charlie’s room, we see Charlie looking at Nick as he takes off his rain-soaked sweatshirt. This isn’t the first time Charlie has seen Nick’s body; they’re on the rugby team together and we’ve seen Nick without his shirt in the changing room before practice. But that isn’t a safe place to look at another boy’s body, especially not for an out gay kid like Charlie. While the circumstances are not ideal, Charlie can’t help but look in the privacy of his own room. Of course Charlie being Charlie, he quickly averts his eyes when he catches himself looking, adding to the guilt weighing  on his mind.
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Thankfully, Nick and Charlie are back on track the next morning and this time, they can barely (read: cannot at all) contain their excitement when they see each other in form the next morning. I’m not sure I’ll ever be able to watch them say hi to each other without smiling like a fool – and happily so! A few hours later, we find Nick waiting for Charlie in Mr Ajayi’s art room. Charlie pokes fun at Nick for saying he missed him after only four hours apart, but honestly, if you are Charlie Spring, you are probably bursting with joy hearing the boy you like say this to you! The boys are still all smiles as they banter and tease, and Charlie pulls Nick’s hand to his under the table. This is all really new, and scary for Nick especially,  but it’s also exciting and fun, and joyful. They are simply happy to be alone together, to be able to openly flirt and smile and touch, however secretly, in the sanctuary of the art room.
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I’m running out of room for gifs so I’m going to skip over episode five, since I went into great detail about the arcade scene in another post, and move right on to my favorite episode in the series, Girls. So much happens to advance Nick and Charlie’s relationship in episode six, it almost – almost – could have been a happy season finale.
We first see Nick and Charlie spending time together on a blanket in the park with Nellie. Nick asks Charlie about how he knew he was gay and it’s clear he’s trying to work through his uncertainty about his sexuality. I love how this scene opens because we’ve just seen Nick have his big Pirates of the Caribbean moment, after which he watched the vlogger talk about bisexuality. But now he’s ready to open up a little bit more to Charlie. He asks him questions and includes him in the conversation. He doesn't divulge much, yet, but this is the first time we’ve seen them openly discuss it, and it feels like a big step that they’ve reached this point.
When Nick gets frustrated with himself, Charlie tries to lighten the mood and takes his hand before asking Nick if he wants to kiss under the guise of helping him figure things out. This moment is so adorable and soft it makes my toes curl, but I also think it shows how comfortable they’ve become with casual physical intimacy. 
After some playful banter, Nick reaches out for Charlie’s hands and pulls him back down to the blanket. They’re out together in public, tucked in next to an old tree for a little privacy. And while Charlie initially looks around before taking Nick’s hand, and their almost-kiss is interrupted before it starts, the lead up to the kiss sparks with attraction. Nick looks like the only thing he wants in the entire world is to kiss Charlie, which is understandable because Charlie looks absolutely kissable!
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When I started planning this post, I was only going to focus on this next scene – in which Nick and Charlie are doing their homework in Charlie’s room – because it is packed with little moments that show how much these boys are attracted to one another, but also how far they’ve come in their relationship. So let’s dig deep into all of my favorite moments.
We start off with a beautiful, long shot of Charlie watching Nick. What I love most about this scene is how much time Charlie is given to simply look at Nick and appreciate the physicality of him. In the graphic novel, Nick is caught staring at Charlie in this scene, but I actually prefer that they changed the point of view in the tv series. We’re given ample opportunity to see Nick’s soppy love face (my favorite thing in the entire world, to be honest) throughout season one, and a lot of the focus is on Nick’s journey. But Charlie is on his own journey, and I think it’s important that he’s given the screen time here. In addition to leveling things up a little bit, I think this scene in particular has special significance for Charlie.
Charlie is an out, gay boy, the only one in his entire school. He had a sort-of relationship with Ben for a few months, but it was always clandestine. They met in the shadows to kiss occasionally but they weren’t boyfriends. Ben never came to his house. Ben never acknowledged knowing Charlie in front of anyone. Their relationship was limited to secret rendezvous in dark corners, only on Ben’s timeline and on Ben’s terms. Even though Nick and Charlie are tucked away in Charlie’s room, and they aren’t out to the world as a couple, they have established a relationship by this point and have talked about how much they like each other. As Charlie said in the art room in episode four, it is completely different than it was with Ben.
So it’s because of this that I’m thrilled that Charlie gets to have focus in this scene. The guy he likes so much is in his room, casually doing his homework, and Charlie is given all the time in the world to just stare and appreciate how attractive he finds Nick. The lighting highlights Nick’s entire body, not just his face, and Charlie just stares and stares and lets his mind wander. He twiddles with his pen and just keeps on looking, and it gives the viewer time to wonder what he’s thinking.
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Even after Nick catches him staring, and Charlie’s eyes flick back up to Nick’s face, it takes Charlie a second to get a hold of himself. Then he tosses his pen at Nick to break the tension. In reality, it’s only seven or eight seconds before Nick looks up and sees Charlie watching him, but in a 22 minute episode, every second counts. It feels like a conscious decision to show that it’s a perfectly normal, wonderful, and exciting thing to be able to simply look at the person you’re attracted to and take the time to savor it.
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But of course, the scene that makes me feel Nick and Charlie’s attraction deep in my bones comes next, after Nick tells Charlie he told Tara and Darcy they’re going out. Charlie’s face is a mix of  disbelief and joy when he tackles Nick to the floor. Nick gives Charlie the most bewildered look when Charlie breaks their kiss to ask him if he’s sure he wanted to come out to the girls. When they begin to kiss again, Nick flips Charlie over so Charlie is underneath him, completely wrapped up in him, then dives back in for another kiss.
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The viewer doesn’t see a lot of actual kissing in this part of the scene, but the boys’ body language  – Charlie’s arms tightening around Nick’s body, his fists bunched in Nick’s sweatshirt – shows the viewer how different and intense these kisses are. The rest is left to our imagination.
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love-toxin · 1 year
Angelface who gets herself ‘stuck’ in places, so pornstar!steve not only has a nice surprise but gets something good to film <3
im so normal about this i swear
(cws: pornstar!daddy dom!steve, f!plus size!angelface, modern au, stuckage, breeding, loud sex, creampie, daddy kink, a bit of roleplay, steve's a chubby chaser.)
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Just a little more wiggling, and--
You giggle to yourself, proud of your handiwork as you slide yourself right through the space between the two shelves on the empty bookcase. Steve had bought it as an indulgent IKEA purchase last time you were there, and though he'd put it together as diligently as he's built nearly all the other furniture in your new apartment, it has yet to be filled with books or records or anything else you wanna fill it with, thus it's sat empty in your living room for a month or two at least.
Perfect for your purposes. With Steve raking in most of the money with his rather lucrative business, he's given you free reign to do pretty much whatever you fancy--so, as payment for taking you on trips and giving you gifts and just generally being the best boyfriend in the world, you figure it's the least you can do to help him with some.....content.
Right on time as you call his name, Steve's footsteps come thundering down the hall to respond to your pleas for help, an inquisitive "oh?" burning your face with warmth as you rub your thighs together at the sound of his voice. It always gets low like that when he sees something he likes, and your beautifully round ass hanging out in plain view as you're bent inside the shelf is one of his favourites, especially with those pudgy thigh-high clad legs brought up so you're kneeling on the carpet, too.
Tap, tap, tap tap. Click. You know the sounds of Steve unlocking his phone, and you smile to yourself out of sight as he draws closer, and you know he's got his camera up.
"Reaching for something back there, baby?" He queries, and you can feel that chuckle when you whine and make a show of kicking your feet, toes pushing against the rug and pulling those socks taut around your skin just like he likes it.
"I'm stuck! Please, help me, daddy...." You make sure to do a little wiggling too, just to taunt him that much more. Steve loves your figure, you know that, and it's funny cause almost all his movies and even the casual content he posts to social media--purely the videos he does in collaboration with other pornstars--features primarily smaller women, skinny girls, petite girls, that sort of thing. It's not like he hates working with thin people, not at all, he can get off just fine either way. He's definitely the type that isn't picky, considering he's even tried out some stuff with other guys for a couple promo videos, and he thoroughly enjoyed it in that surprisingly innocent way. "It's guy time, baby!" He'd tease you, showing off his favourite scenes because he was proud, and cause he was hoping you'd get a little excited seeing him get his face cummed all over.
But something about your chubby thighs, your tummy, your boobs, your arms, your back, your hips--it just drives him crazy in a way that he doesn't really show in his other videos. And that's why the few that he's posted with you as his co-star end up doing so well, whether other people like your figure or not. Their opinions don't really matter, after all--cause Steve just loses his mind when you put on a show for him, he goes feral whenever he fucks you, and in the end he usually forgets the camera's even there when he gets wrapped up in making you cum your brains out.
"Aww, poor thing. Trapped just for me?" He slaps your hip, watching with rapt attention as your ass ripples and you squeak in response, already unable to keep your whines back when he starts massaging those soft cheeks through your thin shorts. "That's too bad, bubbles. You know how daddy gets when you bend over like this." You can hear him getting on his knees behind you, his hand possessively refusing to leave your skin even as he's moving around to get comfortable.
"Look at that. Already got daddy excited," He breathes, his hard cock straining his sweatpants and nestling right up against your cunt--begging to be let in even through the layers of fabric that separate you two. "Sorry, honey, you're just too cute for daddy to resist."
He tears those shorts down your legs, making a show of ripping them right off your body with only one hand available. But he leaves your panties, dirties them with a bit of your wetness as he rubs his fingertips up and down your slit over them, before tugging them aside so they're out of the way. "Never get tired of this view," Steve sighs, stroking your folds delicately with his thumb as he holds your panties in place, and groaning as he watches you tremble and leak all down his palm.
"Need my cock, baby? Want daddy to fill you up?" Those words dizzy you, and you push your hips back as far as they'll go for his thumb to dip inside you, earning yourself a groan from your boyfriend and a pleasant shiver up your back.
"Need it, daddy, need daddy to breed me..." For that needy plea, you're rewarded with another hard slap.
"That's my good fuckin' girl. Honest girls get all the cum they can take, don't they, bubbles?" With one quick shup and the sound of his sweats being slid down and kicked off each leg, Steve's cock is freed and bounces softly for the camera, before he aims his phone down and moans out your nickname again as he slowly starts pressing himself inside. Wet, soft, warm--you're so easy to enter, but you're always impossible to leave.
"Fuck--breed you so much, n' you're still so tight-" Steve gasps as he breaches a deeper spot, watching intently as inches upon inches disappear inside you, all while your girlish cries serenade him in the background of his slick cock spreading you open. "Show daddy's fans how good you take me, how tight your pussy stretches just to fit my fat fucking dick--fuck, show em how much you love your daddy." He babbles, high off the clench of your cunt as he starts off hard, and plows you into the wobbling shelf at a pace that he knows you're gonna love. He grabs the top of it with one hand, bicep flexing as he grips the wood paneling and films your ass buckling under his rough thrusts.
"Shit....m' addicted to this pussy..." Steve grunts out in a low rumble, voice coming off even deeper in the recording. It's one of the things he's fawned over for, and rightfully so. "Need a mouthful of it when I'm done barebacking you, sweet girl. Gotta taste you, gonna lick up my cum when it's all mixed with yours."
"Daddy!" You shriek as he suddenly fucks you faster, a surge of energy flowing through him when he watches how hard your ass is jiggling as it meets his hips. It's an endless rhythm, a clapping sound that he gets so high off of and could serve as a drug for him all on its own.
"That's right, baby. Say my name. Let em know I'm slamming your guts into fucking paste right now." Another spank comes down on you, followed by a rough grope of your ass with his newly-freed hand. "My thick little princess--my princess, got that? My chubby little bunny with her pretty little pussy, it's all mine."
You're babbling now, tummy filled with heat and butterflies and your head going white as Steve rumbles that dirty talk loud enough for you to hear. A chorus of his name and please and more get lost in your own moans and in Steve's, but your voice jerks out harder when he hits you over the cheeks again, smacking each one individually before reaching around you to stroke feverishly at your clit.
Your desperate scream of his title melds with a sob that's already halfway out, throat growing hoarse as Steve pounds the breath out of your lungs and the tears springing from your eyes.
"That's my good fucking girl!" He yells right back, laughing with that sexy smugness as he throws his head back, that makes your brain go blank and your cunt cling to him on every thrust like it never wants him to pull out. "Show the world you're daddy's fucking princess, baby--cum on daddy's cock for all these pervs to stroke themselves off to it. Wishing they could fuck you like I do."
With the skilled hand of a professional entertainer, he effortlessly slides his phone underneath you two, giving the audience the perfect view of his balls beating your clit raw and your tummy rippling with the weight of his thrusts. All that's showing from the edge of the shelf are your thick thighs, your cunt, and your hips--some of Steve's favourite parts of you for his hands to roam possessively over.
"Drain these fucking balls, princess. Take it from daddy--you've been a good girl, take what you want. Take it." Steve's moans rattle you to the core, deep and rumbly and low and sexy as he pumps you so full it hurts, the softest parts of you aching as he fucks you so deep he's practically begging your womb to open so he can pound it into submission.
"Daddy! Daddy, da--f-fuck, Steve! Stevie, I'm cumming-!" You should've known that by offering this chance, you'd be paying for it before you know what's happening--and while you're definitely not gonna be on steady feet tomorrow, the blinding flash of white-hot pleasure melting your mind is completely worth it, and so is the intensity that floods through your boyfriend as Steve shudders at the feeling of you cumming around him. It's all he needs to finish cause pleasing his girl is always enough to get him there, and lucky for you, the gloriously hazy glow that comes as you ride out your end totally numbs the roughness of those last few thrusts that Steve pumps out before he's creaming you til you're completely full.
"Ohhhhh, fuck..." He drawls out, watching intently as you quiver and your pussy still flutters around his cock buried inside you. Pump after pump after pump, he watches with an open mouth and hitched breath as you milk him with each spasm of your soft walls, his cum slowly starting to dribble down your mound once he pulls out and your pussy struggles to readjust to the empty space. With a swipe of his fingers up your parted slit, he huffs out an awed breath before bringing his cum-sticky fingers to his mouth to taste you. It's so pretty, you're so pretty.
"Oh, look at that....you stay right there, bubbles. Daddy'll get you a pillow for those sore knees."
"N-Nooo....don't go...." You reach around for him in a gently growing panic, only for your boyfriend to capture your hand in his effortlessly warm one and stroke it with so much affection, so much tenderness. You feel him lean over you, reaching down for his phone to fumble with it, before there's a soft beep that signals the recording has ended and he breathes a sigh of relaxation.
"Here, camera's off, baby. You did so good for me. C'mere," He makes short work of pulling you gently out from where you've been stuck, the shelf a little more wobbly but he catches it with his hand, and makes sure you're all the way out before he lets it go. "Was it all okay? Did you have fun?" You nod in response, enjoying how warm his arms around you are and nuzzling into his bicep. "Didn't mind my dirty talk?"
"I love your dirty talk," You giggle, finally taking a deep breath and letting it go with a little sigh of pleasure.
"I'm glad." He smiles down at you, cradling you in his arms like he loves to do after any good session, no matter how gentle or rough it gets. "Y'know, doing this stuff with you....it always makes me realize how grateful I am to have you."
"Why?" You loll your head about, enjoying the heated warmth of Steve's body as he shifts to sit cross-legged, all while manhandling you carefully to keep you propped up and comfy in his lap.
"Well, when I'm working, or when we're in between shoots, I always think of you. When you're not there, I just wish so badly that you were--I just spend my whole break thinking about reading with you, or hearing you talk about your shows, or playing those terrible, terrible rounds of Mario Kart--"
"-Not my fault you suck, Stevie!" He laughs with his whole chest, the tender affirmations losing any stiff sense of tension when you can both let yourselves giggle over it. You love him so much, and you've heard those glorious words spoken on repeat--yet they never get old or stale, and they never lose the sincerity that he always manages to speak with whenever he's professing his love. Steve is just perfect, he's just.....he's Steve. "I don't care. I love watching you play, and I love that grin on your face when you smoke my ass out." He grazes your sides with his fingertips and sticks his tongue out when you bat them away, knowing he'll tickle you into a stupor if you let him get away with it. But it melts into a soft kiss that steals the rest of your breath away, his hand cradling the back of your head to keep you there and give you all his love, every iota of it poured into that one kiss that he could give you again a thousand times over.
"Well, looks like I've got a video to edit tonight." He puffs once he finally manages to break away, fingers threading through your hair to rub comforting little circles into the back of your neck. "You wanna sit in my lap while I work, bunny?"
"Clothes, or no clothes?" You tease, walking your fingers up that broad, hairy, manly chest.
"Whatever you want, bubbles. Might have to take a break or two to bend you over the desk, though." Steve whispers back, and suddenly you're in a fit of giggles again as he finally succeeds in tickling you, and brings you to the floor in a bout of laughter so he can make that pretty mouth smile so much more as he kisses away any inkling of that post-coital slump. It's never really a down when Steve's the one soothing you, anyways--and you're certain it never will be.
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sagepinkheart · 10 months
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Sweet Innocent!Reader x Miguel O’Hara
‘Hi!! This is my first post and I wanted it to be about something that’s been on my mind a lot lately(yes I’m horny as hell).’
Warnings/CW: fluff, slightly suggestive towards the end, blood kink?, amateur writer(on tumblr at least)
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Miguel definitely thought of you as annoying at first. The skipping, the giggles, the head-tilts, it was all too much for his gloomy aura. He has his guard up more around you than he did Hobie. Anyone who bakes cookies and smiles that bright has got to have ulterior motives, it’s just common sense, right?
For some reason though, he felt guilty when you would go quiet around him. He knew he expected professional from other spiders, but you got so serious in a way that even he got uncomfortable with the awkward silence. He didn’t want to admit it, but he liked having you around and hearing you ramble.
He knew you were of above average intelligence, so he often used that as an excuse to call you into his office more, to get input on his gadgets of course.
You started to slowly ease up around him. You considered him a friend(don’t tell him that tho), even baking him some cookies of his own. He definitely keeps the little note you left him in the pouch.
You rant to him about movies you recently watched, your cat, the house plant that was tipped over by said cat, and how your missions went. He does not return this eagerness, but just sits there, lending you a listening ear even when it doesn’t seem like it.
He definitely gets aroused when you show up to HQ with open cat scratch wounds, the scent of your blood strong enough to make him feel weak in the knees.
He has to run to the bathroom to fix his problem anytime that does happen. Usually you worry for him and get a closer look at him, your chest brushing against him. You don’t realize that you make the problem worse.
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Just started the game and already have writers block so plz request!!<3
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fluentmoviequoter · 8 months
When You're Lost in the Darkness, Take Dalton Lambert
Terrifying Tuesday, October 17, 2023
Fic-tober Masterlist
Summary: You and Dalton go to a showing of The Last of Us, debating as to whether or not Josh could survive. When you express your love for a certain character, Dalton gets jealous.
Warnings: spoilers for The Last of Us (2023 tv show and 2013 game), fluff, playful fighting?, Dalton gets jealous, a tiny confession?. 1.1k+ words.
A/N: Is this me projecting my love for The Last of Us and Joel Miller? Absolutely, it is. Also, I find it funny that these titles are progressively getting worse. Anyway, hope you enjoy and please let me know what you think! :)
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“Give or take,” you answer, smiling at Dalton’s dramatics. “It’s a series, Dalton. Nine episodes averaging an hour and a short intermission, so, nine hours.”
Dalton looks to the ceiling and groans as if he hasn’t been counting down the minutes to this week’s Terrifying Tuesday horror movie showing. Although he is still upset that they ‘misled’ everyone by showing a TV show. With you by his side, he’ll get over it.
“Why? Do you not want to spend that much time with me?” you ask with an exaggerated pout.
Dalton looks down quickly, his eyes locked on yours. “No, that’s not what I meant!”
You smirk at him, and he rolls his eyes before looking past you.
“Dalton, don’t,” you warn.
“Don’t what?” He asks, acting innocent before he tackles you against his bed.
“Tackle me.”
“Isn’t it almost time to go?”
“You sure you’re okay staying the whole time? I can ask Chris to come get you earlier if you need me to.”
“You’re not willing to leave with me this time?” Dalton asks, a hand over his heart.
“And leave Joel Miller? Not likely,” you answer as you walk out his door. “Are you coming?”
“Who’s Joel Miller?” Dalton asks himself as he follows you, catching up to your side.
“I’m telling you now,” you state before Dalton can ask any questions, “your dad would not survive the first episode. Argue all you want, but I’m right.”
“It’s apocalyptic, right?” Dalton clarifies. “I’m pretty sure he’d live. He’s survived the Further, it can’t be that different.”
“Sure,” you say, smiling because you know just how wrong Dalton is.
The moment Joel is shown for the first time, you sit up a little straighter and smile to yourself. Even before they say his name, Dalton is sure this is the ‘Joel Miller’ you mentioned earlier. He’s unsure why you’d rather stay and watch Joel than spend time with him. Or maybe he does know and is trying to delude himself out of his growing jealousy over a fictional character. 
Dalton watches you more than the show, especially when your eyes tear up as Sarah’s death scene approaches. He wraps an arm around you and pulls you into his side, feeling slightly less jealous when you begin tracing shapes on his hand after pulling it into your lap. 
“See?” you whisper, your voice shaking because of the tears. Dalton gently wipes his thumbs under your eyes as you say, “Josh would not survive. Especially if one of you died.”
“You’re wrong,” Dalton argues weakly, his resolve crumbling at the sight of your tears. “He would survive for us.”
You nod silently and look back to the screen, your eyes widening slightly at the sight of post-outbreak Joel. Dalton thinks maybe the tears were easier to handle than the jealousy.
“You’re still wrong,” you whisper harshly several minutes later. 
When Joel kills the FEDRA agent stopping them at the gate because he threatened Ellie, Dalton tenses beside you. You poke his arm and raise your eyebrows, asking for an explanation.
“You’re right,” he says quickly. “My dad wouldn’t survive. He couldn’t kill someone, and if he saw a clicker face-to-face… he’d just freeze and get infected, or worse.”
“It took less than half an episode for you to agree with me,” you say, in awe. “Welcome to the dark side.”
In the second episode, when Joel is starting to tolerate Ellie a little more while on the road, you imagine if it were you and Josh in their shoes. The thought makes you laugh against Dalton and he immediately wants to know what’s so funny.
Furrowing your brows at his insistence to know what you’re thinking, you answer, “If I were stuck in that situation with Josh, I would sacrifice myself to the clickers. Pull a you-know-who and go up in a fireball if I had to.”
“Don’t say that,” Dalton chides quietly before looking back to the screen.
You’re not sure where his sudden interest in The Last of Us came from, but you’re glad that he seems to be enjoying the show and that you have something to do together. 
The eighth episode starts, and you smile at Dalton. You're obviously waiting for something and Dalton hopes it isn't Joel Miller-related, or worse, another character you like. 
The first scene with James finally comes on and you grab Dalton's arm, shaking him with your excitement.
"Another one?" Dalton whispers, more to himself.
"He voiced Joel in the game," you explain, leaning in to talk to him, your hands still wrapped around his arms. "It's like Joel Miller-ception. And Ashley Johnson, who played Ellie, is in the next one."
"Who's she play?"
You turn to Dalton with a look bordering on disgust. "Why would I tell you that?"
Dalton raises his hands in surrender, smiling when you lean against him to continue watching.
"I love this show," you whisper, loud enough for Dalton to hear.
Regardless of how he feels or how easily you can make him jealous, Dalton is glad he came and gets to experience something you love so much. Even if he attempts to size up Joel during every scene. 
It’s nearly four in the morning when the last episode ends, and the lights in the park come on. Dalton helps you up, pulling you against his chest. You look up at him, unsure as to what he’s doing.
“Do you like Joel?” he asks quietly, rubbing a hand up and down your back. 
“Are you jealous?”
Dalton clenches his jaw and looks over your head before answering, “Yeah. A little. You just seemed so happy every time he was on screen.”
“Dalton.” You guide his chin to face you as you say, “I look at you like that, too, you just never seem to notice.”
“So, you don’t like Joel?” he asks after a moment of getting lost in your eyes.
You drop your arms and step back, answering, “Oh no, I love Joel Miller.”
“You’re not helping any,” Dalton calls as you turn and begin walking. He catches up, wrapping his arm around your waist this time. “Did you mean what you said? About me.”
“Of course, I do. And not only because you agree with me that Josh would die before the first episode ended.”
“Could he survive next week?”
“I honestly don’t know. How does he feel about summer camps?”
Dalton watches you as you return to the dorms, thinking that he needs to pay more attention if you’re going to keep looking at him like you looked at Joel.
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cutiedwaekki · 4 months
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—Lights , camera , action
Hyunjin x Seungmin
<project rewing nostalgia , remake of my old fic on ao3 lights camera action>
Summary : where Hyunjin, a talented actor, finds himself gaining weight for a role, which is far from displeasing his boyfriend Seungmin, delighted with the changes in his figure
Contain : weight gain , mention of stuffing , feederism , SFW
A/n : This is a special fic for @nana-kom for her birthday ! Pls let's all wish her a happy birthday she deserve it :D
Well i hope especially her will enjoy it since she asked me for it but i also hope everyone will appreciate it
Enjoy ♡
As one of the great actors of his generation, Hyunjin had to precede his reputation. He had started out like everyone else with small roles. Extra in a thriller, salesman in a 7/11 webdrama, second lead in a rom-com
Then he got his first major role. The main antagonist in oddinary. A villain driving an innocent student to madness, criticizing Korean society for not letting people live imperfectly, the series was very well received and a great success.
So it was the beginning of success for Hyunjin.
Everyone admired his charisma, his presence, his facial expressions. He didn't embody a role, he became the role.
Anyone in the entertainment world can attest to one thing: Hwang Hyunjin became the character, not trying to look like him but to become him.
For his role in Playing with Fire, Hwang Hyunjin trained in the customs of the time, how pirates behaved in the face of fire. It paid off, and he was once again acclaimed for his performance.
He had quickly gained in popularity, Korea's rookie, the hit boy of the generation. Everyone wanted to get to know him.
So one fine day, on Valentine's Day, he wrote a letter to his fans which he posted on instagram, a letter explaining that despite the love and support of his fans, there was one man with whom he shared his life, a man who had supported him from day one.
His name was Kim Seungmin, his boyfriend since high school. Since that day when Seungmin took his picture on the subway, they had never left each other's side and had even adopted a dog together, named kkami.
The public had taken Hyunjin's coming out well, and although he lost a few fans and gained a few haters, the hatred was minimal compared with all the love he received.
He was at the top of his glory, and only needed to show more.
—"If I understand correctly, my character is overweight, right? Due to what? A slow metabolism? A love affair? A trauma?"
Here's Hyunjin reading the script of the next drama he was going to shoot, Mix-Up, where he was going to share the screen with Han Jisung, a singer/rapper who had recently been cast as an actor.
—"Well, your character, Hyunseok, finds himself swapping bodies with Jinhyuk, each discovering the other's life. The characters discover each other, respect each other and end up loving each other, seeing into each other's hearts. Proving that before you can love someone, you have to love yourself." Declared the director, tucking one of her bleached hair behind her ear, sounding very inspired, showing them how much this scenario meant to her.
Her explanation had struck a chord with Jisung, and Hyunjin, after reading the script, ended up signing on to shoot the drama.
It promised to be fun, right?
The series would be shot in two parts, one with the moments when Jisung and Hyunjin are in character before they swap bodies. Jisung had to be big enough for the character, but as after this drama he had signed up for another shoot where he had to have a muscular body, the production gave him a costume that made him look bigger, even going so far as to give him a double chin to accentuate the weight.
Nevertheless, Hyunjin had no shooting scheduled after this one and had asked to put on weight to look as much like the character as possible. He took note of every detail on Jisung's body, he had to put on enough weight to have a proeminent double chin, his hips had to be at least double of his and above all, a round and plump belly to hide under a heavy sweater.
—"Hyunjin-ah, are you sure you don't prefer the silicone prosthesis? It's just as real, and saves you from ruining your health" commented Miyeon, his manageress, knowing how invested Hyunjin was in his roles.
Except that here it wasn't about dyeing his hair red, learning to dance or zigging like a pyromaniac. Here, he had to bulk up, double his weight, become so big that he was barely recognizable on screen.
—"I know what I'm doing, don't worry noona" he said with a calm smile, placing the script on the table where he was having his make-up done. After all, he still had scenes to shoot before the break when he had to put on weight.
It shouldn't have been so complicated... right?
after the last scenes were shot, the production took a 5-month break, giving Hyunjin time to grow and the production time to shoot some scenes with other characters and prepare the final cut by promoting the upcoming drama.
But for Hyunjin, he was determined to achieve the goal he had set himself: to eat at least 10,000 calories a day, limit his movements and keep track of his physical progress.
Fortunately, he could count on Seungmin as his coach, who had prepared a list of all the foods he had to eat in one day, one week, one month. he had planned everything so well and the smirk on Seungmin's face nevertheless remained quite indecipherable for the moment.
—"You weigh 65 kilos, if you want to weigh 130 kilos within the next five months, you'll have to double or even triple your portions. In one month, you'll put on 13 kilos, which means you'll gain almost half a kilo a day" he said, taking out a notepad in which he jotted down all the necessary information, taking Hyunjin's measurements to get a better idea of the areas likely to accumulate fat.
—"Your thighs are pretty thick, so I guess that's where the weight will be accumulated, so always try to keep your belly full to help your body get used to it being distended".
—"I like it when you're as involved as I am" commented Hyunjin, coming to embrace his lover, taking his pencil and putting it behind his ear before giggling.
—"And you'll have to sleep less than 6 hours a night, so your body won't assimilate the feeling of safety and will keep asking for more.I have already ordered outfits with extra sizes so you don't feel any discomfort ".
That was enough for Hyunjin, who kissed Seungmin, showing that at that moment he was paying more attention to his boyfriend and his milky skin.
The next few months with him promised to be full of emotion ... and food too.
First day? Best not to talk about it.
At the beginning everything started well, a heavy breakfast having as much calories in a single meal as for a whole day. Nevertheless, Hyunjin was already full after this meal, but was kindly forced by Seungmin to go to the sofa with kkami and some snacks, which he had to empty before 10:30.
At 10.30am it was time for the second breakfast, this time lighter but fatter. Whipped cream, pancakes made with lots of butter and sugar. In short, Seungmin wasn't kidding.
At 11 a.m. Hyunjin was treated to a milkshake consisting of a pot of melted ice cream with milk and ice cubes.
At 12 a.m. it was time for lunch. Just as rich as his first meal, but just as full of calories.
At 1pm, it was time for lunch dessert, consisting ONLY of an S-size layer cake and a tub of melted ice cream.
At 2pm Hyunjin took a nap, exhausted by all the calories he'd ingested in such a short time. He almost threw up again, but Seungmin was there to comfort him in his pain.
—"Jinnie... if it gets too hard, we can take it easier - you wouldn't want to get sick", Seungmin reassured him, rubbing his rock-hard belly.
—"No ... ugh ... I want to go on ... the first day is always complicated as they say, right?
Although not very convinced Seungmin nodded. At least he had his boyfriend with him at home for several months.
His agency had deprogrammed every interview and program where he was to appear. The point? Everyone knew that when Hwang Hyunjin disappeared, it meant he was ready to shine in a new drama.
He saw it as a 5-month vacation with his lover at home, with no one to bother them.
The first day was horrible, by the end of the day he could hardly utter a word without a plaintive moan.
The second day was just as hard. The third seemed less intense. By the end of the tenth day, he'd got used to the routine.
In the end, what was hard became easier and easier. Hyunjin enjoyed eating so much food and Seungmin helped him feed himself, rubbing his belly. As the days passed, his appetite increased. all these meals seemed to have become simple, only succeeding in making it as full as at the beginning
Every week Seungnmin weighed him in the morning, taking his measurements which he noted in his notebook.
In the first week, Hyunjin was very bloated, his belly rounded out without gaining any weight other than her thighs which trembled a little and her ass which seemed softer. The scale read 67.3 kg, which made Hyunjin proud. At this rate, he'd soon reach 130 kg, right?
Maybe even faster than he thought.
—"Already the last week Jinnie , you know it's time for what!" exclaims Seungmin , grabbing his pen and notepad , waiting for Hyunjin to step on the scale.
He soon did so at a slow pace, no doubt due to his heavy body. In any case, one thing was certain: he weighed over 130 kilos.
It had already been a week since he had passed this milestone, but they had both decided to extend the experiment until the official end of the five months.
Hyunjin had reached his goal, and it was incredible. He had swollen up like a balloon. His hips were at least double Seungmin's, his thighs couldn't move without rubbing. His chest had become as round as a woman's, allowing him and Seungmin to take advantage of this pair of breasts to fulfill some fantasies that Seungmin considered unavowable.
Hyunjin wasn't chubby, he was fat. His belly hung heavily on his legs. He couldn't remember when his belly had started to swell, but it had happened so suddenly. After his hips, thighs and pear-shaped ass, his belly had begun to swell, starting with a lump of fat. Then a muffin top before his belly became lassif, bearing various bulges that all hung over the others.
The icing on the cake was that he'd developed a permanent double chin, completing his appearance.
But that didn't mean he'd become fat. He'd gorged himself for five months and now looked nothing like the skinny actor he'd been.
—"You're beautiful," Seungmin said facetiously. It was the first time he'd seen him like this. His gaze was always filled with love for Hyunjin, but never with as much lust and passion as in recent months.
He suspected Seungmin of having a curves fetish, but he wasn't going to complain; he loved the weight of it on him.
—"When I think how long it's going to take me to lose all this weight," he said, grabbing his belly as he looked in the mirror, lowering his head to hide his smirk.
—"You've got nothing to lose, have you? I've gotten used to your curves," the younger girl said, caressing his hip with a pout.
Without realizing it, he'd just said what Hyunjin wanted to hear.
He was just looking for an excuse other than his own to justify his desire not to lose weight.
Seungmin was the answer
Back at the film set , everyone was shocked by his aparence. He had managed to double his weight and even put on an extra 5 kilos, and seemed more determined than ever to pursue his role.
The rest of the shoot went off without a hitch. People quickly recognized Hyunjin and his incredible acting, whatever his weight. He even received flowers for his performance.
It's clear he'll remember this shoot.
*you have received a message from MinMin❤️
Minmin❤️ : Jinnie ~
MinMin❤️: I have a surprise for you
MinMin❤️ : *send attachment*
MinMin❤️: Do you think you can finish it all?
MinMin❤️: If you do it, you'll have a surprise ;)
MinMin❤️: I saw your episode on TV, you were perfect as always ♡
MinMin❤️: come back soon from your interview i need your belly to relax, kkami also needs your warm body
MinMin❤️ : i love you
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the-s1lly-corner · 7 months
HIIIII! (sorry if you're not taking requests rn) I was wondering if you could do a Jax x Reader who's like Spot from We're Lalaloopsy on Netflix? [fem] (specifically the Netflix one there's multiple Lalaloopsy shows/movies and they're all different) if you've never heard of we're Lalaloopsy, Spot is the best artist in the show, she loves painting, sculpting, anything like that. Spot is pretty innocent, always super energetic, but I would also like to add that the reader isn't upset by his jokes. Easily flustered, like, really, really easily. sorry if this was too specific 😭 Irrelevant note; I'm posting this anonymously because if my friends found out I made this request they'll bully me forever (I don't even think they have tumblr but wtv) again sorry if you couldn't understand this request, or if you can't do it. no rush!! <3
Jax x Spot (lalaloopsy)!Reader !
I know you likely mean that your friends would tease you for acting like this; but truly if its something you like and they make you feel bad you gotta let them know, unless you already have and they dont listen
In that case leave em!
I know you're likely being lighthearted but I will not stand for bullying RAAAAAAAH!!!
That said I hope you enjoy YAHOO!!
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First things first, the fact that you're unbothered by jax's antics and pranks only fuels jax to keep trying to at LEAST get you a little annoyed
Thus leads to the two of you becoming closer; be it platonic or romantic ! Honestly at some point he starts stopping by your room just to chat with you
Sometimes watches you work on an art piece; I think I had a post recently with the cast x reader who draws and crochets.. and if memory serves me correctly I think I said jax would personally not be into it but wouldnt exactly turn you down if you offered (will blow you off if you guys are not friends, though)
And I think the same applies here; like sometimes he'll watch you work away and chat with you during the process but he wouldnt be too keen on making something for himself
Though I think if you got him to sit down and doodle with you he would draw some "scary" stuff (I.e. crude things or things that he can squeeze past the digital worlds censors) to try to bug you
But it doesnt really work; actually if anything you probably compliment him which totally throws him off
Attempts to ruin your innocence and naivety (not in a NSFW way ofc, this has been and always will be a SFW blog but the amount of NSFW reqs I've received over the past year is nuts and I feel I need to specify I mean this as SFW)
Like trying to introduce you to how horrible things can be
But it doesnt
Ruin you, if anything you show empathy
Just a sweetheart
Honestly the fact you're energetic is a good thing for jax since he can be all over the place, so if you can march his energy you guys can have a solid relationship, even if you dont match his mischief
Oh and hes definitely gonna exploit the fact you're easily flustered; casually slips in flirts and pickup lines when talking to you (if this is meant to be romantic), and flooding you with compliments just to get you all beet red
Little menace
But hes your menace
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sagepinkhearts · 8 months
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Sweet Innocent!Reader x Miguel O’Hara
‘Hi!! This is my first post and I wanted it to be about something that’s been on my mind a lot lately(yes I’m horny as hell).’
Warnings/CW: fluff, slightly suggestive towards the end, blood kink?, amateur writer(on tumblr at least)
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Miguel definitely thought of you as annoying at first. The skipping, the giggles, the head-tilts, it was all too much for his gloomy aura. He has his guard up more around you than he did Hobie. Anyone who bakes cookies and smiles that bright has got to have ulterior motives, it’s just common sense, right?
For some reason though, he felt guilty when you would go quiet around him. He knew he expected professional from other spiders, but you got so serious in a way that even he got uncomfortable with the awkward silence. He didn’t want to admit it, but he liked having you around and hearing you ramble.
He knew you were of above average intelligence, so he often used that as an excuse to call you into his office more, to get input on his gadgets of course.
You started to slowly ease up around him. You considered him a friend(don’t tell him that tho), even baking him some cookies of his own. He definitely keeps the little note you left him in the pouch.
You rant to him about movies you recently watched, your cat, the house plant that was tipped over by said cat, and how your missions went. He does not return this eagerness, but just sits there, lending you a listening ear even when it doesn’t seem like it.
Miguel definitely thought of you as annoying at first. The skipping, the giggles, the head-tilts, it was all too much for his gloomy aura. He has his guard up more around you than he did Hobie. Anyone who bakes cookies and smiles that bright has got to have ulterior motives, it’s just common sense, right?
For some reason though, he felt guilty when you would go quiet around him. He knew he expected professional from other spiders, but you got so serious in a way that even he got uncomfortable with the awkward silence. He didn’t want to admit it, but he liked having you around and hearing you ramble.
He knew you were of above average intelligence, so he often used that as an excuse to call you into his office more, to get input on his gadgets of course.
You started to slowly ease up around him. You considered him a friend(don’t tell him that tho), even baking him some cookies of his own. He definitely keeps the little note you left him in the pouch.
You rant to him about movies you recently watched, your cat, the house plant that was tipped over by said cat, and how your missions went. He does not return this eagerness, but just sits there, lending you a listening ear even when it doesn’t seem like it.
He definitely gets aroused when you show up to HQ with open cat scratch wounds, the scent of your blood strong enough to make him feel weak in the knees.
He has to run to the bathroom to fix his problem anytime that does happen. Usually you worry for him and get a closer look at him, your chest brushing against him. You don’t realize that you make the problem worse.
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Just started the game and already have writers block so plz request!!<3
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razorfst · 7 months
Andrei Lupei's Timeline:
I figured this would be easy to do, a catch all post to show what he's been through, how old he was when it happened, what happened, and all of that up until the present where we know him. This is going to cover main verse, there are parts that can split off into his other verses but they won't be covered here fully, just maybe noted with a symbol to be explained at the end.
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October 13, 1998 - Mattias Andrei Lupei is born and is dropped off on the steps of the orphanage in the blanket given by the hospital
December 2, 1998 - Adopted by Otto and Elizabeth Fischer, a German-Romanian family who then took him back to Munich.
November 23, 2001 - Earliest memories of being told he wasn't a member of the family, he was adopted, verbally being mistreated.
June 4, 2005 - After six years of verbal and physical mistreatment, Andrei couldn't handle it anymore and chose to run away where he lived on the streets of Munich before an attempt to make his way home to Romania.*
July 2, 2005 - After sneaking on trains with families, he arrived in Bucharest, Romania where he started to try and look for his birth parents and failed very quickly into this search.
October 13, 2005 - After several months of stealing and begging for food and money, anyway to survive, he was approached by older boys probably five years older who proceeded to bully him. Andrei fought back but he was outnumbered and they were bigger, the fight resulting in the partial split of his tongue and his first major wound. ( Post here )
March 6, 2009 - Andrei steals a sandwich from a shop after starving, thinking he had an opening only to be seen by the shop owner's son who chased after him. He was older than Andrei, easily catching up to him and using his size to throw him into a wall before continuing to throw him around and teach a lesson that eventually caused a concussion. That concussion made him lose his sense of smell for the rest of his life. ( Post here )
April 16, 2011 - He spies his newest target to steal from, distracted, he pickpockets him but is immediately discovered and taken into an alley. He throws back the wallet with everything inside of it while he apologies but learns that he disrespected and insulted a rather powerful mob boss. A lesson needed to be taught and so as punishment, the mobster had the young boy's right hand removed with a large blade. They made sure he didn't bleed out so he would survive and learn in his lesson before leaving him in the alley.** ( Post here )
May 4 2012 - Battle of New York, he hears about it in passing and watches what he can on tv's while out on the streets.
February 20 2014 - Andrei steals from a man that seems distracted, taking his wallet and everything he needed before tossing it aside in an alley and moving on only to see him coming his way. In response, Andrei began to juggle three balls with his one arm to attempt to be appear innocent to the man. That was when he introduced himself as Wenwu and takes the young Romanian in as his son.
February 2014-2024 - Andrei is raised for the next ten years as Wenwu's son, being taught discipline, martial arts, self defense, languages, assassination, and leadership all in the name of the Ten Rings. He becomes blindly loyal to Wenwu, the man he sees as a father and who he owes a never ending debt to for taking him in and giving him a home and a purpose. He grows to be large, muscular, serious, determined, and deadly. Andrei becomes Wenwu's second in command, his general.
Several Months of 2024 - Ten years after Shangqi ran away, Andrei is sent by their father to retrieve his necklace and does what he is told. The rest of the movie takes place where he almost dies and loses his father in the Battle of Ta Lo. He takes his rightful side alongside Xialing who takes over the Ten Rings after their father, leading into the present time.***
* - The first divergency for another verse, Andrei stays in Germany instead of going back to Romania and grows up there on the streets but finds some nice souls who let him work for a place to stay here and there while he goes through school. Once he finishes, he doesn't go to University but instead enlists into the military and joins the Kommando Spezialkräfte Marine. ( Modern/Soldier Verse ) ** - The second divergency for another verse is that Anton, the mob boss, does not cut off Andrei's hand but instead admires the bravery of the boy and his will to survive and thus takes him in as his son and heir to his family empire of crime. ( Mafia Verse ) *** - The third and last divergency for another verse is that instead of Xialing taking over the Ten Rings, Andrei does instead. He was raised to be the replacement of Shangqi and so as such, he takes the rightful spot he had been trained for as the new leader after Wenwu's death. ( Leader of the Ten Rings Verse )
For more overall information, his bio and verses can be found on his google doc here.
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