#when I'm done thoo
brainyrot · 3 months
I said I would and so I did
Part one
Part two
"I just feel constantly watched, that's it. It's creeping me out!"
"Maybe it's just the anxiety."
"I mean, the mind can trick you in many ways, maybe no one is really here."
"But what about the footsteps you and Felix heard?"
"I.. don't know yet but this place looks more abandoned than anything. it's probable some homeless people are here."
if that was actually true.
and if this mug could stop dividing his food to share with the others, it would be great.
honestly, he doesn't care that much, there's easier ways to get food and fast, the problem is that he can't right now. There's a certain follower here, which is already unusual, these weird toons following him everywhere and there isn't a place Wilson hasn't placed his stupid technology to keep him stuck in this form.
it's just annoying, that's it. he could lead them around, sure, but it's more dangerous for him than anything right now, he really hates this stupid form.
and he has no idea how to respond, in general, to them.
One asks about why he's so quiet, he tries to explain but they think he's just tired or just had..an ink attack or.. whatever. "His clothes are all full of ink!"
"The whole place is full of ink."
"Yeah but he literally has ink dripping form his hair. And have you seen his eyebags?"
such a weird observation.
what even is an ink attack? Like when he turns into the ink demon?
He wouldn't call it an attack but, sure I guess. Everybody's creative in their own way.
He needs to start being more creative because if they keep up with the cans and the lunch break room, they'll be stuck here forever.
He could wait until they are asleep, but none of them seem to be wanting to sleep.
those two dishes keep mourning over a dead body they haven't truly met before.
The girl keeps analyzing everything, and she's way more close to the truth than anyone, but it'll only drive her mad, like everyone here.
and the cat, acting sweet and kind, acting fatherly towards this demon he doesn't even know.
Either he's dumb, or something else. nothing positive though.
"Are you okay?" Are you?
"Do you need to lay down? Food?"
"Look once you feel better we can start looking for Boris." We can look for Boris right now actually, wouldn't hurt to pay a visit to that silly anxious wolf. Maybe those two can stop crying, it's pathetic really.
they don't even say why, they don't even look for comfort through the rest of the group, truly some kind of masochists.
and since no one here is gonna do anything, unless he does anything, he just got up and left.
They'll follow him like if they are little ducklings anyway.
he is not here anyway, anymore. He left. he's probably thinking of some sacrifice.
it's useless and stupid, you're not gonna get saved or spared, you're just living in an illusion created by your own mind to have some sort of comfort in this place we're all stuck here day by day until the end of time.
but it's stupidly funny how big this place is, very amusing, especially the reactions.
They are all confused and wary, especially because he knows this place despite "being his first time here", the girl is intrigued too, her curiosity will get her killed, the cat is too but he keeps to himself. Not like her.
She asks questions. She analyzes, she talks. The thing no one does here.
she points things out, she tries to find logic and reasoning behind madness and Ink. That's why she's driving herself crazy.
You can't find logic behind something that has nothing but no sense at all.
but it's not much of a problem for him, the rule here is that you are either mute, to keep yourself safe mostly, or you go mad. No in-between.
sometimes you're both too. Depends.
the more they go down, the more they ask questions, which he could answer, but he can't.
"the pipes are broken, explains the ink."
"People were surely obsessed with this joey guy."
"And bendy."
"what is even the deal with the ink demon?"
"Maybe they are talking about the ink illness?"
"Whoever wrote all of this is probably mad."
"I mean, have you seen this place? Who wouldn't be?"
they are there just not quite.
"this is probably an old abandoned studio some crazy lunatics used for either protection or just to have a roof on their head. they probably had some experiences with the ink illness, it could explain why they keep talking about this "ink demon", they could have used the word demon as a substitute for illness."
"like, when people say you're possessed by a demon when you act crazy?"
"Kind of. They think the ink illness doing is because of a demon, or think the illness is a demon itself tormenting them."
If he could sigh loudly, he would.
"why are we even exploring this place. We should go." He's right. This tall smoking cup is right. You should go.
"Because bendy has no intention to stop, and frankly I'm not leaving him here with who knows who." this cat is going to die first.
"is he looking for Boris?"
"Obviously! he's the only one that we haven't found."
"What about the others? Like Alice or..black hat, I don't know." oh? They know Alice too?
well he could do her a favor then.
"Wasn't Alice in heaven? And what would hat even do here?"
"One of his weird stupid experiments?"
"You think this is one of his experiments to figure out the ink illness?"
"Probably. He had a guy with the ink illness caged up like some animal."
He can't even tell who is talking and who isn't, they all sound the same, say the same thing. and he isn't bothering to make a difference between all of them.
"Oh my Lord!" But for the life of him he can't tune out Sammy's annoying voice.
and those finger guns again. They aren't pointing at him so he's fine, they are pointing at Sammy.
"hey! Don't you dare get any closer, ya weirdo."
A man now made of ink, willingly turning himself into a monster to please a lord that didn't exist in the first place.
"Oh, I'm so pleased my Lord! A gift just for me! oh you flatter me." The man says, holding his axe like his newborn child. A faint laugh from his lips.
"I'll make sure this time the sacrifice will make you happy." Ready fo attack, ready to slice their heads off. But how can you go against toons who can bend reality? How can you against things that were built to not follow logic?
Sammy is only human, a man pretending to be ink, he can't compete. but neither can they, truly a show worth to watch if it wasn't for that grip on his shoulder from the older cup, holding him like if he was some fragile vase that was gonna break any time soon, a friend to protect, something defenseless.
Which he was, but he wasn't in danger at the moment, not when Sammy was here, not when hundreds of lost ones have heard the chaos. Not when so many souls floating and swimming in the dark, lurking and waiting to meet the new guests.
no one is going to hurt him though, no one is going to lay a finger on him.
They all worship him, they all love him, he doesn't get why, but in times like this, he's glad.
but he doesn't want to be at the center of attention. He needs a corner, a table, anything to hide and be ignored until he can make a run for it and be finally free from this cage of a body that he's stuck with.
"I said back off!" He hissed, he surely knows how to act brave. He is not. He is nervous, he is slightly shaking. He is scared of the unknown in front of him, on his head, on the floor, kind of everywhere but he doesn't know.
"If any of you get any closer imma start shootin' and it's all over for you." But it's not effective on people whose life matters no more.
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pandoa · 2 years
wait a sec...
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astrophileous · 8 months
In honor of Hotch’s birthday (November 2nd), can I please request a NSFW scenario where he gets spoiled rotten by his girlfriend and finds out that she’s a nymphomaniac which she tries to hide because she’s scared of rejection and being ostracized?
IK IK I'm technically late to this but HAPPY BELATED BIRTHDAY BOSS MAN!!! ty sooo much for the request hun and so sorry for the delay ❤️ I did as much research abt nymphomania as I could, and I apologize if I didn't do a good enough job representing the condition. pls feel free to correct me abt anything in the comment section if you want to. oh and I wasn't sure if you specifically wanted for the plot to go from spoiling hotch to him finding out, bcs I kinda switched it the other way around 😭 still hope you'll like it thoo 💞✨️
Warning(s): fem!reader, nymphomania, 18+ content minors dni, fem masturbation, use of sex toys, oral (m receiving), unprotected sex (p in v), alcoholic consumption, past relationships trauma
This blurb was written as a part of the "Zara's Birthday Bash and Road to 1K" celebration.
Zara's Birthday Bash and Road to 1K Masterlist / Criminal Minds Masterlist
Aaron was adamant that you had been hiding something from him.
The signs started out small. They always did. In this case, Aaron first noted it during one of the rare nights out that the BAU somehow managed to have amidst their ruthless schedule. The booth that the whole team was at could barely fit everyone who showed up that day, and thus, Aaron found you sitting with almost your entire body pressing against his side. He didn't mind the tight fit one bit. In fact, he'd do just about anything to have you that close to him at all times.
As the night grew older, your sobriety began to recede as well. Aaron didn't initially notice what you were trying to do until he felt your hand sliding up his knee and towards his thigh. He sucked a sharp breath when the same hand began to palm him through the slacks he was wearing, suddenly thankful that Spencer Reid—who had been talking with him for the past ten minutes—had his attention stolen by something on the dance floor.
Aaron's fingers circled your wrist. "What are you doing, sweetheart?"
"I wanna play," you said in a slight whine. Your forehead dropped to Aaron's shoulder before you left a kiss on his jawline. "Want you so bad right now, baby."
"Seriously? Right here, right now?" he asked. It wasn't because he had any impartiality to your suggestion. Aaron was merely perplexed by this foreign behavior you were suddenly dispaying.
But between your state of inebriation and Aaron's general stoic nature, something must have gotten lost in translation. Before he knew it, you suddenly pulled away from him as if it burned you to have mere contact with his skin. Just as he was about to ask what was going on, you got out from the booth and teetered faraway from his reach.
"I'm gonna dance with Emily. I'll be right back!"
Following that night, Aaron began observing you with a closer eye. This led him to detect the differences between how you acted around him when your inhibitions were low and when they weren't.
Just like the other day, for example, when you and Aaron were lounging on the couch during one of your routine movie nights at your apartment. In your sleepy haze, you had shuffled your body closer towards Aaron, to the point where you eventually found yourself sprawled across his lap. Aaron's eyes were still on the TV when you started to kiss and suck on his pulse point, your hand slipping inside his shirt to find the hard panes of muscles on his abdomen.
"Sweetheart." Aaron pulled back once your fingers strayed towards the hem of his shorts. "Don't you wanna watch the movie?"
You blinked blatantly at him for a minute, before you yanked your fingers away and pressed yourself to the other end of the couch. "Yeah, yeah. Of course I wanna watch the movie. Sorry, shouldn't have done that. You know what? Actually, I think I'd like to go to sleep now."
Aaron frowned in confusion. "I'll come with you."
"No! No, it's okay. You don't have to. Just finish the movie, handsome. Join me when you're done, alright?"
After movie night, Aaron was determined to confront you about it. About why you seemed to love gluing yourself to him one second, only to recoil as if he just electrocuted you by the next. It was as though you kept prohibiting yourself to touch him, because of what, Aaron wasn't sure. All he knew was that he didn't like the thought of you being reluctant to be with him in any capacity at all.
The day Aaron sat you down with him, he swore he could smell your trepidation from miles away.
Choosing not to beat around the bush, Aaron decided to dive in head first and ask you the question that had been bothering him, "Is there something you're not telling me?"
Despite your immediate denial of his accusation, your body language told a completely different story. Aaron continued to press on, demanding you to tell the truth and promising you that whatever you were going to say, nothing could ever change how he felt about you.
After minutes that seemed like decades, you finally turned to him and exclaimed, "Fine! You wanna know what's going on? I'll tell you what's going on. I'm a fucking nymphomaniac. Happy now?"
Aaron faltered upon hearing your admission.
The sound of your heart shattering was deafening to your ears. Aaron's reaction hurt, no matter how many times you had imagined it in the past. This was the reason why you never said anything. You loved Aaron too much, valued your relationship so severely to the point that you couldn't let anything jeopardizing its future.
Not even the truth about your hidden addiction.
Your entire world collapsed on top of your shoulders, pinning you down as a sigh fell from your lips. "I know this isn't what you signed up for. I'm sorry for not telling you sooner. I just—I couldn't fathom the thought of you leaving me once you hear the truth. Because you will leave me, I know, you don't even need to say it. I just wanted to be able to love you a little while longer."
"You think I'm gonna leave you?"
Your confused gaze slithered his way. "Why wouldn't you? Everybody else has. I don't blame them. I mean, who wants to be with somebody like me? Sure, society has their own fetish over us. But most people, once they experience being with a nymph for themselves, always end up running away. That's how it's always been."
Silence setlled in the room soon afterward. You hid your head in your palm to evade the shame that clouded over your entire being. You had never wanted to disappear so badly in your entire life as you did in that moment. The longer you waited for Aaron's response, the deeper the blade pierced through the beating organ in your chest.
But where you expected expulsion to rain down from your boyfriend, all you could find in the next second was a pair of gentle hands tugging at your wrists. Your eyes opened once more to see Aaron staring back at you ardently.
"No one is going anywhere, sweetheart. I love you. Nothing is ever gonna change that, not even this."
"But any other person—"
"I'm not any other person. I'm yours." The promise was accentuated with a kiss to your knuckles. "And you need to know that there's nothing to be ashamed for about this. We all have demons we battle with every single day. This just happens to be yours. Are you getting the help you need?"
You nodded meekly. "I started going to therapy a year ago, right after I, uh, got fired from my last job. I was falling behind on deadlines because of my addiction. That's when I knew I needed help."
"That's good." Aaron's praise made you preen. "That's amazing, sweetheart. First step to overcome any addiction is to admit that you need help and to seek it. I'm proud of you."
"With my whole heart," he vowed. "You must have been holding back a lot from me these past few months."
"It wasn't easy at first. I wanted to tell you, but I didn't know how you were going to react, so I just made sure to minimize the chances of you ever finding out about this."
"Is that why you've only ever wanted to have a quickie with me?"
The question caught you off guard. You pressed your face to your boyfriend's shoulder to hide your fluster. "Aaron—"
"It's just a question." He chuckled. "But I'm gonna take that as a yes. How else have you been trying to cope?"
More heat traveled to your face. You felt lewd even thinking about replying honestly to Aaron's question, but the longer you stayed in his arms, the more you realized that there was nothing to be scared about. This was Aaron, after all; loving, compassionate, and understanding in ways that you thought weren't even possible. If there was ever anyone who would understand your struggles instead of judging you for it, that person would be him.
So, with a deep breath, you opted to lay down your book as open as possible. "I usually just... watch porn and masturbate. Toys help a lot. I used to go numerous times a day, but now I can sometimes survive with doing it just once a day. It's convenient that my current job is freelancing as well. And my therapist has also encouraged me to explore new hobbies whenever I can. I just tried crocheting last week."
"How was it?"
"Crocheting? Absolutely terrible. I don't think these fingers were made to crochet." You frowned, chastising the digits in your hands with your judgemental eyes.
Aaron's whole body shook when he laughed, sending vibrations right into your bloodstream. He pulled back to look straight into your eyes, smiling when he saw the adorable pout on your lips.
"Will you show me?" he suddenly asked.
"Show you what?"
"Who you are. What you like. I want you to show me what happens when you don't hold back."
"I don't think that's a good idea—"
"I'm not saying you need to throw away all the progress you've made so far, sweetheart. I just wanna understand you better. I wanna know how I can help you. Please?"
And that was exactly how Aaron found himself sitting on the love seat in your bedroom that night, gripping the armrests as he watched you spread out on the bed like the best last meal of a man's filthiest fantasy.
You were laid down on the mattress, writhing in pleasure from the vibrator shoved deep inside your weeping cunt. You had cummed twice before this, the first time from your fingers and the second from a dildo without Aaron ever touching you, and you were still going as if your stamina hadn't depleted in the slightest.
"Aaron... fuck. I'm so, oohhhh, s-so close."
"I know, sweetheart. I can see the way your hole grips that toy. Do you wanna cum?"
You nodded your head frantically. "Please! Please, I need to cum!"
"Turn the setting higher, princess, and press the shorter handle to your clit."
You followed his instructions, turning the vibrator to its maximum setting and touched the smaller simulator to your engorged clit. A euphoric scream fell from your lips at the overwhelming sensation, and before long, the coil in your belly finally snapped into pieces.
"I'm—oh, I'm cumming so much, Aaron! Ah! Ah! Yeesss, 'm making such a mess, mmmhhh."
You kept the vibrator on until the last ripples of your orgasm subsided. Once you tossed the toy aside, you crawled off the bed and sauntered towards where Aaron was sitting.
Your state of undress was a contrast to Aaron, who was still clad in his buttoned-up shirt and slacks. You threw your legs on either side of his thighs to straddle him, pressing your bare core directly on top of his nether region. Without wasting a breath, you began to move your hips against the tent in his boxers, smearing juices and cum on Aaron's pants as you ground your pussy against his clothed erection.
"Sweetheart." Aaron's hands went to your hips. "Not tired yet?"
"Never for you, Aaron."
You leaned down to claim his lips, kissing him fervently like he was the singular source of oxygen you breathed. Your kisses soon trailed down his body as you made quick work unbuttoning his shirt and pants. When you suddenly got up from his lap to kneel on the ground, Aaron studied you in wonder.
"What are you doing, angel?"
"Wanna taste you, Aaron. Wanna make you feel so good. Please?"
Who would ever say no to that?
In a flash, the two of you freed Aaron from the confinement of his pants and briefs. His erection sprung free once his clothes were out of the way, standing proud and tall against the muscles of his abdomen.
You licked your lips at the sight of his beautiful cock. Before tonight, you never allowed yourself to stare directly too long at it in fear of the repercussions it might bring due to your addiction. But as you knelt there, arousal dripping between your thighs like waterfall, you couldn't help but curse your past self for denying you such pleasure. Aaron's cock was beautiful, moderate in length but gifted in girth, leaking pre-cum from the tip, making the head red and shiny.
You wrapped your hand around his shaft, giving a few lazy tugs to smear the pre-cum around before intensifying your ministrations. At the first touch of your lips on the tip of his cock, Aaron couldn't stop the hiss from escaping his throat.
"Fuck. Feels so good, princess. You're making me feel so good."
Aaron's praises only spurred you on even further. You began bobbing your head up and down his cock, matching the rhythm with your hand's movements around Aaron's girth. The moans that tumbled free from your boyfriend's chest were music to your ears. You had even started to rib your thighs against one another, desperate to create any level of friction that would alleviate the throbbing need in your pussy, a fact that didn't escape Aaron's notice as he watched you with lust-lidded eyes.
"You're getting yourself off, sweetheart? Does sucking my cock get you all hot and bothered?"
Aaron's words went straight to your core, making you whine around Aaron's cock. The vibrations Aaron felt from your mouth made him groan loudly.
"Fuck. I'm so close, princess."
You released him with a pop at the new information. Your lazy eyes took in the sight of Aaron's face that had seemingly been taken over by euphoria.
"Use me, Aaron."
Aaron's eyes fell wide open at the request.
"Go and use my mouth for your pleasure. Wanna make you feel so good, handsome."
With that, you wrapped your mouth once more around his girth. Aaron's fingers instantly went to your head, holding you in place as he began fucking your mouth as if it was his personal fleshlight. In a way, it probably was. You could've smiled at Aaron's dominance if you weren't so busy trying to control your breathing.
"You feel like heaven, sweetheart. Holy shit. So warm and wet. I'm gonna cum down your throat, 's that what you want?"
You nodded your head frantically, feeling tears already starting to pool around your waterlines.
"Go on, then. Take it all, goregous. Swallow all of it—every. single. drop."
One last thrust into you, and Aaron was emptying himself down your throat. You swallowed every single drop you could while the rest was left to drip down your chin. You withdrew at last only to clean up the residual cum along Aaron's shaft, grinning in pride when he hissed at the feeling of your tongue running along his protruding veins.
Your kisses eventually wandered upward, towards Aaron's awaiting lips that welcomed you eagerly when you pressed against them in a kiss. Aaron's hands instinctively gripped your hips when you settled back on his lap, your fingers rushing to peel the loosely hanging shirt completely off his back.
When your hand flew down to wrap around his still half-hardened cock, Aaron's entire body shuddered in reflex.
"Please, Aaron. Need to have you inside me. Hm? We'll go slow, I promise."
There was no way he could have such a beautiful and tantalizing woman such as yourself, begging to fuck him, only for him to say no. Aaron would be the most idiotic man in the world if he let that happen.
So, he rested his head back against the seat as he watched you pepper a million tiny kisses across his chest, all the while never diminishing the ministrations on his cock. It didn't take long for Aaron to get hard again, and when he did, you wasted no time in pressing his swollen red tip against your puffy pussy.
When you finally slid him inside your throbbing walls, Aaron thought he was going to pass out.
"Ohhhh, Aaron," you mewled once he was fully seathed inside. "You're filling me so good, baby. You're so fucking big."
Aaron was sure words would fail him miserably at that moment, so he settled with planting his hands on your hips instead of a verbal response.
In no time at all, you began moving above him. Slowly, at first, but then the rhythm found you almost immediately. You were warm and wet from the previous orgasms you had, and the amount of juices leaking out of your cunt only amplified the obscene sound of your lovemaking within the four walls of the bedroom. Aaron watched in awe at the sight of you on top of him; so lost in pleasure and visibly free for the first time in what felt like a long time. You caught his stare when you looked down, leaning closer to kiss him between the gasps tumbling past your lips.
"Shit, princess. You're gripping me so good. I can smell you, sweetheart."
Your responding moan was the most melodic thing that ever graced Aaron's ears. "Yeesss, Aaron, you're so fucking deep in my pussy—ohhh. Can feel you all the way inside, baby."
Your lips strayed towards the column of Aaron's neck, where you trailed wet kisses all the way across his collarbones. The movements of your hips only became that much more frantic with every second that ticked by.
"You're so beautiful, Aaron. I love you so much." You sobbed against his chest. Aaron instantaneously circled his arms around your torso. "You're the only one who makes me feel good like this, baby—mmphh."
"Yeah? I'm the only one?"
"Just you. No one else."
You gasped out of the blue in the next second, your mind going hazy when the head of Aaron's cock punched the erogenous spot inside your cunt right at its center. Your hips grew even more erratic. Aaron could feel your walls gripping him tighter, and knowing what was certainly about to come, he brought his hand down and started drawing circular patterns over your sensitive clit.
"Aahhh! Aaron! I'm s-so close, mmhh. I'm cumming! I'm cumming!"
Aaron continued fucking up into you as your climax washed your entire being like a tsunami. The constant stimulation in your pussy, along with the one administered to your clit, prolonged the orgasmic bliss until you couldn't sit upright anymore. With a few more powerful thrusts, Aaron came shortly behind you, shooting loads and loads of cum into your womb until your insides were flooded with warmth.
In the aftermath of both of your pinnacles, you and Aaron clung to each other as if it was your last day together on earth.
"So—" Aaron's voice aroused in the otherwise silent bedroom.
"So—" you parroted, glancing up at your boyfriend who was already looking down towards your face, "—how was it? Too much?"
Aaron shrugged. The smile on his face was the perfect picture of smugness. "I think I can keep up."
You punched him lightly on his shoulder. "You say that now. You're gonna be thinking differently when sex doesn't become exciting anymore since I ask for it every single hour of every day. You'll look at me differently."
"Hey. I told you, that's not gonna happen." Aaron slid his hand against your cheek, keeping your head in place so he could stare directly into your eyes. "I'll help you with your needs to the best of my capacity, and I promise to tell you whenever I feel like I need a break. It's a compromise. You have me, sweetheart. And you're still going to therapy as well, so you're gonna be fine. Trust me."
Aaron secured his declaration with a sweet kiss to your forehead. As you lay there in his arms, you couldn't help but thank the stars for sending someone who was willing to try to understand you better despite what society would expect him to. You knew that in a few hours, your condition would cause the raging arousal to burn once more in the pit of your belly. But at that specific moment in time, you were quite pleased to just rest in the safety of Aaron's embrace, where being yourself finally didn't feel like a crime that could potentially sentence you to a lifetime of imprisonment.
In the safety of Aaron's embrace, you were finally free.
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yuurivoice · 24 days
not really a question, but I LOVE the little staticky glitchy sound effect that you’ve been adding to the end of your videos lately!! It scratches my brain so nicely !!
This probably isn’t intentional, but I find it to be so weirdly versatile. It’s loud enough that you can tell when the audio’s ended, but not so loud that it’s startling or upsetting. In a way it sort of enhances the feelings of any given audio? Like, hearing it at the end of a comfort audio feels like a warm hug goodbye, but hearing it at the end of something like the Withered Finn audio makes it eerie and foreboding.
I’m just an audio nerd who enjoys some good sfx. You, sir, have chosen an excellent noise lol
I can't take too much credit for that, because Thoo was responsible for the specific selection! When I was giving her notes on what I was thinking for the outro video, I had three possibilities.
Complete silence.
Subtle queues, potentially with softspoken outro by character.
Gentle background music.
I think she found the perfect transition sound. It doesn't intrude, but is distinct enough that it's doesn't go unnoticed. It's a very ambiguous sound, like you've mentioned here, you can attribute a lot of different vibes to it. The big thing was just making sure it doesn't aggressively rip a listener out of the scene, because audible whiplash when you might be balls deep in imagination land is a bad time.
I'm hesitant about things like intros too, a ~10 second bump at the start wouldn't hurt anything, but I feel like it very rarely adds anything. Something that is flexible and showcase-y without being a big jerk off session would be cool. Not to double down on Marvel references today, but their intro that showcases various characters and moments as we pull out to see the big Marvel title card, with the music, is pretty fucking great in that regard. What could essentially just be nonsense (ironically I feel that way about the Star Wars helmet thing they do now, because it's entirely restricted to Droids and Helmet havers, if I recall correctly), is now an anticipatory part of the intro. The score, the visuals, all contribute to telling the story while reminding the audience that this is YOUR shit. They already know, but if it's done well enough, it builds hype. The lights are dimming, everyone has put their phones away, and the show is starting. I love digging into stuff like that and trying to figure out why it works.
I don't think my brain is big enough to come up with something quite that dope for my own stuff at the moment, but it's certainly a thought. lol
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tangyangie · 1 year
Hii I saw u write a karma x reader with a entp gf.. and it was veryy good :)) i even followed u lol
i was wondering if u could write a reader x karma with a isfp gf.. she's very sweet, kind, artistic and likes taking care of others.. she's extremely insecure and hates that she's too shy and allergic to the word no 😂 lol...
She has been feeling a bit insecure about herself and hates herself because of her failures in communicating with others 😭 soo can u write general headcanons and also him comforting her
I'd really appreciate it if you will write this... it's ok if u don't wanna thoo
Thanks :D
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blank canvas, blank mind
description. karma x isfp!girlfriend
genre. fluff / comfort
notes: i couldn't tell by what you wrote if you only wanted headcanons or if you wanted a scenario too.. so i did the scenario!! i hope you enjoy <3
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— h e a d c a n o n s —
— he likes to take care of you. you relax on the couch as he throws numerous blankets on top of you as he tells you how much he loves you.
— he gives you things. whether that's paintbrushes, pencils, or plushies, you have an overflowing supply of these items. you're running out of places to put things.
— he's always with you. he simply doesn't want you being taken advantage of. he knows how much you hate saying no to people (even if your life is basically in jeopardy), so he's saying it so you don't have to!!
— he constantly compliments you. if you're insecure about your body, personality, interests, those worries will be fine in literally no time at all. he's great at distracting you from what makes you anxious.
— he's always watching you. not in a creepy way!! you just fascinate him. he could stare at you for hours and never get bored. you're just so pretty with your movements, especially when you're letting your creativity shine through.
— he gives you people lessons. he knows you're not great with interactions. he knows your troubles with communications with—well, anyone. so, the most illogical thing to do is help. so, he's constantly trying his best to help you in this kind of thing.
— s c e n a r i o —
you're staring at the wall.
about anything—and everything.
thoughts keep filling your mind about your earlier occurrences. the things you said, if you made any weird faces, if you did anything at all that might tell someone you're doing something wrong.
"y/n? are you listening?" a certain redhead asks, brushing his hair away from his eyes so he can look at you properly.
"huh?" you spin, your eyes obviously puffy and tearing up. "yeah, sorry. what's up?"
"hey.. are you okay? did something happen? do you need me to shove wasabi up someone's nose? some habanero peppers, perhaps?"
you give a little chuckle and shake your head. "not today, karma."
"well, then.. what's wrong? you're acting unusual." he says with worry in his voice, carefully jumping backwards onto the bed to sit next to you.
"i was just.. thinking." you sigh, swinging your leg back and forth.
"...about?" karma asks, raising an eyebrow.
"it's just—uhm..." you begin, not knowing how to get the words out.
"i know i act weird around other people. but.. is there something i do without knowing that might make someone dislike me?" you blurt, still a little unsatisfied with the execution of the sentence.
"woah, where's this coming from?" he says, getting off the bed to place a hand on your shoulder. "what's going on?"
"i.. i just always feel like i've done something wrong. after i hang out with my friends, i can't shake the feeling that they'd start talking about me because of something i did." you spill, closing your eyes and resting your forehead in your palm.
"...i'm really sorry. but, i don't think you've done anything wrong, y/n. you're the kindest soul i've ever met and you're the reason i'm not in jail right now." he says, dead serious.
"still.. i just wish i could communicate with them better. i never know what to say to them when i want to talk." you say, looking back up at karma.
"i just wish there was something i could do about it." you say, concluding your point. you felt helpless.
"hey, it's okay. you can always work up to speaking with them directly. just stay out of your own head. you're amazing, y/n. there's absolutely nothing wrong with you or what you can do." he smiles at you, hoping to encourage you at least a little bit.
you wipe the back of your hand on your face, trying to get rid of the tears that had been spiraling out. "are you sure that they'll react well?" you sniff.
"y/n, there's nothing i can do to guarantee that. but, i do blue that they're not worthy of being your friends if they react badly to you wanting to talk to them." he says calmly, caressing your face with his thumb.
"just keep in mind, i'll be with you every step of the way. you've got this. and i'll have wasabi in my hands."
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notes: i really searched my mind for this 😭😭 it was fun to write though!!
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Maybe one of Steven the MoonKnight guys that has like breeding kink or “forced creams” by Marc because we don’t do “that” with marc we only seeing Steven but regardless its good and we let it happen but fight it a bit (not rape thoo) gets pregnant of Marc, ending 🤷🏻‍♀️ I don’t know
I think I understood this request? 🤔
Warnings: bdsm themes, talk of consensual forced breeding
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Steven is the type to be open about what he likes once you are open about yours. Mainly because he is learning about what he likes and he doesn't like. You are fine with this, encourage it in fact! It starts off with small things outside of the realm of vanilla sex. Risk. Toys. Suits (the avatar armor). Physical. Words. It's a learning experience for both of you as research is done and you both talk about it.
With Jake, he knows what he likes and doesn't like. Plenty of experience and teaches you how to understand your limits and what a subspace is. Going as far as to put you in it to further understand the importance of limits, the color code system, and how you bring you down from that high.
A lot of times Jake has guided Steven when he and you want to try something. Safewords is a start, the most known method. The color system is another one Jake prefers since it is not an immediate stop. Each color means something and is often used especially when experimenting. It also helps whoever is the dominant one to also have voice, not only the submissive.
These things you explain to Marc when he finally opened up about his desires.
You have considered it a few times with Steven and actually did it once with Jake.
Now that one you have done with Steven. He won't deny how fucking hot it is that his partner is the avatar to Set, yeah Set who once ate the moon to prove a point to Ra.
Imagine fucking a mortal because your god demands a child he was denied because he is cursed to be infertile. Okay, probably sounds lame but when played right, heh, you had Steven walking a bit funny for a day or so. The armor helped set the scene along with the bag of sand Steven still kept around.
Marc wanted something similar but with him as the dominant. Two avatars. Similar role-playing save for he is the one who wants to breed you.
You were surprised Marc wanted something like that given he often treated you like glass— No, he treated himself as if he was a sledgehammer and would hurt you if he went too rough or spoke the wrong words. You had to reassure him you can handle a lot. Both on the field and in the bedroom.
The challenge is both Marc himself and to be unaware. Previous consent given, rules and color system, the traditional armor an avatar must wear.
You won't lie, seeing Moon Knight fight is exciting. Every move is different from yours. While you show off, he moves to be efficient. Sure you can cheat and use magic or strike him down with lightning, but this is a game and you are too horny to actually give him a real fight. Which added to the scene right now with your armor torn and Moon Knight between your legs.
Thank God this is not happening in the flat for you fear the neighbor might call the bobbies thinking there's a real fight happening.
It took a lot of work, and Marc is probably equally as overheated in his armor like you are.
"Are you okay?" Both speaking in unison.
"I'm fine. Need water though." And your wounds are already healing so you're okay, sore though. Fuck Marc's grabbling is amazing. "You?"
"I think you burned my cape."
"Shit, Khonshu is gonna be pissed." Oops.
Marc's laugh is rich and the most relaxed you heard him since you started dating him. It has you staring at him in awe and love all at once.
"Can we… Say like this?" He wants to stay connected or keep you personally plugged up with his cum is unknown nor do you care. You nod as you relax on the floor of some abandoned building used for the scene.
"A few more minutes. Don't want to traumatize a homeless person who wanders in here."
"Hmm." A hum in agreement.
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sixosix · 6 months
girl (/gn) i totally get you esp about being a xiao kisser.. like?? imagine being so down bad for your main but you can barely write him as good as you do for the rest of your faves :')) BUT BRO (/gn) I SERIOUSLY LOOOOVE ALL YOUR FICS!! the moment i found you, binged each n every one >:)) it's okay, xiao will find his time to shine, so much so that you'll feel super proud once it happens.
ANYWHOOOO!! here is the brainrot that i got, i really hope that i sent this at a good time, otherwise feel free to just let this float away~ (also i'm so, so hooked by thawed. lyney had absolutely no right to be so delulu over the reader- I LEGIT GIGGLED WHEN LYNETTE SAID PROPOSED TO THE READER COME AWNNN!!! lyney, honey, i will shake you by the shoulders.)
promise by laufey, right?
i personally think this song has such a very.. hurt, hurt, hurt, comfort and then more hurt, but at last, comfort vibe. it fits both boys - both lyney and aether. they are so magnificent, shining brightly on their own- one on a stage and the other across nations. pulling away from them hurts like a bitch, because their love felt like a warm embrace that burned like a bandage each time you tried to yank away.
being with them was like heaven. being with them brought you the kind of joy that eternal paradise would supply. being with them .. archons, being with them felt like their mere presence could shelter you away from the darkness of the world.
and it hurts to be something.
because being with them meant danger. meant arguments- ones that neither of you can win. it spelled disaster with each wound, and caused misery with each day left alone to one's devices. being with them meant that you were forced to watch your stunning significant other play a perfect part in a life you don't think you fit- oh, you've done the math. there was no solution, and there was no way to force you — a mere extra puzzle piece — to fit their masterpiece.
yet it's worse to be nothing with them.
ok n then that's the end of my brainy brainrot.. the second last verse in the song:
So I broke my promise
I called you last night
I shouldn't have, I wouldn't have
If it weren't for the sight of a boy
Who looked just like you
Standing out on Melrose Avenue
can you imagine just how beautiful it would be to imagine a scene where you taught you mistook the sight of the one closest to your heart, and in an act of desperation and longing, you try to hurry and contact them. shaky hands and shivering figure, your heart practically weeping with overdue worry and grief of your past relationship, only to find them also looking for you- as if it was fate. clinging to each other and pouring your hearts out into the only two souls that could hear you two.
AHHH THAT'S IT THOO,,, hope you didn't mind the brainrot, i totally really just "hm user sixosix would very much enjoy this idea methinks" BUT I DID NOT PLAN THIS OUT VERY WELL. hope you're having a good day, afternoon, evening, night!! ❤️
HI!!! i see ur reblogs a lot so its rlly rlly nice to see u interacting more and more often! :D im soso happy u like thawed. that series is my baby. ALSO its rlly cute u thought id like this idea BC I DO!!! wow. U get me.
your writing is soso pretty :( ITS POETRY!!! i love it and how u captured the feel of the song (which is just pain) and the “you were forced to watch your stunning significant other play a perfect part in a life you don't think you fit” OHHH!!! thats the shit i live for. realizing that you dont fit in w the life he lives in. Pain.
what i think is that this song fits aether the most !!! OUUUGHH you knowing that aether has to leave teyvat eventually but u cant help but long for him THATS THE GOOD SHIT “we’ll never last / why can’t i let go of this?”
“i made a promise to distance myself” BC u know that you have to stop caring so u dont get hurt when he leaves!!!!’
this song is beyond perfect tysm for sharing this w me!! Ough now i may end up writing this and blame it on you bc its so perfect 😭😭😭
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sunkingwrites · 1 year
the funny thing is, whenever I see that flower I think of you! it’s one of my favooooriteeee flowersss, and they usually present joy and optimistic relationshipssssss (and youuu have brought sooo much joy! <3)
ahem ahem I probably shouldn’t be um being a dumbass using my phone in the bathtub after a mini photoshoot (IT WAS SO COOL) but i sWEAR i’m holding outside of the bath over the floor this time— anyways, whAT I WAS GOING TO SAYYYY- MndkajJjas I wanna paint my nails with you after I’m done taking a selfcare bathhh ;v;
I don’t even know why I’m talking about my bath- it’s comfortable… and I have no shame with my selfcare days ohmygod.. I need to learn how to stop 😭
KQJDIDI ANYWAYS BACK TO YOU, YOU DROP-DEAD-GORGEOUS HUMAN— I’m coooking laterrrr and I was wondering about food preferences (because I personally will eat anything edible as long as it doesn’t have b e a n s; I am a sucker for new things!)
sooooo what kinda food do you likeeee?? oooo and and back to the flowers- what flowers do you like as well? I swear I’m not planning anything *cough* I don’t know what you mean *cough*
Bruuhhh it's suuuchh a pretty flower thoo aaahhhhhh
And-- PHOTOSHOOT, DID I HEAR PHOTOSHOOT??? Dude lemme get in there, imma get a bunch of closeups woo wooo, I fucking LOve photoshoots!!!! :DD
Ollie omg nooo, keep going on about your self care baatthh, VIBE AWAYYY VIBBEE AWAAAYYY!!
Ooh okay okay so what colour are we thinking for nail polish though? I'm getting you to decide because I think I have more colours so it'll be more likely to have what you choose,, and you can choose multiple colours of course of course BECAUSE THERE ARE MULTIPLE FINGERNAILS!!
uGH, yeah,, I am preettyyy gorgeeouus huh? ☆☆☆ :D
Okay uhhh food,, well since you're talking actually food and not candy-- because sour candy is where it's at-- mmmm I really like spicy food, and combining like.. every flavour that I like into one thing... because I'm verryy indulgent and I feel like that shows in the way I make things- today I had some butter turkey and rice with added hot sauce and green onions, because my mum made a turkey a bit ago and had a buNCh left over- but I should specify that I dIDNT actually make the food,, it was made for me and I just added a bunch of different shit to it like I always do--
something that I really like making is instant noodles,, then draining them and adding some margarine (cuz this boy shouldn't have butter), mayo, soya sauce, hot sauces, and a bunch of other stuff- it is again,, VERy indulgent.. but I really like it! And make sure you add a veggie aspect too cuz that'd important- but also slather those veggies in sauuceee becauseee yuummmyummyyy- oh goddss I'm getting hungry just thinking about this stufffff :')
Okay okay, so I'm gunna talk about flowers instead then-
Dude I literally don't know shit about flowers. xD I know tulips cuz they bloom around my birthday time (springg booyyy),, but I know the characteristics I like in flowers-- so I hope that's good enough
I like when flowers have a nice stem that you can hold it by, so it's easy to smell it, and easy to offer it to someone, so they can hold it and don't have to worry about dropping it
I like when flowers are bright, like they grab your attention, I like the warm colours of them- when it feels like they're reaching out to you and inviting you to smell them or take a closer look
I like when flowers have little patterns to their petals, yeah the teardrop shaped petals are fine- but I want some ruffles, some ridges and irregular curves- I need that flower to exist in its own space, existing as a separate creation in a field of monotony.
soooo yeah! I hope that's good <3
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luv4fandoms · 1 year
AHHH!! Im so glad you like my little Doc Edit!!!! Please feel free to use it anyway you want it!!! I should specify that any edits i make can be used for like profiles or lock screens i 100% do not care i do them for fun and to share with people. IM SO HAPPY THOO!!!! Like your a massive blog and you like my silly little doc edit ahh!!!😖😖😖💗💖💗💖💗💗💗🥰🥰🥰🥰✨ Love your blog btw! Its so cool and fun!!!
Omg nuuu I am in no way a massive blog 🫣 lol.
I freaking ADORE your edits! I've come across quite a few of them on my for you page and they are so beautifully done! I can tell you put a lot of love into them 😊. I just absolutely freaked when I saw Doc cause not many people do stuff about him. But I'm a huge Young Guns fan and Doc has always been my favorite lol.
I love your blog too! Definitely giving you a follow 😊❤️
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1d1195 · 16 days
Ah now I'm scared!! The US gov doesn't support a teacher that much and when it's come to teaching in schools so this is what I'm nervous about but let's see what future holds for!! But my profsr has said that becoming a teacher is difficult but you have a potential so you can be!! And thank youuuu these information!!
How is your weekend going so farrrr?? Any planssss??:)
Any story coming for us to readdd??(no rush thoo)!!
You will be an amazing teacher! Especially if you care this much to be one. I know you will be 💕
Weekend is good. Relaxing for the first time in MONTHS really. I feel like I've had to be ON for so long. I need to fold a mountain of laundry today but other than that nothing to do today.
I'm working on an extra for Tuesday. But it's pretty slow going. I'm not really into it. I'm trying to find the right music to vibe to while writing but it's not going well hahahaha that being said, I still think I'll have it done in time to post tomorrow afternoon. Just gotta connect the different parts of it together.
After that I have some one-shot pieces I want to write. I have one more mini-series in store I think but I'm waiting until the official start of summer. Or maybe in the fall. I've been really excited to write it but I think it will be better when I don't feel forced to write it. I'm excited about some of the one-shot pieces. I also have some check-ins I want to do as well!
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screampied · 2 months
hii gayvus!! ( im kidding please dont smite me 😣‼️)
HRUU THOO? im doing terrible, my allergies are literally killing me and my allergy meds are NOWHERE to be found. 🤦🏽‍♀️
but im saur excited for the dbf tojis series, its soooo good, im practically salivatingggg and the fact that SHIU IS GONNA BE INVOLVED TOO?? lawwddd when im done w them, ill need more than just a wheelchair.
hi my love :,) i'm hanging in there 💔 my cycle decided to hit me out of nowhere n these cramps r killing me ahhhah. i randomly woke up but i’m prob gonna go back to sleep soon since i refilled my glass of wata 😙😙 AWWWW. i hope ur allergies lessen baby !! i hate allergies omg, n i hope u find ur meds 🩶
HEHE THANK YEW. speaking of i plan to work on the next chapter sometime tmrw since i finished the format, its so cute n goofy 🙇‍♀️🙇‍♀️🙇‍♀️ mmm yah he’s only present for that one chapter with toji but id love to write more for shiu in the future, he’s so sexy 🩶
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only444namjoon · 8 months
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Connie x black reader
Summary: Connie was always the gangsta type dude never got a lot of love from others but when you came along you showed him that there’s always a good ending.
Waring: cussing , sad , nsfw
Connie never got a lot of love, he was always the one to initiate everything so he stopped dating for a while cause he was just tired of being the one doing everything.
Connie pov
Putting the blunt to my mouth “ I’m kinda hungry “ I sigh putting my blunt out and putting some grey Nike shorts and white tee and Nike slides so I can just hurry and get some food, I wanna sit down and eat
I finally picked Texas Roadhouse “ hey is it just one” I nodded “ okay follow me sir “I followed this girl she just winked at me, she look ran through tho and her ass fake I chuckle to myself “ okay this is your seat your waiter is gone be here any minute now bye cutie”
She winked again, I’m kinda happy she left. “ hi sir” I looked up and I saw the prettiest girl I ever seen, I smirked “ hey mamas” I see she blush “ w-what would you like to order s-sir”
Reader pov
“ w-what should you like to order s-sir” he was really cute and I never got flirted with before, “ umm I would like some steak and a side of mash potatoes and also a Pepsi " he looked back up at me, goshhh he was sooo fine " I'll b back with your order sir":
Connie pov
I looked at her while she walked away and I seen how her dress moved up everytime she walked, I smirked a bit "damn she fine" I looked back and I seen that girl that was flirting with me, she waved and smiled
I rolled my eyes and looked back, then I finally spotted my future girlfriend again serving another table, only thing I seen was her smile and I almost fell in love again. She looked at me and started to walk over here while pulling her mini skirt down
" hii s-sir, I'm sorry that's it's taking long the cooks are trying there best" she smiled " it's fine, but hey" she looked down at me " would you like to go on a date with me pretty mamas" she blushed again " s-sure I'd love to" she smiled again
" here's my phone my phone number" I slide her my number "oh wow I never had someone asked me out , kinda nervous but thank you I'll call later!" She walked away kinda fast her skirt was riding up and took her hand to put it down, she so cute " just my type" I smirked
Reader pov
" AYYYY BESTIEEEE LOOK" My bestie turned to me " HIIBESTIE WHAT HAPPENED" " I got some dude number and he was so cute" I giggled " who was it" I giggled again " come look " we both walked out the back and I pointed " I didn't get his name thoo " I looked back and I didn't see my bestie" w-what "
"Bestie" I looked for her, I seen her looking a little mad " heyy what's wrong?" She side eye me " move bro. Just leave me alone " I was confused " okay" " ORDER 255" I went to go get the order and it was that cute guys order, skip over to him " here's your order" putting down his Pepsi
Connie pov
I was watching TikTok then I looked and and seen the girl pointed at me showing me off but the same girl that winked at me and flirting with me was the one with her she looked mad, mm I don’t care. She finally started to walk over again with her cute ass I smirked
“ here’s your food and here’s your Pepsi” she smiled and me and I smiled back “ do you wanna sit and talk for a bit ma?” She smiled again “ yeah ofc “ I smiled at her “ I can’t believe a cutie like you agreed to date me “ “ ha date you , you just asked me on a date like 2 minutes ago” she giggled
I love her laugh it’s just so cute
After a few months Connie and reader finally started dating, and Connie was SOO nervous when she moved in
Connie POV
I just got done doing my drug deals, I still didn’t tell my princess about it but imma keep it in till I know we locked in. I stepped in the house and put my keys down “ HIIII BABYY I MISSED YOU SO MUCH” she hugged me and kissed my face I giggled “ hey mamas why are you so happy?” I was just waiting for her to say she wanted money or something cause that’s what all my past relationships were
“ I was waiting for youuu~~ I have a special gift for you baby” I was shocked “ really mamas” she looked into my eyes “ really “ she smiled while holding my hand leading me to the kitchen with these tight ass shorts ughhh she so fine “ I cooked for you baby” she looked back smiling hella hard
“ mhmm baby it smells so good “ she jumps a little because of excitement “ aww thanks baby come sit “ she pulls the chair out for me, a women never did that for me. She walks over the her seat “ let’s pray before we eat baby” I smile “ yea”
Reader POV
After the food I had a big surprise for Connie, everyone sense I got with him I couldn’t let go of him he is just so cute and nice and handsome “ Connie come upstairs I have another surprise” he smirked “ I’ll wait baby” you giggle “ DONT SPOIL IT “
Connie POV
I never felt so loved before I was always hurt, it became normal for me to not feel loved I’m literally a drug dealer I’m so scared to tell her I don’t want her to run away like most of the people I was with “ BABY CAME HERE” i ran as fast as I could, https://pin.it/3pq3Nys
To be continued….
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teyamsatan · 11 months
how have you been my loveee??
i havent been on this app in a long long time and im sorry i didnt read the last chapter to monster in me sooner, lifes been getting to me but in a good wayy!! i started to find a routine and reading fanfics haven’t really fit in with my life so im so sorryyyy😩😩
it was beautiful my love, so nicely written and in my opinion, it ended perfectly. i love how neither vi or teyam forced the mateship and that they both focused on healing and reconnecting again. i found it endearing in a way, because deep down, both of them just wanted to have what they had when they were kids back and so by calling the engagement off, they were able to get to know eachother again as friends and just build off again from there. i can’t wait for more vi and teyam drabbles n oneshots, i absolutely love themm!!
i love you andra, you’re writing always makes me happy. you’re extremely talented and you nevaaa fail to amaze me with your work🩷🩷
- belovedd 🕷️ anonniee🖤🖤
HI BABY!!! <3 HOW ARE YOUU??? xx you never have to apologise to me, i'm happy you're living your life and to be honest, i'm always way behind on my reading and feeling massively guilty about it, but we gotta do what we gotta do my love xx
thank you so much for reading the chapter and for your amazing words, honestly i've been feeling a little insecure about it since posting it because i have this feeling people didn't really enjoy it (which is fair, it wasn't a clear cut ending per se), so it means so much to hear you say that :((( i completely agree with you and that was my intention, to show that after that much hurt, there was a lot of healing to be done. the engagement was a way for vi to basically trap and punish neteyam, as much she made it clear from the beginning, and it felt undeserved to have it loom over their heads, when in reality they were two former best friends who deserved to get to know each other and respect each other and love each other again, on their own terms, not on Mo'at's or Eywa's.
i love you and i'm so happy to hear from you, and I hope you are well and biggest, warmest smooches for u always xx
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coeurhh02 · 3 years
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Kakashi wip bc I have school requirements to accomplish by the weekend ;w; might change his hair bc idk if he looks “kakashi” enough
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thatjadedhotmess · 2 years
Library study dates
pairings/characters: albedo x gn!reader, kazuha x gn!reader
warnings⚠️: fluffiness that's pretty much it. wholesomeness as well yesyess
a/n: I'm finally almost done with exams and had time to finish this up I hope yall enjoy it TvT (sorry its looks kinda rushed ahhh)
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albedo (阿貝多)
☁︎︎ yall know that light academia style with the dress shirt and a sweater vest? yes him that's how he's dressed with that messy hair bun.
☁︎︎ before you guys meet he would buy you a drink of your choice and stuff it into his bag so that he doesn't get caught bringing in sweet drinks into the library.
☁︎︎ he probably wouldn't go there to study though, more like be your tutor and help you out with whatever subject you need help with.
☁︎︎ is super patient about it too, like he would never lash out at you for not understanding something but would rather explain something to you in different manners until you understand it
☁︎︎ I kinda envision him also bringing along a thermo flask thoo,, and like inside is probably hot coffee or tea but he looks more like a coffee person to me;~;
"Ahh thanks for the drink Albedo." You thanked him, taking a sip from the piping hot drink that he had bought for you and stuffed into his bag before going into the library.
You had told him you were going to be late that day and so you asked that he help get you a drink, of course adding that you would pay him back for the drink. Albedo being the gentleman he is, didn't let you pay for the drink.
Settling into the chair beside albedo, you quickly took out your Biology textbook. Albedo had agreed to meet you for a study session being the good table mate (and boyfriend) he was. He always did better academically than compared to you.
"So this right here is a kidney nephron," he used a pencil to point at the diagram located in your textbook. "There are a few main parts of the kidney nephron. The renal corpuscle, the proximal convoluted tubule, the loop of henlé, the distal convoluted tubule and finally, the collecting duct.."
"Now, the main function of this whole setup is for ultrafiltration and selective reabsorption to take place, so far so good y/n ?" he quizzed. you nodded your head while frantically trying to recount everything he just said so you could write it down in your notebook.
"Following, the kidney tubule also consists of a lot of things. this includes the-"
"Ahh- ok wait for a sec. Ok you can continue." You stuck your hand out in his face to get him to stop talking for a second, causing him to lightly chuckle.
Yeahh this was definitely going to be a long day you thought to yourself.
Kaedehara Kazuha (楓原万葉)
☁︎︎ sleep deprived ass. that's all thank you
☁︎︎ ooo he would definitely be the kind of person to wear comfy clothes. baggy pants, a random shirt and maybe a hoodie incase he (or you ehe) gets cold
☁︎︎ would ask to meet up and yes he does come on time but instead of studying with your he ends up falling asleep on the table in front of you.
☁︎︎ when he is awake however, he's a completely different person.
☁︎︎ beast mode: on
☁︎︎ headphones in, laptop out, phone shut off and furiously writing short notes on his paper the man is not allowing himself any distractions
☁︎︎ is also the mom friend and would most likely need to babysit you
☁︎︎ "here, i have an extra pen use this"
☁︎︎ "i still have water in my bottle, drink since yours was empty when you came and you haven't drank anything in the last 3 hours"
"Heyy, kazu kazu, wake up sleepyhead." You whispered, poking him in the shoulder. Kazuha opened his eyes before rubbing them groggily, Huh he must've gotten a pretty bad night of sleep yesterday if he somehow ended up falling asleep while waiting for you in the public library.
"Ahhh, heyyy y/n" sleep still evident is his voice as he pushed himself off the table, slouching a little as he stared up at you, a dopey grin spread across his face.
Ahh man why is he so cute when he's like this?
You pinched his cheek, making him let out a soft whine. Moving towards the chair infront of him you quickly took out your things, seeing kazuha mirror your actions a moment later.
Once you guys had gotten everything you needed, kazuha and yourself quickly buried yourselves under the stack of papers you guys had gotten for homework.
While doing your work, you felt something nudge your shoulder. Someone nudge your shoulder. "Do you wanna start a spotify party?" Kazuha inquired while lifting up his phone. Of course you said yes, despite knowing that this would probably stop your productivity.
After you guys had successfully managed to start a session together, you were somewhat surprised by the genre of music kazuha had picked.
"Classical? I never knew you were a ravel fan."
"Im not. I just saw an article talking about how listening to classical helps when doing math." Using his pen, he pointed at the worksheet you were struggling with.
Touched by his actions, you stood up from your chair a little, extending a hand out to him lightly pat his head before ruffling his hair up. He leaned into your touch with a happy sigh upon receiving your affection.
You were definitely breaking concentration and probably disturbing others with your bold display of public affection, but you guess it was worth it. For his sake, anything was.
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pandas-pandemonium · 2 years
I'm done!! I've finished all of Chapter 6 and holy moly that was a ride.
First off:
Idia's overblot design will always hurt me man... he looks ridiculously like Ortho, with his mouth covered and the hair flaming upwards + he interestingly enough looks like Hades in his chibi sd form. Very cool design. But I will always feel really sad when I see his OB!Form...
I'm glad things resolved itself AND we got an Ignihyde rhythmic at last! I teared up man, Idia and Ortho got to play games with friends (or schoolmates as Idia prefers to refer to them as lol)! I hope regular game nights become a thing.
Ortho is officially a student now! It makes sense why he didn't have a school uniform outfit beforehand. Welcome to the first year gang, Ortho, we're glad to have you.
So many feelings, so many touching moments. It's also kinda crazy how Malleus can reverse someone's appearance just like That. I guess Diasomnia's chapter is going to be about existential crises lmao. Kinda scared ngl.
Also Ignihyde's chapter had this weird feeling of like, new beginnings? I find it hard to believe that Chapter 7 will be the last one honestly. Like, we literally just got our dorm renovated AND we have a new student in the first year gang. Unless Crowley speedruns finding a way home for Yuu next chapter, I doubt Twisted Wonderland will end so soon.
Anyways, feel free to send in your thoughts as well.
P.S: I got readmore to work on mobile!! I'm disappointed it doesn't work for editing posts thoo, it's kinda dumb.
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