#when Will is right there being a sweetie pie to Mike the entire show…
chirpsythismorning · 1 year
Mike pulling up to his house in a pizza van w his sweetie pie by his side ☺️
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more FNaF hcs because the tism™️ is telling me to info dump
sorry if some of these are the same as the last one I forget which ones I put before 🙁
-When Mike was chasing after the car he tripped scraped his knee broke his ankle and busted his kneecap and just gave up on life right then and there
-Mike smokes weed but he could take the tiniest tinniest hit of a bong and he’d cough up a lung so he just mainly sticks to blunts or bowls
-Abby has called 911 multiple times because she wanted to contact Vanessa but it obviously didn’t work. 
-Vanessa used to dye her hair fun colors but she can’t anymore cuz of her job but she wears colorful extensions 
-Abby’s therapist has tried so hard to hint at Mike that he should get an autism diagnosis because his sister has one and he still hasn’t picked up on it despite showing clear traits of autism 
-When golden Freddy and Abby left the cab he just handed Cory a piece of paper with ‘one million dollars’ scribbled on it in green crayon. Cory was to scared to say no he just was like “yeah ok sure” and then cried 
-Mike and Abby did not go to Aunt Janes funeral they instead went to Dave and Busters and played arcade games while their entire extended family blew up Mikes Nokia phone
-Aunt Jane was a “wine mom” and was in heavy denial of being an alcoholic 
-Abby really likes bugs and puts them in her pockets but Mike is terrified of bugs so he freaks out whenever he sees them crawling on her or in her laundry 
-Vanessa apologizes to people while arresting them
-The animatronics consider the cupcake to be their puppy and get confused when people think he’s a menace
-One time Doug ran into Mike and Abby at Walmart once and he just threw his thick ass lawyer wallet at then then ran away to have a panic attack. Mike and Abby bought a blow up pool that day
-Doug had to go to therapy due to Aunt Jane being an absolute fucking Karen
-Doug’s now a regular at Sparkys and is besties with Ness, he considers Ness “The son he never had”
-Bonnie kid (Jeremy) really liked Spider-Man
-Vanessa has a pitbull named Princess that she took home from an animal control call. (The dog is a fucking danger to society)
-Abby picked up on some 80s slang from the animatronics and now just says radical to everything 
-Max and her friends would be doing TikTok trends before TikTok was even a thing (stealing soap dispensers from public bathrooms, sticking pennies in electrical sockets ect)
-Vanessa is a Disney adult/hj
-There’s a rubix cube in the pizzeria that the animatronics have been trying to solve since they’ve been dead basically 
-Every night after Abby goes to bed Mike goes to the kitchen and eats shredded cheese by the handful. Abby caught him once and he cried.
-Mike is the type of person to ask those weird questions while watching movies, like: “If their underwater how are they drinking soda?”
-Mike would stuff all his emotions and feelings down till he bursts and it usually results in him locking himself in his room while having a panic attack
-Max was also a weed dealer so Mikes out of a babysitter and a plug. 
-Vanessa hates soda, loves tea tho
-Mike really likes the Care Bears and uses Abby as an excuse for liking it
-Ness uses those really cheesy pet names for Mike, some of them southern originated because I believe in southern Ness solidarity. Ex: Sweetie pie, Sugar, Doe
-Abby is really good at hide and seek but caused Mike a few panic attacks because of how well she hides
-After Freddy’s neither Mike or Abby could sleep without a nightlight so she lent Mike hers on the agreement she could sleep in his room with him. (He of course accepted)
-Mike: Where’s my Diet Coke?
Vanessa: Oh I threw it away, sodas not good for you.
Mike: Oh ok- WHAT.
-Abby still asks Mike to tie her shoes for her even though he already taught her how to tie them herself
-Mike has a very particular morning routine that he has to follow every morning and feels icky if it gets interrupted for any reason 
-Mike is more noise sensitive and Abby is more texture sensitive but Mike still hates certain textures (ex: olives)
-Mike has considered owning chickens and even went with Abby to look at little chicks but she soon started sneezing and feeling sick and that's when they found out she's allergic so that quickly got shut down
-Abby gives her stuffed animals lore and hierarchies and Ness is always asking her about it when her and Mike go into the diner
-Vanessa Has a very minimalist style not because she likes it but because she's scared of getting attached to anything she calls home which at times worries her when she's with Mike, Abby and Ness. This results in her sitting in bed, chewing on her lip thinking of constant escape plans and emergency exits in case her father ever returns, if something bad happens, etc.
-Mike likes seeing Abby draw him and pretends not to notice when she stares and tries to get the color of his shirt just right (he buys clothing in colors she has to make it easier)
-Abby is the type to point out cows and horses and will repeatedly kick Mike's seat even while he's driving until he acknowledges them
-Abby doesn’t understand why her and Mike can’t just print more money to make them rich and Mike has had to explain to to her 12837383838 times
-Ness is a theater kid (yeah if you didn’t see this coming I think you need glasses)
-Ness and Mike play lps with Abby, Abby explains all of her lps lore extensively and Ness listens to every bit of it while Mike is just like: “I love you both but wtf”
-Mike sometimes age regresses sometimes when put under pressure and Ness is literally the best caretaker ever (this one’s based on a Dreamtheory fic I read once and I fell in love with the idea)
-Ness and Mike call each other every night before going to sleep and once Mike forgot so he woke up the next morning to 300+ voicemails from Ness asking if he’s ok
okay that’s all i have for now I’ll post more later when i feel like it oki byeee 😘✌️
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boysdontcryboycry · 2 years
so i just scoured all four seasons on UrnWatch leaping from @wheelercore's post(s) because This Shit Is Fascinating and the wheeler family keeps me up at night and i need answers anyway this one's a doozy
i might've missed a few because i was just going by memory and didn't rewatch the entire show, but these are the important ones for sure.
first is the golden urn that falls during the earthquake, which isn't actually golden! it only looks golden in that specific scene, presumably from all the bright, warm yellow lights in the room, but the timing of the change being exactly when the four gates converged is a little suspect. in every other appearance, the titular urn is a silvery black and fairly large.
the first appearance of The Urn is in 1.01, right behind mike and ted as he fiddles with the tv antennae, watching what we now know is possibly the next week's episode of knight rider, as mike asks for 20 more minutes to keep playing
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next is when el is looking at the wheeler mantle photos in 1.02, and in 1.04 when karen and nancy argue about nancy lying to the cops about sleeping with steve
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in season 2, it's visible in the 2.02 flashback when ted insists the wheelers' patriotism to the lab agents, and in 2.05 when karen yells for ted to answer dustin's incessant ringing of the doorbell
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we don't spend much time at the wheeler residence in season 3, but it still is just barely visible behind nancy's head in 3.05 when nancy and karen joke about nancy's fighting spirit coming from ted
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and in season 4, The Urn returns in full force, lurking behind mike for the sweetie pie scene in 4.01,
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for a flash behind dustin in 4.07 as holly menacingly dodges him with her white rabbit lite-brite, and hiding behind the fridge and dustin's head as he starts to put together the pieces about watergate and vecna opening portals and also erica threatens to reveal lucas' secret,
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again in 4.07 when dustin and lucas steal holly's white rabbit lite-brite,
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and finally The urn shot in 4.09 as it tumbles from the mantle along with several family photos
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we don't see it again for the rest of the season, the camera stubbornly avoiding its designated location as we get a new angle of ted in his chair, turning off the news and rejecting the societal hysteria as holly continues to built her white rabbit on her lite-brite, as karen tucks nancy's old rabbit toy into a donation box
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and it's times like these i wish i used desktop because i'm limited to ten photos on mobile because let's just say there is a LOT going on with the wheelers and urns, and either karen just really likes collecting decorative urns or the wheeler extended family are dropping like flies. i hope i can reblog with more photos. hold please.
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I don’t think there’s been a scene showing Mike or Nancy telling their parents about El, or that Mike even has a girlfriend. Right? So what if Ted Wheeler was joking in the first episode when he said “sweetie pie”, insinuating that Will is his sweetie. Like he’s saying that’s how it looks, if he’s flying out to spend the whole week with Will (sounds romantic). I don’t know. The Duffers seem to enjoy keeping every little thing a mystery to keep us guessing.
I did jokingly suggest that Ted's saying "sweetie pie" instead of "girlfriend" was there to tease that he thinks he's going there to see Will. It just came off a bit too ambiguous.
I'm sure they know about El, though. I can't imagine what cover story they used to explain her existence, though. In California, sure, they can claim El is a stepsibling, as nobody there knew Hopper. In Hawkins, though, people would be surprised to find out Hopper had a daughter. Those who knew him that well know about Sarah and that she died.
I'll admit, though, I'd laugh my ass off if Ted was under the impression that Mike was dating Will this entire time. His blasé response to it would actually fit his character more than him being this homophobic asshole like some people seem to think. Ted is conservative, but he'd probably just take it with his usual "sigh, well, whatever, back to my breakfast."
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breathinginthevapor · 6 years
“Maybe we should just marry each other”
Summary: Your friends are getting married, and you're still stuck being in love with the one guy you'll never get a chance with: your best friend Calum Hood.  
A/N: This is fluff so pure it could've been written by a kitten and I am usually SO bad at writing fluff. It might have something to do with it being like one year old because I thought my PC deleted it but I found it alongside many other pieces, (including the beginning of In Another Life) and I actually really like it. Please leave feedback, it would mean a great deal to me! (and can we just talk about how I wrote about Mike and Crys getting engaged a fucking year before it happened?)
I don’t own the picture, it’s from Calum’s instagram.
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He’s sitting in the sunlight, a baby blue button-up complimenting his tan skin and his brown eyes almost golden, reflecting the rays of the sun. His face lights up in big grin and your heart swells at the sight. How can he be so beautiful?  
“You’re drooling, sweetie.” You turn around at the sound of Crystals voice, her worried eyes meeting yours. You can feel your cheeks heating up and curse yourself for being so obvious.  
“I am not!” you object when you’ve gotten yourself together. She shoots you a small apologetic smile.  
“You are. And I don’t blame you Y/N, I just don’t want to see you getting hurt.” She pulls you into a tight hug, calming you down and you telepathically thank Michael for bringing her into your life. She always looks out for you and knows what you need, and you are internally grateful for the way she has your back.  
“I know. Thank you for being here for me, Crys, but I can take care of myself. I promise.” Crystal nods and smiles again before pushing you in the direction of your best friends.  
“Of course you can sweetie. Go enjoy yourself now, you’re only young once, you know!” you laugh at her last words and wink at her before making your way to the boys. They’re all dressed a little more formal than usual but still with the little twist that lets their personalities shine through. It’s a wonder how the boys you grew up with and watched go through awkward emo phases developed such a great fashion sense.  
“Hey Y/N,” Ashton says and shoots you a big smile. The four boys are sitting in the grass with beers in their hands and comfortable facial expressions. It’s not often they have time for things like these so when they finally do, they make sure to enjoy it to the fullest.  
“Hi guys,” you great them before sitting down beside Calum in the grass. He looks at you smiling, and your pulse slows down. No matter what, Calum’s presence always makes you calm.  
“How is Crys handling the grill?” Michael asks worriedly, clearly not trusting his fiancée 100% with the cooking. You laugh, assuring him she’s doing fine. “I think I’m gonna go check up on her either way,” he says, standing up. “And Y/N, don’t think I’ve forgotten about the Just Dance duel you’ve promised me. I’m gonna win that shit.” All of you laugh and Michael smiles wryly.  
“Not a chance, Clifford.” He shows you the middle finger and winks at you before going to greet his fiancé. He embraces her and kisses her hair, and your purple-haired friend smiles so bright you’re sure she outshines the sun. The love they share is both hypnotizingly and painfully beautiful because while you’re so insanely happy for them, you’re also so jealous it hurts. They have exactly what you long for with your entire being while the odds for you getting it anytime soon seems so small it’s pathetic.  
“Isn’t it crazy? Our friends are getting fucking married. We are getting that old, guys,” Luke says, and the thought finally hits you. You’ve known these guys for the bigger part of your life and without really noticing it, you’ve gotten so old that people your age are starting their own families. And here you are, on the contrary: single, living alone in your apartment with a cat that only really likes you when you feed him, your best friends gone for most of the year and in love with a guy that’ll never reciprocate your feelings. What have you done with your life?  
You sink down a lump in your throat, praying that your eyes won’t get watery. It would be so typical you to start crying over something as stupid as this.  
“Wow, that’s just depressing. Thanks, Luke,” Ashton answers. “And I’m even older than the rest of you! I swear to fucking God, I found a grey hair this morning.” You all laugh at the exaggeration of the brown-haired boy and shake your heads in disbelief.  
“Is that a wrinkle right there?” Luke jokingly asks, causing Calum and you to laugh again.  
“Oh fuck off, Hemmings. Wanna play some ball, anyone? I’ll fall asleep if I keep sitting here talking to you idiots.” You stick your tongue out at him, and he rolls his eyes.  
“Real mature, Y/N,” Luke laughs as he stands up, joining Ashton’s proposition.  
“I’ll pass,” Calum says, and you nod, agreeing. The two others go off and starts kicking the ball around, careless expressions and big smiles on their faces. Perhaps that’s just how it is when you have a job like they have. Perhaps it’s hard to fully grow up when you don’t face the same challenges as others your age. But no matter what, you hope this immaturity will be in them forever. They wouldn’t be the real them without it, to be honest.  
You yawn, suddenly feeling a bit tired. It’s been a long, good day with your closest friends, but the stress from work has also been taking its toll on you lately, and it’s showing now. Calum looks at you and then scoots closer to you.  
“You can lay your head in my lap if you want. You might be more comfortable that way.” You smile gratefully at him before laying down in the grass with your head in his lap and his hands massaging you scalp with a gentle touch.  
“You’re not saying much today, Cal,” you point out after laying in comfortable silence for a couple of minutes. There’s nothing criticizing in your voice, there never is between you and Calum, it’s only an observation and you don’t punk him for answers but simply give him the chance to explain if he wants to.    
“Nah, I just- I’ve been thinking, ya know?” you look up at him, his eyes locking with yours. They completely capture you they like they’ve done so many times before, the brown orbs leaving you in awe.    
“About what?”  
“I dunno, I just … All this is making me afraid that I’ll end up alone while all of you are starting your own families and I’ll just be left to myself,” he says, looking away. You can sense how serious he is by the way his jaw is clenching, and all you want to do is make him feel better. You know that he’s sometimes been frustrated by the fact that all the other boys have girlfriends they can share their life with while he hasn’t, but then again he hasn’t really done anything about it even though many girls would die to be dating your rock star best friend.  
“Calum, honey, you will never be left to yourself. All of us here today will always there for you, you know that,” you assure him, gently grabbing his head and turning it towards you. “Besides, I can’t imagine I’ll find someone that’ll want to share their life with me anytime soon, or perhaps ever, either. We can be lonely together.”  
He shakes his head, not agreeing with you.  
“Of course you will. You are clever and beautiful and sweet and funny and you make the best apple pie ever. Any man would be a fool not to fall in love with you,” he argues, looking you in the eye to show you how much he means what he says.  
“You seem to be the only one who thinks so, Cal. I haven’t had a boyfriend or even gone on a third date for years,” you sigh, not telling him the real reason behind the lack of romance in your life. How could you go out with some random guy or girl when your heart is set on someone else?  
“Maybe we should just marry each other then? Buy a nice house in the suburban and get a dog and perhaps a baby one day.” You can’t decide whether he’s joking or not. His voice is trembling, although serious but there’s a smile on his lips that you don’t quite know how to interpret. But when he laughs, your heart breaks. Because everything he just described is what you so desperately want for your future and it’s all just a joke to him.  
“I- I- I think I’m gonna go help Crys and Mike,” you whisper, feeling the tears forming in your eyes and standing up as fast as possible to prevent him from seeing how affected you are. But contrary to what you had hoped for, he stands up beside you.  
“What’s wrong, Y/N? Did I overstep? I’m sorry, please don’t be mad at me,” he begs, sounding more desperate than ever. You turn your face away, trying to hide your tears but he notices, of course he does. You’ve been best friends for almost two decades, after all. He grabs your arm, gently turning you around so you face him.  
“I can’t do this, Calum, please let go of me.”  
He shakes his head. “Tell me what’s wrong and I’ll let you go.” You look him straight in the eye, one small part of you hating him for making you say what you’re gonna have to say. But the rest of you, the bigger part, just loves him with all of your heart.  
“I’m in love with you, you idiot, that’s what’s wrong,” you sigh, voice so low you pray he doesn’t hear you. But you can see it in his face that he does. “And everything you just joked with, it’s my dream, Calum. And the idea is just all fun and games to you.” His grab on you loosens, clearly so shocked by your confession that he forgets to hold on to you. But you don’t run away. After all these years, you deserve a proper rejection. Maybe then you can move on.    
"How- how long?" he asks, when he has gotten back the ability to speak.  
"Since forever, I guess." You shrug, defying the urge to look away.  
“Why didn’t you say anything?” His voice is barely a whisper, but the tension is thick as a brick and you’re sure that the others are watching you right now. They’ve all been waiting for this moment, and you know they’re all anxious to see the outcome.  
“Why should I? I’ve never had a chance, I know that. So tell me, Calum, why should I have told you? Because it sure as hell wouldn’t have made any difference!” You’ve raised your voice now, the sharp tone in your voice unfamiliar to both yourself and the Maori boy across you.    
“A difference? It would have changed everything, dammit!” he shouts, his face growing almost red with anger. “I’ve loved you my whole life and now you come and say you’ve felt the same for me? What the fuck, Y/N!”  
You are in shock. Completely. This can’t be true. You’ve spent so many years telling yourself it was hopeless while he has felt the same for you.  
“You- you’re lying,” you whisper, suddenly not having the energy to raise your voice anymore. He shakes his head, taking deep breaths as to calm himself down.  
“I’m not.” He walks closer to you, slowly like he’s afraid you’ll run away. But his eyes are back to normal and the anger is completely gone from the brown orbs. And how could you ever run away from him? He´s magnetic to you, always pulling you back if you stray too far away.  
“You promise? That you’re in love with me?”  
“I promise.”  
He puts his hand on your cheek, the rough skin from playing stringed instruments all his life caressing you. And you expect to see a different face, any sign that something’s changed but you find nothing. And then you realise it’s because he’s always been this way. Because, if he’s being honest with you (which you’re pretty sure he is, Calum has never been able to fool you with any lie) then he has always loved you. Nothing’s changed, you just haven’t realized before now that the way he carried you home when your feet hurt too much was more than just a friendly gesture, that the way his gaze lingered a little longer on you than everybody else was because he cared more for you than he dared to admit and that his “I-love-you”s wasn’t the kind you told your best friend. It was more.  
And when he kisses you, first hesitant but then, when you kiss him back with greater force, more insistently. And although it’s not fireworks, it’s some sort of release which feels much better. It’s years of emotions unwinding and freeing themselves from their cage. And when you pull away from each other, only to put your forehead against his where you can still feel his breath against your lips, you are both shaking.  
“I wish we’d been a little smarter so we could have done this every single day of our lives,” he says. You smile, silently agreeing with him and then you place your lips on his for the second time.  
“Finally!” Michael yells, and the others cheer.  
“Took you long enough, huh?” Ashton says, but neither you nor Calum listens to them. Perhaps everyone knew besides yourselves, but this is your moment, and you won’t let them interfere.  
“I'm pretty sure love you, Calum Hood.” He smiles, pulling you in a little tighter.  
“And I'm absolutely certain that I love you, Y/N. More than anything.” And when you’ve kissed one more time, you finally let go of each other and turn to your friends who are all looking at you with happy faces. Perhaps you and Calum will have your own wedding one day, but for now you just focus and Michael and Crystal’s. You’ve got all the time in the world, after all.  
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