#when a guy chases you down with a bouquet of roses and you reject him hard
dimitrscu · 1 year
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elyrch · 6 months
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Dating Robert Chase Headcanons
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a/n: i'm happy to be feeding you guys with this one, i only saw ONE (1) headcanon set of him when i looked. also this turned out angsty on accident sorry!
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he's such an asshole i kinda (not really) hate him. he looked so much better with the hair i'm telling you, PLEADING with you, to understand- the hair was incredible.
however, despite my qualms with his change in appearance, he is still robert chase. if he's got feelings for you, he WILL tell you one way or another. he doesn't want his feelings to curl up in his chest and die, since that's no way to live, not knowing if someone loves you. he pulls you aside (thankfully, after work has let out, but you're still in the hospital) and tells you.
GODDD the way he tells you. he doesn't give you a bouquet of roses or a romantic song played on the guitar, since he doesn't want to look like an idiot if you reject him. he pulls you to a more private space, like an office or something, and tells you that he's got really strong feelings for you. originally, he wanted to just tell you in passing, as if he were asking what you wanted from the coffee shop. he knew you didn't deserve that, though, so he told you that he was feeling things for you- and if you didn't feel the same way it was fine, although things may be awkward.
thankfully for him, you felt the same! he may seem chill, but internally, he's so nervous and excited. he doesn't want to turn out like his father, but he's just so excited to hold you close and kiss you and spend the money from his insanely high paying doctor/surgeon job (depending where you are in the series) in order to make you smile.
he's such an ass. he also has a very punchable face. other than that, he's pretty headstrong in what he believes in- in other words, he's stubborn- and he definitely believes in you. he'd never let anyone (well, maybe house) shit talk you, and his pretty boy facade distracts you from the fact that he's got a damn good arm, and can throw one hell of a punch.
if he ever, and i mean ever, hurts you, he shuts down. it's done, over, out. the relationship isn't over, it's just he feels like his life is. the one thing he wanted was to not become his father, but he fucked it up anyways.
if you somehow manage to salvage the relationship, it'd be best to convince him to go to therapy. he may think that since he's a doctor, he knows it all, but that's just logical medical knowledge. just.. lead him gently, he won't bite, he promises.
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thanks for reading you guys!
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haztory · 3 years
[5:36 PM]
⤷ atsumu miya x f!reader; fluff, atsumu chasing after someone he shouldn't want, mentions of sex, not beta'd
(w.c 2.3k)
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i fancy atsumu miya as a fool in love. when he’s head over heels, neck deep in the waters of infatuation, and he’s got nothing on his mind but you.
especially, when he doesn’t have you yet; especially, when you reject his advances even though he can see the way you try to hide your smile and turn your head to the side in a pointed way to avoid his gaze, because he knows you want to look at him; especially, when you deny the validity of his feelings even though you feel it too, and give the lamest excuses as to why.
he certainly doesn’t care about the fact that you're his friend’s ex-girlfriend, no matter how many times you tout it as reason enough for him to back off, so he doesn’t know why you do. guy code be damned when said guy cheated on you and atsumu’s been in love with you since the moment you he first saw you— introduced to him when you were on the arm of said new friend of his, all sweet smiles and lingering stares in the warm lowlights of some bar he, sentimentally, remembers the name of because of you.
realized you were entirely too good for this stupid friend when you laughed heartily at his idiotic joke making fun of your then-boyfriend at the time while said man scowled and told you to knock it off. an imprinted memory that plays behind atsumu’s eyelids in morning, noon, and night. he thinks, and thinks, and thinks about you.
“i can play this game all day witcha’ princess. they ain’t call me annoyin’ for nothin’.”
atsumu trails behind you like an eager puppy dog, a skip in his step as he follows you through the parking lot of the gym towards your car. he’s still clad in his practice gear, forgotten the fact that he has a game this weekend once he saw you enter the gym, the bouquet of roses he had sent to your apartment in your hands and a frown on your face. he gravitates towards you like a magnet to metal, sights zeroed in on you and only you, just as hinata tosses a ball his way. it lands with a resounding thud on the shining hardwood and the entirety of the gym watches with mouths agape as atsumu leaves the court without a second thought and, much to the other member’s elation and surprise, gets flowers shoved unceremoniously into his chest.
you bark out a laugh as you lead the way to your car, your pace brisk and you try to evade the stubborn blond who makes it a point to stay only a foot behind you, “i’m starting to see that, miya.”
“look a little harder, maybe you’ll start to see what yer feelin’ fer me too.”
you halt in place with a hard stop, turning quickly in your place only to see the shit-eating smile on the face of the man behind you. he smiles like he knows something you don’t, proud and irritating and horribly bright, canines shining brighter than the sun that haloes around his golden figure. much too handsome for his own good, and he knows it.
“what’s it going to take for you to realize that you’re wasting your time?” you sigh with an exasperated look.
“oh princess,” he coos, smile imbued in his words as he lifts your palm from your side and places it on his chest. right between the hard muscles of his pectorals and feeling the steady pulse of his heartbeat, “i wanna waste all my time on ya’, and i got plenty of it.”
he leans forward, only a hairs-width of movement, but enough to be testing boundaries. to see how far in you’ll let him, to see if you’re really serious about kicking him to the curb like you say you are. but in the way that your eyes dart down to his lips, and your own part slightly as he enters fractionally into your space, he knows you don’t even believe your own con. when you insist that dating you would be too much trouble and would cause too much friction in his friend group, he knows in the way that you lean in ever so slightly, the way that your hand relaxes in his touch, that you don’t give much of a damn as to what his friends think either.
think, just as honestly as he does, that the trouble would be well worth it.
“i can do this all day, pretty girl. until ya’ change yer mind, cause i know ya’ want me just as bad as i want ya’.”
you exhale a breath of amusement, one that fans over his lips as you pull your hand away from his chest. it takes everything within him not to chase you forward. drunk entirely on these brief doses of you and craving more. an addict, he’s quickly realizing he is.
“shouldn’t you be ashamed of yourself? i just got out of a long-term relationship with your friend, and you’re already moving in on me?” you say, in a scolding tone that he really should take seriously, should probably reevaluate his own ethics after that piece of truth you’ve just delivered to him—even if it is said without much malice.
but he can’t really bring himself to care. not when there’s the slight curve of a smile on your lips and the matched glint of amusement twinkling in your irises and the fact that as he inches slightly forward, another taunting, teasing inch, you let him.
atsumu shrugs. he should be ashamed of a lot of things. oh well.
“i never liked him that much.”
“he certainly likes you.”
“ain’t he break yer heart? who’s side are ya on?”
“the side that doesn’t get me in trouble.” you poke at his chest with emphasis and it’s only fuel to the fire of his desire. tease, tease, tease.
he cocks his head to the side, looking at you with the kind of look he usually only ever designates when he’s feeling like making girls melt. smug, half-lidded eyes, and slanted smile, poking his tongue out to run along his bottom lip then a well designed clench of his jaw.
“life ain’t fun without a little trouble.”
it’s then that he remembers why he likes you so much.
you only furrow your brows, timing the roll of your eyes with the turning of your body as you walk—sway, atsumu insists— back to your car. calling over your shoulder, “that’s not a good reason to get me to change my mind. i don’t have time to waste.”
rock solid and impenetrable, you are. tease, tease, tease.
atsumu groans with a childish stomp of his foot as he is left to his devices and stubbornly chooses to follow you. “then quit yer fighting and let me take ya’ out!”
“why? so you can stick it to my ex and finally prove that you’re better?”
“ya really think ‘m that selfish?” he exclaims, clutching his chest in faux injury as your car comes into sight. and while he can’t deny it, having you on his arm would be nice payback for all those times that your ex and his friend— (can he even call him a friend if he only really hung out with him just to see you?) — made snide and grinding remarks that had atsumu gritting his teeth, it isn’t at all the reason why he’s following you know.
it isn’t at all the reason why he swooped in the moment he heard of your breakup with the dipshit.
of course, he’d never outwardly tell you exactly why. cause… you know, pride. because chasing a girl all over town isn’t at all embarrassing—no, confessing your feelings is. at least, according to atsumu miya’s guidebook on ‘how to pick up women without looking like a cornball’.
(he once told this to osamu who, then, promptly and severely questioned the validity of their genetic relationship as he stared blankly at his brother that, unfortunately, looked exactly like him.)
by the time you speak again, you’ve approached the driver’s side of your car. turning on your heel to shoot him that unimpressed stare of yours that has his heart soaring in his chest, “we’ve known each other for a while, miya. i’m having a really hard time taking your interest seriously and thinking that this isn’t about you.”
if there’s any surprise you have on your face from how close he suddenly is to you, it doesn’t register. it doesn’t register for him either; only feels like a natural dynamic, like the way things are supposed to be. with him practically conjoined with you at the hip, even though you push, and push him away.
he places one hand over your shoulder, leaning against the side of your car as he cages you between him and the door. not that you’re complaining any. not when you have the perfect line of sight to his now flexing bicep and a front row seat to that shit eating grin he gives you as he stares you head on.
“i’m an athlete, princess. i know how to be a team player.”
maybe it’s the heat from the shining afternoon sun, or the sudden warmth of his body leaning in closer to you, but you’re mouth has gone dry and you’re finding it a bit harder to concoct any more smart retorts.
“is that so?” is all you can lamely respond with. paired with narrowed eyes, which he clearly stares through. a game of wills, you both have been playing, and it’s becoming increasingly clear which one of you has the more stamina.
“damn straight.” he says confidently and you sigh.
tearing your gaze away from the magnetic browns of his eyes, you speak with a slight loss of resolve. and so begins the tumbling of the high built walls, he notes. “why can’t you take ‘no’ for an answer?”
“cause you ain’t give me a ‘no’, only excuses.” he says it so simply, so pragmatically, as if it were the sanest reason behind his consistent pursuing of you, and a part of you is convinced. until you shake your head at him and logic seems to kick in once more.
the vow you made to yourself of not being made a fool again kicking into high gear as he leans into your line of sight.
“aren’t those the same thing?”
he shakes his head, adjusting his hand on the side of your car on purpose. grinning wider when he sees your eyes dart quickly to the slight flex of the muscle. “nah. not til ya’ tell me to my face ya’ don’t feel the same way.”
when you look back at him, that glint that he likes— the one that caught his attention all those nights ago in the lowlights of the bar, the mischievous, teasing one that matches his own beat for beat, second to second— is back in your eyes. your momentary loss of composure is nothing more than a figment of his imagination at this point.
“so… you do like me?”
the grin drops from his face, and in a twisted turn of fate, yours widens. truly a role reversal, “what clued you in? the flowers or the fact that you got me runnin’ around town for ya?’”
you don’t respond, only stare at him with that stupid smile on your face and the pangs of want pierce his chest. he has you where he’s wanted you to be all this time, standing before him, practically inviting him in, the desire to push you against him and kiss you increasing tenfold.
but he doesn’t. instinct to do as he’s done with every other girl and swoop them off their feet seemingly inappropriate when it comes to you. facetious, disingenuous. he wants to do this right. wants to make this last.
“so?” he breathes out after a beat of shared silence—figuring that if you haven’t pushed him away yet, now is as good a time as any— “finally gonna tell me ya don’t like me? cause, i’ll stop. right here, right now. just gotta say the magic words.”
you answer him with a heavy sigh and a roll of your head backwards. “they’re right. you are annoying.”
“that a yes?”
“a ‘yes’ to what?”
“lettin’ me change yer mind.”
your head lolls back to the front, defeat painted on your face but he doesn’t feel too bad about bugging you to the point of acquiescence. because you haven’t outwardly said you don’t return his feelings. he gave you the chance, point blank, and yet—
“fine.” you bark out, finally putting a hand on his chest and pushing him backwards from you. it all happens so quick— the way you open your car door and put your things inside, or maybe his brain is moving too slow. too caught up on the fact that you actually said yes.
“but you better be worth it, miya.” you say, punctuating your remark with the slamming of the car door. and like he always does whenever he’s near you, all he can do is stare.
until that annoying gene of his starts buzzing his brain. then, he’s knocking a knuckle against your window, gesturing for you to roll it down. which you do, but with a pointed eye roll and a scowl.
he leans into your car, forearms crossed over ledge of the open window as he gives you a wink, shock from his surprising win long gone and replaced with that familiar streak of confidence once more, “pick you up at six. wear somethin’ nice.”
he laughs when your hand makes contact with his forehead and pushes him away from your car. that stupid smile is back on his face, but this time around, it’s on yours too. a smile, that you both will come to find out soon enough, is one of a stupid fool in love.
or, the smile of a man with plans of making you cum at least five times.
surefire way to a woman’s heart, right?
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a/n: i like annoying men, can you tell? spider!roo part 4 should be out this week! in the meantime, come chat with me!
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jellifysh · 3 years
college au drabble: part ♡
in which the boys celebrate valentine's day with you
Valentine's day, you sighed. Such a drag. Confessions left and right, people's displays of affection taking up space on all the paths. It was so annoying to have to walk around them blocking the way. But it was fun to don heart covered clothes without it being out of place one day per year. If there was one thing about you, it's that you dressed for the occasion.
One more look in the mirror, eyeliner with pink accents, tights with hearts woven into the mesh, heart shaped earrings. You sighed in contentment, your appearance being perfect with a capital P. But, you frowned, for someone so cute, you really were so single.
Part of that was by choice. You could have a boyfriend by now, but it wouldn't be right, not when you were still reeling over Jungkook's rejection. Your eyes glazed over as you thought about that freak night you confessed. You were watching a movie, the lights down low, cuddled under the same blanket. It was so perfect you almost forgot Jungkook was one of the school's top fuckboys.
But, at least you were still friends. You still had movie nights and you had one later, where you could snuggle up all close on the couch and pretend for just a second that he had said yes all those nights ago.
You opened your the door of your apartment heading out to classes.
Or you would've headed out to classes, had there not been a five foot stuffed animal in front of your door.
"Happy valentine's day, gorgeous!" Jimin stood behind it, leaning on its head as he held out a giant bouquet of roses towards you. You blinked, dumbfounded at the giant pink bunny, hardly sparing him a glance.
"How did you even get this up here? I live on the third floor."
"Elevator, duh. And it's not that heavy." He shook the bouquet. "Aren't you going to take it, pretty? I'm asking you to be my valentine today!"
"Don't accept it, Y/nie!" You heard a yell from down the hall, craning your neck around the plushie to see Taehyung dragging a bigger stuffed animal towards you.
Jimin gasped in betrayal. You stole my idea!"
"I came up with it first!"
You watched them bicker for a second, then pulled the stuffed animals into your house and walked off, them still arguing in front of your door. They probably wouldn't even notice you were gone until you were sitting in class.
You walked out of your apartment building, seeing Jungkook leaning against his car on the curb waiting for you. "Hey," he smiled, big and charming and you supressed the flutter in you chest.
"Hey," you smiled back. "We're still on for later?"
"Oh, I don't know." He scratched the back of his neck. "Chrissie might call, she said she wanted to hang out tonight." He shrugged, then seeing your crestfallen face, he added, "But if she doesn't, we can hang."
Oh, Jeon Jungkook. How incredibly stupid you are sometimes. You deflated a bit, previous good mood gone.
"Right. Well, are we going to class then?" You pulled open the passenger side door and he nodded, going around to drive. You watched the cool confident way he navigated the streets, checking him out while he couldn't tell you were looking.
If past you could see you now, she'd be so disappointed. You swore to yourself you'd never be one to chase or pine after a man, but Jungkook was different. He treated you differently, you were his best friend, he had told you things he had never told anyone, and yet... maybe you read the signs wrong. But it didn't matter because you will get over him and move on. There were lots more guys you knew that would do anything to be with you, if Jungkook can't see you for what you were that was his loss.
You strutted into the school with Jungkook by your side, listening to him blather on about some gaming thing, probably his busted the aiming mechanics for Valorant were or whatever his latest obsession was.
"Kookiebun!" The most annoying voice in the world squealed, jumping onto the boy at your side. Chrissie, you rolled your eyes. Jungkook turned you down, but this glitter personification gets his attention.
You breathed in and out, calming yourself. Girls support girls, you said to yourself in your head. She's just a another girl Jungkook's dating, no problem.
Chrissie looked over at you, eyes open wide in faux surprise. "Oh, sorry I didn't see you there... I forgot your name! What was it again?"
"Nunya Business." You smiled venomously.
Jungkook gave you a pleading look, imploring you to be nice and you looked away. "I'm gonna be late to class. See you around, I guess." You walked away, ignoring Jungkook calling your name, once, twice, and then not again.
You shook your head. The one person who treated you like a priority, the one person you allowed yourself to get close to and feelings had to complicate the whole thing.
You stopped in your tracks, your vision clearing from the haze of thoughts and focusing on the man before you. Kim Seokjin. You smiled, genuinely happy to see him. He was a complete dork, but he was pretty and he always brought you--
"I have cookies! I made your favorites for Valentine's day. I also made these little cheesecake bites and some brownies and cupcakes, and I bought these caramel filled chocolate bars because I now you said that you liked those best--"
"Thank you, Jin." You cut him off, taking the box from him. He was pretty, but man, did he talk. "This looks amazing."
"Of course, only the best for my wife." He boasted loudly, garnering weird looks from people nearby in the hall. "You want me to walk you to class?"
"You don't have to." You shook your head, walking past him and he followed, falling in step with you.
"I want to." He leaned over, trying to get a better look at your face. "Are you okay? I don't see your beautiful smile." He teased you with cheesy
"I'm smiling right now. See?" You turned to him and did a big smile, then dropped it.
He rolled his eyes in amusement. "No, that's the fake smile you do for your Instagram posts. Your real smile is prettier."
You shook your head, focusing on the path in front of you. "I'm fine Jin."
"Sure." He replied dubiously as you approached your lecture hall. He grabbed your hand and pulled you aside, saying, "Before you go to class, I wanted to talk to you."
"Aren't we talking now?"
He rolled his eyes again, smiling anyways, moving in closer and moving his hands to your back as he held you. "I wanted to tell you Happy Valentine's day, and you are the most beautiful, sweetest, smartest, coolest, most fashionable girl in the world," you started giggling at the cheesy speech, and he pushed on, struggling not to succumb to your contagious laughter. "And I'm glad that we've gotten closer this year. I don't know what would've happened if I hadn't met you." He smiled softly as you looked up at him.
You calmed your laughter as his speech took on a more serious heartfelt tone, replying smartly, "You'd probably still have some of your sanity."
"Right. Because you drive me crazy." He joked, planting lots of light kisses on your cheek, making you giggle again and push him away. "There's my beautiful smile. Have a good day, Y/n."
"You too." You smiled, watching aa he started to walk away-- backwards, so he could keep his eyes on you longer-- and walked into your class. A couple minute before class was set to start, you sitting with your notes spread in front of you and nibbling in some of the sweets Jin made you, Jimin and Taehyung burst in the front door dramatically, pointing at you in the back of the class. "There she is!"
You rolled your eyes and they rushed up the stairs towards you, making a such a mess that everyone turned their heads to watch the two idiots scramble towards you. "You left us!"
"You're causing a scene." You replied with contradicting calm, taking a bite out of the brownies.
"Ooh, those are the treats Jin made." Taehyung said, slipping into a seat beside you. He took a brownie out of the box without asking.
"He made a mess of our kitchen to make all of these." Jimin said, sitting and eating out of the box as well.
"It's not like you guys ever go in there yourselves." You commented, dusting your hands off as you resigned yourself to letting them devour the sweets you had left over.
"Jin yells at us when we do!" Taehyung whined in defense, chocolate smeared on his lip.
"Because you mess everything up." You countered, wiping the smudge off and he shrugged unapologetically.
"Can we have the rest of these?" Jimin pointed at the half eaten box and you shrugged in agreement. You had already eaten most of it and taken a picture to post later. "Awesome! Are you free for lunch?" He asked, pulling the box more towards him.
"Yeah." You responded, and Taehyung wrapped an arm around your shoulder.
"Good. We're taking you out." He announced with a proud smile.
You shook your head, your curls brushing against his arm. "I can't be out long. I reserved a private study room in the library for one."
"We can do an hour."
After your boring lecture, Jimin and Taehyung immediately pulled you up from your seat, picking up your things for you and escorting you out the door before the professor could even finish his lame joke. You all went out to the parking lot, them pulling you over to Taehyung's slick black convertible.
"Y/n!" Someone called your name. You would know that voice anywhere.
You whipped your head around. Jungkook. He was climbing out of his car a few yards across the lot. He looked at Jimin and Taehyung flanking your sides and narrowed his eyes. "Where are you headed?" He asked suspiciously.
"We're going on a Valentine's day date, Jeon." Jimin bragged, opening the door for you.
Jungkook's eyes widened in shock then narrowed again. "Seriously?" He asked you, a conflicted look in his eye. You opened your mouth to explain, then saw Chrissie getting out of the passenger's side of Jungkook's car.
"Thanks for the donuts, Kookiebun, they were delicious." She kissed him on the cheek, grabbing her bag out of his backseat. "Walk me to class?" She asked, totally ignoring the tense conversation being had.
Your eyes narrowed, and you got in Taehyung's car without responding, no longer looking at Jungkook. "Let's go." You said to Taehyung.
He shared a look with Jimin and shrugged, the two of them hopping in and you peeled out of the parking lot.
You sulked, the wind whipping your hair around your face and glared at the swirl of your surroundings as Taehyung zoomed down the street. A hand brushed your leg and you looked up to see Jimin in the passenger seat turned towards you, reaching for your hand. You placed your hand in his and he squeezed it, understanding in his eyes. "It's okay." He mouthed, and you felt your lip wobble.
"Here we are!" Taehyung said finally, parking in the lot of a cute upscale cafe. "We know how you like eating fancy every once in a while."
You blinked up at the building with awestruck eyes. "I've been wanting to go here for ages!" You gasped. Your door was pulled open for you by Jimin who smiled warmly at you.
"We know." He said, holding a hand out to help you out the backseat. "You won't shut up about it." He teased, and you slapped his hand playfully.
You were seated at a table and had your food brought to you in record time. Jimin and Taehyung must've somehow communicated the time crunch to the kitchen, because everything you ordered came out quick, the waiters constantly moving to and from your table.
"This is so amazing, thank you!" You gushed and they both gushed at how adorable you were, pasta sauce smeared on your lips. Taehyung wiped the spot off your cheek and gave the spot a peck, "The food isn't all, princess."
Jimin revealed a bag from under the table, the label Tiffany's printed in elegant font. "For you." He smiled warmly, passing it to you over the table.
"Oh my god," you practically tore open the bag, tossing the tissue paper aside and pulling out a Tiffany blue box. A bracelet and a ring were nestled atop black velvet, the stunning diamonds shining in contrast. "You guys... you didn't have to do this..." You gasped, awestruck, as you felt your eyes get wet.
"You deserve it," Jimin replied, looking you right in the eyes to show how much he meant it.
You laughed, looking up to hold back your tears. "Aren't you guys supposed to be fuckboys? What's with all the sappy stuff suddenly?"
"I don't why you talking to us about being fuck boys, it's not like you're any better." Taehyung chuckled, tossing a balled up napkin at you.
"Excuse me, I have standards." You flicked it back, hitting Jimin right on the nose.
"So do we." He responded, raising an eyebrow. "Why do you think we always hang around you?"
You scoffed at that, getting flustereed and looking away, not sure what to say to the indirectly direct compliment. Your hand fidgeting, picking up your phone and checking the time, dampening your good mood. "I gotta go. It's almost one."
Jimin and Taehyung paid for everything and dropped you off near the library. "Hey," Taehyung called after you from the driver's seat as you hopped out. You looked back at him, smiling warmly with the wind blowing at his and Jimin's hair, somehow still looking perfect. "Don't let that asshole Jungkook get to you, you're perfect, okay?" He winked and you smiled.
"Nothing gets to me," You said back. "I'm cold as ice, remember?" And with that they drove off, you heading into the library by yourself.
About half an hour into studying you slumped forward on your desk. This is a nightmare, you thought. Half a page of notes, and whole unit to review and you were stuck on lesson one.
You picked up your phone, taking a picture of the ring and bracelet to brag on Instagram, deciding to distract yourself with posting all your Valentine's day gifts so far. Loving valentine's day so far, but I would kill for a Vanilla Bean Cream Frappuccino. And post.
After scrolling for a while, you decided you had distracted yourself enough and tried to get back to studying, to no avail. Just as you were about to start looking up video lessons, your phone buzzed with a text.
Nerd: where are you rn?
You: in the library, in a study room
Nerd: which one?
You: 216
You: why???
No response. You rolled your eyes and put your phone down, picking up a different colored pen in hopes that it'd inspire your brain. A few minutes and the words later, a knock sounded on the door. You stood making your way to the window, peeking through the blinds and just barely making out Kim Namjoon, looking down at his phone. Your phone buzzed on the table again and you opened the door.
He looked up, smiling as soon as he saw you open the door. "Hey," he held out a cup practicality overflowing with whipped cream, his dimples coming out making him look absolutely adorable. "I got your drink."
You took the cup slowly, surprised. "I was just complaining. You didn't actually have to bring me one." He shrugged, and you noticed another bag in his hand. "What's that?"
"Why?" He smirked. "Looking for more presents?"
"Maybe." You opened the door wider, letting him come in. He walked over to the desk.
"Oof, less than a page of notes." He shook his head. "Having a tough time?"
"Yes! This lesson makes no sense, I don't understand this example at all. How would replacing the standard hydrogen cell with zinc make the electrode values for copper completely different? Wouldn't it just functuon like a regular Zinc-Copper battery?" You huffed, dropping into your seat unceremoniously. Chemistry was kicking your ass.
He looked at it over your shoulder, his arm caging you in on one side as he leaned down, studying it for a few moments. "Because the universal standard isn't zero anymore. You solve as if the zero is the electrode value of zinc, which means you add copper to zinc and that's your new value."
"Of course you understand it in five seconds." You lean back in your chair, fully pouting.
"It helps that I also took this class last year." He shrugged, kissing you on the cheek, and sitting in the chair on your left side. "I'll help you study if you need it, but you're doing great."
"Again, half a page of notes." You waved your notebook around, turning it so he could see it.
"Hey, some people in my class didn't take notes at all. Come on, you got this." His encouraging smile made you feel at ease and you studied, easier now that he was talking with you and walking you through it. You even finished studying the unit even earlier then you expected, flingung your arms around him in a hug.
"Thank you so much, oppa, you're the best!" You cheered.
He brought his arms up around you, squeezing you tight to his chest. "You're brilliant all on your own, baby girl." When you pulled back, he stroked your cheek softly, leaning in to kiss you slowly, almost reverently, like you were a gift he was trying to savor. Your lips disconnected with a soft pop as he sucked your bottom lip into his mouth before pulling back fully. He pulled the bag in his hand again, handing it to you. "Here, open it."
Once again digging past tissue paper, you pulled out a small box. When you opened it, a gold necklace was inside with a pendant in the shape of an elephant with diamonds encrusted in it. "Namjoon," you breathed in awe. "This is beautiful."
"I know," his deep voice rumbled into your ear, his arms pulling you closer into his chest. "When I saw it, it reminded me of you." You looked up at him and smiled, him kissing you on the forehead. "I have to go now. Have a good day, y/n."
"You too." You replied, reluctantly letting go of him and watching him walk out.
Carrying on with your day, you were going to head back to your dorm and crash after the taxing study session, until you got another text.
danceypants: you free rn?
You: yea why?
danceypants: meet me at the studio 💕💕💕
You quickly changed into something more comfortable before heading over to the arts department. Hoseok was in his usual dance studio, talking with a crowd of three or four girls who had stopped by to flirt with him. He looked over, noticing you at the door and immediately stood, coming over to you with a big smile.
"Hey babe," He jogged over to you, pulling you close by the arms and kissing you on the lips. "Happy Valentine's Day."
You scrunched up your nose. "I've heard that too many times today." Not that you were actually sick of it. This was one of the best valentine's days you had ever had, but that was more because of the people you were spending it with.
"That's your fault for messing around with six people." He teased back, crossing his toned arms as he gazed down at you.
"I didn't expect you all to get sappy on me. I thought you were professionals." You raised a mocking eyebrow smugly. Professionals. It was something he had said to you once, at the start of your agreement. You had asked if he was the type to get attached and he told you no.
"Well," he started, looking you up and down with a intense glint in his eye. "You're something special."
"And you're a simp." You scoffed playfully. He chuckled, going to gather his things and wave goodbye to the girls still in the room as he led you out. "Only for you angel. I've got something planned too."
"Oh, really? This late?" You asked. It was almost sunset, usually he had plans at night.
"It's never too late for a date."
"That's not true. What if I called you up at 3am for a date?"
"I'd put on my shoes and meet you wherever you wanted."
"That's because you're crazy."
"If you wanted to have a date at 3 am I think you'd be the insane one." He joked. The both of you reached his old pickup truck, brat up and mud caked on the wheels, but he loved the thing anyway. "If we hurry we can watch the sunset at our spot." He said, helping lift you into the passenger seat.
"Our spot." You rolled your eyes. The phrase sounded so cheesy. "It's a public park."
"Yeah. But it's ours." He smiled at you, turning the ignition and the truck purred to life. By the time you reached the park, it was just about sundown, Hoseok driving a little further in for some seclusion from the other people milling about the fields. The two of you climbed into the truck bed, laying on a fluffy blanket Hoseok kept in his backseat for nights like this.
"How's your day going?" He asked, an arm around you as you laid your head on top of his chest.
You gazed up at the clouds, watching them turn cotton candy pink. "Fine, I guess. Grades are good, classes are boring as always, although I am taking a mythology class that's pretty engaging."
He pinched your waist lightly. "You know that's not what I meant."
You rolled your eyes. "I'm fine, seriously."
"Have you talked to Jungkook at all today?"
"Yeah, but not for long. He had to meet up with Chrissie."
"Have you told him about your feelings like we talked about?" He asked.
"No, because the last time I did that, it ruined everything. I decided it doesn't how I feel because it obviously doesn't change anything."
"It does matter how you feel. And if he cares about you, he'll understand that the distance he's putting between you is hurting you."
"You're too nice, Hobi." You said, looking up at him, noses an inch apart. "How are you?" You asked, giving him the space to share as well.
He grinned wide and you knew he was about to say something cheesy. "I'm fantastic. I'm here, gazing up at the sky with my favorite girl." He sighed in contentment, pressing a kiss to your hairline, his lips staying pressed to your head as he spoke again. "I don't usually celebrate, you know."
"No? I would've thought you always had a girl hanging off your arm."
"Yeah, but beside giving them flowers or something, I never really did much. Nothing like this anyway." He squeezed you a bit closer, bringing his other arm to wrap around you.
The two of you stayed there, warm and comfortable in silence, until a refill rolled across, the day officially becoming night and clouds blowing across the stars. Your phone buzzed in your pocket.
"Got other plans?" Hoseok asked, letting you pull back and check. You sat up, reading the message again to make sure you read it right.
"Jungkook said his date is canceled." You said in disbelief. "He wants to have movie night."
"Great! Now you can tell him how you feel," he teased tickling your sides. You laughed swatting his hands away.
"I'll think about it, but don't count on it."
"Come on, let's take a picture to remember this night." He whipped his phone out. "The first Valentine's day I've actually had a date on." He mused, snapping it as you smiled.
He sent it to you, climbing out the truck bed, "I'll drive you back." He said, sweeping you into his arms and carrying you into the passenger seat.
You both headed back to campus, him dropping you off with a wave and heading to his own place, and as you were about to head to Jungkook's place, your phone buzzed again.
d-boy: come to the observatory.
You: why?
d-boy: why can't anything ever be easy with you
You: go text ur other hoes
d-boy: what other hoes??
d-boy: your the one with hoes
d-boy: my only hoe is you
You: shut up, omw
There was some time left before you had to meet with Jungkook, so you made your way to the observatory. Yoongi's not the type to waste people's time so he must have something to say to you.
The observatory doubled as an assembly hall, rows and rows of seats rising towards the back of the room facing a stage and a platform to view the telescope on. You could see Yoongi in the front, legs kicked up over the seat in front of him as he leaned back looking up at the stars. You walked up to him, him only glancing in your direction to address you.
"You gonna sit down or what?"
You sat, and waited for him to say something. After a while of just gazing up the stars together through the observatory open roof, you asked, "Are you going to get all sappy on me too?"
He snickered, shaking his head. "Nah. I'm just going to say I'm happy to know you." He reached over, grabbing your hand and squeezing it gently. "I'm surprised tweedle dee and tweedle dum didn't smother you to death." He joked, referring to Jimin and Taehyung and their overwhelming nature.
"No, no, everyone was actually pretty chill today. Jin gave me his usual bucket load of kisses, Jimin and Taehyung kept their hands to themselves for once, and Namjoon helped me study."
"Mm." He hummed, nodding. "Did Joon give you the necklace?"
"The elephant one? Yeah, how'd you know?"
"He's had it for a while. Didn't know when you give it to you." He was weirdly silent after he said that, biting his lip and fingers fidgeting.
You waited to see if he'd say anything then said, "Did you want to give me something?"
He shifted once, then pulled a USB out of his other pocket. "I made a couple tracks. I didn't know which one to go with. None of them felt right. All of them felt right." And with that he placed it in your waiting palm, a heart scribbled onto the black case in white marker.
"Thank you. I'll listen to it as soon as possible." He smiled, a real genuine smile and leaned in to kiss you, soft and slow as opposed to the usual hungry way he kissed you. Everything about his behavior was uncharacteristic. Usually he was teasing and cool. His quietness wasn't usually accompanied by nervousness or gentleness. After pulling back, he had that same smile on his face.
"I think Jungkook's waiting on you." He said, and you checked the time. 7:51 pm. The time flew by while you were sitting in quietness with him and before you stood you opened the camera.
"I've been taking pictures all day. You wanna take one?"
He rolled his eyes but leaned in, pulling the mask up to cover his face. You snapped a picture posting that and the one with Hoseok, telling him to have a good night and leaving him to sit and brood.
You walked back to your room with a bounce in your step, today was incredible and you had been treated like you mattered. Valentine's day was usually filled with lazy presents, people you barely knew telling you that you were pretty and that you should hook up, but you've never actually found someone worth spending your time with like you have recently. It almost makes you feel better about Jungkook.
Who was leaning against your front door looking pissed.
"You're late."
You raised an eyebrow, confused at his attitude. "I was with Yoongi."
He scoffed, "I know." He pulled out hisphone, your Instagram page with all the stuff you've been doing today on the screen. "You've had a busy day today, huh?"
"I don't know why you're upset about what I do. Weren't you spending your day with Chrissie?"
"Just because you're jealous of Chrissie doesn't mean you need to flaunt you relationship with my friends to everybody, or go on a date with Jimin and Taehyung--"
"I'm not doing this because of you! I have my own life! It's not my fault your friends are interested on what you missed out on."
He took a sharp breath in, then closed his eyes and pinched the bridge of his nose, calming down. "I didn't-- I don't want to argue with you. I just..." Jungkook sighed, looking up at and you could see that he seemed sad. "I canceled the date I had with Chrissie so we could hang out, and then you weren't even here, I just... I'm sorry."
"You canceled your date?" You asked quietly, a bit surprised.
"Yeah," he shrugged. "We always have movie nights today, and it was wrong of me to try and change that. Just because things are... different doesn't mean we have to be weird about it." He smiled at you, albeit a bit awkwardly.
"Right." You nodded, unlocking your door. "But you can't expect me to sit around and wait for and then get upset when you have towards wait for once."
"I'm just... not ready to be what you want from me." He mumbled, walking in behind you.
"And that's okay." You said, resolve and dismissal in your tone, ending the conversation. It was clear now. You and Jungkook were friends and nothing more. You were not going to wait around for someone who couldn't reciprocate you energy. All today showed you was that you had other options who were happy to put you first.
It was time for a change.
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bbangsoonie · 3 years
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member: jaehyun (hyunjae) genre: fluff (requested) word count: 3,120 synopsis: jaehyun has always been your rival. so when he bets that he could make you fall for him, you can’t back down and say no. but when you’re too confident, you let your guard done.
backdoor: a term used in league of legends; when you secretly attack the enemy’s nexus while they’re focused elsewhere. this is done by sneaking into the enemy base and taking them by surprise
Lee Jaehyun was the cockiest and most annoying person you had ever met. You would think that growing up as childhood “friends” would make you two close. After all, your parents were best friends with his parents.
But no, you and Jaehyun had been rivals ever since you were both enrolled into a tennis club as young children. You always had the upper hand until he suddenly hit puberty and became a lot more physically fit than you. Once he started beating you in nearly every match, he became your #1 enemy.
He had always been super competitive and made everything into a contest. Who could run to the car faster? Who could receive a higher score on the exam? Who could make the other lose their temper first?
With high school came his sudden increase in popularity. It inflamed his ego to the max, which irked you to no end.
Every Valentine’s Day, he would brag about all the gifts and confessions he received. And every White Day, he would compare the numbers to yours.
He was loved by the girls for being a casanova and admired by the guys for his athleticism and gaming skills.
You, on the other hand, could not comprehend why the entire school was infatuated with him. You had your eyes on someone else. Kim Sunwoo. He had caught your attention since the first day of freshman year. Now, as a senior, you were about to graduate without ever making a move.
You were too shy to approach him. You couldn’t even find a common interest to naturally bring up and talk about. All he ever did was make music and play League of Legends.
So you found Jacob during lunch and practically begged him to teach you how to play the game.
“Please please please?” you whined.
“It’s not that I don’t want to. It’s that I can’t,” Jacob said apologetically. “I have basketball practice every day. Besides, I haven’t played in almost half a year. I’m rusty.”
“I just need you to teach me the basics!”
“I’m sorry, Y/n.”
Sighing, you gave up and slumped in your seat. You poked at the food in front of you with a pout.
“Did I just hear the Y/n ask Jacob to teach her how to play League?” Jaehyun suddenly popped out of nowhere.
“Fuck off,” you rolled your eyes at him as you set your chopsticks down.
“You know, I’m the highest ranked player in our school,” he said smugly. You wanted nothing but to wipe that look off his face.
You ignored him and took a sip of your water. Jacob awkwardly glanced between you and Jaehyun as he tightly held onto his spoon. He could sense another argument coming.
“I can teach you if you want,” Jaehyun offered.
“I don’t want,” you coldly rejected.
“Of course you don’t,” he scoffed. “You’re too afraid to spend time with me because you might realize that you actually like me.”
“Oh please. There are a few things in this world that will never change. The sun rising from the east, the sun setting in the west, and my hatred for you,” you said.
“Well if you hate me that much, then let’s make a bet out of it. The first one to fall for the other’s seducing loses,” he smirked.
Still stuck in the middle, Jacob shifted uncomfortably in his seat.
“You don’t have to accept the challenge if you’re not confident,” Jaehyun shrugged, making you narrow your eyes at him.
A list of pros and cons was being made in your head as you contemplated the crazy suggestion. The logical part of your mind wanted nothing to do with him. You knew that stooping down to his level was childish. You had much better things to do than go along with his bet.
The competitive part of you, however, couldn’t bear to back down. You would have to deal with him flaunting over you and calling you a coward if you didn’t agree to this.
So you disregarded all rationale and crossed your arms with a curt “deal”.
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The walk to school the next day was full of complaints as you whined about falling for Jaehyun’s trick and Kevin chided you for it.
“I don’t know why you thought it would be a good idea,” Kevin tsk-ed. “He makes your blood boil within seconds. How are you going to hold back from tearing him apart? Never mind flirt with him.”
“I’m already regretting it,” you groaned.
“Speaking of the devil,” Jacob coughed, nudging you.
You looked up to see Jaehyun waiting by the school gates. He was holding a bouquet of flowers and every girl who passed by whispered to their friend about it. To everyone’s shock, he walked up to you and handed you the flowers.
“So it starts now?” you stared at the roses. “You call this seducing?”
“I call this romantic,” he grinned.
Rolling your eyes, you handed Kevin the bouquet and walked away. He awkwardly chased after you as Jacob offered Jaehyun a pat on the shoulder.
“She doesn’t like roses. She thinks they’re cliché,” he said before leaving.
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When the dismissal bell rang, Jaehyun was waiting for you outside of your classroom. Hushed whispers erupted again as your classmates tried to figure out why he was being so affectionate to you. It was no secret that you two never got along.
After gathering your belongings, you grabbed your backpack and left without sparing him another glance. Unfazed, he easily caught up to you and slung his arm around your shoulder.
“What? Are you wavering already?” he teased.
“Not a chance,” you scoffed.
“As a part of the bet, I can teach you how to play League. That’s what you wanted anyway. Think of it as killing two birds with one stone.”
You ignored all the incredulous looks you received with Jaehyun by your side as you left the school grounds. You didn’t realize that you weren’t headed home until you stopped in front of a PC Room. Puzzled, you stared at the building in front of you.
“I promised that I’d teach you. Our first lesson starts today,” he said as he dragged you inside.
Your brain was bombarded with a whole new world. You struggled to keep up as he rambled on about bots and gold. He was showing you a demonstration by playing a round but your inability to multitask made it difficult to understand what was going on on the screen.
“My main is Jace and I usually go jungle,” he explained and you pretended to understand by nodding. At your silence, he eyed your expression and chuckled.
“So is Sunwoo the reason why you’re suddenly interested in League?” he asked, catching you off guard.
“How did you know?” you gaped.
“You thought I wouldn’t notice your little crush on him?” he raised a brow.
You were taken aback to say the least. You didn’t think he paid much attention to you other than when he was bored and wanted to mess around.
“Anyway, he usually goes mid as Zed,” he shrugged. “To be honest, the best way for you to bond with him through the game is for him to play ADC and for you to be support.”
“As if I know what all that means,” you frowned.
At that moment, his character died and the screen went gray. You snickered, earning a light flick on your forehead.
“ADC stands for attack damage carry. It’s the champion who usually does the most attacking. They go in the bottom lane with whoever’s playing support. Supports are supposed to aid and heal the ADC. So you would follow and communicate with them.”
“Sounds complicated,” your nose wrinkled in distaste.
“Sounds fun,” he corrected before turning back to the computer.
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The next day, Jaehyun surprised you with a small potted plant in front of the gates.
“Since you don’t like roses, I got you a succulent instead,” he said proudly.
Next to you, Kevin giggled and Jacob let out a soft “aww”. Slightly touched yet also slightly embarrassed, you took it from him in a hurry and stormed off.
“You’re slowly getting there,” Jacob laughed as Kevin shot him a thumbs up.
Smiling, Jaehyun watched as they ran to catch up with you. He heard you yell at them after what was probably a teasing remark. You then began to chase Kevin, who ran away shrieking.
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After two weeks of spending hours at the PC Room after school, you were starting to get a hang of the game. You found Teemo, who you insisted was a dog (he’s actually a rodent), and gushed over how cute he is.
Jaehyun made fun of your champion choice and shook his head as he explained that Teemo was the most hated character.
“Why? He’s adorable!” you defended. “And I love the little eggs he plants.”
“For the nth time, those are mushrooms! Not eggs,” he exclaimed. “And that’s exactly why everyone hates him. He’s so annoying.”
“You’re annoying,” you shot back.
“Well, Teemo’s not an option right now,” he pointed out.
He was teaching you how to play Howling Abyss that day. And playing ARAM meant your champion would be randomly given.
“Oh! The cute cat is available,” you excitedly clicked.
“That’s Yuumi and that’s actually not a bad choice,” he nodded in approval. “You just have to attach onto me and heal me.”
You hated to admit that you had grown closer with Jaehyun. Only a couple of weeks had passed by since the bet and you didn’t completely despise him anymore.
He gifted you something small each morning, whether it was a plant or piece of bread. He was always waiting for you at the gates. Dating rumors were already circulating the school but you hadn’t forgotten about the bet. You were determined to win it.
Which was why you began to wake up earlier to put on makeup and even complimented him during games. It was easy to make him smile. All you needed to do was throw a lame joke in here and there and he would burst out in laughter.
It was almost suspiciously easy. He was too willing to respond to your advances and never put up a wall.
But that didn’t mean he didn’t get on your nerves. His antics still bothered you to no end.
On the way home, he insisted on feeding you ice cream instead of having you hold it yourself. Except he kept pulling the spoon back when you opened your mouth to eat it.
The first time, you gave him a dirty look. The second time, you punched his arm. The third time, you gave him the finger and walked off after a “fuck you”.
“Is that a threat or a promise?” he laughed.
Once again, you were reminded of how immature he was.
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“So has there been any progress?” Kevin asked.
It was gym period and all the students were running around in the field. Jacob was playing volleyball with Jaehyun while you and Kevin were sitting on the sidelines.
“I don’t know,” you shrugged.
“It would be the best enemies-to-lovers trope if you two actually end up dating like this,” he commented.
“Never,” you snorted in disbelief.
You had seen Jaehyun ever since he was a snotty little kid. Even back then, he was a mischievous brat. There was no way you could ever see him as anything but that.
The teacher blew his whistle, signaling the end of gym class. You got up, dusted your pants, and skipped down the steps. Unfortunately, you landed wrong and felt a sharp pain in your ankle as you fell down.
After Kevin shouted your name, Jaehyun turned his head to see you on the ground. Without thinking twice, he ran towards you and asked if you were okay. When you couldn’t reply, he put you on his back with Kevin’s help and sprinted to the nurse’s office.
Your heart was beating fast but you couldn’t pinpoint the exact reason why. Was it because of the pain? Or all the attention you were receiving from your classmates?
By the time you reached the office, your ankle was throbbing and swelling up. The nurse was nowhere to be seen so Jaehyun retrieved an ice pack himself and wrapped a towel around it before applying it.
You were sitting on a cot while he was bent down to tend to your wound. His forehead was wrinkled with worry and you stared at him. This was the first time he had ever treated you with such gentleness.
“I don’t think you broke anything but it’s definitely gonna hurt for at least a week,” he winced in vicarious pain.
You suddenly didn’t know how to act around him. You weren’t used to receiving sympathy from him.
“Uh that’s okay,” you coughed to cover up the awkwardness. You’d rather have him make fun of you for being clumsy. But instead, he seemed genuinely concerned for you.
“You should’ve been more careful,” he scolded.
There was something about the way he looked at you. His eyes were no longer playful but you couldn’t figure out what emotions hid behind those eyes.
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Those eyes. His eyes clouded your mind. For some reason, you couldn’t get it out of your head.
You found yourself avoiding him as you struggled to organize your thoughts. Or rather, your feelings.
Wanting to distract yourself, you decided to finally talk to Sunwoo. Surely, spending time with him would help you forget about Jaehyun.
So you mustered up the courage to ask him out on a date. To your surprise, he happily agreed and suggested that you watch a movie together. There was a new romcom film that came out and that he had been wanting to watch.
The date wasn’t as awkward as you thought it would be. Sunwoo’s goofiness offset any nervousness and it was fun to be around him. But yet, it also wasn’t as heart fluttering as you thought it would be.
Perhaps you had idealized him too much in your imagination. Your romantic feelings for him dissipated and you saw him as a good friend. Luckily, he felt the same.
However, word about your date had already spread by the time you got to school on Monday. It had reached Jaehyun’s ears and his expression hardened when he saw you laughing with Sunwoo at lunch.
He knew what the ugly feeling in his stomach was. And he wasn’t happy about it. So he reacted in the only way he knew. By clinging to your side and pestering you.
He spent the whole day messing up your hair and being sarcastic. Eventually, you finally snapped and told him to piss off.
“I’ll consider it if you can beat me in tennis today,” he said.
You crossed your arms, wondering what was going on in his head. You hadn’t been able to defeat him since middle school.
“If you can get a single ball past me, I’ll leave you alone,” he proposed. With a huff, you reluctantly agreed. It would be faster to just get it over with.
That was how you two ended up at a tennis court after school. He never went easy on you but he was going especially hard that day. He gave you no breaks and flung the ball back at you with what felt like all his strength. Ball after ball flew past you as he grabbed another one to start again.
“What the hell, Lee Jaehyun?” you yelled across the court. “Why the fuck are you so aggressive today?”
“Are you giving up?” he taunted while bouncing the ball.
“Oh hell no,” you grumbled as you got in position.
Another half an hour passed by with him beating you again and again. You were drenched in sweat and starting to feel sore. But you refused to give him the pleasure of watching you admit defeat.
So you kept going until the ball accidentally hit your shoulder. The amount of force he put into that backhand made you yelp in pain as you dropped the racket.
Startled, Jaehyun ran over to make sure you were okay.
“You just can’t bear to see me win once, can you?” you glared as you shoved his hand away. “You turn everything into a competition and act like you’re superior over me.”
“I-I didn’t mean to do that,” his brows furrowed in guilt.
“Didn’t mean to do what? Make my childhood a living hell by ruining my favorite sport? Use my crush on Sunwoo to trick me into another stupid bet? Confuse me into thinking that you might actually not hate me?”
“I don’t hate you.”
“Then why are you so clingy?”
“Because I like you!”
His words brought upon silence. The tension in the air was thick as you both stared at each other.
“You’re so dense,” he sighed. “I wanted your attention, okay? But back then, I was a kid and didn’t know how to stay by your side without annoying the hell out of you. And then I didn’t know how to transition out of that.”
He fidgeted with a loose string on his shirt and took a deep breath before continuing.
“This stupid bet was supposed to change our relationship. I was supposed to show you that I’m not as bad as you think I am. That I’m a guy too. That I’ve been in love with you for a whole decade now.”
To say you were surprised would be a massive understatement. All your life, you had been sure that Jaehyun’s purpose in life was to irritate you. So when your heart began to skip around him, you cursed yourself for giving into the hormones that made you see him in a different light. You never thought that the feelings would be reciprocated.
“You don’t feel the same way? At all?” he carefully asked.
Your mouth opened but no words came out. You couldn’t find the right words to answer his question.
“You’re not saying no,” the corners of his lips curved up.
He took a step closer to you and held your cheeks. You felt your heart race at the proximity and froze.
“For confirmation?” his lips ghosted over yours. You barely managed to nod slightly before he closed the gap between you two.
As cheesy as it sounded, you felt sparks fly the moment you had your first kiss. By the time he pulled away, you felt your cheeks heat up.
“So I guess that means I won the bet before it even began,” you joked, making him laugh.
“Yes, yes you did,” he smiled as he hugged you.
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wh6res · 4 years
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taeyong — part of the my bloody valentine collection.
prompt. when your soulmate gets a wound or cut, flowers bloom on the same spot in your body.
synopsis. you’re desperate to meet your soulmate. maybe you can put a stop to the flowers stubbornly blooming on your wrists.
warnings. tread cautiously. mentions of mental illness (depression, attempted suicide), swearing, manipulation, implied self-harm, dubious content, forced relationship, unconsensual touching near the end, ty pulling the sadboi agenda
disclaimer. a friendly reminder that i do not, under any circumstance, condone or support any acts like this. this is not love and this is not how a normal relationship should be like. the things i write are all fiction and should be treated as such and if you don’t like it, please do not read it and waste your time hating on it. the 9 members of nct 127 do not act like this in real life and shouldn’t act like this in real life.
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by the time you’re graduating high school, you’re used to the sorry glances people sent your way. 
for someone so young, you have more flowers blooming on your skin than any adult. a few small pieces of it blooming in the corner of your cheek, near the jawline. a few of them on your thighs. 
but the most concerning piece is the one on your wrists that are fully covered by the flowers, your skin nowhere to be seen with all the lilies of the valley tainting your skin. 
yet the worse has got to be the summer before senior year. you had been halfway done with the college entrance examination for a local university. your parents said the pain you felt the first time will turn into a mild itch whenever the flowers form on your skin. 
it started small, absentmindedly scratching at something on your neck. initially, you thought it was the heat, your sweat, and the fabric of your clothes irritating the sensitive skin. but when you walked up to the proctor to turn in your exam, you knew that apologetic stare like nothing else—but his eyes had flickered down to your neck. 
when your friends blew up your phone, asking where you are to celebrate, you lied and headed straight back home, head ducked, collars upturned, hiding the lilies of the valley wrapped around your throat like some insignia. 
a year later, you end up studying soulmate theory in university. they say it’s a useless course as there can be no scientific explanation to soulmates. you like thinking you chose the course because of sheer interest but really, you’re just finding an explanation, some external reason that probably bore no results but you trudged forward anyway. 
you’re restless in the pursuit of finding him—or her, you couldn’t care less. the hurt you feel weighs heavy in your heart each time you feel them blooming on your wrist, mind plagued with worry. 
your roommate interrupts your deep thinking as she practically throws herself onto your bed. “i have an idea!” she cheers, determined. “why not part-time in the school clinic? that way if people come in, you can compare their cuts to your flowers.”
“now, you just might be onto something there.”
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the hunt for your soulmate still wasn’t easy despite working in the university’s clinic and it only got worse each day. your schedule is killing you, you’re slightly getting behind in some subjects, and you practically live in the library. 
contrary to popular opinions, soulmate theory can be a fucking bitch to study about. what with learning psychology, astrology, and botany all together. it was interesting how all these things can be factors in how people are paired to become soulmates. interesting, but rather complicated in a sense, too. 
they say psychology and astrology dealt with two people’s compatibility. while botany, the meanings of the flowers themselves, was theorized to predict how the soulmate connection will affect their relationship—ultimately, roses were a really, really good sign. 
you have been busy messing up your hair, utterly frustrated and irate—astronomy’s messing with your head and you can’t go a minute without scratching your wrists as the flowers bloomed after the other. 
then something unexpected happened. 
a lanky guy dressed in an all-black ensemble walked into the clinic. well, it was more of a being carried between two guys by the arms rather than walked in. everything about his clothes looked way too big to fit his delicate frame and it hardly looked like it was for fashion style purposes. his skin hugged his body to the bone, eyes sunken, and he looked so frail that a tiny shove would’ve sent him sprawled on the floor. 
his name was taeyong and he lied on the bed unconscious, with handkerchiefs wrapped around his wrists like bandages—courtesy of his friends, who looked deathly worried for the fate of their poor friend. if he had lost any more blood, he would’ve died. you had never seen the clinic in such chaos, people running around, anxious. your leg muscles were sore from going back and forth from the nurse’s side to the cabinets storing all the medical supplies she needed. 
it had been a whirlwind, and after your superior had patched and properly bandaged his cuts, you were left to look after him in the meantime as nurse jung tried contacting his guardian. 
his friends—who you learned were named yuta and jaehyun, were snoozing outside on the bench across the hall, parallel with the clinic’s double-glass door, as they waited for their friend to wake up. 
depression. suicidal. taeyong has been like that for his whole life, jaehyun stated earlier. you can only shoot a sorry look at the unconscious boy lying on the hospital bed. 
it had already been dark outside when you came in to switch out his bandages for new ones—only to realize that his cut is exactly where you had been scratching earlier before he showed up. 
you retracted, unbelieving of what that possibly entails. along the way, you’ve pieced together that your soulmate is probably struggling through something heavy, something that weighed him down so much that it made him believe hurting himself is the only solution, what with all the flowers on your skin. 
“it’s him…” you mumble, wide eyed as you eyed the faded scars around his wrists, eerily aligned to the flowers blooming on your own. 
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you didn’t want to overwhelm him, that much was sure. you didn’t want to chase him away if he gets uncomfortable. so for weeks you started leaving anonymous notes in his locker. not the sappy love letter types, just little words of encouragement that could make his day better. 
when their friend breaks out into the tiniest of smiles, yuta and jaehyun’s thankful eyes would scour around the halls. sneakily looking for you behind taeyong’s back. they understood where you’re coming from and hadn’t spoken a word of disagreement when you told them you didn’t plan to make yourself known as his soulmate yet. 
and as if the notes were not enough, you start giving him his favorite starbucks drink every now and then—on days the flowers didn’t bloom as much as it normally would. you turn up half an hour early before lectures so you can place it on the table where he usually sits with his two best friends. even if his class is on the other side of campus, you’d still go. 
but it only took three weeks of creeping around until you’re caught by your soulmate himself. 
“do you want something from me?”
you didn’t know what to say, cat got your tongue as you stood before him holding the drink. you couldn’t weasel your way out and say the drink’s yours, not when he caught you standing before his usual seat, not when you were already leaning forward to place it on his desk.
“uhm… i…” you stutter pathetically, not being able to meet the intensity of his eyes. 
“jaehyun and yuta aren’t exactly the most lowkey, especially with how much their eyes wander when i open my locker. so, do you want something from me? what are you playing at, stalker?”
the name he called you stung like a bitch but you can’t blame him for it. you knew him, he doesn’t know you. you’re giving him gifts anonymously. even if they were all from the goodness of your heart, from an outsider’s view, your actions still appeared sketchy.
“soulmate,” you correct him. 
you watch his features twist into confusion, only for it to morph into shock once he’s digested what you just said. eventually, he schools his expression back to indifference. his stoic face is so intimidating, you thought, biting your bottom lip and fidgeting on your toes. 
“i’m your—i’m your soulmate.”
his eyes flicker downwards to peak a glance at the bouquet of flowers painted on your skin. colors as beautiful and vibrant as the day you got them, the stems of the bell-shaped flowers intricately woven into each other. for a split second, you even twist your arms a little, showing him the rock hard proof of your claim. 
ever since you found him, you’ve always contemplated for the better part of your limited free time about what his reaction will be when he finds out you two are soulmates. will he accept you? or worse case scenario, pretend you didn’t exist? the possibilities are unknown especially with someone who seems to be going through so much that the last thing they wanted is this person who thinks they’re entitled to be part of their lives because the universe made it be that way. 
not that you feel entitled… taeyong can reject you all he wants and you’ll give him the space he needs—
he’s crying. 
and not the simple, small tears slowly streaming down his face one by one type of crying, no, his tears were an onslaught. full-on sobbing as he threw himself onto you, wrapping his arms tight around your shoulders as he buried his face into your neck, words heavily muffled by your coat. 
“is it—” he hiccups. “true?”
you blink, from all the reactions you’ve gone through in your head, crying was the very last thing you expected from him—crying and hugging you like you’re the last person on earth and he’s been touch-starved until he found you. 
maybe that was the case. 
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you wonder what jaehyun and yuta felt whenever taeyong ditched them to spend time with you—and that was pretty much all the time since he’s found you. he’s like a puppy, following you around wherever you go (unless he has classes) and had been neglecting his friends. whether it was intentional or not, whether his two friends were cool with it or not, you don’t know. 
you try your best to smile every time he runs up to you on the other end of the hall, spotting you coming out of your own respective classroom after lectures are done. 
he’s beaming like a child, inviting you to this cafe he wants to take you to—and pathetic ‘lil ‘ol you just can’t seem to say no to those huge expecting eyes.
but you’re not blind to the slight scowl on yuta’s face nor the razor sharp smile on jaehyun’s features. they want to hang out together, just boys, but now there’s this soulmate who’s suddenly more important than them—what happened to bros before hoes?
but they knew taeyong needed you. heck, he never once smiled like the way he did before he met you. it was like he’s become this whole new person with a child-like innocence reflecting his eyes. 
“so?” your soulmate prompts just as his two friends came over, flanking him. 
taeyong deflates the moment he sees the hesitance in your eyes. “uhm… i actually have a shift in the clinic, and nurse jung said the clinic isn’t some hang out place, so you can’t, uhh…” you trail, not wanting to finish the sentence. 
a little white lie can’t hurt anyone, right? 
taeyong shouldn’t depend on you all the time, not when he also has friends who care about his well-being and mental health just as much as you do. being soulmates didn’t mean he has to spend every waking moment with you and the faster he realizes, the better. 
when you dashed away before he could even mutter out a reply, you miss the frown on his face, his eyes never once leaving your frame until you turned the corner. 
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people often favor the underdog. they have this gnawing urge in their gut to sympathize and unknowingly root for their own plot twist or happy ending. 
people look at you and your soulmate and think you have poor, suicidal and depressed and sad taeyong eating at the palm of your hand, following you around like a lonely duckling—the undeniable underdog in a coming-of-age movie, the person shoved around until some bigger, more capable person comes to their rescue (in this case you, unfortunately).
but appearances have always been deceiving. 
your little 3-week head start with getting to know your soulmate had only been on surface-level. you just wanted to help him but taeyong’s obvious attraction—can you even call it that? you’d like to think it’s more of infatuation—is off-putting for you. from standing way too close to putting an arm around you, from walking you to your lectures to walking you home, from the light headpats to having the guts to kiss your cheeks. 
it’s too much and it wasn’t as if you basked in the public display of affection. whenever you tried telling him off in the most gentlest of ways, taeyong would frown and curl in on himself, eyes glossy, darting around, and looking like a kicked puppy. 
you couldn’t leave him like that just because of some harmless skinship, right? he’s just excited and happy he’s found you. weren’t you also the first one to initiate? with all those notes and gifts you’ve given him? and now you’re backing away just because of a few touches?
“you know,” your roommate plops herself on the couch next to you, netflix movie playing as background. “you’re not obligated to fix him. you’re his soulmate, not his psychiatrist.”
you sigh, head diving into the couch pillows. “i’m not trying to fix him, i’m just…”
she raises a prodding eyebrow. 
“…i’m just trying to be there for him.”
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taeyong likes to think that he wasn’t doing it on purpose. but the sense of rush and sick pleasure running up and down his spine whenever you force a smile and give in to his wishes proves otherwise. 
all his life he’s been pushed around. tasked to buy his old man beer and cigarettes and an assortment of drugs. if he turns up empty handed, guess who becomes a punching bag? and he has always been alienated throughout his school life. immature elementary kids aren’t exactly the kindest and would’ve picked on every single thing to appear cool to their friend groups. and poor little scrawny taeyong who didn’t speak and didn’t defend himself was just too easy of a target. 
“uhm… you don’t—don’t need to walk me home all the time.” do you think so low of him that you believe he doesn’t sense your fake little giggle?
“but i like walking you home,” he pouts, jutting his lips just a wee bit more for extra measure. he makes sure his eyes are as round and glossy as can be, he noticed those puppy eyes are what gets to you the most. 
he can tell by your tense shoulders, the clear hesitance in your face, that smile that looked too sweet to be real, and your averting eyes. you needn’t say anything for taeyong to figure you out. he isn’t blind to the lack of comfort you’ve developed by being with him. 
he has to think of something or else you’ll be slipping through the gaps of his fingers.
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he asked you out on valentine’s day. it wasn’t the simple, forgettable act of popping out the “hey, do you want to go out on a date with me?” question while holding a bouquet of flowers. taeyong made sure you’ll never forget this certain day that he had laid his claim on you—not that it needed to be vocalized, it was his wounds that made flowers bloom on your skin. the soulmate connection should be enough.
but taeyong wanted to go the extra mile.
with the help of his friends (yuta’s popular and jaehyun can be very persuasive), he’s got people handing you lilies of the valley every ten feet until you reach the auditorium in the main building. despite it blooming on your skin you’ve never really seen them in the flesh. they’re like dew drops, bell-like flowers growing in an elegant dip from it’s main stem and appearing no bigger than your thumb.
you were awed, but skeptical.
you meet taeyong by the end of your little journey, standing on a decorated stage with a bouquet of the flowers nestled delicately in his hands. the natural sunlight bleeding through the open windows giving him such a beautiful glow that you couldn’t take your eyes off him. he had smiled and timidly gave you the flowers while asking.
“will you be my girlfriend?” 
if only you’d look close enough, that sugar coated smile contrasted greatly to the sly flickers in his eyes. he knows how your actions are dictated by the reputation you’ve built. taeyong knows you'll say yes, because if you didn't, how could you have rejected your own soulmate who has made you the light of his life? he’s been nothing but kind to you and you’ve only pushed him away! you’re a monster! you should’ve saved him!
if him alone can’t make you say yes, maybe the pressure-induced stare of the whole student body can.
and as you shivered amidst taeyong’s suffocating hug, feeling the triumphant smirk against your head and his prodding nose as he sniffed your hair, you now understood why your body bloomed this specific woodland flower. 
lilies of the valley are beautiful.
but lilies of the valley are poisonous, too.
the flowers remind you of taeyong. 
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making things official has only made things worse. taeyong has promised you that after being together he won’t try hurting himself anymore and that he’s a big boy and he can attend his therapy sessions alone. but the itching in your skin is as constant as ever and you just got off the phone with the receptionist of the clinic he goes to. 
“are things alright? i haven’t seen taeyong since three weeks ago.”
if there’s one thing you absolutely hate doing with your soulmate, it’s confrontations. for the three months you’ve been together, taeyong has always, always spiraled out whenever you confront him about something. be it the mildest or the most superficial thing, what started out small will turn into a complete whirlwind and he’d be in a fit of tears by the end of it.
every single time. 
you prefer happy taeyong than sad taeyong—if you can avoid it for as long as you can, you will. but you’re at your breaking point. him lying to you about his therapy sessions is the pin that popped the little balloon of security you’ve been protecting. 
when you arrive home, he’s already there, crouched and sifting through your bookshelf. it wasn’t a surprise or anything out of the ordinary, he possesses the key to invite himself into your apartment any time. “hey, you’re home!” he immediately stands, barreling towards you. 
he encircles his arms around you protectively as he pulls you flush against his body. you feel the tip of his nose prodding against your neck, hearing him inhaling your scent like cannabis. 
you learned to ignore it, this habit of his—but just because you do doesn’t make you any less uncomfortable than the first time he did it.
you don’t bother hugging him back. 
you were too pissed off to keep up with pretenses. 
“the clinic called, said you weren’t attending your sessions. why were you lying to me?” 
when pushed into a corner, you were never one to beat around the bush.
“i don’t like going alone, i told you that, remember?” he quickly replied, shoving you away. “i wouldn’t have to lie to you if you would just come with me for my sessions, don’t you think? you’re blowing this out of proportion when it’s all your fault.”
you wanted to pull at your hair. scratch that, you wanted to pull at his hair—no, not in that kind of way. 
“how the fuck—” you stop. taeyong hates it when you curse. cursing will do you more harm than good. you inhale through your nostrils, willing yourself to calm down. “how is this my fault? i told you i have to run errands for professor kim!”
“then quit working there! they’re not even paying you, it’s just for extra credit! which you wouldn’t even fucking need if you weren’t flunking astronomy so bad.” taeyong must’ve seen your features twisting into that of betrayal. he was there when you were crying your eyes out because you failed the exam. he knew the subject was taking such a big toll on you. 
how could he…
“don’t fucking look at me like that, kitten. you know it’s the truth.”
what is the point of this, some form of payback he’s subjecting you to? just because you didn’t come with him to his sessions? six months in this relationship and you already feel so drained, how would the universe expect you to keep up for a whole fucking lifetime together with him?
“why…” you choke, the tears building up in your eyes as your voice breaks. “so what do you want me to do, then?” you ask, because you genuinely don’t know. 
does he want you to choose? is that it? you didn’t want to lose the credits, but you didn’t want to lose this relationship either, no matter how much you’re drowning in the toxicity of it all. 
because this is your soulmate. 
certainly, the universe wouldn’t destine you to each other if it would only bring forth chaos, right? taeyong has mentioned time and time again that this is his first relationship. of course, he’s depending on you to show him the ropes. 
but it seems he isn’t really a big fan of how you do things. 
you shake your head defeatedly. “you know i can’t. i’d have to take the whole subject again next semester and—”
“i said quit, dollface.” the finality in his tone renders you speechless. “then fucking take the subject again next semester! i don’t care. that’s your consequence for neglecting your major. why the fuck do i have to suffer, too, if my soulmate is such a failure?”
his words cut deep, deeper than flesh, cutting through bone as your knees the urge to buckle and collapse before him. “taeyong, please—”
“honestly, i don’t even know what you’re doing with that professor. you always brush it off whenever i ask you!” the glare he sends could kill. “is this… is this why you’re so adamant about not quitting? then again… what kind of professor is willing to pass his students just by interning for him? i can’t believe i’m only realizing this now!”
this is bad. this is very, very bad. 
“whatever you’re thinking about is not true! trust me—”
but as if he can’t hear you, he dawdles on, trying to connect the dots when there is absolutely nothing to connect. 
“you suck dick for grades? how could you do this to me? how can you do that to yourself?” 
you don’t understand exactly why he’s crying again so you don’t say anything. not because his fierce accusations were right but because even if you try hard to convince him that nothing is going on with your astronomy professor, he’d still cry and whine and paint you to be the bad guy. 
“what… what use do i have in this world if my soulmate thinks i’m not enough? and i lost you to some guy who smelled like prunes of all people!” you would have laughed if the situation had been different, but taeyong was dead serious. “i’m useless. i’ve been useless with my family, my friends, and now you. i can never do anything right, can i? i can never make anyone stay. i can’t even make you stay!”
and like a switch that has been flicked off, your conflicted emotions vanish in thin air. gone are every trickle of anger, confusion, and irritation you felt as he makes a beeline to the coffee table, smashing the little ornamental fish bowl and pointing a shard against his dainty wrists. 
“no!” you tackle him to the ground, groaning when you feel the shard dig into your side yet you made no effort to get off of him. blindly, you reach, twisting his wrist to drop the piece of glass. “you promised!” you wail, clutching the collars of his shirt as you pull him close to you. “stop, stop hurting yourself.”
you feel him shaking his head, his own onslaught of tears staining your shirt as the negativity he’s been bottling pours over like a tsunami, dragging you under the currents with him. “no, no, no…” you splutter, snot running disgustingly down your nostrils. “it’s not true, none of that is true. you’re my love, my moonlight, i’d never betray you for anyone or anything!”
“but—but your professor, the internship—”
“i’ll quit. i’ll take the subject again next semester, it’s not a big deal, okay? don’t worry, i’m here. i’m so sorry!”
it was all too easy.
the thing with noble people like you is the foolish sense of responsibility lying underneath your skin, it’s gravitational pull so strong that you don’t bother to think before you speak, to think before you act, to think before you make promises, because what’s important isn’t yourself, it’s the person lying meek and helpless before you. 
quit, you say? taeyong wants something more.
the evil lying inside pandora’s box can never remain dormant, not when meddlesome people like you who think with a one-track mind pull the lid off its hinges, preaching how every evil can have their own redemption.
a hand finds purchase around your waist as an eerie blissful smile stretches on his lips, eyes clouded over. “really? i’m your moonlight?”
“would you prove it to me?”
he doesn’t make room for your hesitance to settle, he lunges, hands wrapping around your face to pull you into a kiss. it wasn’t like all the other kisses you’ve shared with him, no, this one had a dark, underlying purpose. his hands digging into your open wound to make it bleed, tongue sliding into your mouth the moment you gasped in pain.
your hands press on his chest, trying to push him away but taeyong’s thoughts are running wild. you blush in sheer humiliation when he lets out an almost pornographic moan. with a sinking realization, you’ve become hyper aware of something poking at your abdomen.
no, not yet. you weren’t ready yet!
“taeyong, wait—i’m not—”
“you said you love me, didn’t you?”
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notnctu · 4 years
to jaehyun, my first love ♡
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To All The J’s I’ve Loved Before Series by notnctu ♡ jung jaehyun x fem!reader ♡ genre - fluff, slight angst ♡ wc - 2.1k ♡ warnings - explicit language ♡ synopsis - in which Mark accidentally sets you up on a date with your first love and ex-boyfriend, Jung Jaehyun ♡ taglist - @colpen​ ; @cestmoncoeur​ ; @hyucksberry​ ♡ a/n - i had to repost bc tumblr keeps randomly deleting our shit omggg pls ;-; let us know if you want to be on the taglist for the next ones!
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I’ve never done this before, but the feelings you give me are too intense to not write it out. You’re like every dream come to life. A fairytale that came alive from the books. You remind me of a noble, quiet prince riding on his high horse. It’s not subtle, but not too grand to be overwhelming.
I think I love you. You’d be rolling your eyes at that word. It’s high school, what could I possibly know about love, right? And no, it’s not about you being my first boyfriend and my first kiss. It’s much more than those mundane things.
It’s the skipping of my heart when I’m the reason behind the dimples appearing. Or the butterflies I feel knowing that you, Jung Jaehyun, likes me back. I’m truly still in shock that you’re dating me. There are about two hundred people in this entire school and I’m the one who you send goodmorning and goodnight texts to.
My favorite day is still the day you asked me to be your’s. Cliche, whatever. But I’m not the only one who gushed at the sight of you holding the bouquet of my favorite flowers. Or the way you nervously couldn’t look me in the eye. You are the sweetest boy that has graced my life. I don’t know how I managed to get so lucky.
It’s a lie for me to not admit that I do feel insecure at times about our relationship. You’re not one to express your emotions or thoughts, you tell me it’s your actions. As your slow, yet improving partner, I am currently mindful of every action, like when you brush my hair out of my face because you want to get a good look at me. To see the real me. I like that the most.
Do guys feel these same strange intense feelings? Like my heart bursts thinking about your shy glances and your fingers tangled with mine. Whenever you hug me, I feel like I’m holding the very thing that makes me feel alive. I’m experiencing excitement, joy, and a weird burning sensation that spreads across my chest. It’s like we’re living a movie, but it’s better because it’s real life.
You’re the one, Jaehyun. It’s hard to explain and I’m absolutely being dramatic. But it’s not too far fetched. We’re still young, but I can see a future with you and how you want to chase your dreams with someone by your side. Don’t act like you don’t look directly at me when you say that.
Don’t feel pressured, I’m not asking for your hand in marriage just yet. I just have an inexplicable feeling that you’re someone that I’m going to love forever.
In this fairytale, do you believe in forever?
-from your hopeless romantic girlfriend, y/n
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If anyone were to be blamed for this very awkward encounter between you and your ex-boyfriend, it would be Mark Lee. He went on for ages, boasting about some hot guy he wanted to set you up with since you had been single for quite a time. He only meant good intentions, so you could stop holding yourself in your apartment alone during the weekends.
And there was no possible way for Mark to know that his Jung Jaehyun was the same Jung Jaehyun you dated back in high school. Though, if Mark had been specific by telling you the mystery boy’s name, you wouldn’t have to be standing in front of Jaehyun in a stiff atmosphere intended for a harmonious date.
“I didn’t expect to run into you.” Stupid and you knew, you weren’t the only one who thought so. Jaehyun practically scoffed so loud that it physically pained you. Arms crossed, weight barred on his left leg, eyes rolled all the way to the back of his head. He was definitely expecting someone else who didn’t make a fool out of themselves.
“(Y/N), don’t act like we didn’t apply and commit to the same college. We were bound to see each other in some way.”
“Fine, you’re right. I guess, I didn’t expect it to be like this.” Your eyes diverted shyly to the ground as you played with the ends of your sweet dress. At this point, your bed and pj’s seemed much better than a rekindle of the mess you made.
Jaehyun cursed at Mark underneath his breath before running his hands through his brown locks. There was too much you wished to stare at. Jaehyun still managed to make your heart stop with his attractiveness. Time benefited him more than anyone else you’ve met from your past. Through his changes, there were the similarities you loved: the depth of his dimples, the softness of his skin, the charm with a simple look, the fluffiness of his hair.
He dug his hands into his jean pockets and pursed his lips together before saying, “look, I don’t want to date you again and truthfully, Mark never told me your name when he talked about you, so I don’t know what twisted setup you two planned for this to be.”
Your facial expression reacted before you could collect your thoughts at the harsh rejection, which was a complete spin from when he had first accepted your heart. You were really regretting the pitiful letter sitting in your childhood room at the moment and the fact that he was the first letter.  
“Listen, Mark didn’t mention your name either when he talked about the ‘hot, sweet boy’, so you can kiss my ass if you really think that I purposefully set this up to get back together with you.” Jaehyun’s eyebrow rose and his jaw tightened at your response.
“I’m supposed to believe that this was a mere coincidence or a sickly twisted fate that we ended up together again?”
It was your turn to scoff, roll your eyes, and cross your arms. “Like how I’m supposed to believe you’re the same guy that Mark raves about. You’re far from a kindhearted, wholesome person who volunteers at the dog rescue center and to think, I ever fell for someone who had the potential to be this arrogant!”
A quick spin on your heels sent you dramatically walking off to your car. Though, the sounds of heavy footsteps caught up to you and a hand closed your car door shut before you could step in. “I’m sorry. I haven’t completely forgiven myself and you for the breakup.”
“It happened a long, long time ago.”
“You’re right, but I still beat myself up to this day that our relationship could have been saved if we both didn’t give up.”
Sighing, you held his cheek gently and he faced you with hurt reflecting in his eyes. “We were young and stubborn. We gave up because we didn’t have the emotional capacity to fix it, Jae.”
He lit up at the sound of his nickname and how much he missed hearing it roll off your tongue. It was like a switch flipped on. “Haven’t heard you say my name in a while. I almost forgot how much I loved it.”
The appearance of his dimples and brightening smile caused a disruption of butterflies to swarm in your stomach. This feeling could only be produced by him and no one else. The true holder of your heart has returned and left you a bit unsettled.
If he hasn’t already charmed your pants enough, his cool lean against your car definitely sealed the deal. “Are you flirting with me, Jung Jaehyun?” Your narrowed eyes zoned in on the unmistakable smirk that plastered his face.
His lips rolled together, emphasizing the crescents in his cheeks more. “We can’t let poor Mark down. How about we try going on this date?” He paused to gauge your reaction, “so we don’t have to lie when we report back to him.”
“Fine, for the sake of Mark and because I’ll admit, I did miss your presence.” Every detail reminded him of the most amazing times he spent with you. It was like he was watching one of his favorite films or listening to a forgotten playlist that triggered all kinds of emotions he had felt before.
He jumped off the vehicle with the biggest gleam that was not present earlier. This was the Jaehyun you remember. He couldn’t contain his excitement and oftentimes, only being able to express his emotions through his actions.
“Well, you’re not one who’s hard to miss. I don’t think I can get your smile out of my head for the next few days.” You quietly pondered the thought of how easy this all was for him.
Hours flew by, endlessly chatting away to catch up with each other’s lives and reminiscing the good parts of your relationship. The restaurant had grown empty and quiet, to the point of being kicked out of the establishment. Before either of you could process the mutual feeling of happiness, there was a brief moment of wondering what the next steps of this was. He cleared his throat when you two arrived at your car.
“I had a great time today, Jaehyun.” The sadness in your voice was not unnoticed by him.
“Can I ask why Mark was so persistent in setting us up?” Jaehyun inquired as he took off his jacket to wrap around your shaking, exposed shoulders. His thin shirt blew wildly in the breeze, but he’d rather have you warm and him frozen by the night.
The tiny thanks escaped as a whisper and you hugged his scent tighter. “He just wants me to stop being alone on the weekends because that’s when he goes back home with his family.”
Jaehyun nodded knowingly, “I can still change that for you.”
“Don’t give up your weekends at the shelter for me and it sounds like you already have a lot on your plate.”
He chuckled delightfully and there was hope to hear it again. “I can sacrifice a few hours at the shelter to be with a friend. Plus, you’re important to me and like I said many years before, I want you by my side as I chased my dreams. Look, I’m sorry I didn’t reach out sooner. I take the responsibility of being bitter over something in the past and tonight really made me realize what all the anger stole from me.”
Jaehyun pulled you into an overdue hug. His cologne engulfed you like old times. “Just to avoid confusion, we aren’t getting back together.. ever.” His chest muffled your words, but he heard you loud and clear.
“There’s not a sliver of hope?” It wasn’t hurt that laced his question, but something light and playful. Jaehyun’s strong arms pulled away, but his hands dropped to hold yours. A small smile rested on his face, his lips looked as tempting as you remembered them to be.
“No, there’s not.” The mood shifted to a more serious atmosphere, but it was finally time to address the elephant in the empty parking lot. “Don’t get me wrong, I’m always going to love you. People don’t call it a first love for nothing. Back when we were still together, and I told you I believed in forever, I meant it. But that doesn’t mean my heart wants you back, I want you to be happy with someone else.”
Jaehyun’s eyes sparkled underneath the dark night sky, but he broke the gaze when he grew shy at how the conversation had turned. A warmth spread across his chest and suffocated him tenderly. “Nice to know that I’m not the only one that still holds you in a special place in my heart. You’re right, my first love is unforgettable. You are unforgettable.”
Warm cheeks and shy, averting eyes wrapped up the date nicely. And all of which was thanks to Mark, who cluelessly set you up with your first love. You coughed to fill the tense air, noticing the goosebumps that rose on his arms. “We should get going, it’s too cold to be standing out here.”
“Right, I don’t want you catching a cold. You know how needy you get when your nose starts dripping uncontrollably.” His laughter mixed with yours as you handed his jacket back to him.
Rolling your eyes, Jaehyun helped you open your car door. “Anyways, are you up for a movie night this weekend?”
“No horror movies unless you want to end up in my arms.” He winked and you punched his arm playfully at his flirty banter.
“Don’t push it, Jae!” You giggled, entering your car to shield from the bitterness that was abandoned to linger in the air.
“Okay, princess. I’ll see you at your castle real soon.” With that, he closed your door and waved a small goodbye. Watching his figure disappear into his own vehicle, you realized the thought that Jaehyun was always the reason you started to love. Even in this reality, he was the reason you believed in a forever.
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ushiwakaout · 4 years
Valentine’s Day with the Haikyuu Boys
Various x Female Reader || Different Lover Tropes (sfw)
Iwaizumi Hajime (Friends to Lover Trope)
Y’all have been friends for as long as him and oikawa have been friends- but just a little more distant
You’re the person he goes to when he has girl problems or problems in general
So when he isn’t feeling particularly well about himself he goes to you.
He lays his head on your chest, your shoulder, your lap (usually 99% always your plush thighs)
He makes you play with his hair and his hands when he’s feeling sad because you care for him like no one else has (well, his mother but you know what I mean.)
But tell me why y’all haven’t dated. No one fucking knows. Not even oikawa.
So a few days before V-day you ask Iwa if he was a valentines and he says No and questions why you asked him.
You tell him not to worry and plan out everything
He’s like? “W-why? Why’d you do that?”
and you obviously have the tsundure qualities he has so your like “B-because i like you stupid!!! Now are you taking the damn gift or not? I know Oikawa would-”
He’s like- NO NO. Stop right there. “Give me that! SHITYKAWA WOULDNT APPRECIATE THIS THE WAY I WOULD!” Iwa is barking at this point
whole school it just watching you guys romantically bark at eachother
You: “YES.”
Iwa: “GOOD.”
You: “GREAT.”
it’s so awkward the whole day. like grossly awkward. but the tension dies down when you sit next to him during lunch and slowly caress the back of his hand the way you did when you weren’t dating
he’s glad you opened up to him because it would have taken him much longer to admit that he liked you
Time Skip Iwaizum Hajime 
Buys you a bouquet of 23 white roses the day before valentine’s day to give you the twenty-fourth on valentine’s day. He does this every year now.
You guys invite friends over because as (almost) 30 years old you think it’s a little cheesy, Hajime acts like its Valentines Day every day. So when Matsukawa and Hanamaki come over, they get really drunk and they appreciate you guys for not being lovey dovey around them and they start sobbing and laughing bc they’re single.
This becomes a tradition but ofc, sometime iwa calls ahead of time to tell them not to come over for... certain reasons.
He’s probably the cheesiest man on earth because he does not romance well- neither do you but he tries his best.
Would probably ask you to marry him on valentines day if you hadn’t told him before hand “If you even think about proposing on valentines day- I will rip out your organs... Ugh- thats so cheesy, everyone gets engaged on valentines day... Do it like the morning after new years or sum...”
*iwa secretly putting a red velvet box back in his underwear drawer* 
*laughing nerveously* “Hahaha, right- fucking stupid...”
You look at him blankly “Don’t tell me you where about to propose?”
Iwa: “NO! NOT AT ALL.”
You: “What are you hiding in your underwear drawer then, Hajime?”
Osamu Miya (Platonic)
You look so pretty when you come into the gym and everyones like “looking good y/n.” and it’s normal bc your their manager- ofc they’d hype you up.
But the closer they get, they notice your crying.
Osamu isn’t in the gym, he’s getting water in the back and he sees that Aran is holding you in his arms and he just knows something is wrong and everyone is trying to hold him back because he knowns exactly what happened. He’s calling Atsumu over and he’s ready.
Everyone is chasing them down and Osamu already has his guy pinned to the floor (lets just say he has baseball practice)
You’re rushing to get Osamu off but get gets a few swings in before you completely pull him off.
Samu: “You’re too good for this Idiot anyway.” he looks at Kita, “I’m ditching practice and I’m taking her out, I’m not taking no as an answer.”
It was the first time anyone has stood up to Kita and he just nods.
Samu: “Let me wash up, alright? I’ll take you somewhere nice.”
He kisses your forehead and runs your thumb on your cheek, “Stop crying, makes you look ugly.”
As much you wanted to frown, you bursted out a laugh before shoving him away, “Not as ugly as Atsumu.”
Time Skip Osamu Miya (Boss/Employee Trope)
Osamu calls you really early in the morning to ask you to work on valentines day. For some reason, he hates this day more than anything. He doesn’t like how girls (of all ages) bring him stuff and he ALWAYS has to reject them but now since your working you’re the the ones who kicks them out.
He loves watching you run them away with a sweet smile and when you turn around you have the most annoyed look on your face, it’s really cute.
Samu: “Thank you princess.”
You: “Yeah, shut up and get to cookin’ boss.”
He just smirks and tilts his little onigiri hat and starts on orders again
Once the shift is over and the restaurant is closed, cleaned and organized, you’re waiting for him at one of the tables you didn’t pick up yet and he brings you out a really cute meal.
You: “What’s this for?”
Samu: “A thank you, for- *clears throat* not leaving my side... and I-uh don’t want you to do so, any time soon.”
You’re looking at him blankly. He forgot how blunt he had to be with you.
Samu: “I- God, I’m trying to ask you to be my girlfriend.”
You: “OH! Oh my god.... Really? Are you sure?”
Samu: “Y/n, I- You’re lucky I love you....”
You: “L-Love me?”
He looks at you like a deer caught in the headlights... “Uh-I uh... crap- I didn’t mean-”
You: “Shut up and kiss you Idiot.”
Samu: “Okay- yeah good idea.”
Matsukawa Issei (Best Friends Older Sister || First Love Trope) @sloppykyuu
You’re only two years older than him but ever since he became friends with Hanamaki (around the age of 7) he came over once and you bumped into him and he blushed to the point he looked like a cherry tomato
Maki thought it was gross that he suddenly started liking his older step sister
You and Hanamaki get along really well now (You’re 18, making Maki and Matsun are 16), so whenever Matsukawa is around you jokingly called him “Nii-san.” When Hanamaki wasn’t there and he spit out his drink. 
You laughed so hard and just ruffled his hair a little and left him alone for the rest of the day
Ofc you teased him a lot but the second you turned 18, they cooled down a lot. 
So when he gives you a bouquet of Sakurasou (Primula Sieboldii, which signify desire and long lasting love. 
Matsukawa: “ Please accept the flowers- I know you’ve been keeping your distance because of your age and you don’t have to accept my feelings for you but please accept these flowers.”
The sweetest boy you’ll ever meet ngl, “Thank you Matsun...” you gave him a kiss on the cheek and ruffled his hair. “As me again when you’re older, yeah? I’ll always be willing to give you a chance.”
Timeskip Matsukawa Issei
When he turns 18, you weren’t single. He was so miserable watching you be happy but when you come home a little sad looking, Hanamaki and him are pretty confused when you tell them that YOU broke up with your boyfriend
Maki: “Everything was going alright with you guys- what happened?”
You: “I uh- I lost feelings... Nothing against him or anything, I just... just happen to like someone else now.”
You don’t look at Matsukawa so he’s like- ugh.... another guy? he’s heartbroken just a little.
3 years later when both of you got drunk when Maki was out for a valentines day date- Matsun was like, “Admit it already, you’ll never find a guy who dedicates to you the way I have.”
You’re a blushing mess since your drunk and you just pin him to the floor, a little teary eyed, “Maybe your right... Maybe I should give you your chance. You’re still so in love with me? After all this time?”
He brushes a strand of hair away from your face and smiles, “Of course I have... You I would have lasted being friends with Maki if it weren’t for you?”
Both of you laugh but you lay your body on him as he wrapped his arms around you, kissing your forehead as your step brother grimaced at the sight. “Took both of you long enough, disgusting...”
 Ushijima Wakatoshi (Reunion Romance Trope)
You’ve known Ushijima the longest out of everyone, even Tendo. And every year you ask him to be your valentines and he agrees bc your friends.
From the start it was always a friendly thing but at some point, your feelings for him changed during high school.
You don’t tell him, you never dared because you know his dedication towards volleyball would always go before his feelings.
One day you’re down the hall from his class and you notice that he’s talking to a girl- or more the girl is talking to him, so you hide in the corner. She was offering him a box of chocolates but he politely denies by saying “There’s only one girl who’s allowed to be my valentines, but please don’t take this personally, she mean’s everything to me.”
D-did you just here that right? Your leaning against the wall and sliding your back all the way to the floor, blushing like a mad woman.
So when Ushijima walks down the hall and sees a small figure to his side, he’s really worried as to why you are on the floor looking hot. “Y/n? Are you alright? Do you have a fever?” 
You’re trying so heard not to breathe onto his face but then he looks into your eyes when hes doing this and you shove his gift onto his chest. “PLEASE GET OUT OF MY FACE AND J-JUST TAKE THEM, IM FINE...” His warm fingers graze your for a second when he takes the chocolates and you just can’t do it anymore “I N-NEED TO GO NOW, BYE TOSHI- WAKATOSHI.”
Doesn’t question you, like ever.
During graduation you tell everyone that you are leaving over seas and Toshi honestly looks like a kicked puppy- his best friends, they’re all leaving. 
You’re crying into his arms when he’s dropping you off at the airport.
Timeskip Ushijima Wakatoshi
7 years. It’s been 7 years since wakatoshi has see your pretty face. 
You send a valentines post card and somehow it always gets there a day before, the day after or sometimes- even on valentines day.
You forced him to give you his address when he moves every time bc you send him a basket of goods. Usually a fruit arrangements bc you know he has a sweet tooth for fruits covered in chocolate- even tho he doesn’t really understand them
But this year nothing has arrived yet, until you text him to open the door since something was dropped off.
He’s a little confused as to why you noticed him but he opened the door, and there you where- standing right in front of him with luggage and his yearly valentines gift. 
“You’re looking at me like you’ve seen a ghost?”
He doesn’t say anything but pull you into a hug.
“...I missed you too big guy.”
After several, long virtual calls- he finally got to see you in person.
He pulls you back and looks a little upset.
You: “What? What’d I do?”
Toshi: “I might have sent flowers to your home.”
You low key wanna start crying, “What kind of flowers?”
Toshi: “Um.... anarrangementoftwentyfourwhiterosesbecauseiwantedtotellyouhowifeltbutididntknowhowtodoitanyotherwayandididntwanttodoitthroughacomputerscreen.”
You: “I hope you know, I understood every single word you just said.”
You give him a soft smile and lean down to pick something up that was covered by your bags. A bouquet of 24 white roses.
You: “I think... I feel the same way.”
He has never wanted to kiss someone so bad.
Toshi:“May I kiss you?”
You: “Do you really have to ask?”
Sakusa Kiyoomi  (Enemies To Lovers || Secret Admirer Trope)
You probably get 20 confessions on valentines day every year, every time it’s the same handwriting and sometimes it’s new.
But one day, a specific letter get’s into your desk instead of your locker, a black envelope with a white pearly wax stamp with silver lettering on the back “From your secret admirer :]”
The smiley face is a little distorted and you smile at it, but it turns into a scowl when Sakusa naps it from your fingertips. Luckily it was lunch and not may people where in this class. “Secret admirer? Who’d like your dumbass.”
You pull the note out of his hands and sit back down, “Maybe a bigger dumbass, now leave alone asshole.”
He rolls his eyes and sits on his desk, that just happens to be at your back left.
He noticed the smile you had on your lips when you sat back down and looked at the letter. He could tell that your mood had changed when you leaned back and read the letter with awe. He obviously couldn’t tell you in was him.
If he did, you’d probably think it was a joke. But it was nothing like that, he never meant to create an awful relationship between you to but he had made a nasty joke about you and you happen to overhear and have disliked him every since.
He’s kept the bully act ever since and now doesn’t know how to go back.
You looked giddy all day after reading the love letter he left for you, he didn’t know how to feel.
He never stopped sending the letters.
Around the third year, they began to stop and so did Sakusas bullying- but only because you didn’t have any classes together. So when one day you’re walking towards your locker, really late because you had to clean up the classroom. You see him slide a letter in your locker. 
You don’t confront him right then and there but you decide to let him walk a way just a little before you quickly get to your locker and open the letter.
You scan over the letter and you see that famous distorted smiley face and all the feelings they had written down. You where furious.
“Hey Sakusa!” You somehow where able to catch up to him and pushed his back as he walked away. “Is this funny to you?! Is messing with people’s feelings fucking funny to you?”
When he turned around he didn’t expect to see you crying, so he just stood like a deer caught in the headlights. 
“Answer me! Why’d you do this? Three years, three fucking years I thought this was someone who actually had feelings for me, someone I thought I could fall in love with myself but I guess this was just some joke right? Some prank? Who wrote these? You know what- It doesn’t even matter. Fuck you and your fucking letter.” You shoved the letter at his chest and push him in the process.
 He freezes a little but he’s running to catch up with you, “Y/n! Y/n stop walking away. L-Let me explain. Y/N!” He’s able to snatch your wrist and pull you towards him.
The tears are still running down your cheeks and his heart is shattering. “It wasn’t a joke. It- it was never a joke, never a dare. I promise, every word in those letters, are what I truly feel.”
You: “Bull- How do I even know that you wrote them in the first place, you can just be the messenger.”
Oomi: “If you put every letter together, it spells my name.”
You roll your eyes at him. 
Oomi: “Don’t believe me?
You: “Of course I don’t.”
“Fine, umm.....”
Both of you didn’t really notice how his hand was still wrapped around your wrist. “Every time I just happen to catch a glance at you when you aren’t looking, it seems like peace on earth... There is no other sight i’d rather see then to see you smile at me, at me only. I want you to look at me the way you look at them but I know in my heart that it will take years for you to look at me that way.”
You pull your wrist away from his hand and wipe your face clean from the tear that have dried down.
“The day you heard me make fun of you... I don’t have any excuses for it. I did it and I regret it and- and I’m so sorry.”
You shake your head and begin to laugh... “I don’t even want to believe you.”
“I know, I just please let me make it up to you.”
Timeskip Sakusa Kiyoomi
You: “Oomi, I thought you hated valentines day.”
Oomi: “I do, but you deserve flowers because I was an asshole for so long.”
You: “... that was like 8 years ago...”
Oomi “Your point?
He hands you over the flowers and gives you a soft kiss. “You deserve so much more, and every day I will give you more, understand?”
You begin to giggle mid kiss, “Yes sir.”
Oomi: “Do you still have those letters?”
You: “Of course, I read them every time your gone.”
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we-love-imagines · 4 years
Sweet Words, Sweet Lies
Valentine’s Event: Day 5
Prompt: Caesar + Roses
Ao3 Link
Author’s Note: Hello again everyone! Today we have everyone’s favorite flirt, Caesar! The only warnings in this one are some suggestive themes (no actual nsfw) and while the reader is gender neutral, Caesar refers to the reader using female Italian pet-names (Like Cara instead of Caro). Enjoy!
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You had known Caesar for quite a while. Even before you were formally introduced, the man had a reputation surrounding him: a no-good Casanova who would treat you like royalty before kicking you to the curb. When you started training together under Lisa Lisa, you saw that there was more to him- but after seeing so many ‘partners’ come and go from his life, you knew his trail of broken hearts was lengthy and loveless.
That’s why, when his advances started to be directed at you, you were having none of it. You two were friendly enough, so you played along for a little bit, always quipping back at his pick-up lines or pointing out his wandering eyes. As of late, however, you’ve been getting more and more frustrated with his insistent begging to go on a date with you. While he certainly was attractive, a capable man many desired to have for a partner, you refused to fall for the pickup-artist’s charms.
“Cara, you don’t know what you’re missing,” he spoke, trailing behind you as you went back to your bedroom after the day’s training, “Just spend one dinner with me, you won’t regret it.”
“Are you sure? It looks like a lot of people regret spending their evenings with you. Like Rosemary, Patrizia, Mattia-”
“-All satisfied customers!”
“How do you know they’re satisfied when you never see them again, hm?”
As you reached the door to your bedroom, Caesar fell silent behind you. You were afraid, for a moment, that you hurt the young mans feelings; however, as you turned around, you saw the roguish grin on his lips.
“Look, Tesoro,” he purred, taking one of your hands into his own, “I know I have an... experienced reputation, but I would move Heaven and Earth for the chance to woo you. All I ask is that you give me the chance.”
Before he could bring the back of your hand to his lips, you pulled away from him. He looked bewildered for a moment, confident those words would work on you, before straightening back up.
Opening your door in a huff, you spat, “How many people did you use the ‘Heaven and Earth’ line on? I’d rather keep my dignity than be another notch in your belt, Caesar.” With that, you went into your room and slammed the door in his face. He flinched as the distinct sound of a lock turning hit his ears, silence filling the hall soon after.
While you were right about a few things- Caesar had used that line on someone else before, and he really only wanted to get in your pants- you were still missing one key piece of information on Caesar. Like most flirts, he loved ‘the chase’, the two-and-fro as he slowly made you fall for him and give into his advances. You were certainly not the first person who rejected him at first, but they all eventually came around. If you were going to play hard to get, Caesar would just have to up the ante.
The next morning, you opened your bedroom door to find a single pink rose waiting for you on the floor. The day after that, another. The day after that, there was a whole bouquet at your feet.
You weren’t dumb, this had Caesar written all over it. You had even seen him give flowers to potential lovers before; it was an easy, cliché trick he used to get people to fall for him quickly. While you would take the roses and keep them in your room, since no pretty flower deserved to wither away on the floor, you paid them very little mind. It’s not like his aggressive flirting or fleeting touches were letting up- this little plot was weak, at best.
That was, until, the letters began arriving. Attached to the fanciful bouquets, which were growing larger and certainly more expensive by the day, were little notes and messages written in Caesar’s handwriting. 
You told yourself you wouldn’t surrender yourself to him, but Oddio, this man could write! The blood rushed to your cheeks as you read paragraph after paragraph of praise from him, about how strong, beautiful, and capable you were. With the grace and skill of a poet, he compared your eyes to the moon and stars, you voice to the sweet chirpings of birds, and your intelligence to that of a scholar. 
For a few days, it was flattering to read his wonderful letters, a smile spreading across your face when you’d find one attached to some roses at your door. Eventually, however, you had to sadly tuck the letters away. You knew he wasn’t writing from the heart, that he was just abusing those sweet words to spend a single night with you then throw you away like the others. Not having the heart to throw them away, you placed them in the back of a drawer somewhere in your room, hoping you could ignore them for the time being.
Little did you know, those letters had sparked something new in Caesar. Writing letters was a new tactic for him, something he was driven to because you didn’t react as he planned to the expensive flowers, but he was taking a liking to it. The first letter was simple enough, a barrage of compliments that would make anyone’s heart swell. Hiding behind a corner, he secretly watched as you read it to yourself- while your cheeks turned a light pink, it didn’t get a very big reaction out of you.
So, he began writing about things more unique to you- your soft-looking lips, your exceptional skill with Hamon, your kind nature; suddenly, he found himself writing longer, more passionate pieces than before. Sometimes, he’d catch his mind wandering to you, wondering if you’d ever like to call your partner pet-names. He began to feel worried for you if you got hurt during Hamon training, feeling like he failed to protect you, even though it was just a training exercise. Caesar also noticed that he started going out of his way to be around you, not just to try and romance you, but to just feel your soothing presence.
Was he falling for you? 
No, no that couldn’t be. You were a fling, nothing more, he had never felt that strongly for anyone.
Snapping out of his thoughts, he looked down at the letter he was composing for you. He had already filled up two pieces of paper just musing about your character, front and back, and he was nowhere near done. Sighing, he thought there was no reason to deny his feeling further. He had it bad for you.
The next morning, you expected to find another bundle of roses and a love letter at your door. At this point, you hadn’t even read the last few letters, just tossing them into your drawer so you could ignore your growing feelings for Caesar. 
But, much to your surprise, you opened the door to see the very man you were trying to push aside standing right in your doorway. He held a very large bouquet in hand, full of roses in various colors, wrapped in a bright white bow. You were tempted to roll your eyes and send him away, but the nervous expression on his face intrigued you.
“Caesar?” you quirked an eyebrow, foregoing a greeting and cutting right to the chase.
“Ciao, Cara,” he smiled, anxiously rubbing the back of his neck, “These are for you.”
As he handed you the large bouquet, your eyebrow somehow went even higher. His face was the slightest bit red, so little one could barely notice it, and he was nervously trying to find a place for his hands as you eyed him up and down.
“Mind if I speak freely?” he asked, letting you think for a moment before nodding. Taking a deep breath, he began to let everything out.
“Look, (Y/n)- I know you think I’m a bad guy. I’ve done some pretty sleazy things in the past, and you totally have a right to be weary of me. You figured me out pretty fast, y’know? I’ll admit, at first, I did just want to fool around with you, nothing more.”
Your expression quickly soured with disgust, so Caesar decided to get to the point before you slammed your door in his face.
“-But, (Y/n), you changed me. I’ve never felt this way about anyone before. Writing those letters and buying you these roses became the highlight of my day. I mean every word I write, Amore. I really, really like you.”
For a moment, you stood there, heat rising in your cheeks. Your stomach was full of butterflies, your heart pounding full of love for the beautiful, well-written man who just confessed to you. Your mind, on the other hand, was trying to get you to see things logically: Was he being honest? Was this all an act?
“Caesar, I-” you mindlessly spoke, trying to get your head and heart to agree on how you were feeling, “-How do I know you’re telling the truth?”
“I thought you might ask that,” he laughed nervously, taking your free hand into his, “I’m really asking a lot for you to trust me. I totally understand if you refuse me, I haven’t been the nicest guy with you.”
Rubbing a gentle circle into the back of your hand, he gave you a pleading smile.
“-But I can promise you that there will be a second date.”
Reluctantly, you accepted his offer, hesitantly accompanying him to his favorite restaurant in town.
You really enjoyed that first date. And the second. And the third. And the one-hundredth!
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Facts & Trivia || Izumo Kusanagi
The following is part of a series of posts made by me. The information listed is official canon provided by GoRa. Sources will go from the anime, to mangas and novels as well as official short stories. These are NOT fanmade headcanons. The purpose of these posts is to provide useful information for fans as well as roleplayers looking for confirmed lore for their muses. Please do not reply to argue with me about what you read here. I did not come up with this stuff myself. GoRa did. I’ll come back to edit these as I find more info.
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Born on April 10, 1986 (The same year as Ryūhō Kamo and Mitsuha Kurayama).
He speaks with a soft accent from the region of Kansai.
The first clansman of Mikoto Suoh alongside Tatara Totsuka, co-founder of Homra since 2007, when he was 21.
He acts as a “mother” to the clansmen of Homra, according to Totsuka.
His Homra insigna is on the right shoulder blade, opposite of Totsuka’s.
He is the strategist of Homra and acts as a spokesperson for Suoh Mikoto, as the King doesn’t like to talk much. While Suoh doesn’t choose for his clansmen and lets them do as they like, it is typically Kusanagi to give them instructions.
He is also the main informant of the Red Clan, thanks to his many underground connections. Before Fushimi left Homra, Kusanagi had hoped to pass down this role to him.
Because of this, he was one of the Homra members most affected and disappointed when Fushimi left. But unlike Yata, Kusanagi decided to respect Fushimi’s choice.
Kusanagi gets information out of people typically through intimidation. He is particularly good at frightening his victims with veiled threats to burn their faces and other body parts.
Heavy smoker, he can turn small embers and flames into explosive fire projectiles. He often uses his cigarettes and zippo lighter as a medium in battle.
He met Mikoto Suoh and Tatara Totsuka in high school and the three of them have been friends since.
Has attended college.
He can speak fluent English.
Owner or bar Homra in Shizume City, which he inherited from his uncle.
He repeatedly asks Homra clansmen to enter from the back during business hours, probably to not give the bar a scary reputation that could chase away customers.
He organizes “cleaning weeks” for his bar, involving several clansmen.
He loves his bar dearly and can become furious if anything happens to it. The best known strategy when that happens is to run away and wait for him to calm down.
He cares much for the quality of his drinks, even going as far as traveling from England to purchase liquor. The bar furniture is also imported from England.
Though keeping a gentleman air to himself, he can be rather brutal. He often beats up the other clansmen with a smile on his face, and has no hesitation in yelling at the Red King. Even Suoh seems to be a bit afraid of him, apologizing with his head low when accidentally ruining the bar.
He’s a parent figure to Anna, being the only one who will try to discipline her when she crosses the line of common sense (such as trying to keep a horse in the bar). That said, he has a soft spot for her and hardly can say no when she insists.
Appears jokingly flirt with Seri Awashima, though without ever getting vulgar (He even calls her Seri-chan, as though they are close), and he often jokes about her cold rejections. Though he’ll playfully pretend to be hurt by this, he doesn’t appear to really be, showing that his feelings towards her are closer to friendship than romantic interest.
Also calls her “tundra woman”, because of her seriousness and no sense of humor.
From as early as high school he was pretty level headed, not allowing others drag him into doing careless things. He often lost at tests of courage against Suoh and Totsuka for the sake of putting safety first.
This also shows that he’s not the type of guy to care for his own pride.
Even today he’s always the voice of reason in Homra, speaking up against any reckless or dumb ideas his fellow clansmen may have.
He’s enthusiastic of Kamamoto’s summer transformation and always makes sure to hire him as a waiter for the season to lure girls to the bar for business.
He thinks at his age he cannot be as direct in approaching and courting girls.
He doesn’t believe in ghosts and doesn’t seem to get scared in spooky settings.
He once gave canned peaches to Totsuka when he had a cold. This made it so that Totsuka did the same for Kuroh when he found him sick with fever.
He is considered the most romantic in the clan, having the best ideas on how to impress a lady. His suggestion for Anna’s birthday was to give her a bouquet of red roses gifted from each member of the clan individually.
Kusanagi was aware of the consequences of Suoh’s actions (that would lead to his death) from the beginning, as the Red King told him so after Totsuka’s death in private.
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It had been two months since they had heard from Azazel. No calls or texts. No randomly showing up at the house. No making grand declarations at her work. Absolute silence.
It was enough that the others felt they could begin to relax on their "security detail" and let Jacqueline go places unaccompanied. She had her phone, she had means of keeping herself safe, and it looked like Azazel had finally gotten it through his head that she didn't want him.
So Jacqueline didn't think anything of it when a nervous looking man came into her shop asking her to check his house for wayward spirits. It wasn't a super common thing, but she did make "house calls" on occasion.
Her "skeevy sense" pricked slightly when he tried to insist that she ride with him in his car, but chalked it up to the man's nerves about the ghosts in his house. Nothing new there. A quick text to the guys to say she was going out, and she headed to her car.
The house itself was entirely unremarkable. One of those cookie cutter suburban places. Again, no real reason for her to suspect anything was amiss.
The banality of the situation was quickly shattered, however. She had taken maybe two steps into the home when she felt something sharp pierce the side of her neck. A moment later, it felt like all her limbs were made of lead and the world was spinning around her.
Drugged. She had been drugged. It was a trap, and she fell for it. Shit.
She woke up god knows how many hours later, groggy and finding herself sitting on a chair of some kind in a dimly lit room. Her head was pounding, but when she tried to reach up and massage her temples she realized her hands were tied to the arms of the chair.
The last thing she heard before blacking out was "I'm so sorry, but I needed the money..."
Great. Wonderful. Fantastic. She finally felt safe enough to go out on her own, and this shit happens. How could this possibly get any worse?
"Good morning, starshine~" crooned a familiar voice in the dark, as if to answer her question. Yes, yes it could absolutely get worse for her.
The lights suddenly brightened, causing her to shut her eyes and recoil back into the chair. When she was finally able to open her eyes again, her worst fear--and annoyance quite frankly--was confirmed. There stood Azazel, grinning broadly at her. Wearing a dark purple suit and holding a bouquet of red roses this time.
"Tah-dah~" he posed with a flourish, looking rather pleased with himself and oblivious to Jacqueline's rising anger.
"You paid someone to kidnap me??" Were the first words out of her mouth, her voice shrill in her fury. "What in the actual fuck is wrong with you??"
"Well how else am I going to get an audience with you? You've got a fucking goon squad following you around like lost puppies twenty-four seven!"
"Oooooooooor you could give me my damn space and respect that I've rejected your advances twice now??"
"And let another man have what's mine?" Azazel chuckled darkly, shaking his head at the notion. "Absolutely not."
"How long are you going to keep up this game, Doll? How long are you going to make me wait for you to admit your feelings for me? I like a chase as much as the next guy, but this is downright cruelty, babe. Is it my looks? Do you prefer redheads now? Will that help?"
He didn't give her a chance to refute the ridiculous statement that she somehow belonged to him before launching into another of his diatribes.
As he spoke, his hair went from brunette to a very particular, very familiar shade of red. Jacqueline swallowed hard and said nothing, seething quietly as he continued.
"Or is it his face in particular that's caught your fancy, hm?"
He stepped closer to her, his face shifting until she was staring back...at Gizmo. But he looked wrong. There was no softness in his expression, Azazel's grin making it too malicious. Like he was wearing a poorly made mask, rather than a perfect imitation.
"Is this what you like, hm?" he breathed, leaning in so that "his" face was closer to hers. "Pale, ginger vampires is what get you going these days? I'm willing to be this for you, if you'll give me a kiss~."
Jacqueline inhaled deeply through her nose, smiled sweetly at Azazel...and then headbutted him right on the bridge of his nose, causing him to shriek in pain and stumble backwards. She laughed, delighting in causing him a little pain after what he'd put her through.
"Bitch!" He gasped, holding a hand over his now bleeding nose. The shock was enough that he reverted back to his usual face. "I'm doing this for YOU! Why must you be so difficult??"
There was a moment where Jacqueline was quiet, the gears turning in her head as she weighed her options. She would have to be smart if she wanted to get out of this. Time to give him a show.
"Oh, Ace, I'm so sorry," her voice cracked in just the right way to be believable, tears welling up in her eyes. "You're right. I've taken this way too far, and you've been so patient with me when I've been so cruel to you."
She dropped her head and slumped her shoulders, sniffling pitifully for good measure. He perked up at her sudden change in tune, not seeming the least bit suspicious.
"I have been patient, haven't I?" He mused, smirking to himself.
"Endlessly so! It's just...I've been hurt so many times before and it makes me irrational sometimes. I never really meant to hurt you, darling. I just have so many feelings inside me I don't know what to do with them. But you've broken down my walls with your persistence and I'm ready to lay my heart on the line again~"
Gods she hoped she was being believable enough. It was making her want to puke. But he seemed to be eating it up, looking like the cat that ate the canary as he hung onto her every word.
"I knew I'd get you eventually~" he chirped, striding back to her and kneeling so he was eye level with her. "You really had me going there for a moment, angel face. With the salt and the kicking me out and letting that ginger kid hang around."
"Gotta make the chase exciting, don't I~?" She chuckled, leaning closer and looking at him with sultry eyes. "Um, darling? The restraints? Are they really necessary at this point?"
"Oh right! Sorry, Doll, I totally forgot about that. Save those for the bedroom, hmm~?"
She waited until he was busy untying her wrists to roll her eyes, making sure to laugh at his "hilarious" joke to keep up the ruse. There were rope burn marks on her wrists from her struggling earlier, but he didn't seem to concerned about it. His focus was on pulling her to her feet, dipping her "romantically" and kissing her.
It took every ounce of self control to fight the urge to punch him, allowing the kiss to go on just long enough for her to yank free the little vial hanging from her neck under her shirt. Holy water. Not enough to really hurt him, but enough to incapacitate him for a few minutes.
She splashed it right in his face, again causing him to scream in pain and recoil away from her. He was still screaming and writhing as she ran for the front door, yanking it open with all her might and stumbling outside.
As soon as she was out of the threshold of the house, her phone, which until that point had been silent, began pinging rapidly. Dozens of texts and missed calls and frantic voicemails. Azazel had apparently gone to great lengths to conceal her from everyone else. She waited until she was in her car and driving to send out a mass text.
"I'm alright. Will explain when I get home. Prepare alcohol plz. Need more permanent solution for Azazel."
The guys were never gonna let her out of their sight again after this.
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holylulusworld · 5 years
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Summary: Lost in low self-esteem you find someone loving you the way you are.
Pairing: Jensen x Reader
Warnings: angst, mentions of infidelity/unrequited feelings, comforting, fluff, tension, smut, unprotected sex, possessive Jensen, breeding kink (a hint), there’s a hint of dark!Jensen or rather he’s sneaky, overuse of the pet name “Sweetheart”
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“You okay over there, Sweetheart?” Blinking a few times, you can’t believe Jensen Ackles is talking to you. “Did you hear me?”
“Yeah, sorry. I was just trying to find out which tea I want to order or something.” Lying you want to hide you thought about your break-up four months ago.
“I know you are not okay, and for sure you didn’t think about tea or a cupcake, Sweetheart. Just tell me what’s wrong. We are one big family here.” Jensen steps closer, gently placing one hand onto your shoulder.
“It’s nothing.” Sniffling you wipe a few tears away. “I just thought about my ex-boyfriend and why I was not enough. Maybe I should cut my hair or lose weight. I don’t know…”
“Y/N, that’s your name, right?” Nodding you look at the floor not meeting Jensen’s eyes. “Why are you saying something like that? Your hair looks great, you look great, more than great, Sweetheart.”
Using the pet name again Jensen steps closer to order your favorite tea and a coffee, along with two cupcakes.
“How do you know my favorite tea?” While you look puzzled at Jensen who is busy to grab his order he smirks at you, tilting his head to brush his lips over your ear.
“I was stalking you, Y/N. How about we sit over there, and you tell me about your shitty ex and why you believe you need to change.” Following Jensen toward a bench, you sigh as you sit next to him.
“Malcolm, that’s my ex, he said after I caught him with his ex-girlfriend that I’m boring and fat, not sexy enough. He said that’s the reason he cheated on me.” Nibbling at the cupcake Jensen handed you your eyes refuse to meet Jensen’s.
“Sweetheart, you are not fat nor boring to me. I like my girl with curves and all.” Something predatory in his gaze Jensen leans closer, lips inches from the sweet spot behind your ear. “I’d like to see more of you.”
Shivering you got no clue why someone like Jensen would flirt with you. He’s way out of your league and you are sure this must be a sick bet or something.
“If that’s a bet, you will lose it, okay. I know it’s funny to you to hurt other people, but I had my share of hurting for this year. Just leave me be…” Sniffling you toss the cupcake away before you run toward the exit, angrily wiping the tears away.
“Holy…What did you say to her, Jay?” Blinking Jensen shrugs, not knowing what he did wrong. “I thought you wanted to ask her out.”
“I got no clue, Misha. I saw her standing near the food truck and tried to talk to her. I swear I didn’t say anything wrong. Shit…” Running after you Jensen drops his coffee during his chase.
“Wait! Y/N, please wait…” Panting he finally corners you, pressing you against a trailer. “Jesus you are fast for such a tiny girl…”
“I’m not that small…” Predatory look all over his face again Jensen smirks, humming against your ear.
“You are tiny and cute…” His lips brush your sweet spot this time and you press your hands weakly against Jensen’s chest. “I like you, okay. Whatever you thought about me, you are wrong. There’s no bet going on or something.”
“I’m not cute or dumb. Why should someone like you be into me? I’m just…” Looking down your body you shrug. “Plain and meek.”
“Sweetheart, you make me go crazy here. I’m telling you one last time my girl is beautiful, sexy and according to what I know about you smart too. Now let’s talk about having dinner tonight.” Gasping you feel his hand's cup your face before his lips press against yours.
“Mr. Ackles?”
“Jensen, or Jay. I’m not Mr. Ackles to you, Sweetheart. My girl won’t call me Mr. Ackles.” You want to feel flattered, but the predatory look Jensen gives you is something you never saw before and it frightens you a bit.
“I’m not…”
Lips silence you once again Jensen moves his fingers into your hair, pressing you against his lips.
“You’re my girl, Y/N. Now let me tell you how you can make up to me that you thought I’m not honest…”
Weeks passed and slowly you got used to Jensen being always around. He insisted on you moving closer to his house. Also, he wants you to stay at his trailer during filming and he never leaves you out of sight for long.
He calls it love; you slowly doubt love should suffocate you. On the other hand, you are falling hard for the handsome and caring man, still, there’s this nagging voice telling you Jensen didn’t joke about stalking you.
“Hey, Baby. I got a surprise for you.” Jensen shows you a bouquet of roses and your heart melts, while the nagging voice falls silent.
“This is too much, Jensen.” Sniffling you gently touch the roses. “But those are beautiful. No one ever gave me such beautiful flowers…” Jensen smiles, licking his lips as you hug him tightly, leaning your head against his chest. “Thank you, Jay. I…love you…”
A gasp leaves Jensen’s lips as his eyes darken and his cock twitched in interest.
“How about we spend the night at my house, and we can have a nice evening?” Jensen whispers as you hold him tighter.
“I want to stay tonight…”
“I know…”
Your voice is hoarse from moaning Jensen’s name. His rough hands pin yours down to his bed as he possessively drives into you, calling you his Sweetheart while he looks at you underneath him.
“So beautiful for me, call my name, Sweetheart.” Jensen groans as you wrap your legs tightly around his waistline, nodding eagerly to urge him on.
“Please…harder…Jay…” Your cries turn Jensen on like nothing before. He had his doubts, was afraid you would reject him but here you are, trembling under his body, crying out for more of him.
“Hold tight…” Hands pressing Jensen to your body, soles digging into his lower back you try to meet his thrusts.
Lost in the pleasure you overhear his praises or that he calls you his repeatedly.
All you hear are his heavy pants and your voice calling his name, praising him with every snap of his hips.
“I never…please…oh…Jay…” Your nails scratch down his back, causing Jensen to shudder on top of you as your walls ache for release.
“Come for me, Sweetheart, give your future husband all you have in you…”
Tears well up to your eyes as the coil snaps and you cry out one last time, not caring he didn’t use protection.
While Jensen bucks into you, filling you with his cum you lie underneath him, limp, mind clouded by pure pleasure.
“What did you mean with husband?” The predatory look is back and you moan as Jensen licks into your mouth, silencing your doubts with his lips.
“I will marry you, Y/N. I’m old-fashioned. If we have a baby, I’ll marry you before you show…” Your eyes round and you look down your connected bodies, whimpering as Jensen’s cum seeps out of you.
“Baby…whoa…slow down, Jay. We barely know each other. It’s not that I do not want a baby but…” Your protest gets swallowed by his lips once again and you melt as his hands tangle in your hair.
“I want a baby with you, want you to become my wife but we can take it slow, Y/N. You’re the one, I just knew it from the moment you started to work on set.” Jensen whispers between kisses. “I love you, and you will always be my girl…”
Your body limp in his arms, mind exhausted you rest your heavy head on Jensen’s pillow. His lips pressed against your throat, arms tightly around your body he calls you his Sweetheart again.
“You knew from the moment you met me?” Whimpering you let Jensen nip at your neck, groaning as you feel too good in his arms. “Yeah…” Husking the words against your ear Jensen smirks as you fall silent.
“Malcolm never said such a thing. I think he only wanted me to get off, or to not be alone. Some people only have a relationship to not feel alone. I don’t want this anymore. I…” Shushing you Jensen holds your tighter, pressing your soft body against his chest.
“I want more than someone to be with me for not feeling alone, too. You know, commitment and all. Malcolm never was the right man for you, I knew when he came to set to talk to you.” Jensen’s hand gently caresses your skin and you are close to falling asleep when Jensen’s words let your eyes snap open.
“You met Malcolm?” Wondering when Jensen met your ex you turn around in his arms, blinking at the dark look on his face. “When…?”
“Some months ago that guy came to the set, looking for you. He was pissed as you had to work and Jared told him to wait. Malcolm isn’t a patient guy and started to sneak around the set. I had to tell him to wait and he was going at me like a feral dog.” Jensen smirks, pressing his lips to your forehead.
“I’m sorry, he always was impatient and…”
“That’s not your fault, Sweetheart, only his. I was waiting for you to come around and kept an eye on him. We started to talk, and I might have let slip I believe you are way too good for him…sorry…” Jensen’s eyes tell a different story but you nod, not wanting to remember your ex.
“Maybe you are right…” Sighing you hang your head low, but Jensen lifts your chin with his index finger, shaking his head. “Don’t do this. He never deserved you and I made clear he got the message…”
“I told him so. I guess he thought about my words and that’s the reason he cheated on you. I’m sorry…” Hiding your face into Jensen’s chest you can’t see the smirk on his plump lips.
What Jensen didn’t tell you is the fact he called you his Sweetheart in front of Malcolm and that he paid the man you called your boyfriend to stay away from you.
That Malcolm cheated on you wasn’t the plan, but Jensen takes what he gets.
From the moment you entered the set, he knew you will be his. Not just his girl, no…his Sweetheart…”
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Dean/Jensen Forever Tags     
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revolution-john · 3 years
Madam Dixon
What set the whole thing off was Sam Heintzman leaving a vase of long-stem roses on her front step. It was early still, around seven, and she heard something outside the front door. She peeked out the window and saw Sam waddling back towards his place across the street.  They were beautiful, the roses, and the ring in the middle of the vase were all open and singing, and the ones around the lip, for some reason, huddled in on themselves like little old ladies wrapped in shawls.  A tiny card taped to the vase read, “Let me know if you need anything.  My deepest sympathy.  –Sam.” She leaned in, closed her eyes, and took a deep breath.
Sam, who had been an engineer at the Cape, was recently retired.  His job had been something to do with making the tiles on the front of the space shuttles.  But now he alternated between working in his yard and sitting in a lawn chair in his driveway, drinking canned beer and admiring his landscaping while the sprinklers ran. He had almost no fingernails, and his fingers were nubby at the ends.  Nubbiness, she’d often thought, was his defining feature. On more than one occasion, she’d seen him pop a beer tab with his house key. She couldn’t imagine “needing” anything from him.
Rich and Sam hadn’t exactly been friends, but living so close to each other for so many years, they’d became steady acquaintances, treated each other in that excessively cordial way that people do who don’t know each other intimately; all those handshakes and nods and winks and courteous chuckles—affirming gestures, like two salesmen.  Plus they both spoke the dull Latin of lawn care.  She recalled how on late afternoons the two of them would walk slowly around their or Sam’s yard, each with a can of beer in hand, pointing at various imposters, pulling them up and naming them: tickseed, dollar weed, chick weed, etc., etc.  She didn’t know the language.  It was an easy way for them to be, but she saw the way Sam looked at her sometimes.  She thought Rich noticed, too, but he was not the jealous type.  Never was one to get territorial.  
              She didn’t really feel like visiting, but probably should, she thought, go thank him for the roses before it got too late.  For some reason, she thought about how hard she’d found it to be alone at night, especially not being a sound sleeper. That was the most pronounced absence she felt in the wake of Rich’s death—his not being there, next to her, when she lay in bed at night.  It was just her now when she’d wake up at two or three in the morning; her and the intermittent sounds of the night settled down around the house, gently crushing it into the dirt, like a child slowly pressing its soft, fat hand down on a toy it has decided is no longer fun to play with.
She glanced over at the vase of roses on the bar, where she’d put them, and decided to walk over to Sam’s and invite him for lunch.  Why not? She thought. It’s a neighborly gesture. It would be an imposition for me, to go to lunch, but it would probably mean a lot to him. Anyway, it’s the right thing to do.  
 He answered the door in his usual attire: plaid shorts, white V-neck and flip-flops—big grin on his round face.  “Madam Dixon,” he said in a voice like a retired boxer’s, and bowed, his rubber flip-flops squealing under the strain.  
“Sam,” she said, “the flowers are lovely.  Thank you for them—and the card.  It was very nice of you.” She didn’t mean to sound dismissive but thought maybe she had. She hoped he hadn’t noticed.
“Come in, come in,” he said, moving to the side, and she reluctantly stepped into the dark living room. She found herself wondering if was her first time inside his house. A couch hunkered to her immediate right, and a small hallway stretched out beyond it.  Light funneled in from the back of the house. Particles floated and swirled around in the rays of light like nebulae.
“Thank you,” she said.  No, I must have been in here before, she thought, but couldn’t think of a single time she had.
“Have a seat.” He pointed to the couch, and then touched a stout finger to his nose, as if nudging it into place.
“It’s rather dark in here, don’t you think, Sam.”
“I guess it is if you’re coming in from outside,” he said, and he opened the blinds. Light slanted in in thin layers. He winced a bit.
“How’s that, madam?”
“You don’t have to call me that, you know,” she said.  Now that Rich is gone, she thought, it seems silly somehow.  She had been “madam” to his “Colonel.”  
“Oh, it’s just for fun,” he said.  “Would you like something to drink?  A cold adult beverage, perhaps?  I have some Busch in the fridge.”
“No, thank you, Sam. I just stopped by—”
“I believe I’ll have one, if you don’t mind.”
While he was gone she noticed a very large framed photograph on the wall, opposite the couch, of a space shuttle blasting off of a launch pad.  She pointed it out when he returned with his beer.
“Oh, her.  She’s the Columbia. A real beautiful craft.  The first to go to space.…April twelve, nineteen eighty-one.” He clicked his tongue then sipped his beer.  She found it mildly irritating that he referred to it as “her,” but didn’t dwell on it because she realized something.
“Rich took me to that launch, Sam.  We were there, at the—what do you call it—where the bleachers are? Where everyone watches?”
“The Causeway?” He slightly tipped the beer can and slurped, like he was trying to be extra careful not to spill any.
“That’s it. The NASA Causeway.  That’s where we were. We’d been transferred to Patrick about, I don’t know, a month prior—from Barksdale, in Louisiana.  He was so excited about that—getting to see that first shuttle launch.”
She remembered: on the way to the Cape, Rich driving huddled up close to the steering wheel, pointing up at the sky, and her just sitting there listening. “Folks who’ve been to rocket launches say you can watch it the whole way up. You can see everything: the glint of sunlight on the metal, the tower of smoke, like a string of popcorn, like on a Christmas tree—everything.  Takes maybe an hour to disappear, to dissipate.  Course, this’ll be a little different.”  Neither of them knew exactly what a shuttle was, but he made it sound much more interesting than she would have found it all by herself. The car swerved a little under the strain of Rich’s excitement.
And it was something. And crowded with people—people with binoculars and telescopes and wearing sunglasses and wide-brimmed hats and men in shorts and Hawaiian-print shirts, open at the front.  One woman chased a little boy, who was about three, in circles.  She was short, but pretty, and had on a black one-piece bathing suit.  The little boy chuckled as his young mother chased after him, one hand keeping her sun hat on her head. And they all watched it lift off and go up and it all seemed so slow, but it wasn’t slow, it was fast, hundreds of miles per hour, but from where they stood everything was happening in slow motion, beautiful and vivid and big.
“It was a big deal, Madam. Very exciting.”  Sam walked closer to the photo, swigging as he moved, like a kid with a glass of milk. She half expected him to start blowing bubbles in his beer. “Who knows,” he said, “the guy or gal who took this picture might have been standing right next to you.” He looked away from the photo. “Barksdale,” he said, and scratched at the top of his blotchy bald head. “Seems like I’ve been there…”
She watched him and wait for more, but nothing followed.
“Sam,” she said, “I was wondering.  Do you have any lunch plans?” It seemed absurd the second she said it. Of course he didn’t. She imagined him opening a can of tuna and eating straight out of it with a fork.
“Oh, well,” he said.  He put the beer can down on the coffee table and scratched at his head again.  He moved closer to the wall with the photo of the shuttle on it. He put a hand on the wall, like he was bracing himself for a dizzy spell.
This can’t be happening, she thought.  He isn’t even attractive. He’s an old troll. I don’t like him a bit, to be honest. Drinking beer this early in the day.  She got a flush feeling and her face felt warm.  He thinks I’m a sad, pathetic old widow.
“I do, as a matter of fact, Marie.  I’m going out to the—” He looked at his watch.  “And won’t be back till—Maybe we can—”
“Oh, that’s fine,” she said.  She stood up, shook her head.  “Really. It’s fine.”  She thought she might start crying, which was completely out of the question.  This is not a rejection, she told herself. It’s just bad timing.
“Well,” he said, and he smoothed the palms of his hands across his shirt front.
“No need to explain, Sam.  It’s fine,” she said, smiling. She found that she was pressing on her hair with one hand. She made herself stop. “Rain check,” she added, without having thought about it beforehand.
“Yes!” he said, happy to have a word for the awkwardness he felt.  “Rain check, indeed, madam.”
 She watched from her living room window as Sam got into his burgundy Chrysler and pulled out and sped off down the road and out of sight.  Where is he going so fast? She thought.  She picked one of the roses from the center of the bouquet and smelled of it.  Its scent was so faint that she couldn’t think of a word to describe it.  He’d said he wouldn’t be back till late.
 She’d loved Rich, she often thought, because he made her feel like somebody. In the beginning, when they were dating, she’d felt unfamiliar to herself when she was with him. Later, after they were married, the wife of an Air Force officer, she felt confident and important. Initially, anyway. She loved him for that, for that gift he probably didn’t even consider a gift.  She loved it better than any jewelry or flowers or exotic getaway. It felt almost permanent, and it was real. But things always change. Things didn’t get better or worse—they just changed.  They were two people in a habituation together. She continued to love him, and she supposed he still loved her.  But towards the end it wasn’t a gift so much as an ill-fitting pair of jeans you can’t bring yourself to give away because you are sure you’ll fit back into them some day.
 She waited till dusk.  She put on dark clothes and her old running sneakers and grabbed the flashlight out of the catchall drawer in the kitchen. She preemptively took two Ibuprofen. If I have to do any climbing or crawling or anything I’ll be sore tomorrow, she thought. It was very quiet outside.  
She checked his side door, the one that goes into the garage, and it was unlocked, of course. No one locked up in their neighborhood. There was no need to. It smelled like gasoline and fertilizer in the garage, and the smell made her feel lightheaded.  She lifted the mat at the foot of the door that led from the garage into the house, but didn’t find a key. she shone the flashlight around until she saw a little metal hook on the wall, to the left of the door, with a ring of keys hanging on it. She tried five before she found the right one. Before she turned the key in the lock she took a moment to consider what Rich would think of this.  Presumably, she thought, he could be watching me at this very moment.  What do you think, Rich? she whispered. It gave her the creeps to hear her voice in the dark, stinky garage.  She heard something scurry and thought rat or possum and inserted the key and quickly entered the house.
In the yellow glow of the flashlight bulb the photograph looked mythic. She immediately had an urge to cry, standing there looking at it with what amounted to a spotlight on it.  For the first time in a month she was feeling the full weight of her grief. Before she knew it she was sitting on Sam’s couch looking up at the photograph, sobbing—like a proper widow, she thought.  What an odd place for mourning?  But the photo captured something, and not just the shuttle launch—that was secondary—but the color and feel of that day, that point in time.  The quality of light.  A small bit of her life, as it had been once, paused—a crystalized memory she’d forgotten she had.
She got up and walked over to the picture and put the flashlight right on it. Maybe if I look long enough I’ll find us, she thought, me and Rich, with our hands shielding the sun from our eyes, watching the shuttle climb up towards space.  Maybe I’ll find the petite young mother and her little boy. She looked and squinted and searched the photograph.  But she needed more time with it.  Most of the onlookers were blurry. It was too dark now. The shuttle, lifting off, and the dense exhaust, were the most vivid things. She stared so hard that things got distorted and she started to zone out. She imagined Sam ripping his nubby fingernails off and sticking them to the black nose of the spacecraft.  He ripped one off and stuck it on and went for another one.  Then he took a sip of beer. Disgusting old troll, she thought. Who drinks beer in the middle of the day, anyway?  
A few minutes passed and she pulled herself together. She sat and stared at the huge thing hanging there on the wall until a light from outside grew and intensified and she realized that it was the headlights from Sam’s car, shining in through the window as he pulled into the driveway.
She wasn’t sure what to do. She heard the car door slam. She turned off the flashlight and put it in her back pocket and carefully hoisted the photograph off the wall and crept, bent over, to the door that let out to the garage. From inside the garage, she heard the key in the front door, heard it turn and the door open. Sam sighed as he closed it. She slowly put the keys back on the hook by the door in the garage. She paused and heard an interior door, a bedroom door. She left the garage and stole quickly across the street, tip-toed home in the dark, the picture under her arm, like a cat burglar.  But what I’ve done doesn’t feel like stealing, she thought, as she sat the photograph against the wall in her bedroom. She took the flashlight out of her pocket and sat on the edge of her bed. It feels like something else. Feels like a resurrection.
Steve Lambert’s writing has appeared, or is forthcoming, in Saw Palm, Chiron Review, New Contrast (South Africa), The Pinch, Broad River Review, Longleaf Review, Emrys Journal, BULL Fiction, Into the Void, Cowboy Jamboree, Cortland Review, and many other places. In 2015 he won third place in Glimmer Train’s Very Short Fiction contest and in 2018 he won Emrys Journal’s Nancy Dew Taylor Poetry Prize. He is the recipient of four Pushcart Prize nominations and was a Rash Award in Fiction finalist. He is the author of the poetry collection Heat Seekers (CW Books, 2017), the chapbook In Eynsham (CW Books, 2020) and the fiction collection The Patron Saint of Birds (Cowboy Jamboree, 2020). His novel, Philisteens, will be out May 2021, and his second full-length poetry collection, The Shamble, will be out in October, both with Close to The Bone Publishing. He lives in Northeast Florida, with his wife and daughter, where he teaches part-time at the University of North Florida.  
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atopearth · 5 years
Shall We Date? Love Tangle Part 13 - Ivy Attwood and William Moss Routes
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Now that I can take a closer look at Ivy, I guess she does look pretty good, especially her eyes haha. Anyway, so Ivy is interviewing her about Kaleido leopards and William is getting help from her on how he should decorate the succession ceremony that should fit the theme for the leopards? Ooh Alexey is an astronaut! Sounds like such a silly name though lol. Anyway, the leopard got poisoned? The leopard can never catch a break in these stories lol.
Ooh Maxim is a college professor, I like his appearance! But wow, Ivy must really like the heroine to even take a break from her job to be the heroine’s assistant and help her out lol. Can she even just be the assistant just like that and go into the research institute like this? Sounds so iffy lol. Gotta say that Ivy tucking her in to sleep was pretty comforting haha. Heroine gets attacked and William saves her and then lets her rest at his place and then even quickly makes a lavender bouquet to soothe her nerves?? Hahaha, it’s so random just because he’s a florist loll. I didn’t expect the poison to actually be from a true blue rose that William created years ago that was stolen by someone. Have to say that I can kinda understand his sentiments though, I love the colour blue and have always found blue roses very unique and beautiful, if I were to receive/buy roses, I’d definitely want blue roses. Kinda saddening that the thief who stole the blue rose was probably also related to the incident of someone trying to poison Ivy but ended up poisoning her friend instead, so glad her friend didn’t die, that would be so terrible.
Will is really such a sweet guy to apologise to Ivy so many times in regards to what happened to her friend, it’s not even his fault since he wanted to dispose of the poisonous flower😢 It was pretty cute how the heroine walked Ivy back to her room after their discussion, it’s such a short walk but such a considerate and nice thing to do. So brave of Ivy to protect her from the assailant that attacked her before even though she was so scared too; scared of the attacker and scared that she’ll get hurt like her friend did too. Lol, heroine’s first impression of Ivy’s room is that it fits her perfectly, my first impression of her room is that it looks exactly like Alice’s real world room in Lost Alice lol. Nice of Ivy to get out of her comfort zone to tell the heroine how messy her room really is just to show that even she isn’t perfect and that it’s okay to not be perfect etc.
Hmm so everything was done to wreck the succession ceremony somehow as usual~ poor leopard! Creative that they’re planning to kill with a rose and are sneaking it into the ceremony through the real flowers art🤔 It was so cool when Ivy recorded what the uncle said with the poisoner and then both her and the heroine so boldly declared that the uncle did such a thing once they saw the poisoner waiter take soup to Henrik. And then they spend a steamy night at a hotel and have a bubble bath together! That’s so fun and nice~ Anyway, the plot is more interesting than with Silvan’s so I’m happy about that but it was still kinda bland, especially in terms of the romance. I feel like they were so focused on capturing the culprit of all this, and considering how obvious who the culprit ended up being, it wasn’t very interesting and then the romance became lacking when they focused was on that. Like, the heroine and Ivy seemed like good work partners and friends, but the romance just didn’t feel like it was there, sadly.
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I really like Will and I really admire how passionate he is about wanting to make a true blue rose, it felt like I could really see his passion, so I can see why he would be so mad that his “failed” creation that is poisonous would hurt him so much and make him feel so responsible that he would want to fix things so that no one else gets hurt. He’s a good guy. Nice of the heroine to help him out at his flower shop😄 He’s such a hard worker, he never rests! Both the heroine and him sound like workaholics so it’s nice to see them work hard to get a day off and just walk around the city enjoying the sights and then kneading bread, that sounds really cool. I’m surprised that Will can’t leave his shop to anyone though considering how popular it is and everything, you would expect him to have employees to help him manage it, especially if he would be in charge of something so big like a royal ceremony!
Who thinks it’s weird to ask someone else to eat the bread they make?! It’s free food and Will’s good at it!! Ridiculous to reject such a thing thinking it’s too much or over the top or whatever, who rejects free food that actually tastes good and it’s something he’s passionate about. Wow, how dangerous of Henrik to be wandering around himself trying to get clues and evidence in relation to the poisoning of the leopard being related to the succession ceremony. Very understandable for William to want to call Carter, especially after knowing that Henrik was wandering around this late at night because he ran out of money, like seriously, it’s dangerous to just call a cab for him right now considering how unlikely it would be for people to not recognise him! Definitely dangerous! I’m glad William convinced him by telling him how important of a person he is to this country and how a good king knows when to swallow his pride. Sure, it’s admirable that Henrik wants to do things himself, but knowing how to order people to do the right things is something very important as well. I love how comfortable they’ve gotten with each other that they can just sit on the couch and fall asleep next to each other😊
As in Ivy’s route, the poisonous blue rose is probably in the painting, and since Ivy’s company is a sponsor, they’re getting in to the place to check if it really is William’s rose with her help. Since they’re going in like spies, it can’t be helped that the heroine would be scared and nervous, so it’s nice that Will acknowledges that he’s nervous too but brings her to this greenhouse rose garden that he’s an administrator for just to calm her down and make her more relaxed😊 Also, it was pretty cool to have the uncle so blatantly (stupidly) bid for that painting and then have the car chase to track him down, I like how they bothered to change the way the uncle gets caught in the two routes. I’m also really happy that Will finally got to destroy the rose and then show the heroine the greenhouse that allowed him to develop true blue roses that he can name after her😊
Overall, I definitely enjoyed Will’s route much more than Ivy’s, I felt like it was much more well rounded and flowed better as a story. I always thought that Ivy’s cooperation with heroine felt rather forced and choppy considering that her “job” was never really important to the story even though all the routes try to entangle that into their stories. She basically threw her job aside to be with the heroine and help her out and yeah, that was boring. I feel like the story was much more well catered to Will just because he was the one who created this rose and so he wants to be the one to destroy it and it made much more sense, and their romance developed nicely in the background and as they investigated stuff together. They had a common goal with different motives but the beliefs they shared entwined and I think that was shown nicely. It’s been a while since I enjoyed a route in this game so I’m happy that I quite liked Will himself and his route☺️☺️
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riseupimagines · 6 years
Permission to Love pt 1: Newt Scamander x Reader
Part 2     Part 3     Final
Fandom: Fantastic Beasts and Where to Find Them
Pairing: Newt Scamander x Reader
Prompt: I don’t need your permission.
Summary: Years ago you were in love with Newt and he rejected you. Now, years later y’all are living in New York and Newt acts strange when you start dating.
Rejection felt like ice water running down your body, and you'd just gotten another bucket dumped on you. And that was your experience with romance was rejection: pursuit that ended with rejection.
You still remembered, quite clearly, the way he had tried to avoid you when you told him, the way he'd tried to avoid having the conversation, avoid rejecting you. You remembered how he had stuttered and looked away and the ice cold feeling of rejection washing over you.
"Leta?" you asked him. He nodded, still not meeting your eyes.
That was a year ago though. You'd long since gotten over it and moved past it and accepted that the handsome, sweet Newt Scamander was your friend. Nothing more. Your friendship had survived that quite fine. You suppressed your feelings and stayed friends, even after Leta broke his heart, you comforted him, but never made a move. And now, y'all were close again, roommates, both working in New York-him as a magizooligist, you in the ministry-and you had rented an apartment together, right next to Queenie and Tina Goldstein.
Your crush on him was forgotten, your thoughts of him as anything more than your friend a distant memory, but that feeling of rejection wasn't quite a distant memory to your heart, which is why you were so receptive to when men pursued you. It had started a month after you had moved to New York.
Newt had come to visit you at work for lunch, because he'd caught the creature early.
Y'all went to a restaurant right outside your office and you encountered one of your coworkers when Newt went up to grab some more drinks.
"Hey Y/N," Malcolm said as he slid down into the seat Newt had previously occupied.
"Hi Malcolm," you said smiling at him.
"Wow. You look even more beautiful today than normal. Why is the beautiful new girl sitting all by herself?" he asked, reaching across the table to touch you. Suddenly Newt cleared his throat. You saw him standing over Malcolm with a strange look in his eye.
"Actually, she's not. She's not alone. She's with me." Newt said, slamming the trays down onto the table.
Malcolm's eyes widened as he backed away.
"I'm eating with him. That's what he meant. I'm not eating lunch alone; I'm eating lunch with him. He's my best friend. He's visiting me for lunch." You explained.
Malcolm smiled.
"So...he's just a friend?" he asked.
"He can speak for himself." He muttered.
"Yes." You said.
"You're single?" Malcolm asked again.
You nodded.
"To whomever it may concern..." you started coyly.
"It's none of anyone's concern," Newt muttered once again under his breath.
"Yes I am single." You said.
Malcolm smiled and grabbed your hand as he stood to leave.
"Well that is delightful to know. I'll keep an eye out for you, help you get acquainted to the office." He said with a smile as he walked away.
Newt rolled his eyes.
"What's with that guy?" he said.
You shook your head, choosing to ignore the fact that it was actually Newt who was acting strange.
The second one was John. Everything had been going great between you. He'd started flirting with you, and being high up in the ministry, he used his money to flirt. He bought you many lovely gifts, bracelets, necklaces, pens, he left them on your desk. You were delighted. Then he started sending gifts to the apartment.
You and Newt were walking into the apartment one evening. His face was lit up as he excitedly told you about his day. His face was bright red from the cold as you climbed the stairs to the apartment. As you eared the door, you saw a brilliant splash of red against the door.
Newt slowly tapered off and you gasped as you got closer. It was a beautiful bouquet of red roses. You squealed and excitedly opened the card. It was a beautiful love poem, signed from John in big letters. Newt looked over your shoulder and glimpsed the note. You turned around to him with a big smile on your face. You didn't notice that his cheeks were no longer red, but paler. His eyes weren't bright anymore. He wasn't smiling.
"I'm going to visit Tina." He said, retreating.
You nodded and waved at him, putting the flowers in a vase as you got inside. When the flowers merely a few days later, you shrugged it off. You'd found John charming, but there was no deep attraction. You knew he had mainly enjoyed the chase and after y'all had both gotten what you wanted. You didn't notice, that the petals had been eaten and that the stalks of the roses had bowtruckle teeth marks. You didn't notice Pickett climbing out of the roses just as you pulled them out of the vase to put them in the trash. And because you didn't notice that, you didn't make the connection to the Hufflepuff who might've fed your roses to the bowtruckles; you wouldn't have wondered why he'd done it.
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sarahjtrash · 7 years
The Floral Arrangment
Feyre has broken up with Tamlin and needs to get her point across that it’s over. She commissions another flower shop to help her communicate that.
Kinda Feysand (?), but more Feyre/Cassian Brotp, 1.3K, Rated T
A/N:  I just wanted some Cassian/Feyre Friendship, and for whatever reason, I can only write sort of comical things right now. Enjoy!
This was the only place in town that hadn’t immediately rejected Feyre Archeron’s order. When she called yesterday asking for a bouquet, they said it would be delivered to her home by noon today. The mailman already came and went, and it was now six in the evening. There were still no flowers.
Inside, Velaris Floral featured rows upon rows of flowers that ran parallel to the narrow but long shop. It was cramped as if someone wanted to display everything that could possibly be grown and maintained in this climate. Hanging baskets draped from almost everywhere on the ceiling and the nickered wooden tables overflowed with fauna of all sorts. If Feyre stood on her tiptoes, she could barely see over the tables to the coolers lining the back wall filled with pre-arranged bouquets. Though there was an unplanned nature to everything, the store shone with haphazard comfort. It certainly was more homey than the other shop she used to frequent.
“Hello! How can we be of assistance?”
Feyre turned, startled as to who now stood behind the counter. There were two hulking men—one elegant lines and a classic beauty, the other a ripped giant with long hair—neither the type to be working at a flower shop. They were both wrapped in matching aprons that sported the logo of the store proving any preconceived notions wrong.
“Oh, um yeah. I ordered flowers yesterday, and they were supposed to be ready today. But I never got them,” Feyre managed to stammer out.
“Your name?” The long haired one inquired. Feyre squinted to read his name tag where “Cassian” was printed on the metal.
“Feyre. Before you shuffle through those papers,” she raised her voice and placated with her hands. “I think you’ll remember my order. I wanted the fuck off ones.”
“Oh,” Cassian replied. “Why didn’t you just say that when you walked in? It’s not every day we get fun orders. I was the one who talked to you on the phone, and you should have gotten the email to which I was eagerly awaiting your response.”
Feyre looked at him blankly.
“I know. You didn’t respond. I couldn’t believe it either.”
“Sorry about the delay,” mumbled the other. “Rhys" was printed on his name tag. “Right. Sorry. But we can’t finish your order since you never replied,” Cassian finished.
Feyre blinked her eyes a few times at the rapid speed of Cassian’s speech.
“Since you’re here in person though, we can fill out the order and probably wrap it up within the hour. To make up for the wait,” Rhys offered slowly.
“Okay. What do you need from me?” Feyre asked.
“Well,” Cassian took a huge breath, “when you say that you want your flowers to say ‘Fuck Off’, do you mean that you want the essence of the flowers to say that, have it physically saying “Fuck Off” in the flowers, or a nice, regular bouquet with a tag that says your message?”
“I was hoping that you could spell it out in the physical flowers within the bouquet.”
Cassian drummed his hands against the counter. “What kind of ‘Fuck Off’ are we talking about here?”
“I’m sorry. What?”
“Did they cheat on you? Did you just break up, and they won’t leave you alone? Were they a hookup who got a little too hooked?” Rhys asked her.
“The second one.”
Both Cassian and Rhys nodded at her response as if it were expected and now they know exactly how to proceed.
“Wait,” Cassian called, as if he were interrupting something. “How much do they know about flowers?”
Feyre widened her eyes slightly. “A lot. He also owns a flower shop.”
“And what shop does he own?” Rhys casually asked.
“The Spring Court.”
The pair gasped in unison. “You’re sending flowers to Tamlin? That say ‘Fuck Off’? And you’re commissioning us to do it?” Cassian asked in disbelief.
“I mean I called around, but you guys were the only ones to take the order.”
Cassian gave an exaggerated hand gesture. “Originally, I was thinking something like roses and in the middle just a cluster of dead flowers that said ‘Fuck Off”. Or the inverse of that. But now, we must go extravagant.”
“That’s really not necessary. I don't want to send too much anyway.”
“The added bouquets will be free of charge,” Rhys supplied, “Tamlin is our main competition, and he shows nothing but animosity towards us. No matter what we do to try and prove that we’re civil.”
“Exactly,” Cassian pointed and said with exasperation, “What we’ll do is make a huge display of a variety of bouquets and in between each will be a different letter. Spelling out your message.”
“I can’t deliver that,” Feyre said after Rhys showed her a rough sketch of what Cassian was describing, “that’s like ten bouquets.”
Rhys and Cassian both deadpan her. “Of course you won’t deliver that. Did you read our webpage on custom orders?” Cassian jested. “No. I can see it in your face. We’ll deliver it right to that bastard’s front door of his shop so he sees it right when he opens his store in the morning.” “So if I don’t hand it to him, how’s he going to know it’s from me?”
“We’ll attach a small card with your name on it,” Rhys replied. “Though we may ask a favor of whether we can also cosign the piece. Not as Cassian and Rhys, but Velaris Floral as a whole.”
“Won’t he know you from your style?” Feyre gestured around the mess of a store and the extravagant photos she saw online.
“Oh he will, we just want to rub it in his face. By the nature of your order, you also want to rub something in his face,” Cassian responded.
Feyre offered a small smirk at that comment. “He deserves to have something rubbed there.”
The trio discussed price, Cassian and Rhys maintaining their previous stance of Feyre only paying for one bouquet. She felt awkward accepting the deal, but they were overly accommodating about it.
“One last thing, Feyre Darling,” Rhys purred, “We are probably going to hide in a car across the street to watch this little interaction. Would you like to join us?”
Feyre gave them a wicked grin.
Early the next morning, they stationed themselves in a minivan across the street from Tamlin’s shop. Cassian had already laid the flowers down, and now they were waiting. Feyre knew that he should show up any minute.
“Darling?” Rhys asked, turning in his seat. “Are you sure that you got the time correct?”
Cassian took a sip of his coffee. “Why does he start so early?”
Feyre was about to point out that there was no reason for them to be watching Tamlin’s reaction, but the blonde man himself turned the corner before she could make her point. They watched in anticipation as he stumbled his way towards the shop and tripped over the massive arrangement. Cassian snorted.
When Tamlin bent to look closer at them, his eyebrows drew together in confusion before he found the card and rage took over. The look both terrified Feyre and made her want to leave the car and apologize for the theatrics, but Rhys gave her no time.
She hadn’t even realized he’d rolled down his window until he yelled, “Velaris Floral sends their love and hopes to see your business again.”
Feyre slammed into her seat as Rhys floored their minivan, watching as Tamlin chased after them. She was shocked at the outburst, but soon Rhys and Cassian’s howling laughter was too contagious. She couldn’t help but double-over, too. Maybe her dramatic end to their relationship wasn’t excessive. Maybe that was the only way for him to understand it was over.
Cassian turned towards her after he calmed down. “I know we barely know you, but we don’t open for another two hours. This whole ordeal was quite entertaining.  Would you like to join us for breakfast?”
Feyre smiled. “I think that’d be great.”
Cassian’s answering smile was kind as Rhys drove them to a coffee shop. Even though she had just lost a relationship, Feyre had a strong feeling that she was about to form two more.
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