#when he says shit like 'we need to teach them to sponge-wash the dishes'
natjennie · 4 months
does anyone out here have a dad that isnt an asshole all the fucking time. like is it even possible.
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scorpioracha · 2 years
Dating Minho
Hey guys and here we’ve got Minho now! I hope you guys enjoy this one, make sure leave a comment/reblog if you enjoy this one
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Minho 리노
-y’all’s relationship is definitely the closest thing to being like friends. It’s very playful,lighthearted and never too serious(outside of the bedroom-). Minho is a little shit(honorific), he likes to tease and he likes someone who can dish it out just as well as they can take.
-your relationship evolved from a longterm friendship, a little similar to Chan’s post-except when you guys finally established your relationship nothing really changed. Dating this boy is literally like dating your best friend because you are. Whenever he tries to kiss you, you still push his face away and tease him that he must like you.
-He’s shy with affection both verbal and physical so his love languages are acts or service,quality time and bullying you. If you need something cooked,cleaned or fixed Minho will pluck it out of your hands and do it while scolding you.
“Ah I can’t believe you’re making me do this”he would say, after he grabbed the sponge from you as you were actively washing the dishes💀
-This shouldn’t be very surprising but Minho is shy in love and reserved. He’s got a lot of tsundere tendencies but you knew that long before you were dating. He’s very much so the type to be speechless whenever you get all dressed up for him and try to change the subject.
“Do you like it?”
“…our reservation is in 20 minutes, we gotta go”
But his burning red ears and inability to hold your gaze shows it all.
-He’s not a hugger, it’s a little awkward for him but he will kiss you and hold your hand. He has a habit of kissing your knuckles whenever he’s feeling extremely fond.
-He’s not a pet name kind of guy outside of the home. In public you are affectionately
y/n or dumbass, but you’re his dumbass. He made it very clear that he’s the only one that gets to call you that—The tissue incident of 2021 repeated, a travesty thoughts and prayers for Hyunjin 😔🪦
-He is very observant though and will call the others out on teasing you even if you can take it. He doesn’t even know why it rubs him the wrong way but it does.
“Ah y/n! You sound so stupid!”Jisung giggled pushing at your shoulders. Minho was over there in a second and whispered something you couldn’t pick up into Jisung’s ear. Soon the giggling stopped and the poor boy couldn’t look you in the eyes for the rest of the day😭 and whenever you try to ask Minho what he said he just smirks.
-He gets teased the most for being in love with you. Whenever you come to sit in on practices you just hear a chorus of ooo’s and a bunch of bodies beating on your poor boyfriend. Like no he is getting ganged up on and definitely ends up underneath the dog pile of people. You’re just sitting there like 🧍🏾‍♀️ cause you were just coming to bring him his keys. See it as a sort of revenge for them for all the threatening he’s done since debut. He’ll crawl out of the pile red faced and leave a quick kiss on your forehead mumbling a thanks before shooing you out of the room. As soon as you’re in the hallway you hear him yelling out different temperatures💀
-Late nights in the dance studio together. Watching him run through choreo and jot down notes feels erotic when it shouldn’t be. He switches on the dance captain mentality and gets so absorbed into it, it’s kind of hot. You usually just sit and watch him do his thing but some days when he needs a break or there’s a lull in the schedule he’ll teach you some of the choreo. Witnessing dance captain Minho is one thing, experiencing it is another. It’s a little overwhelming to have all of his attention on you, back flush against his chest as he guides you through the motions. He’s not even trying to make it sensual, he can’t help if he teaches how he fucks.
-Soonie,doongie and Dori? You won their love years ago. They love you just as much as they love Minho, sometimes even more when you’ve got treats. A lot of your days are spent curled up on his couch with the babies whenever he’s doing skz activities.
-I feel the need to explicitly say this, this boy is gone for you. Head over heels,swooning,over the moon,truly madly deeply, etc. Minho has loved you for years and has the biggest soft spot for you. When you’re at home together he treats you like his cats in the most affectionate way possible. Petting your head,feeding you, kissing all over your face. You genuinely need to remind him that you are not a cat sometimes, but he loves you the same way he loves them so it bleeds over a bit In his mind.
-Biting. Another one of his love languages is biting. He’s a tad bit feral as I have mentioned(little shit activity). He will randomly jump you,pin you and bite at your shoulder. It’s even more fun for him when you’re trying to kick him off. This turns into a WWE ring real soon.
-segueing from the last point, this boy is constantly on demon time. If there’s ample time for you to fuck, you guys will be fucking.
-If you guys are just fucking no dynamics involved, it’s mainly just playful wrestling that turns into fucking and lots of teasing.
-But no I’m serious this man has almost no tells. One minute you could be watching tv and the next he is feeling you up and you’re like bro what😵‍💫
-It is always at the most random moments too, it’s like he likes to keep you on your toes. You accompanied him to an award show and you’re all glitzed up? He’s going to bed bro. You’re coming back inside from an early coffee run? You have three seconds to get that coffee to the table before you’re on the table
-Minho doms bruh. I’m sorry but Minho doms and he’s mean about it. He gets off on the trust you give him. There’s times when you’re on your knees covered in spit in cum that he just gets that crazy look in his eyes where he’s gonna obliterate you.
-He finds you most adorable when you’re at his mercy. Tied up. Hand cuffed. Suspended. Any way so his pretty bunny can’t run away from him.
-Domspace definitely hits Minho and he hits it hard. It gives him tunnel vision to the point he can only focus on ruining you,caring for you,cherishing you. You’re his to ruin and to put back together.
-When he’s like this Minho is incredibly territorial. He will pump you full of his cum over and over again until that’s the only feeling you knows
-Biting,scratching,slapping,hair pulling. If you’re into it he’s into it. When I say Minho gets mean, I mean that he’s mean. He’s not gonna be satisfied until you’re crying for him. He’ll cup your cheek with his hand and shove his cock in your mouth while cooing at how good you’re taking it.
-He’s a bit of a mind fuck. He uses that saccharine sweet voice whenever he praises you that makes you feel all floaty. Almost as if he’s cooing at a pet, cause you’re his sweet girl.
-If you guys had an intense scene it definitely takes him a while to come down. A lot of the come down is him shaking on top of you, peppering your neck in kisses and whispering “mine”
-Aftercare is essential for all the guys in general, but especially for Minho. If he feels as tho he didn’t give you proper aftercare this baby will drop and he will drop hard. You need to let him baby you extra after
intense scenes, if not for your sake then for his. His brain literally can not successfully transition between roles if you’re not taken care of to his standards, and his standards are high.
-all in all Minho is the best boy :)
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Survey #387
“today i woke up, & i hate myself”
What common problem have you never experienced? The loss of a close family member (that doesn't include pets). Alternatively, what's an uncommon problem you have experienced? Homelessness. Do you know anyone who opposes marriage equality? I sure do. What was the last thing you got really emotional about? Meerkat Manor: Rise of the Dynasty premiering. What's the longest amount of time you've been ill for? I don't really know. I don't get sick a lot at all. Who is your closest male friend? Girt. Do you know anyone who hunts for meat? Sadly. I say "sadly" because it's not like they need it. Have you ever lived with a boyfriend/girlfriend? Yes, although I wasn't a technical resident. I was there all the time, though. What do you wash dishes with? Sponge, scrub brush, rag, something else? A sponge. Is there anything you prefer to do the old-fashioned way? There's probably something, but I can't think of anything. Do you put your glasses and mugs right side up or upside down on the cabinet shelf? Upside-down. What was the worst part of your childhood? My parents fighting. Have you ever seen a high school relationship last long-term? (like 10+yrs) Yeah. Do you know any cancer survivors? Quite a few. Leftover pizza for breakfast... yay or nay? Good shit, man. Do you personally know anyone who's a psychopath or sociopath? I don't think so. What is your most used kitchen appliance? Lately, it's been the apple slicer. I've been on a real apple slices + peanut butter kick lately. What is something that you would personally like to be remembered for? For being a caring person towards all living things. Have you ever been diagnosed as clinically depressed before? Yes. Do you like bowling? Yeah, it's fun. Do you own binoculars or nonoculars? What do you use them for? No. Do you ever wish you had a telescope on the roof or attic to stargaze? Yeah, that'd be cool. Have you ever had to deal with someone close to you going off to war? No, thankfully. Who do you feel you have the most in common with? Sara, easily. Who in your life causes you the most stress or negative feelings? My damn self lmao. Have you ever had a teacher that also taught your parents? No. My parents didn't grow up in NC. What’s one thing that people definitely CAN’T count on you for? To remember like... anything. What about something they definitely can count on you for? Someone to listen to encourage them. What’s one food that you want to try but haven’t yet? I've always thought macaroons look good. Do you have anything planned for the summer? No. Do you walk fast or slow? Slow. Would you consider yourself an adrenaline junkie? No. What is a common slang word from where you live? Plural "you" does not exist. It's "y'all," lol. What’s the scariest thing you’ve accidentally found on the internet? *shrug* Probably something as a kid, going on those sketchy websites with loads of games and stuff. Thinking of every Halloween costume you’ve had, which one was the most creative? I don't think I've had any creative costumes for Halloween. What’s one random city you want to visit? It's not exactly "random" as it's a popular location, but anyway, I would love to visit Venice. What subjects do you or did you get the worst grades in? Math. When was the last time you ate cake and what type of cake was it? That's a good question, actually. Maybe my niece's birthday in February? I don't remember what kind of cake it was. Do you have photos to go with all of the contacts in your phone? No; I don't have any. Do you like snowy winter days or do you prefer rainy days? SNOWY! Name 3 things you find most beautiful in nature: Mountains, large waterfalls, and desert dunes in the wind. If you could ask one person one questions and get a completely honest answer who would it be and what would you ask? Jason. I'd ask if he thought I was emotionally abusive. What is your favorite winter activity? Building snowmen. Who is the greatest singer who is no longer living? Freddie Mercury. What is your idea of heaven? I don't know, really... I have to ask myself IS there a heaven in eternity? Living forever just... doesn't appeal to me. "Living" is an odd word to use there, but hopefully you get it. Existing on and on and on and on seems like it'd just be a drag, but at the same time I do like the thought of feeling relentlessly happy and peaceful with my loved ones. I guess that would be my definition of it, if it does exist. What’s one of the scariest things you’ve ever done? ODed. Have you ever watched the Superbowl all the way through? Just once, on my 16th birthday because I was at Jason's place and all of his family was watching it. I had absolutely zero interest, but we wanted to hang with the family. If you had to move to another country, where would you move? Canada. Do you watch American Horror Story? I haven't in years. It was Jason's and my first "show," and the first season was excellent. I lost interest in the second one, honestly. I'd be up for watching other seasons, though. How many relationships have you been in this year? None. What's your favorite cereal? Probably Cinnamon Toast Crunch. That's also the only cereal where I can happily drink the milk afterwards. Twitter or Facebook? Facebook. Do you like to paint your nails? No. What's the coolest place you've ever been to? Disney World, probably. Have you ever punched anyone? No. What's something you wish you knew how to do? Cook. :/ I really need to make an effort to learn. It'd be great to not rely on a microwave for the rest of my life. What's a celebrity that everyone likes but you don't? *shrug* What food do you eat the most? Probably bread in some form or another. That really needs to stop. Green or purple grapes? Either one, but they have to be firm. I cannooooooot with soft grapes. Have you ever cried over a text? Yeah. What's the background of your phone of? My lock screen is this pretty, simplistic periwinkle color with "work on you for you" written on it. It's one I plan on keeping for probably a long time because I connect to it so deeply with my stupid damn head frequently demanding I have to improve "for Jason" to prove him wrong. Which is a very unhealthy mindset to have, I know. My home screen is a cute lil Mark edit someone made with a very similar pale blue background, so my phone is just currently an #aesthetic. Do you have a Snapchat? No. What's your favorite sports team? (if you like sports)? I don't like sports, but I'm biased towards the Carolina Hurricanes hockey team because of my dad. Last thing you ate? I had Honey Nut Cheerios for breakfast. Do you take a lot of selfies? Definitely not. I just hate how I look so much; it takes way too much effort for me to get an "acceptable" one. Do you prefer strawberries or cherries? Strawberries. I hate cherries. How many hours of sleep did you get last night? Maybe like, three. -_- Our A/C is still out, and it was like, 87 in the house last night. It was impossible to sleep. Do you listen to music daily? Not EVERY day, but usually. Biggest insecurity? My weight. Do you play video games? Not as much as I used to. I'd probably play way more if I actually had a PS4 + the games I'm DYING to have. Do you consider yourself lazy? "Yes, but a lot of it is also health related for my lack of energy and motivation." <<<< This for me as well. What recently made you laugh? I was watching a bit of The Nanny with Mom yesterday. We love that show. Do you like gummy bears? Yep. What was the last song you listened to? I'm randomly hooked on "My Nocturnal Serenade" by YOHIO. Like, I've known the song for a long time, but NOW I'm bingeing it???? Describe your mom with one word. Selfless. What's the biggest turn-off? Probably being misogynistic. But being a cocky ass is definitely high up there, too. What fish scares you the most? Mfkng whale sharks terrify me. How do you feel about snails? They're cuties!!! What's your favorite app? Pokemon GO. Would you rather time travel into the past or future? The future, to see what's coming. I feel like you could come back with some pretty valuable information. What is the saddest song you've ever heard? I think "Terrible Things" by Mayday Parade has to come on top. What insect do you hate the most? I was reminded that stag beetles exist last night, and omfg those. Well, "hate" is the wrong word, really, I'm just terrified of them. Would you ever have a wild animal as a pet if possible? I 110% want to rescue an opossum, emphasis on "rescue." I'm not plucking one from the wild or anything like that. I would be in HEAVEN raising one of those angels. Are there any decorations that makes you happy? (lights, candles, plants..) I love those beds decorated with fairy lights, and just Christmas lights in general. Halloween and Christmas decor tend to give me sparks of happiness when I see 'em. Does race matter to you when it comes to dating? Not at all for me. When was the last time you painted something? Not since I was still in school and took a Painting course. When was the last time you really felt alive, and what were you doing? I have NO idea. What is one question you would like an answer to? Why the worst things tend to happen to good people. Name one favorite thing to do with kids while babysitting. I don't babysit, but if I was to be in charge of a kid, I'd love to teach them to play video games from my childhood. Playing Pokemon with my niece and nephew is always a blast, ahhhh. Name one flavor you like. Strawberry is pretty consistent. Name one thing you are hoping for. Venus' new terrarium soon... big sigh. I can't for the life of me find one that's a reasonable price and also adequately sized. I'm willing to put the rest of my cash into it, but Mom is helping, so I can't just buy the first one I see. Then I'd need more substrate, I seriously want a temperature gun and hygrometer, a cool hide, sticks and stuff for cover... It's going to be expensive, but I want Venus to have a truly proper environment she can thrive in. Write the name of one of your imaginary friends from when you were younger. Oddly enough, I can't remember the imaginary wolf that was my "friend." I say "oddly" because his whole idea was important to me as a weird-ass kid. Name one girl's name that starts with a "J" that you like. "Justine." Name one boy's name that starts with a "J" that you like. Maybe "Jaxson." Have you ever been kissed? Yeah. Have you ever feared that you would be killed? It's never been like, a fear I actively worry about. I just acknowledge it's always a possibility for anyone. What is the last great opportunity you missed? This was quite a while ago by now, but I'd say by dropping out of school, I really let photography opportunities slip since I became the newspaper photographer...
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sslasherss · 5 years
The Hazards of Baking
Giveaway number one for @localnightmare13. Enjoy!
Cracking their eyes open, Sam winced at the sunshine streaming through the thin curtains. They rolled over, a groan in their throat, and tried to block it out with the covers. But no, it was too damn bright, and now they were wide awake. 
Well, might as well just get up, then. No doubt Bo was already gone for the day, Vincent in his studio doing... well, who knew what. As far as they knew, there hadn't been any bodies picked up for a new wax figure. Yet he was always down there, at least when Bo was out, so Sam virtually had the house to themselves.
They didn't bother to dress, throwing a hoodie over their tank top and padding barefoot to the top of the staircase. The house was completely silent, save for the creak of the stairs as Sam descended. A quick peek into the living room confirmed Bo was gone. Good. He was always so... slimy. Fake charming. It spooked her.
Off to the kitchen, then. Sam would have killed for fresh bread, or pancakes - or anything with way too much carbs, honestly. Their stomach growled in response, echoing in the silent house. Yeah, they thought, I know. 
The kitchen was dark, Sam's eyes struggling to adjust to the inky blackness. They fumbled with the switch, huffing in annoyance as their hand hit the wall instead. When the lights above finally flickered on they winced, harsh light assaulting their eyes. 
Then a gasp reached their ears, one that wasn't their own. Sam's lips parted in a silent huh? as they turned - 
To see none other than Vincent Sinclair, still in pyjamas, covered in flour and holding a pan so black it looked like it had been the victim of a house fire.
Sam blinked, eyes drifting from the ruined pan to Vincent's masked face. "What are you doing?" 
His good eye darted to the pan, then to the ground. It was then that Sam noticed even the floor was covered in a thick layer of flour. Vincent's broad shoulders hunched under their gaze, body seeming to shrink in on itself.
"Were you... trying to bake?" 
He nodded, still not making eye contact. Not that he ever did anyway, if Sam was honest. He was always like that around them - hunched, eyes downcast, dark hair covering his face. Like he was trying to go unnoticed. It was adorable really, but Sam felt a pang of sympathy as she watched him wring his hands.
"Well, you've made a right mess," Sam mused with a gentle smile, "and whatever sauce was in that pan is a disaster. But..."
At this, Vincent's head snapped up, tendrils of dark hair clinging to the waxy mask. His good eye gleamed in the dim light. However inaccurate the image probably was, Sam imagined him blushing beneath said mask.
"But," Sam repeated with a broadening smile, "we could try again, together? Would you like that?" 
Vincent's enthusiasm was contagious, his nod so vigorous his whole body shook. He spun on his heel, discarding the pan on the flour covered work bench, scrabbling for something they couldn't see.
Even now, Sam flinched. Vincent was sweet despite his family's... choices - but whenever he moved a little too quick or reached for something they couldn't see, their stomach lurched. Vincent found whatever he was looking for, turning to thrust it into Sam's hands. Their eyes snapped wide, stepping back - only to see a crumbled piece of paper.
The recipe?
Huffing out a breath, Sam unfolded the paper. Stupid. What did they think he was reaching for - a knife? Eyes drifting down, they tried to ignore the way Vincent edged closer, the way his breath tickled their skin. "Caramel apple cake?" they murmured, "so you were trying to make caramel?"
Vincent snorted, an almost-laugh that sent Sam's heart skipping in their chest. He ducked his head, bashful, and sent a side-eyed glance toward the mess.
"Dump those dirty dishes in the sink," Sam instructed quietly, "and let's have another go."
It was easy enough, at first. Sam diced the cooking apples while Vincent hovered anxiously by their side. Sure, the knife was overkill for the task - especially so in their small hands - but Sam had been doing this for years. She doubted Vincent did much baking. Or cooking at all, really.
"I'm fine," Sam assured, reaching for the next apple. Their hands moved expertly, and they didn't pause even as soft eyes rested on Vincent's face. "I mean it. Stop hovering and make the sponge, please."
In hindsight, they shouldn't have asked. No sooner had Sam returned to their own task when a burst of flour bloomed, splashing across their hoodie. It clung to their hair, their clothes, even their bare skin.
"What the-" when they spun, fighting down the urge to cough, all they saw was Vincent. Vincent, with his dark hair stained white.
An enormous hand rose to shake the flour from his hair, but it only served to fall onto his shirt instead. He glanced down, good eye narrowing, and he huffed.
"Maybe I should take over," Sam offered. Somehow, trusting Vincent to wield an oversized knife seemed more reasonable than letting him continue with this. At least he used knives and scalpels every day, and there was no risk of him destroying the entire kitchen with flour.
Sam thought she caught a flush peeking from the underside of his mask as he moved aside. Their arms brushed as they swapped places, and Vincent lingered just a little too long.
But Sam was probably just imagining things.
So instead of allowing themselves to think about it, Sam focused on the cake. Or rather, the mess of separate ingredients that was an attempted cake.
At least things went smoothly after that. The cake made it to the oven unharmed, and no one lost a finger to that enormous knife. Then came the dreaded caramel sauce, for which Sam insisted Vincent remain spectator.
Yet he insisted on hovering over their shoulder, watching as they stirred, his towering figure curling around their own as he peeked shyly over their shoulder. Once, such an act would have caused a spike of panic to shoot through Sam's veins - but right then, with the warmth of his skin only inches from their own, Sam smiled.
"You don't need to stand so close," Sam murmured. Tilting their head upward, they met Vincent's gaze. Only one eve was ever visible, and not for the first time, Sam wondered what lay beneath the mask. God, they bet he was handsome. Far more handsome than Bo, even if they were identical twins.
They expected him to move away, to duck his head in that sweetly bashful way - but instead Vincent pressed closer. One hand reached out to clasp theirs, the one currently stirring the pot of caramel sauce. His hand was calloused but gentle, warm from the heat generated by the stove.
"You want to feel included?" Sam questioned, swallowing down the lump in their throat.
He simply hummed in agreement and oh, that noise was music to her ears.
Could Vincent feel how hot they were? Could he hear her ragged breaths, sense how desperately she wanted to sink into his touch?
By the time the sauce was done, Sam's nerves were shot. They heaved the pot away from the burner, trying to ignore how eager Vincent was to help. Trying to ignore how good it felt to be so close to him. They fit perfectly into the curve of his body, the perfect height for him to rest his chin on the top of their head-
Pain set their hand alight, red hot and burning. Sam dropped the pot with a yelp, scrambling back - only for their back to bump into Vincent. The pot clattered onto the kitchen counter top, spilling a drop of sauce onto the marble top. When Sam's eyes darted down, the back of their knuckles were blotchy red.
Well, that's what they got for being so ditzy.
Vincent was by their side in a second, hands reaching for Sam's own. His one eye was wide, clear blue filled with an ocean of concern. Hunched shoulders tensed, a slender finger gently brushing across the scald.
Wincing, Sam fought back a hiss.
Immediately he dropped their hand, a low whine escaping his lips in a silent apology. He backed away as if he was the one burned, eye fixed on the floor.
"I's all right," Sam soothed, "I just... wasn't paying attention." The reason why, they decided, was best kept a secret. They moved to the sink, good hand giving Vincent's thick arm a reassuring squeeze on the way past. Then, turning on the tap, they let the cold water wash over their burning skin.
"I'm sorry."
Sam jerked, head whipping around, water spraying across the tiled wall as they stared at Vincent. "You're what?"
"I'm sorry." His voice was low, scratchy like a man that had been smoking his entire life. Scratchy like it caused physical discomfort. Yet it was handsome, oddly soothing in its shyness.
Wait, had Sam really never heard Vincent speak before?
Blinking owlishly, Sam felt a smile tug at the corner of their lips. "So you can speak."
A hand darted up to rub at the back of his neck. Long, greasy black hair hung in his face, shielding even his one bright blue eye from view. "I don't like to," he admitted quietly, "Bo says I sound... unpleasant."
"Well, Bo's full of shit," Sam answered. Never would they admit such a thing in front of Bo himself, or even sweet Lester - but it was true, wasn't it? Their heart stuttered as they stepped closer, one hand outstretched to take Vincent's. "For what it's worth, I think your voice is lovely."
His eye crinkled, barely visible beneath the curtain of hair - Sam's pulse quickened at the sight, their smile growing. He was smiling beneath the mask, and oh they wanted nothing more than to see his face unhindered.
But that could wait. Instead, Sam settled for reaching up to press a kiss to his wax mask, tucking thick hair behind his ear.
Vincent tensed, and for a moment Sam worried they had done something wrong - but then a whoosh of air escaped his lips, batting against the inside of the mask, and Vincent relaxed into her touch. "Thank you," he murmured.
"For what?"
"Teaching me how to bake. Being so nice," he paused, head dipping to press into the crook of their neck, "spending time with me."
"Why would I want to spend time with anyone else?"
A broken, scratchy laugh caught in his throat. It was an odd sound that made Sam's head spin - but it was a beautiful sound.
They stood there for a long time, embracing in the middle of the kitchen like nothing else in the world mattered. Well, in that moment nothing else did matter. Sam enjoyed the warmth of his enormous body enveloping theirs, the smell of wax filling their nose, the feel of his hands gently running through their short, bouncy hair-
Then something beeped behind them, stabbing through the silence. The two broke apart, Sam's eyes wide, flashing across the room. Then the scent of bitter smoke filled her nose.
"Shit, the cake!"
Moment broken, Vincent rushed to the oven. Nervous hands stumbled to pull the door open, oven mitt hilariously tiny for his oversized hands. The cake was burnt. Well and truly crispy, almost solid black. Vincent huffed, turning to Sam with a head tilt so adorably apologetic.
"At least we tried?" Sam supplied weakly, "besides, it was worth it just to spend the morning with you."
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thecleverdame · 5 years
East of Nowhere - Year Two
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Sam x Reader
Series Masterlist
Summary:  You and Sam are strangers trapped in a desolate mountain town where you live alone, isolated from the outside world, for five years.
Warnings: language, violence, smut, talk of past trauma
Words: 8.5k
Beta:  ilikaicalie  
This story is complete (44k) and available now on Patreon for a pledge of 2.50. >>CLICK HERE<<
One Year, Three Days
“This is the one.” You stand beside Sam in the fading light of the afternoon, the wind tossing his hair around his face. Crossing your arms you pull the jacket tighter around you. You’ve been inside every house in the residential area of Shadow Hill, but none of them felt quite right, not until this one.
It’s at the very end of the cul-de-sac, where there’s more room between the houses, not to mention the edge of the forest in the backyard, which flanks your new home with thick pine woods.
You know just by looking at the outside that this one is the right fit. The deep blue siding reminds you of the color of the ocean in books, a rich blue that feels calm and peaceful.
“You sure this is the one? How do you know?” Sam inquires, tilting his head, trying to determine what makes this place different from the other forty houses you’ve spent days inspecting.  
“I’m not sure,” you shrug, admiring for another moment more, then grabbing the wrist of his jacket, pulling him toward the steps. “It just feels like us.”
Once inside, your instincts are only confirmed. The living room is warmly lit with a soft fire, filled with overstuffed chairs and rich colors. Leading off the main living area is a grand oak dining table, big enough for an entire family. The kitchen is new and sleek, pots and pans hanging from hooks above the island. This house feels like a home, almost like someone’s lived here before.
“I like it,” Sam nods in approval, pouting his bottom lip. “Let’s check out the second floor.” You follow Sam upstairs, finding several bedrooms with large beds, each more luxurious than the last. It’s a far cry from the shitty little hotel room that you’ve shared for the last year.
“Why are there so many pillows?” Sam squints, “no one person could possibly need that many pillows.”
“They’re decorative. I like them.” You smile at him, swinging your hips like a happy-go-lucky child.
“I won’t even attempt to fight you for a room, you choose the one you want.” Sam grins, nudging open the door at the end of the hall, peering in. You frown, a sudden reality hitting you for the first time. “What?” He asks, his smirk falling at your abrupt shift in attitude.
“It’s gonna be a little weird not sleeping in the same room, that’s all.”  You walk past him, inspecting the bathroom, thrilled to see a soaker tub big enough for three people.  The look on his face is hard to read, “I’m used to waking up and seeing you right there, talking and farting in your sleep.”
Chuckling, Sam shakes his head “You don’t even want me to tell you some of the noises you make.” You raise your eyebrows and he continues “Yeah, I’m not the only one who talks in their sleep. Oh, don’t stop, harder....lots of sex dreams.”
“Sam!” You yell, slapping his arm. You drop your eyes out of embarrassment, giggling because you have a pretty good idea of who you were dreaming about. When you look up, there’s a broad smile plastered across his face, chest shaking as he quietly laughs to himself. “I hate you,” you grit slapping him again.
“Who am I to say what it was about, maybe you’ve just been dreaming about a really great full body massage.” He cracks himself up, leaning into the wall for support.
“You’re a real comedian.” You sigh, trapped in the space between embarrassment and amusement. “I want this room, the big one.”
One Year, Five Weeks
You think the house will help to alleviate some of the tension between the two of you and, for a couple weeks it does. Sam has one rule above all others, you don’t separate. You get it, you understand why it’s important that you’re always within earshot. In theory, anything could happen, but the fact is nothing ever happens. Your lives become a mundane routine, planned around books and spells and meals that’s wearing you down day by day.
The little things Sam does drive you crazy and not in a good way. Like the way his spoon always hits the side of his bowl when he’s eating soup or how he chews on the ends of all the pens until they’re twisted into mangled plastic. He leaves the toilet seat up and the milk on the counter and he always has to know where you are, every fucking moment.
“It works better if you use the scrub brush,” Sam recommends, sipping his coffee.
“I like the sponge.” You side eye him, elbow deep in rubber gloves and dirty dishes.
“You know, you don’t really have to do that. If you just wait, they’ll clean themselves.�� He leans against the counter, seemingly intent on watching you wash.
“No, I do have to do it. Otherwise, they’ll sit here all day and every time I come into the kitchen, I have to stare at a sink full of dishes.” The organized scientist in you has reared its ugly head. Sam’s a wonderful man in so many ways, but he’s obscenely messy.
“Why are you mad?” Sam asks, raising his eyebrows.
“I’m not mad,” you grit, jaw clenched.
“Really? Because you seem angry.”
This is the point in cartoons where steam blows out of someone’s ears. Every bit of resentment, indignation, and sexual frustration is boiling to the surface.
“I said I’m fine.” You turn away from him, dropping a bowl to the floor where it shatters with a sickening crack. “God, damn it!” You scream, clenching your fists.
To Sam, this seems like a massive overreaction, but for you, it’s about so much more than a broken bowl.
“It’s not that big of a deal. You get the big pieces and I’ll grab the broom.” Sam moves toward the cupboard.
That’s when you erupt.
“Sam, for fuck's sake stop telling me what to do! Jesus, I’m capable of cleaning up broken glass!” You shake with rage.
“What the hell is your problem?” He shoots back, both ready for a fight.
“You’re my problem!” You scream. As if it had been planned, you step with all your weight directly onto a sharp shard of glass that cuts into your foot like a knife through butter. You shriek, falling onto your butt, coming down hard on your tailbone with a sickening smack on the tile floor. “Fuck, ow….ow.”
Sam crouches in front of you, with his hand around your ankle before you have a chance to process what’s happening. He lifts your foot up to get a better view and cringes, “that’s deep.”
“Let me go,” you kick at him, not hard enough to do any damage, but enough to get a point across.
“I need to get it out,” he scoffs, tightening his grasp.
“I’ll do it myself. I said don’t touch me,” you hiss, pulling your leg back again. This time, he lets you go, you wince as you scoot away from him.
“I’m just trying to help.” His tone betrays the words and there’s venom under the surface.
“I don’t need your help, I’m fine.”
He watches from the other side of the kitchen as you inspect your foot. He was right, it is deep, maybe three or four inches sunk into flesh. It’s a thick gash that’s pooling blood all over the light grey floor. Your stomach turns a little when you realize that you’ve backed yourself into the corner and have to pull it out of your own foot.
The pain comes without warning as if seeing the injury triggers the physical response. A sharp ache rises from your foot and up your legs and tears well over your eyes before you can stop.
It fucking hurts and suddenly you’re worried maybe you’ve managed to really injure yourself. What if you hit a tendon or actually did some permanent damage? The distress rises to your chest as you break out into a sweat.
The pain spirals and the blood isn’t stopping. God, you hate the sight of blood, it’s always made you lightheaded.
“Sam…” you panic, voice trembling.
“Here, let’s get you up.” Without missing a beat, he scoops you into his arm and carries you to the living room like he’s done it a thousand times before. That’s all it takes for him to forget what a bitch you’ve been; he hears the fear when you say his name and all is forgotten. After jogging to the bathroom, he reappears with a small bag.
“It hurts,” you spit, covering your eyes with your arm. You don’t want to look, the thought of all that blood and glass makes your stomach turn over.
“I bet,” he raises your leg into his lap, blood dripping all over his jeans. He doesn’t seem to care, though. You feel his wide hand slide under your yoga pants, halfway up your calf, squeezing lightly. “I’ll take care of you.”
With those words, Sam bears down, holding your leg still with a firm grip and rips the glass out. Not only is there pain, but more concerning is the steady stream of blood gushing out that is warm and slick, streaming down your heel. You don’t speak, you just make a strangled noise that Sam responds to by squeezing your upper thigh.
Your eyes pop open and the look on his face makes you feel even worse, “It’s bad huh?”
He nods tightly, “You’re gonna need stitches.” When you whimper, he just nods. “Don’t worry, you won’t remember. Gonna get you real drunk first.”
One Year, Four Months
You twirl spaghetti around a fork, coiling the noodles in just the right amount before popping it into your mouth. “Oh my gosh, Sam” you nod enthusiastically, “this is really good.”
“See, I’m getting better. I used the recipe this time,” he grins and you both dig in.
You’ve been swapping childhood trauma stories all night and now it’s your turn.
“We used to go on these camping trips when I was kid. Every year, my dad would pack up way too much shit in the back of our station wagon and drag us out to the middle of nowhere.” Sam sits back in his seat, sipping his beer. He likes when you tell the stories, he always seems fascinated by what was usually your boring, run of the mill childhood memories.
“Your dad’s an outdoorsman?” he inquires, crossing his ankles.
“Big time. He was in the army and when he got out, he spent years teaching wilderness survival. He’d live outside if he could.” You pour yourself more wine, then you continue. “So, he decides that we’re going to the Smokey Mountains for two weeks. He drags the whole freaking family out there, my mom and sister, my cousins and asshole uncle Ted. I didn’t care about any of them, I was so excited just to spend time with my dad. He’d taught me, what I thought at the time was a lot of bushcraft skills, I mean, I was just a little girl, but I knew how to build a fire and get a fish off a line, so I thought I was hot shit. I was desperate to prove myself. I never wanted to be like other girls my age, I wanted to hunt and fish and chop trees. I don’t know, I guess I thought it was the best way make my dad proud. So, we’d been there about a week when I decided that I wanted to go off on my own adventure. I packed a bag and wandered off. My cousin, Ryan, was supposed to be watching me, but he was too busy reading comics and no one else noticed.”
“Oh no…” Sam winces, rocking back in his chair.
“It gets better,” you promise. “I followed the trail for a while and then decided that I was fully capable of making my own way in the world and I ventured off into the woods. I probably walked for an hour before I decided I wanted to go back to camp, but it was too late; I was so lost. I walked in every direction and had no freaking idea which way was out. I was eight years old, with a ‘My Little Pony’ backpack and a pair of pink binoculars. I wasn’t dressed for anything more than a trip to the park and the sun started to go down….I was so scared, Sam. This huge storm was rolling in and when it started to rain, I just remember curling into a ball and crying”
“What did you do?” Sam’s enthralled, picking at the label on his bottle.
“I started thinking about my dad, he always said that if you aren’t finding a solution, you're contributing to the problem. So, I looked for a solution, which in my case, was finding the thickest pine tree I possibly could and crawling underneath. It hurt like hell, I was all scratched up, but I knew it would at least keep me out of the rain. And that storm, God, I hate thunderstorms to this day. It was so loud and there was so much lightning. I remember being curled up in the mud under that tree, freezing, and telling myself out loud that I was going to be alright.  Even as a kid, I knew that I had to make myself believe that I was going to survive and I was capable of handling the situation. It was going to be awful and I was going to cry - but that was okay, as long as I made it through.”
“You were out there all night?” Sam leans forward setting his drink on the table.
“Yup. It was almost twenty-four hours before my dad found me. I was wet and dirty, but I was in one piece. You know he didn’t even yell at me? He just hugged me and told me he loved me.”
“That’s incredible, the whole thing,” he shrugs his shoulders, “I’d like to meet him.”
“You will,” you take a sip from your glass, pulling your knees up to your chest, “he’s gonna like you. He’s a ‘get shit done’ kind of guy. You kinda remind me of him.”
“Yeah, we’ll see.” Sam’s been less and less positive as the months go by.
“Yeah, we will,” you confirm.
Sam’s still for a moment, his eyes shifting as his own thoughts rush in.
“When, ah, Dean and I were kids, my dad was gone all the time. My first real memory is being in this smelly, dirty motel room and crying because I just wanted my dad to stay with me. I didn’t understand why he left, you know? Dean must have gone out or something because I distinctly remember that when he came back to the room, I turned my pillow over because I was afraid he’d see it was wet and he’d know I was crying.” Sam loses himself in that memory for a moment, rubbing the back of his neck.
“How old were you?”
“I don’t know, four maybe? Young enough that no one in their right mind would leave Dean in charge of me.” He scoffs and takes a drink, “That’s just how it was though. My mom died and dad needed to hunt, needed to fill that void.”
“Sounds to me like he was coping the only way he knew how t,” you suggest. Sam’s talked about his father before and you know there’s never ending layers to that relationship.
“I don’t hold it against him, not anymore. He did the best he could under the circumstances.  For a long time, all I wanted to do was everything that he hated. Just be a normal guy, get married, have a couple kids, and be a better father than he ever was.”
“What? You don’t want that anymore?”
“I’m thirty-three and, forgetting for a moment that we’re stuck in Shadow Hill, I’m deeper into this life than my dad ever was. If you care about people, you don’t make them a part of this life.”
“Maybe you don’t get to make that choice for other people,” you shoot back. “Everyone has their shit, Sam, and I’ll give it to you that your shit is crazier than most, but that doesn’t mean you can’t be happy.”
“Yeah, maybe.” He gulps down the last of his beer, “I’m going to bed.”
One Year, Five Months
You’re going alone, you’re going no matter what he says because you don’t care about his rules anymore.
Sam’s reading in the living room, so engrossed in The Handmaid’s Tale that he doesn’t really hear you when you square off your shoulders and say, “I’m going for walk.”
He just smiles up at you, completely oblivious to whatever you just told him, “Whatever you want.”
If we’re being a hundred percent honest, you know it’s going to piss him off. But, there’s no way you are both going to survive without a little alone time every now and then. If it keeps up like this, one of you is going to kill the other.
You wander down the street and behind the houses to Miller’s Path, leading out of the town and into the looming pine forest that surrounds every side of Shadow Hill. After walking for some time, you veer off the path, heading toward a clearing in the distance.
You maneuver through the brush, the trees of yesteryear, fallen in storms long forgotten. The seasons have been harsh, stripping away the bark and outer layers, yet rendering them all the more beautiful. They have the appearance of driftwood, twisting in patterns that remind you of seaside waves; even the color of the moss is kelp-like. They are soft and damp, yet your fingers come away dry.
You tilt your head upward, feeling your hair tumble further down your back; the pines are several stories tall, reaching toward the golden rays of early fall. Birdsong comes in lulls and bursts, the silence and the singing working together as well as any improvised melody. A new smile paints itself on your face, rose-pink lips, semi-illuminated by the dappled light. Before you know it, your feet have begun to walk, body and mind both on autopilot - it's around noon and you don’t think you’ve been gone that long.
You find the clearing, trotting happily back out into the sunlight.
“What the fuck are you doing?” Sam’s voice booms, snapping you out of your solitary moment. You whip around to the sight of him standing at the edge of the tree line, his chest huffing and eyes wild.
“What, I’m just...out here.” You’re caught off guard more than anything else, stumbling over your words. Sam’s mad, breathless, nostrils flaring, pissed the fuck off.
“Just hanging out?” He throws his arms up, stepping closer to you.
“I was just taking a walk, I told you where I was going…” You step back, he looks like he might throw you over his shoulder and lug you back to the house himself.
“You’re acting like a damn kid sneaking around. What if something happened to you?”
“Nothing is gonna happen to me. What do you think is going to happen, Sam? Nothing ever fucking happens here. It’s just the same shit day after day and it’s driving me insane. It’s making me resent you and it’s not even your fault, I know that. But, I need to be able to take a walk or go to Tolliver’s or do just one damn thing on my own.”
“I’m not done! Let me finish. Look, if I could choose anyone to be here with, it would be you, Sam, it really would. I had no idea I needed you in my life before I met you, which I know sounds nuts and makes no sense whatsoever, but it’s how I feel. I like spending time with you, but I need time to be alone, I feel like I’m going crazy.”
“What if you decide you want to go for a stroll and you never come back? You just disappear. Huh? What then?”
“If I’m going to disappear, it’s going to happen whether you know where I am or not. I could be sitting next to you on the couch and poof, gone. Just like that,” you snap your fingers for added effect and he winces.
“Okay, sure, let’s just throw caution to the wind. You don’t care, right? Whatever happens, happens!” He’s screaming, pointing at you with an accusatory thrust of his arm.
“I never said that,” you glare, “stop being so dramatic! God, I hate you so much right now!”
“Screw you,” Sam, spits, lunging toward you and the next thing you know his mouth is crashing into yours. You’re still in shock, mouth hanging open as his tongue snakes past your lips, meeting your own. He tastes like almonds and salt and it is fucking wonderful. His arms engulf you, enveloping you in a crushing embrace, pulling your body flush with his. You tip your head to the side, mouth opening further to give him full access, a move which he accepts eagerly, his tongue exploring deeper as this kiss becomes less about rage and more about a year and half of sexual frustration. Somewhere in the back of your mind, it occurs to you that despite how good this feels, you’re still pissed. Groaning into his mouth, you place two hands on his chest and push back, parting in a breathless smack. Sam looks down at you, his shoulders rising and falling with the rhythm of his breath.
“You kissed me.” You meant it as a question, but instead you’re just stating the obvious.
“Yeah,” he flexes his jaw, “I did.”
“Well...I...” Just a moment ago there was so much you needed to say, but your head is swimming and you can’t think. “I’m not saying that I didn’t like it, but I wasn’t done-”
In the distance there’s a faint noise, growing louder. At first, you both look from side to side, but the closer the sound gets the more you realize it’s coming from above you. By the time you identify the noise as paper fluttering in the air, you can see the mystery object plummeting down toward the ground and it lands with a heavy thud on a patch of grass. You both inch toward it, Sam moving in front you with his arm out, “Don’t get too close.”
You stay behind him until you realize what you’re looking at and step forward as he grabs at the back of your shirt. “It’s alright, it’s just a book.” You bend down and pick up what appears to be a very worn, very old copy of Pride and Prejudice.
“What the..,” Sam’s voice trails off as you show it to him. There’s a feather sticking from between the pages and you open it to reveal a small line of text that’s been underlined by hand.
Glancing up at Sam you clear your throat read the text, “Sometimes the last person on Earth you want to be with is the one person you can't be without.”
“What is that, like Jane Austen?” he asks, completely perplexed.
You suppress your urge to comment on the fact that he recognizes Jane Austen when his face twists. You can watch the flutter of realization cross his face. “What?” You shift the book in your hands, “what’s wrong?”
“Someone’s watching us,” he snorts.
“But,” you hesitate trying to decide what the right questions are, “who?”
“I don’t know, but literature’s greatest hits don’t just rain the from the heavens. That was meant for us.”
“This is freaking me out.” You wipe your mouth, feeling the weight of the novel, and looking behind you.  
Sam’s words sink in; someone’s watching.
He looks from you to the book, then up to the sky. There’s a moment of silence before he loses it. “What is this? A lesson?” he shouts, turning in a circle with his arms outstretched. “We’re listening, we’re fucking listening! Hello?” Nothing. He’s fuming, his cheeks bright red and fists clenched. He looks like he’s ready for a fight and not the kind that utilizes words. He wants to break something, frantic for anything to hit and watch his knuckles bleed.
“Sam,” you reach out, grabbing his wrist. He recoils when you touch him, pulling back as if he’s going to smack you. It’s muscle memory, something dormant left over from too many years of staying constantly vigilant and sleeping with a gun under his pillow. He cocks his fist and you stumble back, nearly falling over as he catches you.
“Shit, I didn’t mean to-” his face scrunches, to your surprise there are tears welling up in his eyes, “I wouldn’t hurt you.”
What Sam can’t tell you is the combination of emotions coursing through his veins. He’s so frustrated that he can’t even control his own reactions and it makes him feel painfully impotent.
“I know, Sam,” you drop the book to the ground and wrap yourself around him, pressing your head over his heart, “I know you wouldn’t.”
One Year, Seven Months
After the ‘Dr. Darcy Incident’, as you dubbed it, Sam does his best to give you more space. And just like you predicted, your relationship with him begins to heal itself almost immediately. Time away eases the urge to pick at each other and allows you to enjoy your time together again. It’s a morning like any other, except Sam isn’t there when you wander half asleep down to the kitchen. Sam’s always awake before you, a pot of coffee already brewing by the time you crack your eyes open for the first time. You assume he must need the sleep and try to recreate his normal morning routine, so that by the time he wanders into the dining room, there’s two eggs and wheat toast waiting for him.
“Good morning,” you greet him, setting your plate next to his.
“Good morning,” his voice is low and he blinks at his eggs.
“You still asleep over there?”
“I think so,” being the man that he is, he just throws you an appreciative glance and digs in.  He spends the rest of the day going through his normal routine; run, weights in the basement, then a shower and off the to the library to grab a few books he wants to add to your growing in-home library. By that evening, he’s looking pale, dark circles forming under his eyes. He tells you it’s just a cold and that he just needs some sleep. You don’t think twice. Maybe he’s not feeling well, but it doesn’t set off any alarm bells. The following morning, you’re up earlier than usual, feeling uncharacteristically rested. Lacing up your sneakers, you hit the snowy pavement as the sun is rising over the horizon. It’s a beautiful morning, too cold for a walk, but it’s perfect as you pick up speed out of the neighborhood and head towards town. For several miles, all you hear is the controlled sound of your breath and your feet hitting the ground. You push further and faster than you ever have before, extending your route up the hill past Hill’s Cinema (the one room movie theatre) and winding back down around the city center park. By the time you’re trotting back to the house, the sun is high overhead and the chill of a bitter winter day is creeping in. Covered in a thick sheen of sweat, you head for the kitchen, pour yourself a glass of water and drink it. After a few moments, you happen to see a foot peeking from around the corner near the bottom of the stairs.
“Sam,” you call high pitched. You don’t want to look. The tight grip of fear rises in your chest as you round the corner and find him sprawled on the floor, face down still in his pajamas. Dropping to your knees, you turn him over. The moment you touch his torso, you can feel the sweat soaking through his shirt, he’s drenched. “Sam, can you hear me?” You brush away the damp hair stuck to his forehead. He’s burning up, his whole body is radiating heat. You’re not sure what to do, the only semblance of medical training you have is from watching re-runs of House on daytime cable. Shaking your hands in a panic, you try to mentally put together a list of priorities. At the top of that list is his breathing, so you press an ear to his febrile, damp chest and listen. He’s breathing shallowly, but his heart is galloping a hundred miles a minute. He’s so hot, you know it has to be dangerous, his body temperature must be cooking him from the inside out.
“Sam!” You yell, right at the shell of his ear. He’s three times your size and you know there’s no way you can move him on your own. “Sam! Wake up!”
When he doesn’t move, you do the only thing that comes to mind, you slap him, hard and fast right across the face. He jerks and his eyes flutter open with a groan. Thank God.
“Hey, can you hear me?” You hover over him, his eyes rolling back into this head for a moment before settling on you.
“What?” he slurs, his face contorting.
“You gotta help me Sam, you have to get up.” You move behind him, lifting him into a sitting position and fuck if he isn’t ridiculously heavy, his limp body doing nothing to assist you. “I can’t do this by myself. We just have to get to the shower, it’s right there.”
You grab his face and turn his focus to the small bathroom just off the entryway. “Okay,” he gulps and squeezes his eyes shut, “I’m dizzy.”
“I know, but we gotta do this now. Come on.” You stand in front of him, taking his hands and pulling with every ounce of strength you can muster. With a minimal amount of assistance, you hike him up, his arm grasping at your shoulders. The two of you shuffle down the hall, his weight threatening to take you both down. You get him into the shower, where he collapses onto his butt with a thud.
“My brain feels like it’s boiling,” he rubs a hand over his face.
“You’re gonna feel better in a minute.” In reality you have no idea if what you’re doing will help in the slightest, but he doesn't need to know that. You climb in the tub behind him and he instantly falls limp between your legs, his back crushing your chest as his head leans back on your shoulder. The fever is practically pulsing through him, his cheeks are bright red and heartbeat still quick, threatening to beat out of his chest. With your shoe, you kick at the faucet until a burst of freezing water erupts from the shower head and gushes over the both of you. You both yell in shock as the icy stream soaks your clothes and washes over your skin. After a few torturous minutes, the drop in temperature seems to calm his body. You’re shaking, teeth chattering as you feel his hand grip your knee. He turns his head toward you, his face at your throat.
“This is not at all how I imagined taking our first shower.”
“First?” You laugh, completely exasperated, chin trembling, “talk about presumptuous.”
You wrap an arm around him from behind, squeezing his wide shoulders and kissing his cheek, “You scared the shit out of me, Sam.”
“Sorry,” he mumbles, “didn’t mean to.”
Once he’s fully coherent, you give him aspirin, find him a change of clothes, and tuck him back into his bed. He grabs your hand as you walk away, pulling you beside him. “Thanks for taking care of me.”
You smile, patting his chest “It’s what we do, right? You and me ‘till the wheels fall off.”
One Year, Nine Months
Sam has no intentions of going through your stuff, he’s just out of toothpaste and you’re out for a run. He pads into your en suite bathroom, feeling like a kid who’s trespassing in his parent's bedroom. Neither of you have ever said your rooms were off limits, but there’s an unspoken respect for personal space. He pulls open a few drawers, pushing around lotions and q-tips when he sees it. He knows what the pills are the moment he lays eyes on them. Amelia’s were in the same pink, little plastic case she pulled out of her purse every time the alarm on her phone went off. Looking behind and satisfied you’re nowhere nearby, he pops the case open, to find half the pack empty.
You’re taking birth control pills.
If he’d asked you about it, you would have told him that you found them in the pharmacy a year ago, right after the ‘almost kiss’ and figured that taking precautions was the smart thing to do. You didn’t know where this thing with Sam was going, but it felt like it might sneak up on you someday and you didn’t want any more surprises.
Sam looks at the pills again, weighing out several scenarios until he hears you bounding up the stairs. He hastily shoves the pack back in the drawer behind an open box of tampons. He finds the toothpaste just as you swing through the doorway, sweating and breathless.
“Jesus Christ,” you jump startled at the sight of him.
“Sorry,” he smiles tightly, waving a tube of Crest, “just trying to brush my teeth.”
One Year, Ten Months
You slide on sock feet over the hardwood of the living floor and take a seat at the edge of the arm chair. “I’m going to the greenhouse.”
“You want me to come with you?” Sam glances up from his nest on the floor with a pen between his teeth.  He’s sitting cross legged in front of the coffee table, books and notes everywhere.
“No, I’m good, I need some quality time in with my African Violets.” You tie your sneakers, watching him as he shakes his head and makes a note on an already crowded legal pad. For a moment, you let your mind wander. The intellectual in you, the woman that loves historical fiction and collects vintage copies of the periodic table, can’t help but be insanely attracted to this man.
He will never know how utterly delicious he looks in a v-neck t shirt, barefoot, and lost in some obscure text. Sam’s always a little sweaty and at this very moment, there’s a sheen layer of perspiration right at the hollow of his throat that’s nudging your mind in a thousand directions. It’s been way too long since you’ve had sex, but you don’t hold onto hope because Sam might as well be the president of the Shadow Hill Abstinence Society.
“I’ll bring you lunch,” he offers, without looking up.
“Sounds good, see you later.”
You hop on your bike and enjoy the ride to the greenhouse. It’s on the far side of town, a little over a mile, and you shiver in the cool morning air, your thin coat doing little for the brisk ride.
Green Thumbs, as the sign reads, is a fully functioning hot house as big as a barn. The heat hits you in a wave as you open the frosted glass door, enjoying the smell of the flowers and earth that overtakes your senses. You check on Sam’s plants first, the ones he asked you to cultivate for spell work. You fuss over the Mugwort and water the Lady’s Mantle before moving to your orchids that require repotting. At first, you didn’t know if you’d be able to grow anything, with Shadow Hill wiping the slate clean, but the greenhouse has proven to be space that allows change to stick. Your flowers and herbs grow tall and strong, perhaps better than they should. You lose track of time, surprised when you hear movement behind you.
“Hey you,” you see Sam and turn to greet him with a sweet genuine smile.
Sam gulps. It’s hot in here and you're in a tank top that’s sticking to your sweaty, glistening body. There’s dirt smeared over your stomach and arms and a little just beside your nose. Your hair is a wild mess, barely contained by the failing ponytail. He’s been having a harder and harder time with his own self control when it comes to you, but this is the moment he knows that it’s only a matter of time before the dam breaks.
“Sandwiches,” he holds up a paper bag, looking at you with the familiar yet strange look he gets from time to time. You have no idea what goes in that head of his, but you’d like to find out. You wash your hand off with the hose and join him on the small wooden bench for turkey sandwiches. He hands you a bottle of water as you catch his eyes wandering over your body.
You glare at him, “I know I’m a filthy mess.  I promise I’ll shower before I sit on the furniture, okay, dad?”
Sam just chuckles, looking at roses and biting into his food, “You’re so far off base you don’t even know it.”
One Year, Eleven Months, Two Weeks
A deafening crash of thunder rips you from your slumber, as your heart beats nearly out of your chest. The second boom makes you jump, as lightning illuminates your room. It’s so loud, that it sounds as if the heavens might crack open from the power. Rain is falling heavily on the roof as you crawl out of bed and look out your second story window. The clouds look low enough that the far mountain peaks appear claustrophobic at the proximity. Between the flashes of lightning, there’s an inky darkness that sinks into the marrow of your bones. You glance at the clock next to your bed, but it’s black. Great, the power must be out. You don’t like storms. Most of the time, you’re an adult and you can power through it, but this is loud and bright and something feels uneasy and electric all around you. You make your way across the hall and rap at Sam’s door.
After a moment, you hear, “Y/N?” You turn the handle and creep inside as he sits up, shirtless and dazed.
“I um, I just...the storm woke me up,” you shift from one foot to the other, standing in his doorway.
“You want me to get up with you?” he mumbles, trying to shake himself from his sleep.
“No, I’m being a baby, go back to sleep. I’ll read or something.”
Sam throws back the sheets on the open side of his bed, and nods with his chin, “Get in here.”
You don’t hesitate, you crawl in beside him, and he pulls the cover up to your waist. You don’t know if he’s fully coherent or not, but he rolls into you, as if it’s no big deal. His body presses into your side, his face burying into your neck and his hand sliding across your stomach and coming to rest on your hip.
You lay like that for a while, now more awake than ever before in your life. Everywhere he’s touching you feels excruciatingly sensitive, like you’re in overdrive. Sam’s breathing hot at your neck just under your jaw and instead of softening with sleep, it’s only getting faster and faster. A crack of thunder roars down from the night sky and you involuntarily jerk. Sam’s hand tightens around your hip, his body pressing into your side as he murmurs, “I’ve got you.”
You feel the shift of his head as his lays a soft kiss to the skin of your neck, it’s not a grand gesture, but it’s supremely intimate as you lay here in his bed. He kisses you again, this time moving down a little further, just the tip of his tongue darting out to taste your skin.
Your breath catches in your throat as you tip your head away, giving him more access. His hand moves from your hip back over your stomach, resting his palm just below your belly button.
“Can I touch you?” he murmurs at the shell of your ear. You exhale in a desperate, fractured moan.
“Yes,” you whisper, nodding.
Sam pulls at the hem of your nightgown and before you know what’s happening, it’s up and over your head, leaving you completely naked. He makes a guttural grunt of approval, pleased to see you’ve forgone undergarments. Still on his side, he leans over and cups one of your breasts with a calloused hand, taking your nipple into his mouth. You gasp, his wet tongue sliding over the hardened bud before tugging gently with his teeth.
His fingers play down your abdomen, barely grazing, as his touch sinks lower. You feel his fingers swipe over your sex, the tip of his fingers delicately stroking over your lips. When he feels that you’re wet, he pushes further, coating his fingers with your own slick. The pressure of his finger shallow inside you makes you quiver, your thighs falling apart.
Continuing to mouth your breast, his finger moves upward, out of your pussy to find your clit with expert efficiency. He rubs over the little bundle of nerves, eliciting a buck of your hips.
For what seems like a lifetime, he works your body just like this. His hand between your legs and nipple between his lips. His finger moves back and forth across your clit, rubbing and coaxing soft moans as you rock your hips up into this hand. Sam rolls his tongue over your nipple, then clenches down sending shocks that reverberate in your nether regions.
“I’m going to taste you,” he explains calmly, pressing a kiss between your breasts, moving downward placing his lips at the crown of your ribcage.
“Sam,” you puff, his words only adding to the anticipation, just a vague outline of what’s to come next, leaving him to fill in the details. The caress of his lips travel down your stomach, stopping for a moment to trace the outline of your belly button with his tongue. As he moves lower, he readjusts his body, crawling between your legs, hooking his hand behind one of your knees and bending your legs, using his shoulders to hold your shaking thighs open for him.
There’s a scrape of his teeth over the mound of your sex and you feel his breath before anything else, hot and warm with his face so close to your apex. Then his fingers; Sam uses his thumb and index finger to peel you open, revealing the throbbing little bundle of nerves.
There’s a tight swell of anticipation building in your stomach, but it’s nothing to prepare you for what comes next. With the tip of his tongue, slippery and warm, he scoops up and over your clit, once, twice, three times.
“Sam,” you groan, your back arching as he repeats the same, slow lick, just his tongue and fingers to hold you open. With his free hand, he reaches up, spreading his palm wide over your stomach, holding you down. Without warning, his whole mouth engulfs you, running his tongue flat and hard over the sweet spot that now controls every inch of your body.
Sam’s fantasized plenty of times about what you would taste like, but it’s different, better than he imagined. You’re salty and metallic in his mouth, making him only want more.  He has a plan for this first time, what and how he wants to pleasure you. Between the noises you're making and the insistent thrust of your hips into his face, he knows he’s right on target.
He could do this for hours, incandescently happy with his head in a vice grip between your thighs, with a mouth full of tangy slick.
You don’t know long he’s down there, fifteen, maybe twenty minutes? All with his tongue making spine-tingling circles around your most sensitive parts. He knows what he’s doing too, changing his rhythm, adjusting the pressure of his tongue to keep you from coming, he doesn’t want that yet.
He knows you want more, he almost fucks you with his fingers, but he wants the first thing you feel pushing inside to be his cock. He wants you to come for the first time while he’s in you. He wants to watch you pulse and shake while he’s sunk deep. His dick is rock hard, grinding against the sheets as he thinks about it.
“Sam,” he scrapes his teeth over your clit when you call his name, groaning into your pussy. His tongue dips down, teasing between your folds before moving back up to his focus area. All you want is something, anything to fill you up, his tongue, his hand, his cock, the specifics don’t matter.
“You want me inside you?” he asks, looking up from your thighs.
“Please, God yes,” you groan at the sight of him, crawling back up over your body.
He settles his hips between your own, pushing his sweatpants down his thighs. His hand brushes stray hair out of your face and then he kisses you for the second time since you’ve known him. His lips meet yours, diving deep with a scoop of his tongue.
Lost in the bliss of his body weight and mouth, you feel his hand between you, then the head of his cock rubbing over your clit and between your folds. There’s the sweet moment when he presses the tip into you for the first time, slowly sinking as you stretch around him. You moan into his mouth, his kisses deepening as he slides thick and stiff until he’s fully seated.
You feel impossibly full, it’s an incredible sensation that sends pleasure shooting out from where he’s sunk inside you. You wiggle your hips, canting up to his, desperate to take as much of him as you can.
Breathless and panting, Sam’s mouth parts from yours. He reaches up to grab the rung of the headboard for leverage and drops his mouth to the hollow of your throat, kissing sweat soaked skin as he moves, pulling out and thrusting back into you with a force that makes your eyes pop wide.
“Oh my God,” you gasp, reaching for the pillows, the other hand clinging to his arm as his veins bulge with tension.
“You feel so good,” Sam groans as he’s trying his best to make this last. He wants you to remember this first time as intense and incredible, but he’s not sure he can last as long as he’d prefer. You’re so tight around him, like he’s balls deep in hot silk. You’re squirming under him, rubbing your pretty little body up into his like your life depends on it.
He looks down at you, your lip caught between your teeth, naked and straining at the sheets. Sam thinks you twisting under the weight of him is the best thing he’s ever seen in his life. He fucks you hard and slow, pushing all the way in and grinding his hips in slow circles that turns you to into a quivering mess of wet, raw nerves.
His mouth is everywhere, at your mouth, neck, biting at the ball of your shoulder. He moves from those mind blowing grinds to a steady rhythm as the rooms fills with the rolling thunder and the wet, carnal slap of his body into yours. You’re both close, the pumping of his hips faster and harder than before.
“Can I come inside you?” he pants, a growing desperation in his voice.
“Oh God,” you sink your nails into his back, frantic to pull him deeper at the very thought. “Yes, Sam, don’t stop.”
He props himself up on his elbows, his hips snapping fast as your breasts bounce with every thrust. Your nipples are still hard and he can’t help but take one back into his mouth, sucking hard as his hand snakes between your bodies.
His thumb presses over your clit, flicking up and down as he slows his movements. He grinds slow, just like before and you tip over the edge. You come in a glorious crescendo of pulsing nerves and taut muscles, clinging to him like a life raft.
Sam feels it, your body throbbing around his cock as you chant his name. You’re so beautiful, head thrashing to the side, mouth open, lost in the pleasure.
Before your orgasm has completely ended, he’s moving again, quick hard thrusts that make your muscles clench. Sam comes with your name on his tongue, filling you with everything he has, rocking slowly as he empties, twitching inside you. His forehead falls to the crook of your neck as his movements slow to a snail's pace. You rub his back, hands trailing up and down until he’s totally still.
Kissing you, he pulls out then flops onto his back and you lay side by side, silent in the dark as the rain continues to fall in sheets outside the window.
Sam brings your hand up to his mouth, kissing softly. “I’ve wanted that for a long time.”
“Me too,” you confess. This has wide ranging implications, none of which you want to think about right now. You’re sated with Sam and pleasure and that’s where you want to stay for the rest of the night. You feel him shift onto his side, his hand over your stomach again, dipping between your legs to feel the wet of your thighs, the product of his hard work and your arousal. “I need to get you into a shower.”
“The power was out…” You glance to his bedside clock which is lit up like a Christmas tree.
“Looks like it came back on,” he sits up.
“Not yet, I want to lie here a little while longer.” When you protest, he moves back to you, pulling you into the crook of his arm where you're both sweaty and overheated. “I just wanna be like this, just for a few minutes.”
“Whatever you want,” he concedes, not five minutes later he’s snoring gently.
But you don’t fall back to sleep. You lie in the dark, as the storm rages outside. You think about Sam and Shadow Hill and wonder if all this will actually last.
This story is complete (44k) and available now on Patreon for a pledge of 2.50. >>CLICK HERE<<
Tags:  @smallgirlbigpersonality @mereka18 @gryffindorable713 @trainlikeawinchester @winchesterprincessbride @bamby0304 @saxxxology @notyourtypicalrose @mariekoukie6661 @little-big-mac2 @emoryhemsworth @mystrie @atc74 @holyfuckloueh @bunnybaby121115 @mogaruke @darkmystress00 @jaspesangriento @kazuha159 @mirandaaustin93 @crispychrissy @schilj79 @wilde-abandon @hennessy0274-blog @bojabee @miss-samantha-winchester @impalaimagining @andkatiethings @astephez @ladycynthia @mrswhozeewhatsis @lenawiinchester @feelmyroarrrr @mrs-meghan-winchester @har-rystyles @mistressofallthingsgeeky @theamuz @maui137 @stars-and-seas @vale0413 @impala67trenchcoat @curly-haired-disaster @ericaprice2008 @livelikeawinchester @althehufflepuff @itsthesamegametoday @bohowitch @spnwoman @just-a-normal-eccentric @gallifreyansass @StoneyGGirl @lonely-skys @81mysteriouslyme @missrandomista @soupornatural @stars-and-seas @natura1phenomenon @jarpadandjensenaremyheroes @81mysteriouslyme @likhelbentin @mrooks0205 @zombiewerewolfqueen @winchesterprincessbride @squirrel-moose-winchester @fortisetgloriosusinarduis @closetspngirl @dominodoll @rainflowermoon @cleighwrites @camelotandastronauts @imarockstar45  @thebeastinside19 @courtney-padalecki @itsthesamegametoday @virtualgirlfriendsan @daisymoder72 @fandom-is-my-middle-name @mysticmcu @luciferseclipse @malinda1997 @sunlight-dean @rockhoochie @collette04 @sandlee44 @ohnowin-chester @maddiepants @fandom-princess-forevermore @geeksareunique @femdeni314 @lazinessisalliknow @samwinchesterssexyface @the-yellow-girl96 @that67chevy @that-weird-asian-gorl @lmitchell78 @snffbeebee @fandom-is-my-middle-name @calaofnoldor @prettyinplaid94 @squirrelnotsam @spnwoman @luciferseclipse @daddys-littlewhitegirl @fanfictionjunkie1112
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thehomierobbstark · 6 years
Movie Night
Ramen Recipe
Pairing: Erik Killmonger x Reader [#TeamErikDon’tDateWhiteChicks]
Prompt: A typical movie night turns into anything but.
A/N: Don’t ask me where I come up with this shit 😂😂😂 I just be horny as hell daydreaming and be getting creative AF. Been holding onto this idea for a few months now.
Warnings: 👇🏿👇🏿👇🏿 At the bottom
This is for all my lil cute ass black gorditas out there rockin back fat, belly rolls and thick ass thighs that touch!!  x Reader is always gon be black, chubby, and sassy if I decide to continue writing.
*Edit* This story belongs in the Teach Me AU after chapter 5 (chapter 4 & 5 have yet to be posted but there’s your timeline).
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Ya Out Fit
“You… you made this?” she asks incredulously, face full of shock and disbelief, her cheeks poked out from the mouthful of ramen she was covering with her hand.  It was absolutely adorable, the way she looked right now.
Erik groans, dramatically palming a hand over his face and dropping his head back in faux annoyance. This was her fourth time asking him, AND she was just finishing her second helping. If she didn’t believe him by now, he didn’t know if she ever would.
“Yes, babygirl! This all me,” he laughs, watching her munch away on noodle and egg.
It was movie night at Erik’s tonight, except he usually never cooked; they always ordered out. This time, he’d insisted they sit down and eat an actual dinner, even going so far as to give her a scheduled time to arrive. Usually, she’d just show up whenever.
“Hey,” She says, throwing her hands up in defense. “All I know is, last time I saw you in the kitchen, Auntie Dee had just walked out with half her eyebrow missing.”
She steels her face against the oncoming grin, looking away to avoid his eyes.
Erik kisses his teeth, side eyeing her from his end of the table.
“Man, whatever! You always gotta bring up old shit. She ain’t even notice it.”
She drops her hands as the smile breaks through, nodding her head in concession as she remembers how unaware poor Auntie Dee was and how much shit they used to get away with when they were younger.
“You is mutha fuggin RIGHT!” she sings, laughing at her own joke before she’s able to finish telling it.
“You so fuckin wack,” he rolls his eyes at her, chest bouncing from his suppressed chuckles as he gets up from his chair. “Come on and put ya stuff in the kitchen cornball.” He commands, scooping his bowl and chopsticks up before grabbing both their cups.
“How you know I was done tho,” she verbally argues, but follows suit right behind him.
“Cuz, you are.” He states plainly, as if it was obvious.
“CUz yOU aRe,” She silently mocked him, mouthing the words and making a face at the back of his head while she padded into the kitchen. He was right, she was done, but he ain’t need to know all that.
“Don’t get your ass whooped, little girl.” He warns her, glancing back with a knowing face while he places the dishes in the sink.
Yeah, whateva nigga. She thinks, eyebrow twitching from the mental eye roll she does. She places her dishes in after him, flipping on the tap to start some dish water while she tucks her loose braids behind her ear. He turns it off immediately, shooing her away.
“Don’t worry about allat, I’ll handle this later.” He ushers her out of the kitchen, knowing how helpfully domestic she was whenever they hung out together.  
“Go pick out a movie and put it in, I gotta go grab something from upstairs real quick.” he says, leaving her in the living room near the couch while he dashes up the stairs to the second floor.
She waits a few beats, idling by the foot of the stairs while she listens to the sound of him moving around. She hears a door close, and slowly moseys her way back into the kitchen, turning the tap back on.
She never did like to listen much.
Once the sink was filled with soapy water, she busied herself, letting herself fall into the monotonous but comfortable task of washing the dishes.  She was so distracted and in her own head by the fifth dish, she didn’t realize that Erik had come back down stairs and propped himself against the wall, watching her.
“So I see we just out here doing whatever we feel like, huh?” His voice announces his presence, startling her a little bit.
She recovers smoothly, her answer rolling off her tongue easily.
“Always,” she says, rinsing a pair of panda decorated chopsticks off before smirking over at him, grinning wickedly.  Nobody could ever keep her from doing what she wanted, a fact they both knew.
“Well, since you wanna wash dishes so bad,” he says, taking slow steps towards her, face focused while a hint of something sinister lurks somewhere behind his eyes. “Go head and finish then.”
She studies his movements cautiously from the corner of her eye, knowing that he was notorious for surprise attacks of either tickling her until she collapsed or tossing her over his shoulder to body slam her on the couch.
He quickened his steps, and before she could fully remove her hands from the water to shield herself, he slides up behind her, wrapping his hands around her waist.
She reaches for him, but he grunts in disapproval. “Uh uh, put them wet ass fingers back in that sink. You not touching me with them hands.”
Y/N scoffs, grabbing the side of the sink while she shifts her weight to one foot. “Really, Erik.”
He ignores her, wrapping his fingers around her tighter and pulling her closer to him while his head slides in place next to hers.
“I said,” He leans in close, his lips grazing the skin in front of her ear, “finish those fucking dishes.”
Her heartbeat stutters in her throat, mouth going dry from the sudden intensity of his words. She looks down into the sink, seeing the remaining pot and cup left to wash.
Looking back up, she turns to face Erik when his head buries in her neck, pinching the thin skin behind her ear with his teeth, making her take in a sharp gasp.
“What I just say?” he asks darkly, and she freezes as she feels his rough fingers travel up to the dip in her back, pushing her forward gently to lean her over the sink, a silent command to do as she’s told.
She picks up the sponge, lathering it with soap as her mind splits focus between her task and Erik’s hands on her.
As she cleans the pot, he starts to knead small circles into her back with his thumbs, palms rubbing lovingly over her love handles as his hands travel up her back.
It was a comforting massage, helping to release tension she didn’t even know she was holding, and she slowly melted into his fingers.
When he reaches her shoulder blades, he leans down to place a soft kiss on her back, tugging the material of her dress down slightly with his index finger. With the little bit of access he gained, he sticks his tongue out and licks a delicious stripe up her spine, his fingers lacing into the braids at the base of her head to push them aside.
She tenses up again, back involuntarily arching as the cold air hits the warm trail of spit he left behind, making her shiver.
She’d stopped cleaning at that point, far too distracted with what he was doing to her to give a damn about the last cup in the sink.
Reaching the nape of her neck, he ends the lick with a firm bite on the space where her shoulder and neck meet, growling around a mouthful of skin at the breathy moan that escapes her lips.
Detaching from her, his hands find their way back around her hips, squeezing there before he speaks again, lips pressed against the shell of her ear.
“Meet me in the living room when you’re finished. Don’t keep me waiting.”
He lets go of her and steps away, reaching back to give her a swift pop to her ass.
He disappears around the corner into the living room, and Y/N takes a second to gather herself.
Tilting her head back, she blows out a shuddering breath, closing her eyes to reason with her body to come down from the intense rush of hormones that just spiked all over.
Looking back into the sink at the remaining dish, she turns on the water to rinse it off, not even caring if it was thoroughly cleaned or not. She didn’t even want to play with the idea of being late if it meant Erik had any more tricks up his sleeve similar to what just happened. She wasn’t sure if her underwear would make it.
She quickly placed the cup on the drying rack and dried her hands, taking a moment to smooth out her dress and ruffle her braids for a messy but cute look. She had an inkling that her look would probably be ruined by the end of the date anyway, but she could at least attempt to sustain it.
She rounds the corner to the living room, feeling her uncomfortably wet panties moving against her center as she does. Seeing Erik on the couch, she makes a mental note to sit on the opposite end and keep her legs crossed to keep the smell of her arousal from leaking out. She’d be mortified if Erik ever discovered just how turned on he’d made her with his little show in the kitchen. His ego didn’t need any more feeding than it already got on a regular basis.
She plops herself down on the couch, but she isn’t seated two seconds before Erik’s doling out commands again.
“Uh uh. Get your lil ass over here and come pick a movie out like I told you.” She rolls her eyes, kissing her teeth and popping back up to make her way over to the coffee table. He was being stupid bossy, and he had about one more time to be talking to her like that before they had a problem.
Y/N was so busy fussing in her head over Erik’s trifling ass that she didn’t realize the coffee table was weirdly pulled close to the couch, the six movie choices arranged in the center directly in front of where Erik was sitting.
Walking over, she stands perpendicular to both him and the table, looking at the small space in between where she was apparently supposed to stand to make her selection. If she did, her ass would be directly in his face, and with the short dress she was wearing combined with the current state of her cheeky underwear, that was the last thing she wanted to be doing.
Crossing her arms, she peeks over her shoulder to take a look at the options, but the table is incredibly low and her blind ass didn’t have her glasses on, making the titles on the DVD cases difficult to read.
She glances over at Erik to see that he’s watching her intensely, smug smile hidden behind his bottom lip tucked between his teeth.
“I ain’t got all day beautiful. Bend that blind ass over and choose one. I’m not gon say it again.”
Alright. This nigga was getting way too comfortable ordering her around and she was Over It ™.
She drops her arms and steps to him, ready to start cursing him out when he grabs her hips and spins her around, holding her with a firm grip right at the top of her thighs. Leaning forward, he nips at the back of her thigh, rubbing away the sharp pain with his thumb before kissing the sensitive area.
Dropping one hand down in between her legs, he lazily draws his fingers up the inside of her ankle, delicately digging his nails into her so she could feel them scraping against her skin.
When he reaches her knee, her mind snaps back to reality, and she opens her mouth to say something but he cuts her off.
“Erik -”
“I’m not stopping until you find something for us to watch. So get busy.” he says plainly, shutting down any argument she was about to make.
His nails scrape up past her knee, and Y/N reflexively closes her legs, the tickling sensation starting to become too much for her.  
His hand was trapped between her thighs at that point, and thinking him to be defeated, she bends over, placing both hands on the coffee table for leverage, leg muscles still constricted as she tries to scan over the movies.
She gets to the third title, looking it over when Erik pulls his hand from between her legs, moving quickly to flip up the skirt of her dress and grip both her ass cheeks to spread them apart.
She doesn’t even have time to reach back to push him away when he buries his face into her clothed crotch, nose digging sweetly right into her opening. He takes in a deep breath, inhaling everything she has to offer, and her knees go weak making her grip the edge of the table more firmly.
It lasts a few seconds, and when he’s done he opens his mouth, bellowing out a deep and satisfied groan as his hot breath centers right over her pussy, making her squirm around and clench, still helplessly locked in his grip.
Delirious now from the ecstasy of what just happened, she slaps the table, her hand landing on the cover of a random DVD she no longer cared the name of and holds it up, waving it blindly behind her to signal to him that she finally made her decision.
He gives a small grunt of acknowledgement, almost sounding disappointed, and darts his tongue out, sliding it through her slit to rub at her clit a couple times before retreating, tucking it back into his mouth and pressing a sweet wet kiss to the seat of her soaked panties, tasting her through the fabric.
Pulling back, he flips her skirt back down and take the movie from her, giving her a minute to catch her breath since she’d been panting and whining the whole time.
When she’s able to stand again, he smacks her on the ass with the DVD case, handing it back to her.
“Good girl. Now go put this in the DVD player and come sit in my lap. We ain’t finished yet.”
I can actually give yall a bomb ass ramen recipe if you want it XD. I fuckin love ramen yo lmao.
Also RIP Blockbuster, we bringing them back for this fic :’D.
Warnings: Pre smut? Fondling, (Slight) Spanking, Above Clothes Touching
Tags:@kxnfuzed-blog-blog @sweet-epiphany85 @blackpantherismyish @huuniii  @wawakanda-btch @ljstraightnochaser@bearhuggingbaby@drsunshine97@hearteyes-for-killmonger@maliadestiny @lucidaquarian@theunsweetenedtruth@sicksadgen@louisdimuccis @blackchunkyqueen @ash-moneyy@blowmymbackout @buttercup812 @minkyomom  @softnani @curls-and-crosses @lunaerly @lovemekaycee @uhlxis @blackgirloneshots@thecaptainofamerica @wakandas-vibranium @teheeboo @scrumptiouslytenaciouscrusade@whorderofthepheonix@youreadthatright @killmongerdispussy@cawifornia @tchallamakesmeh0lla @siriuslycollins @panthergoddessbast  @blue-ishx@shesfromwakanda@hearteyes-for-killmonger@amethyst1993@bartierbakarimobisson @whoramilaje @muse-of-mbaku@eriknutinthispoosy@wakandas-vibranium @wakanda-inspired @thickoreo@allhailnjadaka@wifeyofnjadaka @hidden-treasures21 @killmvnger@sicksadgen @tgigoldie@killmongersgurl @princessstevens @beautifulqueenflaws @cocooned-butterfly@chaneajoyyy @ange-sensuel@laketaj24 @chasingsunlight @vikkidc@shadowkissedprincessofheart @wakanda-inspired  @taint3dvirgin @blackpinup22
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Gamer Girls are kind of amazing. I mean am not saying all girl NEED to be gamers and it's far from a deal breaker for a relationship but having a Player 2 in the household is kind of amazing. I want to come home from work and find a pizza on the table and cutie with a booty sitting on the sofa in PJ’s waiting for me to join her in a game for a bit. Of course, the option of making it Netflix Night or something else is also welcome but I have been (for my whole life) a gamer since the original Sega system up to my custom built PC I use now. And I want to share that with her.
So for all you Game Girls and Wonderful Girlfriends who are willing to try new things to make your lover happy (or reverse relationships where your a Gamer Girl trying to get your Boyfriend or Girlfriend into games). I present you my Co-Op Date Night Video Game List.
A Way Out
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I admit I have not yet played this game but it looks damn good and reminds me a fair amount of Splinter Cell which appeals to me. From what I have seen the voice acting and graphics are on par with Grand Theft Auto and the gameplay seems very clean. Nothing like working together to break out of prison to bring us closer.
Learning Curb for Significant Other ? ? ? ? ? (No idea how hard this will be)
Diablo 1, 2, & 3
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The Diablo series has always been a pretty basic point and click approach with spells on the hotkeys and some minor inventory management. As the games went on more playable characters unlocked with each new game. This game would be a fun side by side experience with two PC’s playing as a male and female character out to kill the Devil himself. 
Learning Curb for Significant Other ★★★☆☆ (Gotta teach the hotkey basics)
Don’t Starve Together
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The second game on the list I have yet to play. The animation reminds me of something from Tim Burton meeting Invader Zim. Despite the strangely clever art style, I like the concept of the game of running around resourcing to stay alive. This kind of co-op experience is about carrying your weight and working together.
Learning Curb for Significant Other ? ? ? ? ? (I won't ever let you go hungry before me)
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I was playing Save the World setting of the game long before most players were hearing about the soon to be released PUBG. I don't know if that makes me cool or incredibly nerdy but probably both. This game is full of action and I prefer the build mode of the other Save the World Game mode which is where I would want to take you. Gathing supplies building a base, fighting a horde of zombies and winning.
Learning Curb for Significant Other ★★★☆☆ (I’m not always ahead of the trends but when I do it was Fortnite)
Guitar Hero and Rock Band
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An oldy but a goody! Guitar Hero and Rock Band both brought the concert into the family room. I loved those first games but really lost interest fast once the microtransactions pretty much dominated the last couple of games. Nothing like ruining a game by demanding another dollar for a song you like. Regardless of those failings, I would love to find another guitar and mic for us to play together. Don’t worry if you can't sing I can play bass and you can take lead. Slapping the bass man!
Learning Curb for Significant Other ★★★☆☆ (P.S. Don’t let me drum)
Heroes of the Storm
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Heroes of the Storm is kind of a Blizzard grab bag exploring the DOTA setting. I can't imagine us playing this long term unless we REALLY get into the game and spend some pay to play cash to unlock some characters for her early on. I met a few girls in my life who played games like this and all of them have been amazing people, I hope to do this with my S.O. in the future.
Learning Curb for Significant Other ★ ★ ★ ★ ☆ (A bit more skill based but still very much friendly to new players)
Keep Talking Nobody Explodes
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The only VR game on the list but a fun one that requires for two people to work together to defuse a bomb. The first person gets a binder full of paper to read off of and the other has the VR goggles on with the remotes waiting to defuse the bomb. I imagine if you’re really shit communicator this might be a hard game to play but then again it can help you work on that, can’t it?
Learning Curb for Significant Other ★ ★ ★ ☆ ☆ (I hope we have good communication skills)
Left 4 Dead 1 & 2
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Simple enough to learn and control, the hard part is knowing when to save my ass from a smoker drag or engaging the zombies in an effective way that we don't get punched to death. There is always one female character to play as so you won’t ever be without a lady to play as unless you’re one of those weird girls who likes Ellis. I don’t get it.
Learning Curb for Significant Other ★ ★ ★ ★ ☆ (Get to the Chopper!)
Lego Games
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Far from challenging collection, Lego Games are known to be kid-friendly. Kid-friendly also means new gamer girlfriend friendly. I don’t mind getting silly with lego games to get you into gaming in general. Thus it sits on this list!
NOTE: Got tons of options like Jurassic Park, Batman, Harry Potter, Star Wars, Marvel, Pirates of Caribbean, and more...
Learning Curb for Significant Other ★ ☆ ☆ ☆ ☆ (Silly rabbit Legos are for kids!)
Life is Strange
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Apparently, this game is amazing and it operates like Telltale Games where choices matter. From my understanding, if you like Riverdale then this sort of plot is right up your alley, which is great for young women who love that show. I am more of a Sabrina fan myself but you do you.
Learning Curb for Significant Other ? ? ? ? ? (As seen on Tumblr!)
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Mariokart is a game that can ruin relationships. I imagine I might sleep on the sofa if you blue turtle shell me at the end of the tace and your butt is something far lower then second place. I personally prefer the arena battles with the balloons but I am simply old school like that when I still had a third arm from my chest for the N64 console. 
Learning Curb for Significant Other ★ ★ ☆ ☆ ☆ (I hope we have good communication skills)
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Minecraft and the Sims are the only two games you can play without the other person being there and that being perfectly ok. I mean Sims you have to with it being single player but if you had an afternoon on Minecraft without me I wouldn't be angry with the progress you made. It really is a relaxing game unless you’re out at night and hear a sudden his sound that blows out the wall of your house.
Learning Curb for Significant Other ★ ☆ ☆ ☆ ☆ (Thop Thop Thop Thop Pop)
Overcooked 1 & 2
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Overcooked is an insanely fun game about cooking. It requires people to follow instructions and get into a flow of handling jobs in the kitchen. If done right it can be a really rewarding experience. If done wrong... well people start getting loud with one another.
Learning Curb for Significant Other ★ ★ ☆ ☆ ☆ (Why didn’t anyone wash the dishes?!)
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This would be interesting, I know the female gamer community is growing and certain games have a draw. I pleasantly surprised that there seems to be a large number of gamer girls who enjoy Overwatch or maybe I am projecting the cosplay community. Either way, I want to be your Solider 76 and have you be my healer keeping me upright and fighting. Maybe I will dress up as your favorite male character later. *wink*
Learning Curb for Significant Other ★ ★ ★ ★ ☆ (Tracer has a nice butt, there I said it)
Payday 1 & 2
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Payday is a pretty forgiving game in the sense that the bank robbers are pretty much bullet sponges who are kind of hard to kill. The real fun is taking a bank without anyone knowing that we are doing it. With some fun female characters to play as I think we can have a good old time taking hostages and emptying vaults out together.
Learning Curb for Significant Other ★ ★ ★ ★ ☆ (Gonna steal you some diamonds)
Portal 2
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Portal is 1 part first-person shooter, 1 part logic puzzles and 1 part rewiring your brain to think in Portals. The game isn't very high stress but does require some skill for the later levels and some experience with first-person controls. I would save this game last for this list to make sure we are on par for our skillset to handle the struggle that is Portal 2.
Learning Curb for Significant Other ★ ★ ★ ★ ★ (Teamwork makes the dream work)
Resident Evil 5 and Later
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This game isn't really hard as it is the controls are kind of crap. The stand and shoot principal of Resident Evil really brought down the quality of the early games like the camera angles. That said it was an early co-op with the kinda cute interracial duo that makes you think (they be a hot couple). I kinda want to revisit this game along with some of the other later games and play with my lover once she is comfy enough playing video games with me.
Learning Curb for Significant Other ★ ★ ★ ★ ★ (I got your back honey)
Stardew Valley
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Stardew Valley is a really simple looking game that is surprisingly good by keeping you busy with well... busy work. One improvement to the game was the Multiplayer Update/Beta that allowed 2 people to work on a farm together. I really love the idea of building a home with my SO and playing side by side for an hour or so every day making our lives a little better, well in a digital sense.
Learning Curb for Significant Other ★ ★ ☆ ☆ ☆ (Lets farm together boo)
State of Decay 2
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We need to be ready for the inevitable zombie apocalypse. This game allows us to build our own survivor and explore a town, house by house raiding for supplies like ammunition, medicine, food, and so on. I think a little teamwork goes a long way in making us grow closer don’t you think?
Learning Curb for Significant Other ★ ★ ★ ★ ☆ (All about survival)
Super Smash Bros.
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Anyone who knows me I have issues with Mario despite the fact he made this list twice. Super Smash Bros. gets a seat on this list mostly because of how user-friendly the game is and how fun 4 player co-op can be. I mean... if we were swingers on Date Night that fills the other two spots but since it's you and me we can smash all night long just the two of us.
Learning Curb for Significant Other ★ ★ ☆ ☆☆ (Great ‘Party Game’ and fun for ‘Button Smashers’)
Telltale Games
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Pretty much story time for couples where we sit down with some popcorn and take turns doing some minor walk around with characters and making quick story-altering choices together. Imagine the excited screams as we aren't sure which option to pick while playing the Walking Dead! There are so many Telltale Titles to consider playing from Game of Thrones, TWD, Batman, Guardians of The Galaxy, Fables, and Back to the Future so we wont be bored anytime soon.
Learning Curb for Significant Other ★ ☆ ☆ ☆☆ (Stress might spike for tough story choices)
The Sims
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The Sims have been around since the late 90′s and captured the imagination of boys and girls across the country alike. While the game is not a ‘co-op’ per say managing a family together on one PC is doable and can be kind of rewarding. I just hope she doesn't remove the ladder by the pool and down my virtual avatar.
Learning Curb for Significant Other ★ ☆ ☆ ☆☆ (Real Simple Stuff Here)
Honorable Mentions
Far Cry 5 - Not the best game but still gives us an open world to discover. Advanced players only.
Ghost Recon: Wildlands - Another open world game to fight the drug cartels. You can create a pretty cute female on this game too.
The Division - Do I have something against open world games? No just Ubisoft games that may be too hard for a new gamer to play.
Splinter Cell: Blacklist - Fuck I miss these games. Splinter Cell was the perfect Co-op Stealth game. We will revisit this one if we burn through the list.
Fable 3 - Chicken Chaser? Do you chase chickens? Fable was a memorable game but way to limited for the years it was being produced. I want to revisit this series soon.
Fallout 76 - Still pretty fresh but still Co-Op able. I have mixed feelings on the game but the character customization might be good for making ourselves in game.
Starcraft 2 - This game has a co-op hero mod perfect for building bases and completing missions. The learning curve is higher for strategy games but it makes the list for fun co-op.
Wrap Up
I scribbled most of these games down myself but when I decided to see what other games couples played, I was pleasantly surprised to find most of the games I wrote were also on their lists. I did cannibalize a few other online lists (such as Resident Evil 5, A Way Out and Don’t Starve Together) but most of my content was original thoughts on my end that other people also saw the potential in (honest to god it was the Overcooked game that inspired me to write this). I like to keep this post as a reminder to myself of what I want to do with my girlfriend or maybe one day my kids (assuming they want to be my player 2 and kill some zombies with their old man). Either way I can't wait to do either and I missed anything that you think should be on this list let me know.
As always thanks for reading.
Regards, Michael California
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bomberqueen17 · 6 years
He just turns the water on full-blast full-heat and points it straight down the drain while he’s doing dishes. Then he holds things in the other half of the sink to scrub them, then passes them briefly under the full-bore gushing water to rinse them, then stands there a moment and scratches his nose, then picks up the next item in the dry-ass half of the sink and stands there scrubbing it while the water pours straight down the fucking drain.
And then he runs out of hot water, after like ten minutes of this. (Does he ever, like, soap multiple things, or set them to soak, or anything? Even just put a fucking plug in the sink and let it fill up with this hot water? No. He picks up each item from wherever he has found it, and regards it, and then begins to rub it with a sponge. meanwhile the hot water pours directly down the fucking drain.)
So he continues. He’s been washing the dishes in stone-cold fucking water for a fucking hour.
I could have had them done by now, and I would have done my usual thing, which is to organize them, fill a big pot with water, set everything small in it to soak, and then wiped everything down and scrubbed it, put it in the sink, and then turned on the water to rinse things, and turned it off while I was reorganizing. There’d still be hot water in the house, and the dishes would have some chance of having been actually fucking cleaned.
But if I do that, then I do literally every household chore except mowing the lawn. So instead I’m going to eat off dishes I know were washed in stone-cold water with a disgusting sponge. (He also, when he’s done, just throws the sodden sponge into the bottom of the sink, where it sits and molders until he next needs it, instead of squeezing it out and setting it on the back of the sink to dry so it won’t get foul.) (ALSO has he EVER emptied the strainer baskets in the sink ONE TIME?? I THINK NO.)
All my shit is going to taste like dirty-ass cold sponge.
And he complains that when I do the dishes they don’t get clean enough for his taste. (Sorry, I don’t use soap on the cast iron. If that’s a problem for you then you shouldn’t have cast iron. Listen, at least I use hot water and a clean sponge.)
Oh right this moment I can hear him using a dish towel to wipe the cast iron clean. Which permanently stains the dish towels; I know because I just put in a load of laundry with a stained-ass dishtowel that was new at Christmas and I know fine well how it got that way, because this man has no sense. Everyone knows you gotta dry cast iron by plunking it on a hot burner for a few minutes. But he doesn’t know that. I don’t know who fucking raised him, his mama is a perfectly reasonable human, but she didn’t teach him to do fucking dishes or clean up after his damn self. 
I am not going to say a god-damned fucking word to him. He has observed me doing dishes like a normal human does for seventeen fucking years and it has made zero impression. He does it the same way every time. My mother straight-up banned him from doing dishes in her house, not particularly diplomatically because she’s not great at that-- she said “I don’t want to subject my hot water heater to that kind of abuse, go sit down” like the fourth time he came over-- and that still didn’t make any impression on him.
He clearly likes this method, or is convinced it’s somehow efficacious.
I am not saying a goddamned word because I spent the whole fucking weekend doing dishes and cooking for him along with the laundry and my lonely, lonely quest of being the only fucking person who’ll wipe down the fucking countertops, and I said forlornly that I wished I could keep up with the sweeping and then I watched him dump fucking crumbs on the floor like we got servants or something. No fucking way. I’ll eat my goddamned food off cold-sponge-nasty dishes because the only alternative is to do literally everything myself and I am not his fucking slave. 
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fffffaaarrrrrgogo · 4 years
Part 4 ruminations
Part 4 ruminations
Part 4 Bean Burritos with Maria's Familia
You find yourself alone on the floor of the living room cleaning up a puddle of your urine and the various spills you weren't able to swallow. You can clearly hear Carmen and Maria's voice in the other room along with maybe three or four other voices you don't recognize. You do the best you can to hurry the cleaning process along so you can wash up in the bathroom. You would prefer their first impression of you wasn't with a face full of the remnants of Maria's pee.
Luckily they take their time chatting with one another. From the sounds of it someone just won a big basketball tournament. You finish cleaning and go to the bathroom, you take your time and enjoy the minutes of solitude. As you wash your hands in the restroom you can overhear Maria explaining to everyone how she has a special surprise in store. It seems even the walls of the restroom are thin in this small cozy house. You look in the mirror and remember just how ridiculous you look in the red tank top with the word slut on it and pink mini skirt. Both articles of clothing crusty and pungent from being used to sponge up Maria's spooge.
You walk out to the living room where you are greeted by four fresh faces.
Maria introduces you with a "Here he is, gang! This is the boy I was telling you about! Meet my younger sister Gabriella, my older sister Victoria and her two twins Sonia and Sophia. Actually, Miho, it just occured to me that I haven't even asked your name yet."
"It's Doug"
"That's just like you, Maria! Asking for their name AFTER getting with them." said Victoria. Victoria the older sister had tan Latino skin and a slender figure, wearing a tight black leather coat and form fitting dark pants that showed off every curve. You would not have guessed that someone with such a slender waist was the one who mothered the twin girls. She had pulled back ravens black hair, dark eyebrows and a scrunched up face that said resting bitch. She had a cartoonishly large bubble butt that protruded way out from her smaller hips, it was like someone had shoved two balloons down the backseat of her pants. The way she held herself screamed that you did not want to mess with her, she was a bad bitch.
"Oh my god what is he wearing!?" asked Sonia, or perhaps it was Sophia? You honestly had no idea how to tell them apart, they looked exactly alike.
"Maria, did you give him those clothes?" asked Sophia.
"Oh no, this is what he was wearing when I found him. I did add my own personal flair to it though..." remarked Maria.
Sonia and Sophia were 18 year old identical twins who went to the same school as you. Despite being younger, both were taller and far more fit than you. Each still had on their basketball jersey and shorts along with sweatbands covering the top of their forehead. The sweat from their big game made their bronze skin glisten. They had light brunette hair and killer bods. So well proportioned they could probably do modeling gigs, although they weren't the pencil thin atheletic type, they were still thicc in the hips. Youthful perky D cup breasts and full round apple shaped ass cheeks. You pray that these identical twins wouldn't be opposed to fucking you together. It's always been your fantasy to have a threesome with a pair of identical twins.
"He must be a really be some boy toy if he was able to get Carmen off!" noted Victoria.
"Si!" chimed in Carmen. "I know you're not super fond of men, Victoria, but you've got to give this one a go! He's a real keeper."
Victoria: "Hmmph. We'll see." 
Maria: "He's going to try and fill the void by taking over Papi's roles. It's going to be so nice to have a MAN around the house."
Sophia: "Does that mean tonight we can have a dinner like when Papi was around?"
Maria: "I was thinking just that! Good thing we didn't throw out Papi's leashes!" Maria then approached her younger sister Gabriella, who had been noticeably silent this whole time, seems she was distracted by playing on her phone.
"Gabriella, Doug over here says he wants to play Doggie."
"Oooh Yes! I love playing Doggie! Here boy!" Gabriella's face was lit up with delight as she beckoned you over to the hallway closet. Maria's younger sister Gabriella wore glasses and had long blonde hair with dark roots. Of all the Gomez family, she was the thiccest. Largest curves of everyone, most notably her heaving bosom,  the biggest and bounciest breasts than even Maria or Carmen.  She's wearing a shirt of a cute little Hello Kitty character but the character is hopelessly stretched out from her tig ol bitties.  Her whole body seems like a golden marshmallow. A soft pudgy girl who's seemingly more interested in her phone than her surroundings unless the game of Doggie is involved.
"This is going to be so much fun! Who's a good doggy? Who's a good doggy?!"
"Um, I am" Then Gabriella gives you a quick light slap on the cheek.
"Ah ah ah!" She says waving her index finger left and right. "Doggies don't talk. Now who's a good doggy?!"
"GOOD BOY, Dougie!!! Oh My Gosh! I just realized that Dougie sounds like Doggy! Hee hee That's so funny!" Gabriella gives you several affectionate pets on the top of the head. She then puts you in a collar and attaches several leashes to you. She then "walks" you back to the kitchen while holding the multitude of leashes attached to your collar. You imagine that playing doggie entails them serving you food and water in doggie bowls. Maybe they'll make you beg or try to teach you tricks? That's your best guess. It's not exactly your kink but certainly better than swallowing piss.
You arrive at the kitchen on all fours to find Victoria sitting at the head of the large dinner table, the twins on one side and Carmen and Maria at the other side.
She lifts up the tablecloth and motions for you to crawl underneath. You do as your told and once you are under the table you immediately realize that all the women are completely bottomless! come face to face with six chubby penises staring back at you. What a feast for the eyes! 
cucoon and snow man , mushroom, knob
you're under the kitchen table and they have you on leashes and pull you around. Pulling back their foreskin reveals fresh precum they've been building in anticipation of your oral attention. Victoria's dick actually smells nice. The twins smell as bad as Carmen, they really did just go run up and down a basketball court. The teens fight over whose thighs your head would spend time between (phrasing?) You notice that the teenagers have rock hard dicks, like so erect and pointed and throbbing) They spill beans on their dick and ask you to eat it off them. One asks to be excused to go to the restroom and maria says do it right there, from now on he will be taking every drop of liquid that comes from our dicks. One of them is upset that they peed before leavign the soccer game. But maria says don't worry, just drink up! and offers her a refill of lemonade. The adults leave and then the nieces pull your leash out side the table so they can give you a big ol bean burrito fart. “Do you want more beans?” “Nods” “Okay, close your eyes and open your mouth” Pulled down shorts and asshole in the open mouth fart. “Eww Gross!” “Ha ha fucking nerd!” You set out to clean the dishes and as you are her sister comes in and says knees. You quickly drop down as she whips out her dick. You sit htere stunned staring at it waiting for a command but then she slaps you and says Come on! I got to go! The commercials will be over soon. You then pull back her foreskin and take the head of her cock into your mouth and immediately a torrent of piss shoots down your throat. You try your best to keep up with her pace but cannot and some ends up spilling down your cheeks. Maria was right, you do need more practice. Can't wait for my chance to ravage your ass. Maria says it might be worthy of satisfying us.
Right before you finish up kitchen the other twin comes in and says, hey did you want that lemonade? I've got it nice and ready for you.
You pick up on the not so obvious cue and get down on your knees and open your mouth. She whips out her frighteningly shaped sweaty smelly cock, and shoves it deep into your mouth. At the end though she pulls out her willy and pees all over your face. Just marking my territory, tee hee!  
You walk into the living room as the family is gathered together watching something on tv. You walk in and sit down next to the couch. You notice the twins pointing at you and whispering. Then you see Sonia (the one who farted on you and you said gross to) start making noises like she was crying or holding back tears.) Victoria instantly reacts, "Oh my dear Sonia, what's wrong? Que esta mal?"
"*Sniff* Seeing Doug reminded me of how rude he was to me after dinner"
"Yeah, I accidentally made an unladylike sound, and Doug called me disgusting/gross, he's so mean to me!"
"Hey no that's not what happened she purposefully farted in my face!"
"You're coming with me to the basement!" -Victoria
"WOAH WOAH WOAH Let's all calm down. Relajarse, hermana. The basement's way too much for his first day here. -Maria
"We've got to teach him a lesson!"
"I'll never say anything rude again!"- Doug
"I also accidentally tooted in the kitchen and he reacted with a face that said it was disgusting! It really hurt my feelings."
"I didn't mean to make a face, honest!"- Doug
"Doug, You have to promise to never say anything mean to women of this house, as well as never react to anything we do with anything but a smile. It's very impolite to make faces at ladies, No grimaces, no frowns, nothing! Comprende?"
"See look! He's getting better already! All he needs is time to get used to how things work around here, we don't have to take him to the basement yet!" -Maria
"Okay, Maria. Just this once. I'll let it slide. But if he ever does anything rude or harmful to my girls again, it will be straight to the basement."
Twins whispering and giggling.
"Would Doug be able to sleep in our room tonight?! That way he can make it up to us for hurting our feelings!"
"Yeah! Yeah! And if he's with us we can teach him the proper rules of how to respect women. Pretty please!"
"Well girls, since you did win your big game, I suppose as a reward you can have Doug sleepover in your room tonight as long as it's okay with your mother.
Hooray! " they glare over at you and you remember how gassy they were at the dinner table and cringe at the thought of sleeping in the same room as them.
But first, does anyone else need to use Doug's mouth to pee? He really needs the training. Mentions mean aunt.
You realize that on average people urinate six to eight times a day, and if you are the sole urinal for five hung latino women, that's a lot of time spent swallowing piss.
Oh and Dougie, I was able to contact your familia! Mother says as long as you're in school Monday morning you're welcome to spend the weekend with us!
Part 5 nieces bedroom, Maybe a little girly dress up to begin with. Sleepover with the twins, and they are sure to hold over the fact that their mom will punish you if they report any misbehaving. They start by making you lick their ass, of course they fart into your mouth. While you're licking one ass the other fucks you in the ass, filling you up with her creamy load. Then they immediately switch places and you have to go mouth deep into her ass while they other one fucks you using the first one's jizz as lube.
First position is you eating ass from her behind while the other one takes you doggie style. Second position is you on your back on the bed as one puts there ass in your mouth and the other fucks you missionary. the flick your weiner. Once she cums and now there's two big loads in you they plug you up with a nice pink anal plug. Causing extra discomfort as overnight you just have to deal with their large loads filling up your anal cativity. Maybe they'll call it your easy bake oven. hot. Overnight they fuck and fart, fuck and fuck and fart. fart fart fart fuck fuck fuck. They wake you up and face fuck you like an onahole. pee down your throat. 
They share a bed and you're between them. no windows. Can they make you sleep with their asses in your face? I would love that.
Part 6 Sunday: Your morning duty is to help everyone out with their morning wood. You give some a blowjob, maybe for Victoria she makes you bounce up and down on her cock and spanks your ass. Certainly a quick scene where Carmen unloads into you again. Maybe one of the aunts could be nerdy and could devise a schedule. I love the "Everybody's playtoy" schedule system. "Playtime with Gabriella" History of Victoria, her husband, father of the girls, was an asshole and that's why she hates men. the end.Victoria's husband or whatever ran off on her leaving her to take care of the girls by herself, with the help of family. We're all about togetherness here at the Gomezs. Now she's a man hater. Bayonetta type.
Playtime with Gabriella: She’s an innocent virgin who’s never done it before, but once you start speaking her nerd girl tumblr way, say by dressing up as a dog or something, she does it doggy style with you. Maybe Maria or someone tells her that Doggie dougie loves a dick in his butt. I’ve never used my dick before, I’m not like my sisters. I don’t know how to get that across. Her dick is the biggest of all and even though she’s the sweetest, she takes her role playing seriously so when she breaks your asshole cramming her oversized member in and you beg her to stop she slaps you and says dogs don’t talk!!! She turns into a beast when she discovers what she’s been missing, years of never cumming, today it all changes. her balls unload her lifetime of pent up nerdy jizz into your ass. her immense weight ontop of you forcing you down, breasts laying heavy atop your back. 
Part 7 Janitor help on Monday, i actually have a lot of ideas for this one.
Monday Janitor Day
Maria makes you do all the work but whenever she hears someone coming she has you hide in the garbage can on the cart. Her coworkers toss food poisoning food and puke ontop of you. Eventually you can't stand it and have to get out. They are mean and fuck you silly. Maria comes in and joins in taking ownership of you. They have a happy gangbang with you and tell Maria how you can cut a hole at the top of the plastic trash bin and use it like a gloryhole. So now you get wheeled around in a garbage can sucking maria and and any of her friends off.
You quietly mutter under your breath  "You have got to be kidding me.." Maria then whips in front of you and says "Excuse me?! Did you just talk back to me?"
"I'm sorry, Maria!" You quickly go to grab the clothes from off the pile of day old cafeteria food when Maria grabs the back of your head and forces you face first deep into the wet pile of discarded lunch leftovers. She pulls your head back as you cough and wheeze gasping for air but before you can finish breathing in, she's dunked you back down, giving you a mouth full of garbage. She continues dunking your head in and out as if giving you a viscious swirlie without the toilet bowl, bobbing your head up and down into the wet food bits. Mushy fish sticks, rotten apple slices, old strawberry yogurt, but most prominently is all the spaghetti bits that stick to your face and into your hair.  
"You will never back talk to me, Miho!" She then picks you up by the legs with ease and forces your entire torso down into the mushy rancid mess. She keeps you face first upside down in the garbage bin holding onto your legs, the only part of your body still sticking out of the disgusting heap for a minute before finally releasing you. You wriggle and squirm trying to lift yourself out of the filth, eventually you're able to lower your legs in and use your arms to come up to the surface and get a breath full of fresh air. You then carefully climb out of the trash bin, careful not to knock it over and further upset your beloved Mistress Maria.
"Now what do you say, miho?" she asks in a sweetly condescening tone.
"I'm sorry, Mistress, I will never back talk again." You reply. Maria then eyes you expectantly and you quickly realize you still haven't put on the clothes she wanted you to wear. 
0 notes